Here's a playlist of all my 3.11 Stellaris tutorials! Below are more tips submitted by you guys!: From @dominickfosco6374: - I missed research bonuses from non-starting relic worlds. The relic worlds you find (not starting worlds) have a central spire feature that once you clear gives a 15% bonus and 8 science jobs. Rubicator questline spawns you a relic world, and it's quite common. Just be sure not to do the archeology site on the planet till you have a large fleet in orbit. Turning it into an ecumenopolis will replace the spire with something else that reduce it to 10% bonus. From @markthompson6139: One thing not mentioned but one that is game breaking good, especially on higher tech cost games. Simply become the crisis. At level 5 you suddenly unlock a whole slew of techs, which if you started the crisis run by being an allow monke, allows you to eclipse neighbors without having too many researchers. Then proceed to murder them with techs you had no hope of researching in the first place you driven assimilator… From @Metalusko: Having Wenkwort Artem is the key to have best planet for tech. Get the double bonus, bonus for gaia world + bonus to tech from gardeners and wenkwort as default. Second best thing is to find Tiyana Vek and build habitat. There are 4 gas giants with research and having the habitat there is actualy giving you MASSIVE 12 slots of research stations. With the rest of the buildings as tech + amenities and the needed stuff its just bonkers technology "world". From @MarlKitsune: You DONT get veteran classes with out Paragons. Level 4 is just a level up that gives you a new random trait. From @benoithudson7235: Spam scholariums and connect the relay network. You get the +10% research from agreements only once, but you get +10% research from jobs per scholarium that's connected. If you have 5 scholariums connected on the relay network, you get +50% research from jobs. With Montu's trick of just being on the warpath all the time to ignore loyalty, you could theoretically have any number of scholariums. I once got to 50 of them... for +500% research from jobs. One thing about technocracy: you get an extra leader at the start. That means you can build a science ship immediately and 60 days later you have two researchers exploring (and you can send your minister of state to run the capital, fixing that annoying icon warning you there's an unemployed leader). Helps find the curators faster.
The reason why most veteran players put their research buildings on their capital world is because back in older versions of the game, capital worlds provided a small bonus to research speed. They don’t anymore, but back then that was one of the only ways to boost research speed. Either way capital worlds are the best places to put down research buildings, and obviously the only place to put them in the very early game.
Around what patch was that changed? I started with the tail-end of 2.8, so the reason we put labs on the capital back then was because we literally couldn't build them on colonies until the Planetary Capital was upgraded. That just resulted in a natural concentration that people stuck with.
They still provide +10% (+15% instead with Adaptation tradition, and +10% on top of that with Imperial authority, and +3% resource output on top of that from 5 stability gained from designating it as a capital) to ALL resource output, including research, so it's still sensible to put your research onto capital, unless your guaranteed worlds are shite. Furthermore, the sector governor would give governor bonus on the capital planet, instead of sector governor bonus it gives on other planets in the sector, giving you additional buffs depending on their type and traits. Additionally, you can ascend the planet for even greater bonuses, and certain bonuses from leviathan parades apply only on the capital. Generally, the only cases where you don't want to make your capital a tech world are when you are planning on playing with a lot of capital-exclusive buildings like Vaults of Knowledge, Embassy Complexes, etc., etc, or when you are playing Doomsday..
@@ВашеДоверие Leviathan parades don't just target your capital. They target the highest population planet that has not been targeted by a parade in the last 50 years. That said, the current version allows you to redirect parades to a planet of your choosing, so if you have a better candidate you can just do that.
Step 1: Ignore Tech Step 2: rush as many Corvettes as possible Step 3: Vassalize the first you see to turn into a Scholarium Step 4: ... Step 5: Profit
You may have missed the research bonus from non-starting relic worlds. Did they remove the central spire research bonus? The relic worlds you find (not starting worlds) have a central spire feature that once you clear gives a 15% bonus and 8 science jobs. If it's still in, you missed this important one as the rubicator questline spawns you a relic world, and it's quite common. Just be sure not to do the archeology site on the planet till you have a large fleet in orbit. Turning it into an ecumenopolis will replace the spire with something else that reduce it to 10% bonus.
Another option is to have an upgraded starbase equipped torpedo launchers and several defense platforms also with torpedo launchers. Takes down Shard relatively quickly without the need of an actual fleet to deal with it.
It's a bit misleading to say the bonus is reduced to 10% when turned into an ecumenopolis as that will add a 20% bonus to all jobs. This means any scientists on the planet will still be gaining the same 30% bonus to their output before and after, although you do still lose those 8 free researcher jobs.
ecumenopolis has an intrinsic +% for all resources so it is actually not a loss of research but a buff for all other resources. The bonus is not immediate as you have scientist jobs you must fill up first, as you wanted it to be a tech world from the start anyway, but its not a loss to upgrade. ...Unless you wanted more artifacts from Faculty of Archaeostudies.
•Technocracy makes expertise traits give +10% engineering/society/physics(depending on the expertise type) research per expertise trait rank to the planet they're governing (30% total) and half to the rest of the sector •Oligarchic gives +2 Councilor level which is 4% research speed from head of science (and by extension anything that gives councilor level is +2% research speed per level) •Gestalts can trade 20% Worker(Menial Drone) output for +20%Specialist(Complex Drone) output (the video seems to have avoided job output modifiers but this is something pretty big that I feel like a lot of people miss) •For anyone wondering which ascension path is the best for research, it's Psionics -Psionic get +10%(Psionic), +10%(Intelligent), +5%(science trait) +20% (Telepaths), +10% (Instrument Sanctum) for 55% total or 45% + 10% Research Speed(Whisper Sanctum) -Cyborgs get +10% pop output(tradition), can run intelligent(10%), logic engine(10%) and specialized science trait(+15%/3 for 5% bonus to overall research) and +10%(cyborg governor) for a total of 45% -Synth get +10% pop output(synthetics tech), +10% pop output (tradition), +5% pop output (synth governor) and can run logic engine(+10%) and efficient processors(+5% all jobs) traits for 40% -Genetic get +20%(Erudite), +5%(Robust), +5%(science trait) for 30% total *I didn't factor in Overtuned since it can be taken by 3/4 options •This is probably a bug but it's been so long it's basically a feature. Research Cooperative federation gives you a research agreement with everyone in the federation including yourself. While this sounds useless it actually gives you a giant boon in the lategame as repeatable techs count as the same tech regardless of level, so when you research a repeatable tech just once every time after that you'll be adding the 25-45% research speed bonus from the agreement to it because someone(that being yourself) in the research cooperative has done it once.
Psionics can get additional +25% to resource output from psionic pops if they get a Psionic Teacher legendary paragon, and can increase the bonus to resource output per telepath from +10% to at least +20% through divide conduit (Though, actually, number as high as +26% is possible by doing oligarchy with vaults of knowledge, shadow council and statecraft traditions due to effective councillor skill allowing you to get bonuses higher than those you'd usually get from 10 levels.)
One thing not mentioned but one that is game breaking good, especially on higher tech cost games. Simply become the crisis. At level 5 you suddenly unlock a whole slew of techs, which if you started the crisis run by being an allow monke, allows you to eclipse neighbors without having too many researchers. Then proceed to murder them with techs you had no hope of researching in the first place you driven assimilator…
I never understand how people manage tech rush, whenever I try to do it I end up in an economic crisis mid game trying to balance things out, which leads me to only playing hive minds to try to mitigate that Edit: so there are a few things I didn't know from the video, will try and see if i can fix my "mid game crisis"
searched for this yesterday. I started playing a while ago and still struggle a lot with managing my empire well enough to scale into lategame, so this will help a lot. Thanks
Spam scholariums and connect the relay network. You get the +10% research from agreements only once, but you get +10% research from jobs *per scholarium* that's connected. If you have 5 scholariums connected on the relay network, you get +50% research from jobs. With Montu's trick of just being on the warpath all the time to ignore loyalty, you could theoretically have any number of scholariums. I once got to 50 of them... for +500% research from jobs. One thing about technocracy: you get an extra leader at the start. That means you can build a science ship immediately and 60 days later you have two researchers exploring (and you can send your minister of state to run the capital, fixing that annoying icon warning you there's an unemployed leader). Helps find the curators faster.
Having Wenkwort Artem is the key to have best planet for tech. Get the double bonus, bonus for gaia world + bonus to tech from gardeners and wenkwort as default. Second best thing is to find Tiyana Vek and build habitat. There are 4 gas giants with research and having the habitat there is actualy giving you MASSIVE 12 slots of research stations. With the rest of the buildings as tech + amenities and the needed stuff its just bonkers technology "world".
15:57 I would be careful doing this as created vassal empires will share any tech you've researched thus far but not your ascension perks. Meaning, anyone who attacks this vassal and researches their debris will likely get your hard-earned ship tech by proxy.
An insightful overview of how to manage Science. Useful, and important to cover. A useful intro to some, and a reference for the rest of us! Could you perhaps look at doing 'all the other important stuff' Master Classes next? Things like Unity, Influence, and expansion. I'm so tired of always hearing "RUSH this!" blah blah, "SPAM that!" yadda yadda, "GET this bonus" etc etc. The community - or at at least the loudest parts of it, perhaps? - are always reducing of everything down to 'spamming' and 'rushing'. How is that creative? How is that fun? It becomes a grind. The relentless pressure there seems to be for more and more optimisation, bigger and bigger numbers, etc, and the is IMO the worst thing about Stellaris's scene. The game is far more than 'Science And Alloys Grind Simulator 2016' and I hope it ever remains that way.
Find an empire that's significantly better at tech than you, improve relations, ask them to vassalize you, steadily renegotiate until they're giving you 45% of their science and everything else, profit 👍
Idk why everyone struggle with galatron. Just got it from first Reliquary. More critical from my opinion are that end-game federations, which are unbalanced as hell speaking of fleet capacity and its maintenance cost. You either a part of them, or your gameplay transfroms in permanent Warhammer 40k experience with endless galactic war.
@@benoithudson7235 Man, i was playing Apocalypse DLC since its release till this year, when i bought everything. I've never heard of galatron, as of its trade anclave itself. Just last game i began to click every button in order to pour off this nasty credits from res cap. And suddenly boom - achievement. And every single mthfcker has wargoal on me. Since than my defending wars never ended, like i've choose a crisis path. I bet Paradox just want you to buy smth from them, after that they'll tweak chances and you'll get achievement in no time. :D
Here's a tip about leaders and goverments. Imperial rulers and their heirs don't cost unity upkeep. Plus, since the ruler won't ever get voted out or in. They can only get council traits. Since their heir will inherit the empire one day, they too only get council traits. They also get more trait picks options on level up. Plus, the heir can fill other roles like regualr leaders based on their class. It might not be as good as specialist boosts from egalitarian ethics and civics. But potentially having two scientists with only council focused traits and veteran classes can give you a lot of research speed. The only problem is that the heir could end up being a different class to their parent.
I find going tech for my capital is the play nearly every time for a regular empire. The only time I wouldn't do that is if one of my 2 guaranteed planets was really small. Small world generally suck at anything other than tech and unity I guess but having a planet dedicated to unity early on kinda blows cock.
The last time I played, by the time the end-game crisis happened I had researched pretty much everything fully. I don't think it's that hard to do if you just select the all research choices that increase research speed.
i think empire size is really important if you are expanding/conquoring. If you are sticking to less than 10 planets go all out in research bonuses as described in the video but if you're going big i think it's better to focus on empire size reduction.
Icl going psionic rush start and focusing unity (to the point where I have all policy trees finished and multiple T5 ascension planets at year 91) felt so much better than trying to rush tech. I just continue to pump science and consumer goods until I have roughly 4k science which costs about 3-4 dedicated science planets with this tactic. It hurts but it felt lots more rewarding
I like 2 adaptable, 2 carefree on my archeologists. Wait til I run out of expansion paths to hire and level them up. Increasing level adds archeology skill, and antiquarian can be really power. Once you finish all you anamolies your high level scientist will be able to breeze through sites and generate artifact deposits from all the digs. Also whatcha got on screen at 14:00?
Me! I was watching it back and that point had me on a greenscreen (that usually gets removed) but this version of the edit didn't. So the reflection in my glasses was green so it was therefore then transparent in the final edit XD
You forgot about Domination Tradition which reduces he Empire Size by 10. Or to modify your species to be Docile or to have Streamline Protocols fot reduced Empire Size from Pops. Late game, Empire Size reaches 15.000, with 10.000 only from pops so I go Domination over Discovery and Docile or Streamline Protocols over Inteligent or Logic Engines. Sometimes, I get both Domination and Discovery, but if I have to choose, I'll pick Domination. Not to mention civics to reduce Empire Size from pups. Late game, reducing Empire Size from Pops is more valuable than bonus to research output.
I never knew you could turn planets won in wars your vassals start into other vassals. That really is a huge difference for playing synthetics for me. Empire sprawl from this happening would kill me.
It is so great to see a Tech video after the new update. What I would love to see, though, is an exploration of the Tech Tree - I struggle with picking between Materials techs or Voidcraft tech now, since I know the slower tech means I might not see one or the other here for a decade or more
21:44, this is no longer the case, there's an empire limit of one, so you can only get the bonus from one of your scholariums. Still worth it but not as spammable.
i think hive minds is best tech empires in 3.11. Guardianship civic, both empire sprawl civics for planets and for population, progenitor hive origin, cyborg for efficiency and less sprawl for districts, and +10% research speed and - 50% empire sprawl from planets tradition perks with traditions expansion, domination and synchronicy[?], to minimize empire sprawl and hive worlds just because theyre op. You have 0 empire sprawl from population and your only empire sprawl comes from systems and planets. You kinda can get huge tech progress with just sitting within your borders and waiting for crisis.
My play style has always been to expand as far and wide as possible, then turtle up with forts etc. This new update is very bad for that strategy due to the empire sprawl mechanics. However, don't discount the battlefield research of debris fields of dead enemy ships. Pre-war I was far behind in tech with my neighbors, now I'm on par just by battlefield research alone.
I'm not sure if this is influenced by any of the dlc or not but seeing that some are installed I'm gonna say, I wish there was a version of these "teach you the game" video (or even posts) where they are just using the base game with no DLC. So much hinges of having DLC's but I can never find any good info for myself who doesn't have them lol
Worst thing of the 3.11 update was them getting rid of assist research - they should add a slider at the start saying if you want it or not. Also, I still hate the leader limit (thank god for mods lol 😂) Overall though do think the game is in a solid state now - however how some of the mods are not implemented into the full game still seems absolutely crazy to me it’s so difficult to do a ‘vanilla’ play through Great video as always 👍
You’re wrong about adaptive vs unruly. First unadaptive applies imidiately where unruly doesn’t affect anything until you hit 100 size. Second phonic theory harmony pacifist beacon of liberty workers rights etc all stack aditivy. If you have -90 empiresize from pops this is multiplicative not additive with unruly. Unruly essentially becomes a 1percent increase in empire size from pops. Finally you can get rid of the trait in other builds before it becomes an issue. Whereas nonadaptive slows your ramp.
i have a question about materialist research bonuses. the ethic gives +10% on max and the living condtions give +10% with a free ascension you can also take biological ascension for +10% from erudite (to 20%) but it dosent tell me about cyborg trait for planet bonus so idk what it is. so the bonus is about 30% science only but i also know spiritualists get psionic pops later on for 10% science bonus and each telepath gives +5+5% bonus from telepaths but you can get 2 from the jobs and more later on so a minimum of 20% but it applies to all jobs so about 30% science and 20% all jobs but you could get more not to mention the huge unity bonuses you get so you can rush the ascension perks for more science or other empire bonuses i mean it feels like you can get more science from being a spiritualist than a materialist. and a better empire overall
I like that they nerfed tech but something feels wrong, maybe the cost of the tech is too high? Or maybe the sprawl is affecting the tech cost too much?
Not even the multiplayer community liked the changes It made games take longer and you cannot pause in multiplayer without having 4 people get bored and quit.
I will add that the Adaptability Tradition adds 5% Research to the Planetary Designation for Tech Worlds for its Finisher(among other things) If you're going to use Planetary Ascension, Adaptability may be worth taking now.
Theoretically it should be reduced thanks to the reductions to ways to boost fleet capacity and reduce ship upkeep, together lowering the overall number of ships in the galaxy. Pops are still a major contributor and need to be managed the old fashioned way.
Here's a playlist of all my 3.11 Stellaris tutorials!
Below are more tips submitted by you guys!:
From @dominickfosco6374:
- I missed research bonuses from non-starting relic worlds. The relic worlds you find (not starting worlds) have a central spire feature that once you clear gives a 15% bonus and 8 science jobs. Rubicator questline spawns you a relic world, and it's quite common. Just be sure not to do the archeology site on the planet till you have a large fleet in orbit. Turning it into an ecumenopolis will replace the spire with something else that reduce it to 10% bonus.
From @markthompson6139:
One thing not mentioned but one that is game breaking good, especially on higher tech cost games. Simply become the crisis. At level 5 you suddenly unlock a whole slew of techs, which if you started the crisis run by being an allow monke, allows you to eclipse neighbors without having too many researchers. Then proceed to murder them with techs you had no hope of researching in the first place you driven assimilator…
From @Metalusko:
Having Wenkwort Artem is the key to have best planet for tech. Get the double bonus, bonus for gaia world + bonus to tech from gardeners and wenkwort as default. Second best thing is to find Tiyana Vek and build habitat. There are 4 gas giants with research and having the habitat there is actualy giving you MASSIVE 12 slots of research stations. With the rest of the buildings as tech + amenities and the needed stuff its just bonkers technology "world".
From @MarlKitsune:
You DONT get veteran classes with out Paragons. Level 4 is just a level up that gives you a new random trait.
From @benoithudson7235:
Spam scholariums and connect the relay network. You get the +10% research from agreements only once, but you get +10% research from jobs per scholarium that's connected. If you have 5 scholariums connected on the relay network, you get +50% research from jobs. With Montu's trick of just being on the warpath all the time to ignore loyalty, you could theoretically have any number of scholariums. I once got to 50 of them... for +500% research from jobs.
One thing about technocracy: you get an extra leader at the start. That means you can build a science ship immediately and 60 days later you have two researchers exploring (and you can send your minister of state to run the capital, fixing that annoying icon warning you there's an unemployed leader). Helps find the curators faster.
At first i thought you grow a second head, but i think it is just your dark side "o3pE" trying to escape your body in this video from time to time.
The reason why most veteran players put their research buildings on their capital world is because back in older versions of the game, capital worlds provided a small bonus to research speed. They don’t anymore, but back then that was one of the only ways to boost research speed. Either way capital worlds are the best places to put down research buildings, and obviously the only place to put them in the very early game.
Around what patch was that changed? I started with the tail-end of 2.8, so the reason we put labs on the capital back then was because we literally couldn't build them on colonies until the Planetary Capital was upgraded. That just resulted in a natural concentration that people stuck with.
They still provide +10% (+15% instead with Adaptation tradition, and +10% on top of that with Imperial authority, and +3% resource output on top of that from 5 stability gained from designating it as a capital) to ALL resource output, including research, so it's still sensible to put your research onto capital, unless your guaranteed worlds are shite. Furthermore, the sector governor would give governor bonus on the capital planet, instead of sector governor bonus it gives on other planets in the sector, giving you additional buffs depending on their type and traits.
Additionally, you can ascend the planet for even greater bonuses, and certain bonuses from leviathan parades apply only on the capital.
Generally, the only cases where you don't want to make your capital a tech world are when you are planning on playing with a lot of capital-exclusive buildings like Vaults of Knowledge, Embassy Complexes, etc., etc, or when you are playing Doomsday..
@@ВашеДоверие Leviathan parades don't just target your capital. They target the highest population planet that has not been targeted by a parade in the last 50 years. That said, the current version allows you to redirect parades to a planet of your choosing, so if you have a better candidate you can just do that.
Step 1: Ignore Tech
Step 2: rush as many Corvettes as possible
Step 3: Vassalize the first you see to turn into a Scholarium
Step 4: ...
Step 5: Profit
I'll be the scholarium!!
I am a relatively new stellaris player, is this actually going to work? Sounds funny so I wanna try it
@@NajaToxicus there is next to zero reason NOT to vassalize or be a vassal.
@@jacobp.2024 I meant the "ignore tech" part, will going into fleet early to vassalize your neighbors be worth it in terms of technology?
Quick information: For Hive Minds, the Nest Planet Designation boosts Specialist Output and thus is ideal for tech worlds and their output.
Robots have a similar thing; pretty aure it's called a nexus
I use food alloys, hive never runs out of food and all minerals go directly to research
@@mikailfournea9545 it's called a machine nexus and it give +5% to complex drone output
Let’s the flatform burns
Comment for the comment god!
Wouldn't it ne comment for the comment throne?
Make this a new copypasta please
You may have missed the research bonus from non-starting relic worlds. Did they remove the central spire research bonus? The relic worlds you find (not starting worlds) have a central spire feature that once you clear gives a 15% bonus and 8 science jobs. If it's still in, you missed this important one as the rubicator questline spawns you a relic world, and it's quite common. Just be sure not to do the archeology site on the planet till you have a large fleet in orbit. Turning it into an ecumenopolis will replace the spire with something else that reduce it to 10% bonus.
Damn, i knew i missed something!
Another option is to have an upgraded starbase equipped torpedo launchers and several defense platforms also with torpedo launchers. Takes down Shard relatively quickly without the need of an actual fleet to deal with it.
It's a bit misleading to say the bonus is reduced to 10% when turned into an ecumenopolis as that will add a 20% bonus to all jobs. This means any scientists on the planet will still be gaining the same 30% bonus to their output before and after, although you do still lose those 8 free researcher jobs.
Edit: Just saw @robguy8501 comment the same thing I did.
ecumenopolis has an intrinsic +% for all resources so it is actually not a loss of research but a buff for all other resources.
The bonus is not immediate as you have scientist jobs you must fill up first, as you wanted it to be a tech world from the start anyway, but its not a loss to upgrade.
...Unless you wanted more artifacts from Faculty of Archaeostudies.
Don't forget meritocracy, the +10% specialist output boosts consumergoods and science, increasing the combined job efficiency even more
•Technocracy makes expertise traits give +10% engineering/society/physics(depending on the expertise type) research per expertise trait rank to the planet they're governing (30% total) and half to the rest of the sector
•Oligarchic gives +2 Councilor level which is 4% research speed from head of science (and by extension anything that gives councilor level is +2% research speed per level)
•Gestalts can trade 20% Worker(Menial Drone) output for +20%Specialist(Complex Drone) output (the video seems to have avoided job output modifiers but this is something pretty big that I feel like a lot of people miss)
•For anyone wondering which ascension path is the best for research, it's Psionics
-Psionic get +10%(Psionic), +10%(Intelligent), +5%(science trait) +20% (Telepaths), +10% (Instrument Sanctum) for 55% total or 45% + 10% Research Speed(Whisper Sanctum)
-Cyborgs get +10% pop output(tradition), can run intelligent(10%), logic engine(10%) and specialized science trait(+15%/3 for 5% bonus to overall research) and +10%(cyborg governor) for a total of 45%
-Synth get +10% pop output(synthetics tech), +10% pop output (tradition), +5% pop output (synth governor) and can run logic engine(+10%) and efficient processors(+5% all jobs) traits for 40%
-Genetic get +20%(Erudite), +5%(Robust), +5%(science trait) for 30% total
*I didn't factor in Overtuned since it can be taken by 3/4 options
•This is probably a bug but it's been so long it's basically a feature. Research Cooperative federation gives you a research agreement with everyone in the federation including yourself. While this sounds useless it actually gives you a giant boon in the lategame as repeatable techs count as the same tech regardless of level, so when you research a repeatable tech just once every time after that you'll be adding the 25-45% research speed bonus from the agreement to it because someone(that being yourself) in the research cooperative has done it once.
Psionics can get additional +25% to resource output from psionic pops if they get a Psionic Teacher legendary paragon, and can increase the bonus to resource output per telepath from +10% to at least +20% through divide conduit (Though, actually, number as high as +26% is possible by doing oligarchy with vaults of knowledge, shadow council and statecraft traditions due to effective councillor skill allowing you to get bonuses higher than those you'd usually get from 10 levels.)
One thing not mentioned but one that is game breaking good, especially on higher tech cost games. Simply become the crisis. At level 5 you suddenly unlock a whole slew of techs, which if you started the crisis run by being an allow monke, allows you to eclipse neighbors without having too many researchers. Then proceed to murder them with techs you had no hope of researching in the first place you driven assimilator…
I appreciate the Blade Runner holographic AI trick you're running.
6:47 "Reesertch subseeses" There you go. Engagement algorithm pleased. TH-camr lightly mocked. My work here is done.
I never understand how people manage tech rush, whenever I try to do it I end up in an economic crisis mid game trying to balance things out, which leads me to only playing hive minds to try to mitigate that
Edit: so there are a few things I didn't know from the video, will try and see if i can fix my "mid game crisis"
searched for this yesterday. I started playing a while ago and still struggle a lot with managing my empire well enough to scale into lategame, so this will help a lot. Thanks
Spam scholariums and connect the relay network. You get the +10% research from agreements only once, but you get +10% research from jobs *per scholarium* that's connected. If you have 5 scholariums connected on the relay network, you get +50% research from jobs. With Montu's trick of just being on the warpath all the time to ignore loyalty, you could theoretically have any number of scholariums. I once got to 50 of them... for +500% research from jobs.
One thing about technocracy: you get an extra leader at the start. That means you can build a science ship immediately and 60 days later you have two researchers exploring (and you can send your minister of state to run the capital, fixing that annoying icon warning you there's an unemployed leader). Helps find the curators faster.
That’s an actual insane tip, especially since you can create as many vassals as you have worlds.
Having Wenkwort Artem is the key to have best planet for tech. Get the double bonus, bonus for gaia world + bonus to tech from gardeners and wenkwort as default. Second best thing is to find Tiyana Vek and build habitat. There are 4 gas giants with research and having the habitat there is actualy giving you MASSIVE 12 slots of research stations. With the rest of the buildings as tech + amenities and the needed stuff its just bonkers technology "world".
Sometimes with Wenkwort Artem it can even spawn with Titanic Life or Atmospheric Hallucinogen.
@@JabberwockOclock had no idea about it as for me it was looking allways the same. Thanks! Good to know 😀
15:57 I would be careful doing this as created vassal empires will share any tech you've researched thus far but not your ascension perks. Meaning, anyone who attacks this vassal and researches their debris will likely get your hard-earned ship tech by proxy.
I thought vassals shared your ascensions too.
@@MarlKitsune nope, they will pick random ones up to the amount that you had when they were created
An insightful overview of how to manage Science. Useful, and important to cover. A useful intro to some, and a reference for the rest of us! Could you perhaps look at doing 'all the other important stuff' Master Classes next? Things like Unity, Influence, and expansion.
I'm so tired of always hearing "RUSH this!" blah blah, "SPAM that!" yadda yadda, "GET this bonus" etc etc. The community - or at at least the loudest parts of it, perhaps? - are always reducing of everything down to 'spamming' and 'rushing'. How is that creative? How is that fun? It becomes a grind. The relentless pressure there seems to be for more and more optimisation, bigger and bigger numbers, etc, and the is IMO the worst thing about Stellaris's scene. The game is far more than 'Science And Alloys Grind Simulator 2016' and I hope it ever remains that way.
You DONT get veteran classes with out Paragons. Level 4 is just a level up that gives you a new random trait.
Find an empire that's significantly better at tech than you, improve relations, ask them to vassalize you, steadily renegotiate until they're giving you 45% of their science and everything else, profit 👍
I really enjoy your videos I watched them when I just started playing and it really helped out. Hope your channel keeps on doing well.
Thanks :D
I find the best way to get more science is to have duplicates of me working in the background ;)
it's funny that we keep seeing you behind you
Idk why everyone struggle with galatron. Just got it from first Reliquary.
More critical from my opinion are that end-game federations, which are unbalanced as hell speaking of fleet capacity and its maintenance cost. You either a part of them, or your gameplay transfroms in permanent Warhammer 40k experience with endless galactic war.
Most games I'm spending 200k to get reliquaries and still not getting it. And then there's the game where you get it the very first time.
@@benoithudson7235 Man, i was playing Apocalypse DLC since its release till this year, when i bought everything. I've never heard of galatron, as of its trade anclave itself. Just last game i began to click every button in order to pour off this nasty credits from res cap. And suddenly boom - achievement. And every single mthfcker has wargoal on me. Since than my defending wars never ended, like i've choose a crisis path.
I bet Paradox just want you to buy smth from them, after that they'll tweak chances and you'll get achievement in no time. :D
The salvagers enclave also give you more engineering research
thanks for the tips - as always, awesome video.
The research agreement thing was a learning. Thanks!
I always thought it was raw research and never paid those much mind.
Here's a tip about leaders and goverments. Imperial rulers and their heirs don't cost unity upkeep. Plus, since the ruler won't ever get voted out or in. They can only get council traits. Since their heir will inherit the empire one day, they too only get council traits. They also get more trait picks options on level up. Plus, the heir can fill other roles like regualr leaders based on their class. It might not be as good as specialist boosts from egalitarian ethics and civics. But potentially having two scientists with only council focused traits and veteran classes can give you a lot of research speed. The only problem is that the heir could end up being a different class to their parent.
I find going tech for my capital is the play nearly every time for a regular empire. The only time I wouldn't do that is if one of my 2 guaranteed planets was really small. Small world generally suck at anything other than tech and unity I guess but having a planet dedicated to unity early on kinda blows cock.
The last time I played, by the time the end-game crisis happened I had researched pretty much everything fully. I don't think it's that hard to do if you just select the all research choices that increase research speed.
i think empire size is really important if you are expanding/conquoring. If you are sticking to less than 10 planets go all out in research bonuses as described in the video but if you're going big i think it's better to focus on empire size reduction.
U forgot a dyson sphere which u can build on stars with research
Over 2600 hours in the game, still watching videos like this. Never know if I learn something new!
Icl going psionic rush start and focusing unity (to the point where I have all policy trees finished and multiple T5 ascension planets at year 91) felt so much better than trying to rush tech.
I just continue to pump science and consumer goods until I have roughly 4k science which costs about 3-4 dedicated science planets with this tactic. It hurts but it felt lots more rewarding
I like 2 adaptable, 2 carefree on my archeologists. Wait til I run out of expansion paths to hire and level them up. Increasing level adds archeology skill, and antiquarian can be really power. Once you finish all you anamolies your high level scientist will be able to breeze through sites and generate artifact deposits from all the digs.
Also whatcha got on screen at 14:00?
What is the reflection in ur glasses around minute 13:30-minute 14? Really curious
Me! I was watching it back and that point had me on a greenscreen (that usually gets removed) but this version of the edit didn't. So the reflection in my glasses was green so it was therefore then transparent in the final edit XD
@@Ep3o tbh it did look like a droid in the glasses so I guess it makes sense
You forgot about Domination Tradition which reduces he Empire Size by 10.
Or to modify your species to be Docile or to have Streamline Protocols fot reduced Empire Size from Pops.
Late game, Empire Size reaches 15.000, with 10.000 only from pops so I go Domination over Discovery and Docile or Streamline Protocols over Inteligent or Logic Engines.
Sometimes, I get both Domination and Discovery, but if I have to choose, I'll pick Domination. Not to mention civics to reduce Empire Size from pups.
Late game, reducing Empire Size from Pops is more valuable than bonus to research output.
Me loik fnuy "species culling" game, specially when the 800 size galaxy atarts to lag in late game
Eat all the other Pops, it makes the game stop lagging real good
How can we trust you? You murdered Bubbles! 😝
I never knew you could turn planets won in wars your vassals start into other vassals. That really is a huge difference for playing synthetics for me. Empire sprawl from this happening would kill me.
Talks about Tech. Opens up with how he has trouble with real tech.
It is so great to see a Tech video after the new update. What I would love to see, though, is an exploration of the Tech Tree - I struggle with picking between Materials techs or Voidcraft tech now, since I know the slower tech means I might not see one or the other here for a decade or more
I'm taking my grandma to her karate class
21:44, this is no longer the case, there's an empire limit of one, so you can only get the bonus from one of your scholariums. Still worth it but not as spammable.
Making stellaris strategy videos must feel like sisyphus pushing his boulder.
Offering to the algorithm!
2000 hours and i never noticed that adaptability increases world type bonuses.
Ep3o and his multiverse copy behind him
Is 14:09 the Griffins that I'm seeing through your lenses?
with machines not needing to be gestalt makes me wonder how much science i can get
i think hive minds is best tech empires in 3.11.
Guardianship civic, both empire sprawl civics for planets and for population, progenitor hive origin, cyborg for efficiency and less sprawl for districts, and +10% research speed and - 50% empire sprawl from planets tradition perks with traditions expansion, domination and synchronicy[?], to minimize empire sprawl and hive worlds just because theyre op.
You have 0 empire sprawl from population and your only empire sprawl comes from systems and planets. You kinda can get huge tech progress with just sitting within your borders and waiting for crisis.
My play style has always been to expand as far and wide as possible, then turtle up with forts etc. This new update is very bad for that strategy due to the empire sprawl mechanics. However, don't discount the battlefield research of debris fields of dead enemy ships. Pre-war I was far behind in tech with my neighbors, now I'm on par just by battlefield research alone.
What's the ideal account of science production for a science focus versus military focus?
I'm not sure if this is influenced by any of the dlc or not but seeing that some are installed I'm gonna say, I wish there was a version of these "teach you the game" video (or even posts) where they are just using the base game with no DLC. So much hinges of having DLC's but I can never find any good info for myself who doesn't have them lol
Worst thing of the 3.11 update was them getting rid of assist research - they should add a slider at the start saying if you want it or not. Also, I still hate the leader limit (thank god for mods lol 😂)
Overall though do think the game is in a solid state now - however how some of the mods are not implemented into the full game still seems absolutely crazy to me it’s so difficult to do a ‘vanilla’ play through
Great video as always 👍
You’re wrong about adaptive vs unruly. First unadaptive applies imidiately where unruly doesn’t affect anything until you hit 100 size.
Second phonic theory harmony pacifist beacon of liberty workers rights etc all stack aditivy. If you have -90 empiresize from pops this is multiplicative not additive with unruly. Unruly essentially becomes a 1percent increase in empire size from pops. Finally you can get rid of the trait in other builds before it becomes an issue. Whereas nonadaptive slows your ramp.
Paradox loves blanket nerfing this game, from pops, buildings (alloy and goods), and now tech
Great video thanks for the
Tips 🎉
Gota get that engagement up!
tech rushing is the best way to play
i have a question about materialist research bonuses.
the ethic gives +10% on max and the living condtions give +10%
with a free ascension you can also take biological ascension for +10% from erudite (to 20%) but it dosent tell me about cyborg trait for planet bonus so idk what it is.
so the bonus is about 30% science only
but i also know spiritualists get psionic pops later on for 10% science bonus and each telepath gives +5+5% bonus from telepaths but you can get 2 from the jobs and more later on so a minimum of 20% but it applies to all jobs so about 30% science and 20% all jobs but you could get more
not to mention the huge unity bonuses you get so you can rush the ascension perks for more science or other empire bonuses
i mean it feels like you can get more science from being a spiritualist than a materialist. and a better empire overall
Was that Peter Crowley at the intro?
Ive been learning stellaris for a month now and this is by far one of the more informative vids. Thank you ❤
Meanwhile, I'm trying to tech rush as a Fanatical Purifier :)
Love this guide!
just a tip for future vids look at the camera when talking, it looks a bit odd when you don't.
Otherwise great video!
Last I checked, if you get a research agreement with Multiple Empires, that benefit of 25% stacks PER agreement. Again Last I checked.
I thought there was no hope left...
Keep it up man 👍
Im engaging with the content!
I like that they nerfed tech but something feels wrong, maybe the cost of the tech is too high? Or maybe the sprawl is affecting the tech cost too much?
Here's one for the Al Gore rhythms!
16:20 it’s so annoying how hard it is to find the curator order some games. And half the time dumb AI has killed them
After this I got 310.04 research progress a month in 2217 (I started in 2210 I think I’m not quite sure)
I honestly would have preferred traditional tech trees.
"ITS A SINGLEPLAYER GAME" do you hear that paradox? not even one of your largest CCs thinks this dog pile is multiplayer
Not even the multiplayer community liked the changes
It made games take longer and you cannot pause in multiplayer without having 4 people get bored and quit.
Not surprised. I play in single player and it's so boring. Most of the time is speed diving through techs. To me, it's the Civ 6 of paradox games
This is a singleplayer game?
That pretty well sums up Stellaris in one word. Da wird man ja verrückt!
I will add that the Adaptability Tradition adds 5% Research to the Planetary Designation for Tech Worlds for its Finisher(among other things) If you're going to use Planetary Ascension, Adaptability may be worth taking now.
Late game lag still exist?
No its been upgraded to midgame lag.
Theoretically it should be reduced thanks to the reductions to ways to boost fleet capacity and reduce ship upkeep, together lowering the overall number of ships in the galaxy. Pops are still a major contributor and need to be managed the old fashioned way.
This is the creepiest video I have ever seen. There is a second you popping out of the back of your neck occasionally. What the heck?
I'll have a microdose of whatever this guy is on please and thank you
Neat vid
Zro is spelled Zero.
Curator Order, not Creator Order xD
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An offering for the algorithms, may more noobs learn how to research
Kiss kiss mwah ty for content sir
This comment is meant as algorithm fuel ⛽️
This is the first video I've ever slowed down to .75 speed. Great video packed with info but SLOW DOWN dude.
@@rogaldorn9178 Me.
@@rogaldorn9178 No one.