We can appreciate and support the EME, Dear honored Professor Birhanu Nega is strongly working to change the GENERATION that had been failed by Melese Zenawi and Genet Zewdie's educational foolish politics, both killed the previous generation. Now, only competent students should enter/ joined the Universities. In this regard, We can support him too! Hands off from the Ethiopian Education Ministry as they are working to change the failed Generation! NB: Commerce College of AA was closed during the Melese Zenawi Regime as foolish students joined the University by Genet Zewdie’s foolish educational politics!
አሁንም ከፖለቲካ ነጻ ያልሆነ ዉጤት መሆኑን የአፋርና አማራ የተነገዉ ዉጤት በቂ ማሳያነዉ እንደህ አይነት ተኮል የትም አያደርስም
እንደት አይነቱን ደፋርና አይናውጣ የተማርኩ ነኝ የሚል መሀይም ነው ባካችሁ ደግሞ በኩራት ነው ሚያወራው
Ato birhanu nega bachir gize ymut
yemtlut like argu yager asama eko honewal
በ2016 ዓ/ም በሃገሪቱ የ12 ኛ ክፍል መልቀቂያ ብሔራዊ ፈተና ከወሰዱት ውስጥ 96% ተማሪዎች በወደቀበት ሀገር ውጤቱ ከባለፈው ዓመት የተሻለ ነው በማለት በዜጎች ያላገጡት ብቸኛ ሚንስትር
This man hate for Tigray and Amhara is beyond the limit🤔 very surprising did he hated his children ? Why because their mother is Amhara 🙄
ስለ ሪሚዳል
Afer. Bila
Remidial wtet ke snt jemro new ?
አሳፋሪ ነው ከአንድ ት ቤት አንድ ጎበዝ ተማሪ ይጠፋል
2017 Biranu yimotale yemtilut like argo 😢😢
Anti Northern People , we are very dout still now why he hated this much the Northern people ?
እኔ የሚገርመኝ ለምድነው ውጤቱ እደ ትምህርት ሚኒስተር የማያናድደው
መነፀርሽ እንዳይወድቅ ብርሀኑ ጨለመ
ዘጊ ሺማግሌ
about Addis Ababa Resaltes and cod number
ብርሃኑ ነጋ ማለት አብይ የሚጭነው ፈረስ ማለት ነው።
እንዴት አንድ ትምህርት ቤት ምንም ተማሪ አያሳልፍም? እየገባኝ ነው እሄ ጉዳይ😂
ድንቄም አሉ
All Educaiotn of minisetre discation only gerade 12 studebtes only 100%,shure
ደንቆሮ. ሺማግሊ
Endet emn lay enyewu koy algebagim ere
የውሻ ልጅ
ሰውን ሁሉ አስጨለልከው
We can appreciate and support the EME, Dear honored Professor Birhanu Nega is strongly working to change the GENERATION that had been failed by Melese Zenawi and Genet Zewdie's educational foolish politics, both killed the previous generation. Now, only competent students should enter/ joined the Universities. In this regard, We can support him too! Hands off from the Ethiopian Education Ministry as they are working to change the failed Generation! NB: Commerce College of AA was closed during the Melese Zenawi Regime as foolish students joined the University by Genet Zewdie’s foolish educational politics!
I have no words for this clear clarification bro❤❤❤❤❤❤
እና አንተ ቤትኛው ፓሊሲ ተምረህ ነው ገነት ዘውዴ እና መለስ ነቅፈህ ብርሀኑ ጨለመን እና አለቃውን ደግፈህ በፈረንጅ አፍ የፆፍከው ባንተ ቤት ገራሚ ትችትፅፈህ ልብህ ውልቅ ቡሎዋል