Thank you for taking the time to share! I’m a 20 yr English teacher in the inner city and I am heavily considering leaving this career and embracing CPS and dedicating the rest of my working days for them...again thank you.🙌🏽
I took your advice a while ago about breaking into the social work field before finishing my degree, and am now working as a family support worker with enhanced maternal and child health. I’m absolutely loving it, half way finished my degree and thinking of heading towards CP when I’m finished.
Always so transparent, 💕 in this particular field👉🏾Child Welfare is extremely rewarding but can also yield extreme burnout due to high case loads, sometimes unrealistic productivity deadlines, high stress, and simply being the person making such crucial decisions for children and families lives So ongoing supervision and self care is a Must! Great video, beautiful hair & head wrap...making me want to try that look🙋🏽♀️
@@JasmineAmaa I know this late and stuff I was thinking of foster care social worker and I don’t know if it’s called cps or welfare social work . I don’t if it’s the same I need help
Thank you so much for this video!! I had no idea it was so easy to get into CP, I just assumed I wasn't qualified because I have no official social work training. (starting MSW in March)
Thankyou Jasmine, so so much for your intelligence and compassion. I wish there were more of you working in the child protection department. I think you are wise to consider your position, it is such a serious responsibility. I feel you would be a great advocate! and communicator for human rights. or implementing improvemnets in policies and legislation and great at educating both families. and collieagues, with your insight. Bless you.
I’m a social worker of close to 30 years experience. When I graduated I made a decision never to work in child protection or any environment where you have involuntary clients. I cannot stand the most vulnerable in our community- children, the elderly, intellectually disabled and animals being abused and believe that systems are not hard enough on the perpetrators of abuse......I understand where you are coming from re trauma informed practice.....however no one has the right to abuse or neglect a human being or animal.....there needs to be more accountability and grown people having children need to step up....and if they don’t the child should be removed. Cycle of damage needs to stop.
Hello! I know I’m late to this video, and I’m very young, but I truly am interested into going into the child welfare aspect of social work. I’ve always loved babysitting and caring for children, and I truly have a passion for protecting them. I also know it’s a difficult job and my parents both advise against it, but it’s important to me that I am part of ending this cycle of abuse in homes. Do any social worker veterans have advice on this?
I did CP and it’s very stressful, I felt as though I was constantly working even after clocking out. The population is too vulnerable and I felt I was being held accountable for their safety at all times. And everything was time sensitive, too demanding but great experience tho.
I’m a newly graduated social worker and I have often pondered on applying for a cso role in child safety but I am worried, as I would be working with involuntary clients and high burnout. I know I would probably be a really good fit for the role given my experiences but I am unsure. I just feel within me that I want to experience the role some point in my career and really think it would help give me professional experience needed for my career.
IT REALLY IS NOT!!! I'm sure everyone has the idea that they want to help children and they want to do whatever is possible to keep children safe but PLEASE GET EXPERIENCE before attempting to get into the field. Having worked at a psych hospital I saw many cases of children going back to their abusive parents, children going back to group homes that weren't safe, and just cases that I were just overly complex. I realized that I could not work with children. It was just too depressive for me.
You have people social worker I've work social care over 30 year in children home vunable children and young need to be train because it people life so need experience in area least number years and paper work to back up your skills this how we work in England,.
Hai jasmine your video always help me on my social work journey, asspecially on working for children protection. I agree with you that working for children protection is very challenging. I working as social worker for children and women who be victims of gender based violence. And it hard to control my heart and simpathy. Sometimes I can't sleep till morning cause I worry about many thing about my client condition and their truma abd anything. And last 6 month I must resign cause i get TBC and need some medical treatment. But hopefully someday i can back working as social worker on gender and child protection organization😍🤗
Jasmine, am listening to this video while doing my ironing. I believe that the SW profession is heading for obsolescence.....IT/ nursing and psychology graduates working in child my work OTs are taking over community services and liaison with NDIS.....We train SW students and everyone is passed- so standards are low/ non existent because tertiary education is a business these days. The AASW do nothing in terms of guaranteeing quality workers, standing up for our profession eg we are the only allied health profession in hospitals who are not registered. I am glad that I am at the end of my career and not the start. I would not recommend young people to study SW.
thats a rough opinion. I Think social workers do a lot of good in those settings! As a new social worker doing an MSW with a degree in psych, this is extremely sad to hear. I want to be a Multi-systemic therapist and as a male social worker I believe I can do a lot of good. However in NZ where I live we have to be registered. It is expected to grow as a profession over the next ten years, so it will be far from obsolete, and will be needed more than ever with the aftermath of this virus.
This is a very useful video. By the way, I'm really shocked that an IT guy is now a CPS worker after a few months training! In the UK, you can only be a qualified social worker to do social work jobs. I agree with you that CPS in Australia seems too easy to get into thus may not be quality social work for the families. I'm a newly qualified social worker in CPS, and my biggest issue is like you said, knowing what's "good enough" or "safe enough" for the child before getting to the last option, removing the child. My own personal biases are naturally involved however I work hard to be objective through many ways. I find that I listen to my intuition a lot also which is not a bad thing when the evidence is not always clear. It helps me to be objective when I talk through things with my colleagues, mentor and other professionals. I LOVE my job and I am optimistic about people's ability to change and break vicious cycles. It is rewarding yet super busy
Don't count IT people out or anyone else from another career field. Sometimes people miss their calling and major in field based on salary. Later, they realize that they need to walk in their God given gift. I took a Sociology class in high school. One day after class she said to me, "I don't know what you're planning to major in college but if it's not Sociology, you need to change it." When she told me the salary, I said no thanks. I attended a 2 year technical school after high school and took a Sociology class to get an easy "A" grade. One day after the teacher dismissed class for the day, he told me to stay behind. I thought he was going to tell me that someone copied off my paper during a test. After he told me the shut the classroom door, he said, " I know I shouldn't be telling you this but you're in the wrong school". I told him that a high school teacher told me that I should major in Sociology. He encouraged me to attend our local community college and transfer after graduation to the university. I researched it but it would require me to quit my full-time job because I wouldn't be able to complete the course work at night. Fast forward 20 years later, I got a chance to work as a CASA Volunteer Case Manager for the Juvenile Court System and loved it. We did a couple of weeks of classroom training with a group of about 20 volunteers in which we learned about note-taking, interviewing, home visits, judicial system, court appearances and conflict resolutions. We were the only group of volunteers that CASA of Memphis had in a long time in which no one dropped out within the first year. The only thing that stood in my way from being a full-time case manager was a hiring freeze. Fast forward again and I noticed a job posting for a DCS Case Manager 1 position in my area. The only requirement was a college degree. I had my interview for the job this afternoon. I'll know if I get it next week. By the way, my background is in IT and Accounting.
Hey jasmine, I’ll be 3rd year sw student next year and am starting placement from January - july. 500 hours. I was just wondering during your placement how did you cope with the stress of learning, working full time and keeping a happy mental wellness about you? I think I’m going to struggle. Xxx great video
Hello dear and everyone. Do you know what type of Form to ask a Competition at Court again social children's services NPFR, please? I think you so much if somebody can help me on this.
I eneded up having to go somewhere hours from home.. my rights were not protected .. just to live without discrimination and judgement. Now I ha e a wonderful life cause I made the right choice. They were no help to me
Sounds like your CPS is different than in America. We're out in the field almost daily and we're still expected to meet report standards of promptness. There are court dates, appointments for clients, referrals for familys, counseling referrals. Being oncall after hours and in the weekend sucked. I liked helping ppl but most people don't want your help. I don't have a SW degree. My minor is in criminal justice. In America you must have a human services degree, not neccesarily SW. Our training pre rona, was in person in class and in the field. The 9 weeks training can help train you in trauma. Continuing education training can assist in trauma informed CPS. I worked in the field of CPS and FC for 10 years. I got burned out, but I do miss working with families and making my own schedule.
I hope someone can reply quickly. But my mom is about to name and my brother's go to cos and going into different family's. But she makes it seem like it's the worse place to go and the family's with get u and be mean only for money. Can someone help me out and let me know how it actually feels
I have a grudge against cps cause they took me from my home because in their opinion not sleeping at night is as bad as my parents beating me. Edit just in case it sounded like it, my parents have never once beat me or done anything bad, thats why im so angry about getting kidnapped
Also to add something to this, after about 5 months of being here, im now underweight to the point of it actually being dangerous, more depressed than ever before, feeling horrible every single day, and they still somehow think they are doing the right thing.
probably late to the party but i have the same background as you. My pathway was Ba in Counselling, 1 year of working in Student Wellbeing, then 1 year of resi. What i'd tell you is that the 1 year in resi was the turning point for me that helped me a bit in CP but even that wasnt enough. CP is a whole new world, I'd say that you'd have the foundational background with counselling but that's not enough at all. Im not saying it to put people down, im saying it because even people with Social Work, Psych, etc. degree is not enough either. It takes a certain personality and mindset to be able to last in CP because on a 1 week cycle, you'd be dealing with FV, AOD, MH, Environmental, abuse, neglect, inappropriate phys. disciple, sexual abuse, FLC, and the many other odd cases. To top that off you have a shit ton of KPI's and deadlines to meet. All of that is very manageable though but then you're faced with a ridiculous amount of admin, especially if you have court active cases, so it's not uncommon for us to finish at 7-9pm at times. if that sounds exciting for you then welcome to the field of Child Protection. Depending on what department you're on, you'll naturally have different experience but working in investigation and response, doing first home visits are fun. You get to work with police, school officials, hospital, agency workers, etc. etc. Then theres court stuff too. Certain cases you need to go to court for (last ditch effort) and certain cases the court requires your opinion for Family Law Court. No course will prepare you for that! Not even Social Work itself. This is why CP workers are highly sought after when they hit their 12 month mark because compared to other fields of social work, they don't get to experience the amount if diversity that CP workers do.
@@ZZMAU-m5t good to know I was a critical care nurse for many years and originally had a degree in social work. I have been a case manager for 6 yrs and wanted to work for county so trying CPS now. Should be interesting new choice for sure
@@tjadventures9163 Your skillset and background would definitely help! I would say that another key point is the people that you're working with. We have a huge turn over rate in CP not just because of the demands of the work but because of the people that we work with as well. If you end up in a good team, you'd definitely last. If you don't, then chances are you'd leave within 3 months :( A lot of CP workers are a bit 'rough around the edges' and have a pretty messed up sense of humour cause you do see things that the general public wont come across in their lifetime, to top that off you can expect hatred from quite a lot of people so it's not exactly a glamorous job. Parents would dislike you (naturally), the children would dislike you as well, other professionals who doesnt fully understand your role would lean towards that direction too. As brutal as it sounds but sometimes you really gotta have a tough skin and accept the fact that no matter what you do, you'd be hated but at least that child lived through their experience to hate you for it lol
I had no idea. You're caseloads are huge! From a parent or caregivers perspective, I wish they would train you to realize that you, as a social worker from Child's protective services are the Department of Children and Families do not have any other cases whatsoever. When a parent or caregivers livelihood is under attack, I believe that the natural human reaction would be to be selfish. They are not thinking about your caseload. They are in a crisis! It's just one thing that I wish that social workers from the government or the state would realize. One phone call from a vindictive person can lead to a supportive abuse on neglect charge without proof! This is a tragedy for a parent or caregiver. I wish that's also workers would realize that the anonymity in regards to who reported the so-called neglectful or abusive parent or caregiver, should be squashed! Even a criminal in a court of law has the right to face their accusers! There is something wrong with this system!
I hope this young lady, who appears to be a stable and pragmatic character, does not become entangled with the "plan", which is the gradual but constant edging towards a shift in the emphasis of removing children as a first resort, rather than the last. Social Services have been infiltrated by devious and deviant people. I hope she is wary of these degenerates and blows the whistle on anyone she encounters who displays the slightest sign of being a pervert. They hide themselves well (devious). It sounds like she is talking about her experiences in Australia......however, I have no reason to believe they are different from the pond-life I have met in the UK. Some may be - and more power to their elbow, but they will never reach the higher echelons if they do not comply with the "plan". Promotion is exclusive to those who are the most prolific perverts. Social Services have not gained their poor reputation by doing their job well.....they have gained it by performing poorly, evidence by many high-profile cases. Make no mistake, underneath that poor performance is an extremely nefarious 'modus operandi' and a purpose which is concealed from us. Research the methods used to gain signatures on "Section 20" papers.
Interesting observation.. some people say i sound british now too so not too sure. I dont know about Ghana forever at this stage but at present I am here. 🙏🏾
When children are dying and getting hurt in care.. almost 80 percent of the time in Ontario.. this is a serious issue.. its an issue with apprehensions and ruining families.. I agree. There is an issue with oversight and following proper investigative procedures according to the ontario regulations through the ministry of children and youth services.. there are many cps workers that are not competent in making proper judgements with children. These ppl that don't have children that do not understand complexity in a family should not be working for these agencies.. at this point the ontario system is very broken and needs some attention.. big time. I've known many who have been abused . Had a crown ward child in my home for a period of time... and was not pleasant experience as there is really no help from them to be quite honest.. I've known children who have died in care.. My family was severely affected and I work in the court system figure that one out... seems the law does not apply to these social workers who refuse to follow our laws and the fact that we're a peace country.. I was severely affected by this system as a child and as an adult working in the law seems the law is designated to protect these workers from wrongdoing and more oversight is needed
Hahahahahha I’m sorry to laugh but social workers helping families that’s a lie unless you have a heart to help families but not my social worker she took my kids and lied to me and my wife and sent them to Alaska didn’t even do a 72hour hearing nothing like that nothing just because my wife had a emergency at her job she got injured I asked someone to watch my kids while I left for a bit to get my wife and immediately after I left the front desk worker called the police and they took my kids away and now I don’t have them I don’t trust social workers or anyone who works or thinks about working for social work.
@@JasmineAmaa :,,( Sorry I know that sounds weird and obnoxious. You just seem so down to earth and easy going, so rare for such a smart and beautiful woman!
Been working in CP for 13 months now. 2 things I was not expecting is the amount of admin and the amount of times we have to go to court.
Yeah so much bullshit. If your good at lying your job is secure.
Thank you for taking the time to share! I’m a 20 yr English teacher in the inner city and I am heavily considering leaving this career and embracing CPS and dedicating the rest of my working days for them...again thank you.🙌🏽
I can sooo relate to this video. I’m a CPS. This field can be challenging and very rewarding at the same time!! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Black Beauty ur welcome x
What did u study to be in this field ?
Anya 1819 psychology
I took your advice a while ago about breaking into the social work field before finishing my degree, and am now working as a family support worker with enhanced maternal and child health. I’m absolutely loving it, half way finished my degree and thinking of heading towards CP when I’m finished.
Emma Taylor so glad u r enjoying ur work xx
Always so transparent, 💕 in this particular field👉🏾Child Welfare is extremely rewarding but can also yield extreme burnout due to high case loads, sometimes unrealistic productivity deadlines, high stress, and simply being the person making such crucial decisions for children and families lives
So ongoing supervision and self care is a Must! Great video, beautiful hair & head wrap...making me want to try that look🙋🏽♀️
Core Inspirations its so full onn. 😞 completely agree about supervision and selfcare xx
@@JasmineAmaa I know this late and stuff I was thinking of foster care social worker and I don’t know if it’s called cps or welfare social work . I don’t if it’s the same I need help
thank you for making this video!! those questions are very important and very difficult to answer. can be very stressful at times!
Thank you so much for this video!! I had no idea it was so easy to get into CP, I just assumed I wasn't qualified because I have no official social work training. (starting MSW in March)
Jessie Holloway i personally didn’t find if hard x
Hi. Your videos help me so much on my journey to becoming a social worker.
Samantha Benny so glad xx
Thankyou Jasmine, so so much for your intelligence and compassion. I wish there were more of you working in the child protection department. I think you are wise to consider your position, it is such a serious responsibility. I feel you would be a great advocate! and communicator for human rights. or implementing improvemnets in policies and legislation and great at educating both families. and collieagues, with your insight. Bless you.
I’m a social worker of close to 30 years experience. When I graduated I made a decision never to work in child protection or any environment where you have involuntary clients. I cannot stand the most vulnerable in our community- children, the elderly, intellectually disabled and animals being abused and believe that systems are not hard enough on the perpetrators of abuse......I understand where you are coming from re trauma informed practice.....however no one has the right to abuse or neglect a human being or animal.....there needs to be more accountability and grown people having children need to step up....and if they don’t the child should be removed. Cycle of damage needs to stop.
i understand u, hence y its so complex
So what do your do now ? If that's ok to ask I was thinking about studying this
@@isanyoneathome Hi, yes i am experiencing this journey as I write this today. thanks Dawn.
@@jeaninekolasa8113 question I got called for the job but extremely far in nyc. Is the overtime with the move. Or is it pto?
I know this question might be late but if you don't mind what career are you in now?
I'm seeking social work overseas n ur vlog truly assisting me
shara Mclaughlin awesome x
Hello! I know I’m late to this video, and I’m very young, but I truly am interested into going into the child welfare aspect of social work. I’ve always loved babysitting and caring for children, and I truly have a passion for protecting them. I also know it’s a difficult job and my parents both advise against it, but it’s important to me that I am part of ending this cycle of abuse in homes. Do any social worker veterans have advice on this?
I did CP and it’s very stressful, I felt as though I was constantly working even after clocking out. The population is too vulnerable and I felt I was being held accountable for their safety at all times. And everything was time sensitive, too demanding but great experience tho.
ProductReviews this is exactly how I feel 😞 thanks for sharing xx
Sitting with all the risk is very uncomfortable. The world is such a sad place
I’m a newly graduated social worker and I have often pondered on applying for a cso role in child safety but I am worried, as I would be working with involuntary clients and high burnout. I know I would probably be a really good fit for the role given my experiences but I am unsure. I just feel within me that I want to experience the role some point in my career and really think it would help give me professional experience needed for my career.
I’m majoring in Social work at Palm beach State and transferring to FAU thank you!
IT REALLY IS NOT!!! I'm sure everyone has the idea that they want to help children and they want to do whatever is possible to keep children safe but PLEASE GET EXPERIENCE before attempting to get into the field. Having worked at a psych hospital I saw many cases of children going back to their abusive parents, children going back to group homes that weren't safe, and just cases that I were just overly complex. I realized that I could not work with children. It was just too depressive for me.
so truee, extremely complexx
You have people social worker I've work social care over 30 year in children home vunable children and young need to be train because it people life so need experience in area least number years and paper work to back up your skills this how we work in England,.
Hai jasmine your video always help me on my social work journey, asspecially on working for children protection. I agree with you that working for children protection is very challenging. I working as social worker for children and women who be victims of gender based violence. And it hard to control my heart and simpathy. Sometimes I can't sleep till morning cause I worry about many thing about my client condition and their truma abd anything. And last 6 month I must resign cause i get TBC and need some medical treatment. But hopefully someday i can back working as social worker on gender and child protection organization😍🤗
Aprilia - am glad u took the well needed break. I hope u feel much better 😘
Jasmine, am listening to this video while doing my ironing. I believe that the SW profession is heading for obsolescence.....IT/ nursing and psychology graduates working in child my work OTs are taking over community services and liaison with NDIS.....We train SW students and everyone is passed- so standards are low/ non existent because tertiary education is a business these days. The AASW do nothing in terms of guaranteeing quality workers, standing up for our profession eg we are the only allied health profession in hospitals who are not registered. I am glad that I am at the end of my career and not the start. I would not recommend young people to study SW.
thats a rough opinion. I Think social workers do a lot of good in those settings! As a new social worker doing an MSW with a degree in psych, this is extremely sad to hear. I want to be a Multi-systemic therapist and as a male social worker I believe I can do a lot of good. However in NZ where I live we have to be registered. It is expected to grow as a profession over the next ten years, so it will be far from obsolete, and will be needed more than ever with the aftermath of this virus.
@@arob184 let’s see how you feel after your first decade.....wish you well always.
This is a very useful video. By the way, I'm really shocked that an IT guy is now a CPS worker after a few months training! In the UK, you can only be a qualified social worker to do social work jobs.
I agree with you that CPS in Australia seems too easy to get into thus may not be quality social work for the families.
I'm a newly qualified social worker in CPS, and my biggest issue is like you said, knowing what's "good enough" or "safe enough" for the child before getting to the last option, removing the child. My own personal biases are naturally involved however I work hard to be objective through many ways. I find that I listen to my intuition a lot also which is not a bad thing when the evidence is not always clear. It helps me to be objective when I talk through things with my colleagues, mentor and other professionals. I LOVE my job and I am optimistic about people's ability to change and break vicious cycles. It is rewarding yet super busy
Don't count IT people out or anyone else from another career field. Sometimes people miss their calling and major in field based on salary. Later, they realize that they need to walk in their God given gift. I took a Sociology class in high school. One day after class she said to me, "I don't know what you're planning to major in college but if it's not Sociology, you need to change it." When she told me the salary, I said no thanks.
I attended a 2 year technical school after high school and took a Sociology class to get an easy "A" grade. One day after the teacher dismissed class for the day, he told me to stay behind. I thought he was going to tell me that someone copied off my paper during a test. After he told me the shut the classroom door, he said, " I know I shouldn't be telling you this but you're in the wrong school". I told him that a high school teacher told me that I should major in Sociology. He encouraged me to attend our local community college and transfer after graduation to the university. I researched it but it would require me to quit my full-time job because I wouldn't be able to complete the course work at night.
Fast forward 20 years later, I got a chance to work as a CASA Volunteer Case Manager for the Juvenile Court System and loved it. We did a couple of weeks of classroom training with a group of about 20 volunteers in which we learned about note-taking, interviewing, home visits, judicial system, court appearances and conflict resolutions. We were the only group of volunteers that CASA of Memphis had in a long time in which no one dropped out within the first year. The only thing that stood in my way from being a full-time case manager was a hiring freeze. Fast forward again and I noticed a job posting for a DCS Case Manager 1 position in my area. The only requirement was a college degree. I had my interview for the job this afternoon. I'll know if I get it next week. By the way, my background is in IT and Accounting.
Hey jasmine, I’ll be 3rd year sw student next year and am starting placement from January - july. 500 hours. I was just wondering during your placement how did you cope with the stress of learning, working full time and keeping a happy mental wellness about you? I think I’m going to struggle. Xxx great video
Courtney i have a video on this called ‘social work placement ‘ i think. Ud b fine although its not easy x
Can we get married?
Hi girl, love your vids! Do you have any videos about confirmation bias?? X
Hello dear and everyone. Do you know what type of Form to ask a Competition at Court again social children's services NPFR, please? I think you so much if somebody can help me on this.
Very nice info 👍
I eneded up having to go somewhere hours from home.. my rights were not protected .. just to live without discrimination and judgement. Now I ha e a wonderful life cause I made the right choice. They were no help to me
Sounds like your CPS is different than in America. We're out in the field almost daily and we're still expected to meet report standards of promptness.
There are court dates, appointments for clients, referrals for familys, counseling referrals.
Being oncall after hours and in the weekend sucked. I liked helping ppl but most people don't want your help.
I don't have a SW degree. My minor is in criminal justice. In America you must have a human services degree, not neccesarily SW. Our training pre rona, was in person in class and in the field.
The 9 weeks training can help train you in trauma. Continuing education training can assist in trauma informed CPS.
I worked in the field of CPS and FC for 10 years. I got burned out, but I do miss working with families and making my own schedule.
I agree with you everyone who works in child protection sector should have bachelor degree in SW or Welfare.
The word cp can mean multiple things so this comment section is cool
So if you go for home visits, is it safe to you on your own or can you go with someone like a fellow caseworker?
I hope someone can reply quickly. But my mom is about to name and my brother's go to cos and going into different family's. But she makes it seem like it's the worse place to go and the family's with get u and be mean only for money. Can someone help me out and let me know how it actually feels
Can I ask which city you are doing Child Protection worker in Australia?
Kas Chen thats private. Hope u understand x
I have a grudge against cps cause they took me from my home because in their opinion not sleeping at night is as bad as my parents beating me.
Edit just in case it sounded like it, my parents have never once beat me or done anything bad, thats why im so angry about getting kidnapped
Also to add something to this, after about 5 months of being here, im now underweight to the point of it actually being dangerous, more depressed than ever before, feeling horrible every single day, and they still somehow think they are doing the right thing.
What do u really do step by step as a CPS ?
What do I need to study to do child protection services ?
Social Work, Psychology, Criminology or any degree that deals with Community Services and Welfare.
Come to the UK Jas!
Hey! I study a Bachelor of Counselling (3 Years) do you think this is a good degree to get into child protection? :)
probably late to the party but i have the same background as you. My pathway was Ba in Counselling, 1 year of working in Student Wellbeing, then 1 year of resi. What i'd tell you is that the 1 year in resi was the turning point for me that helped me a bit in CP but even that wasnt enough. CP is a whole new world, I'd say that you'd have the foundational background with counselling but that's not enough at all. Im not saying it to put people down, im saying it because even people with Social Work, Psych, etc. degree is not enough either.
It takes a certain personality and mindset to be able to last in CP because on a 1 week cycle, you'd be dealing with FV, AOD, MH, Environmental, abuse, neglect, inappropriate phys. disciple, sexual abuse, FLC, and the many other odd cases. To top that off you have a shit ton of KPI's and deadlines to meet. All of that is very manageable though but then you're faced with a ridiculous amount of admin, especially if you have court active cases, so it's not uncommon for us to finish at 7-9pm at times.
if that sounds exciting for you then welcome to the field of Child Protection. Depending on what department you're on, you'll naturally have different experience but working in investigation and response, doing first home visits are fun. You get to work with police, school officials, hospital, agency workers, etc. etc. Then theres court stuff too. Certain cases you need to go to court for (last ditch effort) and certain cases the court requires your opinion for Family Law Court.
No course will prepare you for that! Not even Social Work itself. This is why CP workers are highly sought after when they hit their 12 month mark because compared to other fields of social work, they don't get to experience the amount if diversity that CP workers do.
@@ZZMAU-m5t good to know
I was a critical care nurse for many years and originally had a degree in social work. I have been a case manager for 6 yrs and wanted to work for county so trying CPS now. Should be interesting new choice for sure
@@tjadventures9163 Your skillset and background would definitely help!
I would say that another key point is the people that you're working with. We have a huge turn over rate in CP not just because of the demands of the work but because of the people that we work with as well. If you end up in a good team, you'd definitely last. If you don't, then chances are you'd leave within 3 months :(
A lot of CP workers are a bit 'rough around the edges' and have a pretty messed up sense of humour cause you do see things that the general public wont come across in their lifetime, to top that off you can expect hatred from quite a lot of people so it's not exactly a glamorous job.
Parents would dislike you (naturally), the children would dislike you as well, other professionals who doesnt fully understand your role would lean towards that direction too. As brutal as it sounds but sometimes you really gotta have a tough skin and accept the fact that no matter what you do, you'd be hated but at least that child lived through their experience to hate you for it lol
I had no idea. You're caseloads are huge! From a parent or caregivers perspective, I wish they would train you to realize that you, as a social worker from Child's protective services are the Department of Children and Families do not have any other cases whatsoever. When a parent or caregivers livelihood is under attack, I believe that the natural human reaction would be to be selfish. They are not thinking about your caseload. They are in a crisis! It's just one thing that I wish that social workers from the government or the state would realize. One phone call from a vindictive person can lead to a supportive abuse on neglect charge without proof! This is a tragedy for a parent or caregiver. I wish that's also workers would realize that the anonymity in regards to who reported the so-called neglectful or abusive parent or caregiver, should be squashed! Even a criminal in a court of law has the right to face their accusers! There is something wrong with this system!
I hope this young lady, who appears to be a stable and pragmatic character, does not become entangled with the "plan", which is the gradual but constant edging towards a shift in the emphasis of removing children as a first resort, rather than the last. Social Services have been infiltrated by devious and deviant people. I hope she is wary of these degenerates and blows the whistle on anyone she encounters who displays the slightest sign of being a pervert. They hide themselves well (devious).
It sounds like she is talking about her experiences in Australia......however, I have no reason to believe they are different from the pond-life I have met in the UK. Some may be - and more power to their elbow, but they will never reach the higher echelons if they do not comply with the "plan". Promotion is exclusive to those who are the most prolific perverts.
Social Services have not gained their poor reputation by doing their job well.....they have gained it by performing poorly, evidence by many high-profile cases. Make no mistake, underneath that poor performance is an extremely nefarious 'modus operandi' and a purpose which is concealed from us. Research the methods used to gain signatures on "Section 20" papers.
Are you living in ghana forever now? your accent was australian here but now you sound american
Interesting observation.. some people say i sound british now too so not too sure.
I dont know about Ghana forever at this stage but at present I am here. 🙏🏾
When children are dying and getting hurt in care.. almost 80 percent of the time in Ontario.. this is a serious issue.. its an issue with apprehensions and ruining families.. I agree.
There is an issue with oversight and following proper investigative procedures according to the ontario regulations through the ministry of children and youth services.. there are many cps workers that are not competent in making proper judgements with children. These ppl that don't have children that do not understand complexity in a family should not be working for these agencies.. at this point the ontario system is very broken and needs some attention.. big time.
I've known many who have been abused
. Had a crown ward child in my home for a period of time... and was not pleasant experience as there is really no help from them to be quite honest.. I've known children who have died in care..
My family was severely affected and I work in the court system figure that one out... seems the law does not apply to these social workers who refuse to follow our laws and the fact that we're a peace country..
I was severely affected by this system as a child and as an adult working in the law seems the law is designated to protect these workers from wrongdoing and more oversight is needed
Hahahahahha I’m sorry to laugh but social workers helping families that’s a lie unless you have a heart to help families but not my social worker she took my kids and lied to me and my wife and sent them to Alaska didn’t even do a 72hour hearing nothing like that nothing just because my wife had a emergency at her job she got injured I asked someone to watch my kids while I left for a bit to get my wife and immediately after I left the front desk worker called the police and they took my kids away and now I don’t have them I don’t trust social workers or anyone who works or thinks about working for social work.
You are so beautiful and smart...Do you have any plans to ever move to the U.S.? Are you married?....
Thank u, At this stage no plans of moving to the US
@@JasmineAmaa :,,( Sorry I know that sounds weird and obnoxious. You just seem so down to earth and easy going, so rare for such a smart and beautiful woman!
J ASN thats okay xx
Workers of evil
Social workers took your children?
It's true they are working with the devil no transparency only protecting themselves.