🤲🏽☝🏾👑♥️MashaAllah, ya shater!👑 Tabarak Allah! May Allah Azzawajal reward you with abundance of His blessings in this short life Dunya, but only everlasting and constantly and increasingly and beyond wonderful blessings in the Akhira hereafter life in Jannat ul Firdaus✌🏽⚖️🤍👑😇❤️🩹🌅🌄🏰🏞🪷💯💫👑♥️♥️♥️, allahumma ameen ya Rabb Alaellahmin, ameen! ❤❤❤🤲🏽☝🏾
🤲🏽☝🏾👑♥️MashaAllah, ya shater!👑 Tabarak Allah! May Allah Azzawajal reward you with abundance of His blessings in this short life Dunya, but only everlasting and constantly and increasingly and beyond wonderful blessings in the Akhira hereafter life in Jannat ul Firdaus✌🏽⚖️🤍👑😇❤️🩹🌅🌄🏰🏞🪷💯💫👑♥️♥️♥️, allahumma ameen ya Rabb Alaellahmin, ameen! ❤❤❤🤲🏽☝🏾
Hello I am 10 years old and last week l read surah al Kafh for the first time today is my second time 😊I love people who make Quran videos to please Allah ❤ beautiful
Brothers and sisters, if you read this please make duaa for our umma that’s being oppressed and suffering dhulm and injustice. May Allah help all of the muslims in these hardships
O Allah, grant every soul who listens to this Surah, recites it, and shares it with others the highest rank in Jannah, inshallah. Shower them with good deeds, and for every charitable donation they have made, grant them Jannah. Please forgive their friends and family for all their shortcomings.
@@NightFalcothere's nothing wrong with being a Christian we choose what we want to believe, please respect people for the things they choose and believe.
I would say please study more then u will know the truth about Christianity about this time which has been changed by Paul, John, Matthew, peter James, Luke 😭! Please read about Quran more @@xvamc
My mother once told me that whoever listens and recites to Surah Al-Kahf on a Friday will be protected by Allah and His angels from that Friday until the next week from evil. Mashaa Allah. May us all be protected from evil by Allah. Have a great day, everyone.
I love Friday but why I understand that it friday I don't know what j is Friday it's just friday but no Allah day ❤️ a happy day I love this day ❤️❤️❤️
I love reciting this surah. Can anyone make dua for me because my exams are near. 😭 It would mean the world to me. Please make dua for me to get the highest marks. Ameen.
May Allah makes it easy for you to get good grades and graduate with flying colors, aameen. How are your exams now? A friendly reminder to do two rakaat sunnah prayer before Subh because it's worth more than the whole universe.
I cried a lot while listening . I miss my friends we used to listen to the reciting together. I miss them so much. May Allah Grant them the highest jannah, may Allah protect them.
Listening to Surah Al kahaf this Jummah and praying from the depths of my soul for filistine. Ya Allah please help all the oppressed Muslims around the world.. YOU alone do we worship and in you alone do we put our trust. Ameen.
Holy Quran is undoubtedly the Master Piece of literature anyone with a little knowledge of Arabic can understand that its from God and no human being can compose such a master piece
Bullshit...if it was from God it should not refer to sky as the source of rain and in other verses refer to the sky as the home of planets and stars and moon.... Quran can't tell the difference between atmosphere and outer space....or Quran is clearly claiming God who created atmosphere and outer space is an idiot ... Quran is a book written by ignorants for ignorants...
May Allah protect our brothers and sisters in the Duniya in becoming better Muslim, so that we all can be proud of trying so hard in this Duniya to worship the Almighty , Inshallah I pray that Allah guide all in the right path. Ameen
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, my exams are very near and i am working hard. Please make a dua for me to receive the highest marks and to achieve the results i want. If you are reading this, may allah bless you and your family. Ameen
❤❤ইনশাল্লাহ যে নিজেকে সম্পূর্ণরূপে আল্লাহকে সপে দেয় অর্থাৎ আল্লাহর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করে নিজের বলতে তার কিছুই থাকে না যা কিছু করে সে সবকিছু আল্লাহকে সন্তুষ্ট করার জন্যই করে তাকেই বলা হয় মুসলিম। জন্মসূত্রে মানুষ মুসলমান। মুসলিম হওয়ার জন্য শর্ত আল্লাহ সবকিছু বিনা শর্তে মেনে নিতে হবে।
My favourite qari Allah in ko kbhi ghum na dy khushian hi khushian hon Umar draz kray .ma sha Allah beautiful voice jo hr waqt goonjti hy mry kanon mein
হে আল্লাহ তোমাকে সন্তুষ্ট করার জন্য তোমার রহমতে একটি কাজ ও করে থাকি সে কাজটি উসিলা করে বলছি আমাদের প্রত্যেকেরই তোমার রহমতে মুমিন মুসলিম করে তোমার কাছে নিও ও অনন্ত জীবনের রাসূল সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম এর সাথে জান্নাতে তোমার দিদার দিও।হে আল্লাহ তুমি তো দয়ালুদের মধ্যে শ্রেষ্ঠ দয়ালু। আমরা তো দুঃখ কষ্টে পড়েছি তুমি আমাদের জন্য সর্বাবস্থায় শান্তির ফয়সালা করো তোমার রহমতে।
Question 🙋🏿♀️ available sharping reading comprehension test chapters of a series on a subject of interest and interest and the topic that you would be 🎉looking forward ii for us and your team as a community and community thank your support for the work we have to be able for our students to be included and appreciated determined one boy and one girl who are not chistans in this class of course they have a a lot to do in this school but we will be there 😮in the future and 😅 😮 e line raj’ is f
Rasulullah SulaAllahuAlaihi WaSalaam said it is a protection from the dajaal and a light of protection from one Juma'a to the next. May Allah grant us light and protection and make us amongst those Allah is pleased with Aameen
Its friday alhamdulilah and i am listening keenly to this surah may allah accept all our good deeds ans grant us his highest jannah amiin may allah grant my mom his highest jannah amiin amiim may allah make this journey easy amiin😢
@@ridasinvention4114 just finished reading for today alhamdullilah. Will remember you in my duas brother, please remember me as well that I achieve my dreams and make my parents proud.
who ever dislikes this video is unforgiveable how could you ever unlike a amazing video on the Quran that our prophet, Angel and God/Allah (SWT) has given us to read and give us many oppurtuinites in the afterlife. Please whoever isnt muslim you can become one easily and not fail the test and end up in hellfire, for the ones that are doing things they shouldnt do, please consider joining. Thank you for reading this message that is sent out for the people that are intrested in reading.
I'm just a normal Muslim teenager but I don't really listen to Quran that much and pray that much but one day I feel like if I continue to do these type of things I won't go to Jannah and I will be punished by Allah SWT and at that same day I started praying and listen to Quran and read Quran.. and I didn’t realize that doing these type of things such as read/listening to Quran and praying and seek help from Allah SWT, dhikr, and more, make me feel calm, peaceful, the word cannot describe how peaceful it is:) I want to stay like this and I want to be a good daughter and a good Muslim... Even though u have a rough day, seek help from Allah SWT and pray. Remember Allah is always there for YOU. Whenever u need help from Allah he always there for you:) so all the ppl out there even though ur sin were ad many ads the foam of the sea Allah will forgive u Inshallah:) Allah loves u! :)
good enough for you as a teenager, i hope you can continue that and get a lot of rewards from ALLAH SUBHAANALLAHU WA TA'ALA, and don't forget to learn Arabic as well, because learn Arabic can also help you memorize the Quran easily, and gives a lot of rewards ok?
allah loves us all and will guide us all to junnah. i understand you. i am a 13 girl living in the uk, alhumdulilla i do all the compulsory in islam but i want to do more sunna and there are so many destractions in this day and age, so it gets hard but i trye my best and inshallah with the will of allah we will all get into junnah tul firdows. i really understand where you are coming from 😍🥰☺🙃🙂😉😊
The exact same thing happened to me الحمدلله. Before that i didn't understand the Qur'an and the meaning of the ayats but now when i listen to surah with translation i see everything differently life and death and hereafter.
I don't know why , when ever i listen to bro Alfasy i can't ✋ stop I can go on on for hours i also 😢 crises a lot so sweet reciting the best voice so calm n cooling that was gifted🎁 from Allah
Remember please to say inshallah from ur mouth also and ..... .. inshallah u will and also... ... ... .... ........ .... .. .. 1 of the most famous inshallah ameen keep going kid
It's actually scary, the future, I can't imagine how hard it is going be for muslims. I mean it's already very to be a Muslim with all the fitnah and distraction in this world, it hard for everyone. May Allah grant us Jannah and protect us and future Muslims from the Dazall
May Allah protect all of us from covid-19 and forgive our sins ,keep us on the right path,towards jannah. Comment amen. May allah take this sheik to jannah such a beautiful voice.i listen evrey Friday
La ilaha il allah. Every time I hear the quran recitation, the heart and soul feel in profoundly calm and peaceful. More and more the soul yearns for the forgiveness of Al-Rahman, the kalb yearns for the love of its Creator and the mind to know more about the One who created everything and has no equal. There is no sweeter words the ear hears than the recitation of the miraculous Quran. There is no sweeter words the mouth utters than the takbir and dhikr. There is not a more beautiful tear which pours down from the eye than the tears from remembering Allah. Indeed. The heart and soul find peace not in anything else than the remembrance of Allah. May Allah forgive us all and bless the believers. Amin
Listening or reading Quran ,reading namaz on time and studying hard is way better than sitting at home and wasting your time by doing nothing as all of those actions only have an impact on you
Ya Allah may Allah bless us all humans and forgive our sins. I am grateful for all of our good deeds and I wish that more people will pray more often. Allah will protect us since we have been reading surah kahf every Friday.
Ya Allah help me to make the right decision in my life, you know everything, my situation. Ya rub make my life better in every way with good health, peace, happiness with all my dear ones. Dnt make me dependent in any sort of way on anyone. Amen ya rubul alamin 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
my dad always told me the story of verses 60-82. i will never forget it and I will memorise those verses and I will memorise this surah and the entire quran insha Allah
Jazakalla.im.listening surah kahf.this friday night.may Allah reward Mishary a millionfold ameen..when i was afflicted with jinnat for over a month..his recitation..Rukya helped me recover.ameen
I’m a 8 years old and I memorized the full Quran today
Mashaa-Allah tabaaraka Allahu laka❤❤❤
masha allah
🤲🏽☝🏾👑♥️MashaAllah, ya shater!👑 Tabarak Allah! May Allah Azzawajal reward you with abundance of His blessings in this short life Dunya, but only everlasting and constantly and increasingly and beyond wonderful blessings in the Akhira hereafter life in Jannat ul Firdaus✌🏽⚖️🤍👑😇❤️🩹🌅🌄🏰🏞🪷💯💫👑♥️♥️♥️, allahumma ameen ya Rabb Alaellahmin, ameen! ❤❤❤🤲🏽☝🏾
🤲🏽☝🏾👑♥️MashaAllah, ya shater!👑 Tabarak Allah! May Allah Azzawajal reward you with abundance of His blessings in this short life Dunya, but only everlasting and constantly and increasingly and beyond wonderful blessings in the Akhira hereafter life in Jannat ul Firdaus✌🏽⚖️🤍👑😇❤️🩹🌅🌄🏰🏞🪷💯💫👑♥️♥️♥️, allahumma ameen ya Rabb Alaellahmin, ameen! ❤❤❤🤲🏽☝🏾
Mashallah ❤🎉
May god bless you with many happiness ❤
Inshallah everyone who listens to this is granted peace and ease in their lives
Who is watching this on a Friday :) May Allah shower his blessings and mercy on all of us and recover this world of coronavirus and protect us all.
Hello I am 10 years old and last week l read surah al Kafh for the first time today is my second time 😊I love people who make Quran videos to please Allah ❤ beautiful
I’m 11 (10 4 day ago) and I’m reading Quran and I’m on Al-ahzab
ur nearly as old as this video
I recite sura kahf on every Friday in his voice please make dua I wanna become a hafiza one day
Inshalla one u will be, Inshalla
Inshallah One Day You Will Be
You can do
Nice thinking
Brothers and sisters, if you read this please make duaa for our umma that’s being oppressed and suffering dhulm and injustice. May Allah help all of the muslims in these hardships
In Sha Allah, may Allah S.W.A ease and set right their affairs. Barakallahu feekum!
Love them all
Samsung is a big boy
O Allah, grant every soul who listens to this Surah, recites it, and shares it with others the highest rank in Jannah, inshallah. Shower them with good deeds, and for every charitable donation they have made, grant them Jannah. Please forgive their friends and family for all their shortcomings.
@@SamyRunIsis creativeprinceness.blogspot.com/2024/03/my-passon.htmlcreativeprinceness.blogspot.com/2023/01/i-am-good-enough.html
As a Christian, I am so surprised how come Islam makes so much sense. The Quran is so different from all the other books, what is happening to me🥹
@@NightFalcothere's nothing wrong with being a Christian we choose what we want to believe, please respect people for the things they choose and believe.
Yes listening quran is soo much relaxing
I would say please study more then u will know the truth about Christianity about this time which has been changed by Paul, John, Matthew, peter James, Luke 😭! Please read about Quran more @@xvamc
May Allah guide you🌸
Try to learn more about Islam and I'm sure you'll fall in love with the religion 💕
allhamdulillah i just finished memorizing this surah and i am 13 years old
EDIT:I am now 14 and i have memorized 10 juzz from the Quran alhamdulillah
سبحان الله الله اكبر اللهم بارك
Masha ALLAH 🥰
My mother once told me that whoever listens and recites to Surah Al-Kahf on a Friday will be protected by Allah and His angels from that Friday until the next week from evil. Mashaa Allah. May us all be protected from evil by Allah. Have a great day, everyone.
It’s read or recite not listen
I love Friday but why I understand that it friday I don't know what j is Friday it's just friday but no Allah day ❤️ a happy day I love this day ❤️❤️❤️
@@Chosen1_724 But if you don't have the ability listening is alright.
It's true
you too
I love reciting this surah. Can anyone make dua for me because my exams are near. 😭 It would mean the world to me. Please make dua for me to get the highest marks. Ameen.
Yes inshallah you will succeed
Be consistent to your prayers and make dua
Inshallahu Allah Is at Your side💯
May Allah makes it easy for you to get good grades and graduate with flying colors, aameen. How are your exams now?
A friendly reminder to do two rakaat sunnah prayer before Subh because it's worth more than the whole universe.
Insha Allah u will pass ur exams May Allah (SWT) help you pass your exam with the highest marks. And May Allah (SWT) strengthen your iman
Alhamdulilah i too recite this surah along with shaik mishary please dua for whole muslims specially Palestinians
May Allah give Palestinian in Gaza strong iman and jannah fiturdos!
Ameen Allahumma Ameen
I cried a lot while listening . I miss my friends we used to listen to the reciting together. I miss them so much. May Allah Grant them the highest jannah, may Allah protect them.
Ameen,I love Mishary.
What happened to them ?
@@sameersingh148 I moved to another school
Listening to Surah Al kahaf this Jummah and praying from the depths of my soul for filistine. Ya Allah please help all the oppressed Muslims around the world.. YOU alone do we worship and in you alone do we put our trust. Ameen.
Ameen ya rabbi
May Allah god bless you who read surah kahf on Friday
Ameeen you too
@@ylldijesulka4798 ameen
Amin! May Allah bless you to.
سورۃ الکہف ۔۔۔ مشاری راشد العفاسی ۔۔۔ آیات 17-19
English and Urdu Translations
@@noordedam2652 llplpppppp
Ya allah please make every muslim go to the right path and please help everyone be a better person ameen
I am 8 yrs old and I wanna sound like that when I'm older ماشاء اللہ
Inshallah you will sound like him
Allah will give you a better voice in sha allah
Inshaallah u will im 8 too
im 8 too aand saame ان شأ ﷲ
@@shadhiyahusein cfff
Holy Quran is undoubtedly the Master Piece of literature anyone with a little knowledge of Arabic can understand that its from God and no human being can compose such a master piece
The Truth.soothing relaxing..
Bullshit...if it was from God it should not refer to sky as the source of rain and in other verses refer to the sky as the home of planets and stars and moon.... Quran can't tell the difference between atmosphere and outer space....or Quran is clearly claiming God who created atmosphere and outer space is an idiot ...
Quran is a book written by ignorants for ignorants...
@@ArmandTRobotson May Allah(s.w) forgive you and guide you
লা ইলাহা ইল্লা আনতা সুবহানাকা ইন্নি কুনতু মিনাজ জোয়ালিমিন পড়ুন ইনশাআল্লাহ আল্লাহর রহমতে সবাইকে হেফাজত রাখিবেন।
May Allah protect our brothers and sisters in the Duniya in becoming better Muslim, so that we all can be proud of trying so hard in this Duniya to worship the Almighty , Inshallah I pray that Allah guide all in the right path. Ameen
Jazak Al Khair In Shaa Allah Aameen Aalhamdullilah Ya Rabb
Dear Muslim brothers and sisters, my exams are very near and i am working hard. Please make a dua for me to receive the highest marks and to achieve the results i want. If you are reading this, may allah bless you and your family.
Today I'm reading this surah
Assalamnoalikum u should tex your name do we can call your name when makeing dou
❤❤ইনশাল্লাহ যে নিজেকে সম্পূর্ণরূপে আল্লাহকে সপে দেয় অর্থাৎ আল্লাহর কাছে আত্মসমর্পণ করে নিজের বলতে তার কিছুই থাকে না যা কিছু করে সে সবকিছু আল্লাহকে সন্তুষ্ট করার জন্যই করে তাকেই বলা হয় মুসলিম। জন্মসূত্রে মানুষ মুসলমান। মুসলিম হওয়ার জন্য শর্ত আল্লাহ সবকিছু বিনা শর্তে মেনে নিতে হবে।
World's best voice ...subhaaaaanalllaaaahhhh... maa sha allahu la quwatta illa billa ...
আমি আল্লাহ ও আল্লাহর রাসূল সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম কে সবচেয়ে বেশি ভালোবাসি ইনশাআল্লাহ আল্লাহর রহমতে❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤ ❤ ❤❤❤❤❤
This voice is nothing but a gift from Creator.
@@LAMBOGUY600I show speed!!
Masha allah.
We open this surah every Friday after the juma. I hope everyone in this world became muslim. İnsallah
Fun fact: Islam is actually the fastest growing Religion in the world!
My favourite qari
Allah in ko kbhi ghum na dy khushian hi khushian hon
Umar draz kray .ma sha Allah beautiful voice jo hr waqt goonjti hy mry kanon mein
Shi bol rhe ho mai bhi hamesha yhi se quran pak padhti hu
হে আল্লাহ তোমাকে সন্তুষ্ট করার জন্য তোমার রহমতে একটি কাজ ও করে থাকি সে কাজটি উসিলা করে বলছি আমাদের প্রত্যেকেরই তোমার রহমতে মুমিন মুসলিম করে তোমার কাছে নিও ও অনন্ত জীবনের রাসূল সাল্লাল্লাহু আলাইহি ওয়াসাল্লাম এর সাথে জান্নাতে তোমার দিদার দিও।হে আল্লাহ তুমি তো দয়ালুদের মধ্যে শ্রেষ্ঠ দয়ালু। আমরা তো দুঃখ কষ্টে পড়েছি তুমি আমাদের জন্য সর্বাবস্থায় শান্তির ফয়সালা করো তোমার রহমতে।
We are twins sisters and we are of 10 years she finished the full quran with the help of hafiz mishary rashid alafasy..
Question 🙋🏿♂️ aboard sharping. Read instructions to remove. C
Question 🙋🏿♀️ available sharping reading comprehension test chapters of a series on a subject of interest and interest and the topic that you would be 🎉looking forward ii for us and your team as a community and community thank your support for the work we have to be able for our students to be included and appreciated determined one boy and one girl who are not chistans in this class of course they have a a lot to do in this school but we will be there 😮in the future and 😅 😮 e line raj’ is f
Mashallah May you be blessed with it too.
Mashallah you both memorized by the Help Of Allah subhana wa Tallah . He allowed this to happen to you . Mashallah. Allaho Akbar . 🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻🤲🏻
My whole family said that if you read this sura on Friday you would be protected by ALLAH and you will never be disturbed by dajjal mashAllah
Hmm, right
I now recite al-Kahf everyday. Alhamdulillah.
Assalamu'alaikum, if I'm not wrong is the 1-10 ayah.
Rasulullah SulaAllahuAlaihi WaSalaam said it is a protection from the dajaal and a light of protection from one Juma'a to the next. May Allah grant us light and protection and make us amongst those Allah is pleased with Aameen
👍Insha Allah !!!👍🤲
Its friday alhamdulilah and i am listening keenly to this surah may allah accept all our good deeds ans grant us his highest jannah amiin may allah grant my mom his highest jannah amiin amiim may allah make this journey easy amiin😢
May allah bless whoever reads
surah al khaf every friday ,inshallah 🤲🤲🤲
Pls make dua for me that i have to become a hafiz and a helpful doctor ameen
Get sawab
Ameen. Alhamdullilah I try to read every Friday.
@@ayeshaakhter6338 try to read my sister and let's get sawab , insahallah dua for all muslims and me
@@ridasinvention4114 just finished reading for today alhamdullilah. Will remember you in my duas brother, please remember me as well that I achieve my dreams and make my parents proud.
Walahi I swear by Allah
When am listening to Quran I feel peace
And when I forget allah I feel so sad like everything is sad
I also feel really guilty when I forget to read Surah kahf
I am only 5 years old and I am memorised this whole surah mAshallah
thats so cool son
Ma sha Allah very happy to read this keep it up son.
thats great - you are way too young to be on youtube. where are your parents?
mashallah you can type
Mashallah I watch this surah on fridays all the time
I wish someone is listing to this even after Ramadan ❤️
Yes I am allhamdulillah
Im from 2022 and assalamualaikum:)
@@shumimi8045 yes
Ameen ❤
But I listen to surah kahf on Ramadan every day to❤😅
who ever dislikes this video is unforgiveable how could you ever unlike a amazing video on the Quran that our prophet, Angel and God/Allah (SWT) has given us to read and give us many oppurtuinites in the afterlife. Please whoever isnt muslim you can become one easily and not fail the test and end up in hellfire, for the ones that are doing things they shouldnt do, please consider joining. Thank you for reading this message that is sent out for the people that are intrested in reading.
you are right ✅️ ❤I give a like to this video 📹
more than 3.6k dislike
The people who disliked probably accidentally clicked it while they were crying to the beauty of the Quran.
Alhamdulillah, the Quran really is beautiful in many ways! I pray that you and your family are well. 😁
...1.4k did the same thing...
Nah dont think so cuz 1.4k who in the world would do that except not Muslims 1.4k soo much
Non muslims
May Allah SWT bring our ummah back together in these strange times. Ameen
I'm just a normal Muslim teenager but I don't really listen to Quran that much and pray that much but one day I feel like if I continue to do these type of things I won't go to Jannah and I will be punished by Allah SWT and at that same day I started praying and listen to Quran and read Quran.. and I didn’t realize that doing these type of things such as read/listening to Quran and praying and seek help from Allah SWT, dhikr, and more, make me feel calm, peaceful, the word cannot describe how peaceful it is:) I want to stay like this and I want to be a good daughter and a good Muslim... Even though u have a rough day, seek help from Allah SWT and pray. Remember Allah is always there for YOU. Whenever u need help from Allah he always there for you:) so all the ppl out there even though ur sin were ad many ads the foam of the sea Allah will forgive u Inshallah:) Allah loves u! :)
Indeed because only Allah (swt) knows the best
good enough for you as a teenager, i hope you can continue that and get a lot of rewards from ALLAH SUBHAANALLAHU WA TA'ALA, and don't forget to learn Arabic as well, because learn Arabic can also help you memorize the Quran easily, and gives a lot of rewards ok?
allah loves us all and will guide us all to junnah. i understand you. i am a 13 girl living in the uk, alhumdulilla i do all the compulsory in islam but i want to do more sunna and there are so many destractions in this day and age, so it gets hard but i trye my best and inshallah with the will of allah we will all get into junnah tul firdows. i really understand where you are coming from 😍🥰☺🙃🙂😉😊
The exact same thing happened to me الحمدلله. Before that i didn't understand the Qur'an and the meaning of the ayats but now when i listen to surah with translation i see everything differently life and death and hereafter.
Ameen ❤
Who is watching after 5 years this friday.
Allah gives you mercy and protect against covid19
@@farhiyahashi7763 Masha Allah wllo qaali.
This is beautiful Surah I love it ❤ this surah. I am a teenager Muslim girl .
With a heavy heart i listened to this Surah today Oct 11 and it calms my heart. May Allah swt grant me ease and happiness ameen
Aameen 🤲❤️. Jummah Mubarak 🌹.01.11.2024
@@AminathAminath-v3x yesss
the beautiful reciting of Allah SWT 's words . May Allah bless you and everyone else !
I don't know why , when ever i listen to bro Alfasy i can't ✋ stop I can go on on for hours i also 😢 crises a lot so sweet reciting the best voice so calm n cooling that was gifted🎁 from Allah
Bibi Ali A
Exactly same here !😊👍
Alfasy is my favorite sheikh. I always pick him to listen to
you are not alone, i have been 13 years
Surah al kahf protects yourself from the dajjal
May Allah protect the Region Islam & Quran and Muslimin & Muslima in entire of this world. Ameen! 🤲
Allahumma ameen ya rabb
Allah make it easy for all of us
And give shiffa to my mum and all mums out there Ameen
شفاه الله
Guys.. i just want dua from all of u for me become a hafiz quran please. May Allah bless u 😭aminnnnnnnnnn
Hope and pray you already are, or will be soon, BiIdhnillah.
@@rachidaroberts3424 i am right now 🥺Alhamdulillah!! Thank u✨
Remember please to say inshallah from ur mouth also and ..... .. inshallah u will and also... ... ... .... ........ .... .. .. 1 of the most famous inshallah ameen keep going kid
May Allah ease your journey and goal to become a hafiz in Quran. Ameen
Salamu Alaykum, I'm pleasantly surprised because there are so many people who listened to this. Alhamdu Lillah
Today is Friday and I'm happy that I recited Suratul Kahf
Allah humma barik
happy for you
It's actually scary, the future, I can't imagine how hard it is going be for muslims. I mean it's already very to be a Muslim with all the fitnah and distraction in this world, it hard for everyone.
May Allah grant us Jannah and protect us and future Muslims from the Dazall
Agree with you bro. this world is full of fitnah. may allah guide us all.
May Allah protect us from dajaal
So that's why we have to do hard work and never come in wander of shaitan and we should also no that Allah is only one to support us
Mashallah😌😌😌🕋🕋🕋 mai Har jumma padhti ho 👍🤲🕋🕋
My favorite surah in the Quran. May Allah protect us all from the virus
my favorite is zukruf
May Allah Forgive All people All sins around the world 🌎 Allahuma Ameen
O our Allah protect us from the traps of the devil....Ameen
Allah and prophet Muhammad is enough for me
Subhan Allah
Brother you're very clever, when Almighty Allah and Prophet Muhammad pbuh is on your side then what else do you need ? You literally get everything 😅
May Allah bless who ever read surah al kaha inshaallah🕋
its khaf now kaha
Ameen ❤
May Allah protect All Shayteen allahuma ameen
I think he is the best Quran reciter, for me at least.
May Allah protect all of us from covid-19 and forgive our sins ,keep us on the right path,towards jannah. Comment amen.
May allah take this sheik to jannah such a beautiful voice.i listen evrey Friday
Ameen ❤️☪️💕
Has Hayba
Ameen ❤️ 💟
امين يارب العالمين
I'm very happy, I memorized this surah because of this video
Well done leena zahra continue your good work 🙂😊☺😍🤩
mass Allah
@@cats.world_ Thank you 👍🏻❤
@@ZamaraMC I spent 3 month to memorize the entire Surah 😓😀
@@Noura_09the most important you need to know the meaning
La ilaha il allah. Every time I hear the quran recitation, the heart and soul feel in profoundly calm and peaceful. More and more the soul yearns for the forgiveness of Al-Rahman, the kalb yearns for the love of its Creator and the mind to know more about the One who created everything and has no equal.
There is no sweeter words the ear hears than the recitation of the miraculous Quran. There is no sweeter words the mouth utters than the takbir and dhikr. There is not a more beautiful tear which pours down from the eye than the tears from remembering Allah.
Indeed. The heart and soul find peace not in anything else than the remembrance of Allah. May Allah forgive us all and bless the believers. Amin
I read it every Friday. May God bless all mankind the birds and the bees. The flora. The four legged they all have a place in this world
Mashallah every time I hear this on Friday I feel like crying I’m trying to be the best Muslim as possible and it’s so calming to hear
May Allah be pleased with you
Listening or reading Quran ,reading namaz on time and studying hard is way better than sitting at home and wasting your time by doing nothing as all of those actions only have an impact on you
May. Allah grant us. Same recitation
May Allah bless you.who reciting surah kahf on Friday...
May Allah bless the whole muslim ummah❤
May Allah bless the whole Muslim Ummah and protect us in the day of Judgement
Ameen,May Allah bless you🤲🏻
Ya Allah may Allah bless us all humans and forgive our sins. I am grateful for all of our good deeds and I wish that more people will pray more often. Allah will protect us since we have been reading surah kahf every Friday.
Ameen 🤲🏼
Ya Allah help me to make the right decision in my life, you know everything, my situation. Ya rub make my life better in every way with good health, peace, happiness with all my dear ones. Dnt make me dependent in any sort of way on anyone. Amen ya rubul alamin 🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🤲🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen sum ameen
@@JohnS-q6z ccc xt
Ya Rahmaan please please please solve our problems... Aameen
I always lısten to surah Kahf every day 😇😇
I do too❤😊
my dad always told me the story of verses 60-82. i will never forget it and I will memorise those verses and I will memorise this surah and the entire quran insha Allah
inshaallah you will complete full quran one day
@@shaheen7672 Ameen You too.
What was the specific advice he gave you? One of my favourite Surahs to listen to.
Mashallah you have very loving dad
Assalamu'alaikum, Aamiin
This is my favorite resiter. I listen to him every Friday, and this is my favorite surah
May Allah bless the person who recite this surah
I’m am teen and I just started doing this and I’m already finish the first one so make dua on me to finish this all.
Who watches this on a Friday. It’s sunnah to read surah khaf on a Friday because it will protect you from the Dajjal.
I also do Alhamdulillah
i am watching
@@brohamza9519 ĺ0p
Me too if anyone is reading or watching click like
Alhumdulilah ❤, I also recite surah kahf on every Friday in his way of recitation..May Allah ❤❤ grant all of us Jannatul firdus 🎉🎉🎉
In Sha Allah , 🤍 ameen
Alhamdulillah by the grace of all mighty ALLAH, I have memorized this surah.
*Learning the 10 ayats, may Allah swt bless you all for reading this and make dua for me and I will do it for you!* ✌
@@naimuddinsk4197 48 right n the I have the I have the I rightright to wrong to sent to sent to rrto wrong wrong right to wrong havew and
@@ecronicsxd4471 pls tell poparly
Make dua for me.bro
He's the only sheikh i listened to. And also the only sheikh i can learn the quran with.
Even me btw
the verse 80 always give me the chills !😭💓
MashaAllah, barakAllah feek ya Sheikh Mishary Al Afasi
Masha Allah laquwata ila bila
Lots of Blessings on our Beloved Prophet Mohamed SAW.Ramadhan Blessings to all
MA Sha Allah, love hearing this surah every Friday. May Allah bless all the Muslims of the world. Ameen 🤲🕋
This is one of his best recitation I ever heard in TH-cam .I listen to him every time. ❤️🇸🇦🇸🇦🇸🇦
I love how you read and when I was little I would always listen to your voice ❤️
May Allah protect us from this tragedy, In Shaa Allah.
Ohhh Allah please give me power of practising on Quran Ameen sum Ameen 🤲🤲🤲
Ameeeen 🤲🏽
I want to memorize this one inshallah during the ramadan make dua for me.
I love to recite this sura every day
اللهم بارك
May allah reward this man for reciting surah al khaf so beautiful
Hamzah Yousuf Ameen
Who is waiting for Ramadan?
Two days left :)
❤obv I am
Now is ramadan bru Mashalaah ☝🏾
May soon we and our loved ones become hafiz ul Quraan, momin and mominaah ....Aameen.Allah bless the ummah... Aameen
Jazakalla.im.listening surah kahf.this friday night.may Allah reward Mishary a millionfold ameen..when i was afflicted with jinnat for over a month..his recitation..Rukya helped me recover.ameen
Love Mishary Rashid Alafasy from India 🇮🇳
May Allah bless him ❤️
Mashaallah Mishary Al Afasy has a BEAUTIFUL voice mashaallah may Allah Bless him ❤
Masha Allah,May Allah answer each end everyone's Duas in shaa Allah ❤
Who is watching during this pandemic (Coronavirus) if u are learning this leave a like and I pray for all of us that allah sheds mercy on us
Im watching in covid19
I m waching
I’m reading Koran for friday