maybe you should invest more time in researching it and accept it as a way of life which will be the only good thing that need to have happened to you even if you miss out on any other goals in life.
❤❤❤. You very nice and very good very wonderful human.❤ B happy my beautiful and wonderful and very good ❤ friends you. ❤❤❤ ❤❤. Allah bless you my friends ❤
Look into this beautiful religion you will be very happy and finally have full answers to all that you ever wondered about. I promise you 🙏🏻 May Allah open your heart and guide you to the completion of the religions that came before it 🙏🏻☪️🕋
ماشاء الله عليك يا شيخنا العفاسي صوتك جميل جدا ماشاء الله الله يحميك من كل شر وسوء الله يوفقك لما يحب ويرضاه الله يتقبل أعمالك أطال الله في عمرك الله يجعلها في ميزان حسناتك 🌸🌸🌷🌷💐💐🤲🤲❤❤
أشهد أن لا آله الا الله. وأشهد أن محمداً رسول الله لا آله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنه عرشه ومداد كلماته اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين اللهم عالم الغيب والشهادة فاطر السموات والأرض رب كل شيء ومليكه اشهد ان لا اله الا انت سبحانك استغفرك و اتوب اليك
Semoga Allah SWT menyembuhkan penyakit yang ada dalam tubuh saya dengan mendengar ayat suci Alquran ini..Allah mendengarkan doa saya ...Ya Allah sembuhkan lah penyakit yang ada dalam tubuh saya dengan tidak meninggalkan penyakit lainnya...Amiin..
Ya Allah hr kisi ki zindgi sukoon sa brr dai Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) ki amal k wastay mri zindgi b sukoon aur khushyu sa brr dai .Ya Allah ahil-ummat k jawan ladkay ladkiyu ko sahii rasta dekha(aameeen)
Quran(e majeed) provides a complete Code Of Life in such simple and easy to understand words. It's recitation opens up minds and hearts and once you read it, you will notice the difference. Listen more and more to it if it gives you peace and comfort. Salam!!!
Ya Allah jadikanlah Aku dan ahli keluarga sebagaimana engkau menjadikan para sahabat Ra. Ummat ummat yang kuat dan istiqomah di jalanmu. Hingga kami sukses di puncak pengorbanan kami sebagai mana para sahabt Ra dan Rasulmu.. Aamiiin😭😭😭
Saying "Men are Polygamous by Nature" is against Islam..? Why do almost all Scholars claim that men are polygamous by nature with no Islamic claim? This makes men think it's okay to open doors and feel for multiple women, when in the west, where everyone is treated "equally" women are equally polygamous, cheating on their husbands, for "fun" not for "love or emotional" reasons as many put it. This means that both sexes are vulnerable in the same way. I think the society allows men to behave this way or think this way, because it's a male dominated world, and they supressed women since the beginning of time, when in the end, both men and women are the same, committing the same sins. However, the world makes it okay for men to be this way, claiming its their nature. Ever wonder why Muslim parents will abandon their daughters forever if they caught them speaking to a guy but will not do anything if their son goes out and sleeps around with women? Why is that? In the Shariah, both is a sin, both are haram! True women may be of more fitnah towards men, because women have more awrah to cover, yet they fail to, but most men are naturally in hijab, hence the reason for lesser fitnah for women. The Polygamy allowed also speaks about helping widows or orphans, anyone who can clearly study the Quran can understand that. The Sahabah and Prophets mostly married older women who had children from other men who had died. If men want to follow the example of the Prophet, they should follow it in the way he practiced it. Wars were common, many women were left without homes or men to take care of them. Had Allah disapproved, we would suffer social issues. There are many many many men who are happy with one wife, who dare not think about other women. Even having a thought of a non-mahram while married is a huge sin, how can one approach the thought of Polygamy knowing this is wrong? We see here the clear reasons for Polygamy. Some claim their wife is too fat or too old so they want to get another wife? It's because women are too busy with children they don't have time to even think of getting another man. Though the arab world makes it look like women have no physical desires or feelings. The fact that society has suppressed this, is proof why they claim "Men are Polygamous by nature" I would like to see any type of proof from Islam that this is true? Men were more free to do whatever they pleased, this is the real reason, before Islam and after Islam. It's not a religious view, its a social view. We Muslims are taught to follow the Quran and refer to sunnah and hadeeth, if men want to remarry, then why dont they read the verse on polygamy and refer to the sunnah and hadeeth? There are clear hadeeths that our Prophet pbuh the sahabah remarried older women to help them and be noble men for the sake of allah subhanwaltala, not for sexual reasons as Scholars put it these days. Also when Hazrat Ali wanted to take a second wife for the reasons I put above, it made Hzt Fatima upset and Prophet pbuh forbade Hazrat Ali remarrying a second wife. So if anyone can show a claim from ISLAM that men are polygamous, I would like to see. Please don't bring sciencists' claims into this, because even they claim things that go against Islam.
-(استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه).🍃 -(ولا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين).💙 -(سبحان الله).🌴 -(الحمدلله).🧡 -(لا اله الا الله).🤍 -(الله اكبر).💜 -(اللهم صل علي نبينا محمد عدد ماذكره الذاكرون و عدد ما غفل عنه الغافلون).❤️
الله يبارك في عمرك ويرزقك الفردوس الاعلى من الجنه ياشيخنا المحترم جزاك الله خيرا الدنيا والآخرة ورزقك السعاده في الدارين ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن صوت جميل جدا
my first quran reading in arabic from quran to follow him with 0.75 speed. Alhamdulliah Alhamdulliah...can't believe I can able to read Arabic verses...Alhamdulliah....
استغفر الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم واتوب اليه. الحمدلله لااله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم سبحان الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم الله اكبر
Ibu sri saya berdoa semoga amalan suami ibu diterima disisi allah swt.dan diampuni dari segala dosanya, dan lapang alam kuburnya.dan diberi kebersihan dunia akherat amin.
MashaAllah. Please pray for my son, he will have surgery today for his weakened retina to see again. May Allah give us strength, Allah is the most gracious, the most merciful, Aamiin...
Dear Rien, this is a month filled with mercy and Allah's blessings. Keep faith and lots of prayers. May Allah strengthen your son's sight. I will pray for him.
My bunny liked to listen to the Quranic recitation. I used to open it on TH-cam and leave it on for her. She would be calm and relaxed and then I would come in and go out and be a distraction to her and she would not be pleased, but was happy to see me.
I request everyone who is reading this please to make a dua for me, I have exams and stressfull period at school. May Allah bless you all May Allah help everyone Shukran
في غفهفهففعخ٨عهعفسفهسفههعفه٨٨ففسفعففغ٨غ٨فهفهصفففعفهفغه٨فغغهغفففففهحهفسففه٨فففف٨ههف٨هفع٨غعفهففهفففهسفففففخغعه٨فففهف٨فغ٨عفهفغ٨هغفهعفغف٨غ٨فخففهف٨غهففف٨فسهففغغفففغ٨غه٨غهعهغعاف٨فغفهفهففعخ٨هعفسفهسفههعفه٨٨القعقاع ففففففففه٨غغفهفففهغفهففه٦٨سفخ٨٧سف٨٨فعف٨فف٨سس٨٧ف٨هفففعفف٧ففغص٨عفغنفغف٨٧غغعففغفهفعه٦ف٨عف٨ف٨فف٨غ٨غفقبل ف٨٨٧غ٨ف٨ففففسغف٩٨سفهف٨٧ف٨فففصسهف٨٨٨فسسعفغهففيه من ٧عاغ٨غغغف٧غعآخر ففف٧غف٧٨فسخافصف٨٨٨غ٨فغغا٨عف٨٨٨ففعففففعف٨آخرهففف٨فغف٨ف ٧٨ف٦٨٩ف٨غفف٨ففف٧غف٧٨فسخافصف٨٨٨غ٨فغغا٨عف٨٨٨ففعففففعف٨آخرهففف٨الله
We need to thank ALLAH for giving us The Holy Quran and all humans like Alafasy. May ALLAH. bless and guide him and his family When I was a small child I was always searching for this connection with our Most Gracious ,Most Merciful ..ALLAH... This is the greatest accomplishment for all humans as we shall all return to our Creator in the end. Alhumdu ALLAH
Subhanallah Subhanallah wallahi I always wondered why is his name so popular in every Quran app or wherever you press Quran recitation his name shaikh mishary al afsi always pops up first I have always wondered and listened to his recitation once or twice but without paying full attention to it, and I always thought there must be something really good about him to be soo blessed and popular. I realised his name is more mentioned then most of the best imams of masjid haram mashallah Subhanallah I always wondered there’s something about this shaik and wallahi his Quran recitation touched my soul and woke me up from my sleep when I was listening to Subhanallah such a powerful beautiful voice Subhanallah I love him soo much wallahi the noor on his face really touches my heart it makes me wonder haw beautiful and blessed he his by the grace of Allah.
Ya Allah it’s unbelievable I just had one of the most heart touching dreams while I was listening to his recitation of the Quran surah bakara Subhanallah i was seeing this young boy in his late teens or early 20 who was reciting the Quran with soo much passion it is one of the most beautiful voice I have ever heard in my life Subhanallah it’s unbelievable the boy had this love amazing love and connection with the Quran and he was soo passionate about reciting the Quran in the most beautiful voice I ever heard I was taking to him at the end in a room where this old man was at sleep and these girls and boys where standing outside the room in a group having their conversation but watching him and listening to his beautiful voice from a distance outside the room the boy was reading the Quran in room and then I went next to the group talking to each other outside and I also hear two lads reading the Quran to one another competitively in such a beautiful style and they all having this love for the Quran it was something to ponder and wonder about for me Subhanallah once the boy finished reading the Quran I was talking to him trying to get advise what to do to read the Quran and haw to give my time for it because I wanted to have that passion like him. Once I woken up I realised it was shaikh mishary al afsis voice I was listening to the whole time throughout the most heart touching dreams I’ve had Subhanallah The blessings of Allah has touched this man uniquely mashallah Subhanallah May Allah guide us all and enlighten us with the beauty of the Quran (God’s words) ameen.
Bismilllahirahman neeraheem ASALAMU ALAIKUM Warahmattulahi Wabarakatuhu Shiekh if ican understand these Reciting or verses regarding our prophet Mohamed Sallalah Walaihi Wslm And his Companions then it's easy for me to spread news regarding our intire Prophets that was close to our Nabhi Mohamed Sallalah Walaihi Wslm And Omar Raddiyaaloo Anha and Aboobakar Raddiyaaloo Anha and Nabhi Moosa Raddiyaaloo Anna And allother Prophets that was Chosen by our Prophet Sallalah walaihi Wslm before he gave his life up to his ummah and thee Ummati he chose Abboobakar Raddiyaaloo Anha it was a Shock for every one when our beloved died those that killed him it was a Shock to all these Companions and thee Ummah thats a great Leader of our Prophet Mohamed Sallalah Walaihi Wslm And Omar Raddiyaaloo Anha he was Our Prophet s right hand may our. Ummah and Ummati be aware of thee Goodness of our Deen and not forgetting these people that's so broken inside thier hearts has no where to go and the only way is to put our trust in Allah and his righteous path of our hadith Macallan Shower his Choicest Blessings upon thee Shiekh that's Reciting And also thank Shiekh Sulieman for also spreading the news About our prophet s may Allah bless him but we have to seek some guidance to get lots of Rizq and Donations towards our ummah and Ummati and please support our people and every one that really is in need of there inquirements Please Salman Khan can yourself get of o your stars in Bollywood to Collect a good a.ount to provide these people that's Suffering. SHIE FROM all kinds of sustainable Saman Khan the Bollywood star you.ll Inshaalah will be rewarded by Allah with lots khair and Barkah in your life and your family as well ALLAHUMA EENEE ZiKrika Wal Shukrika Wa Husna Ibaaditik Allah Hafiz
Most newbies fail simply because they don't understand how the market works in general or in particular how the market relates to stock or currency pair they entering. If a retail trades doesn't grasp what the market makers are doing and when they are doing it, the greatest strategy in the world will fall. For new traders the markets are like entering an F1 race before you've passed your drivers license test. I am a beginner I never believe I made $30,000 in just 1 week from trading and with the market. an expert financial analysis and he made me learn to read and understand the language of price action. He guides me with the exact time frame to trade and now I just received me first withdrawals of $30k in my bank account today I'm very happy, my advice is for you to contact him he will guide you perfectly well, and thank me later, I guess this is a good way to show my heartfelt appreciation for literally breaking the chain of my financial debit when I needed it most. (Jamescollins@gmail).com
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويمت وهو على كل شيء قدير أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا و رسولا
As Salaamu Alaykum WaRahmatuallahi WaBarakatuh Companions of the last Messenger peace and blessings be upon him and all of you & Your Families. Good morning (from Newark, New Jersey). Love yoy all for the sake of Allah He is pleased with you all. Have a nice day. Insha'Allah
Salam aleykoum wa rahmatulahy wa barakat cheick alfasy. J'apprends la lecture avec ta voix. Quel émotion et honneur que je ressens. Qu'Allah protège tous les Muslims du monde dans leur tawahid et dans leur tajwid. Amine Amine
في التلاوة القديمة سورة البقرة بتاخد 205دقيقة وفي التلاوة الجديدة المصحف بالقراءات العشرة بتاخد213دقيقة فرق8دقايق راحة وهدوء ربي يسعدلي قلبك وروحك دكتور مشاري ❤
Еврейский университет в Иерусалиме - на рекордном месте среди лучших вузов мира. Согласно Шанхайскому рейтингу вузов за 2022 год, опубликованному 15 августа, Еврейский университет поднялся на 13 позиций и занял 77-е место среди 100 лучших университетов мира и первое место среди высших учебных заведений Израиля. Список ведущих университетов мира открывает Гарвардский университет, за ним идут Стэнфордский университет, Массачусетский технологический институт, Кембриджский университет и Калифорнийский университет в Беркли. Как и в прошлом году, три израильских университета вошли в число 100 лучших учебных заведений мира. Помимо Еврейского университета это Технион в Хайфе и Институт Вейцмана в Реховоте, разделившие 83-е место. Шанхайский рейтинг вузов считается одним из самых надежных в академический сфере. При составлении рейтинга учитывают такие критерии как количество преподавателей и выпускников, получивших Нобелевскую и Филдсовскую премии, а также объем и качество публикаций в ведущих научных журналах. В рейтинг вошли около 2500 вузов. Среди 100 лучших учебных заведений 39 находятся в США, девять - в Китае, восемь - в Великобритании, семь - в Австралии, пять - в Канаде, по четыре во Франции и Германии и три в Израиле טיפול השתלת שיניים זהו הליך רפואי המבוצע ע"י רופא שיניים מוסמך בעת שלמטופל יש מחסור בשיניים, שיניים חולות או שילוב של השניים. אורך ההשתלה ואיכות השתלים עשויים להשתנות בהתאם לשיטת ההשתלה וסוג השתל. לכן, מומלץ לבצע את כל הבדיקות המתאימות לפני שמקבלים את ההחלטה להתחיל טיפול במרפאה מסוימת. לדבר ובוודאי לחייך, השתלת שיניים מהירה מאפשרת לחזור לתפקוד מלא של הלסת ביום שלמחרת הטיפול. השינוי הדרסטי הזה הסיר למעשה את החסם הגדול ביותר של מטופלים מפני הטיפול ופתח בפניהם את היכולת לשפר את איכות החיים מבלי לסבול מתקופת ביניים ארוכה ומייסרת אינה מחזיקה שן או שתל לאורך חודשים ארוכים. במצב כזה הגוף "מבין" שאין צורך יותר בעצם הלסת היכן שהייתה השן החסרה ולכן, הוא סופג את חומרי הבניין של העצם כדי להשתמש בהם במקומות אחרים ולמעשה
MashaAllah ..May Allah keep all of us in his blessing always aameen. I request to all to pray for my daughter 10 years to recover from roohani problem. Kindly pray for her name emaan . jazakAllah
Alhamdulilah ❤️ 🌙 Qu'Allah pardonne nos parants ainsi Que Nous Amina ALLAH à Nous tous Amina ALLAH La iLaha illallah Muhammad Rasool ALLAH paix et salut sur le Prophète Amina ALLAH ❤️ Alhamdulilah ❤️ ALLAHO AKABAR 🌙 Amina ALLAH à Nous tous Amina ALLAH
La ilah ila Allah wa Allahu Akbar wa La hawla wala 9owata ila bi llah 3ali 3adem Allah huma salé wa Salam wa Barak 3ala Nabiyna Muhammad wa 3ala Alehi wa Ashabehi AJma3en ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I want to add the sound quality is superb mashaAllah. I used to listen to the tape on a small tape player. I guess you did a remaster on this because it's such a great quality.l alhamdulillah
Alhamdulilah AlhamdulilahAlhamdulilah your beautiful voice of recitation has given me all I want in my heart and soul. May almighty Allah blessings be upon us in his world,for he our life of this world. Amen.
Aslamu Alaikum my dear brothers and sister., my mother passed away. Please ask dua to her to Allah may grant her Jennathul Firdaus. Aameen. , please! Please. Allah may bless you for the duas that you ask for my beloved mother. Aameen. أمين لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
Waalaikumusalam. May Allah s.w.t forgives your beloved Mother and may she be placed in Jannatul Firdausi. Aamiin. You take care and be strong. May you be blessed with good health, great wealth and abundance of iman. Aamiin.
Assalamualaikum bros and sis's i still need your duas because i have not yet found my dead mothers body which was removed from her grave. besides that MAY ALLAH ACCEPT OUR FASTING AND MAY HE REWARD US ACCORDINGLY ALLAHUMA AMEEN.
Assalamowalaikum all, I lost my father more then one year ago. Always pray to Allah so that I can see my mother at least once again in life. She is far away from me. For covid I can't go and see her. Even I couldn't go after my father passed away, same reason for covid. Please pray for my mother so Allah keeps her healthy and atleast give me a chance to hug her once. Amin
Aselamu Aleikum Sister Allah SWT giws You sabur in Shaa Allah Tekabel your d'uva Sister diss its d'uva for healt Allahuma inni as aluka al afijah .Rabbuna Atina fid Dunija Hasanah Allahuma Rabbana -nas az -hibil bas washfihi Anta ash-Shafi la Shifa aila Shifa,Shifa an la yughadiru sakamaa. La Shifa illa Shifauk.Ameen Summa Ameen
لك من يقرأ رسالتي لاتنسون والدتي من الدعاء لها ( من دعى لميت سخر الله له من يدعو له له بعد موته
الله يرحمها وجميع موتى المسلمين
اللهم ارحم مونتانا والمؤمنون والمؤمنات والمسلمين والمسلمات الاحياء منهم والاموات امين يارب العالمين آمين آمين آمين
الله يرحمه يارب العالمين 😢😢😢
اللهم ارحمها واغفر لها واجعل قبرها روضه من رياض الجنه
يارب ارحم اموات المسلمين اجمعين
احلا يوم الجمعه🙂 سورة الكهف ❤❤❤يا الله ❤ω❤ 🫶 ن االله و حبينا محمد صلي الله عليه و❤ سلم ❤❤❤يا الله ❤
يارب حقق لي حلمي بدراسة الطب ، يارب وفقني بامتحاناتي واعطاني الذكاء وسرعة الفهم والحفظ .
ولكم بالمثل أن شاءالله 😊❤❤❤
يارب ارزقني مالا و صحة وعافية وستر وهناء
يا رب تنجحي يا رب 😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤😊❤
امين يارب
😮😮طط شي رئيس❤❤ في رقق ثم سفيب طرق@@سيفاحمد-م2ن4ع
I’m an American Black and I absolutely love Islam ☪️ ❤❤ the culture, Religion and the Prayer Music
maybe you should invest more time in researching it and accept it as a way of life which will be the only good thing that need to have happened to you even if you miss out on any other goals in life.
❤❤❤. You very nice and very good very wonderful human.❤ B happy my beautiful and wonderful and very good ❤ friends you. ❤❤❤ ❤❤. Allah bless you my friends ❤
Look into this beautiful religion you will be very happy and finally have full answers to all that you ever wondered about. I promise you 🙏🏻 May Allah open your heart and guide you to the completion of the religions that came before it 🙏🏻☪️🕋
mashallah, just gonna tell you, its not music, its quran, and the call to prayer is called the athan
ماشاء الله عليك يا شيخنا العفاسي صوتك جميل جدا ماشاء الله الله يحميك من كل شر وسوء الله يوفقك لما يحب ويرضاه الله يتقبل أعمالك أطال الله في عمرك الله يجعلها في ميزان حسناتك 🌸🌸🌷🌷💐💐🤲🤲❤❤
القرآن هو الملجأ الوحيد في متاهات الحياة 😩فهل من مشجعين💘ً
Oh God, have mercy on us, O Most Merciful 💙
اللهم ارحمنا برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين 💙
امين يارب
اللهم صل وسلم على سيدنا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين وسلم تسليما كثيرا إلى يوم الدين
أشهد أن لا آله الا الله. وأشهد أن محمداً رسول الله
لا آله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
اللهم صلى وسلم وبارك على سيدنا محمد وعلى آل سيدنا محمد
“يارب ارزقني الذريه الصالحه في القريب العاجل، اللهم فرّحني بخبر حملي يارب ياكريم”.
اذكروني بدعوه بظهر الغيب لعل احدكم أقرب إلى الله ولكم بالمثل 💕
سبحان الله وبحمده سبحان الله العظيم
سبحان الله وبحمده عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنه عرشه ومداد كلماته
اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك على نبينا محمد وعلى اله وصحبه اجمعين
اللهم عالم الغيب والشهادة فاطر السموات والأرض رب كل شيء ومليكه اشهد ان لا اله الا انت سبحانك استغفرك و اتوب اليك
Assalamu alaikum
اللهم اغر لى ولوالدى يوم يقوم الحساب وبارك لى فيما اعطيت وقنى واصرف عنا شر ما قضيت
oh Allah, make us among the people of the Quran اللهم اجعلنا من أهل القرآن
ادعوا لبنتي بالنجاح في امتحان النبلكس من اول مره انشاء الله وببركه سيدنا رسول الله اللهم صلي وسلم وبارك علي سيدنا رسول الله
Mohammed P. B. U. H ❤❤❤🤲🏆🇵🇰
Semoga Allah SWT menyembuhkan penyakit yang ada dalam tubuh saya dengan mendengar ayat suci Alquran ini..Allah mendengarkan doa saya ...Ya Allah sembuhkan lah penyakit yang ada dalam tubuh saya dengan tidak meninggalkan penyakit lainnya...Amiin..
Amin yra
Amin2 Ya Robbal allamin🤲
Amiin..Ya Alloh
@Ayu Ayla .
Mashallah, when I have listened his voice I feel very relaxed. I will pray for all of us
Ameen Ya Rabbil Aalameen
Ya Allah hr kisi ki zindgi sukoon sa brr dai Hazrat Mohammad (S.A.W) ki amal k wastay mri zindgi b sukoon aur khushyu sa brr dai .Ya Allah ahil-ummat k jawan ladkay ladkiyu ko sahii rasta dekha(aameeen)
Ameen Summa Ameen! Allahumma Swalli Wa Sallim Wa Barik Alai!
Ameen summa Ameen
Ameen Summa Ameen🕋
I am not muslim but listening always makes me feel peace. From Brazil.
become muslim
Why you don't learn about Islam. Just learn not become. Love from Indonesia
I am studying about Islam. 🙂
@@leticiarodrigues8771 all mighty Allah bles for you to come islam.
Quran(e majeed) provides a complete Code Of Life in such simple and easy to understand words. It's recitation opens up minds and hearts and once you read it, you will notice the difference. Listen more and more to it if it gives you peace and comfort. Salam!!!
ان الله وملائكته يصلون على النبي ياأيها الذين امنو صلو عليه وسلمو تسليما
علية افضل الصلاة والسلام
Ya Allah jadikanlah Aku dan ahli keluarga sebagaimana engkau menjadikan para sahabat Ra.
Ummat ummat yang kuat dan istiqomah di jalanmu.
Hingga kami sukses di puncak pengorbanan kami sebagai mana para sahabt Ra dan Rasulmu.. Aamiiin😭😭😭
Bacha nhe hain ap k pas
@@radenharyanto8044 ,💙💙💙💪💙💙
@@umarc786 aaaal a aaaalallllllaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaal
Saying "Men are Polygamous by Nature" is against Islam..?
Why do almost all Scholars claim that men are polygamous by nature with no Islamic claim? This makes men think it's okay to open doors and feel for multiple women, when in the west, where everyone is treated "equally" women are equally polygamous, cheating on their husbands, for "fun" not for "love or emotional" reasons as many put it.
This means that both sexes are vulnerable in the same way.
I think the society allows men to behave this way or think this way, because it's a male dominated world, and they supressed women since the beginning of time, when in the end, both men and women are the same, committing the same sins. However, the world makes it okay for men to be this way, claiming its their nature. Ever wonder why Muslim parents will abandon their daughters forever if they caught them speaking to a guy but will not do anything if their son goes out and sleeps around with women? Why is that? In the Shariah, both is a sin, both are haram!
True women may be of more fitnah towards men, because women have more awrah to cover, yet they fail to, but most men are naturally in hijab, hence the reason for lesser fitnah for women.
The Polygamy allowed also speaks about helping widows or orphans, anyone who can clearly study the Quran can understand that. The Sahabah and Prophets mostly married older women who had children from other men who had died. If men want to follow the example of the Prophet, they should follow it in the way he practiced it. Wars were common, many women were left without homes or men to take care of them. Had Allah disapproved, we would suffer social issues.
There are many many many men who are happy with one wife, who dare not think about other women. Even having a thought of a non-mahram while married is a huge sin, how can one approach the thought of Polygamy knowing this is wrong? We see here the clear reasons for Polygamy. Some claim their wife is too fat or too old so they want to get another wife? It's because women are too busy with children they don't have time to even think of getting another man. Though the arab world makes it look like women have no physical desires or feelings.
The fact that society has suppressed this, is proof why they claim "Men are Polygamous by nature" I would like to see any type of proof from Islam that this is true? Men were more free to do whatever they pleased, this is the real reason, before Islam and after Islam. It's not a religious view, its a social view.
We Muslims are taught to follow the Quran and refer to sunnah and hadeeth, if men want to remarry, then why dont they read the verse on polygamy and refer to the sunnah and hadeeth? There are clear hadeeths that our Prophet pbuh the sahabah remarried older women to help them and be noble men for the sake of allah subhanwaltala, not for sexual reasons as Scholars put it these days.
Also when Hazrat Ali wanted to take a second wife for the reasons I put above, it made Hzt Fatima upset and Prophet pbuh forbade Hazrat Ali remarrying a second wife.
So if anyone can show a claim from ISLAM that men are polygamous, I would like to see. Please don't bring sciencists' claims into this, because even they claim things that go against Islam.
اللهم ا نك عفو كريم تحب العفو فاعف عنا يا الله
Ya Allah protect me and heal me from Black magic and negative energy 🙏 I ask for your protection ..Astagfirullah..Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem..🙏
@@kadermontellakader3960 q
I am also praying for heal me and protect me from black magic and evil eye 🤲🏻
-(استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه).🍃
-(ولا اله الا انت سبحانك اني كنت من الظالمين).💙
-(سبحان الله).🌴
-(لا اله الا الله).🤍
-(الله اكبر).💜
-(اللهم صل علي نبينا محمد عدد ماذكره الذاكرون و عدد ما غفل عنه الغافلون).❤️
الله يبارك في عمرك ويرزقك الفردوس الاعلى من الجنه ياشيخنا المحترم جزاك الله خيرا الدنيا والآخرة ورزقك السعاده في الدارين ماشاءالله تبارك الرحمن صوت جميل جدا
اللهم اجعل القرآن الكريم ربيع قلوبنا ونور صدورنا ماشاء الله تبارك الله صوت جميل جدا بارك الله فيك يا شيخ
يا الله صوت جميل جدا الله اكبر عليك تبارك الرحمن الحمد الله على نعمة الإسلام والمسلمين اجمعين
my first quran reading in arabic from quran to follow him with 0.75 speed. Alhamdulliah Alhamdulliah...can't believe I can able to read Arabic verses...Alhamdulliah....
This the merical of Quran that non Arabic can read and memories Quran
استغفر الله العظيم واتوب اليه عدد خلقه ورضا نفسه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته.
Kami.sangat.menikmati.bacaan.Alquraan.pembacanya suara nyaring.dan.merdu
@@StoreSsh "
I m @@StoreSsh the Blanks
@@StoreSsh pppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplppppplppppplppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppppplpppppppppppppppppppppppppppplpppppppppppppppppppppplppppplplpplppppppppllplpppppphpplplllllllplllllppppppppkpp
Ya Allah, lembutkanlah hati kami sekeluarga, hindarkanlah dari sifat, sombong, iri dan dengki, berkahilah kehidupan kami sekeluarga🤲
This is the real cure for any pain,depression etc. Mashallah.
استغفر الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم واتوب اليه. الحمدلله
لااله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير
لا حول ولا قوة الا بالله العلي العظيم
سبحان الله العظيم رب العرش العظيم
الله اكبر
Soooooo beautiful voice 😍I listen everyday at night ماشاءالله تبارك الله
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه أجمعين
Alhamdullillah ada doa2semacam ini ,adem dengarkan bagi kita yg lagi berduka di tinggal suami selamax krn kecelakaan ,subhanAllah
Ibu sri saya berdoa semoga amalan suami ibu diterima disisi allah swt.dan diampuni dari segala dosanya, dan lapang alam kuburnya.dan diberi kebersihan dunia akherat amin.
lfkdfke0rdd1i. The
للهم إنا نسألك خير المسألة، وخير الدعاء، وخير النجاح، وخير العلم، وخير العمل، وخير الثواب، وخير الحياة، وخير الممات، وثبتنا، واهدنا، وسددنا، وأعنا، وأرشدنا، وأكرمنا، وثقل موازيننا، وحقق إيماننا، وارفع درجتنا، وتقبل صلاتنا، وأجب دعواتنا، واغفر خطيئاتنا، ونسألك العلا من الجنة. يا رب.
MashaAllah. Please pray for my son, he will have surgery today for his weakened retina to see again. May Allah give us strength, Allah is the most gracious, the most merciful, Aamiin...
I hope that your son is recovering well. Ameen!
Dear Rien, this is a month filled with mercy and Allah's blessings. Keep faith and lots of prayers. May Allah strengthen your son's sight. I will pray for him.
How is condition your son now??is he okay??
Allha will give him good health ishaa allha
Слушаю и все беды позади Впереди только всё самое светлое и хорошее наверное это Рай спасибо за чтение ❤❤❤
Moga Allah kurnia kesembuhan dengan segera dan tidak sakit semula selepasnya. Amin. (May Allah grant you fast recovery. Amin)
My bunny liked to listen to the Quranic recitation. I used to open it on TH-cam and leave it on for her. She would be calm and relaxed and then I would come in and go out and be a distraction to her and she would not be pleased, but was happy to see me.
@@ibrahimamairiga6106 ??
@@haslindaabdulrahman4198 ??
I am a Christian , beautiful recitation
يارب ارجع البيتي واهدي زوجي بقدرتك يارب عاجل ليس اجل🙏🙏🙏
اللهم اجعل القران ربيع قلوبنا وجلاء هموننا وذهاب احزننا وشفاء صدورنا وامرضنا ونور
@@iaadirana8155 l
Shahabuddni Bangladesh Muslim
I request everyone who is reading this please to make a dua for me, I have exams and stressfull period at school. May Allah bless you all
May Allah help everyone
May allah make easy your exam and everything that you do amen
May Allah makes easy your exam
Yes you will be in my prayer
ALLAH pak karm farmy
ap bi dua krna hamry leay dil sy
Subhan allah🤲 may Allah bring us all closer to Allah and put us all on the right path ameen 🙏
Hello kasi ho
Riplay jarur dena
Phone mi 7858855143
في غفهفهففعخ٨عهعفسفهسفههعفه٨٨ففسفعففغ٨غ٨فهفهصفففعفهفغه٨فغغهغفففففهحهفسففه٨فففف٨ههف٨هفع٨غعفهففهفففهسفففففخغعه٨فففهف٨فغ٨عفهفغ٨هغفهعفغف٨غ٨فخففهف٨غهففف٨فسهففغغفففغ٨غه٨غهعهغعاف٨فغفهفهففعخ٨هعفسفهسفههعفه٨٨القعقاع ففففففففه٨غغفهفففهغفهففه٦٨سفخ٨٧سف٨٨فعف٨فف٨سس٨٧ف٨هفففعفف٧ففغص٨عفغنفغف٨٧غغعففغفهفعه٦ف٨عف٨ف٨فف٨غ٨غفقبل ف٨٨٧غ٨ف٨ففففسغف٩٨سفهف٨٧ف٨فففصسهف٨٨٨فسسعفغهففيه من ٧عاغ٨غغغف٧غعآخر ففف٧غف٧٨فسخافصف٨٨٨غ٨فغغا٨عف٨٨٨ففعففففعف٨آخرهففف٨فغف٨ف ٧٨ف٦٨٩ف٨غفف٨ففف٧غف٧٨فسخافصف٨٨٨غ٨فغغا٨عف٨٨٨ففعففففعف٨آخرهففف٨الله
كنت هادين استمع إلا القرآن الكريم لان القران الكريم يهدي القلب والروح ونور صدري❤😢😭 🌷🌷⚘
Listening the Quran helps me to reduce the anxiety and paves the way of relax.
Mashallah subhaan Allah ❤️😘🥰
1very goood
Mashallah 😌❤🤲
We need to thank ALLAH for giving us The Holy Quran and all humans like Alafasy. May ALLAH. bless and guide him and his family
When I was a small child I was always searching for this connection with our Most Gracious ,Most Merciful ..ALLAH... This is the greatest accomplishment for all humans as we shall all return to our Creator in the end. Alhumdu ALLAH
Ll LPP pp
ya wanna
مشاء الله😍🤲تبارك الرحمان صدق الله العظيم
ادعولى لى بالهدايه ولاهلى ولخطيبى وربنا يصلح حالى وحياتى ويكشف ضرر ويردلى صحتى وعافيتى ويسامحنى
الله يهديك ويهدي كل مسلم ومسلمه ويحفظكم الله بحفظه المبين
Mendengarkan pengajian ini bikin hati tenang dan menusuk qolbuku yg paling dlm
Grid of
I listen this to fall asleep when I’m feeling anxiety. It’s so relaxing
Subhanallah Subhanallah wallahi I always wondered why is his name so popular in every Quran app or wherever you press Quran recitation his name shaikh mishary al afsi always pops up first I have always wondered and listened to his recitation once or twice but without paying full attention to it, and I always thought there must be something really good about him to be soo blessed and popular. I realised his name is more mentioned then most of the best imams of masjid haram mashallah Subhanallah I always wondered there’s something about this shaik and wallahi his Quran recitation touched my soul and woke me up from my sleep when I was listening to Subhanallah such a powerful beautiful voice Subhanallah I love him soo much wallahi the noor on his face really touches my heart it makes me wonder haw beautiful and blessed he his by the grace of Allah.
AaHey aa
Allah's will and blessing. MaashaALaahu laa hawla walaa quwwata illaa billaahil aliyyel alheem. Subhaanallaah..,
Ya Allah it’s unbelievable I just had one of the most heart touching dreams while I was listening to his recitation of the Quran surah bakara Subhanallah i was seeing this young boy in his late teens or early 20 who was reciting the Quran with soo much passion it is one of the most beautiful voice I have ever heard in my life Subhanallah it’s unbelievable the boy had this love amazing love and connection with the Quran and he was soo passionate about reciting the Quran in the most beautiful voice I ever heard I was taking to him at the end in a room where this old man was at sleep and these girls and boys where standing outside the room in a group having their conversation but watching him and listening to his beautiful voice from a distance outside the room the boy was reading the Quran in room and then I went next to the group talking to each other outside and I also hear two lads reading the Quran to one another competitively in such a beautiful style and they all having this love for the Quran it was something to ponder and wonder about for me Subhanallah once the boy finished reading the Quran I was talking to him trying to get advise what to do to read the Quran and haw to give my time for it because I wanted to have that passion like him. Once I woken up I realised it was shaikh mishary al afsis voice I was listening to the whole time throughout the most heart touching dreams I’ve had Subhanallah The blessings of Allah has touched this man uniquely mashallah Subhanallah May Allah guide us all and enlighten us with the beauty of the Quran (God’s words) ameen.
The will of Allah is really wonderful. MashaAllah..
اللهم صل وسلم على نبينا محمد وعلى آله وصحبه وسلم تسليما كثيرا كثيرا كثيرا الى يوم الدين عدد ما ذكره الذاكرون وعدد ما غفل عنه الغافلون
Masyaallah Allahuakbar merinding bulu romaku mendengar syekh mengaji Alquran sampai bertemu disurganya Allah syekh.amin yarobbal alamin.❤️🙏❤️👍👍
Bismilllahirahman neeraheem ASALAMU ALAIKUM Warahmattulahi Wabarakatuhu Shiekh if ican understand these Reciting or verses regarding our prophet Mohamed Sallalah Walaihi Wslm And his Companions then it's easy for me to spread news regarding our intire Prophets that was close to our Nabhi Mohamed Sallalah Walaihi Wslm And Omar Raddiyaaloo Anha and Aboobakar Raddiyaaloo Anha and Nabhi Moosa Raddiyaaloo Anna And allother Prophets that was Chosen by our Prophet Sallalah walaihi Wslm before he gave his life up to his ummah and thee Ummati he chose Abboobakar Raddiyaaloo Anha it was a Shock for every one when our beloved died those that killed him it was a Shock to all these Companions and thee Ummah thats a great Leader of our Prophet Mohamed Sallalah Walaihi Wslm And Omar Raddiyaaloo Anha he was Our Prophet s right hand may our. Ummah and Ummati be aware of thee Goodness of our Deen and not forgetting these people that's so broken inside thier hearts has no where to go and the only way is to put our trust in Allah and his righteous path of our hadith Macallan Shower his Choicest Blessings upon thee Shiekh that's Reciting And also thank Shiekh Sulieman for also spreading the news About our prophet s may Allah bless him but we have to seek some guidance to get lots of Rizq and Donations towards our ummah and Ummati and please support our people and every one that really is in need of there inquirements Please Salman Khan can yourself get of o your stars in Bollywood to Collect a good a.ount to provide these people that's Suffering. SHIE FROM all kinds of sustainable Saman Khan the Bollywood star you.ll Inshaalah will be rewarded by Allah with lots khair and Barkah in your life and your family as well ALLAHUMA EENEE ZiKrika Wal Shukrika Wa Husna Ibaaditik Allah Hafiz
جزاك الله كل خير شيخنا الفاضل تبارك الله ماأجمل صوتك
Most newbies fail simply because they don't understand how the market works in general or in particular how the market relates to stock or currency pair they entering. If a retail trades doesn't grasp what the market makers are doing and when they are doing it, the greatest strategy in the world will fall. For new traders the markets are like entering an F1 race before you've passed your drivers license test. I am a beginner I never believe I made $30,000 in just 1 week from trading and with the market. an expert financial analysis and he made me learn to read and understand the language of price action. He guides me with the exact time frame to trade and now I just received me first withdrawals of $30k in my bank account today I'm very happy, my advice is for you to contact him he will guide you perfectly well, and thank me later, I guess this is a good way to show my heartfelt appreciation for literally breaking the chain of my financial debit when I needed it most.
@Rahiba Baloch the. A
@Rahiba Baloch the.
جزاك الله كل خيرا يا شيخنا الفاضل فتبارك الله ما أجمل صوتك ( وليس جزاك الله كل خير شيخنا الفاضل تبارك الله ما أجمل صوتك ) للتصحيح فقط وشكرا
I have final exam tomorrow and please pray for me to get good marks
Love listening this🥰
حبيبي م
inshaAllah :)
Ameen Sum Ameen
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد يحيي ويمت وهو على كل شيء قدير أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن سيدنا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم نبيا و رسولا
When I feel pain and alone , I will start listening Al-baqarah and then I feel good myself 😢😢😢❤
Yes, true.
The true
Masa alloh
Aslkm masa alloh
@@y_yase قبققق4ق44ققققثقققق4ثق4قق44قق4444٣ق4ق4قق4444ثق4٣ققث٣4ثق4ثق4قققثثثث33ث444ثثثثقق4ثقق4ثقق4قث43ث٣ثثثثق٣ققثثثثقثثققثثثق4قثث3ثققثققققثث4ققثثقث٣ق٣4٣ثث٣ق4ثثث٣٣ث4قث٣ق4ث
As Salaamu Alaykum WaRahmatuallahi WaBarakatuh Companions of the last Messenger peace and blessings be upon him and all of you & Your Families. Good morning (from Newark, New Jersey). Love yoy all for the sake of Allah He is pleased with you all. Have a nice day. Insha'Allah
Wa alaikum assalam. I am from India ( Kerala)
@@ansaransar8158 me to im from India 🇮🇳
وعليك السلام اهلا وسهلا بك اخوك من العراق
Salam aleykoum wa rahmatulahy wa barakat cheick alfasy. J'apprends la lecture avec ta voix. Quel émotion et honneur que je ressens. Qu'Allah protège tous les Muslims du monde dans leur tawahid et dans leur tajwid. Amine Amine
***True love = the love of God!*** God himself went to the cross for you out of love for you as a human being Philippians 2:5-8
في التلاوة القديمة سورة البقرة بتاخد 205دقيقة وفي التلاوة الجديدة المصحف بالقراءات العشرة بتاخد213دقيقة فرق8دقايق راحة وهدوء ربي يسعدلي قلبك وروحك دكتور مشاري ❤
"إن مُحمدًا له في القلب حُبًّا.. فصَلُّوا عليه كَي يزيد الحُب حُبًّا."❤️
Еврейский университет в Иерусалиме - на рекордном месте среди лучших вузов мира.
Согласно Шанхайскому рейтингу вузов за 2022 год, опубликованному 15 августа, Еврейский университет поднялся на 13 позиций и занял 77-е место среди 100 лучших университетов мира и первое место среди высших учебных заведений Израиля.
Список ведущих университетов мира открывает Гарвардский университет, за ним идут Стэнфордский университет, Массачусетский технологический институт, Кембриджский университет и Калифорнийский университет в Беркли.
Как и в прошлом году, три израильских университета вошли в число 100 лучших учебных заведений мира. Помимо Еврейского университета это Технион в Хайфе и Институт Вейцмана в Реховоте, разделившие 83-е место.
Шанхайский рейтинг вузов считается одним из самых надежных в академический сфере. При составлении рейтинга учитывают такие критерии как количество преподавателей и выпускников, получивших Нобелевскую и Филдсовскую премии, а также объем и качество публикаций в ведущих научных журналах.
В рейтинг вошли около 2500 вузов. Среди 100 лучших учебных заведений 39 находятся в США, девять - в Китае, восемь - в Великобритании, семь - в Австралии, пять - в Канаде, по четыре во Франции и Германии и три в Израиле טיפול השתלת שיניים זהו הליך רפואי המבוצע ע"י רופא שיניים מוסמך בעת שלמטופל יש מחסור בשיניים, שיניים חולות או שילוב של השניים. אורך ההשתלה ואיכות השתלים עשויים להשתנות בהתאם לשיטת ההשתלה וסוג השתל.
לכן, מומלץ לבצע את כל הבדיקות המתאימות לפני שמקבלים את ההחלטה להתחיל טיפול במרפאה מסוימת. לדבר ובוודאי לחייך, השתלת שיניים מהירה מאפשרת לחזור לתפקוד מלא של הלסת ביום שלמחרת הטיפול. השינוי הדרסטי הזה הסיר למעשה את החסם הגדול ביותר של מטופלים מפני הטיפול ופתח בפניהם את היכולת לשפר את איכות החיים מבלי לסבול מתקופת ביניים ארוכה ומייסרת אינה מחזיקה שן או שתל לאורך חודשים ארוכים. במצב כזה הגוף "מבין" שאין צורך יותר בעצם הלסת היכן שהייתה השן החסרה ולכן, הוא סופג את חומרי הבניין של העצם כדי להשתמש בהם במקומות אחרים ולמעשה
May Allah forgive us, And this is the best reciter in the globe 🌎😊😊
Ameen Dont let shaytan controll you
👆 wit;-=-:-)
Masha Allah, its very peacefull
and Heart touching Tilawat-e- Qur'an !!
الله ❤ω❤ 🫶 ن االله و حبينا محمد صلي الله عليه و❤ سلم ❤❤❤يا الله عليه سلام ❤❤❤يا الله 😍🥰😘
One of my favorite qari mashary beautiful voice heart touching..bless to all Muslims and we are proud to be Muslims ameen
أبا لا
@@iramsadiya1572 ةي
D no
Je vous remercie beaucoup monsieur Michary Rachid pour cette belle recitation de Koran.
MashaAllah ..May Allah keep all of us in his blessing always aameen. I request to all to pray for my daughter 10 years to recover from roohani problem. Kindly pray for her name emaan . jazakAllah
fi aminillah
Insa Allah
❤❤❤ اللهم وان القلوب جنودا مجندة ما تااءلاف منها ااتلاف وماتنافر منها اختلف اللهم وثبت قلوبنا علي دينك
Ya Allah cabut kn lh peyakit saya mendengar ayat"mu ya Allah 🙏🙏🙏
@Ayu Ayla makaksih
Pray for me my All brothers and sisters
I am cancer patient.
God bless
Allah* not God
prayed and will keep praying
Allah ap ki shifa dy Ameen
Walakaam salaam
Inshallah you will get cured. Just be patient, sometimes Allah test's you that way.
I will also pray for you.
Ya Allah ya Robbi.. sembuhkanlah anak hamba
Ma shaa allah , i need support
ya allah ampuni semua kesalahn keluarga ku,jauhkan dari segala penyakit jauhkn kami ,sembunyikn kami dari orang "yg zolim,aamiin
Sob7anallah sa apaise et touche directement le cœur. Merci pour cette récitation mashallah
Subhan ALLAH Marhaba Jazak ALLAH
machallah, Jazaaka'ALLAH sheik Alafasy
سبحان الله عدد خلقه وزنة عرشه ومداد كلماته ❤
Subahan Allah... Jazakallahu Khaira.....😮
I like your beautiful recitation... Alhmdulillah.
@@nazaroni4779 subscribe to my channel
اللهم حبب إلينا الإيمان وزينه في قلوبنا وكره إلينا الكفر والفسوق والعصيان
Assalamu alaikum
احلى شاء في الدنيا والآخرة الحمد الله على نعمة الإسلام والمسلمين اجمعين يا الله
Every time I listen to this Surah I feel happy Mashallah your voice is beautiful 😊❤❤
Alhamdulilah ❤️ 🌙 Qu'Allah pardonne nos parants ainsi Que Nous Amina ALLAH à Nous tous Amina ALLAH
La iLaha illallah Muhammad Rasool ALLAH paix et salut sur le Prophète Amina ALLAH ❤️
Alhamdulilah ❤️ ALLAHO AKABAR 🌙 Amina ALLAH à Nous tous Amina ALLAH
- si dieu le veut
RAHI ALLAHU ANHU. (May Allah be pleased with him} and forgive him of his sins. Rest in peace, Sheikh.
He is not needed. Stop it or delete this comment
ماشاء الله، بارك الله فيكم، وحفظكم، تلاوه راعه ومباركه وعطره،.
الله ض
La ilah ila Allah wa Allahu Akbar wa La hawla wala 9owata ila bi llah 3ali 3adem Allah huma salé wa Salam wa Barak 3ala Nabiyna Muhammad wa 3ala Alehi wa Ashabehi AJma3en ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Wonderful recitation.
Jazak Allahu Khaira
h h XI u
h yg u XII u XII XIII🙄😀
h XI u yg no h yg🤔
So beautiful recitation of Baqarah. I used to listen to this version many years ago, brings back memories. Jazakallahu khayran shaykh.
I want to add the sound quality is superb mashaAllah. I used to listen to the tape on a small tape player. I guess you did a remaster on this because it's such a great quality.l alhamdulillah
@@abusafiyyah2 b
Ta de de eh gym
Alhamdulilah AlhamdulilahAlhamdulilah your beautiful voice of recitation has given me all I want in my heart and soul.
May almighty Allah blessings be upon us in his world,for he our life of this world. Amen.
gfftvttgrtc fftvftrtcfggcttftct ft gttcgctttttf
لا اله الا الله وحده لا شريك له له الملك وله الحمد وهو على كل شيء قدير ،،
Aslamu Alaikum my dear brothers and sister., my mother passed away. Please ask dua to her to Allah may grant her Jennathul Firdaus. Aameen. , please! Please. Allah may bless you for the duas that you ask for my beloved mother. Aameen. أمين
لا حول ولا قوة إلا بالله
Ameen!! Summa أمين
May Allah grant her jannat-ul-Firdous
Waalaikumusalam. May Allah s.w.t forgives your beloved Mother and may she be placed in Jannatul Firdausi. Aamiin.
You take care and be strong. May you be blessed with good health, great wealth and abundance of iman. Aamiin.
Assalamualaikum bros and sis's i still need your duas because i have not yet found my dead mothers body which was removed from her grave. besides that MAY ALLAH ACCEPT OUR FASTING AND MAY HE REWARD US ACCORDINGLY ALLAHUMA AMEEN.
Why would someone do thar
The dead Body is gone or what authobillah
Insallah Bro
Assalamowalaikum all, I lost my father more then one year ago. Always pray to Allah so that I can see my mother at least once again in life. She is far away from me. For covid I can't go and see her. Even I couldn't go after my father passed away, same reason for covid. Please pray for my mother so Allah keeps her healthy and atleast give me a chance to hug her once. Amin
Don't worry inshallah 1 day u will hug her i don't know u but u are Muslim allah keep u safe and your family
Make dua for them Full fill Salah and inshalla ya rabb saves you and your family from hell fire 🔥😌 I pray for you my brother Allahuakbar
Aselamu Aleikum Sister Allah SWT giws You sabur in Shaa Allah Tekabel your d'uva Sister diss its d'uva for healt Allahuma inni as aluka al afijah .Rabbuna Atina fid Dunija Hasanah Allahuma Rabbana -nas az -hibil bas washfihi Anta ash-Shafi la Shifa aila Shifa,Shifa an la yughadiru sakamaa.
La Shifa illa Shifauk.Ameen Summa Ameen
Allah may give her long life. and protect her from any desease.
ALLAH ALLAH masyaALLAH ta BarakaALLAH ya sheikh mushury Rashid Alfasy ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍🤍🧡🧡💙💙🤎🤎🤎💜💜💛🖤💚💚🩶🩶🩷🩷💙💙💙🤍🤍🩶🩶🩶🩷🩷🩷❤️❤️❤️🧡🧡💛💛🩵🩵
الحمد الله على القران والشكر لله،
Astaghfirullah x3
Alhamdullilah x3
Subhanallah x3
Allahu Akbar x3
May Allah forgive all of our sins and grant us all jannah. Ameen
I love baqara so much and the most important is Allah I love Allah so much ❤️
رب أرزقني تلك الفرحة التي انتظرها رب اجب لي تلك الدعوة التي قلبي يشتاق لها ❤
Mashallah beautiful right. May Allah forgive all our sins and help us in this hard covid time
Me by 😷
Ma sha Allah so powerfull voice may Allah give hadaya all of us Ameen 🇵🇰🇵🇰🇵🇰
H Jun ehrj
الله يعزك ياشيخنا...
صدقت... يامزمار الحق❤
@@املمحمد-ه7ب what is your name??