I like the “greetings loved ones” intro, but I WILL lose my mind if you dont add “let’s take a journey” afterwards. At least some of the time, that’s all I ask
I am very prone to UTIs also! I take a cranberry supplement daily and avoid baths. I haven't had one in about 2 years! I also drink lots of water & avoid perfumed body washes.
You should look up d-mannose! It’s a much stronger supplement that is basically just a sugar your body doesn’t process but UTI bacteria sticks to. It’s actually the stuff in cranberry juice that helps it flush out the bacteria better than water!
Definitely take a probiotic regularly if you suffer from chronic yeast infections! I'm prone to them as well and taking a probiotic regularly really helps. I try my best to avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine and simple carbs (white flour, bread and baked goods) when I have a yeast infection because that will feed it and prolong the symptoms. Also wanted to add: before my bf and I engage in any sexy times, we both wash our downstairs quickly so we don't spread any bacteria back and forth and we do this right after as well. It seems a little tedious at first but now its just routine! I have seen a huge difference in the frequency of my infections since we started doing this.
I used to do that to, I mean I washed before and after sex, and I kept getting yeast infections regularly. When I told my doctor he informed me that washing your genitals too much will probably kill your vaginal flora and make you prone to get an infection, specially if you’ve had some before (I’m spanish so I don’t know if I’m using the right words so sorry if my explanation doesn’t make sense hahahaha)
meg i actually sent u a sleep balm i made out of beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils in ur p.o. box a few weeks back so that might help if u incorporate it with what u already doing!! and i get a lot of yeast infections and i always put a little bit of coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree and just put her on down there. it kinda gives a “warming” sensation so don’t be alarmed if it happens. good luck woman
I had a yeast infection that would not go away last summer. I tried taking an oral pill and using cream and that didn’t work. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me a suppository which cleared it up instantly. I know you said you didn’t want to rely on the doctor but it honestly helped so much and I’ve not had one since (although, I sympathise with you as I live in Scotland and didn’t have to pay a thing as we have free healthcare). Also, men can be carriers of yeast infections (without any symptoms) and can pass them back to you. So the doctor recommended that partners could apply the cream as well just in case 😊
This is seriously my favorite channel. I get so excited when I see your videos in my feed. They are so calming and help me feel centered. Thank you for being real and being you! ❤️
Hey Megan!! I work in a natural health food store and we see the reaccuring yeast infections SO often. The reason for this is because once you have the yeast/bacteria Candida in your system, it is veerrrry hard to get rid of. We see the most success when people do a Candida cleanse. One that’s really great is by the brand Renew Life, it’s a 14 day (I believe) cleanse that comes with a diet that refrains from sugars, carbs, white processed foods, all of which the Candida feed off of. depending on the severity of the yeast, you may have to do multiple cleanse back to back to really insure the yeast is gone Until you give the yeast a chance to starve and die off, they will continue to fed and regenerate more of themselves. Another thing that helps is a product called Candizyme. This is an enzyme that helps to break down the hard shell coating around the yeast cell so that your body CAN break it down and expel it. Some other things that can be beneficial and help symptoms are a lukewarm bath with apple cider vinegar. Just enough water to cover ya girl, with about 1/2 cup to a cup of ACV. Kind of splash it up there and that is SO cooling. Raw coconut oil, lather that shit up and get it up in there! Such antibacterial and antifungal. The oregano oil is GREAT, keep it up because your immune system would be very compromised right now. All in all, look into “Candida overgrowth”, overthinking, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, are allll signs of a overgrowth of the beastie, yeasties! We have all been there! Take action while you can because it’s something you’ve gotta deal with or it will continue to overgrown:( (I had this issue last year and since I did the cleanse and diet for about a month, no more yeast infections!!!) if you can’t find the products in the states and are interested, we have them on our website, healthyvibe.com & we ship out to the states weekly!!!! Good luck :) xoxoxo
Molly Meier raw garlic is the most magic of natural remedies! She should definitely try eating a clove a day- it makes you a bit smelly, but it works wonders on whatever ails you!
Yes raw garlic and also cooked. I put a few cloves in my oatmeal even lol. Also PROBIOTIC THAT NEEDS REFRIGERATION forever Jarrow brand is good and take KYOLIC brand GARLIC forYEAST ISSUES CAPSULES every day. VITACOST.com is cheapest. Apple cider vinegar w lemon 🍋 water 💦 or lemonade. Bathe w apple cider vinegar or splash some on there I keep it on the tub 🛀 w a little cup to water it down if needed and use all over face and body as toner. The smell dissipates don’t worry. Much heal
Those blueberry muffins look so good I wish there was a recipe! 🥺If you ever decide to make blueberry muffins from scratch and they come out good I’d love to see a baking video! Honestly just baking videos in general I AM HERE FOR THEM!!! 💗
Hi Meg, I’m a pharmacist and have also have a personal history of suffering from chronic yeast infections, so I just wanted to add my two cents! I tried everything (prescription and holistic), and what works best for me by far is boric acid! The best part is that you don’t need to get a prescription, you can make it yourself! Just buy boric acid powder over the counter, and fill empty capsules (I use vegetarian capsules, you can usually get them in bulk at co-ops or natural food stores), with the powder. Insert a capsule vaginally two times a week to start, then take it down to once a week. It won’t treat an infection but it will prevent them if used regularly. I really hope this helps because this truly helped me and I was suffering so long before finding out that I could just prevent them myself. Much love 💗
Take note of everything you are putting in and around your body (I know that you're pretty aware) :) If you got a yeast infection after being in the lake, it could be because of a soggy bathing suit worn too long. To keep the good bits dry: wear loose clothing, do not wear satiny panties!! I only wear cotton or hemp and I havent gotten a yeast infection since high school when I used to get them monthly. Yes, coconut oil topically could be good, could also do weird things to the ph. raw garlic or supplements are great as are oregano oil for candida. Also make sure before funky time your hands are super clean and that if you're using condoms that you're not allergic to latex (one of the main causes of my previous issues) also just make sure that you've got plenty of lube so that things don't rub raw and cause inflammation (the juice helps clean the bacteria as it discharges)
Emily the clean hands tip is important! Especially if you don’t clean under your nails (or your partner doesn’t)! Also peeing and rinsing after helps, also important after a swim to pee and rinse!
i’ve started drinking kombucha daily to prevent yeast infections! cranberry juice is also always reliable (i mix it with ginger ale to have it be a bit more refreshing and different) also no baths anymore:/
Hi! I used to be a pharmacy tech :) You may need more than 1 treatment of diflucan to get rid of the infection. The one time I got a yeast infection, I had to take 3 or 4 treatments (1 per week) until I finally got rid of it. You can also get it prescribed with refills if you get them often. In Canada, diflucan can be bought over the counter (but it's kept behind the counter and you have to ask for it) so it may be cheaper and more time efficient for you to just pop into a drugstore to get it rather than go through your doctor. Hope I could help :)
Coconut oil! I've never done anything else. Just rub it up in there Haha I only did some brief research on it, so you might want to look further into it. But it works. May take longer for it to go away versus like a monastat or whatever the doctor would give. But it's cheaper (by a hella lot) and helps ease the symptoms by a lot too! I shower in the morning, so I'd put some on right after the shower. Midday I'd clean up with just some water and towel or paper towel and then reapply. Sorry if this is tmi to anyone...even though its not.. 😂 anyway good luck!
Drinking less tea might help! And specifically plain lemon tea, i was told to avoid it and it definitely helped! Also a bit wierder, but if you fill something like a bidet, or a bucket or something and sort of sit on it (not touching the water!!) with really hot water, the steam helps with cleaning out the bacteria apparently! Hope you get better
Major tip I got from my doctor about UTIs: make sure you completely dry off before putting clothes on! Also, what helped me a lot for my last UTI was drinking tons and tons of water to flush out my system as well as fresh**** cranberry juice I made (literally just cranberries and water) and I incorporated them into my fruit smoothies. The other thing i did was switch over to cotton underwear and unscented soaps and laundry detergents. Hope this helps bc UTIs are the worst
Have you looked into bacterial vaginosis? I thought I was suffering from chronic yeast infections for a whole year. I was so uncomfortable, itchy, had discharge that was a bit more funky than normal discharge. Ever since I did a treatment, and have been very meticulously keeping my feminine area as dry as possible and I haven’t had any discomfort or abnormal discharge in months. I finally feel normal again. I highly highly recommend looking into it!
Hey Meghan :) I had one yeast infection but after every treatment it would come back in a few days- lasted me THREE months (and really didn‘t go well with sexy time). I dicovered taking oregano oil (which is disgusting so really consinder capsules). After one day I noticed that my body fluids were notmal again and after i took it for two weeks I was able to stop taking the drops. It kills bacteria, especially fungus, so it takes some time for your body to restore your flora. It also helps me with other bacterial related ilnesses, would highly recommend :) If it does not go away maby consider getting vaccinated, at least thats an option here in germany to treat reaccuring yeast infections.
I wore the cucumber and mint scent native deodorant for the first time on a night out and I had literally everyone who greeted me with a hug tell me I smelled amazing. If it’s seasonal I’m gonna need 👏🏼 backups.
Take a half cup of vinegar and put it in your bath. Once or twice a week and it should help the infection go away. Can be distilled or apple cider vinegar. Worked wonders for my mother in law!☺️
I RELATE SO HARD!!! I get so many yeast infections. But they’ve literally gone away since I started taking the probiotic you recommended a while ago, (it came back once I forgot to take them for a few weeks or course) so anyways, I feel you girl
I second the boric acid comments! Also, yeast arrest is a great herbal suppository that has worked really well for me in the past, pretty sure its on amazon!
Juiced parsley and garlic (it tastes horrible and can upset your stomach so don’t over due it. I do about a tablespoon of each or less in a glass of water) it’s great for helping bacteria down there work themselves out
Hey gamer girl muffin mama. Have you played harvest moon ever? It’s a farming game and it’s OG and omg it’s the best. Especially if you aren’t like a hardcore gamer because it’s super calming and you can go at your own pace in the game. It’s not one of those games that gives you anxiety or makes you angry because you loose every five seconds lol. You can’t loose in the game. I srsly recommend this game. Been playing Harvest Moon since the Nintendo 64 days 😍😬😬😍
Watership down is also based on World War 2 retold somehow (I'm not exactly sure how haha). Also, I really recommend you go to the Oregon Country Fair! Its on the 12-14 of July! I won't be going this year but I have gone before and think you would just love it! Its very hippy but I think you would love it!
Cranberry supplements help a lot with all my feminine issues! I used to get UTI's and yeast infections multiple, multiple times a year. I take the supplements every day and have noticed a considerable difference!
I’ve been looking into using a natural deodorant the only thing is that I sweat a lot and I don’t want to get pit stains. Do the native come in a gel stick that is the only kind I’ve found that helps me with the sweating.
Try using coconut oil! It's safe to use inside&out and has antimycotical properties. Just be aware that it makes latex condoms porous. Hope this helps!
Not sure if you've talked about this before but I just started using Myro deodorant and it's been great! They send you refills in a little box and end up using 50% less packaging than your average stick. Plus it's vegan, cruelty free, no aluminum, etc.
I have also recurring yeast infections ... Is the worst. so obviously taking daily probiotics helps I've also done a vaginal probiotic treatment which helps stabilize the pH of your vaginal flora. I had a yeast infection that lasted literally 3 months this is how I got rid of it: (obviously consult with your gyno or a medical professional) I did get this treatment from my gynecologist. You take 1 pill of fluconazole if in 3 days you still have symptoms you take another one and if in 3 days you still have symptoms take another one. To sum it up 3 pills in total. It did the trick .Since I'm still very sensitive I always take my probiotics and the vaginal one from time to time. Avoid sugars because 'sugary pee" will increase the odds of getting another yeast infection. I only use cotton underwear and change it 2 a day (annoying I know but it's what works for me) from time to time I also do white vinegar baths basically dillute white vinegar in a big bowl/container (you have to sit inside) and sit for 20 minutes. Hope it helps believe I know it sucks so much
I’m sure you’ve tried this, but you can get over the counter miconazole at any drugstore (I usually CVS brand) and it’s worked for me every time along with a probiotic and no sugar for a bit. Yours may be different and more persistent but I’ve never had to use a prescription drug for yeast infection!!
For me, it was a gluten sensitivity. Your symptoms sound very familiar. I did an elimination diet and it cleared in about 2 weeks. I'd still recommend over the counter monistat or whatever brand you like to help with the discomfort.
Meghan Hughes I highly recommend. I had the issue since I was a child, no medication keep it away for very long. It was kind of a unintended but awesome side effect of trying to fix my diet.
I have a couple book recommendations! A Man Called Ove is a very wholesome and sweet novel, and I believe it's a movie too! Otherwise, there's this amazing Minnesotan author, William Kent Krueger, (my home state- visit the northern part sometime :) ) who writes mystery novels that revolve a lot around nature and the landscape of the area. Two great ones are Ordinary Grace & Desolation Mountain.
Eat yogurts, try to avoid sugar and use condoms. I also have many yeast infections and I’ve find that that helps me, but what helps me the most are always the vaginal prebiotic ovules or antibiotic ovules (I don’t know if the last ones contain actual antibiotic but I know I can’t get them without the prescription of a doctor) Also, I can’t remember from any of your videos if you are on some kind of birth control but if you are using one keep in mind that it may be the cause of your frequents infections. And always use cotton underwear! I hope this is of any help hahaha
Probiotics probiotics probiotics for yeast infections. I used to have terrible yeast infections super often and they only left once I was consistently taking probiotics EVERYDAY. Specifically probiotic acidophilus. ALSO (this may be TMI) but if your partner does not wash their bits often enough, and you’re sexually active, you will get yeast infections v often!
My gyno prescribed anti fungal cream and suppository that gets rid of the yeast infection, but she told me they are really irritating for your vagina and basically you have to give it some time to heal otherwise it's gonna come right back! She said to use calendula suppositories for a while, they're a bit messy (wear a panty liner) but it works! I used calendula cream on the outside too just to be sure. Also wear only cotton panties, and if you use pads and tampons then only the organic cotton ones.
Tbh YES if you were swimming and then stayed in your swimsuit after you can definitely get yeast infections that way!! After I swim I make sure to get out of my suit immediately and give myself some naked time to dry out down there. I’ll even blow dry on low down there after I bath, cuz I get them from the tub too.
If you're worried about reoccurring yeast infections, you should look into the Candida Diet! I'm starting it just this week and it is really hard but I'm pretty desperate at the this point. I also just did not realize how sugar/alcohol/yeast dependent I actually was. Even if you don't do the full on diet/cleanse like I am, its worth a shot trying to be more mindful when you do consume those things!!! Good luckkk this shit sucks and I'm sorry you're going through it!!!
Boric acid vaginal suppositories are the ticket. You can get them from amazon and it takes maybe 3 days. Use 1 each night. I had recurring yeast infections and started this and now if I feel it coming I use one and I am good.
To be HONEST I had the same problem went to the gyno, they had a paid case study for women who frequently get yeast infections like Constantly. Turned out I didn’t have one but it might be worth it looking for the study
Take a cranberry pill every day and it will help with the yeast infections. Also azo has a pill for them and they help as well. Besides that just take showers and try not to use scented soaps.
GIRL. I had a yeast infection following a week on antibiotics and I had to go back to the doctors office to get a prescription, and my yeast infection test came back negative and I STILL HAD TO PAY $185 FOR THE OFFICE VISIT!!!! I was so heated. Anyway I finally got over my frickin yeast infection weeks later by using boric acid suppositories for 3 or 4 days in a row. Check em out if you haven’t already! They have a bunch on amazon
Yes! Oregano oil has helped so much with my gut health. My Gastro Doctor told me to try it to help with my Crohn's disease and it has really helped me with inflammation, but it also helps fight fungal and bacterial infections. For anyone who hates the taste of oregano oil they sell organic oregano oil in capsules on Amazon and most health food stores.
I relate to the yeast infection issue! My dr just gave me an anti fungal cream and it makes it go away temporarily but then it will come back. I’ve tried taking herbal supplements to help my immune system. But again, they keep coming back! Idk what to do at this point!
try oh my gaia natural deodorant! i work at a natural food store in eastern washington so i got it as a sample and fell in love!! also it’s local and just an amazing product
yeast likes gluten, dairy, and sugar. cutting those out is the only thing that has worked to stop my frequent, severe yeast infections. I like to think of it as keeping my body a hostile yeast environment. I'm not super strict about it but it still definitely helps a lot
Are you sure the yeast infections aren’t BV? I had a bunch of reoccurring YI and when i finally treated It with medications for BV It went away. The symptoms are extremely similar!
Bro I so understand. I get yeast infections ALL the time. Its annoying because people just think im unsanitary or some shit🙄..But anyways when i started taking gummy probiotics everyday they halted, no joke, and they only come back when i forget to buy more
Walmart carries UTI meds for about 7$ for me I carry the package with me wherever I go bc I’m prone to UTIs too& usually all I need to do is take the pills for TOPS three days, but the pills help so much that all you need to do is take the pills ONCE that day & you’ll be comfortable the whole day, then I repeat the next couple days til I feel no symptoms
If you are prone to getting yeast infections, I would completely avoid using any products (not even natural things or essential oils) anywhere near your downstairs we have a specific Ph there that has to be kept the same and in balance , the imbalance created by using products with irritants or other levels of Ph including long exposure to water like soaking (for example sitting in a lake with many organisms etc in it) it will give you an infection, also lack of sleep and high stress!! and too much sugar in your diet can effect it too!
ps !! I have started commenting more cause i didnt realize that you dont really get that many comments on videos until i watched your “reading comments” video
A couple years ago I would get yeast infections EVERY month. My family doctor wasn't any help (she legit told me to just go get the diflucant every time and stop going to see her for that), and so I went to another doctor who actually told me that since my boyfriend of the time and I weren't wearing any condoms (we knew we were clean and took the pill), that he actually had the yeast infection (men can have them, they just don't have any symptoms), and so every sexual intercourse we had he would re-infect me. And to be honest, that makes a lot of sense because since I've broken up with him (two years ago!) , I've only had one other yeast infection. So I don't know what your situation with Fin is, but I thought I'd share!
A little personal but I used to get yeast infections and UTIs SOO fucking much. I literally tried everything under the sun to cure them and my gyno literally told me “some people just get them more than others” 🙄 I think it ended up being a mixture of things. Once I stopped sleeping with my regular partner I stopped getting them. Since then I have a new partner and haven’t gotten either infection. So part of me wants to blame it on my first partner’s hygiene LOL. But I have also gone vegan since then and I’m thinking that is also part of the reason they’ve gone away but I’m not completely sure... They really really suck! Especially when you’re doing everything right haha. I hope you figure it out soon!!!
I like the “greetings loved ones” intro, but I WILL lose my mind if you dont add “let’s take a journey” afterwards. At least some of the time, that’s all I ask
“You traded tomatoes for me?!” Is my new favorite cryptic message
I am very prone to UTIs also! I take a cranberry supplement daily and avoid baths. I haven't had one in about 2 years! I also drink lots of water & avoid perfumed body washes.
You should look up d-mannose! It’s a much stronger supplement that is basically just a sugar your body doesn’t process but UTI bacteria sticks to. It’s actually the stuff in cranberry juice that helps it flush out the bacteria better than water!
Definitely take a probiotic regularly if you suffer from chronic yeast infections! I'm prone to them as well and taking a probiotic regularly really helps. I try my best to avoid sugar, alcohol, caffeine and simple carbs (white flour, bread and baked goods) when I have a yeast infection because that will feed it and prolong the symptoms.
Also wanted to add: before my bf and I engage in any sexy times, we both wash our downstairs quickly so we don't spread any bacteria back and forth and we do this right after as well. It seems a little tedious at first but now its just routine! I have seen a huge difference in the frequency of my infections since we started doing this.
I used to do that to, I mean I washed before and after sex, and I kept getting yeast infections regularly. When I told my doctor he informed me that washing your genitals too much will probably kill your vaginal flora and make you prone to get an infection, specially if you’ve had some before (I’m spanish so I don’t know if I’m using the right words so sorry if my explanation doesn’t make sense hahahaha)
meg i actually sent u a sleep balm i made out of beeswax, coconut oil, and essential oils in ur p.o. box a few weeks back so that might help if u incorporate it with what u already doing!! and i get a lot of yeast infections and i always put a little bit of coconut oil with a few drops of tea tree and just put her on down there. it kinda gives a “warming” sensation so don’t be alarmed if it happens. good luck woman
I had a yeast infection that would not go away last summer. I tried taking an oral pill and using cream and that didn’t work. I went to the doctor and she prescribed me a suppository which cleared it up instantly. I know you said you didn’t want to rely on the doctor but it honestly helped so much and I’ve not had one since (although, I sympathise with you as I live in Scotland and didn’t have to pay a thing as we have free healthcare).
Also, men can be carriers of yeast infections (without any symptoms) and can pass them back to you. So the doctor recommended that partners could apply the cream as well just in case 😊
I'm sure your dress is thrifted but I absolutely love it. Your whole look in this video is giving me study date at the library vibes
This is seriously my favorite channel. I get so excited when I see your videos in my feed. They are so calming and help me feel centered. Thank you for being real and being you! ❤️
Hey Megan!! I work in a natural health food store and we see the reaccuring yeast infections SO often. The reason for this is because once you have the yeast/bacteria Candida in your system, it is veerrrry hard to get rid of. We see the most success when people do a Candida cleanse. One that’s really great is by the brand Renew Life, it’s a 14 day (I believe) cleanse that comes with a diet that refrains from sugars, carbs, white processed foods, all of which the Candida feed off of. depending on the severity of the yeast, you may have to do multiple cleanse back to back to really insure the yeast is gone Until you give the yeast a chance to starve and die off, they will continue to fed and regenerate more of themselves. Another thing that helps is a product called Candizyme. This is an enzyme that helps to break down the hard shell coating around the yeast cell so that your body CAN break it down and expel it. Some other things that can be beneficial and help symptoms are a lukewarm bath with apple cider vinegar. Just enough water to cover ya girl, with about 1/2 cup to a cup of ACV. Kind of splash it up there and that is SO cooling. Raw coconut oil, lather that shit up and get it up in there! Such antibacterial and antifungal. The oregano oil is GREAT, keep it up because your immune system would be very compromised right now. All in all, look into “Candida overgrowth”, overthinking, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, irritability, are allll signs of a overgrowth of the beastie, yeasties! We have all been there! Take action while you can because it’s something you’ve gotta deal with or it will continue to overgrown:( (I had this issue last year and since I did the cleanse and diet for about a month, no more yeast infections!!!) if you can’t find the products in the states and are interested, we have them on our website, healthyvibe.com & we ship out to the states weekly!!!! Good luck :) xoxoxo
thank u SO much for this comment seriously u rule
Meghan Hughes No problem at all!! Any other questions or things you are wondering about just send me a message :) XO
I think your what I love this month videos are the only ones I actually enjoy watching and get some good find out of them
I have always heard that eating raw allicin veggies, like raw onion and raw garlic, helps with yeast infections!!!
Molly Meier raw garlic is the most magic of natural remedies! She should definitely try eating a clove a day- it makes you a bit smelly, but it works wonders on whatever ails you!
Yes raw garlic and also cooked. I put a few cloves in my oatmeal even lol. Also PROBIOTIC THAT NEEDS REFRIGERATION forever Jarrow brand is good and take KYOLIC brand GARLIC forYEAST ISSUES CAPSULES every day. VITACOST.com is cheapest. Apple cider vinegar w lemon 🍋 water 💦 or lemonade. Bathe w apple cider vinegar or splash some on there I keep it on the tub 🛀 w a little cup to water it down if needed and use all over face and body as toner. The smell dissipates don’t worry. Much heal
Thank you to the comments for clarifying that Snoop Dog infact says "let's take a journey" and not "let's take a cherry" oops 😂
Those blueberry muffins look so good I wish there was a recipe! 🥺If you ever decide to make blueberry muffins from scratch and they come out good I’d love to see a baking video! Honestly just baking videos in general I AM HERE FOR THEM!!! 💗
Hi Meg, I’m a pharmacist and have also have a personal history of suffering from chronic yeast infections, so I just wanted to add my two cents! I tried everything (prescription and holistic), and what works best for me by far is boric acid! The best part is that you don’t need to get a prescription, you can make it yourself! Just buy boric acid powder over the counter, and fill empty capsules (I use vegetarian capsules, you can usually get them in bulk at co-ops or natural food stores), with the powder. Insert a capsule vaginally two times a week to start, then take it down to once a week. It won’t treat an infection but it will prevent them if used regularly. I really hope this helps because this truly helped me and I was suffering so long before finding out that I could just prevent them myself. Much love 💗
Iv been watching you since you started never once did I ever catch you at 20 sec into posting!!! Lol!!! Love ya by the way!!!!💗💗💗💗
Take note of everything you are putting in and around your body (I know that you're pretty aware) :)
If you got a yeast infection after being in the lake, it could be because of a soggy bathing suit worn too long.
To keep the good bits dry: wear loose clothing, do not wear satiny panties!! I only wear cotton or hemp and I havent gotten a yeast infection since high school when I used to get them monthly.
Yes, coconut oil topically could be good, could also do weird things to the ph. raw garlic or supplements are great as are oregano oil for candida.
Also make sure before funky time your hands are super clean and that if you're using condoms that you're not allergic to latex (one of the main causes of my previous issues) also just make sure that you've got plenty of lube so that things don't rub raw and cause inflammation (the juice helps clean the bacteria as it discharges)
Emily the clean hands tip is important! Especially if you don’t clean under your nails (or your partner doesn’t)! Also peeing and rinsing after helps, also important after a swim to pee and rinse!
Hey girl thanks for the love...so when I was pregnant I had the worse yest infection...I made a baking soda past and it cleared it up amazingly!!!!
i’ve started drinking kombucha daily to prevent yeast infections! cranberry juice is also always reliable (i mix it with ginger ale to have it be a bit more refreshing and different) also no baths anymore:/
Hi! I used to be a pharmacy tech :) You may need more than 1 treatment of diflucan to get rid of the infection. The one time I got a yeast infection, I had to take 3 or 4 treatments (1 per week) until I finally got rid of it. You can also get it prescribed with refills if you get them often. In Canada, diflucan can be bought over the counter (but it's kept behind the counter and you have to ask for it) so it may be cheaper and more time efficient for you to just pop into a drugstore to get it rather than go through your doctor. Hope I could help :)
Coconut oil! I've never done anything else. Just rub it up in there Haha I only did some brief research on it, so you might want to look further into it. But it works. May take longer for it to go away versus like a monastat or whatever the doctor would give. But it's cheaper (by a hella lot) and helps ease the symptoms by a lot too! I shower in the morning, so I'd put some on right after the shower. Midday I'd clean up with just some water and towel or paper towel and then reapply. Sorry if this is tmi to anyone...even though its not.. 😂 anyway good luck!
mix it with tea tree oil!!!! also helps to soak a tampon in both then use it
Greetings loved ones... let’s take a journey
yesssss, brené brown is amazing! i quote her all the time with zero shame! 🙌✨
Drinking less tea might help! And specifically plain lemon tea, i was told to avoid it and it definitely helped! Also a bit wierder, but if you fill something like a bidet, or a bucket or something and sort of sit on it (not touching the water!!) with really hot water, the steam helps with cleaning out the bacteria apparently! Hope you get better
Major tip I got from my doctor about UTIs: make sure you completely dry off before putting clothes on! Also, what helped me a lot for my last UTI was drinking tons and tons of water to flush out my system as well as fresh**** cranberry juice I made (literally just cranberries and water) and I incorporated them into my fruit smoothies. The other thing i did was switch over to cotton underwear and unscented soaps and laundry detergents. Hope this helps bc UTIs are the worst
love keeping it funky fresh and new ✨
Obsessed with the new intro, definitely fits with your vibe these days 💗🌿
Have you looked into bacterial vaginosis? I thought I was suffering from chronic yeast infections for a whole year. I was so uncomfortable, itchy, had discharge that was a bit more funky than normal discharge. Ever since I did a treatment, and have been very meticulously keeping my feminine area as dry as possible and I haven’t had any discomfort or abnormal discharge in months. I finally feel normal again. I highly highly recommend looking into it!
Every since you recommended John Vincent III in your vlog I haven't been able to stop listening to him! I love playing his music in the car. :)
Hey Meghan :) I had one yeast infection but after every treatment it would come back in a few days- lasted me THREE months (and really didn‘t go well with sexy time). I dicovered taking oregano oil (which is disgusting so really consinder capsules). After one day I noticed that my body fluids were notmal again and after i took it for two weeks I was able to stop taking the drops. It kills bacteria, especially fungus, so it takes some time for your body to restore your flora.
It also helps me with other bacterial related ilnesses, would highly recommend :)
If it does not go away maby consider getting vaccinated, at least thats an option here in germany to treat reaccuring yeast infections.
I wore the cucumber and mint scent native deodorant for the first time on a night out and I had literally everyone who greeted me with a hug tell me I smelled amazing. If it’s seasonal I’m gonna need 👏🏼 backups.
I tried the ketchup recipe!! It was 🔥🔥🔥🔥! I tweaked it a lil but girl... No kissing my fingers emoji so just imagine it 😂, muah 💋🌻✌️
Patricia Garcia 😙👌
@@APRILGREENDAY8 haha perfect 😙👌✌️😁
I owe you everything for introducing me to Winco!!
Queen V has boric acid suppositories for the Vjay. Also, sugar feeds yeast just as an FYI!
Take a half cup of vinegar and put it in your bath. Once or twice a week and it should help the infection go away. Can be distilled or apple cider vinegar. Worked wonders for my mother in law!☺️
I RELATE SO HARD!!! I get so many yeast infections. But they’ve literally gone away since I started taking the probiotic you recommended a while ago, (it came back once I forgot to take them for a few weeks or course) so anyways, I feel you girl
john vincent iii's new album is FIRE!!! LOVE his work!
I second the boric acid comments! Also, yeast arrest is a great herbal suppository that has worked really well for me in the past, pretty sure its on amazon!
Juiced parsley and garlic (it tastes horrible and can upset your stomach so don’t over due it. I do about a tablespoon of each or less in a glass of water) it’s great for helping bacteria down there work themselves out
Hey gamer girl muffin mama. Have you played harvest moon ever? It’s a farming game and it’s OG and omg it’s the best. Especially if you aren’t like a hardcore gamer because it’s super calming and you can go at your own pace in the game. It’s not one of those games that gives you anxiety or makes you angry because you loose every five seconds lol. You can’t loose in the game. I srsly recommend this game. Been playing Harvest Moon since the Nintendo 64 days 😍😬😬😍
Watership down is also based on World War 2 retold somehow (I'm not exactly sure how haha). Also, I really recommend you go to the Oregon Country Fair! Its on the 12-14 of July! I won't be going this year but I have gone before and think you would just love it! Its very hippy but I think you would love it!
Cranberry supplements help a lot with all my feminine issues! I used to get UTI's and yeast infections multiple, multiple times a year. I take the supplements every day and have noticed a considerable difference!
you should 110% try the honeysuckle and orange native deodorant if you haven't already, I'm absolutely obsessed
I’ve been looking into using a natural deodorant the only thing is that I sweat a lot and I don’t want to get pit stains. Do the native come in a gel stick that is the only kind I’ve found that helps me with the sweating.
Take monostat (the 3 day one) for your yeast infections. You can get it at most drugstores/grocery stores
Try using coconut oil! It's safe to use inside&out and has antimycotical properties. Just be aware that it makes latex condoms porous. Hope this helps!
Vanilla is my favourite native deodorant but cucumber + mint and lavender and rose are also great!!!
Apple cider vinegar bath always helps! With a few drops of tea tree essential oil.
Not sure if you've talked about this before but I just started using Myro deodorant and it's been great! They send you refills in a little box and end up using 50% less packaging than your average stick. Plus it's vegan, cruelty free, no aluminum, etc.
Wow am I super early? Dare I say.....first? Love you meg!💚
I have also recurring yeast infections ... Is the worst. so obviously taking daily probiotics helps I've also done a vaginal probiotic treatment which helps stabilize the pH of your vaginal flora. I had a yeast infection that lasted literally 3 months this is how I got rid of it: (obviously consult with your gyno or a medical professional) I did get this treatment from my gynecologist. You take 1 pill of fluconazole if in 3 days you still have symptoms you take another one and if in 3 days you still have symptoms take another one. To sum it up 3 pills in total. It did the trick .Since I'm still very sensitive I always take my probiotics and the vaginal one from time to time. Avoid sugars because 'sugary pee" will increase the odds of getting another yeast infection. I only use cotton underwear and change it 2 a day (annoying I know but it's what works for me) from time to time I also do white vinegar baths basically dillute white vinegar in a big bowl/container (you have to sit inside) and sit for 20 minutes. Hope it helps believe I know it sucks so much
I’m sure you’ve tried this, but you can get over the counter miconazole at any drugstore (I usually CVS brand) and it’s worked for me every time along with a probiotic and no sugar for a bit. Yours may be different and more persistent but I’ve never had to use a prescription drug for yeast infection!!
I love u muffin man ❤️
lol I love u too!
Amy lol 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼
For me, it was a gluten sensitivity. Your symptoms sound very familiar. I did an elimination diet and it cleared in about 2 weeks. I'd still recommend over the counter monistat or whatever brand you like to help with the discomfort.
been considering this for sure
Meghan Hughes I highly recommend. I had the issue since I was a child, no medication keep it away for very long. It was kind of a unintended but awesome side effect of trying to fix my diet.
I have a couple book recommendations! A Man Called Ove is a very wholesome and sweet novel, and I believe it's a movie too! Otherwise, there's this amazing Minnesotan author, William Kent Krueger, (my home state- visit the northern part sometime :) ) who writes mystery novels that revolve a lot around nature and the landscape of the area. Two great ones are Ordinary Grace & Desolation Mountain.
Meg! Brene Brown has so many books that are so beautiful + insightful. You would love them!
I stan the intro/greeting change. GREETINGS LOVED ONES!
I love all your videos I jus finished re-watching your 2018 vlogmas
These glasses look AMAZING on you!
Eat yogurts, try to avoid sugar and use condoms. I also have many yeast infections and I’ve find that that helps me, but what helps me the most are always the vaginal prebiotic ovules or antibiotic ovules (I don’t know if the last ones contain actual antibiotic but I know I can’t get them without the prescription of a doctor) Also, I can’t remember from any of your videos if you are on some kind of birth control but if you are using one keep in mind that it may be the cause of your frequents infections. And always use cotton underwear! I hope this is of any help hahaha
Probiotics probiotics probiotics for yeast infections. I used to have terrible yeast infections super often and they only left once I was consistently taking probiotics EVERYDAY. Specifically probiotic acidophilus. ALSO (this may be TMI) but if your partner does not wash their bits often enough, and you’re sexually active, you will get yeast infections v often!
My gyno prescribed anti fungal cream and suppository that gets rid of the yeast infection, but she told me they are really irritating for your vagina and basically you have to give it some time to heal otherwise it's gonna come right back! She said to use calendula suppositories for a while, they're a bit messy (wear a panty liner) but it works! I used calendula cream on the outside too just to be sure.
Also wear only cotton panties, and if you use pads and tampons then only the organic cotton ones.
Tbh YES if you were swimming and then stayed in your swimsuit after you can definitely get yeast infections that way!! After I swim I make sure to get out of my suit immediately and give myself some naked time to dry out down there. I’ll even blow dry on low down there after I bath, cuz I get them from the tub too.
Ugh love her :’)
If you're worried about reoccurring yeast infections, you should look into the Candida Diet! I'm starting it just this week and it is really hard but I'm pretty desperate at the this point. I also just did not realize how sugar/alcohol/yeast dependent I actually was. Even if you don't do the full on diet/cleanse like I am, its worth a shot trying to be more mindful when you do consume those things!!! Good luckkk this shit sucks and I'm sorry you're going through it!!!
yes I clicked straight away!! love love love you Meghan
Boric acid vaginal suppositories are the ticket. You can get them from amazon and it takes maybe 3 days. Use 1 each night. I had recurring yeast infections and started this and now if I feel it coming I use one and I am good.
To be HONEST I had the same problem went to the gyno, they had a paid case study for women who frequently get yeast infections like Constantly. Turned out I didn’t have one but it might be worth it looking for the study
New intro!! Woohoo!!
Take a cranberry pill every day and it will help with the yeast infections. Also azo has a pill for them and they help as well. Besides that just take showers and try not to use scented soaps.
GIRL. I had a yeast infection following a week on antibiotics and I had to go back to the doctors office to get a prescription, and my yeast infection test came back negative and I STILL HAD TO PAY $185 FOR THE OFFICE VISIT!!!! I was so heated.
Anyway I finally got over my frickin yeast infection weeks later by using boric acid suppositories for 3 or 4 days in a row. Check em out if you haven’t already! They have a bunch on amazon
Yes! Oregano oil has helped so much with my gut health. My Gastro Doctor told me to try it to help with my Crohn's disease and it has really helped me with inflammation, but it also helps fight fungal and bacterial infections. For anyone who hates the taste of oregano oil they sell organic oregano oil in capsules on Amazon and most health food stores.
I just love “I love this stuff”
I relate to the yeast infection issue! My dr just gave me an anti fungal cream and it makes it go away temporarily but then it will come back. I’ve tried taking herbal supplements to help my immune system. But again, they keep coming back! Idk what to do at this point!
I JUST FINISHED WATERSHIP DOWN LAST MONTH! ugh that book and the old movie is fucking amazing 😍
For the yeast infection try switching up the fabric of your underwear to cotton!!
Coconut oil is a miracle worker for yeast infections
try oh my gaia natural deodorant! i work at a natural food store in eastern washington so i got it as a sample and fell in love!! also it’s local and just an amazing product
Once I stopped taking baths and exclusivity switched to showers, my yeast infections disappeared!
yeast likes gluten, dairy, and sugar. cutting those out is the only thing that has worked to stop my frequent, severe yeast infections. I like to think of it as keeping my body a hostile yeast environment. I'm not super strict about it but it still definitely helps a lot
you totally introduced me to wildchild!!
Netflix also has a watership down series which was so good!!
Are you sure the yeast infections aren’t BV? I had a bunch of reoccurring YI and when i finally treated It with medications for BV It went away. The symptoms are extremely similar!
I love John!!!!!!
Bro I so understand. I get yeast infections ALL the time. Its annoying because people just think im unsanitary or some shit🙄..But anyways when i started taking gummy probiotics everyday they halted, no joke, and they only come back when i forget to buy more
Have you made your own mustard yet? I really wanna try it!
I’ve heard that taking baths with a half cup (or a cup not too sure) of apple cider vinegar really helps. A lot of people I know swear by it!
hell yes ok i will try this! ive been thinking about it
have you watched watership down on netflix?
Have you tried taking a bath with a cup or two of apple cider vinegar. It really helps me with yeast infections 🙊 sorry you are suffering ❤️
If you have issues with natural deodorant, try an armpit mask or detox! I literally only wear deodorant once in a while
Walmart carries UTI meds for about 7$ for me I carry the package with me wherever I go bc I’m prone to UTIs too& usually all I need to do is take the pills for TOPS three days, but the pills help so much that all you need to do is take the pills ONCE that day & you’ll be comfortable the whole day, then I repeat the next couple days til I feel no symptoms
If you are prone to getting yeast infections, I would completely avoid using any products (not even natural things or essential oils) anywhere near your downstairs we have a specific Ph there that has to be kept the same and in balance , the imbalance created by using products with irritants or other levels of Ph including long exposure to water like soaking (for example sitting in a lake with many organisms etc in it) it will give you an infection, also lack of sleep and high stress!! and too much sugar in your diet can effect it too!
ps !! I have started commenting more cause i didnt realize that you dont really get that many comments on videos until i watched your “reading comments” video
ur hair looks so pretty what the heck
A couple years ago I would get yeast infections EVERY month. My family doctor wasn't any help (she legit told me to just go get the diflucant every time and stop going to see her for that), and so I went to another doctor who actually told me that since my boyfriend of the time and I weren't wearing any condoms (we knew we were clean and took the pill), that he actually had the yeast infection (men can have them, they just don't have any symptoms), and so every sexual intercourse we had he would re-infect me. And to be honest, that makes a lot of sense because since I've broken up with him (two years ago!) , I've only had one other yeast infection. So I don't know what your situation with Fin is, but I thought I'd share!
A little personal but I used to get yeast infections and UTIs SOO fucking much. I literally tried everything under the sun to cure them and my gyno literally told me “some people just get them more than others” 🙄 I think it ended up being a mixture of things. Once I stopped sleeping with my regular partner I stopped getting them. Since then I have a new partner and haven’t gotten either infection. So part of me wants to blame it on my first partner’s hygiene LOL. But I have also gone vegan since then and I’m thinking that is also part of the reason they’ve gone away but I’m not completely sure... They really really suck! Especially when you’re doing everything right haha. I hope you figure it out soon!!!
Taking baths always gave me bad yeast infections. I haven’t had a bath in almost a year and haven’t had hardly any issues
Hey there does WinCo sell the blueberry mix online? I've searched their whole site and don't see it? Another great video and info!!
Girrrrl you lookin slim - always beautiful 😍
Hey just so anyone with bee allergies knows, lemongrass is an excellent mosquito repellent but some bees tend to like it!
Vaginitis? I had something similar happen to me and another girl I know is suffering from it now also and had the same symptoms