Written before the American revolution, played shortly thereafter by the best bands available, but never as well as this, and shortly thereafter forgotten. But his 25th marked a kind of turning point. Best
andantino grazioso at 4:06 is lovely, more so since it's the introductory theme to the radio broadcast "A Note to You" which I listened to on WGBH in Boston, which was very educational for me. Roland Nadeau's style is described by Wikipedia as being 'non-elitist.'
Like that dude in the (pretty awesome) movie: "It's as if God speaks through him." I'm not religious. But I'll see your stunning and raise you astonishing :)
Андрей Попов Судя по всему, два трубача, которые гремели в 22 и 23-й симфониях, были уволены в связи с сокращением штата. А потому, 24-ю симфонию Си-бемоль мажор, Моцарт написал без партий труб. Только два гобоя, две валторны и струнные. Здесь чарующая нежнейшая вторая часть Andantino. "Я папробоваль, слишь, йызикь чут не праглатиль! Вкюссс... списфиссски." Обратите на неё внимание.
Written before the American revolution, played shortly thereafter by the best bands available, but never as well as this, and shortly thereafter forgotten. But his 25th marked a kind of turning point. Best
andantino grazioso at 4:06 is lovely, more so since it's the introductory theme to the radio broadcast "A Note to You" which I listened to on WGBH in Boston, which was very educational for me. Roland Nadeau's style is described by Wikipedia as being 'non-elitist.'
Bella música para el descanso nocturno...Gracias Tavito
A stunning piece...composed when Mozart was only 17 years old. His gift
is almost beyond one's ability to grasp...pure genius.
Like that dude in the (pretty awesome) movie: "It's as if God speaks through him."
I'm not religious. But I'll see your stunning and raise you astonishing :)
Even a "minor" work in the corpus of this genius is a knockout.
I'd say it's major :D
That third, erm, movement, eh? Is utterly superb. It's da shizlle!
Thanks for uploading!
Андрей Попов
Судя по всему, два трубача, которые гремели в 22 и 23-й симфониях, были уволены в связи с сокращением штата. А потому, 24-ю симфонию Си-бемоль мажор, Моцарт написал без партий труб. Только два гобоя, две валторны и струнные. Здесь чарующая нежнейшая вторая часть Andantino. "Я папробоваль, слишь, йызикь чут не праглатиль! Вкюссс... списфиссски." Обратите на неё внимание.
The depicted guy isn't Mozart.... I guess
Let me meet the only one put dislike to this symphony!!!!!
armchair critic
Do you know what is worse? Joe
Stfu idiot. This man's music is more expensive then your life.
My dear, you are bad too and no one complains. Appreciate that.