The pin is supposed to be soldered to the circuit board, and you are supposed to de-solder it from the case to disassemble it, you didn't do that and ripped it out.
I used an led I got off Amazon. Check eBay or Amazon or 944online. Ian at 944 online has them too. Depends if you have pre87 or late model as they went to digital clocks after that.
Very helpful video! Disassembled my 944's clock and reflowing the ground pin did the trick, and the clock is working again.
Actually that’s why I do this. If it helps someone I’m happy. Those vdo clocks are amazing after all this time still working.
Thank you for this video !!!
You are welcome. I hope it helps.
The pin is supposed to be soldered to the circuit board, and you are supposed to de-solder it from the case to disassemble it, you didn't do that and ripped it out.
Still works... might be a redundant ground
what bulb are you using for the clock? The internet is giving me the wrong bulb.
I used an led I got off Amazon. Check eBay or Amazon or 944online. Ian at 944 online has them too. Depends if you have pre87 or late model as they went to digital clocks after that.