@@brody7002 Agreed. She also had the most star power of that top 3 (which was severely lacking lemon or Jimbo) and priyanka didn’t have that bad of a track record. She slayed every lip sync and most of the runways, ESPECIALLY her final runway, it was a shoot.
You can also see how relieved she is when she is eliminated. I love her but she overstayed and was a little green in some departments, no amount of production can overcome that.
and to think daya betty got all the hate for saying what we all had in mind? for those of u who dont know, daya calls out her win that episode and kind of becomes the villain of her season.
Imagine swapping Jorgeous's look with anything Jiggly put out in a design challenge. They would absolutely just call it "a piece of fabric with cookie cutters on it" if Jiggly had walked out in this.
Imagine Deja or Kornbread walking down in that 🤔 they would be read but since Jorgeous was “born for drag” aka skinny and short-stature she won. REMINDER: this is not hate on the queen
@@owendickinson5137 that’s a traditional dance that she had literally been learning and practicing all her life… it takes SO much talent and skill for that level of performance. It was easily the best out of all the 10 AS4 performances, and one of the all time best
@@wystxrr I just didn't see it as talented TBH. And I'm not saying Kabuki isn't talent cos it is I just think the routine she chose to do was so boring she literally shuffled to the front of the stage. Twirled 2 fans and then popped some streamers. It just wasn't great.
and honestly those quirky girls always make it further BECAUSE they are being forced to show different styles. queens like kennedy never had a chance of winning because she wore a pageant gown every time on the runway
reminds me of when alyssa hunter would get kinda punk-rocky and the judges didnt like it because "it isnt you/we dont know you". but they expect alt queens to turn pageant looks to "show versatility". its ridiculous and im kind of sick of pageant queens at this point. i seriously need me a quirky queens only season of drag race
@@misscalicogirl go make your own drag race then. pageant has been such a huge part of drag. if you want to be mad and "sick" of someone, you should do it to the producers and the judges. drag comes in many form, pageant and "quirky queens" are part of it. y'all new fans are mad when the judges bash your "quirky" queens for being different, but it's fine when y'all bash pageant and old school queens. people love to talk about the future of drag, but sometimes we should talk about how it's started. the ball, pageant, the clubs. not just social media. it's good that drag is evolving, but there's people like you who's just souring everything for everyone else.
@@ae9581 no one is mad at pageant queens, calm down. We're just a little fed up with the hypocrisy of the judges; yes, you need to show versatility, and that's why I'm not surprised that the judges ask the quirky queens to do it; but the pageant queens are not asked to change their style.
Can we talk about the major eye roll moment during critiques? When Michelle told Ru “Jorgeous is a great drag queen because she watched you.” Like come on man
i felt the fandoms collective eye roll. a bazillion pairs of eyeballs rolling inside their respective eye sockets. someone tell the producers that bieng subtle also works
What was really Silky's downfall was her obnoxiously acting like she was better than the queens in the show..her making it to top 4 was totally rigged..Ru only kept her for her drama factor.. same with Kandy Muse
The very first episode when she literally picked up Miley Cyrus without her consent lost me. She did that same thing to a good chunk of the guest judges that came into untucked, and it's just inappropriate honestly.
Sherrys win was even more infuriating because they show Aiden being the only one to suggest something that would mix it up, and Brita and Sherry shutting it down immediately. Then they flop and both NYC girls bully Aiden for no reason saying they carried her. Made even more ridiculous by the fact you can't carry each other you're supposed to all do the same thing!
Personally I thought Aiden carried them in the challenge. She made me laugh the hardest out of that group but IMO Heidi should’ve won that challenge overall
Something I hadn't thought about. What if production will try to push at least a couple of good lip syncers to the top because of how bad the lip syncs on the S13 finale were?
I think that’s probably a reach. I mean production doesn’t have to let a girl win a challenge just to push her to the end. Jujubee on S2, Jujubee AND Raven on AS1, and Elle Diamond to name a few. I honestly think they gave Jorgeous the win bc it wasn’t terrible, she’s one of ru’s favorites, and she danced on the runway. That’s it.
Ginger winning Pink Table Talk certainly was weird, but let's be honest: being robbed of the Ginger vs. Mayhem lipsync to "Phone" would've been an absolute travesty.
@@user-ke5rt3ji8c I don't know why you assume they're complaining? The whole point of having/using Comment sections is discussing and comparing opinions with other people.
I still don't think Trinity tried as hard or had a more memorable performance than Eureka or Ginger in the infomercial challenge but then there's the Physical lipsync.
Really appreciated your point about beautifully constructed looks on bigger bodied queens being ignored!! Nina isn't even fat, she just has a bulky, masculine frame and she's a sickening performer - fingers crossed we'll see her in All Stars. Another amazing video, thank you 💖💖
I felt bad for Jorgeous until she made fun of Cynthia Lee Fontaine for getting into a car crash after Cynthia politely said she didn't agree with the win.
Awww but you guys will laugh at roxxxy for being abandoed in a bus stop I guess Cynthia’s mental health is more important than Roxxxys? Or Alexis Michelle? Because you fans also laughed at her broad shoulders? Or delta or eureka or jiggly because they’re plus size queens and everyone joked and laughed at them? Or Naomi? When she said Derrick has thin hair? Those can have a serious effect on mental health. Pick and choose ur comedy lmao
It's not the "Shea Coulee" effect, it's the "Darrienne Lake" effect after being Scary Head in a Box, her entire storyline in that episode is how she is given the smallest role in the film bc she was being underestimated but she kills it and, to make the storyline feel rewarding, she is given the win. Not sure if someone else deserved the win, Ben and Bianca did a good job too, but this is the first instance of this happening I can remember.
I just watched the episode and Darienne’s acting was really great and so was her runway. Dela was the best but on the losing team, and Bianca was a solid fourth (Joslyn outshined her) She def deserved to win.
I agree with darrienne (how can I disagree, it’s literally facts) whoever I think shea had a much bigger impact with it because of theyr feud between her and nina, it’s just much more memorable for what went down with the episode.
I'd add Adore and Laganja's win for the commercial challenge when it was pretty clear by the critiques that Bianca and Trinity were better both in the challenge and the runway. Also Kylie's win for the acting challenge in AS6 because honestly all Ginger, Pandora and Jan did better than her and also their runways were great.
Disagree about Kylie. I think Ginger arguably did better but nobody else was stronger than Ginger and Kylie that week. I'd swap that win for Ginger with Snatch Game where I enjoyed Kylie more.
girl for me Jan was soooo fucking funny in the challenge lmfao her intro alone I'm like baby that's the winner. and the "Take that!" omg I scream. Should've won
Love the outfit and the effort, I feel it deserved a high spot. Not a huge fan of the blunt wig with it, it kind of throws off the silhouette and perhaps it needed some big shoes?
Production so clearly just wanted an uproar with Jorgeous. It would've made way more sense to make her high for this one (and I think even that would be generous), showing the start of a redemption arc after her flubs of the last two challenges, and then in a week or two when a challenge comes up that's in her wheelhouse, maybe she could truly earn her win - which I genuinely believe she could, especially after seeing her in her lipsynch. But the producers chose violence.
I don't even think it's entirely the producers. I think it's mostly Ru. She LOVES and LIVES for everything Jorgeous does to the point where I think she just made the final decision and the producers couldn't do or say anything about it even if they wanted to, which they probably didn't, because debatable or unjust results make for good social media activity.
i consider this era of drag race the "over-edited era" from s12-s14 it's good because they're casting a variety of drag queens with many talents and different things to offer however they've started over editing these seasons and considering they've gotten emmy's... they're just not gonna stop now lol
I’d put 11 in there too tbh. So much weird shit went on there. But I’m also biased because 11 is my least favorite season other than 13. 12 really feels like the only decent US season the past few years, and only because they erased the queen they rigged the season for lmao. 14 has a chance because the cast is good but the show needs to get out of its way. Honestly though all of the production stuff to me just really feels like a way to make stakes and drama because the queens refuse to be themselves anymore because they’re terrified of the fandom not liking them. If we had more queens go on the show and be authentic 100% good and bad production would likely interfere less.
Started? It's been happening since S9. VH1 was the death of rpdr editing. Let's not pretend Logo didn't have some questionable shit, but at least they knew how to make it make sense and still be enjoyable to watch.
Unless contestants are fighting with each other for real, the drama is always almost fake. And no matter what, death threats sent to a contestant by fans is just tired. So don't do it; the producers sent your favorite home, that's the facts lol
Good point. Whenever I notice that the production is favoring certain queens, I (unintentionally) stop rooting for them or even dislike them. Notice how 'filler' queens that are not a part of any storylines are always fan favorites? It's because we are able to fall in love with them naturally, instead of production showing them down our throats.
@@carlosgermanmorenomontero6114 at least serena knew how to make it more remarkable what gorgeous wore y'know something like its so bad that's enjoyable
she looked super confident on the runway so i was SURE they were gonna use the “your look wasn’t good but you were great at selling it to us” story to justify giving her a safe placement
The Jaydinn erasure in season 7 always bugged me, everybody talks about Max but Jaydinn too was treated badly, I hope she will get to all stars one day
I appreciate you pointing out that Aiden did the best in her World's Worst group! That concept was so bizarre but Aiden's facial expressions throughout were absolutely hilarious.
Jorgeous being high on the ball, saved from the bottom on the teaser and be given this win... At this point production is not even trying to hiding anything. I do think Jorgeous outfit looks good, but the show established that wrapping yourself in fabric is a being NO. It was definitely a safe outfit. But, what I understand less than this win, is why does the fandom is sending hate to queen for production's choice ? Honestly, I'm way more upset by the fact nobody helped Willow open these boxes (even production should have imo, but I suspect they told everyone not to help her), and I've read/heard nobody pointing this. I know helping each other and solidarity is not an american value, but Willow didn't deserves this.
Like most fandoms, drag race fans have never been the sharpest knives in the drawer. Want to send hate to RuPaul and Carson (or whoever) and MIchelle for making a bad call? No, that's intimidating and "punching" up. It's easier for them to pick on some random queen.
@@Ana-vc4hb 100% agree with both of you. In my eyes she should have had at least 4 wins that season; the one she actually got, the trump rusical, the farm to runway design challenge, and the final episode remix. & she should have at least been in the top, definitely not low for the makeover. It’s so stupid they didn’t give her the win that last week. She gave one of the best verses ever and one of the best looks ever, and they had a bottom 2 that week so it’s not even like it was a top 4 victory lap episode. Gigi, Lady Camden, and Sasha Colby all won this exact episode on their respective seasons after, so there’s no literally 0 reason they didn’t give it to Yvie. Yvie clearly was deemed by the judges and by just like anyone objectively looking at the episode to be the best that week, so honestly I think we should fully just count it as a second win. I also think in s13 gottmik was a lil robbed of getting another win for her verse, I felt it was def the best, but the difference is everyone did excellent honestly and that episode WAS just a top 4 victory lap you know, so it makes sense no one wins and no one’s in the bottom. Unlike in s11 where Vanjie goes home for a stellar verse honestly, but she did mess up performing it, and Yvie’s just alone in the top, clearly the best, robbed of a win.
I think production is getting a little too worried about having a Queen with too many wins because it makes them the obvious winner... Hoping that Sasha Colby's win Will teach them that we're ok with having an obvious champ as long as queens make it fun and interesting
Yes! I was coming here to see if anyone brought her up… her red,white, and blue best drag runway was lackluster - and she got the win for that one too.
@@valriewe2198 yeah but tbh the entire finale runway (excluding Eureka) was a bit lack luster. But I give a pass because it was during 2020 and resources were limited
People aren't ready for that conversation only because it's Kylie and it's her only win, like she was the worst during the challenge, they literally had to do an extra cut only for Kylie to give her a win. It was pushed to the core.
I'm just gonna say it. Jorgeous' look has the same vibe as Naysha Lopez's drag on a dime look, and Naysha got sent home in that. Genuinely I do not understand what's going on anymore
I keep hearing Michelle saying "it's a piece of fabric" over and over to so many queens, yet here is Jorgeous winning for exactly that. My opinion she should have been safe and Lady Camden had the winning look.
@@lukase898 I agree, this specific list is the most wtf WINS not the most wtf non-wins. Even tho it’s “WTF” for vanjie not winning, it’s not necessarily “WTF” for Brooke winning bc she was also a pretty valid win for that challenge.
I think that at least part of the reason that they slept on Vanjie is that they knew early on that they wanted to use her for an All Stars season in the future.
@@kysolakonos If that is the case, why mention Plastique or Silky? They were both one of the best in their own respective episodes. Plastique and Yvie was both great, Yvie had a better silhouette but Plastique had better attention to detail. Why mention it as wtf? I don't get it.
This really does show just how inconsistent judging is across international seasons too. Like Thailand was mostly runway judging, Canada had a bit more weight on runways (I'm still watching Canada S2, so not sure), but the ones Ru judges don't seem to put as much weight on it, unless it serves their story fantasy.
Don’t worry. ❗️Spoiler Sorry❗️ Cynthia had similar thoughts to almost everyone about Jorgeous’ win and posted it on Twitter. Jorgeous replied with “That’s why your car is messed/fucked up” Cynthia recently got into a car accident. Cynthia clapped back with “Not as fucked up as your future elimination from what I heard 👀” Cynthia been snooping the reddit 👀🤫
My guess for Silky playing Oprah is that her scene is referencing Beauty School Dropout in Grease - when an angelic figure is giving Frenchy life advice and telling her to go back to high school - so Oprah is probably meant to be the angelic figure of the 2000s, the wise angel giving advice to Omarosa (I think that's who she's singing to?)
The only other thing that I can think of is that Oprah was made out as a possibility (like The Rock) of someone who can run for president and win against trump.... that is what I always thought anyway but I only watched this season once.
Trump said he would run for president on Oprah in the 90s. Multiple times. People thought Oprah was going to be his vice president. This is back before 2016. Both were huge tv stars
I have to say Black China was never a bit role, which was why Nina wanted it. It was written to be a winning role, because of the lack of chances in other scenes to be outshone or messed up by others. Just focus on doing this 1 part really well, you get individual choreography, meaning you won't be compared to the other dancers abilities and everyone stops for you. It's also at the end so its fresh in the judges memories. Had it been at the start, then it may have qualified as a bit role.
i think it’s so sad that queens like jaidynn diore fierce are more likely to get ignored. jaidynn did an incredible job parodying bianca and definitely deserved the win
I think Jaidynn Diore Fierce should've won the spoof challenge in S7. She channeled BDR eerily well in her video, but maybe the judges thought her runway wasn't as good as Kennedy's.
Hahaha, after seeing that ep i immediately thought to myself "drag detective will definitely do a video about most undeserving wins", I didn't have to wait for long, you never disappoint
Drag race “fans” are truly vile for continuously going after queens for being favored as if they chose to be?! If anything you should be going after Rupaul for her horrid clouded judgement that’s only gotten more and more obvious as years pass and the mask is slipping, but instead you go after a small queen during probably their first big break? In the words of Thorgy Thor ew Jesus, gross. I have a couple queens I don’t like each season, like I didn’t like Silky on season 11, what did I do about it? Not follow her! Wow! How simple it is to not send death threats or hateful messages towards someone over a heavily edited tv show!! Maybe use that energy to send more love towards your favorites instead? No need to knock a queen down to build another up, just go build up the ones you love without those comments of “I think you would’ve been a much better winner than ‘blank’” instead you could say “you had my favorite look/performance this week” because it’s not trying to shame another queen for winning something out of their control. No way anyone would ever win a challenge and say “um actually I don’t think I should’ve won and this win should go to this other queen instead of me” even if that’s how some of these “fans” think it should go. Very delusional. Very gross behavior that’s only gotten worse with time.
I don't agree with krystal winning episode 2, if you actually watch the challenge you never see her doing the group choreo, she is always hidden behind someone by the camera and we only see her close ups. She did the worst in her group but still won
I %100 agree with “skinny privilege” as a skinny person. Also I adore that dress nina made, it didn’t move as well as it could’ve, but I adored it! It looked so pretty and i loved the colors.
Since I included a few Drag Race Down Under options in your last questionable choices video, I’ll include one here: Scarlet Adams winning the Recycling challenge. She made an outfit out of a tablecloth and had a theme of grapes, picnics, and wineries and such. It was solid and all… but the judges went NUTS over it. They were acting like it was the most unique and amazing thing they’d seen on the show, even if UTICA wore a pretty similar thing for her Fascinator runway. Plus, Maxi Shield, who made a more unique outfit out of material that was MUCH harder to construct and work with (thus had to put way more work in to create something amazing) was only High, and Elektra Shock (who made a whole dress out of neckties) was only safe, while Scarlet won. That being the episode Art Simone randomly came back in, Anita Wigl’It got the chop, and Scarlet’s outside actions aside, that was pretty questionable judging and win selection there.
Maxi should have won that episode. Scarlet's look was beautiful but I think it had an actual issue and that is that it did not give her a nice sillhouette. Scarlet had an issue with her shoulders being very broad which really took you out of the illusion (which is far worse for a drag queen whose aesthetic is high femme; if you are not selling that particular fantasy, you can get away with it much easier imo. And Art was high for a look we have seen a hundred times, with no real elevation or unique concept to it.
@@conour1387 I made a mistake when I posted this, which I’ve since fixed. My bad on the first time though! And you’re right, she should’ve at least been high.
@@7gagamonster I made a mistake when I posted this, which I’ve since fixed. My bad on the first time though! And you’re right, she should’ve at least been high.
I'd like to add Olivia Lux improv win to this list. She went from completing slamming each queen in her win for the disco challenge then the week after won for a top 5-6 performance.
Last time Ru said someone was born to do drag was Krystal Versace and she ended up getting a questionable win and winning the entire season. Ru has said this same comment to Jorgeous this season too. She's getting a push, no doubt. They won't even try to be subtle about it either or care.
Yarlexis had a High - Win - Safe track record while Shad had a Bottom - High - Win... Yarlexis was actually the dominating team and only went home because Chad was set to win.
@@Mylittleaddiction2802 There were no low placements this season. First ep there was 2 teams safe, 1 high, 1 win and 2 bottoms. Third there was 1 win, 1 safe(bc there were no bad critics) and 2 btms
There will never be a bigger WTF win than whoever won over Utica for the ball. Literally can't even remember any other looks from that episode besides hers.
Might not have 2 or more better but jan winning over trinity in the super bowl challenge was definitely one, trinity destroyed everyone in that challenge! Also gotmikk winning the bag ball, the 3 looks were great but two of them were basic as hell and Utica’s final look is one of the best design challenge outfits we have ever seen
I love how even in videos where the focus is to be a bit critical, you still take the time to spread positivity and remind us that these fierce queens are people too!
To answer your question about how Oprah relates to Trump, she did a speech on the 2018 Golden Globe awards where people thought she’s going to run for president and save us from Trump. That’s why she was portrayed as an angel.
Trump declared he’d run for president on Oprah in the 80s. He then said he’d select Oprah as his VP to Larry King in the 90s and people talked about it for years because both were huge tv stars
I'm rewatching Drag Race and started season 7 yesterday. I just saw this episode with Kennedy's win and wondered the same thing. I couldn't remember which group she was in right off even though I like her. You hit that win perfectly.
Brooklyn Heights winning the Makeover challenge from Season 11 was definitely a WTF moment for me, Ariel literally looked like she could be Vanjie's twin, or like very strongly resembling family member, Michelle was talking about how she was proud of Vanjie for doing something different but they gave it to Brooklyn, who was shocked herself
Vanjie definitely ate but Brooke ate so hard too plastique could’ve also def been her twin tbh so I feel it was justified other way and could’ve been a double win
How are they twins if one had red hair and the other blonde 👱♀️that’s not a twin that’s a sibling Ariel and vanjie literally looked like each other ! And vanjie made an OUTFIT!
Just found this, you don't know how carthartic this is!! I absolutely understand and agree with every reason you have said, and i forgot about most of them. When i watched them back in the day I remember being gagged and annoyed that the wrong queen got a win, ESPECIALLY IN MUSICALS, but i always forget! this is great thank you so much for making this
I really wonder if Season 11 was originally planning on pushing Silky to win, given the edit she got in the MTQ and the accompanying videos, as well as the way that production treated her, Akeria, Yvie and Brooke during filming.
I think the confusion with Sherry getting these wins from Season 12 might be better explained if we watch the original edit, which did air, albeit in Brazil.
@Domi B there's a TH-cam video actually explaining how Sherrys edit was set up for her to win. Apparently the original edit was that she was a clear front runner and Gigi was set up to be the villain - a whole Old drag vs New drag dynamic between the two.
@Domi B Idk, all I know is that I watched a compilation of Untucked in their original form, with a lot more Sherry, that had Portuguese captions on them, so all I can assume it was sent as intended to be aired in a Portuguese speaking country before the scandal came out. And I know drag race is very popular in Brazil.
I'd also include: - Morgan McMichaels on season 2 (no one really talks about it, but Tyra, Sonique and Jessica did a way better job than Morgan). - Raja cake couture on season 3 (I like Raja's look, but there was definitely at least 2 looks that deserved more the win) - Mayhem on season 10 (like you did with Plastique, I think Mayhem was a great second in this challenge, but Monique not winning was the definition of riggory) - Brooke Lynn monster ball on season 11 (I think Scarlet and Ra'jah did better than her and they weren't even in the top) - Shea snatch game on All Stars 5 (Alexis and Juju were a lot more memorable and funnier than her) - Scarlet Adams Queens Down Under on Down Under s1 (Still don't know why she won and Elektra was in the bottom) - Envy Peru snatch game on Holland s1 (she was the second best, BUT ChelseaBoy was literally told she was the best on the runway, this is the definition of riggory) - Divinity on Italia s1 (she did fine, but for me that was Farida's win for sure, she killed it)
@@ComptonAssMandiiee i disagree, the only thing I remind about it is Shea saying "flavoooor flav". Juju had the MOST memorable moment/joke in that snatch game and Alexis basically saved that first group. I still remember how I cracked with Cracker answering Alexis question and then Alexis goes "it was my question you dumb b*tch". Not only that, but on the runway I didn't care at all for what Shea was wearing. Of course that is just my opinion and Shea did a great job, but if it was me I'd give it to Jujubee or Alexis.
As much as Shea did very well in that Snatch Game, Alexis really was better. Jujubee is more memorable in post, but I do believe Shea was better overall. All Stars 5 really did Alexis dirty with the lack of two winners per week and the India drama, but Snatch Game really should’ve been her week.
I was cheering this post on until you mentioned Shea's SnatchGame. No ma'am! I cannot even make it through the day without saying "Roses are red, buses is yellow. I just realized you is a fellow." 😂😂😂 Shea earned that win
My top 4 most WTF wins ranking so far (the ones that got more of a reaction from me): 1. Jorgeous for the S14 Glamazon Design (her hair and makeup looks nice, but the look is just too simple.) 2. Gottmik for the S13 Bag Ball (her first look was ok, her 2nd was really good, and her third look was meh.) 3. Sherry for the S12 World's Worst (she was fine. She basically did the same thing as 2 other queens, yet she got the win...) 4. Ginger for the AS6 Pink Table Talk (she was fine, but TKB/Eureka/Akeria did better than her. I would've given the challenge win to Eureka.) A lot of times where I personally have a different winner than the show's challenge winner, both choices are really good at that specific challenge. So, I didn't mind who won that challenge.
AS6 in general was all over the place tbh. I thought Jan should’ve won the talent show, TKB the halftime show, Eureka the pink table talk, Ginger the acting challenge, Kylie snatch game, etc.
I really like Jorgeous but that look was only fine. Also loved what you said about skinny privilege and Nina West because it's very very true. Sometimes skinny queens just get away with stuff that a larger queen would never. But this is a critique to the society we live in + internalized fatphobia, not a critique towards any of the queens
I feel like it’s not really a WTF win when both of them did really really great. Like that’s a win where it’s like “Oh good for them. Both are very deserving of the win”, while i feel like most on this list are “Omg that person did mediocre. How did she win?”
Because of the scandal, the entire season had to be reedited and the way were presented things is very dependent on productions edit of the episode. It's more than possible that somewhere in WoW studios is a lost winner's edit for Sherry Pie.
@@brickmariobros somebody said that they were planning a "hero edit" for Sharry in a very heated argument against Gigi Goode, who would have recieved a "villain edit". but I am not sure about this. if I am wrong, tell me
It’s like, okay I can name: Daya, Angeria, Camden, Bosco and even willow could’ve won over jorgeous in this scenario like cmon they decided to rigg for her in the worst possible episode for her LMAO
Jorgeous' look reminds me of Gottmiks' win in the bag ball. Like WTF it's stuff put together. It's another case of is it fashion ir is she just a skinny queen. Like Gottmik could have gone on the runway in a piece of fabric tacked around her body and they would call it fashion because she's a skinny fashion queen
I genuinely think that now that WOW has seen how the fandom reacts to either questionable wins or questionable bottom twos, that they deliberately make wrong choices just to stir the pot and have social media explode. Otherwise, there’s no other logical reason for some of this fuckery
I honestly think Plastique deserved her win. She was serving Fairytale Fantasy and yes, she served the same silhouette throughout the whole season but each one of them had a different concept and were made to be different. Vanjie was just serving show girl glamour
So for the seasons that weren't mentioned I would add Holland 1: Ma'Ma winning over Sederginne Holland 2: Vivaldi winning snatch game for some reason Italia 1: Divinity winning the rusical Thailand 2: I would say that Srimala didn't deserve to win episode 1 when Angele (especialy Angele, that drag king runway and then the towel outfit popping out of the inflateble dinasour, genious), Kana, Kandy, Bandit, Genie, Tormai, Gimhuay, Maya... Slayed that runway much harder then her.
@@HeyLetsDoAThing I dissagree. Based on the prize and how she actually did on the season I would say she deserved the win. If there were notmal high/low, she would've been high every episode (and honestly should've won the snatch game), the prize was a mekup colab and being a model for them and honestly Elektra was the pretiest in top 3 and was the most popular queen on the season so it only made sense.
@Daniel Flinn Zhou Symone won over Rosè because LSFTC is still a thing, and Rosè bombed the lip sync against Kandy, it was fair given the rules. Also, Kita Mean won over Scarlett because there would’ve been huge outrage if Scarlett won, they had to crown someone else. This is why they film multiple crownings, to give them options in case their pick for the crown is massively unpopular. Also, Carmen has the best track record in Drag Race History, even better than BDR’s, which is exactly why she won. Carmen never placed below safe and did stellar even in the finale, but would’ve probably won anyway, seeing as she was kinda the only option given her performance overall compared to all the other girls.
@Daniel Flinn Zhou I disagree on CDR2. First half of the season Pythia looked like the clear frontrunner(to me) but then she fizzled out a bit until the makeover episode when she got the win. Meanwhile Icesis was doing great during this time(after her first lip sync). Icesis had to be put in the bottom for the makeover because she sacrificed her preplanned theme to give her teen an amazing dress and experience, but also while doing so created an amazing storyline for herself and showed how much compassion she had while hanging with her teen. Pythia also fully deserved the make over win as she also made a good storyline with her teen and the outfits and themes she made. Judges had already seen Icesis lip sync skills so they knew she'd beat Adriana. Then we saw in the weird pre finale that pythia cannot lip sync, which followed her in the finale where again she could not lip sync, whereas Icesis could literally do everything({unchoreographed}dancing, acting, comedy, sewing) which resulted in Pythia's loss.
@Daniel Flinn Zhou Then I guess I'm saying that that system worked well for CDR2, but doesn't really work in other seasons. Because I do find it dumb when you winning and being successful during the season, can all come down to not doing as good as someone in the finale. It's weird. I'm stuck in this headspace like "track record isn't everything" and also "what's the point of having a good track record if it doesn't help you win"
2 things come to mind after this video. 1- How many times this WTF wins only happend to push storylines the production want. Queen was in the bottom, win the next one, queen must be set as a front runner early on (shit pie, krystal versace in DRUK3Ep2), etc. 2- How Eevee was robbed of at least 2 more wins in her season. People use the "only 1 win" against her, but she was realy good in a lot of challenges and could have had more wins if the judging was not so rigged.
krystal literally messed up the choreo, they just tried to mask it by editing it in her favor, but you can still see her mess up. if you hadn't already made an entire video on the monster ball, I would've been like wtf, but i still think it should be on this list
I know you said it has to be at least two people who did better than the winner of the challenge - but Brooklyn winning over Vanjie in the makeover challenge STILL makes me mad. She was the clear winner of that challenge. Even backstage you heard people say they thought they was going to win. Why they gave it to Brooklyn I will never understand.
Because Vanjie was never a top 4 contender to production. Fan favourite, yes. Great for views / memes etc yes. But season winner? Nope. If you're setting up your top 4 you need to give them a fairly even amount of wins throughout the season so it's "anyone's game". This close to finale, you're locking in your top contender. You'd NEVER give a win to someone you plan on booting next week, it's a waste. That said she should have won that challenge and it's rubbish she didn't.
@@kittikats I hear what youre saying, *but* remember by this episode Brooklyn had two wins, Akeria had two wins, Silky had two wins and Yvie had one win. They could have given the win for this episode to Vanjie then eliminated her in the next episode and *nothing* would have fundamentally changed as no one won the episode where Vanjie was eliminated in (which was the next episode). Giving Brooklyn her third win in the makeover challenge just to then put her in the bottom ~the very next episode~ basically secured her spot as a runner up instead of the overall winner because of her two bottom-two placements, despite her having one of the best track records in the top 4. So Vanjie winning this episode just makes more sense to me, especially in hindsight. In fact, if they had 2 wins for Brooklyn, 2 wins for Akeria, 2 wins for Silky and 1 win for Yvie - I think THAT woulda have kept people more on their toes about who could win the crown instead of Brooklyn coming in with 3. But that’s just me!
I like Jeorgeous, and her dress was very much safe. She served the HELL out of it on the runway. I don't think she should have won, but I was ok seeing her in the top with how she modeled the look.
I still think trinity’s was the absolute worst, all she did was stand there and lip sync to a song, no dancing, no tricks, just her standing there and picking up props, and then pretending to “tuck” live when it was clearly always there, compared to Gia Gunn or Manila ACTUALLY PAINTING LIVE
YES! ASIA SHOULDN'T HAVE WON! I literally Adore her but Aquaria should've won that. Her runway was amazing too and she got some weird critiques making me think they didn't want her to win that one and they were building up to the top 4
The fact that Jorgeous herself was shocked that she won tells me everything I need to know.
very much reminds me of priyanka being surprised of her winning
@@callmeskinnypls Exactly. Priyanka did not deserve to win lol we been knew this.
@@mykittystinksbad2 No one else would have carried the title like Priyanka. Ritas drag is TIRED and Bobo didnt have the track record.
@@brody7002 yes priyanka has the charisma.. but her track record stank too
@@brody7002 Agreed. She also had the most star power of that top 3 (which was severely lacking lemon or Jimbo) and priyanka didn’t have that bad of a track record. She slayed every lip sync and most of the runways, ESPECIALLY her final runway, it was a shoot.
Ugh I feel so bad for Jorgeous, she’s an amazing queen. But I feel like the obvious favoritism she’s getting is making the fandom dislike her
Very that!!
You can also see how relieved she is when she is eliminated. I love her but she overstayed and was a little green in some departments, no amount of production can overcome that.
I love Jorgeous's personality but she is literally the most overhyped queen which is to her detriment
and to think daya betty got all the hate for saying what we all had in mind? for those of u who dont know, daya calls out her win that episode and kind of becomes the villain of her season.
We love u scott
Imagine swapping Jorgeous's look with anything Jiggly put out in a design challenge. They would absolutely just call it "a piece of fabric with cookie cutters on it" if Jiggly had walked out in this.
they would have driven Jan through the floor if she wore that
@@lizziegalbreath they would have dragged anyone and everyone. Like sorry jorgeous is a great queen but seriously.
they would have fully executed any queen over a 32 inch waist wearing that thing
@@flooferboop6435 fr
Imagine Deja or Kornbread walking down in that 🤔 they would be read but since Jorgeous was “born for drag” aka skinny and short-stature she won. REMINDER: this is not hate on the queen
As someone who never truly liked Gia Gunn, I will say with the utmost confidence that she was robbed of a challenge win for the talent show
It was pretty but she did nothing... she came out - Lipsynced a few words and spun some fans in her fingers...
@@owendickinson5137 that’s a traditional dance that she had literally been learning and practicing all her life… it takes SO much talent and skill for that level of performance. It was easily the best out of all the 10 AS4 performances, and one of the all time best
@@wystxrr I just didn't see it as talented TBH. And I'm not saying Kabuki isn't talent cos it is I just think the routine she chose to do was so boring she literally shuffled to the front of the stage. Twirled 2 fans and then popped some streamers. It just wasn't great.
@@owendickinson5137 it takes quite a bit of skill to be able to spin fans without fumbling or dropping them.
@@sauce-note6367 myself and the other queens in my area must be quite skilled then cos we can do it....
The fact it’s always the alternative and quirky queens who got told to come out of their safe zone but the pageant girls can stay in their glamour box
and honestly those quirky girls always make it further BECAUSE they are being forced to show different styles. queens like kennedy never had a chance of winning because she wore a pageant gown every time on the runway
reminds me of when alyssa hunter would get kinda punk-rocky and the judges didnt like it because "it isnt you/we dont know you". but they expect alt queens to turn pageant looks to "show versatility". its ridiculous and im kind of sick of pageant queens at this point. i seriously need me a quirky queens only season of drag race
Absolutely this
@@misscalicogirl go make your own drag race then. pageant has been such a huge part of drag. if you want to be mad and "sick" of someone, you should do it to the producers and the judges. drag comes in many form, pageant and "quirky queens" are part of it. y'all new fans are mad when the judges bash your "quirky" queens for being different, but it's fine when y'all bash pageant and old school queens. people love to talk about the future of drag, but sometimes we should talk about how it's started. the ball, pageant, the clubs. not just social media. it's good that drag is evolving, but there's people like you who's just souring everything for everyone else.
@@ae9581 no one is mad at pageant queens, calm down. We're just a little fed up with the hypocrisy of the judges; yes, you need to show versatility, and that's why I'm not surprised that the judges ask the quirky queens to do it; but the pageant queens are not asked to change their style.
jorgeous winning is a great example of “is it a look or is she just skinny”
This 🙏🙏
And also "Does Rupaul think they're sexy?"
Her outfit was like...the same as Eve6000's
@@derekaitken Eve actually had a trick up her sleeve!
Jorgeous won because she’s “born to do drag” aka a skinny young pretty queen that Ru favors.
She's getting the krystal versace treatment
I honestly feel like ru should be the host while the other judges , judge as a group instead of what ru is feeling the winner should be
@@arichan7599 technically its not even ru's decision either. its all production. they know the track records before the competition even starts.
Personally, in MY OPINION, she's not pretty
Just skinny and young
Like, Kerri Colby is fucking stuning, jorgeous is just full of herself
@@lukcarvalho3092jesus fuck, you dont know her. Calling her ugly wont make the challenge disappear
Can we talk about the major eye roll moment during critiques? When Michelle told Ru “Jorgeous is a great drag queen because she watched you.” Like come on man
Very kiss ass-ery
i felt the fandoms collective eye roll. a bazillion pairs of eyeballs rolling inside their respective eye sockets. someone tell the producers that bieng subtle also works
That was so cringe worth
I couldn't agree more, I was like come on really...
It was super cringe
The beginning of Silky's downfall in Season 11 was her saying 'Attitude check' and nobody answering.
I know a queen who's been saying Attitude Check for over 20 years..she says it and everyone yells back F*** You..it became something she's known for
What was really Silky's downfall was her obnoxiously acting like she was better than the queens in the show..her making it to top 4 was totally rigged..Ru only kept her for her drama factor.. same with Kandy Muse
@Dan I can't stand Kandy..
The very first episode when she literally picked up Miley Cyrus without her consent lost me. She did that same thing to a good chunk of the guest judges that came into untucked, and it's just inappropriate honestly.
Sherrys win was even more infuriating because they show Aiden being the only one to suggest something that would mix it up, and Brita and Sherry shutting it down immediately. Then they flop and both NYC girls bully Aiden for no reason saying they carried her. Made even more ridiculous by the fact you can't carry each other you're supposed to all do the same thing!
That seemed so sketchy to me, specially after the acusations that Came against Pie. It sounded quite manipulative if You asked me.
Personally I thought Aiden carried them in the challenge. She made me laugh the hardest out of that group but IMO Heidi should’ve won that challenge overall
it's such ashame aiden was basically frozen during the whole game .kinda sad how she personally knows who she's acting as but just randomly shades her
Something I hadn't thought about. What if production will try to push at least a couple of good lip syncers to the top because of how bad the lip syncs on the S13 finale were?
I also think they're setting up future All Star lip sync assassins if they continue down that road
@@shyknee ccxx
I think that’s probably a reach. I mean production doesn’t have to let a girl win a challenge just to push her to the end. Jujubee on S2, Jujubee AND Raven on AS1, and Elle Diamond to name a few. I honestly think they gave Jorgeous the win bc it wasn’t terrible, she’s one of ru’s favorites, and she danced on the runway. That’s it.
Well so far on season 14 they will have to do the same
They need to just go back to the S7/S8 finale format. The lipsyncing thing is tired.
Ginger winning Pink Table Talk certainly was weird, but let's be honest: being robbed of the Ginger vs. Mayhem lipsync to "Phone" would've been an absolute travesty.
you have a point
Exactly so stop complaining
That's the real tea
@@user-ke5rt3ji8c I don't know why you assume they're complaining? The whole point of having/using Comment sections is discussing and comparing opinions with other people.
I still don't think Trinity tried as hard or had a more memorable performance than Eureka or Ginger in the infomercial challenge but then there's the Physical lipsync.
Really appreciated your point about beautifully constructed looks on bigger bodied queens being ignored!! Nina isn't even fat, she just has a bulky, masculine frame and she's a sickening performer - fingers crossed we'll see her in All Stars. Another amazing video, thank you 💖💖
I felt bad for Jorgeous until she made fun of Cynthia Lee Fontaine for getting into a car crash after Cynthia politely said she didn't agree with the win.
Cynthia was very polite when she publicly spoiled future episode of season 14 to make fun of Jorgeous...
@@marcinjanik666 she said rumours, and did you think jeorgous was making it to the end anyway?
@@marcinjanik666 that was a response after jorgeous had already mocked her car accident
Awww but you guys will laugh at roxxxy for being abandoed in a bus stop I guess Cynthia’s mental health is more important than Roxxxys? Or Alexis Michelle? Because you fans also laughed at her broad shoulders? Or delta or eureka or jiggly because they’re plus size queens and everyone joked and laughed at them? Or Naomi? When she said Derrick has thin hair? Those can have a serious effect on mental health. Pick and choose ur comedy lmao
It's not the "Shea Coulee" effect, it's the "Darrienne Lake" effect after being Scary Head in a Box, her entire storyline in that episode is how she is given the smallest role in the film bc she was being underestimated but she kills it and, to make the storyline feel rewarding, she is given the win. Not sure if someone else deserved the win, Ben and Bianca did a good job too, but this is the first instance of this happening I can remember.
I just watched the episode and Darienne’s acting was really great and so was her runway. Dela was the best but on the losing team, and Bianca was a solid fourth (Joslyn outshined her) She def deserved to win.
My first thought too. Maybe he was talking more specifically about Rusicals in the video, but I still think the trend started with Darienne.
Trying to erase a black queens achievements I see…
I agree with darrienne (how can I disagree, it’s literally facts) whoever I think shea had a much bigger impact with it because of theyr feud between her and nina, it’s just much more memorable for what went down with the episode.
@@user-ke5rt3ji8c oh my, are u for real?
I'd add Adore and Laganja's win for the commercial challenge when it was pretty clear by the critiques that Bianca and Trinity were better both in the challenge and the runway. Also Kylie's win for the acting challenge in AS6 because honestly all Ginger, Pandora and Jan did better than her and also their runways were great.
Disagree about Kylie. I think Ginger arguably did better but nobody else was stronger than Ginger and Kylie that week.
I'd swap that win for Ginger with Snatch Game where I enjoyed Kylie more.
girl for me Jan was soooo fucking funny in the challenge lmfao her intro alone I'm like baby that's the winner. and the "Take that!" omg I scream. Should've won
@cindy anally wisconsin I think Kylie should have won snatch game and Ginger should've won the American horror story challenge
Kylie should've won Snatch Game and didn't, so..
Jan should have won American horror story. Best runway too
Glad you mentioned Nina’s corn husk look. I loved it, but people talk about it like it was garbage because she’s not a skinny twink. 🙄
I did like the look, so I don't know why they hated It so much. I do like the pops of purple, although I don't think that wig suits her.
To this day I still can’t see why everyone hates that look. I think it was fine 🤷
At most, I dislike the wig
I don’t even really like Nina West that much, but I think the corn husk dress was one of the better looks in that challenge.
Love the outfit and the effort, I feel it deserved a high spot. Not a huge fan of the blunt wig with it, it kind of throws off the silhouette and perhaps it needed some big shoes?
Production so clearly just wanted an uproar with Jorgeous. It would've made way more sense to make her high for this one (and I think even that would be generous), showing the start of a redemption arc after her flubs of the last two challenges, and then in a week or two when a challenge comes up that's in her wheelhouse, maybe she could truly earn her win - which I genuinely believe she could, especially after seeing her in her lipsynch. But the producers chose violence.
I don't even think it's entirely the producers. I think it's mostly Ru. She LOVES and LIVES for everything Jorgeous does to the point where I think she just made the final decision and the producers couldn't do or say anything about it even if they wanted to, which they probably didn't, because debatable or unjust results make for good social media activity.
@@HeyLetsDoAThing That's a great point! We've seen stunts like this many time that can clearly be traced back to Ru's own favoritism alone.
@@HeyLetsDoAThing I also think Ru LOVES and LIVES for skinny queens :(
She won to try and spark a fight between her and Daya imo
“It looks so high-fashion” aka “omg I love how skinny your body looks” 🙄.
i consider this era of drag race the "over-edited era" from s12-s14 it's good because they're casting a variety of drag queens with many talents and different things to offer however they've started over editing these seasons and considering they've gotten emmy's... they're just not gonna stop now lol
I’d put 11 in there too tbh. So much weird shit went on there. But I’m also biased because 11 is my least favorite season other than 13. 12 really feels like the only decent US season the past few years, and only because they erased the queen they rigged the season for lmao. 14 has a chance because the cast is good but the show needs to get out of its way.
Honestly though all of the production stuff to me just really feels like a way to make stakes and drama because the queens refuse to be themselves anymore because they’re terrified of the fandom not liking them. If we had more queens go on the show and be authentic 100% good and bad production would likely interfere less.
@@Bazzlieo Couldn’t agree more i hate the fans nowadays they’re too much smh 🙄
I’d say season 11-14 minus 12 m, the season kinda had to be over edited considering the unfortunate circumstances
Started? It's been happening since S9. VH1 was the death of rpdr editing. Let's not pretend Logo didn't have some questionable shit, but at least they knew how to make it make sense and still be enjoyable to watch.
Drag Race has been over edited since at least season 5 at the latest
Remember everyone it's not the contestants faults they get favored so don't send hate ❤️
Literally Jorgeous just attacked Cynthia Lee Fontaine on twitter, with "joke" about her crashed car, when Cynthia told that Jorgeous shouldn't win.
@@SmithyPL omg that's so mean, DR girls can't be that sensitive if they're gonna go on the show
Unless contestants are fighting with each other for real, the drama is always almost fake. And no matter what, death threats sent to a contestant by fans is just tired. So don't do it; the producers sent your favorite home, that's the facts lol
Good point. Whenever I notice that the production is favoring certain queens, I (unintentionally) stop rooting for them or even dislike them. Notice how 'filler' queens that are not a part of any storylines are always fan favorites? It's because we are able to fall in love with them naturally, instead of production showing them down our throats.
Even if it were their fault, don't send hate. But it's not their fault. Don't understand the compulsion of sending online hate in any case.
When I saw Jorgeous's outfit I thought for sure she was in the bottom. I was shook when she won
She gave me Serena Chacha's first look
@@carlosgermanmorenomontero6114 that was better LMFAO
@@carlosgermanmorenomontero6114 at least serena knew how to make it more remarkable what gorgeous wore y'know something like its so bad that's enjoyable
Please when I saw the first 2 queens I thought either one of them were gonna win
she looked super confident on the runway so i was SURE they were gonna use the “your look wasn’t good but you were great at selling it to us” story to justify giving her a safe placement
The Jaydinn erasure in season 7 always bugged me, everybody talks about Max but Jaydinn too was treated badly, I hope she will get to all stars one day
I actually loved it and her hair was so gorgeous with it. Nina deserved better
I appreciate you pointing out that Aiden did the best in her World's Worst group! That concept was so bizarre but Aiden's facial expressions throughout were absolutely hilarious.
thank you! I don't think Aiden got enough praise!
Jorgeous being high on the ball, saved from the bottom on the teaser and be given this win... At this point production is not even trying to hiding anything. I do think Jorgeous outfit looks good, but the show established that wrapping yourself in fabric is a being NO. It was definitely a safe outfit.
But, what I understand less than this win, is why does the fandom is sending hate to queen for production's choice ? Honestly, I'm way more upset by the fact nobody helped Willow open these boxes (even production should have imo, but I suspect they told everyone not to help her), and I've read/heard nobody pointing this. I know helping each other and solidarity is not an american value, but Willow didn't deserves this.
I think Jorgeou's outfit was the 6th best out of 10.
Like most fandoms, drag race fans have never been the sharpest knives in the drawer. Want to send hate to RuPaul and Carson (or whoever) and MIchelle for making a bad call? No, that's intimidating and "punching" up. It's easier for them to pick on some random queen.
no the star shaped cookie cutters were really well thought out
Yvie should've won so many more challenges then just 1 and worst, the 1 she won was divided with Scarlet... At least she won the whole thinf
facts. also i think it was weird how nobody won the last challenge because if ru had chosen a winner it would’ve definitely been yvie
@@Ana-vc4hb 100% agree with both of you. In my eyes she should have had at least 4 wins that season; the one she actually got, the trump rusical, the farm to runway design challenge, and the final episode remix. & she should have at least been in the top, definitely not low for the makeover. It’s so stupid they didn’t give her the win that last week. She gave one of the best verses ever and one of the best looks ever, and they had a bottom 2 that week so it’s not even like it was a top 4 victory lap episode. Gigi, Lady Camden, and Sasha Colby all won this exact episode on their respective seasons after, so there’s no literally 0 reason they didn’t give it to Yvie. Yvie clearly was deemed by the judges and by just like anyone objectively looking at the episode to be the best that week, so honestly I think we should fully just count it as a second win.
I also think in s13 gottmik was a lil robbed of getting another win for her verse, I felt it was def the best, but the difference is everyone did excellent honestly and that episode WAS just a top 4 victory lap you know, so it makes sense no one wins and no one’s in the bottom. Unlike in s11 where Vanjie goes home for a stellar verse honestly, but she did mess up performing it, and Yvie’s just alone in the top, clearly the best, robbed of a win.
I think production is getting a little too worried about having a Queen with too many wins because it makes them the obvious winner... Hoping that Sasha Colby's win Will teach them that we're ok with having an obvious champ as long as queens make it fun and interesting
The most WTF win was AS6 Kylie winning the American Horror Story Acting Challenge. I was genuinely gagged
Yes! I was coming here to see if anyone brought her up… her red,white, and blue best drag runway was lackluster - and she got the win for that one too.
@@valriewe2198 yeah but tbh the entire finale runway (excluding Eureka) was a bit lack luster. But I give a pass because it was during 2020 and resources were limited
People aren't ready for that conversation only because it's Kylie and it's her only win, like she was the worst during the challenge, they literally had to do an extra cut only for Kylie to give her a win. It was pushed to the core.
Honestly all AS6 wins are weird
I dont think I ever agree with any wins from that season. Except for maybe R'ajah's & Trinity's wins
literally. the acting wasn’t even that good or emotional
I'm just gonna say it. Jorgeous' look has the same vibe as Naysha Lopez's drag on a dime look, and Naysha got sent home in that. Genuinely I do not understand what's going on anymore
I keep hearing Michelle saying "it's a piece of fabric" over and over to so many queens, yet here is Jorgeous winning for exactly that. My opinion she should have been safe and Lady Camden had the winning look.
How are we ignoring Vanjie not getting the makeover win? But yeah has to be 2 better queens but still lol
I think because Brooke did just as well. Vanjie winning would have made more sense story wise, but they objectively speaking both did equally as well.
@@lukase898 I agree, this specific list is the most wtf WINS not the most wtf non-wins. Even tho it’s “WTF” for vanjie not winning, it’s not necessarily “WTF” for Brooke winning bc she was also a pretty valid win for that challenge.
I think that at least part of the reason that they slept on Vanjie is that they knew early on that they wanted to use her for an All Stars season in the future.
Brooke was favoured a lot in S11. She shouldnt have won the Ball or the Makeover imo.
@@kysolakonos If that is the case, why mention Plastique or Silky? They were both one of the best in their own respective episodes. Plastique and Yvie was both great, Yvie had a better silhouette but Plastique had better attention to detail. Why mention it as wtf? I don't get it.
poor jorgeous - she’s so sweet and you could tell she shocked she won when lady camden was told she was safe
This really does show just how inconsistent judging is across international seasons too. Like Thailand was mostly runway judging, Canada had a bit more weight on runways (I'm still watching Canada S2, so not sure), but the ones Ru judges don't seem to put as much weight on it, unless it serves their story fantasy.
the ones ru judges dont have rules. it just comes down to whatever shes feeling like doing n how much coffee there was in her enema
I honestly can't wait for drag race Philippines . queens here are all about campy and wacky runway looks
"... do you want a carrot?"
Juju TRULY didn't expect that win, but she's gonna Juju.
I swear to god if Jorgeous wins can RuPaul thinks "she was born to do drag" Y'all know where to find me when the drag race studio burns down 👀
Don’t worry.
❗️Spoiler Sorry❗️
Cynthia had similar thoughts to almost everyone about Jorgeous’ win and posted it on Twitter. Jorgeous replied with “That’s why your car is messed/fucked up” Cynthia recently got into a car accident. Cynthia clapped back with “Not as fucked up as your future elimination from what I heard 👀” Cynthia been snooping the reddit 👀🤫
@@BraffWaffle DAYUMM, i literally love cynthia
My guess for Silky playing Oprah is that her scene is referencing Beauty School Dropout in Grease - when an angelic figure is giving Frenchy life advice and telling her to go back to high school - so Oprah is probably meant to be the angelic figure of the 2000s, the wise angel giving advice to Omarosa (I think that's who she's singing to?)
this makes sense!!
The only other thing that I can think of is that Oprah was made out as a possibility (like The Rock) of someone who can run for president and win against trump.... that is what I always thought anyway but I only watched this season once.
Trump said he would run for president on Oprah in the 90s. Multiple times. People thought Oprah was going to be his vice president. This is back before 2016. Both were huge tv stars
I have to say Black China was never a bit role, which was why Nina wanted it.
It was written to be a winning role, because of the lack of chances in other scenes to be outshone or messed up by others.
Just focus on doing this 1 part really well, you get individual choreography, meaning you won't be compared to the other dancers abilities and everyone stops for you. It's also at the end so its fresh in the judges memories.
Had it been at the start, then it may have qualified as a bit role.
Its so weird how despite eventually being the winner, Yvie was robbed of several wins. They could've easily given her three wins
I liked Jorgeous look but it’s so the definition of safe. A body suit that she glued stuff that doesn’t look too much like a body suit.
also, those cookie cutters aren't even re-purposed. They look so fkn cheap!
i think it’s so sad that queens like jaidynn diore fierce are more likely to get ignored. jaidynn did an incredible job parodying bianca and definitely deserved the win
I think Jaidynn Diore Fierce should've won the spoof challenge in S7. She channeled BDR eerily well in her video, but maybe the judges thought her runway wasn't as good as Kennedy's.
Love this vid! I think we've all had our Jan moments looking at the screen when someone wins that we didn't expect.
I am so glad you mentioned how a specific body type factors into design challenges and how fatphobia is real on drag race, thank you!
Hahaha, after seeing that ep i immediately thought to myself "drag detective will definitely do a video about most undeserving wins", I didn't have to wait for long, you never disappoint
Drag race “fans” are truly vile for continuously going after queens for being favored as if they chose to be?! If anything you should be going after Rupaul for her horrid clouded judgement that’s only gotten more and more obvious as years pass and the mask is slipping, but instead you go after a small queen during probably their first big break? In the words of Thorgy Thor ew Jesus, gross. I have a couple queens I don’t like each season, like I didn’t like Silky on season 11, what did I do about it? Not follow her! Wow! How simple it is to not send death threats or hateful messages towards someone over a heavily edited tv show!! Maybe use that energy to send more love towards your favorites instead? No need to knock a queen down to build another up, just go build up the ones you love without those comments of “I think you would’ve been a much better winner than ‘blank’” instead you could say “you had my favorite look/performance this week” because it’s not trying to shame another queen for winning something out of their control. No way anyone would ever win a challenge and say “um actually I don’t think I should’ve won and this win should go to this other queen instead of me” even if that’s how some of these “fans” think it should go. Very delusional. Very gross behavior that’s only gotten worse with time.
You r right. Although Jorgeous made it a bit difficult to feel sympathy for by being so petty and kind mean toward Cynthia.
I'd feel bad for Jorgeous had she not made fun of Cynthia for getting into a car crash 🙄
@@apheliaa And yet y'all laugh everytime about katya's bus stop read towards roxxy or bianca's insensitive jokes or trixie's racist jokes etc.
@@InternetWAPx um no I don't lol
@@InternetWAPx y’all?? Lol no. In real life these things aren’t mutually exclusive
I don't agree with krystal winning episode 2, if you actually watch the challenge you never see her doing the group choreo, she is always hidden behind someone by the camera and we only see her close ups. She did the worst in her group but still won
literally, there's a clip of her doing all the moves in the wrong direction
I don't agree with her winning the season. I loved the top 3, but this wasn't it.
The Gottmik discomentary strategy lol
I %100 agree with “skinny privilege” as a skinny person. Also I adore that dress nina made, it didn’t move as well as it could’ve, but I adored it! It looked so pretty and i loved the colors.
Since I included a few Drag Race Down Under options in your last questionable choices video, I’ll include one here: Scarlet Adams winning the Recycling challenge. She made an outfit out of a tablecloth and had a theme of grapes, picnics, and wineries and such. It was solid and all… but the judges went NUTS over it. They were acting like it was the most unique and amazing thing they’d seen on the show, even if UTICA wore a pretty similar thing for her Fascinator runway. Plus, Maxi Shield, who made a more unique outfit out of material that was MUCH harder to construct and work with (thus had to put way more work in to create something amazing) was only High, and Elektra Shock (who made a whole dress out of neckties) was only safe, while Scarlet won. That being the episode Art Simone randomly came back in, Anita Wigl’It got the chop, and Scarlet’s outside actions aside, that was pretty questionable judging and win selection there.
Elektra was safe which is worse. Tops were scarlet, art and maxi.
Elektra wasn't high that week, she got a shout out but Art was high that week.
Maxi should have won that episode. Scarlet's look was beautiful but I think it had an actual issue and that is that it did not give her a nice sillhouette. Scarlet had an issue with her shoulders being very broad which really took you out of the illusion (which is far worse for a drag queen whose aesthetic is high femme; if you are not selling that particular fantasy, you can get away with it much easier imo.
And Art was high for a look we have seen a hundred times, with no real elevation or unique concept to it.
@@conour1387 I made a mistake when I posted this, which I’ve since fixed. My bad on the first time though! And you’re right, she should’ve at least been high.
@@7gagamonster I made a mistake when I posted this, which I’ve since fixed. My bad on the first time though! And you’re right, she should’ve at least been high.
I'd like to add Olivia Lux improv win to this list. She went from completing slamming each queen in her win for the disco challenge then the week after won for a top 5-6 performance.
I don't agree I thought she deserved both her wins, but faded after that
Imagine seeing a perfectly exicuted kabuki performance TWICE and being like "meh"
Last time Ru said someone was born to do drag was Krystal Versace and she ended up getting a questionable win and winning the entire season. Ru has said this same comment to Jorgeous this season too. She's getting a push, no doubt. They won't even try to be subtle about it either or care.
Yarlexis had a High - Win - Safe track record while Shad had a Bottom - High - Win... Yarlexis was actually the dominating team and only went home because Chad was set to win.
Bestie they were low win low are you ok?😂 their PPPE IS 2.75
@@Mylittleaddiction2802 There were no low placements this season. First ep there was 2 teams safe, 1 high, 1 win and 2 bottoms. Third there was 1 win, 1 safe(bc there were no bad critics) and 2 btms
There will never be a bigger WTF win than whoever won over Utica for the ball. Literally can't even remember any other looks from that episode besides hers.
Might not have 2 or more better but jan winning over trinity in the super bowl challenge was definitely one, trinity destroyed everyone in that challenge!
Also gotmikk winning the bag ball, the 3 looks were great but two of them were basic as hell and Utica’s final look is one of the best design challenge outfits we have ever seen
Mo Heart's Card Dress!! She deserved to win that challenge but i feel that the producers didn't thought Mo Heart would be a fan favorite
well for that concept alone I was very impressed. I mean, a dress like that made of cards!? that is incredible for me.
Man i love s10, but the judging was SO weird. It’s so weird they gave mayhem the win to only leave three episodes later
I love how even in videos where the focus is to be a bit critical, you still take the time to spread positivity and remind us that these fierce queens are people too!
Holy crap i forgot that plastique won that farm to runway, I genuinely was like whats wrong with yvies outfit lol
They were setting up Plastique for top 4 but she wasn't strong enough to get there, the riggory would be too much, even for season 11.
To answer your question about how Oprah relates to Trump, she did a speech on the 2018 Golden Globe awards where people thought she’s going to run for president and save us from Trump.
That’s why she was portrayed as an angel.
Trump declared he’d run for president on Oprah in the 80s. He then said he’d select Oprah as his VP to Larry King in the 90s and people talked about it for years because both were huge tv stars
Derek, your commentary at 24:34 is literally one of my favorite pieces of commentary on your entire channel. You're amazing. Thank you. 😄
I played a ‘take a sip for every time I disagree with the judges’ this past week and I was in a alcohol induced coma by the end
FINALLY someone said something about Nina West’s look, it was well constructed and that was the best hair/makeup look from her that season
I also liked her "George Washington" look. i think she was very beautiful and the curly hair suits her
I'm rewatching Drag Race and started season 7 yesterday. I just saw this episode with Kennedy's win and wondered the same thing. I couldn't remember which group she was in right off even though I like her. You hit that win perfectly.
THANK you for pointing out how big girls can’t get away with design challenges the same way that skinny queens do, this has bugged me for years
i KNEW this video was gonna drop soon
Brooklyn Heights winning the Makeover challenge from Season 11 was definitely a WTF moment for me, Ariel literally looked like she could be Vanjie's twin, or like very strongly resembling family member, Michelle was talking about how she was proud of Vanjie for doing something different but they gave it to Brooklyn, who was shocked herself
Vanjie definitely ate but Brooke ate so hard too plastique could’ve also def been her twin tbh so I feel it was justified other way and could’ve been a double win
How are they twins if one had red hair and the other blonde 👱♀️that’s not a twin that’s a sibling Ariel and vanjie literally looked like each other ! And vanjie made an OUTFIT!
@@alguaii272 but the challenge was about family resemblance, not self cloning
Top ‘skinny privilege moments in drag race’ there’s a video idea right there
Just found this, you don't know how carthartic this is!! I absolutely understand and agree with every reason you have said, and i forgot about most of them. When i watched them back in the day I remember being gagged and annoyed that the wrong queen got a win, ESPECIALLY IN MUSICALS, but i always forget! this is great thank you so much for making this
I really wonder if Season 11 was originally planning on pushing Silky to win, given the edit she got in the MTQ and the accompanying videos, as well as the way that production treated her, Akeria, Yvie and Brooke during filming.
I think the confusion with Sherry getting these wins from Season 12 might be better explained if we watch the original edit, which did air, albeit in Brazil.
Is there anywhere I can find the full original edit?
@Domi B there's a TH-cam video actually explaining how Sherrys edit was set up for her to win. Apparently the original edit was that she was a clear front runner and Gigi was set up to be the villain - a whole Old drag vs New drag dynamic between the two.
@Domi B th-cam.com/video/1y4v-tfJWbQ/w-d-xo.html
WHATT??? the og sherry hero edit did air?? how?
@Domi B Idk, all I know is that I watched a compilation of Untucked in their original form, with a lot more Sherry, that had Portuguese captions on them, so all I can assume it was sent as intended to be aired in a Portuguese speaking country before the scandal came out. And I know drag race is very popular in Brazil.
I'd also include:
- Morgan McMichaels on season 2 (no one really talks about it, but Tyra, Sonique and Jessica did a way better job than Morgan).
- Raja cake couture on season 3 (I like Raja's look, but there was definitely at least 2 looks that deserved more the win)
- Mayhem on season 10 (like you did with Plastique, I think Mayhem was a great second in this challenge, but Monique not winning was the definition of riggory)
- Brooke Lynn monster ball on season 11 (I think Scarlet and Ra'jah did better than her and they weren't even in the top)
- Shea snatch game on All Stars 5 (Alexis and Juju were a lot more memorable and funnier than her)
- Scarlet Adams Queens Down Under on Down Under s1 (Still don't know why she won and Elektra was in the bottom)
- Envy Peru snatch game on Holland s1 (she was the second best, BUT ChelseaBoy was literally told she was the best on the runway, this is the definition of riggory)
- Divinity on Italia s1 (she did fine, but for me that was Farida's win for sure, she killed it)
Shea’s flava flav was everything
No. Shea deserved that snatch game win.
@@ComptonAssMandiiee i disagree, the only thing I remind about it is Shea saying "flavoooor flav". Juju had the MOST memorable moment/joke in that snatch game and Alexis basically saved that first group. I still remember how I cracked with Cracker answering Alexis question and then Alexis goes "it was my question you dumb b*tch". Not only that, but on the runway I didn't care at all for what Shea was wearing. Of course that is just my opinion and Shea did a great job, but if it was me I'd give it to Jujubee or Alexis.
As much as Shea did very well in that Snatch Game, Alexis really was better. Jujubee is more memorable in post, but I do believe Shea was better overall. All Stars 5 really did Alexis dirty with the lack of two winners per week and the India drama, but Snatch Game really should’ve been her week.
I was cheering this post on until you mentioned Shea's SnatchGame. No ma'am! I cannot even make it through the day without saying "Roses are red, buses is yellow. I just realized you is a fellow." 😂😂😂 Shea earned that win
My top 4 most WTF wins ranking so far (the ones that got more of a reaction from me):
1. Jorgeous for the S14 Glamazon Design (her hair and makeup looks nice, but the look is just too simple.)
2. Gottmik for the S13 Bag Ball (her first look was ok, her 2nd was really good, and her third look was meh.)
3. Sherry for the S12 World's Worst (she was fine. She basically did the same thing as 2 other queens, yet she got the win...)
4. Ginger for the AS6 Pink Table Talk (she was fine, but TKB/Eureka/Akeria did better than her. I would've given the challenge win to Eureka.)
A lot of times where I personally have a different winner than the show's challenge winner, both choices are really good at that specific challenge. So, I didn't mind who won that challenge.
Gottmik was the second best after Utica, so at least that makes sense. Jorgeous was the SIXTH best out of 10 (literally in the bottom half of looks).
AS6 in general was all over the place tbh. I thought Jan should’ve won the talent show, TKB the halftime show, Eureka the pink table talk, Ginger the acting challenge, Kylie snatch game, etc.
Yes Utica definitely deserved the win for the ball, everything about that sleeping bag look was perfect
The Pinky Table Talk made me so angryyyy, Eureka's group was amazing!!! One of them should've won
I really like Jorgeous but that look was only fine. Also loved what you said about skinny privilege and Nina West because it's very very true. Sometimes skinny queens just get away with stuff that a larger queen would never. But this is a critique to the society we live in + internalized fatphobia, not a critique towards any of the queens
Gottmik winning the Bag Ball over Utica was a huge WTF in my opinion.
"Your commercial made no sense and Jimbo was the funniest part of it. Rita Baga, Condragulations you are the winner of this week's challenge." 😂😂😂
You forgot season 5 where ready roxxxy wins the first challenge when it should’ve been lineysha
But there has to be TWO better choices.
I feel like it’s not really a WTF win when both of them did really really great. Like that’s a win where it’s like “Oh good for them. Both are very deserving of the win”, while i feel like most on this list are “Omg that person did mediocre. How did she win?”
Because of the scandal, the entire season had to be reedited and the way were presented things is very dependent on productions edit of the episode. It's more than possible that somewhere in WoW studios is a lost winner's edit for Sherry Pie.
I know it probably would never be released, but I really want to see that original season 12 edit. I really want to see the original story.
@@brickmariobros somebody said that they were planning a "hero edit" for Sharry in a very heated argument against Gigi Goode, who would have recieved a "villain edit". but I am not sure about this. if I am wrong, tell me
It’s like, okay I can name: Daya, Angeria, Camden, Bosco and even willow could’ve won over jorgeous in this scenario like cmon they decided to rigg for her in the worst possible episode for her LMAO
Jorgeous' look reminds me of Gottmiks' win in the bag ball. Like WTF it's stuff put together. It's another case of is it fashion ir is she just a skinny queen. Like Gottmik could have gone on the runway in a piece of fabric tacked around her body and they would call it fashion because she's a skinny fashion queen
I genuinely think that now that WOW has seen how the fandom reacts to either questionable wins or questionable bottom twos, that they deliberately make wrong choices just to stir the pot and have social media explode. Otherwise, there’s no other logical reason for some of this fuckery
Pearl's shantay in her lipsync vs Trixie was also super WTF
I honestly think Plastique deserved her win. She was serving Fairytale Fantasy and yes, she served the same silhouette throughout the whole season but each one of them had a different concept and were made to be different. Vanjie was just serving show girl glamour
So for the seasons that weren't mentioned I would add
Holland 1: Ma'Ma winning over Sederginne
Holland 2: Vivaldi winning snatch game for some reason
Italia 1: Divinity winning the rusical
Thailand 2: I would say that Srimala didn't deserve to win episode 1 when Angele (especialy Angele, that drag king runway and then the towel outfit popping out of the inflateble dinasour, genious), Kana, Kandy, Bandit, Genie, Tormai, Gimhuay, Maya... Slayed that runway much harder then her.
Also the winner of Italia was a bit of a WTF gag given the track record.
@@HeyLetsDoAThing I dissagree. Based on the prize and how she actually did on the season I would say she deserved the win. If there were notmal high/low, she would've been high every episode (and honestly should've won the snatch game), the prize was a mekup colab and being a model for them and honestly Elektra was the pretiest in top 3 and was the most popular queen on the season so it only made sense.
@Daniel Flinn Zhou Symone won over Rosè because LSFTC is still a thing, and Rosè bombed the lip sync against Kandy, it was fair given the rules. Also, Kita Mean won over Scarlett because there would’ve been huge outrage if Scarlett won, they had to crown someone else. This is why they film multiple crownings, to give them options in case their pick for the crown is massively unpopular. Also, Carmen has the best track record in Drag Race History, even better than BDR’s, which is exactly why she won. Carmen never placed below safe and did stellar even in the finale, but would’ve probably won anyway, seeing as she was kinda the only option given her performance overall compared to all the other girls.
@Daniel Flinn Zhou I disagree on CDR2. First half of the season Pythia looked like the clear frontrunner(to me) but then she fizzled out a bit until the makeover episode when she got the win. Meanwhile Icesis was doing great during this time(after her first lip sync). Icesis had to be put in the bottom for the makeover because she sacrificed her preplanned theme to give her teen an amazing dress and experience, but also while doing so created an amazing storyline for herself and showed how much compassion she had while hanging with her teen. Pythia also fully deserved the make over win as she also made a good storyline with her teen and the outfits and themes she made. Judges had already seen Icesis lip sync skills so they knew she'd beat Adriana. Then we saw in the weird pre finale that pythia cannot lip sync, which followed her in the finale where again she could not lip sync, whereas Icesis could literally do everything({unchoreographed}dancing, acting, comedy, sewing) which resulted in Pythia's loss.
@Daniel Flinn Zhou Then I guess I'm saying that that system worked well for CDR2, but doesn't really work in other seasons. Because I do find it dumb when you winning and being successful during the season, can all come down to not doing as good as someone in the finale. It's weird. I'm stuck in this headspace like "track record isn't everything" and also "what's the point of having a good track record if it doesn't help you win"
2 things come to mind after this video. 1- How many times this WTF wins only happend to push storylines the production want. Queen was in the bottom, win the next one, queen must be set as a front runner early on (shit pie, krystal versace in DRUK3Ep2), etc. 2- How Eevee was robbed of at least 2 more wins in her season. People use the "only 1 win" against her, but she was realy good in a lot of challenges and could have had more wins if the judging was not so rigged.
What would gag me is if a queen gets an questionable win and then declines it, on stage, like how Valentina said she'd like to keep her mask on.
I truly think that in season 5 Roxxxy should have won the candy ball over Alaska.
I agree! All of Roxxxy’s looks were so good. Alaska’s looks were not as elaborate or impressive as Roxxxy’s
Shannel was ahead of her time
krystal literally messed up the choreo, they just tried to mask it by editing it in her favor, but you can still see her mess up. if you hadn't already made an entire video on the monster ball, I would've been like wtf, but i still think it should be on this list
a decision that keeps me up at night is how Gottmik won that bag ball over Utica, like... make it make sense
I know you said it has to be at least two people who did better than the winner of the challenge - but Brooklyn winning over Vanjie in the makeover challenge STILL makes me mad. She was the clear winner of that challenge. Even backstage you heard people say they thought they was going to win. Why they gave it to Brooklyn I will never understand.
Because Vanjie was never a top 4 contender to production. Fan favourite, yes. Great for views / memes etc yes. But season winner? Nope.
If you're setting up your top 4 you need to give them a fairly even amount of wins throughout the season so it's "anyone's game".
This close to finale, you're locking in your top contender. You'd NEVER give a win to someone you plan on booting next week, it's a waste.
That said she should have won that challenge and it's rubbish she didn't.
@@kittikats I hear what youre saying, *but* remember by this episode Brooklyn had two wins, Akeria had two wins, Silky had two wins and Yvie had one win. They could have given the win for this episode to Vanjie then eliminated her in the next episode and *nothing* would have fundamentally changed as no one won the episode where Vanjie was eliminated in (which was the next episode).
Giving Brooklyn her third win in the makeover challenge just to then put her in the bottom ~the very next episode~ basically secured her spot as a runner up instead of the overall winner because of her two bottom-two placements, despite her having one of the best track records in the top 4. So Vanjie winning this episode just makes more sense to me, especially in hindsight.
In fact, if they had 2 wins for Brooklyn, 2 wins for Akeria, 2 wins for Silky and 1 win for Yvie - I think THAT woulda have kept people more on their toes about who could win the crown instead of Brooklyn coming in with 3. But that’s just me!
I believe Yvie should have won the next challenge. Giving her a second win.
@@kittikats fair! Yvie deserved better.
I still don’t believe Silky was ready for the show-sharpie makeup is disqualifying.
I agree about Nina's look!! I always loved that look. I was so confused when the judges didn't like it
Here’s some of the worst to me:
-Rebecca makeover
-Adore and Laganja commercial
-Ginger Glamazonian Airways
-Max DESPY awards
-Asia Breastworld
-Eureka Bossy Rossy
-Silky Tr*mp Rusical
-Sherry worlds worst
-Olivia Bossy Rossy
-Kandy Roast
-Camden Catwalk (maybe)
-Jorgeous glamazon prime
-Bebe Warhol Ball
-Trinity talent show
-Naomi AS4 makeover (hot take)
-Kylie coven girls
-Rajah blue ball
-Yara talent show
-Astina British ball
-Jujubee Living in London
-Janey Rupaul ball
-Rita Baga design challenge
-Rita Baga Commercial
-Adrianna Screech
You need to do a riggory of season 7 video 😩
I like Jeorgeous, and her dress was very much safe. She served the HELL out of it on the runway. I don't think she should have won, but I was ok seeing her in the top with how she modeled the look.
I'd have been more OK with her in the top if she hadn;t already been favored TWICE before.
I still think trinity’s was the absolute worst, all she did was stand there and lip sync to a song, no dancing, no tricks, just her standing there and picking up props, and then pretending to “tuck” live when it was clearly always there, compared to Gia Gunn or Manila ACTUALLY PAINTING LIVE
YES! ASIA SHOULDN'T HAVE WON! I literally Adore her but Aquaria should've won that. Her runway was amazing too and she got some weird critiques making me think they didn't want her to win that one and they were building up to the top 4
When it comes to Sherry we just have no idea what she did on the show due to the cutting
My personal biggest wtf win was when Utica didn’t win after making the sleeping bag dress.. that was just a massive lie
Ginger winning the rusical when everyone was wearing pink, that was for Kasha Davis!!!
Your comment on what’s probably in her inbox rn had be rolling 😂 that’s a perfect impersonation of the toxic side of the fandom haha