Have you ever seen an urn (ceramic) buried in the ground for only few years? Humidity would have destroyed any artwork on it and would look rather brownish. The urns shown in this video were buried very recently (probably days ago), they are clean and dry! Also, most of the jewelry was very modern and clean, there was hardly any mud on them! A fake!
Γελάω που τα χτυπάει κιόλας. Αν κάτι από αυτά που βρήκε ήταν αρχαίο, με τόσα χτυπήματα θα είχε διαλυθεί. Αυτό το βίντεο το έκανε κάποιος που είχε τελειώσει όλες τις δουλειές του και δεν είχε τι να κάνει
The treasures are household items, like the irons , pillows, gun bells plus other things that I don't know what it was., I love your videos and I am enjoying them.wishing you all the blessings every day and night.
I don't think many of these items are very old. If I'm honest I don't think this is genuine, perhaps the person is putting the stuff in the ground and then coming. back to dig it up.... happy to be proven wrong :)
Продолжила смотреть.Почему вы бесконечно повторяет Мой Бог!!Не смейте повторять.Вы открыто грешите, разбивая горшок ритуальный с прахом, пеплом человека Почему он не закупорен?Этого быть не может, он должен быть закрыт.Но вы или постановку разыгрываете, насмотревшись чужих роликов повторяете.А если точно пепел человека, то в него всегда, если закапывают с золотом подмешивают яд.Дышите им посильней, трите руками, и за то что разбросали пепел получите сполна Обычно такие заклятие при закапывание, что станете импотентом за три года.Пепел надо развеять над водой или на прежнее место закопать, а не варварством заниматься.Когда грешите бога не вспоминайте.Это все опасно тройное наказание:грех, яд и заклинание .
Hi stop calling God's name is like you're blasphemy his name God is not a toy or something you can play with .Call His name , prayor giving thanks to Him.Not judging you but really you need to stop If you don't believe this read the book of Exodus and learn something
El jarrón roto debes hacerlo exminar porque puede darte una pista de dónde proviene. Parece una pulsera, aros y anillos artesanías indígenas de Arizona.
El hombre es un bruto. Se nota que sólo le interesa lo que está adentro. Es verdad: tiene que examinar cuidadosamente los artefactos para saber cuándo y de donde son los tesoros.
Der Raubgräber haust wie die Vandalen! Exakte Archäologie ist nach diesem stümperhaften Benehmen kaum noch möglich! Es zeigt, dass er keine Ahnung hat und dumm ist!
Boa noite a todos....proncipalmente a estes...Vigaristas...grandes artistas,cenas bem elaboradas, sitjos bem escolhidos ,textos medios( mas repetitivos) e.....de Profissionais...kkkķk....nao têm nada, mesmo nada . Tesouros desses nao preciso percorrer o Mundo inteiro, nao preciso gastar dinheiro em detectores de MetaL sofistificados e nao preciso de os entregar as Autoridades nem aos Museus porque....nao valem nada ...desses TESOUROS rarissimos, ha aos montes nas Lojas de Conveniências.....resmas de Tesouros...e nao precisamos fazer essa Palhacada toda mas....infelizmente ainda ha boa gente que acredita e vocês estao-se a aproveitar dessas pessoas que tenhem fé, que acreditam e montando um cenário mais ou menos realista( para quem nao percebe) conseguem iludir algumas pessoas....deixem -se dessas merdas....ja devem ter idade para terem juizo...tentem ir trabalhar a serio e nao gozem com a Fe nem com a ingenuiedade das pessoas...só vos fica mal... ....ja agora que dizem que sao tao ...Profissionais (eu vejo como voces tratam os " Tesouros " )..porque e que nunca mostram os vossos lindos...rostos? ...Ahhhh....ja sei....nao querem muita Publicidade , certo? ....arranjem outra brincadeira menos....séria....como eu disse ha pouco tentem trabalhar de verdade sem enganar as pessoas ou leva-las a pensar que vocês sao uns verdadeira Cacadores de Tesouros ......voces nao passam de um grupo de imbecis,, e de alguem que tem um bocado de terreno e Maquinas do Papa para pderem fazer essas Palhaçadas todas( desculpem....essas Cacas aos Tesouros pelo Mundo fora....sem sair de casa...kkkkk)....ganhem vergonha na cara....quer dizer...se nunca a mostram .....nao podem ter Vergonha...nunca .....mas uma coisa eu tenho que admitir....tenho-me fartado de rir com os vossos "achados arqueológicos"...kkkkkkkk ...sao momentos hilariantes....ahhhh se nao sabem o que quer dizer 'hilariantes" eu faco o favor de traduzir para que toda a gente saiba oque que dizer....inclusive voces.. .... "Hilariantes " quer dizer...Comicos, divertidos ,engraçados.......pois e disso que voces nao passam e messe aspecto .....so tenho-vos a agradecer por uns bons momentos bem passados a rir a vossa custa...obrigado e.... ......ate à próxima grande descoberta ....NOTA: ....as Lojas de Conveniências ja receberam um novo Stocl de novos ...Tesouros ... ......Boa Sorte
Wow..keren abis..🤠.. Sik asyik..ini content..aku suka.. banget.👌..jarang lho yg bisa, seperti ini...👀. .aku salut ma pencipta...🏆. I like you full..🙏🙏.
I don’t know much about the history of that day and age, but it appears that they are cremated and put in an urn and buried with their treasures. According to their rank was in life just a theory, of course.
Hola me da mucho gusto que te encuentres tan buenos tesoros antiguos y tan bonitos a mi me encanta la plata y cuando veo que encuentran monedas o joyería me da mucho gusto y también te digo Dios siga bendiciendo tus manos , tienes unas manos muy hermosas con todo respeto cuando medelas los anillos lucen muy hermosas tus manos , te mando bendiciones y saludos desde monterrey nuevo León México 😊
Que mal me cae el que habla Por el supuesto descubridor de tesoros,los dos son tan falsos,que dan ganas de tenerlos cercas y pegarle a y pegarle a los dos por descarados,y el que habla se cree el mismo las estupideces Que dice
انها مجوهرات صنية😂 انظرو للخاتم دو الحجرة الحمراء انه حديث فلقديمالخواتم تكون داءرية لاتوجد بها مكان تكبير اوتصغير😂😂😂😂😂 هذا رماد احدى الموتى مع متعلقتها
This has nothing you do with archeology so why the name Arkelog.? Or does it refer to something else? Apparently you have never been to a real dig site. The pottery is also. valuable . Breaking things, being insensitive to burial ashes. Pulling and tugging items secure in the ground. Like the brick wall structure protecting the clay jars. No dating? Did you even report this finding to the historical society, local museum or a college archeology department. So much is lost to history by reckless treasure hunters.
And if that was true the scientists would want to test that soil but the way he's talking and stuff around you can tell it's not real should have been turned over to scientists
Los Antropólogos conocemos la cantidad de imprecisiones y fraudes en arqueología y restos varios. Los improvisados trabajan sin conocimiento. Por otra parte a quién se le ocurre enterrar joyas de ese modo y en esos lugares?
Вы человек без совести в любом случае: что людей дурите или мертвых копаете.Молитесь ,отмаливайте грех Молодежь вас смотрит и верит.Совесть отмаливайте
Errore mettere le cenere i gioielli di appartenenza del defunto il quale deve essere ricordato quando era in vita di lui rimane solo ceneri con questa caccia si rovina la natura sono per una mentalità sbagliata ciao
Stange Dynamit rein und alles gesprengt, und Du bist schneller am Gold. Historie und Wissenschaft der Archäologie interessieren ihn den Teufel. Bemerkenswert, wie er mit der Asche der Toten umgeht...
Have you ever seen an urn (ceramic) buried in the ground for only few years? Humidity would have destroyed any artwork on it and would look rather brownish. The urns shown in this video were buried very recently (probably days ago), they are clean and dry! Also, most of the jewelry was very modern and clean, there was hardly any mud on them! A fake!
فعلا حتى ان هذه المجوهرات موديلات جديدة
Γελάω που τα χτυπάει κιόλας. Αν κάτι από αυτά που βρήκε ήταν αρχαίο, με τόσα χτυπήματα θα είχε διαλυθεί. Αυτό το βίντεο το έκανε κάποιος που είχε τελειώσει όλες τις δουλειές του και δεν είχε τι να κάνει
سبحان الله لاحضت هذا ايضا وقلت في نفسي يبدو جديدا ودخلت على التعليقات اول تعليق وجدته يعلق مثلي وبأن الذهب يبدو نضيف وجديد
The treasures are household items, like the irons , pillows, gun bells plus other things that I don't know what it was., I love your videos and I am enjoying them.wishing you all the blessings every day and night.
The ash could be the owner of the jewelry was burned to ashes and buried with his jewelry or her jewelry who knows?🤷♀️🤷🏻♂️
I will Never watch Arkeolog ever again, Ever!
All the Jewels are new collectons 😃
You are right.
I don't think many of these items are very old. If I'm honest I don't think this is genuine, perhaps the person is putting the stuff in the ground and then coming. back to dig it up.... happy to be proven wrong :)
Même impression; c'est bidon !
Incroyable ces bijoux sont très récent
Nice sharing h Dear friend.
Wow the best
Waaal nice watching from Mvuma Zimbabwe
Продолжила смотреть.Почему вы бесконечно повторяет Мой Бог!!Не смейте повторять.Вы открыто грешите, разбивая горшок ритуальный с прахом, пеплом человека Почему он не закупорен?Этого быть не может, он должен быть закрыт.Но вы или постановку разыгрываете, насмотревшись чужих роликов повторяете.А если точно пепел человека, то в него всегда, если закапывают с золотом подмешивают яд.Дышите им посильней, трите руками, и за то что разбросали пепел получите сполна Обычно такие заклятие при закапывание, что станете импотентом за три года.Пепел надо развеять над водой или на прежнее место закопать, а не варварством заниматься.Когда грешите бога не вспоминайте.Это все опасно тройное наказание:грех, яд и заклинание .
Hi stop calling God's name is like you're blasphemy his name God is not a toy or something you can play with .Call His name , prayor giving thanks to Him.Not judging you but really you need to stop If you don't believe this read the book of Exodus and learn something
ربناا يرزقك داايمأ صدقني بحبك و بحب اتفرج عليك ،
wow galing👍⭐😊💖💖
Wow Masha Allah
JCPenney’s jewelry🤣
Wow the treasure like new 😂😂😂😂😂
Succes ,mă întreb ,3 bolur?acel aur intra doar întunul singur ,de ce 3?
Thank you
The jewelry looks like it has been buried for a long time but it's still pretty.
They are beautiful
El jarrón roto debes hacerlo exminar porque puede darte una pista de dónde proviene. Parece una pulsera, aros y anillos artesanías indígenas de Arizona.
El hombre es un bruto. Se nota que sólo le interesa lo que está adentro. Es verdad: tiene que examinar cuidadosamente los artefactos para saber cuándo y de donde son los tesoros.
Der Raubgräber haust wie die Vandalen! Exakte Archäologie ist nach diesem stümperhaften Benehmen kaum noch möglich! Es zeigt, dass er keine Ahnung hat und dumm ist!
დანა არა გაქვს? ან ნორმალური ტოტი იპოვე🙄
They are all valuable it's for you Thanks God bless you
It's staged. Everything would be at the bottom of the of the clay pots 😂
Boa noite a todos....proncipalmente a estes...Vigaristas...grandes artistas,cenas bem elaboradas, sitjos bem escolhidos ,textos medios( mas repetitivos) e.....de Profissionais...kkkķk....nao têm nada, mesmo nada . Tesouros desses nao preciso percorrer o Mundo inteiro, nao preciso gastar dinheiro em detectores de MetaL sofistificados e nao preciso de os entregar as Autoridades nem aos Museus porque....nao valem nada
...desses TESOUROS rarissimos, ha aos montes nas Lojas de Conveniências.....resmas de Tesouros...e nao precisamos fazer essa Palhacada toda mas....infelizmente ainda ha boa gente que acredita e vocês estao-se a aproveitar dessas pessoas que tenhem fé, que acreditam e montando um cenário mais ou menos realista( para quem nao percebe) conseguem iludir algumas pessoas....deixem -se dessas merdas....ja devem ter idade para terem juizo...tentem ir trabalhar a serio e nao gozem com a Fe nem com a ingenuiedade das pessoas...só vos fica mal...
....ja agora que dizem que sao tao ...Profissionais (eu vejo como voces tratam os " Tesouros " )..porque e que nunca mostram os vossos lindos...rostos?
...Ahhhh....ja sei....nao querem muita Publicidade , certo?
....arranjem outra brincadeira menos....séria....como eu disse ha pouco tentem trabalhar de verdade sem enganar as pessoas ou leva-las a pensar que vocês sao uns verdadeira Cacadores de Tesouros ......voces nao passam de um grupo de imbecis,, e de alguem que tem um bocado de terreno e Maquinas do Papa para pderem fazer essas Palhaçadas todas( desculpem....essas Cacas aos Tesouros pelo Mundo fora....sem sair de casa...kkkkk)....ganhem vergonha na cara....quer dizer...se nunca a mostram
.....nao podem ter Vergonha...nunca
.....mas uma coisa eu tenho que admitir....tenho-me fartado de rir com os vossos "achados arqueológicos"...kkkkkkkk
...sao momentos hilariantes....ahhhh se nao sabem o que quer dizer 'hilariantes" eu faco o favor de traduzir para que toda a gente saiba oque que dizer....inclusive voces..
.... "Hilariantes " quer dizer...Comicos, divertidos ,engraçados.......pois e disso que voces nao passam e messe aspecto
.....so tenho-vos a agradecer por uns bons momentos bem passados a rir a vossa custa...obrigado e....
......ate à próxima grande descoberta
....as Lojas de Conveniências ja receberam um novo Stocl de novos
...Tesouros ...
......Boa Sorte
Are we poor idiots who still believe in fairy tales?
Работает без перчаток,пт.чт. земля очень мягкая,а кувшины не так долго были под землёй.😂😂😂
OMG 😳 nice 👍
🇧🇬никога нещо престояло в земя дълго не се пипа с голи ръце никога!
Estas cinzas , pode ser as cinzas do dono do tesouro.!
Candle stand , hair accessories ,hand ring, shirt buttons
Qui peut croire ces tromperies on retrouve la même pacotille
D’une vidéo à l’autre !
Very good
There are so beautiful ,...I like it.
Лайк в поддержку и продвижение ролика 🔝🔝🔝 спасибо за проделанную работу и выпуск 👍🔥🔝 мой скромный комментарий 🤗
JJ ôm ốm ốm pm
In in6
Que mão linda ❤️ ainda mais com esse anel
Wow..keren abis..🤠.. Sik asyik..ini content..aku suka.. banget.👌..jarang lho yg bisa, seperti ini...👀. .aku salut ma pencipta...🏆. I like you full..🙏🙏.
many charades and dramas....good jobs......
I don’t know much about the history of that day and age, but it appears that they are cremated and put in an urn and buried with their treasures. According to their rank was in life just a theory, of course.
Это можно было в одну баночку сложить и спрятать земли наложили а патом сверхуположили железки
Главное сверху грязи лежит
Это не золото , капеешная бюжтерия
Тут бы так орал от счастья , что нашёл.
Loše si ovo izveo, i budala vidi da si sve podmetno. 🤣
Thieves collection hidden a long time ago, Now it’s time to dig them, no one will claim them. Hehe!
Hola me da mucho gusto que te encuentres tan buenos tesoros antiguos y tan bonitos a mi me encanta la plata y cuando veo que encuentran monedas o joyería me da mucho gusto y también te digo Dios siga bendiciendo tus manos , tienes unas manos muy hermosas con todo respeto cuando medelas los anillos lucen muy hermosas tus manos , te mando bendiciones y saludos desde monterrey nuevo León México 😊
Que mal me cae el que habla
Por el supuesto descubridor de tesoros,los dos son tan falsos,que dan ganas de tenerlos cercas y pegarle a y pegarle a los dos por descarados,y el que habla se cree el mismo las estupideces
Que dice
Ñ dão sossego nem p cinzas de quem viveu
Meu Deus😊
جميل ..
انها مجوهرات صنية😂 انظرو للخاتم دو الحجرة الحمراء انه حديث فلقديمالخواتم تكون داءرية لاتوجد بها مكان تكبير اوتصغير😂😂😂😂😂 هذا رماد احدى الموتى مع متعلقتها
This has nothing you do with archeology so why the name Arkelog.? Or does it refer to something else? Apparently you have never been to a real dig site. The pottery is also. valuable . Breaking things, being insensitive to burial ashes. Pulling and tugging items secure in the ground. Like the brick wall structure protecting the clay jars. No dating? Did you even report this finding to the historical society, local museum or a college archeology department. So much is lost to history by reckless treasure hunters.
Постановка, всё свежее
Very clean no need a brush to brushing all 😂
I’m sure I saw hallmarks on the ring in the first dig 😂
Mantaaap,klu di bagi mau donķ🥰
Bol şanslar
Thanks bro
Wince even bling bling😮
Эти клады похожи на детские секретики, мы похожие в детстве закапывали, и нередко найти не могли😊
Armselige Fakes, schon dieBegeisterung in der Stimme lässt einen einschlafen und der Umgang mit den Werkzeugen zeugt von Null Routine.
คลิปแรกทำ contentแน่นอน
And if that was true the scientists would want to test that soil but the way he's talking and stuff around you can tell it's not real should have been turned over to scientists
Nice funny video 🙂
Nice ring bracelet earrings
Спасибо насмеялся от души. Видео подставное. Видать автор понятия не имеет как выглядят настоящие артефакты при извлечении из земли.
Nice treasures, like the necklace and bracelets also the rings, you always find good treasures.
Los Antropólogos conocemos la cantidad de imprecisiones y fraudes en arqueología y restos varios. Los improvisados trabajan sin conocimiento. Por otra parte a quién se le ocurre enterrar joyas de ese modo y en esos lugares?
i think that is the ashes of a died person together with his/her important thing.😅
you did it man keep up more upload
megustanlascosas pero porque están enteras en cuál quiere sitio tanto tiempo
سبحان الله المجوهرات دفنت في الأرض مدة طويلة وقرون مضت ومازالت على حالها جميلة جداً.
راه كدوب شفي القلة الجرة جديدة😂😂😂😂😂مستحيل
Вы человек без совести в любом случае: что людей дурите или мертвых копаете.Молитесь ,отмаливайте грех Молодежь вас смотрит и верит.Совесть отмаливайте
Use a little water on the items.
Film sensacyjny.Dobra robota filmowa,ale czy naukowa?Dlaczego tylko w takiej wilgoci srebro nie straciło blasku?
A jewelry of a princess must hide the Stone is a Jade
Take the jewelry. The small pieces.
If you have bad sleep at night that’s why
Good job , brother !
Errore mettere le cenere i gioielli di appartenenza del defunto il quale deve essere ricordato quando era in vita di lui rimane solo ceneri con questa caccia si rovina la natura sono per una mentalità sbagliata ciao
Stange Dynamit rein und alles gesprengt, und Du bist schneller am Gold. Historie und Wissenschaft der Archäologie interessieren ihn den Teufel. Bemerkenswert, wie er mit der Asche der Toten umgeht...
PHONY - Good thing these are not real artifacts !
Misericórdia 😮😮
Headress of a tribe with precious stones
I like that necklace tho
Beware of treasure stealers /ancient history is under threat ☠️☠️☠️☠️☠️🚨🚨🚨🚨🚨
Rasanya mustahil segampang itu menemukan harta karun apa lagi di indonesia selalu di jaga oleh jin
Con esos de tes tor de metales vale la pena irse a un lugar a e ploral
Что то сокровища из вековых кладов похожи на новые побрякушки из копеечной бижутерии.
По ходу они продвигают бизнес по продаже металлоискателей.
I'm new subscriber. Really enjoy watching it. Can help me find a good detector?.
Those don’t look gold to me and they not old either
That all looks like new.. Just like from store..
44:20 versace
Ang mga alahas na matagal nakabaon sa lupa ay hindi ganyan makinang tulad ng napanood ko.maputla sana kulay nya kong matagal sya nakabaon sa lupa😊
Misericórdia meu Deus mais. Três resto , mortais no meio do mato que coisa mais triste isso é um verdadeiro pesadelo parece filme de terror 😢😢😮😮
Hola sigan subiendo mas videos me gusta. Mucho saludos desde Atlanta ga
Wie achtlos der mit den Perlen und den anderen Schmuckstücken umgeht