I believe you are spot on with Pauls mission being strictly subversion. A lot of people overlook the part in Revelation 2 speaking of the teachings of Balak and Balaam, and assume it's just speaking about food sacrificed to idols. But if you look back at numbers, the entire premise of the Balak/Balaam story was one of subversion. Balaam couldn't curse Israel, he had to lay a trap to entice them to curse themselves. That is precisely what I see happening in Pauls letters.
His blinding light Jesus quoted a Greek play that had been around for about 300 years. The play "the Bacchus " by Homer. "It's not easy to kick against the pricks" , a line from Dionasis. (Sp?) I would be surprised if Jesus would quote a Greek play.
Paul "I know a man 14 years ago who ascended into the 3rd heaven. There he heard things he is not permitted to express. Whether in the body or out of the body I do not know. God knows" Paul was lying when he wrote the above. Paul never, ever ascended into the 3rd heaven. The fact that Paul wrote that he did not know if he was in the body, or not in the body is how we deduct that Paul was lying. In John's gospel chapter 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus his very testimony. Jesus testifies that "NO MAN has descended down from heaven except the Son of Man who is in heaven. I am He." Paul subtlety imply that he ascended into heaven and came back down in his physical body. This is how we know Paul is lying. John the revelator specifically tells us "I was IN THE SPIRIT on the Lord's day". John saw heaven in great detail and wrote of what he saw. Paul claiming that he may have physically ascended into heaven, and descended back down from heaven elevates Paul to a god like status. Also why was Paul not permitted to express what he saw in heaven? Jesus told the disciples that many mansions we're in heaven, and we have John the revelators account. The reason Paul is not permitted to tell us what is in the 3rd heaven is because he never went.
In John ch 3, when Jesus says no man had descended down from heaven... I interpret this as no one who resides in heaven has come to live on earth. The reason is, Enoch had an excursion to heaven, John also. Both had vivid descriptions of heaven, yet both of course descended back down again. Now Paul, who didn’t have any description, was yes, a liar.
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. John 3:13 KJV These are Jesus' words, but didn't Elijah and Enoch ascend bodily to heaven?
One thing that puzzles me is when Jesus warned not to believe when people claim to see Him, instead He will “Come on the clouds with great glory...”, is the apparition of Jesus in Rev 1: “1:11 saying, What you see, write in a scroll, and send to the seven congregations of Asia: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea. 1:12 And I turned to see the voice which spoke with me. 1:13 And having turned, I saw seven golden menorahs, and in the midst of the seven menorahs One like the Son of Man, wearing a garment down to the feet, and having His breasts girded with a golden girdle.(Ex 20:26) 1:14 And the hairs of His head were white as white wool, as snow, and His eyes as a flame of fire; 1:15 and His feet like burnished brass having been fired in a furnace; and His voice as a sound of many waters; (Dan 10:5-6)” This was before John was taken up to heaven.
I don't think it's the same. John was visited by Jesus in a vision or dream. No one else could see what John was seeing, i.e., it was not a physical appearance of the Messiah in bodily form (flesh). John clearly says he was "in the spirit" whereas Paul was not "in the spirit", he was traveling on the road to Damascus with other people, and those other people, allegedly, either saw or heard whatever entity was communicating with Paul, according to Paul's personal account, which changes, depending on who he's telling the story to.
@@Greyswyndir Yes. You are right. Douglas Del Tondo from Jesus’ Words Only has a video that analyzes this in great detail. The angel in Revelation broadcast the vision of Jesus. I visualize it like R2D2 projecting a hologram of Princess Leia in Star Wars.
@@thegallantsaint2034 - Exactly. John was taken to heaven in the spirit, Jesus did not come down and visit John in the flesh. I like the way you envision it, it's pretty neat.
Paul wanted to BE Jesus. He was so jealous of the apostles. Thank you for helping to reveal the truth about this ravening wolf. God bless you and your family 🙏🏽🙌🏽☝🏾
You people are so sick and deceived. You should stick to reading Shakespeare or science fiction and leave the bible alone. It's a book for believers not unbelievers. You cannot see spiritually until you believe.
Paul is a deceiver and if you don't understand between Paul's gospel and Jesus gospel is the opposite you have the spirit of Paul but if you have the spirit of Jesus you'll know and understand that Paul is a deceiver
Paul was radically humbled by his introduction experience, thereby helping to facilitate the necessarily radical process of his conversion; and the manner of his introduction to Jesus, assuming it to be genuine, can therefore be reasonably argued on grounds of apparent necessity, given the wholly incompatible nature of Paul's character and life, up to that point in time. Take care and God Bless.
Good video. Thanks for the contents !! Weve been pondering about Paul's authenticity very much lately. Talking about his pain HIS gospel A compromising gospel HE should be followed NOT the way Jesus and his disciples spoke
I also disagree with Doug regarding Paul being confused about what he was doing. He demonstrates wicked intentions repeatedly. Only Jesus is charged with judging Paul so I'll steer clear of that but as far ad my opinion, he certainly appears to operating with forethought and malice. I know of nobody in recorded history who has led more souls astray than Paul.
I tend to agree with you. I think Paul was evil through and through. If he was a true seeker, he would have recognized the Father in the teachings of Jesus through the Apostles.
Paul acknowledges Jesus as Messiah. The Devil could never do that. Like Jesus said 'a house divided... You're not taking into account when Jesus spoke to Paul. He was already ascended. Surely at the time Paul was around he had heard of Jesus and Paul never asked who are your people I'm persecuting. He knew. Whether you believe anything is not important but the fact that Paul died for his convictions tells me he believed it was Jesus.
Paul was in what we know to day is that millions of people have religion but don’t have Jesus in their life’s after Jesus encounter he left religion and embrace Jesus
@@DanielBjorndahl No you cant acknowledge and accept him as messiah and then not be born again. Gods power is too strong when you have faith. Considering Judas was described as never have believed in the first place.
It's also telling that the church people will tell us that there were no new prophets after Jesus. Wouldn't that be exactly what Paul is claiming he was? Just another example of the churches false teachings. Why didn't " jesus", who was about same age as Paul, make Paul an apostle while he was alive? If there was even a need for another one. As the people either heard Yeshua and the disciples or they didn't. Now we need another disciple? Wasn't the testimony of Yeshua and the 12 enough along with the prophets and YHVH himself?
I agree. I believe it's possible that YHWH still sends prophets. In any case you're right on the contradiction that many churches teach prophecies have ceased but don't have a problem with Paul as a prophet with unique teachings after Jesus
Imagine rejecting paul when the apostles themselves accepted him. AND HE WAS PERSECUTING THEM at first. Shows how powerful the delusion is that you believe the power of our God isnt strong enough to change somebody. I guess youre the same person you were before you were saved? “ There are those who have a form of Godliness, but deny the Power, from these stay away. “
Question- what do you think of books of enoch ? They were quite popular litrature in isreal (where we got introduction to duality of angels and demons etc), do you think they should've been in new testament canon considering that gospels and book of revelation do reference them and quote some passages???
And secondly, if you were to compile canon of scriptures, (what would it be the best thing to read for me as someone who is curious about ebionites ??)
Sorry for the late reply. I did read Enoch and studied it a number of years ago. It has some interesting prophecies and appears to be referenced in Jude, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't looked at it in a few years to be honest. As for studying the ebionites, I've been recommended a book by John vujicic . I haven't read it myself but I've been told it's one of the best books written on the subject
Hey, I looked up the strongs number for morning in the phrase son of the morning. It’s h7837,shachar. I scrolled to the strong numbers higher than that and got to h7841, shecharyah, made up of shachar and Yah= Yah has sought, a benjamite!!!!
@@DanielBjorndahl Hillel was the leading rabbi and one of two sects of phariseeism that existed in the 1st century and is what Judaism today is based off. He was born in Babylon. Also research gamaliel the tutor of Paul.
Helel is on your screen at 3:46. Also the German word hellen which reminds me of Hellene or Hellenistic culture of Greece. Wonder if they are related? Greece was based on the god Apollo, the sun god.
So if you can't beat evil your going to join evil become a wolf/false prophet and accept the mark of the beast, because the beast will rage war on you and wear you out. Is this what your saying?
The following passage is from Acts 13. It is part of Paul's sermon at Antioch 33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus AGAIN; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee." Raised up Jesus again? Jesus only died once. He was only raised once. Jesus was never raised up again. When I read the text (KJV version) it appears that Paul is implying that Jesus is the reincarnated version of King David.
I've often felt led that he could be a reincarnated type of David...although he as a spirit was with God from the beginning according to John. Never realized I may have gotten that idea from Paul. Very strange the addition of the word "again" in that sermon
@@DanielBjorndahl Maybe you did get that idea from Paul? As you know a lot of nonsense comes from Paul. Paul also blurs the line on who Jesus is when he compares him to Melchizedek. The following passage is from Hebrews ch. 7. Paul is writing about Melchizedek. "Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually." Paul also says the Jesus is a king and a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Paul is blatantly stating that Melchizedek is an immortal being who can not die. Paul is lying once again. Melchizedek was not immortal. Jesus was not a member of an immortal order of priests and kings. The account of Melchizedek in Genesis makes no mention, or even subtely implies that Melchizedek was an immortal. This is another fabrication from the mind of Paul.
I agree. Don't think Paul wrote Hebrews but whoever did made malchizedek immortal. Genesis doesn't mention his death but there's no reason in context to assume that he's some sort of eternal high priest. If he was, why did Jesus say nothing about him?
@@DanielBjorndahl I recently discovered that King James was born on June 19, 1566. He was born in the sixth month, and in the sixth year of the sixth decade in the sixteenth century. As you know he commissioned the creation of the King James Bible. I'm sure you're aware that their are 66 books in the Bible. King James was not a godly man. This establishes that the bible was created by an evil man. I myself am indeed considering the possibility of the Bible being the mark of the beast. I'd like to know your thoughts on this. I ask you to seriously consider this question and consider the following before answering. As you know The Holy Bible is not holy, yet it is named holy. Only God is holy. The holy Bible is an image of God's word that is called God's infallible word. Jesus is the word of God. Not the Bible. King James and the church of England indeed used the Bible to murder, jail and ostracize those who would not submit to it's authority. Some of the most self righteous, critical, hateful and hypocritical people I know are Bible toting believer's. The bible is carried in the hand and memorized in the mind. Presidential oaths and various swearing ins are taken on the Bible. Our very nation was built upon the bible. Consider the true power of the Bible and ask yourself this. Can anything make war against it? Is it a weapon? Is it a sword? Alright, what do you think?
You seem to misunderstood if you read the Bible you can see clearly that the 12 Apostles were teaching Jews only until Paul came and was send to bring the word of God to the gentiles!! Bc in Jesus we are not Jews or gentile but one in Jesus name!! If you see clearly more then half on the NT Paul wrote and in Romans that’s what makes a thru discipline of Jesus!
@@DanielBjorndahl Paul was not needed based on? Your opinion ?! lol 12 apostles were needed for Jews, but 2 is too many by your standard when it comes to gentiles. Dude humble yourself, you dont know better then the apostles who accepted him and Jesus who chose him.
@@DanielBjorndahl who wrote the book of acts ? answer = Luke Let's see what Luke says in Acts 13:38-39 38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. is this a lie? you hate Luke also or just Paul ? lets see what Luke says Jesus calls Paul Acts9:15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: is this a lie ? so acts 9:15 is a lie then have we decided about acts 13:39 lie or no lie? then acts 10 when peter saves the first gentile that's when the truth for you begins or after acts 15 and the Jerusalem council meeting where Peter and the rest gave Paul the right hand of fellowship ???? I'm just curious what vrs are true in acts and which are lies , or does it depend on what you had for breakfast, you either believe the scriptures or you dont !! you obviously don't!!!
@@paulwise6856 a 100% but when you read the text Peter didn’t understand the vision until later!! God was telling him about food and gentile people that’s why God told Peter do not doubt but go with them! Also was send more to missionary work then Peter to the gentiles
Hello, the author of the website took down his website, TH-cam channel and books. It's been over a year since this happened and no one knows for sure why.
Yeah?? That would be Just like Stan to take a man breathing death and fire against the early Christians and turn him into the greatest advocate for Christ in his age. Makes loads of sense
Exactly how? Do we have any 1st or second century sources indicating any debate apart from the Council of Jerusalem on the issue of gentile Christianity in which any controversy between Paul and any of the other apostles is expressed?
@@DanielBjorndahl Where did he teach contrary to Jesus. Jesus came for the Jews. He was teaching the Jews. Paul was sent to the gentiles. Do you not understand? The apostles accepted him, yet you, wise man of the 21 century, dont?
@@DanielBjorndahl show me where Paul taught contrary to Jesus. Paul never taught against the law, you are not understanding what he means by not being under the law, he said if you wlak according to the Spirit then you are not under the law because you are not breaking the law, the law is for the lawless who walk according to the flesh. Paul says that he buffets his body so that it will obey and so that when he is done preaching he wont be a hypocrite thus proving that he was keeping the commandments. Peter never condemned Pauls teachings if you read Peter in context when he says as our brother Paul also wrote in his teachings which are hard to understand for some who twist them to their own destruction as they do the other scriptures, that wouldnt make sense if Peter was condemning his teachings. And when Jesus stopped him on the road to demascus Paul didnt see Him physically , he was blinded anyway , where do you get that it was satan who blinded him, when he was clearly unknowhenly working for the enemy in the first place cause he was persecuting christains. Anyone who thinks Pauls writings are wrong are the ones that Peter was talking about. Paul even says that he was the least of the apostles b ecause he persecuted the church but it was because of ignorance and thats why Jesus showed His wonderful mercy to Paul, but He also told Paul about how much he would have to suffer for Christ and that my friend was Pauls thorn in the flesh the messenger of satan that was waiting for him everywhere he went to preach to try and stop him by putting him in jail and gettiung him beaten and stoned to the point of death. I dont understand how people misinterpret Pauls teachings.
@@daviddrew3372 ChatGPT4 knows the Ebionites, a Jewish-Christian sect that existed in the early centuries of Christianity, are known for rejecting the apostleship and teachings of Paul. The Ebionites had a distinctive theology that was rooted in Jewish tradition, and their rejection of Paul stemmed from several key theological differences. Here’s a detailed look at why the Ebionites rejected Paul’s claims of inspiration and apostleship: 1. Who Were the Ebionites? Jewish-Christian Sect: The Ebionites were a group of Jewish Christians who maintained strict adherence to Jewish laws and customs, such as circumcision, dietary laws, and observing the Sabbath. They believed that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, but they did not accept the idea that He was divine in the same way that later Christian orthodoxy would affirm. Christology: The Ebionites generally held an adoptionist view of Jesus, meaning they believed that He was a human being who was adopted as the Son of God at His baptism. This stands in contrast to the Trinitarian view that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine. Continuing the Law: The Ebionites believed that Christians were still obligated to follow the Mosaic Law, seeing Jesus as the fulfillment of the law but not its replacement. They saw Jesus primarily as a prophet or teacher who re-emphasized the importance of the Jewish law. 2. Why Did the Ebionites Reject Paul? Paul’s Rejection of the Mosaic Law: One of the primary reasons the Ebionites rejected Paul was his teaching that salvation was through faith in Christ alone and not by works of the Mosaic Law. Paul’s letters, particularly in Romans and Galatians, emphasize that Christians are not bound by the Jewish law for their salvation. The Ebionites, who strictly adhered to Jewish customs and believed that the law remained in full effect, viewed Paul’s teachings as a fundamental betrayal of the Jewish heritage of Christianity. Paul’s Teachings to the Gentiles: Paul was the leading advocate for the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian community without requiring them to adhere to the Jewish law (such as circumcision). The Ebionites, however, believed that Gentile converts to Christianity should follow the law of Moses, just as Jewish Christians did. Paul’s insistence that Gentile Christians were not required to follow Jewish law was another major point of conflict. Paul’s Claims of Apostleship: The Ebionites did not recognize Paul as a legitimate apostle. They believed that Paul’s claim to apostleship was self-appointed and not divinely inspired. Since Paul was not part of the Twelve Apostles and had no direct contact with Jesus during His earthly ministry, the Ebionites rejected his authority. They saw Paul as an outsider who had distorted the true message of Jesus. Paul’s Theology of Jesus: Paul’s teachings about Jesus as the divine Son of God and his theology of justification by faith alone were also in direct conflict with the Ebionite views of Jesus as a human Messiah and the importance of adhering to the law. The Ebionites viewed Jesus as a teacher who reaffirmed the importance of following the Mosaic Law, whereas Paul saw Jesus as the fulfillment of the law and the means by which believers were justified apart from it. 3. Ebionite Criticism of Paul Paul as a "Heretic": The early church fathers who wrote about the Ebionites, such as Irenaeus and Epiphanius, recorded that the Ebionites considered Paul to be a false apostle and even a "heretic." According to these sources, the Ebionites believed that Paul had corrupted the message of Jesus by advocating for the abandonment of the Jewish law and by promoting doctrines that were contrary to the teachings of Jesus and the original apostles. Hostility to Paul’s Letters: The Ebionites are also said to have rejected or ignored Paul’s letters, which form a large part of the New Testament. Some sources suggest that the Ebionites may have used a version of the Gospel of Matthew that was heavily edited to align with their theological views, and they did not give the same authority to Paul’s writings as other early Christians did. 4. Contrasts Between Paul and the Ebionites Paul’s Theology: Paul taught that salvation came through faith in Christ alone, without the necessity of adhering to the Jewish law. His letters are full of arguments against requiring Gentile Christians to follow the law, and he teaches that the law is fulfilled in Christ. For example, in Galatians 5:1-6, Paul writes that circumcision and adherence to the law are no longer necessary for salvation because of Christ’s work. Ebionite Theology: The Ebionites, in contrast, believed that Jesus came to reaffirm the importance of following the Jewish law and that obedience to the Mosaic Law was still required for salvation. They saw Paul’s teachings as a distortion of Jesus’ original message and rejected his claim that Christians were free from the law. 5. Patristic Evidence of Ebionite Rejection of Paul Irenaeus: The early church father Irenaeus (2nd century) mentions the Ebionites in his work Against Heresies. He notes that they rejected Paul, accusing him of being an apostate from the law. According to Irenaeus, the Ebionites maintained that Paul had corrupted the message of Christianity by abandoning Jewish customs. Epiphanius: The 4th-century church father Epiphanius, in his work Panarion, describes the Ebionites as fiercely opposed to Paul. He writes that they believed Paul was a false apostle who had never properly understood the Jewish law. They accused Paul of being a traitor to the true faith and rejected his writings. Conclusion: The Ebionites rejected Paul’s claims of inspiration and apostleship for several reasons: Paul’s Rejection of the Law: The Ebionites adhered to the Mosaic Law and believed it remained binding for Christians, while Paul taught that Christians were no longer under the law. Paul’s Mission to the Gentiles: Paul’s teaching that Gentile converts were not required to follow Jewish customs was in direct opposition to the Ebionites' belief that all Christians should observe the law of Moses. Paul’s Self-Claimed Apostleship: The Ebionites did not recognize Paul’s authority, believing that his apostleship was self-appointed and that his teachings were not divinely inspired. Rejection of Paul’s Letters: The Ebionites are known to have rejected or disregarded Paul’s writings, which form a substantial part of Christian Scripture. In summary, the Ebionites saw Paul as a false apostle and a distortion of the original Christian message, particularly because of his rejection of the Jewish law and his promotion of faith in Christ alone as the means of salvation.
I haven't finished watching the video yet, but Peter says that Paul's writings are scripture. You also use some perverted bible versions in your video, please examine yourself you are deceived and are deceiving others.
Doesn't christianity teach that there were no new " prophets" after Yeshua? Not that they teach much truth, but I feel like they believe that, but are themselves " dupped" into believing Pauls writings over Gods, Yeshua's, the prophets, and the apostles. I didnt realize until I came out of the church and read the Word through obedience to God, did I even know that Paul wasnt an apostle, but a self proclaimed apostle. I grew up in christian schools n church, just seems like important info on the man who trumps Gods words and Yeshuas words in the view of christians aka " marcionites"
I'm actually not certain that's true, especially because I consider Revelations to be a form of prophecy. I do think some have prophetic ability, dreams, etc. But obviously not the one mentioned in this video!
" dupped" into believing Pauls writings over Gods, Yeshua's, the prophets, and the apostles. " There has to be something wrong with you guys. Jesus came to the Jews, and he taught the Jews. Thankfully for our sake we were saved because they rejected him. So he sent Paul to the Gentiles. THE APOSTLES accepted paul but youre what? Wiser then them? Have more of the Holy Spirit in you then them? Have more discernement then them? Have more scripture understanding then them? He was persecuting them and they still ended up trusting him, showing that its true. You think the Holy Spirit wouldn't have told them if he was lying. You gotta be kidding me, get out of this rabbit hole.. Nobody has to pick paul's teachings over Jesus because one if for the Jews one i for the Gentiles but both are Grace through Faith. If you dont believe people can be changed when theyre saved, this verse applies to you. “ There are those who have a form of Godliness, but deny the Power, from these stay away. “
@@vladgor4099 Jesus didn't come only for the Jews: And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16
Jesus condemned eating things sacrificed to idols? Where? The only words of Jesus that come to mind are that He clearly told us that a man is not defiled by what goes into his mouth, but by what comes out of his mouth, as the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart. Oh, never mind. I see. It is from the book of Revelation that you are suggesting Jesus to have said such a thing. Well, that book was delivered by an angel, too. In many ways, its content also conflicts with both the words and the image of Jesus, which He presented of Himself; and we are to be wary of anything which doesn't agree with either the words or the image of Christ, be that thing from a man or an angel. The only words that I am willing to assume, without reservation, to be the words of Jesus are the words that He is recorded to have spoken, Himself, throughout the Gospel accounts. Take care and God Bless.
So you accept Paul who had a vision and got a contradictory message to Jesus, and you reject revelation even though it's consistent with Jesus, because it's from an angel?
Not eating meat sacrificed to an idol is consistent with Torah.. IF Jesus is the Messiah he would teach Torah and thus teach that very commandment to not eat from the table of Idols .. why do you need a new testament passage and the words of earthly men when this is already established in the very law of God himself. Paul is a Torah heretic and therefore a false teacher and apostate for teaching others to eat from the table of idols.
yes I believe Paul will be found guilty Jesus already covered it actually in Matthew 23, Paul the Pharisee made his converts twice the child of hell as himself and this will not go well for him on the Lord's Day
Thanks for your video. I have a new video about the anointed cherub that covers the earth. I thought you’d might find it quite the “revelation” 😊. It’s actually pt.3 of a new series I’m doing right now called “Our Dragon Earth” Will also be sharing a series on YAHWEH, as well. It’s kinda far out stuff, but I think I’m getting closer to the truth everyday. Enjoy. (subbed)
The newest video has awe inspiring optics and inspirational pad synth ambience. That said, I'm scratching my head at what the meaning is comparing the earth to a dragon.
Paul haters / grace haters love to try to keep you in bondage they hate the freedom and simplicity of the Gospel of the Grace of God Acts was written by Luke!!! Let's see what Luke says in Acts 13:38-39 38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses. what does it mean to be Justified from all things, from which you could not be Justified by the law OF MOSES?????????????????????????????? is this the truth or is Luke lying!!!! if you deny Paul you deny Luke and what he writes of Paul!!! like when he wrote Acts9:15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: did Luke make this up , when he said that God said Paul was his chosen vessel ??? ??????????????????????? you guys have no idea about Gods Plans his mercy or his grace , people deny Paul because they are ignorant on how to rightly divide the truth and they twist the scriptures to their own demise!! if you deny Paul you also are denying Lukes testimony of Paul and peters endorsement, the transition book of acts is written by Luke and testifies to Paul and his distinct apostleship!! Acts 9:15 But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel: according to Luke, Paul is Gods chosen vessel to bear his name amongst the gentiles!! but according to you Paul haters he is not !! you know more than Luke ????????????????? 2Peter 3:15 And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you; Peter calls Paul his ''Beloved Brother"" Peter knows more than most about false prophets' false teachers, he knows we are to call them out mark and avoid them yet he calls Paul his Beloved! was peter fooled?? but you smart guys who were not there, you know Beter than Luke , peter, Paul and by extension Christ !!!
We 'hate' it because according to real apostle, Peter its Paul's teachings that easily confuse those who are perishing with their rejection of the law. 2 Peter 3:16-17
@@marcbresee830 real apostle peter of the circumcision, not gentiles or the body or Christ! matt10:5-6 These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: 6But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. Galatians 2:7-9 7But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; 8(For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:) 9And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision. peter is not your apostle gentile, Paul is ! Acts 9:15 15But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
This is not what occurred on the Damascus road. I won't go into exactly what happened, since the references are obscure and miniscule. It's the concepts that are important, as in most of scripture. Scripture is always speaking in metaphor and symbol, never literally. Not only this, but you have the figures of Satan and Lucifer totally wrong. "Lucifer" simply means "light-bearer" or "light-bringer", and is in no way referring to a fallen angel. Mankind and the angels were thrust into this dimension to experience separation from the divine. What would've been gained by keeping them in the celestial realms protected from error and falsity? The verse you reference speaking of "How hast thou fallen from heaven" is referring to this fallen state which must be overcome to again assume divinity. He is not the "god of hell", this is utterly ludicrous. This is a test of the angel to bring himself back to his original state. Secondly, "Satan" is a title, not a name, referring simply to "adversary". Anyone can be a "satan", and in most cases in scripture (specifically Revelation) this is speaking of a group of entities. Really it is more of a concept than a singular entity. "Satan" also represents the ego, the carnal nature which must become like "Lucifer". We take our "satan" and transmute it into a "Lucifer", one who has divine understanding. You are almost there, and I can see how people get this all muddled.
@@DanielBjorndahl You 'worship' what you fear, beyond that, God doesn't want nor demand worship. Say something else after you've thought about as you should have. You do have a mind correct?
@@davidm1149 Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship, ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
@@DanielStewart80 Are you going to say anything original, or leave it up to me to decipher what you're trying to say? The bible is always speaking in allegory and symbol. In your quote, it is speaking of the 'divine feminine', religion of the heart and not the mind. You're simply proving my point regardless. There are no "jews", this term has become clouded and unclear due to misunderstanding.. The letter "J" didn't come into circulation until around 1525. "Jew" in scripture is referring simply to a "seeker of truth". There are no "jews" as such, it's a religion. "Who say they are "jews" and are not" is referring to this, a true seeker of God (the spiritual man) Mankind also always had "salvation" regardless also. Read a little more, don't restrict yourself to what's between the covers of one book. Usually literalists are stuck with what they've been taught until they discover more, so it is unfair of me to say much without fuller explanation.
Peter and the other Apostles accepted Paul they and Paul taught the same thing, Torah as the Messiah taught, our Bible is a Greek fraud of the original Hebrew manuscripts.
The commands of Yahweh? Yahweh is not God the Father, brother. It's a lot to discuss, and I will therefore not go any further therein; that said, I will gladly do so if requested. Do you mean Mosaic law? If a person is in Christ then they are truly not under the law, according to the words of Jesus. Jesus, by His own admission, stated that He came to fulfill the law; and, immediately thereafter, He said that nothing of the law will pass away until all thereof is fulfilled. Did Jesus fulfill the law? There can be no doubt that He did. Take care and God Bless.
Go ahead and show us all , without Paul's writings how do you get saved today????? how did you get saved????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? how did you receive the holy spirit??????????????????????????????????????????????????? or are you just a unregenerate, unbeliever void of the holy spirit ??
@@DanielBjorndahl if you are saved by obedience and receive the spirit by following Jesus then your not saved and cant receive the spirit until you die,!! show us in the scriptures where we receive the spirit by following Jesus!
@@marcbresee830 you know nothing about Gods Grace or Mercy ! you know nothing about Justification and imputed righteousness of Christ be faith , acts was from Luke not Paul lets see what Luke says about the law of mosses Acts 13:38-39 38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
We must all be someone's heretic. Best be sure its not Adonai or Yeshua. (Paul is optional, often just speaking on his own. He was rejected by many believers in his day according to his own statement in Timothy.)
I believe you are spot on with Pauls mission being strictly subversion. A lot of people overlook the part in Revelation 2 speaking of the teachings of Balak and Balaam, and assume it's just speaking about food sacrificed to idols. But if you look back at numbers, the entire premise of the Balak/Balaam story was one of subversion. Balaam couldn't curse Israel, he had to lay a trap to entice them to curse themselves. That is precisely what I see happening in Pauls letters.
His blinding light Jesus quoted a Greek play that had been around for about 300 years. The play "the Bacchus " by Homer. "It's not easy to kick against the pricks" , a line from Dionasis. (Sp?)
I would be surprised if Jesus would quote a Greek play.
Paul "I know a man 14 years ago who ascended into the 3rd heaven. There he heard things he is not permitted to express. Whether in the body or out of the body I do not know. God knows"
Paul was lying when he wrote the above. Paul never, ever ascended into the 3rd heaven. The fact that Paul wrote that he did not know if he was in the body, or not in the body is how we deduct that Paul was lying.
In John's gospel chapter 3 Jesus tells Nicodemus his very testimony. Jesus testifies that "NO MAN has descended down from heaven except the Son of Man who is in heaven. I am He."
Paul subtlety imply that he ascended into heaven and came back down in his physical body. This is how we know Paul is lying.
John the revelator specifically tells us "I was IN THE SPIRIT on the Lord's day".
John saw heaven in great detail and wrote of what he saw.
Paul claiming that he may have physically ascended into heaven, and descended back down from heaven elevates Paul to a god like status.
Also why was Paul not permitted to express what he saw in heaven? Jesus told the disciples that many mansions we're in heaven, and we have John the revelators account. The reason Paul is not permitted to tell us what is in the 3rd heaven is because he never went.
In John ch 3, when Jesus says no man had descended down from heaven... I interpret this as no one who resides in heaven has come to live on earth. The reason is, Enoch had an excursion to heaven, John also. Both had vivid descriptions of heaven, yet both of course descended back down again.
Now Paul, who didn’t have any description, was yes, a liar.
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven. John 3:13 KJV
These are Jesus' words, but didn't Elijah and Enoch ascend bodily to heaven?
Pick up one of todays Christian books about secrets to anointing or defeating bad spirits or something and it’s so similar
@@michellesmith5436I was just thinking about them. Scripture says all men are appointed to die once.
Thank you. You definitely gave me a big piece to the puzzle I am working on here. Blessings & Shalom
It's not an easy question to answer, even when things seem crystal clear, they haze up just as quickly.
One thing that puzzles me is when Jesus warned not to believe when people claim to see Him, instead He will “Come on the clouds with great glory...”, is the apparition of Jesus in Rev 1:
“1:11 saying, What you see, write in a scroll, and send to the seven congregations of Asia: to Ephesus, and to Smyrna, and to Pergamos, and to Thyatira, and to Sardis, and to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea. 1:12 And I turned to see the voice which spoke with me. 1:13 And having turned, I saw seven golden menorahs, and in the midst of the seven menorahs One like the Son of Man, wearing a garment down to the feet, and having His breasts girded with a golden girdle.(Ex 20:26) 1:14 And the hairs of His head were white as white wool, as snow, and His eyes as a flame of fire; 1:15 and His feet like burnished brass having been fired in a furnace; and His voice as a sound of many waters; (Dan 10:5-6)”
This was before John was taken up to heaven.
I don't think it's the same. John was visited by Jesus in a vision or dream. No one else could see what John was seeing, i.e., it was not a physical appearance of the Messiah in bodily form (flesh). John clearly says he was "in the spirit" whereas Paul was not "in the spirit", he was traveling on the road to Damascus with other people, and those other people, allegedly, either saw or heard whatever entity was communicating with Paul, according to Paul's personal account, which changes, depending on who he's telling the story to.
@@Greyswyndir Yes. You are right. Douglas Del Tondo from Jesus’ Words Only has a video that analyzes this in great detail. The angel in Revelation broadcast the vision of Jesus. I visualize it like R2D2 projecting a hologram of Princess Leia in Star Wars.
@@Greyswyndir th-cam.com/video/CT-qraDgWXo/w-d-xo.html
@@thegallantsaint2034 - Exactly. John was taken to heaven in the spirit, Jesus did not come down and visit John in the flesh. I like the way you envision it, it's pretty neat.
@@Greyswyndir Yeah correct. If you check out the link I pasted, I think you will enjoy that video!
That was my theory too ...about 3 years ago ..I'm glad others thought and see the samething so I know I'm not nuts lol ..praise Father
I have been thinking on this for a long while now.
Paul wanted to BE Jesus. He was so jealous of the apostles. Thank you for helping to reveal the truth about this ravening wolf. God bless you and your family 🙏🏽🙌🏽☝🏾
Actually both
Blessings to you too
You people are so sick and deceived. You should stick to reading Shakespeare or science fiction and leave the bible alone. It's a book for believers not unbelievers. You cannot see spiritually until you believe.
Paul is a deceiver and if you don't understand between Paul's gospel and Jesus gospel is the opposite you have the spirit of Paul but if you have the spirit of Jesus you'll know and understand that Paul is a deceiver
Had me at your reference to Bezmenov. SUPERRR Based analogy!!👏
that man was a genius!
Paul was radically humbled by his introduction experience, thereby helping to facilitate the necessarily radical process of his conversion; and the manner of his introduction to Jesus, assuming it to be genuine, can therefore be reasonably argued on grounds of apparent necessity, given the wholly incompatible nature of Paul's character and life, up to that point in time.
Take care and God Bless.
I don't assume it's genuine. Thanks for stopping by
Good video. Thanks for the contents !!
Weve been pondering about Paul's authenticity very much lately.
Talking about his pain
HIS gospel
A compromising gospel
HE should be followed
NOT the way Jesus and his disciples spoke
I also disagree with Doug regarding Paul being confused about what he was doing. He demonstrates wicked intentions repeatedly. Only Jesus is charged with judging Paul so I'll steer clear of that but as far ad my opinion, he certainly appears to operating with forethought and malice. I know of nobody in recorded history who has led more souls astray than Paul.
Agreed 100%
I tend to agree with you. I think Paul was evil through and through. If he was a true seeker, he would have recognized the Father in the teachings of Jesus through the Apostles.
Agree Paul was perfectly aware here. acts 19;9 He separates from the resto of yeshu'as apostles. so.
Paul and the apostles split, I imagine, due to irreconcilable differences in theology
@@DanielBjorndahlPeter and Paul were at odds
"the dupiest of dupes!" LOL
Paul acknowledges Jesus as Messiah. The Devil could never do that. Like Jesus said 'a house divided... You're not taking into account when Jesus spoke to Paul. He was already ascended. Surely at the time Paul was around he had heard of Jesus and Paul never asked who are your people I'm persecuting. He knew. Whether you believe anything is not important but the fact that Paul died for his convictions tells me he believed it was Jesus.
Paul was in what we know to day is that millions of people have religion but don’t have Jesus in their life’s after Jesus encounter he left religion and embrace Jesus
Is it possible to acknowledge him as Messiah but then disobey his teachings?
@@DanielBjorndahl At one time or another we all do.
@@DanielBjorndahl No you cant acknowledge and accept him as messiah and then not be born again. Gods power is too strong when you have faith. Considering Judas was described as never have believed in the first place.
It's also telling that the church people will tell us that there were no new prophets after Jesus. Wouldn't that be exactly what Paul is claiming he was? Just another example of the churches false teachings. Why didn't " jesus", who was about same age as Paul, make Paul an apostle while he was alive? If there was even a need for another one. As the people either heard Yeshua and the disciples or they didn't. Now we need another disciple? Wasn't the testimony of Yeshua and the 12 enough along with the prophets and YHVH himself?
I agree. I believe it's possible that YHWH still sends prophets. In any case you're right on the contradiction that many churches teach prophecies have ceased but don't have a problem with Paul as a prophet with unique teachings after Jesus
@Angela Lynn very good comment.
Imagine rejecting paul when the apostles themselves accepted him. AND HE WAS PERSECUTING THEM at first. Shows how powerful the delusion is that you believe the power of our God isnt strong enough to change somebody. I guess youre the same person you were before you were saved?
“ There are those who have a form of Godliness, but deny the Power, from these stay away. “
Great point!
Question- what do you think of books of enoch ? They were quite popular litrature in isreal (where we got introduction to duality of angels and demons etc), do you think they should've been in new testament canon considering that gospels and book of revelation do reference them and quote some passages???
And secondly, if you were to compile canon of scriptures, (what would it be the best thing to read for me as someone who is curious about ebionites ??)
Sorry for the late reply. I did read Enoch and studied it a number of years ago. It has some interesting prophecies and appears to be referenced in Jude, if I'm not mistaken. I haven't looked at it in a few years to be honest.
As for studying the ebionites, I've been recommended a book by John vujicic . I haven't read it myself but I've been told it's one of the best books written on the subject
Hey, I looked up the strongs number for morning in the phrase son of the morning. It’s h7837,shachar. I scrolled to the strong numbers higher than that and got to h7841, shecharyah, made up of shachar and Yah= Yah has sought, a benjamite!!!!
Son of the morning. Good research
Luke 24:39
Will return as a human being.
The devil is not an angel ,God created from smokeless fire.
.Angels are pure and cannot sin..
so what is the devil?
What do you think about the Pharisee Hillel who was the sect of Pharisees that I believe Jesus battled with? Sounds exactly like hellel.
I'm not familiar with what Hellel is.
@@DanielBjorndahl Hillel was the leading rabbi and one of two sects of phariseeism that existed in the 1st century and is what Judaism today is based off. He was born in Babylon. Also research gamaliel the tutor of Paul.
@@DanielBjorndahl helel was a word in your video. A definition for hell I believe. I’ll find the spot it was on your screen.
Helel is on your screen at 3:46. Also the German word hellen which reminds me of Hellene or Hellenistic culture of Greece. Wonder if they are related? Greece was based on the god Apollo, the sun god.
If you can't beat them, join them (and subvert).
So if you can't beat evil your going to join evil become a wolf/false prophet and accept the mark of the beast, because the beast will rage war on you and wear you out. Is this what your saying?
The following passage is from Acts 13. It is part of Paul's sermon at Antioch
33 God hath fulfilled the same unto us their children, in that he hath raised up Jesus AGAIN; as it is also written in the second psalm, Thou art my Son, this day have I begotten thee."
Raised up Jesus again? Jesus only died once. He was only raised once. Jesus was never raised up again. When I read the text (KJV version) it appears that Paul is implying that Jesus is the reincarnated version of King David.
I've often felt led that he could be a reincarnated type of David...although he as a spirit was with God from the beginning according to John. Never realized I may have gotten that idea from Paul.
Very strange the addition of the word "again" in that sermon
@@DanielBjorndahl Maybe you did get that idea from Paul? As you know a lot of nonsense comes from Paul. Paul also blurs the line on who Jesus is when he compares him to Melchizedek. The following passage is from Hebrews ch. 7. Paul is writing about Melchizedek.
"Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually."
Paul also says the Jesus is a king and a priest after the order of Melchizedek. Paul is blatantly stating that Melchizedek is an immortal being who can not die. Paul is lying once again. Melchizedek was not immortal.
Jesus was not a member of an immortal order of priests and kings. The account of Melchizedek in Genesis makes no mention, or even subtely implies that Melchizedek was an immortal. This is another fabrication from the mind of Paul.
I agree. Don't think Paul wrote Hebrews but whoever did made malchizedek immortal. Genesis doesn't mention his death but there's no reason in context to assume that he's some sort of eternal high priest. If he was, why did Jesus say nothing about him?
@@DanielBjorndahl I recently discovered that King James was born on June 19, 1566. He was born in the sixth month, and in the sixth year of the sixth decade in the sixteenth century.
As you know he commissioned the creation of the King James Bible. I'm sure you're aware that their are 66 books in the Bible. King James was not a godly man.
This establishes that the bible was created by an evil man. I myself am indeed considering the possibility of the Bible being the mark of the beast. I'd like to know your thoughts on this.
I ask you to seriously consider this question and consider the following before answering.
As you know The Holy Bible is not holy, yet it is named holy. Only God is holy. The holy Bible is an image of God's word that is called God's infallible word. Jesus is the word of God. Not the Bible. King James and the church of England indeed used the Bible to murder, jail and ostracize those who would not submit to it's authority.
Some of the most self righteous, critical, hateful and hypocritical people I know are Bible toting believer's. The bible is carried in the hand and memorized in the mind. Presidential oaths and various swearing ins are taken on the Bible. Our very nation was built upon the bible. Consider the true power of the Bible and ask yourself this. Can anything make war against it? Is it a weapon? Is it a sword? Alright, what do you think?
@@-TheExposition- born in 1966?
"the angel wasn't doing good enough" 😅
You seem to misunderstood if you read the Bible you can see clearly that the 12 Apostles were teaching Jews only until Paul came and was send to bring the word of God to the gentiles!! Bc in Jesus we are not Jews or gentile but one in Jesus name!! If you see clearly more then half on the NT Paul wrote and in Romans that’s what makes a thru discipline of Jesus!
Peter had the food vision and preached to Cornelius I believe
Peter in the book of Acts declared that he would preach to the gentiles. Paul was not needed nor was he a genuine disciple.
@@DanielBjorndahl Paul was not needed based on? Your opinion ?! lol
12 apostles were needed for Jews, but 2 is too many by your standard when it comes to gentiles. Dude humble yourself, you dont know better then the apostles who accepted him and Jesus who chose him.
@@DanielBjorndahl who wrote the book of acts ? answer = Luke Let's see what Luke says in
Acts 13:38-39
38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
is this a lie? you hate Luke also or just Paul ?
lets see what Luke says Jesus calls Paul
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
is this a lie ? so acts 9:15 is a lie then have we decided about acts 13:39 lie or no lie? then acts 10 when peter saves the first gentile that's when the truth for you begins or after acts 15 and the Jerusalem council meeting where Peter and the rest gave Paul the right hand of fellowship ???? I'm just curious what vrs are true in acts and which are lies , or does it depend on what you had for breakfast, you either believe the scriptures or you dont !! you obviously don't!!!
@@paulwise6856 a 100% but when you read the text Peter didn’t understand the vision until later!! God was telling him about food and gentile people that’s why God told Peter do not doubt but go with them! Also was send more to missionary work then Peter to the gentiles
But you still dont see how yahweh subverted the father command fron the beginning ...
Yahweh is the Father, or do you believe there are multiple "gods" in the OT depending on what name is used to refer to them?
There’s is a trinity God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit they are three in one
Yahweh is satan. Look for Good God channel by Bobby Collier here on youtube.
Daniel- do you know why the jesuswordsonly website is no longer up? Is there a new website?
Hello, the author of the website took down his website, TH-cam channel and books. It's been over a year since this happened and no one knows for sure why.
He is still on and posts several videos a day and his website is still up, I was there yesterday.
Yeah?? That would be Just like Stan to take a man breathing death and fire against the early Christians and turn him into the greatest advocate for Christ in his age. Makes loads of sense
Paul taught contrary to the teachings of Jesus, which is exactly what Satan would want
Exactly how? Do we have any 1st or second century sources indicating any debate apart from the Council of Jerusalem on the issue of gentile Christianity in which any controversy between Paul and any of the other apostles is expressed?
@@DanielBjorndahl Where did he teach contrary to Jesus. Jesus came for the Jews. He was teaching the Jews. Paul was sent to the gentiles. Do you not understand? The apostles accepted him, yet you, wise man of the 21 century, dont?
@@DanielBjorndahl show me where Paul taught contrary to Jesus. Paul never taught against the law, you are not understanding what he means by not being under the law, he said if you wlak according to the Spirit then you are not under the law because you are not breaking the law, the law is for the lawless who walk according to the flesh. Paul says that he buffets his body so that it will obey and so that when he is done preaching he wont be a hypocrite thus proving that he was keeping the commandments. Peter never condemned Pauls teachings if you read Peter in context when he says as our brother Paul also wrote in his teachings which are hard to understand for some who twist them to their own destruction as they do the other scriptures, that wouldnt make sense if Peter was condemning his teachings. And when Jesus stopped him on the road to demascus Paul didnt see Him physically , he was blinded anyway , where do you get that it was satan who blinded him, when he was clearly unknowhenly working for the enemy in the first place cause he was persecuting christains. Anyone who thinks Pauls writings are wrong are the ones that Peter was talking about. Paul even says that he was the least of the apostles b ecause he persecuted the church but it was because of ignorance and thats why Jesus showed His wonderful mercy to Paul, but He also told Paul about how much he would have to suffer for Christ and that my friend was Pauls thorn in the flesh the messenger of satan that was waiting for him everywhere he went to preach to try and stop him by putting him in jail and gettiung him beaten and stoned to the point of death. I dont understand how people misinterpret Pauls teachings.
ChatGPT4 knows
the Ebionites, a Jewish-Christian sect that existed in the early centuries of Christianity, are known for rejecting the apostleship and teachings of Paul. The Ebionites had a distinctive theology that was rooted in Jewish tradition, and their rejection of Paul stemmed from several key theological differences. Here’s a detailed look at why the Ebionites rejected Paul’s claims of inspiration and apostleship:
1. Who Were the Ebionites?
Jewish-Christian Sect: The Ebionites were a group of Jewish Christians who maintained strict adherence to Jewish laws and customs, such as circumcision, dietary laws, and observing the Sabbath. They believed that Jesus was the Jewish Messiah, but they did not accept the idea that He was divine in the same way that later Christian orthodoxy would affirm.
Christology: The Ebionites generally held an adoptionist view of Jesus, meaning they believed that He was a human being who was adopted as the Son of God at His baptism. This stands in contrast to the Trinitarian view that Jesus is both fully human and fully divine.
Continuing the Law: The Ebionites believed that Christians were still obligated to follow the Mosaic Law, seeing Jesus as the fulfillment of the law but not its replacement. They saw Jesus primarily as a prophet or teacher who re-emphasized the importance of the Jewish law.
2. Why Did the Ebionites Reject Paul?
Paul’s Rejection of the Mosaic Law: One of the primary reasons the Ebionites rejected Paul was his teaching that salvation was through faith in Christ alone and not by works of the Mosaic Law. Paul’s letters, particularly in Romans and Galatians, emphasize that Christians are not bound by the Jewish law for their salvation. The Ebionites, who strictly adhered to Jewish customs and believed that the law remained in full effect, viewed Paul’s teachings as a fundamental betrayal of the Jewish heritage of Christianity.
Paul’s Teachings to the Gentiles: Paul was the leading advocate for the inclusion of Gentiles in the Christian community without requiring them to adhere to the Jewish law (such as circumcision). The Ebionites, however, believed that Gentile converts to Christianity should follow the law of Moses, just as Jewish Christians did. Paul’s insistence that Gentile Christians were not required to follow Jewish law was another major point of conflict.
Paul’s Claims of Apostleship: The Ebionites did not recognize Paul as a legitimate apostle. They believed that Paul’s claim to apostleship was self-appointed and not divinely inspired. Since Paul was not part of the Twelve Apostles and had no direct contact with Jesus during His earthly ministry, the Ebionites rejected his authority. They saw Paul as an outsider who had distorted the true message of Jesus.
Paul’s Theology of Jesus: Paul’s teachings about Jesus as the divine Son of God and his theology of justification by faith alone were also in direct conflict with the Ebionite views of Jesus as a human Messiah and the importance of adhering to the law. The Ebionites viewed Jesus as a teacher who reaffirmed the importance of following the Mosaic Law, whereas Paul saw Jesus as the fulfillment of the law and the means by which believers were justified apart from it.
3. Ebionite Criticism of Paul
Paul as a "Heretic": The early church fathers who wrote about the Ebionites, such as Irenaeus and Epiphanius, recorded that the Ebionites considered Paul to be a false apostle and even a "heretic." According to these sources, the Ebionites believed that Paul had corrupted the message of Jesus by advocating for the abandonment of the Jewish law and by promoting doctrines that were contrary to the teachings of Jesus and the original apostles.
Hostility to Paul’s Letters: The Ebionites are also said to have rejected or ignored Paul’s letters, which form a large part of the New Testament. Some sources suggest that the Ebionites may have used a version of the Gospel of Matthew that was heavily edited to align with their theological views, and they did not give the same authority to Paul’s writings as other early Christians did.
4. Contrasts Between Paul and the Ebionites
Paul’s Theology: Paul taught that salvation came through faith in Christ alone, without the necessity of adhering to the Jewish law. His letters are full of arguments against requiring Gentile Christians to follow the law, and he teaches that the law is fulfilled in Christ. For example, in Galatians 5:1-6, Paul writes that circumcision and adherence to the law are no longer necessary for salvation because of Christ’s work.
Ebionite Theology: The Ebionites, in contrast, believed that Jesus came to reaffirm the importance of following the Jewish law and that obedience to the Mosaic Law was still required for salvation. They saw Paul’s teachings as a distortion of Jesus’ original message and rejected his claim that Christians were free from the law.
5. Patristic Evidence of Ebionite Rejection of Paul
Irenaeus: The early church father Irenaeus (2nd century) mentions the Ebionites in his work Against Heresies. He notes that they rejected Paul, accusing him of being an apostate from the law. According to Irenaeus, the Ebionites maintained that Paul had corrupted the message of Christianity by abandoning Jewish customs.
Epiphanius: The 4th-century church father Epiphanius, in his work Panarion, describes the Ebionites as fiercely opposed to Paul. He writes that they believed Paul was a false apostle who had never properly understood the Jewish law. They accused Paul of being a traitor to the true faith and rejected his writings.
The Ebionites rejected Paul’s claims of inspiration and apostleship for several reasons:
Paul’s Rejection of the Law: The Ebionites adhered to the Mosaic Law and believed it remained binding for Christians, while Paul taught that Christians were no longer under the law.
Paul’s Mission to the Gentiles: Paul’s teaching that Gentile converts were not required to follow Jewish customs was in direct opposition to the Ebionites' belief that all Christians should observe the law of Moses.
Paul’s Self-Claimed Apostleship: The Ebionites did not recognize Paul’s authority, believing that his apostleship was self-appointed and that his teachings were not divinely inspired.
Rejection of Paul’s Letters: The Ebionites are known to have rejected or disregarded Paul’s writings, which form a substantial part of Christian Scripture.
In summary, the Ebionites saw Paul as a false apostle and a distortion of the original Christian message, particularly because of his rejection of the Jewish law and his promotion of faith in Christ alone as the means of salvation.
I haven't finished watching the video yet, but Peter says that Paul's writings are scripture. You also use some perverted bible versions in your video, please examine yourself you are deceived and are deceiving others.
Scholars believe 2 peter wasn't written by peter. The question asked in this video is does Paul contradict Jesus or not? He does.
@@DanielBjorndahl Scholars are wrong.
Doesn't christianity teach that there were no new " prophets" after Yeshua? Not that they teach much truth, but I feel like they believe that, but are themselves " dupped" into believing Pauls writings over Gods, Yeshua's, the prophets, and the apostles. I didnt realize until I came out of the church and read the Word through obedience to God, did I even know that Paul wasnt an apostle, but a self proclaimed apostle. I grew up in christian schools n church, just seems like important info on the man who trumps Gods words and Yeshuas words in the view of christians aka " marcionites"
I'm actually not certain that's true, especially because I consider Revelations to be a form of prophecy. I do think some have prophetic ability, dreams, etc. But obviously not the one mentioned in this video!
Do you know what the word Apostle means? It comes from the Greek word apostolos which means person sent or someone that has been sent!!
" dupped" into believing Pauls writings over Gods, Yeshua's, the prophets, and the apostles. " There has to be something wrong with you guys. Jesus came to the Jews, and he taught the Jews. Thankfully for our sake we were saved because they rejected him. So he sent Paul to the Gentiles. THE APOSTLES accepted paul but youre what? Wiser then them? Have more of the Holy Spirit in you then them? Have more discernement then them? Have more scripture understanding then them? He was persecuting them and they still ended up trusting him, showing that its true. You think the Holy Spirit wouldn't have told them if he was lying. You gotta be kidding me, get out of this rabbit hole.. Nobody has to pick paul's teachings over Jesus because one if for the Jews one i for the Gentiles but both are Grace through Faith.
If you dont believe people can be changed when theyre saved, this verse applies to you.
“ There are those who have a form of Godliness, but deny the Power, from these stay away. “
@@vladgor4099 Jesus didn't come only for the Jews:
And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold: them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice; and there shall be one fold, and one shepherd. John 10:16
Jesus condemned eating things sacrificed to idols? Where?
The only words of Jesus that come to mind are that He clearly told us that a man is not defiled by what goes into his mouth, but by what comes out of his mouth, as the mouth speaks from the abundance of the heart.
Oh, never mind. I see. It is from the book of Revelation that you are suggesting Jesus to have said such a thing.
Well, that book was delivered by an angel, too. In many ways, its content also conflicts with both the words and the image of Jesus, which He presented of Himself; and we are to be wary of anything which doesn't agree with either the words or the image of Christ, be that thing from a man or an angel.
The only words that I am willing to assume, without reservation, to be the words of Jesus are the words that He is recorded to have spoken, Himself, throughout the Gospel accounts.
Take care and God Bless.
So you accept Paul who had a vision and got a contradictory message to Jesus, and you reject revelation even though it's consistent with Jesus, because it's from an angel?
Not eating meat sacrificed to an idol is consistent with Torah.. IF Jesus is the Messiah he would teach Torah and thus teach that very commandment to not eat from the table of Idols .. why do you need a new testament passage and the words of earthly men when this is already established in the very law of God himself. Paul is a Torah heretic and therefore a false teacher and apostate for teaching others to eat from the table of idols.
yes I believe Paul will be found guilty Jesus already covered it actually in Matthew 23, Paul the Pharisee made his converts twice the child of hell as himself and this will not go well for him on the Lord's Day
Thanks for your video. I have a new video about the anointed cherub that covers the earth. I thought you’d might find it quite the “revelation” 😊. It’s actually pt.3 of a new series I’m doing right now called “Our Dragon Earth” Will also be sharing a series on YAHWEH, as well. It’s kinda far out stuff, but I think I’m getting closer to the truth everyday. Enjoy. (subbed)
The newest video has awe inspiring optics and inspirational pad synth ambience. That said, I'm scratching my head at what the meaning is comparing the earth to a dragon.
@@DanielBjorndahl Perhaps you should start at PART ONE. 😁
Paul haters / grace haters love to try to keep you in bondage they hate the freedom and simplicity of the Gospel of the Grace of God
Acts was written by Luke!!! Let's see what Luke says in
Acts 13:38-39
38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
what does it mean to be Justified from all things, from which you could not be Justified by the law OF MOSES??????????????????????????????
is this the truth or is Luke lying!!!! if you deny Paul you deny Luke and what he writes of Paul!!! like when he wrote
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
did Luke make this up , when he said that God said Paul was his chosen vessel ??? ???????????????????????
you guys have no idea about Gods Plans his mercy or his grace , people deny Paul because they are ignorant on how to rightly divide the truth and they twist the scriptures to their own demise!! if you deny Paul you also are denying Lukes testimony of Paul and peters endorsement, the transition book of acts is written by Luke and testifies to Paul and his distinct apostleship!!
Acts 9:15
But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
according to Luke, Paul is Gods chosen vessel to bear his name amongst the gentiles!!
but according to you Paul haters he is not !! you know more than Luke ?????????????????
2Peter 3:15
And account that the longsuffering of our Lord is salvation; even as our beloved brother Paul also according to the wisdom given unto him hath written unto you;
Peter calls Paul his ''Beloved Brother"" Peter knows more than most about false prophets' false teachers, he knows we are to call them out mark and avoid them yet he calls Paul his Beloved! was peter fooled?? but you smart guys who were not there, you know Beter than Luke , peter, Paul and by extension Christ !!!
he who sins is a slave to sin. the real bondage is sin. the real freedom is obedience to the commands of the Father
We 'hate' it because according to real apostle, Peter its Paul's teachings that easily confuse those who are perishing with their rejection of the law. 2 Peter 3:16-17
@@marcbresee830 real apostle peter of the circumcision, not gentiles or the body or Christ!
These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not: 6But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.
Galatians 2:7-9
7But contrariwise, when they saw that the gospel of the uncircumcision was committed unto me, as the gospel of the circumcision was unto Peter; 8(For he that wrought effectually in Peter to the apostleship of the circumcision, the same was mighty in me toward the Gentiles:) 9And when James, Cephas, and John, who seemed to be pillars, perceived the grace that was given unto me, they gave to me and Barnabas the right hands of fellowship; that we should go unto the heathen, and they unto the circumcision.
peter is not your apostle gentile, Paul is !
Acts 9:15
15But the Lord said unto him, Go thy way: for he is a chosen vessel unto me, to bear my name before the Gentiles, and kings, and the children of Israel:
This is not what occurred on the Damascus road. I won't go into exactly what happened, since the references are obscure and miniscule. It's the concepts that are important, as in most of scripture. Scripture is always speaking in metaphor and symbol, never literally. Not only this, but you have the figures of Satan and Lucifer totally wrong. "Lucifer" simply means "light-bearer" or "light-bringer", and is in no way referring to a fallen angel. Mankind and the angels were thrust into this dimension to experience separation from the divine. What would've been gained by keeping them in the celestial realms protected from error and falsity? The verse you reference speaking of "How hast thou fallen from heaven" is referring to this fallen state which must be overcome to again assume divinity. He is not the "god of hell", this is utterly ludicrous. This is a test of the angel to bring himself back to his original state. Secondly, "Satan" is a title, not a name, referring simply to "adversary". Anyone can be a "satan", and in most cases in scripture (specifically Revelation) this is speaking of a group of entities. Really it is more of a concept than a singular entity. "Satan" also represents the ego, the carnal nature which must become like "Lucifer". We take our "satan" and transmute it into a "Lucifer", one who has divine understanding. You are almost there, and I can see how people get this all muddled.
I do not nor will not worship anyone but the true Father
@@DanielBjorndahl You 'worship' what you fear, beyond that, God doesn't want nor demand worship. Say something else after you've thought about as you should have. You do have a mind correct?
@@davidm1149 Woman, believe Me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship, ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth.
@@DanielStewart80 Are you going to say anything original, or leave it up to me to decipher what you're trying to say? The bible is always speaking in allegory and symbol. In your quote, it is speaking of the 'divine feminine', religion of the heart and not the mind. You're simply proving my point regardless. There are no "jews", this term has become clouded and unclear due to misunderstanding.. The letter "J" didn't come into circulation until around 1525. "Jew" in scripture is referring simply to a "seeker of truth". There are no "jews" as such, it's a religion. "Who say they are "jews" and are not" is referring to this, a true seeker of God (the spiritual man) Mankind also always had "salvation" regardless also. Read a little more, don't restrict yourself to what's between the covers of one book. Usually literalists are stuck with what they've been taught until they discover more, so it is unfair of me to say much without fuller explanation.
Peter and the other Apostles accepted Paul they and Paul taught the same thing, Torah as the Messiah taught, our Bible is a Greek fraud of the original Hebrew manuscripts.
@@DanielBjorndahl I forgot I'm talking to children. Go to Nehemiah Gordon, Mills Johson and Rood Awakening
The commands of Yahweh? Yahweh is not God the Father, brother.
It's a lot to discuss, and I will therefore not go any further therein; that said, I will gladly do so if requested.
Do you mean Mosaic law? If a person is in Christ then they are truly not under the law, according to the words of Jesus.
Jesus, by His own admission, stated that He came to fulfill the law; and, immediately thereafter, He said that nothing of the law will pass away until all thereof is fulfilled.
Did Jesus fulfill the law? There can be no doubt that He did.
Take care and God Bless.
Who is the father? Isn't YHWH written all throughout the bible?
Yhwh is the god of Israel but not Jesus.
If you mean Lord then Baal would technically fit better, yhwh means to exist.. a rock exist but only one method to have LIFE 🧬
Go ahead and show us all , without Paul's writings how do you get saved today????? how did you get saved????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? how did you receive the holy spirit??????????????????????????????????????????????????? or are you just a unregenerate, unbeliever void of the holy spirit ??
you are saved by obedience. you receive the holy spirit by following Jesus
@@DanielBjorndahl if you are saved by obedience and receive the spirit by following Jesus then your not saved and cant receive the spirit until you die,!! show us in the scriptures where we receive the spirit by following Jesus!
You love your sin (lawbreaking) so much that you imagine the Holy Spirit will not remove you from it?
@@marcbresee830 you know nothing about Gods Grace or Mercy ! you know nothing about Justification and imputed righteousness of Christ be faith ,
acts was from Luke not Paul lets see what Luke says about the law of mosses
Acts 13:38-39
38Be it known unto you therefore, men and brethren, that through this man is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins: 39And by him all that believe are justified from all things, from which ye could not be justified by the law of Moses.
What a load of blasphemous garbage.
why is it blasphemous? What's your rebuttal?
We must all be someone's heretic. Best be sure its not Adonai or Yeshua. (Paul is optional, often just speaking on his own. He was rejected by many believers in his day according to his own statement in Timothy.)