Check out the references in the description for the latest academic research about learning styles. And then tell me - what school, college or university can you find that's still teaching about learning styles?
Hmmm....I'm trying to stay open minded here. What I'm hearing you say is that it should be called "learning preferences" instead of "learning styles." If that's the case, I still think these styles or "preferences" hold value for teachers. If I know most of my students prefer acting out an idea over listening about an idea, I need to take that into consideration, right? I've always identified as "intrapersonal" and that label does reflect my need for self reflection and processing of new ideas, so I don't think we can say learning styles are a "myth" per se, but a preference attained through experiences rather than a style we were born with.
It's important to keep in mind that just because you have a preference for a certain approach, it doesn't mean it's the most effective way to learn. Check out the references in the description for more details.
You should teach people that which makes them the best at doing something, not what they prefer. It's easier to see the myth of preference equals more effective in athletics and exercise, some people may prefer running some people may prefer swimming, but which is the best at building anaerobic endurance for say football or wrestling and there is a definite answer that has to do solely with physiology and genetics and not individual preference.
Your preference in how you learn things is still important. You learn things better when you're enjoying what you're learning - this much is scientifically valid. By default, your preference in learning style should play a significant role in how much you enjoy learning about something. If you enjoy hands-on experience, you'll be engrossed in what you're learning. However, if you think hands-on activities are a pain and pointless, you're likely not going to be paying attention half the time. I think what people should delve into more is whether or not these preference in learning styles could fluctuate, such as if there are times when you prefer visual learning over kinetic learning but other times prefer the opposite. If I'm learning about physics, I'd rather just learn it visually through pictures than diagrams than through simulation demos, but if I'm learning about art, I'd very much rather learn through hands-on experience than just looking at examples from other artists. P.S., it's funny how I have two psychology professors right now, and one of them believes in learning styles while the other linked us this video lol.
The learning styles myth is about the most effective way to learn. There's diminishing value in using a less effective approach just because you prefer it. And your professor who believes in learning styles demonstrates how embedded this myth is, unfortunately.
If a particular topic can be taught just as successfully in multiple different styles, then fine use the one you prefer. But many things do have a specific style they need to be taught in, and in that case the preferred learning style needs to take a backseat.
I teach in the College of Education at one of the largest private, Christian universities in the country. I am constantly having to debunk the mis-information written into the curriculum for my courses. Thus...I'm out on the web looking for more information to help relay this message. Thanks for explaining this concept so clearly.
Wow! I didn’t know this. I’m mostly kinesthetic and visual based on my learning style tests from school and I thought it’s accurate as I can’t grasp info through auditory. I’d have to read it, write it down or do it hands on. If someone gives me instructions I ask them to write it down for me or give it to me through text or show me how it’s done as I have a hard time retaining and understanding info verbally.
@@dans2971 whether or not it's her perception or belief or a neurological thing, it manifests or shows up as her inability to retain info if it's just said to her. I've seen this many times in my 25+ years of teaching. Whatever the cause of the block, some kids--who are paying close attention and do not have behavior problems---can look right at at you as you tell them three different times about the assignment due tomorrow---and until you write it down, they just do not receive that input. It behooves us as educators to take note and not keep doing the same mode that is not working. We do this all the time with friends, don't we? "Don't tell me the directions; write them down." I'm sold on part of what you're saying, but not all. For those of us in the trenches for whom test scores aren't everything, it still benefits us to design lessons with a myriad of ways for students to respond.
Thanks for the video. I'm an Educator & Academic Facilitator myself. I do believe that if Learning Styles are facilitated correctly it can be beneficial in some way. Individuals actually have all learning styles, but just to a certain preference. And, for example, if I have high visual preference it doesn't mean I can't use auditory techniques. The problem I believe comes in when you put students in a box and say: "Well, you can only use visual techniques because you have high visual preference." That is wrong. In my case, I prefer to use different multiple study methods within all the different styles. I guess there are many people who agree or disagree with this topic. Thanks again for the video!
Memorize Academy Yes I thoroughly agree. I'm in the same boat regarding the academic research. I've read the latest research on the strategies you are referring to in your other video. In my Study Skills classes that I present, I mainly focus on those strategies you share and Metacognitive Strategies. Metacognition is also a valuable topic. All the best!
Believe what you like. The research evidence shows no support for 'Learning Styles'. Research evidence is more important than whatever nonsense people might believe. 'Science is true, whether you believe in it or not!'
Eventually it will get out. But it has been proven that enjoying learning helps you learn as well as your mood. So I think in a waybit dies matter because you might find music more enjoyable and relaxingbtgan reading.
I don't know if you are correct, but I do know that I REALLY learn something and OWN it when I actually DO it. Studying to pass a test and studying to learn a life skill differ for me.
In one of my teaching classes we went around the room introducing ourselves and what our preferred learning style was. I knew the learning styles thing was nonsense, so I said I love learning by doing and learning by teaching. This generated some confused looks. They probably thought I was uninformed.
As far as I know, colleagues at my University ( have been telling future teacher students about learning styles... and i guess this myth is hard to kill, because it sounds as if it could make sense, it acknowledges a "pedagogical no-brainer" that all kids are different, it values existing differences between people and it sounds like it's easy to implement and it probably helps to give kids access to the same "thing" in a variety of ways (but this helps all kids, irrespective of their supposed learning styles).
I'm open to this thesis. After a bit of thought, I would also say burden of proof is on claimant. If anyone says "this video is wrong; learning styles are not a myth," then it's up to that party to present supporting evidence. Just noticing though; this video says all we actually have is some preference for presentation styles. Also says existing evidence and studies indicate learning styles are a myth. The remaining three minutes of the video makes points that are indirectly related at best! Even shames the viewer who holds to the belief in learning styles by depicting him as a dope in pajamas! So what specific study or research shows learning styles are myths? What (if any) evidence for learning styles has been refuted?
I felt rather uncomfortable when I was first told that learning styles is a myth. I was formally trained to be aware of and use techniques to cater for individual learning styles in teaching, so surely there is research to back up the theory? I couldn't believe that learning styles and the meshing hypothesis had been disproven, so I looked into the literature. I have now done an extended literature review on learning styles within education and am currently doing a content analysis research paper questioning the inclusion of learning styles in teacher training. I can assure you, it has been disproven time and time again even by those trying to validate it. Very few studies show minimal improvement in academic achievement and lack robust research design, often trying to promote their own product. Categorising students into specific types of learners forms self identity to that method and limits other forms of learning. The only positive about learning styles is increased student engagement, which is due more so to Multi-modal learning.
I'm currently working on a research paper questioning the use of learning styles within curriculum of teacher training which perpetuates the use of learning styles throughout society.
@MemorizeAcademy My paper focuses on vocational education and training which is peppered with learning styles and the meshing hypothesis. I have touched on universities and secondary schooling which does contain some mention of the theory. Expert and my opinion is that it has no place in education and should be replaced with research based pedagogies. Multi-modal learning is research based and closely related. As you say, it isn't going away any time soon. People form a sense of identity around their learning style and to say it has been disproven attacks their identity. By shifting the focus from individual learning styles to, we learn from all learning styles could be a way to solve the problem, hence multi-modal learning. Thank you for your video!
i was told i had a certain learning style 27 years ago, I never believed that this was the case, I did however, feel that the whole agenda was to explain away why we as a country are so behind and after reading Charlottes Iserbyts book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America which included the Dept of Educations agenda under former Pres Reagan, I was shocked and pretty pissed off, the powers that be intentionally keep the students conformed and unable to think for themselves using disgusting techniques which are too deep, read the book and be equally shocked, these learning styles bull crap are to profit and explain away the low reading levels, complete bull hockey
The widespread belief in learning styles certainly isn't restricted to the US. There're plenty of reasons why learning styles are still 'pushed' but I suspect part of it is also because there are a lot of commercial ventures invested in them, and those ventures are more motivated to talk them up than anyone else is to point out the lack of academic support for them.
May be it is not learning style but learning method. Whatever you call it there is need to develop an effective learning method that achieves learning out comes
Hey I thought I was tactile but now it is just something else. I do have trouble learning but that is from my ADHD. Do you have a video on that to learn while having this disorder?
Im no expert on learning with ADHD but I am someone with ADD( BAsically ADHD but Its a specific category). I suggest talking with a school counsellor or seeking an ADHD Coach for good advice. You can also search up some videos how you can learn with ADHD. If you'd like, try giving yourself specific time for doing work. For example, giving yourself 20 minutes to do homework. After that 20 minute time is done, give yourself a 10 minute break. Its best to time yourself. Try giving yourself some type of reward after doing work for 20 minutes. When it comes to learning, explore options like reading, watching videos and listening. Yes, learning styles aren't that helpful sometimes but it is still important to know how you learn best. And your learning style can differ with other subjects!
@@MemorizeAcademy i agree with both. I loved studying at Usyd. But no place is perfect. Also, i should qualify my point that not every lecturer accepts this myth. Many dont believe it. Just some.
Plenty of facts across history have been printed in text books that are later shown to be scientifically invalid. Empirical Science is an institution that has only been around for maybe 300-400 years and we've been enscribing on scrolls, parchment, and printing books for much longer. You need only to grab an encyclopedia from from the 60's and compare it to one from just the 80's and see that facts change over time with the advance of technology; for technology is intimately related to our ability to measure physical phenomena. It's my hypothesis that more falsehoods than valid facts exist in the world period and that there are plenty of these falsehoods being paraded around as valid facts, because ignorance is universal a human condition, most people are not scientifically literate, and people are not rational generalizers.
Check out the references in the description for the latest academic research about learning styles. And then tell me - what school, college or university can you find that's still teaching about learning styles?
I'd love to know more about those researches because, anyhow, pedagogical theories have been built upon it. Thanks
Community College of Baltimore County still teaches learning styles, sadly
Hmmm....I'm trying to stay open minded here. What I'm hearing you say is that it should be called "learning preferences" instead of "learning styles." If that's the case, I still think these styles or "preferences" hold value for teachers. If I know most of my students prefer acting out an idea over listening about an idea, I need to take that into consideration, right? I've always identified as "intrapersonal" and that label does reflect my need for self reflection and processing of new ideas, so I don't think we can say learning styles are a "myth" per se, but a preference attained through experiences rather than a style we were born with.
It's important to keep in mind that just because you have a preference for a certain approach, it doesn't mean it's the most effective way to learn. Check out the references in the description for more details.
You should teach people that which makes them the best at doing something, not what they prefer. It's easier to see the myth of preference equals more effective in athletics and exercise, some people may prefer running some people may prefer swimming, but which is the best at building anaerobic endurance for say football or wrestling and there is a definite answer that has to do solely with physiology and genetics and not individual preference.
Your preference in how you learn things is still important. You learn things better when you're enjoying what you're learning - this much is scientifically valid. By default, your preference in learning style should play a significant role in how much you enjoy learning about something. If you enjoy hands-on experience, you'll be engrossed in what you're learning. However, if you think hands-on activities are a pain and pointless, you're likely not going to be paying attention half the time.
I think what people should delve into more is whether or not these preference in learning styles could fluctuate, such as if there are times when you prefer visual learning over kinetic learning but other times prefer the opposite. If I'm learning about physics, I'd rather just learn it visually through pictures than diagrams than through simulation demos, but if I'm learning about art, I'd very much rather learn through hands-on experience than just looking at examples from other artists.
P.S., it's funny how I have two psychology professors right now, and one of them believes in learning styles while the other linked us this video lol.
The learning styles myth is about the most effective way to learn. There's diminishing value in using a less effective approach just because you prefer it.
And your professor who believes in learning styles demonstrates how embedded this myth is, unfortunately.
If a particular topic can be taught just as successfully in multiple different styles, then fine use the one you prefer. But many things do have a specific style they need to be taught in, and in that case the preferred learning style needs to take a backseat.
Yes, that it what I found in my research as well. See my response to Sarah Chadwick above.
I teach in the College of Education at one of the largest private, Christian universities in the country. I am constantly having to debunk the mis-information written into the curriculum for my courses. Thus...I'm out on the web looking for more information to help relay this message. Thanks for explaining this concept so clearly.
Love your work, keep spreading the word :)
Wow! I didn’t know this. I’m mostly kinesthetic and visual based on my learning style tests from school and I thought it’s accurate as I can’t grasp info through auditory. I’d have to read it, write it down or do it hands on. If someone gives me instructions I ask them to write it down for me or give it to me through text or show me how it’s done as I have a hard time retaining and understanding info verbally.
@@dans2971 whether or not it's her perception or belief or a neurological thing, it manifests or shows up as her inability to retain info if it's just said to her. I've seen this many times in my 25+ years of teaching. Whatever the cause of the block, some kids--who are paying close attention and do not have behavior problems---can look right at at you as you tell them three different times about the assignment due tomorrow---and until you write it down, they just do not receive that input. It behooves us as educators to take note and not keep doing the same mode that is not working. We do this all the time with friends, don't we? "Don't tell me the directions; write them down." I'm sold on part of what you're saying, but not all. For those of us in the trenches for whom test scores aren't everything, it still benefits us to design lessons with a myriad of ways for students to respond.
Thanks for the video. I'm an Educator & Academic Facilitator myself.
I do believe that if Learning Styles are facilitated correctly it can be beneficial in some way. Individuals actually have all learning styles, but just to a certain preference. And, for example, if I have high visual preference it doesn't mean I can't use auditory techniques. The problem I believe comes in when you put students in a box and say: "Well, you can only use visual techniques because you have high visual preference." That is wrong.
In my case, I prefer to use different multiple study methods within all the different styles. I guess there are many people who agree or disagree with this topic. Thanks again for the video!
There are definitely people on both sides of this topic, but I'll always side with what the weight of academic research supports :)
Memorize Academy Yes I thoroughly agree. I'm in the same boat regarding the academic research. I've read the latest research on the strategies you are referring to in your other video.
In my Study Skills classes that I present, I mainly focus on those strategies you share and Metacognitive Strategies. Metacognition is also a valuable topic. All the best!
Hello, can you please post a link to the latest research that you have read? I am currently researching this topic myself. Many thanks
Believe what you like. The research evidence shows no support for 'Learning Styles'. Research evidence is more important than whatever nonsense people might believe. 'Science is true, whether you believe in it or not!'
Eventually it will get out. But it has been proven that enjoying learning helps you learn as well as your mood. So I think in a waybit dies matter because you might find music more enjoyable and relaxingbtgan reading.
I don't know if you are correct, but I do know that I REALLY learn something and OWN it when I actually DO it. Studying to pass a test and studying to learn a life skill differ for me.
In one of my teaching classes we went around the room introducing ourselves and what our preferred learning style was. I knew the learning styles thing was nonsense, so I said I love learning by doing and learning by teaching. This generated some confused looks. They probably thought I was uninformed.
Always a worry when the educators aren't as educated as they should be ...
As far as I know, colleagues at my University ( have been telling future teacher students about learning styles... and i guess this myth is hard to kill, because it sounds as if it could make sense, it acknowledges a "pedagogical no-brainer" that all kids are different, it values existing differences between people and it sounds like it's easy to implement and it probably helps to give kids access to the same "thing" in a variety of ways (but this helps all kids, irrespective of their supposed learning styles).
I agree with all those points Roberts - and learning styles are unfortunately taught with the best of intentions too.
It would indeed be much easier to "kill this false idea" if it wasn't as easily linked to these best of intentions...
but i now saw that you address some of these issues / reasons in your FAQ section on your webpage... :-)
by the way, one of my students will do his Bachelor Thesis (applied educational sciences) on "learning to learn"...
but if I have problems with processing auditory input at least I have an "anti learning style" right?
I just saw a great Ted Talk on this topic and I would say, "Yes." (Teacher w/30 yrs in the classroom and a master's in Ed. Leadership.)
I'm open to this thesis. After a bit of thought, I would also say burden of proof is on claimant. If anyone says "this video is wrong; learning styles are not a myth," then it's up to that party to present supporting evidence.
Just noticing though; this video says all we actually have is some preference for presentation styles. Also says existing evidence and studies indicate learning styles are a myth.
The remaining three minutes of the video makes points that are indirectly related at best! Even shames the viewer who holds to the belief in learning styles by depicting him as a dope in pajamas!
So what specific study or research shows learning styles are myths? What (if any) evidence for learning styles has been refuted?
Start with the references in the description, then Google your heart out ;)
I felt rather uncomfortable when I was first told that learning styles is a myth. I was formally trained to be aware of and use techniques to cater for individual learning styles in teaching, so surely there is research to back up the theory?
I couldn't believe that learning styles and the meshing hypothesis had been disproven, so I looked into the literature.
I have now done an extended literature review on learning styles within education and am currently doing a content analysis research paper questioning the inclusion of learning styles in teacher training. I can assure you, it has been disproven time and time again even by those trying to validate it. Very few studies show minimal improvement in academic achievement and lack robust research design, often trying to promote their own product.
Categorising students into specific types of learners forms self identity to that method and limits other forms of learning. The only positive about learning styles is increased student engagement, which is due more so to Multi-modal learning.
I'm currently working on a research paper questioning the use of learning styles within curriculum of teacher training which perpetuates the use of learning styles throughout society.
If teachers are still being taught that learning styles are valid it doesn't seem this neuro-myth is disappearing anytime soon!
@MemorizeAcademy My paper focuses on vocational education and training which is peppered with learning styles and the meshing hypothesis. I have touched on universities and secondary schooling which does contain some mention of the theory. Expert and my opinion is that it has no place in education and should be replaced with research based pedagogies. Multi-modal learning is research based and closely related. As you say, it isn't going away any time soon. People form a sense of identity around their learning style and to say it has been disproven attacks their identity. By shifting the focus from individual learning styles to, we learn from all learning styles could be a way to solve the problem, hence multi-modal learning. Thank you for your video!
All the best with your research Alex.
@@alexgrovejones Have you gathered information from neuroscience as well?
i was told i had a certain learning style 27 years ago, I never believed that this was the case, I did however, feel that the whole agenda was to explain away why we as a country are so behind and after reading Charlottes Iserbyts book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America which included the Dept of Educations agenda under former Pres Reagan, I was shocked and pretty pissed off, the powers that be intentionally keep the students conformed and unable to think for themselves using disgusting techniques which are too deep, read the book and be equally shocked, these learning styles bull crap are to profit and explain away the low reading levels, complete bull hockey
The widespread belief in learning styles certainly isn't restricted to the US. There're plenty of reasons why learning styles are still 'pushed' but I suspect part of it is also because there are a lot of commercial ventures invested in them, and those ventures are more motivated to talk them up than anyone else is to point out the lack of academic support for them.
I'd love to hear from research, please
When will we get more videos on your amazing course, "How to Memorize?"
Coming very soon! Get ready for a deluge :)
Memorize Academy Can not wait! I expect great things considering the content already there! How will we be notified when more videos are added?
All registered students will get an email notification.
Hello can you a do a video on how to revise effectively for GCSEs please ❤️❤️❤️
May be it is not learning style but learning method. Whatever you call it there is need to develop an effective learning method that achieves learning out comes
That's what this video is all about -
Thanks for your video, this is very surprising to me. I came out of this video learning something new, changing my perspective about the way I learn.
your animation is excellent
Hey I thought I was tactile but now it is just something else. I do have trouble learning but that is from my ADHD. Do you have a video on that to learn while having this disorder?
I don't at the moment, I'm sorry
@@MemorizeAcademy that’s ok
Im no expert on learning with ADHD but I am someone with ADD( BAsically ADHD but Its a specific category). I suggest talking with a school counsellor or seeking an ADHD Coach for good advice. You can also search up some videos how you can learn with ADHD. If you'd like, try giving yourself specific time for doing work. For example, giving yourself 20 minutes to do homework. After that 20 minute time is done, give yourself a 10 minute break. Its best to time yourself. Try giving yourself some type of reward after doing work for 20 minutes. When it comes to learning, explore options like reading, watching videos and listening. Yes, learning styles aren't that helpful sometimes but it is still important to know how you learn best. And your learning style can differ with other subjects!
all your videos are awesome. i love it 💓
well im not good ar biology and dont like it but learning from it visually helps me understand it is that a learng style?
No, that's not a learning style, it just means that in that particular circumstance learning visually helped
Consistent practicing is the key. :)
sorry for my English.
Wonderful :D I love your video Thank you 😊
You're welcome!
Sir i like your channel and thank you for this great idias
what do you mean of debunk?
It means learning styles is a false concept
Thank you for the insightful video
I don't know to react hahah
As a pre-service teacher, I was taught of different thinking and learning styles. @CLSU
You're not the only one!
Your animation is very good 👍
Thanks :)
your videos are very very good
If you're happy then I'm happy :)
made more videos like that
Solihull Sixth Form College although my teacher does acknowledge that there is no evidence to support this and the whole idea is built on a hunch
Yes, and a lot of people had a hunch the earth was flat too ;)
Your videos are awesome....❤❤❤❤
Eye opening
University of Sydney still pushes learning styles.
Really? In lectures or on their website somewhere?
@@MemorizeAcademy In lectures. I remember some of of my professors teaching it during my education degree. I was surprised they were teaching it.
@@sshez99 USyd's a great university (I went there for a semester or two, years ago) but it shows how ubiquitous this myth is!
@@MemorizeAcademy i agree with both. I loved studying at Usyd. But no place is perfect. Also, i should qualify my point that not every lecturer accepts this myth. Many dont believe it. Just some.
A Billion Thank Yous : )
You're welcome Chris!
Aliens are not a myth, though!
learning styles informative
plural nouns nondescript
Please next time try to give subtitles in English...Please please please............... ❤❤❤❤❤💜💜💜💜💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💞💜💜💜💜💜❤❤
There are subtitles in English :)
Crazy, right?
I've learned to not believe every TH-cam's opinion so... ye i don't believe you since you literally have no science behind it
Check the references in the description ;)
Memorize Academy oh never noticed them. sorry man
Learning styles are real or else no one would print it in the textbook
What textbook are you referring to? What would it take to convince you otherwise?
Plenty of facts across history have been printed in text books that are later shown to be scientifically invalid. Empirical Science is an institution that has only been around for maybe 300-400 years and we've been enscribing on scrolls, parchment, and printing books for much longer. You need only to grab an encyclopedia from from the 60's and compare it to one from just the 80's and see that facts change over time with the advance of technology; for technology is intimately related to our ability to measure physical phenomena. It's my hypothesis that more falsehoods than valid facts exist in the world period and that there are plenty of these falsehoods being paraded around as valid facts, because ignorance is universal a human condition, most people are not scientifically literate, and people are not rational generalizers.
It’s fake m8 it has been discredited for a very long time