6:21. You open the door and shoot a guard and the other guard pulls out a grenade and throws it at you and your on the other side of the window were he threw it and he thinks... Oh crap. I forgot that the grenade does not break through the window. And then he runs to retrieve it and the grenade blows up and he dies
5:28 you run around the poll and the guard is trying to catch up to you and tne guard is thinking... Wow. I shouldn't of went to bed late last night. I cannot even see bond
Awesome run, loved it
Thanx dude, glad you enjoyed it 👍
6:21. You open the door and shoot a guard and the other guard pulls out a grenade and throws it at you and your on the other side of the window were he threw it and he thinks... Oh crap. I forgot that the grenade does not break through the window. And then he runs to retrieve it and the grenade blows up and he dies
5:28 you run around the poll and the guard is trying to catch up to you and tne guard is thinking... Wow. I shouldn't of went to bed late last night. I cannot even see bond
Excelente rapides y agilidad buena area
Thanks and yes the texture choices worked really well.
For me the retextured levels are better
You know that's the first thing I noticed! I really like the re-texture too.