When I was getting attacked by demons I would call on the name of Jesus Christ and it would let me go. So I know the Name of Jesus Christ holds power and no one ever could take that away from me.
Hallelujah! Exactly! Although there’s plenty of logical evidence, in the end all we need is indeed putting His Name to the test; He truly IS the Name Above All Names. Hence Satanists ónly hate and fear the name of Yeshua. Even the demons know He is God. Thát’s why they hate us! Cause we are His Image! And since they can’t touch Him, they act it out on us.
Ok god and warrior in the same sentence is like oil and water ....dont mix....u know religion is the thing that starts most wars in our world soo...just stupid too say i think .....
@MikaelJohansson-k7b Wrong. Most wars throughout history were not started because of religion; according to the "Encyclopedia of Wars," only a small percentage (around 7%) of recorded wars were primarily motivated by religious reasons, meaning the vast majority of conflicts had other causes like power, territory, or political disputes.
@MikaelJohansson-k7b Incorrect - land and resources are the main motivator for wars. That's not to say religions haven't been used to muster up agreement in going to war, just that religion is not the main motivator. Also, do you know what the armor of God is? Or did you know Moses called God a "warrior"?
Billy also said Genesis means Gen iSis meaning Generations of Isis 😂. He just likes making connections that don’t make any sense and has so much confidence in his nonsensè
It's called the phonic fallacy, when a similarity in sound is the basis for taking it as a similarity in meaning. Jordan Maxwell uses the same kind of errors extensively ( particularly with similar sounds across different languages ). Such kinds of people don't seem to believe homonyms exist, and they don't seem to understand etymology, morphemes, semantic drift, or how those interact. The German word for "poison" is "Gift", so I would expect such people might think it's bad to exchange presents with Germans.
God created our various languages. The Lord responds to the name Jesus. Many miracles have occurred when calling on that name. Many hearts have been changed when calling on that name. That's good enough.
@@josephdavid718 Countless healings of various diseases. Removal of sinful desires and addictions. Rescue from life threatening events. Rescue from demons. Etc.
My Lord's first name isn't Jesus and His last name isn't Christ. Obviously you don't know that the letter J wasn't invented until A.D. 1525 for the Italian (Romans) language by a man called “Gian Giorgio Trissino”. Dude! That's 1,524 years AFTER my Lord Yeshua was murdered and rose form the dead. I'm a 30+ year hobby historian. This is what I commented to both of them. I hope it helps you. BEGIN OF MY COMMENT: It's amazing that you young males are stupid enough not to introduce yourselves at the beginning of every video! So boys!, What's your problem with calling our Lord by his real name of Yeshua! THAT'S HIS REAL NAME BOYS! Is it to hard for you pronounce Yeshua! You talk about "translations of names" LOL! You young males don't know crap about REAL HISTORY! You know what you've been fed as history! Who had a huge influence in the writing of our Bible ? I'll tell you! The Romans (Italians) that created the Roman Church that was renamed by the Romans (Italians) to the Catholic Church. The Romans (Italians) hated the Jews. Start thinking Logically about history guys! Because history is logical! Human male's attitudes and emotions haven't changed since Adamah & Chavah (Adam & Eve) were booted out of the place we know as the Garden of Eden. Only technology has changed. Who changed Hebrew names to Non-Hebrew names in the Bible. Come on! Who did it boys? Obviously it was men who didn't like the Jews! And who were those guys!? It was the Roman guys who started/founded/invented the Roman Religion to COMPETE with the Jews who were known to be followers of "The Way". Now, you talk about name translations. ISN'T IT AMAZING THAT IT ONLY HAPPENED TO THE JEW'S NAMES! And, by the way! Whoever you are! Pedro isn't Peter in Spanish! There are pure blood Spanish guys with the name Peter and pure blood Spanish guys with the name Pedro. How do you account for that Mr. Young Male that thinks he knows it all! But then again! I was a young males once. Most young males think they know it all. So, here's a little rhetorical test on name translations. Q, 01.) What's Anton's name in Greek A, 01) !It's Anton! Q, 02) What's Anton's name in German? A, 02) Hmmm! Could it be Anton! Why yes it is ! Q, 03) What's Anton's name said by a born and raised Jew in Israel? A, 03) Well I'll be a Son of a B! It's Anton too! Notice my Profile Image it's a baseball cap with a military patch on it. My name is Christopher, Chris for short. Do you know what my name is in the Vietnamese language!? It's Chris. And pronounced the same way it's pronounced in English. A person's name IS NOT LIKE A "THING" , such as a car or a street. The English word for the pavement that's laid down on the ground for vehicles to us is called a street. That's English. That same THING in German is Straße... pronounced Strasse. I know! I lived in Germany. How's this as a FACT! The Roman's (Italian's) hated the Jews! Everybody hated the Jews! Constantine and his close buddies were Romans (Italians) and they hated the Jews. Did you not know that!? Do you know what Constantine and his buddies did!? They started a Religion that was called the Roman Religion. Do you know what they renamed it to a few hundred years later? They renamed it to the Catholic Religion. That's it on the History lesson boys! Start thinking logically! ==================================================================
I have to correct you. Yeshua Hamashiach does not translate to "Jesus Christ King of Kings". The words Jesus Christ were invented by the Management of the Catholic Church that was formerly called the Catholic Religion, and that was formerly and ORIGINALLY CALLED the Roman Religion. The ROMAN RELIGION was INVENTED/STARTED/FOUNDED by Constantine and his buddies TO COMPETE WITH the Jewish Apostles and Disciples that were promoting our Lord Yeshua and who the Romans considered followers of "The Way". Did you know that Constantine and his buddies were murders and torturer's of Jews and Gentiles that were followers of "The Way"? Here are two credible sources in reference to our Lord Yeshua's name. 1.) www.epm.org/resources/2009/Dec/23/could-you-explain-name-jesus/ 2.) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebraization_of_English Cc: @anthonyhill5075 @hardsayings2400 ===================================================================
@llsinll47 1. So that means He doesn't know what you mean? Weird "proof" for that argument. 2. Joshua is an Anglicizing of Yeshua. Jesus is an Anglicizing of Iesus. Iesus is a Greekifying of Yeshua. Just because it comes out different in English when you take one extra step, doesn't mean it's a different name. Thanks for coming out.
@TeachUsTruth Amen means "so be it," "I agree," or "true." Since you're asking who, are you talking about Revelation 3:14, where Jesus claims the title of "the Amen?" Which would mean He is the truth. It doesn't mean that every time you use the word "Amen" (or say "I agree") that you are explicitly speaking about Him.
Scholars are not the original authors who penned all scripture guided and inspired by God. There are atheist scholars too, does that title make them right also? I think not!! The Word of God, written in its original language is the only true authority, not scholars. Follow no man, only follow our guide book, the Holy Scriptures and it spells it out in Acts 4:11 and it was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Jesus is not even a direct translation, it is a translation of a translation and there isn't even a 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet. Joshua is the only proper direct translation of Yeshua to english, not Jesus. It comes from a Greek translation and Greeks were pagans and not the originally inspired by God authors. Do you really want to trust opinions in the face of what the inspired scripture actually says? You can, myself, I trust the original writings, not the translators, especially Greek translators. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, study to show thyself approved for the written word of God is not open to private interpretation but valuable for study and reproach. Woe unto the man who takes away from the words written in this book for I will take away his name from the book of life and woe unto the man who adds to this book for I will add to him the plagues written here-in, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Trust no man, only God and His word.
He really isn’t, he’s just a Christian who’s indoctrinated. Jesus never existed. The first Jesus was Serapis christus and that’s who Jesus Christ is based off. Go look it up
@@markmaughon705honestly what are you even talking about?! The New Testament was written in KOINE GREEK, and act of Almighty God!!! Let me guess; you’re the foremost expert on textus receptus original manuscripts and ancient languages.
I never could bring myself to listen to Billy from the jump. He came off as a fraud mystic just from hearing his claims, which are mostly just repacked new age and gnosticism.
Jesus I know you will guide me. I’m overwhelmed as a single mom both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Jesus I need your help providing for my children so that they may have all they need. Lord I’m constantly struggling each month to pay rent and I struggle to buy groceries, for my sons I’m ashamed. Hear my prayers help me overcome these obstacles you are my strength.
I’m glad to see this clarified, though, if I am being honest, I prefer to use the name Yeshua. I just like the way it feels coming off of my tongue and out of my mouth 😂.
Have you listened to the song “Yeshua”? My daughters and I love to sing that one. I actually came to find that the length of the YESHUUUUAAA in the song was the exact length of my final contractions during our last babies birth. It was so soothing singing His name instead of feeling all that pain.
You are so right in doing so! There is a reason why that name sounds right, it is the only nsme by which we can be saved. Acts 4:11 Scholars are not the original authors who penned all scripture guided and inspired by God. There are atheist scholars too, does that title make them right also? I think not!! The Word of God, written in its original language is the only true authority, not scholars. Follow no man, only follow our guide book, the Holy Scriptures and it spells it out in Acts 4:11 and it was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Jesus is not even a direct translation, it is a translation of a translation and there isn't even a 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet. Joshua is the only proper direct translation of Yeshua to english, not Jesus. It comes from a Greek translation and Greeks were pagans and not the originally inspired by God authors. Do we really want to trust opinions in the face of what the inspired scripture actually says? I only trust the original writings, not the translators, especially Greek translators. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, study to show thyself approved for the written word of God is not open to private interpretation but valuable for study and reproach. Woe unto the man who takes away from the words written in this book for I will take away his name from the book of life and woe unto the man who adds to this book for I will add to him the plagues written here-in, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Trust no man, only God and His word.
@ name means authority and will, and actually has an aspect of personhood much like the word does, it’s not some exact combination of syllables and enunciation spoken as if you’re in control, you are not! The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. For someone talking a lot you sure have a lot of limited human (mis)understanding of the basic concepts and facts involved here. God inspired the nt authors to write in koine greek!!! God gave the good news in koine, the common language of the people. I would take those warnings you quoted about plagues and the book of life and apply them directly to yourself because you just said a lot of falsehood about His inspiration. Come out of whatever ideologue internet trap you’re captive to.
@@markmaughon705the name used in Acts 4 isn’t Hebrew…Luke wrote that in Greek. So even by your own argument you’re saying the wrong name. But either way, this argument is silly. It’s reading too literally that verse and missing the meaning. Maybe you should watch the video, since Wes is the expert unlike any of us in the comments. Lastly…people have multiple names. It’s not about a magic spell, ‘Yeshua,’ it’s about the life, death, and resurrection of a man who cares about us. You are saved by HIM.
@Jupiter862 It isnt written in english either! You stand corrected, tradition says it was Luke, not the bible, Mans so called wisdom concluded that it was luke because of the style of writing but in reality we dont know, it was not signed by luke. Also, it was written in Koine Greek for the Roman's because that was the common language of Rome and thats where luke supposedly wrote it, we really dont know. In reality it couldve been written by a Roman for all we know and rome is the prophesied by Daniel to be the 4th beast in the end times and you trust that over the Word. I may take it literally but at least I don't take the word of non canonized religious scholars assumptions. Not verified 100%, we are left to assumptions by non inspired biblically recognized authors. But even of Luke did write it, he translated it for the Roman's, not English, King James did that. You are a blind fool to base such a profound name given by God Himself on assumption and opinions of so called religious scholars, they are not written with the authority of God, Yeshua condemned the religious crowd of his day for these very things. Funny you call me out for what scripture says with religious dogma instead of facts. The fact us we don't know who wrote the books of acts and luke. That is the truth and you can believe your hearsay all you want but only the truth can yield for you salvation and anyone else who seeks it, not hearsay and assumption which is what you are basing your teachings on. Btw, you were exposed as a false teacher when you called my direct reading of the Word of God as silly. False teacher, his name is Yeshua as it says in the Aramaic and Hebrew translation of his name, not Greek. He was not Greek, His name is not Greek, his lineage is not Greek and the Angel Gabriel was not Greek who gave it to Mary who also was not Greek. Yeshua never heard his mom or Joseph as a Child call his name in Greek nor did the ones whom he grew up with. Yeshua never heard the name Jesus. Your argument is actually the silly one because it exposes your desire to believe other non inspired men over the Word of God. You call him what you want but we have actual biblical proof that his name is Yeshua because Aramaic was Marys language, not greek, she did not name him Jesus and that my friend you cannot change or argue. But I would argue that by your logic his name is also Joshua, the direct translation of Yeshua to english. Acts was not even written until after Christ accended so the name Jesus, a translation from the greek was never even uttereduntil it was translated to English some 1600 years later by a catholic! That is the truth, argue with it.
My coworkers at my last job were mostly Spanish speakers. They called me Neekee. My name is Nikki. I knew who they were talking to. It makes a lot of sense that the enemy is trying to shut down The Name, as it is the most effective weapon against him by far! The religious leaders were pretty upset about it too, come to think of it. Mr Carson was raised just high enough to be seen as he falls back down to earth.
@@nicj5354 Philippians 2:9 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
I am so incredibly thankful that God has brought Wes into my life. Recently, I’ve been dealing with a lot of doubts and even an existential crisis. It’s been tough, to say the least. And then, out of nowhere, I start seeing Wes recommended to me on TH-cam. As I watch, I find videos addressing the very things I’ve been praying for clarity on. Just recently, I came across this strange guy, Ammon Hillmann, who claimed that Jesus was a PDF file. It completely shook me up for a while. But then, Wes not only addressed those questions, but he also hinted that he’ll be discussing this Ammon situation further, which is exactly what I needed. This morning, I stumbled upon this whole “Jesus, Isus, Zeus” theory, and as I write this, it is 9 pm here in Europe, and I realized that I finally have my answer. If this isn’t God literally sending me the answers, then it sure feels like one incredible coincidence! Wouldn't you say`? I know I do not deserve it, but man, am I grateful to God for still clarifying these doubts, which in result strengthens my faith and trust in him. Thank You Father.
In Luke 1, the archangel Gabriel tells Mary (or Miriam) to name her son Yeshua, meaning "salvation." An angel also tells Joseph, "you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." (Matt 1:21-22) Much like other Hebrew names, it was His calling and destiny from the beginning. Finding the meaning of “ Gematria 1775” will further clarify its meaning.
@kedb621 that doesn't disprove the Amen/Ra argument that just means the Egyptians most likely called called Amen Ra by that name because if it meaning "truth". All pagan God names are titles as opposed to actual names
He is wrong on Christmas 45 bc they changed to Julian calendar which means the 25th is the last day of saturnalia and he is using modern Greek have to use the old mixing new and to make a point. Why. I do not trust the Romans.
@jarmalat7611 we talking about God, we not talking about your homeboy. I know how to pronounce his original name. I'm sure everyone can learn that 2. The name and identity changers got to answer for that to God.
I prayed over this exact issue last night. Asking my Heavenly Father to clarify for me. It's troubled me as of late. THANK YOU for answering my prayers. 🙏
I mean no offense to anyone but you need to remember there was absolutely nothing to clarify. As Billy is such a liar he can't be trusted to tell you your own name. So if Billy can't prove it he is lying like he has for years now. Nothing he says can be taken as valid. I hope this makes you guys think about what I am saying. Trust in Jesus or Billy? No contest there lol.
Much love to Wes and Anton , y'all have been chosen to expose some false teachings and it is time for Thy kingdom to come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven , In Yeshua's name Amen
@ZaeGreenFitKnowing everything there is to know about scripture being a scolar and histarisn expert legalistic know it all, doesn't mean a darn thing unless you know our Lord and Savior and actually have a relationship with him, I'm tired of legalistic people and know it all's😒 I pray you and others seek a true relationship if you haven't already 🙏👍✊✝️
It’s finally good to know “THE Truth” based on scholarly research and evidence and not just anyone’s truth with no methodology. Thank you Wes & Anton! This is much needed for our soul.
Hard for me to imagine Anton, all the craziness going on with your I guess. X friend. Just know that you have have been responsible for so many turning towards the true Jesus! Thanks and please keep posting
@@jeffreythomason1113 As Wesley said, God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick and let me tell you I was and am a crooked stick… so if that’s the will of God so be it. I am surrender to him fully.
I still think its wrong to call him anything but Yeshua because thats his name. I understand there being different versions of names. For example, take Michael/Miguel. If you're born with the name Michael, people would be wrong to call you Miguel, because thats not your name. Even if you go to Mexico your name is still Michael.
@@jayknight139 that’s what I mean. I don’t understand why it’s difficult to understand. It doesn’t seem strange at all. People have different languages. My wife’s family speaks Spanish. They pronounce my name differently than people who speak English. Nothing strange about that. Certainly nothing to be offended about. It seems like an extraordinarily petty thing to get upset about.
@@sypherd.3771 sypherd, amen. It is an issue of pride, as those who think you have use a special pronunciation of Jesus' name, believe they know more than others.
I very much appreciate this interaction and am praying for you both. In the comments section of another video, Mark replied directly to me and others with regard to the INSANE situation of Billy attempting to litigate everyone into the poorhouse. It's my sincere hope that all two of you--Anton and Wes--remain supportive of Mark, during this trying time. (I can't imagine living a few houses down from Billy and having him unceremoniously dump me as a close friend and slap me with a lawsuit.)
Wes Huff is undoubtedly an incredible academic and Anton such a great communicator whom I can relate to as an ex-new ager as well. Gone 2 decades without believing in Jesus, thinking it was all made up. All the new age stuff in the world doesn't even come close to what Jesus did for me once I gave my life to him. When I did, for the first time in my life, I finally felt spiritually fullfilled. I even lost my fear of death. the old saying *when you stop fearing death, you can finally start living* is true and Jesus does that for us. In this day and age intellectual Christianity is exactly what is needed so what Hes Huff does for humanity is unbelievably important. You two are Godly men and we can't thank you enough for your work. God bless you both and your loved ones.
Great information that is so needed in our confused world. Praying for you Anton as God continues to open your eyes to the deception and draw you near. I pray as you are convicted on these matters, that you remove any old footage of things that are eternally misguiding others. Turn to Jesus fully and believe on him. Time is short. Blessings.
@@johnturns60 keeping them up intentionally for now so people can see what Jesus can do. New agers need references. They need to see that I had what they want and it is not the answer. Although I love my new Christian family I’m here to help build a bring to those stuck under the lies of occult, new age, new thought and other deceptive practices. My content is geared towards them. I will eventually take them down but not yet
Amazing clarification about an incredibly silly but important issue, because this very topic has become a stumbling block for many. Like Wes said, "Iesus" is simply "Yeshua" in Greek, and besides, the Lord knows when you're calling on Him! On a related-but-not topic, and not to correct an expert, but as a native Spanish speaker I know that "Pablo" is not a translation of "Cepha" or "Petros," but of "Paulos," Paul. 😊 "Pedro" is "Petros."
Love it! Love this! I hope what we are going to be seeing is a series of videos refuting the many false claims made by Billy Carson aka William Tyrone Karlson.
I am a third year university student, a week from now i will be expel from the university , clases will start next week, i am so weak know nothing to do. Ooh God be my helper.
Can you also address "Amen" after a prayer? Billy Carson claims that amen refers to Amenhotep IV (who was actually Moses) . I'm sorry to admit that freaked me out as much as "hail Zeus" .... appreciate you guys for doing these videos!
I'm happy you guys did this! It's been heavy on my mind. One influencer even said we were praying to a demon if we were'nt using the paleo version of God's or Jesus' name. I think they use the names Yahuah and Yahusha. Would love for @WesHuff to speak on this as well.
@@lexasakie8107 That would be a huge hit. So many feel the same. I don't know any info on the origin of those names. I get 📴 at in different language translation.
I brought this up on all recent Billy posts and his followers either said "he never said that" or Yes Jesus was Zeus and explained their little hearts out how this was true lol. I mean talk about brainwashed.
@ 3:52 "...Pedros, Petros and Pablo...these are all versions of the name 'Peter'..." Is there anyone who can spot the infallable 'scholar's' error here? Not trying to blanket Mr. Carson's errors or lies , but simply to point out that we should listen critically to all info and to not just assume that b/c someone carries a certain title/acclaim that they necessarily have it all correct.
He probably misspoke. This guy is extremely knowledgeable I'm sure he knows Pablo is paul. Which still adds to his point. We have different versions of names in different languages. No big deal
Gentlemen...this whole fiasco is so important...so many young people and some not so young, listen to the great lie. And your logical, respectful, and truthful rebuttal is so needed.. Paul Ex light worker and wizard ..now redeemed through the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Bless you both 🙏 💚✝️
I have called on the name of Jesus, and I have been saved out of several spiritual attacks. There is power in the name of Jesus, Jesus in most African languages, is Yesu or Jesu there could be others but these are the two most common i have heard, whether I call Yesu or Jesu the Lord answers our prayers.
Wes Could you please elaborate on the acronym jeshua/ yeshua used by Jewish rabbis that means: yemach shemo vizicro? This is found in the Jewish book of curses. Also in the babylonic/ lauranic qabbalah.
smh even after his exposition still going with that? Its' not that difficult, Yeshua was a common Hebrew name, the English equivalent is Joshua, both Joshua and Jesus translate to Ieseous in Greek, and Jesus is the English transliteration from the Greek which is what the original new testament was mostly written in, the Latin translation that the Catholics use is Iesus, in Arabic it's Iyesus or Yusha for Joshua; how does a deaf person sign His name? I believe an all knowing God knows when someone is calling Him, more about the hearts langugue then the lips, it's not a magic word, it's his name.
I saw a non-ben carson but related “hail zeus” video in my early christian walk and literally freaked out. 20 yr old me would have been grateful for this video because i couldn’t find anything that quickly debunked this lol. anyways, great video 🙏
@@antonwisbiskiOnly YASHA means Saviour in English & in Greek its Soter. 2 Peter 2 Both You and Wes bare the burden of leading people astray & it's now 23k inconting.... "There is SALVATION in no one else, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be SAVED." Acts 4:12 Not Jesus, Not Iesous, Not Hay Sous, Not Yeshua, Not Yahusha, Not Yahawashi etc...
So glad that Wes is debunking Billy Carlsons lies. I appreciate you speaking out. Billy is a criminal. His identity was not stolen he was actually the one who stole identities he has an extensive criminal record.
You guys are doing an excellent job and I am so thankful, after long prayer and fasting on Truth, that Billy was exposed. The sad part is he won't repent. But I remain prayerful.
0:05 When I went to Hell (where I hugged my knees in a world of raging black and blue fire) I called "GOD! Get me out of here! I love you!" He didn't answer and I remained in Hell. When I called "Jesus Christ" I didn't even finish saying his name and I was back in this world.
Funny, because they do. And they would. In Japanese, Wes would be called Wesu (Japanese words can't end in any consonant except n) or even more pendantically ウェス. Anton would be アントン. Looks like a translation to me. Or more universally. John in English is Juan in Spanish and Johann in German. All coming from the Hebrew Yochanan. Wait till you hear about the guys named Andrew, Peter, and James who weren't actually called that in their time.
@FANacht-dy3tb that's not translation, BUT SPATIAL DIALECT. Depending where you live, phonetic pronunciation change but the initial name is the same. To argue this, one has to be honest. There was never an old testament prophecy about the name Jesus. To honor it with such regard, is to argue religion/Christianity over the scriptures. And sensationalize the acceptance of this name over the name given to the prophets. Of whom HE was revealed exclusively to.
@GodSense-l3p Technically speaking it's a transliteration. The point I'm making here is that the name Yeshua recieved the exact same treatment in Greek. Iesous (Ιησους) is the same name as Yeshua. The letter y doesn't exist as we hear it in the english in Greek, so the approximation is the letter iota (Ι). In Greek, there is no "sh" sound, so it's pronounced with a regular 's' (which isn't a Z sound, that's a different letter in Greek). The ending we see in Greek--the ς--is actually a grammatical case. Noun cases are an important part of Greek Grammer (which can also be seen in Slavic languages like Serbian) and names are no different. The reason the name Jesus exists today is because Iesous was the name written in the NT (bc the NT was written in Greek) and was then passed down to English through the Latin Iesus (pronounced almost identically to the Greek). The ending 's' was kept in English for a lot of Greek names, though not all. Oedipus, Orpheus, Marcus, etc. But it's not like that for every language--I note Serbian again here because they pretty consistently drop the s--Edip, Orfej, Marko. In Serbian, Jesus is Isus (ee-soos), so they kept the 's' here, but in Japanese, it's iesu (pronounced almost like "yesu"), which does drop the ending s.
@@GodSense-l3p Thank you!! Someone with commonsense in the comment section. 2 Peter 2 Many false teachers with their opinions and no Scriptures to back it up. Our name does not change on our passports when we fly into different country's. Hebrew: Yasha Greek: Soter English: Saviour "There is SALVATION in no one else, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be SAVED." Acts 4:12 Not Jesus, Not Iesous, Not Hay Sous, Not Yeshua, Not Yahusha, Not Yahawashi etc...
@@GodSense-l3p I thought I replied earlier, but it doesn't seem to have gone through--so forgive me if this is a duplicate. Technically speaking, it's actually a transliteration. It's being transliterated into a phonetic system that can be understood by the native speakers of that language. The name Jesus is the same--in your words it would be spatial dialect. Yeshua in Greek is written Ιησούς. I don't know if you're aware of this, but since I have seen people make the argument otherwise, Iesous, is pronounced ee-ey-soos (or something like yay-soos). The Ie is Greek's nearest approximation of "Ye" and, since they don't have a "sh" sound, the s is its nearest approximation. The ending ς isn't actually apart of the name so much a grammar marker for noun cases which alter the way nouns are written/pronounced based on which form it's in--some other languages like Serbian do the same. The reason English has the name Jesus, is because--like most other languages--they're pulling from the Greek name Iesous (because it is what we have written in the scriptures as His Name). Iesous became Iesus in the Latin (and later in the English) and then the first became a noted I (which later became the letter J). The marked difference of the JEEZ-us pronunciation came from the way English pronounced words, not because of an attempt to change the original name specifically. It's the same name, just pronounced in a very English way. Like Johann vs John. In a lot other languages the original iesous/iesu pronunciation remains because of the lack of the particular development of the English J. In Japanese, He is iesu, in Serbian, Isus.
I’m really happy and thankful to find people like you guys who are genuinely interested in knowing and sharing the truth. Sadly, people like you guys have been very hard to find for a long time, but God is raising us up here as we approach the end.✌️
Please stop misleading people by saying things like this. The Scripture is clear when it says there is only one Name we must be saved by. You can't add or remove from the Scripture. One means one. Names don't change and especially not the Name of our wonderful Creator YAHUAH. Our Saviour's Name is YAHUAH not Yahusha or jesus or yeshua. In the Tanak there is only one Saviour and that's our Creator. Yahusha (sn Joshua) led them into the promised land and has a common name. The name Yahusha means YAHUAH saves or YAHUAH is the Mashiyha. The best translation to be reading right now is the Truth Scriptures Translation by Promote The Truth. Shalum!!! Let's get away from the greek influence because the original writings were in Hebrew and Aramaic.
The original NT was in Greek.... even the Jews of this time spoke Greek. At this time in history the entire OT was already translated for 200-300 years... Greek wasn't some foreign invading language.. it was the language of the time and all surrounding areas.... if it wasn't for the NT to be written in greek it would have stayed to the jews. But this was the promise of God... to spread to all nations and this was the way. Do some more research you're a bit off if you this NT was originally in any other language. You have no evidence to back this up
If the name mattered so much it wouldn't have gotten translated. The translation has the same meaning which is "jehova saves" it means the same. GOD knows our hearts we don't need to saw a special word to be saved it's the nature of the word we are saying. In Hebrew in the OT to have a "good name" means your essence. Your being. YOU...the word is pointless it's the energy behind it. JESUS knows who I am calling to
You're the one who's misleading people by trying to hide the fact that names are transliterated from one language to another all the time. You're trying to hide basic facts about the way languages change and evolve that anyone can look up at any time Also, "Yahuah" and "Yahusha" are fake names. No one who speaks Hebrew ever uses those names.
I live in a multilingual society with 11 official languages, and in every instance, my name remains the same, no matter who I'm talking too. Humorous pronounciations, but my name is my name. B'shem Yeshua YHWH.
Also there is no J in Hebrew. It is pronounced in Y like in Scandinavia as in Yohanne. More telling is nowhere can Jesus be the same as the Isa in Arabic Quran. Quran is false and man made.
God is good. Wes is so quotable. I am so happy to see someone that is so humbled and honest about bringing the truth to people about the life and story of Jesus! Keep it up! If billy would just listen... He could grow .
I love how simple it is to counter the "Jesus = Hail Zeus" controversy.... So you're telling me that you take a Hebrew name, translate it into Greek, say it as if it was Spanish, listen to it in English, and then suppose that what that English sound of a Spanish-spoken Greek version of a Hebrew name *kind of sounds like*, an English phrase praising a supposed Greek deity, *is what that name actually means*? OK...
Even if that's not the way *they* specifically got to it, that's kind of the point. The way *they* assume we got to calling Jesus by that name is even less accurate than that.
i think Carson believed that due to hail zeus sounding like iesus but why would the greeks worshipping zeus be speaking in english? the romans believed jupiter to be different from zeus so they wouldn't call jupiter as zeus. meanwhile english speakers weren't worshipping zeus. so his speculation doesnt hold water.
A strawman once pulled that accusation on me. I almost spit out my coffe while laughing so hard. Thank you for bringing this subject up & for clarifying so eloquently .
One should not change someone's name in other languages - it is a different vibration... and everything is energy... I believe church uses some other name for a reason... church bases on our faith but our faith should not rely on religion but the Word.
No one changes the name in other languages. The language is what changes the pronunciation/spelling of a name. That's because languages are different. The name, and meaning thereof, remains the same.
@JustPOC there will be a different gematria and vibration of such name (and numbers for names are also mentioned in the Bible). That is why in international environments we don't change names and use our birth ones. They are "assigned" to us. Some don't even have such "translation"..
God knows our hearts, I think this is more important than anything else, i call him Lord normally, but have no issue saying Jesus, and he has moved so much in my life, i have had so many revelations from his Word, which could only be received thru the Holy spirit.
@@ericbochardt2989 of course! I also believe the most important is to have unconditional love in your heart 🥰 just keep in mind the verses about His name that was given. I guess a Christian should have this curiosity, discern church (Anti-Christ) from the Bible/its translations and know His real birth name 🤷♀️ but everyone follows their hearts and I pray that all our prayers go to the One we believe in and who saved us 🥰
Feeling angry or frustrated with religion is a common experience, often stemming from perceived contradictions, injustices, or the feeling that it is used to control or manipulate people; if you're experiencing these emotions, it's important to explore the reasons behind them, consider your own beliefs, and potentially engage in open dialogue with religious individuals or communities to gain a better understanding.
As I told my mother the most high YAH knows our intentions and our spirit so therefore if we call on the most high sincerely he will receive our prayers 🙏🏿
Many people who can channel, and who do channel the Ascended Master Jesus They say that Jesus was his name on earth, but now that he is ascended, his energy identity’s as Yeshua. So if you want to speak to the current energy of Jesus you can commune with Yeshua Jesus still holds the same power. But Yeshua is the present existence of his energy that is alive and all around us To take this even further, Yeshua resides within the Thymus Collective of Ascended Masters. Which resides in the thymus gland above our heart💜❤️🙏🏽 Praise God
The question is if for some reason the powers that be decide to change the name of Jesus to something else, how would the current Christian family feel about changing the name of Jesus.
I don’t know anything about either one of these brothers (first time coming across both). I’m normally very cautious about endorsing anyone talking about the things of God because there are just so many kooky ideas and doctrines out there…mainly coming from relatively obscure people (like these two guys are to me). Nevertheless this brief conversation covers so much so succinctly and wisely that I cannot help but outburst: MIC DROP!!!…this needs to spread!!! As for my opinion: my name is Timothy (“Tim” for short). But I have friends around the world who use different words and pronunciations to call me by name, and I respond and answer to them all (and LOVE THEM that they all know and love me enough to “call out my name”, no matter if it’s a little different in form or accent or pronunciation!). For those who want to call me by the exact form and pronunciation that my closest family and friends do, I try to help them learn it. But some of them just can’t get past pronunciation issues due to their mother tongue and accent tendencies. Here’s the thing: I DON’T CARE…I LOVE AND APPRECIATE ALL THESE PEOPLE JUST THE SAME! And, CLEARLY, by how Jesus responds to all who-similarly-TRY in whatever honest, humble, heartfelt way, then it’s VERY CLEAR that He feels the very same way and He therefore responds with Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, and POWER!!! So, yes, I have studied this, and I do use other forms of “Jesus” and try my best at them, just to “try to get it ‘right’”…Hebrew (as we “best understand it” now 2000 years later) and Aramaic (as we also “best understand it” also 2000 years later). But He never responds or answers or empowers me differently no matter what!!! So I generally say “Jesus” because I’m an English-speaker, and sometimes I tell Him that I’m sorry that I don’t know how, exactly (no matter how many people out there present thoughts and pronunciations on the matter), to be “more accurate” in how I address Him. But in humbly acknowledging that, I know He forgives me and we can move forward in full relationship and intimacy nevertheless, just like I do with my friends and contacts!!!
Thank you for doing this Anton with having Dr. Huff on to explain with this level of clarity regarding Jesus name. This is a tremendous help to the body of Christ with so much false information out here. Thank you 🙏🏾
"Every Word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar." Proverbs 30 v 5-6
Good job Wes! Billy is serving a different master I think. He’s doing what “they” do. Spreading lies and causing problems for Jesus’ people. He’ll lose. God bless guys ❤️✝️💯
When I was getting attacked by demons I would call on the name of Jesus Christ and it would let me go. So I know the Name of Jesus Christ holds power and no one ever could take that away from me.
Yes. Me too.
Hallelujah! Exactly!
Although there’s plenty of logical evidence, in the end all we need is indeed putting His Name to the test; He truly IS the Name Above All Names. Hence Satanists ónly hate and fear the name of Yeshua.
Even the demons know He is God. Thát’s why they hate us! Cause we are His Image!
And since they can’t touch Him, they act it out on us.
Me too!! ❤❤❤Thank you Jesus
It does ❤
Me too!
God is raising Warriors to defend our faith! May God bless both of you!
Ok god and warrior in the same sentence is like oil and water ....dont mix....u know religion is the thing that starts most wars in our world soo...just stupid too say i think .....
@MikaelJohansson-k7b Wrong. Most wars throughout history were not started because of religion; according to the "Encyclopedia of Wars," only a small percentage (around 7%) of recorded wars were primarily motivated by religious reasons, meaning the vast majority of conflicts had other causes like power, territory, or political disputes.
@MikaelJohansson-k7b Incorrect - land and resources are the main motivator for wars. That's not to say religions haven't been used to muster up agreement in going to war, just that religion is not the main motivator.
Also, do you know what the armor of God is? Or did you know Moses called God a "warrior"?
Elohim is a plural.
It’s awesome to watch. They are everywhere. God Logic, Sam Shamoun, Christian Prince, Jay Dyer etc etc etc etc
Billy also said Genesis means Gen iSis meaning Generations of Isis 😂. He just likes making connections that don’t make any sense and has so much confidence in his nonsensè
Juan sounds like one. So when you are calling someone Juan, you're saying they are number one. 🤯 🤯 🤯
@@genericname7020don’t let Billy see this 😂😂😂
It's called the phonic fallacy, when a similarity in sound is the basis for taking it as a similarity in meaning. Jordan Maxwell uses the same kind of errors extensively ( particularly with similar sounds across different languages ). Such kinds of people don't seem to believe homonyms exist, and they don't seem to understand etymology, morphemes, semantic drift, or how those interact. The German word for "poison" is "Gift", so I would expect such people might think it's bad to exchange presents with Germans.
I think they mean "Gene of Isis"
This man has destroyed Billy's brand by himself.
God created our various languages. The Lord responds to the name Jesus. Many miracles have occurred when calling on that name. Many hearts have been changed when calling on that name. That's good enough.
Amen. When people question me on that part that’s all I can give them. I know what I know and I know there’s power in THAT name
What miracles?
@@josephdavid718 Countless healings of various diseases. Removal of sinful desires and addictions. Rescue from life threatening events. Rescue from demons. Etc.
@@josephdavid718 Healings, rescues, deliverance from demons, cured addictions, changed hearts, etc.
@@josephdavid718 Healings, rescues, deliverance from evil spirits, cured addictions, changed hearts, etc.
Yeshua Hamashiach , Jesus Christ King Of Kings ✝️❤️🔥🔥
Sibboleth or Shibboleth?
My Lord's first name isn't Jesus and His last name isn't Christ. Obviously you don't know that the letter J wasn't invented until A.D. 1525 for the Italian (Romans) language by a man called “Gian Giorgio Trissino”.
Dude! That's 1,524 years AFTER my Lord Yeshua was murdered and rose form the dead.
I'm a 30+ year hobby historian.
This is what I commented to both of them. I hope it helps you.
It's amazing that you young males are stupid enough not to introduce yourselves at the beginning of every video!
So boys!, What's your problem with calling our Lord by his real name of Yeshua!
THAT'S HIS REAL NAME BOYS! Is it to hard for you pronounce Yeshua! You talk about "translations of names" LOL!
You young males don't know crap about REAL HISTORY! You know what you've been fed as history!
Who had a huge influence in the writing of our Bible ? I'll tell you! The Romans (Italians) that created the Roman Church that was renamed by the Romans (Italians) to the Catholic Church. The Romans (Italians) hated the Jews. Start thinking Logically about history guys! Because history is logical!
Human male's attitudes and emotions haven't changed since Adamah & Chavah (Adam & Eve) were booted out of the place we know as the Garden of Eden. Only technology has changed. Who changed Hebrew names to Non-Hebrew names in the Bible. Come on! Who did it boys? Obviously it was men who didn't like the Jews! And who were those guys!? It was the Roman guys who started/founded/invented the Roman Religion to COMPETE with the Jews who were known to be followers of "The Way". Now, you talk about name translations. ISN'T IT AMAZING THAT IT ONLY HAPPENED TO THE JEW'S NAMES!
And, by the way! Whoever you are! Pedro isn't Peter in Spanish! There are pure blood Spanish guys with the name Peter and pure blood Spanish guys with the name Pedro. How do you account for that Mr. Young Male that thinks he knows it all!
But then again! I was a young males once. Most young males think they know it all.
So, here's a little rhetorical test on name translations.
Q, 01.) What's Anton's name in Greek
A, 01) !It's Anton!
Q, 02) What's Anton's name in German?
A, 02) Hmmm! Could it be Anton! Why yes it is !
Q, 03) What's Anton's name said by a born and raised Jew in Israel?
A, 03) Well I'll be a Son of a B! It's Anton too!
Notice my Profile Image it's a baseball cap with a military patch on it. My name is Christopher, Chris for short.
Do you know what my name is in the Vietnamese language!? It's Chris. And pronounced the same way it's pronounced in English. A person's name IS NOT LIKE A "THING" , such as a car or a street. The English word for the pavement that's laid down on the ground for vehicles to us is called a street. That's English. That same THING in German is Straße... pronounced Strasse. I know! I lived in Germany.
How's this as a FACT! The Roman's (Italian's) hated the Jews! Everybody hated the Jews! Constantine and his close buddies were Romans (Italians) and they hated the Jews. Did you not know that!?
Do you know what Constantine and his buddies did!? They started a Religion that was called the Roman Religion. Do you know what they renamed it to a few hundred years later? They renamed it to the Catholic Religion.
That's it on the History lesson boys! Start thinking logically!
Yahushua Hamashiach
I have to correct you. Yeshua Hamashiach does not translate to "Jesus Christ King of Kings".
The words Jesus Christ were invented by the Management of the Catholic Church that was formerly called the Catholic Religion, and that was formerly and ORIGINALLY CALLED the Roman Religion.
The ROMAN RELIGION was INVENTED/STARTED/FOUNDED by Constantine and his buddies TO COMPETE WITH the Jewish Apostles and Disciples that were promoting our Lord Yeshua and who the Romans considered followers of "The Way".
Did you know that Constantine and his buddies were murders and torturer's of Jews and Gentiles that were followers of "The Way"?
Here are two credible sources in reference to our Lord Yeshua's name.
1.) www.epm.org/resources/2009/Dec/23/could-you-explain-name-jesus/
2.) en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebraization_of_English
Cc: @anthonyhill5075 @hardsayings2400
Amen to "Jesus knows who you're talking about when you call on His name."
His name is joshua in English and is joshua "yeshua" in hebrew
Iesus and yeshua are nit the same
@llsinll47 1. So that means He doesn't know what you mean? Weird "proof" for that argument.
2. Joshua is an Anglicizing of Yeshua. Jesus is an Anglicizing of Iesus. Iesus is a Greekifying of Yeshua. Just because it comes out different in English when you take one extra step, doesn't mean it's a different name. Thanks for coming out.
Who is amen? 👀
@TeachUsTruth Amen means "so be it," "I agree," or "true."
Since you're asking who, are you talking about Revelation 3:14, where Jesus claims the title of "the Amen?" Which would mean He is the truth. It doesn't mean that every time you use the word "Amen" (or say "I agree") that you are explicitly speaking about Him.
Ammmmeeeen raaaaa U pray to raaaa the Egyption deity they just did a rebrand
Wes is a gentleman and educator. We’re learning from a REAL SCHOLAR!!!
Scholars are not the original authors who penned all scripture guided and inspired by God. There are atheist scholars too, does that title make them right also? I think not!! The Word of God, written in its original language is the only true authority, not scholars. Follow no man, only follow our guide book, the Holy Scriptures and it spells it out in Acts 4:11 and it was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Jesus is not even a direct translation, it is a translation of a translation and there isn't even a 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet. Joshua is the only proper direct translation of Yeshua to english, not Jesus. It comes from a Greek translation and Greeks were pagans and not the originally inspired by God authors. Do you really want to trust opinions in the face of what the inspired scripture actually says? You can, myself, I trust the original writings, not the translators, especially Greek translators. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, study to show thyself approved for the written word of God is not open to private interpretation but valuable for study and reproach. Woe unto the man who takes away from the words written in this book for I will take away his name from the book of life and woe unto the man who adds to this book for I will add to him the plagues written here-in, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Trust no man, only God and His word.
@@markmaughon705 Are you fluent in first century Aramaic?
If not, how are you reading the "original writing in their original language" ?
He really isn’t, he’s just a Christian who’s indoctrinated. Jesus never existed. The first Jesus was Serapis christus and that’s who Jesus Christ is based off. Go look it up
@@markmaughon705honestly what are you even talking about?! The New Testament was written in KOINE GREEK, and act of Almighty God!!! Let me guess; you’re the foremost expert on textus receptus original manuscripts and ancient languages.
I never could bring myself to listen to Billy from the jump. He came off as a fraud mystic just from hearing his claims, which are mostly just repacked new age and gnosticism.
All praise, honor and glory to our Lord and rise and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth his wrath to come is holy holy holy
Jesus I know you will guide me. I’m overwhelmed as a single mom both of my sons are special needs and require so much from me. Jesus I need your help providing for my children so that they may have all they need. Lord I’m constantly struggling each month to pay rent and I struggle to buy groceries, for my sons I’m ashamed. Hear my prayers help me overcome these obstacles you are my strength.
@@ChildofGod98765 dm me on Instagram 🙏❤️
I will pray for you both. God Speed guys. He’s covering you both with his wisdom and guidance.
🙏 Amen
This video is so important! Thank you!
I’m glad to see this clarified, though, if I am being honest, I prefer to use the name Yeshua. I just like the way it feels coming off of my tongue and out of my mouth 😂.
Have you listened to the song “Yeshua”? My daughters and I love to sing that one.
I actually came to find that the length of the YESHUUUUAAA in the song was the exact length of my final contractions during our last babies birth. It was so soothing singing His name instead of feeling all that pain.
You are so right in doing so! There is a reason why that name sounds right, it is the only nsme by which we can be saved. Acts 4:11 Scholars are not the original authors who penned all scripture guided and inspired by God. There are atheist scholars too, does that title make them right also? I think not!! The Word of God, written in its original language is the only true authority, not scholars. Follow no man, only follow our guide book, the Holy Scriptures and it spells it out in Acts 4:11 and it was written in Hebrew and Aramaic. Jesus is not even a direct translation, it is a translation of a translation and there isn't even a 'J' in the Hebrew alphabet. Joshua is the only proper direct translation of Yeshua to english, not Jesus. It comes from a Greek translation and Greeks were pagans and not the originally inspired by God authors. Do we really want to trust opinions in the face of what the inspired scripture actually says? I only trust the original writings, not the translators, especially Greek translators. Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free, study to show thyself approved for the written word of God is not open to private interpretation but valuable for study and reproach. Woe unto the man who takes away from the words written in this book for I will take away his name from the book of life and woe unto the man who adds to this book for I will add to him the plagues written here-in, sayeth the Lord God Almighty. Trust no man, only God and His word.
@ name means authority and will, and actually has an aspect of personhood much like the word does, it’s not some exact combination of syllables and enunciation spoken as if you’re in control, you are not! The New Testament was written in Koine Greek. For someone talking a lot you sure have a lot of limited human (mis)understanding of the basic concepts and facts involved here. God inspired the nt authors to write in koine greek!!! God gave the good news in koine, the common language of the people. I would take those warnings you quoted about plagues and the book of life and apply them directly to yourself because you just said a lot of falsehood about His inspiration. Come out of whatever ideologue internet trap you’re captive to.
@@markmaughon705the name used in Acts 4 isn’t Hebrew…Luke wrote that in Greek. So even by your own argument you’re saying the wrong name.
But either way, this argument is silly. It’s reading too literally that verse and missing the meaning. Maybe you should watch the video, since Wes is the expert unlike any of us in the comments. Lastly…people have multiple names. It’s not about a magic spell, ‘Yeshua,’ it’s about the life, death, and resurrection of a man who cares about us. You are saved by HIM.
@Jupiter862 It isnt written in english either! You stand corrected, tradition says it was Luke, not the bible, Mans so called wisdom concluded that it was luke because of the style of writing but in reality we dont know, it was not signed by luke. Also, it was written in Koine Greek for the Roman's because that was the common language of Rome and thats where luke supposedly wrote it, we really dont know. In reality it couldve been written by a Roman for all we know and rome is the prophesied by Daniel to be the 4th beast in the end times and you trust that over the Word. I may take it literally but at least I don't take the word of non canonized religious scholars assumptions. Not verified 100%, we are left to assumptions by non inspired biblically recognized authors. But even of Luke did write it, he translated it for the Roman's, not English, King James did that. You are a blind fool to base such a profound name given by God Himself on assumption and opinions of so called religious scholars, they are not written with the authority of God, Yeshua condemned the religious crowd of his day for these very things. Funny you call me out for what scripture says with religious dogma instead of facts. The fact us we don't know who wrote the books of acts and luke. That is the truth and you can believe your hearsay all you want but only the truth can yield for you salvation and anyone else who seeks it, not hearsay and assumption which is what you are basing your teachings on. Btw, you were exposed as a false teacher when you called my direct reading of the Word of God as silly. False teacher, his name is Yeshua as it says in the Aramaic and Hebrew translation of his name, not Greek. He was not Greek, His name is not Greek, his lineage is not Greek and the Angel Gabriel was not Greek who gave it to Mary who also was not Greek. Yeshua never heard his mom or Joseph as a Child call his name in Greek nor did the ones whom he grew up with. Yeshua never heard the name Jesus. Your argument is actually the silly one because it exposes your desire to believe other non inspired men over the Word of God. You call him what you want but we have actual biblical proof that his name is Yeshua because Aramaic was Marys language, not greek, she did not name him Jesus and that my friend you cannot change or argue. But I would argue that by your logic his name is also Joshua, the direct translation of Yeshua to english. Acts was not even written until after Christ accended so the name Jesus, a translation from the greek was never even uttereduntil it was translated to English some 1600 years later by a catholic! That is the truth, argue with it.
My coworkers at my last job were mostly Spanish speakers. They called me Neekee. My name is Nikki. I knew who they were talking to. It makes a lot of sense that the enemy is trying to shut down The Name, as it is the most effective weapon against him by far! The religious leaders were pretty upset about it too, come to think of it. Mr Carson was raised just high enough to be seen as he falls back down to earth.
@@nicj5354 Philippians 2:9
9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
YHWH is with Wes. ⚔️
yahwe = killing, stealing and destroying =/= jesus
doubt it. he is a free mson
Is there anything tangible for your statement? I would struggle to believe that. Send me something to see.
@@nicechock yeah you got my attention, hes kind of going viral and came out of nowhere. Its giving controlled op
How do you know? @@nicechock
I am so incredibly thankful that God has brought Wes into my life. Recently, I’ve been dealing with a lot of doubts and even an existential crisis. It’s been tough, to say the least. And then, out of nowhere, I start seeing Wes recommended to me on TH-cam. As I watch, I find videos addressing the very things I’ve been praying for clarity on.
Just recently, I came across this strange guy, Ammon Hillmann, who claimed that Jesus was a PDF file. It completely shook me up for a while. But then, Wes not only addressed those questions, but he also hinted that he’ll be discussing this Ammon situation further, which is exactly what I needed.
This morning, I stumbled upon this whole “Jesus, Isus, Zeus” theory, and as I write this, it is 9 pm here in Europe, and I realized that I finally have my answer.
If this isn’t God literally sending me the answers, then it sure feels like one incredible coincidence! Wouldn't you say`? I know I do not deserve it, but man, am I grateful to God for still clarifying these doubts, which in result strengthens my faith and trust in him. Thank You Father.
@@Aegon23 God bless you my friend Our God (yahua) is good and speaks to us in many ways😊
@@Aegon23 God bless you my friend Our father speaks to us in many ways 😊🙏💚
Thank you for addressing this. I appreciate Wes so much.
In Luke 1, the archangel Gabriel tells Mary (or Miriam) to name her son Yeshua, meaning "salvation." An angel also tells Joseph, "you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." (Matt 1:21-22) Much like other Hebrew names, it was His calling and destiny from the beginning.
Finding the meaning of
“ Gematria 1775” will further clarify its meaning.
Thank you!! I have heard the Hey Zeus thing way too much. How about the clarifying the Amen word with Amon Ra?
Yeah no not at all. Hebrew speaker here. Amen comes from the root word emet for truth
The Guy That is lying about Jesus Christ is an Antichrist and we know they'll go to length in demonstrating Their delusions
Hey Zeus 👋😂😂
@kedb621 that doesn't disprove the Amen/Ra argument that just means the Egyptians most likely called called Amen Ra by that name because if it meaning "truth". All pagan God names are titles as opposed to actual names
@@SamaelKing-ql4co that would've been true if Amun Ra meant truth, it actually translates as "the hidden one"
Hallelujah Jesus, the Christ is King of all Kings!!! John3:16 Ephesians 5:11 God is great!!!
Good work and content Anton. Glad to see you and Wes link up again.
Thank you for the great information and clearing this out for all of us.
Changing God's name makes no sense, unless you up to something crooked.
He is wrong on Christmas 45 bc they changed to Julian calendar which means the 25th is the last day of saturnalia and he is using modern Greek have to use the old mixing new and to make a point. Why. I do not trust the Romans.
There's a reason why the J was added and also the name Jesus or Joshua was popular and had the same meaning.
@jarmalat7611 we talking about God, we not talking about your homeboy. I know how to pronounce his original name. I'm sure everyone can learn that 2. The name and identity changers got to answer for that to God.
@@kmalljack2701 stop talking nonsenses.
@@oscaralegre3683 maybe you don't understand , not everyone will.
Thank you both for your precious work 👍♥️
"One of the Foremost Experts"
Billy says he is "THE" world's foremost expert. Not "one of".. the arrogance of that man
I prayed over this exact issue last night. Asking my Heavenly Father to clarify for me. It's troubled me as of late. THANK YOU for answering my prayers. 🙏
Me too for real. God bless!!!
Me too!!!!!
Thank you Wes & Anton! I have been worried about this subject ever since dead eyes Billy talked about Jesus being Zuess.
I mean no offense to anyone but you need to remember there was absolutely nothing to clarify. As Billy is such a liar he can't be trusted to tell you your own name. So if Billy can't prove it he is lying like he has for years now. Nothing he says can be taken as valid. I hope this makes you guys think about what I am saying. Trust in Jesus or Billy? No contest there lol.
❤ I prayed over this topic as well. Thanks.🙏🏼
Much love to Wes and Anton , y'all have been chosen to expose some false teachings and it is time for Thy kingdom to come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven , In Yeshua's name Amen
I once was proselytizing on Jesus and a Billy Carson fan was very quick to dismiss me and say his name wasn't even Jesus.
It’s not.
Thats the borgia "christos"
@@supermcfly100, it is, ur d e mons just don't like his name.
@ZaeGreenFitKnowing everything there is to know about scripture being a scolar and histarisn expert legalistic know it all,
doesn't mean a darn thing unless you know our Lord and Savior and actually have a relationship with him,
I'm tired of legalistic people and know it all's😒
I pray you and others seek a true relationship if you haven't already 🙏👍✊✝️
@ ok bud
It’s finally good to know “THE Truth” based on scholarly research and evidence and not just anyone’s truth with no methodology. Thank you Wes & Anton! This is much needed for our soul.
God bless you guys thank you so much for your boldness in Jesus mighty name ✊✝️💚🙏
This video needs to be shared with as many as prior as possible ! Thank you both for the truth . Hallelujah.
Hard for me to imagine Anton, all the craziness going on with your I guess. X friend. Just know that you have have been responsible for so many turning towards the true Jesus! Thanks and please keep posting
@@jeffreythomason1113 As Wesley said, God can draw a straight line with a crooked stick and let me tell you I was and am a crooked stick… so if that’s the will of God so be it. I am surrender to him fully.
Thank you so much for this explanation.
I still think its wrong to call him anything but Yeshua because thats his name. I understand there being different versions of names. For example, take Michael/Miguel. If you're born with the name Michael, people would be wrong to call you Miguel, because thats not your name. Even if you go to Mexico your name is still Michael.
I totally agree call the holy savior and Father by there actual names
Smoking, God separated the languages at Babel.
Let's not be found trying to rebuild the tower.
Paul wrote Jesus name as IESOUS in his letters in Greek when he wrote to the churches
Is there any biblical basis that it's wrong?
There are a lot of biblical examples where God changes names.
nothing wrong with calling him in any language. You think God doesnt understand all human languages. Dont be a fool.
I have never understood why so many people seem to be confused about this topic.
It's a pride issue. Many people want to think they know more than others.
if you were saying Jesus Christ is God it seems kind of strange to alter his name in any way. I mean it's not that hard to pronounce.
@@jayknight139 that’s what I mean. I don’t understand why it’s difficult to understand. It doesn’t seem strange at all. People have different languages. My wife’s family speaks Spanish. They pronounce my name differently than people who speak English. Nothing strange about that. Certainly nothing to be offended about. It seems like an extraordinarily petty thing to get upset about.
@@sypherd.3771 sypherd, amen. It is an issue of pride, as those who think you have use a special pronunciation of Jesus' name, believe they know more than others.
Powerful teaching Sir!!!
he is a false teacher
I very much appreciate this interaction and am praying for you both.
In the comments section of another video, Mark replied directly to me and others with regard to the INSANE situation of Billy attempting to litigate everyone into the poorhouse. It's my sincere hope that all two of you--Anton and Wes--remain supportive of Mark, during this trying time. (I can't imagine living a few houses down from Billy and having him unceremoniously dump me as a close friend and slap me with a lawsuit.)
Wes Huff is undoubtedly an incredible academic and Anton such a great communicator whom I can relate to as an ex-new ager as well. Gone 2 decades without believing in Jesus, thinking it was all made up. All the new age stuff in the world doesn't even come close to what Jesus did for me once I gave my life to him. When I did, for the first time in my life, I finally felt spiritually fullfilled. I even lost my fear of death. the old saying *when you stop fearing death, you can finally start living* is true and Jesus does that for us.
In this day and age intellectual Christianity is exactly what is needed so what Hes Huff does for humanity is unbelievably important.
You two are Godly men and we can't thank you enough for your work. God bless you both and your loved ones.
I've never been scared of death, but it never helped me to live.
Jesus did help, but that saying is false.
I looked forward to death most of my life.
Great information that is so needed in our confused world. Praying for you Anton as God continues to open your eyes to the deception and draw you near. I pray as you are convicted on these matters, that you remove any old footage of things that are eternally misguiding others. Turn to Jesus fully and believe on him. Time is short. Blessings.
@@johnturns60 keeping them up intentionally for now so people can see what Jesus can do. New agers need references. They need to see that I had what they want and it is not the answer. Although I love my new Christian family I’m here to help build a bring to those stuck under the lies of occult, new age, new thought and other deceptive practices. My content is geared towards them. I will eventually take them down but not yet
Amazing clarification about an incredibly silly but important issue, because this very topic has become a stumbling block for many. Like Wes said, "Iesus" is simply "Yeshua" in Greek, and besides, the Lord knows when you're calling on Him!
On a related-but-not topic, and not to correct an expert, but as a native Spanish speaker I know that "Pablo" is not a translation of "Cepha" or "Petros," but of "Paulos," Paul. 😊 "Pedro" is "Petros."
Silly? You think if you come calling me bob and my name is not bob I'm going to welcome you?
I have prayed for the answer to this question. Billy is a breathe of fresh air in a world full of lies and confusion.
Love it! Love this! I hope what we are going to be seeing is a series of videos refuting the many false claims made by Billy Carson aka William Tyrone Karlson.
Anton, thank you for having @WesHuff on for clarity on this matter!
Both of you are treasures to the Body of Christ!
Anton!! Thank you for stepping out boldly in Jesus's name! You are shining a light so bright through this dark cult!
Thanks for this Anton, felt this was just for me!!
Rise, Defenders of the Faith!!
Onward marching Christian Soldiers!!
We are not ashamed of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST
I am a third year university student, a week from now i will be expel from the university , clases will start next week, i am so weak know nothing to do. Ooh God be my helper.
Can you also address "Amen" after a prayer? Billy Carson claims that amen refers to Amenhotep IV (who was actually Moses) . I'm sorry to admit that freaked me out as much as "hail Zeus" .... appreciate you guys for doing these videos!
@@tiffanyhawkins8538 I got a weird feeling in my gutt about that too. Would love if it's addressed.
@@blitzedangel4556I think inspiring philosophy might have some content on that
Amen is hebrew meaning truly, or verily, let it be so.
@@roguedobie thank you
Ben shapiro who knows hebrew talked about this too and it doesnt mean nothing of the sort dont worry.
I'm happy you guys did this! It's been heavy on my mind. One influencer even said we were praying to a demon if we were'nt using the paleo version of God's or Jesus' name. I think they use the names Yahuah and Yahusha. Would love for @WesHuff to speak on this as well.
Usha is a hindu goddess
@@lexasakie8107 That would be a huge hit. So many feel the same. I don't know any info on the origin of those names. I get 📴 at in different language translation.
I just made the same comment! Maybe we followed the same page… they also speak out against celebrating our Lords birth in December etc.
So why are we using a Greek name for a Hebrew person?
@@FlapjackRyou need to prove that’s even his birthday.
Thank you for this!!!
Major question they keep bringing up which shall help millions of Christian’s ❤
I brought this up on all recent Billy posts and his followers either said "he never said that" or Yes Jesus was Zeus and explained their little hearts out how this was true lol. I mean talk about brainwashed.
@@NorthLVLowRoller typically cult behavior
Do you think its accident that Zeus looks like Jesus?
God has called brother Wes to speak the truth!
Thank you for breaking that down for us. I needed to hear this.
@ 3:52 "...Pedros, Petros and Pablo...these are all versions of the name 'Peter'..."
Is there anyone who can spot the infallable 'scholar's' error here? Not trying to blanket Mr. Carson's errors or lies , but simply to point out that we should listen critically to all info and to not just assume that b/c someone carries a certain title/acclaim that they necessarily have it all correct.
He probably misspoke. This guy is extremely knowledgeable I'm sure he knows Pablo is paul. Which still adds to his point. We have different versions of names in different languages. No big deal
Gentlemen...this whole fiasco is so important...so many young people and some not so young, listen to the great lie. And your logical, respectful, and truthful rebuttal is so needed.. Paul Ex light worker and wizard ..now redeemed through the blood of our Saviour Jesus Christ. Bless you both 🙏 💚✝️
4:39 “Fabricating things wholesale”
nice one 😂
You forgot "Wholesale Facts" 😂
I have called on the name of Jesus, and I have been saved out of several spiritual attacks. There is power in the name of Jesus, Jesus in most African languages, is Yesu or Jesu there could be others but these are the two most common i have heard, whether I call Yesu or Jesu the Lord answers our prayers.
Yahoshua, Yeshua, Yeshu, Yesu, Ihsous, Isho, Isa, Jesus, Joshua,
Amen, but Greek transliteration is: Ἰησοῦς, or Iēsoûs
@@neilsoulman I said that. Ἰησοῦς is IHSOUS
Wes Could you please elaborate on the acronym jeshua/ yeshua used by Jewish rabbis that means: yemach shemo vizicro? This is found in the Jewish book of curses. Also in the babylonic/ lauranic qabbalah.
They use Yesu which mean may his name be blotted out.
@@andrevisser7542 yes. its where jesus comes from. Yeshu. is a derogatory term and a mockery name. but jesus means zeus
@@nicechock, study some more.
smh even after his exposition still going with that? Its' not that difficult, Yeshua was a common Hebrew name, the English equivalent is Joshua, both Joshua and Jesus translate to Ieseous in Greek, and Jesus is the English transliteration from the Greek which is what the original new testament was mostly written in, the Latin translation that the Catholics use is Iesus, in Arabic it's Iyesus or Yusha for Joshua; how does a deaf person sign His name? I believe an all knowing God knows when someone is calling Him, more about the hearts langugue then the lips, it's not a magic word, it's his name.
I saw a non-ben carson but related “hail zeus” video in my early christian walk and literally freaked out. 20 yr old me would have been grateful for this video because i couldn’t find anything that quickly debunked this lol. anyways, great video 🙏
Yooooo Anton tooootally about to bust into tears at the end haha my brother! Much love homie!!!
Very hard not to when talking about my lord and savior 🥹
@@antonwisbiski totally get it lol our Father is awesome🙏
@@antonwisbiskiOnly YASHA means Saviour in English & in Greek its Soter. 2 Peter 2 Both You and Wes bare the burden of leading people astray & it's now 23k inconting....
"There is SALVATION in no one else, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be SAVED." Acts 4:12
Not Jesus, Not Iesous, Not Hay Sous, Not Yeshua, Not Yahusha, Not Yahawashi etc...
Thank you for this video!!! God bless ya’ll! 🙏🏽
Thank You! Call On Jesus how ever you like just call on him! Talk to Jesus all day everyday, I Love JESUS!
Me too. And I don’t care who thinks I’m nuts, I talk to Him a lot all day too. After all, why not?
So glad that Wes is debunking Billy Carlsons lies. I appreciate you speaking out. Billy is a criminal. His identity was not stolen he was actually the one who stole identities he has an extensive criminal record.
Is he going to speak about why this is blasphemous and that the word "lord" is Hebrew name for "Ba'al"??
You guys are doing an excellent job and I am so thankful, after long prayer and fasting on Truth, that Billy was exposed. The sad part is he won't repent. But I remain prayerful.
0:05 When I went to Hell (where I hugged my knees in a world of raging black and blue fire) I called "GOD! Get me out of here! I love you!" He didn't answer and I remained in Hell.
When I called "Jesus Christ" I didn't even finish saying his name and I was back in this world.
God bless you both 🙏💖
Merry Christmas 🎄✝️
INCORRECT!!! NAMES don't get translated geniuses. You will be called Anton and wes on all 7 continents
Funny, because they do. And they would. In Japanese, Wes would be called Wesu (Japanese words can't end in any consonant except n) or even more pendantically ウェス. Anton would be アントン. Looks like a translation to me.
Or more universally. John in English is Juan in Spanish and Johann in German. All coming from the Hebrew Yochanan.
Wait till you hear about the guys named Andrew, Peter, and James who weren't actually called that in their time.
@FANacht-dy3tb that's not translation, BUT SPATIAL DIALECT. Depending where you live, phonetic pronunciation change but the initial name is the same. To argue this, one has to be honest. There was never an old testament prophecy about the name Jesus. To honor it with such regard, is to argue religion/Christianity over the scriptures. And sensationalize the acceptance of this name over the name given to the prophets. Of whom HE was revealed exclusively to.
@GodSense-l3p Technically speaking it's a transliteration. The point I'm making here is that the name Yeshua recieved the exact same treatment in Greek. Iesous (Ιησους) is the same name as Yeshua. The letter y doesn't exist as we hear it in the english in Greek, so the approximation is the letter iota (Ι). In Greek, there is no "sh" sound, so it's pronounced with a regular 's' (which isn't a Z sound, that's a different letter in Greek). The ending we see in Greek--the ς--is actually a grammatical case. Noun cases are an important part of Greek Grammer (which can also be seen in Slavic languages like Serbian) and names are no different.
The reason the name Jesus exists today is because Iesous was the name written in the NT (bc the NT was written in Greek) and was then passed down to English through the Latin Iesus (pronounced almost identically to the Greek). The ending 's' was kept in English for a lot of Greek names, though not all. Oedipus, Orpheus, Marcus, etc.
But it's not like that for every language--I note Serbian again here because they pretty consistently drop the s--Edip, Orfej, Marko. In Serbian, Jesus is Isus (ee-soos), so they kept the 's' here, but in Japanese, it's iesu (pronounced almost like "yesu"), which does drop the ending s.
@@GodSense-l3p Thank you!! Someone with commonsense in the comment section. 2 Peter 2 Many false teachers with their opinions and no Scriptures to back it up. Our name does not change on our passports when we fly into different country's.
Hebrew: Yasha
Greek: Soter
English: Saviour
"There is SALVATION in no one else, for there is NO OTHER NAME under heaven given among men by which we must be SAVED." Acts 4:12
Not Jesus, Not Iesous, Not Hay Sous, Not Yeshua, Not Yahusha, Not Yahawashi etc...
@@GodSense-l3p I thought I replied earlier, but it doesn't seem to have gone through--so forgive me if this is a duplicate.
Technically speaking, it's actually a transliteration. It's being transliterated into a phonetic system that can be understood by the native speakers of that language. The name Jesus is the same--in your words it would be spatial dialect.
Yeshua in Greek is written Ιησούς. I don't know if you're aware of this, but since I have seen people make the argument otherwise, Iesous, is pronounced ee-ey-soos (or something like yay-soos). The Ie is Greek's nearest approximation of "Ye" and, since they don't have a "sh" sound, the s is its nearest approximation.
The ending ς isn't actually apart of the name so much a grammar marker for noun cases which alter the way nouns are written/pronounced based on which form it's in--some other languages like Serbian do the same.
The reason English has the name Jesus, is because--like most other languages--they're pulling from the Greek name Iesous (because it is what we have written in the scriptures as His Name). Iesous became Iesus in the Latin (and later in the English) and then the first became a noted I (which later became the letter J). The marked difference of the JEEZ-us pronunciation came from the way English pronounced words, not because of an attempt to change the original name specifically.
It's the same name, just pronounced in a very English way. Like Johann vs John.
In a lot other languages the original iesous/iesu pronunciation remains because of the lack of the particular development of the English J. In Japanese, He is iesu, in Serbian, Isus.
I’m really happy and thankful to find people like you guys who are genuinely interested in knowing and sharing the truth. Sadly, people like you guys have been very hard to find for a long time, but God is raising us up here as we approach the end.✌️
Please stop misleading people by saying things like this. The Scripture is clear when it says there is only one Name we must be saved by. You can't add or remove from the Scripture. One means one. Names don't change and especially not the Name of our wonderful Creator YAHUAH. Our Saviour's Name is YAHUAH not Yahusha or jesus or yeshua. In the Tanak there is only one Saviour and that's our Creator. Yahusha (sn Joshua) led them into the promised land and has a common name. The name Yahusha means YAHUAH saves or YAHUAH is the Mashiyha. The best translation to be reading right now is the Truth Scriptures Translation by Promote The Truth. Shalum!!! Let's get away from the greek influence because the original writings were in Hebrew and Aramaic.
The original NT was in Greek.... even the Jews of this time spoke Greek. At this time in history the entire OT was already translated for 200-300 years... Greek wasn't some foreign invading language.. it was the language of the time and all surrounding areas.... if it wasn't for the NT to be written in greek it would have stayed to the jews. But this was the promise of God... to spread to all nations and this was the way. Do some more research you're a bit off if you this NT was originally in any other language. You have no evidence to back this up
If the name mattered so much it wouldn't have gotten translated. The translation has the same meaning which is "jehova saves" it means the same. GOD knows our hearts we don't need to saw a special word to be saved it's the nature of the word we are saying. In Hebrew in the OT to have a "good name" means your essence. Your being. YOU...the word is pointless it's the energy behind it. JESUS knows who I am calling to
You're the one who's misleading people by trying to hide the fact that names are transliterated from one language to another all the time. You're trying to hide basic facts about the way languages change and evolve that anyone can look up at any time Also, "Yahuah" and "Yahusha" are fake names. No one who speaks Hebrew ever uses those names.
Thanks for helping us unlearn and relearn the truth. Good stuff 👏
I live in a multilingual society with 11 official languages, and in every instance, my name remains the same, no matter who I'm talking too. Humorous pronounciations, but my name is my name. B'shem Yeshua YHWH.
Iesous is just a funny pronunciation of yeshua, so I don't think anyone would disagree there
Finally someone with common sense!!! @makermarx
Hello makermarx. Your parents gave you an interesting name.
Im not a believer but i enjoyed the Carson debate thoroughly, Wes Huff was so polite. Must be Canadian.
Also there is no J in Hebrew. It is pronounced in Y like in Scandinavia as in Yohanne.
More telling is nowhere can Jesus be the same as the Isa in Arabic Quran. Quran is false and man made.
It's also pronounced as Y in Polish.
@@sammyandoliver7522the J is in the old English, Yashua becomes Joshua in the transliteration from Hebrew, Jesus comes from the Greek as he said.
Merry Christmas to you both and your families!
Wes don’t know what he’s talking about
Please elaborate
God is good. Wes is so quotable. I am so happy to see someone that is so humbled and honest about bringing the truth to people about the life and story of Jesus! Keep it up! If billy would just listen... He could grow .
I love how simple it is to counter the "Jesus = Hail Zeus" controversy....
So you're telling me that you take a Hebrew name, translate it into Greek, say it as if it was Spanish, listen to it in English, and then suppose that what that English sound of a Spanish-spoken Greek version of a Hebrew name *kind of sounds like*, an English phrase praising a supposed Greek deity, *is what that name actually means*? OK...
Even if that's not the way *they* specifically got to it, that's kind of the point. The way *they* assume we got to calling Jesus by that name is even less accurate than that.
i think Carson believed that due to hail zeus sounding like iesus
but why would the greeks worshipping zeus be speaking in english?
the romans believed jupiter to be different from zeus so they wouldn't call jupiter as zeus.
meanwhile english speakers weren't worshipping zeus.
so his speculation doesnt hold water.
@@AndrewJohnH welcome to the mind of a conspiracy theorist. It’s actually sad when you are connected to reality.
@@antonwisbiski Anything can be a conspiracy if you try hard enough, and don't need to use logic or tell the truth.
A strawman once pulled that accusation on me. I almost spit out my coffe while laughing so hard.
Thank you for bringing this subject up & for clarifying so eloquently .
One should not change someone's name in other languages - it is a different vibration... and everything is energy... I believe church uses some other name for a reason... church bases on our faith but our faith should not rely on religion but the Word.
No one changes the name in other languages. The language is what changes the pronunciation/spelling of a name. That's because languages are different. The name, and meaning thereof, remains the same.
@JustPOC there will be a different gematria and vibration of such name (and numbers for names are also mentioned in the Bible). That is why in international environments we don't change names and use our birth ones. They are "assigned" to us. Some don't even have such "translation"..
God knows our hearts, I think this is more important than anything else, i call him Lord normally, but have no issue saying Jesus, and he has moved so much in my life, i have had so many revelations from his Word, which could only be received thru the Holy spirit.
@@888aga Ok, what is the vibration of "Yeshua" and what is the vibration of "Jesus"?
@@ericbochardt2989 of course! I also believe the most important is to have unconditional love in your heart 🥰 just keep in mind the verses about His name that was given. I guess a Christian should have this curiosity, discern church (Anti-Christ) from the Bible/its translations and know His real birth name 🤷♀️ but everyone follows their hearts and I pray that all our prayers go to the One we believe in and who saved us 🥰
Feeling angry or frustrated with religion is a common experience, often stemming from perceived contradictions, injustices, or the feeling that it is used to control or manipulate people; if you're experiencing these emotions, it's important to explore the reasons behind them, consider your own beliefs, and potentially engage in open dialogue with religious individuals or communities to gain a better understanding.
If my mama name me Paul my name is Paul no changing no translation
God separated the languages at Babel for a reason. Let's not be found to be trying to rebuild that tower.
This is an amazingly informative video for the same audience you mentioned earlier... modern Gnostics, new agers and pagans who are ill-informed.
Let us pray for Billy so that he would have an encounter with the real Jesus and come to know him. ❤
Hands down the best Most concise and exhaustive explanation in bite size.Form on this question
Omg Tommy from Power 😅 no for real love the video Thank you so much Thank you Jesus ❤❤❤🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
As I told my mother the most high YAH knows our intentions and our spirit so therefore if we call on the most high sincerely he will receive our prayers 🙏🏿
Many people who can channel, and who do channel the Ascended Master Jesus
They say that Jesus was his name on earth, but now that he is ascended, his energy identity’s as Yeshua. So if you want to speak to the current energy of Jesus you can commune with Yeshua
Jesus still holds the same power. But Yeshua is the present existence of his energy that is alive and all around us
To take this even further, Yeshua resides within the Thymus Collective of Ascended Masters. Which resides in the thymus gland above our heart💜❤️🙏🏽
Praise God
Even Jesus changed Simon's name to Peter to pretty much describe his character.
The question is if for some reason the powers that be decide to change the name of Jesus to something else, how would the current Christian family feel about changing the name of Jesus.
You're really helping me become a better apologetic.
Thank you Wes. Many people are less astray from Billy's erroneous conjectures. You are on a mission from God 😇
I don’t know anything about either one of these brothers (first time coming across both). I’m normally very cautious about endorsing anyone talking about the things of God because there are just so many kooky ideas and doctrines out there…mainly coming from relatively obscure people (like these two guys are to me). Nevertheless this brief conversation covers so much so succinctly and wisely that I cannot help but outburst: MIC DROP!!!…this needs to spread!!!
As for my opinion: my name is Timothy (“Tim” for short). But I have friends around the world who use different words and pronunciations to call me by name, and I respond and answer to them all (and LOVE THEM that they all know and love me enough to “call out my name”, no matter if it’s a little different in form or accent or pronunciation!). For those who want to call me by the exact form and pronunciation that my closest family and friends do, I try to help them learn it. But some of them just can’t get past pronunciation issues due to their mother tongue and accent tendencies. Here’s the thing: I DON’T CARE…I LOVE AND APPRECIATE ALL THESE PEOPLE JUST THE SAME! And, CLEARLY, by how Jesus responds to all who-similarly-TRY in whatever honest, humble, heartfelt way, then it’s VERY CLEAR that He feels the very same way and He therefore responds with Love, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness, and POWER!!! So, yes, I have studied this, and I do use other forms of “Jesus” and try my best at them, just to “try to get it ‘right’”…Hebrew (as we “best understand it” now 2000 years later) and Aramaic (as we also “best understand it” also 2000 years later). But He never responds or answers or empowers me differently no matter what!!! So I generally say “Jesus” because I’m an English-speaker, and sometimes I tell Him that I’m sorry that I don’t know how, exactly (no matter how many people out there present thoughts and pronunciations on the matter), to be “more accurate” in how I address Him. But in humbly acknowledging that, I know He forgives me and we can move forward in full relationship and intimacy nevertheless, just like I do with my friends and contacts!!!
Thank you for doing this Anton with having Dr. Huff on to explain with this level of clarity regarding Jesus name. This is a tremendous help to the body of Christ with so much false information out here. Thank you 🙏🏾
The truth will set you free
The point of Jesus is what everyone seems to miss, God made all things whole in Christ. That is in the name of Jesus. ❤
"Every Word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. Do not add to his words, or he will rebuke you and prove you a liar."
Proverbs 30 v 5-6
Good job Wes! Billy is serving a different master I think. He’s doing what “they” do. Spreading lies and causing problems for Jesus’ people. He’ll lose. God bless guys ❤️✝️💯
They’re actively canceling Billy Carson. He keeps apologizing and it’s not working. 😅