Came into the game after Jackal played for a few months. Stopped. Played when Finka and Lion got released and I haven’t been as good as I was back then😂
Anyone still remember the original sausage Finka, it was stupid good. I know it's a rather selfish strat and I don't give a damn if I can hipfire anyone at long range
@@ohhkennny766 agreed, I’ve been using shotguns a bit more often (on defense) and it’s been a charm, especially playing of traps, been enjoying it for melusi, ofc for Ela, thorn, and some others, besides lesion, his shotgun is ass imo
Nokk is really good with attacker repick. If you see in the prep phase that the backs end of the defense has some holes you can switch to her quickly to fully exploit it
@BeastModPlayer just hard with so many operators some even though they're good will be left out and usually operators with the best guns get the highest pick rate. Not as much on defense but on offense that's usually the mindset for many players
@@mohamedalgabri5427 There's a reason why someone like Twitch, Finka, and Glaz have massive pick rate spikes when their weapon is nerfed/buffed, despite their supposedly support role
@@BMP Depending on the situation during drone phase, I ALWAYS either pick Monty or Nøkk. I'm good with both. Mainly because I'm an aggressive Monty, but ik when to back off.
Kapkan is a laser based tripmine so it wouldnt make sense. Prox alarms, ela mines, melusis banshees and other proximity based gadgets would make a lot of sense and it would be very fun to play
True but sens is rarely played. She just really needs a quality of life change like an indicator that shows the path of the rou up to it's first ricochet. I've picked her up recently and people, I can say, don't really get how to use her utility. Granted she's not op and I'm like "omg guys you just don't get it" she is wonky, but she's actually not bad for solo plays as one might think. Best dmr in the game which can create sightlines or destroy hatches, gonne 6 for utility destruction and claymores that you can hide in your device before you plant (you'd be surprised how often that works).
Nokk is very underwhelming yet still offers a lot of opportunity. I use her to silent rush more often than not. From my time playing I feel as if she needs a few tweaks to counter opponents secondary gadgets such as the barbed wire, if you are using her ability I feel it shouldn’t make as much noise. Also maybe instead of saying camera deceived it should say Valk Cam deceived, drone deceived, camera deceived for regular, etc. just to offer some more intel for you and your team.
I do believe that nokk is a really good attacker. Her gadget makes her the best solo que operator besides zero. The way she can sneak behimd deffenders and get them with her weapon and frags is just ridiculous
@@buttnuts2599 exactly, the Siege community is so quick to shit on an operator without giving them time to develop. Now Nokk is common on entry and Warden is almost a must pick due to the possibility of a Ying thanks to attacker repick
Me and my boyfriend have been duo queuing in siege since white noise (he came in before me at operation health, but that was before we met) we bonded over siege and it's a big part of how our relationship has lasted. We both on release saw the potential for Nokk and Warden on release and we both wanted to force them to work regardless of the meta with him now being a Nokk main and Warden always being my ace up my sleeve. Through the years we've watched these changes and other changes that Ubisoft absolutely fumbled with this game. However one thing we agree on is that Ubisoft really wanted Nokk and Warden to work. If you were there during Phantom Sight, it really seemed that Ubisoft was really proud of these two designs and we are really happy that they never gave up on them. Same with Amaru and Goyo
@@BMP and grim isn’t even hard too fix. Just make his thing act more of a nomad, so it activates when people run past it and then increase the area of effect. Needs a lot bigger area of effect imo
Warden's going to jump even more with Oryx and Kapkan losing their 1.5xs on defense. There are very few guns on defense to roam with with 1.5xs going forward. We might see some more roaming Echos, too, using their Yokai drones aggressively to hunt down attackers.
Nøkk is excellent in the current meta. She’s my default pick for solo-queue ranked. You pick a different spawn from your team, play slowly and drone properly, and as the pressure ramps up on site, you come around from the back and avoid/destroy the utility in your way with a suppressor. I can consistently get 1 pretty free kill this way on someone on or near site who had no idea I was there or who had forgotten someone was pushing from a different direction to the rest of the team. The frags are the cherry on top for destroying enemy utility or getting easy kills with your drone
Nokk actually did achieve her potential in pro league, where she was one of the top 3 most banned attackers, and when she wasnt banned, it meant that the defence had to bring a trap op instead of something more beneficial to the team
Ever since Nøkk launched I've been very strong-held in my view that she was a good operator and that those who wrote her off weren't doing it right. Years later (and only a few buffs later) I am finally proven right (sort of)
I loved Nokk, tried her out in a ranked game and got a ace clutch on the first round of using her, although would rather play Zofia or someone else at the time
Great video Bruv. I really love your videos related to siege history. I have been maining siege as a game since y3s2 and feel nostalgic watching these videos
I main Nok and as you said at 6:30 proximity alarm are the main reason why I’m not playing her as much, so many operators have them and if you walk past it without destroying it the whole enemy team hears it go off. If they were to buff her to were if she has her ability on it won’t go off that would be amazing
Would be far too OP. I think if they want her to be stronger they’d just need to rebalance the amount of proximity alarms available to popular defenders.
wow, i really thought everyone thought nøkk was insane on attack. i mean the feeling of getting practically on-site undetected and getting a free pick is unmatched. i walk around with the hel on and randomly ill end up fooling a cam so it's a nice "turn on and forget" kind of ability
i started in burnt horizon and this video made me feel old, These operators came out 4 years ago. Back then i thought some of my friends who played during the beta were old, they are ancient now.
I think another massive buff towards the pair is the 1.5x, all of their weapons are fairly decent with 1.0x scopes, but Warden especially gains such a massive buff with the Mpx 1.5x compared to the regular 1.0.
I love Nokk Aesthetically, she is a badass and I am a solo queue player so her gadget made it easy to solo quietly flank defenders or the objective with little to no resistance. She’s niche but I think she fits well for casual players who are not always about that teamwork Warden is also kinda a great general pick op. I think they can swap his gun for a slightly more powerful gun. He wants to keep his vision unimpaired so precision should be his strong suit. Adding an AR option would be solid. The ARX 200 would be a decent gun for him. High damage but low magazine capacity. Kinda like glaz but not as strong of a weapon. It would also make him one of the few op’s to have an AR primary. Heavy limit it’s sights to only 1x scopes and remove the vertical grip to balance it. He will be used as a frag op just like glaz would be. He just won’t have insane flexibility. Kinda think of him like an off brand mute. Solid Swiss Army knife style loadout for either a build for roaming or anchoring. The 2 speed does balance him out to where he doesn’t excel quite as well even in those rolls. The flex frag op.
Tbh I hope people don’t start picking up nøkk because knowing the seige community they’ll complain about her until she gets nerfed and I’m really having a lot of fun on her rn
idk i feel nook and vigil and warden are such a selfish ops in a team game if you dont get kills on them you are just useless and did nothing to help your team
as underwhelming this ops in y4s2 is, both of this operator is really fun to use and for me personally especially warden since the moment i can use his ability it is so satisfying
Oh yeah I love Warden and Nokk. Nokk specifically is one of my favorite operators in ranked. Also, they have gotten a lot better recently. Both of them are pretty meta rn
So the disappointment is also im part that not only are the guns recycled, but so are the abilities - Warden is kinda like Glaz (and I guess Ying's flash immunity with his ability) on defense, and Nokk is kinda like a mix of Vigil & Cav (without her interro) on Attack.
this was my first season where I played and had fun never really used warden but I did use nokk a bit, I have not really played since the end of year 5 start of 6 outside 10-15 games per season but finally got back into it recently and defiantly think about using warden more
I’ve loved warden for a long time now so I’m really happy to see him finally getting serious play. He’s definitely been good for a while especially with how low key strong mpx with 1.5 is. The crap damage of mpx doesn’t matter when your just knocking peoples heads off no problem. Also nitro makes getting kills through smoke almost laughably easy. I would also point out that the change a while back extending wardens gadget duration from 10 seconds to 20 definitely helped a lot since it allowed him to keep it active for most of if not all of an engagement which definitely allows the gadget to shine more often and makes you have to think much less about when to use the gadget and when to hold it for later in the engagement. I’m glad to him in a seemingly comfortable place atm.
It’s interesting how both of these operators released as genuinely good operators with useful abilities but they were only relevant on like 6 bomb sites.
@KeagsterGg Actually Nokk and Nook are both incorrect. The devs fucked up the spelling of the word for the operators nationality. They should've spelled it Nøkke but because they did Nøkk it would technically be pronounced as either Nurk or Nukk. Those are closer correct pronounciations than Nook and Nokk but ultimately Ubisoft fucked it and never corrected the spelling or nationalality so we're left with a confusing flustercluck or language horror.
I remember Nokk at one point being undetectable to traps and getting a form so Silent Step. We’re those temporary changes on the test server or something?
hell yeah, someone finally higlights phantom sight as the sadest two operator releases in history and like BMP highlited, nokk is extremely lackluster due to tons of traps, intel operators are simply too weak not to mention echo can see if nokk is doing her stealth thing, so can mozzie, which is very wierd lol enabled me to know where nokk was coming from as echo many times
I really love Nokk. But her major problem is, that she needs to know where enemy cams are in order to use her gadget effectively. Also she should be able to sneak through traps and proximity alarms. I remember picking Nokk to counter Kapkan some years ago, just to realize that she doesn't work like this
She would be far too overpowered if she ignored traps. She’s already very strong and is a popular pick in the highest ranks of the game. With some good droning and smart thinking her gadget is excellent and her frags clinch some easy kills. Being able to destroy defender confidence in proximity alarms would be too strong an effect. Saying that, I do think her gadget should possibly let her get past Fenrir’s gadget, but that’s more to serve as a nerf for him rather than a buff for her.
Both ops became meta because pros came up with new ideas and tried stuff out. Everyone is so fixated on the best possible thing to win until a pro uses a “useless” operator then the op becomes either meta or viable.
Nokk was just entirely recycled from different operators, there is absolutely nothing unique to her. Lesion's shotgun, Smoke's smg, Valk/Blackbeard's Deagle, the 5.7, and her ability was just Vigil and Caveira heavily nerfed and jammed together.
I honestly prefer an op have a good gadget but bad guns than vice versa. I feel like they should remove nokk's nades and make her gadget not set off any traps other than frost mats since it's a physical contact. Ubisoft did not handle her well.
Honestly from my experience, when i see a Warden in game its either a complete moron who just cant shoot for some reason or a complete god who should play in high diamond, never in the middle.
God I hated phantom sight. definitely my least favorite season and I'm not just saying that because of the operator's and lack of content but because of the invisible/invincible IQ bug that plagued ranked around that time that took ubi the entire season to "fix". There was also the shield bug that defenders could do so that the deployable shield would cover their head or body making them almost unkillable so Ubi responded by taking away the deployable shields for an entire season (I think) until it got reworked later and if all that wasn't bad enough there was also a clash glitch where she could SHOOT WITH HER SHIELD STILL OUT that caused her to be taken out of the operator pool for weeks until ubi fixed her as well... And don't even get me started on the constant Ddos attacks and mnk players on console. It really was (IMO) the worst season on siege at least on console
Nokk is never going to have a high pick rate. Not because she isn't worth picking, but because she should only get picked once per match. Her gadget is extremely potent when it comes as a surprise, she can be inside and possibly even on site completely unnoticed by the defenders and backstab out of nowhere. But once you've done it once the defenders adapt and make it hard to get real value out of her again in that match. Better to switch operator then.
I recently played Thorn but forgotten I had what’s been dubbed as the “uwu” skin from the winter event. My team just lit me up and gave me hate in chat. Didn’t realise it triggered so many 😂
My mains in siege for attackers are Gridlock/ Lion/Ace and on Defense it’s Warden/Goyo/Thorn Those 5/6 operators are the underdogs of siege and is why I love using them cause no-one knows how to counter them. It’s a shame how woke the game has gotten. Maybe next season I’ll give it a shot
Original finka, Beaulo once said “if you pick finka you are trolling and if you go with her I’m gonna use that controlled recoil to shoot ur face”
Came into the game after Jackal played for a few months. Stopped. Played when Finka and Lion got released and I haven’t been as good as I was back then😂
Anyone still remember the original sausage Finka, it was stupid good. I know it's a rather selfish strat and I don't give a damn if I can hipfire anyone at long range
@@blastmole299 I mean sasg finka has never left lol its just that the meta changed so much from then that it's not viable anymore
Imagine listening to other players
@@ohhkennny766 agreed, I’ve been using shotguns a bit more often (on defense) and it’s been a charm, especially playing of traps, been enjoying it for melusi, ofc for Ela, thorn, and some others, besides lesion, his shotgun is ass imo
Nokk is really good with attacker repick. If you see in the prep phase that the backs end of the defense has some holes you can switch to her quickly to fully exploit it
I just love Nokk. She's one of my favorite operators rn. I'm surprised she doesnt get picked more honestly
@BeastModPlayer just hard with so many operators some even though they're good will be left out and usually operators with the best guns get the highest pick rate. Not as much on defense but on offense that's usually the mindset for many players
@@mohamedalgabri5427 There's a reason why someone like Twitch, Finka, and Glaz have massive pick rate spikes when their weapon is nerfed/buffed, despite their supposedly support role
@@BMP same
@@BMP Depending on the situation during drone phase, I ALWAYS either pick Monty or Nøkk. I'm good with both. Mainly because I'm an aggressive Monty, but ik when to back off.
Nokk should be able to go through proximity mines without setting them off and maybe even kapkan traps but I think that’s pushing it
Prox mines would be a good idea
@@BMP she can now at least
That was her original rework. They pulled back with that idea.
@Lawless She can't tho.
Kapkan is a laser based tripmine so it wouldnt make sense. Prox alarms, ela mines, melusis banshees and other proximity based gadgets would make a lot of sense and it would be very fun to play
I think that because of Sens, even though many people don’t play Sens, warden saw an increase to because of how much he could see when the walk is up
True but sens is rarely played. She just really needs a quality of life change like an indicator that shows the path of the rou up to it's first ricochet. I've picked her up recently and people, I can say, don't really get how to use her utility. Granted she's not op and I'm like "omg guys you just don't get it" she is wonky, but she's actually not bad for solo plays as one might think. Best dmr in the game which can create sightlines or destroy hatches, gonne 6 for utility destruction and claymores that you can hide in your device before you plant (you'd be surprised how often that works).
@@drinkablepink6969 she? sens looks like a fucking dude
@@stormstudios1 biologically they are female but in lore they identify as non binary
@@drinkablepink6969 alr guess im gonna uninstall wtf have they done to this game
@@stormstudios1 you do that
Nokk is very underwhelming yet still offers a lot of opportunity. I use her to silent rush more often than not. From my time playing I feel as if she needs a few tweaks to counter opponents secondary gadgets such as the barbed wire, if you are using her ability I feel it shouldn’t make as much noise. Also maybe instead of saying camera deceived it should say Valk Cam deceived, drone deceived, camera deceived for regular, etc. just to offer some more intel for you and your team.
And this didnt age well
I do believe that nokk is a really good attacker. Her gadget makes her the best solo que operator besides zero. The way she can sneak behimd deffenders and get them with her weapon and frags is just ridiculous
This isn't a hot take she literally one of the most pick/banned op in champ and pro league...
@@buttnuts2599 exactly, the Siege community is so quick to shit on an operator without giving them time to develop. Now Nokk is common on entry and Warden is almost a must pick due to the possibility of a Ying thanks to attacker repick
Doesn’t nokk also ignore gadgets like edd’s and proximity alarms?
@@natethenotsogreat8349 no, there was a rework planned that let her do that, but they scrapped it.
@@disappointedfather5218 thank god they did scrap it
Me and my boyfriend have been duo queuing in siege since white noise (he came in before me at operation health, but that was before we met) we bonded over siege and it's a big part of how our relationship has lasted. We both on release saw the potential for Nokk and Warden on release and we both wanted to force them to work regardless of the meta with him now being a Nokk main and Warden always being my ace up my sleeve. Through the years we've watched these changes and other changes that Ubisoft absolutely fumbled with this game. However one thing we agree on is that Ubisoft really wanted Nokk and Warden to work. If you were there during Phantom Sight, it really seemed that Ubisoft was really proud of these two designs and we are really happy that they never gave up on them. Same with Amaru and Goyo
Yeah true. They cared about them more then they care about Grim it seems lol
@@BMP and grim isn’t even hard too fix. Just make his thing act more of a nomad, so it activates when people run past it and then increase the area of effect. Needs a lot bigger area of effect imo
Warden's going to jump even more with Oryx and Kapkan losing their 1.5xs on defense. There are very few guns on defense to roam with with 1.5xs going forward. We might see some more roaming Echos, too, using their Yokai drones aggressively to hunt down attackers.
Nøkk is excellent in the current meta. She’s my default pick for solo-queue ranked. You pick a different spawn from your team, play slowly and drone properly, and as the pressure ramps up on site, you come around from the back and avoid/destroy the utility in your way with a suppressor. I can consistently get 1 pretty free kill this way on someone on or near site who had no idea I was there or who had forgotten someone was pushing from a different direction to the rest of the team. The frags are the cherry on top for destroying enemy utility or getting easy kills with your drone
Nokk actually did achieve her potential in pro league, where she was one of the top 3 most banned attackers, and when she wasnt banned, it meant that the defence had to bring a trap op instead of something more beneficial to the team
there was literally no reason for dread factor's nokk change
Couldn't agree more
Ever since Nøkk launched I've been very strong-held in my view that she was a good operator and that those who wrote her off weren't doing it right.
Years later (and only a few buffs later) I am finally proven right (sort of)
I loved Nokk, tried her out in a ranked game and got a ace clutch on the first round of using her, although would rather play Zofia or someone else at the time
Nokk is one of my favorite ops to play rn
@@BMP nook
1.5s were added. There saved you the video
Great video Bruv. I really love your videos related to siege history. I have been maining siege as a game since y3s2 and feel nostalgic watching these videos
I'm glad you enjoy watching them because I enjoy making them! 💙
Nokk will get a greater pick rate when here elite skin releases
I main Nok and as you said at 6:30 proximity alarm are the main reason why I’m not playing her as much, so many operators have them and if you walk past it without destroying it the whole enemy team hears it go off. If they were to buff her to were if she has her ability on it won’t go off that would be amazing
They did do a change in test server like that at one point but never implemented it. It was probably to OP tbh
Would be far too OP. I think if they want her to be stronger they’d just need to rebalance the amount of proximity alarms available to popular defenders.
If they buff warden to can not be flashed any time would be good buff
wow, i really thought everyone thought nøkk was insane on attack. i mean the feeling of getting practically on-site undetected and getting a free pick is unmatched. i walk around with the hel on and randomly ill end up fooling a cam so it's a nice "turn on and forget" kind of ability
Fresh siege content. Love it bro.
Glad you enjoy it! 💙
Ever since his release, Warden has been one of my favorite operators to play.
i started in burnt horizon and this video made me feel old, These operators came out 4 years ago. Back then i thought some of my friends who played during the beta were old, they are ancient now.
i always knew that Warden was a viable pick, never doubt it
and now he is one speed again
Ahh throwback to when we used to get 2 operators per season I miss that but I’m not mad a 1 per season keeps things more controlled.
Nokk is i think one of the worst operators right now she had a silent step now she doesn't so her gadget is used for cams exclusively
I think another massive buff towards the pair is the 1.5x, all of their weapons are fairly decent with 1.0x scopes, but Warden especially gains such a massive buff with the Mpx 1.5x compared to the regular 1.0.
I love Nokk
Aesthetically, she is a badass and I am a solo queue player so her gadget made it easy to solo quietly flank defenders or the objective with little to no resistance.
She’s niche but I think she fits well for casual players who are not always about that teamwork
Warden is also kinda a great general pick op.
I think they can swap his gun for a slightly more powerful gun.
He wants to keep his vision unimpaired so precision should be his strong suit.
Adding an AR option would be solid.
The ARX 200 would be a decent gun for him.
High damage but low magazine capacity. Kinda like glaz but not as strong of a weapon.
It would also make him one of the few op’s to have an AR primary.
Heavy limit it’s sights to only 1x scopes and remove the vertical grip to balance it.
He will be used as a frag op just like glaz would be. He just won’t have insane flexibility.
Kinda think of him like an off brand mute. Solid Swiss Army knife style loadout for either a build for roaming or anchoring.
The 2 speed does balance him out to where he doesn’t excel quite as well even in those rolls.
The flex frag op.
I dont want to be the religious main but Nøkk was always great and there was never ANYTHING wrong with her
nah she was pretty boring
there was a running joke with my friend group that the way to fix warden was replace his gadget with the M4
This shows how long it’s been since I’ve last played Siege, he said Impact EMPs and I out loud said “what?”……
The main shift happend after they got the 1.5, it finally gives them good fragging potential
Finka and where the first to have recycled weapons, but they had an original main primary so it didn’t stand out
I didn't buy Nokk immediatley when she got released, but when I did (somewhere in Y5) she quickly became my favourite attacker and she still is
Tbh I hope people don’t start picking up nøkk because knowing the seige community they’ll complain about her until she gets nerfed and I’m really having a lot of fun on her rn
Yeah true. I love Nokk right now. She is one of my favorite ops. I hope that they don't nerf her anytime soon
What happened to the buff nook was supposed to get ages ago where they don’t set off traps
idk i feel nook and vigil and warden are such a selfish ops in a team game if you dont get kills on them you are just useless and did nothing to help your team
as underwhelming this ops in y4s2
is, both of this operator is really fun to use and for me personally especially warden since the moment i can use his ability it is so satisfying
Oh yeah I love Warden and Nokk. Nokk specifically is one of my favorite operators in ranked. Also, they have gotten a lot better recently. Both of them are pretty meta rn
So the disappointment is also im part that not only are the guns recycled, but so are the abilities - Warden is kinda like Glaz (and I guess Ying's flash immunity with his ability) on defense, and Nokk is kinda like a mix of Vigil & Cav (without her interro) on Attack.
High calibre was the season that brought me back
this was my first season where I played and had fun never really used warden but I did use nokk a bit, I have not really played since the end of year 5 start of 6 outside 10-15 games per season but finally got back into it recently and defiantly think about using warden more
I’ve loved warden for a long time now so I’m really happy to see him finally getting serious play. He’s definitely been good for a while especially with how low key strong mpx with 1.5 is. The crap damage of mpx doesn’t matter when your just knocking peoples heads off no problem. Also nitro makes getting kills through smoke almost laughably easy. I would also point out that the change a while back extending wardens gadget duration from 10 seconds to 20 definitely helped a lot since it allowed him to keep it active for most of if not all of an engagement which definitely allows the gadget to shine more often and makes you have to think much less about when to use the gadget and when to hold it for later in the engagement. I’m glad to him in a seemingly comfortable place atm.
It’s interesting how both of these operators released as genuinely good operators with useful abilities but they were only relevant on like 6 bomb sites.
well, nokk is now absolutely horrible and hardly even worth playing lol
Remember that Nokk was given an SMG instead of a rifle because they thought that she would be too op
Why do you pronounce Nøkk as Nook?
@KeagsterGg Actually Nokk and Nook are both incorrect. The devs fucked up the spelling of the word for the operators nationality. They should've spelled it Nøkke but because they did Nøkk it would technically be pronounced as either Nurk or Nukk. Those are closer correct pronounciations than Nook and Nokk but ultimately Ubisoft fucked it and never corrected the spelling or nationalality so we're left with a confusing flustercluck or language horror.
I remember Nokk at one point being undetectable to traps and getting a form so Silent Step. We’re those temporary changes on the test server or something?
They were testing out that as a complete rework during a test server season - but then decided to scrap it after.
another great vid!
@@BMP ❤️🥺
I love the changes. But I hate the recoil of FMG.
hell yeah, someone finally higlights phantom sight as the sadest two operator releases in history
and like BMP highlited, nokk is extremely lackluster due to tons of traps, intel operators are simply too weak not to mention echo can see if nokk is doing her stealth thing, so can mozzie, which is very wierd lol
enabled me to know where nokk was coming from as echo many times
I really love Nokk. But her major problem is, that she needs to know where enemy cams are in order to use her gadget effectively. Also she should be able to sneak through traps and proximity alarms.
I remember picking Nokk to counter Kapkan some years ago, just to realize that she doesn't work like this
She would be far too overpowered if she ignored traps. She’s already very strong and is a popular pick in the highest ranks of the game. With some good droning and smart thinking her gadget is excellent and her frags clinch some easy kills. Being able to destroy defender confidence in proximity alarms would be too strong an effect.
Saying that, I do think her gadget should possibly let her get past Fenrir’s gadget, but that’s more to serve as a nerf for him rather than a buff for her.
Both ops became meta because pros came up with new ideas and tried stuff out. Everyone is so fixated on the best possible thing to win until a pro uses a “useless” operator then the op becomes either meta or viable.
Nokk was just entirely recycled from different operators, there is absolutely nothing unique to her. Lesion's shotgun, Smoke's smg, Valk/Blackbeard's Deagle, the 5.7, and her ability was just Vigil and Caveira heavily nerfed and jammed together.
Idk, the bee dude (Grim - had to google his name as he's never picked lol) is hard to beat in being underwhelming
Warden is my go to forever and with this huge jump in play he’s getting I’m afraid of a nerf 😭
Still waiting for that nokk buff Ubisoft showed a year ago
I play nokk religiously. Not because i think her gadget is op or that her guns are great. I just absolutely love her design!
I honestly prefer an op have a good gadget but bad guns than vice versa. I feel like they should remove nokk's nades and make her gadget not set off any traps other than frost mats since it's a physical contact. Ubisoft did not handle her well.
These videos are amazing
Thanks mate 💙
Ngl, I’m almost certain Wardens gadget has almost nothing to do with his pick rate in ranked
I think its mostly the nitro with his 1.5. If he loses either it would likely hurt him a lot. But his gadget still contributes a little
Honestly from my experience, when i see a Warden in game its either a complete moron who just cant shoot for some reason or a complete god who should play in high diamond, never in the middle.
I'm glad Nokk isn't picked more. That way I can use her ^^
God I hated phantom sight. definitely my least favorite season and I'm not just saying that because of the operator's and lack of content but because of the invisible/invincible IQ bug that plagued ranked around that time that took ubi the entire season to "fix". There was also the shield bug that defenders could do so that the deployable shield would cover their head or body making them almost unkillable so Ubi responded by taking away the deployable shields for an entire season (I think) until it got reworked later and if all that wasn't bad enough there was also a clash glitch where she could SHOOT WITH HER SHIELD STILL OUT that caused her to be taken out of the operator pool for weeks until ubi fixed her as well...
And don't even get me started on the constant Ddos attacks and mnk players on console.
It really was (IMO) the worst season on siege at least on console
Less ops have grenades now so more flashes & smokes hence more warden
I want Lord Tachanka to be in the top 10 cause me maining him might be the only reason he isnt that far down on the graph
Im that 1% Nökk main back in the days lmao (just love the fmg9 even tho the ability is VERY situational)
Didn’t Goyo and Amaru also only have recycled weapons??
Nokk is never going to have a high pick rate. Not because she isn't worth picking, but because she should only get picked once per match.
Her gadget is extremely potent when it comes as a surprise, she can be inside and possibly even on site completely unnoticed by the defenders and backstab out of nowhere. But once you've done it once the defenders adapt and make it hard to get real value out of her again in that match. Better to switch operator then.
Where is smoke meta video
I wonder what the community reaction would be if grim got released back then
I remember warden he had the worst ability by far when he came out
weird thing is, glaz didnt become meta even tho he got buffed, if he was buffed then, warden wouldve been perfect meta
Ngl... they've always been strong... they just actually require skill to use which alot of ops don't...
If you use them correctly, its def worth it
next video twitch, flores, and brava
That is coming. But It likely wont be the next video
They need to put a map of the White House to this game asap. Or Pentagon. Something different instead of a bunch of “reworks”
Grim will get a similar video in a year or 2.
Oh yeah trust me. If there was stuff to talk about, he'd get a video lol
I recently played Thorn but forgotten I had what’s been dubbed as the “uwu” skin from the winter event. My team just lit me up and gave me hate in chat. Didn’t realise it triggered so many 😂
Warden is played in every game now
My mains in siege for attackers are Gridlock/ Lion/Ace and on Defense it’s Warden/Goyo/Thorn
Those 5/6 operators are the underdogs of siege and is why I love using them cause no-one knows how to counter them. It’s a shame how woke the game has gotten. Maybe next season I’ll give it a shot
I guess send and grim are not on your radar even though grim is never picked in ranked and sens just sucks bc his gadget is a double edge blade?
Can you make next time Best traper pleas
You should compare Twitch, Zero, and Brava .
I plan on doing a Twitch Vs Brava Vs Flores
@BeastModPlayer Or you can compare Dokkabei vs. Brava since they have more in common because they are hackers.
Grab some snacks bro it’s a 7 minute video
I loved void edge
Warden was ALL OVER the invitational. Not bad for the worst character in the game
I miss the new weapons ;-;
i feel like the dude wearing a two piece suit should prob be a 3 speed... just saying
The "ø" in Nøkk is pronounced "uh", not like an "o"
Warden and nokk have the best guns in the game and warden is the 2nd best roamer imo
When people pronounce nokk as nook
its pronounced I ana not yana. her name isnt the celtic name spelled that same way but a variation of Diana the Roman deity.
Grim? Grim isn't here? How?
still the coolest looking ones
Am i the only one who never give a f... about new weapon? They add nothing to the game since longtime.
warden is a good op idk what you are talking about
Who is nook
Warden got a 1.5 and in the swing everyone meta. He’s perfect
No one like attacking thats why shes less picked than warden
No one remembers Warden?
That launch was sad.