I'm agnostic, and I doubt that will change any time soon. But I applaud the side of Christianity that advocates a sense of community, betterment, and humility. I may disagree with you on how the universe works, but I deeply respect Christians who advocate their faith by helping others, rather than threatening them with hell. I can't say I will pray for you, but I do wish you a happy healthy life.
this video is amazing!!!!! it really shows that a church will accept anyone no matter what they have done because they care about you and and your soul and where it is directed! great job! =)
I've seen this video before and I really like it how God brought together all sinners. Our church feels the same way. No one gets turned away.Great video!!!!God Bless All.
God never punishes us for our mistakes. He blesses, or he does nothing to help (which happens when you don't follow him), but he never punishes. And he speaks to us through our hearts, not our ears. My mother literally heard him once in her life, but that doesn't usually happen. You'd feel a tug on your heart when he is telling you that you should do something. You can tell too, that it isn't yourself. I've felt it a few times, a powerful tug that I don't understand. All indescribable feelings!
Amazed at the level of hate in the comments here. The video isn't attacking anyone yet so many anonymous people are looking to attack it. It's a sign of the way people are looking to direct all their anger and rage at "religion" without looking at humanity (or themselves) itself.
To atheists who clearly search for God and his love: there is NO EVIDENCE about our belief. That's why it is called FAITH. If we have an evidence, that is science, knowledge. We BELIEVE God exists. St. Paul says: "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." I don't see why would atheists worry about 'us being wrong'.
I don't know of any atheists worrying about you being wrong. Why don't you have faith in Thor or Zeus. Exactly! The same reason that faith in Jehovah or Allah is pure nonsense with no evidence.
Merry Christmas... The Outrageous Truth You will not go to hell because you are a liar, no more than you will go to heaven because you always tell the truth. You will not go to hell because you are a drunkard, no more than you will go to heaven because you are sober and humble. You will not go to hell because you are a thief no more than you will go to heaven because you tithe in the offering plate. You will not go to hell because you are a murderer, no more than you will go to heaven because you are a "good" person. You will not go to hell because you are a rapist, no more than you will go to heaven because you were an eagle scout. You will not go to hell because you are homosexual, no more than you will go to heaven because you've had the same spouse for over 50 years. The truth is, no one goes to hell or heaven because of one's deeds good or evil. The issue of a heavenly destination and eternal life is not about one's accomplishments or failures, but rather one's belief. For us today in the dispensation of the grace of God, trusting that God came to earth manifest in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ as was foretold in scripture to abolish the enmity between Himself and the world is the gateway that leads to heaven. It is the belief that the promise of eternal life through Christ's own faith to trust that his Father would provide a way home for Him through His voluntary and necessary self sacrifice, (that is the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of His son from the dead) is attained by anyone by simply trusting in that faith. It is God's gift offer to His own fallen creation. It is free, instant and eternal. 2 Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
thatjustinguy...grace and peace! I absolutely love the commercials you all produce. We're interested in creating some for our local church. Could you direct me? What software do you use? God bless...
@synclavier123 The seasoned eye can identify the formulas and production techniques used in the video and thus not be emotionally swayed. Still, bottom-line is that the video presents us with people's testimonies, which we should test by visiting church a little more to see for myself if their church is as accepting/welcoming/helpful as they claim to be. It's scientific/reasonable to test a claim, regardless of how the claim was presented. Same goes for negative testimonials.
@solyd2 I totally understand what you're saying about God creating everything and being in nature. I learn a lot about God just by observing and admiring what He's created. But I also think we were created for community and relationships, so church is vital. It's a place where Christ-followers can just talk, learn, share, and help each other. Pray for one another...keep each other accountable, and all that.
@proprodigySD I wasn't actually aiming to give counter arguments to any of your points it was more that I was curious about your opinions (I didn't mention you third point either). 2) I thought that was you were referring to, I just wanted to clarify. 4) I don't read the bible as an account of life etc that is meant to be interpreted literally throughout and all reading of it must involve interpretation, based on context of the words around and time period and so on, as with any book...
Praise God for you trying to encourage people. God bless your ministry. I pray that the Bible is taught there and that people truly can come as they are, but are also shown the light that alone can change us...the light that is God's Word, that leads to ALL truth and that allows people to see Jesus and His purpose for our lives. I pray that there is honesty there about what sin is and the fact that Jesus came to save us FROM it...so people can be saved ! God bless x
Even if He doesn't exist, I will still pray to Him because I feel awesome when I pray, I feel safer and I've seen too many miracles to be a non believer. Altough you have a hard heart, Jesus loves you and I think he is happy you are searching for God - I will pray for you.
(part 1) First of all, congrats on a very witty and well executed video. I was intrigued to read the many strongly worded responses to it (not all pleasant, but all very interesting and personal nonetheless), and the only thing i have to say is that, well, all the issues that people have with the church is because Christians are imperfect people. But thankfully enough, we believe in a Perfect God.
Hi LadyyJay1, thanks for your comment. Have you considered attending church online? lifechurch.tv is really great. You can also attend my church online (we made this video for Central) by going to centralonline.tv. We broadcast out service over the web several times a week and hundreds of people participate. Give it a try sometime!
@ralphzimmermann Okay, I'm not looking for an argument, or putting down your views. I am just curious. So how do you think this complex world and universe came about? Do you think it was all an accident that we are here on this earth?
@blueskunk12 hallelujah means, "praise Jah.""Jah" is the shortened form of the name "Jehovah," so they are really saying, "praise Jehovah." and what is your evidence please?
@BrotherMichael1000 Question, are the faithful, sold out disciples of Jesus Christ, commanded to attend and support the ungodly, sick, apostate modern churches that propagate a false Gospel? Did those who gathered together after Pentecost as described in Acts 2:41-47; 4:32-37 assemble together in churches built by human hands or assemble in homes? Do we attend churches who main focus is entertainment and growth, and not on teaching strongly on repentance, etc? What about 2 Cor.6:17-18 command?
Dear deathtothefoxes, How can you say that believing in God means you're weak. Serving God has been one of the hardest things I've decided to do. It's not always hard but to put faith in something you can't see doesn't mean your weak. And it never says that God will pay your "car bills", "mortgage payments" or anything else you dig yourself into, but it does say he will provide. Through the good times and the bad. And I thoroughly believe that.
@solyd I am actually writing a paper on that very same question! The church is both universal and local. The local church is a visible expression of the universal body of Christ. Love is the distinguishing mark of the church and is the essence of church membership. We join a church for the good of ourselves since without it, we will starve spiritually. We join a church for the good of others, as we hold each other accountable and build each other up in Christian friendship.
@Vanta no of course they won't mind. How else are you supposed to understand anyhing? but for some reason people get offensive of there belifs and get angry when people question it. I don't know why, but they do. If you have any questions you can always message me, and I'll try to answer them. I promise I wont be offended or get angry.
For some reason, I just have a feeling that they did not list all the possible reasons in this video, and that yours is included if you dare to go to talk to the pastor of that church, and even if you don't go, Jesus loves you madly. Hope this helps,
To 'thatjustinguy'. GREAT VIDEO! would you be willing to brand this video for a church in another state for their use for their church? If so, that would you charge for that?
@zalkarn You have an interesting worldview. Some churches do REQUIRE donations, I know of people who were excommunicated for refusing to tithe. I wouldn't have asked for money if I didn't need it. Please stop praying, you're talking to no one thinking that you'll be rewarded after death for your life of mock piety. You're only fooling yourself. Someone who could speak the universe into existence could certainly make his own cash.
@QueenAnime99 IF you DO go to any church, just remember these 4 points: (1) Come AS YOU ARE (Don't worry about how you are dressed) (2) You have nothing to prove to ANYONE. (3) IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN YOUR PAST. ALL IS FORGIVEN. The slate is wiped clean. It is a new beginning. (4) You are a child of GOD and he loves you more than ANY BODY ELSE. AND HE IS PROUD OF YOU.
I looked up thermodynamics on wikipedia, I don't see what it has to do with any of this though. A video that I watched recently suggested that maybe after the universe is destroyed it re-creates itself. This means that there was a universe before the big bang but after it stop expanding everything got pulled into one singular point causing an explosion to restart the process. This takes roughly 13 trillion years. With this being possible the universe can have existed forever from natural laws.
Interestingly, the first major proponent of the big bang was Lemaitre, who was a Belgian Augustinian priest. Some of his peers at that time said they were uncomfortable with theory, because they felt it had too much similarity to the Christian idea of a created earth ("created" does not necessarily mean within seven days, but rather implies an intention of existence. I would hope most people would realise that the earth is probably 4.54 million years old).
@darthgorbag I would also like to clarify that I say "church" here to mean the individual sense--1 building is a church of 1denomination, with certain people who attend it regularly. There are millions of churches in the world, that are all part of the "Church" (capital C): aka "Christianity", or "The Body of Chirst." Just like a good apple tree can worms in some apples, some churches get messed up by their people. Don't let a bad batch convince you that the whole tree (or Church) is rotten.
@proprodigySD I am a Christian with huge doubts but I just want to pick up on a couple of points you mentioned: 2) what are you meaning/including in that? 4) so do I and so do the majority of Christians - Christianity teaches that sex was created by God, I believe that Christianity and science can coexist, I like people - gay, straight, bi. Some churches are anti-science and homophobic but most are not so blind. 5) preferring to just live does not mean salvation is not needed. :-)
@nvaughn702 - Praise God :-) I am really happy for you! I pray that your relationship with Christ is the main thing and that even if one day you don't love the church as much you still love Jesus as much lol Also, no matter how nice a church, always make sure they preach the Word of God and not just feel good sermons to make people want to attend and spend... I live in the UK so a little far for me to attend, but thank you for being welcoming. God bless you :-)
@xxRockst4r SO TRUE! But, the garage was built with the car in mind, and the church is built for Christians - you dont go simple to be one, you go because that's who you are. Great point xxRockst4r... But just like a garage all vehicle are welcome, but unlike a garage - if you come and stay long enough you will become a Christian (follower of Christ, not just a convert, but a disciple.)
@sphereofinfluence247 Although you are correct in what you say, it does say in the Bible to worship with other members of the church; which is why churches were created, so we all would know where to go to be with other believers.
no. I meant: why do we need experience? when are we going to use it? yes. i have heard about it and i don't believe in it. i believe in God only because i experienced many things with Him
He's so good because he let his son get beaten and crucified, because he lets disease, famine and countless horrible things happen. God is amazing bullshit. If he is real, which is unlikely, he's a dick.
So God just lets that happen. If you saw a person getting raped and tortured and you had the ability to stop it would you. Because God wouldn't. Besides a flying man who can create a planet in 7 days is stupid and mythological.
@Th3 King86 Just observing the nature that surrounds you and seeing that it's perfect even in its smallest details. There has to be a creator behind this! How can you still believe that there is no God?!
To all the haters out there Christian or not.....God had loved you since before you were born and he has a purpose for creating you. He has a plan for your life. Don't waste a moment more of your time here on earth by arguing about this video. Go out and fulfill the reason you exist.
This is my personal experience. So different than anything in this video. I am somewhat grateful my parents made me go as a child because I never had one second to get in trouble. On the other hand our whole life centered around church. Which means I missed so much of life. There was no balance and I was not allowed an opinion about anything. When I studied alone I began to see that many man made ideas were added and enforced. I never had a close relationship with Christ until I stopped going. While I'm the first to defend my fellow Christians by telling people we are never perfect, my experience was really bad. There was so much judgement of others. So much lying and hate behind closed doors too. It was not always aimed at me so I'm not talking about "church hurt ". I just couldn't be a part of it anymore. I have to answer to Christ for what I do to others. How I treat them and how it made them feel. But I feel no need to answer to a church. Sorry, I mean no disrespect but it's true. I just don't think that's correct. So if someone could address this I would be more than willing to listen. And please don't say it doesn't happen in every church. That is just an excuse because it shouldn't happen at all. Please don't tell me they were wrong because I already know that. Please don't tell me to try other churches because I've been there done that. Then I would like to know what I can do to change my opinion about attending church instead of just being told I need to without cause. Please help me change my opinion instead of calling me rebellious. The only thing I have rebelled against is man made teaching and scorn.
It's so sad and terrifying that nobody really goes to church anymore I looked it up on Google and it said that only 31% go many reasons that people don't 1 because it seems like the pastor only cares about the money 2.people are hypocrites they say one thing and do another and condemn you for the same thing that they do 3. people are judgmental for service can be too long. I just hope that things will change in that people will find a way back to church but not just going but get involved and do with their called to do
@ALetterofChrist They also mentioned Jewish, who don't believe in Jesus period. The point was it doesn't matter how you were raised up, what matters is that you come to the true God and start healing.
Awesome message. Hard to argue with this.
Na easy
I'm agnostic, and I doubt that will change any time soon. But I applaud the side of Christianity that advocates a sense of community, betterment, and humility. I may disagree with you on how the universe works, but I deeply respect Christians who advocate their faith by helping others, rather than threatening them with hell. I can't say I will pray for you, but I do wish you a happy healthy life.
this video is amazing!!!!! it really shows that a church will accept anyone no matter what they have done because they care about you and and your soul and where it is directed! great job! =)
"Where it's Okay to not be Okay." That is something I often feel in need of... :/
I've seen this video before and I really like it how God brought together all sinners. Our church feels the same way. No one gets turned away.Great video!!!!God Bless All.
I love the big guys "You wanna say that again?!" haha
God never punishes us for our mistakes. He blesses, or he does nothing to help (which happens when you don't follow him), but he never punishes. And he speaks to us through our hearts, not our ears. My mother literally heard him once in her life, but that doesn't usually happen. You'd feel a tug on your heart when he is telling you that you should do something. You can tell too, that it isn't yourself. I've felt it a few times, a powerful tug that I don't understand. All indescribable feelings!
Obviously, God forgot to tell Jerry Falwell that when he blamed the September 11, 2002 terrorist attacks on the LGBTQ community.
I just believe in my father who gave me everything that was his, and took everything that was mine. I love Jesus Christ.
after 15 years, i still love this video. Its so inspirational :)
Don't let church be a routine...make it something you love and its not so bad to see your sunday friends :D
Nice video... Hopefully we can visit you guys when we come through...
@shorty40 We used a licensed production track from apmmusic.com
Very nicely done. Actually makes me consider going back to church.
Amazed at the level of hate in the comments here. The video isn't attacking anyone yet so many anonymous people are looking to attack it. It's a sign of the way people are looking to direct all their anger and rage at "religion" without looking at humanity (or themselves) itself.
+Greg Hl ,
With all due respect the video doesn't seem to address much. It's more like a self-defense video.
fuck you too
Well said. it doesn't begin to address the actual problems many people have with church and Christianity.
Does "God" really want us their? Or does the church want a little more "donations".
CHURCH is awesome! woot!
@rc166361 We mostly use Final Cut Pro and After Effects
To atheists who clearly search for God and his love: there is NO EVIDENCE about our belief. That's why it is called FAITH. If we have an evidence, that is science, knowledge. We BELIEVE God exists.
St. Paul says: "Faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see."
I don't see why would atheists worry about 'us being wrong'.
I don't know of any atheists worrying about you being wrong. Why don't you have faith in Thor or Zeus. Exactly! The same reason that faith in Jehovah or Allah is pure nonsense with no evidence.
this really blessed me today. thank you.
I really enjoy these vids you are doing for Central Christian.
Merry Christmas...
The Outrageous Truth
You will not go to hell because you are a liar,
no more than you will go to heaven because you always tell the truth.
You will not go to hell because you are a drunkard,
no more than you will go to heaven because you are sober and humble.
You will not go to hell because you are a thief
no more than you will go to heaven because you tithe in the offering plate.
You will not go to hell because you are a murderer,
no more than you will go to heaven because you are a "good" person.
You will not go to hell because you are a rapist,
no more than you will go to heaven because you were an eagle scout.
You will not go to hell because you are homosexual,
no more than you will go to heaven because you've had the same spouse for over 50 years.
The truth is, no one goes to hell or heaven because of one's deeds good or evil.
The issue of a heavenly destination and eternal life is not about one's accomplishments or failures, but rather one's belief.
For us today in the dispensation of the grace of God, trusting that God came to earth manifest in the flesh in the person of Jesus Christ as was foretold in scripture to abolish the enmity between Himself and the world is the gateway that leads to heaven.
It is the belief that the promise of eternal life through Christ's own faith to trust that his Father would provide a way home for Him through His voluntary and necessary self sacrifice, (that is the crucifixion, burial and resurrection of His son from the dead) is attained by anyone by simply trusting in that faith.
It is God's gift offer to His own fallen creation. It is free, instant and eternal.
2 Co 5:21 For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.
Ephesians 2:8 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: 9 Not of works, lest any man should boast.
does anybody know the song name? or artist? or a music that sounds like this one? thanks!
which is the soundtrack to this wonderful video?
every sunday i go to church and it's so refreshing than i go to mall. JESUS always bless me, thanks JESUS our savior
my church is similar to this one. I LOVE my church.
absolutely love it! about to send it to a couple of friends who have doubts about church
I love this...especially the wimpy men part. Great message
what is experience for?
what is your theory based on? how would you possibly know all that?
thatjustinguy...grace and peace! I absolutely love the commercials you all produce. We're interested in creating some for our local church. Could you direct me? What software do you use? God bless...
@synclavier123 The seasoned eye can identify the formulas and production techniques used in the video and thus not be emotionally swayed. Still, bottom-line is that the video presents us with people's testimonies, which we should test by visiting church a little more to see for myself if their church is as accepting/welcoming/helpful as they claim to be. It's scientific/reasonable to test a claim, regardless of how the claim was presented. Same goes for negative testimonials.
is anywhere this video subtitled in spanish??
@jubani93 That's sort of the whole point of the video? Doesn't matter your background, you can still come to church.
That was very powerful.
@solyd2 I totally understand what you're saying about God creating everything and being in nature. I learn a lot about God just by observing and admiring what He's created. But I also think we were created for community and relationships, so church is vital. It's a place where Christ-followers can just talk, learn, share, and help each other. Pray for one another...keep each other accountable, and all that.
this is a really great video
I want to translate it to my church, in Brasil.
Can you wirte the full words? I cant understand some of them!
@proprodigySD I wasn't actually aiming to give counter arguments to any of your points it was more that I was curious about your opinions (I didn't mention you third point either). 2) I thought that was you were referring to, I just wanted to clarify. 4) I don't read the bible as an account of life etc that is meant to be interpreted literally throughout and all reading of it must involve interpretation, based on context of the words around and time period and so on, as with any book...
Praise God for you trying to encourage people. God bless your ministry.
I pray that the Bible is taught there and that people truly can come as they are, but are also shown the light that alone can change us...the light that is God's Word, that leads to ALL truth and that allows people to see Jesus and His purpose for our lives.
I pray that there is honesty there about what sin is and the fact that Jesus came to save us FROM it...so people can be saved !
God bless x
What do you mean by anywhere?
i would love to be able to download this... id love to share this with pwople....
Even if He doesn't exist, I will still pray to Him because I feel awesome when I pray, I feel safer and I've seen too many miracles to be a non believer. Altough you have a hard heart, Jesus loves you and I think he is happy you are searching for God - I will pray for you.
@miggy22godinez Where is this Church located??
a wonderful clip.... god bless you!!
(part 1) First of all, congrats on a very witty and well executed video. I was intrigued to read the many strongly worded responses to it (not all pleasant, but all very interesting and personal nonetheless), and the only thing i have to say is that, well, all the issues that people have with the church is because Christians are imperfect people. But thankfully enough, we believe in a Perfect God.
Hi LadyyJay1, thanks for your comment. Have you considered attending church online? lifechurch.tv is really great. You can also attend my church online (we made this video for Central) by going to centralonline.tv. We broadcast out service over the web several times a week and hundreds of people participate. Give it a try sometime!
Awesome media ministry you guys!
I love this 💛💛
Really spoke to me xx
So true. Church is where we praise the true and the living God. Amen
@ralphzimmermann Okay, I'm not looking for an argument, or putting down your views. I am just curious. So how do you think this complex world and universe came about? Do you think it was all an accident that we are here on this earth?
hallelujah means, "praise Jah.""Jah" is the shortened form of the name "Jehovah," so they are really saying, "praise Jehovah."
and what is your evidence please?
I don't go to church because the thing that is worshiped there does not actually exist
@ladamadelcaribe - what history made you loose your faith ?
@BrotherMichael1000 Question, are the faithful, sold out disciples of Jesus Christ, commanded to attend and support the ungodly, sick, apostate modern churches that propagate a false Gospel? Did those who gathered together after Pentecost as described in Acts 2:41-47; 4:32-37 assemble together in churches built by human hands or assemble in homes? Do we attend churches who main focus is entertainment and growth, and not on teaching strongly on repentance, etc? What about 2 Cor.6:17-18 command?
Awesome and great! Pass it on and this is the truth forn God!!!! Amen!
@eliciamobley Was that question directed to me? I'm probably older than you think but not sure why it's relevant.
There's in other languages, at least the texts or subtitles? (Portuguese)
@ilonka311 well what's the bad side of christianity??
The true church of God is filled with imperfect people but perfected by the grace of God!
What a great video. Central Christian rocks!
question, if you dont believe in any of this and are not thinking about it yourself then what has brought you to watch this video
Jade Perry so I can slam any arguments people try to throw at me during family gatherings...
Small mustard seed of hope but to be honest I really don't want to go to church
Dear deathtothefoxes, How can you say that believing in God means you're weak. Serving God has been one of the hardest things I've decided to do. It's not always hard but to put faith in something you can't see doesn't mean your weak. And it never says that God will pay your "car bills", "mortgage payments" or anything else you dig yourself into, but it does say he will provide. Through the good times and the bad. And I thoroughly believe that.
@solyd I am actually writing a paper on that very same question! The church is both universal and local. The local church is a visible expression of the universal body of Christ. Love is the distinguishing mark of the church and is the essence of church membership. We join a church for the good of ourselves since without it, we will starve spiritually. We join a church for the good of others, as we hold each other accountable and build each other up in Christian friendship.
The only reason I am not going to church is I am sick. Every other day I do go to church. Church is awesome!!
@sweetsweatyfeet actually is that a reason or choice?
@Vanta no of course they won't mind. How else are you supposed to understand anyhing? but for some reason people get offensive of there belifs and get angry when people question it. I don't know why, but they do. If you have any questions you can always message me, and I'll try to answer them. I promise I wont be offended or get angry.
For some reason, I just have a feeling that they did not list all the possible reasons in this video, and that yours is included if you dare to go to talk to the pastor of that church, and even if you don't go, Jesus loves you madly. Hope this helps,
To 'thatjustinguy'. GREAT VIDEO! would you be willing to brand this video for a church in another state for their use for their church? If so, that would you charge for that?
My reason is that I like sleeping in on the weekends and feel no need to get out of bed early to go to church.
If I ever went to church, I'd love to go to one like this.
Right. Actually presenting evidence pushes you further from truth, while having no evidence and making things up is a sure way to understand reality.
@zalkarn You have an interesting worldview. Some churches do REQUIRE donations, I know of people who were excommunicated for refusing to tithe. I wouldn't have asked for money if I didn't need it. Please stop praying, you're talking to no one thinking that you'll be rewarded after death for your life of mock piety. You're only fooling yourself. Someone who could speak the universe into existence could certainly make his own cash.
@QueenAnime99 IF you DO go to any church, just remember these 4 points:
(1) Come AS YOU ARE (Don't worry about how you are dressed)
(2) You have nothing to prove to ANYONE.
(3) IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU DID IN YOUR PAST. ALL IS FORGIVEN. The slate is wiped clean. It is a new beginning.
(4) You are a child of GOD and he loves you more than ANY BODY ELSE. AND HE IS PROUD OF YOU.
I looked up thermodynamics on wikipedia, I don't see what it has to do with any of this though. A video that I watched recently suggested that maybe after the universe is destroyed it re-creates itself. This means that there was a universe before the big bang but after it stop expanding everything got pulled into one singular point causing an explosion to restart the process. This takes roughly 13 trillion years. With this being possible the universe can have existed forever from natural laws.
@dutchmcgee101 mmmk. i still dont get it....
Interestingly, the first major proponent of the big bang was Lemaitre, who was a Belgian Augustinian priest. Some of his peers at that time said they were uncomfortable with theory, because they felt it had too much similarity to the Christian idea of a created earth ("created" does not necessarily mean within seven days, but rather implies an intention of existence. I would hope most people would realise that the earth is probably 4.54 million years old).
What happens after death? Why do we live?
Great video! It is amazing how God reconciles and brings together all types of recovering sinners to praise his name! Encouraging video.
how do i get a british woman to come to my church and narrate my videos? :)
@darthgorbag I would also like to clarify that I say "church" here to mean the individual sense--1 building is a church of 1denomination, with certain people who attend it regularly.
There are millions of churches in the world, that are all part of the "Church" (capital C): aka "Christianity", or "The Body of Chirst."
Just like a good apple tree can worms in some apples, some churches get messed up by their people. Don't let a bad batch convince you that the whole tree (or Church) is rotten.
@proprodigySD I am a Christian with huge doubts but I just want to pick up on a couple of points you mentioned:
2) what are you meaning/including in that?
4) so do I and so do the majority of Christians - Christianity teaches that sex was created by God, I believe that Christianity and science can coexist, I like people - gay, straight, bi. Some churches are anti-science and homophobic but most are not so blind.
5) preferring to just live does not mean salvation is not needed. :-)
@ralphzimmermann So what kind of friend are you?
@nvaughn702 - Praise God :-) I am really happy for you!
I pray that your relationship with Christ is the main thing and that even if one day you don't love the church as much you still love Jesus as much lol
Also, no matter how nice a church, always make sure they preach the Word of God and not just feel good sermons to make people want to attend and spend...
I live in the UK so a little far for me to attend, but thank you for being welcoming.
God bless you :-)
@xxRockst4r SO TRUE! But, the garage was built with the car in mind, and the church is built for Christians - you dont go simple to be one, you go because that's who you are. Great point xxRockst4r... But just like a garage all vehicle are welcome, but unlike a garage - if you come and stay long enough you will become a Christian (follower of Christ, not just a convert, but a disciple.)
i love this video i dunno y but i think its quite touching in a way :' )
I think I cam on here asking the wrong question so I will ask another. Is there any point in going to church if you are athiest?
@sphereofinfluence247 Although you are correct in what you say, it does say in the Bible to worship with other members of the church; which is why churches were created, so we all would know where to go to be with other believers.
@blueskunk12 I'll be willing to discuss these things with you... if you want to.
no. I meant: why do we need experience? when are we going to use it?
yes. i have heard about it and i don't believe in it. i believe in God only because i experienced many things with Him
I believe in God and love him.
I hope all of the nonbelievers here find God and learn how amazing He is.
+Becca S I live in Pgh Pa. I found that the only thing they care about $$$.
He's so good because he let his son get beaten and crucified, because he lets disease, famine and countless horrible things happen. God is amazing bullshit. If he is real, which is unlikely, he's a dick.
God IS real. He has a plan and everything has a purpose.
What like torturing and killing millions of people.
So God just lets that happen. If you saw a person getting raped and tortured and you had the ability to stop it would you. Because God wouldn't. Besides a flying man who can create a planet in 7 days is stupid and mythological.
how old are you?
You are still welcome to join us!
@Th3 King86
Just observing the nature that surrounds you and seeing that it's perfect even in its smallest details. There has to be a creator behind this! How can you still believe that there is no God?!
To all the haters out there Christian or not.....God had loved you since before you were born and he has a purpose for creating you. He has a plan for your life. Don't waste a moment more of your time here on earth by arguing about this video. Go out and fulfill the reason you exist.
This is my personal experience. So different than anything in this video.
I am somewhat grateful my parents made me go as a child because I never had one second to get in trouble. On the other hand our whole life centered around church. Which means I missed so much of life. There was no balance and I was not allowed an opinion about anything. When I studied alone I began to see that many man made ideas were added and enforced. I never had a close relationship with Christ until I stopped going.
While I'm the first to defend my fellow Christians by telling people we are never perfect, my experience was really bad. There was so much judgement of others. So much lying and hate behind closed doors too. It was not always aimed at me so I'm not talking about "church hurt ". I just couldn't be a part of it anymore. I have to answer to Christ for what I do to others. How I treat them and how it made them feel. But I feel no need to answer to a church. Sorry, I mean no disrespect but it's true. I just don't think that's correct.
So if someone could address this I would be more than willing to listen. And please don't say it doesn't happen in every church. That is just an excuse because it shouldn't happen at all. Please don't tell me they were wrong because I already know that. Please don't tell me to try other churches because I've been there done that. Then I would like to know what I can do to change my opinion about attending church instead of just being told I need to without cause. Please help me change my opinion instead of calling me rebellious. The only thing I have rebelled against is man made teaching and scorn.
Great truths ! But... I have stopped going to church anyway, because I discovered that we ARE the church.
It's so sad and terrifying that nobody really goes to church anymore I looked it up on Google and it said that only 31% go many reasons that people don't 1
because it seems like the pastor only cares about the money 2.people are hypocrites they say one thing and do another and condemn you for the same thing that they do 3. people are judgmental for service can be too long. I just hope that things will change in that people will find a way back to church but not just going but get involved and do with their called to do
"where socks are optional" best part of the video :)
@ALetterofChrist They also mentioned Jewish, who don't believe in Jesus period. The point was it doesn't matter how you were raised up, what matters is that you come to the true God and start healing.