Great job. Learned a lot from this video and I like the way you diagnosed the problem just seeing the frozen pipe. That shows you know what you are talking about. Thanks for sharing
There's actually some hackery at my church. The oldest units (some Trane Odysseys and a Trane XB 1000 all or which are from 2001) are mounted on stilts and the maintenance people left behind some capacitors and even a compressor down there.
Really good Work! Great Find! Great Video! Yep, that copper spun drier was definately coming apart. i'm Guessing in Arizona heat those copper spun driers are allways discentigrating. i Can't Believe that compressor was still running. You Earned your Money on that one!
at 407 look at how bent the liquid line is this alone will eventually cause a restriction and flash gas. the original hack didn't use an inert gas during brazing of the first TXV that's a lot of carbon. and it plugs the txv .
+dale lankford It isn't nearly as bad as it looks. And the pressures were perfect. And if it wasn't restricting now, it isn't "eventually going to cause a restriction". LOL. Shit. You should see inside some of the factory tee's where refer has to hit a wall and change directions, etc. A deformed piece of 3/8 isn't crap.
maybe it was camera angle I Will trust your word for it I wasn't there it just looked really bent , as far as the restriction it still looks like poor brazing upon the install. I know this because I came behind myself about five years after an install and the txv was loaded with carbon sad thing was it was my house the carbon held the txv wide open and cause liquid feed back into the compressor and busted the valves expensive lesson always use 1to 3 psi of nitrogen while brazing your refrigerant lines.
Great find and fix! Had similar pressures on a milk cooler, gauge went off the scale! turns out installing company had crossed the liquid lines over on two system, they'd adjusted the hp switch so it wouldn't trip... I linked the two receivers together with some 1/4" till i could get back there with a scaffold and fitting to re pipe it!
Might have been the pressure equalizing through the TXV, maybe allowing the check valve to cycle, etc. I've heard some strange noises every now and then. Some people add a liquid line solenoid to stop all refer flow (migration) when the compressor stops.
wow 450+ psi on r22, crazy! boy are they glad you came to take a look! We got taken a few years back in texas. We had 5 ton Carrier heat pump for the down stairs and a 1.5 ton straight cool for upstairs (thing was so tiny!) the 1.5 ton was over sized for upstairs but worked very well. The indoor unit started shuddering every time it shut off (Any idea what caused this?) and the hvac guy just pumped it even more full of r22, week later, indoor coil blew up, so we got a new indoor air handler....
Could that small factory filter dryer cause the high side to be low,low side has enough pressure,just my high side is low,got r22 split system 65 psi low side,hight side is on 110 psi,normally is gotta be on 210psi on high side,symtem is 25yrs old york
Its hard to find an honest HVAC tech as they usually want you to replace the compressor, evaporator or the entire unit without actually diagnosing the problem. I see a lucky customer here with a good tech.
whenever I see a bullet drier it raises a red flag, shows the manufacturer being cheap, makes me wonder about the rest of their product. I've opened a lot of txvs and found debree, supco oil additive disolves the crud the best.
Yeah the packing from the cheesy filter drier plugged real good against that screen! I couldn't blow through it but I guess when they overcharged it the 450 PSI blew through it enough to cool the home.
Those little copper spun dryers are crap. I don't know why mfrs even bother. I usually oversize my liquid line filters for a bit extra capacity. The old timer I once worked with got me in that habit. Great catch and Good repair!
That's actually not a filter drier its a muffler to dampen vibration in the condenser. The manufacturer recommends a filter drier be installed at the indoor unit, which he did great. but any time there is a problem with a system like that, manufacturers recommend replacement of drier again in 1 month. Now, does any one ever do it? of corse not. but it is recommended practice.
I have had this exact problem, except it was after a compressor failure. I learned the value of superheat/subcooling and temperature changes in liquid lines on that job.
Daaaaamn! Im always surprised that it doesn't blow the compressor if it isn't bypassing! Lol. Ive run across a few pushing that high and not bypassing, I always make sure Im not standing in front of the compressor terminals while Im working on it, hehehe :) Good job cleaning up after the parts changer company! Heh.
By time I started it back up it the home was into the 80's so it had a higher load. By time I removed the gauges (off camera) it had cooled down a bit inside and the TXV was throttling down. :-)
i Just posted a video that has 40 degrees sub cooling, i'm guessing i'm gonna run into the same thing as u found here. ill find out some time this week. Awesome video !
Heatpump in heat mode is building up pressure 300 to 400 psi and the temp on the line is also rising 300 plus degrees until the compressor kicks out. It works in cool mode and does not shut off. It will start up in about 20 minutes and go thru this same cycle over and over. The expansion valve has been changed but didnt change anything. They said the 4 way valve was working. Have had 4 different people come and check it. Still no luck figureing it out. Any suggestions?
Hard to believe the first company replaced the expansion valve and didn't even think about the screen before it. Guess they also didn't care about replacing the filter dryer either.
450psi on the high side, theres some clowns out there ! Even after repair 100psi on the suction seems high, even If the valve had not shut down yet, What was the low side reading when you finished job ? Cheers
Damn great diagnoses great work by hackfreehvac . Question we always install drier in the liquid line at out door condenser . Would it work better at the indoor coil . Thanks.???????
YES! I could answer that. When you sauder those dryers in outside. You melt the paint and moisture from rain outdoor elements etc will rust out that dryer and cause refridgerant leaks. 2nd Dryer closer to metering device is better because it filters from compressor outlet all through the liquid line up to the ah. If you install it outside and for whatever reason you get a leak in liquid line past the dryer the contaminates basically bypass the dryer and plug metering device
hmmm.. well by shudder i dont mean noise. I mean the whole unit literally shuddered. You could see it shake if you watched it shut off... was really weird.
I saw that too. I don't know why he didn't fix it because he had his torches in the attic to couple the liquid line back together after he cleaned the screen. Just a little bit more brazing to cut that out and fix it. Hack free? I'm not so sure.
I've been asked about that several times. It looks horrible in the video due to lighting and whatnot but it was just deformed enough to give that effect. As you see later, the pressures and performance were great.
Thank you. The installer of the system finally called and I was told my unit requires 18-22 F degrees of subcool. Is that too high? Further, that if it were a piston type, the subcool would be 10-15 F degrees-- I thought piston types were charged via the superheat method. I am confused.
I would have to agree with dale. That kink is a restriction, maybe not as bad as the one you found, but still a restriction. I would not leave it like that!!
Thanks for saving this customer a rip off (!). Speaking of rip offs: Look at the screwing we're all getting because of the EPA and its ozone depletion cr*p! The Nonsense That is Ozone-Depletion "Holes" in the ozone argument: 1) Freon is heavier than air: how do molecules heavier than air get to 30,000 feet (the beginning of the stratosphere)? 2) The "hole" in the ozone over the South Pole was "discovered" by satellites in the '80: if it was just "discovered", how do we know IT WASN'T THERE ALL ALONG ? ? ? ? 3) There is a perfectly logical reason why there is less ozone over the polar regions: THERE IS LESS SUNLIGHT THERE TO PRODUCE OZONE IN THE FIRST PLACE, especially in winter ("land of the midnight sun...") 4) Antarctica (South Pole) has the highest average elevation of any continent (8000 ft): Does that have any effect on ozone quantity????? (The North Pole is all at sea level and there is no ozone "hole" there. (Why not?) 5) The offending atom is CHLORINE (very common), not CFCs themselves. The argument goes that the CFCs carry CHLORINE up to the stratosphere. There are other compounds of chlorine in the atmosphere -- that's one of the things you smell when you go to the beach --> "salt water" --> i.e. sodium-chloride. Is the ocean a source of "ozone depleting" chlorine compounds? 6) Most basic of all, ozone (O3) is an EFFECT of UV blockage, not a cause. [O3 is an unstable molecule that needs a lot of energy to produce, e.g. the ozone you smell around arcing engines. There is less ozone at the poles b/c there is less UV to generate it (just like there is less sunlight to keep the place warm in the first place. I hope the public is beginning to see how dubious this ozone scam is. Monstrous mistakes like this DO happen - think the ban on DDT and malaria deaths. The Ozone Scam The Nonsense That is Ozone-Depletion Look how we've been "had" by this "ozone depletion" scam: In other words, CFCs probably have NOTHING to do with Antarctic ozone: In other words, the× Montreal Protocol is a complete fraud: Min 0:30: "Measurement of SURFACE 'ozone depleting substances' (chlorine? are you measuring ALL atmospheric chlorine compounds?). 1987 - Montreal Protocol. Remember that date in this music-tracked piece of manipulative propaganda. Listen for the weasel words and disclaimers. Ozone hole is "healing" (scientific term). Can't you tell?: A discussion of atmospheric chlorine: Natural Chlorine? You Bet! (American Chemistry Counsel) "Many of these chemicals are identical to highly publicized manmade organochlorines: chlorophenols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, PCBs, CFCs and dioxins." Min 2:00 Listen carefully: in other words, the ozone hole has been there since AT LEAST the 50s, before CFCs were widely used. Min 15:00 "interesting scientifically" - must be fun to have these kinds of research grants and boondoggles. Great work if you can get it. How EPA is screwing up your car's air conditioning. Lousy car air conditioning: Guy says we should use explosive propane as refrigerant Propane as a refregerant . Why The Banning Of Chlorofluorocarbons Is Paranoia Min 6:00 -- two different kinds of chlorine... (yeah, right) The stupid claim the ozone layer is "healing" ("healing" - is that a scientific term?) Notice that the "hole" always goes away in Antarctic summer (more sunlight/more ozone produced) and reappears in Antarctic winter (no sunlight/no ozone produced (ozone is an unstable molecule to begin with)). We've been sold a load of cr*p that has made a hideous mess of the AC industry. You'll see no change in hole size in the Antarctic winter, which means the "hole" has been there all along and is a perfectly natural and harmless phenomenon. "Oh well, we trashed an entire industry over a quack-science hoax... Sorry about that..."
The coil wasn't lacking airflow. There was plenty enough heat being absorbed by the coil to keep it from freezing. It was just the parts not in the airflow that were freezing.
the video is interesting but it seems delicate to me that when finding the obstruction at the arrival of the TXV valve as can be seen in the video I clean the mesh filter what is there before the coupling but that doubles that restricts in the 3/8 pipe to side where he welded he did not correct it and that is where it strikes me that since it works like this then they do not do the complete task and those strangulations in the pipes are due to not using a bender to make those folds for the rest the procedure is respectable . but more than being honest, you have to have professional ethics when doing this work because more than leaving a piece of equipment working, it is leaving the mark that not just anyone was there but an air conditioning professional.
the video is interesting but it seems delicate to me that when finding the obstruction at the arrival of the TXV valve as can be seen in the video I clean the mesh filter what is there before the coupling but that doubles that restricts in the 3/8 pipe to side where he welded he did not correct it and that is where it strikes me that since it works like this then they do not do the complete task and those strangulations in the pipes are due to not using a bender to make those folds for the rest the procedure is respectable . but more than being honest, you have to have professional ethics when doing this work because more than letting a piece of equipment work, it is leaving the mark that not just anyone was there but an air conditioning professional. And the final pressures from the high line pressure is inside than normal and in the low line I must say that the compressor has signs of a valve problem because for R 22 taking low to a pressure of 90 is delicate because it shows a subcooling of 12 and its superheat of 12 does not I'm wrong if it's a 2 or 3 ton machine in these machines it happens that manufacturers put 3 tons on the plate but the compressor is not three tons I have found cases that the compressor is 26000 BTU and the manufacturer talks about SEER efficiency but in reality, with the passing of time, the unit begins to work forced because for the unit to have a 1 to 1 ratio, 10,000 BTUs are missing and little is said about that subject and that is why in this video he pressed it n of low is high because at least the compressor lacks BTUS for the 36 that the machine says and as I said the compressor begins to work forced and it is necessary to take it to pressures of that magnitude because there is a valve problem and that is what happens one counts by collecting the refrigerant in the condenser. Greetings.
Dude WTF? This was in a 130 deg attic and a quick fix for a friend of my brother's after my day job at the time. The video wasn't an example of rebuilding an AC. It was an example of a massive restriction from system debris and getting the system back on line so this woman could have some cooling relief after the sales-tech told her she needed a new unit and left! I didn't have my service truck and everything available to build a new line. It was a FAVOR. *Also, it looks crimped in the video but it was otherwise OPEN and not a restriction whatsoever. You probably would have given her the option of a new unit and walked away. As most "techs" do these days when they find a repair challenge. Also aside from whatever you think you saw from your armchair, the operation of the system was normal. You should spend some time cutting open factory manifolds, bends and tee fittings to see what they look like in the inside (enough to make your head spin) and then you wouldn't be worried about some imperfection you saw on the outside of a copper pipe. That pipe may look twisted and crimped but it wasn't. Actually. It was just distorted and looked like shit on camera. AT 5:45 in the video you can see that the TXV had no issues throttling open and flowing fully with a fully loaded coil (over 90 degree space temp/return air). Shit. System worked perfect.
Also the second half of your comment had nothing to do with the restriction nor why a system or any system would have odd pressures. HVAC capacity specs changed about 25 years ago where the total capacity rating (on the unit decal) is a combination of *sensible load* (the temp change) and *latent load* (humidity removal) and that is how/why they have smaller BTU compressors than the unit nameplate. They have a combined BTU rating based on some silly plot scribbled on paper. Older units were strictly based on temperature load. We're full aware of that here in Arizona as the new systems underperform a bit compared to the older ones in our mostly dry heat climate.
It's not kinked, but it looks like crap. LOL! I made sure it wasn't kinked but it had been twisted before so it looks that way. Pressures are perfect. :-)
Why did 23 people dislike this video? What the hell is wrong with you? You must be the ones that that screw the customers over and he just stole your customer.
great repair@ fix , great dignoises
Nice to see other people taking things apart and inspecting. Good catch bro!
It's very refreshing to see that there is someone who knows what he is doing and is HONEST to boot. Great Job !
Great job. Learned a lot from this video and I like the way you diagnosed the problem just seeing the frozen pipe. That shows you know what you are talking about.
Thanks for sharing
Hope you got a pretty penny for that one! You saved the homeowner thousands on new equipment. Nice diagnosis and repairs!
Great job - and honest diagnosis.
It's from the pipe being bent and bent back. It's not kinked. But it has the radius twisted so it looks way worse than it is.
7yr old video, good diagnostic and repair awesome job...took a min to find this video
I'd figure your Suction Pressure would be way low on a restriction like that.
There's actually some hackery at my church. The oldest units (some Trane Odysseys and a Trane XB 1000 all or which are from 2001) are mounted on stilts and the maintenance people left behind some capacitors and even a compressor down there.
if txv finished and fix dricer capliry tubes will this work ?
Really good Work! Great Find! Great Video! Yep, that copper spun drier was definately coming apart. i'm Guessing in Arizona heat those copper spun driers are allways discentigrating. i Can't Believe that compressor was still running. You Earned your Money on that one!
at 407 look at how bent the liquid line is this alone will eventually cause a restriction and flash gas. the original hack didn't use an inert gas during brazing of the first TXV that's a lot of carbon. and it plugs the txv .
+dale lankford It isn't nearly as bad as it looks.
And the pressures were perfect.
And if it wasn't restricting now, it isn't "eventually going to cause a restriction". LOL.
Shit. You should see inside some of the factory tee's where refer has to hit a wall and change directions, etc. A deformed piece of 3/8 isn't crap.
maybe it was camera angle I Will trust your word for it I wasn't there it just looked really bent , as far as the restriction it still looks like poor brazing upon the install. I know this because I came behind myself about five years after an install and the txv was loaded with carbon sad thing was it was my house the carbon held the txv wide open and cause liquid feed back into the compressor and busted the valves expensive lesson always use 1to 3 psi of nitrogen while brazing your refrigerant lines.
My boss would have a fit over stuff like that
Expert diagnosis, service & repair. Saved them a bundle minus a lot of aggravation.
Great find and fix!
Had similar pressures on a milk cooler, gauge went off the scale! turns out installing company had crossed the liquid lines over on two system, they'd adjusted the hp switch so it wouldn't trip...
I linked the two receivers together with some 1/4" till i could get back there with a scaffold and fitting to re pipe it!
Might have been the pressure equalizing through the TXV, maybe allowing the check valve to cycle, etc.
I've heard some strange noises every now and then. Some people add a liquid line solenoid to stop all refer flow (migration) when the compressor stops.
wow 450+ psi on r22, crazy! boy are they glad you came to take a look! We got taken a few years back in texas. We had 5 ton Carrier heat pump for the down stairs and a 1.5 ton straight cool for upstairs (thing was so tiny!) the 1.5 ton was over sized for upstairs but worked very well. The indoor unit started shuddering every time it shut off (Any idea what caused this?) and the hvac guy just pumped it even more full of r22, week later, indoor coil blew up, so we got a new indoor air handler....
Could that small factory filter dryer cause the high side to be low,low side has enough pressure,just my high side is low,got r22 split system 65 psi low side,hight side is on 110 psi,normally is gotta be on 210psi on high side,symtem is 25yrs old york
This sir earned you subscription. Good job buddy
Good tech!!! excellent diagnostic's and repair thumb's up!!!!!
Its hard to find an honest HVAC tech as they usually want you to replace the compressor, evaporator or the entire unit without actually diagnosing the problem. I see a lucky customer here with a good tech.
How do you find the exact place of the restriction ?
whenever I see a bullet drier it raises a red flag, shows the manufacturer being cheap, makes me wonder about the rest of their product. I've opened a lot of txvs and found debree, supco oil additive disolves the crud the best.
Jim Pettinato blame installers for debreetoo. brazing without nitrogen
Good save. Found real issue. bullet drier are famous for stoppage, Goodman had them, took like 11 out one summer in Texas.
Yeah the packing from the cheesy filter drier plugged real good against that screen!
I couldn't blow through it but I guess when they overcharged it the 450 PSI blew through it enough to cool the home.
This is a great find and repair!!! Great job man!!!
Those little copper spun dryers are crap. I don't know why mfrs even bother. I usually oversize my liquid line filters for a bit extra capacity. The old timer I once worked with got me in that habit. Great catch and Good repair!
That's actually not a filter drier its a muffler to dampen vibration in the condenser. The manufacturer recommends a filter drier be installed at the indoor unit, which he did great. but any time there is a problem with a system like that, manufacturers recommend replacement of drier again in 1 month. Now, does any one ever do it? of corse not. but it is recommended practice.
@@andrewgilbreath1331 soooooo the muffler that's inside the condenser and looks like a filter drier is not a filter drier ?
I have had this exact problem, except it was after a compressor failure. I learned the value of superheat/subcooling and temperature changes in liquid lines on that job.
Daaaaamn! Im always surprised that it doesn't blow the compressor if it isn't bypassing! Lol. Ive run across a few pushing that high and not bypassing, I always make sure Im not standing in front of the compressor terminals while Im working on it, hehehe :)
Good job cleaning up after the parts changer company! Heh.
Great job. Found the problem and fixed it. Others would have needlessly replaced the system.
like steve lav?
By time I started it back up it the home was into the 80's so it had a higher load.
By time I removed the gauges (off camera) it had cooled down a bit inside and the TXV was throttling down. :-)
i Just posted a video that has 40 degrees sub cooling, i'm guessing i'm gonna run into the same thing as u found here. ill find out some time this week. Awesome video !
Heatpump in heat mode is building up pressure 300 to 400 psi and the temp on the line is also rising 300 plus degrees until the compressor kicks out. It works in cool mode and does not shut off. It will start up in about 20 minutes and go thru this same cycle over and over. The expansion valve has been changed but didnt change anything. They said the 4 way valve was working. Have had 4 different people come and check it. Still no luck figureing it out. Any suggestions?
Sounds like the reversing valve is bad to me. I think that's what you're calling a four way valve but if they all said it's working, I could be wrong.
Good job and great diagnosis .Thanks for posting this video.
Hard to believe the first company replaced the expansion valve and didn't even think about the screen before it.
Guess they also didn't care about replacing the filter dryer either.
450!!!... call the bomb squad! LOL. Guess that little screen did it's job. That was a good one.
Holy crap that is a serious restriction! Nice find.
Great diagnosis
thank u very match as hvac tech in middel east 60%problems recterction piston an capillary
Is that a kink on the LL?. Just noticing, maybe its the camera view.
I thought the same thing. Could be a reflection.
450psi on the high side, theres some clowns out there ! Even after repair 100psi on the suction seems high, even If the valve had not shut down yet, What was the low side reading when you finished job ? Cheers
Great Job!
Awesome repair...bonus with the R22 recovered with the price of the refrigerant
Damn great diagnoses great work by hackfreehvac . Question we always install drier in the liquid line at out door condenser . Would it work better at the indoor coil . Thanks.???????
YES! I could answer that.
When you sauder those dryers in outside. You melt the paint and moisture from rain outdoor elements etc will rust out that dryer and cause refridgerant leaks.
Dryer closer to metering device is better because it filters from compressor outlet all through the liquid line up to the ah. If you install it outside and for whatever reason you get a leak in liquid line past the dryer the contaminates basically bypass the dryer and plug metering device
Main reason for putting those dryers inside is the moisture.
How much were your repairs on this job?
great job, honest and knowledgable.
hmmm.. well by shudder i dont mean noise. I mean the whole unit literally shuddered. You could see it shake if you watched it shut off... was really weird.
Nice find! Great work.
That Bristol Compressor is a Beast! How do you Like Bristol Compressors ?
Damn. Looks like they didn't braze while purging also.
Line kink before the TXV?
jim davidson yup
I saw that too. I don't know why he didn't fix it because he had his torches in the attic to couple the liquid line back together after he cleaned the screen. Just a little bit more brazing to cut that out and fix it. Hack free? I'm not so sure.
Kink 3:57?
I've been asked about that several times.
It looks horrible in the video due to lighting and whatnot but it was just deformed enough to give that effect.
As you see later, the pressures and performance were great.
what is subcooling temperature range for this unit-- which looks like a York. What is its tonnage?
This video is from years ago. But as a TXV system you should be around 10 degrees.
Thank you. The installer of the system finally called and I was told my unit requires 18-22 F degrees of subcool. Is that too high? Further, that if it were a piston type, the subcool would be 10-15 F degrees-- I thought piston types were charged via the superheat method. I am confused.
I would have to agree with dale.
That kink is a restriction, maybe not as bad as the one you found, but still a restriction.
I would not leave it like that!!
Thanks for saving this customer a rip off (!).
Speaking of rip offs:
Look at the screwing we're all getting because of the EPA and its ozone depletion cr*p!
The Nonsense That is Ozone-Depletion
"Holes" in the ozone argument:
1) Freon is heavier than air: how do molecules heavier than air get to 30,000 feet (the beginning of the stratosphere)?
2) The "hole" in the ozone over the South Pole was "discovered" by satellites in the '80: if it was just "discovered", how do we know IT WASN'T THERE ALL ALONG ? ? ? ?
3) There is a perfectly logical reason why there is less ozone over the polar regions: THERE IS LESS SUNLIGHT THERE TO PRODUCE OZONE IN THE FIRST PLACE, especially in winter ("land of the midnight sun...")
4) Antarctica (South Pole) has the highest average elevation of any continent (8000 ft): Does that have any effect on ozone quantity????? (The North Pole is all at sea level and there is no ozone "hole" there. (Why not?)
5) The offending atom is CHLORINE (very common), not CFCs themselves. The argument goes that the CFCs carry CHLORINE up to the stratosphere. There are other compounds of chlorine in the atmosphere -- that's one of the things you smell when you go to the beach --> "salt water" --> i.e. sodium-chloride. Is the ocean a source of "ozone depleting" chlorine compounds?
6) Most basic of all, ozone (O3) is an EFFECT of UV blockage, not a cause. [O3 is an unstable molecule that needs a lot of energy to produce, e.g. the ozone you smell around arcing engines. There is less ozone at the poles b/c there is less UV to generate it (just like there is less sunlight to keep the place warm in the first place.
I hope the public is beginning to see how dubious this ozone scam is. Monstrous mistakes like this DO happen - think the ban on DDT and malaria deaths.
The Ozone Scam
The Nonsense That is Ozone-Depletion
Look how we've been "had" by this "ozone depletion" scam:
In other words, CFCs probably have NOTHING to do with Antarctic ozone:
In other words, the× Montreal Protocol is a complete fraud:
Min 0:30: "Measurement of SURFACE 'ozone depleting substances' (chlorine? are you measuring ALL atmospheric chlorine compounds?).
1987 - Montreal Protocol. Remember that date in this music-tracked piece of manipulative propaganda.
Listen for the weasel words and disclaimers.
Ozone hole is "healing" (scientific term). Can't you tell?:
A discussion of atmospheric chlorine:
Natural Chlorine? You Bet! (American Chemistry Counsel)
"Many of these chemicals are identical to highly publicized manmade organochlorines: chlorophenols, chlorinated hydrocarbons, PCBs, CFCs and dioxins."
Min 2:00 Listen carefully: in other words, the ozone hole has been there since AT LEAST the 50s, before CFCs were widely used.
Min 15:00 "interesting scientifically" - must be fun to have these kinds of research grants and boondoggles. Great work if you can get it.
How EPA is screwing up your car's air conditioning.
Lousy car air conditioning:
Guy says we should use explosive propane as refrigerant
Propane as a refregerant
Why The Banning Of Chlorofluorocarbons Is Paranoia
Min 6:00 -- two different kinds of chlorine... (yeah, right)
The stupid claim the ozone layer is "healing" ("healing" - is that a scientific term?)
Notice that the "hole" always goes away in Antarctic summer (more sunlight/more ozone produced) and reappears in Antarctic winter (no sunlight/no ozone produced (ozone is an unstable molecule to begin with)). We've been sold a load of cr*p that has made a hideous mess of the AC industry.
You'll see no change in hole size in the Antarctic winter, which means the "hole" has been there all along and is a perfectly natural and harmless phenomenon. "Oh well, we trashed an entire industry over a quack-science hoax... Sorry about that..."
surprised it didn't spring a leak in the microchannel coil!
Great job man..
I'm new to all this, just started school for it. Why didn't the coil ice up with that restriction?
The coil wasn't lacking airflow. There was plenty enough heat being absorbed by the coil to keep it from freezing. It was just the parts not in the airflow that were freezing.
Was that a dual flow heat pump filter dryer you slapped on there?
+bodybuildingking I had to look since it was so long ago and yes it is.
Why do you ask?
The debris looks like a direct result of brazing without flowing nitrogen. Those carbon flakes build up on the inside of the brazed joints.
Nice job cleaning the system. How often do you find dirty system? Thanks for the video!
I fix a few restrictions each year but not too many.
Nice. When the access is bad people are prone to leave a graveyard of parts.
Well the good thing is that the screen did its job and protected the txv until you could find the problem.
the video is interesting but it seems delicate to me that when finding the obstruction at the arrival of the TXV valve as can be seen in the video I clean the mesh filter what is there before the coupling but that doubles that restricts in the 3/8 pipe to side where he welded he did not correct it and that is where it strikes me that since it works like this then they do not do the complete task and those strangulations in the pipes are due to not using a bender to make those folds for the rest the procedure is respectable . but more than being honest, you have to have professional ethics when doing this work because more than leaving a piece of equipment working, it is leaving the mark that not just anyone was there but an air conditioning professional.
Awesome job.
Good catch. I wish manufacturers would stop putting dryers in outdoor units.
Beautiful good and honest job man thumbs up
great honest job!!!!!!!
good call!! Great video!
Nice work man.
Nice job, I have the same issue ,the guys that come out tell me I have a restriction,but they wont fix it, any good AC guys around ATL.
Ivey Mechanical
Damn good repair.
Nice found, good job, perfect
Yeah I had one like that a couple years ago
great information!
Good grief call life support she was choking baaaadddd!!! Great video. :)
the video is interesting but it seems delicate to me that when finding the obstruction at the arrival of the TXV valve as can be seen in the video I clean the mesh filter what is there before the coupling but that doubles that restricts in the 3/8 pipe to side where he welded he did not correct it and that is where it strikes me that since it works like this then they do not do the complete task and those strangulations in the pipes are due to not using a bender to make those folds for the rest the procedure is respectable . but more than being honest, you have to have professional ethics when doing this work because more than letting a piece of equipment work, it is leaving the mark that not just anyone was there but an air conditioning professional. And the final pressures from the high line pressure is inside than normal and in the low line I must say that the compressor has signs of a valve problem because for R 22 taking low to a pressure of 90 is delicate because it shows a subcooling of 12 and its superheat of 12 does not I'm wrong if it's a 2 or 3 ton machine in these machines it happens that manufacturers put 3 tons on the plate but the compressor is not three tons I have found cases that the compressor is 26000 BTU and the manufacturer talks about SEER efficiency but in reality, with the passing of time, the unit begins to work forced because for the unit to have a 1 to 1 ratio, 10,000 BTUs are missing and little is said about that subject and that is why in this video he pressed it n of low is high because at least the compressor lacks BTUS for the 36 that the machine says and as I said the compressor begins to work forced and it is necessary to take it to pressures of that magnitude because there is a valve problem and that is what happens one counts by collecting the refrigerant in the condenser. Greetings.
Dude WTF?
This was in a 130 deg attic and a quick fix for a friend of my brother's after my day job at the time. The video wasn't an example of rebuilding an AC. It was an example of a massive restriction from system debris and getting the system back on line so this woman could have some cooling relief after the sales-tech told her she needed a new unit and left!
I didn't have my service truck and everything available to build a new line. It was a FAVOR.
*Also, it looks crimped in the video but it was otherwise OPEN and not a restriction whatsoever.
You probably would have given her the option of a new unit and walked away. As most "techs" do these days when they find a repair challenge.
Also aside from whatever you think you saw from your armchair, the operation of the system was normal.
You should spend some time cutting open factory manifolds, bends and tee fittings to see what they look like in the inside (enough to make your head spin) and then you wouldn't be worried about some imperfection you saw on the outside of a copper pipe.
That pipe may look twisted and crimped but it wasn't. Actually. It was just distorted and looked like shit on camera.
AT 5:45 in the video you can see that the TXV had no issues throttling open and flowing fully with a fully loaded coil (over 90 degree space temp/return air).
Shit. System worked perfect.
Also the second half of your comment had nothing to do with the restriction nor why a system or any system would have odd pressures.
HVAC capacity specs changed about 25 years ago where the total capacity rating (on the unit decal) is a combination of *sensible load* (the temp change) and *latent load* (humidity removal) and that is how/why they have smaller BTU compressors than the unit nameplate.
They have a combined BTU rating based on some silly plot scribbled on paper. Older units were strictly based on temperature load.
We're full aware of that here in Arizona as the new systems underperform a bit compared to the older ones in our mostly dry heat climate.
It's not kinked, but it looks like crap. LOL!
I made sure it wasn't kinked but it had been twisted before so it looks that way.
Pressures are perfect. :-)
ok whew!
95 suction 245 head. Sounds like the compressor may have bad valves. But nonetheless that was one nasty restriction
very nice good work
That is a very block system what could cost that
Nice job
Damn man I think ya kinked the liquid line right before the txv. Still better than what it was I guess
I had a buddy that found 2 pennies in the suction line fittings, no to installers, don’t keep fitting and change in your pocket
Great situation I love it....
The keyword - somewhere. I wish to have a superman vision.
Bad install excellent trouble shooting good job.
I think what you found was an original bad install practice......
I bet that one was a weird one. LOL!
Nice one
That liquid line does look kinked!!!
Hmmm... where would the restriction be hehehe
Why did 23 people dislike this video? What the hell is wrong with you? You must be the ones that that screw the customers over and he just stole your customer.
That's not sub-cooling! That's subtropical!!
Its called Paraffin
wow lol.
No filter driers in the attic!!!!come on!!