8/14/24: Cleveland National Forest- Scouting for Oasis Spring- Mt. Laguna, Ca. A LOT OF WIND NOISE!

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 23 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 11

  • @swithinbarclay4797
    @swithinbarclay4797 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Hmm, an old roadbed; has me thinking, it's possible that in the 19th Century, that there may have been regular stagecoach service, between Julian, and say, Descanso, Pine Valley, Alpine, etc., with an intermediate stop at Laguna? Possibly that would have been a freighter's and logger's highway. Nearly any road back then of consequence, those were toll roads, unless you paid your stage ticket. Ultimate ends-of-the-line, would have been San Diego, Coronado, La Jolla. Sunrise could be following in part, those old rights-of-way.

    • @brianpowell5082
      @brianpowell5082  หลายเดือนก่อน

      I believe that that road may have been used for transporting water from Oasis Spring, but I am not sure. There is an old pumphouse near the spring. I figured out how to get to the spring, so I will be visiting it on my next Laguna Mountains adventure; hopefully I can reach the pumphouse as well!

  • @swithinbarclay4797
    @swithinbarclay4797 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Oh, that WIND!!!! Simply TERRIBLE, the absolute LIMIT!!

    • @brianpowell5082
      @brianpowell5082  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Sounds so much louder on camera! Felt great though!

  • @swithinbarclay4797
    @swithinbarclay4797 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    With that silly song stuck in your head, I'd get some other hopefully less silly ones stuck in mine. For "sugar"--Sugar Pines, anyone(?)--I'd get 1963's "Sugar Shack", or, more preferably, Cream's "Spoonful"--another even still yet better than the Archies, would be "A Spoonful of Sugar", from Mary Poppins. If we'd seen Bison in Big Laguna Meadow, it would be that heavenly soundtrack from "Dances with Wolves"! But . . . since we are discussing here, an OASIS, why not Maria Muldaur's "Midnight at The Oasis"? Dang, she was so cute, that chirping voice with the dusky looks!! I sorta had a crush on her, but so did a bazillion other guys--sigh, oh well--take a number, Swithin, and stand in line.

    • @brianpowell5082
      @brianpowell5082  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maria Muldaur quite a looker! LOL!! I now have Jimmy Gilmer and the Fireballs' "Sugar Shack" in my head now!! I may now hear that in my head around Sugar Sumac OR Sugar Pines!! LOL!!

    • @swithinbarclay4797
      @swithinbarclay4797 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@brianpowell5082 If, I happen to return to a Giant Sequoia Grove on a day with low drizzly clouds/fog sifting through the Sequoias, one song that's sure to be stuck in my head, will be Robin Trower's "Long Misty Days", with that heavy ethereally distorted drone to his guitar. I'd surely welcome THAT, to do me a "brain-sticky", as surely as I would NOT welcome Looking Glass' "Brandy"--uggh, I just HATE THAT song!!
      I was working for the Park Concessionaire back in '73 at the same time that Led Zeppelin had released their smash song, "The Song Remains The Same", so I had a most fortunate brain-sticky, to carry me through all of that summer, with nothing else really, to "intrude", upon that, as I traversed much of the Giant Forest Grove--barefoot--I liked the prickly tickle of Sequoia duff, upon my soles and toes, though they often got sticky with sap!

  • @swithinbarclay4797
    @swithinbarclay4797 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Graffiti?? Back '59, '60 or so, Yosemite's Tenaya Lake had campgrounds, and our family had a tradition, a few years running, of always going there over Labor Day. A couple of camp spots over, Dad espied a young punk attempting to chop down a Lodgie with his hatchet. His sluttish girlfriend, scantily dressed, as my Father tells it, was splattering her nail polish everywhere. This could have been the first time my tender 4-, 5-year-old ears had heard profanity, coming from the punk, plus the inane, "adoring" giggling from the bimbo. He told Dad that it was HIS tree to cut for firewood, if he wanted it. Evidently, no Rangers around--if THEY had caught him, he and his moll would at least have spent a few nights in The Valley Village's "Greybar Manor", on a DISORDERLY. Yet, with my Dad's WW II Army training, he must have done or said something to those kids, putting THEM in order, 'cause they vamoosed! Dad told it to me later, as they were also menacing my Mother and us kids, too. Back in the day, you could at least scrounge amongst deadfall, for your campfires, which are now all against the law. No more s'mores, I guess.

    • @brianpowell5082
      @brianpowell5082  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Cool vignette! Good on your father for getting those misfits in line! No cutting down trees nor messing with his family on his watch! Good on him! I want to check out Tenaya Lake for the Mountain Hemlocks!

    • @swithinbarclay4797
      @swithinbarclay4797 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@brianpowell5082 I belonged to a kid's ski club out of the Bay Area, and most every weekend in "the season", we went to Alpine Meadows to get lessons or strike out on our own, about the mountain. There were profuse "Mounties" lining the chair lift's daylighting, so they got to be good friends as I was floating up the mountain. Nothing in the world quite like those weepy leaders, unless you go to the Northern Indian Subcontinent to view Deodar behemoths, with their weepy foliage drooping off of their heavily-tiered limbage.

    • @brianpowell5082
      @brianpowell5082  หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@swithinbarclay4797 I really want to experience them! I've never seen them! I bet those old-growth Deodars are massive, making the ones planted here look like saplings!