My name is also Rehan and i was the same guy 8 months before indulged in bad videos and useless stuff ,having no purpose in life then I decided to quit i would repent and commit sin again and again i was failing but i did not fall kept strong hope in mercy of allah that he is most forgiving and best of helpers and now allah has purified me to a great extent , iwake up 5:30 am and donot sleep back ,i pray 5 times dialy ,lower my gaze , working towards an exam , developing good charaacters in me and removing bad desires which were devlped inside me , and trying to get more closr to ALLAH , iam here to conclude that keep trying if u fail doesnot matter But dont FALL keep strong hope that allah is most forgiving and ask guidence from Allah
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Please Recite These Du'as Slowly. 📿 - Astaghfirullah (20x) 📿 - Allahumma Ajirni Minanaar (7x) 📿 - Allahumma inni Asalukal Jannah (7x) 📿 - Sub'han Allahi wa bi Hamdihi (10x) 📿 - Sub'han Allahil Azeem (10x) Copy this message and paste it to other people for good deeds.
@Dummy-likescheese Jesus (AS) didn't even say that he is your lord . He worshiped Allah (SWT) . Think and learn carefully if you want to worship a real creator. May Allah guide you to the right path.
Wallahi, I feel like Allah swt sent this video to me. It is literally 3am and i was scrolling. I randomly found this video and was abt to save it to watch later to watch it later just like rehan. But suddenly i felt guilty and i opened this.. Thank you for this sign.❤
One night, in my room covered in darkness, I cried to Allah and this time instead of making dua to Allah I spoke to him with an open and tired heart and asked him to guide me. Instantly I knew, if I really want to make a change I need to start by disciplining myself to at least pray 5 times a day everyday. Then I deleted TikTok, Instagram and Facebook (anything that will potentially trigger my bad habit). Now I will be deleting TH-cam as I follow my road to get closer to Allah and his religion. All praise is to Allah. Alhamdulilah
Brother ,I swear to allah I'm gonna follow your same path and delete facebook (again for the 3rd time 😂😅😓😓😓) ,twitch ,deactivate youtube and Google play but maybe be download one or two dhikr and prayer apps first ,and to be realistic I'll try to help my mother as much as I can again as I once was and try read one ayah from Quran aday ,pray for me brothers 🙏🙏 May allah help us all in our inner battles against shaytan and first of all our ultimate enemy ......ourselves (our nafs and lust) We can do this and we will do this inshaa' allah (by Allah's will)💪
This is exactly what I currently face. The fact that I have seen this video is because Allah knows I need it. May god guide me back to the straight path.
I was in your situation for months, it’s not easy the whisper from shaytan will make you fall, I had to keep repenting for months and months, you will fill guilty it was hard standing infront of Allah and asking him for forgiveness over and over again, but that was the only way, don’t give up on yourself, work on yourself ur 5 daily prayers and read Quran it will purify your heart and make alots of dua, Allah understands how difficult it is and he loves it when you keep repenting back to him. You got this bro
I have never been this miserable way I am now, and it's past 2 30 and after listening to surah mulk, I came across this video. I do not watch bad videos but I waste time on yt shorts. I hav no social media, except for whatsapp but I was still trapped in this cycle of wasting time. I'm studying for neet and this is my first year and also my first time acting like a brat. I feel Allah wanted me to watch this and sent this to help me. This video has help me think alot and In Sha Allah, I will try to work on myself. I was going to watch some more shorts but I will now go to bed. Alhamdulillah.
Hi , you and I have the same story {same in the sense that I don't have any other social media except WhatsApp and TH-cam but I am indulge in web series & K drama also} Because I am also a NEET aspirant And I have taken one year drop to clear for 2025 But my condition is the same as before No I feel very very guilty\ It feels like I am wasting time because I didn't improve anything in my preparation My family and everyone around me is very supportive 😢 but it feels like I am betraying them By the way where are you from I am from Lucknow UP My high school and intermediate has done through UP board
Im studying medicine and that resemblance is pretty exact . I was the same guy as Rehan in my first year at med school but now as iam closer to Allah alhamdulillah im on the right track and getting good grades . Keep me in your prayers 😊
Exactly same here😢 I'm trying hard to be consistent and with the final year studies but my routine is exactly as shown in the video ,I'm trying really hard to be on right track and to value time but I fail everytime ...may Allah guide me n us
I'm also like this. I can't get out of this loop. Everytime i repent to Allah and then repeat the same sin again. I've been living with guilt for so long. Now i don't know what to do. Everyone please pray for me that may Allah make it easy for me to control my nafs and find ultimate peace in him.
Please keep a brotherhood with practicing muslims such as the people who will meet other muslims and remind them about Allah,Imaan and the connection with Masjid. In India, we have Thableegh Jamaath who will visit the Muslims for purpose of strengthening the Imaan of them by reminding others about Imaan, Yaqeen and strong fundamental things. That boosts us when we are feeling spiritually low. To do good deeds, we need sufficient fuel. That is what strong Imaan and Yaqeen. May Allah give you such companionship to light you and uplift you and all our brothers and sisters who face such struggles. Aameen.!
بصراحة من اجمل المقاطع اللي شاهدتها، لأنه بسبب الحروب الحالية في بلاد الشام بلدي، اقضي وقت طويل جدًا بمشاهدة آخر المستجدات ويضيع كل وقتي على وسائل التواصل ، اسأل الله أن يغفر لنا جميعًا❤
It is midnight and my thoughts were becoming worst with every video I was watching, and then this video popped up, and now can't stop crying after realising what i was going to do 😭😭 Ya Allah, thanks for the motivation brother may Allah bless you ❤
Rehan is a good muslim. "All the children of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent." (Sunan Ibn Majah, 4251) Rehan's effort is more precious than his results, even though his results never come just as what he wanted
This is an amazing animation showing the reality of our youth sadly ... for all those going through the same thing may Allah open ways for you , there is a routine i thought that could uplift ones emaan 😊 The Routine: Tahajjud (at least 3 times a week) Pray all 5 prayers on time Add sunnah prayers weekly (adding prayers helps with consistency) Be active (ie. workout, walk, skincare) Dua, dhikr, one page of Quran (per day) Pick up hobbies (ie. teach Quran, Quran journaling) Read Ayatul Kursi after every fard prayer (Jannah is guaranteed) Read Surah Kahf every Friday Make dua constantly (Allah hears every dua) Work on Deen + remember Allah (remind yourself why and who your doing it for) Journal about your journey (look back at your past self, fix your mistakes) Istighfar, Shahada, Avatul Kursi + surah mulk (before bed) Constantly remind yourself who you're doing this for, and plan your days around your salah. May Allah help us all and make it easy for us to be the people He wants us to be ❤
This is the story of many AllahuAkbar, it is hard very very hard to change for better and learn self control. May allah help me and each person watching this video with overcoming the whispers of shaytan, aameen. ❤ Thank you for sharing this very insightful, reality based video.
Most of you might lose your this motivation right a few days after, but i myself will download this video and watch every day to remind myself towards my goals and maintain the same motivation and focus for a long time. So i advise you for the same act
I'm a girl and I'm 15 in 9 Grade from Pakistan just like the Rehan my Story is completely same I was just wasting my time on TH-cam watching Shorts but I found this video Bec I was feeling very guilty since jan 2024 I was procrastinating my important tasks all the time and I heard that one cause of procrastinating is your past trauma just Bec of my breakup I was procrastinating and just overthinking not praying namaz of fajr but always pray 4 Times other and I'm happy that I found this video and I will inshallah try again and again till I became disciplined I will start small and will make small targets to achieve in my day and I have a lot of syllabus to cover up I will inshallah Cover that and I will start from today not tomorrow and thank you brother for making this video you ❤
I clicked this video randomly and I don't want to watch it but my inner voice said just one video before quitting TH-cam and I watch it. I can relate with it i was on bad things i do a sin then i repent again do a sin and repent and so on. I think its a sign from Allah to make myself better and I have to focus on myself to protect myself from bad things and i think this video can help me out from so many bad things which i cannot tell here. Jazakallah brother to make such a guide video to make ourselves better. Turn yourself to Allah, before Allah take your soul.
Alhamdulah. This conferted me and reminded me the true purpose of life. I kept having fears and depression, but alhamdulah at this moment I feal calmer. Jazakula karan
Barakallahu akhi ... I was in Rehans shoes for past few days .. and today morning i was saddened for wasting all my time when my university exam is nearing (i am a medico .. so it was even more relatale when u said he couldnt read his anatomy ..) .. this helped me a lot . .. May Allah help us all to not waste time and help us to indulge in useful work .. ameen
I've watch this twice to deeply understand. This is my situation, Alhamdulillah. From tonight, I'll be free from any addiction I've been living with for over 16 years. I'm 26. I swear to god. I didn’t search anything and this channel i didn’t subscribe but from Allah is just came my for you page Alxamdulilah. May Allah make it easy for everything brother. Don’t overthink everthing is step by step.🙏😎
HeyI have love and respect you and I wish you the best. By sharing you this, I have no intentions of judging or disrespecting your belief. I want you to know that Jesus Christ loves you all really deeply, much deeply that you could ever imagine. And Jesus proved his love for you on the cross "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John 15:13. We are all sinners since the creation of humans and the salary of those sins is eternal death but Jesus Christ humbled himself as a human, lived a perfect sinless life, died on the cross and resurrected. It's by this ultimate sacrifice that we can be forgiven and saved, and not by our own works because no one is perfect. Jesus Christ already paid the price! You must accept his grace, put your faith in Him and live for Him in order to enter heaven. "If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. I'm telling you that because Jesus Christ changed my life! God bless you all, you are seen and loved.
@@Faith_saves7In fact Jeasus is just a human not a god He’s the one of the messenger from the god Allah swt which is known as prophet isa. Then why are u describe about Jesus. He’s also a slave of Allah. Allah the great merciful is the most love to human, most patience full and the most mighty even human are being rebellion to him. ❤
@ Respect to you but what is love in your opinion ? In the Bible it says : “to lay down his own life for a friend is the best act of love”. We are sinners by nature and our salary is death. But by the unconditional love of God, Jesus Christ humbled himself as a human, lived a perfect life on earth, sacrificed his live for our sins and resurrected. Jesus Christ is the human form of God on earth, it’s by him that God can be seen through his actions. He is the word. "In the beginning, the Word was with God and was God”. Jesus is the ultimate needing person for our salvation.
This story feels like you are talking about me, being in med school is already very tough and using social media and youtube takes up so much of my time, i don't realise. When I'm stressed, I start seeing shorts or some web series to take my mind off of things,but it results in me being further depressed. I waste soo much time, my exams are going on and I was scrolling youtube. This video popped up, and I felt so conected, so real. May Allah ( swt) help us all .
My name is also Rehan , Mohammed Rehan Raza from Hyderabad , India . I have a goal but unable focus on it coz of spending more time on social media. InshA ALLAH right from now I will just focus on my goal...
I am 12 years old and I now know that I am just like Rehan. So that made me very sad. I even don't pray anything even when my mom ask me did you pray I always says to my self just lie 1 time and from now you will be disciplined but not and now I get that I have to be changed . very thankyou!
Amazing, MASHA ALLAH, I am an Arabic person but I enjoy listening to this type of video to improve my English skills And to remind myself to fear God and return to Him, no matter how great my sins are 🤍
I can't believe the same situations is happening with me and I'm dam confused and felt helpless then the saw this video alhumdulliah i got the solution of my problem alhumdulliah ❤
I don't know how can i thank you brother I was randomly scrolling and i felt like Allah has sent me this video to guide me, I can completely relate with this video including my name and i got goosebumps whenever you called my name because it felt someone was having a personal conversation with me and maybe years later I'll return to this video to thank you again
I faced a similar dilemma when I was studying in med school… very well said that it is a spiritual illness… one thing which really helped me overcome all these addictions was a simple dua, a’udhu billahi min ashhaytan irrajeem, small and powerful!! I also added a’udhu billahi min sharri nafsi ( o Allah protect me from the evil of my nafs) innaka a’la kulli shayin qadeer (indeed u have total authority on all affairs) hope this helps brothers
@ prove to me Christianity is better than Islam and I will accept it, but if you can’t you will have to embrace Islam. Yea I am that confident that I am on the right religion, are you ?
While listening to Rehan's story, I felt that the person who is being talked about in this video it's just exactly like me. I've learnt the lesson, thank you to whoever uploaded this video. I hope I can change after hearing it. I'll update you later, in sha allah
@@InnerIman-e7u I will remember again because now I know what's the reason so whenever I do something like that again I will remember again. In Sha Allah!
I discovered this channel by all sudden and .. it's just amazing ! giving islamic guidnace and solutions for psychological issues just makes a sense ! it helps a lot, I would like if you add a videos about the muslim female, because I find a lot of good advices for male muslims (to be strong and all) and hopefully I find another versions which matches with what suits the muslim female, I hope u start working about this! May Allah accepts your work!
I felt so bad because I am a widow with one kid. As a divorced young woman satan made me feel like I am ugly and not good enough. He said I can be happy with talking to strangers. However, my heart wasnt talking in the same way, so I stopped too. My way is İslam now. I won't worry about controlling myself anymore! Thanks for the video.💖
I was thinking about what should I watch to improve my listening in English (because I am trying to level up my English language and make it better) and gain new information as well and I found this video which is absolutely fabulous I repeated some words and sentences after it and it was something great and useful at the same time... Thanks a bunch for this video and keep going it's really amazing to see these kinds of videos on TH-cam ❤
Alhamdulillah ❤❤❤ I got free from this disease very earlier. Allah saved me earlier from these, gave me hidayat and motivated me. Then I started making myself the best boy. I started kicking shaitan and my worst mind. Now no one even make me think about bad things, the doing is so far away. If we try, no one even king of shaitan will be able to stop us. May Allah grant all of us to pray 5 times and do works for him. Ameen ❤❤❤
لك كل الحب والاحترام. في زمن عز في الرجال وكثرت فيه التفاهههه... نجد هذا المحتوى الهادف حفظك الرحمن اخي في الله، واعلى شأنك وزداك علم ورفعه. لم ارد ان اكتب باللغة الانجليزي لاني افضل لغتي عن اي شي.
Honestly, I used to feel the same, then later when I started taking Islam my religion seriously, the environment around me changed, for the first time i'm actually happy and that's thanks to Allah(S.W.T) for showing me am not alone and I will never be alone. Being a Muslim is not just being born in to a Muslim home and calling yourself a Muslim is about knowing who you are worshipping and why u are worshipping him, that is why I call myself a Muslim because I have put all my faith and trust in my maker(Allah), there is no one worthy of worship except him and Muhammad is his prophet(S.A.W). I have truly accepted Islam. The religion is straight forward and true no lies, no evil sides. It is just simple and beautiful. What more could anyone ask for in this beautiful Religion ❤.
May we all Muslims always remember the Ayah of the Quran ألم يعلم بأن الله يري يستخفون من الناس ولا يستخفون من الله وهو معهم إذ يبيتون ما لا يرضي من القول و كان الله بما يعملون محيطا
Keep trying. Allah loves best those who come back to him. Keep going through and once Allah sees your will power and dedication to want to change for better Allah will make your journey easier
Subhanallah, me and rehan have the same story. Every few days im motivated and pumped, but after some time I feel low and start running back to my addictions. Alhamdulillah, I will take this as a sign and thank Allah in my next prayer.
Oh Muslim brothers , don't expect or just wait for seeing such dream also but you are so lucky that you found this video think this video as if Allah showed it to you as the speaker says that Allah shows Rehan in his dreams 4:58
This video itself is a form of guidance from Allah,we have to make an effort to change ourselves and not just waiting for Allah's help because it is said Allah helps those who help themselves. And the most loved by Allah the youth who repents.
Jazakallah brother you changed my life i do pray namaz 4 times but miss fajar due to sleeping late and sometime i miss reading Holy Quran and important works i get low marks in exams now i am working hard because of your videos motivated me to do Good things❤
"Stop trying to control everything, just let them go " this is really what's actually to overcome from overthinking...... Allah may bless us and give hadiyat to all of us for right path 🥹❤️
My name is also Rehan and i was the same guy 8 months before indulged in bad videos and useless stuff ,having no purpose in life then I decided to quit i would repent and commit sin again and again i was failing but i did not fall kept strong hope in mercy of allah that he is most forgiving and best of helpers and now allah has purified me to a great extent , iwake up 5:30 am and donot sleep back ,i pray 5 times dialy ,lower my gaze , working towards an exam , developing good charaacters in me and removing bad desires which were devlped inside me , and trying to get more closr to ALLAH , iam here to conclude that keep trying if u fail doesnot matter But dont FALL keep strong hope that allah is most forgiving and ask guidence from Allah
Thank you Akhi Rehan for sharing your personal life experience.
Mashallah ❤
Allah is watching me .
Maybe this sentence will help me to come out from my bad desire insha allah
Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Please Recite These Du'as Slowly.
📿 - Astaghfirullah (20x)
📿 - Allahumma Ajirni Minanaar (7x)
📿 - Allahumma inni Asalukal Jannah (7x)
📿 - Sub'han Allahi wa bi Hamdihi (10x)
📿 - Sub'han Allahil Azeem (10x)
Copy this message and paste it to other people for good deeds.
@@zrsaro walaikum assalam
It will help you. It may not make you an invincible.
"Wha If this was my last moment." This one deos help for sure
@Dummy-likescheese Jesus (AS) didn't even say that he is your lord . He worshiped Allah (SWT) . Think and learn carefully if you want to worship a real creator. May Allah guide you to the right path.
Rehan❌Most of us✅
@@Jhgghhbjjjjj he means that, most of us did that, like our life was his, :). Have a great day!
@@Idkanamebrah ايوا اعرف وش يقصد
@@Jhgghhbjjjjj So why you laugh 😢
Everyone is not like you...
Wallahi, I feel like Allah swt sent this video to me. It is literally 3am and i was scrolling. I randomly found this video and was abt to save it to watch later to watch it later just like rehan. But suddenly i felt guilty and i opened this..
Thank you for this sign.❤
لك العافية ♥️
wallahi same
I had the exact same story!
Same feeling bro 💔
I sall this video at 1:58 am this might be a sign from Allah 😊
"If you cannot command yourself , you are just born to become a slave"
~wise man
@Dummy-likescheese Allah swt saved Jesus, okay?
I love jesus( Isha ibn Maryam ra )
One night, in my room covered in darkness, I cried to Allah and this time instead of making dua to Allah I spoke to him with an open and tired heart and asked him to guide me. Instantly I knew, if I really want to make a change I need to start by disciplining myself to at least pray 5 times a day everyday. Then I deleted TikTok, Instagram and Facebook (anything that will potentially trigger my bad habit). Now I will be deleting TH-cam as I follow my road to get closer to Allah and his religion. All praise is to Allah. Alhamdulilah
I think Now You become Discipline
Brother ,I swear to allah I'm gonna follow your same path and delete facebook (again for the 3rd time 😂😅😓😓😓) ,twitch ,deactivate youtube and Google play but maybe be download one or two dhikr and prayer apps first ,and to be realistic I'll try to help my mother as much as I can again as I once was and try read one ayah from Quran aday ,pray for me brothers 🙏🙏
May allah help us all in our inner battles against shaytan and first of all our ultimate enemy ......ourselves (our nafs and lust)
We can do this and we will do this inshaa' allah (by Allah's will)💪
This is exactly what I currently face. The fact that I have seen this video is because Allah knows I need it. May god guide me back to the straight path.
I was in your situation for months, it’s not easy the whisper from shaytan will make you fall, I had to keep repenting for months and months, you will fill guilty it was hard standing infront of Allah and asking him for forgiveness over and over again, but that was the only way, don’t give up on yourself, work on yourself ur 5 daily prayers and read Quran it will purify your heart and make alots of dua, Allah understands how difficult it is and he loves it when you keep repenting back to him. You got this bro
This is me😭
May Allah make it ease for me and Grant us all the ability to follow You Ya Allah not Shaytan Ameen
Brother ik how you feel you should be around a group that helps you to overcome this
Aameen Inshallah 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾💯🤍🤍🤍
Just because I want it, doesn't mean it's good for me
I have never been this miserable way I am now, and it's past 2 30 and after listening to surah mulk, I came across this video. I do not watch bad videos but I waste time on yt shorts. I hav no social media, except for whatsapp but I was still trapped in this cycle of wasting time. I'm studying for neet and this is my first year and also my first time acting like a brat. I feel Allah wanted me to watch this and sent this to help me. This video has help me think alot and In Sha Allah, I will try to work on myself. I was going to watch some more shorts but I will now go to bed. Alhamdulillah.
You made the right choice! Keep making such choices. Failure should not stop you!
Hi , you and I have the same story {same in the sense that I don't have any other social media except WhatsApp and TH-cam but I am indulge in web series & K drama also}
Because I am also a NEET aspirant
And I have taken one year drop to clear for 2025
But my condition is the same as before
No I feel very very guilty\
It feels like I am wasting time because I didn't improve anything in my preparation
My family and everyone around me is very supportive 😢 but it feels like I am betraying them
By the way where are you from I am from Lucknow UP
My high school and intermediate has done through UP board
Im studying medicine and that resemblance is pretty exact . I was the same guy as Rehan in my first year at med school but now as iam closer to Allah alhamdulillah im on the right track and getting good grades . Keep me in your prayers 😊
That's awesome!
Exactly same here😢 I'm trying hard to be consistent and with the final year studies but my routine is exactly as shown in the video ,I'm trying really hard to be on right track and to value time but I fail everytime ...may Allah guide me n us
এত্ত accurate video আমি আগে দেখিনি, মহান আল্লাহ্ সবাইকে শয়তানের ওয়াসওয়াসা থেকে বাঁচার তৌফিক দিন, আমিন❤
I thought it was only me going through this condition, felt hopeless. Watching this video and this comment section i got new hope. Alhamdulillah.
I'm also like this. I can't get out of this loop. Everytime i repent to Allah and then repeat the same sin again. I've been living with guilt for so long. Now i don't know what to do. Everyone please pray for me that may Allah make it easy for me to control my nafs and find ultimate peace in him.
May Allah swt guild you with idinasiratal mistaking
I believe, with His Mercy, Allah will guide us
Same for me brother
Please keep a brotherhood with practicing muslims such as the people who will meet other muslims and remind them about Allah,Imaan and the connection with Masjid. In India, we have Thableegh Jamaath who will visit the Muslims for purpose of strengthening the Imaan of them by reminding others about Imaan, Yaqeen and strong fundamental things. That boosts us when we are feeling spiritually low.
To do good deeds, we need sufficient fuel. That is what strong Imaan and Yaqeen. May Allah give you such companionship to light you and uplift you and all our brothers and sisters who face such struggles. Aameen.!
Me also everyone
Brother , your video just popped up into my feed right before I was going to scroll again. Just after Isha prayer. Allah really is with us .
Rehan : Don't scroll bother, it literally fried my brain.😂
bro same its isha time and this popped i ain't joking and you're comment uplifted me more
@@good_vibes3270same bro
بصراحة من اجمل المقاطع اللي شاهدتها، لأنه بسبب الحروب الحالية في بلاد الشام بلدي، اقضي وقت طويل جدًا بمشاهدة آخر المستجدات ويضيع كل وقتي على وسائل التواصل ، اسأل الله أن يغفر لنا جميعًا❤
this what I have been doing all my life. I am not addicted to my phone, I am just addicted to wathing movies and shows.
i almost despair, and then this video come to me, it just hit me, make me cry and realize something so important in life, thank you
It is midnight and my thoughts were becoming worst with every video I was watching, and then this video popped up, and now can't stop crying after realising what i was going to do 😭😭 Ya Allah, thanks for the motivation brother may Allah bless you ❤
Don't give up. A Good night sleep is the foundation for a good mental health.
It's not rehan, it's me. The exact same problems that made me depressed recently. I guess it was my destiny to find this video.
Wallahī, it is actually me right now. I'm in the same condition. Brothers and sisters, please pray for me in my fight against my bad behavior😢😢😢.
Ok bro
Rehan is a good muslim. "All the children of Adam are sinners, and the best of sinners are those who repent." (Sunan Ibn Majah, 4251)
Rehan's effort is more precious than his results, even though his results never come just as what he wanted
This is an amazing animation showing the reality of our youth sadly ... for all those going through the same thing may Allah open ways for you , there is a routine i thought that could uplift ones emaan 😊
The Routine:
Tahajjud (at least 3 times a week)
Pray all 5 prayers on time
Add sunnah prayers weekly (adding prayers helps with consistency)
Be active (ie. workout, walk, skincare)
Dua, dhikr, one page of Quran (per day)
Pick up hobbies (ie. teach Quran, Quran journaling)
Read Ayatul Kursi after every fard prayer (Jannah is guaranteed)
Read Surah Kahf every Friday
Make dua constantly (Allah hears every dua)
Work on Deen + remember Allah (remind yourself why and who your doing it for)
Journal about your journey (look back at your past self, fix your mistakes)
Istighfar, Shahada, Avatul Kursi + surah mulk (before bed)
Constantly remind yourself who you're doing this for, and plan your days around your salah.
May Allah help us all and make it easy for us to be the people He wants us to be ❤
Excellent strategy!
Good things come with lots of effort
What would be a good thought about why we are doing this?
This is the story of many AllahuAkbar, it is hard very very hard to change for better and learn self control. May allah help me and each person watching this video with overcoming the whispers of shaytan, aameen. ❤ Thank you for sharing this very insightful, reality based video.
Thank you for the well wishes.
Most of you might lose your this motivation right a few days after, but i myself will download this video and watch every day to remind myself towards my goals and maintain the same motivation and focus for a long time. So i advise you for the same act
Try to convert your motivation into discipline
Motivation will not last longer
I'm a girl and I'm 15 in 9 Grade from Pakistan just like the Rehan my Story is completely same I was just wasting my time on TH-cam watching Shorts but I found this video Bec I was feeling very guilty since jan 2024 I was procrastinating my important tasks all the time and I heard that one cause of procrastinating is your past trauma just Bec of my breakup I was procrastinating and just overthinking not praying namaz of fajr but always pray 4 Times other and I'm happy that I found this video and I will inshallah try again and again till I became disciplined I will start small and will make small targets to achieve in my day and I have a lot of syllabus to cover up I will inshallah Cover that and I will start from today not tomorrow and thank you brother for making this video you ❤
It Takes A Lot Of Courage to share this!
InshAllah No more time wasting Ya Allah We all will try to make ourselves better and better everyday (Ammen InshAllah)
Words can't explain how much i needed this right now.. Alhamdulillah
I clicked this video randomly and I don't want to watch it but my inner voice said just one video before quitting TH-cam and I watch it. I can relate with it i was on bad things i do a sin then i repent again do a sin and repent and so on. I think its a sign from Allah to make myself better and I have to focus on myself to protect myself from bad things and i think this video can help me out from so many bad things which i cannot tell here. Jazakallah brother to make such a guide video to make ourselves better. Turn yourself to Allah, before Allah take your soul.
Alhamdulah. This conferted me and reminded me the true purpose of life. I kept having fears and depression, but alhamdulah at this moment I feal calmer. Jazakula karan
Brought a tear to the eye, please dont stop making videos like this. Thanking the Lord for making this appear in my foryou timeline
Barakallahu akhi ...
I was in Rehans shoes for past few days .. and today morning i was saddened for wasting all my time when my university exam is nearing (i am a medico .. so it was even more relatale when u said he couldnt read his anatomy ..) .. this helped me a lot . ..
May Allah help us all to not waste time and help us to indulge in useful work .. ameen
I repented after 1and half years of sins... I never want to go back to that life.. ooh Allah please forgive us and choose us for your deen.
The same story belongs to me and its a sign for me to discipline myself in Sha ALLAH
Literally the same thing has been happening with me for about 1.5 years plz pray for me that I escape from this trap.
I've watch this twice to deeply understand. This is my situation, Alhamdulillah. From tonight, I'll be free from any addiction I've been living with for over 16 years. I'm 26. I swear to god. I didn’t search anything and this channel i didn’t subscribe but from Allah is just came my for you page Alxamdulilah. May Allah make it easy for everything brother. Don’t overthink everthing is step by step.🙏😎
HeyI have love and respect you and I wish you the best. By sharing you this, I have no intentions of judging or disrespecting your belief. I want you to know that Jesus Christ loves you all really deeply, much deeply that you could ever imagine. And Jesus proved his love for you on the cross "Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends." John
15:13. We are all sinners since the creation of humans and the salary of those sins is eternal death but Jesus Christ humbled himself as a human, lived a perfect sinless life, died on the cross and resurrected. It's by this ultimate sacrifice that we can be forgiven and saved, and not by our own works because no one is perfect. Jesus Christ already paid the price!
You must accept his grace, put your faith in Him and live for Him in order to enter heaven.
"If you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is
Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Romans 10:9. I'm telling you that because Jesus Christ changed my life! God bless you all, you are seen and loved.
@@Faith_saves7In fact Jeasus is just a human not a god
He’s the one of the messenger from the god Allah swt which is known as prophet isa.
Then why are u describe about Jesus. He’s also a slave of Allah. Allah the great merciful is the most love to human, most patience full and the most mighty even human are being rebellion to him. ❤
@ Respect to you but what is love in your opinion ? In the Bible it says : “to lay down his own life for a friend is the best act of love”. We are sinners by nature and our salary is death. But by the unconditional love of God, Jesus Christ humbled himself as a human, lived a perfect life on earth, sacrificed his live for our sins and resurrected. Jesus Christ is the human form of God on earth, it’s by him that God can be seen through his actions. He is the word. "In the beginning, the Word was with God and was God”. Jesus is the ultimate needing person for our salvation.
I feel guilty after realising not only me experiencing this.
This boy is just me , just me , I broke into tears because this is actually me ..I swear I'm not gonna surrender to my weaknesses anymore
May Allah SWT guide and protect us against satanic deceit
I needed this video. I want to be disciplined Bt stuck in my thoughts
famous person wow
This story feels like you are talking about me, being in med school is already very tough and using social media and youtube takes up so much of my time, i don't realise. When I'm stressed, I start seeing shorts or some web series to take my mind off of things,but it results in me being further depressed. I waste soo much time, my exams are going on and I was scrolling youtube. This video popped up, and I felt so conected, so real. May Allah ( swt) help us all .
My name is also Rehan , Mohammed Rehan Raza from Hyderabad , India . I have a goal but unable focus on it coz of spending more time on social media. InshA ALLAH right from now I will just focus on my goal...
Welcome Rehan!
I am 12 years old and I now know that I am just like Rehan. So that made me very sad. I even don't pray anything even when my mom ask me did you pray I always says to my self just lie 1 time and from now you will be disciplined but not and now I get that I have to be changed . very thankyou!
May Allah Grant you Goodness
Jazak Allah Khair Bro for this video, " LET THE BATTLE BEGINS"
This video is saving my life.
Subhan Allah
Thankyou remember me in your prayers
Amazing, MASHA ALLAH, I am an Arabic person but I enjoy listening to this type of video to improve my English skills And to remind myself to fear God and return to Him, no matter how great my sins are 🤍
جزاك الله خيرا اخي.
Brother words can not describe my respect and love for you because of this video❤❤
Thank you!
Alhamudala for Everything . Am umar I appreciate you good work 10:21
Allah works in mysterious ways this video was meant for me
I can't believe the same situations is happening with me and I'm dam confused and felt helpless then the saw this video alhumdulliah i got the solution of my problem alhumdulliah ❤
Grateful To Almighty That This Video Popup , Much Needed 😊🌷
May Almighty Allah make everything easy for our brother and make him emerge as victorious Aameen. ❤❤❤
I don't know how can i thank you brother
I was randomly scrolling and i felt like Allah has sent me this video to guide me, I can completely relate with this video including my name and i got goosebumps whenever you called my name because it felt someone was having a personal conversation with me
and maybe years later I'll return to this video to thank you again
I faced a similar dilemma when I was studying in med school… very well said that it is a spiritual illness… one thing which really helped me overcome all these addictions was a simple dua, a’udhu billahi min ashhaytan irrajeem, small and powerful!! I also added a’udhu billahi min sharri nafsi ( o Allah protect me from the evil of my nafs) innaka a’la kulli shayin qadeer (indeed u have total authority on all affairs) hope this helps brothers
@ prove to me Christianity is better than Islam and I will accept it, but if you can’t you will have to embrace Islam. Yea I am that confident that I am on the right religion, are you ?
@Dummy-likescheese yo where are you ? Let’s have a face off then I am waiting
@Dummy-likescheese I mean for a person who is so confident Jesus is lord, you sure don’t have time to defence ur stance
its amazing how i have never searched anything like this and yet it still came to me. its like a sign from Allah. Subhanallah may Allah guide us all💗
While listening to Rehan's story, I felt that the person who is being talked about in this video it's just exactly like me. I've learnt the lesson, thank you to whoever uploaded this video. I hope I can change after hearing it. I'll update you later, in sha allah
Keep a plan! What will you do when this motivation fades? Regards.
@@InnerIman-e7u I will remember again because now I know what's the reason so whenever I do something like that again I will remember again. In Sha Allah!
I discovered this channel by all sudden and .. it's just amazing ! giving islamic guidnace and solutions for psychological issues just makes a sense ! it helps a lot, I would like if you add a videos about the muslim female, because I find a lot of good advices for male muslims (to be strong and all) and hopefully I find another versions which matches with what suits the muslim female, I hope u start working about this! May Allah accepts your work!
Ya Allah help us...Hey Allah make my all brothers success and be Deciplined...
I felt so bad because I am a widow with one kid. As a divorced young woman satan made me feel like I am ugly and not good enough. He said I can be happy with talking to strangers. However, my heart wasnt talking in the same way, so I stopped too. My way is İslam now. I won't worry about controlling myself anymore! Thanks for the video.💖
Just the right perfect timing! Alhamdulillah.
Jazakallahu khairan sir..
May allah help us all we are alll facing what rehan described but allah will surely help us ya allah please help everyone
Jazak Allah Khair Akhi Rehan ❤
I was thinking about what should I watch to improve my listening in English (because I am trying to level up my English language and make it better) and gain new information as well and I found this video which is absolutely fabulous I repeated some words and sentences after it and it was something great and useful at the same time... Thanks a bunch for this video and keep going it's really amazing to see these kinds of videos on TH-cam ❤
Thanks Man!
I feel this video came to my recommendations is a sign from Allah
Alhamdulillah ❤❤❤
I got free from this disease very earlier. Allah saved me earlier from these, gave me hidayat and motivated me. Then I started making myself the best boy. I started kicking shaitan and my worst mind. Now no one even make me think about bad things, the doing is so far away.
If we try, no one even king of shaitan will be able to stop us.
May Allah grant all of us to pray 5 times and do works for him.
Ameen ❤❤❤
Thanks for sharing your journey. May Allah keep you steadfast!
need more reminders like this
لك كل الحب والاحترام.
في زمن عز في الرجال وكثرت فيه التفاهههه... نجد هذا المحتوى الهادف
حفظك الرحمن اخي في الله، واعلى شأنك وزداك علم ورفعه.
لم ارد ان اكتب باللغة الانجليزي لاني افضل لغتي عن اي شي.
حسنًا، إليك ردي بلغتك. ♥️
May Allah SWT guide, protect & make it ease for us all Inshallah 🙏🏾
Amazing Topic For Today's Muslim And Children. We Must Follow our Religion and contribute to development and education.
Honestly, I used to feel the same, then later when I started taking Islam my religion seriously, the environment around me changed, for the first time i'm actually happy and that's thanks to Allah(S.W.T) for showing me am not alone and I will never be alone. Being a Muslim is not just being born in to a Muslim home and calling yourself a Muslim is about knowing who you are worshipping and why u are worshipping him, that is why I call myself a Muslim because I have put all my faith and trust in my maker(Allah), there is no one worthy of worship except him and Muhammad is his prophet(S.A.W). I have truly accepted Islam. The religion is straight forward and true no lies, no evil sides. It is just simple and beautiful. What more could anyone ask for in this beautiful Religion ❤.
may Allah reward you brother for sharing such a masterpiece. this is the situation of most of the youth .may Allah guide us to the straight path Ameen
May we all Muslims always remember the Ayah of the Quran ألم يعلم بأن الله يري
يستخفون من الناس ولا يستخفون من الله وهو معهم إذ يبيتون ما لا يرضي من القول و كان الله بما يعملون محيطا
These two different verses
أَلَمْ يَعْلَم بِأَنَّ اللَّهَ يَرَىٰ
يَسْتَخْفُونَ مِنَ النَّاسِ وَلَا يَسْتَخْفُونَ مِنَ اللَّهِ وَهُوَ مَعَهُمْ إِذْ يُبَيِّتُونَ مَا لَا يَرْضَىٰ مِنَ الْقَوْلِ ۚ وَكَانَ اللَّهُ بِمَا يَعْمَلُونَ مُحِيطًا
I feel like this video is made for me i can relate every word of this video May Allah bless you
After 10 days I relapsed man I don't no what to do ,😢 I am 23 and for 10 days I tried my best praying 5 times
Keep trying. Allah loves best those who come back to him. Keep going through and once Allah sees your will power and dedication to want to change for better Allah will make your journey easier
Love this akhi, so reletable. May Allah send this to the people who need it the most
Your story telling and animation are awesome. We are deeply connected with Rehan's story.
Thank you!
I am rehan and your video is message for me from allah subhan wa talla❤ thank God i am in the right path now your video helped me alot❤
This video deserves millions of views 🎉❤
Thanks. Your support will get it millions.
It is soooooooo relatable man!!!!! May ALLAH ALMIGHTY reward you in this world and the hereafter!!!! Ameen Sumameen
9:15 ❤ the solution to quit these Habbits 🙂
SubhanAllah. Don't forget to pray
Brother, you released this video at the right time. Thank you.
Glad it was helpful!
Yea bro actually
Indeed Thanks to Allah who made me watch this vedio..❤
Need more this type of videos, it's really encouraging.!
Got it!
Subhanallah, me and rehan have the same story. Every few days im motivated and pumped, but after some time I feel low and start running back to my addictions. Alhamdulillah, I will take this as a sign and thank Allah in my next prayer.
I love a guy name rehan...i really hope allah show him this video and may he change ameen 😭♥️
was just about to fall back into the loop. and this pops up on my feed. thankyou brother 💓💓
Oh Muslim brothers , don't expect or just wait for seeing such dream also but you are so lucky that you found this video think this video as if Allah showed it to you as the speaker says that Allah shows Rehan in his dreams 4:58
Thanks bro.I am also living same life as rehan .I am deeply connected with rehan's story
This video itself is a form of guidance from Allah,we have to make an effort to change ourselves and not just waiting for Allah's help because it is said Allah helps those who help themselves.
And the most loved by Allah the youth who repents.
جزاك الله خیر
Jazakallah brother you changed my life i do pray namaz 4 times but miss fajar due to sleeping late and sometime i miss reading Holy Quran and important works i get low marks in exams now i am working hard because of your videos motivated me to do Good things❤
May Allah Change your life for the Good
I believe this video is the old man in Rehan's dream That Allah has sent Me .
May Allah Make myfurther steps stronger❤
شكراااا بارك الله فيك و جزاك الله خيرا 🌺
thx brother i needed this video coz my routine is also similar to the one rehan had.
We all can relate to Rehan at some level.
@@InnerIman-e7u yeahh
"Stop trying to control everything, just let them go " this is really what's actually to overcome from overthinking......
Allah may bless us and give hadiyat to all of us for right path 🥹❤️
awesome you give me a motivation to stop scrolling on social media jazakallahu khairal jaza' my bro
Glad to hear that
That was one of the best stories i've ever heard i loved it so much! Thanks for sharing this video to the platform!
Glad you enjoyed it!