It makes me remember, a hadith of the messenger of Allah SAW. It was 5th or 6th year of his preaching, and he had less than 25 followers, who were persecuted day and night. When the stones were being thrown at him on streets, when he was being mocked and ridiculed, & his daughters were divorced, family boycotted. When everything looked so hopeless and depressing. It was then our prophet SAW promised, 'Islam will reach the farthest corners of east and west'. How truthful were you my beloved Rasool Allah! :) If only we could live up to your expectations....
@Gasko Gaskovich mate same thing. Don't nitpick. We will all stand in front of Allah on the day of judgement, none of this cursing will help you on that day.
@@sibaraku2023 Hamas seems more like an Israeli excuse for every war crime they commit. I haven't researched Hamas and I don't know what they do. If they are the terrorists Israel claims they are, then yes I denounce them. If they are not, then I don't know and I'm in no position to say. I do know about what Israel does and I denounce their government, not the people but the government.
@@eagle3676 Israel was an outpost for jews during Hitler's era and british occupation. The Brits gave them the place but ignored the fact there was palestine. So more jews came and most of their land is taken. Palestine is only a strip of land left. Now they're being lead by a ruthless leader who would do anything to take back palestine.Sad rlly ;-;
The Japanese dude prononcing Surah Fatia was so different but it showed how thier dialect is and how their pronunciation of certain words, just is. Amazing.
Its true, to be honest i laughed at first but then i realised how beautiful the arabian language is and how different it is from every single language, it made me thank allah for sending us the revelation in this beautiful language to tell us the most amazing of stories. Lots of love🙋♂️❤
Brother Islam is amazingly diversified in its orientation but strangely unified in its spirit like unison of God, believe on Prophet hood and immutability of holy Koran Sharif. Let's celebrate it❤️❤️
Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22. When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19- 22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses.
my salam to Japanese Muslim i am 83 years of Muslim by birth from india, last 45 year's I am in California U S A. My First Job @ 17 on Japanese fishing ,boat in 1957 Mumbai.
Salam ‘Aleykom wa rahmatullahi wa barakato from Italy, my brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah reward every single muslim with Jannatul Firdaous ya Rab!😭❤️✨
Allahu Akbar this video put tears in my eyes,i jus remember the hadith of the prophet Muhammad which says Islam will reach the four corners of the World, your Muslim brother from South Cyprus much love to every Muslim
گوش و هوش خود را باز کنید, : Before you Convert to Islam read this book "آنگاه که هدایت شدم" you may find in English and Arabic too and translate this information below, then make your Decision what kind of Islam you want to be, Sunny or Shiah?? first قضاوت با شما, اگر سلفی هستید, سنی هستید یا شیعه : آیا در ادیان آسمانی دین را خداوند ج برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند؟ یا اینکه نه مردم میتواند دین و مذهبی را برای خود خلق کند و یا اختیار کند؟ که حتما" میگویید نه خود خداوند ج است که حاضر وآیندهء جهان را میداند و دین را برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند. حتی پیامبران خدا بدون امر و دستور خداوند ج در امور دین چیزی از خود نه گفته و نه ساخته اند. و ما ينطق عن الهـوى (3) ان هـو الا وحـى يـوحـى (4) "نجم" .3 - و هرگز از روى هواى نفس سخن نمى گويد. .4 - آنچه مى گويد به جز وحيى كه به وى مى شود نمى باشد. بعد از اینکه الله متعال از رسولش دعوت بازگشت بسوی خود کرد, و رسولش هم لبیک گفت, آیا خداوند ج در مورد آیندهء آخرین دین آسمانی اش هیچ هدایت, امر و دستوری نداد که بعد از رسولش مردم امور دین و دنیای خودرا از کی بگیرند؟ جواب, بلی دستور داد, يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ ۚ وَاللَّـهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ اى پيامبر، آنچه را از جانب پروردگارت به تو نازل شده، ابلاغ كن؛ و اگر نكنى رسالتش را به انجام نرساندهاى. و خدا تو را از [گزند] مردم نگاه مىدارد. بی گمان، خدا گروه كافران را هدايت نمىكند. دعوت بازگشت و این دستور الله ج در حج الوداع بود, که پیامبر خدا ص در حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) مردم را دعوت کرد و به مردم گفت ای مردم من از نزد شما میروم ولی نزد شما دو چیز گران بها را میگذارم : "قرآن, و معلم قرآن", همه میدانیم قرآن و سنت, معلم میخواهد, این دستور از جانب خدواند ج بود و توسط رسول گرامی اش به مردم ابلاغ و اتمام حجت شد, و تمام مردم حاضر در آن اجتماع بزرگ, همه به آن امر بیعت دادند, ولی بعد, در اولین ساعات رحلت عدهء بجای شرکت در مراسم عزای بزرگ و دفن و کفن رسول الله ص در "سقیفه بنی ساعده" رفتند و خلاف ابلاغ حجت الوداع را کرند. ؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛؛ در امر خلافت یا وارث انبیاء, حدیث است: { وارث انبیاء در روی زمین اهل علم است } معروف است که میگویند: (بی علم نتوان خدا را شناخت) برای پیروی بعد از ختم مرتب ص آنچه از جانب الله و رسولش هدایت داده شد فقط حکم حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) است. سقیفه..... که ساخت بشر است. مردمان سقیفه........, مطابق احادیث حتی سواد قرآنی هم نداشتند, ********؛ آیه قرآن : هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ زمر/9 آیا دانایان (اهل علم) با نادانان مساویند؟ الحديث "العلماء ورثة الأنبياء" پس خلفا چطور؟: بيهقي در شعب الإيمان، قرطبي در تفسير خود، ابن عساكر در تاريخ مدينه دمشق، ذهبي در تاريخ الإسلام، سيوطي در تنوير الحوالك و الدر المنثور، زرقاني در شرح خود بر موطأ مالك، كتاني در نظام الحكومة و ... نوشته اند: وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ الْفَضْلِ الْقَطَّانُ، ثنا أَبُو عَلِيٍّ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ الصَّوَّافُ، ثنا بِشْرُ بْنُ مُوسَي أَبُو بِلالٍ الأَشْعَرِيُّ، ثنا مَالِكُ بْنُ أَنَسٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ: " تَعَلَّمَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ الْبَقَرَةَ فِي اثْنَتَيْ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً، فَلَمَّا أَتَمَّهَا، نَحَرَ جَزُورًا " از عبد الله بن عمر نقل شده است كه گفت: عمر بن خطاب، دوازده سال طول كشيد تا سوره بقره را ياد بگيرد، وقتي تمام كرد، شتري را ذبح نمود. البيهقي، أحمد بن الحسين بن علي بن موسي ابوبكر (متوفاي458هـ)، شعب الإيمان، ج2، ص1954، تحقيق: محمد السعيد بسيوني زغلول، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1410هـ؛ الأنصاري القرطبي، ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد (متوفاي671هـ)، الجامع لأحكام القرآن، ج1، ص40، ناشر: دار الشعب - القاهرة؛ ابن عساكر الدمشقي الشافعي، أبي القاسم علي بن الحسن إبن هبة الله بن عبد الله،(متوفاي571هـ)، تاريخ مدينة دمشق وذكر فضلها وتسمية من حلها من الأماثل، ج44، ص286، تحقيق: محب الدين أبي سعيد عمر بن غرامة العمري، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1995؛ الذهبي الشافعي، شمس الدين ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان (متوفاي 748 هـ)، تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير والأعلام، ج3، ص267، تحقيق د. عمر عبد السلام تدمري، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - لبنان/ بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1407هـ - 1987م؛ السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، تنوير الحوالك شرح موطأ مالك، ج1، ص162، ناشر: المكتبة التجارية الكبري ـ مصر، 1389هـ ـ 1969م؛ السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، الدر المنثور، ج1، ص54، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1993؛ الزرقاني، محمد بن عبد الباقي بن يوسف (متوفاي1122هـ) شرح الزرقاني علي موطأ الإمام مالك، ج2، ص27، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1411هـ؛ الكتاني، عبد الحي بن عبد الكبير (متوفاي1383هـ)، نظام الحكومة النبوية المسمي التراتيب الإدراية، ج2، ص280، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - بيروت.
It was a Bangladeshi lawyer who helped Japan to avoid a huge lawsuit of US and UK during 2nd world War. Again it was some Bangladeshi workers who had done some things great in order to establish the most devolved and most effective and most peaceful religion of the world. I truly believe one day people of Japan will thanks Bangladesh for thos workers have done.
@Binod Tharu why would I change, I’m happy their happy if we weren’t peaceful Islam wouldn’t have spread in JAPAN and in much more countries even in Europe hopefully one day a Muslim will govern France 😉
Ram madarchod sita randi sapne lete raho sach kabhi nahi Marta aaj bhi proof milte hain Hajaro saal purane not like yours ek ghisi pitti kitab ke siwa apna kuch nahi Sab kabja kiya hai dusro ki jagah pe . Jis begarat ke sir pe itna uuchal rahe ho woh bhi tadap tadap ke Mara tha Aur aaj bhi usko jannat main bhejne ki dua karte ho .
@@sabredragostea534 not necessarily. tho it isn't really just a Buddhist country they're also mostly shinto-buddihst. The philipeans for example before the spanish colonialism was a muslim country. Though islam has exteme potential here since it'll be hitting the newer generation of Japanese people who've distanced themselves from their old traditions and are a lot more open minded than the older generations.
@heil Jesus not all. In bangladesh most of the people are not educated so much. So they are far away from islamic knowledge. But the situation is changing rapidly. Our mentality is changing and islamic knowledge is increasing amongst the general people. People are very nice here mashallah
@heil Jesus I don't think so because our country is enriched with history and tradition. But years of oppression by other countries have made us a weak nation in all sectors. We shall overcome from this and will retain our old culture and tradition. Bangladesh was one of the richest and oldest civilized places in the ancient india and we will retain our dignity that we have lost
Imagine, despite having all those difficulties being a Muslim in Japan, they are thriving and finally ready to do Hajj. Some of us have all those privileges but never thought of taking on any challenges and doing something like this. May Allah accept all their good deeds and Hajj.
Allah SWT says: وَرَاَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُوْنَ فِيْ دِيْنِ اللّٰهِ اَفْوَاجًا "And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes," (QS. An-Nasr 110: Verse 2)
Robert okello, your lies about Christ (s.a.w.), the son of Mary were exposed long ago. "[Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive. And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant. And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive. That is Jesus, the son of Mary - the word of truth about which they are in dispute" [19:30-34] The Lord of the Worlds denies your false claims. "It is not [befitting] for Allah to take a son; exalted is He! When He decrees an affair, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. [Jesus said], "And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path." Then the factions differed [concerning Jesus] from among them, so woe to those who disbelieved - from the scene of a tremendous Day." [19:35-37] Repent from your evil ways Robert before the Day of Judgement arrives and there will be no escape for the evildoers. "How [clearly] they will hear and see the Day they come to Us, but the wrongdoers today are in clear error. And warn them, [O Muhammad], of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be concluded; and [yet], they are in [a state of] heedlessness, and they do not believe. Indeed, it is We who will inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and to Us they will be returned." [19:38-40]
Similarities between belief in the trinity and the character of Dionysus in Greek mythology: ● Dionysus is a mortal god, the son of an immortal deity father Zeus. ● Dionysus was born to a mortal mother by the name of Semele. ● He was killed by mortals. ● He was sent to the world as a savior. ● Dionysus was resurrected in physical form after his death. ● Although Dionysus was semi-divine, he lived among people in human form and shared people’s weaknesses. ● Dionysus permitted himself to be caught and put to death as a sacrifice of his own free will. ● Followers of Dionysus in ancient Greece ate meat and drank wine in remembrance of and to give thanks to him. They regard- ed this as eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Dionysus and imagined that this drew them closer to him. This pagan ritu- al, a precursor to the doctrine of transubstantiation, is applied to Jesus (pbuh) in a most interesting way in The Gospel According to St. John: Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me, and I in them." (John 6: 53-56) ● In another passage, Jesus gives the disciples wine to drink by his own hand and tells them to regard this as his blood: While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." (Matthew 26: 26) Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Matthew 26:27-28) Conclusion: Christianity is just a copy of greek pagan religion .
Christianity is as "heretical" to Judaism as it is to Islam, because nowhere does it say in the Old Testament that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected again. So no, you don't get to claim that the Torah says such and such about Jesus being divine because in Judaism the very concept of trinity is contrary to the monotheistic teaching of the religion, as is shared also by Islam. YHWH is one and He begets not.
i met Japanese student's in india in my university , we become friends soon, they explained me all about Japanese culture & they demanded me to explain islam in detail, when i explained they were very impressed by islam except few, i love Japanese, Japanese are very calm & kind peoples ♥️
Prays 5 times a day? Fasting since dawn to sunset a whole month? Far far far faraway pilgrimage? These people must be very special doing all the way of their religious faith that some other people won't do...
@@Mr.Ascetic You know, it isn't hard to manage 25 minutes out of your day for prayer, right? Don't be stupid. (Several months later I concede my point and realize that I have read your comment incorrectly)
Aap ko islam ka ABCD bhi nhi pata aur islam ke bare me bol rhe ho,, din ke 24 hours me se surf 27 minute namaj aur allah ke liye mushkil h kya,, khair jane do aap nhi smjhoge aur smjhna bhi nhi h apko,,phle islam ke bare me jano fir comment karo
@@Mr.Ascetic so an average person sleeps about 8hrs a day so thats 24-8 which leaves you with 16hrs then take 7hrs for an average full time job, -that leaves you with 9hrs every day to do whatever you want. its not hard to free up 25min to pray, and 1.6billion people already do it. Stop assuming bad things from people and your life will be much better, this is advice for you from human to another and no religion is telling me to do this. We all are born and die the same way. Let us live our lives peacefully. If my religion gives me hope then that should be enough for everyone else to not criticize my religion.
There was a time when Yemenis and Turkish would travel around the world and spread Islam from Spain to Indonesia. Now history is repeating itself with Bangladeshis taking on the same duty. This is the beauty of Islam ❤️
My corners are closing primative islam down as is Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and other civilised countries. Islams days are numbered if not ended already. We live in 2019. Islam not welcome.
@@maryammuslimah7660 Freedom of speech Maryam. I have the right to express myself and certainly the right to support scientific facts. If you can't cope with the rules of 2019 then maybe you are the one who should 'SHUT UP' or would you like to provide us with some proof that a winged horse even exists or that the moon was split in two, (which would ofcourse create tidal waves and earth-quakes immeadiately). So NO. I won't shut up! I think I'll continue with my logical, scientific observations and if you can't handle the heat you should just stay out of the kitchen and go back to a hole in the sand somewhere. You are aware mohammed was a paedophile aren't you?
@@maryammuslimah7660 No chance! I will keep talking in the name of freedom of speech and science. Notice I never asked you to shut up. You just can't deal with your pathetic excuse for a faith being challenged can you? Too bad because it will keep happening a LOT! Look at all the European countries banning the head-scarf and closing mosques. It is clear that primative islam is NOT welcome in the actual world. You can not take criticism of your so called holy book, you rely upon fairy tales about people flying to the heavens on winged horses and you can't accept that salt and fresh water actually DO mix. Why do you think you are being barred and why do you think people are laughing at you???? Go figure it out. You are either part of 2019 or you are just finished.
Feeling sick seeing pathetic excuse for a religion trying to promote itself with hate speech against homosexuals and women. No wonder the veil is being banned in so many countries and that we are closing down mosques. Welcome to reality. If you don't like it go reproduce under a rock in the sands.
Jazzabbi Fernandes incorrect, many people are converting to islam because islam is logical if you read the quran and dive deep into its meanings you will instantly be convinced. Your ignorant for stereotyping muslim men for having multiple wives
@@papastalin1543 Islam is the fastest growing religion in terms of converts. Nothing to do with birthing. BTW it's an another evidence who shows that Islam doesn't only spread by the sword 👏👏
@@PK-se2jh So you are the product of outside marriage from your parents? How many daddies do you have? Keep breedings like animals you low life human, dont accuse other community for your filthy behavior!
Your beautiful religion is not so beautiful to LGBT, democracy, women's rights and free thought, minority groups that the west protects and respects as equals. For such reasons it is logical that a sane, educated person should denounce your "beautiful religion" for what it is, backwards and amoral.
@@johnnygooch8361 what our religion is not beautiful to is actually not beautiful for you as well , haram means harmful to health and spirit , what is backward and amoral is your own culture and knowledge for not acknowledging the harms of the lifestyle you are living in and of course the satanic religion you are following .
@@uniboss5306 you prove my point. You're intolerant, hateful, discriminatory and you still think you're the good guy (rofl). Eventually religion, especially Islam will fade away and humanity will be much better off when it disappears into folklore where it belongs.
So many islamophobia in this comment 😰 let the heart go itself, people have right of their heart, they want to being muslim or not it's not other people matter. Shouting on comment means nothing for people's heart. Be mature, please
@@travelleryu why don't you say the same about british christan colonizer winston Churchill? who killed brown people for fun? because he thought hindus were beneath him?
Salam to all my Muslim brothers and sisters worldwide and in Japan. From a white American Muslim from America. Islam is a perfected way of life created by God (Allah) for ALL OF MANKIND.
Please it is not all Muslim countries for example my home country Djibouti located on the horn of Africa we have all the Christian faiths (Ethiopian orthodox, Catholic Church and evengelical protestant )even before the creation of Isreal we have jews but they all left for Palestine so don't judge us ok . Tolérance is good. In coran is written (your relegion and mine ) 😀😊☺ . If came and check out by yourself. .😆
suhuur1972 Mohammed Stay away from Islam they worship a false god created by false prophet Muhammad. Do not go and worship and kiss the black rock in Mecca. Read the bible especially the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Also read what Jesus taught because he is the perfection of the law and the prophets.
Sending love from Canada. I love all my muslim brother and sisters. This is the beautiful struggle, and indeed, ALLAH will always find a way for the believers.
@@douglasmclean5553 Dude , Stop watching Fox news about Islam and try read and understand the islam , It makes you look like an idiot when you talk like you know everything.😂
MashaAllah! It is so great to see that Muslim population is growing in Japan, and InshaAllah those Japaniese convert brothers and sisters will be in the forfront of the bridge between the ethnic japanese and Islam! Assalam Aleykum to all Muslim brothers and sisters in Japan and all around the world!
WILD LIFE Stay away from Islam they worship a false god created by false prophet Muhammad. Do not go and worship and kiss the black rock in Mecca. Read the bible especially the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Also read what Jesus taught because he is the perfection of the law and the prophets.
I have heard that lots of french people are converting to islam as much as 50000 per year. What do you think about it? Are muslim increasing in france?
@Silverknight171 France is the former son of the Church, as it was still called under Louis XVI ... but since the French Revolution, and especially since the laws on secularism, France is the daughter of the philosophers of Enlightenment , of Napoleonic Imperialism, and for its less glorious moments, with the Algerian war, Indochina, and the Vichy government ... since with De Gaulle it has restored its coat of arms, but since Sarkozy, Holland, Macron it takes an ultra-liberal and neoconservative turn, while instrumentalizing the populists ...
Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22. When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses.
`Abdullah ibn `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying: “Islam has been built on five [pillars]: testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakah, making the pilgrimage to the House, and fasting in Ramadan.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
How beautifully that man telawyat Quran even though it is difficult for him. How far he come just because he love Allah. Subhanallah. Yes, the lawyer is right. Compare to him we r very small even though we born as Muslim. May Allah bless all the Japanese brothers and sisters.
In my view Japanese are the most ethically disciplined community all over the world. Embracing Islam which is based on peace and mercy will undoubtedly bring their humanity to another level.
Sulayman Conateh Stay away from Islam they worship a false god created by false prophet Muhammad. Do not go and worship and kiss the black rock in Mecca. Read the bible especially the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Also read what Jesus taught because he is the perfection of the law and the prophets.
@@justiceforall6135 Mohammed is the last and final messenger of Allah and brings the truth from his lord God as previous messengers from God, like Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus (pbuh) all and we make no distinction between them.
@@arsalakhan8098 now I'm confused. I understood the first comment, hence my reply. Maybe my punjabi is bad...? my second comment was in relation to that
Islam the Arabic word has two meanings. 1. Submission, and 2. Peace. Islam means submitting to the only Lord of the universe and carry the message of peace to the humanity and other creatures of God. The beautiful aspect of Islam is that it gives hope to a man, consoles in his miseries in life, teaches how to lead a comfortable life, how to be grateful for God's blessings. Islam offers a very strong social fabric, its family system.
MA SHAA ALLAH. I am very glad to see those brothers converted to Islam . May ALLAH SWT ease their whole Life and may ALLAH give them strength to give dawa to other people as well AMEEN. Lots of Love From Pakistan❤❤
Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22. When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19- 22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses.
إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ (۱) وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا (۲) فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ إِنَّهُ كَانَ تَوَّابًا (۳) Meaning: “When Allah's help and victory have come. And you see people entering the religion of Allah in crowds, so glorify yourself by praising your Lord and asking Him for forgiveness. Verily, He is the Most Accepting of repentance."
Salam my Japanese brothers and sisters it's good to see how fast nowadays people around the world reverting to islam..... Great job Ridah may Allah bless u and ur family keep up the good work
@@muhammadhaffifiabuhassan2044 what's the media got to do with it. So the almighty allah can show the way to a few Japanese but can't stop Al queda, hizbulla, taliban, boko haraam, jemah ialamiya, abu sayyaf and the hundreds on Islamic terrorist organisations.
@@King_Neptune People still have their free will regardless of guidance. Otherwise your heart and common sense would go straight to Islam. Besides life is a test full of challenges and not a fairy tale. Peace
It makes me remember, a hadith of the messenger of Allah SAW. It was 5th or 6th year of his preaching, and he had less than 25 followers, who were persecuted day and night. When the stones were being thrown at him on streets, when he was being mocked and ridiculed, & his daughters were divorced, family boycotted. When everything looked so hopeless and depressing. It was then our prophet SAW promised, 'Islam will reach the farthest corners of east and west'.
How truthful were you my beloved Rasool Allah! :) If only we could live up to your expectations....
@Gasko Gaskovich Spelling is different through different countries. If you want to be "accurate" then spell it in Arabic.
@Gasko Gaskovich way to be respectful my dude..
Yet all those people who mocked him let's say he left a legacy and he's a legend
With Allah's will you can achieve anything
@Gasko Gaskovich mate same thing. Don't nitpick. We will all stand in front of Allah on the day of judgement, none of this cursing will help you on that day.
When u want to know about islam go to masjid .... dont judge from what u see or hear from media
And Read al Quran of Muhammad Aleyhi selam
ok, would you denounce Hamars please?A terroristic group.
@@Horonos119 Al Quran isn't by Muhammad, it's by Allah.
@@sibaraku2023 Hamas seems more like an Israeli excuse for every war crime they commit. I haven't researched Hamas and I don't know what they do. If they are the terrorists Israel claims they are, then yes I denounce them. If they are not, then I don't know and I'm in no position to say. I do know about what Israel does and I denounce their government, not the people but the government.
@@eagle3676 Israel was an outpost for jews during Hitler's era and british occupation. The Brits gave them the place but ignored the fact there was palestine. So more jews came and most of their land is taken. Palestine is only a strip of land left. Now they're being lead by a ruthless leader who would do anything to take back palestine.Sad rlly ;-;
Love to all my Japanese Muslim brothers and sisters from Libya
Assalamu Alaykum 🇯🇵🇱🇾
@Internet Hardcase I shouldn't expect a better comment from someone with an anime profile pic.
Waaleikum salaam
Wa alaykumusalaam
I love Islam iam Muslim form Pakistan 🇵🇰🤝
@@hafizirfantlp388 we love you to
The Japanese dude prononcing Surah Fatia was so different but it showed how thier dialect is and how their pronunciation of certain words, just is. Amazing.
Its true, to be honest i laughed at first but then i realised how beautiful the arabian language is and how different it is from every single language, it made me thank allah for sending us the revelation in this beautiful language to tell us the most amazing of stories.
Lots of love🙋♂️❤
Yes,, I really impressed!!
He tried his best n i think he did very well.
Brother Islam is amazingly diversified in its orientation but strangely unified in its spirit like unison of God, believe on Prophet hood and immutability of holy Koran Sharif. Let's celebrate it❤️❤️
Send me what, s up number I teach you free of charge
As a Bangladeshi. From Bottom of my heart, i just say thank u to those Bangladeshi who made masjid in japan. ❤
muhammad aL mahdi your the best muslim
@Type 2 unset diabeetus
All Japanese must convert become Islam or harakiri . Sayonara
@Type 2 unset diabeetus shame on u old man
muslim siregar
You’re extremist thinking is unwelcomed here. God guides who he pleases
@@muslimsiregar7110 You don't deserve to be Muslim any more then
May Allah grant them jannah and everyone to jannah from USA
آمین ثم آمین
Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22.
When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-
22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses.
When Allah loves a person. He opens his or her heart to Islam. May Allah guide us all amen.
my salam to Japanese Muslim i am 83 years of Muslim by birth from india, last 45 year's I am in California U S A. My First Job @ 17 on Japanese fishing ,boat in 1957 Mumbai.
Love my japanese brothers, peace from Indonesia
Peace and love indeed if they reject primative islam.
go and read gosble Torha and qouran and ask to guide you to proper religion before day of judge
Thank you! Peace in Indonesia too! From Japan
Please give msg to Indonesian to stop making business or eating pig it's haram in islam that's why Allah punishing Indonesian
@@vervoid73 have to ever try to learn about Islam.
Without learning you have no right to criticize.
Salam ‘Aleykom wa rahmatullahi wa barakato from Italy, my brothers and sisters in Islam. May Allah reward every single muslim with Jannatul Firdaous ya Rab!😭❤️✨
Amin selam from Germany✌
Absolutely correct MM
Aameen thumma Aameen
Allahu Akbar this video put tears in my eyes,i jus remember the hadith of the prophet Muhammad which says Islam will reach the four corners of the World,
your Muslim brother from
South Cyprus much love to every Muslim
Assalamualaikum from RSA
@@victor-ioncislari2375 🥲😂
گوش و هوش خود را باز کنید,
: Before you Convert to Islam read this book
"آنگاه که هدایت شدم"
you may find in English and Arabic too
and translate this information below, then make your Decision what kind of Islam you want to be, Sunny or Shiah?? first
قضاوت با شما, اگر سلفی هستید, سنی هستید یا شیعه :
آیا در ادیان آسمانی دین را خداوند ج برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند؟ یا اینکه نه مردم میتواند دین و مذهبی را برای خود خلق کند و یا اختیار کند؟ که حتما" میگویید نه خود خداوند ج است که حاضر وآیندهء جهان را میداند و دین را برای هدایت بشر نازل میکند. حتی پیامبران خدا بدون امر و دستور خداوند ج در امور دین چیزی از خود نه گفته و نه ساخته اند.
و ما ينطق عن الهـوى (3)
ان هـو الا وحـى يـوحـى (4) "نجم"
.3 - و هرگز از روى هواى نفس سخن نمى گويد.
.4 - آنچه مى گويد به جز وحيى كه به وى مى شود نمى باشد.
بعد از اینکه الله متعال از رسولش دعوت بازگشت بسوی خود کرد, و رسولش هم لبیک گفت, آیا خداوند ج در مورد آیندهء آخرین دین آسمانی اش هیچ هدایت, امر و دستوری نداد که بعد از رسولش مردم امور دین و دنیای خودرا از کی بگیرند؟ جواب, بلی دستور داد,
يَا أَيُّهَا الرَّسُولُ بَلِّغْ مَا أُنزِلَ إِلَيْكَ مِن رَّبِّكَ وَإِن لَّمْ تَفْعَلْ فَمَا بَلَّغْتَ رِسَالَتَهُ ۚ وَاللَّـهُ يَعْصِمُكَ مِنَ النَّاسِ إِنَّ اللَّـهَ لَا يَهْدِي الْقَوْمَ الْكَافِرِينَ
اى پيامبر، آنچه را از جانب پروردگارت به تو نازل شده، ابلاغ كن؛ و اگر نكنى رسالتش را به انجام نرساندهاى. و خدا تو را از [گزند] مردم نگاه مىدارد. بی گمان، خدا گروه كافران را هدايت نمىكند.
دعوت بازگشت و این دستور الله ج در حج الوداع بود, که پیامبر خدا ص در حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) مردم را دعوت کرد و به مردم گفت ای مردم من از نزد شما میروم ولی نزد شما دو چیز گران بها را میگذارم : "قرآن, و معلم قرآن", همه میدانیم قرآن و سنت, معلم میخواهد,
این دستور از جانب خدواند ج بود و توسط رسول گرامی اش به مردم ابلاغ و اتمام حجت شد, و تمام مردم حاضر در آن اجتماع بزرگ, همه به آن امر بیعت دادند,
ولی بعد, در اولین ساعات رحلت عدهء بجای شرکت در مراسم عزای بزرگ و دفن و کفن رسول الله ص در "سقیفه بنی ساعده" رفتند و خلاف ابلاغ حجت الوداع را کرند.
در امر خلافت یا وارث انبیاء, حدیث است:
{ وارث انبیاء در روی زمین اهل علم است }
معروف است که میگویند: (بی علم نتوان خدا را شناخت)
برای پیروی بعد از ختم مرتب ص آنچه از جانب الله و رسولش هدایت داده شد فقط حکم حجت الوداع یا (خم الغدیر) است. سقیفه..... که ساخت بشر است.
مردمان سقیفه........, مطابق احادیث حتی سواد قرآنی هم نداشتند,
آیه قرآن : هَلْ يَسْتَوِي الَّذِينَ يَعْلَمُونَ وَالَّذِينَ لَا يَعْلَمُونَ زمر/9
آیا دانایان (اهل علم) با نادانان مساویند؟
الحديث "العلماء ورثة الأنبياء"
پس خلفا چطور؟:
بيهقي در شعب الإيمان، قرطبي در تفسير خود، ابن عساكر در تاريخ مدينه دمشق، ذهبي در تاريخ الإسلام، سيوطي در تنوير الحوالك و الدر المنثور، زرقاني در شرح خود بر موطأ مالك، كتاني در نظام الحكومة و ... نوشته اند:
وَأَخْبَرَنَا أَبُو الْحُسَيْنِ بْنُ الْفَضْلِ الْقَطَّانُ، ثنا أَبُو عَلِيٍّ مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ الْحَسَنِ الصَّوَّافُ، ثنا بِشْرُ بْنُ مُوسَي أَبُو بِلالٍ الأَشْعَرِيُّ، ثنا مَالِكُ بْنُ أَنَسٍ، عَنْ نَافِعٍ، عَنِ ابْنِ عُمَرَ، قَالَ: " تَعَلَّمَ عُمَرُ بْنُ الْخَطَّابِ رَضِيَ اللَّهُ عَنْهُ الْبَقَرَةَ فِي اثْنَتَيْ عَشْرَةَ سَنَةً، فَلَمَّا أَتَمَّهَا، نَحَرَ جَزُورًا "
از عبد الله بن عمر نقل شده است كه گفت: عمر بن خطاب، دوازده سال طول كشيد تا سوره بقره را ياد بگيرد، وقتي تمام كرد، شتري را ذبح نمود.
البيهقي، أحمد بن الحسين بن علي بن موسي ابوبكر (متوفاي458هـ)، شعب الإيمان، ج2، ص1954، تحقيق: محمد السعيد بسيوني زغلول، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1410هـ؛
الأنصاري القرطبي، ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد (متوفاي671هـ)، الجامع لأحكام القرآن، ج1، ص40، ناشر: دار الشعب - القاهرة؛
ابن عساكر الدمشقي الشافعي، أبي القاسم علي بن الحسن إبن هبة الله بن عبد الله،(متوفاي571هـ)، تاريخ مدينة دمشق وذكر فضلها وتسمية من حلها من الأماثل، ج44، ص286، تحقيق: محب الدين أبي سعيد عمر بن غرامة العمري، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1995؛
الذهبي الشافعي، شمس الدين ابوعبد الله محمد بن أحمد بن عثمان (متوفاي 748 هـ)، تاريخ الإسلام ووفيات المشاهير والأعلام، ج3، ص267، تحقيق د. عمر عبد السلام تدمري، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - لبنان/ بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1407هـ - 1987م؛
السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، تنوير الحوالك شرح موطأ مالك، ج1، ص162، ناشر: المكتبة التجارية الكبري ـ مصر، 1389هـ ـ 1969م؛
السيوطي، جلال الدين أبو الفضل عبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر (متوفاي911هـ)، الدر المنثور، ج1، ص54، ناشر: دار الفكر - بيروت - 1993؛
الزرقاني، محمد بن عبد الباقي بن يوسف (متوفاي1122هـ) شرح الزرقاني علي موطأ الإمام مالك، ج2، ص27، ناشر: دار الكتب العلمية - بيروت، الطبعة: الأولي، 1411هـ؛
الكتاني، عبد الحي بن عبد الكبير (متوفاي1383هـ)، نظام الحكومة النبوية المسمي التراتيب الإدراية، ج2، ص280، ناشر: دار الكتاب العربي - بيروت.
It was a Bangladeshi lawyer who helped Japan to avoid a huge lawsuit of US and UK during 2nd world War. Again it was some Bangladeshi workers who had done some things great in order to establish the most devolved and most effective and most peaceful religion of the world. I truly believe one day people of Japan will thanks Bangladesh for thos workers have done.
@Paul Wieringa from which stand point you are saying that "most evil religion"?
@Binod Tharu why would I change, I’m happy their happy if we weren’t peaceful Islam wouldn’t have spread in JAPAN and in much more countries even in Europe hopefully one day a Muslim will govern France 😉
Ram madarchod sita randi sapne lete raho sach kabhi nahi Marta aaj bhi proof milte hain
Hajaro saal purane not like yours ek ghisi pitti kitab ke siwa apna kuch nahi Sab kabja kiya hai dusro ki jagah pe . Jis begarat ke sir pe itna uuchal rahe ho woh bhi tadap tadap ke Mara tha Aur aaj bhi usko jannat main bhejne ki dua karte ho .
@@renusaini9779 whatever you wrote, please write it in English next time and try reading some history book first and then come to a conversation.
M+uhamad mera (L) chat
M+uhamad mera Paltu K+uta
Love Japanese brothers and sisters from Somalia🇯🇵🇸🇴
love for human kind from india🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Somalia disarranged by the darkness ritual philosophy. impoverished in the dark silence poverty stricted
@@douglasmclean5553 only white racist piece of trashing bashing Islam in the comment section
@@نعيمةالسنهاجي من بلدانتي اختي
Some are frustrated because Islam is thriving despite their effort to to eradicate it
Japan will remain a Buddhist country for generations, relax.
fastest-growing religion babyyy
on a real one, once people actually go to a mosque and meet good muslim people, the path paves itself
@@sabredragostea534 not necessarily. tho it isn't really just a Buddhist country they're also mostly shinto-buddihst. The philipeans for example before the spanish colonialism was a muslim country.
Though islam has exteme potential here since it'll be hitting the newer generation of Japanese people who've distanced themselves from their old traditions and are a lot more open minded than the older generations.
@@perish6111 true, every non-muslim who goes to a mosque gets surprised by how different we're than what the media portraits us.
I like Japan since my school days and I'm happy to see japanese converts, my new brothers and sisters. From Russian muslim with love
Less islam the better!!
islam is better from Bangladesh
Robert kelly less usa terroism is better
@heil Jesus not all. In bangladesh most of the people are not educated so much. So they are far away from islamic knowledge. But the situation is changing rapidly. Our mentality is changing and islamic knowledge is increasing amongst the general people. People are very nice here mashallah
@heil Jesus I don't think so because our country is enriched with history and tradition. But years of oppression by other countries have made us a weak nation in all sectors. We shall overcome from this and will retain our old culture and tradition. Bangladesh was one of the richest and oldest civilized places in the ancient india and we will retain our dignity that we have lost
I see a Jannati (Heavenly) man. Subhan'Allah!
Love Japanese brother and sister from Germany 😍😍😍
Are you ethnically German?
Germany is Christian you infiltrator
Japan is Buddhist and Shinto
Ich bin auch ein deutche
in japan islam is fastest growing religion among youth ..
From Tanzania🇹🇿 (east africa)much love💓for y'all Japanese Bro's n sisi Asalam walaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatul
wa alayka essalam wa rahmat allah wa barakatuhu from your brother in Algeria
Wa Alaykum Salam Wa Rahmatu'Llah Wa Baraakatu from Pakistan
Wealeykum Assalam Werahmetulahi Weberekatu, Greetings From East Africa(Ethiopia).
Wa alekium salam my beloved muslim brother and sister greetings From Denmark ❤️
Thanks to the Egyptian lawyer... Who put the seeds
Imagine, despite having all those difficulties being a Muslim in Japan, they are thriving and finally ready to do Hajj. Some of us have all those privileges but never thought of taking on any challenges and doing something like this. May Allah accept all their good deeds and Hajj.
Tears dropped 😢😢😢
Sallam to my japanese muslim brother and sister from philippines
You just don't get it. Islam is a sickening poison.
Maybe they will wake up oneday.
@JAVED AKTAR COVER SONGS Well,well. Mr Pig eh? Nice try try primate. What is a backward dog like you doing here?
Do you have something constructive or helpful to offer or are you just going to cower in the background like some isane islamic jihadi?
@JAVED AKTAR COVER SONGS Man up and have an opinion or are you too busy praying to allah?
Allah SWT says:
وَرَاَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُوْنَ فِيْ دِيْنِ اللّٰهِ اَفْوَاجًا
"And you see the people entering into the religion of Allah in multitudes,"
(QS. An-Nasr 110: Verse 2)
Robert okello, your lies about Christ (s.a.w.), the son of Mary were exposed long ago.
"[Jesus] said, "Indeed, I am the servant of Allah . He has given me the Scripture and made me a prophet. And He has made me blessed wherever I am and has enjoined upon me prayer and zakah as long as I remain alive. And [made me] dutiful to my mother, and He has not made me a wretched tyrant. And peace is on me the day I was born and the day I will die and the day I am raised alive. That is Jesus, the son of Mary - the word of truth about which they are in dispute" [19:30-34]
The Lord of the Worlds denies your false claims.
"It is not [befitting] for Allah to take a son; exalted is He! When He decrees an affair, He only says to it, "Be," and it is. [Jesus said], "And indeed, Allah is my Lord and your Lord, so worship Him. That is a straight path." Then the factions differed [concerning Jesus] from among them, so woe to those who disbelieved - from the scene of a tremendous Day." [19:35-37]
Repent from your evil ways Robert before the Day of Judgement arrives and there will be no escape for the evildoers.
"How [clearly] they will hear and see the Day they come to Us, but the wrongdoers today are in clear error. And warn them, [O Muhammad], of the Day of Regret, when the matter will be concluded; and [yet], they are in [a state of] heedlessness, and they do not believe. Indeed, it is We who will inherit the earth and whoever is on it, and to Us they will be returned." [19:38-40]
Similarities between belief in the trinity and the character of Dionysus in Greek mythology:
● Dionysus is a mortal god, the son of an immortal deity father
● Dionysus was born to a mortal mother by the name of Semele.
● He was killed by mortals.
● He was sent to the world as a savior.
● Dionysus was resurrected in physical form after his death.
● Although Dionysus was semi-divine, he lived among people
in human form and shared people’s weaknesses.
● Dionysus permitted himself to be caught and put to death as a
sacrifice of his own free will.
● Followers of Dionysus in ancient Greece ate meat and drank
wine in remembrance of and to give thanks to him. They regard-
ed this as eating the flesh and drinking the blood of Dionysus
and imagined that this drew them closer to him. This pagan ritu-
al, a precursor to the doctrine of transubstantiation, is applied to
Jesus (pbuh) in a most interesting way in The Gospel According
to St. John:
Jesus said to them, "Very truly I tell you, unless you eat the flesh of the
Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever eats
my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise them
up at the last day. For my flesh is real food and my blood is real
drink. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood remains in me,
and I in them." (John 6: 53-56)
● In another passage, Jesus gives the disciples wine to drink by
his own hand and tells them to regard this as his blood:
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, and when he had given
thanks, he broke it and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat;
this is my body." (Matthew 26: 26)
Then he took a cup, and when he had given thanks, he gave it to them,
saying, "Drink from it, all of you. This is my blood of the covenant,
which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins." (Matthew 26:27-28)
Conclusion: Christianity is just a copy of greek pagan religion .
@@Mar-dk3mp you don't have any proof . I given you a lots a proofs to proof Christianity is a evil, pagan belief . Copy of greek pagan.
more like breeding in multitudes..
Christianity is as "heretical" to Judaism as it is to Islam, because nowhere does it say in the Old Testament that Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected again. So no, you don't get to claim that the Torah says such and such about Jesus being divine because in Judaism the very concept of trinity is contrary to the monotheistic teaching of the religion, as is shared also by Islam. YHWH is one and He begets not.
A lot's of love for them from Bangladesh ❤❤❤🎌🇧🇩
i met Japanese student's in india in my university , we become friends soon, they explained me all about Japanese culture & they demanded me to explain islam in detail, when i explained they were very impressed by islam except few, i love Japanese, Japanese are very calm & kind peoples ♥️
Another in a long line of brilliant , informative and non biased programs , media outlets can learn a lot from this channel
Love my Japanese brothers and sisters from Canada 🇯🇵🇨🇦 Allahu Akbar!
Brock Lesnar Subhanallah !
did u see how pathetic and stupid they look
Unknown Stranger Alhamdullilah
pegan farm Who?
Prays 5 times a day?
Fasting since dawn to sunset a whole month?
Far far far faraway pilgrimage?
These people must be very special doing all the way of their religious faith that some other people won't do...
Good, go and don't come back. Thanks.
Robert Kelly Woah, a dumbass here who just couldn't hold himself
You know, it isn't hard to manage 25 minutes out of your day for prayer, right? Don't be stupid.
(Several months later I concede my point and realize that I have read your comment incorrectly)
Aap ko islam ka ABCD bhi nhi pata aur islam ke bare me bol rhe ho,, din ke 24 hours me se surf 27 minute namaj aur allah ke liye mushkil h kya,, khair jane do aap nhi smjhoge aur smjhna bhi nhi h apko,,phle islam ke bare me jano fir comment karo
@@Mr.Ascetic so an average person sleeps about 8hrs a day so thats 24-8 which leaves you with 16hrs then take 7hrs for an average full time job, -that leaves you with 9hrs every day to do whatever you want. its not hard to free up 25min to pray, and 1.6billion people already do it.
Stop assuming bad things from people and your life will be much better, this is advice for you from human to another and no religion is telling me to do this. We all are born and die the same way. Let us live our lives peacefully. If my religion gives me hope then that should be enough for everyone else to not criticize my religion.
There was a time when Yemenis and Turkish would travel around the world and spread Islam from Spain to Indonesia. Now history is repeating itself with Bangladeshis taking on the same duty. This is the beauty of Islam ❤️
Feel happy seeing Islam reaching towards all corners of world. Aameen ya Rabbul aalameen
My corners are closing primative islam down as is Austria, Switzerland, Denmark and other civilised countries. Islams days are numbered if not ended already. We live in 2019. Islam not welcome.
robert kelly plz shut up..
@@maryammuslimah7660 Freedom of speech Maryam. I have the right to express myself and certainly the right to support scientific facts. If you can't cope with the rules of 2019 then maybe you are the one who should 'SHUT UP' or would you like to provide us with some proof that a winged horse even exists or that the moon was split in two, (which would ofcourse create tidal waves and earth-quakes immeadiately). So NO. I won't shut up! I think I'll continue with my logical, scientific observations and if you can't handle the heat you should just stay out of the kitchen and go back to a hole in the sand somewhere. You are aware mohammed was a paedophile aren't you?
@@maryammuslimah7660 No chance! I will keep talking in the name of freedom of speech and science. Notice I never asked you to shut up. You just can't deal with your pathetic excuse for a faith being challenged can you? Too bad because it will keep happening a LOT! Look at all the European countries banning the head-scarf and closing mosques. It is clear that primative islam is NOT welcome in the actual world. You can not take criticism of your so called holy book, you rely upon fairy tales about people flying to the heavens on winged horses and you can't accept that salt and fresh water actually DO mix. Why do you think you are being barred and why do you think people are laughing at you???? Go figure it out. You are either part of 2019 or you are just finished.
Feeling sick seeing pathetic excuse for a religion trying to promote itself with hate speech against homosexuals and women. No wonder the veil is being banned in so many countries and that we are closing down mosques. Welcome to reality. If you don't like it go reproduce under a rock in the sands.
It's interesting how much hate Islam gets yet is by far the fastest growing religion still
Obvious it's the way you breed yourself having multiple wife's.......
Jazzabbi Fernandes incorrect, many people are converting to islam because islam is logical if you read the quran and dive deep into its meanings you will instantly be convinced. Your ignorant for stereotyping muslim men for having multiple wives
If apostasy wasn't punished in most Muslim countries, I'm sure irreligion would be the fastest growing.
@@papastalin1543 Islam is the fastest growing religion in terms of converts. Nothing to do with birthing.
BTW it's an another evidence who shows that Islam doesn't only spread by the sword 👏👏
So you are the product of outside marriage from your parents?
How many daddies do you have?
Keep breedings like animals you low life human, dont accuse other community for your filthy behavior!
I'm Syrian 🇸🇾💓🤚
Are you well??
what is the situation of syra now🇮🇳🇮🇳👍
حفظك الله، إنما العرب آمة و إننا لإلى الله لراجِعون
@@Baerock could you write in english ??
I love u bro from Somalia, I pray for Syria, u guys are the most nicest people in earth
From Philippines Allah bless and protect upu always. Mashawllah... You are rewarded by Allah for finding Islam as your religion...
Some people don't know anything about Islam but they are judging our beautiful religion.
Your beautiful religion is not so beautiful to LGBT, democracy, women's rights and free thought, minority groups that the west protects and respects as equals. For such reasons it is logical that a sane, educated person should denounce your "beautiful religion" for what it is, backwards and amoral.
If you Learn these from media you Will get wrong concept. So, try to know from authentic source.
@@johnnygooch8361 what our religion is not beautiful to is actually not beautiful for you as well , haram means harmful to health and spirit , what is backward and amoral is your own culture and knowledge for not acknowledging the harms of the lifestyle you are living in and of course the satanic religion you are following .
@@FX_Signals ignore him. he's ignorant
@@uniboss5306 you prove my point. You're intolerant, hateful, discriminatory and you still think you're the good guy (rofl). Eventually religion, especially Islam will fade away and humanity will be much better off when it disappears into folklore where it belongs.
The haters are going to hate!
Their desperation is funny to see!
Eid Mubarak to the ummah world wide!
Up yours, Admiral Akbar.
El Guapo
Thanks for proving my point!
Anjham Akbar Prove that allah exists
@@asadsaeed990 scientifically proven there is a god
Asad Saeed Of course allah exists, he is satan.
Masha'allah Subhanallah Allahu Akbar ❤🌹🙏from India 🇮🇳
Only one word, ALHAMDULILLAH ❤❤
So many islamophobia in this comment 😰 let the heart go itself, people have right of their heart, they want to being muslim or not it's not other people matter. Shouting on comment means nothing for people's heart. Be mature, please
All I see is young men at peace with themselves. Would be the same if the converted to other religions.
Multiculturalism is a massive problem though.
American news on Japanese immigranttion is highlighted by the Jews and I am angry they do such a thing
Galaxy. Tv Got that right.
@@travelleryu why don't you say the same about british christan colonizer winston Churchill? who killed brown people for fun? because he thought hindus were beneath him?
From Cuba to Japan to new zealand. These are signs.
Truth prevails.
@Silverknight171 how may I help you to find out a signs?
Troy Edward
Allah said in the Quran that someday islam will have the largest number of converts from around the globe
Salam to all my Muslim brothers and sisters worldwide and in Japan. From a white American Muslim from America. Islam is a perfected way of life created by God (Allah) for ALL OF MANKIND.
Islam will spread whole the world Insha Allah...enemy of Islam can't stop us coz our true creator with us ..peace 🇧🇩🇧🇩🇧🇩
Saudi mention that they “Never heard muslim in Japan” ???
Come on Saudi!! Open your eyes, in the name of Islam !!!
Please don't lie when did they said? 🙄
@@Ladykhalifakhalif he isnt lying, watch the whole documentary. The Egyptian man mentions it.
@Google user other religious temples in general... and when exist, communities around live in the fear.
@Google user Nope, some countries such as Iran allows it.
Please it is not all Muslim countries for example my home country Djibouti located on the horn of Africa we have all the Christian faiths (Ethiopian orthodox, Catholic Church and evengelical protestant )even before the creation of Isreal we have jews but they all left for Palestine so don't judge us ok .
Tolérance is good.
In coran is written (your relegion and mine ) 😀😊☺ .
If came and check out by yourself. .😆
Love from New York USA to all my Japanese brothers and sisters
I love Islam iam Muslim form Pakistan 🇵🇰🤝
الله اکبر
I can't stop crying 😢
The Lands of Allah and Islam getting wider 🙏
One ummah
That is the whole intent of Islam. Convert and Conquer the world. Confessed at 08:50.
@@themudthedirtandthesand9079 Islam is not a person. it cant convert
@@jusicsamir5557 ---if Islam is not a person, then you would have no people following Islam.
Is that land not big enough today?
Love japanese brother and sister from India 🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳
Lol did you notice all other countries are getting lots of likes on their comments but India get so low likes
Virion Vikings you’re a sick person
@@ibraheemhaji4732 you're anti india right?
I love my brothers and sisters from Japan.
Your Somalian sister I'm greeting you all my muslim people asalaama calaykum waraxma tulaahi wa barakaatu.
suhuur1972 Mohammed
Stay away from Islam they worship a false god created by false prophet Muhammad. Do not go and worship and kiss the black rock in Mecca.
Read the bible especially the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Also read what Jesus taught because he is the perfection of the law and the prophets.
watching this vdo my eyes get watered..u can't understand the value of anything u inherit by birth..
Love to all my Brothers and Sisters from the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao, Philippines 🇵🇭
Sending love from Canada. I love all my muslim brother and sisters. This is the beautiful struggle, and indeed, ALLAH will always find a way for the believers.
MashaAllah,May Allah bless to all the Japanese Muslim Brothers and Sisters , Ameen. From India ,Kerala
I love Islam iam Muslim form Pakistan 🇵🇰🤝
Masallah brothers and sisters.
Peace and love from 🇹🇷
@@douglasmclean5553 Dude , Stop watching Fox news about Islam and try read and understand the islam , It makes you look like an idiot when you talk like you know everything.😂
@@gingerdragon6216 you don't seem to know islam either
Watching it in 2021 Ramadan, Alhamdulillah. May Allah grant the guys Jannah who helped build the prayer rooms. May we meet in Jannah.
AssalAmualaikom brother and sister's in Japan.... I'm Philippine Muslim
will philippines be muslim country once again ?
@@straightfromtheheart2260 two religion only in the Philippines Islam and critianity
@@straightfromtheheart2260 majority Cristian
@@aminnaga769 but lots of christians are becoming muslim . Philippines was a muslim country once . isn't it true ?
@@straightfromtheheart2260 yes almost every day have Cristian to shahada becouse so many dawwah Islamic center
MashaAllah! It is so great to see that Muslim population is growing in Japan, and InshaAllah those Japaniese convert brothers and sisters will be in the forfront of the bridge between the ethnic japanese and Islam! Assalam Aleykum to all Muslim brothers and sisters in Japan and all around the world!
Stay away from Islam they worship a false god created by false prophet Muhammad. Do not go and worship and kiss the black rock in Mecca.
Read the bible especially the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Also read what Jesus taught because he is the perfection of the law and the prophets.
Thanks Aljazeera for this wonderful documentary!
I am muslim i from malaysia 🇲🇾❤️🇯🇵
Quran is lying to!!!!
Luke 23:33
@@islamdebunked8695 ah yes, you again
From algeria (north africa)we love you japan ❤
THAT ritual culture dead in the darkness. IMPOVERISH IN DIVISION AND SECLUDED TO SILENCE.
@@نعيمةالسنهاجيrun death
Ok kid Go drink some Milk
Mashallah!! From France... Qu'Allah agrée votre pèlerinage... That Allah approves your Pilgrimage
I have heard that lots of french people are converting to islam as much as 50000 per year. What do you think about it? Are muslim increasing in france?
@Silverknight171 France is the former son of the Church, as it was still called under Louis XVI ... but since the French Revolution, and especially since the laws on secularism, France is the daughter of the philosophers of Enlightenment , of Napoleonic Imperialism, and for its less glorious moments, with the Algerian war, Indochina, and the Vichy government ... since with De Gaulle it has restored its coat of arms, but since Sarkozy, Holland, Macron it takes an ultra-liberal and neoconservative turn, while instrumentalizing the populists ...
Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22.
When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses.
`Abdullah ibn `Umar (may Allah be pleased with him) quoted the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) as saying:
“Islam has been built on five [pillars]:
testifying that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah,
performing the prayers,
paying the zakah,
making the pilgrimage to the House, and
fasting in Ramadan.” (Al-Bukhari and Muslim)
Salam to all of my brothers and sisters from the heart of Mesopotamia from Babylon from Iraq. Love you all guys
How beautifully that man telawyat Quran even though it is difficult for him. How far he come just because he love Allah. Subhanallah. Yes, the lawyer is right. Compare to him we r very small even though we born as Muslim. May Allah bless all the Japanese brothers and sisters.
MashaAllah. I am a Bangladeshi Muslim .I love Japan and Japanese people so much and I want to go to Japan .
Islam is like water, moving, unstoppable. Allah is the greatest.
Nice quote 👌
❤️love from India💐
Ramadan Kareem to all of you my Muslim brethren may Allah strengthen our faith and have mercy on our souls, Peace to all of you.
Ameen, Ramadan Mubarak brother🌹
allah disguise death these people will wonder in the vagrancy vacant in the chaos of hate. ALLAH MASTER DECEIVER OF DEATH
Ameen ya rabb
@@douglasmclean5553 Allah is our lord have respect for yr lord without Allah u wouldnt be here to say this
Douglas you will be in the fire if you don’t accept Islam yourself so I’d loose the foolishness
In my view Japanese are the most ethically disciplined community all over the world. Embracing Islam which is based on peace and mercy will undoubtedly bring their humanity to another level.
After watching this i am in tears. Love from Bangladesh.
@Silverknight171 get a life
This is beautiful, no one can stop this beautiful message of Allah.Allahu akbar! am a Gambian, west Africa.
Sulayman Conateh
Stay away from Islam they worship a false god created by false prophet Muhammad. Do not go and worship and kiss the black rock in Mecca.
Read the bible especially the Ten Commandments given to Moses. Also read what Jesus taught because he is the perfection of the law and the prophets.
@@justiceforall6135 Sorry am a Muslim bro and by the grace of Almighty Allah , I will make a hajj to the Holy city of macca.insha Allah.
@@justiceforall6135 Mohammed is the last and final messenger of Allah and brings the truth from his lord God as previous messengers from God, like Ibrahim, Moses and Jesus (pbuh) all and we make no distinction between them.
Middle eastern/african culture and Japan, *do not* mix
@@yuu0294 Well I know what's the problem with that.
Masha Allah .. May Allah make it easy for all of us to understand Islam and follow it's teachings in our lives. Ameen !
14:19 everyone cries even if he is a stone hearted person😭😭😭😭😭
In Turkish the sound of letter J is utilised by writing C hence the main mosque is called Cami Mosque but pronounced Jami not Cami as in Kami
Interesting though that Kami in Japanese can mean divine
@@Umarzer0. and in Punjabi its the opposite
LOL - depends on pronunciation i think
@@Umarzer0. Re-read my comment. Cami as written in Turkish is pronounced Jami and never as Kami as Can is always Jan and not Kan
@@arsalakhan8098 now I'm confused. I understood the first comment, hence my reply.
Maybe my punjabi is bad...? my second comment was in relation to that
Islam the Arabic word has two meanings. 1. Submission, and 2. Peace. Islam means submitting to the only Lord of the universe and carry the message of peace to the humanity and other creatures of God. The beautiful aspect of Islam is that it gives hope to a man, consoles in his miseries in life, teaches how to lead a comfortable life, how to be grateful for God's blessings. Islam offers a very strong social fabric, its family system.
This was beautiful 💕
So emotional 😍💜. Respect from Bangladesh 💜.
MA SHAA ALLAH. I am very glad to see those brothers converted to Islam . May ALLAH SWT ease their whole Life and may ALLAH give them strength to give dawa to other people as well AMEEN. Lots of Love From Pakistan❤❤
They are converting back to science. Allah is just over. Just a sick joke.
Islam is the rising sun. Never underestimate a religion based on believers, some may not be true followers. Read the Quran and then believe in it.
Alhamdulillah 💗
Love my Japanese brothers & sisters from Bangladesh 🇯🇵🇧🇩
Thank you for your video. It's so inspiring! Barakallah..
Reda you are doing fabulous. May Allah bless you man. JazakAllah
I have never seen a mosque or a resident muslim in Japan. All of asudden mosque in Tokyo 😢😢
Muhammad went through a time of weakness and compromised with the Meccan pagans by acknowledging the existence of three pagan goddesses alongside Allah: Lat, Uzza, and Manat.2 The Arabian goddesses are mentioned in Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-22.
When the inhabitants of Mecca heard Muhammad's confess the importance of the ancient goddesses inside the Ka'aba, they immediately revoked their ban on him. Those who had immigrated to Abyssinia (Ethiopia) started to return home after hearing Muhammad's confession and his acceptance in Mecca. But when they arrived, they were shocked to hear that Muhammad had retracted his confession and admitted that he had fallen prey to the whispering of Satan. Thus, today Islam considers Sura an-Najm (Star) 53:19-
22 are related to the time when Muhammad spoke the the Satanic Verses.
إِذَا جَاءَ نَصْرُ اللَّهِ وَالْفَتْحُ (۱) وَرَأَيْتَ النَّاسَ يَدْخُلُونَ فِي دِينِ اللَّهِ أَفْوَاجًا (۲) فَسَبِّحْ بِحَمْدِ رَبِّكَ وَاسْتَغْفِرْهُ إِنَّهُ كَانَ تَوَّابًا (۳)
Meaning: “When Allah's help and victory have come. And you see people entering the religion of Allah in crowds, so glorify yourself by praising your Lord and asking Him for forgiveness. Verily, He is the Most Accepting of repentance."
May Allah grant those Japanese people Hidayah. much ♥ from Malaysia!
Salam my Japanese brothers and sisters it's good to see how fast nowadays people around the world reverting to islam..... Great job Ridah may Allah bless u and ur family keep up the good work
Wow Subhan Allah..
Allah show them the right path 😇
Too bad allah can't show the correct way to al qaeda and talibán
@@King_Neptune i think you impressionable by media
@@muhammadhaffifiabuhassan2044 what's the media got to do with it. So the almighty allah can show the way to a few Japanese but can't stop Al queda, hizbulla, taliban, boko haraam, jemah ialamiya, abu sayyaf and the hundreds on Islamic terrorist organisations.
People still have their free will regardless of guidance. Otherwise your heart and common sense would go straight to Islam. Besides life is a test full of challenges and not a fairy tale. Peace
@@King_Neptune a story without suffer is a story without happiness.
La ilaha illalhu Muhammadur Rasulullah ❤️🇧🇩
wow! watching this short documentary, I melted with it. I was motionless when the video is finished!
First time seeing a japanese man with a full beard
Maa Sha Allah, SubhanAllah, Alhamdulillah
Love japanese sisters and brothers 💓💓 from malaysia🙋
Love from Pakistan to all my brothers and sisters who has embraced Islam. God bless upon you.
Great work. Ridah
n Eid Mubarak all
This brought tears to my eyes. May Allah SWT give everyone, all the happinesses and successes in both the Worlds.
the mosque is beautiful 😍😍
Thank you very much Aljazeera for this inspirational and educating documentry, Muhammad Muhammad Rabiu, kano, Nigeria.
This is so beautiful! It really made me cry, mashallah ❤️
Return to Allah...have a peaceful and successful lives in both worlds
Which both worlds. Islam is a sick joke.
Screw allah and his paeophile prophet. Keep your sick excuse for a religion to yourself.
@@vervoid73 dude talk with fact do u have any proofi Muhammed is a pedophile?
Robert Kelly again May Allah help you find the correct path
@@abrahmicsupremacist38 how old was Ayesha when Muhammad raped her?
Indeed, Islam rules in the hearts of the people.
From India.... With love to brothers and sisters of Islam of Japan
this is an old documentary that first published in 2011 by Al Jazeera,,, but get remastered and re-published
I really love my Japaneses Brothers Allah Bless them as well.
It's true that in Indonesia is much easier to do the hajj pilgrimage, but we should wait up to 30 years because of limited quota 😢
Love my Japanese brothers and sisters from Tunisia. Islam is a beautiful religion.
Greetings from a Sister in the USA.