Just want to add, in that well known scene where Superman talks that girl off the ledge there's an off hand, seemingly irrelevant sentence after Superman stops a train from detailing or whatever, it was her therapist. If I recall there were a bunch word balloons from other frantic passengers but amidst the cacophony he singled out someone who needed him most. It really adds weight to that scene.
He is limitless .. he still didn't unlock or discovered all of his powers .. Id say everything he owns or have in his body is super.. . Like superdog, supersense, superspeed, superstrength, supereyesight with extra features like super zoom x-ray heat or laser vision , and super hearing , superlearning, literally every organ works in super mode right .so supersense makes sense , superIQ if he learns everything that's learnable .. SUPER literally everything. Only way to find out his powers is by keep on testing his limits .. wow .. I SUPER LOVE HIM.
Christopher Reeve did an amazing job showing the differences between Superman and Clark Kent. You could see him transform from one person to another in a span of a few seconds.
Apparently, someone noted that when Reeve walked through the studio lot in full Superman costume, all eyes were on him and women watched him like a hawk. When he walked by in Clark Kent attire, nobody even looked twice.
He made Kent a bumbling ineffectual buffoon. He's not that in the comics. It was a very clear delineation of character, but it was pantomime. Obviously exaggerated for the comedic tone of the earlier movies, but still... Too much. It's not an extension of Superman's character as it should be. He should be himself, whatever character he's assumed. He drops his guard in the Honeymoon Hotel sequence, and is himself, dressed as Kent. That's how he is in the comics, minus the confession, of course.
@JaaviiHD he really wasn't like that at all except in the Reeve films. Not even the Silver Age stuff. Their version was NOTHING like that. In fact he has never been ridiculous and buffoon like that in the comics. From the Bronze Age to present day he's not been like that either. Massive difference between bumbling and mild mannered. Nostalgia is a funny old thing.
I think that Superman already had all of the qualities you described, but it just takes a skillful writer to bring them to the forefront on the screen.
When I saw the 4 panel suicide reaction, I absolutely shed tears at a comic book for the first time in a long time. All-Star Superman is my favorite comic ever
honestly, i'd rather watch superman perform tasks like that more than i'd like to watch him battle some galactic threat. it's those moments where the real superman shines. of course, he still does have to battle those threats once in a while to keep a good balance, but it's also nice to see him pull a kitten out of a tree for a little kid, too.
Thomas Jenkins I know it’s 2 years later but that’s what I love when DC and Marvel write what they are best at, Gods becoming human and humans becoming gods, dissecting the inner workings and showing them as 3 dimensional characters
Literally this superman you described was done already with Christopher Reeve. The physical differences between Clark and Superman. The nerdy midwestern clumsiness in the city that Clark has, the good morals superman who reflects on his place here on earth
I like the idea that most people in the dcu don't even think Superman has a civilian identity, so it doesnt occur to them to connect any dots, even those who know clark personally.
You know, I never really looked at it like that but i really like this perspective. Partially explains why even Lois could be so damn surprised her two crushes were one and the same.
I personally am not a fan of All-Star Superman, but damn, you've actually given me new appreciation and perspective. This is really well done and I'm excited to binge through your channel!
Comic Drake I'm not a fan of All Star either despite being an unmatched Superman fan. Whenever I hear non-Superman fans try to tell me what a good Superman story is, I've since come to realize it's going to be a highly overrated one because the people who are proclaiming it are usually more interested in pissing on the character. Red Son was another one I couldn't quite find the genius in..... until the last 5 or 6 pages, I suppose. And the payoff didn't make up for everything that preceded it. To me, Allan Moore's 'Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow' & 'For the Man Who Has Everything' are the two best Superman stories ever written, with Kingdom Come also deserving of some serious consideration for that honor also. John Byrne's Man of Steel miniseries, along with Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale's 'A Superman For All Seasons' have reached "must read" status also. And for the love of God, can we please bring back the Kents?!!! Byrne's choice to keep the Kents in Superman's life was the best decision DC ever made. The Kents provided an added dimension to the character's life that have been glaringly lacking for the past 7 years ever since the New 52 removed them. Keep those god awful red trunks in the past, but please BRING BACK THE KENTS, DC!!!
The next MoS movie should be a mix of All Star and 90s cartoon Superman. Those are like tailored made for a Superman movie. The villains are the the Elite
@@fusiontoa18 The DCEU wasn't meant to be like Marvel..It was meant to be a contained 5 movie arc then branch out from there ...According to your marvel logic, the Lord of the Rings shared universe didn't take it's time either. As far as shared universes go, we need diversity of structure, they could have started the universe with a JL movie...I'm sure the general audience is used to movies that contain more than 7 characters. Also, if the DCEU did it like Marvel you would then be the first in line to accuse the DCEU of copying Marvel. P.S.-- I loathe your profile pic.
@@dignerds whatever the DCEU was meant to be is irrelevant, what matters is how it turned out.. it turned out bad. .. idk what ''marvel logic'' you pulled out of your ass, all i said was they should have takken their time, instead of playing catch up with the MCU. like a dog chasing a car. i dont give a fuck about the Lord of the Rings but the hobbit movies were bad i heard, so go figure. btw, the DCEU already copied Marvel when they tried so hard to rival the MCU. by bending over, and going from dark and gritty to light hearted jokes and comedy. P.S.-- i could give a fuck what you think about my profile pic, like youre one to talk with that obnoxious zoomed in wonder balerina's over saturated face .
@@fusiontoa18 well shazam aquaman were for the most part (not all the time but most) light hearted characters in the comics so it would be natural to have a light hearted tone in an aquaman and shazam movie or most DC characters other than Batman and such.
I think that popular panel has Superman have an abstract, almost faceless expression is because we could have the ability to see ourselves in that moment. Abstraction gives us a better chance to be empathetic to a character, to see ourselves in a character. I think the artist really wanted to drive home that, in that particular moment, saving someone from suicide, Superman could really be any one of us.
@@skyyswaggstudios2934 Between this and his Superman book from a few years ago, I think he wants to retire, but can't actually do it, so he writes stuff that should get him fired or should be passed up. Sadly, his reputation from his past works -- his *past* works -- make editors scared that they might be passing up the next big thing.
Great video- like how you integrated Grant's commentary and your choice of background music. One of my favorite stories- definitely a modern mythic character, and really strikes emotional chords as I read. Realizing you only have so much time and trying to do good for those you love while you can. Not what i think of for a Superman story, but its so well executed here. Thanks for creating this.
If you liked _All Star_ , you should really read _A Superman for All Seasons_ as well as _Secret Origin_ . Not only do they do an incredible job of humanizing Clark even more and showing good, creative use of his powers _and_ personality, but the art styles are both less "action comic booky", and more classic Americana and subtle Real life, respectively. Secret Origin, especially, takes a lot of cues for Superman's look from the Christopher Reeve films. They are master works, not only for how they portray _Superman_ , but because they show [in different ways, from pensive to slightly grumpy and put upon to genuinely warm hearted and joyful] how distinctive a character _Clark Kent_ can be. I'm also recommending *Birthright* , not for the art, which is kind of blocky and modern, but for the sheer _phenomenal_ way in which it retells Clark's origin while adding some much needed humanity by going outside Jon Byrn's established rules. Please, PLEASE check them out
Good job, dude. Always nice to see a new video from you. I'm not sure if I agree on your take on the Superman saving the suicidal girl scene, but I have to admit it adds more depth to it. I'll definitely think about it when I re-read the series.
For how I interpreted it, I thought the description was spot on. It does seem to "speak volumes", and I found it to relate to others and deepen the character. Do you mean the part about what Superman might have been thinking? I didn't look into or think about the faceless part when I read it. Definitely a great exploration of my favorite version of Superman for the precise reasons described. Good work!
Yeah, I mean what he was thinking. I don't think Superman was thinking about his own mortality in that scene, but I'll be the first to say that that's unknowable.
You're right, there's no way to ever know, but it was one of the first things that came to my head. We all have moments where the thing we are physically doing reminds us of our own problems and we sort of space out.
Christopher Reeve did well portraying Superman. He showed the differences of Clark and Superman and had real emotions when he was BOTH Clark and Superman.
I haven't really kept up with modern comics, but I saw an All-Star Superman collection at my local library and checked it out. There were a few modern touches that I wasn't sure about, but for the most part, this was very much the Superman that I knew and enjoyed from the 1970s. And absolutely, the mental and emotional issues he faced were more challenging and interesting than any phsyical threat. And the handling of Clark Kent was absolutely top-notch! I loved seeing Clark pretending to be clumsy while taking care of minor threats and issues. And the dialogue between Clark and Luthor was also very enjoyable.
Superman’s beauty lies in his deep compassion, his commitment to equality, his love for all, and his profound morality and humanity. The dichotomy of his character, as a literal alien, and as a perfect example of humanity is what makes him so fascinating. He had always portrayed hope, and true justice (MLK’s positive justice). It is no accident that his arch nemesis is a corrupt, megalomaniacal billionaire, Lex Luthor, who would save humanity by enslaving it. Superman’s inability to save every human in need, even as the most powerful being on Earth, could easilybe a deep source of frustrations pain, anxiety and depression for him. That he couples his desire to save every single last one of us with the realization that the difference he makes in the lives of individuals far outweighs an inability to rescue the whole of humanity. It’s like the old man throwing beached starfish back into the sea, each individual he saves is statistically insignificant when pitted against the innumerability of preventable deaths we suffer as a species every day. How could he ever hope to make a difference? His simple realization that he makes a difference to those he is able to save, each person he is able to make a difference to becomes a seed thrown on fertile soil, his deep compassion and love bloom in those individuals’ hearts that were long calcified by egocentricity and self interest. If Superman were alive in our world today, if we had a paragon of compassion, humility, selflessness, love, hope and morality to whom we could look up to, and emulate, perhaps the world and humanity would look more like The United Federation of Planets, and a whole lot less like The Expanse.
When i was reading the 2011 daredevil comics the one thung i liked most about the comicbook that what genius imo was when matt murdoch swirched from daredevil to matt murdoch there was a shift in the mood of both characters and really shows that the is not the person most of the time, this is one problem that i had with some batman comics, even when batman switches to being bruce wayne it still feels like he is batman.
Superman ideally should be something like Dr. Manhattan meets Peter Parker. You could do SUCH a good Superman movie nowadays and give it so many little twist and turns and thoughtful insight, the Reeve films are solid but it's possible to do something even better than those.
Superman is best when he is most human and when he is using his mind rather than his fists. Superman duking it out with the monster of the day is boring. Superman/Clark is like Mr Rogers. He wants you to be a better person. He also aspires to this himself!
a lot of people blame him for the dull supeman we got on screen but I blame the director and writers who clearly don't know how to cake a good story for the character
He really had nothing to work with in that film, in the few moments where he did get to lighten up, he really did embody Superman. It's interesting that the scene where he was basically just spouting technobabble, came off as more Superman like most of the movie. Same goes for his first encounter with the military and his subsequent arrest, both very Superman moments, but they didn't really last.
One of the many reasons I liked Superman Returns was how small, calm and quite he was both in his demeanor and the way he used his powers. His flight was so quite and graceful where as Man Of Steel was loud, obnoxious and destructive.
I’m also a big fan of Red Sun Superman and the Superman Animated Series, some of my favorite portrayals of the character aside from All Star Superman. The Death of Superman story is nothing exceptional but it also captures Superman’s character in an understandable way in showcasing the hope and heroics of the character.
Became my fav version too. After watching this movie.. he's a supergenius too.. also much advanced in technology than any other superhero .. kryptonian technology .. and with his enhanced mind.. wow
the scene of superman talking the girl out of jumping off the building is where superman is at his best. it's not something he can solve using any and all of his power.
I cant imagine any other artist besides quietly doing this Especially when he drew for the bizarro world I swear every time i see that image of bizarro flash i get a feeling like I'm there
+B Bergemann I'm a big fan of his so I appreciate that. But I'm going for my own thing, he's definitely got some crazy animation skills I could never duplicate
+So It Goes Exactly, and on the other side of the same coin... SIG has things that KK can never duplicate, which is why I'm looking forward to more of your work and ideas!
I both have the comic and animated movie versions and these are quite entertaining and thought-provoking. By the way,it is not only the pair of eyeglasses that Supes use as a disguise,case in point: 1. In the Lois and Clark:The new adventures of Superman, changes in Supe's hairstyle were made like his hair is dry while being Clark but they put vast amount of oil or hairgel when he's Supes. 2. Christopher Reeve improvised the stuttering and clumsiness of Clark Kent to avoid being compared to Supes' physical presence and speaking in straight,clear tone.
I have absolutely zero interest in Superman. I'm not even sure why I clicked on this video, but I'm glad I did. All-Star Superman sounds very interesting and completely strips away what makes Superman such a boring, invincible character. This is definitely on my must-buy list. Thank you!
3:00 "He purposley blanks out his features" Your video is okay, but I call bs Anybody who draws comic books knows that the farther away you draw someone, the messier it can get when you try to draw their full features and overlay ink over it. You're pretty much overthinking an act of convenience within the sequence
i understand where you’re coming from, but as the first reply says, this was a stylistic choice. the shot was composed in a way that required much thought.
Why are some stories more compelling than others? Why is the story of a powerful but vulnerable hero who self-sacrifices for others so gripping? What happens if you take each element of this story and exadurate it to the maximum possible value? Superman is powerful, but who has ultimate power? Superman saves people in his city, but who saves all of humanity? Superman is meek (strong but chooses the soft path), who is the most meek? I don't see Neitzsche's ubermensch here. Superman isn't acting according to new, strange values that he has created for himself. He is acting according to age-old values. Superman is compelling because the underlying myth is true. And this video shows, Superman is created by different authors and changes with each one, but there is an underlying form which some authors more accurately present. I think if you take each attribute of superman and adjust it like a sliding volume control to the max, you will get the story of Jesus. Literary geniouses such as GK Chesterton and CS Lewis did the same with Greek mythology and that's actually how they came to believe Jesus' story. The story is archetypal, universal and highly compelling. And we see it most fully told in the gospels of the Bible. CS Lewis said "Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth: a myth working on us in the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference that it really happened." www.biblica.com/articles/middle-earth-narnia-and-the-true-myth-of-the-bible/
I've only bought two Superman single issues in my life, just couldn't get into him. But this. This is the one I will have to buy and read. Hmmmm, to Absolute or not to Absolute?
Some of this is nonsense. It’s possible to write a good superman story without down playing his powers or having him dying. His powers are part of his character.
I think of this as nice, since of all the people to get a terminal disease, ot had to be Supes. Pretty sad, but we see him doing everything before his time is up. Helps Zibarro, goes out with Lois, and even gets things straight with Lex.
Your speaking for yourself. I am a Superman from way back and to me; he is the aspiration of man kind. He what we aspire to be in an infinitely vast universe of unknowing. A universe where we are smaller than motes of dust. He is what we aspire to be and do in our greatest fears. Black holes, super and hyper novas, infinite threats could take us out. Superman can save us. If Superman loses we lose and trust me, I refuse to lose and so do you. We must preserve life and keep going.
i loved the video you explain so well,i first watched the movie version of All Star by recomendation of a friend and the first animated movie of death of Superman, a friend recomended to me so that i could understand Superman better and i liked a lot, i later on read the comics but i think the animated movies are a great way to show someone how amazing superman is and how he is not simply boring becacuse he is too powerfull.
I don't need to see a character weakened, or hurt to relate to them...i don't understand why people especially young people now a days need to see someone stripped down so they can relate...or is it these vlogger gen who have not experienced much in their lives that gravitate towards fantasy sorrow and grief
Because we all have weak moments. We all hurt. When a character doesn't have either, they're no longer human, or relatable. Because they're perfect. They don't struggle. You may not *realize* that you need a character to be weak or hurt to relate. But you do. Everybody does. Because nobody understands being perfect.
Superman's powers makes him too powerfull, you can barely think about some threat he can't surpass, that's why you need a "normal" problem on his life that he can't transcend, to make him more human (excuse me if there's any gramatical mistake, english is not my mother language)
The thing with it is that Superman, the strongest being on Earth (so to say), gets something as simple as cancer. It is not about it being relatable, but rather, the character going on as his time is running out.
A beautifully thought out essay on the characters of Clark Kent and Superman. What's your opinion on the Dean Cain Lois and Clark TV show from the 90's? Do you think it's a more fleshed out portrait of Clark Kent? Also, what's the music at 8:06?
Truthfully, I never got into the show. From what I've seen, it does a good job exploring Clark/Lois and showing them as an intimate couple, but it's just too boring for me. It's B.B. King's "I Believe to My Soul" Live from Africa 1974!
It's in my belief that the problem with Superman is that most writers don't know what a flat arc is. In fact a flat arc can be just as powerful as a positive arc. Without information on the flat arc, many writers have to change classic characters to fit into a positive arc format.
So I have to say, I have never been a Superman fan really. Just because he always felt like a “goodie 2 shoes” I always got the impression that he lacked depth. That him being so powerful made him boring and detached from being relatable. The all star Superman run has changed my mind 100%.
Great video on one of my favourite comics! If you do another on Morrison and Quitely, perhaps do one on Multiversity's Pax Americana, which I reckon is their best collaboration to date, as well as the best one shot comic I've ever read.
Saitama is pretty laid back...lol but interestingly, Saitama has a lot of problems due to his situation. Mainly, a lack of Ikigai... a reason for being. There is no drive, because there is no where for him to go. His life is... pointless. One Punch Man's world is an excellent parody of the Superhero genre, and Superman as a character. Its ~almost~ a better story than Superman himself, for that same reason. But of course, I love Superman. He's the epitome of Superheroes. The template. The one all the others are derived from. Even Saitama.
But that's where it contradicts itself. If he has all the godly power he will feel responsible for every accident he failed to stop and every life he couldn't save in time. So the laid back thing isn't possible if you are almighty, It's only possible if you make peace with yourself that you cannot save literally EVERYONE. This emotional maturity will give you the calmness, and to achieve that he needs to grow and experience, to be old and wise is what I mean.
Subscribed.Excellent video even though i don't agree completely with the Man of Steel criticism;sure the father-son dialogue could've been way better but the destruction part;i mean,come on..he saved the whole world fighting 3 of his planet's most notorious warriors on his first day on the job..come on man.
I like the whole Superman is the gentle Big Brother looking out for his younger siblings kind of tone myself. And while I do enjoy the video that you made or All-Star Superman I'm wondering what your thoughts on strange visitor Superman were.
When people see Superman defeating someone effortlessly in a fight “Superman is boring.” When he’s struggling in a fight “Superman shouldn’t be destructive to be interesting.” Bruh. You can’t have both.
Just to be clear, I agree with 99% of what you're saying here. But lets not make a play of being TOO pretentious to the point where we miss those thoughtful moments in the other stories, even if there's as you label it, "a fight scene". The Superman action DOES have to be there at some point, but in a case like Superman: Man Of Tomorrow, it had some interesting bits, but it wasn't interesting enough BECAUSE it didn't have those points of light about Superman, like All Star Superman had. But people tend to throw Grant Morrison up on a pedestal because of his JLA comic series run, Kingdom Come, and All Star. He's a good writer, and gets Superman as evidenced by All Star, but the entire comic series remembers where it gets its stranger turns in the story . . . ACTION COMICS. Thus, there had to be some . . . ACTION. The hyper focus of the action over the quality of the character is why someone talked J.J. Abrams out of making his Superman Trilogy back in the late 90's-2K's. Superman and Kung Fu . . . But for me, All Star gets the advanced nature of Superman right. He should almost come off Christ-like in his worldview. Yeah, I KNOW, everyone is trying to get away from that allegory, but let's not forget that THAT IS part of Supermans genetic make-up and creative Origins. So it only follows that Superman should feel like the ULTIMATE Good, with Lex coming off like the ULTIMATE Evil. But there should always be the ACTION from a property that debuted and thrived under ACTION COMICS. It's all about balance. That's why alot of people don't get Superman 100% right. I really wish that the animated movie captured that "Heavy Metal" look that Frank Quitely captured so well in the page, because his artwork surprised me, I revisited the book some years after viewing the movie, and I kept thinking "this is very beautiful artwork, why couldn't the movie look MORE LIKE THIS!"
the old king future Thanos stories, Heart of the universe and Astral Regulator stories have nothing on all star Superman. Thanos imo is more of a Gary stu then supes is. When you compare the power trip Thanos stories to emotional maturity stories like All Star Superman the Thanos stories fall flat.
Great breakdown but for all its flaws, I think MoS and BvS tried to make Superman very reflective and have a layered complexity. The problem is that you can't hear someone's thoughts as well in a movie so static cinematographic moments reflect the preexisting notions of what people think of Superman.
I'll give it a shot, but to be honest I never got too into Spawn. Definitely an interesting character, but I think I was turned off as a kid for some reason. Got any good story recommendations to give him another shot?
"Superman shouldn't be destructive to be interesting." THANK YOOOOOOUUUUU
He shouldnt be a bitch either when it comes down to conflict neither.
**coughs in hulk**
@@youtubeviolatedme7123 pls stop
He’s boring when he’s not badass
@@Saint0999 said no one never. Read comics Superman is the baddest of them all
Just want to add, in that well known scene where Superman talks that girl off the ledge there's an off hand, seemingly irrelevant sentence after Superman stops a train from detailing or whatever, it was her therapist. If I recall there were a bunch word balloons from other frantic passengers but amidst the cacophony he singled out someone who needed him most. It really adds weight to that scene.
He is limitless .. he still didn't unlock or discovered all of his powers .. Id say everything he owns or have in his body is super.. . Like superdog, supersense, superspeed, superstrength, supereyesight with extra features like super zoom x-ray heat or laser vision , and super hearing , superlearning, literally every organ works in super mode right .so supersense makes sense , superIQ if he learns everything that's learnable .. SUPER literally everything. Only way to find out his powers is by keep on testing his limits .. wow .. I SUPER LOVE HIM.
I was confused when I saw that page until I saw Superman save Regan.
Christopher Reeve did an amazing job showing the differences between Superman and Clark Kent. You could see him transform from one person to another in a span of a few seconds.
Apparently, someone noted that when Reeve walked through the studio lot in full Superman costume, all eyes were on him and women watched him like a hawk. When he walked by in Clark Kent attire, nobody even looked twice.
Reeves? Hell no
He made Kent a bumbling ineffectual buffoon. He's not that in the comics. It was a very clear delineation of character, but it was pantomime. Obviously exaggerated for the comedic tone of the earlier movies, but still... Too much. It's not an extension of Superman's character as it should be. He should be himself, whatever character he's assumed. He drops his guard in the Honeymoon Hotel sequence, and is himself, dressed as Kent. That's how he is in the comics, minus the confession, of course.
@JaaviiHD theres different versions
@JaaviiHD he really wasn't like that at all except in the Reeve films. Not even the Silver Age stuff. Their version was NOTHING like that. In fact he has never been ridiculous and buffoon like that in the comics. From the Bronze Age to present day he's not been like that either. Massive difference between bumbling and mild mannered. Nostalgia is a funny old thing.
I think that Superman already had all of the qualities you described, but it just takes a skillful writer to bring them to the forefront on the screen.
For sure. All star superman is partially a story about why superman is such a good character when he has a good writer
When I saw the 4 panel suicide reaction, I absolutely shed tears at a comic book for the first time in a long time. All-Star Superman is my favorite comic ever
honestly, i'd rather watch superman perform tasks like that more than i'd like to watch him battle some galactic threat. it's those moments where the real superman shines. of course, he still does have to battle those threats once in a while to keep a good balance, but it's also nice to see him pull a kitten out of a tree for a little kid, too.
Thomas Jenkins I know it’s 2 years later but that’s what I love when DC and Marvel write what they are best at, Gods becoming human and humans becoming gods, dissecting the inner workings and showing them as 3 dimensional characters
Wasn’t there another one where a women lost her job and her mother and on the same day and he waited for her to rest
@@njp7893 yes, there is its in a volume of superman grounded I believe
Ending made me tear up a little
Literally this superman you described was done already with Christopher Reeve. The physical differences between Clark and Superman. The nerdy midwestern clumsiness in the city that Clark has, the good morals superman who reflects on his place here on earth
Still the best Superman!
All-Star is one of my all-time favorite Superman stories, and this video summarizes why pretty well.
I like the idea that most people in the dcu don't even think Superman has a civilian identity, so it doesnt occur to them to connect any dots, even those who know clark personally.
You know, I never really looked at it like that but i really like this perspective. Partially explains why even Lois could be so damn surprised her two crushes were one and the same.
the clark kent/superman physical difference was set up in the reeves movie
I personally am not a fan of All-Star Superman, but damn, you've actually given me new appreciation and perspective. This is really well done and I'm excited to binge through your channel!
Comic Drake I'm not a fan of All Star either despite being an unmatched Superman fan. Whenever I hear non-Superman fans try to tell me what a good Superman story is, I've since come to realize it's going to be a highly overrated one because the people who are proclaiming it are usually more interested in pissing on the character.
Red Son was another one I couldn't quite find the genius in..... until the last 5 or 6 pages, I suppose. And the payoff didn't make up for everything that preceded it. To me, Allan Moore's 'Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow' & 'For the Man Who Has Everything' are the two best Superman stories ever written, with Kingdom Come also deserving of some serious consideration for that honor also. John Byrne's Man of Steel miniseries, along with Jeph Loeb & Tim Sale's 'A Superman For All Seasons' have reached "must read" status also.
And for the love of God, can we please bring back the Kents?!!! Byrne's choice to keep the Kents in Superman's life was the best decision DC ever made. The Kents provided an added dimension to the character's life that have been glaringly lacking for the past 7 years ever since the New 52 removed them. Keep those god awful red trunks in the past, but please BRING BACK THE KENTS, DC!!!
Bro All-Star Superman is truly one of the best comics of all time. Not to insult, but I don't think you understand it.
*It would be an opinion, but… with this…*
*yOU dOn’T gEt aN oPiNIoN*
Britton Thompson if you read Doomsday Clock, you may have some things to be happy about now. It’s a love letter to Superman :)
@@tooglianprimus15 doomsday clock split people down the middle in my opinion,
The next MoS movie should be a mix of All Star and 90s cartoon Superman. Those are like tailored made for a Superman movie. The villains are the the Elite
if only DC slowly took their time like marvel did
@@fusiontoa18 The DCEU wasn't meant to be like Marvel..It was meant to be a contained 5 movie arc then branch out from there ...According to your marvel logic, the Lord of the Rings shared universe didn't take it's time either. As far as shared universes go, we need diversity of structure, they could have started the universe with a JL movie...I'm sure the general audience is used to movies that contain more than 7 characters. Also, if the DCEU did it like Marvel you would then be the first in line to accuse the DCEU of copying Marvel. P.S.-- I loathe your profile pic.
@@dignerds whatever the DCEU was meant to be is irrelevant, what matters is how it turned out.. it turned out bad. .. idk what ''marvel logic'' you pulled out of your ass, all i said was they should have takken their time, instead of playing catch up with the MCU. like a dog chasing a car.
i dont give a fuck about the Lord of the Rings but the hobbit movies were bad i heard, so go figure. btw, the DCEU already copied Marvel when they tried so hard to rival the MCU. by bending over, and going from dark and gritty to light hearted jokes and comedy. P.S.-- i could give a fuck what you think about my profile pic, like youre one to talk with that obnoxious zoomed in wonder balerina's over saturated face
@@fusiontoa18 well shazam aquaman were for the most part (not all the time but most) light hearted characters in the comics so it would be natural to have a light hearted tone in an aquaman and shazam movie or most DC characters other than Batman and such.
@@jtcob8486 I liked Shazam. It was much better than captain marvel
I think that popular panel has Superman have an abstract, almost faceless expression is because we could have the ability to see ourselves in that moment.
Abstraction gives us a better chance to be empathetic to a character, to see ourselves in a character.
I think the artist really wanted to drive home that, in that particular moment, saving someone from suicide, Superman could really be any one of us.
All Star Superman is the greatest superhero comic of all time.
if only all star batman was this good
I think Morrison's Batman R.I.P. works pretty well as an All-Star Batman (better than the Miller at least)
What are you talking about, it's amazing. The best comedy I've ever read.
Too bad, it had cool art too. Why does frank miller have to Frank miller sometimes 😔
@@skyyswaggstudios2934 Between this and his Superman book from a few years ago, I think he wants to retire, but can't actually do it, so he writes stuff that should get him fired or should be passed up. Sadly, his reputation from his past works -- his *past* works -- make editors scared that they might be passing up the next big thing.
Great video- like how you integrated Grant's commentary and your choice of background music.
One of my favorite stories- definitely a modern mythic character, and really strikes emotional chords as I read. Realizing you only have so much time and trying to do good for those you love while you can. Not what i think of for a Superman story, but its so well executed here.
Thanks for creating this.
“Everyone is worth saving”🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Halfway through this video I paused and bought this series. Thank you so much for this video. I'm so excited to read it.
+David Bullock wow that means a lot man! Come back and tell me what you think when you're done. Hope you enjoy it
Loved the "Dear Mama" on the background. Spot on.
Bravo, bravo Jefe. You totally expressed my own POV on the character.
Your content is criminally underrated. Keep it up, man!
i've read the all stars comic and i'd almost teared up, it's that good.
If you liked _All Star_ , you should really read _A Superman for All Seasons_ as well as _Secret Origin_ . Not only do they do an incredible job of humanizing Clark even more and showing good, creative use of his powers _and_ personality, but the art styles are both less "action comic booky", and more classic Americana and subtle Real life, respectively. Secret Origin, especially, takes a lot of cues for Superman's look from the Christopher Reeve films. They are master works, not only for how they portray _Superman_ , but because they show [in different ways, from pensive to slightly grumpy and put upon to genuinely warm hearted and joyful] how distinctive a character _Clark Kent_ can be.
I'm also recommending *Birthright* , not for the art, which is kind of blocky and modern, but for the sheer _phenomenal_ way in which it retells Clark's origin while adding some much needed humanity by going outside Jon Byrn's established rules. Please, PLEASE check them out
Awesome video. Makes me want to read All-Star Superman again.
Great Job! You hit the nail on the head of why I LOVE Superman. I feel like none of my friends understand him. Keep up the good work!
I've never thought about All-Star Superman this way! It really makes me enjoy the story even more!
This version is the best superman, very spiritual and how he reached enlightenment at the end
I just noticed I have a similar hunch back to Clark Kent drawn in all star superman. I’m honored
Good job, dude. Always nice to see a new video from you. I'm not sure if I agree on your take on the Superman saving the suicidal girl scene, but I have to admit it adds more depth to it. I'll definitely think about it when I re-read the series.
For how I interpreted it, I thought the description was spot on. It does seem to "speak volumes", and I found it to relate to others and deepen the character. Do you mean the part about what Superman might have been thinking? I didn't look into or think about the faceless part when I read it. Definitely a great exploration of my favorite version of Superman for the precise reasons described. Good work!
Yeah, I mean what he was thinking. I don't think Superman was thinking about his own mortality in that scene, but I'll be the first to say that that's unknowable.
You're right, there's no way to ever know, but it was one of the first things that came to my head. We all have moments where the thing we are physically doing reminds us of our own problems and we sort of space out.
Christopher Reeve did well portraying Superman. He showed the differences of Clark and Superman and had real emotions when he was BOTH Clark and Superman.
On a superficial note, nice touch on using the dear mama song (instrumental) to enhance the tone.
A man whose time came, but changed the world forever.
I haven't really kept up with modern comics, but I saw an All-Star Superman collection at my local library and checked it out. There were a few modern touches that I wasn't sure about, but for the most part, this was very much the Superman that I knew and enjoyed from the 1970s. And absolutely, the mental and emotional issues he faced were more challenging and interesting than any phsyical threat. And the handling of Clark Kent was absolutely top-notch! I loved seeing Clark pretending to be clumsy while taking care of minor threats and issues. And the dialogue between Clark and Luthor was also very enjoyable.
The movie should've been based off THIS masterpiece.
Great video as always man.
You deserve more subs, my friend. Fantastic video.
Superman’s beauty lies in his deep compassion, his commitment to equality, his love for all, and his profound morality and humanity. The dichotomy of his character, as a literal alien, and as a perfect example of humanity is what makes him so fascinating. He had always portrayed hope, and true justice (MLK’s positive justice). It is no accident that his arch nemesis is a corrupt, megalomaniacal billionaire, Lex Luthor, who would save humanity by enslaving it.
Superman’s inability to save every human in need, even as the most powerful being on Earth, could easilybe a deep source of frustrations pain, anxiety and depression for him. That he couples his desire to save every single last one of us with the realization that the difference he makes in the lives of individuals far outweighs an inability to rescue the whole of humanity. It’s like the old man throwing beached starfish back into the sea, each individual he saves is statistically insignificant when pitted against the innumerability of preventable deaths we suffer as a species every day. How could he ever hope to make a difference? His simple realization that he makes a difference to those he is able to save, each person he is able to make a difference to becomes a seed thrown on fertile soil, his deep compassion and love bloom in those individuals’ hearts that were long calcified by egocentricity and self interest.
If Superman were alive in our world today, if we had a paragon of compassion, humility, selflessness, love, hope and morality to whom we could look up to, and emulate, perhaps the world and humanity would look more like The United Federation of Planets, and a whole lot less like The Expanse.
This is amazing, love your videos! Everything is so well done, you deserve way more attention! Keep it up!!
When i was reading the 2011 daredevil comics the one thung i liked most about the comicbook that what genius imo was when matt murdoch swirched from daredevil to matt murdoch there was a shift in the mood of both characters and really shows that the is not the person most of the time, this is one problem that i had with some batman comics, even when batman switches to being bruce wayne it still feels like he is batman.
Superman ideally should be something like Dr. Manhattan meets Peter Parker. You could do SUCH a good Superman movie nowadays and give it so many little twist and turns and thoughtful insight, the Reeve films are solid but it's possible to do something even better than those.
Superman is best when he is most human and when he is using his mind rather than his fists. Superman duking it out with the monster of the day is boring. Superman/Clark is like Mr Rogers. He wants you to be a better person. He also aspires to this himself!
Haha I noticed dear mama by Tupac in the background
+Leo Fernandez Yep! I thought I was the only one who caught that! Guess not! Great ear for music, man!
+Kal_g ayeeee.
This is my favorite DC story. I've read so many, but they always focus on the super, but this focused on the man, and I loved it.
If Henry Cavill writes a Superman comic, you would get something that's better than anything Goyer can do.
I do really feel they've wasted Henry Cavill on these movies, he could be an amazing Superman if the script and director just let him.
a lot of people blame him for the dull supeman we got on screen but I blame the director and writers who clearly don't know how to cake a good story for the character
He really had nothing to work with in that film, in the few moments where he did get to lighten up, he really did embody Superman.
It's interesting that the scene where he was basically just spouting technobabble, came off as more Superman like most of the movie. Same goes for his first encounter with the military and his subsequent arrest, both very Superman moments, but they didn't really last.
I thought Cavill was great when he was actually allowed to be Superman. Rather than an asshole in a blanket that stopped taking his anti-depressants.
Jack Ream i got no problem with depressed superman
They can’t make MoS like all star cause he’s not dying yet. He’s a young Superman still, he’s not as comfortable
One of the many reasons I liked Superman Returns was how small, calm and quite he was both in his demeanor and the way he used his powers. His flight was so quite and graceful where as Man Of Steel was loud, obnoxious and destructive.
You do realize SR supes already had a fair run in earth and then went to find Krypton and came back, but MOS superman just learned to fly?
Love that there's another person out there who gets what Superman is supposed to be.
I’m also a big fan of Red Sun Superman and the Superman Animated Series, some of my favorite portrayals of the character aside from All Star Superman. The Death of Superman story is nothing exceptional but it also captures Superman’s character in an understandable way in showcasing the hope and heroics of the character.
Became my fav version too. After watching this movie.. he's a supergenius too.. also much advanced in technology than any other superhero .. kryptonian technology .. and with his enhanced mind.. wow
2:29 Holy cow, that was a powerful scene... ;u; I actually want to find this series. The movie if I must.
Great video essay man, agree with you 100%
Tupac's Dear Mama playing in the background. 🙌🏾
the scene of superman talking the girl out of jumping off the building is where superman is at his best. it's not something he can solve using any and all of his power.
Superman was never about being epic or Uber, superman was there to protect us. To show that inside every person there is a superhero.
I cant imagine any other artist besides quietly doing this
Especially when he drew for the bizarro world
I swear every time i see that image of bizarro flash i get a feeling like I'm there
your the next kaptain kristen just keep doing what your doing
+B Bergemann I'm a big fan of his so I appreciate that. But I'm going for my own thing, he's definitely got some crazy animation skills I could never duplicate
+So It Goes Exactly, and on the other side of the same coin... SIG has things that KK can never duplicate, which is why I'm looking forward to more of your work and ideas!
So It Goes im literraly your 1000th sub
+EdgyFag booom. A sub to never be forgotten
I both have the comic and animated movie versions and these are quite entertaining and thought-provoking.
By the way,it is not only the pair of eyeglasses that Supes use as a disguise,case in point:
1. In the Lois and Clark:The new adventures of Superman, changes in Supe's hairstyle were made like his hair is dry while being Clark but they put vast amount of oil or hairgel when he's Supes.
2. Christopher Reeve improvised the stuttering and clumsiness of Clark Kent to avoid being compared to Supes' physical presence and speaking in straight,clear tone.
I have absolutely zero interest in Superman. I'm not even sure why I clicked on this video, but I'm glad I did. All-Star Superman sounds very interesting and completely strips away what makes Superman such a boring, invincible character. This is definitely on my must-buy list. Thank you!
U may take look at Kingdom come too.
"He purposley blanks out his features"
Your video is okay, but I call bs
Anybody who draws comic books knows that the farther away you draw someone, the messier it can get when you try to draw their full features and overlay ink over it. You're pretty much overthinking an act of convenience within the sequence
Okay, so he purposely drew a long distance shot of Superman and the girl so that you couldn't see his facial features. Still a similar effect.
i understand where you’re coming from, but as the first reply says, this was a stylistic choice. the shot was composed in a way that required much thought.
excellent work.
I loved the all star superman movie and it's gotten my interest piqued to check out the original run.
Why are some stories more compelling than others? Why is the story of a powerful but vulnerable hero who self-sacrifices for others so gripping? What happens if you take each element of this story and exadurate it to the maximum possible value? Superman is powerful, but who has ultimate power? Superman saves people in his city, but who saves all of humanity? Superman is meek (strong but chooses the soft path), who is the most meek?
I don't see Neitzsche's ubermensch here. Superman isn't acting according to new, strange values that he has created for himself. He is acting according to age-old values.
Superman is compelling because the underlying myth is true. And this video shows, Superman is created by different authors and changes with each one, but there is an underlying form which some authors more accurately present.
I think if you take each attribute of superman and adjust it like a sliding volume control to the max, you will get the story of Jesus.
Literary geniouses such as GK Chesterton and CS Lewis did the same with Greek mythology and that's actually how they came to believe Jesus' story. The story is archetypal, universal and highly compelling. And we see it most fully told in the gospels of the Bible. CS Lewis said "Now the story of Christ is simply a true myth: a myth working on us in the same way as the others, but with this tremendous difference that it really happened." www.biblica.com/articles/middle-earth-narnia-and-the-true-myth-of-the-bible/
I've only bought two Superman single issues in my life, just couldn't get into him. But this. This is the one I will have to buy and read. Hmmmm, to Absolute or not to Absolute?
+Paul Curlin the absolute edition has a few nice little perks, but the regular graphic novels are great too
Paul Curlin this is a little late, but id also recommend for all seasons, it's a great story and it's beautifully drawn, really worth a read
Paul Curlin I will also recomend Allan Moore's "what ever happened to the man of tomorrw?"
One of my personal favorites is Moore's "For The Man Who Has Everything", an interesting comic book.
Or better kickstarter. American Alien and then right after that Luthor: Man of Steel. Perfect latte
I still love this video ☺
Thank youuuuuuuu!!!!!!
@@RickNazden 😊
Awsome video!
Really good job bro! I can see you becoming huge, especially if you upgrade your mic and the construction of your video essay. :)
That's kind of you, thanks a lot. My next project's a little different and I hope you like it.
Some of this is nonsense. It’s possible to write a good superman story without down playing his powers or having him dying. His powers are part of his character.
+christianrapper I agree, it's just doesn't happen as frequently.
I think of this as nice, since of all the people to get a terminal disease, ot had to be Supes. Pretty sad, but we see him doing everything before his time is up. Helps Zibarro, goes out with Lois, and even gets things straight with Lex.
King Jon Targaryen I If that was the only reason it worked people wouldn’t care
This is really good
Superman and 2pac now that's an epic combo
And this is why All-Star Superman is one of the only Superman comics I like, and this is in my opinion how Superman should be in most comics
What happen to the So It Goes intro from the joker video? I like the typewriter noise lol
+Derrick Thompson who asked this guy
Good view Dude nice thx for this vid
"Yes ma'am." -Superman, to his mother. That one line has more character depth than the snyder version.
Jus not true lol
@@Saint0999 yes it does zack snyder doesnt get superman
@@greasy4457 nope because he took inspiration from this comic as a whole. watch the movie ur an idiot
@@Saint0999 it is true lol
Not at all. Henry's Superman is one of the most layered iterations of Superman.
You put it in words.
Excellent review of All Star Superman.
Your speaking for yourself. I am a Superman from way back and to me; he is the aspiration of man kind. He what we aspire to be in an infinitely vast universe of unknowing. A universe where we are smaller than motes of dust. He is what we aspire to be and do in our greatest fears. Black holes, super and hyper novas, infinite threats could take us out. Superman can save us. If Superman loses we lose and trust me, I refuse to lose and so do you. We must preserve life and keep going.
Somebody once told me...
i loved the video you explain so well,i first watched the movie version of All Star by recomendation of a friend and the first animated movie of death of Superman, a friend recomended to me so that i could understand Superman better and i liked a lot, i later on read the comics but i think the animated movies are a great way to show someone how amazing superman is and how he is not simply boring becacuse he is too powerfull.
I don't need to see a character weakened, or hurt to relate to them...i don't understand why people especially young people now a days need to see someone stripped down so they can relate...or is it these vlogger gen who have not experienced much in their lives that gravitate towards fantasy sorrow and grief
+Ser Winzzalot you don't know anything about my life, but I appreciate you watching the video.
Ser Winzzalot we need interesting conflict. Superman's powers means that normal conflict is mostly a non issue.
Because we all have weak moments. We all hurt. When a character doesn't have either, they're no longer human, or relatable. Because they're perfect. They don't struggle. You may not *realize* that you need a character to be weak or hurt to relate. But you do. Everybody does. Because nobody understands being perfect.
Superman's powers makes him too powerfull, you can barely think about some threat he can't surpass, that's why you need a "normal" problem on his life that he can't transcend, to make him more human (excuse me if there's any gramatical mistake, english is not my mother language)
The thing with it is that Superman, the strongest being on Earth (so to say), gets something as simple as cancer. It is not about it being relatable, but rather, the character going on as his time is running out.
A beautifully thought out essay on the characters of Clark Kent and Superman. What's your opinion on the Dean Cain Lois and Clark TV show from the 90's? Do you think it's a more fleshed out portrait of Clark Kent? Also, what's the music at 8:06?
Truthfully, I never got into the show. From what I've seen, it does a good job exploring Clark/Lois and showing them as an intimate couple, but it's just too boring for me.
It's B.B. King's "I Believe to My Soul" Live from Africa 1974!
It's in my belief that the problem with Superman is that most writers don't know what a flat arc is. In fact a flat arc can be just as powerful as a positive arc.
Without information on the flat arc, many writers have to change classic characters to fit into a positive arc format.
I think tas superman and all-star superman are my favorite
So I have to say, I have never been a Superman fan really. Just because he always felt like a “goodie 2 shoes” I always got the impression that he lacked depth. That him being so powerful made him boring and detached from being relatable. The all star Superman run has changed my mind 100%.
Great video on one of my favourite comics! If you do another on Morrison and Quitely, perhaps do one on Multiversity's Pax Americana, which I reckon is their best collaboration to date, as well as the best one shot comic I've ever read.
+Blake Harrison glad you liked it. I'm a big fan of Multiversity, but I already have another Morrison book on my brain for a future video.
All Star Superman or Superman Red Son. You can't go wrong with either.
"If he were really someone who couldn't be hurt by anything at all he would actually be the most laid back guy." Saitama?
thanks for the heart.
Saitama is pretty laid back...lol but interestingly, Saitama has a lot of problems due to his situation. Mainly, a lack of Ikigai... a reason for being. There is no drive, because there is no where for him to go. His life is... pointless. One Punch Man's world is an excellent parody of the Superhero genre, and Superman as a character. Its ~almost~ a better story than Superman himself, for that same reason. But of course, I love Superman. He's the epitome of Superheroes. The template. The one all the others are derived from. Even Saitama.
But that's where it contradicts itself. If he has all the godly power he will feel responsible for every accident he failed to stop and every life he couldn't save in time. So the laid back thing isn't possible if you are almighty, It's only possible if you make peace with yourself that you cannot save literally EVERYONE. This emotional maturity will give you the calmness, and to achieve that he needs to grow and experience, to be old and wise is what I mean.
2:18 the titanic is now own by superman
Subscribed.Excellent video even though i don't agree completely with the Man of Steel criticism;sure the father-son dialogue could've been way better but the destruction part;i mean,come on..he saved the whole world fighting 3 of his planet's most notorious warriors on his first day on the job..come on man.
I swear to god i vaguely hear Tupac playing in the backroundm
OMG! Its King Mob!
I like the whole Superman is the gentle Big Brother looking out for his younger siblings kind of tone myself. And while I do enjoy the video that you made or All-Star Superman I'm wondering what your thoughts on strange visitor Superman were.
When people see Superman defeating someone effortlessly in a fight “Superman is boring.” When he’s struggling in a fight “Superman shouldn’t be destructive to be interesting.”
Bruh. You can’t have both.
False dichotomy
Superman 💙💙💙
Just to be clear, I agree with 99% of what you're saying here. But lets not make a play of being TOO pretentious to the point where we miss those thoughtful moments in the other stories, even if there's as you label it, "a fight scene". The Superman action DOES have to be there at some point, but in a case like Superman: Man Of Tomorrow, it had some interesting bits, but it wasn't interesting enough BECAUSE it didn't have those points of light about Superman, like All Star Superman had. But people tend to throw Grant Morrison up on a pedestal because of his JLA comic series run, Kingdom Come, and All Star. He's a good writer, and gets Superman as evidenced by All Star, but the entire comic series remembers where it gets its stranger turns in the story . . . ACTION COMICS. Thus, there had to be some . . . ACTION. The hyper focus of the action over the quality of the character is why someone talked J.J. Abrams out of making his Superman Trilogy back in the late 90's-2K's. Superman and Kung Fu . . . But for me, All Star gets the advanced nature of Superman right. He should almost come off Christ-like in his worldview. Yeah, I KNOW, everyone is trying to get away from that allegory, but let's not forget that THAT IS part of Supermans genetic make-up and creative Origins. So it only follows that Superman should feel like the ULTIMATE Good, with Lex coming off like the ULTIMATE Evil. But there should always be the ACTION from a property that debuted and thrived under ACTION COMICS. It's all about balance. That's why alot of people don't get Superman 100% right. I really wish that the animated movie captured that "Heavy Metal" look that Frank Quitely captured so well in the page, because his artwork surprised me, I revisited the book some years after viewing the movie, and I kept thinking "this is very beautiful artwork, why couldn't the movie look MORE LIKE THIS!"
the old king future Thanos stories, Heart of the universe and Astral Regulator stories have nothing on all star Superman.
Thanos imo is more of a Gary stu then supes is. When you compare the power trip Thanos stories to emotional maturity stories like All Star Superman the Thanos stories fall flat.
This is my reference to write a Superman story, Is there any Superman story as good as All Star?
Great breakdown but for all its flaws, I think MoS and BvS tried to make Superman very reflective and have a layered complexity. The problem is that you can't hear someone's thoughts as well in a movie so static cinematographic moments reflect the preexisting notions of what people think of Superman.
How do you feel about Superman Red son?
Love it. Haven't read it in a few years but it's on my list to get back to because I'm also a big fan of Soviet history.
A simple what-if with Supes becoming the Soviet Union's most beloved man.
i would have to guess your stoked for the spawn moive!!!
I'll give it a shot, but to be honest I never got too into Spawn. Definitely an interesting character, but I think I was turned off as a kid for some reason. Got any good story recommendations to give him another shot?