Hey there, I'm Victor. I see that you play Mega Man games. Well I'm gonna be doing a walkthrough on all the Classic Mega Man Games as well next year after I graduate from College. Also for Mega Man 1 I'm gonna playing through the Powered up Version because I find the Original game on the NES to be quite difficult. However I'm wondering what device did you use to record this game on the PSP?
I never had the game as a kid but I remember watching videos on the game
R.I.P. Fire Man
I see Rock is voiced by the guy who would eventually bring us Terramar, the Hippogriff with divorced parent angst.
Hey there, I'm Victor. I see that you play Mega Man games. Well I'm gonna be doing a walkthrough on all the Classic Mega Man Games as well next year after I graduate from College. Also for Mega Man 1 I'm gonna playing through the Powered up Version because I find the Original game on the NES to be quite difficult. However I'm wondering what device did you use to record this game on the PSP?
I use this psp hd converter so I can play it on my tv
@@HollowJay What kind of HD Converter did you used for your PSP?
@@victorgaminglounge3967 www.ebay.com/itm/165403230123?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=nRaAHXWgQEq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=qnBfdckjQTu&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY
Como el puede ser tan bueno en este juego
I play a lot of megaman
how do you get megaman powerd up on PS3?
That's not the PS3, it's the PSP