Giving Back While Climbing the Ladder: A CA(SA)'s Guide (With Faith in Focus)| Lesego Rankou

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 11 ก.ค. 2024
  • #FinancialProsGiveBack #CASAGiveBack #CorporateVolunteer #FaithfulImpact #CharitableGiving #DifferenceMaker
    Feeling called to make a difference, but drowning in deadlines?
    This video is for YOU! As CA(SA) professionals, we have valuable skills, but how can we use them to give back to the community?
    Faith and action go hand-in-hand. Let's use our talents to create a more positive world, together!
    In this video, you'll learn:
    1. How to leverage your CA(SA) skills for charitable causes.
    2. Finding the perfect volunteer opportunity (even with a busy schedule!)
    3. Tips for maximizing your impact through corporate programs.
    4. How to navigate the tension of being visible while still being authentic in your contribution work
    Ready to make a difference? Watch now and get started on your journey of impactful giving!
    P.S. Leave a comment below and share how YOU plan to give back! ⬇️

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