Best Complementarian argument (Women in Ministry Part 5): With Dr. Colin Smothers (2019)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 15 ม.ค. 2025

ความคิดเห็น • 69

  • @meanman6992
    @meanman6992 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Also there's some translations that view the "out of his side" not meaning rib, but the character or personality of Adam, which I find fascinating and makes a lot of sense.
    As men and women complete one another in so many ways with respect to personality and capabilities.

  • @katieh8076
    @katieh8076 4 ปีที่แล้ว +25

    I would have liked to hear him explain further his view of what a 'husband laying down his life for his wife' looks like. He seemed to be using the term interchangably with 'caring' about her, which seems like a wishy washy abdication of responsibility. In the mean time, what seems to be the practical reality in many complementarian marriages is that the woman is the one laying down her life for her husband. All her youthful dreams and plans for her life, including any call from God, get laid down in order to serve her husband's call and dreams. So she ends up not only submitting to her husband but also laying down her life for him, while the husband gets to have his cake and eat it.

    • @justchilling704
      @justchilling704 4 ปีที่แล้ว +7

      I notice a disconnect their too. Why not speak more about what Christians husbands are called to do? It’s not biblical to claim a woman should give up her life for her husband.

    • @mollyw280
      @mollyw280 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      I would like to hear more on that as well. I understand none of the speakers wants to be outside of the will of God, so the focus on what women shouldn't do. However, it seems that there is opportunity to clarify which could create immense good. I'll keep listening for it in the series.

    • @cre8509
      @cre8509 3 ปีที่แล้ว +10

      Agreed. 99% of complementarian teachings focus on wives submitting, instead of the beginning of the relationship is for the husband to lay down his life the way Jesus laid down his life. Women seem to be addressed most of the time; while the man’s mandate has been watered way down to simply “providing for the family.“

    • @Repent.Believe.obeyJesus
      @Repent.Believe.obeyJesus 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      Christians constantly tell what men an husbands need to do and never get these type of comments we have hardly any teachings like this due too the fear of offending people like it's been proven in these Comments, Christians don't operate on how other people treat us or what other people's privileges are we strive to stay in our Godly character and not murmur and complain that's the hard part , and Christian men shouldn't be following their dreams they need to be following the Lord and obeying him

    • @saved6655
      @saved6655 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Christ says this “there is no greater love than this, that one lay His life down for a friend.” What is the husbands role? It is a sacrificial love, it is a giving of one’s self. It is a unselfishness and regarding her more important than myself. When this happens she (through the Holy Spirit) wants to submit. If you see in Ephesians 5 “this is the Will of God. Do not be drunk with wine but be filled with the Spirit.” Then goes on to tell us what a Spirit filled church looks like, and Spirit filled wife looks like (wives submit to your husbands), what a Spirit filled husband and father looks like (love your wife as Christ loved the church and do not provoke your children).
      So if you are walking in the Spirit and not in the flesh a woman will submit to her husband and a husband will sacrificially love her. Peter says “be understanding of her because she is the weaker vessel”. Not weaker spiritually (Galatians) but weaker physically. So men are built to protect and provide, women are naturally nurturing. So men lay there life down in a sacrificial, understanding, loving way. Yes I get to ultimately make the decision but my decision should be to allow my wife to let me know her feelings and I should sacrificially say yeah let’s do what you think at this point because I want to be understanding and not controlling. Be understanding of your wife’s intelligence and intellect in life and sacrifice your judgement. Be open to your wife’s suggestions. Don’t close your mind.
      Men make the mistake by saying the Bible says you are to submit to me. Well they contradict there selves. It dose say “women submit yourselves” not men tell your wives to submit. This is why you are to wash your wives with the word, let God do the convicting not the husband. So the laying your life down is sacrificial love. Remember “no greater love is this that one lay his life down”. Protect and provide for her. Let her have a role in decision don’t just go make your own decisions with out saying hey I’m going to be a good leader and ask you if this is a good idea. So lay it down for her. She is a jewel a prized possession “what God put together let no man separate”. So God gave her to me to take care of and provide for and count her more important than myself.

  • @hannahallain
    @hannahallain 3 ปีที่แล้ว +12

    Let me start by saying I thought this was an excellent conversation, very insightful. And I'm still not sure exactly where I land, but I definitely lean complimentarian.
    However I think it's really important to specify that in Genesis 3, God only specifically curses the serpent (3:14) and the ground (3:17). There were additional punishments for Adam and Eve, but they themselves were not cursed. This is important because the idea that woman's body has been cursed by God has created a negative narrative that women have about themselves - that their bodies are working against them in every way. However, we have still been fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator. And yes, while childbirth is painful and other things are not so fun, women are still very thoughtfully equipped and designed to do these things. Everything has been meticulously designed to function the way it does, studying health and the human body has made it ever more clear to me what an amazing Creator God is. So I believe we (women in particular) should be shifting to a more positive narrative concerning this issue, and it starts by using the right language surrounding Genesis 3.

  • @verse2555
    @verse2555 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    I feel like alot of his arguments were strong but I felt there were some leaps in logic in regards to terminology. I wish he went deeper into the hebrew and greek when referencing different verses in the bible. There is so much poetry in Genesis.
    I feel when he spoke about this verse it was a bit of a stretch:
    GEN 3:16 To the woman he said,
    “I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
    with painful labor you will give birth to children.
    Your desire will be for your husband,
    and he will rule over you.”
    I think here it is very clear that adams rule over eve and her desire for her husband was part of the curse. At the very least it shows the aspect of mutual submission that was part of the pre fall relationship.
    I'm still not sure where I stand yet. I feel like I'm a 1. comp but still researching and trying to figure out for myself. From Adam and Eve's example I would definitely say that in the home the man definitely has headship but as adam and eve both had dominion in the world around them, I would say that reflects how we are both leaders and the light in the world.

    • @joel_i_was
      @joel_i_was 3 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey, it was great to know that you have been searching these things out as I myself am.
      Here's a tip - First we need to identify any bias we have regarding any particular view, Like - 'Maybe I want women to have leadership roles or vice-versa.'
      Once we identify this bias, we confess it to God and tell him that 'this is what my heart wants.'
      Now say to Him, 'But Lord not my will but yours be done.'
      If you want to do His will, Then He will lead you into all truths. Read John 7:17
      I don't like the fact that most of our Bible studies happen today without asking any help from God, to understand His Word. We just open up a commentary or read a book to understand any particular topic. Let's ask His help first while using all resources available. But He should come first!
      This approach helped me greatly! Try it.

    • @Bible33AD
      @Bible33AD 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Stand on Christ not Collin Smothers.
      Why ignore Eph 5 21? Why deny part of God's word. What can you do with only your head without ur limbs, stomach, heart, intestines? Why did you read hierarchy into the word head? Instead of just head body metaphor. The 2 are one. Like Christ and God are one. Ephesians 5 into Ephesians 6 is about how Christian community should live in Christ. However, Eph 5 22 in Greek has no verb "submit". There's an ellipsis... its wives as to husbands... wives what? That's taken from Eph 5 21... submit one to another. So husbands and wives submit one to another. No headship. The culmination of the marriage advice is Eph 5: 31, reinforcing Gen 2:24, God's original design. No headship. The Jewish and Greco- Roman guys... it was radical for them to hear they ought to love the wives as Christ loved the church... i.e SACRIFICIALLY... no headship. Jesus said the same Matt 10:8. Awesome stuff. Look at this awesome theology through a Jesus lens. Not thru incorrect English translations and interpretation via a carnal lens. Adopt the mind of Christ. Not a worldly Genesis 3 cultural indoctrination.

    • @heathersnyder8789
      @heathersnyder8789 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I believe the created order means God made man in His image and glory. Woman was made from man and for man. So she has some of Gods image but not directly and not equally. So, that’s why men are to lead? Men are more in His image than woman? The created order seems to be a big deal, and so I don’t think women have as much of Gods image.

  • @rhhamlin08
    @rhhamlin08 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Why are there only men here taking about women in ministry?

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Because women aren't to be leaders, teachers or exercise authority. So what would be the purpose. The Bible is clear, so there is no discussion on it, they are just there to teach the Biblical truth about it.
      WE don't get to debate God on His laws and principals. We only get to study them and follow them.

  • @paullaymon5746
    @paullaymon5746 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    I find it curious that he did not finish reading ICor 11. Verse 11 -12 adds that even though the head or source of their glory comes from two different locations, “in the Lord” they have an egalitarian relationship.

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      There is NOTHING egalitarian AT ALL about those verses. All it's stating is, the obvious, that we both need each other for procreation, so neither should feel superior to the other.

  • @monical2840
    @monical2840 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    All this talk about "headship" makes me think about a specific verse that is being glossed over.
    “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” Gen 3:15 KJV
    Jesus squashed this debate when He came ministering to both men and women. When did he teach that the man is the head of the wife? Jesus taught that the two were designed to become one flesh... ONE! If we are to be viewed as ONE, it wouldn't matter if I preached the word or my husband preached it so long as we are joined in a godly way. After the fall, we were given hope in the Tree of Life, which is literally referred to as a "she" in the book of Revelation, btw. The way I see it, an individual is married to God when they are born again! Since the Spirit cannot literally speak, you are to be His voice as Jesus commanded his apostles to spread the gospel to every creature. Every believer has a voice in the body of Christ. It is wrong to muzzle up half the body.
    I believe Paul wrote what he wrote for the times they lived in. Remember, all they had then was the first half of the Bible and not everyone was familiar with it. Most women, essentially, had to "catch up" academically as it was less common for women to study scripture back then than it is today. It was the chaos in the body of Christ that he was trying to nip in the bud. Chaos still exists in some churches today, because some people do not live by EVERY word, but instead take a few verses and build entire churches with strange doctrine.
    "But he answered and said, It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." Matt 4:4 KJV

  • @amandadavis5367
    @amandadavis5367 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Can someone explain what he's trying to say regarding being saved through child bearing? Is he saying embracing your femininity and having children is required for salvation? I've never heard a comp explanation for that verse and I don't understand what he's trying to say...

    • @monical2840
      @monical2840 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      He gave two interpretations. The first he attached to Genesis 3:15 which some interpret to show that it was the birth of Christ (seed of the women) that would save women. But the birth of Christ saved men too so that interpretation is a little off. In his second interpretation, I think he was trying to say exactly what you summed up which, imo, is complete bs. We are saved by grace through faith in Jesus, men and women alike.
      Edit: I'm not a biblical scholar nor have I researched the verse myself, but I've heard about other scholars who show that the greek word "saved" in this verse is not the same as the word used to reference salvation.
      Also, I see your comment is from 9 months ago, but I just stumbled across this channel recently after a male friend of mine told me that females cannot stand at a pulpit and preach. I asked him to show me where that is written and here I am. 😊

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      It has nothing to do with salvation as that isn't the context of that entire segment. The whole context is about leadership and how can and can't be leaders. It's just saying that men are the leaders, that is their position and purpose, but just because women aren't designed or called to be leaders, doesn't mean they don't have value. They have great value in motherhood and being good, loving, sanctified wives.
      The validity of that is looking at what the occult based feminist movement is doing to women today. Convincing them NOT to be mothers or loving wives. Trying to get them to denounce their femininity, the very gift God gave them. Trying to convince them that their true worth and value comes in trying to be masculine.
      Remember, Adam was created in God's image, but then God took a side of Adam to create Eve, so therefore her feminine nature is ALSO a part of God's nature. And neither aspect of God's nature can be considered better than the other as they both come from God and represent different aspects of Him. So, when women reject their femininity, they are actually rejecting part of God's nature and calling part of His nature, worthless.

  • @paullaymon5746
    @paullaymon5746 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Adam was not the first to name Eve, God named her woman after he created her. Adam renamed her Eve after the fall.
    Gen 2::22 God is already calling her woman. Adam in Gen 2:23 is just declaring that fact.

    • @monical2840
      @monical2840 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Good eye!

  • @susandesantell1379
    @susandesantell1379 4 ปีที่แล้ว +9

    This was the most Biblically sound argument throughout this entire series. It used Scripture to interpret Scripture, which is what we should always appeal to first. We need not look to historical/cultural practices when reasons that clearly negate and transcend those are given. (Referring back to the creation order is given multiple times in the NT in regards to this topic). The previous episode on egalitarianism was very ‘feeling’ driven and gave more weight to the culture than the very Word of God. Prophetic words were also used to inform decisions, which can be a good thing, but *not* when they contradict the Word of God.
    Great dialogue on such an important issue. God Bless.

  • @ReneeLuckaybreathlife
    @ReneeLuckaybreathlife 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    if your argument is that we are equal but different and also that as women we represent the Church and men represent Christ, then how are women equal to Christ?
    Genesis 1's account of creation, Adam represents mankind. Genesis 2 is a breakdown of Genesis 1. It was God who said it was not good. Not Adam, who made a request for a helper.

  • @Telorchid
    @Telorchid 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Appreciate the civil discussion and the fact that both sides are represented in this series. There seems to be a great deal of assumptions made on what exactly the Genesis story is meant to teach. The Western tendency to ‘go granular’ and isolate ‘universal’ truth statements while ignoring context is at play here.

  • @USvoice4freedom
    @USvoice4freedom 3 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    As a Christian woman, my eyes have been open to a new perspective - thank you for the series - much enjoyed and I learned a lot.

  • @Liminalplace1
    @Liminalplace1 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    As an anthropologist and a New Testament reader, I wonder how the compelemarians emphasize the "created order" rather than the "new creation" order. Have they forgotten the declaration of the New Testament of "anyone in Christ is new creation" and life in church is supposed to represent that. I mean all such arguments on the creation order seem to deny the new order. Marriage is part of the creation order so principles apply there. In the creation order there is Jew and Greek, slave and free, male and female but in the new creation such distinctions are no longer in Christ. Christians live in between the times so culture applies, as it does in this world, so in some cultures women ought not be prominent but not by a new creation complementary principle.
    Understanding this leads to errors on both sides. Principles can also emerge from cultures as if they are natural.
    As a Christian I'd say it comes down to how you view the "church". AT NO TIME DOES HE MENTION the NEW CREATION... That ought to alert anyone!!

  • @DanielMolinaLife
    @DanielMolinaLife 3 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Brah, change that thumbnail, looks creepy, especially with the topic. LOL Great content!

    • @spn2240
      @spn2240 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Lol so creepy

  • @CharMS987
    @CharMS987 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    And I understanding him correctly at 55:12 that he is saying that by submitting to God's created order that's how a woman receives salvation? Are you indicating that this is no longer a secondary or tertiary issue but now a primary condition of salvation? Because that seems bonkers. Yet that's what he said

  • @goodmorninglife898
    @goodmorninglife898 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Of course theres a created order. Doesnt mean she cant be a pastor, apostle, 5 fold ministry.

  • @selectamark
    @selectamark 5 ปีที่แล้ว +6

    Complimentarian argument for me won the day on the back of this argument well done and well articulated 👏🏾

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  5 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Selecta Mark thanks mark.

    • @JesusIsComing1111
      @JesusIsComing1111 4 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Selecta Mark did you listen to Craig Keeners?

    • @selectamark
      @selectamark 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Kimberly Means Of the Royal Priesthood Yes I did.

  • @ReformationBC
    @ReformationBC 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Can we not also conclude that when Jesus Christ died on the cross and took upon Himself the curse of sin and became the propitiation for our sin, that we are now free from the curse of sin and death? Therefore if we are free from the curse of sin and death through Christ Jesus, when we are in Christ Jesus are we not completely set free from the curse in Genesis 2?

    • @rebetrujillo
      @rebetrujillo ปีที่แล้ว +1

      The curse is in Gen 3, not 2. Gen 1 and 2 are God’s design for humanity.

  • @MrPaulmark19
    @MrPaulmark19 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Silencing Women and Not Empowering Women in Christian Ministry and Church Leadership (including Ordination of Pastors) is also rebellion against the Scripture and against God who equally called them to the Ministry.

  • @sharonlouise9759
    @sharonlouise9759 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Just a thought here. Titus 2:3-5 states: "Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behavior, not malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine, teaching what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be sensible, pure, workers at home, kind, being subject to their own husbands, so that the word of God will not be dishonored." This verse says nothing about the older women teaching the younger women Scripture or doctrine. Also, if we take this verse literally to mean that this is to be true for all time for all women then they can't work outside the home because this verse instructs the older women are to train the younger women to be "workers at home."

    • @heathersnyder8789
      @heathersnyder8789 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      It doesn’t only to say work at home. Just because it says older women teach younger women doesn’t mean don’t teach doctrine. Paul commended both Timothy’s mother and grandmother for teaching Timothy doctrine. Furthermore, Proverbs 31 woman’s main focus was the home but also focused on the needy in her community and was a business woman when she bought a field.

    • @sharonlouise9759
      @sharonlouise9759 11 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@heathersnyder8789 I wasn't using Titus 2:3-5 to make a statement about how women today are to behave. I was trying to explain that if one believes this Scripture is true for all time regarding women (as other Scriptures cited were true for all time) then they must also believe that women can't work outside the home. I don't think they would go this far. I call it selective citing of Scripture to validate ones point. But if they are going to take all these other verses which speak about women and take them literally and make them true for all time, then they must also include this passage in Titus 2:3-5. It is interesting that it isn't included.
      I'm a woman. I teach doctrine. I also teach men.

  • @sianpearson9927
    @sianpearson9927 5 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    In a lot of Paul's teaching he uses the first person singular " I ". In 1 Timothy, ch 2 V 12 he says " But I suffer not a woman to teach -------- " , he does not say God or Jesus suffer not a woman to teach .

  • @meanman6992
    @meanman6992 5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Little off topic but something to think about, could Adam and Eve sin prior to eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil?
    My opinion is that they couldn't in the context they weren't culpable until they ate.
    I brought this up because sometimes you here something like from John Piper, from whence does sin come...because I believe he claims Adam sinned before he ate.

    • @TheRemnantRadio
      @TheRemnantRadio  5 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Mean Man if sin is defined as disobedience to Gods Command, the no. There is no potential for Adam and eve to have sinned before the eating of the for bidden fruit. Because it was the only prohibition given.
      Where there is no law there is no transgression.

    • @selectamark
      @selectamark 4 ปีที่แล้ว

      Mean Man interesting question.consider the doctrine of unconfirmed creaturely holiness it might help your question.

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not a fan of John Piper, but what he does with that absurd assumption, is unfortunately so common in the church today. Extrapolate the heck out of the Bible. It's insane how many church services some churches have each week. Sunday School, Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening, Wednesday Night. That can be as much as 4 sermons per week to dream something up to talk about.
      As RR said, the only prohibition was the command not to eat the fruit. That was the first sin. Now the seeds of that sin started before hand. Clearly somewhere along the line, Adam became more infatuated with Eve than with God, so that when she tempted Him, he was more desiring to please her than God.
      What's interesting to note, is that both flaws in Eve and Adam were developed BEFORE their fallen nature. Eve was tempted to usurp God, before she fell, she wanted to be like God, just as lucifer did. And Adam wanted to obey and please his wife, more than obey and please God. This is why women to this day are constantly seeking to take authority, against God's direct commands, and Men are constantly falling to women, whether it's lust or just listening to her as opposed to the commands of God.

  • @HoldFastApolpgetics
    @HoldFastApolpgetics 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    As a woman, trusting God’s design is best…whatever role He creates for me, I want to walk that out well with His help… all the while not straining for my own glory

  • @cm6246
    @cm6246 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    There are varying views on how to interpret the creation order of male and female. This school of thought understands that God created a hierarchical relationship between the genders at creation but I do not see that. Adam's response to the woman's creation reveals that the man sees the woman equal to her. Together they were mandated to rule and subdue, be fruitful, and multiply. This changed after their transgression as a consequence of their corrupted hearts. The intimacy between the two was broken and man stop seeing the woman as bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh, which is how to defend himself he was able to throw her under the bus so easily. What is pronounced in 3:16-17 already started taking place in the previous verses. God simply gives voice to the changes that have taken place because of their rebellion and corrupted hearts. The woman's desire will now be contrary to the man's creating conflict in their relationship which will cause the increased pain or grief God said she and he will experience going forward. God did not curse the man and woman and it could be said they were punished and in a sense they were but God never incresed the pain of women's childbirth. This passage according to Hebrew scholars like Iain Provan, Gordon Wenham, and Tim Mackie has been misinterpreted in most English translations. The misinterpretations have led to the development of the complementarian school of thought. The only way to escape those dynamics brought about by the corruption of men's hearts is to be in Christ and surrendered to the Holy Spirit.
    I am no feminist and I don't care about the culture with regards to Bible interpretation. I believe women are equal in God's eyes based on biblical interpretation.

  • @rachelroelofs9383
    @rachelroelofs9383 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Let me say first how much I appreciate your genuine desire to seek both truth and understanding between parties on this issue.
    The complementarian case just doesn't add up for me and elements of it are very concerning regarding potential abuse of power. I acknowledge that the CBMW does not endorse abuse of power in any way, shape or form, but I believe a strong case can be made for their teachings resulting in the opposite of what they hope for.
    The idea that the woman's "desire" in Genesis 3:16 is actually a desire to control or be contrary to her husband is a disturbing and unjustified interpretation in my view. The only justification is the same words used in Genesis 4:7 and, unless we're willing to view woman as the embodiment of sin seeking to corrupt man, I don't see how this is reasonable. Some have, indeed, followed this interpretation to its logical conclusion and treated woman as an evil, corrupting influence that must be subdued and controlled by man. This may sound irrational but think about it. If a man believes that his wife's desire is to control or be contrary to him, what attitude will that lead to in situations of conflict? He will feel justified in "putting his foot down" and having his own way, because fundamentally she just wants to control him. This doesn't promote unity. True unity is when hearts are aligned in purpose and in truth, not when one is obliged to yield to the other because they hold a lower rank. Jesus' relationship to God is not comparable because they WERE unified in purpose and truth. So how do we reach unity? Discussion, prayer, study, seeking to understand one another's point of view. All of the really hard stuff. It's so much easier for men if they can feel justified in avoiding all this hard work (potentially finding out they're wrong) and just do what they want. And if there is disunity after the husband has his own way then it's the wife's fault for not being at peace with being ignored or dismissed. We are exhorted to become one with our spouse. Expecting the wife to yield to her husband in everything doesn't make them one, it simply erases her.
    The other point I want to address is the idea that supreme authority is synonymous with "headship". The husband has responsibilities towards his wife, undoubtedly, but I question whether that necessitates authority over his wife. What do we even mean when we talk about authority? Do we mean that a husband has the right to punish his wife if she is not obedient? I have never seen any Scriptural support for this and yet our ideas of authority in every other relationship seem to necessitate the right to enforce in some way. Whenever wifely submission is encouraged/commanded in Scripture the author is speaking to the wife. Nowhere is the husband given the authority to enforce submission. It is voluntary. Which begs the next question. When is the wife justified in not submitting? Her husband requiring disobedience to God is a no brainer, but what counts as disobedience to God? Many would argue that even if her husband is in sin the wife should submit to his authority, but isn't that enabling his sin? As brothers and sisters in Christ we are to hold one another accountable. That includes a wife holding her husband accountable (vice versa being presumed). The idea that a wife cannot hold her husband accountable for his sin destroys any notion of the husband and wife being equal. It is worth noting that Jesus never forced anyone to follow him. He corrected and rebuked, most certainly, but he never forced anyone.
    There is much to say on this subject but perhaps the biggest question is, for what reason is male authority, practically speaking, necessary within marriage? When would it ever be necessary for a husband to exercise authority, that is, compel his wife to submit to him? His primary responsibility is to model love and servanthood. You don't need authority over someone in order to do that. In practice it seems as though male authority in marriage is actually a disincentive for the husband to carry out his God-given responsibilities to his wife.
    I have been watching this series in order so I'm interested to see any of these issues are addressed in later episodes.

    • @rebren1266
      @rebren1266 8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Excellent summary thank you!

  • @greggpj
    @greggpj 5 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    I have been following this series intently and have changed my views from 1 point Comp to egalitarian. It was this video (actually podcast) that solidified my views. I found Dr. Smothers' argument strong but not as compelling as Dr. Keener's. Anyway, through the whole series, I had this song flowing in the back of my head.

  • @paullaymon5746
    @paullaymon5746 ปีที่แล้ว

    Since Paul uses anthropomorphic terms in Eph 5, what type of relationship does a human head have with a human body? Is it a egalitarian or complementarian relationship?

  • @ReformationBC
    @ReformationBC 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    Could it be that because Adam was not only given the instruction of the forbidden fruit, but also because he was the seed barrier, meaning he carried all of humanity within his loins, is why he was held solely responsible for the fall of man?

  • @jodicunningham8912
    @jodicunningham8912 5 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    The whole OT is a disaster for male privilege and female subservience. (Except Abigail who disobeyed her husband -thank God for her.) Then Jesus. Praise God I’m saved even as a woman. Thank God naming man and woman happened after the fall. It is time to change the equality verbiage to curb rape in the church. Men and women though different are equally saved by Jesus and it’s time to stop treating women so different that Jesus doesn’t look powerful enough to save and to give women gifts equally in the church. Let’s follow Jesus on all the Genders he saved and used to save others. Fontina is the name of the samaritan woman at the well and she was equal to the apostles and became a martyr according to Greek Orthodox historical records...but her story wasn’t written as a book? Why? Perhaps, Rev. 22-18-19 is legit.

  • @abeliever1843
    @abeliever1843 5 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I believe woman are under man. Its so obivious we need to own it!!! This working woman business is aweful especial when raising children is so more important.