@@jfaron867 ok ! I'm a NJ fireman. Orthodox is new to me. So are you able to say the prayer in your head and still pay attention? I suppose it comes with time? Also do follow the fasting schedule at work? And how do you hangout with the guys when the conversation gets stupid (99 percent of the time)? I laugh with them and just try to keep my comments clean while still having a good time. I feel like that's better than just running away.
@@SteelMaceNationPodcast Usually while driving code either in the engine or rescue. I'll especially recite the prayer while transporting to the hospital.
@@SteelMaceNationPodcast For the fasting, I havent quite figured that out when on shift. As for the usual conversations at the dinner table all i can say is I do my best to stay clean.
Thank you for this. I am totally new like a baby. 2 minutes in and i was deeply touched just thinking how thr Holy Spirit draws us into Christs net. That imagery was so wonderful. That's exactly what I am experiencing being draw towards Christ.
I’ve been devoted to this practice for nearly a decade. It’s began to be “autoplay” kind of music when a song gets in your head but it’s not moving to my heart. The practice of the Jesus prayer has imparted more wisdom to me than any book I've read, sermon I've heard, retreat I've attended, or one-on-one instruction I've received from a priest.
My goodness, thank you so much for sharing this. You’ve made stop questioning myself and wondering if I was going crazy. Even though I already KNEW I wasn’t! It’s still so so nice to see somebody from 1 month ago saying what I’ve been feeling to be truth. It’s all so unbelievable at first. Glory be to God. And a genuine thank you to our kindest friend, Jesus.
Father I just want to thank you for all of these videos and taking so much time to illumen our paths. After a year of learning and listening, and pretty much living as an Orthodox without communion with the church... I'm making my long overdue way to and entrance into the church as a Catechumen. I just started discussing it with the local priest. Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me and save me. 🙏
I’ve recently been baptized into the Church. I listened to you frequently in my years prior as a catechumen. My prayers and gratitude to your instruction from San Diego CA. Glory to God!
Thank you Father Peter, I got recommended by a monk to listen to you and your instruction is very helpful. Thank you for answering our questions, no matter how simple or complex.
This presentation is so wonderful, thank you. Especially, showing us the books and where to get them. Father described exactly what I was confused about by which I hadn't heard anyone else describe before and was troubling me, yet now I am better prepared and willing to go deeper and see my own personal sins and not be afraid of them. I sometimes think that focusing so much on my own inner sins would make me more stressed out and neurotic, but Father has encouraged me to not be afraid, and to pray the Jesus Prayer for cleansing.
As a catechumin, I found it beneficial to say the Jesus prayer in different languages- so far Spanish, English, and Finnish. I hope to learn it in more languages. It works the brain, keeps me present, and builds focus. Also, learning new languages is fun.
The Jesus Prayer is a means, not an end in and of itself. It's a vehicle to lived, conscious union with God. This is to know yourself and to know God. We must transcend the words and rest in God. Through this we become prayer and our whole life is prayer.
@@hotlanta35 God's mercy is His love and it is unconditional. The Jesus Prayer is a means of entering into conscious communion with God, which brings about one's purification, illumination, and deification.
@@hotlanta35 The Jesus Prayer is a means of noetic prayer, if properly understood and practiced. The heart has traditionally been seen as the locus of a person's nous. This is why the Jesus Prayer is called the prayer of the heart. We are to bring the mind into the heart. We raise our consciousness beyond the rational mind to the level of noetic consciousness (i.e., direct awareness of God's Presence).
Thank you, Fr. Peter! The Jesus Prayer is a wonderful blessing from the beginning and as I learn and grow! Thank you for teaching us to pray! Glory to God in all things!
There is an excellent book on the Jesus prayer by the metropolitan of Nafpaktos, Hierotheos Vlachos. Book is called "A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain: Discussion with a Hermit on the Jesus Prayer". BTW, he has written other excellent books all of which are well worth of reading including "The Illness and Cure of the Soul in the Orthodox Tradition", "Orthodox psychotherapy" and "The Person in the Orthodox Tradition".
I was one who was taught that repeating the same prayer was vain repetition. I’ve been praying for Truth and it has led me to The Orthodox way. I have already learned I was wrong. Can someone please tell me what prayers I should know as someone new to Orthodoxy? Thank you and God bless you all
RE: held Protestant errors. I encourage anyone in that position to unload that baggage in obedience willingly. Seeking Christ and letting Him do it HURTS. I say this from a long and painful experience.
Fatherbless. I have heard the Orthodox Prayer Rope referred to as a "rosary" I don't remember where I read it. I imagine that it is because of the repetition, the Catholic "Hail Mary" and the Orthodox "Lord Jesus Christ", etc.
Father bless. When we’re going through tough times, despairing, how can we strengthen our resolve to ask for deep repentance to pleasing to God when the depths of our soul is begging relief from the pain we feel? Logically it seems to follow that truly repenting will open the door for healing but in my heart I feel like a child who has hurt himself and is seeking consolation from a parent.
We won’t get rid of suffering, I.e., you won’t stop it, but you’ll experience it in a different way. We will suffer. But it is how we suffer. With what mindset, outlook, stance? Will we embrace it and accept it is sent to purify us? Or will we fight it and moan and groan and ask why, or Lord? It’s a matter of trust. Increase our trust, we must pray.
Father, Bless! Great presentation, this makes me want to take up the practice of the Jesus Prayer after falling into much vice recently. Also, what is your opinion on the Rosary? Can it still be prayed in a way that's Orthodox?
You are approaching this not as a member of the Church but as a Protestant, with the false belief that the Lord came to establish the Bible and that the Bible is a comprehensive instruction book containing everything we need to know for our salvation. The Lord came to establish the Church. The Lord and the Apostles taught many things not included in the Bible. The Church decided to compile the New Testament to be read by the Church but not to be sold and read by those outside of the Church. There are many books one could read on the Jesus Prayer, such as the book by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov “On the Prayer of Jesus,” to better understand the importance of the Jesus Prayer on the basis of the Scriptures and Holy Fathers.
Continuing with what OE said, if you really want to see the scriptural basis on which the practice of unceasing (Jesus) prayer is, then here you are: We see the clear purpose and practice of a proto-prayer of the heart in the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican “God be merciful to me, a sinner” Luke 18: 9-14. We also see another person in need cry out “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18: 38-43. Romans 10: 13, “All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. And, Jesus warns us not to heap up empty phrases like the pagans, our prayer need be simple and sincere Matt 6:5-14. And in regard to _unceasing_ prayer, we see the Lord’s words in Luke 18:1 and Luke 21:36. And we see Paul also instruct the Thessalonians to do this in I Thessalonians 5: 17. The problem with a fundamentalist paradigm in regard to the actual, genuine teachings of the Christian faith is the preconceived notion that the Church was established because of the Bible. Historically, and scripturally, this is dishonest to assume, as 1 Tim 3: 15 describes the _ecclesia_ as “the pillar and ground of the truth”. May Conpassionate God hear our prayers, and may he guide us into all truth for the salvation of our souls and the acquisition of His peace. Amen. ✝️
Thank you for this video Father. If I may ask two questions. 1. In the video you mentioned the importance of attention to the words we’re speaking and their meaning while praying. How do we go about this if we work a mentally demanding job like programming for example? Or even when driving where it requires a degree of attention to stay alert. Whilst reading etc. 2. Is it permissible to say the 3:1 Pray to Christ and Prayer to the Theotokos one after another I.E 100 Lord Jesus Christ have Mercy on me followed by 33 Most Holy Theotokos Save Us as opposed to a strict 3:1? It seems hard to stay focused whilst counting how many prayers have been made. Thank you!
Father bless. Does ' Most Holy Theotokos save us' have to be said out loud? Also, if we are praying for the living or dead, should we say 'Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on the living/dead' or 'on me' like normal?
Hello Fr. Heers. Concerning the holy Theotokos prayer. Should it not rather say most holy Theotokos pray for us instead of save us or most holy Theotokos save us through your son Jesus Christ?
@Desertfox21 I think I understand correctly. It seems to me that it is based on intentions of the heart on how the sinner is praying to a saint or the holy Theotokos. If the individual is praying as for Mary or Angel etc. in a sense or intention that they are true God of true God and salvation of the human soul rests in them then that would be idolatry. But in the sense and intent that they are participating in the Godhead through Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit then they can help us and be beneficial to us on earth who have not reached heavens status yet.
I have something that troubles me a little and hopefully someone can help me understand it or feel okay with the practice. The practice I refer to is praying to Mary to save us during the Jesus prayer. "Most Holy Theotokos save us".. or whatever form is used. In fact, I'm a bit uncomfortable with any prayers I've read that say things along that line. "Mary, I have no one but you to intercede for me", "There is no one else to save me " etc.. (these are from actual prayers I've read) Now, I love Mary, I believe she is truly Theotokos, I believe in the Virgin birth, but isn't Christ the lone savior and mediator? (1 Tim. 2:5,6) I'm not trying to say anything detrimental about Mary, this is a genuine difficulty I'm having and I'm hoping someone with greater knowledge and understanding (of which there are tons) can clear this up so I can perform the prayer properly without feelings of guilt.
it helps with counting during prayer rules. if you can feel the rope, you don't need to think about anything, so you can be much more focused on just saying the prayer.
I’ve heard of folks repeating it 1000 times in one go. I find no scriptural precedent for this practice. Why not replace the time you’re spending repeating a few words with reading your Bible?
The Jesus prayer is understood to be part of a spiritual discipline which includes faithful practices including reading the scriptures, attending services, being in obedience and repentance within the body of Christ. Everything we do is to be done in love and the desire to be united with the Holy Trinity.
Well Saint Paul teaches us to pray unceasingly, the Jesus prayer is a great way to do that. But as our other friend said here, part of saying this prayer is reading scripture faithfully and within the context of the Church, which scripture calls the Pillar and Ground of the Truth
Let's be honest, if it takes 2 1/2 hours to discuss such a simple prayer, simply for the prerequisites and requirements, and this is only part one, then the simplicity that is in Jesus has been missed. and why are you rushing through the beginning prayer like you want to get it over with? A prayer said so quickly that it cannot be thought about is not a prayer prayed, but gotten out of the way.
I am a catechumen and also do a very dangerous job. I say the prayer over and over in difficult situations and it hasn't let me down yet.
You wouldn't by chance be a firefighter?
Im a firefighter in Florida, and I lean on the prayer while on calls
@@jfaron867 ok ! I'm a NJ fireman. Orthodox is new to me. So are you able to say the prayer in your head and still pay attention? I suppose it comes with time? Also do follow the fasting schedule at work? And how do you hangout with the guys when the conversation gets stupid (99 percent of the time)? I laugh with them and just try to keep my comments clean while still having a good time. I feel like that's better than just running away.
@@SteelMaceNationPodcast Usually while driving code either in the engine or rescue. I'll especially recite the prayer while transporting to the hospital.
@@SteelMaceNationPodcast For the fasting, I havent quite figured that out when on shift. As for the usual conversations at the dinner table all i can say is I do my best to stay clean.
Thank you for this. I am totally new like a baby. 2 minutes in and i was deeply touched just thinking how thr Holy Spirit draws us into Christs net. That imagery was so wonderful. That's exactly what I am experiencing being draw towards Christ.
I’ve been devoted to this practice for nearly a decade. It’s began to be “autoplay” kind of music when a song gets in your head but it’s not moving to my heart. The practice of the Jesus prayer has imparted more wisdom to me than any book I've read, sermon I've heard, retreat I've attended, or one-on-one instruction I've received from a priest.
My goodness, thank you so much for sharing this. You’ve made stop questioning myself and wondering if I was going crazy. Even though I already KNEW I wasn’t! It’s still so so nice to see somebody from 1 month ago saying what I’ve been feeling to be truth. It’s all so unbelievable at first. Glory be to God. And a genuine thank you to our kindest friend, Jesus.
Father I just want to thank you for all of these videos and taking so much time to illumen our paths. After a year of learning and listening, and pretty much living as an Orthodox without communion with the church... I'm making my long overdue way to and entrance into the church as a Catechumen. I just started discussing it with the local priest.
Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me and save me. 🙏
You won’t regret it. Changing from Catholicism to Orthodoxy is the best thing I have done.
I’m current on that path… ❤
Sounds exactly like my story right now. Inquiring for over a year now and I feel the pull to go further now.,
Thank You Father Peter.
I’ve recently been baptized into the Church. I listened to you frequently in my years prior as a catechumen. My prayers and gratitude to your instruction from San Diego CA. Glory to God!
Deep simplicity of Jesus prayer, speaks to my soul.
Thank you dear Father for your informative talk, it was very helpful.
The basis of the Jesus prayer is repentance; without repentance a person falls into delusion
Thank you Father Peter, I got recommended by a monk to listen to you and your instruction is very helpful. Thank you for answering our questions, no matter how simple or complex.
This presentation is so wonderful, thank you. Especially, showing us the books and where to get them. Father described exactly what I was confused about by which I hadn't heard anyone else describe before and was troubling me, yet now I am better prepared and willing to go deeper and see my own personal sins and not be afraid of them. I sometimes think that focusing so much on my own inner sins would make me more stressed out and neurotic, but Father has encouraged me to not be afraid, and to pray the Jesus Prayer for cleansing.
This was fantastic! Thank you so much Fr Peter
As a catechumin, I found it beneficial to say the Jesus prayer in different languages- so far Spanish, English, and Finnish. I hope to learn it in more languages. It works the brain, keeps me present, and builds focus. Also, learning new languages is fun.
The Jesus Prayer is a means, not an end in and of itself. It's a vehicle to lived, conscious union with God. This is to know yourself and to know God. We must transcend the words and rest in God. Through this we become prayer and our whole life is prayer.
It’s a prayer to Jesus Christ to have mercy on oneself
@@hotlanta35 God's mercy is His love and it is unconditional. The Jesus Prayer is a means of entering into conscious communion with God, which brings about one's purification, illumination, and deification.
It is also called the prayer of the heart too
@@hotlanta35 The Jesus Prayer is a means of noetic prayer, if properly understood and practiced. The heart has traditionally been seen as the locus of a person's nous. This is why the Jesus Prayer is called the prayer of the heart. We are to bring the mind into the heart. We raise our consciousness beyond the rational mind to the level of noetic consciousness (i.e., direct awareness of God's Presence).
Peace to you brother!
Thank you, Fr. Peter! The Jesus Prayer is a wonderful blessing from the beginning and as I learn and grow! Thank you for teaching us to pray! Glory to God in all things!
There is an excellent book on the Jesus prayer by the metropolitan of Nafpaktos, Hierotheos Vlachos. Book is called "A Night in the Desert of the Holy Mountain: Discussion with a Hermit on the Jesus Prayer". BTW, he has written other excellent books all of which are well worth of reading including "The Illness and Cure of the Soul in the Orthodox Tradition", "Orthodox psychotherapy" and "The Person in the Orthodox Tradition".
1:15:30 Jesus Prayer benefits ☦️
Thank you
Nepsis is a brilliant word. So glad I watched this.
Thank you Fr. Heers. Amen
I was one who was taught that repeating the same prayer was vain repetition. I’ve been praying for Truth and it has led me to The Orthodox way. I have already learned I was wrong. Can someone please tell me what prayers I should know as someone new to Orthodoxy? Thank you and God bless you all
Thank You for bringing my favourite topic.
Thank you Father Heers. ☦
Your videos are a wonderful blessing! Please keep them coming. Thank you Father!
Thank you!
This is so beautiful. Thank you Father Peter!
I’m very eager to hear these lectures
Am very curious about the Jesus prayer.
thank you so so much father. every single view is more precious than millions of views. jesus prayer
Evlogite Father Peter
Thank you for all your enlightenment,your advice and guiding us to our everyday life .
Andri from Cyprus
Wonderful video. ☦️❤️
Keep going!
Yes please
For us in Australia to learn correctly
RE: held Protestant errors. I encourage anyone in that position to unload that baggage in obedience willingly. Seeking Christ and letting Him do it HURTS. I say this from a long and painful experience.
I'm in the same boat but with Islam.
Thank you 🙏😍
We are not alone, God is with us ☦🙏
❤🔥🔥❄🌨😍⛪✌👩❤👨🧣💪🕊🙏✝GOD BLESS☦🙏💒🌟👨👩👧👦☃🛷🫶🎄🔔🚨🙌💯❤🔥
Keep going
Wow, what great insight. Analysis..
New sub here 👍
I have heard the Orthodox Prayer Rope referred to as a "rosary" I don't remember where I read it. I imagine that it is because of the repetition, the Catholic "Hail Mary" and the Orthodox "Lord Jesus Christ", etc.
Western perception.
My friend the Catholics use the rosery beads and Orthodox Christians use the prayer rope aka the Kombuchini for the Jesus Prayer.
Does the forgiveness for all mean to continue having a relationship with them or do you mean forgive them in your heart and pray for them
How I loved to hear reasons to set rosary aside. I prayed rosary 40 years until introduced to Jesus prayer, thank you
Have you heard of the Prayer Rule of the Theotokos by St. Seraphim of Serov?
No where would I find it?
Father bless. When we’re going through tough times, despairing, how can we strengthen our resolve to ask for deep repentance to pleasing to God when the depths of our soul is begging relief from the pain we feel? Logically it seems to follow that truly repenting will open the door for healing but in my heart I feel like a child who has hurt himself and is seeking consolation from a parent.
We won’t get rid of suffering, I.e., you won’t stop it, but you’ll experience it in a different way. We will suffer. But it is how we suffer. With what mindset, outlook, stance? Will we embrace it and accept it is sent to purify us? Or will we fight it and moan and groan and ask why, or Lord? It’s a matter of trust. Increase our trust, we must pray.
@@OrthodoxEthosThank you Father.
Father, Bless!
Great presentation, this makes me want to take up the practice of the Jesus Prayer after falling into much vice recently. Also, what is your opinion on the Rosary? Can it still be prayed in a way that's Orthodox?
There is a Version of The Rosary prayed by Saint Seraphim of Sarov
I've heard of that one. To my knowledge it doesn't have much of a following.
@@BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian Pray it anyway!
@BecomeAnOrthodoxChristian I don't pray it that much myself but I try to pray The Jesus Prayer mostly
I keep asking this question. For those of you in the orthodox church, where in the bible does it say we should say the "Jesus prayer"?
You are approaching this not as a member of the Church but as a Protestant, with the false belief that the Lord came to establish the Bible and that the Bible is a comprehensive instruction book containing everything we need to know for our salvation. The Lord came to establish the Church. The Lord and the Apostles taught many things not included in the Bible. The Church decided to compile the New Testament to be read by the Church but not to be sold and read by those outside of the Church. There are many books one could read on the Jesus Prayer, such as the book by St. Ignatius Brianchaninov “On the Prayer of Jesus,” to better understand the importance of the Jesus Prayer on the basis of the Scriptures and Holy Fathers.
Continuing with what OE said, if you really want to see the scriptural basis on which the practice of unceasing (Jesus) prayer is, then here you are: We see the clear purpose and practice of a proto-prayer of the heart in the parable of the Pharisee and the Publican “God be merciful to me, a sinner” Luke 18: 9-14. We also see another person in need cry out “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” Luke 18: 38-43. Romans 10: 13, “All who call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved”. And, Jesus warns us not to heap up empty phrases like the pagans, our prayer need be simple and sincere Matt 6:5-14. And in regard to _unceasing_ prayer, we see the Lord’s words in Luke 18:1 and Luke 21:36. And we see Paul also instruct the Thessalonians to do this in I Thessalonians 5: 17. The problem with a fundamentalist paradigm in regard to the actual, genuine teachings of the Christian faith is the preconceived notion that the Church was established because of the Bible. Historically, and scripturally, this is dishonest to assume, as 1 Tim 3: 15 describes the _ecclesia_ as “the pillar and ground of the truth”. May Conpassionate God hear our prayers, and may he guide us into all truth for the salvation of our souls and the acquisition of His peace. Amen. ✝️
In the parable of the Publican and the Pharisee. The publican stands in the back and recites the Jesus Prayer
Thank you for this video Father. If I may ask two questions.
1. In the video you mentioned the importance of attention to the words we’re speaking and their meaning while praying.
How do we go about this if we work a mentally demanding job like programming for example? Or even when driving where it requires a degree of attention to stay alert. Whilst reading etc.
2. Is it permissible to say the 3:1 Pray to Christ and Prayer to the Theotokos one after another I.E 100 Lord Jesus Christ have Mercy on me followed by 33 Most Holy Theotokos Save Us as opposed to a strict 3:1? It seems hard to stay focused whilst counting how many prayers have been made.
Thank you!
Father bless. Does ' Most Holy Theotokos save us' have to be said out loud? Also, if we are praying for the living or dead, should we say 'Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on the living/dead' or 'on me' like normal?
Hello Fr. Heers. Concerning the holy Theotokos prayer. Should it not rather say most holy Theotokos pray for us instead of save us or most holy Theotokos save us through your son Jesus Christ?
@Desertfox21 I think I understand correctly. It seems to me that it is based on intentions of the heart on how the sinner is praying to a saint or the holy Theotokos. If the individual is praying as for Mary or Angel etc. in a sense or intention that they are true God of true God and salvation of the human soul rests in them then that would be idolatry. But in the sense and intent that they are participating in the Godhead through Jesus Christ and by the Holy Spirit then they can help us and be beneficial to us on earth who have not reached heavens status yet.
Can i please get the suggested book title? I heard it, but struggling to find where it was mentioned.
It is hard to find. Archimandrite Arsenios On the Prayer of Jesus, Greek Orthodox Books.
I have something that troubles me a little and hopefully someone can help me understand it or feel okay with the practice. The practice I refer to is praying to Mary to save us during the Jesus prayer. "Most Holy Theotokos save us".. or whatever form is used. In fact, I'm a bit uncomfortable with any prayers I've read that say things along that line. "Mary, I have no one but you to intercede for me", "There is no one else to save me " etc.. (these are from actual prayers I've read)
Now, I love Mary, I believe she is truly Theotokos, I believe in the Virgin birth, but isn't Christ the lone savior and mediator? (1 Tim. 2:5,6)
I'm not trying to say anything detrimental about Mary, this is a genuine difficulty I'm having and I'm hoping someone with greater knowledge and understanding (of which there are tons) can clear this up so I can perform the prayer properly without feelings of guilt.
I have never in my life heard that Mary was resurrected. Is this an oral history or tradition? Where has this been established in ancient writings?
Why priests have long hair, beard and ware all black.
Is there a reason for that?
Why do we have to use the prayer rope?
It helps so much!
it helps with counting during prayer rules. if you can feel the rope, you don't need to think about anything, so you can be much more focused on just saying the prayer.
Algorithm boost.
Why do we race through the prayer before the Gospel? Or ANY prayer? There is barely time to understand or contemplate. It’s like inchoate noise.
Is there any way for me to speak to you bishop
Metropolitan Seraphim will speak at the conference in Alabama.
Bishop Luke is available by phone in Jordanville.
@@pah9730 thank you so so much God bless you ☦️
I’ve heard of folks repeating it 1000 times in one go. I find no scriptural precedent for this practice. Why not replace the time you’re spending repeating a few words with reading your Bible?
The Jesus prayer is understood to be part of a spiritual discipline which includes faithful practices including reading the scriptures, attending services, being in obedience and repentance within the body of Christ. Everything we do is to be done in love and the desire to be united with the Holy Trinity.
Well Saint Paul teaches us to pray unceasingly, the Jesus prayer is a great way to do that.
But as our other friend said here, part of saying this prayer is reading scripture faithfully and within the context of the Church, which scripture calls the Pillar and Ground of the Truth
Why not both?
Perhaps you might read the first prayer just a little more slowly?
It was so quick wasn't it! 😅
father, you talk 100 miles an hour. (Not always but most of the time) Please slow down abit.
You know all this- I don't.
On TH-cam you can select a slower speed if that helps.
Let's be honest, if it takes 2 1/2 hours to discuss such a simple prayer, simply for the prerequisites and requirements, and this is only part one, then the simplicity that is in Jesus has been missed. and why are you rushing through the beginning prayer like you want to get it over with? A prayer said so quickly that it cannot be thought about is not a prayer prayed, but gotten out of the way.