THIS IS SO DEEP! │ Yorushika - Deep Indigo (MUSIC VIDEO)

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 20 ก.ย. 2024

ความคิดเห็น • 4

  • @0Clewi0
    @0Clewi0 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    The albums That's why I gave up on music and Elma are as a whole a story, with the addition in the limited editions of letters "written" by Amy to Elma and Elma's Diary.
    The more songs you hear the more connections you get with the lyrics. And just like here he says "Elma, you alone are my music" and in the other "It's your fault" he's actually saying it's music's fault.
    Because the story shows the struggle of Amy to make a living out of music it's not quite regret of what he has done. The expiration date line you mention is a consequence of the previous one, because the dream gets closer to it's expiration date as even when he tried all along he couldn't live out of it, but he decided that if he's going to discard his dream he might as well discard his life which then will also meet it's expiration date.

  • @DragonPhlyy
    @DragonPhlyy หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    Thanks you my friend for putting so much effort and time into trying to understand the deeper meaning in these songs. I agree with you that Yorushika writes songs that really get you thinking and have a beautiful way of delivering that to you.

  • @hynextbee6195
    @hynextbee6195 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    [1] Literally, "ai nijou" (藍二乗) is translated as "squared indigo", but in this song it is translated as "deep indigo". The color indigo referred to in this song is the color of the sky.
    [2] In addition to being translated as "squared indigo", the word "ai nijou" can also be translated as "squared blue" (in the end it is still translated as deep indigo).
    [3] In the early description of Yorushika, "ai nijou" is translated as "blur" or "faded". The pronunciation of "blur" and "blue" is very similar and blurry. Indigo also has the same base color as blue.
    [4] The word "ai" in this song can also be read as "i", so i squared is equal to minus 1 (i2 = - 1). "Minus one" in this case has the metaphor of "losing yourself" or "lacking one person". Based on Yorushika's comment, the meaning of i2 can also mean a view that is seen twice (double) because the vision is blurred by tears.
    [5] The word "ai" can also mean love or sadness.
    [6] "Ai nijou" can also be written as "愛=情" (read ai ni jou) or which means "love is the same as affection".
    [7] "Ai nijou" can also come from "藍に乗せて" (read ai ni nosete), but the kanji "乗" in the word can be read separately as "jou" so it can also form "ai nijou". The meaning of these words is "using indigo color".
    [8] "Ai nijou" can also come from "哀の事情" (read ai no nijou) or which means "sad condition" or "sad condition".
    [9] Ai nijou in English can be read like "i need you" so it can mean "I need you"
    [10] On the album "Elma", there is a song titled "憂一乗" (read yuu ichijou) which is similar to the title of this song (藍二乗). You ichijhou (憂一乗) can be read as "you ijou" or which means "only you". Because "ai nijou" in this song can mean "i need you", then actually Amy and Elma actually need each other.
    [11] The dark indigo color referred to is like this >> Elma

    • @hynextbee6195
      @hynextbee6195 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I think in the lyrics "There are only 80 characters left in this song
      The value of life is how it ends", the numbers 8 and 0 are endless numbers, so the meaning of the lyrics "only 80 characters left in this song" is that the remaining characters in this song are unlimited or the song will never end.