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2 หลายเดือนก่อน +1
Obviously a bèta version but great idea! Planting the right plants at the right time gives best chances for good harvest. Keeping my own calander in excel atm but this makes life even easyer. Please keep filling the calander so I can keep vary each year.
Yeah. We decided to build in public. So please let us know anything you would love to get added to the feature list and we'll do our best to add it to the roadmap. Happy to have you on board!
Signing up is free at Be sure to let us know which features you would like to see in the next updates.
Obviously a bèta version but great idea! Planting the right plants at the right time gives best chances for good harvest. Keeping my own calander in excel atm but this makes life even easyer. Please keep filling the calander so I can keep vary each year.
Yeah. We decided to build in public. So please let us know anything you would love to get added to the feature list and we'll do our best to add it to the roadmap. Happy to have you on board!