@gerardmoloney433 of the "Discovery Institute"- "we are a group of scientists". This is a lie. The DI is a right-wing Christian pressure group. Meyer has a basic degree in physics from a small private fundamentalist school offering no postgraduate education in any science. His publications in the professional scientific literature number....ZREO. There was a pathetic research free essay smuggled into the PBSW journal by a corrupt crony. It appeared because the peer review process had been cheated. It was instantly dropped. Berlinski- failed academic who poses as a mathematician. Is not and never has been a scientist of any kind. Founding fanatic- Philip Johnson: pig-ignorant, scientifically illiterate LAWYER. Casey Luskin, professional lying smear merchant and LAWYER.....redundant degree in geology. Richard Weikart- disgraced historian. etc.
@gerardmoloney433 He relentlessly lies about attending a conference convened by the UK Royal Society. He was in THE AUDIENCE- not an invited participant. He ties himself in knots lying that the point of the conference was to replace evolution. It was not. He then prattles repeatedly about his two hobby horses- the Cambrian "explosion" and the painfully tedious "information" drivel he's been peddling for years. The point being to get his witless drones to believe these were the focus of the conference. They were not, and he knows damn well that neither was even a topic of discussion. Larry Moran is an actual scientist (Emeritus professor U of Toronto) who actually attended the conference and has blogged that Meyer is simply lying. Gerd Mueller, who is an actual scientist who actually presented an actual paper at the conference has also reamed Meyer for his grotesque misrepresentation of his work.
And which one of his arguments have you refuted???? Rhetoric is not an argument. So what he talks about the Cambrian explosion. It’s factual and presents a significant challenge to Neo Darwinianism. Going from very simple cells to complex biological organisms in a geological short period of time is challenging. I was in University in the mid 80s and I vividly remember Gould and Eldridge postulating Punctuated Equilibria to challenge the lack of intermediates. So to suggest there aren’t significant challenges to the current naturalistic model is just disingenuous: .
@@bobthebaptist4541 you are avoiding the point that HE LIES REPEATEDLY ABOUT THE ROYAL SOCIETY MEETING. Would you like to address that, or are you not up to it?
@@erhardtharris8727 ,....The explanation is, just as I stated, these two are not Christians and have as their real religion the Godless worlds religion of scientism that they call christianity. The christianity of the entire church is scientism not the Bibles Christianity. The Bibles Christianity is not found in anything called or known as the church. The religion of everything called and known as the church is the Godless, God hating worlds false, manmade religion of atheism/scientism.
@@9sunskungfu ,....Sorry, you are deceived. These guys are not Christians. If you were a Christian you would know this. Both you and them are the blind following the blind. Repent, and learn what the truth, the gospel, and the Christianity of the Bible actually is!
Jesus I know you are coming soon renew my faith. I trust in God and keep faith even as I struggle to take care of my children and myself. As a single mother things are so hard on me. Both of my sons are autistic I’m overwhelmed. Father take away my fears. My hours to work are limited because I’m homeschooling my sons. God please hear my prayers. Father God I’m so tired of constantly struggling to buy groceries and constantly struggling to pay rent. I’m so ashamed and overwhelmed. But I choose to have faith over fear as christians that’s all we can do. No matter your struggle, we can turn to God. He knows us personally and can give us strength to overcome our challenges. Faith that God will change my situation.
Keep praying TiffMiller1234 I was once. In your situation and unfortunately did not find GOD until I ended up were you are. I became disabled early in my career and felt I was useless and the Christian school I had my children in was not giving them what they needed. I am a single mother of two with one being Autistic. I decided to home school using the Christian school ABEKA. With two at different ages made it very difficult but God threw a retired Christian teacher into my world and he helped me teach for many years. Just believe you are going to be able to make it! GOD is great I just wish I knew sooner. Now my kids are older and help with finding the sales at the grocery store it’s the way we make it. You have absolutely no reason to be ashamed go to Phil Robertson they do a very laid back bible study an hour four times a week. Look at the Robertsons for faith. They have a beautiful story of redemption and a movie in theaters now called The Blind if you don’t know who they are this movie will explain. They have changed my way of thinking. I’ll be praying for you and your children YOU CAN DO IT!!!! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!
Ask the Holy Spirit to walk with you. When u read your Bible ask God to show you His truths. Have you confessed Jesus Christ as Lord. If not, it says in Romans 10: 9-10 If thou Shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and the mouth confession is made unto salvation. I will pray for you.
The Lord always hears your prayers and loves you and your family. Just keep the faith and I pray to the Lord in Jesus name with you that your faith will grow and that God through the Holy Spirit will guide you through this hard time. Also from your comment it sounds like you’re a loving mother doing the best she can for her children and that is nothing to be the least bit ashamed of. You keep your head up and keep on praying. Owe and I know you’re busy and tired so any downtime is hard to give up but finding a good Christian Church to attend will only be a blessing to you and your children. Plus you find good people that can help you in so many ways even if it’s just a friend to pick you up on a bad day.
Please don't be ashamed..tell the Lord your concerns and your frustrations..you and babies are valued and loved by Jesus. Please align yourself with Jesus' loving congregation. God's people are a family, accept their help.. They love you and your family.. Trust in the Lord in all you do lean not in your own understanding but it in all your ways acknowledge Him...hoping things are much improved. JESUS LOVES YOU
Can you recognize evil actions from good actions in your Bible? Because most children age 10 and older are able to correctly identify good/evil actions when reading certain passages in the Bible. YOUR GOD IN THE UNHOLY BIBLE instructs how to buy and sell men, women and even children as slaves (personal property). Even how to own slaves for life and passing your male/female slaves to your children as inherited property. IT'S EVIL. Leviticus 25:44-46 44 Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly. Your god commands, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL", yet, commands a father (Abraham) to murder his own son (Isaac) and set him of fire as a burnt offering! Genesis 22:2 - And He said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thy love, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of. Your god is also also so petty and evil he murders his own people simply for non-descript harmless complaints.
If you believe in God and the Bible then you must also believe in angels. We humans have a small box of intelligence, knowledge, and understanding. God doesn't live in our box. An intelligent person knows there is more we don't know than we do know and we have a limited understanding of what we know.
Life as we know it procedes from an original 'seed' program . When you have this program you can answer all the unkmowns. Umm...just wondering, what would the code be worth to the finder do you think?
@gerardmoloney433 I’ve tried the biblical method for over 40 years and it failed me every time. It simply does not hold water. The Bible is so full of holes it’s like a sieve and I simply couldn’t trust it any more.
@@nickburmanmusicEXACTLY!!! that’s why atheists like Dawkins and Shermer who know they have about 70 years on this planet then eternal unconsciousness spend their 70 years trying to convince everyone through books and debates that the god they know is fictitious is really a fairy tale.🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼 I have 40 years left then I’m gone forever…..I’m going to invest my life trying to convince people I don’t know that this is all there is. They aren’t trying to convince anyone other than themselves. It’s a way to appease their guilty conscience, if I KNEW this was all there was and I had a few short years left, the LAST thing I’d be doing is pretending I’m concerned about the future of society to help people of future generations to live without questioning issues beyond the seen. It’s not that they can’t believe, it’s that they don’t want there to be an authority watching over them while they’re plowing hookers, getting sloshed like Hitchens, and being their own sovereign and by evolution NOBODY will ever tell me how to live!!! 🤫
This is called the god of the gaps and is claimed by people with religious views. Science and scientists are content to admit "we don't know" but will usually add the corollary, "let's try to find out".
I think that if extraterrestrial life really exists, God would have written about it in the bible. It just seems like that would be an important thing that He would want us to know if it were true.
You got it, Kirk, at the end there. When scientists are looking for "intelligent life" on other planets they seem to focus on humanoid type beings or beings that have similar characteristics as humans. If God created everything that means any other being on earth, in heaven and everywhere in between including the different categories of angels that we actually know very little about. We know only what God chooses to share with us and as generations pass we can learn so much more by remaining open and not directing information.
Without a design for life on earth, it would not exist and that must come from God. Yet this world is designed with death, guilt and fear as well. Only when we see through the illusion of the latter can we accept eternal life that we all truly are. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." That realization comes not by observation but from prayer. "Judge not by appearance but judge by righteous judgment"
Really and you will make sure of that how? Lol, if it was even possible that god can not be mocked, it would just infact prove there is no god. if we can not mock, that would mean we don't have free will , therefore proving god and Jesus never did exist, and we are better for it. Because if god exist I would never want to meet someone so powerful that he is OK with allowing the torture of animals and people , and the pain of loss, and what's really worse is the baby's who are born with cancer or killed just because democrats allow them to be.
@@SebastianKnight-z8r Of course you can chose to mock God, but you will have to cope with the consequence of mocking God: destruction. You cannot mock God without consequences. “Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
While Scripture doesn't specifically affirm or deny extraterrestrial life, it does imply there isn't extraterrestrial life in the fact that earth was created first, with the sun, moon and lights in the expanse of the heavens created on the fourth day. As such, creation of the physical universe, according to Scripture is earth-centric.
But Earth being created first doesn’t imply that something else wasn’t created afterwards. Could you point me in the direction of the part of scripture that you believe implies that we are alone. I would like to read it to see where you’re coming from.
@@leigheverett4491 Jesus had to become a man because his creations were human, correct? The Bible says, "He died once for all." If aliens are real, then He would have to die for them as well. Knowing this, it's safe to assume there are no aliens.
@@TheBananacoco12 What do you mean by « His creations were human » ? The entire animal kingdom isn’t human and yet they are all God’s creations. We were created in the image of God but that does not imply that he did not create other life forms elsewhere. Why is it safe to assume that there are no aliens because the Bible says « He died once for all » ?
@@Widdowson2020 Pure assertion. The human body, along with every other organism in biology, is evidence that we evolved. I imagine you'd dismiss the revelations of a Muslim or Hindu?
@@Widdowson2020 You would dismiss the "revelations" from believers in a different god to yours- as I dismiss your "revelation" as evidence of anything. You have evidence free assertions and nothing else.
Don't let go of reasoned argument at the end of the video. It points to the existence of An Intelligent Designer. For convenience replace those three words with the three letter spelling god. Now hold tightly onto that flow of reasoned argument to aid you in choosing between the concepts of God offered by the various world religions. See which concept of God is most reasonable and comes with the most reasonable doctrines and the best preserved scripture. Share your findings and reasoning.
@@sumardon "Intelligent Design" was concocted as a legal ruse by lying hacks like Meyer to skirt the law after Edwards v Aguillard prevented the teaching of creationism in school science classes. There is not a shred of evidence to sustain it. Even the clowns at the so-called Discovery Institute have largely given up on pretending it's science.
@@sumardon "Intelligent Design" was concocted as a legal ruse by lying hacks like Meyer to skirt the law after Edwards v Aguillard prevented the teaching of creationism in school science classes. There is not a shred of evidence to sustain it. Even the clowns at the so-called Discovery Institute have largely given up on pretending it's science.
Wikipedia: "Stephen C. Meyer is an American author and former educator. He is an advocate of the pseudoscience of intelligent design and helped found the Center for Science and Culture (CSC) of the Discovery Institute which is the main organization behind the intelligent design movement. Before joining the DI, Meyer was a professor at Whitworth College, now Whitworth University. Meyer is a senior fellow of the DI and director of the CSC. Whitworth University is a private, Christian university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and located in Spokane, Washington. The Wedge Strategy promoted by Stephen is a creationist political and social action plan authored by the Discovery Institute, the hub of the pseudoscientific intelligent design movement. The strategy was put forth in a Discovery Institute manifesto known as the Wedge Document. Its goal is to change American culture by shaping public policy to reflect politically conservative fundamentalist evangelical Protestant values." My comment: Stephen uses his science degrees to promote faith in his religious beliefs and override the First Amendment whereas the Scientific Method uses testable, reliable evidence.
@@AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed You don't like this facts about Meyer...ok, but that has no bearing on said facts. He is a professionam liar for a propaganda mill, does no reseatch at all, never has and his boss, Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr. openly wants to replace democracy with a fundamentalist theocracy.
@@JohnSmith-bq6nf I can explain to you how this analogy is representatice of the complete lack of understanding of evolution and natural selection, by anyone using it.
Christian faith is based of evidences. Atheism is based on the belief (without evidence) that this evidences were made up to control people as a conspiracy theory.
He look s to find a parallel between his chosen career and life - why does there have to be ANY connection - nice hypothesis of course but basically, he is like a thousand others who are simply confused and needs a prop to explain the inexplicable. WHY BOTHER? If you don't, or can't understand something which seemingly has no explanation wait for more info or accept that you don't understand it or can't explain it. Something I have NEVER understood is why any kind of "higher being" is necessary. If this "being" is by definition beyond understanding .............
Yes, there is intelligent design. The watch maker, using his experience, designs an electric watch. But what is this to do with a universe the extent of and the reason for which can never be said. Can anyone sincerely look at the frail, fragmenting, ferocious universe that will one day swallow the earth into its incinerating gullet and say it was intelligently designed? Can anyone look at little earth on which whole species have been destroyed, and millions of people have been put to death by disease, famine, and war and say it was all intelligently designed? Can anyone look today at the men, women and children currently smashed to pieces by the power of missiles and say they are part of an intelligent design. Was the drowning of the human race by God "the father" because he thought it was too violent a part of his intelligent design? Were Hitler's murder of millions of Jews etc. an intelligent design? Is the child born unable to walk or talk part of an intelligent design. There is no God, there is only the human species: warriors fighting hopefully in a battle which we might win today, but will be some day wholly lost! But still, for all the impossibility of our ultimate deaths in the sun's fire or a nuclear war, we must love our neighbors as ourselves.
You claim “there is no God”. Can you prove it? Or is it just your childish wish that God does not exist? Remember: the claim is yours and I suppose you may want to support it with some evidence. But of course you won’t.
Now, I am a logical thinker, and generally unbiased in the first instance. I listened to this with interest and without bias. However, the more I listened, the more I was less convinced. I am hearing a very clever play with words that sound plausible because of the way the prose has been written - the fact that a sentence is constructed with an effect being directly attributed to a cause does not mean that it is. The universe has been fine tuned, and the odds of that happening are tiny, so it must have been god; the odds of winning the Euro millions is tiny, so are we saying that because the odds are tiny, if it comes to pass, it must have been god? That seems to me to be a delusion, as events that are statistically small do happen, but here we are told and expected to believe that a statistically small chance of an event occurring is the same as that event being impossible. A simple example, but if you analyse all the “statements of fact”, you will see the same construct. Now, yer man might believe it, but you don’t have to!
Intelligent design? It has been more a case of DUMMKOPF DESIGN. (Dummkopf is a German word which means dumb-headed, dopey, doozy) :) Most of the species that once appeared on earth, have gone extinct. Take life as it exists: one species attacking, killing and eating another species. Life is essentially brutal, ruthless and heartless. Life living on life, that is so-called "Intelligent" Design? Only a completely heartless and cruel creator would create such life, where carnivore animals tear innocent herbivores apart and start eating their flesh even before they are fully dead. I believe I scanned over the book being discussed in this video, but I plan to drive over to our library and borrow it again. In any case, as per the Bible, the world is only a few (6000) years old. Knowing that the universe is 13.8 billion years old and earth is 4.54 billion years old, we must give zero credibility to the biblical concept of creation. Viewers of this channel may want to explore the Hindu concepts of the age of the universe. Carl Sagan, in his wonderful TV series and book COSMOS, wrote: "The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, no doubt by accident, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long, longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang." Though, his cynical statement "no doubt by accident" shows his western snobbery. Brahma is the Hindu creator God. Oh, those stupid pagan Hindus, what do they know? 😜
Stephen C. Meyer although, of course, is welcome to his opinions, does not have any qualifications which would suggest any expertise in the theory of evolution. At least he gives the impression of being intelligent and, at least, having an argument. But he needs to talk to experts in the fields he claims to know something about. The interviewer does not impress me at all, however. His comment can be ignored.
So anybody that has not received the degrees you deem necessary isn’t worth listening to in the conversation. Dr. Meyer is a scientist and has conversed with many such experts. Many biologists today are questioning evolutionary theory and have posed such concerns in their meetings. That includes many that are not apologists for Christianity. They simply find the theory has difficulties given new scientific information not available to Darwin. And the statement we should not pay attention to the interviewer since he is not a biologist is arrogant beyond belief. He is a thinking human being able to come to logical conclusions.
@@patriciahein8233 The interviewer seemed to be trying to push Stephen Meyer into some kind of creationist opinion. In my view the interviewer should be neutral and ask interesting questions. That is why he did not impress me. But this is generally true, in an interview rather than a peer discussion, the views of the interviewer are not normally relevant. If you look at scientific theories over the last 2,000 years or so, most, with very few exceptions, have been proved wrong. This is how science works, although only recognised in the last 500 years or so. Science relies on empirical evidence, more data is found, more accurate measurements made and an existing theory together with its mathematical model adjusted or replaced. But, and this is the point, a new theory only replaces the old if it is a better theory. Although not really relevant, your assumption that human beings are able to come to logical conclusions, is not generally true. The Birthday Paradox is a well known case of intuition being logically incorrect. Mathematicians, scientists, engineers and lawyers are trained to think logically, the rest of the population is probably split 50/50 on this ability.
Good interview between Kirk and Stephen.
Thanks Kirk, always interesting and uplifting interviews.
Always great seeing Stephen Meyer.
Which of his lies is your favourite?
@gerardmoloney433 of the "Discovery Institute"- "we are a group of scientists". This is a lie.
The DI is a right-wing Christian pressure group.
Meyer has a basic degree in physics from a small private fundamentalist school offering no postgraduate education in any science. His publications in the professional scientific literature number....ZREO. There was a pathetic research free essay smuggled into the PBSW journal by a corrupt crony. It appeared because the peer review process had been cheated. It was instantly dropped.
Berlinski- failed academic who poses as a mathematician. Is not and never has been a scientist of any kind.
Founding fanatic- Philip Johnson: pig-ignorant, scientifically illiterate LAWYER.
Casey Luskin, professional lying smear merchant and LAWYER.....redundant degree in geology.
Richard Weikart- disgraced historian.
@gerardmoloney433 He relentlessly lies about attending a conference convened by the UK Royal Society. He was in THE AUDIENCE- not an invited participant.
He ties himself in knots lying that the point of the conference was to replace evolution. It was not. He then prattles repeatedly about his two hobby horses- the Cambrian "explosion" and the painfully tedious "information" drivel he's been peddling for years. The point being to get his witless drones to believe these were the focus of the conference. They were not, and he knows damn well that neither was even a topic of discussion.
Larry Moran is an actual scientist (Emeritus professor U of Toronto) who actually attended the conference and has blogged that Meyer is simply lying.
Gerd Mueller, who is an actual scientist who actually presented an actual paper at the conference has also reamed Meyer for his grotesque misrepresentation of his work.
And which one of his arguments have you refuted???? Rhetoric is not an argument. So what he talks about the Cambrian explosion. It’s factual and presents a significant challenge to Neo Darwinianism. Going from very simple cells to complex biological organisms in a geological short period of time is challenging. I was in University in the mid 80s and I vividly remember Gould and Eldridge postulating Punctuated Equilibria to challenge the lack of intermediates. So to suggest there aren’t significant challenges to the current naturalistic model is just disingenuous:
@@bobthebaptist4541 you are avoiding the point that HE LIES REPEATEDLY ABOUT THE ROYAL SOCIETY MEETING.
Would you like to address that, or are you not up to it?
Very fun to watch. Relevant to the future of discourse.
The fact is, neither of these guys are Christians.
Please explain?@@AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed
@@erhardtharris8727 ,....The explanation is, just as I stated, these two are not Christians and have as their real religion the Godless worlds religion of scientism that they call christianity. The christianity of the entire church is scientism not the Bibles Christianity.
The Bibles Christianity is not found in anything called or known as the church. The religion of everything called and known as the church is the Godless, God hating worlds false, manmade religion of atheism/scientism.
@@AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed Yes they are.
@@9sunskungfu ,....Sorry, you are deceived. These guys are not Christians. If you were a Christian you would know this. Both you and them are the blind following the blind. Repent, and learn what the truth, the gospel, and the Christianity of the Bible actually is!
These men are a perfect example of doing their parts for Christ while on earth. God gives us all gifts, find yours and do your part! ✝️🙏
Meyer is a lying hack at a rightwing Christian pressure group.
Happy birthday 🎈🎂🎉❤😊
Mr. Meyer, please debate Matt Dillahunty. He is the best atheist debater that I have heard and you are the best theist debater that I have heard.
This is very interesting
Amen ❤❤
Jesus I know you are coming soon renew my faith. I trust in God and keep faith even as I struggle to take care of my children and myself. As a single mother things are so hard on me. Both of my sons are autistic I’m overwhelmed. Father take away my fears. My hours to work are limited because I’m homeschooling my sons. God please hear my prayers. Father God I’m so tired of constantly struggling to buy groceries and constantly struggling to pay rent. I’m so ashamed and overwhelmed. But I choose to have faith over fear as christians that’s all we can do. No matter your struggle, we can turn to God. He knows us personally and can give us strength to overcome our challenges. Faith that God will change my situation.
Keep praying TiffMiller1234 I was once. In your situation and unfortunately did not find GOD until I ended up were you are. I became disabled early in my career and felt I was useless and the Christian school I had my children in was not giving them what they needed. I am a single mother of two with one being Autistic. I decided to home school using the Christian school ABEKA. With two at different ages made it very difficult but God threw a retired Christian teacher into my world and he helped me teach for many years. Just believe you are going to be able to make it! GOD is great I just wish I knew sooner. Now my kids are older and help with finding the sales at the grocery store it’s the way we make it. You have absolutely no reason to be ashamed go to Phil Robertson they do a very laid back bible study an hour four times a week. Look at the Robertsons for faith. They have a beautiful story of redemption and a movie in theaters now called The Blind if you don’t know who they are this movie will explain. They have changed my way of thinking. I’ll be praying for you and your children YOU CAN DO IT!!!! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY!!!!!!
Ask the Holy Spirit to walk with you. When u read your Bible ask God to show you His truths. Have you confessed Jesus Christ as Lord. If not, it says in Romans 10: 9-10 If thou Shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised Him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and the mouth confession is made unto salvation. I will pray for you.
The Lord always hears your prayers and loves you and your family. Just keep the faith and I pray to the Lord in Jesus name with you that your faith will grow and that God through the Holy Spirit will guide you through this hard time.
Also from your comment it sounds like you’re a loving mother doing the best she can for her children and that is nothing to be the least bit ashamed of. You keep your head up and keep on praying. Owe and I know you’re busy and tired so any downtime is hard to give up but finding a good Christian Church to attend will only be a blessing to you and your children. Plus you find good people that can help you in so many ways even if it’s just a friend to pick you up on a bad day.
Is just in your head that is all
Please don't be ashamed..tell the Lord your concerns and your frustrations..you and babies are valued and loved by Jesus. Please align yourself with Jesus' loving
congregation. God's people are a family, accept their help.. They love you and your family..
Trust in the Lord in all you do lean not in your own understanding but it in all your ways acknowledge Him...hoping things are much improved. JESUS LOVES YOU
Always and forever thanks Kirk blessings amen 🙏 🙏👼
Neither KC, nor SM are Christians, nor is anyone who thinks they are.
Can you recognize evil actions from good actions in your Bible? Because most children age 10 and older are able to correctly identify good/evil actions when reading certain passages in the Bible. YOUR GOD IN THE UNHOLY BIBLE instructs how to buy and sell men, women and even children as slaves (personal property). Even how to own slaves for life and passing your male/female slaves to your children as inherited property. IT'S EVIL.
Leviticus 25:44-46
44 Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.
45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property.
46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.
Your god commands, "THOU SHALT NOT KILL", yet, commands a father (Abraham) to murder his own son (Isaac) and set him of fire as a burnt offering! Genesis 22:2 - And He said, take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thy love, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
Your god is also also so petty and evil he murders his own people simply for non-descript harmless complaints.
If you believe in God and the Bible then you must also believe in angels. We humans have a small box of intelligence, knowledge, and understanding. God doesn't live in our box. An intelligent person knows there is more we don't know than we do know and we have a limited understanding of what we know.
Life as we know it procedes from an original 'seed' program . When you have this program you can answer all the unkmowns.
Umm...just wondering, what would the code be worth to the finder do you think?
It always seems as if science only goes to the fact of the Creator God as their LAST choice, when they’ve eliminated everything else?🙄
Science never arrives at a creator...
What religion is your computer.
My microwave is a Buddhist..... luckily I'm Vego too..
Science doesn't prove there's a creator to scientists never talk about that myth. Intelligent design is folklore.
@gerardmoloney433 I’ve tried the biblical method for over 40 years and it failed me every time. It simply does not hold water. The Bible is so full of holes it’s like a sieve and I simply couldn’t trust it any more.
@@nickburmanmusicEXACTLY!!! that’s why atheists like Dawkins and Shermer who know they have about 70 years on this planet then eternal unconsciousness spend their 70 years trying to convince everyone through books and debates that the god they know is fictitious is really a fairy tale.🤦🏼🤦🏼🤦🏼
I have 40 years left then I’m gone forever…..I’m going to invest my life trying to convince people I don’t know that this is all there is. They aren’t trying to convince anyone other than themselves. It’s a way to appease their guilty conscience, if I KNEW this was all there was and I had a few short years left, the LAST thing I’d be doing is pretending I’m concerned about the future of society to help people of future generations to live without questioning issues beyond the seen. It’s not that they can’t believe, it’s that they don’t want there to be an authority watching over them while they’re plowing hookers, getting sloshed like Hitchens, and being their own sovereign and by evolution NOBODY will ever tell me how to live!!! 🤫
This is called the god of the gaps and is claimed by people with religious views. Science and scientists are content to admit "we don't know" but will usually add the corollary, "let's try to find out".
I think that if extraterrestrial life really exists, God would have written about it in the bible. It just seems like that would be an important thing that He would want us to know if it were true.
You got it, Kirk, at the end there. When scientists are looking for "intelligent life" on other planets they seem to focus on humanoid type beings or beings that have similar characteristics as humans. If God created everything that means any other being on earth, in heaven and everywhere in between including the different categories of angels that we actually know very little about. We know only what God chooses to share with us and as generations pass we can learn so much more by remaining open and not directing information.
Without a design for life on earth, it would not exist and that must come from God. Yet this world is designed with death, guilt and fear as well. Only when we see through the illusion of the latter can we accept eternal life that we all truly are. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." That realization comes not by observation but from prayer. "Judge not by appearance but judge by righteous judgment"
Where can the God hypothosis be gotten
God will not be mocked !!!
Correct, and these two's fake christianity is 100% mocking God and the truth of Gods word.
I mock all Gods every day....what can they do given that tthey are fictional?
Really and you will make sure of that how? Lol, if it was even possible that god can not be mocked, it would just infact prove there is no god. if we can not mock, that would mean we don't have free will , therefore proving god and Jesus never did exist, and we are better for it. Because if god exist I would never want to meet someone so powerful that he is OK with allowing the torture of animals and people , and the pain of loss, and what's really worse is the baby's who are born with cancer or killed just because democrats allow them to be.
Of course you can chose to mock God, but you will have to cope with the consequence of mocking God: destruction. You cannot mock God without consequences.
“Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.”
While Scripture doesn't specifically affirm or deny extraterrestrial life, it does imply there isn't extraterrestrial life in the fact that earth was created first, with the sun, moon and lights in the expanse of the heavens created on the fourth day. As such, creation of the physical universe, according to Scripture is earth-centric.
But Earth being created first doesn’t imply that something else wasn’t created afterwards. Could you point me in the direction of the part of scripture that you believe implies that we are alone. I would like to read it to see where you’re coming from.
@@leigheverett4491 Jesus had to become a man because his creations were human, correct? The Bible says, "He died once for all." If aliens are real, then He would have to die for them as well. Knowing this, it's safe to assume there are no aliens.
@@TheBananacoco12 What do you mean by « His creations were human » ? The entire animal kingdom isn’t human and yet they are all God’s creations. We were created in the image of God but that does not imply that he did not create other life forms elsewhere. Why is it safe to assume that there are no aliens because the Bible says « He died once for all » ?
The natural world can never be understood divorced from its creator
You have yet to establish the existence of this "creator".
@ The evidence is everywhere, including inside you own self. There is also direct revelation. But you must seek in order to find
@@Widdowson2020 Pure assertion. The human body, along with every other organism in biology, is evidence that we evolved.
I imagine you'd dismiss the revelations of a Muslim or Hindu?
@@Widdowson2020 You would dismiss the "revelations" from believers in a different god to yours- as I dismiss your "revelation" as evidence of anything.
You have evidence free assertions and nothing else.
@ Nature is not evidence free. As I said Atheist scientists are poor scientists.
Don't let go of reasoned argument at the end of the video. It points to the existence of An Intelligent Designer. For convenience replace those three words with the three letter spelling god. Now hold tightly onto that flow of reasoned argument to aid you in choosing between the concepts of God offered by the various world religions. See which concept of God is most reasonable and comes with the most reasonable doctrines and the best preserved scripture. Share your findings and reasoning.
This is vacuous noise
@@mcmanustony I said "Share your findings and reasoning" but all I see is a dismissive opinion. No explanation, justification or reasoning.
@@sumardon "Intelligent Design" was concocted as a legal ruse by lying hacks like Meyer to skirt the law after Edwards v Aguillard prevented the teaching of creationism in school science classes.
There is not a shred of evidence to sustain it. Even the clowns at the so-called Discovery Institute have largely given up on pretending it's science.
@@sumardon "Intelligent Design" was concocted as a legal ruse by lying hacks like Meyer to skirt the law after Edwards v Aguillard prevented the teaching of creationism in school science classes.
There is not a shred of evidence to sustain it. Even the clowns at the so-called Discovery Institute have largely given up on pretending it's science.
@@sumardon I find your post to be vacuous noise- just meaningless babble.
Your permission is not needed to point that out
"Stephen C. Meyer is an American author and former educator. He is an advocate of the pseudoscience of intelligent design and helped found the Center for Science and Culture (CSC) of the Discovery Institute which is the main organization behind the intelligent design movement. Before joining the DI, Meyer was a professor at Whitworth College, now Whitworth University. Meyer is a senior fellow of the DI and director of the CSC.
Whitworth University is a private, Christian university affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA) and located in Spokane, Washington.
The Wedge Strategy promoted by Stephen is a creationist political and social action plan authored by the Discovery Institute, the hub of the pseudoscientific intelligent design movement. The strategy was put forth in a Discovery Institute manifesto known as the Wedge Document. Its goal is to change American culture by shaping public policy to reflect politically conservative fundamentalist evangelical Protestant values."
My comment:
Stephen uses his science degrees to promote faith in his religious beliefs and override the First Amendment whereas the Scientific Method uses testable, reliable evidence.
WOW! Are you ever totally blind, lost, and deceived! Repent!
Can you explain how a tornado spinning around can form an airplane in a junkyard?
@@AVoiceCryingInTheWildern-vt6ed You don't like this facts about Meyer...ok, but that has no bearing on said facts. He is a professionam liar for a propaganda mill, does no reseatch at all, never has and his boss, Howard F. Ahmanson, Jr. openly wants to replace democracy with a fundamentalist theocracy.
@@JohnSmith-bq6nf I can explain to you how this analogy is representatice of the complete lack of understanding of evolution and natural selection, by anyone using it.
@@derhafi Evolution explains how left changed not how it began.
Kirk's klown show......
So if there's "evidence"...what's the point of faith?
Christian faith is based of evidences.
Atheism is based on the belief (without evidence) that this evidences were made up to control people as a conspiracy theory.
Enok the book of jesher
Recourse Jesus we expell ,which bring u to GOD
He look s to find a parallel between his chosen career and life - why does there have to be ANY connection - nice hypothesis of course but basically, he is like a thousand others who are simply confused and needs a prop to explain the inexplicable. WHY BOTHER? If you don't, or can't understand something which seemingly has no explanation wait for more info or accept that you don't understand it or can't explain it. Something I have NEVER understood is why any kind of "higher being" is necessary. If this "being" is by definition beyond understanding .............
So basically this guy (who is I think a computer scientist) thinks that we HAVE to have yet another god? How about "shit happens"?
Basic degree in physics. His schtick is: DNA is like computer code. Code is written. Therefore DNA is written.
Utter bullshit
kirt Is a false teacher ! & underestimates ALMIGHTY AUTHORITY GOD !
he's a calvinist who smokes a lot?
Yes, there is intelligent design. The watch maker, using his experience, designs an electric watch. But what is this to do with a universe the extent of and the reason for which can never be said. Can anyone sincerely look at the frail, fragmenting, ferocious universe that will one day swallow the earth into its incinerating gullet and say it was intelligently designed? Can anyone look at little earth on which whole species have been destroyed, and millions of people have been put to death by disease, famine, and war and say it was all intelligently designed? Can anyone look today at the men, women and children currently smashed to pieces by the power of missiles and say they are part of an intelligent design. Was the drowning of the human race by God "the father" because he thought it was too violent a part of his intelligent design? Were Hitler's murder of millions of Jews etc. an intelligent design? Is the child born unable to walk or talk part of an intelligent design. There is no God, there is only the human species: warriors fighting hopefully in a battle which we might win today, but will be some day wholly lost! But still, for all the impossibility of our ultimate deaths in the sun's fire or a nuclear war, we must love our neighbors as ourselves.
You claim “there is no God”. Can you prove it? Or is it just your childish wish that God does not exist?
Remember: the claim is yours and I suppose you may want to support it with some evidence. But of course you won’t.
He's been peddling this tripe for decades now. Nothing new, nothing demonstrable......just the same old tired, dishonest rubbish.
Go and enjoy your ungrateful life
Now, I am a logical thinker, and generally unbiased in the first instance. I listened to this with interest and without bias. However, the more I listened, the more I was less convinced. I am hearing a very clever play with words that sound plausible because of the way the prose has been written - the fact that a sentence is constructed with an effect being directly attributed to a cause does not mean that it is. The universe has been fine tuned, and the odds of that happening are tiny, so it must have been god; the odds of winning the Euro millions is tiny, so are we saying that because the odds are tiny, if it comes to pass, it must have been god? That seems to me to be a delusion, as events that are statistically small do happen, but here we are told and expected to believe that a statistically small chance of an event occurring is the same as that event being impossible. A simple example, but if you analyse all the “statements of fact”, you will see the same construct. Now, yer man might believe it, but you don’t have to!
You did not get to know Christ yet
Intelligent design? It has been more a case of DUMMKOPF DESIGN. (Dummkopf is a German word which means dumb-headed, dopey, doozy) :) Most of the species that once appeared on earth, have gone extinct. Take life as it exists: one species attacking, killing and eating another species. Life is essentially brutal, ruthless and heartless. Life living on life, that is so-called "Intelligent" Design? Only a completely heartless and cruel creator would create such life, where carnivore animals tear innocent herbivores apart and start eating their flesh even before they are fully dead. I believe I scanned over the book being discussed in this video, but I plan to drive over to our library and borrow it again. In any case, as per the Bible, the world is only a few (6000) years old. Knowing that the universe is 13.8 billion years old and earth is 4.54 billion years old, we must give zero credibility to the biblical concept of creation. Viewers of this channel may want to explore the Hindu concepts of the age of the universe.
Carl Sagan, in his wonderful TV series and book COSMOS, wrote: "The Hindu religion is the only one of the world's great faiths dedicated to the idea that the Cosmos itself undergoes an immense, indeed an infinite, number of deaths and rebirths. It is the only religion in which the time scales correspond, no doubt by accident, to those of modern scientific cosmology. Its cycles run from our ordinary day and night to a day and night of Brahma, 8.64 billion years long, longer than the age of the Earth or the Sun and about half the time since the Big Bang." Though, his cynical statement "no doubt by accident" shows his western snobbery. Brahma is the Hindu creator God. Oh, those stupid pagan Hindus, what do they know? 😜
So. Not-credible evidence. It might help if you used English properly.
Stephen C. Meyer although, of course, is welcome to his opinions, does not have any qualifications which would suggest any expertise in the theory of evolution. At least he gives the impression of being intelligent and, at least, having an argument. But he needs to talk to experts in the fields he claims to know something about. The interviewer does not impress me at all, however. His comment can be ignored.
So anybody that has not received the degrees you deem necessary isn’t worth listening to in the conversation. Dr. Meyer is a scientist and has conversed with many such experts. Many biologists today are questioning evolutionary theory and have posed such concerns in their meetings. That includes many that are not apologists for Christianity. They simply find the theory has difficulties given new scientific information not available to Darwin. And the statement we should not pay attention to the interviewer since he is not a biologist is arrogant beyond belief. He is a thinking human being able to come to logical conclusions.
@@patriciahein8233 The interviewer seemed to be trying to push Stephen Meyer into some kind of creationist opinion. In my view the interviewer should be neutral and ask interesting questions. That is why he did not impress me. But this is generally true, in an interview rather than a peer discussion, the views of the interviewer are not normally relevant.
If you look at scientific theories over the last 2,000 years or so, most, with very few exceptions, have been proved wrong. This is how science works, although only recognised in the last 500 years or so. Science relies on empirical evidence, more data is found, more accurate measurements made and an existing theory together with its mathematical model adjusted or replaced. But, and this is the point, a new theory only replaces the old if it is a better theory.
Although not really relevant, your assumption that human beings are able to come to logical conclusions, is not generally true. The Birthday Paradox is a well known case of intuition being logically incorrect. Mathematicians, scientists, engineers and lawyers are trained to think logically, the rest of the population is probably split 50/50 on this ability.
@@patriciahein8233 "Dr. Meyer is a scientist"- no he isn't. He's a lying hack at a right wing Christian pressure group.
@@patriciahein8233 many biologists? Go ahead and name some.
@@patriciahein8233still waiting to hear about those “many biologists”.
Which conference are you referring to?
Neither proof in scientific logical sense, nor proof in the court of law
Talk about "leaps of faith!" You need to take giant leaps to clear the holes in this nonsense.
Are you a physicist? Not being rude just curious.
This is not proof, come on