How to Stay Healthy without Exercise Naturally

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 17 ส.ค. 2022
  • How to Stay Healthy without Exercise Naturally. please listing to this very review to understand this video carefully,
    Many people love to exercise because it makes them feel good, but there are some people who do not like to exercise due to lack of time or funds.
    There are many misconceptions about exercise, and it's not just the old wives' tales.
    Many people think that if you don't exercise, you'll get fat and sick. But in reality, you can stay healthy without exercising at all.
    Here are some tips to help you live a healthier life without exercise:
    Eat well. Eating a variety of whole foods fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein will keep your body functioning at its best.
    If you're not sure what to eat, try the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension).
    These diets emphasize foods that contain nutrients that boost health and lower blood pressure.
    Get enough sleep. Sleep allows your body to repair itself after a day of activity.
    Getting too little sleep can put stress on your heart and other organs in your body, which can lead to heart disease and diabetes over time.
    The National Sleep Foundation recommends adults get seven hours of sleep each night for optimal health.
    Exercise naturally by moving throughout the day.
    You don't need to go to the gym or run on a treadmill every day in order to stay healthy.
    simply walking around during your workday can offer benefits such as better circulation and improved posture.
    You don't have to exercise at all if you don't want to. Exercise is one of many ways to improve your health, but it's not the only way.
    If you're not physically active, try adding some activity into your daily routine.
    Walk more often, take the stairs instead of an elevator and park farther away from entrances when possible.
    If you're overweight or obese, losing just 5 percent of your body weight can help improve your health.
    You may be able to reduce high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes risk with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
    You can also increase your activity level by doing things like taking walks with friends or family members.
    playing backyard games with kids or doing yard work around the house.
    If you don't want to join a gym, try exercising at home. It's easy to get started and there are plenty of online programs that offer guidance on what to do and how to do it.
    If you're not sure where to start, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity.
    or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity each week or a combination of both.
    That's about 30 minutes a day, five days a week.
    The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that some people may benefit from more exercise.
    others though everyone should aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity on most days of the week.
    Moderate-intensity activities make you breathe harder than normal but not so hard that you can't hold a conversation while doing them.
    Examples of moderate-intensity aerobic activities include: walking briskly (3 miles per hour or faster).
    riding a bike leisurely (no more than 10 miles per hour), dancing slowly (swing or ballroom dancing).
    gardening slowly (digging or weeding), playing doubles tennis, and carrying out household chores.
    Green tea is a healthful beverage that offers a variety of benefits.
    It's a source of antioxidants called catechins and flavonoids, which have been studied for their ability to prevent heart disease and cancer.
    In addition, green tea contains caffeine and can help you lose weight.
    Green Tea Helps You Lose Weight.
    Drinking green tea has been shown to improve metabolism and lower body weight in several studies.
    Green tea extract may increase fat burning by as much as four times compared to placebo in one study.
    Green tea also reduces appetite, so you might eat less without trying.
    The caffeine in green tea increases your energy expenditure by 3-11%, according to one study.
    The more caffeine you consume, the more calories you burn!
    Don't smoke. If you do, quit now.
    Smoking is the leading cause of preventable death in the United States.
    More than 480,000 Americans die from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke every year.
    Smoking causes heart disease and stroke, which are the first and third leading causes of death in the U.S., respectively.
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