Will it show live Data from Engine sensors ? That's 'Raw' data directly from the the sensors (analogue voltages} before they're processed. eg. the 0 to 5v from the coolant sensor.
I do own some launch for Mercedes for two weeks and after first upload, launch can’t recognise the vin number automatically, before it works fine 😮😮 I’ll be very careful with updates!!
@raffaellop...With older Mercedes models, every new update can cause errors in the diagnosis 🥴. But that doesn't happen with current Mercedes Benz models. Unfortunately, it is not possible to switch to an older LAUNCH BENZ software. I asked about this directly at the LAUNCH service hotline in China a few days ago. The very friendly answer was that this is unfortunately not possible. It's a shame, but that's the way it is 🥴. Nevertheless, the LAUNCH CREADER ELITE 2.0 works excellently. Best regards from Germany.
It has option for DPF regeneration, but I couldn't turn it on successfully, it said that exhaust gas temperature was not hot enough. I don't think it can disable AdBlue. I don't think it can code injectors.
Very good video, thank you and your camera man 😅
Thanks 👍
Will it show live Data from Engine sensors ?
That's 'Raw' data directly from the the sensors (analogue voltages} before they're processed.
eg. the 0 to 5v from the coolant sensor.
It does show live data. Data is transferred via canbus. Canbus is digital.
Can O buy for BMW and add VAG to the same scanner?
Great product, very good detailed video 📹 👌 👍
can we relearn the throttle body using this scan ..i got mine today but i haven't found that function 😕
I didn't try it for throttle body. My car is diesel. It is best to speak to the seller.
I do own some launch for Mercedes for two weeks and after first upload, launch can’t recognise the vin number automatically, before it works fine 😮😮
I’ll be very careful with updates!!
@raffaellop...With older Mercedes models, every new update can cause errors in the diagnosis 🥴. But that doesn't happen with current Mercedes Benz models. Unfortunately, it is not possible to switch to an older LAUNCH BENZ software. I asked about this directly at the LAUNCH service hotline in China a few days ago. The very friendly answer was that this is unfortunately not possible. It's a shame, but that's the way it is 🥴. Nevertheless, the LAUNCH CREADER ELITE 2.0 works excellently. Best regards from Germany.
can it run pdf and can it turn off ad blu and code injectors on vw sharan 2.0 tdi 2015
It has option for DPF regeneration, but I couldn't turn it on successfully, it said that exhaust gas temperature was not hot enough. I don't think it can disable AdBlue. I don't think it can code injectors.