Asalamualikum More mujawad trianing sheikh. Maqamat has become much more famous as of late. A maqamat playlist for tahqiq and Tarteel would be good content. As well as vocal excerises for flexibility and resonance to run through the notes and be able to read through chest with vibrations ma
please do not stop uploading these videos they are the most helpful videos about maqamat i have found, JazakAllah khair. May Allah bless you!
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
جزاك الله خيرا كثيرا
Asalamualikum More mujawad trianing sheikh. Maqamat has become much more famous as of late. A maqamat playlist for tahqiq and Tarteel would be good content. As well as vocal excerises for flexibility and resonance to run through the notes and be able to read through chest with vibrations ma
May Allah bless you. Jajakallah
Thank you so much for these videos
Masha Allah shaykh, practising alhamdullilaah
Assalamu alaikum blessed sheikh, do you teach online?
Please upload more Maqamat lessons of this teacher as well
Salam, is there bayati khiyam tutorial?
Please name
سبحان الله
Hidden gem ما شاء الله
Ustadh do you teach?
Bruh of course! Mostly his students teach, but that's because he's probably very busy
Thats my subtle way of saying I would like to study with him lol. How would I go about it do yk?
@@mohammedhussain2472 Same here
Please kurd
Name Please of the teacher???
Sheikh Ismael Lundt. He is very famous in Cape Town.
🤔 Promo_SM
Also, did you study in Azaadville by any chance?