As a kashmiri the information appears to have been kept under carpet by the leaders.There is no doubt that Hari Singh was very much a nationalist as evident from his stand in the Round Table Conference long before lndepence : this view was generally held by elderly Kashmiris in our young days.
I am a Kashmiri who has grown up in Kashmir in 1980s, and later worked in 1990s in J&K (Jammu-Ladakh-Kashmir). Agnihotriji has got a good grasp of the power politics in Kashmir valley which is dominated by minority settlers (Arab Sayyids, Turko-Mughals and Pathan Mirs), say around maximum 5% of the population. Pathans are the biggest lot among STMs. The Pathans treat Kashmiri Muslims (converted from Pandits and Buddhists) like dirt, don't speak Kashmiri at home and impose supremacy. Majority of people in India don't know that Kashmiri Pandits also have non-Brahmin Vaish (businessmen) and farmers amongst them.
@@gulwani2835you are just copy pasting the same comment without any explanation of what is lies. This is a confirmation that you are either a bot or a spammer.
First most of kashmiri Muslims speak kashmiri language except gujjars and pahadi muslims as they speak gujri and pahadi language. 2nd in kashmir majority of muslims are converted and nobody treats any other person like dirt. 3rd in kashmir pathans are in far minority .also gujjars and pahadis constitut 20 prcent of pope@@vikramrazdan5680
हमसे बहुत सारी बातें छुपा दी गई और सही इतिहास देश की जनता को बताया ही नहीं गया। सोशल मीडिया के जरिए अब सारा सच धीरे धीरे सामने आ रहा है। इन जानकारियों को साझा करने के लिए श्री अग्निहोत्री जी को सादर नमन 🙏🙏
Islam was a new religion and every Muslim, whether in India or elsewhere, is a convert from other religions. As a Kashmiri Muslim,I am proud of our ancestors and Kashmiri culture and Kashmiri nation is incomplete without Kashmiri Pandits. No one drove them out of the Valley. An independent inquiry commission will give real picture of migration. When a family moves from one locality to other , they attach Syed, Kirmani etc with their names to show themselves as superior though they are ordinary Kashmiris. Do not make fool today time this is 4 year old video uncleji have no detail about Quran and Kafir details ok. Gaddi maat banaa and LISTEN IF YOU HAVE SO PROUD OF YOUR KASHMIRI HINDU ANCESTORS SO RETURN BACK TO HINDU DHARMA WHAT THE ISSUE. BUT 🤔 YOU DO NOT COME BACK BECAUSE NOW NON MUSLIMS ARE KAFIR FOR YOU OK DO NOT MAKE FOOL OK
Syeds are not migrates of local,,,, Real Syeds came from Arbian countries... Of course we also have a lot of Converted kashmiri Brahmans who first took the suffix Shah and finally reached to prefix Syed... However if you met a real Syed ask him for his Shajer Naseb,, and you will get the answer.. If he doesn't have this, He is a converted Brahman ..
Wow... This is loaded with so much information... I think this lecture should be converted into a book and added to school curriculum.... If it is any western country, they would have treasured this information and marketed it as a history marvel.
Jaise tumhe kaha gya , sikh alag desh chahte hain !! Ye btaye bina , ki unki maange kya thi ? Unse promise kya the , fir unhe date d gayi , fir mukr kaise gaye ? Kaise punjab ko jaan bujh k itna banta gya !!
Arab m polytheist rehte the....nd hindu regional id h... only otherwise sanatan ko mannnne wale log rehte the aryan people india s central asia tk gye@@SHABIR_KASTURI
@@radhegovinda8245mine were panditd But we all are ex hindus today We read and understood the ugly satan cult our wrong ancestors followed We wont walk into their wrong footsteps
*मुसलमानों के क़ुविचार (क़ुरआन अनुसार विचार) और उनको मेरे जवाब (पार्ट-1) ..* *1:- विचार - हिंदू भगवानों के सभी अवतार केवल हिंदुस्तान में ही क्यों जन्में?* *जवाब* - तो हमने कब 'दारुल हिंद' कहकर पूरी दुनिया पर अपना दावा ठोका? सनातन धर्म के प्रारंभिक काल में सभ्यता-संस्कृति और कहीं थी ही नहीं इसलिए सभी अवतार अखंड भारत में ही जन्मे। हमारे सभी अवतारों का संबंध अखंड भारत से रहा है इसलिये बाहरी दुनिया पर कब्जे का हम कोई हक नहीं जताते पर फिर आपके उस अरबी मज़हब इस्लाम का भी यहां कोई हक कैसे बनता है जिसकी क़ुरआन में हिंदुस्तान या सनातन धर्म के नाम तक का कोई जिक्र नहीं हो, जिनका एक भी नामी पैगंबर न यहां पैदा हुआ न कभी आया और जिनका 'दारुल इस्लाम' का सपना तक यहां का नहीं हो और आपका खुद का शरीर यानी डीएनए तक अरब का नहीं हो? जब हम मक्का-मदीना में भगवा-ए-हिंद नहीं चाहते तो आपका यहां गजवा-ए-हिंद चाहना कैसे जायज है? *2:- विचार - इस्लाम सबसे अच्छा मज़हब है इसलिये तेजी से फैल रहा है ; अगर सनातन हिंदू धर्म अच्छा होता तो पूरी दुनिया में क्यों नहीं फैला बल्कि सिकुड़ क्यों रहा है?* *जवाब* - कैंसर भी तेजी से फैलता है तो क्या कैंसर अच्छा है? फैलने-सिकुड़ने के आधार पर अच्छे-बुरे की तुलना करने की थ्योरी इस्लाम की है पर हमारी थ्योरी इज्जत और शक्ति की है, इज्जत यानि जो देश हमारे प्रवेश का स्वागत करते हैं वही देश मुसलमानों को जलील करके चैक करते हैं और शक्ति यानि दुनिया के 58 इस्लामिक मुल्कों में से कोई भी आज हमसे अधिक शक्तिशाली नहीं है। दुनिया में कुल 4,200 धर्म हैं और धार्मिक जनसंख्या के हिसाब से इस्लाम (180 करोड़) के ठीक बाद हिंदू सनातन धर्म (120 करोड़) ही आता है । आज दुनिया में ईसाई सबसे अधिक हैं तो क्या मुसलमान उनसे कम होने के कारण अपने मज़हब को बुरा समझेंगे, अगर नहीं तो आप दूसरे 4,198 धर्मों को बुरा कैसे कह सकते हैं? एक समय सनातन धर्म सबसे तेज फैला मतलब तब सनातन सबसे अच्छा धर्म हुआ फिर क्रिश्चियन तेजी से फैले तब वो अच्छे हो गये और आज इस्लाम तेजी से बड़ने के कारण अच्छा है तो क्या कोई भी रिलिजन का अच्छा-बुरा होना समय-समय पर बदलता रहता है? हां हम सिकुड़े हैं आपसे भाईचारा निभाने में और आप यहां फैले हैं भाईचारे का नाजायज फायदा उठाकर, हां हम सिकुड़े हैं देशहित में कम बच्चे पैदा कर और आप फैले हैं मज़हब हित में ज्यादा बच्चे पैदा कर ; मतलब हम तो परोपकार में अपना ही नुकसान कर बैठे और आप स्व-उपकार में हमारा नाजायज फायदा उठाते रहे। कल को जब इस्लाम मज़हब तेजी से सिकुड़ेगा तब क्या आप कहेंगे कि इस्लाम सबसे खराब मज़हब है? *3:- इस्लाम सबसे अच्छा मज़हब है और सनातन धर्म में बुराईयां ही बुराईयां भरी पड़ी हैं!* *जवाब* - दुनिया की नजर में इस्लाम कैसा मज़हब है यह दुनिया बताएगी या आप स्वयं, और दुनिया तो इस्लाम को आतंकवाद से जोड़ चुकी है। सनातन धर्म का मूल है 'सर्वधर्म सम्भाव' और 'वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम' जबकि इस्लाम का मूल है 'दारुल इस्लाम' ; यानि सनातन धर्म का मूल है दूसरे सभी के साथ मिलकर रहना और इस्लाम का मूल है दूसरे सभी को मिटा देना। बस दोनों के बीच इसी अंतिम उद्देश्य के फर्क से इस्लाम के बुरे और सनातन धर्म के अच्छे होने का निर्णय आसानी से किया जा सकता है। सनातन धर्म में जो बुराईयां आपको दिखती हैं वो तो दरअसल आज समाज में फैला पाखंड है जो की मुस्लिम समाज में तो सबसे ज्यादा फैला हुआ है और एक दूसरे की मान्यताओं का मजाक उड़ाना तो आज की इस आधुनिक विज्ञान की दुनिया में बहुत ही सामान्य सा हो चला है। *अंत में उन सभी मुस्लिमों का शुक्रिया जिन्होंने अपने कुविचारों से मुझे निद्रावस्था से उठाया, शेष विचार-जवाब अगले पार्ट में।* *Please support my channel which does not has any economic agenda to spread my fiery views; copy my messages by your name because no one knows about my life's end or maybe a hardline Muslim will kill me!*
Lol you wrote everything in hindi And last lines in english It would've been if u wrote all in English Instead of this shitty language or hinglish wouldve been fine too
One of the wonderful knowledge of History, not known to most of the Indians, we are proud of our Sikh Gurus and community who had saved India, we are indebted to the Sikh Gurus and Community “Alas...! If we Indians could understand the history and could follow our cultural identity Kudos to speaker
Sikhism is perhaps the only religion that was primarily raised to save another religion! Therefore being a Hindu, I bow my head in absolute reverence to the valiant Sikhs! Shat-Shat-Naman !!!
Nizamul Khan killed a hindu at NOIDA for creating obstacle on his LOVE JIHAD. Think what Muslims will do to You when we will become 55% within next 20 years.
@@talkfornow 2 muslim youth were burned alive in muslim majority Mewat Haryana who were just suspected for carrying beef! Forget 20 years Imagine what all we can do even today if we want to🙂
"Another" religion 😮 First 5 pyaras were born in hindu religion. भाई दया दास भाई धर्म दास, भाई हिम्मत भाई मोहकम चंद भाई साहिब सिंह Every Hindu family gave his one child to Guru Gobind Singh to save Hindu religion. Before 1699, there were only Hindus and Muslim.
We're sanatan hindu ✊✊🙏🙏 हमारी एकता ही इश विश्वकी शबशे बड़ा हथियार हे, बहुत सी ताकते इश हथियार को ना बन्ने केलिए कई कई हटकंडे अपनराहे है, अब अपनी अपनी जात (कास्ट) की बजय सनातन हिन्दू आगे बढ़ाए, हमे अब नाम के पीछे हिन्दू जरूर लगाएं, गर्व से बोले में सनातन हिन्दू हु. जय हिंद 🙏
I also agree with you @Rachit Patel Ji But one thing I want to say is don't use the word Hindu because this is not the right word. Either use Sindhu or Bharat or any other native language word. If you check the history of the word Hindu then you will understand why I am saying so. Also I request you to change it in your name also. I didn't meant to be disrespectful.
My ancestors were in Ranjeet Singh’s army , they were Sidhar Kashmiris ( who are now Punjabi pandits ) they were living in Lahore at the time but originally came from Kashmir
Really nice to know, sometimes really feel bad for Kashmir, it was going through very difficult times, it is really nice that Govt have shown courage to wipe off the mismanagement which lead to discriminations and marginalization of citizens.
STM were afraid that caste heirarchy might persist even after conversion of Pandit clans like Bhat, Dar, Lone etc to Islam so they created a replica of Hindu caste heirarchial system in newly muslim Kashmir to suppress the influence of pandit families who converted to Islam. Nowadays Bhat, Dar muslims are seen as inferior to STM muslims and one thing we must not forget is that it's somewhat true some of these STM are actually foreigners in Kashmir but it's also true that most of them have mixed with native Kashmiris to such a point that DNA composition is now almost similar and also most of these STM are lying about their true ancestry to potray themselves as superior to other Kashmiris. I know one of my friend who's from "Moochi" clan which used to be a lower caste in pre-islamic Kashmir and it's unfortunate that nowadays he calls himself "Qadri" and is practising sufi Islam to potray himself of Persian origin.
HPU ( Shimla) ke Chancellor to Governor HP hain aur VC Dr. Sikandar Kumar hain. Sh Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri ji Central University HP (Kangra) ke VC hain.. Ye Himachal ki prasidh hastiyon me se ek hain, kripya inka Parichay sahi tarike se dijiye. 🙏
Really , I asked for the government, any government left,right, it doesn't matter, to stop meddling in academics, made me a left leaning person? I live in a free country and have my own free thinking.
Pandit agnihotri ji ko sadar pranam, sir ji humare jammu mai ek sardar h jo bhut nc ka pyara bnta hai sheik abdullah ka fanboy bnta hai aur interview aur podcastes mai apni hi kahaniya bnata firta hai.. I hope this video found every viewer of j&k
Omar Abdullah Shaikh Zindabaad JK HP PB HR UK North RJ Alag Mulk banega aur UP Bihar ke Parwasiyon ka katleaam hona fari 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️
A great revelation about the chronological history of Jammu and Kashmir by the most knowledgeable and respected Chancellor of Himachal University Dr. Agnihotri , a great historian . The Nation is obliged to Dr. Agnihotri for bringing to light facts about the chronological history of Jammu and Kashmir. It is now for the new generation to act and restore the prestige of mother India . --- Basudeo Prasad
🕉️ सम्माननीय आपको प्रणाम🙏🏼🙏🏼आपने आज सही कश्मीरकी इतिहास खोलकर हमारी आँखे खोल दी। मेरे ख्यालसे neharu is main Cilprit and he was Muslim and he worked so much fever of Pakistan....And Gandhi was also involved......!!
Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge... 99% people of India doesn’t know the truth.... really thankful to you, through we know the history of Kashmir
Very good analysis and so much of knowledge about the blunder what happened in J&K.. Good that we are going in right direction and under string leadership.. hopefully one day Gilgit Baltistan will be part of India for prosper in the region.
Very well explained 👏 So much knowledge that was never taught. This video should be share around the world, Specially UK, Pakistan. We must reclaim our lost land GILGIT BALTISTAN. Infact Bharat Sarakar should work aggressively towards that even if by using military option. Nation will be behind the Goverment. Ja Hind🇮🇳
It is very informative video The V C has vast knowledge n experience on the subject n we should be grateful to such persons for imparting such vital blessings and knowledge.🙏🙏
He might have made few mistakes but u can't appreciate him for this detailed information of history, I'm pretty sure u don't even the 1% of knowledge he has
@@Samanuske-100lol u just assume things Not everything is about the tanatan cult built on assumptions and day dreams You don't even know who he is he might have more knowledge than him Or at least 10℅ of jis
I will share this video to atleast 1000 for enlightening.
J&K Now this video must be telecasted on Doordarshan and radio all over the Kashmir💯
Great thought nice video
Plz procced sir
Share it
वाह, क्या जानकारी दी है।
कश्मीर समस्या का सही निदान
Actual historian teacher should play this video in every school. Under the forgotten history of ''jammu and Kashmir''.
This is pure documentary. Kindly archive this lecture.
As a kashmiri the information appears to have been kept under carpet by the leaders.There is no doubt that Hari Singh was very much a nationalist as evident from his stand in the Round Table Conference long before lndepence : this view was generally held by elderly Kashmiris in our young days.
@@omprakashkaul8200 ¹¹¹¹
@@omprakashkaul8200 yes true statements
Yes true statements 😗😗😗😗😗💥📚🌅🌅
Dogma shouldn't be basis.
🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳🙏मै एक sportsman पर आप जैसे व्यक्तित्व को सुनकर बहुत कुछ सीखा...साधारण आम आदमीं की भाषा में..🇮🇳..धन्यवाद
I felt I read 10 books of history. Thank you sir
I am a Kashmiri who has grown up in Kashmir in 1980s, and later worked in 1990s in J&K (Jammu-Ladakh-Kashmir). Agnihotriji has got a good grasp of the power politics in Kashmir valley which is dominated by minority settlers (Arab Sayyids, Turko-Mughals and Pathan Mirs), say around maximum 5% of the population. Pathans are the biggest lot among STMs. The Pathans treat Kashmiri Muslims (converted from Pandits and Buddhists) like dirt, don't speak Kashmiri at home and impose supremacy.
Majority of people in India don't know that Kashmiri Pandits also have non-Brahmin Vaish (businessmen) and farmers amongst them.
It's 60 percent lies-and 40 percent true
@@gulwani2835Explain what is lies rather than making a sweeping statement like a prophet
@@gulwani2835you are just copy pasting the same comment without any explanation of what is lies. This is a confirmation that you are either a bot or a spammer.
@@vikramrazdan5680Baya, Noun machrangun che trawaan...
First most of kashmiri Muslims speak kashmiri language except gujjars and pahadi muslims as they speak gujri and pahadi language.
2nd in kashmir majority of muslims are converted and nobody treats any other person like dirt. 3rd in kashmir pathans are in far minority .also gujjars and pahadis constitut 20 prcent of pope@@vikramrazdan5680
It's an extraordinary detailed speech
हमसे बहुत सारी बातें छुपा दी गई और सही इतिहास देश की जनता को बताया ही नहीं गया। सोशल मीडिया के जरिए अब सारा सच धीरे धीरे सामने आ रहा है। इन जानकारियों को साझा करने के लिए श्री अग्निहोत्री जी को सादर नमन 🙏🙏
What a great speaker on history . Thank you so much for opening our eyes and our conscience. We need many more of your kind.
#jai_RAJPUTANA from@jammu
Islam was a new religion and every Muslim, whether in India or elsewhere, is a convert from other religions. As a Kashmiri Muslim,I am proud of our ancestors and Kashmiri culture and Kashmiri nation is incomplete without Kashmiri Pandits. No one drove them out of the Valley. An independent inquiry commission will give real picture of migration. When a family moves from one locality to other , they attach Syed, Kirmani etc with their names to show themselves as superior though they are ordinary Kashmiris.
No one drove Kashmiri Pandits out? How naive are you? Do not make fool today time this is 4 year old video uncleji have no detail about Quran and Kafir details ok.
Syeds are not migrates of local,,,, Real Syeds came from Arbian countries... Of course we also have a lot of Converted kashmiri Brahmans who first took the suffix Shah and finally reached to prefix Syed... However if you met a real Syed ask him for his Shajer Naseb,, and you will get the answer.. If he doesn't have this, He is a converted Brahman ..
@@syedviqar92 The great replacement
@@KnickGurr I didn't get you
A very meaningful presentation by Shri Kuldip Agnihotri.
It's 60 percent lies-and 40 percent true
@@gulwani2835it's not. There are 1000 historians..
@@gulwani2835 proof?
What a beautiful and open discussion . I never got such a valuable information from any one before. Thanks to the gentle man. God bless you.
It's 60 percent lies-and 40 percent true
Hn tero ko bara pata hai @@gulwani2835
Wow... This is loaded with so much information... I think this lecture should be converted into a book and added to school curriculum.... If it is any western country, they would have treasured this information and marketed it as a history marvel.
Yes very true.
Very nice information
It's 60 percent lies-and 40 percent true
Great speech, learnt a lot about the northern kingdom (sapt sindhu)
हमे आजतक यही पढाया गया की राजा हरिसिंग जी अलग देश बनाना चाहते थे पर माजरा तो औ र ही था यह अब समझ आया| राजा हरिसिंगजी की देशभक्ती को प्रणाम |
It's 60 percent lies-and 40 percent true
Jaise tumhe kaha gya , sikh alag desh chahte hain !! Ye btaye bina , ki unki maange kya thi ? Unse promise kya the , fir unhe date d gayi , fir mukr kaise gaye ? Kaise punjab ko jaan bujh k itna banta gya !!
Yeh kaise prove hoga. Ki yehi sahi bol Raha hai ?
Arab m polytheist rehte the....nd hindu regional id h... only otherwise sanatan ko mannnne wale log rehte the aryan people india s central asia tk gye@@SHABIR_KASTURI
Thanks for this information. Our ancestors were Kashmiri Pandits settled in Himachal Prasdesh long time back.
Please return to Sanatan dharma if your Ancestors had converted to Islam. And encourage others do so. Let the entire country breathe for a century.
They are hindus @@radhegovinda8245
@@radhegovinda8245mine were panditd
But we all are ex hindus today
We read and understood the ugly satan cult our wrong ancestors followed
We wont walk into their wrong footsteps
Now we know actual history of INDIA...
Thank you sir.
I will share this video at least 100 people.
*मुसलमानों के क़ुविचार (क़ुरआन अनुसार विचार) और उनको मेरे जवाब (पार्ट-1) ..*
*1:- विचार - हिंदू भगवानों के सभी अवतार केवल हिंदुस्तान में ही क्यों जन्में?*
*जवाब* - तो हमने कब 'दारुल हिंद' कहकर पूरी दुनिया पर अपना दावा ठोका?
सनातन धर्म के प्रारंभिक काल में सभ्यता-संस्कृति और कहीं थी ही नहीं इसलिए सभी अवतार अखंड भारत में ही जन्मे।
हमारे सभी अवतारों का संबंध अखंड भारत से रहा है इसलिये बाहरी दुनिया पर कब्जे का हम कोई हक नहीं जताते पर फिर आपके उस अरबी मज़हब इस्लाम का भी यहां कोई हक कैसे बनता है जिसकी क़ुरआन में हिंदुस्तान या सनातन धर्म के नाम तक का कोई जिक्र नहीं हो, जिनका एक भी नामी पैगंबर न यहां पैदा हुआ न कभी आया और जिनका 'दारुल इस्लाम' का सपना तक यहां का नहीं हो और आपका खुद का शरीर यानी डीएनए तक अरब का नहीं हो?
जब हम मक्का-मदीना में भगवा-ए-हिंद नहीं चाहते तो आपका यहां गजवा-ए-हिंद चाहना कैसे जायज है?
*2:- विचार - इस्लाम सबसे अच्छा मज़हब है इसलिये तेजी से फैल रहा है ; अगर सनातन हिंदू धर्म अच्छा होता तो पूरी दुनिया में क्यों नहीं फैला बल्कि सिकुड़ क्यों रहा है?*
*जवाब* - कैंसर भी तेजी से फैलता है तो क्या कैंसर अच्छा है?
फैलने-सिकुड़ने के आधार पर अच्छे-बुरे की तुलना करने की थ्योरी इस्लाम की है पर हमारी थ्योरी इज्जत और शक्ति की है, इज्जत यानि जो देश हमारे प्रवेश का स्वागत करते हैं वही देश मुसलमानों को जलील करके चैक करते हैं और शक्ति यानि दुनिया के 58 इस्लामिक मुल्कों में से कोई भी आज हमसे अधिक शक्तिशाली नहीं है।
दुनिया में कुल 4,200 धर्म हैं और धार्मिक जनसंख्या के हिसाब से इस्लाम (180 करोड़) के ठीक बाद हिंदू सनातन धर्म (120 करोड़) ही आता है ।
आज दुनिया में ईसाई सबसे अधिक हैं तो क्या मुसलमान उनसे कम होने के कारण अपने मज़हब को बुरा समझेंगे, अगर नहीं तो आप दूसरे 4,198 धर्मों को बुरा कैसे कह सकते हैं?
एक समय सनातन धर्म सबसे तेज फैला मतलब तब सनातन सबसे अच्छा धर्म हुआ फिर क्रिश्चियन तेजी से फैले तब वो अच्छे हो गये और आज इस्लाम तेजी से बड़ने के कारण अच्छा है तो क्या कोई भी रिलिजन का अच्छा-बुरा होना समय-समय पर बदलता रहता है?
हां हम सिकुड़े हैं आपसे भाईचारा निभाने में और आप यहां फैले हैं भाईचारे का नाजायज फायदा उठाकर, हां हम सिकुड़े हैं देशहित में कम बच्चे पैदा कर और आप फैले हैं मज़हब हित में ज्यादा बच्चे पैदा कर ; मतलब हम तो परोपकार में अपना ही नुकसान कर बैठे और आप स्व-उपकार में हमारा नाजायज फायदा उठाते रहे।
कल को जब इस्लाम मज़हब तेजी से सिकुड़ेगा तब क्या आप कहेंगे कि इस्लाम सबसे खराब मज़हब है?
*3:- इस्लाम सबसे अच्छा मज़हब है और सनातन धर्म में बुराईयां ही बुराईयां भरी पड़ी हैं!*
*जवाब* - दुनिया की नजर में इस्लाम कैसा मज़हब है यह दुनिया बताएगी या आप स्वयं, और दुनिया तो इस्लाम को आतंकवाद से जोड़ चुकी है।
सनातन धर्म का मूल है 'सर्वधर्म सम्भाव' और 'वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम' जबकि इस्लाम का मूल है 'दारुल इस्लाम' ; यानि सनातन धर्म का मूल है दूसरे सभी के साथ मिलकर रहना और इस्लाम का मूल है दूसरे सभी को मिटा देना। बस दोनों के बीच इसी अंतिम उद्देश्य के फर्क से इस्लाम के बुरे और सनातन धर्म के अच्छे होने का निर्णय आसानी से किया जा सकता है।
सनातन धर्म में जो बुराईयां आपको दिखती हैं वो तो दरअसल आज समाज में फैला पाखंड है जो की मुस्लिम समाज में तो सबसे ज्यादा फैला हुआ है और एक दूसरे की मान्यताओं का मजाक उड़ाना तो आज की इस आधुनिक विज्ञान की दुनिया में बहुत ही सामान्य सा हो चला है।
*अंत में उन सभी मुस्लिमों का शुक्रिया जिन्होंने अपने कुविचारों से मुझे निद्रावस्था से उठाया, शेष विचार-जवाब अगले पार्ट में।*
*Please support my channel which does not has any economic agenda to spread my fiery views; copy my messages by your name because no one knows about my life's end or maybe a hardline Muslim will kill me!*
God bless you,very few people will understand,depth of your thoughts.Jai Hind.
aapke comments ko copy paste kaise करें?
Lol you wrote everything in hindi
And last lines in english
It would've been if u wrote all in English
Instead of this shitty language or hinglish wouldve been fine too
Proud to be from jammu kashmir ❤
Very well explained Sir ❤
One of the wonderful knowledge of History, not known to most of the Indians, we are proud of our Sikh Gurus and community who had saved India, we are indebted to the Sikh Gurus and Community “Alas...! If we Indians could understand the history and could follow our cultural identity
Kudos to speaker
अति सुन्दर व्याख्या के लिए धन्यवाद.
नेहरू के पाप अब जग जाहिर हो रहे हैं.
This 1 hour is pure gold. Thank you sir ji. Will try and read some of his books on Jammu and Kashmir. Thanks again. ❤
Excellent narration with different perspective of J &K history
It's 60 percent lies-and 40 percent true
The real history of #Jammu & #Kashmir🔥, these things are never taught in history books📚👌
Wonderful Insight on some hitherto unknown side of Kashmir politics.
Great video #jammuandkashmir history
Very well explained
Great insights
Hats off to kuldip ji for his in depth analysis and knowledge of jammu and Kashmir and its history. he has great memory.
Lots of new information. Many thanks for this video. I appreciate the research done by Dr. Kuldeep ji👏🙏
Sikhism is perhaps the only religion that was primarily raised to save another religion! Therefore being a Hindu, I bow my head in absolute reverence to the valiant Sikhs! Shat-Shat-Naman !!!
Nizamul Khan killed a hindu at NOIDA for creating obstacle on his LOVE JIHAD. Think what Muslims will do to You when we will become 55% within next 20 years.
@@talkfornow 2 muslim youth were burned alive in muslim majority Mewat Haryana who were just suspected for carrying beef!
Forget 20 years Imagine what all we can do even today if we want to🙂
Rajput were raised multiple times to protect hinduism
Didn’t the oldest sons of Hindu families had to join this parampara which of course is Sikh beliefs,
"Another" religion 😮
First 5 pyaras were born in hindu religion. भाई दया दास भाई धर्म दास,
भाई हिम्मत
भाई मोहकम चंद
भाई साहिब सिंह
Every Hindu family gave his one child to Guru Gobind Singh to save Hindu religion.
Before 1699, there were only Hindus and Muslim.
प्रो अग्निहोतरी आप ny जो बात बताई वो हैंI वो सोचने वाली बात है। और कटु सत्य है।
GREAT MAN.... First time I saw him...🙏
it's a new type of thought and suggestion, government will should think about this
Anyone from jammu..
Sir, very informative, never heard this truth before... Thank you very much..
Most relatable and practical reasons for Kashmir
We're sanatan hindu ✊✊🙏🙏
हमारी एकता ही इश विश्वकी शबशे बड़ा
हथियार हे, बहुत सी ताकते इश हथियार को ना बन्ने केलिए कई कई हटकंडे अपनराहे है, अब अपनी अपनी जात (कास्ट) की बजय सनातन हिन्दू आगे बढ़ाए, हमे अब नाम के पीछे हिन्दू जरूर लगाएं, गर्व से बोले में सनातन हिन्दू हु.
जय हिंद 🙏
I also agree with you @Rachit Patel Ji
But one thing I want to say is don't use the word Hindu because this is not the right word. Either use Sindhu or Bharat or any other native language word. If you check the history of the word Hindu then you will understand why I am saying so.
Also I request you to change it in your name also.
I didn't meant to be disrespectful.
पहले हिंदी लिखना सीख ले
@@MohdZakir-xp8im hahahaha
Nice one...
My ancestors were in Ranjeet Singh’s army , they were Sidhar Kashmiris ( who are now Punjabi pandits ) they were living in Lahore at the time but originally came from Kashmir
Kuldeep Agnihotri, I'm going to watch each and every video of you...I agree on this point but Please tell us something broader on world history..
Best words I have ever listen on Jammu and Kashmir... So true..
Wow soooperb video ❤
आपकी सरस्वती सहज और प्रसन्न हैं। सादर नमन!
Really nice to know, sometimes really feel bad for Kashmir, it was going through very difficult times, it is really nice that Govt have shown courage to wipe off the mismanagement which lead to discriminations and marginalization of citizens.
STM were afraid that caste heirarchy might persist even after conversion of Pandit clans like Bhat, Dar, Lone etc to Islam so they created a replica of Hindu caste heirarchial system in newly muslim Kashmir to suppress the influence of pandit families who converted to Islam. Nowadays Bhat, Dar muslims are seen as inferior to STM muslims and one thing we must not forget is that it's somewhat true some of these STM are actually foreigners in Kashmir but it's also true that most of them have mixed with native Kashmiris to such a point that DNA composition is now almost similar and also most of these STM are lying about their true ancestry to potray themselves as superior to other Kashmiris. I know one of my friend who's from "Moochi" clan which used to be a lower caste in pre-islamic Kashmir and it's unfortunate that nowadays he calls himself "Qadri" and is practising sufi Islam to potray himself of Persian origin.
True history JAI HIND❤
This history should be taught in school and colleges
HPU ( Shimla) ke Chancellor to Governor HP hain aur VC Dr. Sikandar Kumar hain.
Sh Kuldeep Chand Agnihotri ji Central University HP (Kangra) ke VC hain..
Ye Himachal ki prasidh hastiyon me se ek hain, kripya inka Parichay sahi tarike se dijiye. 🙏
Thank you
Sir aapne aaj mujhe iitni knowledge di jitni koi history ki kitaab na de saki. Ty
Somebody must record it and make it history. Request GOI to stop meddling with history of india
U seem to be a leftist, already left did lot of history distortion...
How did you come to this conclusion without meeting or even talking to me?
@@sumansaurabh9496 comment
Really , I asked for the government, any government left,right, it doesn't matter, to stop meddling in academics, made me a left leaning person? I live in a free country and have my own free thinking.
@@sumansaurabh9496 welcome no issue
Hats off. Wonderful talk honestly.
Your lecture is very informative & I gain so much knowledge from your effort.
Pandit agnihotri ji ko sadar pranam, sir ji humare jammu mai ek sardar h jo bhut nc ka pyara bnta hai sheik abdullah ka fanboy bnta hai aur interview aur podcastes mai apni hi kahaniya bnata firta hai..
I hope this video found every viewer of j&k
Kaun sa sardar hai?
@Ankitrajput0046 hai ek jammu ka ,podcast v aya tha uska aur v news bytes mai aaya tha
Omar Abdullah Shaikh Zindabaad
JK HP PB HR UK North RJ Alag Mulk banega aur UP Bihar ke Parwasiyon ka katleaam hona fari 🥩🥩🥩🥩🥩💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪🔪⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️⚔️
More n more subscriber for this channel more n more growth for jammu n kashmir
Great inputs, Sir my warm regards to you. Million Thanks.
A great revelation about the chronological history of Jammu and Kashmir by the most knowledgeable and respected Chancellor of Himachal University Dr. Agnihotri , a great historian .
The Nation is obliged to Dr. Agnihotri for bringing to light facts about the chronological history of Jammu and Kashmir. It is now for the new generation to act and restore the prestige of mother India .
--- Basudeo Prasad
Very knowledgeable lecture. You explained very nicely.
I congratulate you for a fine knowledge of History.
First time ,an eye opener account of Jammu Kashmir history and partition woes
Wah kya baat hai .... insightful
For revealing truth Bohut bohut dhanyabad.
Beautiful 🙏🙏🙏 nicely explained 💕💕💕💕🇮🇳🇮🇳🇮🇳👍👍👍
great knowledge sir.. hatts off sir🙏
A big thank you sir for enhancing the knowledge
Very nice objective viewpoint.
Kya shandaar speech hai
Amazing ek ek word reality hai...❤
🕉️ सम्माननीय आपको प्रणाम🙏🏼🙏🏼आपने आज सही कश्मीरकी इतिहास खोलकर हमारी आँखे खोल दी।
मेरे ख्यालसे neharu is main Cilprit and he was Muslim and he worked so much fever of Pakistan....And Gandhi was also involved......!!
It is indeed very informative for Indian. Thanks so much.
बहुत अच्छी जानकारी. धन्यावाद
Excellent information shared by Professor Agnihotri.
Ashadharan! Kuldip sir ko pranam
You fled from East PAkistan and took shelter in West Bengal. Now we have captured West Bengal , where you will flee from west Bengal ?
आपने बहुत सुंदर बात कही है जानकारी ❤❤
This man deserves to be PM of India. No fear of anyone & the level of rationality was tremendously high during the speech. Salute ♥️🙌
Thanks for such an enlightment.
Jammu Kashmir will be free 🎉🎉🎉🎉
Thank you so much for sharing this knowledge... 99% people of India doesn’t know the truth.... really thankful to you, through we know the history of Kashmir
You have explained very clearly, I salute you sir.
The video must be telecast as a short movie on jammu and kashmir
Very informative..🙏
Very good analysis and so much of knowledge about the blunder what happened in J&K.. Good that we are going in right direction and under string leadership.. hopefully one day Gilgit Baltistan will be part of India for prosper in the region.
Sunnat hoti sabh ki ...
Atisundar Saptsindhu sambhshan . Highly enlightening rarely discussed course of events. Jay Hind Jay Bharat
iska book hai kya aap ka reference kay liyea detail mai pardhna chate hai
Very well explained 👏
So much knowledge that was never taught.
This video should be share around the world, Specially UK, Pakistan.
We must reclaim our lost land GILGIT BALTISTAN. Infact Bharat Sarakar should work aggressively towards that even if by using military option.
Nation will be behind the Goverment.
Ja Hind🇮🇳
Yes very true.
It is very informative video The V C has vast knowledge n experience on the subject n we should be grateful to such persons for imparting such vital blessings and knowledge.🙏🙏
Yes very true
Excellent summary, turn of events and analysis of the J&K disaster.
Very informative.Thanks a lot.
Very informative. Thanks
Bundle of thanks sir 🙏 🙏 for unveiling this hidden truth before world. Grateful to you.
What a knowledge bhai dam he bande me
Soo True story .This kind of history should be mentioned in our education history subject. everyone pls share this
46:00 reality
Very interesting amazing superb true knowledge given by Prof Sahib.
Plebiscite was done in Hydrabad and Junagar
Don't mislead people
He might have made few mistakes but u can't appreciate him for this detailed information of history, I'm pretty sure u don't even the 1% of knowledge he has
@@Samanuske-100we don't need false knowledge which is right according to hindus only 😂😂
@@Samanuske-100lol u just assume things
Not everything is about the tanatan cult built on assumptions and day dreams
You don't even know who he is he might have more knowledge than him
Or at least 10℅ of jis
V informative speech. This gives us clarity to understand the background of the history of j&k.