As a supp secondary (jgl main), it does help a lot to learn adc. I try to play adc as a third, more chill role. Really makes me appreciate a lot of the subtlies.
Learning is part, take it easy, learn to analyze and take quick decisions and you can get up to pace soon One thing I learned from Trackmania, that funnily enough applies to League of Legends. After you loose a match, open the replay and analyze it, try to pin point why did the match was lost and what could have saved it. And try to completely push away the thought of "X person fed the enemy team, Y person was toxic", analyze the logic on it.
In the Cait example I probably would have gone with A, but my stipulation would have been if, and only if, my team wasn't also there. If they all went to the bot turret (and not dragon like they should be) then I would have backed and opted to answer top or mid. Probably mid to break the wave then shift up top since top turret seems like it would have already been lost by the time I got there.
Since you are probably low elo, the time you take to walk up to the neyt tower, see what your allies are doing, process this information and make a decision takes way too long and you missed your golden recall timing allready.
@@CoNteMpTone You process this information while taking down the T1 tower. Then you know what they will do and you will move up to the next wave and grab some extra gold before recalling. You won’t take the next tower you’re right about that
Seriously, though - encouraging low elo players to base after winning a fight is really bad at the same time. You have to rememeber that anyone below Diamond does not understand fully that the ONLY reason to fight is to get an objective after. The only reason to pick is to have an advantage at an objective. Fighting for fun is not a thing. A lot of low elo players will see this and base after winning a crucial fight instead of taking baron or dragon or turret (when they could have done both with 20+ sec timers). The mistake is when they don't base in time for something crucial.
its when there is no relevant objective worth pushing. in the first example assisting drake is irrelevant because it's 100% anyway, pushing in bot t2 they will lose the base race. by basing to both defend/laneswitch AND spend gold you get two birds in one stone uploader doesnt recommend basing after winning a fight at all, he recommends basing after all the objectives that they have tempo for have been taken or are being safely taken by teammates, rather than sticking around to loiter, share xp, sit overextended etc
#1 problem with low elo players is getting the kill and pushing the turret too much, then I come in as jg and shut them down. But people fighting "cause that's the point of the game" should stick too candy crush
@@jblay4415 ADC Jinx main here. Can't count the times I was killed this way during laning. Especially from assassins, especially 'cause most times supp's be trolling, too.
Ya agree there was so many times even in masters. We win the fight and we ace them and only our adc is alive because no one can get to him. And than he base…. I’m like do clear a minion wave, clear a camp or smth and than base even tho he was 1/10 hp who tf can kill you? They are all dead
Out of curiosity, why wouldn't option A actually be: ADC solos bot, jg solos drake and Vegiar/Lux base for top together? It seems the option itself could be correct if the circumstances were a little more realistic than shoving the whole team bot no? We know where two are and given that rift was just taken its safe to assume Tal is topside so we are free to gain some extra gold AND shove the wave to tower to create an eventual slow push back to us botside for even more benefit later while Veigar/Lux hold the towers and Rek finishes up drake. Though I only bring this up because I'm curious as to if this would be the correct play had it been given as an option.
I was thinking the same thing, if two people are dead and two visible on the other side of the map, why wouldn’t I solo bot while jungle takes the dragon and Veigar goes to mid? Lux can get vision in the jungle or help in one of the lanes. Of course that’s what I find optimal if I were the one playing as all of them and you can’t always influence how your team plays, but even if veigar rexai and lux all go to dragon I probably would’ve at least pushed the wave while telling veigar to hold mid.
EXACTLY, it's a bait option and unrealistic to make themselves sound 5head honestly, kinda dumb ngl it's definitely the right option if done in a correct way, if their excuse is "tempo" then you're definitely losing tempo recalling with no good buys, letting the bot lane farm for free while getting nothing yourself top instead of keep farming to get a decent buy on recall and keep pressuring their bot lane
@@iamaliability1954 shhhhhhhh 🤫 If you don’t know what you’re doing, the enemy can’t know what you’re doing. In this example though, I’d still like to hear their opinion on why solo pushing bot would’ve been a bad idea if there’s no one there to contest you. It might be worse that recalling and pushing mid or whatever it was in this case, but it’s absolutely better than pushing but as a group of 4
@@Lucky180 if u think about it pushing the next wave and recalling while the team takes dragon is similar to what they are saying which is to back and spend your gold
I just started playing league, and my very first pvp match I got flamed for playing cautiously and not knowing exactly what I was doing. I’m not necessarily mechanically bad, just my game awareness needs working on. Wish the community wasn’t so toxic, I want to get better /:
7:20 the options are not actually optimal, you want to end quick before they naturally turn the game around, but being agressive doesnt equal rush things, you just have to make sure the enemy team doesnt do what they need to do to win
they're not gonna turn the game around if you go 4-0 on drakes, don't lose a turret and get the first baron - you force a finish then, around. trying to prematurely force a finish, they generally have a huge defender advantage, especially at 15-20m when turrets still hurt, and you have to overstack in one lane leaving a splitpusher to pick off turrets while the enemy team holds off 4v5 without too much of a sweat go for a finish at 20m when you have baron, simple
This video os basically why I play Kaisa in soloq. Early on you can get shit on, counterpicked or whatnot, but her comeback and late game potential are so good. It's so easy for the enemy to get overconfident and give you shut down. Even if you are behind, if you hit full combo and have Q evolve you can kill anyone if you have enough time. After losing tower you just farm wave safely and rotate for free picks with R. You scale like a monster. Just like Vayne. What does a Caitlyn do late game once she gets outscaled and you dive her like an assassin?
That's why I stopped playing other ADCs and switched to koggy moggy. Nothing better than melting enemy team in seconds with your high attackspeed and high %dmg.
The last one, the scaling part dosnt even matter. Most players in gold and plat, even diamond dont even know or care about scaling and just wanna fight all the time for no reason when they have lead. The worst is players who wants to FF only and starts tilting when playing scaling champs when they get just slightly behind. But yes just play slowly for objectives and stop random force fighting helped me win alot more and got me to diamond
Oh my god I hate the early FF screaming. I recently had a game where as Illaoi I took 14/15 tower plates, got solo gold for all three outer towers, and was 4/0 with Hullbreaker. Ended up taking mid and bot inhib as well. All our Aphelios did was complain that I wasn't grouping as he and the jungler just ran into the enemy jungle chasing people. In the end they handed so much free gold I couldn't hold the split anymore and they were too weak to put up a team fight. It was so tragic.
@Professor Thinker i already know that stuff, and i do focus on personal improvement and not on others. im just stating the fact that scaling dont really matter at lower ranks. im not challenger but i did get master atleast and that should be enough to see all the mistakes at lower ranks.
Uh you have to fight all the time. A good statistic is 1k damage per minute for adc if you actually did something and didn't get carried. If you go over that you hard carried. Skillcapped is just feel good advice that doesn't actually do anything. Dodge CC and outplay that's it.
I think for the Draven clip you should have mentioned that wasting flash on Veigar wasn't completely wrong, he actually threw the game by still playing aggresively even though he already wasted flash
I agree I came to say this too. Whilst it wasn't necessarily correct to flash for a kill in that instance, the bigger mistake was staying and overextending with no flash up to escape.
Speaking of the Caitlyn game, would Cait really benefit from trying to defend the enemy push given that they have an Irelia on the team pushing out mid as Irelia is a champion that can easily dive Cait and Cait has bad wave clear? Pushing out bot lane as a counter push seemed reasonable there, as it could force the enemy to try reset.
i was gonna say… she has no gale force. idk abt her sums but graves is already proxying behind top tier 1 and no one heads top after the reset. graves+taliyah with ults and herald will 100% dive her if she tries to defend tier 1, especially bc she has no wave. i feel like she’d just end up watching herald take towers anyway, though maybe the solo exp and gold from the minions would still be a net positive. maybe this is why i’m low elo lol
I think it's less about her benefit and moreso the entire team's. You can't always think about yourself in a game, plus she had so much gold and items already. Losing 2 towers and having enemies push out in 2 lanes is not worth pushing only one lane out
If she’s smart with her positioning and traps she won’t need to worry about the dive, all situations presented are kinda shit tbh but getting the solo xp, gold and having back advantage all make it the best macro decision, that and her team are still getting an objective in the mean time (drake)
You buy FRC when you need more range. It good for kiting and also chasing enemies. It’s also good for high range poke with jhin 4th shot and jinx rocket. RH is bought when u want to hit multiple enemies at once. Of course hitting many enemies is never bad but it’s especially good when it adds some effect to them. For example jinx rockets do splash damage so u could apply splash damage to 5potential people standing next to each other. Or Ashe autos that slow enemies would also be really good with RH. PD is currently not that much of a meta item in my opinion but it has its situations. The ghosting effect is pretty good but it’s so situational I would never buy it for that effect. I would buy it for the attack speed and I believe it also gives some movement speed but I don’t remember. Regardless u could get those stats in other items that have better effect. Like RH will give u tons of attack speed, crit, ad, and you will be able to hit more people so it’s just a better item IMO. That’s all tho so good luck getting LP
Summary: RFC -> You want to keep enemies at arms length RH -> You can't afford to target swap PD -> Enemies enjoy one-at-a-time strategy Breakdown: RFC -> Buy against enemies who prefer to engage within or slightly outside of your attack range (Usually 600). Any attempt of you punishing their mispositioning becomes death because you've fallen within their engage range. This can mean artillery players who want to poke you down and you need to force a fight but Galeforce wasn't the right fit or kiting out hard engage/cc. RFC shores this up and provides safe chase potential since it's just as easy to be turned and killed by a low health enemy if you're within their engage range once cool downs have returned. Example enemies you want RFC against: Yone, Akali, Ezreal, Xerath. Consider combining with Storm Razor to turn a punishing auto attack into an engage/chase opportunity for allies. RH -> Buy when facing more than 1 diver OR playing with an AOE All In comp. ADCs want to hit front to back isolating 1 target at a time while kiting farther away from the action. Multiple Divers will attempt to punish your single target focus by overwhelming numbers and coordination. If you can identify the direction you must kite while staying out of most CC/hard hitting abilities and maintain tethering against the closest threat you'll not only damage the primary diver but also spread your damage to the other divers making target switching more favorable once it's time to clean up as you've already indirectly lowered their HP total. This also helps when combined with Enchanter Support Items as it'll spread their Debuffs and unique passives through your Hurricane Bolts. Example Diver's to build this against (Sejunai, Yone, Irelia, Rengar, Yasuo, Warwick). You'll rarely play with AOE All In Comps and even then RH will see little benefit unless you're Jinx with Fishbones but if you notice your team drafting AOE CC consider the item pick. Additionally it provides another level of wave clear speed which means faster rotations and grouping. PD -> Buy when expecting to duel enemies 1 on 1 or split push. The core power of PD is the attack speed ramp increasing your single target DPS by a sizable amount while providing the ghost passive in order to effectively kite in the middle of champions/waves. It's movement speed increase is also effective in repositioning for macro plays and combined with attack speed unlocks the ability to maintain an outrange position while space your opponent provided you have better range (You can auto attack and stick to an ADC without ever being auto-attacked or attack down an Assassin whose engage range it lower their your own Auto Attack Range, they'll try to step up to engage but you'll always just be slightly outside it). Example ADCs who benefit from this are (Caitlyn, Vayne, Jinx) or champions who are auto-attack dependent and love 1 on 1 engagements where they can ramp up attack speed. They also take towers quickly and this just enhances that already core strength. Important: Draft Pick is the most crucial step Building items to shore up weaknesses and enhance strengths should be the second thing you master. The first is knowing which ADC to pick for complimenting your team while dismantling your enemies team approach with your pick. If you picked RH on Jinx against a Diver comp you'd find some success but mostly stress whereas had you picked against a diver comp with Xayah the Hurricane would amplify your existing strong anti-dive pick. However if you blindly pick Xayah and your allies draft Orianna, Yasuo and Alistar although your feather combo could be used offensively too effect it wouldn't be as powerful as Jinx with RH AOE crits and her passive to help chase and close out fights. Both can use Hurricane but one uses it better given a scenario. tl;dr Pick the marksman for the scenario and build according to what you need. Need range cause you're never close enough or too close? RFC. Need better 1v1? PD. Tired of fighting the world? RH.
One thing noone said is that RH is only good vs a sufficient amount of enemy melee champs, usually 3 or more, because with less you'll barely proc it. Also not sure why the choice is between these three, ADCs have quite different builds from each other usually because of specific combo's with their kit. E.g. PD is almost exclusively built on Trist (faster E stacking), Jinx (rocket AS) and Vayne (faster W proc + kiting) because it works well with their kit (honorable mention for faster Kraken 3rd hit procs with the AS), RFC on champs with strong single hits like Jhin (also synergy with W + MS), Caitlyn 6th shot, Senna AA/Q, Draven (also Fleet Footwork synergy), the rare Xayah (Q+RFC -> E). Runaans has slightly broader applications besides some specific synergies like Twitch ult, Ashe slow, Kalista because short range + auto-kiting. For most champions the choice is not between these three. There's Collector, IE, BT, LDR, Mortal Reminder etc, most of which arguably give better stats in most situations than the three you mentioned. I think you actually mentioned the three least built and most specific crit items lol, only Stormrazor's missing
@@douwemusic Because those 3 item's aren't entirely core and can be flexed into depending on situation. Even Jinx will benefit from choosing PD over RH within their standard build if she's not making use of her rockets overlapping splash. But IE, LDR and Mythics will always benefit.
I mean.. my problem comes from not having 6 eyes and not having a 300 apm. in teamfights in low elo it all comes down to being fast and being perfectly at max range cause you have to kite backwards but other lanes don't have to worry about that. after all that toplaner is just clicking you once and see where it gets him and the mage is pressing q and take a breather 50 yards away from the fight
Even supports bait you to stay in lane very often. Sometimes it's okay to recall after farming two or three waves if you didn't get to spend all your gold last time you were in base. As long as you don't lose minion xp and gold it doesn't really matter when you recall, even if your support pings you with question marks.
That's what I'm thinking, also taking camps choice also not viable is a big head scratcher for me when laning is over. Reksai could look for cross map pressure instead if she holds grudge on camp mid game is totally a trolling mindset as well
@Mao LeBron then your team gets an 1k gold disadvantage for that, and the enemy has yet even more prio for the next Drake's because they can push into your inhibitor faster, also, the bot wave will slowly push back to you
Hey skill capped, I just wanted to say that, from what I have seen you have the best guides channel. You actually put thought into it and the fact that you show high elo players in low elo to see what they actually do in bad situations instead of saying "just git good". Thanks
@@calebwsurpris3 I watch neace and Skillcapped, Skillcapped focuses more time on single details while neace focuses alot on game knowledge as he is a coach, he doesnt have 10 minutes to talk about freezing and pushing so its interesting to see him find ways to most effectively and efficiently teach that, it helps me alot
5:31 A is not a good choice too. Why would Jinx need to farm allied camps when she already has a massive amount of unspent golds? Besides, it’s usually better to put pressure in a lane in order to “punish” the enemy team for taking an objective. So i would push mid (and maybe take the tower) and then recall.
can fill in a bit, im a d2 season 11 peak adc main, just filling in some things that could help for the explanation to futher push on what the play is. On the cait part, completely correct, theres no question about what the more optimal thing is In the jinx clip, before taking the jungle camps think of who your jungler is, lets say its a trundle, a trundle after 2 items doesnt scale anymore so taking his jungle camps as an adc is always a better way of using the gold resources, now they had a yi, so if hes not behind leaving the camps up, or taking them are equally good because your either funneling gold into an adc, or you're allowing yi to help carrying the game with the extra gold and xp. The draven clip, both parts are fine, but imo playing aggresive is fine as long as theres a reason for it, that clip doesnt give it justice, playing aggresive is fine as long as you got teammates to back your aggressiveness up, like if voli comes he can ult over the wall, stop the tower and youd most likely get more than 1 kill for nothing more than maybe 3 ults in total, with that you can get more objectives faster, extending your lead making it harder for them to contest things around the map. The consistent option is just to shove waves, and wait for objectives to respawn and pressure lanes, cassio and sion are really good in side lane so if you can stop the enemy team from grouping onto them you're getting more pressure on the map aswell, this enables taric and the voli to get down vision for drake/herald/baron and setting up tower dives in side lane for a free 2v1.
The only thing that happens when backing of from silly fight were they have a big gold advantage or sth else is that your team still commits to the fight doesent listen to the pings and predictions you give them (we are way weaker dont fight you will all die) they just do it anyway and end up feeding. And you get trash talked for not helping.
2:26 You actually want to spend the rest of your mana quick as possible, then go back to base with about 1700~1800 gold, swap trinkets then head mid because that will crash first. Woohoo I was wrong but right! Spend the mana somehow, someway. Drop traps, cast Q on melee. Eliminate the next tank minion. Then bounce back to base. Keep moving. 5:31 Easily recall. Your smite is down. Don't fight. It's not a productive risk. Even should you get any kill bounty, you have given your position away. May take you another 15 to 20 seconds to get away (missing another wave of exp which is more important than gold mid-game) 7:27 no-brainer! It's draven. He's built to put on a show. Build up League of Draven stacks and cash in big later. Let's admire Him for a bit! **Edit** omg
Me and my favorite supp always get camped bot lane but then we end up getting first blood and a triple kill almost every single game it’s rare that we loose in lane and it’s so fun when you learn how to always win in lane
Your Draven example the answer could go either way. Forcing fights while that much stronger and closing out is a viable option. However, he has to play around BOTH Sion and Taric due to the nature of the enemy team comp being CC heavy. They literally can all ram it down mid with Sion tanking from the front and Taric ult without fear. But the moment Taric ult is not available and/or some of their summs are blown, then they need to back off sieging towers and instead pressure the map through the jungle or dragon/baron objectives. The Draven example is a "both" answer because there is a time limit for their comp to win in. They need to abuse their lead and the the excellent Taric ult on towers while it is up. Then once it is down, they back off and play for other things. Taking the enemy jungle and looking for picks while the enemy tries to rotate onto split pushers is the option to do when Taric ult is down.
The first one sucked. The second one with jinx, B is terrible because you most likely will be collapsed after herald unless you back immediately after they take herald. Not at good as you think
My understanding of "Agency" is like your ability to independently impact the game by doing things like split pushing, solo fighting champions, pressuring objectives, etc. The ADC role struggles with these things due to their fragility. You have less control over the game as a result.
2:30 From the perspective of a bronze support, she'll likely do: D: She got her god complex, goes mid behind Irelia to 1v1 her, do 0 damage to her and try to escape towards our Jungler who's out of smite and hp, give double kill and drake to Irelia, have the Jungler go afk and while Graves is at the inhib tower, she uses the speedbuff from respawn to take blue, just to get killed by Irelia again.
I went to base after crashing my wave to keep tempo and buy and got blamed bythe jungler died at the dragon pit. Went top to catch the wave and take the tower (because nobody else was doing it). Pinged that I was going there and the team died and got blamed for not being there.
that’s why you sometimes have to make the wrong decisions in low elo and stay with the team for some aram, problem is low elo soloq nobody knows how to actually execute a 5v5 and you’re basically 50/50ing the game if you’re there. +they never reset if you end up killing them and just teamfight again with like 3k gold on everyone
See I would love to push in a lane when 2 enemies are dead, 1 is top and 1 is mid, but there is always that one player that just says "screw the dragon or helping push, let me kill the adc" so personally I'd rather not give out a free kill
I have a question... i have been having trouble with my supp's dying 4 times pre 1st item and there is nothing i can do... Is there a way to stop enemy adc getting fed and u getting flamed for it or do u just play mid untill u get into bearable elo (was silver, now placed b4 cuz of 5 rounds of mid/supp inting during placements)
I could understand that Draven was playing okay and dealing huge damage to compensate for the over-aggression, but overstaying a fight with a nautilus was just asking to get marked by a click-on and caged by a veigar, and jesus, that whole team was basically lockdown central and kayle as reassurance xD
I really wish you gave better reasoning for answer C on the first question, not just "your jungler might troll you". Im a jungle player and if my adc is ahead and won lane like cait did i wouldnt personally care if she took blue/gromp like that especially given the fact we know 2 are dead, 2 are showing on top and mid and reksai is perfectly able to solo drag in a reasonable amount of time. This just sounds like "your teammate is low elo so they wont make the right call", which is.......just a duh moment?
I'm still learning the role however I might be able to explain. Yes, the jungler might troll you and not because they are low elo, im D1 and if the guy is having a bad day he might troll if I took these camps at that time. Notice that these camps were the natural flow of tempo for reksai after dragon, so if you took those she would have to base. BUT, I wouldnt take these camps even if rek sai allowed because it takes too much time and it would ruin my tempo. Maybe you could take gromp if you are missing the gold for a big item but it wasnt the case.
Well to be fair, there is no added value for her doing it, it does brings nothing to the table She better helps the drake so it ends faster and the jungler can clean the camps. There is no added value of not helping the jungler + doing his camps, the team will not have more gold + Camps gives less for laners, and more for junglers (XP) It's that way so jungler must choose to farm jungle, and laners to farm lanes It's only ok for a laner to do that if there is nothing better to do, and if it does not deny your own jungler And yes obviously lanes were crushing, so there is a lot of gold + xp to take there & some turret HP to protect
@@iMiilk182 I will disagree with a key part of this: This is NOT the natural flow of tempo for reksai in this example: if its a bad call for cait to be taking them instead of resetting, why does the same rule not immediately apply to reksai as well? Even if you both take drag, either one of you taking the camps afterward loses tempo to react to the multiple sieges top and mid.
From a former adc to a now jg player: jg has a lot better chance of scaling and keeping leads than adc ever will. Never take jg camps unless your jg is dead or your jg is pathing to opposite side of map from where you are.
Got a love-hate relationship with the "what should you do next" options you put out 😂 goes from thinkin I deserve challenger when I get 1 right and suddenly I think nvm there is a reason I'm Silver/gold since S3 when I pick the wrong ones
I know i am probably not too good player but dont agree on 1000% with the draven part. Because of corse throwing is one think pushing agressive is one think and to win the game as fast as possible is different. Clearly the mid fights you showed for me was just throwing not trying to win as soon as possible. Some comps where you really want to win as fast as possible dose not mean on lvl 9 to end the game 2vs3 on mid at least what i think :D and commit to stay mid 24/7 bad decision. But i still would choose A to win as fast as possible.
I just started playing ADC again and had the joy of experiencing a toxic Karma supp. I didn't die at all and ended with a KDA of about 10 save for a few mistakes I made. Then when I asked why she was so toxic in lobby she said she wasn't being toxic and was playing the game for both of us then dipped
Why is it asks job to cover lanes tho? Thought they shouldn't be in a side lane alone. There was 4 ppl there including jg. I think anyone else could backed instead of adc alone and getting dove under tower right?
to all the people saying “why not A” for the caitlyn situation. firstly, ur sitting on 1300 gold, definitely should be prioritizing backing, spending and resetting instead of greeding over an extra 250 gold. 2, he said something along the lines of being under the impression that you dont know where the enemy team is and being that over extended while also being 1300 less gold worth of items vs potentially running into someone on the enemy team that just got back from base and had just spent their 1300 gold and have an item advantage on u. yeah… rip. the smart choice is to back and reset bc now ur able to r e s e t, address the current situation and figure out the next move with your team
if you want to go back bot after you back? ok! go ahead! its not a bad idea, nobodys asking you to defend mid or top. since u backed, you can push lane better since ur not as weak as u were prior to spending the 1300 gold. u also gave ur wave some time for the minions to push up on u so now ur not having to extend so deep and risk getting ambushed because you were just trying to farm
there is one rule when i play for me NEVER aggro when they have engage supports always counter strike,specially when veigar at this point of the game can one shot you in with 2 buttons
I play 2 or 3 games, I hover between bronze and iron(I know it's low 😅) but one thing I realized if you are add in low ELO your supp plays a important role. If you good ADC if your supp is feeding opponent doesn't matter😂😂
@skillcappedchallengerLoLGuides I really dont think your right about that scaling team vs fed team, I think with that team comp.. a kayle, a veigar and an ashe you really want to end that game fast. Not only is your team going to fall off, such as voli lategame and sion getting easily matched by kayle or viego (even though viego also falls off) your main issue is going to be the pick potential ashe has. The longer you leave it the more likely the kayle and veigar will scale and dominate the game, or their hard engage/ pick team (ashe ult or nautilus) is going to get a pick and put you in an unwinnable teamfight. I personally think the best option would be to force objectives so you can get a fight, get a pick, even under turret if you have too with voli deactivating turret, and then try to get a 20 minute inhib and farm the enemy jungle looking for picks until baron, then force baron and end on your inhib lane. Obviously dont get pre 20 inhib as it will give free gold to kayle, and probably respawn before baron comes up. But honestly with a fed draven you will be able to win those early teamfights especially with a voli to give you tower dive pressure. Just my opinion though, would like to hear more about why you suggest waiting for late, the reasons given seem like they dont account for the fact that you WILL inevitably lose if this goes too long. And even a behind kayle can carry with their hard peel/engage team comp.
Like the reasons you gave essentually said "if you dont play well when you play agro, you will throw your lead and lose." but your gunna lose anyway if you play slow.. you need to just not play like a dumbass like this draven did and try to 1 v 3 and then you win. If the draven plays like that hes gunna lose no matter what he does..
Wtf is that caitlyn video? "She ended up staying mid with low items unable to pressure anything!" as if upgrading her dagger to a zeal would have changed anything lmao
I don't think this applies on low elo at all, if anything the opposite is true, map awereness is so low that you can push hard and get 2 towers down before the enemy team notices the adc on botlane doing it
I. push tier 2 turret - recall go top take tier 1 then mid same recall spend gold . II stay bot tier 2 prob enemy red/jungle - recall protect against rift .
I feel like these guides are far too theoretical and not enough practical. In theory yeah, Cait should rotate to stop a push and whatever, but what would happen in reality is that you'd go there and then get all-in dove by the enemies. Imagine for a second if the person in that lane was a Zed. You could not go anywhere even remotely near that tower or you'd be dead in the blink of an eye. Any champion with a dash; or an assassin would destroy you instantly on sight. These plays work if your opponents are AI minions that just stand still and do nothing, but in a game where your opponents are other players, you can't always just go for the mechanically correct play. Also "shoving with her significant item advantage" does not work like that. If you're alone top as the ADC for even a second, you can bet that the whole enemy team are roaming on you like a pack of pirrhanas. The enemy champions thing also applies here. No matter how good "item advantage" you have, if the enemy has a Taliyah, Nocturne, Talon, Zed, Katarina etc etc. you are dead as hell.
Ok so I'm a add main and I'm currently really really hating it I die with whatever I do and no matter what I do I die and don't do anything through the whole game and the only time I'm useful is the base turrets where I'm actually level 18. I always end up under leveled and I seem to not do enough damage even with good scaling I also can't swap rolls because I have a team
I used to try and help adcs by telling them how to translate that sweet lead I got for them in lane, then I turned off chat and worried about myself... I'm out of iron now
In the first replay, I think Cait should have pushed one extra wave under enemy turret in bot while her team did drake, and hope reksai doesn't take krugs and do them herself, then only recall and then, the enemy would have lost another wave under bot turret AND you will have recalled at around the same time as Veigar, which means you can go to whichever lane he DOESN'T go to and get solo xp and gold. So I think it is wrong to recall before pushing, since you wont be able to get to any wave from mid and top in time and if she does, she'd be alone against the enemy mid/top, which could in theory be risky since they are Irelia and Graves, with a herald. Edit: Wtf is the last replay. You always say game is won in the first 3 minutes, I have never seen you recommend champions like Kayle. And yes, he had to play aggressively, you always have to play aggressively, by limit testing intelligently and pushing your lead as much as you can, you improve much more quickly, which is something you also always say. I usually really like your videos and even as a GM in 5 roles, I still have some things reminded/taught by watching guides, but this videos just doesn't feel quite right in many of the things that are said IMO
@@VxiceheartxV yeah I can almost assure you that is the correct play. Slightly better than the other one but that still makes recalling the wrong choice..
The mid and top tower was super low too, no way she can defend those. Shove on extra wave in bot and you can still respond and defend your T2 towers with ease. Sometimes I question these videos
@@EddyConejo your team is doing drake and youre bot and Irelia was mid taking tower. Even if she did rotate to kill you, she'd be trading a midlane turret for a potential kill. She never gets in time since she has to do the entire loop around and if she does your team is much closer and also she does not know if you're alone, there were 4 people with you literally 15 seconds ago.
what to do when u have 4 teletubies in team A) throw the computer from the window B) start yelling and be rude C)leave the game, uninstal it and live long peaceful life :DD
why would it be any good to defend top or mid as an adc vs irelia or taliyah/graves. They could basically run over you. You won't be able to farm there alone, only gain xp
prob with this right decisions is that other will end up flaming u why u didn't help calling noob mr and what not leaving the game inting cause u decided not to fight in the nemy jg when there are no objectives
I'm pretty sure this is a low low elo thing but for the Cait game in the drag is up situation I'm pretty sure 9/10 time the taliya JG would have roamed to drag from top and the ire would come and I agree that I 100% need base or go defend mid but they would come and the rest of us base and my JG dies and they get drag and our JG mad like these people doesn't care. The enemy midlaner will still walk into river know their bot and JG died he would still come and somehow kill our JG while I listen to skillcapped and think he's fine so I didnt go like how to know if they are fine fine and not just fine
Well, everything in this video is applicable to adc. Some general concepts that you can take from this video that you can use on other roles are : - Spend your lead in the shop - Don't throw your lead by trying to end the game too fast - Watch the map to help your decision making
The role is so shit that anything you do, be it something thag other roles frequently do, will actually end up losing you the game Split push? Hope you are a Vayne or Lucian main and have a 7 kill advantage over the enemy team Force teamfights? With what, your body? Try and hold lane? Yeah, hope you like playing only lethality Sivir. Got ahead? Well, sucks to be you, now you are the public enemy number one and your defensive options are so shit that cloth armor has the equivalent armor stats of a third of your MR Want to ward because your support doesn't? That 1 ward each 90s goes a not-so-long way Extremely fed? Irelia will E your frontline and dash into you, soon overkilling you for 2.6k hp with two autos and a Q.
@@shikikankillzone4239 this!!! I climbed to high gold both as jungler and as support the last seasons, so this season I wanna try it as adc, but holy fuck... I got placed B4, went to B1 after promos, but yeah... When I get top (the other role I select) or autofilled support, I usually get a good score and feel like I impact the game... Playing Leona, in 3 games I never got killed and I won bot, mid and made the jg take objectives... Playing Darius top, same: create gank potential, kill enemy, he teleports, I bait him again into my jg, I kill him again, game is basically won. Playing adc.. 8/2, Jhin... 2/2 Garen comes after me with q, slows me with stridebreaker, Morgana misses her Q, I die in 10 seconds... Next game win the lane again, well... good luck facing a fed Irelia when you are playing with a support who probably doesn't even have a keyboard, lol. I found out that it basically usually doesn't matter if you win or not, the game gets solved in the other lanes... Not to mention when you CAN win, but your team gives up at the 15 minute mark and stop doing anything...
I try to tell my friend who got into league “just play the game correctly” But he gets bloodthirsty. Or team oriented he always leaves lane to help dragon im like “dude YOU STAY i’ll go” Or the other day our jungler got invaded by enemy jungler on our side Again he left lane im like STAY HE’S PROBABLY DEAD by the time you get there it won matter Nope i get people want to brawl but, u need to find another role. Like mine, support, supports tend to go lookin for fights. But adc imo is Boring early game cause 24/7 farm and try to push Now i could be wrong, i am fairly new
All this did was show me that I’m not making any of these common mistakes and yet still somehow I’ll end up in losses where I’m 10/0/3 on Caitlyn 20 minutes in to the game 😂 Usually because the mid/top laner on my team fed the enemy Assassin/bruiser 10 kills of his own lol
all 3 options were wrong.....go defend a tower against a graves/irelia???? that is assuming they are 0/20/0 with 10 cs at 20 mins.....otherwise they will just kill you for trying to defend the tower alone
Cait had enough gold she should of backed and defended top if she could handle it cause if rift goes mid side the rest of her team can rotate there immediately from drag and if rift drops top side then she just stays at range does what she can and waits for her team
Put the CARRY in AD CARRY at 💪💪💪
Feels bad to be Jhin missing gale force and flash autos a minion
Nice Hornet + Firebird pfp
love target champs only toggle 😂 saved me from doing that 1,000’s of times
Learned something in the first 3 minutes. Support main learning ADC and definitely appreciate this video
Also supp main trying to learn, thatz why I'm here lol
Same,we can do it ppl
Same thing there ! Glad to see mates here :3
As a supp secondary (jgl main), it does help a lot to learn adc. I try to play adc as a third, more chill role. Really makes me appreciate a lot of the subtlies.
Same here ^^ I want to get better at support so i try to learn how adc's think so i can handle them better.
Watched this video. Got motivated to play some adc.
Go 0/6/1 in lane
3/9/6 in game
Close the game
You might be the problem
Adc dogshit play support 10x better, just finished a sona account bronze 3 to plat 4 xD (main is master tho as support)
Wtf are these toxic answers? Let him learn
@@JPNox fr toxic as shit for no reason
Learning is part, take it easy, learn to analyze and take quick decisions and you can get up to pace soon
One thing I learned from Trackmania, that funnily enough applies to League of Legends.
After you loose a match, open the replay and analyze it, try to pin point why did the match was lost and what could have saved it.
And try to completely push away the thought of "X person fed the enemy team, Y person was toxic", analyze the logic on it.
In the Cait example I probably would have gone with A, but my stipulation would have been if, and only if, my team wasn't also there. If they all went to the bot turret (and not dragon like they should be) then I would have backed and opted to answer top or mid. Probably mid to break the wave then shift up top since top turret seems like it would have already been lost by the time I got there.
Hard agree. I think the way they gave us option A was incorrect.
I was saying the exact same thing
Especially cause if u defend mid alone u die
Since you are probably low elo, the time you take to walk up to the neyt tower, see what your allies are doing, process this information and make a decision takes way too long and you missed your golden recall timing allready.
@@CoNteMpTone You process this information while taking down the T1 tower. Then you know what they will do and you will move up to the next wave and grab some extra gold before recalling. You won’t take the next tower you’re right about that
Seriously, though - encouraging low elo players to base after winning a fight is really bad at the same time. You have to rememeber that anyone below Diamond does not understand fully that the ONLY reason to fight is to get an objective after. The only reason to pick is to have an advantage at an objective. Fighting for fun is not a thing. A lot of low elo players will see this and base after winning a crucial fight instead of taking baron or dragon or turret (when they could have done both with 20+ sec timers). The mistake is when they don't base in time for something crucial.
its when there is no relevant objective worth pushing. in the first example assisting drake is irrelevant because it's 100% anyway, pushing in bot t2 they will lose the base race. by basing to both defend/laneswitch AND spend gold you get two birds in one stone
uploader doesnt recommend basing after winning a fight at all, he recommends basing after all the objectives that they have tempo for have been taken or are being safely taken by teammates, rather than sticking around to loiter, share xp, sit overextended etc
#1 problem with low elo players is getting the kill and pushing the turret too much, then I come in as jg and shut them down. But people fighting "cause that's the point of the game" should stick too candy crush
@@jblay4415 ADC Jinx main here. Can't count the times I was killed this way during laning. Especially from assassins, especially 'cause most times supp's be trolling, too.
Ya agree there was so many times even in masters. We win the fight and we ace them and only our adc is alive because no one can get to him. And than he base…. I’m like do clear a minion wave, clear a camp or smth and than base even tho he was 1/10 hp who tf can kill you? They are all dead
Low elo players need to be encouraged to base. They often are the most guilty of overstaying and completely inting whatever they just won x2.
Out of curiosity, why wouldn't option A actually be: ADC solos bot, jg solos drake and Vegiar/Lux base for top together? It seems the option itself could be correct if the circumstances were a little more realistic than shoving the whole team bot no? We know where two are and given that rift was just taken its safe to assume Tal is topside so we are free to gain some extra gold AND shove the wave to tower to create an eventual slow push back to us botside for even more benefit later while Veigar/Lux hold the towers and Rek finishes up drake. Though I only bring this up because I'm curious as to if this would be the correct play had it been given as an option.
I was thinking the same thing, if two people are dead and two visible on the other side of the map, why wouldn’t I solo bot while jungle takes the dragon and Veigar goes to mid?
Lux can get vision in the jungle or help in one of the lanes.
Of course that’s what I find optimal if I were the one playing as all of them and you can’t always influence how your team plays, but even if veigar rexai and lux all go to dragon I probably would’ve at least pushed the wave while telling veigar to hold mid.
EXACTLY, it's a bait option and unrealistic to make themselves sound 5head honestly, kinda dumb ngl
it's definitely the right option if done in a correct way, if their excuse is "tempo" then you're definitely losing tempo recalling with no good buys, letting the bot lane farm for free while getting nothing yourself top instead of keep farming to get a decent buy on recall and keep pressuring their bot lane
@@Lucky180 That implies your team makes the right call though. Considering this is showing gold/platinum examples, they won't.
@@iamaliability1954 shhhhhhhh 🤫
If you don’t know what you’re doing, the enemy can’t know what you’re doing.
In this example though, I’d still like to hear their opinion on why solo pushing bot would’ve been a bad idea if there’s no one there to contest you. It might be worse that recalling and pushing mid or whatever it was in this case, but it’s absolutely better than pushing but as a group of 4
@@Lucky180 if u think about it pushing the next wave and recalling while the team takes dragon is similar to what they are saying which is to back and spend your gold
I just started playing league, and my very first pvp match I got flamed for playing cautiously and not knowing exactly what I was doing.
I’m not necessarily mechanically bad, just my game awareness needs working on.
Wish the community wasn’t so toxic, I want to get better /:
Turn the chat off . Play ur game
They can't do anything to you just mute 😂
7:20 the options are not actually optimal, you want to end quick before they naturally turn the game around, but being agressive doesnt equal rush things, you just have to make sure the enemy team doesnt do what they need to do to win
they're not gonna turn the game around if you go 4-0 on drakes, don't lose a turret and get the first baron - you force a finish then, around. trying to prematurely force a finish, they generally have a huge defender advantage, especially at 15-20m when turrets still hurt, and you have to overstack in one lane leaving a splitpusher to pick off turrets while the enemy team holds off 4v5 without too much of a sweat
go for a finish at 20m when you have baron, simple
I love when low elo players think they know better and just say the videos wrong with completely incorrect reasoning.
This video os basically why I play Kaisa in soloq. Early on you can get shit on, counterpicked or whatnot, but her comeback and late game potential are so good. It's so easy for the enemy to get overconfident and give you shut down. Even if you are behind, if you hit full combo and have Q evolve you can kill anyone if you have enough time.
After losing tower you just farm wave safely and rotate for free picks with R. You scale like a monster. Just like Vayne. What does a Caitlyn do late game once she gets outscaled and you dive her like an assassin?
That's why I stopped playing other ADCs and switched to koggy moggy.
Nothing better than melting enemy team in seconds with your high attackspeed and high %dmg.
The last one, the scaling part dosnt even matter. Most players in gold and plat, even diamond dont even know or care about scaling and just wanna fight all the time for no reason when they have lead. The worst is players who wants to FF only and starts tilting when playing scaling champs when they get just slightly behind. But yes just play slowly for objectives and stop random force fighting helped me win alot more and got me to diamond
Oh my god I hate the early FF screaming. I recently had a game where as Illaoi I took 14/15 tower plates, got solo gold for all three outer towers, and was 4/0 with Hullbreaker. Ended up taking mid and bot inhib as well. All our Aphelios did was complain that I wasn't grouping as he and the jungler just ran into the enemy jungle chasing people.
In the end they handed so much free gold I couldn't hold the split anymore and they were too weak to put up a team fight. It was so tragic.
@Professor Thinker i already know that stuff, and i do focus on personal improvement and not on others. im just stating the fact that scaling dont really matter at lower ranks. im not challenger but i did get master atleast and that should be enough to see all the mistakes at lower ranks.
Uh you have to fight all the time. A good statistic is 1k damage per minute for adc if you actually did something and didn't get carried. If you go over that you hard carried. Skillcapped is just feel good advice that doesn't actually do anything. Dodge CC and outplay that's it.
@Professor Thinker so wat ur rank Mr professor?
My support LITERALLY went into a 1v2 when I was a mile away, and then got angry I didn't go fight them when he died.
"Are you an adc that throws away his lead"
jokes on you, i never have the lead
I think for the Draven clip you should have mentioned that wasting flash on Veigar wasn't completely wrong, he actually threw the game by still playing aggresively even though he already wasted flash
never got it, id rather let him go, group up and let the enemy take risks on me when against the odds
That's not worth mentioning at all. Flashing for a single kill as a fed ADC is a mistake unless they're like a 500g shutdown
I agree I came to say this too. Whilst it wasn't necessarily correct to flash for a kill in that instance, the bigger mistake was staying and overextending with no flash up to escape.
Speaking of the Caitlyn game, would Cait really benefit from trying to defend the enemy push given that they have an Irelia on the team pushing out mid as Irelia is a champion that can easily dive Cait and Cait has bad wave clear? Pushing out bot lane as a counter push seemed reasonable there, as it could force the enemy to try reset.
i was gonna say… she has no gale force. idk abt her sums but graves is already proxying behind top tier 1 and no one heads top after the reset. graves+taliyah with ults and herald will 100% dive her if she tries to defend tier 1, especially bc she has no wave. i feel like she’d just end up watching herald take towers anyway, though maybe the solo exp and gold from the minions would still be a net positive. maybe this is why i’m low elo lol
I think it's less about her benefit and moreso the entire team's. You can't always think about yourself in a game, plus she had so much gold and items already. Losing 2 towers and having enemies push out in 2 lanes is not worth pushing only one lane out
@@bombshell454 It's not to the benefit of the team to have the same outcome happen, plus enemies getting shutdown on Caitlyn...
If she’s smart with her positioning and traps she won’t need to worry about the dive, all situations presented are kinda shit tbh but getting the solo xp, gold and having back advantage all make it the best macro decision, that and her team are still getting an objective in the mean time (drake)
@@brandonchambers412 yeah this, the options are kinda sus but B is the best of a bad bunch.
Can you make a video when to prioritize between RFC, RH, PD?
You buy FRC when you need more range. It good for kiting and also chasing enemies. It’s also good for high range poke with jhin 4th shot and jinx rocket. RH is bought when u want to hit multiple enemies at once. Of course hitting many enemies is never bad but it’s especially good when it adds some effect to them. For example jinx rockets do splash damage so u could apply splash damage to 5potential people standing next to each other. Or Ashe autos that slow enemies would also be really good with RH. PD is currently not that much of a meta item in my opinion but it has its situations. The ghosting effect is pretty good but it’s so situational I would never buy it for that effect. I would buy it for the attack speed and I believe it also gives some movement speed but I don’t remember. Regardless u could get those stats in other items that have better effect. Like RH will give u tons of attack speed, crit, ad, and you will be able to hit more people so it’s just a better item IMO. That’s all tho so good luck getting LP
RFC -> You want to keep enemies at arms length
RH -> You can't afford to target swap
PD -> Enemies enjoy one-at-a-time strategy
RFC -> Buy against enemies who prefer to engage within or slightly outside of your attack range (Usually 600). Any attempt of you punishing their mispositioning becomes death because you've fallen within their engage range. This can mean artillery players who want to poke you down and you need to force a fight but Galeforce wasn't the right fit or kiting out hard engage/cc. RFC shores this up and provides safe chase potential since it's just as easy to be turned and killed by a low health enemy if you're within their engage range once cool downs have returned. Example enemies you want RFC against: Yone, Akali, Ezreal, Xerath. Consider combining with Storm Razor to turn a punishing auto attack into an engage/chase opportunity for allies.
RH -> Buy when facing more than 1 diver OR playing with an AOE All In comp. ADCs want to hit front to back isolating 1 target at a time while kiting farther away from the action. Multiple Divers will attempt to punish your single target focus by overwhelming numbers and coordination. If you can identify the direction you must kite while staying out of most CC/hard hitting abilities and maintain tethering against the closest threat you'll not only damage the primary diver but also spread your damage to the other divers making target switching more favorable once it's time to clean up as you've already indirectly lowered their HP total. This also helps when combined with Enchanter Support Items as it'll spread their Debuffs and unique passives through your Hurricane Bolts. Example Diver's to build this against (Sejunai, Yone, Irelia, Rengar, Yasuo, Warwick). You'll rarely play with AOE All In Comps and even then RH will see little benefit unless you're Jinx with Fishbones but if you notice your team drafting AOE CC consider the item pick. Additionally it provides another level of wave clear speed which means faster rotations and grouping.
PD -> Buy when expecting to duel enemies 1 on 1 or split push. The core power of PD is the attack speed ramp increasing your single target DPS by a sizable amount while providing the ghost passive in order to effectively kite in the middle of champions/waves. It's movement speed increase is also effective in repositioning for macro plays and combined with attack speed unlocks the ability to maintain an outrange position while space your opponent provided you have better range (You can auto attack and stick to an ADC without ever being auto-attacked or attack down an Assassin whose engage range it lower their your own Auto Attack Range, they'll try to step up to engage but you'll always just be slightly outside it). Example ADCs who benefit from this are (Caitlyn, Vayne, Jinx) or champions who are auto-attack dependent and love 1 on 1 engagements where they can ramp up attack speed. They also take towers quickly and this just enhances that already core strength.
Important: Draft Pick is the most crucial step
Building items to shore up weaknesses and enhance strengths should be the second thing you master. The first is knowing which ADC to pick for complimenting your team while dismantling your enemies team approach with your pick. If you picked RH on Jinx against a Diver comp you'd find some success but mostly stress whereas had you picked against a diver comp with Xayah the Hurricane would amplify your existing strong anti-dive pick. However if you blindly pick Xayah and your allies draft Orianna, Yasuo and Alistar although your feather combo could be used offensively too effect it wouldn't be as powerful as Jinx with RH AOE crits and her passive to help chase and close out fights.
Both can use Hurricane but one uses it better given a scenario.
tl;dr Pick the marksman for the scenario and build according to what you need. Need range cause you're never close enough or too close? RFC. Need better 1v1? PD. Tired of fighting the world? RH.
If somone else is as bad as me here u go:
RFC - Rapid Fire Cannon
RH - Runnan Hurricane
PD - Phantom Dancer
One thing noone said is that RH is only good vs a sufficient amount of enemy melee champs, usually 3 or more, because with less you'll barely proc it.
Also not sure why the choice is between these three, ADCs have quite different builds from each other usually because of specific combo's with their kit. E.g. PD is almost exclusively built on Trist (faster E stacking), Jinx (rocket AS) and Vayne (faster W proc + kiting) because it works well with their kit (honorable mention for faster Kraken 3rd hit procs with the AS), RFC on champs with strong single hits like Jhin (also synergy with W + MS), Caitlyn 6th shot, Senna AA/Q, Draven (also Fleet Footwork synergy), the rare Xayah (Q+RFC -> E).
Runaans has slightly broader applications besides some specific synergies like Twitch ult, Ashe slow, Kalista because short range + auto-kiting.
For most champions the choice is not between these three. There's Collector, IE, BT, LDR, Mortal Reminder etc, most of which arguably give better stats in most situations than the three you mentioned. I think you actually mentioned the three least built and most specific crit items lol, only Stormrazor's missing
@@douwemusic Because those 3 item's aren't entirely core and can be flexed into depending on situation. Even Jinx will benefit from choosing PD over RH within their standard build if she's not making use of her rockets overlapping splash. But IE, LDR and Mythics will always benefit.
I mean.. my problem comes from not having 6 eyes and not having a 300 apm. in teamfights in low elo it all comes down to being fast and being perfectly at max range cause you have to kite backwards but other lanes don't have to worry about that. after all that toplaner is just clicking you once and see where it gets him and the mage is pressing q and take a breather 50 yards away from the fight
Even supports bait you to stay in lane very often. Sometimes it's okay to recall after farming two or three waves if you didn't get to spend all your gold last time you were in base. As long as you don't lose minion xp and gold it doesn't really matter when you recall, even if your support pings you with question marks.
Is defending top as Cait in the first clip even a good play? They would just dive her and continue pushing.
That's what I'm thinking, also taking camps choice also not viable is a big head scratcher for me when laning is over. Reksai could look for cross map pressure instead if she holds grudge on camp mid game is totally a trolling mindset as well
Caitlyn can escape the dive if they don't back off, at least u can put pressure on them and since they don't see her team they should back off
it was only one person top
@Mao LeBron if she went top she would have faced graves, which is highly favorable for Caitlyn for the insane range advantage
@Mao LeBron then your team gets an 1k gold disadvantage for that, and the enemy has yet even more prio for the next Drake's because they can push into your inhibitor faster, also, the bot wave will slowly push back to you
Hey skill capped, I just wanted to say that, from what I have seen you have the best guides channel. You actually put thought into it and the fact that you show high elo players in low elo to see what they actually do in bad situations instead of saying "just git good". Thanks
Would recommend neace and his other channels. Check him out for more focused reviews on champ games :)
@@calebwsurpris3 I watch neace and Skillcapped, Skillcapped focuses more time on single details while neace focuses alot on game knowledge as he is a coach, he doesnt have 10 minutes to talk about freezing and pushing so its interesting to see him find ways to most effectively and efficiently teach that, it helps me alot
5:31 A is not a good choice too. Why would Jinx need to farm allied camps when she already has a massive amount of unspent golds? Besides, it’s usually better to put pressure in a lane in order to “punish” the enemy team for taking an objective. So i would push mid (and maybe take the tower) and then recall.
6:20 ok, but that hook was clean. 👌👌
can fill in a bit, im a d2 season 11 peak adc main, just filling in some things that could help for the explanation to futher push on what the play is.
On the cait part, completely correct, theres no question about what the more optimal thing is
In the jinx clip, before taking the jungle camps think of who your jungler is, lets say its a trundle, a trundle after 2 items doesnt scale anymore so taking his jungle camps as an adc is always a better way of using the gold resources, now they had a yi, so if hes not behind leaving the camps up, or taking them are equally good because your either funneling gold into an adc, or you're allowing yi to help carrying the game with the extra gold and xp.
The draven clip, both parts are fine, but imo playing aggresive is fine as long as theres a reason for it, that clip doesnt give it justice, playing aggresive is fine as long as you got teammates to back your aggressiveness up, like if voli comes he can ult over the wall, stop the tower and youd most likely get more than 1 kill for nothing more than maybe 3 ults in total, with that you can get more objectives faster, extending your lead making it harder for them to contest things around the map. The consistent option is just to shove waves, and wait for objectives to respawn and pressure lanes, cassio and sion are really good in side lane so if you can stop the enemy team from grouping onto them you're getting more pressure on the map aswell, this enables taric and the voli to get down vision for drake/herald/baron and setting up tower dives in side lane for a free 2v1.
The only thing that happens when backing of from silly fight were they have a big gold advantage or sth else is that your team still commits to the fight doesent listen to the pings and predictions you give them (we are way weaker dont fight you will all die) they just do it anyway and end up feeding. And you get trash talked for not helping.
2:26 You actually want to spend the rest of your mana quick as possible, then go back to base with about 1700~1800 gold, swap trinkets then head mid because that will crash first.
Woohoo I was wrong but right!
Spend the mana somehow, someway. Drop traps, cast Q on melee. Eliminate the next tank minion. Then bounce back to base.
Keep moving.
5:31 Easily recall. Your smite is down. Don't fight. It's not a productive risk. Even should you get any kill bounty, you have given your position away. May take you another 15 to 20 seconds to get away (missing another wave of exp which is more important than gold mid-game)
7:27 no-brainer! It's draven. He's built to put on a show. Build up League of Draven stacks and cash in big later. Let's admire Him for a bit!
**Edit** omg
i picked the worst option every fucking time now i know why I am stuck in silver one
Me and my favorite supp always get camped bot lane but then we end up getting first blood and a triple kill almost every single game it’s rare that we loose in lane and it’s so fun when you learn how to always win in lane
Your Draven example the answer could go either way. Forcing fights while that much stronger and closing out is a viable option. However, he has to play around BOTH Sion and Taric due to the nature of the enemy team comp being CC heavy. They literally can all ram it down mid with Sion tanking from the front and Taric ult without fear. But the moment Taric ult is not available and/or some of their summs are blown, then they need to back off sieging towers and instead pressure the map through the jungle or dragon/baron objectives. The Draven example is a "both" answer because there is a time limit for their comp to win in. They need to abuse their lead and the the excellent Taric ult on towers while it is up. Then once it is down, they back off and play for other things. Taking the enemy jungle and looking for picks while the enemy tries to rotate onto split pushers is the option to do when Taric ult is down.
Damn, how is this channel so consistent with its unbelievable guides. Best educational LoL channel on YT.
The first one sucked. The second one with jinx, B is terrible because you most likely will be collapsed after herald unless you back immediately after they take herald. Not at good as you think
6:20 clean blitz hook
what should you do as Jinx?
X) leave the game because you have a YI on your team in Plat that just NA flashed 1 meter forward AFTER the malph ult.
flashed 1 meter forward and is still surrounded by baron's walls lmao
"You have the least agency out of any role" What does he mean by AGENCY? Like impact on the lane? Thanks
My understanding of "Agency" is like your ability to independently impact the game by doing things like split pushing, solo fighting champions, pressuring objectives, etc. The ADC role struggles with these things due to their fragility. You have less control over the game as a result.
2:30 From the perspective of a bronze support, she'll likely do:
D: She got her god complex, goes mid behind Irelia to 1v1 her, do 0 damage to her and try to escape towards our Jungler who's out of smite and hp, give double kill and drake to Irelia, have the Jungler go afk and while Graves is at the inhib tower, she uses the speedbuff from respawn to take blue, just to get killed by Irelia again.
I went to base after crashing my wave to keep tempo and buy and got blamed bythe jungler died at the dragon pit.
Went top to catch the wave and take the tower (because nobody else was doing it). Pinged that I was going there and the team died and got blamed for not being there.
that’s why you sometimes have to make the wrong decisions in low elo and stay with the team for some aram, problem is low elo soloq nobody knows how to actually execute a 5v5 and you’re basically 50/50ing the game if you’re there. +they never reset if you end up killing them and just teamfight again with like 3k gold on everyone
The incorrect usage of the apostrophe in the title and thumbnail are killing me inside....
More guides for TopLaners please 💪🏼
See I would love to push in a lane when 2 enemies are dead, 1 is top and 1 is mid, but there is always that one player that just says "screw the dragon or helping push, let me kill the adc" so personally I'd rather not give out a free kill
and it always is the one-shot assassin
I have a question... i have been having trouble with my supp's dying 4 times pre 1st item and there is nothing i can do... Is there a way to stop enemy adc getting fed and u getting flamed for it or do u just play mid untill u get into bearable elo (was silver, now placed b4 cuz of 5 rounds of mid/supp inting during placements)
I could understand that Draven was playing okay and dealing huge damage to compensate for the over-aggression, but overstaying a fight with a nautilus was just asking to get marked by a click-on and caged by a veigar, and jesus, that whole team was basically lockdown central and kayle as reassurance xD
6:20 that blitz hook holy shit
many thanks for the video! just wondering if you guys have a -what to do when behind or loose lane as adc- with examples? :)
Great video! I make some of these mistakes as a primarily ARAM player
would you say spend every 1500 gold? would that be efficeint? and give you enough lane time to keep the lead?
In the case of draven, is it not better to end fast ans dont verse late game kayle viego and veigar ?
I really wish you gave better reasoning for answer C on the first question, not just "your jungler might troll you". Im a jungle player and if my adc is ahead and won lane like cait did i wouldnt personally care if she took blue/gromp like that especially given the fact we know 2 are dead, 2 are showing on top and mid and reksai is perfectly able to solo drag in a reasonable amount of time. This just sounds like "your teammate is low elo so they wont make the right call", which is.......just a duh moment?
Its not the right call anyways, enemy is seiging top and mid while team is on drag, as the jg I would spam ping tf out of that
I'm still learning the role however I might be able to explain.
Yes, the jungler might troll you and not because they are low elo, im D1 and if the guy is having a bad day he might troll if I took these camps at that time. Notice that these camps were the natural flow of tempo for reksai after dragon, so if you took those she would have to base.
BUT, I wouldnt take these camps even if rek sai allowed because it takes too much time and it would ruin my tempo. Maybe you could take gromp if you are missing the gold for a big item but it wasnt the case.
Well to be fair, there is no added value for her doing it, it does brings nothing to the table
She better helps the drake so it ends faster and the jungler can clean the camps.
There is no added value of not helping the jungler + doing his camps, the team will not have more gold
+ Camps gives less for laners, and more for junglers (XP)
It's that way so jungler must choose to farm jungle, and laners to farm lanes
It's only ok for a laner to do that if there is nothing better to do, and if it does not deny your own jungler
And yes obviously lanes were crushing, so there is a lot of gold + xp to take there & some turret HP to protect
@@iMiilk182 I will disagree with a key part of this: This is NOT the natural flow of tempo for reksai in this example: if its a bad call for cait to be taking them instead of resetting, why does the same rule not immediately apply to reksai as well? Even if you both take drag, either one of you taking the camps afterward loses tempo to react to the multiple sieges top and mid.
From a former adc to a now jg player: jg has a lot better chance of scaling and keeping leads than adc ever will. Never take jg camps unless your jg is dead or your jg is pathing to opposite side of map from where you are.
Got a love-hate relationship with the "what should you do next" options you put out 😂 goes from thinkin I deserve challenger when I get 1 right and suddenly I think nvm there is a reason I'm Silver/gold since S3 when I pick the wrong ones
I know i am probably not too good player but dont agree on 1000% with the draven part. Because of corse throwing is one think pushing agressive is one think and to win the game as fast as possible is different. Clearly the mid fights you showed for me was just throwing not trying to win as soon as possible. Some comps where you really want to win as fast as possible dose not mean on lvl 9 to end the game 2vs3 on mid at least what i think :D and commit to stay mid 24/7 bad decision. But i still would choose A to win as fast as possible.
noob question is ezreal a late game scaling champ for part 3?
For cait example, I'll just take the first wave. Get jg camps afterwards. Recall, get BF Sword and hover mid
I just started playing ADC again and had the joy of experiencing a toxic Karma supp. I didn't die at all and ended with a KDA of about 10 save for a few mistakes I made. Then when I asked why she was so toxic in lobby she said she wasn't being toxic and was playing the game for both of us then dipped
Why is it asks job to cover lanes tho? Thought they shouldn't be in a side lane alone. There was 4 ppl there including jg. I think anyone else could backed instead of adc alone and getting dove under tower right?
im still learning how itens work and whatnot, but i can say this is good advice.
Awesome stuff is as usual! thanks
that madlife at 6:20 tho
to all the people saying “why not A” for the caitlyn situation. firstly, ur sitting on 1300 gold, definitely should be prioritizing backing, spending and resetting instead of greeding over an extra 250 gold. 2, he said something along the lines of being under the impression that you dont know where the enemy team is and being that over extended while also being 1300 less gold worth of items vs potentially running into someone on the enemy team that just got back from base and had just spent their 1300 gold and have an item advantage on u. yeah… rip.
the smart choice is to back and reset bc now ur able to r e s e t, address the current situation and figure out the next move with your team
if you want to go back bot after you back? ok! go ahead! its not a bad idea, nobodys asking you to defend mid or top. since u backed, you can push lane better since ur not as weak as u were prior to spending the 1300 gold. u also gave ur wave some time for the minions to push up on u so now ur not having to extend so deep and risk getting ambushed because you were just trying to farm
the problem i hav with teh cait exaple is that if irelia or graves is strong/fed u just get dived caus ur adc
there is one rule when i play for me NEVER aggro when they have engage supports always counter strike,specially when veigar at this point of the game can one shot you in with 2 buttons
You say go defend top or mid for first play but I think cait will get dove
I play 2 or 3 games, I hover between bronze and iron(I know it's low 😅) but one thing I realized if you are add in low ELO your supp plays a important role. If you good ADC if your supp is feeding opponent doesn't matter😂😂
@skillcappedchallengerLoLGuides I really dont think your right about that scaling team vs fed team, I think with that team comp.. a kayle, a veigar and an ashe you really want to end that game fast. Not only is your team going to fall off, such as voli lategame and sion getting easily matched by kayle or viego (even though viego also falls off) your main issue is going to be the pick potential ashe has. The longer you leave it the more likely the kayle and veigar will scale and dominate the game, or their hard engage/ pick team (ashe ult or nautilus) is going to get a pick and put you in an unwinnable teamfight. I personally think the best option would be to force objectives so you can get a fight, get a pick, even under turret if you have too with voli deactivating turret, and then try to get a 20 minute inhib and farm the enemy jungle looking for picks until baron, then force baron and end on your inhib lane. Obviously dont get pre 20 inhib as it will give free gold to kayle, and probably respawn before baron comes up. But honestly with a fed draven you will be able to win those early teamfights especially with a voli to give you tower dive pressure. Just my opinion though, would like to hear more about why you suggest waiting for late, the reasons given seem like they dont account for the fact that you WILL inevitably lose if this goes too long. And even a behind kayle can carry with their hard peel/engage team comp.
Like the reasons you gave essentually said "if you dont play well when you play agro, you will throw your lead and lose." but your gunna lose anyway if you play slow.. you need to just not play like a dumbass like this draven did and try to 1 v 3 and then you win. If the draven plays like that hes gunna lose no matter what he does..
Nobody going to talk about the gold blitz predict hook @6:20?
But why isn’t a at 8 min correct I mean he can play aggressive at least when he knows where his enemy’s are right?
Wtf is that caitlyn video? "She ended up staying mid with low items unable to pressure anything!" as if upgrading her dagger to a zeal would have changed anything lmao
"This is a horrible answer"
I don't think this applies on low elo at all, if anything the opposite is true, map awereness is so low that you can push hard and get 2 towers down before the enemy team notices the adc on botlane doing it
What happened to heater he's one of my favorite to listen to
I. push tier 2 turret - recall go top take tier 1 then mid same recall spend gold . II stay bot tier 2 prob enemy red/jungle - recall protect against rift .
III. Ask team to pressure mid and top so bot can be pushed as hard as possible that gives objective prio . Because kayle/veigar scales heavily
I feel like these guides are far too theoretical and not enough practical.
In theory yeah, Cait should rotate to stop a push and whatever, but what would happen in reality is that you'd go there and then get all-in dove by the enemies. Imagine for a second if the person in that lane was a Zed. You could not go anywhere even remotely near that tower or you'd be dead in the blink of an eye. Any champion with a dash; or an assassin would destroy you instantly on sight. These plays work if your opponents are AI minions that just stand still and do nothing, but in a game where your opponents are other players, you can't always just go for the mechanically correct play.
Also "shoving with her significant item advantage" does not work like that. If you're alone top as the ADC for even a second, you can bet that the whole enemy team are roaming on you like a pack of pirrhanas. The enemy champions thing also applies here. No matter how good "item advantage" you have, if the enemy has a Taliyah, Nocturne, Talon, Zed, Katarina etc etc. you are dead as hell.
In the first example you would think that this is such a minor thing right? Scary how far you can throw yourself behind again
this is gold plat? how am I below this :C
Ok so I'm a add main and I'm currently really really hating it I die with whatever I do and no matter what I do I die and don't do anything through the whole game and the only time I'm useful is the base turrets where I'm actually level 18. I always end up under leveled and I seem to not do enough damage even with good scaling I also can't swap rolls because I have a team
I used to try and help adcs by telling them how to translate that sweet lead I got for them in lane, then I turned off chat and worried about myself... I'm out of iron now
i chose to fight and die even tho i know its wrong choice
pls tell us how to get rid of this instead
the lust of death
we just love to die bro
Sike I throw my lead no matter what my role is :3
What should I do when I have 2k gold but my team wants to fight rn?
leave this idiots and dont give the streak to enemies
In the first replay, I think Cait should have pushed one extra wave under enemy turret in bot while her team did drake, and hope reksai doesn't take krugs and do them herself, then only recall and then, the enemy would have lost another wave under bot turret AND you will have recalled at around the same time as Veigar, which means you can go to whichever lane he DOESN'T go to and get solo xp and gold. So I think it is wrong to recall before pushing, since you wont be able to get to any wave from mid and top in time and if she does, she'd be alone against the enemy mid/top, which could in theory be risky since they are Irelia and Graves, with a herald.
Edit: Wtf is the last replay. You always say game is won in the first 3 minutes, I have never seen you recommend champions like Kayle. And yes, he had to play aggressively, you always have to play aggressively, by limit testing intelligently and pushing your lead as much as you can, you improve much more quickly, which is something you also always say. I usually really like your videos and even as a GM in 5 roles, I still have some things reminded/taught by watching guides, but this videos just doesn't feel quite right in many of the things that are said IMO
my thought was crash the wave and recall too
@@VxiceheartxV yeah I can almost assure you that is the correct play. Slightly better than the other one but that still makes recalling the wrong choice..
The mid and top tower was super low too, no way she can defend those. Shove on extra wave in bot and you can still respond and defend your T2 towers with ease. Sometimes I question these videos
Every wave you push is +30 seconds you have to stay in lane. The midlaner could easily rotate and kill you in that time. Never forget you're an adc.
@@EddyConejo your team is doing drake and youre bot and Irelia was mid taking tower. Even if she did rotate to kill you, she'd be trading a midlane turret for a potential kill. She never gets in time since she has to do the entire loop around and if she does your team is much closer and also she does not know if you're alone, there were 4 people with you literally 15 seconds ago.
what to do when u have 4 teletubies in team A) throw the computer from the window B) start yelling and be rude C)leave the game, uninstal it and live long peaceful life :DD
But what do I do if I lose my lane?
But what if the jg is OK with u taking the camps? :)
why would it be any good to defend top or mid as an adc vs irelia or taliyah/graves. They could basically run over you. You won't be able to farm there alone, only gain xp
prob with this right decisions is that other will end up flaming u why u didn't help calling noob mr and what not leaving the game inting cause u decided not to fight in the nemy jg when there are no objectives
Hi i have proved much with your vidioes bro love your company😅🤩
Actually losing teams usually group as five and play murder hobo from bushes to get all the bounties and then take baron and win lol
What is z2u?
I'm pretty sure this is a low low elo thing but for the Cait game in the drag is up situation I'm pretty sure 9/10 time the taliya JG would have roamed to drag from top and the ire would come and I agree that I 100% need base or go defend mid but they would come and the rest of us base and my JG dies and they get drag and our JG mad like these people doesn't care. The enemy midlaner will still walk into river know their bot and JG died he would still come and somehow kill our JG while I listen to skillcapped and think he's fine so I didnt go like how to know if they are fine fine and not just fine
"Are you an ADC that throws your lead? " Me: 😭
So… how is this adc specific?
adcs are throwing theyr leed waaaay more often
Well, everything in this video is applicable to adc.
Some general concepts that you can take from this video that you can use on other roles are :
- Spend your lead in the shop
- Don't throw your lead by trying to end the game too fast
- Watch the map to help your decision making
The role is so shit that anything you do, be it something thag other roles frequently do, will actually end up losing you the game
Split push? Hope you are a Vayne or Lucian main and have a 7 kill advantage over the enemy team
Force teamfights? With what, your body?
Try and hold lane? Yeah, hope you like playing only lethality Sivir.
Got ahead? Well, sucks to be you, now you are the public enemy number one and your defensive options are so shit that cloth armor has the equivalent armor stats of a third of your MR
Want to ward because your support doesn't? That 1 ward each 90s goes a not-so-long way
Extremely fed? Irelia will E your frontline and dash into you, soon overkilling you for 2.6k hp with two autos and a Q.
@@shikikankillzone4239 this!!! I climbed to high gold both as jungler and as support the last seasons, so this season I wanna try it as adc, but holy fuck... I got placed B4, went to B1 after promos, but yeah... When I get top (the other role I select) or autofilled support, I usually get a good score and feel like I impact the game... Playing Leona, in 3 games I never got killed and I won bot, mid and made the jg take objectives... Playing Darius top, same: create gank potential, kill enemy, he teleports, I bait him again into my jg, I kill him again, game is basically won.
Playing adc.. 8/2, Jhin... 2/2 Garen comes after me with q, slows me with stridebreaker, Morgana misses her Q, I die in 10 seconds...
Next game win the lane again, well... good luck facing a fed Irelia when you are playing with a support who probably doesn't even have a keyboard, lol.
I found out that it basically usually doesn't matter if you win or not, the game gets solved in the other lanes...
Not to mention when you CAN win, but your team gives up at the 15 minute mark and stop doing anything...
I try to tell my friend who got into league “just play the game correctly”
But he gets bloodthirsty. Or team oriented
he always leaves lane to help dragon im like “dude YOU STAY i’ll go”
Or the other day our jungler got invaded by enemy jungler on our side
Again he left lane im like STAY HE’S PROBABLY DEAD by the time you get there it won matter
i get people want to brawl but, u need to find another role. Like mine, support, supports tend to go lookin for fights.
But adc imo is
Boring early game cause 24/7 farm and try to push
Now i could be wrong, i am fairly new
All this did was show me that I’m not making any of these common mistakes and yet still somehow I’ll end up in losses where I’m 10/0/3 on Caitlyn 20 minutes in to the game 😂
Usually because the mid/top laner on my team fed the enemy Assassin/bruiser 10 kills of his own lol
all 3 options were wrong.....go defend a tower against a graves/irelia???? that is assuming they are 0/20/0 with 10 cs at 20 mins.....otherwise they will just kill you for trying to defend the tower alone
Saving this for when i get autofilled, who queues for this role in 2023??
This thing doesn't work for low elo, everytime team miss drag or rift once they start tilting or trolling
4 Minuten Werbung, die man nicht skippen kann!
DANKE TH-cam!!!
Cait had enough gold she should of backed and defended top if she could handle it cause if rift goes mid side the rest of her team can rotate there immediately from drag and if rift drops top side then she just stays at range does what she can and waits for her team
Maybe the Gold Jinx is saving for Kraken Slayer, that why.
at first situation if youre at low elo and you dont help your jungler will definitely int
Bold of you to assume that I won lane
Im like so trash this helped so much
Like actully tho
Just remember master and below is low elo (hector) I can say this with confidence as a trash master player
Oh look, Ezreal is teaching us