I always find the whole “making someone trans/gay” so weird as someone who has grown up in a muslim country. I probably realized I like men when I was 10. At that time I didn’t even know what the word for that is! I remember the first time I told my friend about how I feel and the look on his face was an indicator that what I’m feeling is considered unnatural. This conversation happened when I was 14 and the only reason I told him about it was bcs that was what most people were talking about at school. Although they only talked about girls. I learned the word gay when I was 16 and for the first time, I had a term to identify myself as. I said all this to say I grew up with 0 and I mean ZERO representation of what I was experiencing whatsoever in a country that punished homosexuality by execution and I still grew up a flaming homosexual! The whole “groomer” conversation doesn’t have a point beside masking these people’s disgust toward people who don’t fit the mold.
Exactly. People who like to use that argument tend to completely forget that if indoctrination was so simple to do, all those trans, gay, bi, lesbian and queer people should've not been able to exist because they were indoctrinated with cis-hetero normative education for years... The idea of calling transpeople groomers is something that is recycled stupidity that was used against the gay movement in the same way...Except for the problem that now we have social media that gives literally anyone without a good sense and knowledge of the subject a possibly big platform on which it is easier than ever to spread lies and hate...
@@fku6203 Don't forget the anecdotal experience to legitimize and think it's good to hate transpeople that goes along the lines of "I was such a tomboy as a girl when I was young, imagine of the damage done if I would've grown up now!!!" Trying to justify hate, but also suggest that gender clinics are made up out of idiots who can't tell the difference between children who are not actually gender dysphoric and those who are, but also suggesting that the intake at a gender clinic is an irreversible thing: from that moment on there will be an unstoppable push to put people on hormones and surgery... (And then I'm leaving out the people who use such anecdotal evidence who also believe children aged below the age of 12 are capable of having surgery performed on them)
I came to the "uncomfortable" realization after a couple years of futilely trying to talk a conservative co-worker around. The idea that their discomfort justifies the suffering of others is one of the biggest things we need to demolish.
It's the Argument from Disgust logical fallacy, which seems to underpin a lot of conservative thought. Funny how the "facts and logic" crowd bases a lot of their beliefs on outright fallacies.
When has the Left ever had a problem discomforting people? Hell, look at what Stalin did in the Soviet Union. Hitler in Germany. Pol Pot in Cambodia. Your problem is you just can't accept true diversity. When the Left gets into demolishing, usually millions die.
@@AQuietNight Those were before "The Great Switch" Where the left and right switched ideologies Which happened in the 1940's-50's Hitler and Stalin were 10 years earlier, their "left" is the new right The old "right" freed the slaves, the new left Look it up, it's actually documented as "The Great Switch" and is really interesting
@@Josilyne That would apply more in Europe. In the U.S. there wasn't that great a change though the major parties have changed a bit with the Republicans turning back to their original populist past while the Democrats have become more pro-big business.
One of the weirdest side effects of this rise in transphobia is that some of us who aren't "traditionally" attractive are basically getting discriminated against because people will think they're trans.
I'm a cis dude with a fairly androgynous appearance, and while I've been hit with misdirected transphobia since I was in middle school, I've seen _quite_ an uptick lately. It's gotten scary a few times.
This is something I keep bringing up is that the transphobia won't just affect US. It will affect anyone that doesn't meet Western standards of what is feminine and masculine. In the UK, women of colour, and in particular black women, for being viewed as trans which in itself is rooted in the stereotype that black women are manly.
When my friend transitioned MtF in 1985 at age 30 she had no problems at all. It should be said that she was/is quite beautiful (like Mia) which made it easy to just live and let live. Now, she never leaves her home without a gun. She is former military, USN, honorably discharged in 1979 after serving for six years. I suspect she understands the meaning of the meaning of "to eradicate."
Yeah, most people expect trans people to be unarmed bc we tend to vote democrat. The reality is about half carry pepper spray & are for gun control, the other half carry arms for self defense. Shit’s scary rn, and hate crimes are starting to increase again. Noone wants to be the next Brianna Ghey
When I was a we lad, my grandma had a photo of her and a friend from way back when, and I asked, "Is that you?" And pointed at her friend, and she said,"No, that is me." Points at herself in the photo. I asked who the other lady was, and she said, "That is my friend," so and so, and then began to explain to me what transgender people are. She was a Christian woman, but she also believed in reincarnation, I don't really know how those two beliefs stack, but she told me "sometimes a woman will reincarnate as a man, and feel wrong, so they make themselves feel right by becoming a woman." And little 8 year old me was like,"Oh, that's cool." And ran off to catch crawdads or w/e weird shit little boys do at that age. I only say this because my grandma was Hella based in a time when it wasn't very common to be so open-minded. She was a life long hair stylist and a very kind woman. She's no longer with us, but I thank her for raising me a proper, compassionate man.
Presidential candidate , Vivek ramaswamy In an inteveiw with( All In ) podcast episode 138 says that the Trans movement is Anti Gay . He says that it goes against the narrative that you were born gay , if you are (Gender Fluid) He said we would be modeling ourselves like Iran . In Iran you can be Transgender since the late 80’s as long as you get reassignment surgery. Homosexuality is forbidden however ,actually it’s punishable by death in Iran.
My grandson told me about your videos and I'm so glad I have starting watching them. I wrote the following paper titled Understanding Transgender and emailed it to all the members of the Kansas legislature. I hope my paper is helping. Understanding Transgenders As a senior citizen, lifelong Republican, Christian, married to my wife for 47 years until she died of bile duct cancer, and father with 3 children and 7 grandchildren, you wouldn’t think I would be interested in understanding transgenders. Well, I wasn’t interested until I became a voting lay representative of my church at the United Methodist Church Annual Conference. When I started to go into the door of the conference, I was offered a pride pin, which I did not accept. I thought homosexuality was ridiculous. I soon learned the United Methodist Church might split over the LGBTQ+ issue so I decided I needed to know more before I could be a conscientious voter. I started a lengthy research project on my own. I soon learned there were many LGBTQ+ categories so I decided to concentrate on transgenders which I considered the most controversial and thus began my interesting adventure. I read numerous books and watched hundreds of TH-cam and TED Talk videos and ultimately developed an understanding of gender dysphoria, and respect for, true transgender people. I discovered it's important to understand being transgender before forming an opinion. To begin, some people think they are transgender, some want to be transgender, and some ARE transgender. Given time the truth will be discovered in each case. Those who just think they are transgender should be allowed to live the gender they think they are. If they are not transgender they will ultimately get tired of behaving as a transgender. Those who want to be transgender should also be allowed to live the gender they want to be. And, again if they are not transgender they will get tired of acting as a transgender. Those who are transgender should again be allowed to live the gender they think they are. If they are transgender, in time, they will feel more comfortable and at peace and will usually transition. In all 3 cases, there needs to be an extended period before any puberty blockers or HRT should be prescribed or before any surgery. True young transgender children should be allowed to live as their authentic selves and should not be compelled to go through puberty so they can avoid irreversible body changes, expensive and painful surgeries, and possible suicide. I see the biggest problem is parents, classmates, and adults who don't permit children and adults to live as they feel they are. As I explained, if they are allowed to live the gender they think, want to be, or truly are, they will discover their truth over time. As far as pronouns are concerned, for example, if someone asks to be called, “they or them” they should be told, “OK,” and then the subject should be changed. Why should it make any difference to us who they want to be called? It doesn't hurt them and it certainly doesn't hurt us. If someone says, “I am a cat,” again they should be told, “OK.” Then asked something like “What would you like for dinner?” or some other comment that changes the subject. Let them have the freedom to get tired of thinking they are a cat. As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” And, knowing ourselves takes time. Tamara Levitt said, “When we stop resisting what is, the battle stops.” We need to give children, youth, and adults the freedom and time to discover what is or, in other words, who they are. What is gender dysphoria? I think the best way to explain it is this way…Have you ever left on a vacation and suddenly wondered if you closed the garage door? You find out that none of the passengers in your car are sure it was closed either. This becomes a problem your brain can’t solve! Your mind starts going in an endless loop. You lose a lot of your connection with what is going on around you as your brain is using most of its power trying to solve, in the background, a problem it can’t. The only answers are to go back home, call a neighbor, check a video camera, etc. That is what gender dysphoria is like. For example, a transgender woman knows her inner self is female but what she sees when she looks in a mirror, and what other people see when they look at her, is a man. She is a female soul or spirit trapped in a male body. Her brain is caught in an endless loop. The only answer is to discover that she is transgender and then probably transition. Who we all are is like love. It is impossible to describe but we know when we are in love just like we know who we are regardless of what body or shell we are in or what other people tell us. Every transgender is different just like we are all different. The biggest problem for transgenders is being accepted by you and me so they can be themselves and be productive citizens. Most of them just want to be accepted and blend into society. They do have an advantage over most people as they understand life from both the male and the female perspective. Transgenders are some of the most misunderstood people and there is so much we can learn from them. Once we understand true transgenders are real, we will have compassion for them and we won't, in any way, want to prevent them from getting the help and support they need and deserve. Here are important questions we all need to ask ourselves: What would you do if your 5-year-old son said I am a girl? What would you do if your 7-year-old son still said I'm a girl? What would you do if your 9-year-old son still said I'm a girl and the 2 therapists you took him to agreed that your son has a female brain and emotions? What would you do if your 14-year-old son still said I'm a girl? What would you do if 1 year later your son tried to commit suicide? In conclusion, only when families are confronted with the realities of being transgender can their hearts and minds be opened and they can truly “UNDERSTAND TRANSGENDERS.”
You know, the thing that pisses me off the most about these kind of debates, is that these issues being debated are about actual PEOPLE. These are not things you can just “make a compromise” on. These issues affect people, and trying to take away trans rights under the guise of “middle ground” is upsetting as a trans person. I am not a topic for debate, I am a person, and I deserve basic respect as a human even IF you disagree with my existence.
that's the fundamental issue unfortunately. the right doesn't see trans people, or people of color, or queer people (like me), or neurodiverse people (like me) as people. to them everyone is just "a normal person" that is fucking up being normal by being a part of any of the above categories, it's victim blaming taken to its logical extreme
@@LB030377 what is the middle ground here? No seriously what is the middle ground? Is it like you want to separate trans people from cis people - full on “separate but equal” style?
@@JamesMadisonsSpiritAnimal You know how people often adopt children with their same background (race/ethnicity, religion, nationality, etc)? Wouldn't it make sense for someone who comes from a disenfranchised demographic to put forth love towards children of that same demographic? Because they know what it's like to be from that community? Maybe instead of being transphobic, you put literally any amount of thought at all into your comments.
@@JamesMadisonsSpiritAnimal you are being manipulated by bad faith grifters that desire only dictatorial power. They couldn't give an actual fuck about "teh CHULDRUN'. Don't listen to them, if you've got a mind of your own.
My very religious, conservative parents never explained to me what menstruation was. They went out of town for a weekend, leaving me home alone. I got my first period, and literally thought I was dying, or something. I was maybe 11 or 12. Thankfully, we did have dialup, at the time. So I was terrified for all of like, maybe 20 minutes. Please teach your kids sex ed. If it's too uncomfortable for you to lead "the talk," then print out some age-appropriate booklets for your kids. Do something. The thing you REALLY don't want to do is leave them completely unprepared, and without adequate terminology to describe their own comfort levels or boundaries. You don't want your kids just saying yes, because they don't know how to say no, right? So tamp down your own discomfort, and prepare your damn kids, please. Kids who take accurate and comprehensive sex ed have their first sexual encounters later, and they are less likely to end up pregnant or with STIs. Those are all good things.
I still carry the trauma of being told to say yes even if I didn't want to and never being taught that that doesn't apply to everything (or that it shouldn't apply to anything, really). All because my very Christian parents were so uncomfy with the thought of their little girl having sex that they gave no thought to the fact that there's more than one person in that equation; you don't have to want sex to have it done to you. It's taken me a very long time to learn how to say no. That indoctrination is so hard to overcome and still everywhere today. Keeping people in the dark and imposing standards that girls must never even imply "no" and boys must never complain is the real grooming that goes on that leads to exploitation, not the fact that trans people exist and there's more than two genders.
As a trans woman from Sweden, it makes me so angry how we have imported the entire right wing rhetoric from US and UK. Some of the time the right wingers here even copy imported arguments, even though it doesn't make sense! Like, recently some SD politician in a small city started ranting about gender on birth certificates, AND WE DON'T EVEN HAVE BIRTH CERTIFICATES IN THIS COUNTRY! Why did we have to import this debate? Why can't we have a single independent though ever in this country? Gah!
Shouldn't it go both ways, then? The leftwing rhetoric is infecting scandinavia from the US is why this is even a topic in the first place. We wouldn't see double or triple the number of "trans" teens otherwise. Of course you're gonna have cautionary rightwing policies. That's the sensible thing to do.
im so glad you shared your experience on recognising your trans identity. It took me 28 years, and now 30. Growing up in a poor english town was brutal on my mind. Even though I would tell friends, family, doctors and therapists that I would prefer to be a girl; the answer always was, "well you cant change it your a man, end of." It took 28years for me to find a trans person and I correctly rushed into my own transition. But those same friends family etc all replied to the transition; "why didnt you do it earlier, we knew about transitioning." Everyone just wants to keep us secret. :(
As a mostly cis person: I did not know trans people even existed until two friends transitioned in the same year. Media representation was so bad that I had no idea even at the age of 30. I knew that transvestites existed: but their motivation was never explained.
@@economicprisoner plus the media oversimplification when folks show up: portraying stuff as just crossdressing or just surgery when in reality it often includes a whole “second puberty”
Ace Ventura was rough. Watched it for the animals, hit with intense transphobia at the end. I forgot it until I watched it recently, yikes. It really taught children that its normal to be a hateful transphobe.
That point at 11:32 is painfully true for my experience. Tennessee classified public instances of singing, dancing, etc by any "male or female impersonators" in the same way as burlesque shows. They also redefined sex as what's on your birth certificate, which has synergy with the fact that TN is the only state in the US (correction, one of four in the US) to not allow you to change your sex on your birth certificate, which legally means something truly fucked: Any time I go out as myself and dare to do so much as dance or sing, I'm legally identical to a drag queen, and, drag or trans, I'm committing a felony that'll land me on the sex offender registry and remove my right to vote, no joke. It's an opaque attempt by my government to damn myself to prison or complete privacy.
I was born in idaho but have lived in ohio and elsewhere. its been awhile and maybe im wrong but it was my understanding that idaho and ohio plus others don't allow you to change your birth certificate. im 25 years post op transitioned but I opted to NOT change the gender of my birth certificate even if I would be allowed it. i like the fact that there is a record paper trail that im trans, that i transitioned. that i was "born a male" and changed. for one thing its partially true. for another its cool. and for another thing it protects trans history.
@@TransGurl.VrilX.1488 I get that desire to have a record of being trans and discovering that fact, but I'm personally uncomfortable with that symbol being official documentation. An intentionally not-ironed flag and childhood photos do the same thing without forcing me to out myself any time I present my documents, especially when dealing with police or doctors. You know how annoying and dangerous that can be. And from my understanding, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia are the only states where you can't change your gender designation on any official documents, but some states might have some preventing the change on driver's licenses.
In fact, the Tennessee law criminalises trans people simply being in public at all, and the legislators who supported it made it clear that that was the idea.
There was a Trans woman in Tennessee that tried to change her birth certificate to say female, got denied, and then got arrested for indecent exposure by showing her breasts, which by law can only be applied to a woman.
12:40 as a trans self-advocate from Kentucky, thank you for talking about SB150. Honestly it has been so terrifying and demoralizing to see how little our protesting has done to prevent this legislation, but the Trans community is so amazing and strong together. Trans solidarity has no borders, and I am infinitely proud to be in community with you Much love 💕
This part hit me pretty hard. Kentucky is close to home for me, and I didn't already know about it. And seeing my home state on that list was depressing. It makes me worry deeply about our future, and as I have learned, that isn't very fun.
@@weelebaseknowles4410 Dude, just seeing queer people makes you 'wired'? Don't you think that's weird? That maybe it's something you should address within yourself, instead of imposing on the basic rights of other humans to live freely for the sake of your personal comfort? I just don't get it
I have been told numerous times in real life to stop wearing feminine clothing. I have been made fun of, and literally been told "You can't wear girl clothing (whatever tf that means) because it makes me uncomfortable." And the weird thing is, I'm not even trans. And the fact that this happens to so many other people as well saddens me a lot. This shows that yes, this is all about discomfort, and not about what is right. I'm still in school, and whenever little kids see me, they don't mock me. They don't make fun of me, or question me at all. They just accept it. And this is what confuses me about people claiming that children shouldn't be exposed to these things. They're not being harmed in any way at all unless seeing people for who they are is somehow considered a problem (Also yes I know I'm not trans so it's not quite as extreme but still you guys get my point)
Also there is a pretty good chance that that I worded something in a weird way because I'm dumb and bad at writing coherently so feel free to correct me. If I said anything offensive chances are it wasn't on purpose.
@@GDRhythmic just goes to show you how misogynist transphobes actually are, as their idea of what a woman is is so incredibly strict. well, regardless, hope you're doing well.
@@approximated_nerd yeah. They really are. Its kind of sad how they view the world under such strict regulations and never even stop to question whether they're necessary. I am doin quite well btw thanks! :3
Even if you aren't trans, it is still difficult to be gender nonconforming (in any way). With a male body, it is risky to wear feminine clothing because men have a strong tendency to humiliate and/or harrass each other for any attribute that deviates from traditional masculinity. I, a transwoman, have to wait a while until I can transition unfortunately, and I don't feel comfortable to just wear feminine clothing to decrease my dysphoria for the time being, because society doesn't accept it and it could put me at risk (the "man in a dress" hysteria comes to mind. Though imo, men who present feminine are based). So big respects to your bravery to just be yourself. I admire that because it's definitely not easy.
If I was an executive at Bud Light and was spiteful enough, I would totally issue an apology like this "I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt because you're wrong"
kind of surprised they didn't tbh, purely as an economic consideration, not even as an act of pathologically doubling down. in the attention economy, all press is good press.
@Debra-Sue they are going at this from an economic standpoint. Sponsoring Dylan mulvaney was an attempt to attract a younger audience into drinking their beer. They got that audience, however they also alienated a small part of their existing customer base with it. If they leave this situation, only addressing it with corporate speak and laying low, when this blows over in a year most everyone who was mad about bud light will be back to drinking the beer. Now if they continue to repeatedly alienate those people with statements like this, they will be more likely to cement their opinions. Bud light also doesn't need to do anything to get attention on this issue. It's been a scary amount of time since the original video dropped and it is still a hot button issue.
As someone from the UK the "trans debate" and transphobia is general is extremely disappointing and quite sickening. But it also is comical in the most tragic way.
@@cloudycolacorp Exactly that. They need targets for people to divert their frustrations onto because of the conservative's extreme mismanagement of the country for the last 12/13 years or however long and trans people and migrants are unfortunately the fall guys.
@@cloudycolacorp YES! SPOT ON! You are the true, positive, no bullshit, downright transcendent definition of "woke"! As in being acutely aware of social injustice, and aware of (at least one of) the true motivations behind this unhinged anti-queer panic: distracting all of us nobodies in the working class from conservative greed and graft, be it here in the US 🇱🇷 or over there in my other home country, the UK 🇬🇧
As an American it's funny to me to see British terfs use progressive rhetoric to defend views that are obviously reactionary and authoritarian. Here there is an obvious connection between transphobia and other socially conservative attitudes, but this is somehow beyond the comprehension of liberal Brit boomers who think of themselves as so tolerant and enlightened. In reality they are just as ignorant and narrow-minded as the Tory Brexiteers they sneer at.
CisHet guy here. I've lost friendships and even loves over (non-)debates whether racism is a matter of people like me being (hyper)sensitive/taking offence or of regularly encountering literal violence, whether 'systemic' or knuckleheads in the street who feel licensed to attack you because you're marked as 'other'. I have no more patience for people who aren't directly affected by the hate or discrimination in question, yet feel their faux-nuanced opinion on the matter holds water.
Fantastic video. Glad to see the glasses are okay. I'm not trans but watching whats happening to the trans community has really made me reflect on my Jewish heritage. There are similarities in transphobia and antisemitism. And if they come for either they come for both, if history is any indicator. So we have to help each other. Stay strong sister.
If this persecution goes to its logical conclusion, i.e. if it isn't stopped as soon as possible, the "transgender question" will go down in history in the same place as the "Judenfrage" ("Jewish Question") Which, for any neo Nazis that may see this, is VERY BAD!
@@Aarenby These are all forms of bigotry. And bigotry in all of it's various forms is the root cause of nearly all of humanities self-imposed problems. Here is a list of common forms of bigotry: _classism, racism, nationalism, transphobia, antisemitism, monotheism in general, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, ageism,_ and etc. Bigotry in all it's various forms is the root cause of nearly all of humanities self-imposed problems.
There has been a very significant uptick in transphobia. In my first two years as a publicly out transgender individual, I had only TWO bad surprises in public where anybody said anything negative. In this year alone, there have been THREE times when people get in my face and yell hateful things at me (and I am a hottie now). The most recent incident involved a many who confronted me to ask if I was a man or a lady - and then he asked if I was in town looking for children or candy, I tried to reassure him that I am completely harmless and to leave me alone. I said that I was just there to go to that karaoke bar --- and then he yelled that I should cut my dick off and then HE went in to MY bar... so, I sat in my car to process what had just happened for 5 minutes. I knew that I had many friends inside the bar, but it took me a couple minutes to muster the courage -- like WTF, I can go wherever I want, right? Anyway, when I finally got inside one of my friends said that the guy was already kicked out because he was hassling a cis woman. Who is the real pervert when they are the ones who constantly think about which genitalia each person has down there?
A woman, is an adult human female, it is not an "identity" or a feeling, dress, attitude etc., that whole line of thinking is regressive in the extreme. Claiming there is some "essence" to "womanhood" that also males can access, but the reality is that women do not have to look or act any certain way, or act out some ludicrously sexist idea of the “social role of a woman”, all females who reach adulthood are women regardless of how they feel or look, and the one thing they ALL have in common, the one experience they ALL share, is that they are FEMALE, they do not have to "identify" as anything, they physically ARE women because they are female. Why should MALES be allowed access to SINGLE-SEX spaces reserved for FEMALES based on their "gender identity"? If sex and gender are separate, then a male announcing his "gender identity" is "trans woman" does nothing to change their sex, they are still MALE - so why should they be afforded rights reserved for the opposite SEX? The movement is regressively sexist, and misogynistic. Why do you believe females do not deserve any spaces free of males? What is hateful about upholding female sex-based rights that were fought long and hard for?
@@ambientjohnny It is pride month now, and you are coming across as entirely transphobic. I won't debate you. Please move on to debate somebody who actually wants to listen to your traditional way of thinking. Capitalizing the word "FEMALE" does not make the kind of point you think it does -- just because it is capitalized doesn't mean that somehow you are right in what you say... I will demonstrate by giving you my point of view with capitalized words for emphasis -- GENDER and SEX are not the same thing. Happy pride month by the way.
@@willowgillingham666 If sex and gender are separate, then a male announcing his "gender identity" as "trans woman" does nothing to change their sex, they are still MALE - so why should they be afforded rights reserved for the opposite SEX? The movement is regressively sexist, and misogynistic.
@ambientjohnny why do you believe women want to be forced to change, shower, etc. Next to 100% male looking transmen that have been using the mens restroom for decades? How is anyone going to know a transman from a man since they look identical? Now a man just has to say they are a transman. How are you going to handle the conversations with your daughters why you support putting bearded transmen in their bathroom or having to explain to your son why he has to change with a transwomen with female parts?
@@willowgillingham666 Transgenderism is essential to some occult traditions, Alchemy in particular is obsessed with the blending of opposites to create a new substance. I see Baphomet as the mascot of transgenderism.
100% I was shaving my legs in high school, confused why girls got to wear nice clothing my whole childhood, and generally obviously not okay with my gender growing up. And then at 17 stumbled on some random youtubers transition timeline/vlog and suddenly was like "oh god oh god, it all makes sense now". Unfortunately wasn't able to transition for a few more years, but damn if just realizing you could BE TRANS broke my world view and made my entire adolescence make sense
I think the only other time I've seen a person used as the sole content of a content warning was the creator of iCarly in Savy's video on Jennette McCurdy's book. (Which was also hilarious to me, coming off Quinton Reviews' running gag of not acknowledging his existence at all)
Yeah… I knew what I was since I was little, but I didn’t know how to express it or have the language to describe it. My family worked hard to mould me into a “godly man,” I joined the military to try and become more manly… but I still turned out as one of the most feminine women I know. I wish I could go back accept myself as I am instead of trying to be someone else.
@@PizzaManager101 Mood. There are so many milestones that I wish I could go back and relive as myself instead of the person I forced myself to believe I was. I never really enjoyed that type of thing, I was never really mentally present at important events. My graduations, my wedding, my friends' weddings, my promotions, no matter the milestone, event, or achievement, it just felt hallow. I felt empty. I haven't really had any of those types of events since I came out... all of them long since passed me by... I'm struggling through medical school right now, but I swear I will graduate if for no other reason than to show up to my graduation as myself.
Was definitely trans as a child I remember telling my dad when I was 10 “I don’t want to be a gross hairy man” After finding r/egg_irl (a subreddit about trans people who don’t know they’re trans or just found out) I at the age of 19 realized that trans people are like… real, not just the premise of a TV show on TLC
@@nerobaal6655 Ahhh yes, because "I don't want to be a gross hairy man" clearly means the same as "I think all cis women are dainty and pretty and I only care about the aesthetic.". Not all trans women want to be dainty and pretty, but pretty much none of us want to be "gross hairy men" - it's kind of a prerequisite for the gig. Given your leap in logic, I highly doubt that you yourself are a trans person, and therefore, you probably don't have the first fucking clue "what being transgender is about", so what is the point in you?
The only reason I became religious as a child for a couple years was because I thought god would be kind to me as well and not give me boobs - I was 7-8, maybe? I then figured if something that simple that no one else will care about and that I will agonize over is not something he'd want to help me with "because he has a plan for me", as people kept telling me, I don't this he's either real or kind and went back to atheism. Don't wanna believe in someone who's not real or kind.
A woman, is an adult human female, it is not an "identity" or a feeling, dress, attitude etc., that whole line of thinking is regressive in the extreme. Claiming there is some "essence" to "womanhood" that also males can access, but the reality is that women do not have to look or act any certain way, or act out some ludicrously sexist idea of the “social role of a woman”, all females who reach adulthood are women regardless of how they feel or look, and the one thing they ALL have in common, the one experience they ALL share, is that they are FEMALE, they do not have to "identify" as anything, they physically ARE women because they are female. Why should MALES be allowed access to SINGLE-SEX spaces reserved for FEMALES based on their "gender identity"? If sex and gender are separate, then a male announcing his "gender identity" is "trans woman" does nothing to change their sex, they are still MALE - so why should they be afforded rights reserved for the opposite SEX? The movement is regressively sexist, and misogynistic.
@@amyh9512There's something incredibly ironic about ending a comment with "silence = death" when the whole comment was about how "these trans people are bad optics and we wouldn't be in this situation if they weren't seen, we must speak out against them to protect trans people". It's not trans people just living public lives that caused anti-trans types to campaign against us, hiding won't stop them. They'll do it whether or not we're on beer cans or exist in sports. Arguing for a world where we run back to the closet and shun other trans people for being too visible or the victim of targeted anti-trans rhetoric will not bring us any safety.
@@amyh9512 Gendered sports segregation is largely patriarchy's frailty - what would people think if women and men were competing equally? If women were out achieving men? I'm also generally more worried about prison guards and police violence than I am trans violence - there's already a crime and repurcussion for SA, and to argue this way as if lesbians don't exist as well or as if trans bodies in mismatching prisons wouldn't be at some risk regardless puts cis comfort over trans survival. Condemn a criminal for their misdeeds all you like. Take the same precautions you would with any other incarcerated person with known vices. Probably could make an equal argument for desegregating low risk gen pop too when the goal is actually reintegration / rehabilitation but the prisons I focus on they are not particularly.
Absolutely!! The gop is dying, they need something to grasp onto before they finally go under. Unfortunately, this is their topic. I’m old, I remember when the gop did this same thing with gay marriage. They screamed and cried that a gay couple getting married, would end civilization as we know it. They stfu when they realized their brothers, sisters, kids and friends were gay and not literal monsters. 😂 Just keep voting, we’ll get it.
Yes, it is. Because as it happens, human biology is objective and you don't get to change it. So any interjection into it is always artificial and made up. You will have to like.... Deal with it. Now whatever you want to call it politics or something else, that's up to you.
@@grmpEqweer unfortunate when you demand others to conform to you and call them transphobic for not wanting to have sex with a person who has a dick or vagina but (depending on orientation) who am I but a humble transphobe 😂
@@vincentcarl9907 You sure are. I understand that not everyone can be awesomely pansexual like myself. 😁 And I still find a lot of people unattractive as soon as they start talking. Like you. I an not s•xually attracted to bigots. ...I mean, you probably do not know ANY trans people IRL. So you're strictly getting input from people who hate trans people. They will say all manner of exaggerated crap about us to keep the clicks and the money coming in. Hate pays.
Being a cis college student from Malaysia, this vid is a plenty eye-opening affair - thank you for your work!! The amount of anti-trans vitriol, be it in the news or social media is reaching depressingly high levels, and I cannot begin to put myself in the shoes of those who are increasingly scared with every passing day. In particular, the section regarding discomfort hits quite a few notes in my ears. For instance, a lot of anti-trans rhetoric I've stumbled upon shares some motifs with that of anti-abortion : for instance referring to abortion as "murder", in the vein that gender-affirming surgery is referred to as "mutilation". It's not based on statistics and statements - it's all about emotional shock value and it points back to the endgoal of strippling bodily autonomy from those they deem as "lesser", hypocrisy be dammed. Right now I currently do mutual aid and voice-boosting online - and I hope I'll have the capacity to do more than that to help trans voices in the near future.
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism? How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
Very good take on this crazy, awful subject. I'm a straight cis woman and am horrified at what is going on. I just can't imagine what it's like to be trans atm. I agree about longing for the "good old days" that weren't actually good, just because we didn't have a culture war then (and I grew up in the 50s and 60s, so I have unreasonable nostalgia, if only because I was young then). Until Reagan, I used to be unaware of my friend's politics, other than assuming they were against the Vietnam War and mad about drug laws. Or religion. Or sexual preference. You didn't talk about those things. So certain groups could go under the radar. But that wasn't better, because people whose appearance or mannerisms didn't give them away, which was bad for them when it did, had to live way, way far in the closet. No, they didn't have Mouthbeard Walsh being weirdly obsessed with them, but people who put their actions where his mouth is were abundant, and acted with a lot of impunity. Being discovered as gay or trans was incredibly dangerous for them. So while this, hopefully, blip, in society, is horrific, I think it will be limited to another failed election and abandoned as a political strategy (my hopeful, positive comment). How to clean social media from the nuts with outsized voices who will continue on... that's a whole different subject!
A little while ago I decided I want to show trans existence in my photography and film and while I haven’t really started that yet, I can recommend another trans content creator with a similar video to this one. “Fear of Trans Bodies” by Lily Alexandre is a video I consider essential in learning about transphobia, like this one.
@@NourSelim0 Lily has some great videos. Some of my favorites are the Wikipedia poem and the Kentucky Route Zero one. Brought to you by the creative mind behind "cooking with AI!"
Just want to throw in my own recommendation for Lily! She's one of my favorite recent finds, and her "Fear" video absolutely touches on some of the same concepts as Mia's.
God I feel seen as a Montanan thank you for mentioning rep Zooey Zephyr. Our house republicans kicked her off the floor after censuring her for a decorum violation without apology. The extreme right wing "freedom" caucus then went on to condemn her for invoking trans terrorism citing the tennessee shooter, all while misgendering her in a press release. It's fucking abhorrent
He, went over the allotted time, and suffered the consequences of his actions... like you lot keep saying, actions have consequences, but apparently that doesn't apply to anyone "trans".
@@FaceInTheCrowd09 So, just some deflection to distract from the fact that "Zooey" broke the rules that everyone in that setting needs to abide by, and suffered the consequences of doing so, and you lot lie about what actually happened because you always need to play the victim card.
@@ambientjohnny She broke zero rules, liar. No one else was ever censured for going over time, liar. The commonly cited reason by your fascists was that she dared explain the consequences of a sadistic bill and get outraged about the harm it would cause, liar. Also, correcting your bigotry that exposes your sadist bias is not a deflection, it simply demonstrates your incapacity to argue this, you worthless creature.
You say this video is depressing but tbh it has energised me more than anything else I've seen recently. Incredibly motivated to create art and build community.
They simply need an internal enemy. The first enemy must be one that is clearly visible, yet tiny in numbers and in power. When that minority is suppressed they will seek out a larger enemy. The gays, perhaps, or the Jews. They just need an enemy to direct their hate at.
@@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 that's why you should always point it out. "Oh your a fan of the trans debate? We're you a fan of the Jewish debate as well? You know, the holocaust? I guess that's what we call genocide now, a "debate" about living, breathing, human beings."
The books that the nazis infamously burned were mostly about gender-studies. Trans people were among those first targeted in Weimar Germany. Get armed.
Im a trans, i came out when i was 16 and was denied gender affirming health care until I WAS 19. i cry about this all the time because i thought about the taking the easy way all those years having to wait. im 20 years old right now and just basically starting my hrt. i just want you too know that if you are minor and you are trans then YOU ARE VALID, YOU DESERVE LOVE AND MOST OF ALL YOU DESERVE YOUR HEALTHCARE.
I feel that. I came out shortly before my 18th birthday and was denied care (gate-kept) for ten years because the guy had me very nearly convinced I wasn't "trans enough" to warrant HRT. Every therapist I went to had access to that file so the cycle continued.
I wouldn't feel to bad, I didn't know that FTM trans was a thing till I was 37. I am 40 now, waiting to get started on testosterone. How bad do you think I feel lol xD
i figured out that i wished i could change my sex without ever having heard of the concept of trans people at all. i thought i was the only person in the world who ever felt that way. so there was no trans agenda transing me.
All not knowing about trans people did was make it harder to understand what the fuck was going on in my brain. Turns out it isn't normal behaviour to fantasize about always having been a girl, or going to sleep and waking up in an alternate universe where you are one.
Thank you for your perspective. The "it doesn't matter" repeating over and over...is so frustrating because I FEEL that. The search for solutions is frustrating, thank you for wading through it and putting your thoughts out here.
I had a very similar upbringing in the 2010s. I didn’t have the internet most of the time and didn’t know what tumblr was and lived in one of the most rural, poor places in the US. I figured things out myself by reading books about “women dressing up as men” to be doctors and soldiers and people like Billy Tipton. I just kept all those feelings inside because I already got so much shit for being queer. It would’ve saved me so much trouble and multiple suic*de attempts if I had more resources. I know there’s a lot of kids who are like I was as a kid and it’s incredibly worrisome.
You did good. This is inspiring. I am attempting to connect some people to mutual aide groups in my area, I am unlearning reactivity, and I am connecting with people who sound like they just need to know people are here. Right now, people need this kind of support too. It's part of this act of the play. Create tension especially for the targets, then isolate and eliminate. Or drive them out to consolidate power. They think in steps, and more, they truly think themselves smarter than everyone, even the ones who call themselves stupid. This will escalate dramatically when they realize they have lost, and will probably fall to the same psychosis the crusaders did. Remember in silence is out last line of defense, and not idle silence either. Let us be the silence of a still blizzard. And in that silence held, bring a stone from your yard (or a trail you feel at home on) and either put it in the nearest pond/lake with your hopes for this era, or on the roots/in a hole in the tree, and thank whatever you call the wind before you live? Please? If not, just remember to turn off your phone out there, and whatever you believe, may you see the other side of this nightmare in amber golden light, and look back on these moments knowing that you made it, even if we all dont. Seeing you changed the way I look at myself. Hold that flame, Kore Lampteira.
24:44 - yup. I became a deeply angry and dejected, unstable, at times abusive teenager when puberty kicked in with me at age 12, and it stayed with me through the years up until I transitioned at 20, which then came with some unnerving traumas that delayed that settling down into my mid 20s. I take responsibility for everything. But I also recognize cause. I wanted to be a girl. The world denied me that opportunity for a long time due to lack of knowledge, lack of interest, and lack of empathy. Imagine that. I grieve for those now though I know we are strong. I likely would have transitioned at 15 were I born in 2004 instead of 1996.
For me instead of turning into anger, it turned into dissociation and withdrawal, literally switching off my emotions for more than a decade. I'm also autistic and tend to shutdown instead of meltdown (that wasn't the case before the age of 10 or 11), so it could be related to that. Neither is good, we've all been robbed of our childhood.
@@NourSelim0 everyone is different. I too am mildly autistic. I perhaps would have been one to shutdown more often but I was also being mistreated by some whom I won’t name here. Though I did also find the sudden increasing depth of my voice deeply unnerving, enough that I would often unnaturally ramp my voice up when frustrated without realizing it, thus inciting rage. I most certainly also dissociated from myself and would rationalize the world and myself past every anxiety and depressed thought that I had. Though I suppose I did try to explore myself… And that led me to coming out as gay at age 16 - nearly four years before I transitioned - even though as it turned out I was much more attracted to women than men. And that combined with traumas in turn led me to dissociate such that I was creating undeniable character arcs in my head of myself as a different person. Being trans is no joke and it’s not just one thing. But that doesn’t make it any less real. Trying to extinguish or deny myself these feelings drove me to dysfunction. Were I someone else it could have driven me to the bitter end itself. And indeed I had my share of many days where that came to me as an option. It’s not an option.
@@NourSelim0 I definitely feel the pain of losing my childhood, namely my teen years. A lot of stuff happened in them that I don’t like (indeed, I’ve written a memoir about it all). Couple that with being trans and unable to do anything about it beyond talk therapy and you have a sad, regrettable timeline. I am grateful for my life now and I am so glad to have friends and to have the body I now reside in. But I’d be lying to say I don’t sometimes regress in my head to feeling desperately as though I should still be 16 or 17 but still a girl. And hah. Those years were so brutal for me.
@@NourSelim0 I am the same way. High school hit me like a truck, so much so that it was just weeks in when I fully socially isolated myself, which lasted until well after I graduated. I regularly socialized with a very small list of people, none of which included my immediate family for unrelated abuse. For what it's worth, I haven't been diagnosed with anything. It sucks, and it's demotivating to know that even after I fully overcome that pain, I will always have spent my teens quietly suffering alone.
@@gillianomotoso328 yeah I hated the changes in my voice too, people "complementing" me that I sound like my dad 😐, being unable to hit high notes when singing (I used to sing along backstreet boys, it was 2003, don't judge me 😅), I kept singing in the car though, putting a lot of effort to control my vocal chords and make them do what I want. And yeah I don't know how I'll manage to cram all these missed teen years into a few years during transition, specially as I'm in my 30s now, but I'll try to make the best of it (maybe befriend another transfem going through that same phase).
CiS dude here, I know this stuff is terrifying, and it's horrible.. But you always have allies and found family. I know that if any of my trans friends show up at my door needing a place to stay and be safe, then I let them in. We must create the love in the world that we want to see, be as loving and kind as we can to as many as we can. However chaos is bound to happen, as it does. But we'll have eachother during those times. Keep being lovely, and know there are those of us that accept you as you are.
"I used to believe in some naïve part of my psyche that things would tend to get better over time. That even though things were bad for trans people for a significant part of world history, things would start to become better over time. But I'm not sure about that anymore." Sister, I'm feeling it too.
This whole video, especially the discussions on truth and uncomfort, are AMAZING! 😍 Way to go, Mia! P.S: I have a friend who has Klinefelter's in only 25% of his cells (google "Klinefelter's Mosaic"), so even the idea that ppl have a specific chromosome set in all their chromosomes is BS. And Klinefelter's is not the only condition with mosaic versions. Even my highschool Biology textbook knew this.
But that's the thing, the people who argue for "discussions based on basic biology" forget that in some cases for them, they never had high school biology (ahum, Marjorie Taylor Green....), and even if they did, it might not have been mentioned in it, and as endocrinologists and other medical specialists would love to point out: "Basic biology doesn't work like that, because the higher you go in educational degrees, the quicker you will learn that genetics and biology in general when it comes to the basis of sex is much more complicated than the "simple basis" you want to hold it to."
@@PizzaManager101 It's actually called 'mosaic chimerism' and there's other kinds of chimerism. (When Righties say 'I believe in biology' they mean they want to insist on grade-school level 'biology.' )
Yeah, but unfortunately your appeal to Klinefelter doesn't actually work when you apply the REAL sex binary definition, which is not just X and Y chromosomes, but rather, tha existence of an active SRY gene on the Y chromosome. Is that present? Then you're male. Is it not? Then you're female. This is true for ALL people, no matter their intersex condition. And I wish conservatives like myself would understand this about biology, so it could dismantle the leftist narrative that sex is not binary, or based on chromosones, once and for all.
In regards to Bud Light, I saw someone did an animation of Dylan in the most unflattering way possible. What truly elevated it to parody was that the animator replaced Dylan's chin with testicles. The animator saw Dylan as a woman and had to put male genitalia on her face to remind themselves that Dylan is a "man."
I think some people think trans people are "yucky" but I think the majority of conservatives/right wing types are terrified of trans people/trans discourse because it 's a direct threat to the patriarchy. As a cis gender female feminist (mid 40's) I feel like feminist discourse is caught between gender essentialist and gender constructivist framing, and trans people/trans discourse has the potential to move us past that and provide an entirely new vocabulary/way of thinking about gender. No doubt this terrifies some people who are happy with the status quo because it supports their privilege.
@@martind2520 You just completely made that up... wtf dude! what is wrong with you people? you can't just constantly make up statistics out of thin air and then use those imaginary statistics to justify hatred...
Trans people are primarily a threat to women as they compete in women's spaces where they have a biological advantage. I'm afraid your "new vocabulary" is being shut out from the top down.
@@redmage5251 Then try to fit in. Don't dress like Chris Tyson. Don't sexually harass your friends, and be sure to always disclose your biological sex to romantic partners.
I stopped being vocal about trans issues when people close to me in my friendship circle began to parrot trans exclusionary/gender critical propaganda and refused to listen when I tried to discuss the matter with them and explain why it made me uncomfortable. I had to step back from spending time with those friends 8 months ago, especially as one of them has political influence and it made me super depressed thinking his views might well mean he acts against the best interests of trans people in local politics. Things are tough, but I remain open and visible in person where I can be, speaking to CEOs about homelessness, being trans and sex work at CEO Sleepout events and spend my free time with people who accept me without question.
My brother initially accepted me, and lately I've seen him post more and more antitrans propaganda. He acts like I'm trying to silence him when i call him out on it. Really hurts.
Nobody will accept you if they don't identify with you on a deeper level. That's how connection works. And for this to happen, you have to carry a lot of same and similar patterns as them. So basically, ur being rejected by most because you try to promote social engineering as part of legitimate biology. Thats your fault.
Why do you believe females do not deserve any spaces free of males? What is hateful about upholding female sex-based rights that were fought long and hard for? Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism? How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
The "gender = sex = gametes" rhetorical pose by the transphobes isn't any better than the "gender = sex = chromosomes" pose, and I keep getting stuck on being so aware that in both cases they don't actually believe their own absolutist framing. GC gender essentialists almost universally acknowledge anyone born with external anatomy labeled "female" at birth as a woman, and transphobes more generally will recognize that people who don't produce gametes at all are "actually" men/women. Yes, I know that picking at the hypocrisy is missing the point, but for me at least it does point out that they're not making objective or material arguments at all -- sex/gender is, for even the most stridently "it's all about material reality" faction of transphobes, a metaphysical, doctrinal Truth as far as essentialists can imagine it, so actual human reality failing to fit their doctrines is, from their perspective, a failure of reality instead of a failure of the descriptive power of their doctrines.
It also implies that all gender roles created before we knew about gametes are somehow invalid. If you put a modern day transphobe in like the 1500s and asked them to explain "biological gender" they would sound like a lunatic. But yet they're also the ones who claim to be all about "traditional gender roles". It's such an incredible contradiction.
Then you look at the transvestigators and everything they say explodes even more. I saw one that tried to claim that Tom Holland is a trans man and his name was actually Tammy before he changed it to Tom. Because he is shorter than Zendaya who is a trans woman because she has "male bones" and if you really need a tell tale sign she is a trans woman look at the partner💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️
IMHO it is better to avoid the definitional crap and ask the question straight: if a person is born as gender A and discovers they feel happier going through life as gender B, do you want to forbid them doing so? Followed by the question: should the Pope be allowed to wear a dress?
@@vxicepickxv A number of self-described GC gender essentialists aren't quite biological essentialists, though. They may claim that their position is based on biological reality, but there are always exceptions to their "absolute" categorizations, because ultimately the biological essentialism is cover for metaphysical essentialism, and their appeal to biology will only go as far as the biology can be made to reflect the metaphysical doctrines.
omg, your childhood is almost identical to mine but i didnt have cross dressing, i figured something was wrong when id see cartoon guys get turned/dress as girls and id get weirdly envious. and my only exposure to anything remotely trans was rocky horror picture show, in my late teens when i had the internet i heard of transgender people but i always associated them with the transvestites from rocky horror and i was always thinking to myself, i wish i could be a woman and actually look like a woman, so i just was depressed because to me that was the reality. then i met a transwoman online in my early twenties and she explained HRT to me and i was blown away, still took another 6 odd years for me to get the confidence to start transitioning and HRT, mainly for two reasons, i wanted to be completely independent from my parents if they disowned me, which they did for a little bit and because i was scared of becoming "the man in dress" id associated with transgender woman(honestly that fear is still there and i put a lot of value on passing). im now 2 years into my transition and very happy and that transwoman i met is now my fiance :D
There is as much of a trans-debate, as there is a flat-earth debate. Its not actually a debate. Its just trying to teach students who refused to do the homework. Which is really hard, but eventually worth the effort.
@@martind2520 And there we have the thing you pretended you didn't know you were doing: arguing for the literal erasure of trans people and trans lives.
@@martind2520 That's a common refrain among those right-wingers who are too dishonest and/or self-deluded to admit they are campaigning on hate. It is one of your many untruths, and the only one you NMIGHT not be aware of.
I think we need to REALLY take the effort to build a trans community, not just enter discord servers or have some trans bar or anything, but really have communities where we help eachother materially and stuff, real mutual aid and shit the State and the market is the transphobe's community, it's the ruler and the controler's community, and we can't just rely on them to meet our needs, we need to help eachother, illegaly when we need to, unlucratively when we need to and I mean when, cus we already know "if" is not into question here
Absolutely agree with this point, because it also ties back to the point Mia made about "who decided "the family" as we traditionally know it was the best way to do things", because the answer to that is big marketing firms. They decided the nuclear family structure is the best way to sell things to people, and any threat to that is a threat to these businesses profits Ultimately, the culture war and targeting of trans people is all in the name of capitalism and making large corporations with more money than god an extra few pennies.
Another documentary recommendation: "Southern Comfort" about a trans man, Robert Eads, and his friends and girlfriend. It shows them going to a big convention for trans people. That's not the main focus, though. The film documents Robert's final year of life battling ovarian cancer that no doctor wants to treat. So a big content note for medical injustices and transphobia. But seeing these trans people live their lives in the late 90s/early 00s always gives me hope and a sense of community. Thank you for this video, Mia, and happy tranniversary ❤😅
Discomfort is extremely important in a secular, diverse society. It comes out not just in bigoted policies, but in the way we construct our physical spaces. We make all this hostile architecture because folks are uncomfortable seeing unhoused people. We build out these aggressive, uncomfortable spaces because we don't like seeing teens or kids hanging out in public. We gate our communities to keep people out, we build highways so we can live as far away from each other as possible. It's awful.
That's the catch 22. Discomfort is very important in learning yet the moment it is presented people want it removed. As a kid you get hurt and or in trouble "I don't too see you playing with them or their". The adult is trying to keep you alive they leave the city. They worked hard to do such. That's the problem with our existence we're HORRIBLE to each other if we're too close to each other. Yet it is because we're forced to bottle up smaller things that make us mad. Thus leaves to being bigotry rooted is too many slights going untold.
@@DotRD12 It's only nonsensical because car-dependency is highly entrenched into American culture that questioning it seems outrageous. What they said was entirely factual--suburbs create isolate individuals and little real sense of community.
I'm cis but a lot of what's going on in the states genuinely has me upset. I've had trans partners before but never been open about it to my pops, and knowing his views I feel like I have to hold my breath around him, which is painful when I consider he holds such distain for people he's never gotten to know but I've managed to love.
Her whole conclusion is the empiphany i had in university and I've been putting off agreeing with evr since for sake of my coping bubble but she's right. We have to create for us, not for them. Show off who we are in the way we are and not let them control the narrative for us. We are in control of our own destinies and by making films, music, art, books, TH-cam vlogs, twitch streams etc. that pertain to our values really will be what helps us win out in the long run. We are here to be loud, so don't let them silence you. xx Edit: I got a bunch of shit for saying this for no reason. Fine, you think I'm condescending becuase I essentially repeated the same point but fuck, why the transphobia?
@@fku6203 Your "trolls" are so woefully underdeveloped. Barely anyone wastes any time on you. Isn't that just sad. C'mon, talk to *me*. Direct your "haha funny" trolls my way. I'm sure you'll get the attention you desire from me.
That's a problem people rely on Hollywood because of money that's what they want. When it comes to art and expression you cannot rely on them to make anything you have to do that yourself. Make the content you want to see don't ask or demand people make something for you.
I’ve always wondered how much of that discomfort with trans people comes from the fact that the existence of trans people raising questions about the nature of gender. Like I know that for me the increased discourse and exposure to trans people has made me wonder about gender on a personal level. Like I’ve always understood the gender as a social construct and I don’t have a problem with being a woman like I’m not dysphoric about my gender but I’m like not euphoric about it either. It’s just like fine, I’m fine with it but I don’t really care that much or feel that my identity is really strongly tied to my gender. The only things I really actively like about being a cis woman is like the freedom to do ‘girly’ things like pear froofy dresses and be openly affectionate with my friends, but those things being ‘girly’ or only acceptable for women is just a result of gender norms, I wouldn’t inherently not be able to have those things as a man. So like how much does my gender actually matter to me? Figuring out I’m bisexual in my 30’s while being happily married to a man really reiterated that for me. Like People see me as straight, I thought kissing other women and thinking they’re hot is normal straight girl stuff for literally decades, I’m in a hetero marriage that I’m very happy in and I’m not interested in non monogamy so nothing in my life has fundamentally changed in figuring out that I don’t care about gender when it comes to love, so like what does it matter or mean? Same with gender, like I don’t feel a strong connection to gender, but I’m also not fussed about being a woman and I’m not interested in transitioning or like changing my gender expression so what does it matter. I think that a lot of the people who fear questioning their gender and gender in general would likely come to similar conclusions to me, like that gender doesn’t ultimately matter that much but they’re not unhappy as the gender they were assigned at birth but that they maybe can fell more chill about shaping their personality around gender roles. So like what is the actual harm in questioning your gender and gender in general?
It's because what you're worrying about isn't gender. Think about all we can do in life what does any of it qualify a pronoun? They don't, sexuality isn't gendered, it's sexual a least for me since I'm asexual. The harm in it is because our medical science isn't ready yet not everything works for everybody. What would legit kill the discourse is that you could be a sex you want for 6 months the whole biological shabang and then go back to how you was. Then it'll just be boring because people can be however they wish.
I think most people just never even think about their gender, much less where it comes from, what it means, etc...and that's in large part because most people are fine with the gender they're assigned. But the lack of a common understanding of the issue definitely contributes to the lack of understanding and acceptance of trans people and others who struggle with the strict gender roles and rules we're all expected to live within. I think for men specifically, fear keeps them from even daring to think about these issues, as their sense of self-worth is so tangled up in their sense of manhood. Anything that might make them question or reevaluate their status as a man gets perceived as a threat to the self and recoiled from. When self-worth and manhood become untangled, then there's nothing to be afraid of.
@@rbgg2010 That's because at least from what I seen and experienced. People that "support" gender expression will still mock a man behind their back for expressing it. It's the same issue men have with expressing their emotions or fears. People exploit them for their own twisted entertainment. Yet after all that the man expressing anger for his mistreatment is still demonized for being angry. Also I think an issue with gender roles is people seeing them as strict when really most fight gender roles in their early to late teens. When your parents can tell you no because you don't really have the money to be following behind your peers. It'll feel like you're being held back. When really you're just poor and young. Once you get out there and socialize with more people you realize gender roles really don't exist. There's expectations, yes. Yet hardline roles nah those don't exist.
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism? How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
The two words that got my mom (a Baptist preacher's daughter) to get over her discomfort and get off the fence regarding acceptance of transgender persons were "neurologically intersex." I'm not sure that it swayed my Fox News watching dad, but he hasn't brought up any LGBT topics around me since.
@@stellarii4077 Because sex is a spectrum. Spectrums still have ends, and transgender people are on the end of the spectrum they identify as -- that's what the study I pointed to shows.
I am a giant bald bearded man, and my weird pandemic hobby was that I learned to do makeup in order to teach my daughter. This quickly became a daily makeup stream. Now I don't wear makeup out. I can't afford the time and lawyers as a single dad in Florida.
The fact that trans people are automatically considered predators without any reason but the actual predators out there are often forgiven or defended sickens me to no end.
THANK YOU. As someone who has processed a lot of internal transphobia, homophobia, biphobia and sexism after being raised in a passively conservative/bigoted family (while also being queer lol), I can say that when I dove deep into conservative rhetoric in search of sound arguments for 'traditional values' and 'the nuclear family', I was looking for a rational scaffold for my discomfort with ideas that broke the way I saw the world and my place in it. I saw myself as sane and rational (as if anyone really is), and a sane rational person couldn't POSSIBLY be bigoted, right?? My discomfort had to be based in RATIONAL FACTS. Anything but admit that I was prejudiced. I couldn't think of myself as a good person AND openly admit to myself that I was full of contempt. What slowly chipped away at my belief system was honestly just SEEING people living their lives outside of the rigid framework I had accepted as the ultimate, virtuous truth. Like, the power of seeing people existing outside of the gender binary and heteronormativity and the world not exploding. I don't know the way out of today's hellscape, but voices like yours are so important - thank you for doing what you do and being who you are (also your hair is just *chef's kiss). I'm still trying to figure out how best to be an activist and ally as a cis person, but you've given me plenty to think about. Sending love!
The craziest part is that whole 'sane and rational' argument is the main reason I was in the closet and denied myself exploring that sort of aspect for so long. I used to be 'accepting' but still thinking it was kind of delusional, literally the same way someone might be 'trans race' and stuff. I would constantly try and force myself to try things I didn't life and to be less internally 'sexist' because clearly that was the only reason the way I felt the way I did, I truly believed I would just grow out of it.... all the while I was incredibly jealous while also looking down on other people that came out as trans. That sort of mindset is toxic for everyone, and it's practically a breeding ground for it in the modern climate.
when my friends were quite conservative they said stuff like "the right is more rational and the left is more emotional, and they balance eachother out with that". which is basically a mindset that lets you admit that other people are more moral, but that youre right all along because trying to do good is naive
I'm just off that Sabine video, the "respectability and logic dictates we prevent trans teens from getting care" one. Gah. What a letdown. I appreciate hearing from Mia to cleanse my poor eyes and ears!
I know! I'm a trans physicist and I hate seeing people who have great knowledge on one subject think that they have the perfect worldview for everything. Seeing Sabine's video made me really frustrated.
I couldn't even get myself to even listen to that video because I immediately got bad vibes from it... and skipping through it to see what was visually there didn't make that better. And that while she made a decent effort on the sports topic.
Yes, that was disturbing. Why would Sabine do a video on this kind of subject, so far away from her expertise? Maybe because she wanted to say the loud part quietly and agrees with the poison the US has been exporting to Europe for a while now. I have friends there who parrot far right wing talking points but have no idea about them or American RL, as opposed to the social media, MSM, and Hollywood version of culture they see here. Our country's politics are very different, yet Sabine often comments about them, even if jokes. You can never have a double-blind, placebo study on trans kids, and she knows it. Social sciences are not the same as Earth sciences and her opinion on them carries the same weight as Bob, the jerk down the street, does (who, strangely, is also an influencer, because...that's the world we live in).
@@emmyfreudenrich4646 This is really frustrating, I'm a materials scientist and the quantity of casual transphobia within the field is frankly incomprehensible. This is the most concise I've ever heard this put. Just because you're a brilliant polymer chemist doesn't mean you should lecture everyone else in your lab about your "true" political opinions. But that's fundamentally the issue, we aren't people to them, we're just some abstract concept like the "band gap" or the "diffusivity", not your lab partner who you work with every single day.
I'm sorry, there is no debate. There's bigots on one side, and people trying to live their life on the other. It's not a debate, and it's not an issue with multiple sides. There is a right and a wrong answer here.
I'm sorry, there is no debate. There's liars on one side, and people refusing to accept the lie on the other. It's not a debate, and it's not an issue with multiple sides. There is a right and a wrong answer here.
@@whitebeans7292 I'm sorry, but the science is on the trans positive side. If you're talking about lies, the biggest one is "sex and gender are the same thing", which both sides know is a lie, but gets told constantly anyway. And even if everything you thought was correct, trans folk still wouldn't be liars. They fully believe they can change gender. That's why they're trans. At worst, they're wrong about something. Why does that matter to you? Even if they're mistaken about something, which they're not, but even if they were, that still does not beget bigotry against them. It doesn't beget the insane amount of anti-trans legislation being passed. It doesn't warrent attempts at genocide. I believe Christians are demonstrably wrong about the existence of God. I still wouldn't ask for genocide against them, no matter how wrong they are. This is a political battle that is so obviously one sided that your side has to lie constantly and use absurd anti democratic tactics against ours, but you're still losing. Despite your absurd anti-trans hysteria, trans acceptance worldwide is higher than ever. Even among the Republican Party, who is ostensibly your side, almost half of the base believes in trans rights. Not only is this a total non-debate, it's a non-debate you've lost, and you'll continue to lose. After all, one side is entirely filled with lies, and the other side refuses to accept those lies, because those lies prevent trans people from being able to just exist in peace. It's not an issue with multiple sides. There is a right and a wrong answer here.
Lmao Imigine claiming to be a woman because you liked wearing a skirt when your were 11 and saying “this means I get to legally be a woman, be in woman sports, and go to woman bathrooms! No debate” I alway have said that the trans supporters are more deluded than the actual trannies
As a rural Midwesterner growing up in the 1970’s and 80’s the language was transsexual/transvestites. My references were on sitcoms, and daytime tv. I knew I wasn’t cisgender, but knew that bringing it up would lead to reparative therapy. It’s always been difficult.
I find it interesting about the discovery of your hormone levels. I went through a similar line of discovery by also starting a HRT regimen (related to transitioning). (Issues were noticed growing up by my doctors, but were mostly ignored or only focused on downstream issues and not the cause.) My T levels were already very low before starting, E was slightly elevated, and we have discovered some Adrenal issues. I appear to have a 17 hydroxylase deficiency, which effects androgens, has a direct relationship to 18-hydroxylase creating aldosterone issues as well. Also that some issues are effected with progesterone as well. With all these issues just in the adrenals, its not surprising to have other endocrine issues as well - like thyroid problems. And all of this has lots of downstream issues as well, particularly related to cardio and pulmonary problems. At a minimum, it all qualifies as a DSD, but it also makes me wonder about my chromosomes as well... I've also never had them tested as our conclusion was the same as yours, as that it doesn't matter. We simply address the issues and move on....and I am on several medications to supplement or to keep things under control. However, some of my current concerns with all of that is how the interpretation is done if living in a state where trans care is banned (luckily I don't currently), but gender dysphoria is officially in my record and I transitioned my gender from the one declared at birth. The medications to control all of that is absolutely required. I still think that education is still the key to change the world. Starting with discussions beyond the dichotomy of basic biology that was taught to most people in the world. Biological sex is not that simple. Intersex people exist, those with DSDs exist, trans people exist, non-binary people exist, etc. This isn't perfect and won't have much effect on people today...but hopefully will change it for those in future.
Since I read about your experience with low testosterone levels before HRT and slightly elevated estrogen... I have had the same (I was slightly below the normal low in my baseline for T-levels) and had a slightly higher than normal-low estrogen level for males). I have had an orchiectomy in 2020 with the idea to be capable of quitting the testosterone blocking drug (cyproterone-acetate) but my body spiralled out of control completely in the 3 months after the surgery, till the point I was capable of wanting to commit suicide. For now, my endocrinologist thinks the problem was not actually testosterone returning to about 1/8th of the baseline reading before HRT, but it's actually progesterone in the cyproterone that might be something my body does not allow to be without. (To be honest, that endocrinologist at first was dismissive of the problems I was experiencing but upon consulting colleagues about my case came back with "I want to apologize, because I have now learned you are definitely not a unique case...this happens more often than I had thought, you simply were the first case for me and the whole gender clinic's current team", which, kudos for him acknowledging he was wrong). The reason I also responded is because the partner of someone I know who is intersex heard about my story from her wife and was like "WOAH, did she get tested for an intersex condition?!!" Because she basically heard a story that was resonating with her experience (she was put on hormones and had a ferocious response to them, just like I had). I will add that ever since I went back on cyproterone-acetate after about 3 months of the surgery having taken place I have been doing reasonably OK, but this question is still lingering in my mind.
@@Dutch3DMaster I would go back and keep working on it. The lack of progesterone was causing a lot of pulmonary issues for me that were cleared up within days after starting on that. Been on a supplement for that every since even though it is recommended against in the SOC. (I argued to get a note added about other issues for SOC 8, but it was ignored.) Low T is low T and after surgery, symptoms of that got a little worse, but since I was so used to that environment, I've done nothing about it. It took years of monitoring to figure out what was going on with me including a doctor change. I sought out a doctor who specializes in odd cases....but only after a lot of my own research and talking my endo into some experimenting. You may want to consider the same.
That's a problem I have with the medical system is that too often they won't tell you what's going on when you're younger. You get that physical and bloodwork then don't say shit. Until years later and an "adult" doctor is seeing you tell you you've had this issue for years. Where a lot of problems could have been fixed. I think a lot of people need a bit of HRT due to our levels aren't there. Yet that's a healthcare issues that's ignored like kids, teens and young adult with chronic pain, illness and injuries going untreated.
To your point around 1:06:00, I remember in a livestream recently, I think with Tristan, you said you got into politics partly to "be in the room," so they had to keep you, keep trans people in mind, that they couldn't just brush the idea away and it's stuck with me since then. It's been an occasional thought every other day or so. I respect it a lot.
Something trans people in the US could and should do is create a trans militia. Use the second amendment to your advantage. Carry a big-ass gun. It is your right after all.
My trans story is very similar in that I didn't know a person could BE nonbinary until I was an adult. I remember all the cruel punch lines, and then when I met people who had actually come out, I was like????? You can do that???? I want to do that!
Dylan Mulvaney should sue the absolute fuck out of Marjorie Taylor Green for calling her a pedophile, I can't imagine a more straightforward example of defamation and libel
American guy from the South here, regarding the very first bit of your video. I graduated HS in 2012 and I remember my good buddy (and football jock) dressed up in my mom's sparkly gold dress, got a couple of balloons for "breasts" and donned a wig because there was a men's "beauty pageant" where all the football players got together and had a laugh on stage and we voted for the most ostentatious one there. We didn't have the words for it but that was a drag show, for sure. And it was fun! And funny, and nobody made a big deal about it in SOUTH CAROLINA a decade ago, at an official school function. Things have gone crazy. And for the record (not that it matters) but I don't think anyone involved has come out as trans, either. It's just a thing.
Have to admit, your Intro was super relatable. I never even heard of Drag, Transgender or anything like that until it some day, when smartphones were almost invented it literally hit me like a wrecking ball one day on the internet. Back then I got my dads old machine for myself. You know, the average 30 year old trans experience.
"Some people have called this a trans genoicide and while I am not quite on that level..." And then she goes on to describe the SEVENTH STEP OF GENOICIDE currently happening.
@@martind2520 "It's not genocide, it's just all the warning signs and escalation that LEAD to genocide, all taking place rapidly and recently. The genocide hasn't happened so don't worry yet." is one heart-of-a-star nuclear take.
@@martind2520 I am well aware, and most of them HAVE happened. You being ome of the people pushing it, I'm not terribly inclined to accept your preferred interpretation. In fact I'd say that you represent a good reason to be TERRIFIED, being that you're an avowed 'gender critical' and even you can no longer pretend that there are no signs of incipent genocide.
@@martind2520 "no one in a western country has the power to start a genocide" I: Hadn't hitler done exactly that? Not singlehandedly, of course, but the bigots, terfs, and outright fascists/neonazis, like in the US (but in other countries as well) are not acting single-handedly, either. They might be more decentralized nowadays (though they do very much still center around hatemongering people like trump, walsh, etc.), but if anything, that makes them more concerning and difficult to deal with, not less. There isn't one singular, central hate group to dismantle and win; there are plenty smaller ones
@@martind2520 I: Okay, I admit I took Germany as a "western country" from today's perspective, and there _are_ geopolitical and economical differences. But that doesn't change the fact that hitler _was_ the head of a genocidal regime
@@martind2520 Don't be disingenuous. You have explicitly claimed to be 'gender critical'. You know full well what you're doing, and denying the incipient genocide is part of it.
It was within the lifetime of some people currently alive that the exact same rhetoric we see concerning the "trans debate" was being had about the "Jewish debate."
On the topic of 'discomfort' around trans-ness: I, a cis fella, started watching Philosophy Tube before their transition and then *stopped* after transition. Not directly because of it, but more because I didn't know how to feel about it? I'm still subscribed, I'm still supportive, and I think I'll watch some of her videos soon after I finish watching this one. Between her transition and uh, today, I've sought out other trans content creators. Watched their stuff, gained more understanding about Trans people and their issues. At the time, it was new and different - so I had to go and normalise it for myself.
This is completely normal, don't worry about it. I felt the same way when I was first exposed to transness. One of my classmates came out as trans, and while we weren't close, I was very socially isolated up to that point and seeing him trying to pursue this trans thing kind of cooked my brain. I was 17 at the time. Since then, I've discovered that I'm trans. So, the point is, don't feel bad about that awkward, confused feeling. It happens!
Like what Mia says in this video, I think it's beneficial to go outside of your comfort zone. I'm actually the opposite of you. I found philosophy tube more recently (post transition) and it feels bizarre for me to go back and watch videos from before she transitioned. That being said, the content that she makes these days is top notch. She's so talented when it comes to costuming and bringing you the viewer Through the story. Highly recommend.
@@mattgustafson4956 I think she hit the nail on the head about it being discomfort for sure. That's what it was for me. If there are trans people, and it is possible to transition, am I trans? Do I want to transition? For me, I really didn't want to think about it, because I was scared about what would happen if the answer was yes.
I'm a geneticist. We did look at out Barr corpuscles once, which are a tiny lump of chromatin (the thing the DNA is wrapped around in a chromosome) from the inactivated X chromosome. You would be able to see them in XX people, but not in an XY. But one way of diagnosing XXY would be to find the Barr corpuscles in the cells of somebody who has male genitalia. However, it is not 100% accurate. A person with Turner syndrome (X0), would have female genitalia and NO Bar corpuscle. The professor at that time told us that some people had found out they were XXY during that practical, so it is not that rare. However, most people have never seen their chromosomes, and I find it funny how they obsess over that.
oh my god this is SUCH A FUCKING GREAT VIDEO. I'll probably download it, write subtitles in russian and show it to everyone i know. A while ago I wrote russian subtitles for couple of contra's and philosophy tube's videos but you can't do it on youtube anymore
and i know it's russia for fuck's sake. my country is in the middle of an ethnic genocide, and i'm 27 yo cis white straight guy, and main state narrative is "traditional values", and publicly stating your queer identity might get you in jail (for PROPAGANDA), and no one really want to talk about trans issues here (even "liberals" are occupied with war and nothing else) but if only one single person might change their views i'll be so goddamn glad
Arrgh. The gamete thing is SO frustrating to me as a biologist! Because, yes, that IS actually how we define sex scientifically. But it is NOT relevant to how we should treat trans people! (Though, as you say, the logic doesn't matter - but maybe it matters to some people who aren't too far down that weird rabbit hole) A lot of organisms don't have sex chromosomes, and among those that don't many can switch sex or have both male and female function at the same time. But: A) It takes a lot of effort to try to SEE which gametes an organism produces (or will produce if it is young or used to produce if it is old). So we use other physical traits that tend to be correlated with that as a short-hand way of ID-ing "probably male" and "probably female". However, this isn't 100% reliable. For instance, a significant proportion of male hummingbirds don't have the colorful throat feathers that we usually use to identify a male, and a significant proportion of female hummingbirds DO. B) Gender, so far as we can tell, is a human cultural thing that is about ones role within society NOT (only) reproductive function. There are and have been many societies with more than two gender categories. For instance, one that still exists in Indonesia recognizes FIVE: two that roughly translate to cis-probably-straight women and cis-probably-straight men, one for AFAB people who dress and act in more traditionally masculine ways (by the local cultural standards), one for AMAB people who dress and act in more traditionally feminine ways, and one for non-binary or intersex people who take on characteristics of both and traditionally serve as shamans. Nature abhors neat categories! Things like "male vs. female" "species X vs species Y" (because there are hybrids, subspecies, etc.) are human concepts that are helpful in understanding the diversity around us, not laws written in stone.
Hi, out of curiosity have you heard about how people have been studying about Gender being possibly function or determined in the Brain? I've saw little Articles of it lately and Its interesting!
I don’t understand what your point is. Secondary sex characteristics aren’t 100% reliable to distinguish males and females…and? The fact remains that sex is binary, humans can’t change their sex, thus trans women are males and trans men are females. They always will be.
I totally agree that trans people -- and any other minority for that matter -- should be as visible as possible, in media, in communities, and even in just casual talking amongst people. And for me it's pretty much the only thing I can do, just talk about trans issues, trans legislation and tell friends, family, and people I meet what I think about those issues, and address the normalized bigoted language that "reasonable" people bring up as "valid concerns". And ask people if they got their bigoted ideas about trans people from experience or from other bigots. It's usually the latter and they never talked to a trans person. So I really think that the visibility of how trans people are just people like everyone else who want to live their lives should match the misinformation as closely as possible to normalize acceptance and presence, so that the bigoted ideas are pushed back into the fringe where it belongs.
That's a good point at the start of the video. There's literally been a giant war going on for over a year. And instead of people being like "Vladamir please stop this senseless war" they're like "this person has a weewee and I didn't know😡😡😡" We are truly approaching idiocracy.
Trans women and cis women should be the greatest allies. Trans men and cis men should be the greatest allies. There is so much in common. To the point where anti-trans legislation IS anti-cis legislation too. We need to get people to see this!
I have an anti-trans relative who simply CANNOT demonstrably state what the "bad" is about transwomen (like me) cause to society...no good answer from him, so we are on a hiatus.😕
There’s nothing “bad” about transwomen per se. You’re men pretending to be women. That’s fine; it’s a free country. The problem is that you get angry when people point that fact out. You conflate it with bigotry. Worse, you think your delusions precede reality and that you’re warranted to invade women’s spaces. You’re not.
Feeling very vindicated when you said its all about discomfort, because when I talked to some people I trust, thats all it boiled down to. I could only do that because they personally trust me and didn't know I was doing it for selfish reasons (I am closeted non binary in a country where every noun has grammatical gender, but no neuter.... Also the media backlash against trans people hasn't gone as far but opinions on trans people werent great to begin with, mostly because homophobia is still really strong). I got more aware of gender stuff because of essays that weren't about gender stuff but unapologetically also did interesting different gender presentation, and that has been the most consistent way for me to get friends interested.
My coworker started bringing up a lot of generic transphobic topics recently (many of the ones mentioned here actually), and I tried to have a civil conversation for a while, but I realized all she did was repeat her self. Like "Oh yeah I get that, _however-_ ". With the environment we work in having debates isn't really possible, unless you really want to screw up your entire work day, but she will still run her mouth if a customer agrees with her, and at that point I actually cant do anything about it rationally because it really is just more of the same than. . .
@@liamwacey807 My problem with "debates" as an open social concept is they really are nothing like I, or others I imagine, are lead to believe. People create these romanticized scenarios of scholars and wisemen "debating" the meaning of life etc. When really its just a competition to see who can say more to deny the other person. Considering or digesting each others words for the chance at change is not on the table 9/10 of the time. Its about who gives up talking first. Something I learned a little to late in my socialization.
@@trampoline11x Totally. Large forum debate is only as useful as its audience gives it credit for, and small scale debate between coworkers or family/friends is usually much closer to arguing than it is to discussion, in my opinion.
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism? How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
The your “feelings don’t equal facts” crowd are very in their feelings about a lot of things that don’t matter to them. If it doesn’t concern you then you can 100% stay out of it. I can’t imagine caring that much what others are doing.
self-loathing closet queens like Matt Walsh, Stephen Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Jordan Peterson and Tim Pool need transphobia to throw people off the scent. 🤮
13:04: “all of these laws have led a lot of people to claim what is currently going on as a trans genocide. i personally might not be on that level quite yet, but i definitely do think that this is a systematic measure to get rid of trans people from existing in public space.” this is actually a really common misunderstanding of the word ‘genocide’ here. typically, when people think of the term genocide, they think of the mass murdering of marginalized groups (and i wouldn’t blame you for that since that is the most common way it’s depicted) but the term can also refer to the extermination of a way of existence, even of the people belonging to that way of existence still persist. take native americans for example, they still exist to this day, but their culture and way of life as been thoroughly decimated through white supremacist institutions. a systematic erasing of a group of people is still regarded as ‘genocide’ even if there isn’t any mass killing involved. what’s going on today with anti trans legislation and propaganda is absolutely well within the bounds of what can be considered genocide.
I have been outwardly genderqueer to varying degrees for a while now, and I do find that the more I deviate from my expected gender presentation, the more shut down and hostile a lot of people are when we interact. I'm constantly torn between being my authentic self unapologetically, and looking "straighter" so my existence and opinions can be heard and taken seriously. I'm still not sure what route is best, and it's paralyzing to a certain degree. I spend so much time on all these outer details of how I present, when I could be doing actual good in the world.
This is wholly my opinion but I think you’re doing the right thing. Following your heart and being who you are will ultimately show others that it’s normal for everyone to live as they want. You’re showing us who want to also hide, that you can come out and not be afraid. Always take breaks and don’t burn yourself out❤ we will get there together
Similar to you, I grew up in the 90's across from a wheat field next to a town with one church and no stores. I went to Catholic high school and we actually had a cross dressing day every year. It got a page in every yearbook.
the thing about the trans debate - is that its not a debate - nobody knows what the arguments or parameters are - also its seems to not be held by actual trans people but by celebrities and upper middle class people trying to check their own status
They understand the sense of disgust, being emotionally charged, is far more powerful than logic. I am openly trans and involved in politics in UK. Visibility is so important, for those gender non-conforming, and for ordinary folks to see we are... well... pretty ordinary too. Maybe I will be looking for support to become an MP later?
I don't see the need to work within a system that is inherently flawed 🤷 if we want rights and recognition, its comming from the barrel of a gun. Black people did not get the rights they have today through peace! (There's obviously work to do though)
I always find the whole “making someone trans/gay” so weird as someone who has grown up in a muslim country. I probably realized I like men when I was 10. At that time I didn’t even know what the word for that is! I remember the first time I told my friend about how I feel and the look on his face was an indicator that what I’m feeling is considered unnatural. This conversation happened when I was 14 and the only reason I told him about it was bcs that was what most people were talking about at school. Although they only talked about girls. I learned the word gay when I was 16 and for the first time, I had a term to identify myself as.
I said all this to say I grew up with 0 and I mean ZERO representation of what I was experiencing whatsoever in a country that punished homosexuality by execution and I still grew up a flaming homosexual! The whole “groomer” conversation doesn’t have a point beside masking these people’s disgust toward people who don’t fit the mold.
"it didn't happen to me so it can't happen to anyone" + a whole lot of unnecessary backstory
@@fku6203 science has proven that both being gay and trans is innate
@@fku6203 You have to prove it happens to be worried about it
Exactly. People who like to use that argument tend to completely forget that if indoctrination was so simple to do, all those trans, gay, bi, lesbian and queer people should've not been able to exist because they were indoctrinated with cis-hetero normative education for years...
The idea of calling transpeople groomers is something that is recycled stupidity that was used against the gay movement in the same way...Except for the problem that now we have social media that gives literally anyone without a good sense and knowledge of the subject a possibly big platform on which it is easier than ever to spread lies and hate...
@@fku6203 Don't forget the anecdotal experience to legitimize and think it's good to hate transpeople that goes along the lines of "I was such a tomboy as a girl when I was young, imagine of the damage done if I would've grown up now!!!"
Trying to justify hate, but also suggest that gender clinics are made up out of idiots who can't tell the difference between children who are not actually gender dysphoric and those who are, but also suggesting that the intake at a gender clinic is an irreversible thing: from that moment on there will be an unstoppable push to put people on hormones and surgery...
(And then I'm leaving out the people who use such anecdotal evidence who also believe children aged below the age of 12 are capable of having surgery performed on them)
I came to the "uncomfortable" realization after a couple years of futilely trying to talk a conservative co-worker around. The idea that their discomfort justifies the suffering of others is one of the biggest things we need to demolish.
Yeah, more and more it seems like Republicans are just bad people.
It's the Argument from Disgust logical fallacy, which seems to underpin a lot of conservative thought. Funny how the "facts and logic" crowd bases a lot of their beliefs on outright fallacies.
When has the Left ever had a problem discomforting people?
Hell, look at what Stalin did in the Soviet Union. Hitler in Germany.
Pol Pot in Cambodia.
Your problem is you just can't accept true diversity.
When the Left gets into demolishing, usually millions die.
Those were before "The Great Switch"
Where the left and right switched ideologies
Which happened in the 1940's-50's
Hitler and Stalin were 10 years earlier, their "left" is the new right
The old "right" freed the slaves, the new left
Look it up, it's actually documented as "The Great Switch" and is really interesting
@@Josilyne That would apply more in Europe. In the U.S.
there wasn't that great a change though the major parties have changed
a bit with the Republicans turning back to their original populist past
while the Democrats have become more pro-big business.
One of the weirdest side effects of this rise in transphobia is that some of us who aren't "traditionally" attractive are basically getting discriminated against because people will think they're trans.
It also proves how much we have no clue what "a man" or "a woman" is supposed to look like, outside of "generic hot dude" and "generic hot chick"
I'm a cis dude with a fairly androgynous appearance, and while I've been hit with misdirected transphobia since I was in middle school, I've seen _quite_ an uptick lately. It's gotten scary a few times.
@@actualgoblin tfw transphobia gets so bad I feel pressured to start hormone therapy for the gender I already am.
This is something I keep bringing up is that the transphobia won't just affect US. It will affect anyone that doesn't meet Western standards of what is feminine and masculine. In the UK, women of colour, and in particular black women, for being viewed as trans which in itself is rooted in the stereotype that black women are manly.
@@fuzzydunlop7928 it's kind of harrowing to think that in a few years that might actually be mandated
When my friend transitioned MtF in 1985 at age 30 she had no problems at all. It should be said that she was/is quite beautiful (like Mia) which made it easy to just live and let live. Now, she never leaves her home without a gun. She is former military, USN, honorably discharged in 1979 after serving for six years. I suspect she understands the meaning of the meaning of "to eradicate."
Yeah, most people expect trans people to be unarmed bc we tend to vote democrat. The reality is about half carry pepper spray & are for gun control, the other half carry arms for self defense.
Shit’s scary rn, and hate crimes are starting to increase again.
Noone wants to be the next Brianna Ghey
If they're transgender, is it not Man to Woman, not male to female? Otherwise they'd be transsexual, no?
I think your friend is a bit crazy, maybe suffer from paranoia on top of the gender dysphoria
@@jonjonson-dd7gq what?
@@jonjonson-dd7gq liberulz owneddd 🥳
When I was a we lad, my grandma had a photo of her and a friend from way back when, and I asked, "Is that you?" And pointed at her friend, and she said,"No, that is me." Points at herself in the photo. I asked who the other lady was, and she said, "That is my friend," so and so, and then began to explain to me what transgender people are. She was a Christian woman, but she also believed in reincarnation, I don't really know how those two beliefs stack, but she told me "sometimes a woman will reincarnate as a man, and feel wrong, so they make themselves feel right by becoming a woman." And little 8 year old me was like,"Oh, that's cool." And ran off to catch crawdads or w/e weird shit little boys do at that age. I only say this because my grandma was Hella based in a time when it wasn't very common to be so open-minded. She was a life long hair stylist and a very kind woman. She's no longer with us, but I thank her for raising me a proper, compassionate man.
Smart woman
Presidential candidate , Vivek ramaswamy In an inteveiw with( All In ) podcast episode 138 says that the Trans movement is Anti Gay . He says that it goes against the narrative that you were born gay , if you are (Gender Fluid) He said we would be modeling ourselves like Iran . In Iran you can be Transgender since the late 80’s as long as you get reassignment surgery. Homosexuality is forbidden however ,actually it’s punishable by death in Iran.
And then you grew up and had sex and realized that biology defines what a woman is.
My grandson told me about your videos and I'm so glad I have starting watching them. I wrote the following paper titled Understanding Transgender and emailed it to all the members of the Kansas legislature. I hope my paper is helping.
Understanding Transgenders
As a senior citizen, lifelong Republican, Christian, married to my wife for 47 years until she died of bile duct cancer, and father with 3 children and 7 grandchildren, you wouldn’t think I would be interested in understanding transgenders.
Well, I wasn’t interested until I became a voting lay representative of my church at the United Methodist Church Annual Conference. When I started to go into the door of the conference, I was offered a pride pin, which I did not accept. I thought homosexuality was ridiculous.
I soon learned the United Methodist Church might split over the LGBTQ+ issue so I decided I needed to know more before I could be a conscientious voter. I started a lengthy research project on my own. I soon learned there were many LGBTQ+ categories so I decided to concentrate on transgenders which I considered the most controversial and thus began my interesting adventure.
I read numerous books and watched hundreds of TH-cam and TED Talk videos and ultimately developed an understanding of gender dysphoria, and respect for, true transgender people.
I discovered it's important to understand being transgender before forming an opinion. To begin, some people think they are transgender, some want to be transgender, and some ARE transgender. Given time the truth will be discovered in each case.
Those who just think they are transgender should be allowed to live the gender they think they are. If they are not transgender they will ultimately get tired of behaving as a transgender.
Those who want to be transgender should also be allowed to live the gender they want to be. And, again if they are not transgender they will get tired of acting as a transgender.
Those who are transgender should again be allowed to live the gender they think they are. If they are transgender, in time, they will feel more comfortable and at peace and will usually transition.
In all 3 cases, there needs to be an extended period before any puberty blockers or HRT should be prescribed or before any surgery.
True young transgender children should be allowed to live as their authentic selves and should not be compelled to go through puberty so they can avoid irreversible body changes, expensive and painful surgeries, and possible suicide.
I see the biggest problem is parents, classmates, and adults who don't permit children and adults to live as they feel they are. As I explained, if they are allowed to live the gender they think, want to be, or truly are, they will discover their truth over time.
As far as pronouns are concerned, for example, if someone asks to be called, “they or them” they should be told, “OK,” and then the subject should be changed. Why should it make any difference to us who they want to be called? It doesn't hurt them and it certainly doesn't hurt us.
If someone says, “I am a cat,” again they should be told, “OK.” Then asked something like “What would you like for dinner?” or some other comment that changes the subject. Let them have the freedom to get tired of thinking they are a cat.
As Aristotle said, “Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.” And, knowing ourselves takes time.
Tamara Levitt said, “When we stop resisting what is, the battle stops.” We need to give children, youth, and adults the freedom and time to discover what is or, in other words, who they are.
What is gender dysphoria? I think the best way to explain it is this way…Have you ever left on a vacation and suddenly wondered if you closed the garage door? You find out that none of the passengers in your car are sure it was closed either. This becomes a problem your brain can’t solve! Your mind starts going in an endless loop. You lose a lot of your connection with what is going on around you as your brain is using most of its power trying to solve, in the background, a problem it can’t. The only answers are to go back home, call a neighbor, check a video camera, etc.
That is what gender dysphoria is like. For example, a transgender woman knows her inner self is female but what she sees when she looks in a mirror, and what other people see when they look at her, is a man. She is a female soul or spirit trapped in a male body. Her brain is caught in an endless loop. The only answer is to discover that she is transgender and then probably transition.
Who we all are is like love. It is impossible to describe but we know when we are in love just like we know who we are regardless of what body or shell we are in or what other people tell us.
Every transgender is different just like we are all different. The biggest problem for transgenders is being accepted by you and me so they can be themselves and be productive citizens. Most of them just want to be accepted and blend into society.
They do have an advantage over most people as they understand life from both the male and the female perspective. Transgenders are some of the most misunderstood people and there is so much we can learn from them.
Once we understand true transgenders are real, we will have compassion for them and we won't, in any way, want to prevent them from getting the help and support they need and deserve.
Here are important questions we all need to ask ourselves:
What would you do if your 5-year-old son said I am a girl?
What would you do if your 7-year-old son still said I'm a girl?
What would you do if your 9-year-old son still said I'm a girl and the 2 therapists you took him to agreed that your son has a female brain and emotions?
What would you do if your 14-year-old son still said I'm a girl?
What would you do if 1 year later your son tried to commit suicide?
In conclusion, only when families are confronted with the realities of being transgender can their hearts and minds be opened and they can truly “UNDERSTAND TRANSGENDERS.”
Thank you for learning, growing, sharing. Your story is powerful and gives me hope, which I sometimes feel like I'm running out of
Man I’m not gonna read all that.
If you want to write a book, do it.
@@calitaliarepublic6753 I did :-)
Yes Who Killed Who? A Love Story
Why does it say "Four. Five" next to the thumbs up button?
You know, the thing that pisses me off the most about these kind of debates, is that these issues being debated are about actual PEOPLE. These are not things you can just “make a compromise” on. These issues affect people, and trying to take away trans rights under the guise of “middle ground” is upsetting as a trans person. I am not a topic for debate, I am a person, and I deserve basic respect as a human even IF you disagree with my existence.
that's the fundamental issue unfortunately. the right doesn't see trans people, or people of color, or queer people (like me), or neurodiverse people (like me) as people. to them everyone is just "a normal person" that is fucking up being normal by being a part of any of the above categories, it's victim blaming taken to its logical extreme
Yeahhhh, it's really hard to be polite and do respectability politics when it's your right to EXIST as yourself is the one being challenged.
Uuugh, this is not about your "existence". The whole problem is you refuse to make any compromise or middle ground and exaggerate what's at stake.
@@LB030377 what is the middle ground here? No seriously what is the middle ground? Is it like you want to separate trans people from cis people - full on “separate but equal” style?
@@LB030377 🙄
I'm a trans parent with a trans kid. This year has been... Very painful.
Literally trans your child, poor kid never had a chance
@@JamesMadisonsSpiritAnimal you know not this person,or child’s life.Your comment is insensitive,sophomoric,Rude and unprovoked.
@@JamesMadisonsSpiritAnimal You know how people often adopt children with their same background (race/ethnicity, religion, nationality, etc)? Wouldn't it make sense for someone who comes from a disenfranchised demographic to put forth love towards children of that same demographic? Because they know what it's like to be from that community? Maybe instead of being transphobic, you put literally any amount of thought at all into your comments.
@@JamesMadisonsSpiritAnimal you are being manipulated by bad faith grifters that desire only dictatorial power. They couldn't give an actual fuck about "teh CHULDRUN'. Don't listen to them, if you've got a mind of your own.
My very religious, conservative parents never explained to me what menstruation was. They went out of town for a weekend, leaving me home alone. I got my first period, and literally thought I was dying, or something.
I was maybe 11 or 12. Thankfully, we did have dialup, at the time. So I was terrified for all of like, maybe 20 minutes.
Please teach your kids sex ed. If it's too uncomfortable for you to lead "the talk," then print out some age-appropriate booklets for your kids. Do something. The thing you REALLY don't want to do is leave them completely unprepared, and without adequate terminology to describe their own comfort levels or boundaries. You don't want your kids just saying yes, because they don't know how to say no, right? So tamp down your own discomfort, and prepare your damn kids, please.
Kids who take accurate and comprehensive sex ed have their first sexual encounters later, and they are less likely to end up pregnant or with STIs. Those are all good things.
I still carry the trauma of being told to say yes even if I didn't want to and never being taught that that doesn't apply to everything (or that it shouldn't apply to anything, really). All because my very Christian parents were so uncomfy with the thought of their little girl having sex that they gave no thought to the fact that there's more than one person in that equation; you don't have to want sex to have it done to you. It's taken me a very long time to learn how to say no. That indoctrination is so hard to overcome and still everywhere today. Keeping people in the dark and imposing standards that girls must never even imply "no" and boys must never complain is the real grooming that goes on that leads to exploitation, not the fact that trans people exist and there's more than two genders.
Boo hoo your parents made you go to church. How’s it feel knowing your parents were right and now you’re going to hell? 🤣😂
@@notbot2648what a boring story. I give it 2 stars. One for each gender ☺️
@@miragebarrage9748 you can do better then this man, at least try next time
@@fartface8918 yeah you’re right. Not edgy enough.
As a trans woman from Sweden, it makes me so angry how we have imported the entire right wing rhetoric from US and UK. Some of the time the right wingers here even copy imported arguments, even though it doesn't make sense! Like, recently some SD politician in a small city started ranting about gender on birth certificates, AND WE DON'T EVEN HAVE BIRTH CERTIFICATES IN THIS COUNTRY! Why did we have to import this debate? Why can't we have a single independent though ever in this country? Gah!
As a trans man from Denmark I second this. This shit needs to stay out of our countries.
Hell, this shit needs to stay out of every country.
Shouldn't it go both ways, then? The leftwing rhetoric is infecting scandinavia from the US is why this is even a topic in the first place. We wouldn't see double or triple the number of "trans" teens otherwise. Of course you're gonna have cautionary rightwing policies. That's the sensible thing to do.
As a mental health worker from Finland I agree rhat we could do without black-and-white imported narratives.
SD and KD love Anglosphere cultur war shit. I have no idea why.
im so glad you shared your experience on recognising your trans identity. It took me 28 years, and now 30. Growing up in a poor english town was brutal on my mind. Even though I would tell friends, family, doctors and therapists that I would prefer to be a girl; the answer always was, "well you cant change it your a man, end of." It took 28years for me to find a trans person and I correctly rushed into my own transition. But those same friends family etc all replied to the transition; "why didnt you do it earlier, we knew about transitioning." Everyone just wants to keep us secret. :(
As a mostly cis person: I did not know trans people even existed until two friends transitioned in the same year. Media representation was so bad that I had no idea even at the age of 30. I knew that transvestites existed: but their motivation was never explained.
@@economicprisoner plus the media oversimplification when folks show up: portraying stuff as just crossdressing or just surgery when in reality it often includes a whole “second puberty”
@@PizzaManager101 "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective" was SO bad in hindsight.
Ace Ventura was rough. Watched it for the animals, hit with intense transphobia at the end. I forgot it until I watched it recently, yikes. It really taught children that its normal to be a hateful transphobe.
@@economicprisoner Yeah, it was. My experience as a kid was also flavored by uh…. South Park
Nothing will make you feel crazy faster than being called delusional by people who believe demons and magic literally exist.
That point at 11:32 is painfully true for my experience. Tennessee classified public instances of singing, dancing, etc by any "male or female impersonators" in the same way as burlesque shows. They also redefined sex as what's on your birth certificate, which has synergy with the fact that TN is the only state in the US (correction, one of four in the US) to not allow you to change your sex on your birth certificate, which legally means something truly fucked:
Any time I go out as myself and dare to do so much as dance or sing, I'm legally identical to a drag queen, and, drag or trans, I'm committing a felony that'll land me on the sex offender registry and remove my right to vote, no joke.
It's an opaque attempt by my government to damn myself to prison or complete privacy.
I was born in idaho but have lived in ohio and elsewhere. its been awhile and maybe im wrong but it was my understanding that idaho and ohio plus others don't allow you to change your birth certificate. im 25 years post op transitioned but I opted to NOT change the gender of my birth certificate even if I would be allowed it. i like the fact that there is a record paper trail that im trans, that i transitioned. that i was "born a male" and changed. for one thing its partially true. for another its cool. and for another thing it protects trans history.
@@chrisstoltz3648 The party of small government when they want to expand the government so far that real people get exiled
@@TransGurl.VrilX.1488 I get that desire to have a record of being trans and discovering that fact, but I'm personally uncomfortable with that symbol being official documentation. An intentionally not-ironed flag and childhood photos do the same thing without forcing me to out myself any time I present my documents, especially when dealing with police or doctors. You know how annoying and dangerous that can be.
And from my understanding, Montana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and West Virginia are the only states where you can't change your gender designation on any official documents, but some states might have some preventing the change on driver's licenses.
In fact, the Tennessee law criminalises trans people simply being in public at all, and the legislators who supported it made it clear that that was the idea.
There was a Trans woman in Tennessee that tried to change her birth certificate to say female, got denied, and then got arrested for indecent exposure by showing her breasts, which by law can only be applied to a woman.
12:40 as a trans self-advocate from Kentucky, thank you for talking about SB150. Honestly it has been so terrifying and demoralizing to see how little our protesting has done to prevent this legislation, but the Trans community is so amazing and strong together. Trans solidarity has no borders, and I am infinitely proud to be in community with you
Much love 💕
@@weelebaseknowles4410 What sayest thou?
@@weelebaseknowles4410 But why?
@@weelebaseknowles4410 ignoring people does not make them disappear wut
This part hit me pretty hard. Kentucky is close to home for me, and I didn't already know about it. And seeing my home state on that list was depressing. It makes me worry deeply about our future, and as I have learned, that isn't very fun.
@@weelebaseknowles4410 Dude, just seeing queer people makes you 'wired'? Don't you think that's weird? That maybe it's something you should address within yourself, instead of imposing on the basic rights of other humans to live freely for the sake of your personal comfort? I just don't get it
I have been told numerous times in real life to stop wearing feminine clothing. I have been made fun of, and literally been told "You can't wear girl clothing (whatever tf that means) because it makes me uncomfortable." And the weird thing is, I'm not even trans. And the fact that this happens to so many other people as well saddens me a lot. This shows that yes, this is all about discomfort, and not about what is right. I'm still in school, and whenever little kids see me, they don't mock me. They don't make fun of me, or question me at all. They just accept it. And this is what confuses me about people claiming that children shouldn't be exposed to these things. They're not being harmed in any way at all unless seeing people for who they are is somehow considered a problem (Also yes I know I'm not trans so it's not quite as extreme but still you guys get my point)
Also there is a pretty good chance that that I worded something in a weird way because I'm dumb and bad at writing coherently so feel free to correct me. If I said anything offensive chances are it wasn't on purpose.
@@GDRhythmic just goes to show you how misogynist transphobes actually are, as their idea of what a woman is is so incredibly strict. well, regardless, hope you're doing well.
@@approximated_nerd yeah. They really are. Its kind of sad how they view the world under such strict regulations and never even stop to question whether they're necessary.
I am doin quite well btw thanks! :3
I'm pleasantly surprised to learn that the kids at your school accept you, or at the very least they don't bully you. I'd expect them to be meaner.
Even if you aren't trans, it is still difficult to be gender nonconforming (in any way). With a male body, it is risky to wear feminine clothing because men have a strong tendency to humiliate and/or harrass each other for any attribute that deviates from traditional masculinity.
I, a transwoman, have to wait a while until I can transition unfortunately, and I don't feel comfortable to just wear feminine clothing to decrease my dysphoria for the time being, because society doesn't accept it and it could put me at risk (the "man in a dress" hysteria comes to mind. Though imo, men who present feminine are based). So big respects to your bravery to just be yourself. I admire that because it's definitely not easy.
If I was an executive at Bud Light and was spiteful enough, I would totally issue an apology like this "I'm sorry you got your feelings hurt because you're wrong"
kind of surprised they didn't tbh, purely as an economic consideration, not even as an act of pathologically doubling down. in the attention economy, all press is good press.
@Debra-Sue they are going at this from an economic standpoint.
Sponsoring Dylan mulvaney was an attempt to attract a younger audience into drinking their beer. They got that audience, however they also alienated a small part of their existing customer base with it.
If they leave this situation, only addressing it with corporate speak and laying low, when this blows over in a year most everyone who was mad about bud light will be back to drinking the beer.
Now if they continue to repeatedly alienate those people with statements like this, they will be more likely to cement their opinions.
Bud light also doesn't need to do anything to get attention on this issue. It's been a scary amount of time since the original video dropped and it is still a hot button issue.
Yep. The bridge was already crossed. No reason to try to appease the bigots.
They still fund the republican party: which lends credence to the "they knew what they were doing" theory.
@@economicprisoner i can't imagine any large multiconglomerate Not lobbying with the government parties, thats pretty inherent to the system.
As someone from the UK the "trans debate" and transphobia is general is extremely disappointing and quite sickening. But it also is comical in the most tragic way.
@@cloudycolacorp Exactly that. They need targets for people to divert their frustrations onto because of the conservative's extreme mismanagement of the country for the last 12/13 years or however long and trans people and migrants are unfortunately the fall guys.
@@cloudycolacorp YES! SPOT ON! You are the true, positive, no bullshit, downright transcendent definition of "woke"!
As in being acutely aware of social injustice, and aware of (at least one of) the true motivations behind this unhinged anti-queer panic: distracting all of us nobodies in the working class from conservative greed and graft, be it here in the US 🇱🇷 or over there in my other home country, the UK 🇬🇧
“As someone from the UK”
Ahhhh that explains the issue here.
As an American it's funny to me to see British terfs use progressive rhetoric to defend views that are obviously reactionary and authoritarian. Here there is an obvious connection between transphobia and other socially conservative attitudes, but this is somehow beyond the comprehension of liberal Brit boomers who think of themselves as so tolerant and enlightened. In reality they are just as ignorant and narrow-minded as the Tory Brexiteers they sneer at.
@MirageBarrage oh it's the abuser again
CisHet guy here. I've lost friendships and even loves over (non-)debates whether racism is a matter of people like me being (hyper)sensitive/taking offence or of regularly encountering literal violence, whether 'systemic' or knuckleheads in the street who feel licensed to attack you because you're marked as 'other'. I have no more patience for people who aren't directly affected by the hate or discrimination in question, yet feel their faux-nuanced opinion on the matter holds water.
Its not "hyper-sensitive" to feel emotions and empathy for those who are hurt lol Its just a part of being a human... And I'm you people still exist!
to be human is to feel, to feel is to be human. let those who do nothing in the face of discrimination drown in their waters of inaction
A very specific Chinese man from the 20th century would agree with your style.
Remember, combat liberalism! It manifests in many ways.
Fantastic video. Glad to see the glasses are okay. I'm not trans but watching whats happening to the trans community has really made me reflect on my Jewish heritage. There are similarities in transphobia and antisemitism. And if they come for either they come for both, if history is any indicator. So we have to help each other. Stay strong sister.
If this persecution goes to its logical conclusion, i.e. if it isn't stopped as soon as possible, the "transgender question" will go down in history in the same place as the "Judenfrage" ("Jewish Question")
Which, for any neo Nazis that may see this, is VERY BAD!
I'd add in thiers a similarity between transphobia and anti GRT sentiments too.
Well alot of bigotries do rhyme and are said by the same people.
None of us is free until all of us are free.
Thank you from heart 🌈
@@Aarenby These are all forms of bigotry. And bigotry in all of it's various forms is the root cause of nearly all of humanities self-imposed problems. Here is a list of common forms of bigotry: _classism, racism, nationalism, transphobia, antisemitism, monotheism in general, misogyny, ableism, homophobia, ageism,_ and etc. Bigotry in all it's various forms is the root cause of nearly all of humanities self-imposed problems.
There has been a very significant uptick in transphobia. In my first two years as a publicly out transgender individual, I had only TWO bad surprises in public where anybody said anything negative. In this year alone, there have been THREE times when people get in my face and yell hateful things at me (and I am a hottie now).
The most recent incident involved a many who confronted me to ask if I was a man or a lady - and then he asked if I was in town looking for children or candy, I tried to reassure him that I am completely harmless and to leave me alone. I said that I was just there to go to that karaoke bar --- and then he yelled that I should cut my dick off and then HE went in to MY bar... so, I sat in my car to process what had just happened for 5 minutes. I knew that I had many friends inside the bar, but it took me a couple minutes to muster the courage -- like WTF, I can go wherever I want, right? Anyway, when I finally got inside one of my friends said that the guy was already kicked out because he was hassling a cis woman.
Who is the real pervert when they are the ones who constantly think about which genitalia each person has down there?
A woman, is an adult human female, it is not an "identity" or a feeling, dress, attitude etc., that whole line of thinking is regressive in the extreme. Claiming there is some "essence" to "womanhood" that also males can access, but the reality is that women do not have to look or act any certain way, or act out some ludicrously sexist idea of the “social role of a woman”, all females who reach adulthood are women regardless of how they feel or look, and the one thing they ALL have in common, the one experience they ALL share, is that they are FEMALE, they do not have to "identify" as anything, they physically ARE women because they are female.
Why should MALES be allowed access to SINGLE-SEX spaces reserved for FEMALES based on their "gender identity"? If sex and gender are separate, then a male announcing his "gender identity" is "trans woman" does nothing to change their sex, they are still MALE - so why should they be afforded rights reserved for the opposite SEX? The movement is regressively sexist, and misogynistic.
Why do you believe females do not deserve any spaces free of males? What is hateful about upholding female sex-based rights that were fought long and hard for?
@@ambientjohnny It is pride month now, and you are coming across as entirely transphobic. I won't debate you. Please move on to debate somebody who actually wants to listen to your traditional way of thinking. Capitalizing the word "FEMALE" does not make the kind of point you think it does -- just because it is capitalized doesn't mean that somehow you are right in what you say... I will demonstrate by giving you my point of view with capitalized words for emphasis -- GENDER and SEX are not the same thing.
Happy pride month by the way.
@@willowgillingham666 If sex and gender are separate, then a male announcing his "gender identity" as "trans woman" does nothing to change their sex, they are still MALE - so why should they be afforded rights reserved for the opposite SEX? The movement is regressively sexist, and misogynistic.
@ambientjohnny why do you believe women want to be forced to change, shower, etc. Next to 100% male looking transmen that have been using the mens restroom for decades? How is anyone going to know a transman from a man since they look identical? Now a man just has to say they are a transman.
How are you going to handle the conversations with your daughters why you support putting bearded transmen in their bathroom or having to explain to your son why he has to change with a transwomen with female parts?
Transgenderism is essential to some occult traditions, Alchemy in particular is obsessed with the blending of opposites to create a new substance.
I see Baphomet as the mascot of transgenderism.
100% I was shaving my legs in high school, confused why girls got to wear nice clothing my whole childhood, and generally obviously not okay with my gender growing up. And then at 17 stumbled on some random youtubers transition timeline/vlog and suddenly was like "oh god oh god, it all makes sense now". Unfortunately wasn't able to transition for a few more years, but damn if just realizing you could BE TRANS broke my world view and made my entire adolescence make sense
I love how the content warning just says Matt Walsh, which honestly is about as much context as you need with the shit that guy has said
😂 his whole existence is a content warning
We need the time to prepare mentally, the content warning is necessary with that man as an entity
I think the only other time I've seen a person used as the sole content of a content warning was the creator of iCarly in Savy's video on Jennette McCurdy's book. (Which was also hilarious to me, coming off Quinton Reviews' running gag of not acknowledging his existence at all)
Mistah pro-child marriage and "age of consent is too confusing for me" Matt Walsh
I felt that “I demand a refund on my childhood” on a spiritual level lol
i would too if i turned out like that
Yeah… I knew what I was since I was little, but I didn’t know how to express it or have the language to describe it. My family worked hard to mould me into a “godly man,” I joined the military to try and become more manly… but I still turned out as one of the most feminine women I know.
I wish I could go back accept myself as I am instead of trying to be someone else.
What i’d give to have gone to Prom in a dress…
@@PizzaManager101 Mood. There are so many milestones that I wish I could go back and relive as myself instead of the person I forced myself to believe I was. I never really enjoyed that type of thing, I was never really mentally present at important events. My graduations, my wedding, my friends' weddings, my promotions, no matter the milestone, event, or achievement, it just felt hallow. I felt empty.
I haven't really had any of those types of events since I came out... all of them long since passed me by... I'm struggling through medical school right now, but I swear I will graduate if for no other reason than to show up to my graduation as myself.
@@fku6203 It's never too late to get your refund, 'phobe.
Was definitely trans as a child
I remember telling my dad when I was 10 “I don’t want to be a gross hairy man”
After finding r/egg_irl (a subreddit about trans people who don’t know they’re trans or just found out)
I at the age of 19 realized that trans people are like… real, not just the premise of a TV show on TLC
Not all born females are super dainty and pretty. That's not what being transgender is about. The aesthetic shouldn't matter.
@@nerobaal6655 Ahhh yes, because "I don't want to be a gross hairy man" clearly means the same as "I think all cis women are dainty and pretty and I only care about the aesthetic.".
Not all trans women want to be dainty and pretty, but pretty much none of us want to be "gross hairy men" - it's kind of a prerequisite for the gig.
Given your leap in logic, I highly doubt that you yourself are a trans person, and therefore, you probably don't have the first fucking clue "what being transgender is about", so what is the point in you?
The only reason I became religious as a child for a couple years was because I thought god would be kind to me as well and not give me boobs - I was 7-8, maybe?
I then figured if something that simple that no one else will care about and that I will agonize over is not something he'd want to help me with "because he has a plan for me", as people kept telling me, I don't this he's either real or kind and went back to atheism. Don't wanna believe in someone who's not real or kind.
A woman, is an adult human female, it is not an "identity" or a feeling, dress, attitude etc., that whole line of thinking is regressive in the extreme. Claiming there is some "essence" to "womanhood" that also males can access, but the reality is that women do not have to look or act any certain way, or act out some ludicrously sexist idea of the “social role of a woman”, all females who reach adulthood are women regardless of how they feel or look, and the one thing they ALL have in common, the one experience they ALL share, is that they are FEMALE, they do not have to "identify" as anything, they physically ARE women because they are female.
Why should MALES be allowed access to SINGLE-SEX spaces reserved for FEMALES based on their "gender identity"? If sex and gender are separate, then a male announcing his "gender identity" is "trans woman" does nothing to change their sex, they are still MALE - so why should they be afforded rights reserved for the opposite SEX? The movement is regressively sexist, and misogynistic.
@@ambientjohnny That’s only by your definition.
I love that Neil de Grasse Tyson saying "But where are you going with this?" is like 10x in the video after a 30s clip.
Sometimes editing is more for my benefit than anyone elses, and then you gotta sprinkle in little fun bits like that
@@amyh9512There's something incredibly ironic about ending a comment with "silence = death" when the whole comment was about how "these trans people are bad optics and we wouldn't be in this situation if they weren't seen, we must speak out against them to protect trans people".
It's not trans people just living public lives that caused anti-trans types to campaign against us, hiding won't stop them. They'll do it whether or not we're on beer cans or exist in sports. Arguing for a world where we run back to the closet and shun other trans people for being too visible or the victim of targeted anti-trans rhetoric will not bring us any safety.
@@amyh9512 Do tou think trans women should be excluded drom ballet or gymnastics?
plus… it’s not like lia thomas is a world champion. She’s just another swimmer. There’s an article on the independent all about it
@@amyh9512 Gendered sports segregation is largely patriarchy's frailty - what would people think if women and men were competing equally? If women were out achieving men? I'm also generally more worried about prison guards and police violence than I am trans violence - there's already a crime and repurcussion for SA, and to argue this way as if lesbians don't exist as well or as if trans bodies in mismatching prisons wouldn't be at some risk regardless puts cis comfort over trans survival. Condemn a criminal for their misdeeds all you like. Take the same precautions you would with any other incarcerated person with known vices. Probably could make an equal argument for desegregating low risk gen pop too when the goal is actually reintegration / rehabilitation but the prisons I focus on they are not particularly.
I hate the whole name and concept of the "Trans Debate" they're treating the livelihoods of literal people as a political argument.
Absolutely!! The gop is dying, they need something to grasp onto before they finally go under. Unfortunately, this is their topic.
I’m old, I remember when the gop did this same thing with gay marriage. They screamed and cried that a gay couple getting married, would end civilization as we know it. They stfu when they realized their brothers, sisters, kids and friends were gay and not literal monsters. 😂 Just keep voting, we’ll get it.
My humanity, my existence, my identity, should never be up for debate. Nobody's should be.
Yes, it is. Because as it happens, human biology is objective and you don't get to change it. So any interjection into it is always artificial and made up.
You will have to like.... Deal with it. Now whatever you want to call it politics or something else, that's up to you.
@@grmpEqweer unfortunate when you demand others to conform to you and call them transphobic for not wanting to have sex with a person who has a dick or vagina but (depending on orientation) who am I but a humble transphobe 😂
You sure are.
I understand that not everyone can be awesomely pansexual like myself. 😁
And I still find a lot of people unattractive as soon as they start talking.
Like you.
I an not s•xually attracted to bigots.
...I mean, you probably do not know ANY trans people IRL.
So you're strictly getting input from people who hate trans people.
They will say all manner of exaggerated crap about us to keep the clicks and the money coming in.
Hate pays.
Being a cis college student from Malaysia, this vid is a plenty eye-opening affair - thank you for your work!! The amount of anti-trans vitriol, be it in the news or social media is reaching depressingly high levels, and I cannot begin to put myself in the shoes of those who are increasingly scared with every passing day.
In particular, the section regarding discomfort hits quite a few notes in my ears. For instance, a lot of anti-trans rhetoric I've stumbled upon shares some motifs with that of anti-abortion : for instance referring to abortion as "murder", in the vein that gender-affirming surgery is referred to as "mutilation". It's not based on statistics and statements - it's all about emotional shock value and it points back to the endgoal of strippling bodily autonomy from those they deem as "lesser", hypocrisy be dammed.
Right now I currently do mutual aid and voice-boosting online - and I hope I'll have the capacity to do more than that to help trans voices in the near future.
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism?
How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
Very good take on this crazy, awful subject. I'm a straight cis woman and am horrified at what is going on. I just can't imagine what it's like to be trans atm. I agree about longing for the "good old days" that weren't actually good, just because we didn't have a culture war then (and I grew up in the 50s and 60s, so I have unreasonable nostalgia, if only because I was young then). Until Reagan, I used to be unaware of my friend's politics, other than assuming they were against the Vietnam War and mad about drug laws. Or religion. Or sexual preference. You didn't talk about those things. So certain groups could go under the radar. But that wasn't better, because people whose appearance or mannerisms didn't give them away, which was bad for them when it did, had to live way, way far in the closet. No, they didn't have Mouthbeard Walsh being weirdly obsessed with them, but people who put their actions where his mouth is were abundant, and acted with a lot of impunity. Being discovered as gay or trans was incredibly dangerous for them. So while this, hopefully, blip, in society, is horrific, I think it will be limited to another failed election and abandoned as a political strategy (my hopeful, positive comment). How to clean social media from the nuts with outsized voices who will continue on... that's a whole different subject!
I’m so deeply thankful that people like Walsh act on their beliefs so much less than they used to
Maybe flamethrowers? That works at clearing out vermin...What's an equivalent for social media?
@@joeyj6808 A Carrington event...?!
Ur a straight female who cares about trans wow bro
@@joeyj6808 killing people for no reason
A little while ago I decided I want to show trans existence in my photography and film and while I haven’t really started that yet, I can recommend another trans content creator with a similar video to this one. “Fear of Trans Bodies” by Lily Alexandre is a video I consider essential in learning about transphobia, like this one.
Lily Alexandre is amazing and I love her content!
Seriously, everybody should watch her stuff, even the non-LGBTQ content.
@@NourSelim0 Lily has some great videos. Some of my favorites are the Wikipedia poem and the Kentucky Route Zero one. Brought to you by the creative mind behind "cooking with AI!"
Yes! Lily is amazing. Her videos are very bittersweet, in a way that appeals to me
Just want to throw in my own recommendation for Lily! She's one of my favorite recent finds, and her "Fear" video absolutely touches on some of the same concepts as Mia's.
God I feel seen as a Montanan thank you for mentioning rep Zooey Zephyr. Our house republicans kicked her off the floor after censuring her for a decorum violation without apology. The extreme right wing "freedom" caucus then went on to condemn her for invoking trans terrorism citing the tennessee shooter, all while misgendering her in a press release. It's fucking abhorrent
He, went over the allotted time, and suffered the consequences of his actions... like you lot keep saying, actions have consequences, but apparently that doesn't apply to anyone "trans".
@@ambientjohnny her
@@FaceInTheCrowd09 So, just some deflection to distract from the fact that "Zooey" broke the rules that everyone in that setting needs to abide by, and suffered the consequences of doing so, and you lot lie about what actually happened because you always need to play the victim card.
@@ambientjohnny Your heart is as ugly as your words.
@@ambientjohnny She broke zero rules, liar. No one else was ever censured for going over time, liar. The commonly cited reason by your fascists was that she dared explain the consequences of a sadistic bill and get outraged about the harm it would cause, liar.
Also, correcting your bigotry that exposes your sadist bias is not a deflection, it simply demonstrates your incapacity to argue this, you worthless creature.
You say this video is depressing but tbh it has energised me more than anything else I've seen recently. Incredibly motivated to create art and build community.
Same damn thing as the “Jewish Question” just they had to find a more socially acceptable minority to target.
They simply need an internal enemy. The first enemy must be one that is clearly visible, yet tiny in numbers and in power. When that minority is suppressed they will seek out a larger enemy. The gays, perhaps, or the Jews. They just need an enemy to direct their hate at.
Of course, the Nazis very much targeted the trans community too. They destroyed the first major clinic focused on gender affirming surgeries,
Yes. I wasn't gonna be the one to mention it, but I do see some uncomfortable parallels here.
@@vigilantcosmicpenguin8721 that's why you should always point it out. "Oh your a fan of the trans debate? We're you a fan of the Jewish debate as well? You know, the holocaust? I guess that's what we call genocide now, a "debate" about living, breathing, human beings."
The books that the nazis infamously burned were mostly about gender-studies. Trans people were among those first targeted in Weimar Germany.
Get armed.
Im a trans, i came out when i was 16 and was denied gender affirming health care until I WAS 19. i cry about this all the time because i thought about the taking the easy way all those years having to wait. im 20 years old right now and just basically starting my hrt. i just want you too know that if you are minor and you are trans then YOU ARE VALID, YOU DESERVE LOVE AND MOST OF ALL YOU DESERVE YOUR HEALTHCARE.
I feel that. I came out shortly before my 18th birthday and was denied care (gate-kept) for ten years because the guy had me very nearly convinced I wasn't "trans enough" to warrant HRT. Every therapist I went to had access to that file so the cycle continued.
I wouldn't feel to bad, I didn't know that FTM trans was a thing till I was 37. I am 40 now, waiting to get started on testosterone. How bad do you think I feel lol xD
Just because you put it in all caps doesn’t make it true 😂
@@miragebarrage9748 Devine light has been severed. You are now a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters.
@@CollynsTV ok Andrew Tate 😂
i figured out that i wished i could change my sex without ever having heard of the concept of trans people at all. i thought i was the only person in the world who ever felt that way. so there was no trans agenda transing me.
All not knowing about trans people did was make it harder to understand what the fuck was going on in my brain. Turns out it isn't normal behaviour to fantasize about always having been a girl, or going to sleep and waking up in an alternate universe where you are one.
ha same, would draw little doodles of it in class even
I wanted to do naughty things with boys. And girls. But I wanted to be like a boy.
...And I'm nonbinary.🎉
@@KaraBook sorry whAT
Thank you for your perspective. The "it doesn't matter" repeating over and over...is so frustrating because I FEEL that. The search for solutions is frustrating, thank you for wading through it and putting your thoughts out here.
Good comment!
I thought this comment was bad but I was actually just hungry
Good comment.
good comment
¡¡¡Bueno commento strimmer!!!
I had a very similar upbringing in the 2010s. I didn’t have the internet most of the time and didn’t know what tumblr was and lived in one of the most rural, poor places in the US. I figured things out myself by reading books about “women dressing up as men” to be doctors and soldiers and people like Billy Tipton. I just kept all those feelings inside because I already got so much shit for being queer. It would’ve saved me so much trouble and multiple suic*de attempts if I had more resources. I know there’s a lot of kids who are like I was as a kid and it’s incredibly worrisome.
You did good. This is inspiring.
I am attempting to connect some people to mutual aide groups in my area, I am unlearning reactivity, and I am connecting with people who sound like they just need to know people are here. Right now, people need this kind of support too.
It's part of this act of the play.
Create tension especially for the targets, then isolate and eliminate.
Or drive them out to consolidate power.
They think in steps, and more, they truly think themselves smarter than everyone, even the ones who call themselves stupid.
This will escalate dramatically when they realize they have lost, and will probably fall to the same psychosis the crusaders did.
Remember in silence is out last line of defense, and not idle silence either. Let us be the silence of a still blizzard.
And in that silence held, bring a stone from your yard (or a trail you feel at home on) and either put it in the nearest pond/lake with your hopes for this era, or on the roots/in a hole in the tree, and thank whatever you call the wind before you live? Please?
If not, just remember to turn off your phone out there, and whatever you believe, may you see the other side of this nightmare in amber golden light, and look back on these moments knowing that you made it, even if we all dont.
Seeing you changed the way I look at myself. Hold that flame, Kore Lampteira.
“Comfort is the mind killer” is an incredibly poignant thought and a fun dune twist, it’s stuck with me since I watched this video
"Traditional Values" is almost always code for "My way, fuck your way."
24:44 - yup. I became a deeply angry and dejected, unstable, at times abusive teenager when puberty kicked in with me at age 12, and it stayed with me through the years up until I transitioned at 20, which then came with some unnerving traumas that delayed that settling down into my mid 20s. I take responsibility for everything. But I also recognize cause. I wanted to be a girl. The world denied me that opportunity for a long time due to lack of knowledge, lack of interest, and lack of empathy. Imagine that. I grieve for those now though I know we are strong. I likely would have transitioned at 15 were I born in 2004 instead of 1996.
For me instead of turning into anger, it turned into dissociation and withdrawal, literally switching off my emotions for more than a decade. I'm also autistic and tend to shutdown instead of meltdown (that wasn't the case before the age of 10 or 11), so it could be related to that. Neither is good, we've all been robbed of our childhood.
@@NourSelim0 everyone is different. I too am mildly autistic. I perhaps would have been one to shutdown more often but I was also being mistreated by some whom I won’t name here. Though I did also find the sudden increasing depth of my voice deeply unnerving, enough that I would often unnaturally ramp my voice up when frustrated without realizing it, thus inciting rage. I most certainly also dissociated from myself and would rationalize the world and myself past every anxiety and depressed thought that I had. Though I suppose I did try to explore myself… And that led me to coming out as gay at age 16 - nearly four years before I transitioned - even though as it turned out I was much more attracted to women than men. And that combined with traumas in turn led me to dissociate such that I was creating undeniable character arcs in my head of myself as a different person. Being trans is no joke and it’s not just one thing. But that doesn’t make it any less real. Trying to extinguish or deny myself these feelings drove me to dysfunction. Were I someone else it could have driven me to the bitter end itself. And indeed I had my share of many days where that came to me as an option. It’s not an option.
@@NourSelim0 I definitely feel the pain of losing my childhood, namely my teen years. A lot of stuff happened in them that I don’t like (indeed, I’ve written a memoir about it all). Couple that with being trans and unable to do anything about it beyond talk therapy and you have a sad, regrettable timeline. I am grateful for my life now and I am so glad to have friends and to have the body I now reside in. But I’d be lying to say I don’t sometimes regress in my head to feeling desperately as though I should still be 16 or 17 but still a girl. And hah. Those years were so brutal for me.
@@NourSelim0 I am the same way. High school hit me like a truck, so much so that it was just weeks in when I fully socially isolated myself, which lasted until well after I graduated. I regularly socialized with a very small list of people, none of which included my immediate family for unrelated abuse. For what it's worth, I haven't been diagnosed with anything.
It sucks, and it's demotivating to know that even after I fully overcome that pain, I will always have spent my teens quietly suffering alone.
@@gillianomotoso328 yeah I hated the changes in my voice too, people "complementing" me that I sound like my dad 😐, being unable to hit high notes when singing (I used to sing along backstreet boys, it was 2003, don't judge me 😅), I kept singing in the car though, putting a lot of effort to control my vocal chords and make them do what I want.
And yeah I don't know how I'll manage to cram all these missed teen years into a few years during transition, specially as I'm in my 30s now, but I'll try to make the best of it (maybe befriend another transfem going through that same phase).
CiS dude here, I know this stuff is terrifying, and it's horrible.. But you always have allies and found family. I know that if any of my trans friends show up at my door needing a place to stay and be safe, then I let them in. We must create the love in the world that we want to see, be as loving and kind as we can to as many as we can. However chaos is bound to happen, as it does. But we'll have eachother during those times. Keep being lovely, and know there are those of us that accept you as you are.
"I used to believe in some naïve part of my psyche that things would tend to get better over time. That even though things were bad for trans people for a significant part of world history, things would start to become better over time. But I'm not sure about that anymore."
Sister, I'm feeling it too.
Things get better through action, there's always pushback to making people equal, just gotta keep that in mind
This whole video, especially the discussions on truth and uncomfort, are AMAZING! 😍 Way to go, Mia!
I have a friend who has Klinefelter's in only 25% of his cells (google "Klinefelter's Mosaic"), so even the idea that ppl have a specific chromosome set in all their chromosomes is BS. And Klinefelter's is not the only condition with mosaic versions. Even my highschool Biology textbook knew this.
There are even folks who are xx/xy mosaic! Some call em human chimeras
But that's the thing, the people who argue for "discussions based on basic biology" forget that in some cases for them, they never had high school biology (ahum, Marjorie Taylor Green....), and even if they did, it might not have been mentioned in it, and as endocrinologists and other medical specialists would love to point out: "Basic biology doesn't work like that, because the higher you go in educational degrees, the quicker you will learn that genetics and biology in general when it comes to the basis of sex is much more complicated than the "simple basis" you want to hold it to."
@@PizzaManager101 It's actually called 'mosaic chimerism' and there's other kinds of chimerism. (When Righties say 'I believe in biology' they mean they want to insist on grade-school level 'biology.' )
Yeah, but unfortunately your appeal to Klinefelter doesn't actually work when you apply the REAL sex binary definition, which is not just X and Y chromosomes, but rather, tha existence of an active SRY gene on the Y chromosome. Is that present? Then you're male. Is it not? Then you're female. This is true for ALL people, no matter their intersex condition. And I wish conservatives like myself would understand this about biology, so it could dismantle the leftist narrative that sex is not binary, or based on chromosones, once and for all.
@@Google_Censored_Commenternice bait dingus
In regards to Bud Light, I saw someone did an animation of Dylan in the most unflattering way possible. What truly elevated it to parody was that the animator replaced Dylan's chin with testicles. The animator saw Dylan as a woman and had to put male genitalia on her face to remind themselves that Dylan is a "man."
I think some people think trans people are "yucky" but I think the majority of conservatives/right wing types are terrified of trans people/trans discourse because it 's a direct threat to the patriarchy. As a cis gender female feminist (mid 40's) I feel like feminist discourse is caught between gender essentialist and gender constructivist framing, and trans people/trans discourse has the potential to move us past that and provide an entirely new vocabulary/way of thinking about gender. No doubt this terrifies some people who are happy with the status quo because it supports their privilege.
we dont need a new way of thinking about gender, we just need people to be normal about us
@@martind2520 You just completely made that up... wtf dude! what is wrong with you people? you can't just constantly make up statistics out of thin air and then use those imaginary statistics to justify hatred...
Trans people are primarily a threat to women as they compete in women's spaces where they have a biological advantage.
I'm afraid your "new vocabulary" is being shut out from the top down.
@@redmage5251 Then try to fit in.
Don't dress like Chris Tyson.
Don't sexually harass your friends, and be sure to always disclose your biological sex to romantic partners.
@@redmage5251 We need people to readjust their sense of what's normal to reality
"Content Warning: Matt Walsh"
Probably needed a toxic waste warning sign.
I stopped being vocal about trans issues when people close to me in my friendship circle began to parrot trans exclusionary/gender critical propaganda and refused to listen when I tried to discuss the matter with them and explain why it made me uncomfortable. I had to step back from spending time with those friends 8 months ago, especially as one of them has political influence and it made me super depressed thinking his views might well mean he acts against the best interests of trans people in local politics. Things are tough, but I remain open and visible in person where I can be, speaking to CEOs about homelessness, being trans and sex work at CEO Sleepout events and spend my free time with people who accept me without question.
My brother initially accepted me, and lately I've seen him post more and more antitrans propaganda. He acts like I'm trying to silence him when i call him out on it.
Really hurts.
@@cambriaofthevastoceans6721 sorry you're going through this 💜
@@cambriaofthevastoceans6721 sympathies.💔
Nobody will accept you if they don't identify with you on a deeper level. That's how connection works. And for this to happen, you have to carry a lot of same and similar patterns as them.
So basically, ur being rejected by most because you try to promote social engineering as part of legitimate biology. Thats your fault.
Why do you believe females do not deserve any spaces free of males? What is hateful about upholding female sex-based rights that were fought long and hard for?
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism?
How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
The trans debate is one group saying we exist and another saying we didn't give you permission to exist.
The "gender = sex = gametes" rhetorical pose by the transphobes isn't any better than the "gender = sex = chromosomes" pose, and I keep getting stuck on being so aware that in both cases they don't actually believe their own absolutist framing. GC gender essentialists almost universally acknowledge anyone born with external anatomy labeled "female" at birth as a woman, and transphobes more generally will recognize that people who don't produce gametes at all are "actually" men/women. Yes, I know that picking at the hypocrisy is missing the point, but for me at least it does point out that they're not making objective or material arguments at all -- sex/gender is, for even the most stridently "it's all about material reality" faction of transphobes, a metaphysical, doctrinal Truth as far as essentialists can imagine it, so actual human reality failing to fit their doctrines is, from their perspective, a failure of reality instead of a failure of the descriptive power of their doctrines.
It also implies that all gender roles created before we knew about gametes are somehow invalid. If you put a modern day transphobe in like the 1500s and asked them to explain "biological gender" they would sound like a lunatic.
But yet they're also the ones who claim to be all about "traditional gender roles". It's such an incredible contradiction.
Then you look at the transvestigators and everything they say explodes even more.
I saw one that tried to claim that Tom Holland is a trans man and his name was actually Tammy before he changed it to Tom. Because he is shorter than Zendaya who is a trans woman because she has "male bones" and if you really need a tell tale sign she is a trans woman look at the partner💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️💀☠️
IMHO it is better to avoid the definitional crap and ask the question straight: if a person is born as gender A and discovers they feel happier going through life as gender B, do you want to forbid them doing so?
Followed by the question: should the Pope be allowed to wear a dress?
GC is a rebranding of Biological Essentialism.
@@vxicepickxv A number of self-described GC gender essentialists aren't quite biological essentialists, though. They may claim that their position is based on biological reality, but there are always exceptions to their "absolute" categorizations, because ultimately the biological essentialism is cover for metaphysical essentialism, and their appeal to biology will only go as far as the biology can be made to reflect the metaphysical doctrines.
omg, your childhood is almost identical to mine but i didnt have cross dressing, i figured something was wrong when id see cartoon guys get turned/dress as girls and id get weirdly envious. and my only exposure to anything remotely trans was rocky horror picture show, in my late teens when i had the internet i heard of transgender people but i always associated them with the transvestites from rocky horror and i was always thinking to myself, i wish i could be a woman and actually look like a woman, so i just was depressed because to me that was the reality. then i met a transwoman online in my early twenties and she explained HRT to me and i was blown away, still took another 6 odd years for me to get the confidence to start transitioning and HRT, mainly for two reasons, i wanted to be completely independent from my parents if they disowned me, which they did for a little bit and because i was scared of becoming "the man in dress" id associated with transgender woman(honestly that fear is still there and i put a lot of value on passing). im now 2 years into my transition and very happy and that transwoman i met is now my fiance :D
This is really inspiring, thank you for sharing!
You people have been repressed for too long and it's F'd you all up.
There is as much of a trans-debate, as there is a flat-earth debate.
Its not actually a debate. Its just trying to teach students who refused to do the homework. Which is really hard, but eventually worth the effort.
@@martind2520 And there we have the thing you pretended you didn't know you were doing: arguing for the literal erasure of trans people and trans lives.
@@martind2520 These are, of course, right-wing lies that you're spreading. And you well know it. Disgusting.
@@martind2520 That's a common refrain among those right-wingers who are too dishonest and/or self-deluded to admit they are campaigning on hate. It is one of your many untruths, and the only one you NMIGHT not be aware of.
@Martin D but i am real and i'm here
@Martin D thanks martin 👍let me know what i am tomorrow too yeah? seeing as you know me better than i do
I think we need to REALLY take the effort to build a trans community, not just enter discord servers or have some trans bar or anything, but really have communities where we help eachother materially and stuff, real mutual aid and shit
the State and the market is the transphobe's community, it's the ruler and the controler's community, and we can't just rely on them to meet our needs, we need to help eachother, illegaly when we need to, unlucratively when we need to
and I mean when, cus we already know "if" is not into question here
This 100%
Absolutely agree with this point, because it also ties back to the point Mia made about "who decided "the family" as we traditionally know it was the best way to do things", because the answer to that is big marketing firms. They decided the nuclear family structure is the best way to sell things to people, and any threat to that is a threat to these businesses profits
Ultimately, the culture war and targeting of trans people is all in the name of capitalism and making large corporations with more money than god an extra few pennies.
The trans community needs government assistance. It's literally the only way to pay for all the medical stuff associated with being transgender.
Another documentary recommendation: "Southern Comfort" about a trans man, Robert Eads, and his friends and girlfriend. It shows them going to a big convention for trans people. That's not the main focus, though. The film documents Robert's final year of life battling ovarian cancer that no doctor wants to treat. So a big content note for medical injustices and transphobia. But seeing these trans people live their lives in the late 90s/early 00s always gives me hope and a sense of community. Thank you for this video, Mia, and happy tranniversary ❤😅
Discomfort is extremely important in a secular, diverse society. It comes out not just in bigoted policies, but in the way we construct our physical spaces. We make all this hostile architecture because folks are uncomfortable seeing unhoused people. We build out these aggressive, uncomfortable spaces because we don't like seeing teens or kids hanging out in public. We gate our communities to keep people out, we build highways so we can live as far away from each other as possible. It's awful.
That's the catch 22. Discomfort is very important in learning yet the moment it is presented people want it removed. As a kid you get hurt and or in trouble "I don't too see you playing with them or their". The adult is trying to keep you alive they leave the city. They worked hard to do such. That's the problem with our existence we're HORRIBLE to each other if we're too close to each other. Yet it is because we're forced to bottle up smaller things that make us mad. Thus leaves to being bigotry rooted is too many slights going untold.
The other examples are fine, but the highway example is absolutely non-sensical, my dude
@@DotRD12 It's only nonsensical because car-dependency is highly entrenched into American culture that questioning it seems outrageous. What they said was entirely factual--suburbs create isolate individuals and little real sense of community.
I'm cis but a lot of what's going on in the states genuinely has me upset. I've had trans partners before but never been open about it to my pops, and knowing his views I feel like I have to hold my breath around him, which is painful when I consider he holds such distain for people he's never gotten to know but I've managed to love.
Cis? More like sissy.
Her whole conclusion is the empiphany i had in university and I've been putting off agreeing with evr since for sake of my coping bubble but she's right. We have to create for us, not for them. Show off who we are in the way we are and not let them control the narrative for us. We are in control of our own destinies and by making films, music, art, books, TH-cam vlogs, twitch streams etc. that pertain to our values really will be what helps us win out in the long run.
We are here to be loud, so don't let them silence you. xx
Edit: I got a bunch of shit for saying this for no reason. Fine, you think I'm condescending becuase I essentially repeated the same point but fuck, why the transphobia?
nice mansplaining
@@fku6203 Your "trolls" are so woefully underdeveloped. Barely anyone wastes any time on you. Isn't that just sad. C'mon, talk to *me*. Direct your "haha funny" trolls my way. I'm sure you'll get the attention you desire from me.
That's a problem people rely on Hollywood because of money that's what they want. When it comes to art and expression you cannot rely on them to make anything you have to do that yourself. Make the content you want to see don't ask or demand people make something for you.
@@ExeErdna exactly! It's why I've started work on my projects, I don't care about any success, i just know they need to exist
@@fku6203 Not what that means, but sorry that you chose to pretend to feel condescended to by a non-man minority stating facts.
I’ve always wondered how much of that discomfort with trans people comes from the fact that the existence of trans people raising questions about the nature of gender. Like I know that for me the increased discourse and exposure to trans people has made me wonder about gender on a personal level. Like I’ve always understood the gender as a social construct and I don’t have a problem with being a woman like I’m not dysphoric about my gender but I’m like not euphoric about it either. It’s just like fine, I’m fine with it but I don’t really care that much or feel that my identity is really strongly tied to my gender. The only things I really actively like about being a cis woman is like the freedom to do ‘girly’ things like pear froofy dresses and be openly affectionate with my friends, but those things being ‘girly’ or only acceptable for women is just a result of gender norms, I wouldn’t inherently not be able to have those things as a man. So like how much does my gender actually matter to me?
Figuring out I’m bisexual in my 30’s while being happily married to a man really reiterated that for me. Like People see me as straight, I thought kissing other women and thinking they’re hot is normal straight girl stuff for literally decades, I’m in a hetero marriage that I’m very happy in and I’m not interested in non monogamy so nothing in my life has fundamentally changed in figuring out that I don’t care about gender when it comes to love, so like what does it matter or mean? Same with gender, like I don’t feel a strong connection to gender, but I’m also not fussed about being a woman and I’m not interested in transitioning or like changing my gender expression so what does it matter. I think that a lot of the people who fear questioning their gender and gender in general would likely come to similar conclusions to me, like that gender doesn’t ultimately matter that much but they’re not unhappy as the gender they were assigned at birth but that they maybe can fell more chill about shaping their personality around gender roles. So like what is the actual harm in questioning your gender and gender in general?
It's because what you're worrying about isn't gender. Think about all we can do in life what does any of it qualify a pronoun? They don't, sexuality isn't gendered, it's sexual a least for me since I'm asexual. The harm in it is because our medical science isn't ready yet not everything works for everybody. What would legit kill the discourse is that you could be a sex you want for 6 months the whole biological shabang and then go back to how you was. Then it'll just be boring because people can be however they wish.
I think most people just never even think about their gender, much less where it comes from, what it means, etc...and that's in large part because most people are fine with the gender they're assigned. But the lack of a common understanding of the issue definitely contributes to the lack of understanding and acceptance of trans people and others who struggle with the strict gender roles and rules we're all expected to live within.
I think for men specifically, fear keeps them from even daring to think about these issues, as their sense of self-worth is so tangled up in their sense of manhood. Anything that might make them question or reevaluate their status as a man gets perceived as a threat to the self and recoiled from. When self-worth and manhood become untangled, then there's nothing to be afraid of.
@@rbgg2010 That's because at least from what I seen and experienced. People that "support" gender expression will still mock a man behind their back for expressing it. It's the same issue men have with expressing their emotions or fears. People exploit them for their own twisted entertainment. Yet after all that the man expressing anger for his mistreatment is still demonized for being angry.
Also I think an issue with gender roles is people seeing them as strict when really most fight gender roles in their early to late teens. When your parents can tell you no because you don't really have the money to be following behind your peers. It'll feel like you're being held back. When really you're just poor and young. Once you get out there and socialize with more people you realize gender roles really don't exist. There's expectations, yes. Yet hardline roles nah those don't exist.
I feel like it's not too difficult to tell when someone hasn't really thought about their gender.
I appreciate your experience, thank you.
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism?
How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
we gotta start handling these debates with molotovs in minecraft
Mia you're such a natural storyteller - had me hooked from the start of the video. Great work!
Thank you!!
The two words that got my mom (a Baptist preacher's daughter) to get over her discomfort and get off the fence regarding acceptance of transgender persons were "neurologically intersex." I'm not sure that it swayed my Fox News watching dad, but he hasn't brought up any LGBT topics around me since.
"Neurologically intersex" is nonsense.
@@stellarii4077 Because sex is a spectrum. Spectrums still have ends, and transgender people are on the end of the spectrum they identify as -- that's what the study I pointed to shows.
@@stellarii4077 ...Did you even watch the video? The whole "Gametes = sex" variety of transphobia is addressed about 31 minutes in.
I am a giant bald bearded man, and my weird pandemic hobby was that I learned to do makeup in order to teach my daughter. This quickly became a daily makeup stream.
Now I don't wear makeup out. I can't afford the time and lawyers as a single dad in Florida.
The fact that trans people are automatically considered predators without any reason but the actual predators out there are often forgiven or defended sickens me to no end.
THANK YOU. As someone who has processed a lot of internal transphobia, homophobia, biphobia and sexism after being raised in a passively conservative/bigoted family (while also being queer lol), I can say that when I dove deep into conservative rhetoric in search of sound arguments for 'traditional values' and 'the nuclear family', I was looking for a rational scaffold for my discomfort with ideas that broke the way I saw the world and my place in it. I saw myself as sane and rational (as if anyone really is), and a sane rational person couldn't POSSIBLY be bigoted, right?? My discomfort had to be based in RATIONAL FACTS. Anything but admit that I was prejudiced. I couldn't think of myself as a good person AND openly admit to myself that I was full of contempt. What slowly chipped away at my belief system was honestly just SEEING people living their lives outside of the rigid framework I had accepted as the ultimate, virtuous truth. Like, the power of seeing people existing outside of the gender binary and heteronormativity and the world not exploding. I don't know the way out of today's hellscape, but voices like yours are so important - thank you for doing what you do and being who you are (also your hair is just *chef's kiss). I'm still trying to figure out how best to be an activist and ally as a cis person, but you've given me plenty to think about. Sending love!
The craziest part is that whole 'sane and rational' argument is the main reason I was in the closet and denied myself exploring that sort of aspect for so long. I used to be 'accepting' but still thinking it was kind of delusional, literally the same way someone might be 'trans race' and stuff.
I would constantly try and force myself to try things I didn't life and to be less internally 'sexist' because clearly that was the only reason the way I felt the way I did, I truly believed I would just grow out of it.... all the while I was incredibly jealous while also looking down on other people that came out as trans.
That sort of mindset is toxic for everyone, and it's practically a breeding ground for it in the modern climate.
when my friends were quite conservative they said stuff like "the right is more rational and the left is more emotional, and they balance eachother out with that". which is basically a mindset that lets you admit that other people are more moral, but that youre right all along because trying to do good is naive
I'm just off that Sabine video, the "respectability and logic dictates we prevent trans teens from getting care" one. Gah. What a letdown. I appreciate hearing from Mia to cleanse my poor eyes and ears!
I know! I'm a trans physicist and I hate seeing people who have great knowledge on one subject think that they have the perfect worldview for everything. Seeing Sabine's video made me really frustrated.
I couldn't even get myself to even listen to that video because I immediately got bad vibes from it... and skipping through it to see what was visually there didn't make that better. And that while she made a decent effort on the sports topic.
honestly same, seeing those Jesse Singal headlines in the video just opened my eyes to her intentions, whether she even knows of them or not
Yes, that was disturbing. Why would Sabine do a video on this kind of subject, so far away from her expertise? Maybe because she wanted to say the loud part quietly and agrees with the poison the US has been exporting to Europe for a while now. I have friends there who parrot far right wing talking points but have no idea about them or American RL, as opposed to the social media, MSM, and Hollywood version of culture they see here. Our country's politics are very different, yet Sabine often comments about them, even if jokes. You can never have a double-blind, placebo study on trans kids, and she knows it. Social sciences are not the same as Earth sciences and her opinion on them carries the same weight as Bob, the jerk down the street, does (who, strangely, is also an influencer, because...that's the world we live in).
@@emmyfreudenrich4646 This is really frustrating, I'm a materials scientist and the quantity of casual transphobia within the field is frankly incomprehensible. This is the most concise I've ever heard this put. Just because you're a brilliant polymer chemist doesn't mean you should lecture everyone else in your lab about your "true" political opinions. But that's fundamentally the issue, we aren't people to them, we're just some abstract concept like the "band gap" or the "diffusivity", not your lab partner who you work with every single day.
"Kids are on puberty blockers!!!!!"
Still doesn't mean its a good idea.
@@smoker6683 That's not what the clinical literature says.
Well these are the people saying that prepubescent girls are getting mastectomies so...
@@jencendiary You don’t even need to be aware of that to know its not a great idea.
@@smoker6683 to say what is not a good idea? Just puberty blockers entirely?
It’s not even an idea it’s a kind of medicine.
'girl you weren't evil you were just trans' ooof right in the feels sweety xxxx
You can be both.
@@nerobaal6655 yeah... What's your point?
@@lukkamr My point is that you can be both transgender and evil.
@@lukkamr Does that answer your question?
@@nerobaal6655 Yeah, but thats where you got me confused... Becuase isn't already obvious? Like the relevance doesnt add up
As a queer ftm Jewish person i get sweaty whenever i hear about the trans debate. It sounds like 'the Jewish question'
That is not a coincidence
As a cis /het grandmother, I hear the same thing! The Nazies are back. I've never been so afraid.
No coincidence. The StepBack History channel has just made good overview of this.
I'm sorry, there is no debate.
There's bigots on one side, and people trying to live their life on the other. It's not a debate, and it's not an issue with multiple sides. There is a right and a wrong answer here.
I'm sorry, there is no debate.
There's liars on one side, and people refusing to accept the lie on the other. It's not a debate, and it's not an issue with multiple sides. There is a right and a wrong answer here.
@@whitebeans7292 I'm sorry, but the science is on the trans positive side. If you're talking about lies, the biggest one is "sex and gender are the same thing", which both sides know is a lie, but gets told constantly anyway.
And even if everything you thought was correct, trans folk still wouldn't be liars. They fully believe they can change gender. That's why they're trans.
At worst, they're wrong about something. Why does that matter to you? Even if they're mistaken about something, which they're not, but even if they were, that still does not beget bigotry against them. It doesn't beget the insane amount of anti-trans legislation being passed. It doesn't warrent attempts at genocide. I believe Christians are demonstrably wrong about the existence of God. I still wouldn't ask for genocide against them, no matter how wrong they are.
This is a political battle that is so obviously one sided that your side has to lie constantly and use absurd anti democratic tactics against ours, but you're still losing.
Despite your absurd anti-trans hysteria, trans acceptance worldwide is higher than ever. Even among the Republican Party, who is ostensibly your side, almost half of the base believes in trans rights.
Not only is this a total non-debate, it's a non-debate you've lost, and you'll continue to lose.
After all, one side is entirely filled with lies, and the other side refuses to accept those lies, because those lies prevent trans people from being able to just exist in peace. It's not an issue with multiple sides. There is a right and a wrong answer here.
@@whitebeans7292 yes, trans people refuse to accept a lie and transphobes propogate a lie.
Lmao Imigine claiming to be a woman because you liked wearing a skirt when your were 11 and saying “this means I get to legally be a woman, be in woman sports, and go to woman bathrooms! No debate” I alway have said that the trans supporters are more deluded than the actual trannies
@@whitebeans7292Yes, the anti-trans bigots should stop lying and narcissistically pretending that they are holy crusaders for sacred truth.
As a rural Midwesterner growing up in the 1970’s and 80’s the language was transsexual/transvestites. My references were on sitcoms, and daytime tv. I knew I wasn’t cisgender, but knew that bringing it up would lead to reparative therapy. It’s always been difficult.
I find it interesting about the discovery of your hormone levels. I went through a similar line of discovery by also starting a HRT regimen (related to transitioning). (Issues were noticed growing up by my doctors, but were mostly ignored or only focused on downstream issues and not the cause.) My T levels were already very low before starting, E was slightly elevated, and we have discovered some Adrenal issues. I appear to have a 17 hydroxylase deficiency, which effects androgens, has a direct relationship to 18-hydroxylase creating aldosterone issues as well. Also that some issues are effected with progesterone as well. With all these issues just in the adrenals, its not surprising to have other endocrine issues as well - like thyroid problems. And all of this has lots of downstream issues as well, particularly related to cardio and pulmonary problems. At a minimum, it all qualifies as a DSD, but it also makes me wonder about my chromosomes as well... I've also never had them tested as our conclusion was the same as yours, as that it doesn't matter. We simply address the issues and move on....and I am on several medications to supplement or to keep things under control.
However, some of my current concerns with all of that is how the interpretation is done if living in a state where trans care is banned (luckily I don't currently), but gender dysphoria is officially in my record and I transitioned my gender from the one declared at birth. The medications to control all of that is absolutely required.
I still think that education is still the key to change the world. Starting with discussions beyond the dichotomy of basic biology that was taught to most people in the world. Biological sex is not that simple. Intersex people exist, those with DSDs exist, trans people exist, non-binary people exist, etc. This isn't perfect and won't have much effect on people today...but hopefully will change it for those in future.
Since I read about your experience with low testosterone levels before HRT and slightly elevated estrogen... I have had the same (I was slightly below the normal low in my baseline for T-levels) and had a slightly higher than normal-low estrogen level for males).
I have had an orchiectomy in 2020 with the idea to be capable of quitting the testosterone blocking drug (cyproterone-acetate) but my body spiralled out of control completely in the 3 months after the surgery, till the point I was capable of wanting to commit suicide.
For now, my endocrinologist thinks the problem was not actually testosterone returning to about 1/8th of the baseline reading before HRT, but it's actually progesterone in the cyproterone that might be something my body does not allow to be without.
(To be honest, that endocrinologist at first was dismissive of the problems I was experiencing but upon consulting colleagues about my case came back with "I want to apologize, because I have now learned you are definitely not a unique case...this happens more often than I had thought, you simply were the first case for me and the whole gender clinic's current team", which, kudos for him acknowledging he was wrong).
The reason I also responded is because the partner of someone I know who is intersex heard about my story from her wife and was like "WOAH, did she get tested for an intersex condition?!!" Because she basically heard a story that was resonating with her experience (she was put on hormones and had a ferocious response to them, just like I had).
I will add that ever since I went back on cyproterone-acetate after about 3 months of the surgery having taken place I have been doing reasonably OK, but this question is still lingering in my mind.
@@Dutch3DMaster I would go back and keep working on it. The lack of progesterone was causing a lot of pulmonary issues for me that were cleared up within days after starting on that. Been on a supplement for that every since even though it is recommended against in the SOC. (I argued to get a note added about other issues for SOC 8, but it was ignored.)
Low T is low T and after surgery, symptoms of that got a little worse, but since I was so used to that environment, I've done nothing about it.
It took years of monitoring to figure out what was going on with me including a doctor change. I sought out a doctor who specializes in odd cases....but only after a lot of my own research and talking my endo into some experimenting. You may want to consider the same.
That's a problem I have with the medical system is that too often they won't tell you what's going on when you're younger. You get that physical and bloodwork then don't say shit. Until years later and an "adult" doctor is seeing you tell you you've had this issue for years. Where a lot of problems could have been fixed. I think a lot of people need a bit of HRT due to our levels aren't there. Yet that's a healthcare issues that's ignored like kids, teens and young adult with chronic pain, illness and injuries going untreated.
To your point around 1:06:00, I remember in a livestream recently, I think with Tristan, you said you got into politics partly to "be in the room," so they had to keep you, keep trans people in mind, that they couldn't just brush the idea away and it's stuck with me since then. It's been an occasional thought every other day or so. I respect it a lot.
And not to be like... optimistic, but I think it's still got value, even if it "doesn't work", and even if it feels grim.
@@Rosencreutzzz agreed! better to be in the room than not (or better to force them to try to publicly justify banning you, as the case may be)
Something trans people in the US could and should do is create a trans militia. Use the second amendment to your advantage. Carry a big-ass gun. It is your right after all.
My trans story is very similar in that I didn't know a person could BE nonbinary until I was an adult. I remember all the cruel punch lines, and then when I met people who had actually come out, I was like????? You can do that???? I want to do that!
Dylan Mulvaney should sue the absolute fuck out of Marjorie Taylor Green for calling her a pedophile, I can't imagine a more straightforward example of defamation and libel
Jeffery Marsh is a one though.
@@Lala-kc2fw no they're not
American guy from the South here, regarding the very first bit of your video. I graduated HS in 2012 and I remember my good buddy (and football jock) dressed up in my mom's sparkly gold dress, got a couple of balloons for "breasts" and donned a wig because there was a men's "beauty pageant" where all the football players got together and had a laugh on stage and we voted for the most ostentatious one there.
We didn't have the words for it but that was a drag show, for sure. And it was fun! And funny, and nobody made a big deal about it in SOUTH CAROLINA a decade ago, at an official school function. Things have gone crazy.
And for the record (not that it matters) but I don't think anyone involved has come out as trans, either. It's just a thing.
Have to admit, your Intro was super relatable. I never even heard of Drag, Transgender or anything like that until it some day, when smartphones were almost invented it literally hit me like a wrecking ball one day on the internet. Back then I got my dads old machine for myself. You know, the average 30 year old trans experience.
"Some people have called this a trans genoicide and while I am not quite on that level..." And then she goes on to describe the SEVENTH STEP OF GENOICIDE currently happening.
@@martind2520 "It's not genocide, it's just all the warning signs and escalation that LEAD to genocide, all taking place rapidly and recently. The genocide hasn't happened so don't worry yet." is one heart-of-a-star nuclear take.
@@martind2520 I am well aware, and most of them HAVE happened. You being ome of the people pushing it, I'm not terribly inclined to accept your preferred interpretation. In fact I'd say that you represent a good reason to be TERRIFIED, being that you're an avowed 'gender critical' and even you can no longer pretend that there are no signs of incipent genocide.
@@martind2520 "no one in a western country has the power to start a genocide"
I: Hadn't hitler done exactly that? Not singlehandedly, of course, but the bigots, terfs, and outright fascists/neonazis, like in the US (but in other countries as well) are not acting single-handedly, either. They might be more decentralized nowadays (though they do very much still center around hatemongering people like trump, walsh, etc.), but if anything, that makes them more concerning and difficult to deal with, not less. There isn't one singular, central hate group to dismantle and win; there are plenty smaller ones
@@martind2520 I: Okay, I admit I took Germany as a "western country" from today's perspective, and there _are_ geopolitical and economical differences. But that doesn't change the fact that hitler _was_ the head of a genocidal regime
@@martind2520 Don't be disingenuous. You have explicitly claimed to be 'gender critical'. You know full well what you're doing, and denying the incipient genocide is part of it.
It was within the lifetime of some people currently alive that the exact same rhetoric we see concerning the "trans debate" was being had about the "Jewish debate."
On the topic of 'discomfort' around trans-ness: I, a cis fella, started watching Philosophy Tube before their transition and then *stopped* after transition. Not directly because of it, but more because I didn't know how to feel about it? I'm still subscribed, I'm still supportive, and I think I'll watch some of her videos soon after I finish watching this one.
Between her transition and uh, today, I've sought out other trans content creators. Watched their stuff, gained more understanding about Trans people and their issues. At the time, it was new and different - so I had to go and normalise it for myself.
This is completely normal, don't worry about it. I felt the same way when I was first exposed to transness. One of my classmates came out as trans, and while we weren't close, I was very socially isolated up to that point and seeing him trying to pursue this trans thing kind of cooked my brain. I was 17 at the time.
Since then, I've discovered that I'm trans. So, the point is, don't feel bad about that awkward, confused feeling. It happens!
Like what Mia says in this video, I think it's beneficial to go outside of your comfort zone.
I'm actually the opposite of you. I found philosophy tube more recently (post transition) and it feels bizarre for me to go back and watch videos from before she transitioned.
That being said, the content that she makes these days is top notch. She's so talented when it comes to costuming and bringing you the viewer Through the story. Highly recommend.
@@mattgustafson4956 I think she hit the nail on the head about it being discomfort for sure. That's what it was for me. If there are trans people, and it is possible to transition, am I trans? Do I want to transition? For me, I really didn't want to think about it, because I was scared about what would happen if the answer was yes.
I sort of miss old P-tube, but I got to meet new P-tube. She looks happy 😊.
I'm a geneticist. We did look at out Barr corpuscles once, which are a tiny lump of chromatin (the thing the DNA is wrapped around in a chromosome) from the inactivated X chromosome. You would be able to see them in XX people, but not in an XY. But one way of diagnosing XXY would be to find the Barr corpuscles in the cells of somebody who has male genitalia. However, it is not 100% accurate. A person with Turner syndrome (X0), would have female genitalia and NO Bar corpuscle. The professor at that time told us that some people had found out they were XXY during that practical, so it is not that rare. However, most people have never seen their chromosomes, and I find it funny how they obsess over that.
oh my god this is SUCH A FUCKING GREAT VIDEO. I'll probably download it, write subtitles in russian and show it to everyone i know. A while ago I wrote russian subtitles for couple of contra's and philosophy tube's videos but you can't do it on youtube anymore
and i know it's russia for fuck's sake. my country is in the middle of an ethnic genocide, and i'm 27 yo cis white straight guy, and main state narrative is "traditional values", and publicly stating your queer identity might get you in jail (for PROPAGANDA), and no one really want to talk about trans issues here (even "liberals" are occupied with war and nothing else) but if only one single person might change their views i'll be so goddamn glad
I: Thank you for educating people; good luck!
Ты огромный молодец!
Arrgh. The gamete thing is SO frustrating to me as a biologist! Because, yes, that IS actually how we define sex scientifically. But it is NOT relevant to how we should treat trans people! (Though, as you say, the logic doesn't matter - but maybe it matters to some people who aren't too far down that weird rabbit hole)
A lot of organisms don't have sex chromosomes, and among those that don't many can switch sex or have both male and female function at the same time. But:
A) It takes a lot of effort to try to SEE which gametes an organism produces (or will produce if it is young or used to produce if it is old). So we use other physical traits that tend to be correlated with that as a short-hand way of ID-ing "probably male" and "probably female". However, this isn't 100% reliable. For instance, a significant proportion of male hummingbirds don't have the colorful throat feathers that we usually use to identify a male, and a significant proportion of female hummingbirds DO.
B) Gender, so far as we can tell, is a human cultural thing that is about ones role within society NOT (only) reproductive function. There are and have been many societies with more than two gender categories. For instance, one that still exists in Indonesia recognizes FIVE: two that roughly translate to cis-probably-straight women and cis-probably-straight men, one for AFAB people who dress and act in more traditionally masculine ways (by the local cultural standards), one for AMAB people who dress and act in more traditionally feminine ways, and one for non-binary or intersex people who take on characteristics of both and traditionally serve as shamans.
Nature abhors neat categories! Things like "male vs. female" "species X vs species Y" (because there are hybrids, subspecies, etc.) are human concepts that are helpful in understanding the diversity around us, not laws written in stone.
@@martind2520 No. That's not right.
@@martind2520 The biologist literally just told you you're wrong, and you're so dishonest it wasn't even a speed bump.
Hi, out of curiosity have you heard about how people have been studying about Gender being possibly function or determined in the Brain? I've saw little Articles of it lately and Its interesting!
I don’t understand what your point is. Secondary sex characteristics aren’t 100% reliable to distinguish males and females…and? The fact remains that sex is binary, humans can’t change their sex, thus trans women are males and trans men are females. They always will be.
Thank you!
I totally agree that trans people -- and any other minority for that matter -- should be as visible as possible, in media, in communities, and even in just casual talking amongst people. And for me it's pretty much the only thing I can do, just talk about trans issues, trans legislation and tell friends, family, and people I meet what I think about those issues, and address the normalized bigoted language that "reasonable" people bring up as "valid concerns". And ask people if they got their bigoted ideas about trans people from experience or from other bigots. It's usually the latter and they never talked to a trans person.
So I really think that the visibility of how trans people are just people like everyone else who want to live their lives should match the misinformation as closely as possible to normalize acceptance and presence, so that the bigoted ideas are pushed back into the fringe where it belongs.
That's a good point at the start of the video. There's literally been a giant war going on for over a year. And instead of people being like "Vladamir please stop this senseless war" they're like "this person has a weewee and I didn't know😡😡😡"
We are truly approaching idiocracy.
"the parents are the problem", "I actually want to destroy the family" ok I now love this channel 100 times more now 😂
Trans women and cis women should be the greatest allies. Trans men and cis men should be the greatest allies. There is so much in common. To the point where anti-trans legislation IS anti-cis legislation too. We need to get people to see this!
@@martind2520 Well feminists are generally inclined to advocate for bodily autonomy
@@martind2520 Woman should support the rights of woman.
@@martind2520 oh your just a troll, almost thought you had something to say.
@@martind2520 empty words from an empty head.
I have an anti-trans relative who simply CANNOT demonstrably state what the "bad" is about transwomen (like me) cause to society...no good answer from him, so we are on a hiatus.😕
There’s nothing “bad” about transwomen per se. You’re men pretending to be women. That’s fine; it’s a free country. The problem is that you get angry when people point that fact out. You conflate it with bigotry. Worse, you think your delusions precede reality and that you’re warranted to invade women’s spaces. You’re not.
Why? Why must I stumble upon a new Mia Mulder video minutes before I have to go to sleep? Ugh. Pausing. Saving.
Love your content keep up the good work!
I need someone like you to be my unofficial, adoptive trans mom. You exude kindness, respect, and thoughtfulness.
Feeling very vindicated when you said its all about discomfort, because when I talked to some people I trust, thats all it boiled down to. I could only do that because they personally trust me and didn't know I was doing it for selfish reasons (I am closeted non binary in a country where every noun has grammatical gender, but no neuter.... Also the media backlash against trans people hasn't gone as far but opinions on trans people werent great to begin with, mostly because homophobia is still really strong). I got more aware of gender stuff because of essays that weren't about gender stuff but unapologetically also did interesting different gender presentation, and that has been the most consistent way for me to get friends interested.
My coworker started bringing up a lot of generic transphobic topics recently (many of the ones mentioned here actually), and I tried to have a civil conversation for a while, but I realized all she did was repeat her self. Like "Oh yeah I get that, _however-_ ". With the environment we work in having debates isn't really possible, unless you really want to screw up your entire work day, but she will still run her mouth if a customer agrees with her, and at that point I actually cant do anything about it rationally because it really is just more of the same than. . .
Honestly, normalize NOT having a conversation about any issue you want. Debate is overrated.
@@liamwacey807 My problem with "debates" as an open social concept is they really are nothing like I, or others I imagine, are lead to believe.
People create these romanticized scenarios of scholars and wisemen "debating" the meaning of life etc. When really its just a competition to see who can say more to deny the other person. Considering or digesting each others words for the chance at change is not on the table 9/10 of the time. Its about who gives up talking first.
Something I learned a little to late in my socialization.
@@trampoline11x Totally. Large forum debate is only as useful as its audience gives it credit for, and small scale debate between coworkers or family/friends is usually much closer to arguing than it is to discussion, in my opinion.
Believing sexist stereotypes define men and women, instead of their biological sex, is unquestionably sexist to the core, because you are saying men and women are not actually free to behave however they want but need to conform to these sexist stereotypes in order to be men or women - if you say no they don't have to act any sort of way as a man or woman, and being a man or woman has nothing to do with biology - then what are you describing by calling someone a man or woman? If you think it doesn't describe biology, and doesn't describe anything about their looks or behaviour, then what on earth are you basing defining anyone as a man or woman on??? Why would a man need to become a "trans woman" in order to be their "authentic selves", why can't they just be a very feminine man and dress/act however they want?
If trans ideology isn't sexist, then why would a man ever need to "transition" if either sex is completely free to act however they want? How can you claim to be opposing sexism when the whole basis for anyone feeling the need to transition, literally is sexism?
How is gender identity" any different from what sexist stereotypes a person feels drawn to? Or simply their PERSONALITY? And, if sex and gender are separate, then why should "transitioning gender" allow MALES into FEMALE-ONLY spaces, they never changed, nor can they change, their sex. How is removing the rights of females to single-sex spaces progressive? How is centering male feelings over female rights "feminist"?
The your “feelings don’t equal facts” crowd are very in their feelings about a lot of things that don’t matter to them. If it doesn’t concern you then you can 100% stay out of it. I can’t imagine caring that much what others are doing.
self-loathing closet queens like Matt Walsh, Stephen Crowder, Ben Shapiro, Michael Knowles, Jordan Peterson and Tim Pool need transphobia to throw people off the scent. 🤮
13:04: “all of these laws have led a lot of people to claim what is currently going on as a trans genocide. i personally might not be on that level quite yet, but i definitely do think that this is a systematic measure to get rid of trans people from existing in public space.”
this is actually a really common misunderstanding of the word ‘genocide’ here. typically, when people think of the term genocide, they think of the mass murdering of marginalized groups (and i wouldn’t blame you for that since that is the most common way it’s depicted) but the term can also refer to the extermination of a way of existence, even of the people belonging to that way of existence still persist. take native americans for example, they still exist to this day, but their culture and way of life as been thoroughly decimated through white supremacist institutions. a systematic erasing of a group of people is still regarded as ‘genocide’ even if there isn’t any mass killing involved. what’s going on today with anti trans legislation and propaganda is absolutely well within the bounds of what can be considered genocide.
I have been outwardly genderqueer to varying degrees for a while now, and I do find that the more I deviate from my expected gender presentation, the more shut down and hostile a lot of people are when we interact. I'm constantly torn between being my authentic self unapologetically, and looking "straighter" so my existence and opinions can be heard and taken seriously. I'm still not sure what route is best, and it's paralyzing to a certain degree. I spend so much time on all these outer details of how I present, when I could be doing actual good in the world.
This is wholly my opinion but I think you’re doing the right thing. Following your heart and being who you are will ultimately show others that it’s normal for everyone to live as they want. You’re showing us who want to also hide, that you can come out and not be afraid. Always take breaks and don’t burn yourself out❤ we will get there together
I find being goofy and funny wins a lot of people over, if you can pull it off? Also I just figure all pronouns are mine. Y'all just borrow them.😁
Yeah I’m hiding b/c I live in the American South, with conservative parents I still live with. It’s… suboptimal.
it's rich these guys caring about truth after a trump presidency...
@@martind2520 they both deny reality, so why not
Similar to you, I grew up in the 90's across from a wheat field next to a town with one church and no stores. I went to Catholic high school and we actually had a cross dressing day every year. It got a page in every yearbook.
the thing about the trans debate - is that its not a debate - nobody knows what the arguments or parameters are - also its seems to not be held by actual trans people but by celebrities and upper middle class people trying to check their own status
They understand the sense of disgust, being emotionally charged, is far more powerful than logic.
I am openly trans and involved in politics in UK.
Visibility is so important, for those gender non-conforming, and for ordinary folks to see we are... well... pretty ordinary too.
Maybe I will be looking for support to become an MP later?
I don't see the need to work within a system that is inherently flawed 🤷 if we want rights and recognition, its comming from the barrel of a gun. Black people did not get the rights they have today through peace! (There's obviously work to do though)