www.etsy.com/listing/1217711515/ks-creations-stained-z-frame-lap-frame?click_key=b843ca86265447203451469464cfb1b05b71356e%3A1217711515&click_sum=c30675be&ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=k%26%2339%3Bs+creations+lap+stand&ref=sr_gallery-1-1&organic_search_click=1&pro=1&frs=1. I got mine here, etsy. There is a full size and a baby.
Hi I can’t find your Ot light anywhere can you please tell me where you bought it🙏
Hello! I bought it at Joann’s but have seen it at hobby lobby as well. Joann’s has it on sale periodically.
Could you please send me the link for the stand you’re using? Thanks
I got mine here, etsy. There is a full size and a baby.