The tendency to minimize the loss of a pet only exists with others who don't understand and can't relate. I would say that it's rare for that tendency to exist in the person who actually lost the pet.
My girl died Tuesday. Right before Thanksgiving. She was 13. She wasn't doing well or comfortable anymore. I've never cried or hurt this much in my entire life.
I had to put my 11 year down in Feb , it’s painful and I’m still adjusting and my body is suffering from it all . No one gets my pain . I feel so alone
@@kyliesquire4708 I also had to put my beautiful girl down last month. Yes, we will continue to feel alone because our bond was unique and individual with the one we lost. Our bodies will react. At times I just started trembling uncontrollably. There is no other way but to grieve it.
Me too.. I actually fell on the floor crying like a baby. I'm 55 yrs old for Christ sake.... you'd think I could handle it. But- it hurts more than if a person died. But this dog was a part of me. I built my world around this dog. Now I don't know what to do with myself.
I'm 80. Have lost many people and fur babies. But losing my beautiful 13-year-old Riley (dog) 8 months ago is a hurdle I can't seem to clear. My sweet little kitty is now not doing well, and the thought of euthanizing her soon is unbearable, on top of losing Riley. I know that my decision to not adopt again is part of my intense, continuing grief...taking another baby into my heart would be so healing. But I can't for several reasons. "The Rainbow Bridge" and sites such as this is what keeps me "keepin' on" day at a time. God bless you.
My Kuko shihtzu baby passed away last Wed in my arms unexpectedly - he would've turned 17 years this Fall. He was literally involved for the better half of my life - so he meant a lot to me. When he was alive, I was always super anxious to get home at midnight after work just so I can cuddle him after giving him dinner. I couldn't breathe properly for 3 days straight after he was gone. I feel like the biggest reason I was in pain was because I was in denial that he is no longer a part of my life - feels like a huge chunk of my identity was missing. Also in pain because I put so much effort in taking care of him, only for God to come and just take him away from me. A good chunk of my sorrowness went away after I realized one thing - that he is actually still alive in a different sense. Alive in the sense that I will never forget about him, and therefore, he's actually still alive within me because of the "imprint" he had put on my life.
My cat Carl aka poo poo pee pee died last August 26 and I feel the same as you do. I loved and love my cat more than any human on earth..I'm still devastated and it's like this lady said in this video that the more your pet was a part of your everyday life the more the grief will impact you..that is so true..I hope your pain eases..I can't say it will ever go away and I pray that we'll find some comfort and these intense feelings will someday simmer down.
So sorry for your loss. When I lost my cat just this last April I thought I would die. I'm still crying pretty much every day. I just feel so sick about it still. I don't eat much, I don't sleep well and I wake up often. I'm often up in the middle of the night pacing around feeling so lost without her. The first month I thought I was losing my mind. It's ok to cry as much as you need to, to go over things in your mind over and over , to feel or think that if only your pet would still be here it would be all ok again and so on. Don't let anyone tell you when it's time to move forward, only you will know when that time comes. May you find comfort here in these comments and with time your pain will get softer. Blessings to you 🙏
I had to put my diabetic cat down yesterday after she went into DKA and didn't respond to treatment. I thought I was managing it with her twice daily insulin shots. I keep questioning what I did wrong, and if I could have done something different. She was the first thing I saw in the morning, and the last thing at night when we went to bed. She gave me so much love and companionship, and I don't know how I'm going to get through this.
My best friend just crossed the rainbow bridge 4 hours ago. I’ve never felt grief like this. I lost my mother (which was a whole other pain to deal with), my best friend, brother, and an ex gf. All incredibly painful, but losing my Buddy (German shepherd/husky mix) today felt like someone took a knife, plunged it into my chest, and is constantly twisting it. No death has caused me such grief that it animates itself physically. Buddy was my wingman, my best friend, my companion, and my howling pup. I have no one to vent to - no one to bury my head on their shoulders and just let it all out. Throughout all of my trials and tribulations, I’ve never felt the need to seek out a support group/hotline. But this time it’s different.
I’ve lost many dogs and cats throughout my life. A few days before the anniversary of my husbands death, my Aussie Doodle began acting strange. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She was only 9 years old. So full of love, life and playfulness. She had become my therapy dog. I’m still so incredibly angry that she died. Several weeks later, my dad died. I wish my dog was still here to comfort me 😢
So sorry for your losses. Try to take comfort in your memories. I, too, am still grieving the loss of my beautiful girl, Riley from a few days after Thanksgiving. I find the older I am, the more difficult the loss...I guess it's because she had become the center of my life in my waning years. We shall miss them, we shall grieve them until we are at peace, we shall always be thankful for their loyalty, their companionship, and their unconditional love. God bless you.
I’m so sorry for your losses. I am grieving the loss of my dog Rissy. She was just the best dog ever. So have cried everyday since I lost her. I know about the anger . I have felt it too. I so wish she had lived a lot longer than her 9 years.
@@shirleyblair5246 I lost my cat this month, he lived 10 amazing years, and what I can say from experience is this: Even though I miss him everyday, I still feel grateful for making him happy, and at first I thought part of me died with him, but now I see it's the other way around, part of him stayed with me. And 'till this day I can feel that part of him giving me strength. Everyone has their way of accepting losses, but I think your happy memories and photos/videos/gifts with you pet, are proof that you were an amazing family for them. Be proud of that and stay strong ❤️ My heart goes to all pet owners who lost their pets.
I just lost my cat of 17 years. I keep on crying. It's very hard. She is like losing my baby. She was my baby, and I will always love her. But there is some comforting knowing I gave her a home and she lived very well. I denied her nothing. She really lived a very good life. I think she died of natural old age. Her system just shut down, and she did not suffer. She loved to be held the whole time. As long as I held her she fell asleep and was very comfortable, so I let her die naturally. Her breathing was calm. Still, I had her for 17 years and this is not easy.
Just happened to me & my Manny cat 3 days ago. I’m sitting here sobbing, looking for help on how to feel a lil better. At night was our “snuggle” time & the tears cannot be helped. I keep thinking I see him out of the corner of my eye, then turn & look again and there’s nothing. My husband made him a gorgeous cedar box to be buried in, I was so very thankful for that. He now rests under a huge cedar tree I. The back yard & I can only pray he’s napping in the lords lap & not biting his ankles.( that was Mannys way of welcoming you to our home) I will miss him till the day I die. I hope your pain is alleviating, prayers for you…
Today it’s been a week since we had to put our belle down, she transitioned to the rainbow bridge. We had the vet come to our home, and I held her in my arms as I administer the shots to relieve her of her pain. She had a thyroid cancer in her throat horrible. Grieving has been so hard I never realize how much I loved until it’s gone but every day gets a little better. God bless anyone who has lost a pet it’s not easy but it does get better and you’ll never forget. God bless us all.
After seeing my beloved cat enjoy 14 or 15 new springtimes, it is ripping my heart out that she is deteriorating so fast that she no longer is interested in being in the sun or going outside. All she wants to do is eat, sleep, and be occasionally comforted as she wiles away into nothing. I can't bear to take her to be put down. I am going to let God decide when she goes. I have meds to keep the pain at bay and possibly arrest her breathing when it is time. I just pray that God will give me the strength through this time, I know it is coming. She is getting really wobbly on her feet these last few days. And the look in her eyes tells me that she knows she is going to die. It is so hard because I live alone.
"I know death is part of life, but i sure wish it wasn't" Forrest Gump. I lost my beloved friend of 12 years, together 24/7 2 weeks ago and the tears have flowed freely and deeply. There is a hole in my heart and i am struggling to find meaning, joy or pleasure at this time. Feels like it will never end.. Torment and torture. "When i die and go to heaven, if there are no dogs there, i wanna go where they go"Will Rogers A very healing thing for me, is to do good deeds in his name.....donations to charities, helping an elder cross the street, picking up trash.....all silently done in Pals name. He was a good boy, actually the best boy! I miss him terribly. The house is so deadeningly quiet. I come home to wagging tail to be found. That's so demoralizing.
Halparis, I am going through the pain as well. My Lyla, 11 years old died tragically while at my work office 4 days ago. I have reached out to a couple pet loss grief therapists to help me navigate this new normal.
Your comment really helped me feel less alone. I just can’t shake the feeling that life will never feel good again or be as good as it could be if Sage was still with me. My parents are still here and I feel guilty for the thoughts I have that life isn’t worth it anymore… that the struggle isn’t worth it and nothing brings me enough joy to outweigh the pain and crappiness in the world. I like the thought of doing good deeds in her name. Sage was such a fitting name for her. I’m so grateful fate chose me to be her mom. I feel that I owe such a debt of gratitude for all the joy she brought me. Trying to pay forward that joy in her name brings me a smile… thank you
@@sadenight I am so sorry you lost your dear Lila. My heart aches for all of us experiencing this deepest level of Grief. Yes do a good deed many times in her name. Blessings to all who love animals especially our beloved dogs
I understand. I lost my best boy 2 days ago and it’s absolutely excruciating. Half of my heart died with Oliver. I hope you are finding some peace now❤
I lost my sweet kitty Thumbelina, (like in the fairy tale) to a dog attack on June 2nd, ‘23. I witnessed the attack, and it was so brutal and shocking that I’ll never be able to unsee it. I managed to run the dog off, and kitty was able to get away, but she was injured so badly she died within minutes. She was only three years old, and I’d expected to have her for years yet, but she was literally and violently ripped away. I am grieving as deeply as for any person I’ve ever lost, maybe more. My husband loved her, too, but I can see my sadness makes him uncomfortable and he really wishes I would just move on. I’m still crying nearly every day. It just suddenly wells up out of nowhere. I feel I need to hide it from my husband, and I really have no one else I can talk to. Videos like these give me comfort. Thanks to everyone involved in creating and producing them, and to the people who comment and share their experiences. I can see we have plenty of company. Good luck to everyone with healing from these very difficult losses.
I definitely recommend going to a grief support group for pet loss or reaching out to a death doula or pet memorial service. The way your lovely kitty passed is not to be taken lightly and I wish your partner understood this. My 4y/o kitty passed away during an at-home euthanasia and although he was at home it was traumatic for me cause he would run and growl from the sedation needle, he fell limp into my arms and died within a couple minutes. I hate how stressful his last moments were but I did the best I could.
I lost my Lulu last night. I am beyond devastated and lost. I’m wondering how I’m going to navigate this life without her. Lulu was a 15 year old standard poodle with an amazing personality and the most intelligent dog I ever knew. I don’t know how I’m going to do this.
Standard poodles are amazing dogs; it's been several years since we lost our Charlie, and this year I've lost two beloved pomeranians. It's a heavy grief, but eventually there's peace with the loss. Thinking of you and mentioning you in my prayers for comfort and healing.
I had to have my 3/4 sized poodle put down on Monday, I am 66 years old, retired, separated. He was my shadow and co-pilot, this is difficult for me. I hope you are recovering from your loss, 15 years is great longevity for a standard, thanks for taking such good care of her.
My soulmate, George, died on 12/22/2023. I made the painful decision to euthanize him as he was rapidly deteriorating, and I did not want him to be in pain. He was my beautiful boy! We traveled together and never left each other's side. George was named after my Dad, and he attended my Dad's memorial service. Not one peep out of my lil guy during the entire service. Coping with the loss of my Dad and now my best friend ever has left me in shreds. I couldn't save George's life, but I could end his suffering. The 8 years we were together was a once in a lifetime luxury vacation experience. An adventure cozing with each other on the couch, bed, car rides with head hanging out the window, eating meals together both of us smacking, and the complete trust and unconditional constant love. We understood each other. My beautiful good boy is with my fun-loving Dad now. I love them endlessly.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I also recently made the painful decision to put my dog of 16 years of to sleep. I’m incredibly lost. I’m heartbroken and I feel immense guilt, like I didn’t fight enough to keep him alive. I’m hurting for you and for all those who have had to make the most difficult decision of our lives. Sending you my condolences.
I lost my cat KiKi last week. My GF let her out after dark and she was hit by a car. We drove 20 minutes to find tthe emergency vet closed. We drove another 40 minutes to get her medical aid. I held her while she cried out in pain. Jaw broken. Brain swelling causing blindness. The decision no one wants to make. Im 6'3" 275 pounds and this has broken me. I adored her. She was my best friend. I cannot even play my bass because she would always come in and watch me like I was playing a private concert just for her. When I put my bass on the stand she would wait until I walked away and she would slap at the strings with her paw. I am devastated and haunted by what she endured at the end,whetheer she knew I was there,if she felt me comforting her and didnt feel alone at the end. Its tough and I dont know how to deal with the grief,the guilt,the pain,the loss.
@@mikechecka292 I know what u mean.. the guilt never goes away.. my baby got bitten by something.. I took him to so many vets.. they couldn’t diagnose it..he is always in the house .. just goes out for potty and this happened.. I regret it so much not going with him out when he went to do potty… I had to Watch him get seizures and pass away.. there were no vets open at 5 am morning at my place… I hated seeing him get seizures…can’t unsee it also…my baby.. he was only 2.5
I feel the best you can do is to concentrate on all the wonderful memories. It's bad enough that she is gone but to go this way is so much worse. I shall pray that the pain eventually goes away and leaves you with only the great memories. BTW, she knew you were there and that you love her. You are loved.
My beautiful horse Chuckie died 22 years ago. I had him for a long time, he was 33 years old when he passed. To this day at times, I still cry for him. I don't even cry anymore for my parents, who passed about 18 years ago.
My heart horse Sonny was put down in 2019. Miss his beautiful coloring and goofy personality. Only another horse owner understands the bond of horses and humans. Sending you warm hugs.
I let go of my sweet baby girl of 17 years last June 13 6:30pm and I have cried endlessly. I would wake up in the middle of the night to take her out and she was gone, I just lay there crying. I am now doing it all over again with her brother and will likely lose him soon and I already have anticipatory grief and being a cry baby once again. I found that I wrote my baby girl a letter, reminiscing about our life together and saying all the things I am feeling helped. I went from crying almost everyday even 6 months after to crying once or twice a week so it helped. I am about to write another letter...
No words can even begin to describe the despair & the heaviness I felt when I had to put down my beautiful cat of 17 years, Tigger, in May 2023. He was the air I depended on to breathe, just like he depended on me to care for him. 7 months before losing Tigger, I lost my mom. I wanted to go be with Tigger so much. I haven't been the same since losing my baby. I have such depression & anger because he's not here anymore, because now, I really am alone
Have experienced such loss many times, and have true empathy for others who know the grief. If it’s a reasonable option, consider rescuing one of the huge number of animals dumped into shelters during the past couple of years. The majority of shelters have to euthanize innocents, due to the overwhelming numbers of animals needing homes. Rescuing has its challenges. But experiencing a confused, scared shelter animal beginning to heal, to trust, to bond with you and love you brings great spiritual healing! The love of an animal rescued is the best therapy! ❤️🩹
@albussnape2 I did do that. 2 months after losing Tigger, I adopted a 9 month old kitten- she looked exactly like a cat my boyfriend used to have, & thought that he would like to see a cat that looked just like her running around the house. A few days after bringing Gata home (that's the new kitten's name), she was diagnosed with wet FIP. I went through hell with her. Now, she's better, and she has way more kitten energy than I thought she'd have. I can't keep up with that. She's in 24/7 destruction mode and is always bat shit crazy. Tigger was crazy, but nowhere near Gata's level of crazy. Basically, I adopted her for the wrong reason, and just am not feeling that connection with her, like I had with Tigger. And it makes me very upset. She's super cute & makes me laugh. I will always take excellent care of her. Maybe it will take a while longer to find that connection, but I sure won't give up trying.
@@debbie3218 Don’t give up. The cat I wrote about in my first post, Thumbelina, was a stray that came to us about a year after losing our previous cat, Gandalf, to cancer. We liked her right away, as she was funny and cute and loving, but as you said, I just didn’t feel the same connection. I was still grieving Gandalf, but Thumbelina made me love her more every day, though it was slow at first. I didn’t realize how much I had really come to love her until I lost her, too. Isn’t that always the way? Losing her has been every bit as hard. I am not in a position to adopt at the moment, but I’m hoping by the end of the year. Each pet is different and you love each one of them differently, but I know I can open up my heart again and love a new one just as much.
My best friend shot himself a week ago after he lost his dog 2 weeks before. He woke up his dog had unexpectedly passed although I kept telling him she needed vet care. He didn't have the money also didn't believe she was sick he ignored it argued that vet just wanted to make money. After she passed, he was so shocked I didn't realize how depressed he was. People make mistakes we are all human but don't ignore someone who is depressed. He stopped getting back to me and I went looking for him and I found him dead. I'm doing okay and I'll get past this, but I hope others can learn from this.
I'm a 50 yr old divorced men with no kids, all I have is my 3 dogs. My 13 yr old toy poodle is dying of several health issues. He is in a lot of pain and he sleeps all day. He is heavily medicated barely hanging on. I have to make a decision within a few days. It'll tear me apart when he goes. I fell into short lived depression when my maltese die six years ago, death of this dog will be worse.
I am 65 and single, by choice, because I have never have found a man who could give unconditional love! I am so sorry for your loss and what you are/went through (by the time I am reading this)! I just now saw this 3 months later. I had my cat, A.J,.for 20 years and 8 months. Everything was fine. He ate and played and everything was fine. If I was a billionaire I would put Friskies and Purina out of business! If Cereal is the first food on the can then guess what, people are killing their animal. I am not saying you did this, I just hate these companies with a passion! I never have in all of my life given dry food to any of my cats ever! They need moisture and balance in their foods! Pets give us unconditional love that people don't do!! I TOTALLY get it!! A.J. was on prescription food because of kidney decline (which by my giving him fluids actually reversed!) was eating and everything was fine. One visit back in the beginning of December 2022, by my long term vet to my house, suddenly felt a mass. He had intestinal cancer we found out through an in home ultrasound. He was suddenly stage 4. He was 20 years and 8 months old.He was and is my best friend ever! I told the Ultrasound Doc "NO CHEMO EVER". Both my parents died early due to that poison and having worked in a hospital for years, I call it the bag of poison! NO WAY! If I was given a cancer diagnosis, oh well it is my time! Never chemo. Let's be kind to the animals that give us unconditional love and let them go. I cry a lot still, but I do believe we will all be reunited at the Rainbow Bridge when it is our time. I do wish you peace and solitude during this difficult time!
In the end we have to love them enough to let them go.Over my adult years I’ve had to make the decision to release them from their pain for 7 cats and 5 dogs . My l ast was by far the hardest b
i lost my service dog of 12.5 years today.. Im just devastated. I dont have any family left or friends that live close by. He was my 5o 5o life partner and i will miss him and Love him the rest of my life.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I just lost my 15 year old pit. The grief is overwhelming I’ve never cried so much in my entire life. I feel so lost without her she was with me every waking moment. I will miss her forever 😔
Thank you for understanding. I was very close to my dog of about 17 years. He was always with me and I cannot stop crying unless I am working at my job. It's a terrible sadness.
I pre-grieve. Currently my dog is almost 14, not eating as much as he should and has some elevated TLI. We have tried everything and the vet is now saying to start thinking of quality of life. I am cooking for him to get him to eat. I have cried so much already and he is still here. How do I enjoy this trying time? I feel so sad thinking about life without him and how dark it will be for at least a year or two. Grief triggers my depression and PTSD. He is my best friend. I am so scared.
My beloved Copper boy of 15 years passed away in my arms at home last night. My empty nesting wife and I are unbelievably devastated. All the habits are still actively operating causing us to just keep breaking down in tears. The sight of his bed, his bowls… 💔
We were a family of 4. My husband Died on Easter morning then 2 weeks afterwards My older dog Tosca had to be Euthanized due to illness. Lulu and I now comfort each other. Living with two deaths has been an overwheling challenge. Jo, thank you so much for your guidance in navigating this difficult time for me and Lulu.
I went through the same only my husband, then our kitty three weeks later. Sometimes it happens that a pet will die suddenly after their mommy or daddy. Hugs to you. It feels surreal. I suggest finding a Grief Share class near you.
Since my 1st pet died 2.5 years ago, I have struggled with overpowering grief and tried to overcome it by reading a lot of books on this subject. Nothing works…until I listened to your wise, candid and comforting words here. Thank you for helping me understand !
This video helped me understand I am not alone. We lost our sweet boy Pugsley this morning and I’m still in shock. But it was so peaceful for him. I keep smelling his bed and I have never felt pain this bad before
@@indianne9781 My god I know how you feel. I’ve lost parents, grandparents etc.. lost my 15 year old Standard Poodle Lulu last week, and I am shattered. This level of grief is new to me. May I also say, I am so sorry for your loss. 💔
Just wanted to say your videos have been helping me cope with the death of my dog Charlie, who passed five weeks ago tomorrow. I raised him since I was 19, my entire adult life, he was 15.5 years old.. even though I gave him the best ending possible it’s been horribly difficult. Sometimes I’m feeling better then randomly like today I’m struck with horrible support system hasn’t been what I thought either which adds to the pain, and I’ve found myself isolating to protect myself from ignorant comments by people I used to trust. Only way out of the grief is through. Anyway I found most of the videos on grief have applied to this loss as well. I hope I can find peace with it soon
We had to put my cat Jimmy Mack down on January 16, 2024. He suffered some ministrokes, but the last one left him confused at times, and unable to walk, but he loved his papa and I loved him, he was my 4 legged son, for 14 yrs, God willing I'll be 70 in February and I just can't stop crying. We miss him Soo much. He was a love Dove 🕊️
My dog was put to sleep today. After work there was no walk outside, no after dinner walk and no before bed walk. I feel so sad, but i know at 14 he was at the end of his life. Buddy had become blind with cataracts and he xould no longer hear. His back legs grew weaker and weaker until i was carrying him up and down the stairs towards the end. I will miss you Buddy, you gave me companionship during some of my darkest days. I'm sorry you could not continue on life's journey with me my sweet boy. RIP Buddy 🌴
I’m so sorry you don’t have your Buddy. I lost my bunny, Coco on the 17th. She was 10. I only took her outside once so she could run around and all she did was sleep under a tree. I was reading all the comments but yours somehow moved me to answer. I hope you’re young and healthy enough to be able to get a new walking companion someday. You can tell him all about Buddy.
My 15 1/2 year old Cavalier service dog, Sir SnuggleBug McFeather-Fluffy's, health was getting worse. I asked him several times to let me know that he wanted to go. The day he collapsed I made the decision. We went to the vet and I held him as the shots were given. I kept telling him what a Good Boy and wonderful friend he had been. He had been one of a kind and had imprinted on me completely. I told him to look for my other Cavaliers (his cousins) at the Bridge. I held him for a while afterward, then handed him over to the vet staff after I felt his body going cold. I drove into the foothills by our home, pulled over and cried. I have his picture on my phone so I look at him and therefore think about him every single day. I have a new service dog who I love, but I know none of my dogs can ever be replaced. I am just thrilled and honored that they chose to be in my life.
When our eldest, Moll, passed away our second oldest, Candy, changed. She was quieter. She seemed subdued and bewildered. She would wander around the house as if she were looking for something or someone. She would stand in the garden, still, sniffing the air. I assumed this was her grieving the loss of the matriarch.
My furry son ROCCO at 16 yrs old Past away April 2024. Now it's December 2024. MY HOLIDAYS ARE NOT THE SAME. I miss you ROCCO terribly, and I love you very much always ❤️
Pet grief is real 😢 I just had to put my *girlfriend* Maltese of 10 years to sleep. Her kidney gave out so fast that I am now overwhelmed and full of grief. I appreciate your video and pray that each of us can find comfort in sharing the pain.
There wasn't a second in this video that i wasn't freaking crying. I lost 2 rats last week, and honestly, I've never been so depressed about something before. We haven't cleaned the cage yet, so it's still exactly where it was when they lived in it. I can't keep this cage, and every time i go in that room, i think, "Maybe there's a chance?" Is that denial? Please note that i was not taught or allowed to grieve growing up. When my grandmother died, my dad said "you have a week to cope with and get over this. And then you need to figure your shit out." Alcoholic marine veteran dad raised us as perfect soldiers, and the military is where i went. So these stages of grief are new and confusing to me. Especially since im normally a very logical person.
Seriph, no it's not denial and it's quite normal to think that way. When I lost my 2 girls ( cats ) I would look at every spot they'd sit in and lay and picture them there. I would hear little noises and straight away I thought it was them. It's all part of the grieving process. Don't beat yourself up it's ok. God bless.
My baby Princess Layla passed today. I was grateful to hold her during her passing. Her euthanasia was the hardest decision I’ve ever made my baby was in pain. Her sister cupcake is incredibly sad as well. Please pray for our strength
I lost my baby Sadie 2 weeks ago due to kidneys failure I hold her in my arms till her last breath her brother Louis and me are heart breaking she was our rock all I do is cry😢😢😢❤❤❤
I had to put my 15yo lady down the day before Mothers Day ‘23 (adopted her from the shelter when she was 3yrs and I was 12yrs. I’m now 25.) I took her to be cremated on Mothers Day. It’s been 326 days since I held her for the last time. I’ve completely broke down crying all of those 326 days. Not a single day where I haven’t shed at least one tear for her. She was my best friend. My baby who I had to say goodbye to ON Mothers Day. It’s the most unbearable, heartbreaking, gut wrenching pain I’ve ever felt. Most days I don’t even want to be alive anymore because I want to see her again and I feel like she was my reason for staying alive. I’ve been diagnosed with depression since I was 10years old. She really helped me get through my depression by showing me nothing but love. Now that she’s gone, drugs, depression, intrusive thoughts of suicide, and 2 antidepressants have taken over my life. It feels like a never ending spiral of pain. I love and miss her so much. She was with me all throughout my teenage years and my early 20’s. I’ve never hurt this much over the death of a human. We loved each other unconditionally and she never judged me. I can’t say that about any person I know or knew. I think that’s the hardest part of letting go. The only living being who loved you through your good and bad times is gone. Now every person is judging you for “being sad over a cat”. If only they knew how much your heart is shattering on the inside. I’ve lost a lot of weight and a piece of who I was. Most days I’m so sad, my brain and chest literally hurt from the traumatic heartbreak. When she died, it was soooo painful to me that I thought/felt like I was going to die from broken heart syndrome (it’s real. It’s when someone goes through something so painful and heartbreaking, the stress weakens your heartstrings until they snap and your heart can no longer beat)
My dog died last yr of cancer . Tomorrow will be 1 yr. Still hurts like it just happened. I held her before she died. It felt like her heart was coming out of her chest. Her heart went.
Thank you for this video!!! I was a literal basket case when my cat Maddie passed away (scheduled euthanasia) in February of 2022. Ironically, my other 4 cats definitely picked up some of her ways. She was the only cat that would climb up on me and sleep on my chest. Once she passed away, my cat Calvin started doing that. It was also the 1st time my 12 year old son really dealt with a significant loss. He was there at the vet's office during the entire process. He cried his eyes out, but honestly he dealt with it MUCH better than I. I was a sobbing mess for days. Even weeks. He was brave and soldiered on and didn't carry on like I did. I even took the week off from work because my grief was all consuming. We chose cremation for my Maddie (she was almost 17). The crematory allowed us to have a viewing prior to her cremation. My husband drove me, but didn't want to see her again and my son chose to go to school and not see her again as well, but that 15 minutes I had with her prior to her cremation was EVERYTHING to me. She looked peaceful and like she was sleeping. I needed that so much as a final closure. It helped with my grief. When you bring your pet to be put to sleep sometimes you can't really lose it and carry on in the vets office. It's embarrassing. I also think pet loss is something people need to recognize as the equal of losing a loved one. Because they are FAMILY. They literally depend upon us for EVERYTHING. I was inconsolable when I lost my grandmother and I was inconsolable when I lost my cat. The grief DOES get better with time, but everyone should be allowed to grieve in their own way and for however long they need to. Don't let anyone discount your grief because it was "just a cat" or "just a dog". They don't get it! The grief is REAL when you lose a pet and it hurts like HELL!! To everyone who has lost their beloved fur babies - my heart and prayers go out to you!!! 🌈🐾🌈🐾🌈🐾
I had to let my little girl Missy go last week, she was a mini jack Russell, 16 yeats old. I had the vet come to my home so she went in familiar surroundings. It was the hardest and worst thing lve ever done. Im devastated and heartbroken and feel so guilty 💔💔. So sorry for everyone whos lost a fur baby. May we all heal in time 🙏❤️💔
I had my shih Tzu Casey was 13 years he had heart disease I had to have him euthanized that was just 4 days ago. My heart is broken that was my little boy I love him so much.
@@paulafoss9292 I'm so sorry, for your loss 💔. lm still deeply grieving. The other day someone said to me that grief is love with nowhere to go. Sending a virtual hug to you and lots of love ❤️ x
I am grateful for your words. I had to let my sweet 12 yr old poodle go to the good place not even 24 hrs ago. It has hit me like a sledgehammer. I am so grateful to have had wise counsel that encouraged me to help him. He had cardiomyopathy and the thought of being in an emergency situation for his last moments was something I did not want. The vet came to the house and it was very peaceful and sweet. He seemed happy all the way until he fell asleep, and then it was over 💔. I have been resting on the bed where he last was. It gives me comfort. I hope my own heart can be strong.
I've lost several "pet" companions (cat and dog) over the years. I've cried for each and have felt no shame in doing so. I also feel OK in grieving over a pet companion. It never ceases to amaze me how two different species can form such a strong bond with the other. I've always celebrated that our relationship happened, rather than our relationship was over. I cremate my old friends and keep them with me after their deaths. It gives me comfort that I continue to care for them after their deaths. I miss my old companions/loves but feel great in the fact that we had the time together.
I just lost my pitbull 2 days ago and I’m not taking this well at all. It’s a whole different environment with no positive vibes from me. I’m glad I gave a rescued dog a good home to live her life in. And I committed to keeping her for her whole life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The way I have lost my beautiful, loving cat has been the most painful way. I tried for all of my old means to have a vet come and put him to sleep, but no dice, he died in my arms agonizing. I’m an elderly person and couldn’t take him to the vet myself. I know I am with him and he’s with me and I truly can say I wait. To go find him again On the other side, where God is for all of us. Thank you again dear lady.
I had to put down my boxer nearly 2 weeks ago. It hasn't got easier, she was with me literally 24/7 for nearly 10 years - she was my life and love. Life just seems pointless.
Almost 12 weeks ago I lost my adoptive dog, my yorkie Loke. He suffered from birth defects and several chronic conditions ever since I got him. Nothing could be cured, only treated. I kept him alive for 8 years. Suddenly, in late june, he got really sick and the normal treatment stopped working. I was given a choice and I really wasn't given much time to think about it, lika an hour or two. It was euthanazia, or an agressive treatment that in itself could kill him at any given moment. The vet said he needed a miracle even to survive the night if he was put in the ICU, and I did not believe in miracles. I was recommended to euthanize him, as the vet told me this was the compassionate choice, and I did that even though I absolutely didn't not want him to die. Oh lord, the agony I felt was out of this world! I was lunged into a pitch black pit of emotional horrors. And, directly followed the physical and emotional isolation(he was the only living being I ever had any physical contact with) and the deafening silence in the appartement. And the guilt of chosing euthanazia is almost more than I can handle on top of everything. All our many daily routines were thrown out the window in a blink of an eye. Not only have I lost my beloved little boy and (really) life purpose for the last 8 years, I now have no one to hug, no one that sits in my lap, follows me around all day long, or sleeps alongside me. Now, I have to go to sleep alone and wake up alone, every... single... day. I've had animal companions, overlapping, for 43 years and Loke was the last one. His health problems required so much care, medication, and hospitalizations, so I could not afford, or have any energy for two animal companions at the same time. Life after Loke is an agonizing, horrible existence. Edit: Loke got to be 11,5 years old so he definately would have had a couple of more years to live if things had gone differently.
I lost all three of my gerbils within one year and after the loss of a LTR and job layoff. To say im lost without them is an understatement. But the hardest part is being in a constant state of needing to grieve but also forcing myself to get my life together at the same time, leading to no progress with either thing.
I lost my 4 year old Husky girl. My child. I never had a loved and caring life, since I was 6 I experienced pain, from the people that were supposed to love and care for me as well as people entering my life to strangers. My Fur babies are the only ones that never hurt me hence the Beautiful and special bonds we have. In saying that, it makes my grieving more intense. Sandy left us 14th Nov 23. Also hurt by a heartless human being.
We have lost our 14 yr old beautiful cocker Spaniel 4 weeks ago. We miss her terribly as any pet owner can imagine. I agree while going through this grief and loss to surround yourself with dog owners who will understand and support this loss as it can become a quiet and lonely place if you feel you cannot talk about the loss and how you feel. Thank you for your wisdom on this topic. It makes us feel normal 😊
I lost my ANGUS ALLEN January 26 24 and I've never ever felt more broken in my life. I love Angus as we did absolutely everything together, we are , slept and traveled everywhere together. I can't go into a lot of details but to me it was a shock. I feel lost and saddened beyond words. I feel as like a lost a part of me. Part of my soul!!!Angus was so smart, so sassy, so very lovely to be with, I spoke to him as if he understood and I believe he did. He wanted to be wherever I was and even up to the day he passed that I had to help him to do it he was worried about me more. I have not been right since then and I feel like I'll never be the same again. I have had many other pets and Angus was just so special and it's not that I didn't love my other pets because I sure did but Angus was absolutely extraordinary and I mean in every sense. I can't sleep or eat which I could stand to lose lots of weight but I just barely want to exist let alone function. I still hold the door open slow like he's going to be there and I still call for him and I just can't seem to accept it. I beg God to stop my pain and I honor my baby and I had him creamated and I wish that was enough and I even ask God to let me know he's okay. I've no sign whether or not Angus is ok. Well thanks for the information and the video I am trying but I am so BROKEN AND PRAY I CAN GET THROUGH THIS. Thanks again❤ ANGUS ALLEN R.I.P 01/26/24 Momma loves you Angy Boy❤
Your description of your pain sounds so much like mine. I lost my little angel terrier mix a month ago. I also pray to God to ease my pain to be able to go on, but a part of me went with her and it has left such a hole inside me. Daily life feels mechanical now- going through the motions the best that I can. I pray that God helps us hold the love but find the healing we need to go on-- for all here who suffer this loss.
@@ellebelle8515 my dear friend I am praying for you because I know that hole in your heart 💜 pain all too well and have sat wishing to be with him every single day ever since he passed. My heart's broken and my soul is definitely damaged and it's been a hard road since. I have been praying for myself as well that God comforts me and brings me some kind of peace to allow me to know one day I'll see my ANGUS again. I pray to be reunited again one day. He was the best thing that had happened to me in many years when I got him and he helped me change as a human being all around and I'm so much better because of him. I can't begin to tell you how he helped me to develop as person. Anyway know time does help some and it's all it does. Pain like that sticks and also changes us but it doesn't have to be all so terrible how it does. I now memorialize him and remember all the absolutely beautiful times we had together and continue praying for my peace I need to continue on. I am a believer in God and believe God will at some point bring me comfort and peace and I'm praying God will help you friend in the same way. Anytime you need to talk about your precious baby I am here for you in any capacity that I can be. Please know your not Alone and that feeling like this is normal for the love we Are missing. I'm so so sorry for your loss and my heart's with you. Much 💕 and 🙏 prayer 🙏 for you.
@@ellebelle8515 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️ I wish I had the right words for you to help you but everyday since he passed I am always thinking about him and it's difficult and so I know maybe both of us dealing with the same loss and pain maybe can be there for one another in some way. Maybe just sharing memories of them and allowing ourselves the right to mourne freely without judgement and other's expectations will help us. I will continue praying for you along with my own self as well. But one thing is for sure, YOUR. NOT ALONE,🙏❤️
@@pamelarichardson-fike84 Thank you for replying. By the way, I am 65 years old which tells you that there is no age limit or special wisdom that makes anyone immune to this pain.... You are right that we can't give each other the 'right words' to take the pain away. But, we can just understand the journey. The photo of my girl and her name is actually my identity. (My name is Jane). When I come across the photos of videos of her, it is very difficult. I don't look at them often right now for that reason. But, I hope that in time our pain transforms somewhat feeling near to them and without overwhelming sorrow every time we remember them. Blessings to you on this difficult journey.
I am so sorry for your loss of your Teddy Bear. I had to say goodbye to my own (girl) Teddy Bear on May 23, 2024 at 14 years old, a rottweiler/shepherd mix, the smartest, most stubborn and funny and gorgeous girl ever. I understand your pain. This is devastating. My 19 year old kitty cat has passed exactly one week prior. I have no animals for the first time in my life and it is unbearably sad and empty and lonely. My entire life was dedicated to their well-being and love.
My cat of 14 years just died of old age. I still haven't been able to really eat or sleep the past few days. The waves of grief just wash over me again and again. Even though I still have another cat and the pups, it still stabs my heart every moment. What I have decided to do is make a monthly donation in her name to our local humane society so I can help other cats and dogs in need. I also give my current furbabies much more attention and love and this seems to help me cope.
I lost my 17 year old silky terrier and the depression is unreal. I can’t say this to most people Bc they tell me “ it could be so much worse. Some peolle got bigger problems. You had him a long time. Be grateful”. So I don’t tell many people. But I am miserably deprsssed and lost. I will never get another dog Bc he was my one and only and the loss is unbearable. I knew it would be hard when he passed didn’t know iy would be so hard. I don’t know what to do 😢
Many of us understand you, and that is why we are here. I lost my terrier girl a month ago. You are not alone. I say that the best part of me went when I lost her. It is horrible to feel this way, but we must accept that the love we had requires us to grieve the loss while holding onto the love that we shared.
@@ellebelle8515 thank you so much. it really is so hard. it’s weird bc i’m an adult. i understand death. i understand grieving and yet I really cannot move on. i am trying. i have a therapist. i pray. i’m realistic. and yet my life seems so much dimmer since he’s been gone. i always wake up thinking that every day will get a little lighter and it doesn’t. dogs are so different. sorry for your loss as well and thank you for being so kind of reply ❤️❤️💗
@@AM-qr4ysI get it. My 18 year old dog died ten years ago, just a few months after my husband. I still grieve and cry for both of them. Now, my 14 year old cat was killed by a car a few days ago. I'm devastated and inconsolable. And out of best friends.😢💔
@@sunshine9122 omg. I am so sorry to hear of all your loses. And then to be in this type of situation with losing your pet so tragically is honestly heartbreaking to hear. I really hope you know. Even as a stranger than I truly am sorry for all you have endured and I will keep you in my prayers. ❤️💕
I lost my baby boy on Monday. I am lost, devastated, and absolutely heartbroken. I don’t know how to carry on. I get hit with these overwhelming waves of deep sorrow and anxiety. Everything reminds me of him. I scream out to God asking for help, guidance, anything to help me, but I feel alone. I’m so scared. If anyone reads this, please pray for me if you are religious. I’m frozen in grief. I sleep with his collar. I cradle it, kiss it, and rub my face on it. I need my baby. I miss my baby so much.
I had to let my baby boy cat, Nucci, two months ago. I still cry almost every day. My body and mind still keeps saying, “I want him back!” A part of me feels gone. I do the same things you do.
This information is sorely needed in our society. I have had several pets die in the last few years. All of my birds died of natural causes: cerebral hemorrhage, heart attack, ruptured aortic aneurysm. My parrot of one one month short of 38 years, the cerebral hemorrhage, passed away in my lap. I was able to tell him how much I loved him, that I forgave him for everything unpleasant that he had done to me and asked him to forgive me. It was after 4 am, but I called a close friend, which helped. My problem has to do with my dogs. Although each one was very I’ll, I had to make the decision to euthanize them, as their quality of life was almost zero. One had a massive pancreatic tumor, one had been misdiagnosed by two separate internal medicine veterinarians and the necropsy, done by my regular vet, revealed that her gall bladder had hardened and that she had been in terrible pain for a long time, which I knew. I will never trust a vet who tells me that my pet is in a different condition from what I know in my gut. After months of $300 a month medications, my dear Comet was pooping blood, again, and I took her to my regular vet. Comet went truly crazy, tried to bite the vet, she was not a biter, and I requested a muzzle to be out in her. The look in her eyes was telling me that she needed me to help her somehow, she was suffering. Although I have had one of my birds pass away, only eleven months after Comet, my grief for Comet is stuck. It was September of 2016 when Comet crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I am still looking for her in the house. I know my guilt is misplaced, because I believed that two separate specialists were right over believing my gut that told me that Comet was beyond help. I’m working with my therapist on dealing with this stuck grief and intellectually not feeling guilty, but emotionally feeling terribly guilty. People who haven’t had a pet, or who have never had one pass away, do not get it. Lastly, there is a local veterinarian group called Lap of Love. They are palliative care and euthanasia specialists. They do not have an office, they come to your home, apprise the situation, and either prescribe palliative care or perform the euthanasia there, in your home, where your pet is most comfortable, not in a scary veterinarian office. You can choose to remain in the room, hold the pet, or go to another room for the euthanasia. This is such a valuable service and there isn’t a lot of awareness of it. I don’t know if Lap of Love is a national organization or just here in Jacksonville, Florida. I so appreciate this video and will share it with people who “just don’t get it” and hope they will learn from it and develop empathy for those of us grieving. There are some books about grief for pts that may be helpful, as well as general books about grief that can be helpful. I believe that having a therapist to guide you and possibly a support group, will help you get through the trauma, sadness and guilt.
I absolutely do get it. Feeling stuck in my own grief over my precious Jessie cat who I had to allow to be euthanized 3 weeks ago. She was 16 and she was my everything. My whole world. I was 16 myself when we got her as a kitten! She’d ended up developing diabetes and, in her last few days, anorexia (starvation leading to liver damage, among other things) due to not eating. Despite my best efforts to save her, I had to let her go… I completely missed the signs of her diabetes. It had been months. Over the course of this summer, it was slowly killing her without us even knowing it. And by the time we’d come to the vets, she was in such poor condition and in need of urgent care of which there were no funds for. There was nothing more I nor they could do for her… so I had to say farewell, despite myself not being ready to let go at all, and release her from her suffering. 💔 … It’s pointless to guilt ourselves for the things we did not know at the time. You did the best you could for your Comet, Shirley. Vets should know what’s best for our animal companions, so it’s only logical that you initially trusted their opinions. You wanted to do right by Comet no matter what and you did your best to act in her best interest despite the frightening, tumultuous situation you both were in. So please be more gentle with yourself… I wish you peace and sincerely hope you will get unstuck and find your way through your grief. Truly. 💜
@@chazzyn7396 Thank you Chazzy N for your kind words and for sharing your personal story and your feelings. A few weeks ago, I was with my therapist. She is amazing and seems to just know what to do. I was crying again about Comet. My therapist suddenly rolled her chair right up to me, got in my face and said “If Comet was sitting here right now, what would she say? Would she say she knows you loved her? Would she say that she knows that you did your best to save her? Would she say that she knew you saved her life when you found her covered with scabs from being beaten, abandoned in a city park, and you took her home, where she had a dog brother and dog sister to help her heal, physically and mentally?” Wow! Picturing Comet sitting there with my therapist, telling me these things, it was like that guilt just snapped away. Comet wouldn’t want me to still be stuck in grief after all these years either. By staying stuck, I wasn’t honoring her or myself. A huge weight lifted off of my shoulders and my heart. Of course I still miss her, but thinking of her now, in happier days, looking at photos of her when she was happy, I can now be happy remembering the good times instead of dwelling on the bad. I’m sure that your darling Jessie would tell you the same things that Comet would tell me. I’m so sorry that you are going through this very hard loss. I appreciate your sharing with me not just your story, but your feelings and your support. I send healing wishes to you. And a big 🤗. It is so hard that our pets can’t tell us what is wrong, how they feel, when they are sick. My pets communicate with me pretty well in daily life, but never tell me outright when they are sick. They still have wild animal DNA that tells them to hide illness. We do the best we can, the vets do the best they can, but sometimes things that seem obvious later weren’t so obvious at the time. I do hope that over time, you will get unstuck and that your happy memories of Jessie will outweigh the sad ones. ❤️
Lost my 17 year old cat 2 months ago. She was my buddy, I miss taking care of her. I have had to take two long road trips of driving all day with no destination, The house is just so quiet without her there. She went suddenly, I thought I had a couple more years with her. My friends have been a lot of help, since they are pet parents too.
My little cat died today, she was just 1 year old, she was poisoned. I cant tell you how unfair it feels, how long she had still to experience and live. Its juat surreal how the night before we were playing chase oh so joyfully and litterally the next day i come home only to find her there, lying on the floor, motionless. The one who was once a warm loving creature now was still, cold, gone. It just doesnt make any sense. I dont want to accept it, it was just too early for her to go...
Thank you I just had to put my dog down after 16 years and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through so im glad that they are people like you to do this with us
Dear Jo you are right a lot just don’t get how devastating loosing a beloved fur baby is I just lost both my previous mini dauchies Kevin and Maggie less than 7 months apart I am a mess they gave me everything in my life including bond of companionship and unconditional love and support I find myself walking around with giant holes in my heart that huge chunks of what was good in my life is now gone I feel guilty that I could have cared for them longer even thou my vet days I kept them co forts me and with us far longer than the average pet owner ( I’m a registered nurse so I use my knowledge to care for them as very best as I could ) I feel like I can’t cope with life without Kevin and Maggie the thought they will never be with me again or be there waiting to greet me coming home from work to play our little games we would play each time I came thru the door please help me I feel my family are undermining me and my deep deep grief and loss I will never feel right again without them
Lost my bestest boy 4 weeks ago at age 6 years & 10 months & I can’t stop crying over his loss… he was my everything, he left me so unexpectedly… I can’t go on 😢😢😢
I lost my doggie two days ago, August 1st, he was my baby and the love of my life. I dont know how to cope I would give anything to have him back. I cant imagine my life without him.
Very nice video; her humility was touching. Her stat comparison on the life span of the average marriage in the U.S. vs. Our Pets was shocking but interesting. The firsts are the worst. The first night they're gone, the first morning you wake up and they're gone, their first birthday and your own, and they're gone. Furry kids are a gift from God, for which I am forever grateful. God bless all our broken hearts. And I praise Him for the love, joy, laughter, comfort and companionship they have and are still giving me. Best friends to the end. ❤
Thank you Jo for this video. You just touched on everything I am feeling and going through. I just want to say that at this point I am disappointed and angry with the whole Veteranarian industry. It is absolutely not affordable here in Ontario Canada for people of lower income to just get up and go to a vet if our pets are not well. Prices here are ridiculous and we have no options period and so you end up having to put the pet down for things that can be easily managed. Of course my cats were not young , my Ricky was 13y old and my Peanut was 19y old but I could have kept them a little longer if only I had the money. I just could not help them because of damn money these blood suckers charge. I'm only on a small pension. Imagine that just a tooth problem can run up up too thousands of dollars. There's pet insurance but forget about that because you need to pay the money before the insurance pays you back 80% of the bill and they do not cover older senior pets. There is no such thing here in Ontario Canada where they will let you make monthly payments. I was thinking that maybe in a few months I would adopt just one cat but it scares me , I never know when the cat might need too see a Vet. I do feel blessed that I had my Peanut for 17y and my Ricky for 13y I took good care of them and they were both rescues from the street but like I said you just never know when they will need a Vet. They are crying and begging for people to adopt pets but it's impossible for so many to pay a Vet since singles and families are mostly living pay check to pay check. I believe that 60% of the population are just trying to make ends meet. So the pet idea just goes out the window. Sorry I got to ranting here, I just can't believe how expensive it is these days that a person can't even think of getting another pet. I'm just so all over the place right now feeling sick about the loss and angry at the Vet industry. Thank you for this video Jo it gives me some comfort ❤
My little girl Miow Miow of 20 years, 2 months and 8 days old was euthanised three days ago and the guilt and grief are crushing the life out of me. She was one constant in my life and the only living being that loved me unconditionally, she got me through many difficult times always coming to lick my forehead and give me hugs. I have no one that gives love and I am alone. I can’t stop crying my grief is choking me. I am living dead.
I lost my little Caroline yesterday and it hurts so bad. She was 2 to 3 when I got Her from the pound. I was so lucky to have for 12 years ! only wish I could done more for her
I never imagined how much love I would have for my beloved cats as an adult with 3 grown kids. I feel like my 5 cats are like my children. They love me back unconditionally. We are at a crossroads and will need to put Mittens, 9 years, down. She has declined to dramatic degree and is beyond saving and I just can't let her go... but I must. I'm watching this video to prepare myself for the grief I will feel.
I just lost my 3 year old silver lynx point siamese X Japanese bobtail cat from hepatic lipidosis. I have his whole family as he was born in my home. I literally held him from his first breath to his last. My cats are my world now that my son has grown and is no longer at home. It has been devastating for me to lose him. His name was Akitu it means dragonfly in Japanese. There is a story for that too. He was my beautiful and very special boy. It has been over a week and I'm still in a very deep grief with guilt. People do not understand what we go through, so it has been hard. It helps that my husband made him a beautiful casket and cross and he is buried nearby. I go see him everyday. Thank uou for this video
My dog just died yesterday, only 8 years old, He has been with me through joy and sadness, ups and downs, and the dog loves you unconditionally. Then all of a sudden died due to coughing and vomiting blood just for one day. The feeling is unbelievably painful, I don't want to eat and can't sleep, I always cry when I remember him😭.... I will just go through the process and express it. I miss him a lot.🧡 Thanks for the advice to Mam Jo.
I said goodbye yesterday to my lovable Australian Shepherd, Lincoln. He was so sweet and loyal. He’d wag his little nub tail whenever we had visitors and loved being around small dogs (he grew up around chihuahuas). He would wait patiently by the food bowl and allow our Min-Pin/chihuahua to eat before he’d have his food. My dad called him a “gentleman”. My heartache is overwhelming. I miss you my good boy….
Yes, if you have two pets and lose one, you'll bond with the other pet and help each other grieve. It's a different relationship and an important one. Take time to heal and let another pet find you at the right time. I once lost a cat (hit by a car) and rushed out to rescue another cat and it was too soon. I came to love the other cat just as much but originally was mad it wasn't acting like the cat I was missing.
Yeah. Just lost one today, broke free from his collar and the worst happened. I feel like he’s in a better place now, better than waiting for me to come home from work all day. He’s my last dog ever. I’d rather deal with Loneliness than feel guilty about not getting him a new collar. I comforted him though in his last moments. Vet was too far away to save him in time.
My beloved Brady dog passed Sep 7th unexpectedly & it ripped my heart out. He was 14, had him his whole life & he was fun, playful, adventurous, loved walks, chewing sticks & playing in the snow. He was so special to me & my wife & we miss him so much. I'm a 62 yr old man & never cried & sobbed for anyone who passed away in my family like I did for 2 weeks following Brady's passing. I know what grief is now, it still stings 😢😔
Our pets loved us as much as we love them, they would never want us to get so sad for them because they see us we dont see them. Their soul is alive, spul doesn't die, their soul is free, and they look different, maybe very handsome men or a gorgeous girl who knows, but they are not in their worldly body anymore. They see us and would love to tell us " i am perfectly fine, do not worry and do not cry, please do not get upset, seeing you devastated is upsetting me, i am ok and i want you to be ok"
My beautiful cat I had for 11 yrs since she was a kitten just got taken from me 4 days ago by a predator right from my front porch 😢 I am devastated & feeling so guilty because I let her stay outside !! I wish I could do things differently & just keep obsessing why I let her stay outside at night. My house feels empty like a tomb , I miss her so much !!
Lost my boy on March 12th but i know the gap hes left will never go, that boy saved my life literally on 2 occasions. Finding it so hard to get by without him it isnt easing
after 18 yrs together, I had to make the decision to put my old kitty down today. my heart aches so deeply, but I’m so thankful to have known her love for so long. thank you for this video
Thank you. I recently lost my best friend of 15 1/2 years,Sami. She would have been 16 this September. She’d had severe mobility issues for several years but still enjoyed her life until very close to the end. Thankfully she died here at home with me with her. I so miss her. She was a wonderful, loving, intelligent, happy, playful friend who was my only companion through some difficult life situations. I still have my other furry friends; Buddy, Susie and Jeordie whom l love and enjoy very much. But, my bond with Sami was special. Since her health was not good and she was so elderly l knew l didn’t have long with her and l didn’t want her to suffer. So, thought l was “ready” for her to leave; but her leaving has had much more impact on me than I expected. I love and miss you Sami❤, my big girl. She was half Border Collie and half Golden Retriever.
I feel so overwhelmed losing my Wally. I rescued him but truthfully he rescued me. I'm clearing out some of his toys, food water bowl to store. I still have his crate in my living room. And I do miss his tags jingling, him peeking around the corner looking for dinner or a water refill. He got so thin so quickly and his heart was giving out. I'm grateful for the time we were together and thankful to the vet whom came to our house. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Miss you Wally.
My dog spent the last few years of his life with me. He was our family dog. When us kids grew up, he left with my brother. My brother could no longer keep him there he came to live with me. He died with me. And i cant stop thinking about the day he came home with us as a puppy. God, i miss my baby boy ♡ so much. Just keep picturing him trotting around my house. My dog was 16.
Got a phone call a few days ago that our youngest cat of 4 years had been knocked down and killed. Only saw her and gave her a cuddle an hour before. The whole house is devastated. The shock of it all. RIP little luna. You’ll Be missed more than you’ll ever know ❤
My cat Riscas is 10 years old, and he was diagnosed with kidney disease, and he got weak very quickly, we are trying to make him get better, but at the same time, we are considering euthanasia, it is the most painful though, because he is our best friend, been in my life since I was 15, he saw everything and always cheered us up. He is a very friendly and loves to give kisses, now he is more tired, and we do everything for him, we didn't want to say goodbye, but at the same time, we want him to live his best life, and if not... at least rest in peace, so he doesn't suffer no more... We are devastated... wishing for a miracle, but that's how nature works.
Guinea pigs, rabbits, fish and dogs have always been in my family home...Pet loss hurts and needs to be recognized! 💕
The tendency to minimize the loss of a pet only exists with others who don't understand and can't relate. I would say that it's rare for that tendency to exist in the person who actually lost the pet.
Pray for me my cat passed away yesterday 💔😭 my world is collapsed
"Grief is the price we pay for love." Her Majesty Queen Elizabth II of England.
I am so sorry😢it hurts so badly💔
Pets get closer to you than people, that’s why it hurts more. I feel like I have lost a child.
Yep, for sure!
Yes, that's so true. I've lost both my parents but losing my dog has been unbelievably painful x
I just lost my boy 2 days ago. My heart and house feel so empty
@@JD-dz9cn I am so sorry to hear that. It will be tough for a while, but you will get through. They are always with us.
My girl died Tuesday. Right before Thanksgiving. She was 13. She wasn't doing well or comfortable anymore. I've never cried or hurt this much in my entire life.
Just had to put my boy of 13 years down two days ago. The pain is brutal.
I had to put my 11 year down in Feb , it’s painful and I’m still adjusting and my body is suffering from it all . No one gets my pain . I feel so alone
@@kyliesquire4708 I also had to put my beautiful girl down last month. Yes, we will continue to feel alone because our bond was unique and individual with the one we lost. Our bodies will react. At times I just started trembling uncontrollably. There is no other way but to grieve it.
Me too.. I actually fell on the floor crying like a baby. I'm 55 yrs old for Christ sake.... you'd think I could handle it. But- it hurts more than if a person died. But this dog was a part of me. I built my world around this dog. Now I don't know what to do with myself.
@@kyliesquire4708 Anything more than a decade feels like you knew them forever. Sorry for your loss.
I've never cried over a human death like I have over the death of my little Frede kitty. It's devastating.
I'm 80. Have lost many people and fur babies. But losing my beautiful 13-year-old Riley (dog) 8 months ago is a hurdle I can't seem to clear. My sweet little kitty is now not doing well, and the thought of euthanizing her soon is unbearable, on top of losing Riley. I know that my decision to not adopt again is part of my intense, continuing grief...taking another baby into my heart would be so healing. But I can't for several reasons. "The Rainbow Bridge" and sites such as this is what keeps me "keepin' on" day at a time. God bless you.
Me too on loosing both my dogs !!
I do understand... oh I do.. thank you for sharing and my heart breaks for all these beautiful comments and stories
My dog died today. Im heartbroken
My Kuko shihtzu baby passed away last Wed in my arms unexpectedly - he would've turned 17 years this Fall. He was literally involved for the better half of my life - so he meant a lot to me. When he was alive, I was always super anxious to get home at midnight after work just so I can cuddle him after giving him dinner. I couldn't breathe properly for 3 days straight after he was gone. I feel like the biggest reason I was in pain was because I was in denial that he is no longer a part of my life - feels like a huge chunk of my identity was missing. Also in pain because I put so much effort in taking care of him, only for God to come and just take him away from me. A good chunk of my sorrowness went away after I realized one thing - that he is actually still alive in a different sense. Alive in the sense that I will never forget about him, and therefore, he's actually still alive within me because of the "imprint" he had put on my life.
My cat Timmy passed last Monday I loved him more than anything or anyone
I understand. 😢
Bridget, I hope you are feeling better now.
My cat Carl aka poo poo pee pee died last August 26 and I feel the same as you do. I loved and love my cat more than any human on earth..I'm still devastated and it's like this lady said in this video that the more your pet was a part of your everyday life the more the grief will impact you..that is so true..I hope your pain eases..I can't say it will ever go away and I pray that we'll find some comfort and these intense feelings will someday simmer down.
My beautiful pitbull passed away 3 days ago I know how you feel. I’m sorry for your loss
My cat just passed away a couple of days ago and I’m in so much pain. She was my best friend.
So sorry for your loss. When I lost my cat just this last April I thought I would die. I'm still crying pretty much every day. I just feel so sick about it still. I don't eat much, I don't sleep well and I wake up often. I'm often up in the middle of the night pacing around feeling so lost without her. The first month I thought I was losing my mind. It's ok to cry as much as you need to, to go over things in your mind over and over , to feel or think that if only your pet would still be here it would be all ok again and so on. Don't let anyone tell you when it's time to move forward, only you will know when that time comes. May you find comfort here in these comments and with time your pain will get softer. Blessings to you 🙏
I feel your pain, im grieving right now. My cat passed away yesterday she’s my world..
I'm so sorry for your loss. I hope eventually you can remember the fun times you had together.
I feel so much for you loss, stay strong 😢🩵
I had to put my diabetic cat down yesterday after she went into DKA and didn't respond to treatment. I thought I was managing it with her twice daily insulin shots. I keep questioning what I did wrong, and if I could have done something different. She was the first thing I saw in the morning, and the last thing at night when we went to bed. She gave me so much love and companionship, and I don't know how I'm going to get through this.
My best friend just crossed the rainbow bridge 4 hours ago. I’ve never felt grief like this. I lost my mother (which was a whole other pain to deal with), my best friend, brother, and an ex gf. All incredibly painful, but losing my Buddy (German shepherd/husky mix) today felt like someone took a knife, plunged it into my chest, and is constantly twisting it. No death has caused me such grief that it animates itself physically. Buddy was my wingman, my best friend, my companion, and my howling pup. I have no one to vent to - no one to bury my head on their shoulders and just let it all out. Throughout all of my trials and tribulations, I’ve never felt the need to seek out a support group/hotline. But this time it’s different.
I hope you are on your way to healing 🙏🏼just lost my furbaby during a surgery yesterday and I am absolutely gutted.
@@browneyedgirl1542 I am so so sorry to read this. Sending hugs to both of you on this thread.
@@Manhattanrentals531thank you so much 🙏🏼
I hope you are doing okay.
I get it.
I’ve lost many dogs and cats throughout my life. A few days before the anniversary of my husbands death, my Aussie Doodle began acting strange. She was diagnosed with a brain tumor. She was only 9 years old. So full of love, life and playfulness. She had become my therapy dog. I’m still so incredibly angry that she died. Several weeks later, my dad died. I wish my dog was still here to comfort me 😢
So sorry for your losses. Try to take comfort in your memories. I, too, am still grieving the loss of my beautiful girl, Riley from a few days after Thanksgiving. I find the older I am, the more difficult the loss...I guess it's because she had become the center of my life in my waning years. We shall miss them, we shall grieve them until we are at peace, we shall always be thankful for their loyalty, their companionship, and their unconditional love. God bless you.
I’m so sorry. I hope the pain eases and you reach a point where the memories bring you happiness.
Best wishes, stay strong 💧🫂
I’m so sorry for your losses. I am grieving the loss of my dog Rissy. She was just the best dog ever. So have cried everyday since I lost her. I know about the anger . I have felt it too. I so wish she had lived a lot longer than her 9 years.
@@shirleyblair5246 I lost my cat this month, he lived 10 amazing years, and what I can say from experience is this:
Even though I miss him everyday, I still feel grateful for making him happy, and at first I thought part of me died with him, but now I see it's the other way around, part of him stayed with me. And 'till this day I can feel that part of him giving me strength.
Everyone has their way of accepting losses, but I think your happy memories and photos/videos/gifts with you pet, are proof that you were an amazing family for them.
Be proud of that and stay strong ❤️
My heart goes to all pet owners who lost their pets.
For everyone that lost their pet companion 💗💗💗
My cat's keep looking for their Dog. Dave passed and he was like a surrogate mother to them. It's only been 3 day's and were all lost without him. 😢
Pets grieve. My dog grieved our cats loss a few years ago. My dog passed two weeks ago. It’s hard.
My Scooter passed Tuesday November 19, 2024. My Coco is grieving Scooter's passing also. Scooter was an excellent big brother to Coco.
@deniserembert7450 I'm so sorry for your loss 😔 😟 pets are family ❤️
I just lost my cat of 17 years. I keep on crying. It's very hard. She is like losing my baby. She was my baby, and I will always love her. But there is some comforting knowing I gave her a home and she lived very well. I denied her nothing. She really lived a very good life. I think she died of natural old age. Her system just shut down, and she did not suffer. She loved to be held the whole time. As long as I held her she fell asleep and was very comfortable, so I let her die naturally. Her breathing was calm. Still, I had her for 17 years and this is not easy.
Just happened to me & my Manny cat 3 days ago. I’m sitting here sobbing, looking for help on how to feel a lil better. At night was our “snuggle” time & the tears cannot be helped. I keep thinking I see him out of the corner of my eye, then turn & look again and there’s nothing. My husband made him a gorgeous cedar box to be buried in, I was so very thankful for that. He now rests under a huge cedar tree I. The back yard & I can only pray he’s napping in the lords lap & not biting his ankles.( that was Mannys way of welcoming you to our home) I will miss him till the day I die. I hope your pain is alleviating, prayers for you…
Today it’s been a week since we had to put our belle down, she transitioned to the rainbow bridge. We had the vet come to our home, and I held her in my arms as I administer the shots to relieve her of her pain. She had a thyroid cancer in her throat horrible. Grieving has been so hard I never realize how much I loved until it’s gone but every day gets a little better. God bless anyone who has lost a pet it’s not easy but it does get better and you’ll never forget. God bless us all.
I just 😢 lost my fur baby yesterday! I'm so heartbroken
...he was my son 💙
I will pray that things get better from now on. Pet death is so hard to recover from. You are in my thoughts.
@cheriem432 Thank you, I'm healing slowly, but prayers are helping me cope!
I just lost my girl doggie Lola, yesterday. My heart is crushed
I feel you and my deepest sympathy. Same here, I just lost my Davie, I call him too as “my son” “my precious son”🥰❤️
After seeing my beloved cat enjoy 14 or 15 new springtimes, it is ripping my heart out that she is deteriorating so fast that she no longer is interested in being in the sun or going outside. All she wants to do is eat, sleep, and be occasionally comforted as she wiles away into nothing. I can't bear to take her to be put down. I am going to let God decide when she goes. I have meds to keep the pain at bay and possibly arrest her breathing when it is time. I just pray that God will give me the strength through this time, I know it is coming. She is getting really wobbly on her feet these last few days. And the look in her eyes tells me that she knows she is going to die. It is so hard because I live alone.
"I know death is part of life, but i sure wish it wasn't" Forrest Gump. I lost my beloved friend of 12 years, together 24/7 2 weeks ago and the tears have flowed freely and deeply. There is a hole in my heart and i am struggling to find meaning, joy or pleasure at this time. Feels like it will never end.. Torment and torture. "When i die and go to heaven, if there are no dogs there, i wanna go where they go"Will Rogers
A very healing thing for me, is to do good deeds in his name.....donations to charities, helping an elder cross the street, picking up trash.....all silently done in Pals name. He was a good boy, actually the best boy! I miss him terribly. The house is so deadeningly quiet.
I come home to wagging tail to be found. That's so demoralizing.
Halparis, I am going through the pain as well. My Lyla, 11 years old died tragically while at my work office 4 days ago. I have reached out to a couple pet loss grief therapists to help me navigate this new normal.
Your comment really helped me feel less alone. I just can’t shake the feeling that life will never feel good again or be as good as it could be if Sage was still with me. My parents are still here and I feel guilty for the thoughts I have that life isn’t worth it anymore… that the struggle isn’t worth it and nothing brings me enough joy to outweigh the pain and crappiness in the world. I like the thought of doing good deeds in her name. Sage was such a fitting name for her. I’m so grateful fate chose me to be her mom. I feel that I owe such a debt of gratitude for all the joy she brought me. Trying to pay forward that joy in her name brings me a smile… thank you
@@sadenight I am so sorry you lost your dear Lila. My heart aches for all of us experiencing this deepest level of Grief. Yes do a good deed many times in her name. Blessings to all who love animals especially our beloved dogs
I understand. I lost my best boy 2 days ago and it’s absolutely excruciating. Half of my heart died with Oliver.
I hope you are finding some peace now❤
Im sick, so sick. 2 weeks ago today.
I lost my sweet kitty Thumbelina, (like in the fairy tale) to a dog attack on June 2nd, ‘23. I witnessed the attack, and it was so brutal and shocking that I’ll never be able to unsee it. I managed to run the dog off, and kitty was able to get away, but she was injured so badly she died within minutes. She was only three years old, and I’d expected to have her for years yet, but she was literally and violently ripped away. I am grieving as deeply as for any person I’ve ever lost, maybe more. My husband loved her, too, but I can see my sadness makes him uncomfortable and he really wishes I would just move on. I’m still crying nearly every day. It just suddenly wells up out of nowhere. I feel I need to hide it from my husband, and I really have no one else I can talk to. Videos like these give me comfort. Thanks to everyone involved in creating and producing them, and to the people who comment and share their experiences. I can see we have plenty of company. Good luck to everyone with healing from these very difficult losses.
I definitely recommend going to a grief support group for pet loss or reaching out to a death doula or pet memorial service. The way your lovely kitty passed is not to be taken lightly and I wish your partner understood this.
My 4y/o kitty passed away during an at-home euthanasia and although he was at home it was traumatic for me cause he would run and growl from the sedation needle, he fell limp into my arms and died within a couple minutes. I hate how stressful his last moments were but I did the best I could.
Do therapy... it's helping me a lot, because I can talk about it, being heard and my emotions are validated
So sad 4 you 😢 I hope you find peace ❤️🙏🏽
I lost my Lulu last night. I am beyond devastated and lost. I’m wondering how I’m going to navigate this life without her. Lulu was a 15 year old standard poodle with an amazing personality and the most intelligent dog I ever knew. I don’t know how I’m going to do this.
I’m sorry for your loss
Standard poodles are amazing dogs; it's been several years since we lost our Charlie, and this year I've lost two beloved pomeranians. It's a heavy grief, but eventually there's peace with the loss. Thinking of you and mentioning you in my prayers for comfort and healing.
I had to have my 3/4 sized poodle put down on Monday, I am 66 years old, retired, separated. He was my shadow and co-pilot, this is difficult for me. I hope you are recovering from your loss, 15 years is great longevity for a standard, thanks for taking such good care of her.
@@rodneygass I’m so sorry to hear that you’ve had to make such a difficult decision
thanks for caring. I miss my Jack so much, teary all day today . .@@SunStarIIII
My dog passed on 10/26 and it hurts more and more each day. He was everything to me
My soulmate, George, died on 12/22/2023. I made the painful decision to euthanize him as he was rapidly deteriorating, and I did not want him to be in pain. He was my beautiful boy! We traveled together and never left each other's side. George was named after my Dad, and he attended my Dad's memorial service. Not one peep out of my lil guy during the entire service. Coping with the loss of my Dad and now my best friend ever has left me in shreds. I couldn't save George's life, but I could end his suffering. The 8 years we were together was a once in a lifetime luxury vacation experience. An adventure cozing with each other on the couch, bed, car rides with head hanging out the window, eating meals together both of us smacking, and the complete trust and unconditional constant love. We understood each other. My beautiful good boy is with my fun-loving Dad now. I love them endlessly.
I’m so sorry for your loss.
I also recently made the painful decision to put my dog of 16 years of to sleep. I’m incredibly lost. I’m heartbroken and I feel immense guilt, like I didn’t fight enough to keep him alive.
I’m hurting for you and for all those who have had to make the most difficult decision of our lives.
Sending you my condolences.
I lost my cat KiKi last week. My GF let her out after dark and she was hit by a car. We drove 20 minutes to find tthe emergency vet closed. We drove another 40 minutes to get her medical aid. I held her while she cried out in pain. Jaw broken. Brain swelling causing blindness. The decision no one wants to make. Im 6'3" 275 pounds and this has broken me. I adored her. She was my best friend. I cannot even play my bass because she would always come in and watch me like I was playing a private concert just for her. When I put my bass on the stand she would wait until I walked away and she would slap at the strings with her paw. I am devastated and haunted by what she endured at the end,whetheer she knew I was there,if she felt me comforting her and didnt feel alone at the end. Its tough and I dont know how to deal with the grief,the guilt,the pain,the loss.
@@mikechecka292 I know what u mean.. the guilt never goes away.. my baby got bitten by something.. I took him to so many vets.. they couldn’t diagnose it..he is always in the house .. just goes out for potty and this happened.. I regret it so much not going with him out when he went to do potty… I had to
Watch him get seizures and pass away.. there were no vets open at 5 am morning at my place… I hated seeing him get seizures…can’t unsee it also…my baby.. he was only 2.5
I feel the best you can do is to concentrate on all the wonderful memories. It's bad enough that she is gone but to go this way is so much worse. I shall pray that the pain eventually goes away and leaves you with only the great memories. BTW, she knew you were there and that you love her. You are loved.
im the same. its been 3 years and i feel guilty every day for the loss of my cat, i know it was my fault.
My beautiful horse Chuckie died 22 years ago. I had him for a long time, he was 33 years old when he passed. To this day at times, I still cry for him. I don't even cry anymore for my parents, who passed about 18 years ago.
RIP Chuckie🙏❤🐴
My heart horse Sonny was put down in 2019. Miss his beautiful coloring
and goofy personality. Only another horse owner understands the bond
of horses and humans. Sending you warm hugs.
I let go of my sweet baby girl of 17 years last June 13 6:30pm and I have cried endlessly. I would wake up in the middle of the night to take her out and she was gone, I just lay there crying. I am now doing it all over again with her brother and will likely lose him soon and I already have anticipatory grief and being a cry baby once again. I found that I wrote my baby girl a letter, reminiscing about our life together and saying all the things I am feeling helped. I went from crying almost everyday even 6 months after to crying once or twice a week so it helped. I am about to write another letter...
No words can even begin to describe the despair & the heaviness I felt when I had to put down my beautiful cat of 17 years, Tigger, in May 2023. He was the air I depended on to breathe, just like he depended on me to care for him. 7 months before losing Tigger, I lost my mom. I wanted to go be with Tigger so much. I haven't been the same since losing my baby. I have such depression & anger because he's not here anymore, because now, I really am alone
Just want you to know I'm in this exact situation right now. I'm sorry you're feeling it too 🫂
Have experienced such loss many times, and have true empathy for others who know the grief.
If it’s a reasonable option, consider rescuing one of the huge number of animals dumped into shelters during the past couple of years. The majority of shelters have to euthanize innocents, due to the overwhelming numbers of animals needing homes.
Rescuing has its challenges. But experiencing a confused, scared shelter animal beginning to heal, to trust, to bond with you and love you brings great spiritual healing! The love of an animal rescued is the best therapy! ❤️🩹
@albussnape2 I did do that. 2 months after losing Tigger, I adopted a 9 month old kitten- she looked exactly like a cat my boyfriend used to have, & thought that he would like to see a cat that looked just like her running around the house. A few days after bringing Gata home (that's the new kitten's name), she was diagnosed with wet FIP. I went through hell with her.
Now, she's better, and she has way more kitten energy than I thought she'd have. I can't keep up with that. She's in 24/7 destruction mode and is always bat shit crazy. Tigger was crazy, but nowhere near Gata's level of crazy. Basically, I adopted her for the wrong reason, and just am not feeling that connection with her, like I had with Tigger. And it makes me very upset. She's super cute & makes me laugh. I will always take excellent care of her. Maybe it will take a while longer to find that connection, but I sure won't give up trying.
@@debbie3218 Don’t give up. The cat I wrote about in my first post, Thumbelina, was a stray that came to us about a year after losing our previous cat, Gandalf, to cancer. We liked her right away, as she was funny and cute and loving, but as you said, I just didn’t feel the same connection. I was still grieving Gandalf, but Thumbelina made me love her more every day, though it was slow at first. I didn’t realize how much I had really come to love her until I lost her, too. Isn’t that always the way? Losing her has been every bit as hard. I am not in a position to adopt at the moment, but I’m hoping by the end of the year. Each pet is different and you love each one of them differently, but I know I can open up my heart again and love a new one just as much.
My best friend shot himself a week ago after he lost his dog 2 weeks before. He woke up his dog had unexpectedly passed although I kept telling him she needed vet care. He didn't have the money also didn't believe she was sick he ignored it argued that vet just wanted to make money. After she passed, he was so shocked I didn't realize how depressed he was. People make mistakes we are all human but don't ignore someone who is depressed. He stopped getting back to me and I went looking for him and I found him dead. I'm doing okay and I'll get past this, but I hope others can learn from this.
Such a tragic story, thank you for sharing.
Hope you are getting through the loss of your best friend.
I'm a 50 yr old divorced men with no kids, all I have is my 3 dogs. My 13 yr old toy poodle is dying of several health issues. He is in a lot of pain and he sleeps all day. He is heavily medicated barely hanging on. I have to make a decision within a few days. It'll tear me apart when he goes. I fell into short lived depression when my maltese die six years ago, death of this dog will be worse.
I am 65 and single, by choice, because I have never have found a man who could give unconditional love! I am so sorry for your loss and what you are/went through (by the time I am reading this)! I just now saw this 3 months later. I had my cat, A.J,.for 20 years and 8 months. Everything was fine. He ate and played and everything was fine. If I was a billionaire I would put Friskies and Purina out of business! If Cereal is the first food on the can then guess what, people are killing their animal. I am not saying you did this, I just hate these companies with a passion! I never have in all of my life given dry food to any of my cats ever! They need moisture and balance in their foods! Pets give us unconditional love that people don't do!! I TOTALLY get it!! A.J. was on prescription food because of kidney decline (which by my giving him fluids actually reversed!) was eating and everything was fine. One visit back in the beginning of December 2022, by my long term vet to my house, suddenly felt a mass. He had intestinal cancer we found out through an in home ultrasound. He was suddenly stage 4. He was 20 years and 8 months old.He was and is my best friend ever! I told the Ultrasound Doc "NO CHEMO EVER". Both my parents died early due to that poison and having worked in a hospital for years, I call it the bag of poison! NO WAY! If I was given a cancer diagnosis, oh well it is my time! Never chemo. Let's be kind to the animals that give us unconditional love and let them go. I cry a lot still, but I do believe we will all be reunited at the Rainbow Bridge when it is our time. I do wish you peace and solitude during this difficult time!
How are you holding up?
I’m very sorry. I put my 15 yr old dog to sleep this week. She’s at peace now and not suffering..🙏
In the end we have to love them enough to let them go.Over my adult years I’ve had to make the decision to release them from their pain for 7 cats and 5 dogs . My l ast was by far the hardest b
i lost my service dog of 12.5 years today.. Im just devastated. I dont have any family left or friends that live close by. He was my 5o 5o life partner and i will miss him and Love him the rest of my life.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I just lost my 15 year old pit. The grief is overwhelming I’ve never cried so much in my entire life. I feel so lost without her she was with me every waking moment. I will miss her forever 😔
Sorry for your loss. Only had my little senior dog for four years. And now
I understand the love of a dog. He crossed the rainbow bridge in October.
Thank you for understanding. I was very close to my dog of about 17 years. He was always with me and I cannot stop crying unless I am working at my job. It's a terrible sadness.
I feel lost and void
I pre-grieve. Currently my dog is almost 14, not eating as much as he should and has some elevated TLI. We have tried everything and the vet is now saying to start thinking of quality of life. I am cooking for him to get him to eat. I have cried so much already and he is still here. How do I enjoy this trying time? I feel so sad thinking about life without him and how dark it will be for at least a year or two. Grief triggers my depression and PTSD. He is my best friend. I am so scared.
Just lost my dog hours ago. Overwhelming grief had to come looking comfort vids.
I lost my beautiful dog on Sunday 29th October. Its the reason I am here too. I am so sorry for your loss.
I just lost my furbaby of 14 yrs yesterday. How many months before you can breathe?😢
My beloved Copper boy of 15 years passed away in my arms at home last night. My empty nesting wife and I are unbelievably devastated. All the habits are still actively operating causing us to just keep breaking down in tears. The sight of his bed, his bowls… 💔
We were a family of 4. My husband Died on Easter morning then 2 weeks afterwards My older dog Tosca had to be Euthanized due to illness. Lulu and I now comfort each other. Living with two deaths has been an overwheling challenge. Jo, thank you so much for your guidance in navigating this difficult time for me and Lulu.
I went through the same only my husband, then our kitty three weeks later. Sometimes it happens that a pet will die suddenly after their mommy or daddy. Hugs to you. It feels surreal. I suggest finding a Grief Share class near you.
Since my 1st pet died 2.5 years ago, I have struggled with overpowering grief and tried to overcome it by reading a lot of books on this subject. Nothing works…until I listened to your wise, candid and comforting words here. Thank you for helping me understand !
I lost EVERYTHING .... There are no words to explain the feelings....
Friendship, connection, emotional bond not found with some humans! ❤
This video helped me understand I am not alone. We lost our sweet boy Pugsley this morning and I’m still in shock. But it was so peaceful for him. I keep smelling his bed and I have never felt pain this bad before
Are you feeling any better Jenna?
I’m right there with you. I lost parents, grandparents, etc….and I’ve never felt grief like this.
We lost our Buddy 3days ago. I have lost human family members too, but this grief is on a whole other level. I am heartbroken.
@@indianne9781 My god I know how you feel. I’ve lost parents, grandparents etc.. lost my 15 year old Standard Poodle Lulu last week, and I am shattered.
This level of grief is new to me. May I also say, I am so sorry for your loss. 💔
Just wanted to say your videos have been helping me cope with the death of my dog Charlie, who passed five weeks ago tomorrow. I raised him since I was 19, my entire adult life, he was 15.5 years old.. even though I gave him the best ending possible it’s been horribly difficult. Sometimes I’m feeling better then randomly like today I’m struck with horrible support system hasn’t been what I thought either which adds to the pain, and I’ve found myself isolating to protect myself from ignorant comments by people I used to trust. Only way out of the grief is through. Anyway I found most of the videos on grief have applied to this loss as well. I hope I can find peace with it soon
We had to put my cat Jimmy Mack down on January 16, 2024. He suffered some ministrokes, but the last one left him confused at times, and unable to walk, but he loved his papa and I loved him, he was my 4 legged son, for 14 yrs, God willing I'll be 70 in February and I just can't stop crying. We miss him Soo much. He was a love Dove 🕊️
My dog was put to sleep today. After work there was no walk outside, no after dinner walk and no before bed walk. I feel so sad, but i know at 14 he was at the end of his life. Buddy had become blind with cataracts and he xould no longer hear. His back legs grew weaker and weaker until i was carrying him up and down the stairs towards the end. I will miss you Buddy, you gave me companionship during some of my darkest days. I'm sorry you could not continue on life's journey with me my sweet boy. RIP Buddy 🌴
I’m so sorry you don’t have your Buddy. I lost my bunny, Coco on the 17th. She was 10. I only took her outside once so she could run around and all she did was sleep under a tree. I was reading all the comments but yours somehow moved me to answer. I hope you’re young and healthy enough to be able to get a new walking companion someday. You can tell him all about Buddy.
My 15 1/2 year old Cavalier service dog, Sir SnuggleBug McFeather-Fluffy's, health was getting worse. I asked him several times to let me know that he wanted to go. The day he collapsed I made the decision. We went to the vet and I held him as the shots were given. I kept telling him what a Good Boy and wonderful friend he had been. He had been one of a kind and had imprinted on me completely. I told him to look for my other Cavaliers (his cousins) at the Bridge. I held him for a while afterward, then handed him over to the vet staff after I felt his body going cold. I drove into the foothills by our home, pulled over and cried. I have his picture on my phone so I look at him and therefore think about him every single day. I have a new service dog who I love, but I know none of my dogs can ever be replaced. I am just thrilled and honored that they chose to be in my life.
When our eldest, Moll, passed away our second oldest, Candy, changed. She was quieter. She seemed subdued and bewildered. She would wander around the house as if she were looking for something or someone. She would stand in the garden, still, sniffing the air. I assumed this was her grieving the loss of the matriarch.
My furry son ROCCO at 16 yrs old
Past away April 2024. Now it's December 2024. MY HOLIDAYS ARE NOT THE SAME.
I miss you ROCCO terribly, and I love you very much always ❤️
Pet grief is real 😢 I just had to put my *girlfriend* Maltese of 10 years to sleep. Her kidney gave out so fast that I am now overwhelmed and full of grief. I appreciate your video and pray that each of us can find comfort in sharing the pain.
There wasn't a second in this video that i wasn't freaking crying. I lost 2 rats last week, and honestly, I've never been so depressed about something before. We haven't cleaned the cage yet, so it's still exactly where it was when they lived in it. I can't keep this cage, and every time i go in that room, i think, "Maybe there's a chance?" Is that denial?
Please note that i was not taught or allowed to grieve growing up. When my grandmother died, my dad said "you have a week to cope with and get over this. And then you need to figure your shit out." Alcoholic marine veteran dad raised us as perfect soldiers, and the military is where i went. So these stages of grief are new and confusing to me. Especially since im normally a very logical person.
Seriph, no it's not denial and it's quite normal to think that way. When I lost my 2 girls ( cats ) I would look at every spot they'd sit in and lay and picture them there. I would hear little noises and straight away I thought it was them. It's all part of the grieving process. Don't beat yourself up it's ok. God bless.
Thank you for addressing the disenfranchised grieg of pet loss. It's a devstating loss for many of us.
My baby Princess Layla passed today. I was grateful to hold her during her passing. Her euthanasia was the hardest decision I’ve ever made my baby was in pain. Her sister cupcake is incredibly sad as well. Please pray for our strength
I am sorry. It is so hard.❤
I lost my baby Sadie 2 weeks ago due to kidneys failure I hold her in my arms till her last breath her brother Louis and me are heart breaking she was our rock all I do is cry😢😢😢❤❤❤
@@elinaskryabina8262 I am so sorry. It is the worst. Sending love your way.
I had to put my 15yo lady down the day before Mothers Day ‘23 (adopted her from the shelter when she was 3yrs and I was 12yrs. I’m now 25.) I took her to be cremated on Mothers Day. It’s been 326 days since I held her for the last time. I’ve completely broke down crying all of those 326 days. Not a single day where I haven’t shed at least one tear for her. She was my best friend. My baby who I had to say goodbye to ON Mothers Day. It’s the most unbearable, heartbreaking, gut wrenching pain I’ve ever felt. Most days I don’t even want to be alive anymore because I want to see her again and I feel like she was my reason for staying alive. I’ve been diagnosed with depression since I was 10years old. She really helped me get through my depression by showing me nothing but love. Now that she’s gone, drugs, depression, intrusive thoughts of suicide, and 2 antidepressants have taken over my life. It feels like a never ending spiral of pain. I love and miss her so much. She was with me all throughout my teenage years and my early 20’s. I’ve never hurt this much over the death of a human. We loved each other unconditionally and she never judged me. I can’t say that about any person I know or knew. I think that’s the hardest part of letting go. The only living being who loved you through your good and bad times is gone. Now every person is judging you for “being sad over a cat”. If only they knew how much your heart is shattering on the inside. I’ve lost a lot of weight and a piece of who I was. Most days I’m so sad, my brain and chest literally hurt from the traumatic heartbreak. When she died, it was soooo painful to me that I thought/felt like I was going to die from broken heart syndrome (it’s real. It’s when someone goes through something so painful and heartbreaking, the stress weakens your heartstrings until they snap and your heart can no longer beat)
I feel exactly the same💔😭 I had to put my sweet precious baby boy June 30-2024💔😭😭 im so devastated
My dog died last yr of cancer . Tomorrow will be 1 yr.
Still hurts like it just happened.
I held her before she died. It felt like her heart was coming out of her chest. Her heart went.
Thank you for this video!!! I was a literal basket case when my cat Maddie passed away (scheduled euthanasia) in February of 2022. Ironically, my other 4 cats definitely picked up some of her ways. She was the only cat that would climb up on me and sleep on my chest. Once she passed away, my cat Calvin started doing that. It was also the 1st time my 12 year old son really dealt with a significant loss. He was there at the vet's office during the entire process. He cried his eyes out, but honestly he dealt with it MUCH better than I. I was a sobbing mess for days. Even weeks. He was brave and soldiered on and didn't carry on like I did. I even took the week off from work because my grief was all consuming. We chose cremation for my Maddie (she was almost 17). The crematory allowed us to have a viewing prior to her cremation. My husband drove me, but didn't want to see her again and my son chose to go to school and not see her again as well, but that 15 minutes I had with her prior to her cremation was EVERYTHING to me. She looked peaceful and like she was sleeping. I needed that so much as a final closure. It helped with my grief. When you bring your pet to be put to sleep sometimes you can't really lose it and carry on in the vets office. It's embarrassing. I also think pet loss is something people need to recognize as the equal of losing a loved one. Because they are FAMILY. They literally depend upon us for EVERYTHING. I was inconsolable when I lost my grandmother and I was inconsolable when I lost my cat. The grief DOES get better with time, but everyone should be allowed to grieve in their own way and for however long they need to. Don't let anyone discount your grief because it was "just a cat" or "just a dog". They don't get it! The grief is REAL when you lose a pet and it hurts like HELL!! To everyone who has lost their beloved fur babies - my heart and prayers go out to you!!! 🌈🐾🌈🐾🌈🐾
If anything, it's harder to lose a pet than a person because pets are purely innocent, and to some degree our responsibility.
I had to let my little girl Missy go last week, she was a mini jack Russell, 16 yeats old. I had the vet come to my home so she went in familiar surroundings. It was the hardest and worst thing lve ever done. Im devastated and heartbroken and feel so guilty 💔💔. So sorry for everyone whos lost a fur baby. May we all heal in time 🙏❤️💔
I had my shih Tzu Casey was 13 years he had heart disease I had to have him euthanized that was just 4 days ago. My heart is broken that was my little boy I love him so much.
@@paulafoss9292 I'm so sorry, for your loss 💔. lm still deeply grieving. The other day someone said to me that grief is love with nowhere to go. Sending a virtual hug to you and lots of love ❤️ x
I've recently lost my companion of 16 years, and I am devastated. Thank you so much to help me validate my grief.
I am grateful for your words. I had to let my sweet 12 yr old poodle go to the good place not even 24 hrs ago. It has hit me like a sledgehammer. I am so grateful to have had wise counsel that encouraged me to help him. He had cardiomyopathy and the thought of being in an emergency situation for his last moments was something I did not want. The vet came to the house and it was very peaceful and sweet. He seemed happy all the way until he fell asleep, and then it was over 💔. I have been resting on the bed where he last was. It gives me comfort. I hope my own heart can be strong.
I've lost several "pet" companions (cat and dog) over the years. I've cried for each and have felt no shame in doing so. I also feel OK in grieving over a pet companion. It never ceases to amaze me how two different species can form such a strong bond with the other. I've always celebrated that our relationship happened, rather than our relationship was over. I cremate my old friends and keep them with me after their deaths. It gives me comfort that I continue to care for them after their deaths. I miss my old companions/loves but feel great in the fact that we had the time together.
We lost our beloved cat Marley last week and life just doesnt feel the same without him here. I miss him so much
I just lost my pitbull 2 days ago and I’m not taking this well at all. It’s a whole different environment with no positive vibes from me. I’m glad I gave a rescued dog a good home to live her life in. And I committed to keeping her for her whole life.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. The way I have lost my beautiful, loving cat has been the most painful way. I tried for all of my old means to have a vet come and put him to sleep, but no dice, he died in my arms agonizing. I’m an elderly person and couldn’t take him to the vet myself. I know I am with him and he’s with me and I truly can say I wait. To go find him again On the other side, where God is for all of us. Thank you again dear lady.
I had to put down my boxer nearly 2 weeks ago. It hasn't got easier, she was with me literally 24/7 for nearly 10 years - she was my life and love. Life just seems pointless.
Had to do the same today, feels so empty.
Almost 12 weeks ago I lost my adoptive dog, my yorkie Loke. He suffered from birth defects and several chronic conditions ever since I got him. Nothing could be cured, only treated. I kept him alive for 8 years. Suddenly, in late june, he got really sick and the normal treatment stopped working. I was given a choice and I really wasn't given much time to think about it, lika an hour or two. It was euthanazia, or an agressive treatment that in itself could kill him at any given moment. The vet said he needed a miracle even to survive the night if he was put in the ICU, and I did not believe in miracles. I was recommended to euthanize him, as the vet told me this was the compassionate choice, and I did that even though I absolutely didn't not want him to die.
Oh lord, the agony I felt was out of this world! I was lunged into a pitch black pit of emotional horrors. And, directly followed the physical and emotional isolation(he was the only living being I ever had any physical contact with) and the deafening silence in the appartement. And the guilt of chosing euthanazia is almost more than I can handle on top of everything.
All our many daily routines were thrown out the window in a blink of an eye. Not only have I lost my beloved little boy and (really) life purpose for the last 8 years, I now have no one to hug, no one that sits in my lap, follows me around all day long, or sleeps alongside me. Now, I have to go to sleep alone and wake up alone, every... single... day.
I've had animal companions, overlapping, for 43 years and Loke was the last one. His health problems required so much care, medication, and hospitalizations, so I could not afford, or have any energy for two animal companions at the same time. Life after Loke is an agonizing, horrible existence.
Edit: Loke got to be 11,5 years old so he definately would have had a couple of more years to live if things had gone differently.
I lost all three of my gerbils within one year and after the loss of a LTR and job layoff. To say im lost without them is an understatement. But the hardest part is being in a constant state of needing to grieve but also forcing myself to get my life together at the same time, leading to no progress with either thing.
I lost my 4 year old Husky girl. My child. I never had a loved and caring life, since I was 6 I experienced pain, from the people that were supposed to love and care for me as well as people entering my life to strangers. My Fur babies are the only ones that never hurt me hence the Beautiful and special bonds we have. In saying that, it makes my grieving more intense. Sandy left us 14th Nov 23. Also hurt by a heartless human being.
I'm so sorry about Sandy. May she rest in peace. Wishing you peace, healing, and solace.🙏❤
We have lost our 14 yr old beautiful cocker Spaniel 4 weeks ago. We miss her terribly as any pet owner can imagine. I agree while going through this grief and loss to surround yourself with dog owners who will understand and support this loss as it can become a quiet and lonely place if you feel you cannot talk about the loss and how you feel.
Thank you for your wisdom on this topic. It makes us feel normal 😊
I lost my ANGUS ALLEN January 26 24 and I've never ever felt more broken in my life. I love Angus as we did absolutely everything together, we are , slept and traveled everywhere together. I can't go into a lot of details but to me it was a shock. I feel lost and saddened beyond words. I feel as like a lost a part of me. Part of my soul!!!Angus was so smart, so sassy, so very lovely to be with, I spoke to him as if he understood and I believe he did. He wanted to be wherever I was and even up to the day he passed that I had to help him to do it he was worried about me more. I have not been right since then and I feel like I'll never be the same again. I have had many other pets and Angus was just so special and it's not that I didn't love my other pets because I sure did but Angus was absolutely extraordinary and I mean in every sense. I can't sleep or eat which I could stand to lose lots of weight but I just barely want to exist let alone function. I still hold the door open slow like he's going to be there and I still call for him and I just can't seem to accept it. I beg God to stop my pain and I honor my baby and I had him creamated and I wish that was enough and I even ask God to let me know he's okay. I've no sign whether or not Angus is ok. Well thanks for the information and the video I am trying but I am so BROKEN AND PRAY I CAN GET THROUGH THIS. Thanks again❤ ANGUS ALLEN R.I.P 01/26/24 Momma loves you Angy Boy❤
Your description of your pain sounds so much like mine. I lost my little angel terrier mix a month ago. I also pray to God to ease my pain to be able to go on, but a part of me went with her and it has left such a hole inside me. Daily life feels mechanical now- going through the motions the best that I can. I pray that God helps us hold the love but find the healing we need to go on-- for all here who suffer this loss.
@@ellebelle8515 my dear friend I am praying for you because I know that hole in your heart 💜 pain all too well and have sat wishing to be with him every single day ever since he passed. My heart's broken and my soul is definitely damaged and it's been a hard road since. I have been praying for myself as well that God comforts me and brings me some kind of peace to allow me to know one day I'll see my ANGUS again. I pray to be reunited again one day. He was the best thing that had happened to me in many years when I got him and he helped me change as a human being all around and I'm so much better because of him. I can't begin to tell you how he helped me to develop as person. Anyway know time does help some and it's all it does. Pain like that sticks and also changes us but it doesn't have to be all so terrible how it does. I now memorialize him and remember all the absolutely beautiful times we had together and continue praying for my peace I need to continue on. I am a believer in God and believe God will at some point bring me comfort and peace and I'm praying God will help you friend in the same way. Anytime you need to talk about your precious baby I am here for you in any capacity that I can be. Please know your not Alone and that feeling like this is normal for the love we Are missing. I'm so so sorry for your loss and my heart's with you. Much 💕 and 🙏 prayer 🙏 for you.
@@ellebelle8515 🙏❤️🙏❤️🙏❤️ I wish I had the right words for you to help you but everyday since he passed I am always thinking about him and it's difficult and so I know maybe both of us dealing with the same loss and pain maybe can be there for one another in some way. Maybe just sharing memories of them and allowing ourselves the right to mourne freely without judgement and other's expectations will help us. I will continue praying for you along with my own self as well. But one thing is for sure, YOUR. NOT ALONE,🙏❤️
@@pamelarichardson-fike84 Thank you for replying. By the way, I am 65 years old which tells you that there is no age limit or special wisdom that makes anyone immune to this pain.... You are right that we can't give each other the 'right words' to take the pain away. But, we can just understand the journey. The photo of my girl and her name is actually my identity. (My name is Jane). When I come across the photos of videos of her, it is very difficult. I don't look at them often right now for that reason. But, I hope that in time our pain transforms somewhat feeling near to them and without overwhelming sorrow every time we remember them. Blessings to you on this difficult journey.
I have asked God to let me into if my pup is ok, too.
2 months ago, I lost my wonderful Teddy Bear. Still not over him, and miss him daily.
I am so sorry for your loss of your Teddy Bear. I had to say goodbye to my own (girl) Teddy Bear on May 23, 2024 at 14 years old, a rottweiler/shepherd mix, the smartest, most stubborn and funny and gorgeous girl ever. I understand your pain. This is devastating. My 19 year old kitty cat has passed exactly one week prior. I have no animals for the first time in my life and it is unbearably sad and empty and lonely. My entire life was dedicated to their well-being and love.
My cat of 14 years just died of old age. I still haven't been able to really eat or sleep the past few days. The waves of grief just wash over me again and again. Even though I still have another cat and the pups, it still stabs my heart every moment. What I have decided to do is make a monthly donation in her name to our local humane society so I can help other cats and dogs in need. I also give my current furbabies much more attention and love and this seems to help me cope.
Thank you. This helped. Our cat Winnie was died suddenly yesterday. She leaves a twin brother and a lot of broken hearted family members.
I lost my dog in November 20 2020 and it hurts me even today. I miss my furbaby Xochitl a lot. 😥
After 11 days I still feel like the 1st day she died. Not an inch different. I cannot and don't want to live this shit life without her
I lost my 17 year old silky terrier and the depression is unreal. I can’t say this to most people Bc they tell me “ it could be so much worse. Some peolle got bigger problems. You had him a long time. Be grateful”. So I don’t tell many people. But I am miserably deprsssed and lost. I will never get another dog Bc he was my one and only and the loss is unbearable. I knew it would be hard when he passed didn’t know iy would be so hard. I don’t know what to do 😢
Many of us understand you, and that is why we are here. I lost my terrier girl a month ago. You are not alone. I say that the best part of me went when I lost her. It is horrible to feel this way, but we must accept that the love we had requires us to grieve the loss while holding onto the love that we shared.
@@ellebelle8515 thank you so much. it really is so hard. it’s weird bc i’m an adult. i understand death. i understand grieving and yet I really cannot move on. i am trying. i have a therapist. i pray. i’m realistic. and yet my life seems so much dimmer since he’s been gone. i always wake up thinking that every day will get a little lighter and it doesn’t. dogs are so different. sorry for your loss as well and thank you for being so kind of reply ❤️❤️💗
@@AM-qr4ysI get it. My 18 year old dog died ten years ago, just a few months after my husband. I still grieve and cry for both of them. Now, my 14 year old cat was killed by a car a few days ago. I'm devastated and inconsolable. And out of best friends.😢💔
@@sunshine9122 omg. I am so sorry to hear of all your loses. And then to be in this type of situation with losing your pet so tragically is honestly heartbreaking to hear. I really hope you know. Even as a stranger than I truly am sorry for all you have endured and I will keep you in my prayers. ❤️💕
@@AM-qr4ys Thank you. Your condolences, prayers, and kind, compassionate words mean a lot.❤
I lost my baby boy on Monday. I am lost, devastated, and absolutely heartbroken. I don’t know how to carry on. I get hit with these overwhelming waves of deep sorrow and anxiety. Everything reminds me of him. I scream out to God asking for help, guidance, anything to help me, but I feel alone. I’m so scared. If anyone reads this, please pray for me if you are religious. I’m frozen in grief. I sleep with his collar. I cradle it, kiss it, and rub my face on it. I need my baby. I miss my baby so much.
I had to let my baby boy cat, Nucci, two months ago. I still cry almost every day. My body and mind still keeps saying, “I want him back!” A part of me feels gone. I do the same things you do.
I feel exactly like you. Lost my Frenchie in the heat. He was only 2. I’m miserable and sick. I will pray for you and you for me please.
I’m so sorry for your loss. Going through this with my dog this week 😔. I‘ve said a prayer for you. It’s okay to mourn your baby. You loved him
This information is sorely needed in our society. I have had several pets die in the last few years. All of my birds died of natural causes: cerebral hemorrhage, heart attack, ruptured aortic aneurysm. My parrot of one one month short of 38 years, the cerebral hemorrhage, passed away in my lap. I was able to tell him how much I loved him, that I forgave him for everything unpleasant that he had done to me and asked him to forgive me. It was after 4 am, but I called a close friend, which helped. My problem has to do with my dogs. Although each one was very I’ll, I had to make the decision to euthanize them, as their quality of life was almost zero. One had a massive pancreatic tumor, one had been misdiagnosed by two separate internal medicine veterinarians and the necropsy, done by my regular vet, revealed that her gall bladder had hardened and that she had been in terrible pain for a long time, which I knew. I will never trust a vet who tells me that my pet is in a different condition from what I know in my gut. After months of $300 a month medications, my dear Comet was pooping blood, again, and I took her to my regular vet. Comet went truly crazy, tried to bite the vet, she was not a biter, and I requested a muzzle to be out in her. The look in her eyes was telling me that she needed me to help her somehow, she was suffering. Although I have had one of my birds pass away, only eleven months after Comet, my grief for Comet is stuck. It was September of 2016 when Comet crossed the Rainbow Bridge and I am still looking for her in the house. I know my guilt is misplaced, because I believed that two separate specialists were right over believing my gut that told me that Comet was beyond help. I’m working with my therapist on dealing with this stuck grief and intellectually not feeling guilty, but emotionally feeling terribly guilty. People who haven’t had a pet, or who have never had one pass away, do not get it.
Lastly, there is a local veterinarian group called Lap of Love. They are palliative care and euthanasia specialists. They do not have an office, they come to your home, apprise the situation, and either prescribe palliative care or perform the euthanasia there, in your home, where your pet is most comfortable, not in a scary veterinarian office. You can choose to remain in the room, hold the pet, or go to another room for the euthanasia. This is such a valuable service and there isn’t a lot of awareness of it. I don’t know if Lap of Love is a national organization or just here in Jacksonville, Florida.
I so appreciate this video and will share it with people who “just don’t get it” and hope they will learn from it and develop empathy for those of us grieving. There are some books about grief for pts that may be helpful, as well as general books about grief that can be helpful. I believe that having a therapist to guide you and possibly a support group, will help you get through the trauma, sadness and guilt.
Hi Shirley, how’s your day going with you?
I absolutely do get it. Feeling stuck in my own grief over my precious Jessie cat who I had to allow to be euthanized 3 weeks ago. She was 16 and she was my everything. My whole world. I was 16 myself when we got her as a kitten!
She’d ended up developing diabetes and, in her last few days, anorexia (starvation leading to liver damage, among other things) due to not eating. Despite my best efforts to save her, I had to let her go… I completely missed the signs of her diabetes. It had been months. Over the course of this summer, it was slowly killing her without us even knowing it. And by the time we’d come to the vets, she was in such poor condition and in need of urgent care of which there were no funds for. There was nothing more I nor they could do for her… so I had to say farewell, despite myself not being ready to let go at all, and release her from her suffering. 💔
… It’s pointless to guilt ourselves for the things we did not know at the time. You did the best you could for your Comet, Shirley. Vets should know what’s best for our animal companions, so it’s only logical that you initially trusted their opinions. You wanted to do right by Comet no matter what and you did your best to act in her best interest despite the frightening, tumultuous situation you both were in. So please be more gentle with yourself… I wish you peace and sincerely hope you will get unstuck and find your way through your grief. Truly. 💜
@@chazzyn7396 Thank you Chazzy N for your kind words and for sharing your personal story and your feelings. A few weeks ago, I was with my therapist. She is amazing and seems to just know what to do. I was crying again about Comet. My therapist suddenly rolled her chair right up to me, got in my face and said “If Comet was sitting here right now, what would she say? Would she say she knows you loved her? Would she say that she knows that you did your best to save her? Would she say that she knew you saved her life when you found her covered with scabs from being beaten, abandoned in a city park, and you took her home, where she had a dog brother and dog sister to help her heal, physically and mentally?” Wow! Picturing Comet sitting there with my therapist, telling me these things, it was like that guilt just snapped away. Comet wouldn’t want me to still be stuck in grief after all these years either. By staying stuck, I wasn’t honoring her or myself. A huge weight lifted off of my shoulders and my heart. Of course I still miss her, but thinking of her now, in happier days, looking at photos of her when she was happy, I can now be happy remembering the good times instead of dwelling on the bad. I’m sure that your darling Jessie would tell you the same things that Comet would tell me. I’m so sorry that you are going through this very hard loss. I appreciate your sharing with me not just your story, but your feelings and your support. I send healing wishes to you. And a big 🤗. It is so hard that our pets can’t tell us what is wrong, how they feel, when they are sick. My pets communicate with me pretty well in daily life, but never tell me outright when they are sick. They still have wild animal DNA that tells them to hide illness. We do the best we can, the vets do the best they can, but sometimes things that seem obvious later weren’t so obvious at the time. I do hope that over time, you will get unstuck and that your happy memories of Jessie will outweigh the sad ones. ❤️
Lost my 17 year old cat 2 months ago. She was my buddy, I miss taking care of her.
I have had to take two long road trips of driving all day with no destination, The
house is just so quiet without her there. She went suddenly, I thought I had a couple
more years with her. My friends have been a lot of help, since they are pet parents too.
My little cat died today, she was just 1 year old, she was poisoned. I cant tell you how unfair it feels, how long she had still to experience and live. Its juat surreal how the night before we were playing chase oh so joyfully and litterally the next day i come home only to find her there, lying on the floor, motionless. The one who was once a warm loving creature now was still, cold, gone. It just doesnt make any sense. I dont want to accept it, it was just too early for her to go...
Thank you I just had to put my dog down after 16 years and it was the hardest thing I have ever had to go through so im glad that they are people like you to do this with us
Dear Jo you are right a lot just don’t get how devastating loosing a beloved fur baby is I just lost both my previous mini dauchies Kevin and Maggie less than 7 months apart I am a mess they gave me everything in my life including bond of companionship and unconditional love and support I find myself walking around with giant holes in my heart that huge chunks of what was good in my life is now gone I feel guilty that I could have cared for them longer even thou my vet days I kept them co forts me and with us far longer than the average pet owner ( I’m a registered nurse so I use my knowledge to care for them as very best as I could ) I feel like I can’t cope with life without Kevin and Maggie the thought they will never be with me again or be there waiting to greet me coming home from work to play our little games we would play each time I came thru the door please help me I feel my family are undermining me and my deep deep grief and loss I will never feel right again without them
My wonderful cat Canela passed yesterday, I will always love you!
Lost my bestest boy 4 weeks ago at age 6 years & 10 months & I can’t stop crying over his loss… he was my everything, he left me so unexpectedly… I can’t go on 😢😢😢
so sorry for your loss. sit assured that he is with you and never left.
I lost my doggie two days ago, August 1st, he was my baby and the love of my life. I dont know how to cope I would give anything to have him back. I cant imagine my life without him.
Very nice video; her humility was touching. Her stat comparison on the life span of the average marriage in the U.S. vs. Our Pets was shocking but interesting. The firsts are the worst. The first night they're gone, the first morning you wake up and they're gone, their first birthday and your own, and they're gone. Furry kids are a gift from God, for which I am forever grateful. God bless all our broken hearts. And I praise Him for the love, joy, laughter, comfort and companionship they have and are still giving me. Best friends to the end. ❤
Thank you Jo for this video. You just touched on everything I am feeling and going through. I just want to say that at this point I am disappointed and angry with the whole Veteranarian industry. It is absolutely not affordable here in Ontario Canada for people of lower income to just get up and go to a vet if our pets are not well. Prices here are ridiculous and we have no options period and so you end up having to put the pet down for things that can be easily managed. Of course my cats were not young , my Ricky was 13y old and my Peanut was 19y old but I could have kept them a little longer if only I had the money. I just could not help them because of damn money these blood suckers charge. I'm only on a small pension. Imagine that just a tooth problem can run up up too thousands of dollars. There's pet insurance but forget about that because you need to pay the money before the insurance pays you back 80% of the bill and they do not cover older senior pets. There is no such thing here in Ontario Canada where they will let you make monthly payments. I was thinking that maybe in a few months I would adopt just one cat but it scares me , I never know when the cat might need too see a Vet. I do feel blessed that I had my Peanut for 17y and my Ricky for 13y I took good care of them and they were both rescues from the street but like I said you just never know when they will need a Vet. They are crying and begging for people to adopt pets but it's impossible for so many to pay a Vet since singles and families are mostly living pay check to pay check. I believe that 60% of the population are just trying to make ends meet. So the pet idea just goes out the window. Sorry I got to ranting here, I just can't believe how expensive it is these days that a person can't even think of getting another pet. I'm just so all over the place right now feeling sick about the loss and angry at the Vet industry. Thank you for this video Jo it gives me some comfort ❤
My little girl Miow Miow of 20 years, 2 months and 8 days old was euthanised three days ago and the guilt and grief are crushing the life out of me. She was one constant in my life and the only living being that loved me unconditionally, she got me through many difficult times always coming to lick my forehead and give me hugs. I have no one that gives love and I am alone. I can’t stop crying my grief is choking me. I am living dead.
I lost my little Caroline yesterday and it hurts so bad. She was 2 to 3 when I got Her from the pound. I was so lucky to have for 12 years ! only wish I could done more for her
I never imagined how much love I would have for my beloved cats as an adult with 3 grown kids. I feel like my 5 cats are like my children. They love me back unconditionally. We are at a crossroads and will need to put Mittens, 9 years, down. She has declined to dramatic degree and is beyond saving and I just can't let her go... but I must. I'm watching this video to prepare myself for the grief I will feel.
Firts we had to" put out "our Schnauzer in Mei 2020,,, it was soo sad,,,,the in Sept 30, 2020,,,my husband died,,,I am still in shock,, 2yrs,
I just lost my 3 year old silver lynx point siamese X Japanese bobtail cat from hepatic lipidosis. I have his whole family as he was born in my home. I literally held him from his first breath to his last. My cats are my world now that my son has grown and is no longer at home. It has been devastating for me to lose him. His name was Akitu it means dragonfly in Japanese. There is a story for that too. He was my beautiful and very special boy. It has been over a week and I'm still in a very deep grief with guilt. People do not understand what we go through, so it has been hard. It helps that my husband made him a beautiful casket and cross and he is buried nearby. I go see him everyday. Thank uou for this video
They love us sooooooo HARD!!! ❤ I miss my baby! 🥹❤️
My dog just died yesterday, only 8 years old, He has been with me through joy and sadness, ups and downs, and the dog loves you unconditionally. Then all of a sudden died due to coughing and vomiting blood just for one day. The feeling is unbelievably painful, I don't want to eat and can't sleep, I always cry when I remember him😭.... I will just go through the process and express it.
I miss him a lot.🧡 Thanks for the advice to Mam Jo.
I said goodbye yesterday to my lovable Australian Shepherd, Lincoln. He was so sweet and loyal. He’d wag his little nub tail whenever we had visitors and loved being around small dogs (he grew up around chihuahuas). He would wait patiently by the food bowl and allow our Min-Pin/chihuahua to eat before he’d have his food. My dad called him a “gentleman”. My heartache is overwhelming. I miss you my good boy….
my male cat become more attached to me and notice he’s trying to console me
Yes, if you have two pets and lose one, you'll bond with the other pet and help each other grieve. It's a different relationship and an important one. Take time to heal and let another pet find you at the right time. I once lost a cat (hit by a car) and rushed out to rescue another cat and it was too soon. I came to love the other cat just as much but originally was mad it wasn't acting like the cat I was missing.
Yeah. Just lost one today, broke free from his collar and the worst happened. I feel like he’s in a better place now, better than waiting for me to come home from work all day. He’s my last dog ever. I’d rather deal with Loneliness than feel guilty about not getting him a new collar. I comforted him though in his last moments. Vet was too far away to save him in time.
It’s your fault
My beloved Brady dog passed Sep 7th unexpectedly & it ripped my heart out. He was 14, had him his whole life & he was fun, playful, adventurous, loved walks, chewing sticks & playing in the snow. He was so special to me & my wife & we miss him so much. I'm a 62 yr old man & never cried & sobbed for anyone
who passed away in my family like I did for 2 weeks following Brady's passing. I know what grief is now, it still stings 😢😔
Our pets loved us as much as we love them, they would never want us to get so sad for them because they see us we dont see them. Their soul is alive, spul doesn't die, their soul is free, and they look different, maybe very handsome men or a gorgeous girl who knows, but they are not in their worldly body anymore.
They see us and would love to tell us " i am perfectly fine, do not worry and do not cry, please do not get upset, seeing you devastated is upsetting me, i am ok and i want you to be ok"
My beautiful cat I had for 11 yrs since she was a kitten just got taken from me 4 days ago by a predator right from my front porch 😢 I am devastated & feeling so guilty because I let her stay outside !! I wish I could do things differently & just keep obsessing why I let her stay outside at night. My house feels empty like a tomb , I miss her so much !!
So beautifully articulated, much appreciated and heartfelt 💕 Thank you
Lost my boy on March 12th but i know the gap hes left will never go, that boy saved my life literally on 2 occasions. Finding it so hard to get by without him it isnt easing
after 18 yrs together, I had to make the decision to put my old kitty down today. my heart aches so deeply, but I’m so thankful to have known her love for so long. thank you for this video
Thank you. I recently lost my best friend of 15 1/2 years,Sami. She would have been 16 this September. She’d had severe mobility issues for several years but still enjoyed her life until very close to the end. Thankfully she died here at home with me with her. I so miss her. She was a wonderful, loving, intelligent, happy, playful friend who was my only companion through some difficult life situations. I still have my other furry friends; Buddy, Susie and Jeordie whom l love and enjoy very much. But, my bond with Sami was special.
Since her health was not good and she was so elderly l knew l didn’t have long with her and l didn’t want her to suffer. So, thought l was “ready” for her to leave; but her leaving has had much more impact on me than I expected.
I love and miss you Sami❤, my big girl. She was half Border Collie and half Golden Retriever.
I feel so overwhelmed losing my Wally. I rescued him but truthfully he rescued me. I'm clearing out some of his toys, food water bowl to store. I still have his crate in my living room. And I do miss his tags jingling, him peeking around the corner looking for dinner or a water refill. He got so thin so quickly and his heart was giving out. I'm grateful for the time we were together and thankful to the vet whom came to our house. It was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. Miss you Wally.
My dog spent the last few years of his life with me. He was our family dog. When us kids grew up, he left with my brother. My brother could no longer keep him there he came to live with me. He died with me. And i cant stop thinking about the day he came home with us as a puppy. God, i miss my baby boy ♡ so much. Just keep picturing him trotting around my house. My dog was 16.
Got a phone call a few days ago that our youngest cat of 4 years had been knocked down and killed. Only saw her and gave her a cuddle an hour before. The whole house is devastated. The shock of it all. RIP little luna. You’ll
Be missed more than you’ll ever know ❤
My cat Riscas is 10 years old, and he was diagnosed with kidney disease, and he got weak very quickly, we are trying to make him get better, but at the same time, we are considering euthanasia, it is the most painful though, because he is our best friend, been in my life since I was 15, he saw everything and always cheered us up.
He is a very friendly and loves to give kisses, now he is more tired, and we do everything for him, we didn't want to say goodbye, but at the same time, we want him to live his best life, and if not... at least rest in peace, so he doesn't suffer no more...
We are devastated... wishing for a miracle, but that's how nature works.