Dilwyn Knox: Frances Yates on Giordano Bruno

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 8 ก.ค. 2016
  • Dilwyn Knox delves into Frances Yates’ interpretation of Bruno as a hermeticist and a magus as well presents criticism of that position and a way of reconciling these differing views.
    Dilwyn Knox is Professor of Renaissance Studies at University College London. His research currently focuses on fifteenth- and sixteenth-century philosophy, particularly cosmology. He is writing a book, a short one, with luck, entitled The Philosophy of Giordano Bruno.
    The conference Frances Yates: The Art of Memory was held on April 30, 2016 at the Rose Theatre, Kingston. This session was chaired by Patricia Gillies. Recorded by Anna Rajala and Timo Uotinen.

ความคิดเห็น • 20

  • @gunkwretch3697
    @gunkwretch3697 3 ปีที่แล้ว +8

    Bruno wrote one of the best books on magic ever written, available on youtube as an audiobook, he was highly influential to occultists during his life and ever since... to understand memory as magic, understand theurgy and anamnesis, Brunos ideas* on images, as talismanic of memory, and even the Ars Notoria of Solominic grimoires etc etc... . Boo!

  • @7890uiopjkl
    @7890uiopjkl 7 ปีที่แล้ว +10

    I felt Yates made it abundantly clear that Bruno was a thinker on his own terms. I thought she related to him in the Hermetic tradition book in no overly presumptuous way, as a complex personality; a poet, searcher, philosopher, and yes, maybe sometimes a little too often as a magus; but those influences were obviously there as well. I enjoyed her book very much.

  • @MartinFaulks
    @MartinFaulks 6 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Thank you for this fascinating video.

  • @Wingedmagician
    @Wingedmagician 6 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thanks for uploading this

  • @IpsissimusPrime
    @IpsissimusPrime 3 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    Having a hard time following his theme. He doesn’t use his 30 minutes well IMO as I’m missing the point. He’s trashing Yates and in a way Bruno. As another commentator remarks, astrology is concerned with celestial correspondence not influence. Recommend he read Rick Tarnas ASAP. I am reminded of Wouter Hanegraaf at the University of Amsterdam. Both he and this presenter are trashing the irrational more than helping to explain it. So much for the unbiased study of Esotericism at the Warburg Institute...

    • @hofmannwaves1525
      @hofmannwaves1525 3 ปีที่แล้ว

      If you've been on a sort of mythological, cosmogonical/ theological syncretic quest for a little bit, the video was very understandable. You do need to be familiar with a few thoughts from antiquity yes, from what I would call sacred text, or sacred philosophy.

  • @cuthbertgeorge
    @cuthbertgeorge 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    Wonderful lecture, thank you.

  • @igorrromanov
    @igorrromanov 4 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Giordano is a hero without any context. His act is heroic. Does not matter for what idea and against whom🔥

    • @giulianoardis370
      @giulianoardis370 ปีที่แล้ว

      totally agree with you is a shame that even 2023 is not adersdudd

  • @Phorquieu
    @Phorquieu 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Brilliant lecture on Giordano Bruno - restoring him to a scientific (if sometimes wildly speculative) philosophy - and really not an occultist or magician of dark arts. It's a pity he made the mistake of going back to Italy - perhaps he just didn't feel at home in France, England, or other parts of Europe - perhaps only Italy (at the time) offered a place where the leading edge of intellectual thought could be found?

  • @hofmannwaves1525
    @hofmannwaves1525 3 ปีที่แล้ว

    Remarkable lecture.

  • @alehannan
    @alehannan 4 ปีที่แล้ว

    I think that when Bruno says he comes to a conclusion, he is speaking in the sense of concluding the argument from that point of view, not necessarily holding that view himself. I think that Bruno was saying that if one followed the argument as he had laid it out, then they would think that someone is a fool for thinking that the moon effects the tides, when in reality they would be a fool to think otherwise. Just a possible interpretation

  • @brandonmass3787
    @brandonmass3787 3 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Cherry picking and distortion. Read any of Bruno in translation, he definitely believed in the heavens having an influence, and magus means magus to him.

  • @InterestedInDansk
    @InterestedInDansk 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Miss Yates bias.
    *Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition page 274*
    _“His peculiar point of view liberated him from the scruples of Christian Hermetists in their approach to Hermetic liturgy, and allowed him to choose out the more Pantheist and optimistic treatises of the _*_Corpus Hermeticum_*_ ……_
    “It also allowed him to accept unchristian doctrines, which had been carefully avoided by the Christian Hermetists, for example Metempsychosis (to be found particularly in the *Asclepius* and in the Corpus Hermeticum X40) which Bruno openly accepts in his _Caballo del Pegaseo_ …..
    A careful study of Scripture proves Metempsychosis as an acceptable doctrine in very early Christianity and that many texts lead to the discovery of Pantheism especially in St John's Gospel, Geza Vermes makes a point in describing *This state of “being in” or “dwelling in” or “abiding in” someone entails assimilation or absorption and recalls the image of eating and digesting the flesh and blood of Jesus* (John 6:56). In modern religion-philosophical terminology we are faced with here, if not a _pantheistic,_ at least a restricted _panentheistic_ world in which Father, Son and the believers of all the ages reside in one another_
    Geza Vermes *The changing Face of Jesus* pages 46-47.
    Very interesting reading.
    The Council of Trent clashes with any form of Hermeticism yet I agree when the Catholic Church sees something it can use it becomes *Catholic Teaching* the Hermetic Tradition teaches a doctrine of *Revelation* and the Council of Trent is adamant in teaching that it endorses the *Deposit of Faith* which stipulates *No further revelation is necessary* this means that if anyone were to be given a revelation as stated in the Gospel of John in chapters 14 and 16 that person may be considered *Anathema* by the Church, he would be considered another Arius, because the Spirit of Truth is God the Son and this conflicts which church teaching where they say “Jesus saves” but in order for someone to be saved Jesus Christ would have to Judge this is not his privelidge it is God the Son's, neither Jesus nor God the Father judge. Neither does the Church *Save* it's role is to distribute the sacraments.
    Yet when someone is judged while they live the Hermetic world is open to them providing they can say *I know whence I have come* the Spirit of Truth furnishes the *I know whither I go* because such an experience is progenitive and eschatological a man sees himself in the womb in the mind of God and as a child of God being liberated from the body.
    Today the Church teaches about Resurrection of the body as though it is a far off event that we cannot aspire too, only Jesus Christ and Mary are certainties, yet Jesus teaches the resurrection of the Queen of Sheba which is hidden away from Christianity, she lived 900 years before Jesus and Jesus correctly teaches that she will *Arise* at the judgement of those Jewish hecklers, it takes a thousand years for someone to reach their own Resurrection and Jesus tells us all that the people whom he is speaking to will be judged in the late first century a. d.
    Resurrections are a constant and continually happening part of Eschatology.
    Bruno knows his salvation is not through the Catholic Church but so long as he understands the position of the Son of God is a barrier to the *Beatific Vision* and why, we will see him in Paradise, I hope so anyway.

  • @pool2587
    @pool2587 ปีที่แล้ว

    federal reserve or satanic con job?

  • @desxifrador
    @desxifrador 5 ปีที่แล้ว +2


  • @georgesantana5457
    @georgesantana5457 ปีที่แล้ว

    Democrat. Stuff Shirts now talk when she is gone!