@@BG1984a Pa jeste dublje znacenje. O pogromu Srba kroz vekove. Svi se kunu u Yugu ali bez Kraljevine/Carevine Srbije ne bi ni bilo Yuge. Slovenija dobila zemlju odatle, Makedonija isto kao i BiH, Hr, Crna Gora nego sta... Indeed.
Plačem kad god ovo slušam. Duša mi se kida za svu decu, lkude i nejač koji su sotonskom silom ratova, nepravde, zločina, ubica, psihopata, stranaca i izdajnika ispustili mučenički svoje duše. "Da Bog da pocrkali dušmani! "
@@brandooo4 zato nam i sledi biblijski potop uskoro, da raščisti progledale od slepih, slobodne od robova, nažalost kolateralne štete uvek ima mnogo, ali to je jedino rešenje za opstanak
The term Riblja čorba it's not a fry fish, but a fish soup. Beside a meal, it's an old serbian slang for woman's period. This song dives so deep, not only into civilisational tragedies, but the tragedies of a man himself. It cuts like a knife, one of the songs you must feel, and live it through your entire beeing. It's not pretty or divine, it's so raw, but incredible.
MASTERPIECE! Music WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN...no one will ever be able to write anything like it! Boro hvala ti na svemu,svaka rec je suvisna za ono sto si uradio.Naklon do poda.
Great job adding the translated lyrics, even if just flowing on the screen. Lyrics message is an important part in the songs of most rock bands from the Balkans. Very poetic and social at same time. I was raised in the western part of Romania, 40 miles away from the Yugoslavian border, so Riblja Corba, Bjielo Dugme, Bajaga, Plavi Orkestar and many more, were the music of my youth. Pozdrav!
Today 04. August 2024. The leader, composer and songwriter of the band "Riblja Čorba" Bora Djordjevic passed away after a serious illness of lung enbolism. He left us at the age of 72. But through songs he will live forever. Danas 04. Avgusta 2024. Lider kompozitor i tekstopisac benda "Riblja Čorba" Bora Đordjević je preminuo posle teške bolesti. Napustio nas je u 72. godini života. Ali kroz pesme će živeti večno.
It's great you got to discover this gem and experience it fully with lyrics. One of the most epic songs I ever heard. And your reaction to it was enjoyable.
Title is taken from serbian translation of Thomas Wolfe novel "Look homeward, Angel". Wolfe borrowed the verse from poem Lycidas by John Milton and set it as a title for the novel.
This is an epochal song and it could be the anthem of the whole world today, it's a pity that you didn't understand the words..try to find it..read it..very poignant, true, predictive! Sad..I cry..always cry. Song is..epic!
Great work on the lyrics! Just a couple things that will make a better understanding. Instead of ammo, it would be horse reins, that one uses to control the horse. Instead of snarled that sentence would go: May God let the enemies drop dead (like animals),
This song was written before the time that came "Look At Your Home ANGELS" Riblja Corba - Bora Djordjevic Look at your home, angel and remove the cobweb from your eye you will see shocking scenes you will see the unhappy and the sick you will see gloom, death and misery Look at the flock, angels all but cripples and beggars the blind wander in the crowd they broke everyone's back they expect salvation from you Look at the dredger, angel their soul is cursed they put ammunition on everyone built themselves temples their hands soaked in blood Ref. Angels, angels, angels their hands soaked in blood Raise your sword, angel remember the crusades remember the broken necks when you come to God for the truth may peace reign in your soul Hear prayers, angels The enemies have always been angry so be an avenging angel let them feel it on their skin what does misery, fear, and pain mean Ref. Angels, angels, angels what does misery, fear, and pain mean Ref. Angels, angels, angels you will see gloom, death and misery
The singer Bora already had gray hair at the age of 40, as far as guitarist Vidoja Bozinovic Ginger was concerned, his brother was on Top 10 Most Influential Ex-Yugoslav Guitarists under number 4.
Check Pekinska patka, the one of first and most influential punk bands in Serbia and Yugoslavia. Some of their best songs - Bolje da nosim kratku kosu, Biti ruzan, pametan i mlad, Bila je tako lijepa. The frontman of these band is Profesor Chonta who nowadays works in Toronto University Seneka, like a profesor of computer programing. Their name in english sounds - The Beijing Duck.
You will see hell, death and misery) Look at the flock, angel All the cripples and beggars themselves The blind wander in the crowd They broke everyone's back They expect salvation from you Look at the dredger, angel Their soul is cursed They put ammo on everyone They built themselves temples Their hands were soaked in blood Angels, angels, angels Their hands were soaked in blood Raise your sword, angel Remember the Crusades Remember the broken necks When you come to God for the truth May peace reign in your soul Hear prayers, angel Dabogda's enemies have snarled So be an avenging angel Let them feel it on their skin What does misery, fear and pain mean? Angels, angels, angels What does misery, fear and pain mean? Look at your home, angel And remove the cobwebs from your eyes You will see shocking scenes You will see the unhappy and the sick You will see hell, death and misery Angels, angels, angels You will see hell, death and misery You will see hell, death and misery You will see hell, death and misery You will see hell, death and misery Angel
Gitar master"Ginger" is the name. Mister you understand little bit I can see but you have to live our pain and misery,wars, poverty to fully understand the pain in this song. Love from Serbia.
ROBK, maybe is good just to mention for those who don't know. YUGOSLAVIA was independent country. Not part of Soviet Union, and not an American poodle. So, even the music shows that. There was no problem to follow the western music trends. But in the other soviet countries like poland, romania, checkoslovakia, hungary and all others the western lp records were hunted like gold. Forget about rock and roll bands, not existent. And you couldn't find deep purple, or led zeppelin records in the shops. So I as yugoslav at the time (macedonian), was traveling to eastern European countries, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, and made money for whole holidays by selling lp records and jeans. On the black market off course. So, that is why in the cold war time YUGOSLAVIA was advanced compared to other Soviet countries in many ways, like with the music. Because we didn't have orders from Moscow. There was saying in that time, the Eastern European people in that time were driving lada's, but the steering wheel was in Moscow. YUGOSLAVIA was different. That was actually the golden age of the balkan yugoslav republics. We could travel to the west, and to the east. The westerners couldn't travel freely to the Soviet block. And the yugoslav salaries were much, much higher than the Soviet countries. It was so cheap for us. It was paradise holidaying in those eastern countries. But, everything comes to an end. UNFORTUNATELY
@@miroslavpendelj9685 To si u pravu. Kako za koga. Al to zavisi od coveka. Nema veze dali si srbin ili slovenac. Kako za koga vazi od jednog slovenca do drugog. Isto od jednog srbina do drugog. Zavisi ko kako shvaca stvari. Ja sam Makedonac ali osecam se kao internacionalac, jar za mene ne postoje granice. Ja sam dete cele planete. Ni skopje, ni beograd ni ljubljana. Momentalno ne mogu da podnesem sto se desava u makedonskoj politici. Ovde vladaju kraljevi ( americki i engleski ambasadori) O svakoj bitnoj odluci makedonski politicari moraju da idu u tim ambasadama na konsultacije. 100%, vazalna drzava. Sve laz do laz u medijumima. To je tako ponizavajuce. Ja ne znam kako je u sloveniji. Ja sam u yugi setao po celoj zemlji. Bio u Ljubljani, u trst sam isao uz more, preko kopra, bio na odmor u portoroz. Slovenci su super ljudi. Al opet covek se razlikuje od drugog. To je isto u celom svetu. Ima pametnih i onih koji ne shvacaju sto se dogagja oko nima. Pa usvajaju mishlenje, sta kazu na tv ili u novine. A, to je vise laz nego istina. Slovenci nisu putovali mnogo u bugarsku, rumuniju, madjarsku. Za vreme yugoslavije. Ti si sigurno mladji i ne secas se tog vremena. Ja sam 64. Al samo da ti objasnim kako je bilo, recimo u bugarsku. Ja sam u Varni, ili Burgasu, ili u sofiji menjao 50 dojch marks za 550 leva. Na crnom marketu, od vietnamca i poljaka. Mesecna plata u bugarsku ja bila oko 200 leva . Doktori su uzimali do 300 leva. Ali to na crnom marketu, ne u banci. A moja plata u skoplju, je bila 800 marki u to vreme. Ja nisam mogao da potrosim pare, menjao 100 marki samo za 1100 leva. Jeo u najskupljim restoranima, bugarke su se lepile za mene. To je bio raj na zemlji. Mi smo ( ko je bio pametan u to vreme- bilo je i glupljih koji nisu iskoristili) isli u bugarsku i rumuniju najvise u ti vreme i to je bio raj za nas. Slovenci nisu usli u bugarsku. . Ja na znam gde su pametniji slovenci isli u to vreme. Jer ko sto kazam ima pametnih i nepametnih. To je isto u celom svetu. Oni su valjda usli u chehoslovacku, polsku. Ne znam. Ko je iskoristio u to vreme, iskoristio je. Da zivis mesec dana na moru u varni za 100 maraka i opet da ne potrosis sve pare, to je samo jednom bilo i nikad vise. To je sto pricam o yugi. Nema veze o politici koji grad je ovo ili ono. Vazno je da ne verujes sto ti politicari kazu, jer sve je laz, i tada i sada. I uzuvaj kad imas shansu. Jer politika ti ne moze pomoci u tome. Ja sam bio u svim drzavama u evropu osim u 3 ( norveska, rusija i luksemburg) Ziveo sam u skotsku neko vreme-glasgow. Avionske karte 20, 30 evra djaba. U prvo vreme ryanair, easyjet su nudili i 10 evra karte. Kao bez pare. Al sve to se ne moze ravnjati koo ono sto je bilo u vreme yuge. Jer mi kao yugosloveni smo bili kraljevi bilo gde da idemo u sovjetske drzave. To je tada bilo i nikad vise. Ko je iskorustio, iskoristio je. Ko nije, nije. Ti mozes da ides sada gde hoces, al trebaju ti dve plate za 2 nedelje. To je velika, velika razlika. To sam hteo da kazem u jugi. I ne veruj mnogu sto o Titu pricaju sada. Diktator i te stvari. Tito je samo jedno u godini zvao zapadne ambasadore na lov. Isli su na lov divljih zivotinja. To je bilo jedino vreme kad bi video ambasadore. Sad ambasadori su glavni kreatori politike. I mi to zovemo demokratiju. I ti mozes da verujes ili ne, al da nije bilo Tita, portoroz , kopar, bi bili deo Italije oddavno. Al to ti vasi politicari ne pricaju ovih dana. On se borio i za Trst, al nije mogao protiv engleske, i ostalih. Vi treba da Titu napravite najveci spomenik. Jer da nije bilo njega , Slovenija bi bila mnogo manja sada. I hrvatska isto. Hrvatska obala bi bila italjanska. Jer o tome je Engleska, amerika odlucivala. Al, Tito nije dao. I sad su svi zaboravili to. Sad nemci vode kolo. Oni sto su razorili celu evropu.
riblja corba, what say their songs speak for themselves. if you ask me, the best text writer in the former Yugoslavia. also you should hear the Atomic Shelter. they come from Pula, peninsula (Croatia) they released the album Space Generation in English in 1983 they toured the USA. I don't know all the details, but as far as I heard, they were the front group of famous bands in the USA. they recorded one album in England and hung out with members of Pink Floyd.
Awesome reaction there dear friend. Looking forward to see reactions of Leb I Sol, Bijelo Dugme, and SMAK. My suggestions for reactions are these: Riblja Čorba - Ostaću Slobodan; Riblja Čorba I Kerber - Divlje Guske; Riblja Čorba - Znam Te (Drugoga Voli); Riblja Čorba - Rokenrol Za Kućni Savet; Riblja Čorba - Mama; Riblja Čorba - Ja Sam Se Ložio Na Tebe; Riblja Čorba - Lud 100 %; Riblja Čorba - Zvezda Potkrovlja I Suterena; Riblja Čorba - Amsterdam; Bajaga & Instruktori - Ti Se Ljubiš; Bajaga & Instruktori - Tišina; Bajaga & Instruktori - Muzika Na Struju; Bajaga & Instruktori - U Koži Krokodila; Bajaga & Instruktori - Marlena; Bajaga & Instruktori - Berlin; Bajaga & Instruktori - Limene Trube; Bajaga & Instruktori - Godine Prolaze; Bajaga & Instruktori - Zmaj Od Noćaja; Bajaga & Instruktori - U Sali Lom; Bijelo Dugme - Ne Spavaj Mala Moja; Bijelo Dugme - Nakon Svih Ovih Godina; Bijelo Dugme - Napile Se Ulice; Bijelo Dugme - Na Zadnjem Sjedištu Moga Auta; Psihomodo Pop - Ja Volim Samo Sebe; Psihomodo Pop - Sexy Magazin; Osmi Putnik - Da Mi Je Biti Morski Pas; Atheist Rap - Blu Trabant; Atheist Rap - Wartburg Limuzina; Atheist Rap - Dr. Pop; Atheist Rap - Pored Puta Za Sjever; Djordje Balašević - Moj Stari Frend Ima Rokenrol Bend; Djordje Balašević - Boža Zvani Pub; Djordje Balašević - Baby Blue; Djordje Balašević - Virovitica; Djordje Balašević - Soliter; Djordje Balašević - Mirka; Jadranka Stojaković - Čekala Sam; Divlje Jagode - Motori; Divlje Jagode - Divlje Jagode; Divlje Jagode - Let Na Drugi Svijet; Oružjem Protivu Otmičara - Mladiću Moj; Leb I Sol - Mamurni Ljudi; Leb I Sol - Kao Kakao; Van Gogh - Mama; Van Gogh - Neko Te Ima; Van Gogh - Tragovi Prošlosti; Van Gogh - Smeh Na Usnama; Van Gogh - Za Godine Tvoje; Van Gogh - Brod Od Papira; YU Grupa - Čudna Šuma; YU Grupa - Mornar; YU Grupa - Crni Leptir; YU Grupa - Posle Snegova, Nema Tragova; YU Grupa - Zaboravi; YU Grupa - Bože Spasi Me; YU Grupa - Pustinja; Prljavo Kazalište - Crno Bijeli Svijet; Prljavo Kazalište - Sretno Dijete; Prljavo Kazalište - Ja Sam Mladić U Najboljim Godinama; Film - Zajedno; Hladno Pivo - Nije Sve Tako Sivo; Električni Orgazam - Zlatni Papagaj; Električni Orgazam - Igra Rock 'n' Roll Cela Jugoslavija. If I remember of something else, I'll type down. Keep up the amazing work there dear friend 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤜🤛💪🦾🤝😉🙃🙂🤓😎🤘🤘🤘🤘🤟🤟🤟🤟🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸.
This performance was after he already( the singer and frontman) has had a few surgeries on his vocal cords (i am not sure is that right expression). His voice was was more powerful before that. If you can find the earlier stage performance would be more representative. The song is eternal.
If you want to know how powerful musicians from the area of the former Yugoslavia really are, then listen to these guys from Belgrade and discover how John Lennon would make a song on his trip to India. The Rubber Soul project India
Mihael je ratničko ime Isusa Krista,pojavljuje se u posljednjoj Biblijskoj knjizi " Otkrovenje"( Otkrivenje,negdje i Apokalipsa)😊.Inače pjesma je odlična,Čorbu sam rado slušala,jedan od najboljih tekstopisaca bivše nam države.
@@vaska1999 Božja vojska na čijem je čelu Mihael( Isus Krist) borit će se protiv svih protivnika Boga,bez obzira da li su to pali anđeli ili ljudi koji su pod utjecajem Sotone( Satane,đavola) .Posljedice djelovanja tih pojedinaca i organizacija vidljive su danas više no ikada u ljudskoj povjesti.Možda smo baš mi generacija( naši roditelji i djedovi ali i naša djeca i unuci)koji će svjedočiti tom zastrašujućem ali i veličanstvenom ratu.
@Robkreacts Today 04. August 2024. The leader, composer and songwriter of the band "Riblja Čorba" Bora Djordjevic passed away after a serious illness of lung enbolism. He left us at the age of 72. But through songs he will live forever. Danas 04. Avgusta 2024. Lider kompozitor i tekstopisac benda "Riblja Čorba" Bora Đordjević je preminuo posle teške bolesti. Napustio nas je u 72. godini života. Ali kroz pesme će živeti večno.
It's not fish fries its fish soup, to understand the name xou need to know that in Serbien Fisch "riba" mesns a hot chick or just a chick, a synonym for girl or woman, but mean also vagina,so basically you can have fish soup its a Great dish , but it could be also a girls/womans soup and since fish soup is red,i n this context fishsoup could be s womans/girls soup snd if you are interpretatig that it it can be vaginas soup wich could be translated as Menstruation. That's the hidden or secrete in the bands name that most Yugoslavian do not know 😂
this song is about injustice in the world, killing and spilling innocent blood. about the poor, sick and forgotten.
Song is more deeper than that
@@irinapejovicajde nam objasni tu dubinu 😂😂😂
Obrazlozi nam?
@@irinapejovicnaravno da nije. pesma je tacno o tome sto je covek rekao.
@@BG1984a Pa jeste dublje znacenje. O pogromu Srba kroz vekove. Svi se kunu u Yugu ali bez Kraljevine/Carevine Srbije ne bi ni bilo Yuge. Slovenija dobila zemlju odatle, Makedonija isto kao i BiH, Hr, Crna Gora nego sta... Indeed.
Bora Ðorđević is with angels now 😢😢😢 R.I.P.
Bora is great ❤😢
tekst je toliko jak, da vazi sve na planeti...
This song was a hit on MTV at the time the video was shot. The song is too strong. Rest in peace, the great artist Bora Đorđević.
Hvala ti legendo za divne pesme sa kojima su odrasle mnoge generacije. Sada si ti naš anđeo na nebu .Laka ti bila crna zemlja 😢
This is the Masterpiece song
Our Bora left us today, may his glory be eternal!
Mogao bi Rob neku pesmu od Čorbe da pusti baš sad
@@Vina_a Ne zna on da je Bora umro. On je nesposoban ni da sazna ni šta znače nazivi pjesama koje pušta.
@@goranbabic2661 Da, u pravu si, ja tražim previše...
@@Vina_a Evo ima ih par u posljednjih par dana.
@@GiovannaIwishyou 👍
R.I.P. Bora Djordjevic 4.9.2024. vokal Riblja Corba
Bora Čroba best song writer in former Jugoslavia!
Ovo je fenomenalno! Najjača pjesma svih vremena!
Ljudi, nemre to niko osim nas vinčana razumijet. NITKO. citam prijevod 🤦, boli me glava. Corba, svaka ti cast na ovome tekstu.
Plačem kad god ovo slušam. Duša mi se kida za svu decu, lkude i nejač koji su sotonskom silom ratova, nepravde, zločina, ubica, psihopata, stranaca i izdajnika ispustili mučenički svoje duše.
"Da Bog da pocrkali dušmani! "
@@bogdanovicjelena9213 da Vas utjesim, ljudi vole tiraniju, cak je legitimno biraju svake cetiri godine,...
@@brandooo4 zato nam i sledi biblijski potop uskoro, da raščisti progledale od slepih, slobodne od robova, nažalost kolateralne štete uvek ima mnogo, ali to je jedino rešenje za opstanak
Respekt za komentar .
The term Riblja čorba it's not a fry fish, but a fish soup. Beside a meal, it's an old serbian slang for woman's period.
This song dives so deep, not only into civilisational tragedies, but the tragedies of a man himself. It cuts like a knife, one of the songs you must feel, and live it through your entire beeing. It's not pretty or divine, it's so raw, but incredible.
@@KatjaMedenOriginal svaka čast na objašnjenju 👍
The best Bora, Misha and Ginger. This song describes the situation in world at the moment. Very sad song with good and vise message.
Forever BORA 💯💪💪💪
MASTERPIECE! Music WILL NEVER BE THE SAME AGAIN...no one will ever be able to write anything like it! Boro hvala ti na svemu,svaka rec je suvisna za ono sto si uradio.Naklon do poda.
Great job adding the translated lyrics, even if just flowing on the screen. Lyrics message is an important part in the songs of most rock bands from the Balkans. Very poetic and social at same time.
I was raised in the western part of Romania, 40 miles away from the Yugoslavian border, so Riblja Corba, Bjielo Dugme, Bajaga, Plavi Orkestar and many more, were the music of my youth.
This song won a lifetime achievement award.
Today 04. August 2024. The leader, composer and songwriter of the band "Riblja Čorba" Bora Djordjevic passed away after a serious illness of lung enbolism. He left us at the age of 72. But through songs he will live forever.
Danas 04. Avgusta 2024. Lider kompozitor i tekstopisac benda "Riblja Čorba" Bora Đordjević je preminuo posle teške bolesti. Napustio nas je u 72. godini života. Ali kroz pesme će živeti večno.
Actually this song is so deep and painful 😢❤️
Pocivaj u miru legendo nasa. ❤
this is real serbian
rock group
Thanks man for this one ❤
Epic song, great band, guitarist is just brilliant.
Rip Bora Djordjevic 04.09.2024
Ex-Yu Rock was one of the best in the world.
U pravu si druže.
Ex YU rock have emotion .
in europe, england, ireland and yugoslavia.
Including the country and people
This song send the same message like Michael Jackson's song They don't care about us, but about 10 years earlier.
& " Decu ti neću oprostiti " his song with similar mesage too
That's right
The legend has past away this morning. Rest in peace Bora Đorđević
Riblja Corba- Fish Soup. Great band!
Actually it is "Fish Stew" not "Fish Soup"
It's great you got to discover this gem and experience it fully with lyrics. One of the most epic songs I ever heard. And your reaction to it was enjoyable.
Title is taken from serbian translation of Thomas Wolfe novel "Look homeward, Angel". Wolfe borrowed the verse from poem Lycidas by John Milton and set it as a title for the novel.
Ex YU rock have emotion .
this song is not listened to with a smile on the face but with sadness and fear.
Serbia brother😂❤😊😊❤🎉
You are mega cool,peace and lets rock
This is an epochal song and it could be the anthem of the whole world today, it's a pity that you didn't understand the words..try to find it..read it..very poignant, true, predictive! Sad..I cry..always cry. Song is..epic!
Rest in peace boro
like few songs are songs
song like this HAVE depth and story behind the lirycs
Sity Čačak . Serbia❤🎉
As serbian, Riblja Corba is not my usual cup of tee, but this song is really something.
RIP Bora Čorba
Great work on the lyrics! Just a couple things that will make a better understanding. Instead of ammo, it would be horse reins, that one uses to control the horse. Instead of snarled that sentence would go: May God let the enemies drop dead (like animals),
Serbian bend
Unbelievable song from Riblja čorba... Also very popular in Macedonia
TH-cam channel
Taxi driver Macedonia 🇲🇰 👍🏻 subscribe like
This song was written before the time that came "Look At Your Home ANGELS"
Riblja Corba - Bora Djordjevic
Look at your home, angel
and remove the cobweb from your eye
you will see shocking scenes
you will see the unhappy and the sick
you will see gloom, death and misery
Look at the flock, angels
all but cripples and beggars
the blind wander in the crowd
they broke everyone's back
they expect salvation from you
Look at the dredger, angel
their soul is cursed
they put ammunition on everyone
built themselves temples
their hands soaked in blood
Angels, angels, angels
their hands soaked in blood
Raise your sword, angel
remember the crusades
remember the broken necks
when you come to God for the truth
may peace reign in your soul
Hear prayers, angels
The enemies have always been angry
so be an avenging angel
let them feel it on their skin
what does misery, fear, and pain mean
Angels, angels, angels
what does misery, fear, and pain mean
Angels, angels, angels
you will see gloom, death and misery
Oh dude this brings memories...
04.09.2024, R.I.P. Great Bora Djordjevic!
The singer Bora already had gray hair at the age of 40, as far as guitarist Vidoja Bozinovic Ginger was concerned, his brother was on Top 10 Most Influential Ex-Yugoslav Guitarists under number 4.
Check Pekinska patka, the one of first and most influential punk bands in Serbia and Yugoslavia. Some of their best songs - Bolje da nosim kratku kosu, Biti ruzan, pametan i mlad, Bila je tako lijepa. The frontman of these band is Profesor Chonta who nowadays works in Toronto University Seneka, like a profesor of computer programing. Their name in english sounds - The Beijing Duck.
You will see hell, death and misery)
Look at the flock, angel
All the cripples and beggars themselves
The blind wander in the crowd
They broke everyone's back
They expect salvation from you
Look at the dredger, angel
Their soul is cursed
They put ammo on everyone
They built themselves temples
Their hands were soaked in blood
Angels, angels, angels
Their hands were soaked in blood
Raise your sword, angel
Remember the Crusades
Remember the broken necks
When you come to God for the truth
May peace reign in your soul
Hear prayers, angel
Dabogda's enemies have snarled
So be an avenging angel
Let them feel it on their skin
What does misery, fear and pain mean?
Angels, angels, angels
What does misery, fear and pain mean?
Look at your home, angel
And remove the cobwebs from your eyes
You will see shocking scenes
You will see the unhappy and the sick
You will see hell, death and misery
Angels, angels, angels
You will see hell, death and misery
You will see hell, death and misery
You will see hell, death and misery
You will see hell, death and misery
Try listening to the song "Napolju" also from Riblja Čorba.
Gitar master"Ginger" is the name.
Mister you understand little bit I can see but you have to live our pain and misery,wars, poverty to fully understand the pain in this song.
Love from Serbia.
And the last one for today is a song from 1973
Ležaj od suza Bed of tears Josipa Lisac Yossipa Lissats
Album Dnevnik jedne ljubavi One love diary
And now this singer is veryill. Boro drži se.
ROBK, maybe is good just to mention for those who don't know.
YUGOSLAVIA was independent country. Not part of Soviet Union, and not an American poodle.
So, even the music shows that. There was no problem to follow the western music trends.
But in the other soviet countries like poland, romania, checkoslovakia, hungary and all others the western lp records were hunted like gold. Forget about rock and roll bands, not existent. And you couldn't find deep purple, or led zeppelin records in the shops. So I as yugoslav at the time (macedonian), was traveling to eastern European countries, Prague, Warsaw, Budapest, and made money for whole holidays by selling lp records and jeans. On the black market off course.
So, that is why in the cold war time YUGOSLAVIA was advanced compared to other Soviet countries in many ways, like with the music. Because we didn't have orders from Moscow.
There was saying in that time, the Eastern European people in that time were driving lada's, but the steering wheel was in Moscow.
YUGOSLAVIA was different.
That was actually the golden age of the balkan yugoslav republics.
We could travel to the west, and to the east. The westerners couldn't travel freely to the Soviet block.
And the yugoslav salaries were much, much higher than the Soviet countries. It was so cheap for us.
It was paradise holidaying in those eastern countries.
But, everything comes to an end.
Kako za koga, Gorane. Da si Slovenac, vjerojatno bi maštao o Ljubljani kao prijestolnici. Jedino su Srbi imali sve.
@@miroslavpendelj9685 To si u pravu. Kako za koga.
Al to zavisi od coveka. Nema veze dali si srbin ili slovenac. Kako za koga vazi od jednog slovenca do drugog. Isto od jednog srbina do drugog.
Zavisi ko kako shvaca stvari.
Ja sam Makedonac ali osecam se kao internacionalac, jar za mene ne postoje granice. Ja sam dete cele planete. Ni skopje, ni beograd ni ljubljana. Momentalno ne mogu da podnesem sto se desava u makedonskoj politici. Ovde vladaju kraljevi ( americki i engleski ambasadori)
O svakoj bitnoj odluci makedonski politicari moraju da idu u tim ambasadama na konsultacije. 100%, vazalna drzava.
Sve laz do laz u medijumima.
To je tako ponizavajuce.
Ja ne znam kako je u sloveniji. Ja sam u yugi setao po celoj zemlji. Bio u Ljubljani, u trst sam isao uz more, preko kopra, bio na odmor u portoroz. Slovenci su super ljudi.
Al opet covek se razlikuje od drugog. To je isto u celom svetu. Ima pametnih i onih koji ne shvacaju sto se dogagja oko nima. Pa usvajaju mishlenje, sta kazu na tv ili u novine. A, to je vise laz nego istina.
Slovenci nisu putovali mnogo u bugarsku, rumuniju, madjarsku. Za vreme yugoslavije. Ti si sigurno mladji i ne secas se tog vremena. Ja sam 64.
Al samo da ti objasnim kako je bilo, recimo u bugarsku.
Ja sam u Varni, ili Burgasu, ili u sofiji menjao 50 dojch marks za 550 leva. Na crnom marketu, od vietnamca i poljaka.
Mesecna plata u bugarsku ja bila oko 200 leva . Doktori su uzimali do 300 leva.
Ali to na crnom marketu, ne u banci.
A moja plata u skoplju, je bila 800 marki u to vreme.
Ja nisam mogao da potrosim pare, menjao 100 marki samo za 1100 leva. Jeo u najskupljim restoranima, bugarke su se lepile za mene. To je bio raj na zemlji.
Mi smo ( ko je bio pametan u to vreme- bilo je i glupljih koji nisu iskoristili) isli u bugarsku i rumuniju najvise u ti vreme i to je bio raj za nas.
Slovenci nisu usli u bugarsku. . Ja na znam gde su pametniji slovenci isli u to vreme. Jer ko sto kazam ima pametnih i nepametnih. To je isto u celom svetu.
Oni su valjda usli u chehoslovacku, polsku.
Ne znam.
Ko je iskoristio u to vreme, iskoristio je.
Da zivis mesec dana na moru u varni za 100 maraka i opet da ne potrosis sve pare, to je samo jednom bilo i nikad vise.
To je sto pricam o yugi. Nema veze o politici koji grad je ovo ili ono. Vazno je da ne verujes sto ti politicari kazu, jer sve je laz, i tada i sada. I uzuvaj kad imas shansu. Jer politika ti ne moze pomoci u tome.
Ja sam bio u svim drzavama u evropu osim u 3 ( norveska, rusija i luksemburg) Ziveo sam u skotsku neko vreme-glasgow.
Avionske karte 20, 30 evra djaba. U prvo vreme ryanair, easyjet su nudili i 10 evra karte.
Kao bez pare. Al sve to se ne moze ravnjati koo ono sto je bilo u vreme yuge. Jer mi kao yugosloveni smo bili kraljevi bilo gde da idemo u sovjetske drzave.
To je tada bilo i nikad vise. Ko je iskorustio, iskoristio je. Ko nije, nije.
Ti mozes da ides sada gde hoces, al trebaju ti dve plate za 2 nedelje. To je velika, velika razlika.
To sam hteo da kazem u jugi.
I ne veruj mnogu sto o Titu pricaju sada. Diktator i te stvari.
Tito je samo jedno u godini zvao zapadne ambasadore na lov. Isli su na lov divljih zivotinja. To je bilo jedino vreme kad bi video ambasadore.
Sad ambasadori su glavni kreatori politike.
I mi to zovemo demokratiju.
I ti mozes da verujes ili ne, al da nije bilo Tita, portoroz , kopar, bi bili deo Italije oddavno. Al to ti vasi politicari ne pricaju ovih dana. On se borio i za Trst, al nije mogao protiv engleske, i ostalih.
Vi treba da Titu napravite najveci spomenik. Jer da nije bilo njega , Slovenija bi bila mnogo manja sada. I hrvatska isto. Hrvatska obala bi bila italjanska. Jer o tome je Engleska, amerika odlucivala. Al, Tito nije dao. I sad su svi zaboravili to.
Sad nemci vode kolo. Oni sto su razorili celu evropu.
riblja corba, what say their songs speak for themselves. if you ask me, the best text writer in the former Yugoslavia. also you should hear the Atomic Shelter. they come from Pula, peninsula (Croatia) they released the album Space Generation in English in 1983 they toured the USA. I don't know all the details, but as far as I heard, they were the front group of famous bands in the USA. they recorded one album in England and hung out with members of Pink Floyd.
Awesome reaction there dear friend.
Looking forward to see reactions of Leb I Sol, Bijelo Dugme, and SMAK.
My suggestions for reactions are these:
Riblja Čorba - Ostaću Slobodan;
Riblja Čorba I Kerber - Divlje Guske;
Riblja Čorba - Znam Te (Drugoga Voli);
Riblja Čorba - Rokenrol Za Kućni Savet;
Riblja Čorba - Mama;
Riblja Čorba - Ja Sam Se Ložio Na Tebe;
Riblja Čorba - Lud 100 %;
Riblja Čorba - Zvezda Potkrovlja I Suterena;
Riblja Čorba - Amsterdam;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Ti Se Ljubiš;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Tišina;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Muzika Na Struju;
Bajaga & Instruktori - U Koži Krokodila;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Marlena;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Berlin;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Limene Trube;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Godine Prolaze;
Bajaga & Instruktori - Zmaj Od Noćaja;
Bajaga & Instruktori - U Sali Lom;
Bijelo Dugme - Ne Spavaj Mala Moja;
Bijelo Dugme - Nakon Svih Ovih Godina;
Bijelo Dugme - Napile Se Ulice;
Bijelo Dugme - Na Zadnjem Sjedištu Moga Auta;
Psihomodo Pop - Ja Volim Samo Sebe;
Psihomodo Pop - Sexy Magazin;
Osmi Putnik - Da Mi Je Biti Morski Pas;
Atheist Rap - Blu Trabant;
Atheist Rap - Wartburg Limuzina;
Atheist Rap - Dr. Pop;
Atheist Rap - Pored Puta Za Sjever;
Djordje Balašević - Moj Stari Frend Ima Rokenrol Bend;
Djordje Balašević - Boža Zvani Pub;
Djordje Balašević - Baby Blue;
Djordje Balašević - Virovitica;
Djordje Balašević - Soliter;
Djordje Balašević - Mirka;
Jadranka Stojaković - Čekala Sam;
Divlje Jagode - Motori;
Divlje Jagode - Divlje Jagode;
Divlje Jagode - Let Na Drugi Svijet;
Oružjem Protivu Otmičara - Mladiću Moj;
Leb I Sol - Mamurni Ljudi;
Leb I Sol - Kao Kakao;
Van Gogh - Mama;
Van Gogh - Neko Te Ima;
Van Gogh - Tragovi Prošlosti;
Van Gogh - Smeh Na Usnama;
Van Gogh - Za Godine Tvoje;
Van Gogh - Brod Od Papira;
YU Grupa - Čudna Šuma;
YU Grupa - Mornar;
YU Grupa - Crni Leptir;
YU Grupa - Posle Snegova, Nema Tragova;
YU Grupa - Zaboravi;
YU Grupa - Bože Spasi Me;
YU Grupa - Pustinja;
Prljavo Kazalište - Crno Bijeli Svijet;
Prljavo Kazalište - Sretno Dijete;
Prljavo Kazalište - Ja Sam Mladić U Najboljim Godinama;
Film - Zajedno;
Hladno Pivo - Nije Sve Tako Sivo;
Električni Orgazam - Zlatni Papagaj;
Električni Orgazam - Igra Rock 'n' Roll Cela Jugoslavija.
If I remember of something else, I'll type down.
Keep up the amazing work there dear friend 🔥🔥🔥🔥🤜🤛💪🦾🤝😉🙃🙂🤓😎🤘🤘🤘🤘🤟🤟🤟🤟🎸🎸🎸🎸🎸.
RIP Boro 😢
This performance was after he already( the singer and frontman) has had a few surgeries on his vocal cords (i am not sure is that right expression). His voice was was more powerful before that. If you can find the earlier stage performance would be more representative. The song is eternal.
If you want to know how powerful musicians from the area of the former Yugoslavia really are, then listen to these guys from Belgrade and discover how John Lennon would make a song on his trip to India.
The Rubber Soul project India
Видоја Божиновић Џинџер 🎸
I like how "DABOGDA" in lyrics cant be translated :D
its kind of a curse, something like "let The God gives, or makes or let it be.."
angel mihail
Najbolja pesma!
Mihael je ratničko ime Isusa Krista,pojavljuje se u posljednjoj Biblijskoj knjizi " Otkrovenje"( Otkrivenje,negdje i Apokalipsa)😊.Inače pjesma je odlična,Čorbu sam rado slušala,jedan od najboljih tekstopisaca bivše nam države.
Mihail je arhandjel koji predvodi bozju vojsku protiv Satane. Ovaj andjeo u pesmi je andjeo koji je zaduzen za planetu Zemlju.
@@vaska1999 Božja vojska na čijem je čelu Mihael( Isus Krist) borit će se protiv svih protivnika Boga,bez obzira da li su to pali anđeli ili ljudi koji su pod utjecajem Sotone( Satane,đavola) .Posljedice djelovanja tih pojedinaca i organizacija vidljive su danas više no ikada u ljudskoj povjesti.Možda smo baš mi generacija( naši roditelji i djedovi ali i naša djeca i unuci)koji će svjedočiti tom zastrašujućem ali i veličanstvenom ratu.
Give us reaction on the song Volim volim zene
@Robkreacts Today 04. August 2024. The leader, composer and songwriter of the band "Riblja Čorba" Bora Djordjevic passed away after a serious illness of lung enbolism. He left us at the age of 72. But through songs he will live forever.
Danas 04. Avgusta 2024. Lider kompozitor i tekstopisac benda "Riblja Čorba" Bora Đordjević je preminuo posle teške bolesti. Napustio nas je u 72. godini života. Ali kroz pesme će živeti večno.
Hi Robk, the pronunciation of the first letter in the word Corba (Čorba) is "ch" as in "chair."
Овај не зна ни шта је обухватала Југославија.
Rip bora
'They put ammo...' is wrong translation. It's 'harness', not 'ammo', that goes on horse's head, aside of eyes.
@@marcusgaius Not bridle. This not allow horse to look left or right, just straight ahead.
@@dzekbauer6909 You're right, I meant blinkers. In my mind, bridle always comes with them, so I was conflating the two.
poslusaj pobednu pesmu videces sta je ❤
liosten wird forest from YU GRUPA
its a shame some words can not be translated dont exist in english and you cant feel the real emotions
Robk please find EKV band, song Like " Zemlja" tnx ❤❤ ex yu rock
It's not fish fries its fish soup, to understand the name xou need to know that in Serbien Fisch "riba" mesns a hot chick or just a chick, a synonym for girl or woman, but mean also vagina,so basically you can have fish soup its a Great dish , but it could be also a girls/womans soup and since fish soup is red,i n this context fishsoup could be s womans/girls soup snd if you are interpretatig that it it can be vaginas soup wich could be translated as Menstruation.
That's the hidden or secrete in the bands name that most Yugoslavian do not know 😂
Anyone told u what 'riblja corba' stands for actually? :)
Slang for menstruation.
Check this song 100 % KAD SVE PRODJE OSTACU SAM from band VATRENI POLJUBAC 🤘 this song is KILLER !!!
Rwview Mortal Kobat, or Jorgovani for current updates going on today.
Fish soup
Lousy English lyrics.
Maybe dive into some new school? Mortal Kombat is the band...
Boro, rest in peace, eternal glory to you. 🕊️🙏
Osvajači - nikada više sa tobom
Try CRNA UDOVICA Gladijatori, PLEASE, AND band NAME GRUHAK, they are from Dubrovnik 1980 and 2000, PLEASE BRO, MY NAME IS SASHA. TNX
To je napisao 70ih g.