In order to absorb vitamin D you need to also have vitamin K. And that needs to be in the correct form. So make sure you have D3 and K2MK7. I couldn’t get my D levels up despite supplements until I found this out. Additionally, if you have any gut issues, vitamin D is available as a spray and you may find it absorbs better for you that way, especially if you have a lot of other medications to take. I also found my iron levels have to be above 90 for my hair to grow, even though below that they are technically normal. But you can’t take iron supplements at the same time as calcium supplements or eating calcium rich foods (which you might need) so do one in the morning and one at night. Read the small print, otherwise everything you take cancels each other out.
Agree, for me it was a combination of low vitamin D, low iron and low folic acid (from BC). I only noticed hair growing back after these had been restored, so you might want to have your hormone levels checked too! It also really improved my overall mood and energy levels, which in turn made me not get stressed so easily
My hair was coming out because I had LOW IRON. Hair can start falling out when ferritin is as low as 50 in women and mine was 27. Worth checking this with a doctor!
Just a reminder to all of you: you can acquire new allergies or mild intolerances over time and your hair products might contain them. I developed an allergy to coconut oil and some of the gluten based ingredients in hair products would cause a delayed issue where my hair would start breaking/falling out a day or two after initially using the product. Fragance sometimes does it too but havent been able to figure out which fragrances are doing it yet. They would initially make my hair feel better and then make it worse later on. Cutting those out, adding a sublingual drops of d3 (vegan form i use is bonnet brand on amaz on!), and making sure my folate are in the right range have helped significantly. BUTTTT! Also, my city water got heckin hard after regulations/testing loosened in the recent years. Highly recommend getting yourself a filter for your shower head, too! My partner has found that has helped his hair loss and made his hair so much more soft and shiney every time he uses my shower, too! Most hair loss is multi factor and throwing all those considerations in at once: like go fragrance free for a bit, add the filter, up your vitamin D (its extremely hard to take too much and following the daily recommended dosage even if youre in the normal range wont hurt you), keep up your oral hydration, cut out heat for a while, etc... then slowly cutting back on those measures until you find whats helping and whats not!
I have Celiacs and have huge issues with any product containing gluten or wheat. I tried a bond hair treatment at one point thinking it wouldn't be a big deal and had so much fall out it was scary!
As an experiment I shaved my head a couple times. The first time was a buzz cut and I wanted to do completely remove my head hair. To see what would happen to the dandruff and if I would like the look. I learned something unexpected. That the recording hair line I thought was genetic, was actually caused by wearing my hair up too tight. Because as my hair grew back so did my original hair line. That was a huge relief.
I can relate to the recorded vs actual hairline anecdote! I started using minoxidil in October to grow back what I thought was my "genetic" hairline and I was (pleasantly) surprised that when it started growing in, my actual hairline was much more generous. Like you said it was probably changed by years of tight hairstyling. I feel like it's changed the entire shape of my face in a good way😊
I've got hashimotos and had extremely low vitamin D levels when it was first diagnosed. Actually, the vitamin D levels were diagnosed even before my thyroid came into play. When I started taking 1000 IE that my doctor initially recommended, I felt soo much better. Later on I had to start thyroid medication as well. The vitamin D definitely had a faster and bigger effect on my overall wellbeing than the thyroid medication (at first, because it takes a while before all your levels are okay again). I'm now taking vitamin D every single day of the year. Would not miss it! I've initially had so much hair loss as well, which is definitely also caused by the thyroid issue. Thankfully that has gotten better. I also recommend shampoo without fragrance, the cleanest version you can get (less ingredients is better).
Omg yess!! My hairdresser asked me am I doing anything different and that my hair is so much thicker and I said I’ve only been taking vit D supplements and she said it could be related, then I googled it and found plenty of research confirming it. Now I force my whole family to take it 😂
Same. I’ve got hypothyroidism and my hair is thin. I’ve been diagnosed with low vitamin D levels too, but I stopped the vitamins, I think I need to get a higher dose.
Satin scrunchies are also brilliant for if if you want to wear your hair up without breakage. I had trichotillomania and it took a very long time and lots of therapy and self love to grow my hair back, as well as changing habits. Never wear hair down in bed, never wear hair up tight, never brush when wet, scalp massage, scalp exfoliants, satin pillowcases, lots and lots of moisture in the lengths to keep the length i have got for longer, no over washing, no towels on my hair (i use a cotton tshirt). Not necessarily things that stimulate growth but things that helped me keep the length and thickened while my new growth came in.
I have had thin hair for the past 10 years and put it down to hormones as no amount of expensive hair treatments worked. I have recently started intermittently using rosemary oil overnight before hair washing, have eaten a handful of mixed nuts per day and use kitsch rice protein shampoo bar. The amount of baby hairs I have is crazy!!! My hair has doubled in thickness in 6 months. Also i have stopped using my hair dryer. Hope these work for anyone else struggling as I did ❤ xxx
Wow!! Amazing! I have the same issue. I always had thick hair but its thinner now. What rosemary oil do you use? I looked it up and saw small concentrated bottles that look like aromatherapy
I see what you mean. I use the Naissance essential oil. Like you say, it is an essential oil, but it does seem to work a treat combined with the rice shampoo bars.
As a woman with naturally thick but fine hair (as in, i have lots of hairs on my head but each strand is super silky and fine), traction alopoecia seems to be the culprit for the loss of hair along my hairline! My hair is also quite long - nearly waist length - and i constantly wear it in a high ponytail or tight bun on top of my head, simply because it's the easiest way to keep it off my neck and face lol. I have recently started wearing my hair down so let's see if that will help. On a separate note, rosemary oil has been game-changing in regrowing my overplucked 2000s brows. I mix a few drops each of rosemary and lavender essential oils with castor oil, and apply on my brows each night. Wondering if the same will work on my hair...
Minoxidil grew my hairline back. Yes you have to use it every day for the rest of your life, but it's inexpensive and I just see it as routine care like brushing my teeth. But yes, Rosemary oil and castor oil should work
Natural PINE TAR shampoo! Once or twice a week STOPPED my hair fall & regrew it. It is the free testosterone in our blood from the zeno-estrogen’s in our environment that causes hair loss. Pine tar washes it off & allows regrowth. Also what helps is NAC tablets 500+ mg’s., the sulfur of these tablets are a natural antibiotic that helps to control any fungus buildup on the hair follicles.
Love your channel & definitely agree…some of best advice I ever got from a therapist was to “stop shoulding” on myself! And we all need to be kinder to ourselves which I realize is easier said than done when we’re struggling so I come on here to remind myself. This world is tough enough. Here’s to brighter days full of peace and thicker hair for all.
I just found your site. I’m so going bald and enjoyed listening to you very much. I had surgery last year 2023 and I had to go back to the hospital three more times. I was very sick and lost so much weight. I’m 5feet tall and now weight is 100 pounds, It’s just terrible to lose weight that fast . I’m still having stomach problems but my beautiful long curly blonde hair is all falling out. I’m going to have my Dr. check vitamin D in me . I loved my so much it’s been years of growing it and to have it all fall out 😢😢 I’m very sad and upset . Thank you for sharing. 🥰🙋♀️
My hair is just falling out like crazy. It’s really scary! I’ve bought everything in the market and black market to try and stopping this. I think hair loss for women is the worst.
Remember, because vitamin d is oil soluble, eat it with the most matty meal you eat, a day... From someone who has Ms, and was dangerous low, even when I ate it every day... Just changing the time of day, was essential 😘😘
Went to a dermatologist and I’m getting my hormone levels checked as well as vitamin D, Thyroid and iron. I have no doubts my hormone level is imbalanced. And lots of people are low on vitamin D so we’ll see
Hehe! I was wearing a high ponytail right now, before going outside and changed it for a clip! I do wear a loose pineapple ponytail to sleep, because I'm curly, but I use very soft scrunchies. I do Minoxidil but I use the man's formula which has more of the active ingredient and it's cheaper and no, it doesn't give you a moustache
My favourite video from Cassandra 🥰Yes, it's been a very difficult year, and it's so important to support each other and to be kind to each other 💖 Wishing everybody all of the best things in 2024 - abundance, health, joy, and many pleasant moments to remember!
I lost almost half of my hair after not only stress (going through a 3 yr long process of finally being granted disability), but also emergency abdominal surgery to remove half of my colon. It was so discouraging and I resigned myself to a pixie cut or something. I have naturally curly hair that was halfway down my back. I changed to silk scrunchies, pulled it in a loose bun (which hid the hair loss to others), started Vit D3 and collagen, added more protein as my GI system could tolerate, and changed my hair care products to salon quality after speaking to many stylists to choose the right combos. Also....I didn't get "trims". One stylist i came to trust recommended "dustings" to just get rid of the split ends and not lose any length and fullness. And patience! Tons of patience! My hair is making a comeback!
while i agree the pink tax is absolutely ridiculous, when it comes to minoxidil i believe they're marketed by gender also bc of doseage differences (mainly that men tend to have the best results w a higher dose and women with a slightly lower dose- since men have higher levels of DHT and testosterone naturally)
The prescribed dose for topical is the same with similar results across all genders. The newest data suggests those with estrogen may respond favorably to a low dose oral tablet.
I have to have doctor prescribed vitamin d because I take 1 50,000 once a week and if I forget by tuesday my whole body is cramping and I feel awful and my hair was falling out bad. I just got diagnosed with pcos and I've tried so much and so far the mielle rosemary oil is actually helping it's mostly coming in grey..but I'll take grey over bald!!! I'm 7mos on the oil!! The minoxidil hurt my scalp!!
Cassandra, your videos are amazing and truely helpful. They not only contain profound knowledge but are always great fun to watch. Thank you for putting so much effort into making those videos, and thank you for being such a wonderful person. Blessings from Germany. 💛🙏
I love your channel and your knowledge 10000 times thanks for that but I just have a little complain about the background, I wish it was in more of a cozy setting than seeing a whole bright white background, love you
I was going to say unless you're deficient in a vitamin, it's not really beneficial to take extra of it. I recommend Nutrafol all in one supplement. Even my dermatologist recommended it!😊
Even if your thyroid is ok, push to test your Vitm D levels. I did, and had to really ask for it multiple times (I live in a sunny place and my Doc said you live here, your Vitm D is fine). Guess what? it wasn't - I had a level of 8!
As I was scanning the web (and Amazon) for "another" shampoo that "might" help abate the shedding of my hair every time I washed it (as well as not weigh it down with a superficial residue or be so expensive that its purchase knotted my stomach), by chance I came upon "Kirsch's Rice Bar Shampoo and Conditioner Bar for Hair Strengthening and Growth." Would you consider a review of this most exceptional product? I am taken aback with the excellent results; and I mean excellent--my baby-fine, shoulder-length, 76 year-old hair has not felt, looked or behaved this good in nearly 10 years (and I use a Calista Perfecter Heated Curling Brush set at 355 degrees daily)! It's too early to assess how much less my hair sheds, but I am hopeful!
Ohhhh! Also, if you have a history of hashimoto's even if your levels are normal, just remember that you can be subclinical and your thyroid may still not be working in full capacity. Again, its hard to OD on vitamin D and def worth trying to add a daily supplement!
cass, I want to thank you bc Im currently having a depressive episode too (not circunstancial, it just comes and goes. ppl with clinical deppression know) and I ve been binge watching your videos all evening instead of napping and I can't believe how effective little words of affirmation you give in all your videos were to me i a little more tired than usual so i made a lotta typos probably but im so baffled at how effective it was TToTT. all your vids are so relaxing i even watch your videos to sleep sometimes and it helps! just that, i wanted to thank you for making even the smallest cute gestures
Big hugs to you both & to all on here fighting depression and other debilitating conditions. I’ve had treatment resistant depression (for the last 42 years, unfortunately) so I know how it can rob us of the ability to do what others may feel are the simplest of tasks…which we then beat ourselves up over which is just a never ending cycle of yuck. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Wishing for better days to all battling this. 💕
@@ScoobyDoosMom thank you so much for the words :") I hope we all make it through ! Sending much love I'm actually much more better than when I made that comment :3
I'm using rogaine, getting prp sessions but my hair fall didnt stop now my dr has giving me vitamin d and biotin pills hope it works. I'm under immense stress , anxiety etc
Thank you! I've been recently dealing with a hair loss as well. The stress factor is so true. I know my hair loss is connected to stress, but them I get stressed that I'm losing my hair and it is a never ending circle. I'm on treatment with a dermatologist, it is sill pretty soon so I haven't seen actual changes yet, but your video definitely helps. I hope we win! And that we remind to treat ourselves better as the queens we are!
I went through a similar situation. When I lost both my parents 15 months apart, I also had thyroid issues. My hair was falling out in clumps, just like urs. I went to my Dr. And we got my thyroid meds on board, and I went through counseling to help me with my profound loss. It was a terrible time. So, I understand what you're going through. I also needed Vit D3. So I started taking that too. Now my hair is long and doing ok. It's past my butt, that only took 3 yrs to accomplish. I wasn't trying to grow my hair out. I just let it grow, bcz I can't afford a stylist. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am so sorry❤😔 to hear of the loss of your parents and 15 months apart must have been devastating. Put on a lighter note, I trim my own hair and I want it long in case I need to use it as a comb over. I'm trying to keep the faith, I will keep the faith!😊
Men often seek out more budget-friendly options, contributing to intense competition and price reduction in men's products. On the other hand, women may often opt for more luxurious or fancy items. However, there are instances where women can find significant savings. For instance, some bars offer women cheaper or free entrance along with discounted drinks. Similarly, certain dating apps may have lower costs for women. It's worth noting that this isn't about gender taxes but reflects the dynamics of capitalism, with companies aiming to maximize profits based on consumer behaviors and preferences.
They have never recorded any adverse effects of people having 800-900 times recommended vitamin D levels. When Norwegian beach volleyball players were training in Brazil they noticed extreme levels due to white skin and sunlight exposure so they kept researching and found no adverse effects what so ever.
As a gal with PCOS, this is the one video of yours where I didn't get to learn anything new 😆 I love all your skin care videos, they helped me a lot when I was first getting acquinted with ingredients and what they did. Thank you for the work you do, and I'm sorry you've had a rough time lately. Take care of yourself ❤
Minoxidil in men's doses can make you grow hairs in areas you probably don't want more hair according to my doctor. He suggested to take 1/2 dose and make it last double the time to prevent that
All dermatologists with specialty in hair loss are prescribing and recommending the higher dose of topical Minoxidil for women. ALL doses have the side effect of hair growth in other areas.
Also when taking your vitamins have to keep in mind what you're drinking and eating in that hour before and after taking vitamins. Coffee caffeine teas and calcium-containing can interfeee with absorption of your D vitamins and your iron . So if you're someone who always is drinking certain teas all day or has a coffee habit , would be good to find out about this . Also, too much caffeine or stuff wirh diruetix effect you'll pee out a lot of your water soluble vitamins. So probably best to take your vitamins with water and time your other high calcium meals to happen maybe at least an hour before or after taking your vitamins
If you are having hair loss , see your dermatologist. You will need blood work. There are many reasons for hair loss. I use minoxidol 5% and take Dutasteride. It has helped. Getting adequate protein is also important.
-I have been watching you for years and you have listed my favorite derms who I trust. Thank you so much for this video! Super informative. I bought iRestore and have been using it for 9 months. At the very least, I notice less hair loss/hair shedding. For that alone, it is worth the price and they do honor returns if you change your mind. I'm doing rosemary oil and vitamin D as well. Have to throw everything at this. Haven't started minoxidil just because I've heard (maybe it's a myth) that it causes wrinkles? I'm sure it's been debunked by one of the derms, but I just don't want to worry about one more thing :(
I (31m) used the iRestore Pro for 2 yrs but unfortunately didn't see much improvement, however I did have a hair transplant and using it after the transplant really helped with the healing/regrowth. I also take 1mg finasteride 3x a week and minoxodil once a day at night (it works I just hate how it makes my hair look/feel and don't like using it twice during the daytime)
I think one of the issues of the irestore is that ppl solely use the device instead of combining with other treatments . I find it most effect when combined with diet, exercise , medicine and supplements(aka throwing the kitchen sink at it)
Hashimoto's here and chronically low vitamin D. I'm on 2000 IU's daily. When my hashi's plays up and does a fun roller coaster effect of estrogen and tsh - the hair falls out, skin becomes dehydrated and nails get brittle and break.
Cass! Would you please demonstrate the esthe way to apply/massage products into/onto the face?! And I’m glad you’re back on your self care routines!! 😊🤗
Did I miss it or is there going to be a time where you can show us your hair care routine with the things that you use? Rosemary oil for example how often or what concentration do you use? side note: Your transparency with the struggle of every day life and more is low key reassuring that I am not the only one going through life pains. I hope you are feeling much better and able to do your skin care more often.
You mention some people might not metabolise vitamin d properly - could I have more information on that please? That's a very interesting and possibly very relevant idea for me! Thank you. And you definitely need to be more compassionate to yourself - you wouldn't be mean to us, why are you mean to yourself?! Love ya, hope things get better for you 💛
A couple of things. As Cassandra said hair loss can be caused by a lot of things - stress, medications, autoimmune disorders, hormones, lack of hormones, diet, time of the year and so on. I have had severe hair loss a few times in my life. For me it was stress, medications, and post menopause. I just went through pretty good shedding period for two months this fall. And any hair shedding can be depressing. You can go a long way toward correcting hair loss if you can narrow down what is causing it. Sometimes if you are in the midst of stress - divorce, death of a loved one - you just have to get through it. If you are going to take a fat soluble vitamin - E, A, D - take it with food that has some fat in it. Fat soluble vitamins need a little fat with it to be absorbed. And as mentioned, don't take big doses unless prescribed by your doctor. Fat soluble vitamins stay in your body and are not washed out in urine like water soluble vitamins are. I haven't had luck with hair clips. But if you can find the hair ties that are just cloth and don't have the little band of elastic they won't damage your hair. They do stretch out but go back in shape after being washed. Like these: I'm 70 and my hair is almost as good as when I was in my 20s. I use hair ties to put it in a ponytail almost every day, and I color it. I use 5% minoxidil at night and Vegamour in the morning. I'm not a spokesman for either. I'm just saying that is what is working for me. The Vegamour makes my hair grow so fast I have to touch up my roots every two weeks.
I would be very careful with the claw or banana Clips . I used to pull my hair all up to the top of my head and clip and we have not ruled out those clips as a cause for my scarring Alopecia . I could just kick myself if that's what caused it and although this cap is not designed for scarring Alopecia, I just began trying it anyway.
My doctor told me the same thing when I was taking vitamin D by itself. In fact, I was thinking I was getting carpal tunnel because my right wrist started to hurt. I was confused because I am left handed. Then my doctor told me to start taking vitamin K and my joint pain has alleviated. So I am wondering if taking the Vitamin D by itself was at fault.
@lpgilber your Phosphorus and calcium are also directly related to vitamin D and can take some time to adjust to the added vitamin D intake for the first month or so. Try upping your magnesium uptake while you let your body get used to the added D and the pain is actually likely to greatly improve once your D levels are regulated again
Minoxidil is very toxic to cats. As in, toxic on contact. Nobody mentioned this until I purchased a bottle. Now it’s sitting in my cabinet and I am afraid to use it. I have 2 indoor cats.
Googled: "Pets are pros at swooping in and snatching something off a counter and ideally, pets should be kept out of the area while you are taking or preparing medication. If a pet does ingest medication that is not intended for them, make note of what medication was ingested, how much was consumed, including the strength and quantity, and when the exposure occurred. Then call us or your veterinarian," Schmid says.
@@aspcia As I said, not just by ingesting, I hear that minoxidil is toxic for cats (not dogs) on contact, inhaling etc. I am not sure if this is true as only a few sources mention that. But since minoxidil is a long-time treatment, I am afraid to expose my cats.
Woah woah, I think you meant IU instead of milligrams. Vitamin D is measured in IU (international units) or MICROgrams. Not MILLIgrams. 1,000 milligrams a day is equivalent to taking 1 MILLION micrograms. Your chart shows a range of 15-20 microgram or 600-800 IU.
Maybe you should look in to taking msm. At the end of the day sulfur is important in hair health. I’ve just started taking it myself, so can’t see much of a difference yet, but I’ve seen a lot of women using it and their results.
I considered that and still have the container sitting here unused when I heard that some women were experiencing increased breast growth while taking orally. Some people have made concoctions mixing it with oils and just applying it directly to the scalp. You have to be cautious with that I think if you're pregnant or if you're thinking about getting pregnant as well. Onions have sulfur and if you like onions, just eat them a lot but keep the Listerine handy😂😂
Do you have any suggestions for hairstyles to wear to bed? I don’t like a low braid or low pony because I like my hair off my neck. right now i’m doing a very loose high pony or bun with a clip and it’s been ok but I still don’t know what’s best lol
i’ve got hair down to my tailbone and i loose twist+pile my hair atop my head, “secure” by adding a scrunchie (as is, i don’t actually twist the scrunchie at all) then top with a silk cap. this plus a silk pillowcase is an absolute game changer on tangling. it tends to get loose or partially fall off at night but keeps my hair protected and off my neck. maybe that might be an idea to try for you? good luck
@@kel292 thank you! i’ve been doing something similar with a claw clip. i find the silk caps fall off so easily and end up more annoying for me than helpful BUT the silk pillowcases are great!
@@xFolkmorei reread my comment and forgot the most important thing i do!! lol i must have been asleep writing this one -- i also use one of those musicozy type headbands overtop the silk cap! i can then fall asleep to music AND the cap doesn't come off. and absolutely yes! silk pillowcases are so good. i handwash mine once a week and i've seen acne improvement as well
I have the IRestore as well and I love it. I also make sure to get overall blood tests done every year and supplement where there is a need. On top of that I massage my scalp with rosemary, peppermint and carrier oils. Everyone has been raving about how my hair is growing.
People are having all these issues due to lack of following the “healthy mind platter”. Vitamin D is really easy to fix by just drinking milk according to RDI like 500 ml for grownups. This goes for iron as well and other vitamins/minerals. A dosage of pills for everything can’t be healthy.
Thank you for the video! So if I understand correctly, once you stop using the irestore you lose all the hair that grew? So we need to use it indefinitely? Also can you apply the rosemary oil directly to your scalp? 🙏
Have you tried BONE BROTH? The lady from the Low Carb Love channel did a video on her hair journey and said bone broth helped her a lot. She has a great video on what she did
always make sure that with any supplement you take you’re getting a form of it that is absorbable by the body! not all forms sold in the vitamin aisle will work. so do research before you buy!
Are you maybe starting to go through the menopause? I have heard a few ladies in their late 30’s early 40’s talk of hair loss because of menopause, that could be a possibility as could it be as a result of weight loss from all the stress you have been going through. Sorry you have been going through a tough time ❤ I hope you can figure things out and get to feel better!
Pink tax? Check out deodorants. Can anyone explain why something to aid the gender that is "sugar and spice, and everything nice" costs more than the aid for the gender made of "snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails"?
I would love for you to explore the possibility that the cause of your hair loss runs deeper than stress and other factors you listed. I also began losing my hair around mid 2021. I've also noticed a large number of people I know have also been experiencing hair loss prematurely as well, and mostly women. At first, the doctors told me it was due to COVID. COVID was causing Telogen Effluvium in many people, causing them to lose their hair and regrow it within a year. I sighed with relief and continued with my life. But I noticed not only that my hair never grew back, it still is continuing to thin and fall out. So I began to research further. I came across a few studies tying the COVID vaccine to hair loss. I will preface this by saying I am a huge supporter of vaccinations, antivaxxers make me sick, and believe in science backed information, not conspiracies. But I do believe that there is some connection with the vaccines and hair loss. It correlates with the timeframe of when I began to lose my hair, and when others I know also began losing theirs. I hope you consider researching this further. It may not resolve the issue, but at least it may provide answers to lingering questions.
Girl this VitD thing -- I have auto immune issues and recently had my levels checked. In the USA, "low" on the scale begins at "30" (of however it is they measure it)..... Mine was 12😂. They hooked me up with the super high dose pills to take once a week.
Yes I suspect so. I used to be vegan and lost SO much hair, this improved slightly when I went back to being veggie, and improved dramatically when I went back to eating meat. Your body will prioritise more important functions carried out by enzymes (proteins) and I guess growing hair ain't that high on the list.
Ur bringing us a lot of hair content and im on a hair growth journey with ya ✨️ But ngl the price of all this is probably the amount i have in my bank 😂 - i stand corrected 8:40 💀 wayy more 🤣❤️ but rosemary water has truly helped it natural and its affordable- im commenting this incase someone is in a similar situation. 2024 gonna be my grind year ima be right with ya with the helmet 😂💀 I LOVE also how u give us buget options too ! And ur try ur best to be as informative as possible. Thanks for sharing and always being genuine ❤
PLEASE, HELP I A SIS OUT!!! I'm looking into buying rosemary oil...I found a cheap one on Amazon, but it's a "rosemary mint" oil from Mielle. The reviews are amazing, but is rosemary oil the same as rosemary mint oil? The bottle states it's a blend of the 2 to strengthen scalp/hair and includes biotin. Should I go for it? Or is there a difference between what I'm looking to buy and pure rosemary oil ?
Can anyone on here recommend a good quality dry shampoo, perhaps even one for those with thinning & hair loss, for those of us who are trying to wash our hair a bit less each week to avoid washing it all down the drain? I’m addressing hair loss in other ways such as Vitamin D supplements & diet but mine is a result of a combo of severe stress, menopause & autoimmune disease. Thanks.
I think Vitamin D is not measured in milligrams but in I.E. which stands for International Units. So 1000mg would probably be waaaay to much of a dose, usually around 1000-2000 I.E. are what’s recommended tho, so I think this is where that number was coming from! Super informative video! Hope you are doing better! 💗
@@lizana91- Hi, my family is from Herend. My dad escaped (during Revolution) in Dec ‘56. I take 5,000 iu D3, 100mcg K2 and zinc. It has made such a difference. I have less hair fall and my overall mood and wellbeing has improved dramatically. Hopefully I’ll be able to notice new hair growth soon. 😊
Cassandra, i want to ask a unrelated question...the ordinary only became more readily available in South Africa - yeah i know😂. Got myself some products and would just like to know what your take would be on my regimen. Night 1 lactic acid followed by retinol 5% with squalane, night 2 granactive retiniod followed by tretonin, night 3 aha peeling followed by cold pressed rose oil. skin isn't complaining but just want to know if perhaps it is too much? I also use barrier repair every morning. Looking forward on your view/suggestions❤
Tretinoine and granactive retinoid together??? No!! First of all, both are retinoid.. Tretinoine is just too aggressive to be used with anything but a thick moisturizer... Rose oil.. can be a bit sensitizing to some.. wouldn't recommend using em with peels.. Also, Cass has a playlist dedicated to this very brand ordinary.. Skin of colour are more sensitive than caucasian remember that.. This can give you phyperpigmentatiom
Cassandra, I thought you would want to know that Michelle from Lab Muffin Beauty Science broke down why Rosemary oil is NOT super great for regrowing hair. The single peer reviewed article that everyone has been taking from thinking that Rosemary oil is as good at regrowing hair as Minoxidil. It isn't! First of all, they compared it to the 2% Minoxidil that nobody recommends using. Second, the numbers on the article don't add up correctly. People have just been reading the abstract of the article that does not give the whole picture and the whole picture ends up not making sense. In short, you do not need to bother with adding Rosemary oil to your hair regrowth journey. It most likely will not help you, 5% Minoxidil will help a lot more.
Do you think that using the iRESTORE and then stopping could have accelerated the hair loss? That would be my only concern about it. Thanks for sharing your story!!
Zdravo Cass! Mozes li nam ispričati zasto si bila tuzna i plakala. Toliko sam slušala ,da si plakala pa možda če ti biti lakše,da nam ispričaš. Da i zanima nas jako..pozdrav😊
hi Cass, i know you're vegan, but sme years ago I stopped drinking milk and many products that were made from lactose and my hair started falling out. These past months i experience the same thing, for the same reason. And i started consuming milk again and my hair has stopped falling this past week. So if you ever want to go vegetarian, that be a good idea
There is Iodine in milk due to farming practices. Iodine deficiency can cause hair loss. It might be worth getting a kelp supplement for a source of iodine. Cow milk is not good for much to be honest.
My hair only started growing back when I switched from a plant-based to an animal-based diet. My teeth stopped decaying too. Wonder what was happening with my bones…
@@smooth_pursuit yeah, i idk anything about the science relating milk, but both my aunt and grandma have so much hair. They're always eating yogurt and drink milk often. I do notice that people from arab countries, specifically women, consume a lot milk based products and have amazing hair
In order to absorb vitamin D you need to also have vitamin K. And that needs to be in the correct form.
So make sure you have D3 and K2MK7. I couldn’t get my D levels up despite supplements until I found this out.
Additionally, if you have any gut issues, vitamin D is available as a spray and you may find it absorbs better for you that way, especially if you have a lot of other medications to take.
I also found my iron levels have to be above 90 for my hair to grow, even though below that they are technically normal. But you can’t take iron supplements at the same time as calcium supplements or eating calcium rich foods (which you might need) so do one in the morning and one at night.
Read the small print, otherwise everything you take cancels each other out.
By Iron do you mean ferritin?
I just eat canned cod liver
Mk7 gives me heart palpitations. I much prefer Mk4. But otherwise I agree 💯
Agree, for me it was a combination of low vitamin D, low iron and low folic acid (from BC). I only noticed hair growing back after these had been restored, so you might want to have your hormone levels checked too!
It also really improved my overall mood and energy levels, which in turn made me not get stressed so easily
would a multi-vitamin be good in this case? seeing as they all play off of each other to properly absorb?
My hair was coming out because I had LOW IRON.
Hair can start falling out when ferritin is as low as 50 in women and mine was 27.
Worth checking this with a doctor!
Just a reminder to all of you: you can acquire new allergies or mild intolerances over time and your hair products might contain them. I developed an allergy to coconut oil and some of the gluten based ingredients in hair products would cause a delayed issue where my hair would start breaking/falling out a day or two after initially using the product. Fragance sometimes does it too but havent been able to figure out which fragrances are doing it yet. They would initially make my hair feel better and then make it worse later on. Cutting those out, adding a sublingual drops of d3 (vegan form i use is bonnet brand on amaz on!), and making sure my folate are in the right range have helped significantly.
BUTTTT! Also, my city water got heckin hard after regulations/testing loosened in the recent years. Highly recommend getting yourself a filter for your shower head, too! My partner has found that has helped his hair loss and made his hair so much more soft and shiney every time he uses my shower, too!
Most hair loss is multi factor and throwing all those considerations in at once: like go fragrance free for a bit, add the filter, up your vitamin D (its extremely hard to take too much and following the daily recommended dosage even if youre in the normal range wont hurt you), keep up your oral hydration, cut out heat for a while, etc... then slowly cutting back on those measures until you find whats helping and whats not!
I have Celiacs and have huge issues with any product containing gluten or wheat. I tried a bond hair treatment at one point thinking it wouldn't be a big deal and had so much fall out it was scary!
Jaldi kerdo cricket lover ke liye
Thank you, great advice!
Thank you for being a real human. So sick of the barrage of videos showing me how I am not enough. You are enough!
As an experiment I shaved my head a couple times. The first time was a buzz cut and I wanted to do completely remove my head hair. To see what would happen to the dandruff and if I would like the look. I learned something unexpected. That the recording hair line I thought was genetic, was actually caused by wearing my hair up too tight. Because as my hair grew back so did my original hair line. That was a huge relief.
I can relate to the recorded vs actual hairline anecdote! I started using minoxidil in October to grow back what I thought was my "genetic" hairline and I was (pleasantly) surprised that when it started growing in, my actual hairline was much more generous. Like you said it was probably changed by years of tight hairstyling. I feel like it's changed the entire shape of my face in a good way😊
@@staceyonthesocials Why does our smart keys change "receding or receded" into "recording and recorded?" 🤦🏼♀️😆
I've got hashimotos and had extremely low vitamin D levels when it was first diagnosed. Actually, the vitamin D levels were diagnosed even before my thyroid came into play. When I started taking 1000 IE that my doctor initially recommended, I felt soo much better. Later on I had to start thyroid medication as well. The vitamin D definitely had a faster and bigger effect on my overall wellbeing than the thyroid medication (at first, because it takes a while before all your levels are okay again). I'm now taking vitamin D every single day of the year. Would not miss it! I've initially had so much hair loss as well, which is definitely also caused by the thyroid issue. Thankfully that has gotten better. I also recommend shampoo without fragrance, the cleanest version you can get (less ingredients is better).
Omg yess!! My hairdresser asked me am I doing anything different and that my hair is so much thicker and I said I’ve only been taking vit D supplements and she said it could be related, then I googled it and found plenty of research confirming it. Now I force my whole family to take it 😂
Same. I’ve got hypothyroidism and my hair is thin. I’ve been diagnosed with low vitamin D levels too, but I stopped the vitamins, I think I need to get a higher dose.
Satin scrunchies are also brilliant for if if you want to wear your hair up without breakage. I had trichotillomania and it took a very long time and lots of therapy and self love to grow my hair back, as well as changing habits. Never wear hair down in bed, never wear hair up tight, never brush when wet, scalp massage, scalp exfoliants, satin pillowcases, lots and lots of moisture in the lengths to keep the length i have got for longer, no over washing, no towels on my hair (i use a cotton tshirt). Not necessarily things that stimulate growth but things that helped me keep the length and thickened while my new growth came in.
Yes they are but I switched to a new type of hair ties that are fabulous called Invisibobble Extra Slim Hair Ties
My Formula for Great Hair Growth !
1 Moringa Tea daily
2 Eclipta Alba Capsules
3 Biotin
4 Vitamin K
5 Minoxidil
6 Amla Oil and Aloe Vera Gel
Vitamin K2 or K3?
@@ritanichole a Vitamin K Complex that includes all
I have had thin hair for the past 10 years and put it down to hormones as no amount of expensive hair treatments worked. I have recently started intermittently using rosemary oil overnight before hair washing, have eaten a handful of mixed nuts per day and use kitsch rice protein shampoo bar. The amount of baby hairs I have is crazy!!! My hair has doubled in thickness in 6 months. Also i have stopped using my hair dryer. Hope these work for anyone else struggling as I did ❤ xxx
Wow!! Amazing! I have the same issue. I always had thick hair but its thinner now.
What rosemary oil do you use?
I looked it up and saw small concentrated bottles that look like aromatherapy
I see what you mean. I use the Naissance essential oil. Like you say, it is an essential oil, but it does seem to work a treat combined with the rice shampoo bars.
@@TCMcGowan ah okay! And you mix a few drops with another oil ?
Yes mostly (I have a mixture of olive and castor oil), but sometimes I apply it without. X
As a woman with naturally thick but fine hair (as in, i have lots of hairs on my head but each strand is super silky and fine), traction alopoecia seems to be the culprit for the loss of hair along my hairline! My hair is also quite long - nearly waist length - and i constantly wear it in a high ponytail or tight bun on top of my head, simply because it's the easiest way to keep it off my neck and face lol. I have recently started wearing my hair down so let's see if that will help.
On a separate note, rosemary oil has been game-changing in regrowing my overplucked 2000s brows. I mix a few drops each of rosemary and lavender essential oils with castor oil, and apply on my brows each night. Wondering if the same will work on my hair...
Minoxidil grew my hairline back. Yes you have to use it every day for the rest of your life, but it's inexpensive and I just see it as routine care like brushing my teeth. But yes, Rosemary oil and castor oil should work
Natural PINE TAR shampoo! Once or twice a week STOPPED my hair fall & regrew it. It is the free testosterone in our blood from the zeno-estrogen’s in our environment that causes hair loss. Pine tar washes it off & allows regrowth. Also what helps is NAC tablets 500+ mg’s., the sulfur of these tablets are a natural antibiotic that helps to control any fungus buildup on the hair follicles.
Love your channel & definitely agree…some of best advice I ever got from a therapist was to “stop shoulding” on myself! And we all need to be kinder to ourselves which I realize is easier said than done when we’re struggling so I come on here to remind myself. This world is tough enough. Here’s to brighter days full of peace and thicker hair for all.
I just found your site. I’m so going bald and enjoyed listening to you very much. I had surgery last year 2023 and I had to go back to the hospital three more times. I was very sick and lost so much weight. I’m 5feet tall and now weight is 100 pounds, It’s just terrible to lose weight that fast . I’m still having stomach problems but my beautiful long curly blonde hair is all falling out. I’m going to have my Dr. check vitamin D in me . I loved my so much it’s been years of growing it and to have it all fall out 😢😢 I’m very sad and upset . Thank you for sharing. 🥰🙋♀️
My hair is just falling out like crazy. It’s really scary! I’ve bought everything in the market and black market to try and stopping this. I think hair loss for women is the worst.
you are such a lovely person! All your topics are interesting, but you could talk about mould and still bring a smile to my face... priceless!
Remember, because vitamin d is oil soluble, eat it with the most matty meal you eat, a day... From someone who has Ms, and was dangerous low, even when I ate it every day... Just changing the time of day, was essential 😘😘
Went to a dermatologist and I’m getting my hormone levels checked as well as vitamin D, Thyroid and iron.
I have no doubts my hormone level is imbalanced. And lots of people are low on vitamin D so we’ll see
Hehe! I was wearing a high ponytail right now, before going outside and changed it for a clip! I do wear a loose pineapple ponytail to sleep, because I'm curly, but I use very soft scrunchies. I do Minoxidil but I use the man's formula which has more of the active ingredient and it's cheaper and no, it doesn't give you a moustache
wearing a loose ponytail is fine with any hair tie ,Just Don’t pull off remove hair tie the same way you but the on .clips hurt my head.
My favourite video from Cassandra 🥰Yes, it's been a very difficult year, and it's so important to support each other and to be kind to each other 💖 Wishing everybody all of the best things in 2024 - abundance, health, joy, and many pleasant moments to remember!
I lost almost half of my hair after not only stress (going through a 3 yr long process of finally being granted disability), but also emergency abdominal surgery to remove half of my colon. It was so discouraging and I resigned myself to a pixie cut or something. I have naturally curly hair that was halfway down my back.
I changed to silk scrunchies, pulled it in a loose bun (which hid the hair loss to others), started Vit D3 and collagen, added more protein as my GI system could tolerate, and changed my hair care products to salon quality after speaking to many stylists to choose the right combos. Also....I didn't get "trims". One stylist i came to trust recommended "dustings" to just get rid of the split ends and not lose any length and fullness.
And patience! Tons of patience! My hair is making a comeback!
while i agree the pink tax is absolutely ridiculous, when it comes to minoxidil i believe they're marketed by gender also bc of doseage differences (mainly that men tend to have the best results w a higher dose and women with a slightly lower dose- since men have higher levels of DHT and testosterone naturally)
I still find it weird. Here in Czechia (Europe) they sell 20mg/ml or 50mg/ml, no gender label and the stronger one is more expensive, as it should be.
The prescribed dose for topical is the same with similar results across all genders. The newest data suggests those with estrogen may respond favorably to a low dose oral tablet.
If the dosage is lower then shouldn't it be
youd think smh
I have to have doctor prescribed vitamin d because I take 1 50,000 once a week and if I forget by tuesday my whole body is cramping and I feel awful and my hair was falling out bad. I just got diagnosed with pcos and I've tried so much and so far the mielle rosemary oil is actually helping it's mostly coming in grey..but I'll take grey over bald!!! I'm 7mos on the oil!! The minoxidil hurt my scalp!!
Cassandra, your videos are amazing and truely helpful. They not only contain profound knowledge but are always great fun to watch. Thank you for putting so much effort into making those videos, and thank you for being such a wonderful person. Blessings from Germany. 💛🙏
I love your channel and your knowledge 10000 times thanks for that but I just have a little complain about the background, I wish it was in more of a cozy setting than seeing a whole bright white background, love you
I was going to say unless you're deficient in a vitamin, it's not really beneficial to take extra of it. I recommend Nutrafol all in one supplement. Even my dermatologist recommended it!😊
Vitamin D is an exception to this, actually!
@@frankied.roosevelt6232 Even though its oil soluble?
Geez! I hope you are okay! That must of been terrible going through a window ‼️. Thanks for the great hair tips and stay well 💜💜💜
Even if your thyroid is ok, push to test your Vitm D levels. I did, and had to really ask for it multiple times (I live in a sunny place and my Doc said you live here, your Vitm D is fine). Guess what? it wasn't - I had a level of 8!
As I was scanning the web (and Amazon) for "another" shampoo that "might" help abate the shedding of my hair every time I washed it (as well as not weigh it down with a superficial residue or be so expensive that its purchase knotted my stomach), by chance I came upon "Kirsch's Rice Bar Shampoo and Conditioner Bar for Hair Strengthening and Growth." Would you consider a review of this most exceptional product? I am taken aback with the excellent results; and I mean excellent--my baby-fine, shoulder-length, 76 year-old hair has not felt, looked or behaved this good in nearly 10 years (and I use a Calista Perfecter Heated Curling Brush set at 355 degrees daily)! It's too early to assess how much less my hair sheds, but I am hopeful!
This is EXACTLY what happened needed today- THANK YOU!
Go 1. gluten free 2. Massage 1 part rosemary oil🌿 and 2 parts safflower oil into scalp
Ohhhh! Also, if you have a history of hashimoto's even if your levels are normal, just remember that you can be subclinical and your thyroid may still not be working in full capacity. Again, its hard to OD on vitamin D and def worth trying to add a daily supplement!
cass, I want to thank you bc Im currently having a depressive episode too (not circunstancial, it just comes and goes. ppl with clinical deppression know) and I ve been binge watching your videos all evening instead of napping and I can't believe how effective little words of affirmation you give in all your videos were to me
i a little more tired than usual so i made a lotta typos probably but im so baffled at how effective it was TToTT. all your vids are so relaxing i even watch your videos to sleep sometimes and it helps!
just that, i wanted to thank you for making even the smallest cute gestures
Big hugs to you both & to all on here fighting depression and other debilitating conditions. I’ve had treatment resistant depression (for the last 42 years, unfortunately) so I know how it can rob us of the ability to do what others may feel are the simplest of tasks…which we then beat ourselves up over which is just a never ending cycle of yuck. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone. Wishing for better days to all battling this. 💕
@@ScoobyDoosMom thank you so much for the words :") I hope we all make it through ! Sending much love
I'm actually much more better than when I made that comment :3
@@coffee-ouji I’m so happy to hear this!!
I'm using rogaine, getting prp sessions but my hair fall didnt stop now my dr has giving me vitamin d and biotin pills hope it works. I'm under immense stress , anxiety etc
Thank you! I've been recently dealing with a hair loss as well. The stress factor is so true. I know my hair loss is connected to stress, but them I get stressed that I'm losing my hair and it is a never ending circle. I'm on treatment with a dermatologist, it is sill pretty soon so I haven't seen actual changes yet, but your video definitely helps. I hope we win! And that we remind to treat ourselves better as the queens we are!
I went through a similar situation. When I lost both my parents 15 months apart, I also had thyroid issues. My hair was falling out in clumps, just like urs. I went to my Dr. And we got my thyroid meds on board, and I went through counseling to help me with my profound loss. It was a terrible time. So, I understand what you're going through. I also needed Vit D3. So I started taking that too. Now my hair is long and doing ok. It's past my butt, that only took 3 yrs to accomplish. I wasn't trying to grow my hair out. I just let it grow, bcz I can't afford a stylist. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
I am so sorry❤😔 to hear of the loss of your parents and 15 months apart must have been devastating. Put on a lighter note, I trim my own hair and I want it long in case I need to use it as a comb over. I'm trying to keep the faith, I will keep the faith!😊
Sending you love ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Men often seek out more budget-friendly options, contributing to intense competition and price reduction in men's products. On the other hand, women may often opt for more luxurious or fancy items. However, there are instances where women can find significant savings. For instance, some bars offer women cheaper or free entrance along with discounted drinks. Similarly, certain dating apps may have lower costs for women. It's worth noting that this isn't about gender taxes but reflects the dynamics of capitalism, with companies aiming to maximize profits based on consumer behaviors and preferences.
They have never recorded any adverse effects of people having 800-900 times recommended vitamin D levels. When Norwegian beach volleyball players were training in Brazil they noticed extreme levels due to white skin and sunlight exposure so they kept researching and found no adverse effects what so ever.
Thank you for this video. I don't know what I would do without you 🙏🏽
As a gal with PCOS, this is the one video of yours where I didn't get to learn anything new 😆
I love all your skin care videos, they helped me a lot when I was first getting acquinted with ingredients and what they did. Thank you for the work you do, and I'm sorry you've had a rough time lately. Take care of yourself ❤
Minoxidil in men's doses can make you grow hairs in areas you probably don't want more hair according to my doctor. He suggested to take 1/2 dose and make it last double the time to prevent that
All dermatologists with specialty in hair loss are prescribing and recommending the higher dose of topical Minoxidil for women. ALL doses have the side effect of hair growth in other areas.
Also when taking your vitamins have to keep in mind what you're drinking and eating in that hour before and after taking vitamins. Coffee caffeine teas and calcium-containing can interfeee with absorption of your D vitamins and your iron . So if you're someone who always is drinking certain teas all day or has a coffee habit , would be good to find out about this . Also, too much caffeine or stuff wirh diruetix effect you'll pee out a lot of your water soluble vitamins. So probably best to take your vitamins with water and time your other high calcium meals to happen maybe at least an hour before or after taking your vitamins
If you are having hair loss , see your dermatologist. You will need blood work. There are many reasons for hair loss. I use minoxidol 5% and take Dutasteride. It has helped. Getting adequate protein is also important.
-I have been watching you for years and you have listed my favorite derms who I trust. Thank you so much for this video! Super informative. I bought iRestore and have been using it for 9 months. At the very least, I notice less hair loss/hair shedding. For that alone, it is worth the price and they do honor returns if you change your mind. I'm doing rosemary oil and vitamin D as well. Have to throw everything at this. Haven't started minoxidil just because I've heard (maybe it's a myth) that it causes wrinkles? I'm sure it's been debunked by one of the derms, but I just don't want to worry about one more thing :(
You seem like you’re getting better. Keep it up.
I (31m) used the iRestore Pro for 2 yrs but unfortunately didn't see much improvement, however I did have a hair transplant and using it after the transplant really helped with the healing/regrowth. I also take 1mg finasteride 3x a week and minoxodil once a day at night (it works I just hate how it makes my hair look/feel and don't like using it twice during the daytime)
I think one of the issues of the irestore is that ppl solely use the device instead of combining with other treatments . I find it most effect when combined with diet, exercise , medicine and supplements(aka throwing the kitchen sink at it)
Hashimoto's here and chronically low vitamin D. I'm on 2000 IU's daily. When my hashi's plays up and does a fun roller coaster effect of estrogen and tsh - the hair falls out, skin becomes dehydrated and nails get brittle and break.
Cass! Would you please demonstrate the esthe way to apply/massage products into/onto the face?!
And I’m glad you’re back on your self care routines!! 😊🤗
Satin scrunchies are superb!!!
Did I miss it or is there going to be a time where you can show us your hair care routine with the things that you use? Rosemary oil for example how often or what concentration do you use?
side note: Your transparency with the struggle of every day life and more is low key reassuring that I am not the only one going through life pains. I hope you are feeling much better and able to do your skin care more often.
Hi! if you have pets avoid to use minoxidil because is toxic to our little friends! research according your lifestyle
This video gave me a kick up the butt to go take my vitamins 😂thank you
You mention some people might not metabolise vitamin d properly - could I have more information on that please? That's a very interesting and possibly very relevant idea for me! Thank you. And you definitely need to be more compassionate to yourself - you wouldn't be mean to us, why are you mean to yourself?! Love ya, hope things get better for you 💛
A couple of things. As Cassandra said hair loss can be caused by a lot of things - stress, medications, autoimmune disorders, hormones, lack of hormones, diet, time of the year and so on. I have had severe hair loss a few times in my life. For me it was stress, medications, and post menopause. I just went through pretty good shedding period for two months this fall. And any hair shedding can be depressing. You can go a long way toward correcting hair loss if you can narrow down what is causing it. Sometimes if you are in the midst of stress - divorce, death of a loved one - you just have to get through it.
If you are going to take a fat soluble vitamin - E, A, D - take it with food that has some fat in it. Fat soluble vitamins need a little fat with it to be absorbed. And as mentioned, don't take big doses unless prescribed by your doctor. Fat soluble vitamins stay in your body and are not washed out in urine like water soluble vitamins are.
I haven't had luck with hair clips. But if you can find the hair ties that are just cloth and don't have the little band of elastic they won't damage your hair. They do stretch out but go back in shape after being washed.
Like these:
I'm 70 and my hair is almost as good as when I was in my 20s. I use hair ties to put it in a ponytail almost every day, and I color it. I use 5% minoxidil at night and Vegamour in the morning. I'm not a spokesman for either. I'm just saying that is what is working for me. The Vegamour makes my hair grow so fast I have to touch up my roots every two weeks.
Which Vegamour product? I have their leave in conditioner and I like it, I'm curious to try other products
@@thisismyaltaccount85: The GROW Hair Serum.
@@Sainbury I figured as much but wanted to be sure. Thank you!
Rosemary oil was compared to 2% minoxidil. The common sold amount is actually 5%
That is why I believe Dr Dre recommends using it twice per day.
I love the silk scrunchies because they can’t rip hair out! They won’t hold a high pony but I don’t wear those anyways.
I would be very careful with the claw or banana Clips . I used to pull my hair all up to the top of my head and clip and we have not ruled out those clips as a cause for my scarring Alopecia . I could just kick myself if that's what caused it and although this cap is not designed for scarring Alopecia, I just began trying it anyway.
It's important to have a K-complex with your vitamin D, for arterial health
My doctor told me the same thing when I was taking vitamin D by itself. In fact, I was thinking I was getting carpal tunnel because my right wrist started to hurt. I was confused because I am left handed. Then my doctor told me to start taking vitamin K and my joint pain has alleviated. So I am wondering if taking the Vitamin D by itself was at fault.
Taking both D and K has many benefits. They act synergistically and each improve the effects of the other
@lpgilber your Phosphorus and calcium are also directly related to vitamin D and can take some time to adjust to the added vitamin D intake for the first month or so. Try upping your magnesium uptake while you let your body get used to the added D and the pain is actually likely to greatly improve once your D levels are regulated again
Minoxidil is very toxic to cats. As in, toxic on contact. Nobody mentioned this until I purchased a bottle. Now it’s sitting in my cabinet and I am afraid to use it. I have 2 indoor cats.
Googled: "Pets are pros at swooping in and snatching something off a counter and ideally, pets should be kept out of the area while you are taking or preparing medication. If a pet does ingest medication that is not intended for them, make note of what medication was ingested, how much was consumed, including the strength and quantity, and when the exposure occurred. Then call us or your veterinarian," Schmid says.
@@aspcia As I said, not just by ingesting, I hear that minoxidil is toxic for cats (not dogs) on contact, inhaling etc. I am not sure if this is true as only a few sources mention that. But since minoxidil is a long-time treatment, I am afraid to expose my cats.
Cassandra I sent you peace and love and God's blessings.. Amin
Woah woah, I think you meant IU instead of milligrams. Vitamin D is measured in IU (international units) or MICROgrams. Not MILLIgrams. 1,000 milligrams a day is equivalent to taking 1 MILLION micrograms. Your chart shows a range of 15-20 microgram or 600-800 IU.
You might also want to try the Hairrmax laser band. It's known to be very good.
Maybe you should look in to taking msm. At the end of the day sulfur is important in hair health. I’ve just started taking it myself, so can’t see much of a difference yet, but I’ve seen a lot of women using it and their results.
I considered that and still have the container sitting here unused when I heard that some women were experiencing increased breast growth while taking orally. Some people have made concoctions mixing it with oils and just applying it directly to the scalp. You have to be cautious with that I think if you're pregnant or if you're thinking about getting pregnant as well. Onions have sulfur and if you like onions, just eat them a lot but keep the Listerine handy😂😂
Do you have any suggestions for hairstyles to wear to bed? I don’t like a low braid or low pony because I like my hair off my neck. right now i’m doing a very loose high pony or bun with a clip and it’s been ok but I still don’t know what’s best lol
Hi, what about something like a turbant?
i’ve got hair down to my tailbone and i loose twist+pile my hair atop my head, “secure” by adding a scrunchie (as is, i don’t actually twist the scrunchie at all) then top with a silk cap. this plus a silk pillowcase is an absolute game changer on tangling. it tends to get loose or partially fall off at night but keeps my hair protected and off my neck. maybe that might be an idea to try for you? good luck
@@kel292 thank you! i’ve been doing something similar with a claw clip. i find the silk caps fall off so easily and end up more annoying for me than helpful BUT the silk pillowcases are great!
@@xFolkmorei reread my comment and forgot the most important thing i do!! lol i must have been asleep writing this one -- i also use one of those musicozy type headbands overtop the silk cap! i can then fall asleep to music AND the cap doesn't come off. and absolutely yes! silk pillowcases are so good. i handwash mine once a week and i've seen acne improvement as well
@@kel292 def gonna try the headband!
I have the IRestore as well and I love it. I also make sure to get overall blood tests done every year and supplement where there is a need. On top of that I massage my scalp with rosemary, peppermint and carrier oils. Everyone has been raving about how my hair is growing.
Please i use claw like 4 or 5y now still my hair is thinning and recently my hairfall gone so up plus i have big forehead its just stressful
Get sparkled pink butterfly clips, even better
People are having all these issues due to lack of following the “healthy mind platter”. Vitamin D is really easy to fix by just drinking milk according to RDI like 500 ml for grownups. This goes for iron as well and other vitamins/minerals. A dosage of pills for everything can’t be healthy.
Thank you for the video! So if I understand correctly, once you stop using the irestore you lose all the hair that grew? So we need to use it indefinitely? Also can you apply the rosemary oil directly to your scalp? 🙏
No that could be irritating. Mix it with a carrier oil like coconut, olive or castor...
@@minervarose7664 thanks!
Have you tried BONE BROTH? The lady from the Low Carb Love channel did a video on her hair journey and said bone broth helped her a lot. She has a great video on what she did
Thank god I live in brasil and buy finasteride for like, 4 dollars a month. I will try oral minoxidil too tho. The topical one really mess up my scalp
always make sure that with any supplement you take you’re getting a form of it that is absorbable by the body! not all forms sold in the vitamin aisle will work. so do research before you buy!
Are you maybe starting to go through the menopause? I have heard a few ladies in their late 30’s early 40’s talk of hair loss because of menopause, that could be a possibility as could it be as a result of weight loss from all the stress you have been going through. Sorry you have been going through a tough time ❤ I hope you can figure things out and get to feel better!
I think she’s only in her late 20s or early 30s but omg starting menopause in your 30s would be terrible
@docp4449 Yep, I was @ 33. It's awful. Plus, I'm now 55 and according to my levels it ain't over yet!
@@docp4449I thought she was 35ish but I’ve heard of it even starting in 20’s too! 😢
@@crisnemitz1606 I hope Cassandra sees your comment and investigates it as a possibility ❤
@@docp4449 my cousin started in her late twenties! Everyone is different and it can happen
Pink tax? Check out deodorants. Can anyone explain why something to aid the gender that is "sugar and spice, and everything nice" costs more than the aid for the gender made of "snips, and snails, and puppy dog tails"?
Be careful with the lllt red led hat. Too much use speeds up the hair growth cycle and can cause major hair loss. This happened to me.
Saludos desde Cuba❤
I would love for you to explore the possibility that the cause of your hair loss runs deeper than stress and other factors you listed. I also began losing my hair around mid 2021. I've also noticed a large number of people I know have also been experiencing hair loss prematurely as well, and mostly women. At first, the doctors told me it was due to COVID. COVID was causing Telogen Effluvium in many people, causing them to lose their hair and regrow it within a year. I sighed with relief and continued with my life. But I noticed not only that my hair never grew back, it still is continuing to thin and fall out. So I began to research further. I came across a few studies tying the COVID vaccine to hair loss. I will preface this by saying I am a huge supporter of vaccinations, antivaxxers make me sick, and believe in science backed information, not conspiracies. But I do believe that there is some connection with the vaccines and hair loss. It correlates with the timeframe of when I began to lose my hair, and when others I know also began losing theirs. I hope you consider researching this further. It may not resolve the issue, but at least it may provide answers to lingering questions.
Girl this VitD thing -- I have auto immune issues and recently had my levels checked. In the USA, "low" on the scale begins at "30" (of however it is they measure it)..... Mine was 12😂. They hooked me up with the super high dose pills to take once a week.
Might a vegan diet be one of the causes for your hairloss?
Yes I suspect so. I used to be vegan and lost SO much hair, this improved slightly when I went back to being veggie, and improved dramatically when I went back to eating meat. Your body will prioritise more important functions carried out by enzymes (proteins) and I guess growing hair ain't that high on the list.
crazy thing is my hair grows when i drink milk.
Ur bringing us a lot of hair content and im on a hair growth journey with ya ✨️
But ngl the price of all this is probably the amount i have in my bank 😂 - i stand corrected 8:40 💀 wayy more 🤣❤️
but rosemary water has truly helped it natural and its affordable- im commenting this incase someone is in a similar situation. 2024 gonna be my grind year ima be right with ya with the helmet 😂💀
I LOVE also how u give us buget options too ! And ur try ur best to be as informative as possible. Thanks for sharing and always being genuine ❤
Yeah, don't listen to people who critique rosemary. Also try peppermint.
@@lpgilberYesss especially in the summer when used properly gives a slight cooling effect!!! have a great dayy
@@Doe3Love8 You have a great day as well!
PLEASE, HELP I A SIS OUT!!! I'm looking into buying rosemary oil...I found a cheap one on Amazon, but it's a "rosemary mint" oil from Mielle. The reviews are amazing, but is rosemary oil the same as rosemary mint oil?
The bottle states it's a blend of the 2 to strengthen scalp/hair and includes biotin. Should I go for it? Or is there a difference between what I'm looking to buy and pure rosemary oil ?
You are beautiful. With or without hair.
Thank you ❤❤
Can anyone on here recommend a good quality dry shampoo, perhaps even one for those with thinning & hair loss, for those of us who are trying to wash our hair a bit less each week to avoid washing it all down the drain? I’m addressing hair loss in other ways such as Vitamin D supplements & diet but mine is a result of a combo of severe stress, menopause & autoimmune disease. Thanks.
I think Vitamin D is not measured in milligrams but in I.E. which stands for International Units. So 1000mg would probably be waaaay to much of a dose, usually around 1000-2000 I.E. are what’s recommended tho, so I think this is where that number was coming from! Super informative video! Hope you are doing better! 💗
In Hungary the daily recommendation for vitamin D is between 2000-4000 IE and lots of specialist doctors ask for even higher dose
@@lizana91- Hi, my family is from Herend. My dad escaped (during Revolution) in Dec ‘56.
I take 5,000 iu D3, 100mcg K2 and zinc. It has made such a difference. I have less hair fall and my overall mood and wellbeing has improved dramatically. Hopefully I’ll be able to notice new hair growth soon. 😊
Any recommendations for hair clips for those of us blessed with fine hair?
Cassandra, i want to ask a unrelated question...the ordinary only became more readily available in South Africa - yeah i know😂. Got myself some products and would just like to know what your take would be on my regimen. Night 1 lactic acid followed by retinol 5% with squalane, night 2 granactive retiniod followed by tretonin, night 3 aha peeling followed by cold pressed rose oil. skin isn't complaining but just want to know if perhaps it is too much? I also use barrier repair every morning. Looking forward on your view/suggestions❤
Do not use acids with retinol
Tretinoine and granactive retinoid together???
First of all, both are retinoid..
Tretinoine is just too aggressive to be used with anything but a thick moisturizer...
Rose oil.. can be a bit sensitizing to some.. wouldn't recommend using em with peels..
Also, Cass has a playlist dedicated to this very brand ordinary..
Skin of colour are more sensitive than caucasian remember that..
This can give you phyperpigmentatiom
Cassandra, I thought you would want to know that Michelle from Lab Muffin Beauty Science broke down why Rosemary oil is NOT super great for regrowing hair. The single peer reviewed article that everyone has been taking from thinking that Rosemary oil is as good at regrowing hair as Minoxidil. It isn't! First of all, they compared it to the 2% Minoxidil that nobody recommends using. Second, the numbers on the article don't add up correctly. People have just been reading the abstract of the article that does not give the whole picture and the whole picture ends up not making sense. In short, you do not need to bother with adding Rosemary oil to your hair regrowth journey. It most likely will not help you, 5% Minoxidil will help a lot more.
Is there a recommended shampoo and conditioner to use for hair loss? I've tried a bunch and noticed no differences.
Do you think that using the iRESTORE and then stopping could have accelerated the hair loss? That would be my only concern about it. Thanks for sharing your story!!
There's some studies on pumpkin seed oil
This clips caused breakage at the hair in the back of my head. I will never use these again. Plastic or metal is not good to have in the hair.
I'd love to know how you use the rosemary oil (:
Zdravo Cass! Mozes li nam ispričati zasto si bila tuzna i plakala. Toliko sam slušala ,da si plakala pa možda če ti biti lakše,da nam ispričaš. Da i zanima nas jako..pozdrav😊
hi Cass, i know you're vegan, but sme years ago I stopped drinking milk and many products that were made from lactose and my hair started falling out. These past months i experience the same thing, for the same reason. And i started consuming milk again and my hair has stopped falling this past week. So if you ever want to go vegetarian, that be a good idea
There is Iodine in milk due to farming practices. Iodine deficiency can cause hair loss. It might be worth getting a kelp supplement for a source of iodine. Cow milk is not good for much to be honest.
@@archos5683 im not lactose intolerant so maybe and bias lol but the times i stopped drinking milk, were the times i started with hair problems
My hair only started growing back when I switched from a plant-based to an animal-based diet. My teeth stopped decaying too. Wonder what was happening with my bones…
@@smooth_pursuit yeah, i idk anything about the science relating milk, but both my aunt and grandma have so much hair. They're always eating yogurt and drink milk often. I do notice that people from arab countries, specifically women, consume a lot milk based products and have amazing hair
How often should you take vitamin D?
Did you have any problrm
as for hair ties, you can use the invisibobble ones. they’re made to not grip onto the hair that much. especially if tied loosely.
Rosemary can make you break out if you are allergic
So sad vitamin D doesn’t help for lupus. I just have drug induced lupus so hopefully it goes away but my hair has been falling out like never before
You got this