my house: cinderpelt video

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2024
  • this isn’t a shipping map. don’t make me get the shotgun
    i made this 6 years ago when i was 18 as a storyboard for a map but left it unfinished because i didn’t know how. back then i was experiencing a lot of medical trauma and didn’t really understand that i was going to live the rest of my life as a disabled person, but the concept of that was beginning to brush the edge of my consciousness and this was a clumsy attempt at expressing those feelings. recently I’ve been hit full force with some hard truths about disabled life and i felt like it was the right time to come back to this.
    this video is about cinderpelt going through the never ending process of coming to terms with her disability and what that means for her life, as well as the way her disability and the traumatic event that caused it changed her relationship with her mentor. firestar cannot see past the guilt and shame that he failed his apprentice, and the dreams that she once had under his mentorship, to accept the life she has created now. cinderpelt needs him to move on so that she can; she can’t bear the burden of someone else’s guilt and grief over her disability when she will spend the rest of her life feeling deep and complex emotions about it. i need to be clear that cinderpelt does not need to decide that her life is just as good or better than the life she might have led; she may still feel resentful, sad or bitter at times, but she is also happy and mostly fulfilled.
    also, it is intentionally ambiguous regarding the “ghost” cinderpaw and firestar and how real any of it is. it is figurative and you are welcome to interpret it however you like.
    SONG: “my house” from the Matilda the Musical stage recording soundtrack

ความคิดเห็น • 33

  • @mintysbowtie

    The description actually brought tears to my eyes because of how relatable it was. I myself am disabled and face the constant struggle of having to come to terms with my disabilities while also trying to get those around me to stop feeling negatively about me constantly. Wether it be because they feel guilty about something they had no control over whatsoever or they simply now see me only as my disability and or can’t get past whatever weird internalized ableism they have towards me. And Cinderpelt has always been one of the characters I’ve held dear to my heart, especially around the time I was first diagnosed with my disabilities and was struggling to come to terms with how my life would be now along with the medical trauma I had and would probably again face. So to see her story illustrated in such a real and relatable way rather than the way she is typically portrayed by most, which is simply a weak throw away character whom is disabled was really a nice change to see. So thank you for this wonderful masterpiece!! :] 💜

  • @piperjoyart

    This made me cry. This song, the expressions, and the description just brings this entire masterpiece together. I salute you for being able to paint such an impactful picture. Your ability to tell a story is marvelous.

  • @mirarevias

    FRANKIE!!! I'm sitting here in my car crying!!! 😭

  • @patchesheadphones3570

    Beautiful work! You really captured her story. She's such an important character, learning to live with a disability is such a complicated process. I have to learn and relearn how to accept myself. It's hard, at first, to accept your life is forever changed, but you can still be happy. Your friends and chosen family will still be there. Her story is so meaningful and you've really showcased how she feels and how she moves on. I hope nothing but the best for you.

  • @ryuseiired

    this is really beautiful frankie, i think you did a wonderful job conveying the emotions here ❤

  • @Rainkatify

    This is absolutely gorgeous and speaks so so loud. I feel like this gave me a much greater understanding for and appreciation of cinderpelt's story, which i remember thinking was, at times, poorly handled when I walked away from the series ~10 years ago. I'm really glad you picked this back up after more than half a decade and shared it. Thank you, and incredible work!!

  • @almondsun

    SOBS, the description made me tear up 🥺❤️ the way you integrated the song with her arc omg!!!!! I love this so much. your storytelling is eye candy. biggest kudos to you frankie

  • @saturnbee.

    This is beautiful 😭❤

  • @perfectpelt

    this is so good… always love a beautiful cinderpelt vid

  • @Archieology

    This is SO good!! Your art style is incredible as well!

  • @mobiusghost


  • @Archieology

    Wanted to ask before I did it, would you be alright if I made a speedpaint art for this video?

  • @jayfox4291

    So i mean in no way to bug or upset you or brag. But i got lucky. I near ended up paralyzed from the waist down at the age of 16. But it did cause serious nerve damage. TMI but that affects my love life.