.. The writers are 100% bad at their jobs - They are unqualified dei hires, and most of you cant understand that the two usually go hand-in-hand more often than others.
@@suburbantimewaster9620 well the end game starts to get stale after awhile ops are fun and all but after you done them for the 1000th time you get bored :/ But next year i tend to always come back and make a new character to replay the story all over again xD
You know, as a new player to SWTOR, I really think it's the community that's been keeping the game alive. And now we're getting dynamic encounters aka FATEs in SWTOR, I don't think this game is gonna be dying anytime soon. And with my Sith Warrior, I will bring the Republic to its knees! Edit: Also, lowkey hoping once all the work Broadsword is doing under the hood is completed, SWTOR comes out on consoles. SWTOR on PS5 FTW!!!!
hell yeah, welcome to imperial team! on my server republic almost has zero player base but Empire is always bursting with activity on fleet and DK, and all the stories are by far better on emp side.
At the start of the Valkorion arc, it made little sense to play as anything but a Sith or a Jedi. They should have sticked to the personal story for each class or at least separated the story from a force or non-force class because, as a bounty hunter, for example, it always felt wrong.
Yeah.. i think either continue per class ( even though that would be hard, because at some point all classes have so much power that they should engage each other ) OR, which i find more favourable: A story for the force sensetive and a story for the forcesensitive. In that case you qould have 2 paralell timelines ig? Or you just seperate them in time from eaxh other or something?
Every MMO has been trying to be a "WoW killer" and so few tried to achieve a great game and be their own thing. SWTOR found its identity, albeit a bit too late. I love playing it now, im glad I waited to play. I love Star wars, at least what it used to be. This game is the truest embodiment of what the franchise is on a larger scale. Its not perfect, but it reminds me of what I fell in love with from KOTOR and early star wars movies and games. A good bunch of stories, characters that we make and explore with, all in a universe that inspired its players. I play WoW far more often than SWTOR, but im not attached to the story of WoW anymore. In SWTOR, I am the story, the driving force, and I feel it when I play. I wish its beauty could truly be realized but I'm happy to be here enjoying this creation.
It summarizes Star Wars as a whole, to be honest. There are worse fates out there: Being owned by Ubisoft or Microsoft. But I don’t regret the 10 years I invested into the game. During the fun times, before the time of…… “Apathy”
@@AncestorEmpire1 you’re not lying 😂 and same, even if it never adds anything anymore and shuts down next year, I’m still glad of the time and effort I put into it
@ it should be released on consoles as a last hoorah then call it a day. But the way Lucasfilm/Lucasarts are going(mobile games), we won’t be getting a SWTOR sequel. That is what I theorize.
@@PrapalyFree that’s why I’m trying out FF16 on gamepass. See if the transition is possible. Plus keyboard support is on Xbox and PS5. So the excuses are like profits for the Rey movie, nonexistent.
The player community in SWTOR is similar to City of Heroes. It is still alive and there. Ironically, shifting SWTOR from Bioware to Broadsword may have saved SWTOR for the time being as Bioware collapses under their own egoes. Broadsword is doing a lot more under the hood, before SWTOR left Bioware, one of the last patches shifted the game from 32bit to 64bit, allowing Broadsword to focus on textures and lighting. In effect giving the game a fresh coat of paint.
1:28:03 It's heartbreaking to hear how the other creators and friends treat those who are honest and speak out because they care about the state of the game, not like the yes man who only care for the perks and free gifts. If you don't criticize nothing will never ever change for the better.
Totally agree. They flipped like a switch and that was just really sad. We were like a small family who were actually very close and accepting of each other. To be cut off just like that, makes you feel worthless.
@@swcentral Remember this, your voice of honesty brings more loyalty and support, more than just staying silent, and acting like everything is just sunshine and rainbows. keep doing what you do 💪
Sadly, this is a microcosm for what is happening to our entire society. Politics has caused a large segment of the population to go mostly silent out of fear of professional or personal consequences for speaking out. I have seen that people who were on very friendly terms in high school thirty years ago are no longer on speaking terms because of political differences. People could rightly say this is the fault of the political left, but, truthfully, that only scratches the surface of what is really happening. Our society from its inception was built on the assumption (and the desire) that we are a morally superior people, and that everyone who opposes us in that vision is evil and must either be converted to our point of view or outright conquered. This has taken many forms over the years, ranging from decidedly right-wing religious movements, to polar opposite left-wing socialism, but in both cases there is no thought of compromise with people outside of the dominant group. And it must be asked: when has our society ever negotiated in good faith with people we thought of as lesser? The whole problem is our presumption of moral superiority. Right or left doesn't really matter. So long as this condition of arrogance endures, I fear for the future of us all.
I have a lot more fond memories in SWG than I do in SWTOR. You had to make your own MMO fun in that game too, but when there's player cities everywhere, constant imperial vs rebel wars, going on krayt dragon hunts with big groups, fort tusken, cantinas filled with people getting buffs, figuring out how to be jedi, bounty hunting jedi, etc etc. The combat balance was off but that was a fun game. I don't remember much about SWTOR other than good origin stories and trolling people into acid pools in huttball on powertech
EDIT: I’m commenting when the hour and half video has only been out for 15 minutes because I watched it early 🔥 The real tragedy in all of this is that the current playerbase thinks that all the content creators do is complain. They say that we don’t represent the bulk of the playerbase in some aspects. If that was true, then Swtor would have still been at the height it was in 2.0 and 3.0. The only people who bother to talk about it are older players and people who have played the game for longer than 5 years. It’s not as simple as “if you don’t like the game anymore don’t play it” you’ve lost the plot if that’s your argument. Personally, I’m happy the game still exists. I’m happy for the people who still play and enjoy themselves. I’m just not happy with how they have handled the community and the game for the last 7 years. This game could have rivaled the best of them…. Will always be my favorite mmorpg.
I agree with your video that after 3.0/SoR the game really went downhill and got worse when 4.0/Kotfe launched. While I love what the game was, I don’t like what has been happening to it after SoR.
thats not true, as someone who joined in 2022 i have my share of complaints big BIG complaints especially when i passed all the good story content everything before onslaught and onslaught for me was good and everything after that became kinda meh and i like many want mando arc to end already so i complained about many stuff and still do, most recently the awful aging of our characters, and again i joined in late 2022, just becuse someone enjoys the game doesn't mean they don't also criticize it and honestly the only thing i dislike about criticizing is when people go and be like "game is gonna die, oh here comes maintance mode" every year and yet somehow that never happens becuse despite all its flaws people still love it and engine somehow keeps going, the car might not be working 100% correctly but its clearly still driving and we as players should try to help them (yes with criticism) to keep it going not cry about maintance mode that never happens.
@@swcentral how? hes saying anyone who isn't at least 5 year old player can't think critically and is part of this super sensitive defensive group or something, im saying that as someone who joined in 2o22 which is 3 years and not 5 i agree with most criticisms and critize game myself putting entire groups of players in same basket is just generalization and generalizations are always bad, only thing generalization will get you is inner community fighting (which swtor seems to have enough of as it is) and yes i don't agree on all criticisms 100% we don't have to be a hive mind but i agree on at least about 95%
Man, imagine a universe in which swtor was properly updated the way WoW, FF XIV or Teso are, imagine a world in which they chose a better enginge for futureproofing and had more story content planned that would continue in a way the vanilla stories did and a world in which they still kept it an actual mmo. I love this game, played it since beta, been subscribed for years at a time but man it just hurts to see it be like this, the potential is staggering and all the fun I had in it will not be taken away, but I still cant help but think about the what if. Id like to live in that world.
This game is on maintenance mode where the devs are just milking whatever remains of the community, the most obvious sign was the Corona time when almost EVERY other MMO thrived and added a lot of content except SWTOR, hell even Lotro which is much older had a lot more content released during that time, honestly what keeps this game going is the fact that SW is in a terrible state right now thus many fans made this game their refuge. That being said it still has an amazing story and a warmth to it, what can i say i LOVE the Old Republic era. Great video, you are the last swtor channel i follow for a reason :)
A remake would be feasible. The base game story is solid, and I don't think people would mind a re-telling. But the Gameplay and MMO-RPG aspects need to evolved beyond what's now.
Of all the MMOs that still exist now SWTOR is one that has immense potential even now, that's how important those original plot-threads and class stories were. The current storyline should be scrapped immediately in preparation for on-ramping the core story of SWTOR into what would become the New Sith Wars in the EU. SWTOR players deserve to see the crippling climax of the fight between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire, so they can entertain the dark realities presented by the thousand years of darkness. Players should get to see the Sith Empire's uniforms become less formal, and more gritty as the Sith influence finally dominates the Imperial, the spitting image of the savage sorts of people we THOUGHT Revan was worried about prior to SWTOR's release. Players should get to see the Republic's bureaucracy strangle thyself, with the need for Jedi Lords like Lord Hoth to keep the peace becoming extant for the first time. Don't mind my rambling, this hopscotch of an idea is mainly motivated by as the first sentence said: potential. Chronologically, SWTOR takes place right before this galactic dark age, and the team at Broadsword still has more opportunities than they know to pull off something shocking, and I'd go as far as to say it's more than they deserve.
The game definitely has its problems and real content is borderline non existent at this point but for some reason, it’s fun never seems to disappear for me. I do take like month breaks but I always come back and grind for almost half a year before the next break. Gonna be a sad day when it does get shut down
Honestly I only play when there are new DLC updates. i was having so much fun with the game and then I finished my characters and now I don't what to do. Nothing is interesting or appealing and all they promote are damn skin bundles smdh.
Great Video! One thing I remember is that they have removed a lot of content from the game. if you go back & watch someone levelling on Tython during 1.x or 2.x for example, there is loads of side quests that simply are not in the game anymore. They also removed the NiM versions of the original operations. I also remember the Revan fight at the end of SoR was bugged on release and it was insanely hard to complete on launch even with gear from the new raids as all the NPCs with you would just bug out.
A lot of those sidequests are there, they've just been locked behind an option button, at least the last time I played. On the map screen there's a little button labled "show exploration quests". hit that and piles of old sidequests become available. I don't why they hid them away like that, many of those quests lead you to areas of the map you would otherwise never see and interact with NPS's that otherwise do nothing.
One thing that I also felt hurt the game much more than helped it was the insane exp boost from quests so you only needed to do the msq (main story quest). Unlike the MSQ in games like FFXIV which is self-contained, the MSQ in SWTOR was designed to be done alongside all the side quests in a new area. Vanilla swtor leveling was a large tedious grind yes, but I made for a memorable and rewarding adventure. The exp boost not only completely destroyed the pacing of the msq but it also made the leveling process brain dead easy and not really worth paying attention to. A common tactic of the story quest was to place the story quest at the end of a new zone set a couple of higher levels than what you currently were, you could b-line right for it but you would most likely get your shit wrecked since you were under leveled, so you were encouraged to do side quest to level up. All these side quests was designed to be between you and the msq objective so you were naturally fighting your way towards your main objective. A great example of this is the final area of Balmora on the empire side where the final msq objective is set inside the rebel fortress. Before when you did the side quests you felt you were assaulting a fortress by fighting enemy troops, sabotaging ships and killing the enemy commander if you had done the area main quest. On live right now you just jump on you mount, fly past everything, go to the msq area and kill 1 or maybe a small handful of NPC's then leave. It is like the leveling in classic WoW Vs retail WoW. One is a harder, longer and inconvenient grind yet everyone loves it despite of those bumps since it felt like a challenge and epic journey. While the other is faster and brain-dead easy but everyone hates it so much that the best "tactic" to get through it is either to put a netflix series on your second monitor or pay to skip it. That not only turns potential new players away but it also makes you miss all the side stories like the Revan Cult, the planet area stories and special dialogue when NPC's acknowledge your previous deeds outside of the MSQ. The more tedious and harder grind also encouraged people to naturally group up and do quests together since it not only made things easier, but it allowed you a sneak peak on other classes storylines and it was a great way to get social points when doing shared dialogue.
Thank you for putting this out. I would love to add that the last time I played, I asked a question in general chat and was told to ask on the forums (so rude point number one). Now, I had never been to the forums, never posted on the forums. I got there and went to ask the question and I had been banned from the SWTOR forums. How is that even possible when I had never even been there in the first place? How many other people have they done this to? Great way to drive away a player base.
As a returning player this gives me so many mixed feelings. Solo content is a focus! Great! The community is dead or hates the game because there’s no support.. shit
I started playing this game a month ago. My first MMO ever. Its not perfect but its amazing and it changed my life for the better. I hope it never dies
Im a new player to this game, but I didn’t know things were this bad. But watching your entire video, I’ve gained so much respect for you and I hope your channel does nothing but grow.
SWTOR has become an online solo game where you meet other players but I remember it started as the game where you advanced your personnal stories in groups. The vanilla stories were the core of the game and the shared experience flowed from it. Now that part is just a rushed hassle to get to an inexistent endgame. Levelling is unbalanced, craft is useless, progression is sped up and unrewarding, heroic missions that grouped people on the planets are soloable without thinking, flashpoints aren't linked to your character progression in the overall story... I'm not a MMO player and at 1st I joined SWTOR because it was the only continuation of KotoRs we had. My 1st char did his story alone, the next ones brought me to people who played around me and we shared the universe we were diving in. Every time I created a new character it meant I'd start a new journey with other players through the fate of our factions during this cold war about to explode. I do not feel that anymore. I recently came back to SWTOR by nostaly and found myself overpowered and halfway though the 1st chapter in a few hours of play without any need of collaborative work to advance.
I get the nostalgia, but honestly, the changes in SWTOR make sense. Not everyone wants-or has time-to rely on others to progress in an MMO. Now, the game lets you play at your own pace: want to solo everything? Go for it. Prefer group content? Flashpoints, ops, and PvP are still there for you. The faster progression isn’t a bad thing; it skips the grind and gets you to the fun parts quicker. Plus, the story is still the core of the game, with expansions like Knights of the Fallen Empire and Onslaught delivering great narratives. If you miss the challenge, you can always turn off XP boosts or play on harder difficulties. In short, SWTOR hasn’t lost its heart-it’s just adapted so more people can enjoy it. Multiplayer is still there, but now it’s up to you how much you dive into it. 😊
Don't expect this game to go huge new places, but what there is fun and enjoyable IMO, i still go back and play through a new character every other year or so and I love it.
Greed and incompetence killed this title. Not necessarily in that order. It could have been so much more. The base game and first three expansions are still definitely worth the time, but everything after Shadow of Revan is a step down in quality, imo. And that's without getting into the dev missteps when it comes to class changes/balance. This was the last game I preordered, picked up at midnight, and took vacation time to experience at launch.
@ to be fair, most MMORPGs have fallen into the same trap. Subpar content, destruction of the ‘group’ element, bloated cash shops, writers whose talent makes you question if the lead designer simply saw them in a Starbucks blogging away and hired them. I still say that audiences are thirsty for a new, quality mmorpg. But all we get is the half hearted slop from the West and the overly grindy Eastern titles which are more platforms to separate you from your wallet than actual RPGs. Always wondered what it would be like if something like a modern mechanics Wildstar, Rift, or SWG opened right now. That’s the fever dream for me. A MMORPG with the class depth and player building of SWGs with the combat and cover mechanics of something like the Division. Would be incredible.
@@RicoRaynn I’m on and off with Swtor I love what the game was. I mostly play GW2 now. I at times come back for class stories. Jsut Swtor has so much it could do, although while kotfe divided the player base. I felt like it undid everything if not a lot of things, that made the game great.
@@Mr.Curious364 Haven't played Astor yet, but I do come and go a lot with GW2. Wish the PvE narrative was a bit more refined, but still some of the best PvP I've experienced outside of Warhammer Online. I also appreciate that they don't focus on the 'carrot on a stick' gear grind with their progression. Early SWTOR does narrative the best. It has eight class stories that are every flavor of Star Wars anyone could want. Some of them are even what I would consider the greatest Star Wars writing since the originals. And I was a power dork who lived off the extended universe growing up. Right now, I'm playing through Cyberpunk again after trying and getting burnt out on Veilguard after about 37 hours. I want to return to MMORPGs that make the player feel like they're living in the world. That's been lost since WoW dominated the market. I think the single-player RPG stuff is still doing well. Heck, we got Baldur's Gate 3, Rogue Trader, and Erdtree, which were all entertaining romps.
@@RicoRaynn Astor is Swtor, I accidentally mistyped, I heard cyberpunk is good, jsut looks expensive atm.early Swtor was great, I heard GW2 has some of the best PVP, I am planning to check out FFXIV game some time soon to. I hear it has a good story and the game looks fun to me.
Launch!!! Jokes aside, as someone who joined the game nearly 3 years ago, I admit there was much that I missed out on, and I also admit to being a story-driven SWTOR player, which leaves me somewhat satisfied with the story content. It's sad to see the current state of SWTOR, or perhaps the state it has been in for years, and this documentary is the culmination of all the points you've been sharing in the past few years, Sam. I'm glad you compiled it all, along with bringing in other people to share in their analysis of the game. Great job! I'm still hoping for better days for SWTOR. May the Force be with us all.
An impressive analysis of what we hope to be SWTOR, hopefully the developers will see it and help them reflect on where we want the game to go. These are the contributions that ENRICH THE COMMUNITY THANK YOU SWCentral !!!
It’s unfortunate that this game seems to be getting a long painful death. I am trying to get back into it for 7.6, but I got the story on Voss with the interpreters retreat, and I just can’t stay interested in it right now. I played for maybe 30 minutes before getting bored and going back to Helldivers 2. I was an avid PVP player too but it just isn’t where it should be. War zones are so fun, they just aren’t fun as a good player who either destroyed everyone else or gets nuked by a premade. I hope the swtor dev team sees the state of the game and manages to pull of a Hail Mary.
There is some good points in there but some of it is griping about new game modes or events not catering to one individuals particular play style. MMORPGs cost way more money to maintain than any other game. They require not only more active players but people essentially willing to either pay monthly or "whale" the games finances. For the last 20 years these games have had to rely on diverse experiences to keep as many people interested as possible. A sith probably wouldn't be interested in working for a charity and someone who was just clearing orcs out for the fellowship to make it closer to Mordor probably wouldn't travel all the way back to the Shire to win a pie eating contest either but that doesn't mean there aren't people who don't want some of these side distractions. People may as well quit whining and complaining about "raids". A gaming company will never be able to produce raids fast enough to stay ahead of players consuming them. I feel like this is also the MMO community lately: "Pay for an expansion? Hell no!" Then they complain about the FREE expansion not having voice overs. Then they make a video in support of the voice actors strike. So they don't want to pay for an expansion, they want that free expansion to be fully voiced over, but they also want expensive ass actors/actresses to do the voice overs instead of AI or something.
I said once and I'll say it again, they should close the servers and re-release as a single player game with a final story expansion that ends the story
I started playing the game just shortly after legacy system was released. When the game went F2P later that year, I dropped my subscription to try it out. I can honestly say, the F2P system in SWTOR is one of the worst I've ever seen. The sheer amount of restrictions is mind boggling. But 2 of the restrictions that made no sense was: A credit cap limit limit on how often you can send a message in chat
so glad to hear from Aviriia after 100 years. I remember I liked her content back in the day when I was still playing. I would happily return to SWTOR if it offered change worth returning to. I'm player who played mostly for the story but I did a raid occasionally. Still I would like to see game thrive and be good like the rest of you.
I run the 2nd most active guild in the game and we pick up new players every week. They are the most important part of the community and we try our best to provide a good first experience. We run daily events and help answer questions they have. Been playing since launch and swtor is star wars and is and always shall be a large part of our lives. Ive met so many lasting friends here. Lately you can feel the developers lack of appreciation for they players that have stuck around for years. Promises they have made in developer streams remain unfulfilled, lack of development of storyline or raids. 1 guild remains the co quest leader for over 7 years, a lack of fair compettition between guilds in conquest. Ranked pvp deletion, master mode r4 promises in a developer stream when honestly asked about it in the next developer stream they banned all users who asked from their twitch channel. Lack of crafting development, we are still using level 70 schematics for years while the game has been updated for level 80 making the old schematics irrevelant. The developers feel all their effort should be on "modernization" Macintosh support (facepalm), texture updates, or new armor dyes "mettalic" rather then on core game mechanics, crafting, guild support, or new raids. They seem to want to sell 100$ cartel specials more often then not. When asked about anything honestly without ill intent on the forums the developers seem to remove your post and give your a forum warning, causing a "toxic positivity" enviroment. Constructive critisism on important topics is nearly impossible. Unfortunately you see the lack of appreciation from the developers more then ever...... And yet the loyal fanbase like i and many others will still stick it out for the love of the game and for the friendships weve made here. ❤
Choose specific content type >> make it bad >> people stop playing this content >> "whatever, swtor wasn't about that anyway" >> move to another content type >> make it bad...
I started playing SWTOR in summer of 2015 just before KOTFE released, because I wanted to play the game before this massive expansion that was being advertised. Played Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Consular, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler in that order. For the most part I enjoyed all of the stories. Honestly I played more so for the story and the characters which I enjoyed, in the regular story. Did play quite a bit of PVP which I found really fun. Me and my brother both wanted to play but we encountered a few problems. The subscription fee was brutal. Not one month or two, but constantly having to pay over $20 to subscribe, and multiply that by two for me and my brother was not optimal at all. Then my computer broke, so we decided to play on one account by taking turns. Which means that we mostly played solo. Then the end game content. I did play this game because of the KOTOR games and I wanted the conclusion of that story. SWTOR did not provide that... well if it did they did not do it well and I was disappointed. The end game expansions and missions had mostly mid writing. I think Ilum was the last one I enjoyed. Hutt Cartel and Dread Masters I found pretty mid as someone who just wants story and characters. More importantly a conclusion to the storyline. Shadow of Revan I found pretty terrible and for me was just a nostalgia fest of KOTOR. But without a compelling story. They completely ruined Revan, but I didn't totally hate the expansion. Was indifferent about Ziost. I started playing a couple months before KOTFE came out. At first glance KOTFE was great but having beat the first few chapters there was nothing else to do. So I subscribed for some of the new chapters but that became a hassle after a few months. So instead I waited for KOTFE to finish and then subscribed so that I could do it all in one go. Played KOTET but was not that amazed by it to tell you the truth. The writing wasn't as good as I expected. Overall pretty disappointed that they didn't really write Revan or the Sith Emperor that well. Was disappointed in the overall storyline, could have been better. As a solo player I didn't get to play that much of the game. Mostly because I struggled with the harder missions, but I was not against group play, it was just really hard to find a group. One time we sat like half an hour and we were still short one player, it was awful. Other issues like Cartel items... there is nothing to buy on the cartel. I wanted to get stuff like the Naga Sadow armor, Malak armor etc but found that it wasn't even listed in the cartel. The stuff I did get looked poorly rendered and had issues like clipping. That and my overall experience in the game seeing things like the KOTFE release model, some of the writing, constant changes to free to play model, glitches etc makes me think that these are some of the laziest devs in the world. Last thing I played was KOTET around 2018 I think and haven't played it since. But to be clear I did enjoy the class stories at the start of the game. I would probably come back just to finish the Agent and Soldier storylines that I never finished.
Loved this video! Really shows the historic breakdown of SWTOR. It's interesting to hear you're own story thats happened to you for this game especially with other SWTOR content creators like yourself. Its still surprising really how a game like SWTOR became the way it is, something that had so much potential. Still enjoy playing time and again, just wish it was as challenging as it was at launch.
i am not surprised there's a bunch of doomers in the comments. i think this game's prime is over, but to say it's shutting down soon is unnecessarily pessimistic. the game is here to say for a while longer, play it or don't while it's still out.
I enjoy this game more than WoW now a days, I find it more enjoyable for a casual player and honestly there ain’t no Star Wars game out there right now that can compete, hopefully the people behind swtor wakes up and takes advantage of this moment while Star Wars is in need of something amazing in the gaming world
I recently made my return to SWTOR after being a long-time player starting back in my first year of college in 2011. I would fall off and play other things in between patches but it was always the game I would come back to. PvP is and always will be my favorite part about SWTOR. It's a shame that a lot of PvP players have left the game due to there being nothing worth playing it for aside from farming damage for the sake of the flex. When you're playing to win whether it be for the weeklies or just for the sake of competition, it really knocks the wind out of your sails when heavily geared and experienced players are ignoring objectives and purposefully dragging out a match for that 15m+ damage number.
The biggest problem here is... the devs/studio/directors implement 'unwanted' or downright bad features and the PLAYERS just keep playing, keep PAYING, and just bitch about it. The message that this sends to the company is "it's fine, we're still making a profit and even attracting new players". Based on the players ACTIONS in the real world (keep paying and playing) you are telling them that they are doing the right thing - so they keep doing it more.
SWTOR Devs are too complacent cause they're the only Star Wars MMO on the market. Also Bioware seems to have a tendency to hire leaderships who are arrogant and full of themselves and can't handle criticism...
Ive lost count on how many times iv installed and uninstalled this game since day one and just installed it again for this new upcoming update its a shame how this game didn’t get the actual love that it deserves.
I always come back to this game. From early access until today this is a great game for people that enjoy a good story and join group content from time to time. I hate endgame grinding so i rather start a new char, build my "castle" and play my story. It is the optimal game for me. Boss fights in most MMOs are mostly not fights but a dance around mechanics and that is a thing i hate. Group gather here, click item x and run to point y, kill mobs, back to the boss, clean stacks of z to not become a one shot. It never feels like a Boss fight but like managing a System.
So Broadsword isn't really known for delivering new content. Dark Age of Camelot wasn't developed much further, and there wasn't a new expansion either. The question is what income Star Wars still generates and whether it's even worth developing an expansion or releasing content. These mission terminals that are supposed to come don't really sound good. That's not content. I see a very bleak future. I think Broadsword is only there to keep a few games running with the minimum of effort.
SWTOR as long as ESO gave me the best PVE questing in any MMO I'v ever played. The narrative and delivery with nice voice actors really get you in a rare state of immersion that nowadays MMO fail to even fathom.
"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it." A quote from another Star Wars game i decided to replay recently, that isn't SWTOR. That game emphasizes the need to listen, to understand. and the consequences of your actions or inaction. Sure SWTOR might not be dead. But shuffling around like a zombie; not knowing what to do or where it even is, can be a worse outcome for it. And if that is what Bioware & Broadsword want this game to be then so be it. But they can't say we didn't warn them or even tried to help. For me personally, i'm just gonna continue playing games that are blooming and only continue to grow in both content and playerbase. And also respects said content and playerbase. (KOTOR 2 is also looking pretty damn good given that it was patched to run flawlessly with modern day systems, just saying.)
Outstanding video. All the topics discussed are related to the reason why,as a player from day of launch, I've stopped playing. This video actually inspired me to log in but I only lasted 10 minutes. Yes I'm still subbed as I find it hard to abandon this game with 16 max lvl and geared characters ,8 imp and 8 pub,of each class. I will pull the pin one day but a small part of me is holding on to hope something improves.
If they never destroyed Star Wars galaxies we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Galaxies was easily the greatest Star Wars experience I ever had. Miss that game big time.
This Game makes me feel so bittersweet, I absolutely still love it and it's one of my top MMO with FFXIX and WOW. But I see it has many faults and I refuse to buy any Online Content from SWTOR (Because you don't own it), but i'll still comeback every so often, though it's sad how much it's Creators but so little effort into it since I feel it still has potential. At most i'm grateful to SWTOR because it helped me find you and shows it's the Fans that are keeping this Game alive. I just want to point out about SWTOR and not killing Antagonists and just watering them down, forcing everything to be mellowed out is the same in Warcraft and FFXIV. Kelladorn is also spot on.
I remember doing the Maelstrom flashpoint with my Jedi Knight, with Scourge with me. It was years ago, but i took him specifically because i suspected it would be Revan i'm rescuing from the ancient Sith prison, and i had already reached the level of conversations with Scourge where he mentioned his past with Revan and the Exile, and even his betrayal. And i'm standing there, talking to Revan - and he says "i almost destroyed the emperor, but one betrayed me" and i'm literally yelling at the screen "DUDE! He's right there!" They sort of fixed it, later after Shadow of REvan and after KoFT. But at that moment i was like "WTF".
As someone forced to become a f2p player, it really is a special kind of hell. It feels like one of those dystopias where you need a permit for the simplest things but getting the permit costs you more than the thing you actually want. The million credit cap is absurd, with some items now being in the _billions_ on the GTN, it's _literally_ impossible to interact with auctions and player to player trade on anything actually worth purchasing. And then you look at the abysmal battle pass system they have going on nowadays that passes for "content," have you ever actually looked at what you get on the free player track? Half the levels _don't even give you anything._ You'll get a _miniscule _ handful of pass tokens (about a third of what paid players get), a couple item packs (mostly bronze ones), and currencies that already come from other content. It's created a caste system of haves and have-nots that made a divide even greater than and I've seen in any other game and split your community like a guillotine. It doesn't make me want to resub to enjoy all the things I would get back, it makes me want to just not play at all when I could find a game that won't treat me like a third class citizen.
I'm mostly a solo story player, who has only played this game from time to time since 2021. This game has quite the history I wasn't aware of and I had no idea about the issues plaguing this game before watching this. I really hate what Disney is doing with Star Wars so it's really sad to see that the game I thought was something star wars not messed up by Disney is also struggling. I absolutely love the old republic era and the KOTOR games and it's quite devastating to learn that a game that I love returning to every time I get a craving to experience some good star wars is doing so poorly. I really hope this is heard and that things improve, I want the awesome saga of old republic to continue.
Sadly, you didn't not address difficulty issue. I tried to replay SWTOR with my wife, which LOVES WoW (classic and retail). I was hyped to show her the game since I do remember how intense, hard and fun leveling was. I thought 2 people could make a blast with such a game, literally coop-story experience. Turned out that game changed a lot, everything dies from 1st hit, and everything feels different in a bad way. Dungeons are no more fun to play, story quests are not hard - and story suffers from that as well, as part of narrative design is how hard the content is.
@@swcentral, you might think it's a small thing, but for me, it was the heart of the experience. The developers put an extraordinary amount of effort into balancing the difficulty: every quest seamlessly guided you along a journey, promising varying intensity and engaging challenges. Locations weren’t just places; they felt like intricate puzzles. Mobs behaved differently - some hid in stealth with various reveal mechanics, summoned reinforcements, some required unique target priorities. These mechanics were always rooted in the lore, transforming abilities, locations, and even the strength of individual enemies into a reflection of the story. Just like WoW did. Story bosses were a highlight. They always demonstrated the significance of the moment. If they were mere lackeys pretending to be something greater, they were weak in gameplay as well. But the first time you faced a Jedi Master as an enemy, it was a revelation - an intense, mechanics-rich battle that felt like a test of your abilities. Maybe not that "rich" as we see now in different games, but for mmo - it was good. Party quests were another treasure. They weren’t just challenges; they were social experiences. Going in alone was suicide, but with a partner, it turned into a thrilling adventure. You’d meet strangers with the same objectives, forge connections, overcome challenges together, and discuss the quest’s story. And the rewards felt special - unique cosmetics that everyone recognized and admired, each tied to a specific achievement and fun you had. Landing on a new planet was something special. Every time, it felt like discovering an entirely new world. Quests were horizontal in structure, with storylines intertwining across multiple objectives. Few remember how local stories often intersected with other narratives or even your own personal arc, adding layers of depth. And these weren’t easy quests. I still remember kiting the boss around a terminal on Coruscant with a random guy. We all mourn our own version of SWTOR. This was mine.
I played SWG back in the day and tried this game when it came out. Unfortunately, the tab target WOW combat and gameplay never really clicked with me, so I've never really gotten very far in the game. Hopefully the people who have been playing all this time can get what they want out of the game in the future
Returning player here, got the game on launch and have played and strayed away from the game multiple times. I stumbled across this in my feed. Mate, I feel for you, this video sheds a light on the game I wasn't aware of, the issues with the community, the issues with developers and how they are managing this game and the community. I can tell you care deeply about this game. Hoping things get better for you and the game becomes what it can become. Thank you for the video!
I still remember when Bioware asked us to pre-select our character's name, function and class. It was so epic, the journey from the game announcement till the release was something I will never forget. It is a huge pitty a game like this, that actually uses an API so famous and loved by millions of people globally, to have fallen so bad during the years. To be honest with you, the devs are indeed part of the problem, however personally, EA is still the real reason why the game lacks in many things. Dev's are just following "orders" like Clones. It is also amazing tha you choose to put the main them from Mass Effect 1, so nostalgic and sad at the same time, it goes well with the SW:ToR issue.
Great video! I can really vouch for much of what has been said, but especially about Sam's character. I still rememver being the GM of a new RP Guild, and posting a Guild group photo in the SWC discord, only to be DMed mere hours later by Star Wars Central himself, editing an amazing SWTOR frame over the image. It meant the world, and the guild absolutely loved it, and really kindled a love for teh community I've gotten back into the game recently purely to enjoy the single player storyline. Back in the day I only finished the Agent and Inquisitor storyline, but I'm now playing through all of the core class stories as my OG Inquisitor's family tree (His deadbeat Smuggler father will be fun). I can definitely see the issues with where the game is going, and why many players have issues with the lack of multiplayer support, but for me personally the single player stuff has been very worth playing
Oh wow that was a long time ago, but I do recall! Thank you for your character statement :) I’m glad you liked the video too! You’re always welcome to share more screenshots with us, we have a channel dedicated to just screenshot stuff and it’s awesome!
I remember when many of the creators I watched started to get banned. Seeing the big "Main" channels ignoring anybody asking about some honest feedback and just putting out "in depth" guides for that fat 10 minutes of content lol.
I want to hold on hope that this game will one time course correct. I check back with swtor content creator to see that status sometimes, but to feel the confirmation bias and sadness. Then I play something else and forget until it becomes that time again to check status on the game again!
1:22:04 Something that has bothered me since the two Knights expansions is when my character began to speak "out of turn", which is to say they began talking without my direct input. Now our characters feel as though they have to go along with everybody they meet, and agency feels like it is being taken away from us when the choices we make do not matter.
as a person who played and still since Launch and i have the Founder title to prove it, it has sadden me that the game devs seems like they dont care as much as the Player do in multiple ways, the involvement of new players and the caring of game balance and not just shoving Premium armors that honestly dont look anyware as good as the first few years.
Still come back every 5 years or so. Just got my wife to try it for the first time this week, we've been surprised by how many PCs are running around in the starting areas
A lot of time and efforts gone into this and it Shows. Thanks for doing this. Been thinking of dropping back in. Dipped in and out since launch and I love it because it’s the Old republic era. It’s also just a great game
I am not a player that leaves and then comes back a bit later. I was a subscriber from the beginning. I watched a great many of iterations of the game, some good, some middling, some bad. What I observed however was that the developers often slavishly imitated developements of WoW, wether that made sense or not. This is particularly noteworthy with the changes to, and the iterations of the talent tree. Whenever the people over at Blizzards changed something it would be changed in SWTOR too. That was weird. Similarly the system handled skills. At first you had to buy them at the skill trainer including your driving skills! At the beginning of the game this was often so expensive I had to postpone adding skills to my char, because I did not have the funds to pay for them. And then suddenly, no more skill trainers, just like in WoW. That was jarring, unexpected. It went so far that elements of the story were included that came out of WoW expansions directly, the Umbaran train flashpoint was very similar to a dungeon in Warlords of Draenor. I think the game would have been a lot more original if the developers put in more of their own creativity. This was all during the Bioware stewardship, mind you! The very way the game was so well made from the beginning is now posing the direst threat to its continued existance. These are the voices of the characters. The original voice actors are often no longer available or too expensive to retain for future expansions. That started quite a while ago and that is why we have these Kotor like written conversations. It is much cheaper and more fitting to the conservation mode the game is in. I have decided I dont want to be around during this dying period and I am gone for good! But I have fond memories and nobody can take them away. Particlularly not the new developer team with its asinine and often weird design concepts, changing the interface for the worse, making drastic changes to the world drop and further strange decisions. I want my memories to be unsullied by the decisions of the unworthy!
You know, at first I had really high expectations for the game BECAUSE they devoted themselves to story instead of what we think of as traditional end game content. I was pretty sure that if TOR went head-to-head against WOW, it was going to get creamed. If it tried to offer the things that WOW specialized in like raids and end game content, it would probably not attract a large player base. I was hoping for more story content. It felt like the engine would allow for a new 'season' of each character's journey fairly regularly without being ungodly expensive to develop. There wouldn't need to be much in the way of software or new animation, just good writing and good voice acting. I was sort of hoping for a different paradigm than the normal 'tank/dps/healer' in flashpoints and operations that we all know and love in favor of 'force users' and 'non-force users' getting different challenges in the flashpoint that reflected their differing abilities. Something that might even possibly be less combat focused and more based on story interaction and teamwork. Instead of forty people trying to attack one boss like a typical raid, you could have forty people attacking a fortress in a story driven adventure where small groups need to work separately but cooperatively in taking down the enemy forces. Like a team of Jedi and troopers make a daring frontal attack and then divided as they are forced to face a group of Sith Warriors and Imperial Troops in battle. Meanwhile, the Consulars, aided by Smugglers, attempt to sneak in from the rear only to be surprised and split up, working through the base and trying to accomplish their mission objects. If one team fails in its mission, everyone else's mission is affected, and things get harder. The teams might have a chance to recover, but too many failures would result in a wipe. I feel like SWTOR endgame content had a chance to really be unique compared to WOW and other MMOs and I'm sorry that they chose to try to copy the other major players at the time.
so i used play swtor alot, bought the makeb expansion, had the founder title (something felt proud to have) but i got bored of doing the same stuff over and over and i eventually stopped playing this game when i got a bug that would not let me pay for subscription or anything. yeah i got a bug so i could NOT GIVE THEM MY MONEY
I love the game. I have only been playing since june of 2024. Yeah like with all games there are things i dont like but overall I greatly enjoy it. I just wish i could have played it at its peak. Whenever it had the most players. I hope it dont die anytime soon.
The $99 6 month sub was for players like me that have come back after a huge break. I played at launch and quit shortly after Ilum. The 6 months seemed fine for me. There is a ton of content I never finished.
Yeah, just look at the past few cartel market updates. It’s been Disney Star Wars stuff, Kara Dune armor, Ashoka Armor, Rey Armor, yata yata yata… I wanted something more EU/Prequel/OG Trilogy looking. I would have given up my left nut for some Republic Commando armor sets as a Trooper main, but no… I got discount Deathtroopers, And yeah at the start of The Valkorian arc it was very… not great if you weren’t a Force User.
As a founder to Swtor, I am happy to see visual upgrades coming to the game. That being said the dev team needs to slow down on new content and focus on the bugs that have been in the game since launch and do serious performance improvements. Once the game performance has been improved then they need to make great story content and class balance on both PvE and PvP. When it comes to adding LGBQ content, it's not my kind of thing, but I get it is what some want. If someone who works for the dev team want to add these things fine. They just need to make sure they don't alienate people that support the game. The people running any company regardless of what service they provide are either forgetting or negating the people who keep them in business. I hope things get better for Swtor as I love Star Wars and Swtor but only time will tell.
i almost play this game for 10 years i'm a solo and story player who just loves star wars.but if course treid the group contens too and i was in gilds. i really loved the Sor till Kotet expansions it really felt like a movie who your own choices matter. i also i liked the chapters thing. the charchters in this game are so amazing and everyone is so unique.i also i did regonize they still have there old voices after all this time. everyone was worried after Bioware left and Swtor got a new studio but i had hope it get better. they know have so much new stuff who will coming up in 7.6 update and they did alot of work in the game like monderize the game new asian server, light gets better its still keep going and it won't end so soon. and that makes me really happy😊
personal gripe: my problem with swtor's inclusion of Revan isn't that he's defeated (as a sith/dark side player, I rather enjoyed that) but the gender change. It's repeatedly stated in KotoR 2 that Revan is a woman, and the Exile always seemed more like a male character to me
.. The writers are 100% bad at their jobs - They are unqualified dei hires, and most of you cant understand that the two usually go hand-in-hand more often than others.
I’m glad it refuses to die. I have a history of getting burned out and coming back to this game.
same here just came back to the game for the 6th time now xD
@ Funny how you can get burned out on even the coolest of games.
@@suburbantimewaster9620 well the end game starts to get stale after awhile ops are fun and all but after you done them for the 1000th time you get bored :/ But next year i tend to always come back and make a new character to replay the story all over again xD
@ Sounds like a plan.
Thats pretty much what I do lol
Great job, my friend. I'm glad to have been a part of this!
I was pleased to have you with us!
@@swcentral The video was good.. Until you went on this apologizing-spree to cowardl, sjw dei monsters who have now infected this game too.
Maybe the real Star Wars: The Old Republic experience was the Jedi we slaughtered along the way?
That’s deep
They still send a charge through me...
You know, as a new player to SWTOR, I really think it's the community that's been keeping the game alive. And now we're getting dynamic encounters aka FATEs in SWTOR, I don't think this game is gonna be dying anytime soon. And with my Sith Warrior, I will bring the Republic to its knees!
Edit: Also, lowkey hoping once all the work Broadsword is doing under the hood is completed, SWTOR comes out on consoles. SWTOR on PS5 FTW!!!!
hell yeah, welcome to imperial team! on my server republic almost has zero player base but Empire is always bursting with activity on fleet and DK, and all the stories are by far better on emp side.
Sith all the way, welcome to the family!
Have you heard the tragedy of Darth Baras the Wide?
The imperial side feels like it has the best stories.
Sassing Baras and Confusing Jedi will never get old
'Let their names will be etched on to the walls of Kaas city, it will be their monument or their pyre'.
-Darth Marr.
At the start of the Valkorion arc, it made little sense to play as anything but a Sith or a Jedi. They should have sticked to the personal story for each class or at least separated the story from a force or non-force class because, as a bounty hunter, for example, it always felt wrong.
I don't know, being a Smuggler or Bunty Hunter feels amazing, being some guy and being able to rise and defeat the biggest bad feels amazing.
Yeah.. i think either continue per class ( even though that would be hard, because at some point all classes have so much power that they should engage each other )
OR, which i find more favourable:
A story for the force sensetive and a story for the forcesensitive. In that case you qould have 2 paralell timelines ig? Or you just seperate them in time from eaxh other or something?
Every MMO has been trying to be a "WoW killer" and so few tried to achieve a great game and be their own thing. SWTOR found its identity, albeit a bit too late. I love playing it now, im glad I waited to play. I love Star wars, at least what it used to be. This game is the truest embodiment of what the franchise is on a larger scale. Its not perfect, but it reminds me of what I fell in love with from KOTOR and early star wars movies and games. A good bunch of stories, characters that we make and explore with, all in a universe that inspired its players.
I play WoW far more often than SWTOR, but im not attached to the story of WoW anymore. In SWTOR, I am the story, the driving force, and I feel it when I play. I wish its beauty could truly be realized but I'm happy to be here enjoying this creation.
It summarizes Star Wars as a whole, to be honest.
There are worse fates out there:
Being owned by Ubisoft or Microsoft.
But I don’t regret the 10 years I invested into the game. During the fun times, before the time of…… “Apathy”
@@AncestorEmpire1 you’re not lying 😂 and same, even if it never adds anything anymore and shuts down next year, I’m still glad of the time and effort I put into it
@ it should be released on consoles as a last hoorah then call it a day. But the way Lucasfilm/Lucasarts are going(mobile games), we won’t be getting a SWTOR sequel. That is what I theorize.
@ i actually wouldn’t mind it on console. Would make it easier to access and play
@@PrapalyFree that’s why I’m trying out FF16 on gamepass.
See if the transition is possible.
Plus keyboard support is on Xbox and PS5. So the excuses are like profits for the Rey movie, nonexistent.
@ 😂😂😂 you made me choke on my water with that Rey comment 🤣
The player community in SWTOR is similar to City of Heroes. It is still alive and there.
Ironically, shifting SWTOR from Bioware to Broadsword may have saved SWTOR for the time being as Bioware collapses under their own egoes.
Broadsword is doing a lot more under the hood, before SWTOR left Bioware, one of the last patches shifted the game from 32bit to 64bit, allowing Broadsword to focus on textures and lighting. In effect giving the game a fresh coat of paint.
1:28:03 It's heartbreaking to hear how the other creators and friends treat those who are honest and speak out because they care about the state of the game, not like the yes man who only care for the perks and free gifts. If you don't criticize nothing will never ever change for the better.
Totally agree. They flipped like a switch and that was just really sad. We were like a small family who were actually very close and accepting of each other. To be cut off just like that, makes you feel worthless.
@@swcentral Remember this, your voice of honesty brings more loyalty and support, more than just staying silent, and acting like everything is just sunshine and rainbows. keep doing what you do 💪
@@HeavilyArmedHD I certainly will my friend!
Sadly, this is a microcosm for what is happening to our entire society. Politics has caused a large segment of the population to go mostly silent out of fear of professional or personal consequences for speaking out. I have seen that people who were on very friendly terms in high school thirty years ago are no longer on speaking terms because of political differences.
People could rightly say this is the fault of the political left, but, truthfully, that only scratches the surface of what is really happening. Our society from its inception was built on the assumption (and the desire) that we are a morally superior people, and that everyone who opposes us in that vision is evil and must either be converted to our point of view or outright conquered. This has taken many forms over the years, ranging from decidedly right-wing religious movements, to polar opposite left-wing socialism, but in both cases there is no thought of compromise with people outside of the dominant group. And it must be asked: when has our society ever negotiated in good faith with people we thought of as lesser?
The whole problem is our presumption of moral superiority. Right or left doesn't really matter. So long as this condition of arrogance endures, I fear for the future of us all.
@@Lennis01 This is something I think about a lot. The past repeats its self and we never seem to learn. You can’t unsee it, and it changes everything.
Epic video! Thanks for including my pvp ramblings. Appreciate you 🍻
Don’t sell yourself short my friend, you are a PvP champion! Glad to have you 🍻
I have a lot more fond memories in SWG than I do in SWTOR. You had to make your own MMO fun in that game too, but when there's player cities everywhere, constant imperial vs rebel wars, going on krayt dragon hunts with big groups, fort tusken, cantinas filled with people getting buffs, figuring out how to be jedi, bounty hunting jedi, etc etc. The combat balance was off but that was a fun game. I don't remember much about SWTOR other than good origin stories and trolling people into acid pools in huttball on powertech
Same here. I never really got into SWTOR even though Star Wars (pre Disney) is my favorite franchise. SWG was just far more immersive in the universe.
EDIT: I’m commenting when the hour and half video has only been out for 15 minutes because I watched it early 🔥
The real tragedy in all of this is that the current playerbase thinks that all the content creators do is complain. They say that we don’t represent the bulk of the playerbase in some aspects. If that was true, then Swtor would have still been at the height it was in 2.0 and 3.0. The only people who bother to talk about it are older players and people who have played the game for longer than 5 years. It’s not as simple as “if you don’t like the game anymore don’t play it” you’ve lost the plot if that’s your argument. Personally, I’m happy the game still exists. I’m happy for the people who still play and enjoy themselves. I’m just not happy with how they have handled the community and the game for the last 7 years. This game could have rivaled the best of them…. Will always be my favorite mmorpg.
I agree with your video that after 3.0/SoR the game really went downhill and got worse when 4.0/Kotfe launched. While I love what the game was, I don’t like what has been happening to it after SoR.
As always Noble you bring a calm and peaceful presence to any conversation. Having you here was necessary! ❤
thats not true, as someone who joined in 2022 i have my share of complaints big BIG complaints especially when i passed all the good story content everything before onslaught and onslaught for me was good and everything after that became kinda meh and i like many want mando arc to end already so i complained about many stuff and still do, most recently the awful aging of our characters, and again i joined in late 2022, just becuse someone enjoys the game doesn't mean they don't also criticize it and honestly the only thing i dislike about criticizing is when people go and be like "game is gonna die, oh here comes maintance mode" every year and yet somehow that never happens becuse despite all its flaws people still love it and engine somehow keeps going, the car might not be working 100% correctly but its clearly still driving and we as players should try to help them (yes with criticism) to keep it going not cry about maintance mode that never happens.
@@MatanZlatan “as someone who joined in 2022”
You kinda proved their point here haha. But still good feedback! All avenues of context are important.
@@swcentral how? hes saying anyone who isn't at least 5 year old player can't think critically and is part of this super sensitive defensive group or something, im saying that as someone who joined in 2o22 which is 3 years and not 5 i agree with most criticisms and critize game myself putting entire groups of players in same basket is just generalization and generalizations are always bad, only thing generalization will get you is inner community fighting (which swtor seems to have enough of as it is) and yes i don't agree on all criticisms 100% we don't have to be a hive mind but i agree on at least about 95%
This was nicely done my friend. It was an honor to have been part of this.
Thanks for joining my friend!
Man, imagine a universe in which swtor was properly updated the way WoW, FF XIV or Teso are, imagine a world in which they chose a better enginge for futureproofing and had more story content planned that would continue in a way the vanilla stories did and a world in which they still kept it an actual mmo. I love this game, played it since beta, been subscribed for years at a time but man it just hurts to see it be like this, the potential is staggering and all the fun I had in it will not be taken away, but I still cant help but think about the what if. Id like to live in that world.
Only game I can remember that in its life it has never had a new class.
This game is on maintenance mode where the devs are just milking whatever remains of the community, the most obvious sign was the Corona time when almost EVERY other MMO thrived and added a lot of content except SWTOR, hell even Lotro which is much older had a lot more content released during that time, honestly what keeps this game going is the fact that SW is in a terrible state right now thus many fans made this game their refuge.
That being said it still has an amazing story and a warmth to it, what can i say i LOVE the Old Republic era. Great video, you are the last swtor channel i follow for a reason :)
Even Everquest, one of the very first MMOs still pumping out content
Thank you for your kind words ❤
A remake would be feasible. The base game story is solid, and I don't think people would mind a re-telling. But the Gameplay and MMO-RPG aspects need to evolved beyond what's now.
Thats why most people rather would have had a Star Wars Galaxies 2 vs the glorified subscription single player game we got in SWTOR.
@@beanorod-zt2nl As long as it's not tab-targetting, I'll give it a shot.
Of all the MMOs that still exist now SWTOR is one that has immense potential even now, that's how important those original plot-threads and class stories were.
The current storyline should be scrapped immediately in preparation for on-ramping the core story of SWTOR into what would become the New Sith Wars in the EU.
SWTOR players deserve to see the crippling climax of the fight between the Old Republic and the Sith Empire, so they can entertain the dark realities presented by the thousand years of darkness.
Players should get to see the Sith Empire's uniforms become less formal, and more gritty as the Sith influence finally dominates the Imperial, the spitting image of the savage sorts of people we THOUGHT Revan was worried about prior to SWTOR's release.
Players should get to see the Republic's bureaucracy strangle thyself, with the need for Jedi Lords like Lord Hoth to keep the peace becoming extant for the first time.
Don't mind my rambling, this hopscotch of an idea is mainly motivated by as the first sentence said: potential. Chronologically, SWTOR takes place right before this galactic dark age, and the team at Broadsword still has more opportunities than they know to pull off something shocking, and I'd go as far as to say it's more than they deserve.
Don’t mind it? you kidding, this sounds awesome and would be great to have or have again for Swtor.
Dude just casually dropped one of the most epic ideas ever. The Sith wars.
@@swcentral May the force be with you!
I want the story part to be offline if the online part when down
The game definitely has its problems and real content is borderline non existent at this point but for some reason, it’s fun never seems to disappear for me. I do take like month breaks but I always come back and grind for almost half a year before the next break. Gonna be a sad day when it does get shut down
Honestly I only play when there are new DLC updates. i was having so much fun with the game and then I finished my characters and now I don't what to do. Nothing is interesting or appealing and all they promote are damn skin bundles smdh.
@ you’re not lying. I Rp in a group so I always have something to work off of
Great Video! One thing I remember is that they have removed a lot of content from the game. if you go back & watch someone levelling on Tython during 1.x or 2.x for example, there is loads of side quests that simply are not in the game anymore. They also removed the NiM versions of the original operations. I also remember the Revan fight at the end of SoR was bugged on release and it was insanely hard to complete on launch even with gear from the new raids as all the NPCs with you would just bug out.
PS. I got mega hit by nostalgia with from our old raids from the tyth clips 😆
You’re absolutely right my old friend!
Those days, fighting Tyth, they were some of the best ♥️
A lot of those sidequests are there, they've just been locked behind an option button, at least the last time I played. On the map screen there's a little button labled "show exploration quests". hit that and piles of old sidequests become available. I don't why they hid them away like that, many of those quests lead you to areas of the map you would otherwise never see and interact with NPS's that otherwise do nothing.
Pretty sure those are just hidden and you can turn them back on in a menu setting.
I just got 8 of my friends into it, we won’t let it die!
I feel bad for your friends
A bad engine hamstrung this game from the beginning and mismanagement from the devs slowly killed it.
@@drendal3607, yes. Sadly, you're right.
One thing that I also felt hurt the game much more than helped it was the insane exp boost from quests so you only needed to do the msq (main story quest).
Unlike the MSQ in games like FFXIV which is self-contained, the MSQ in SWTOR was designed to be done alongside all the side quests in a new area.
Vanilla swtor leveling was a large tedious grind yes, but I made for a memorable and rewarding adventure.
The exp boost not only completely destroyed the pacing of the msq but it also made the leveling process brain dead easy and not really worth paying attention to.
A common tactic of the story quest was to place the story quest at the end of a new zone set a couple of higher levels than what you currently were, you could b-line right for it but you would most likely get your shit wrecked since you were under leveled, so you were encouraged to do side quest to level up. All these side quests was designed to be between you and the msq objective so you were naturally fighting your way towards your main objective. A great example of this is the final area of Balmora on the empire side where the final msq objective is set inside the rebel fortress. Before when you did the side quests you felt you were assaulting a fortress by fighting enemy troops, sabotaging ships and killing the enemy commander if you had done the area main quest. On live right now you just jump on you mount, fly past everything, go to the msq area and kill 1 or maybe a small handful of NPC's then leave.
It is like the leveling in classic WoW Vs retail WoW. One is a harder, longer and inconvenient grind yet everyone loves it despite of those bumps since it felt like a challenge and epic journey.
While the other is faster and brain-dead easy but everyone hates it so much that the best "tactic" to get through it is either to put a netflix series on your second monitor or pay to skip it.
That not only turns potential new players away but it also makes you miss all the side stories like the Revan Cult, the planet area stories and special dialogue when NPC's acknowledge your previous deeds outside of the MSQ.
The more tedious and harder grind also encouraged people to naturally group up and do quests together since it not only made things easier, but it allowed you a sneak peak on other classes storylines and it was a great way to get social points when doing shared dialogue.
How they treated Revan will forever be a blackeye for swtor.
nah, that DLC was pretty good, everything up until after onslaught was great experience really.
Thank you for putting this out. I would love to add that the last time I played, I asked a question in general chat and was told to ask on the forums (so rude point number one). Now, I had never been to the forums, never posted on the forums. I got there and went to ask the question and I had been banned from the SWTOR forums. How is that even possible when I had never even been there in the first place? How many other people have they done this to? Great way to drive away a player base.
They’ve done it to a few!
As a returning player this gives me so many mixed feelings.
Solo content is a focus! Great!
The community is dead or hates the game because there’s no support.. shit
I started playing this game a month ago. My first MMO ever. Its not perfect but its amazing and it changed my life for the better. I hope it never dies
Im a new player to this game, but I didn’t know things were this bad. But watching your entire video, I’ve gained so much respect for you and I hope your channel does nothing but grow.
Thank you that’s kind to say! 🙏
I hope you enjoy the game!
SWTOR has become an online solo game where you meet other players but I remember it started as the game where you advanced your personnal stories in groups.
The vanilla stories were the core of the game and the shared experience flowed from it. Now that part is just a rushed hassle to get to an inexistent endgame. Levelling is unbalanced, craft is useless, progression is sped up and unrewarding, heroic missions that grouped people on the planets are soloable without thinking, flashpoints aren't linked to your character progression in the overall story...
I'm not a MMO player and at 1st I joined SWTOR because it was the only continuation of KotoRs we had. My 1st char did his story alone, the next ones brought me to people who played around me and we shared the universe we were diving in. Every time I created a new character it meant I'd start a new journey with other players through the fate of our factions during this cold war about to explode.
I do not feel that anymore. I recently came back to SWTOR by nostaly and found myself overpowered and halfway though the 1st chapter in a few hours of play without any need of collaborative work to advance.
I get the nostalgia, but honestly, the changes in SWTOR make sense. Not everyone wants-or has time-to rely on others to progress in an MMO. Now, the game lets you play at your own pace: want to solo everything? Go for it. Prefer group content? Flashpoints, ops, and PvP are still there for you.
The faster progression isn’t a bad thing; it skips the grind and gets you to the fun parts quicker. Plus, the story is still the core of the game, with expansions like Knights of the Fallen Empire and Onslaught delivering great narratives. If you miss the challenge, you can always turn off XP boosts or play on harder difficulties.
In short, SWTOR hasn’t lost its heart-it’s just adapted so more people can enjoy it. Multiplayer is still there, but now it’s up to you how much you dive into it. 😊
I didn't realize toxic positivity and such was ruining swtor as well. But then again, modern bioware has the same issue.
SWTOR has spent more time in its "definitely getting cancelled any day now" phase than it has as an MMO with a future.
Don't expect this game to go huge new places, but what there is fun and enjoyable IMO, i still go back and play through a new character every other year or so and I love it.
Greed and incompetence killed this title. Not necessarily in that order. It could have been so much more. The base game and first three expansions are still definitely worth the time, but everything after Shadow of Revan is a step down in quality, imo.
And that's without getting into the dev missteps when it comes to class changes/balance. This was the last game I preordered, picked up at midnight, and took vacation time to experience at launch.
I agree, those times were great, when it was a mmorpg and had content for both mmo and rpg players. Now it mostly feels like a cash cow.
@ to be fair, most MMORPGs have fallen into the same trap. Subpar content, destruction of the ‘group’ element, bloated cash shops, writers whose talent makes you question if the lead designer simply saw them in a Starbucks blogging away and hired them.
I still say that audiences are thirsty for a new, quality mmorpg. But all we get is the half hearted slop from the West and the overly grindy Eastern titles which are more platforms to separate you from your wallet than actual RPGs.
Always wondered what it would be like if something like a modern mechanics Wildstar, Rift, or SWG opened right now.
That’s the fever dream for me. A MMORPG with the class depth and player building of SWGs with the combat and cover mechanics of something like the Division.
Would be incredible.
@@RicoRaynn I’m on and off with Swtor I love what the game was. I mostly play GW2 now. I at times come back for class stories. Jsut Swtor has so much it could do, although while kotfe divided the player base. I felt like it undid everything if not a lot of things, that made the game great.
@@Mr.Curious364 Haven't played Astor yet, but I do come and go a lot with GW2. Wish the PvE narrative was a bit more refined, but still some of the best PvP I've experienced outside of Warhammer Online. I also appreciate that they don't focus on the 'carrot on a stick' gear grind with their progression.
Early SWTOR does narrative the best. It has eight class stories that are every flavor of Star Wars anyone could want. Some of them are even what I would consider the greatest Star Wars writing since the originals. And I was a power dork who lived off the extended universe growing up.
Right now, I'm playing through Cyberpunk again after trying and getting burnt out on Veilguard after about 37 hours.
I want to return to MMORPGs that make the player feel like they're living in the world. That's been lost since WoW dominated the market. I think the single-player RPG stuff is still doing well. Heck, we got Baldur's Gate 3, Rogue Trader, and Erdtree, which were all entertaining romps.
@@RicoRaynn Astor is Swtor, I accidentally mistyped, I heard cyberpunk is good, jsut looks expensive atm.early Swtor was great, I heard GW2 has some of the best PVP, I am planning to check out FFXIV game some time soon to. I hear it has a good story and the game looks fun to me.
Jokes aside, as someone who joined the game nearly 3 years ago, I admit there was much that I missed out on, and I also admit to being a story-driven SWTOR player, which leaves me somewhat satisfied with the story content. It's sad to see the current state of SWTOR, or perhaps the state it has been in for years, and this documentary is the culmination of all the points you've been sharing in the past few years, Sam. I'm glad you compiled it all, along with bringing in other people to share in their analysis of the game. Great job! I'm still hoping for better days for SWTOR. May the Force be with us all.
An impressive analysis of what we hope to be SWTOR, hopefully the developers will see it and help them reflect on where we want the game to go. These are the contributions that ENRICH THE COMMUNITY THANK YOU SWCentral !!!
It’s unfortunate that this game seems to be getting a long painful death. I am trying to get back into it for 7.6, but I got the story on Voss with the interpreters retreat, and I just can’t stay interested in it right now. I played for maybe 30 minutes before getting bored and going back to Helldivers 2. I was an avid PVP player too but it just isn’t where it should be. War zones are so fun, they just aren’t fun as a good player who either destroyed everyone else or gets nuked by a premade. I hope the swtor dev team sees the state of the game and manages to pull of a Hail Mary.
They forgot it was an MMO 6 years ago
The future of Star Wars is up to the fans to create a
Galaxy far, far away🙏
SWTOR is probably the greatest MMO I have ever played
There is some good points in there but some of it is griping about new game modes or events not catering to one individuals particular play style. MMORPGs cost way more money to maintain than any other game. They require not only more active players but people essentially willing to either pay monthly or "whale" the games finances. For the last 20 years these games have had to rely on diverse experiences to keep as many people interested as possible. A sith probably wouldn't be interested in working for a charity and someone who was just clearing orcs out for the fellowship to make it closer to Mordor probably wouldn't travel all the way back to the Shire to win a pie eating contest either but that doesn't mean there aren't people who don't want some of these side distractions. People may as well quit whining and complaining about "raids". A gaming company will never be able to produce raids fast enough to stay ahead of players consuming them. I feel like this is also the MMO community lately: "Pay for an expansion? Hell no!" Then they complain about the FREE expansion not having voice overs. Then they make a video in support of the voice actors strike. So they don't want to pay for an expansion, they want that free expansion to be fully voiced over, but they also want expensive ass actors/actresses to do the voice overs instead of AI or something.
I said once and I'll say it again, they should close the servers and re-release as a single player game with a final story expansion that ends the story
I started playing the game just shortly after legacy system was released. When the game went F2P later that year, I dropped my subscription to try it out.
I can honestly say, the F2P system in SWTOR is one of the worst I've ever seen. The sheer amount of restrictions is mind boggling.
But 2 of the restrictions that made no sense was:
A credit cap limit
limit on how often you can send a message in chat
so glad to hear from Aviriia after 100 years. I remember I liked her content back in the day when I was still playing. I would happily return to SWTOR if it offered change worth returning to. I'm player who played mostly for the story but I did a raid occasionally. Still I would like to see game thrive and be good like the rest of you.
I’m half kinda coming back! 😄 Just not purely swtor anymore since after what happened.
I run the 2nd most active guild in the game and we pick up new players every week. They are the most important part of the community and we try our best to provide a good first experience. We run daily events and help answer questions they have.
Been playing since launch and swtor is star wars and is and always shall be a large part of our lives. Ive met so many lasting friends here.
Lately you can feel the developers lack of appreciation for they players that have stuck around for years. Promises they have made in developer streams remain unfulfilled, lack of development of storyline or raids. 1 guild remains the co quest leader for over 7 years, a lack of fair compettition between guilds in conquest. Ranked pvp deletion, master mode r4 promises in a developer stream when honestly asked about it in the next developer stream they banned all users who asked from their twitch channel.
Lack of crafting development, we are still using level 70 schematics for years while the game has been updated for level 80 making the old schematics irrevelant.
The developers feel all their effort should be on "modernization" Macintosh support (facepalm), texture updates, or new armor dyes "mettalic" rather then on core game mechanics, crafting, guild support, or new raids.
They seem to want to sell 100$ cartel specials more often then not.
When asked about anything honestly without ill intent on the forums the developers seem to remove your post and give your a forum warning, causing a "toxic positivity" enviroment. Constructive critisism on important topics is nearly impossible.
Unfortunately you see the lack of appreciation from the developers more then ever......
And yet the loyal fanbase like i and many others will still stick it out for the love of the game and for the friendships weve made here. ❤
Amen my friend. Thank you for posting your thoughts here and experience.
Choose specific content type >> make it bad >> people stop playing this content >> "whatever, swtor wasn't about that anyway" >> move to another content type >> make it bad...
Not a bad summary haha
Now, every now and then, I can put this up as a radio, and listen to the echo validating my thoughts, I had over the past couple of years.
The family tree should work too!
I started playing SWTOR in summer of 2015 just before KOTFE released, because I wanted to play the game before this massive expansion that was being advertised. Played Sith Warrior, Jedi Knight, Sith Inquisitor, Jedi Consular, Bounty Hunter, Smuggler in that order. For the most part I enjoyed all of the stories. Honestly I played more so for the story and the characters which I enjoyed, in the regular story. Did play quite a bit of PVP which I found really fun.
Me and my brother both wanted to play but we encountered a few problems. The subscription fee was brutal. Not one month or two, but constantly having to pay over $20 to subscribe, and multiply that by two for me and my brother was not optimal at all. Then my computer broke, so we decided to play on one account by taking turns. Which means that we mostly played solo.
Then the end game content. I did play this game because of the KOTOR games and I wanted the conclusion of that story. SWTOR did not provide that... well if it did they did not do it well and I was disappointed. The end game expansions and missions had mostly mid writing. I think Ilum was the last one I enjoyed. Hutt Cartel and Dread Masters I found pretty mid as someone who just wants story and characters. More importantly a conclusion to the storyline.
Shadow of Revan I found pretty terrible and for me was just a nostalgia fest of KOTOR. But without a compelling story. They completely ruined Revan, but I didn't totally hate the expansion. Was indifferent about Ziost. I started playing a couple months before KOTFE came out. At first glance KOTFE was great but having beat the first few chapters there was nothing else to do. So I subscribed for some of the new chapters but that became a hassle after a few months. So instead I waited for KOTFE to finish and then subscribed so that I could do it all in one go. Played KOTET but was not that amazed by it to tell you the truth. The writing wasn't as good as I expected. Overall pretty disappointed that they didn't really write Revan or the Sith Emperor that well. Was disappointed in the overall storyline, could have been better.
As a solo player I didn't get to play that much of the game. Mostly because I struggled with the harder missions, but I was not against group play, it was just really hard to find a group. One time we sat like half an hour and we were still short one player, it was awful. Other issues like Cartel items... there is nothing to buy on the cartel. I wanted to get stuff like the Naga Sadow armor, Malak armor etc but found that it wasn't even listed in the cartel. The stuff I did get looked poorly rendered and had issues like clipping. That and my overall experience in the game seeing things like the KOTFE release model, some of the writing, constant changes to free to play model, glitches etc makes me think that these are some of the laziest devs in the world. Last thing I played was KOTET around 2018 I think and haven't played it since. But to be clear I did enjoy the class stories at the start of the game. I would probably come back just to finish the Agent and Soldier storylines that I never finished.
Thank you for sharing this with us :)
@@swcentral It was my pleasure to respond to this great video. I love Star Wars. Thank you for responding to my comment. I will subscribe. :D
@ Welcome aboard friend! 🙏
@@swcentral Thanks! :D
Let me get my popcorn! Great job. Lets do something about this great game.
Loved this video! Really shows the historic breakdown of SWTOR. It's interesting to hear you're own story thats happened to you for this game especially with other SWTOR content creators like yourself. Its still surprising really how a game like SWTOR became the way it is, something that had so much potential. Still enjoy playing time and again, just wish it was as challenging as it was at launch.
i am not surprised there's a bunch of doomers in the comments. i think this game's prime is over, but to say it's shutting down soon is unnecessarily pessimistic. the game is here to say for a while longer, play it or don't while it's still out.
I enjoy this game more than WoW now a days, I find it more enjoyable for a casual player and honestly there ain’t no Star Wars game out there right now that can compete, hopefully the people behind swtor wakes up and takes advantage of this moment while Star Wars is in need of something amazing in the gaming world
I recently made my return to SWTOR after being a long-time player starting back in my first year of college in 2011. I would fall off and play other things in between patches but it was always the game I would come back to.
PvP is and always will be my favorite part about SWTOR. It's a shame that a lot of PvP players have left the game due to there being nothing worth playing it for aside from farming damage for the sake of the flex. When you're playing to win whether it be for the weeklies or just for the sake of competition, it really knocks the wind out of your sails when heavily geared and experienced players are ignoring objectives and purposefully dragging out a match for that 15m+ damage number.
This is fantastic! I hope these devs get it figured out and bring it back to the glory days.
We all hope that
The biggest problem here is... the devs/studio/directors implement 'unwanted' or downright bad features and the PLAYERS just keep playing, keep PAYING, and just bitch about it. The message that this sends to the company is "it's fine, we're still making a profit and even attracting new players". Based on the players ACTIONS in the real world (keep paying and playing) you are telling them that they are doing the right thing - so they keep doing it more.
SWTOR Devs are too complacent cause they're the only Star Wars MMO on the market. Also Bioware seems to have a tendency to hire leaderships who are arrogant and full of themselves and can't handle criticism...
@ragnnohab The Division 2 comes pretty close lol.
Time for a real Star Wars mmo, a modern take on the Galaxies concept.
Ive lost count on how many times iv installed and uninstalled this game since day one and just installed it again for this new upcoming update its a shame how this game didn’t get the actual love that it deserves.
I always come back to this game. From early access until today this is a great game for people that enjoy a good story and join group content from time to time. I hate endgame grinding so i rather start a new char, build my "castle" and play my story. It is the optimal game for me.
Boss fights in most MMOs are mostly not fights but a dance around mechanics and that is a thing i hate. Group gather here, click item x and run to point y, kill mobs, back to the boss, clean stacks of z to not become a one shot. It never feels like a Boss fight but like managing a System.
So Broadsword isn't really known for delivering new content. Dark Age of Camelot wasn't developed much further, and there wasn't a new expansion either. The question is what income Star Wars still generates and whether it's even worth developing an expansion or releasing content. These mission terminals that are supposed to come don't really sound good. That's not content. I see a very bleak future. I think Broadsword is only there to keep a few games running with the minimum of effort.
SWTOR as long as ESO gave me the best PVE questing in any MMO I'v ever played.
The narrative and delivery with nice voice actors really get you in a rare state of immersion that nowadays MMO fail to even fathom.
"It is such a quiet thing, to fall. But far more terrible is to admit it."
A quote from another Star Wars game i decided to replay recently, that isn't SWTOR.
That game emphasizes the need to listen, to understand. and the consequences of your actions or inaction.
Sure SWTOR might not be dead. But shuffling around like a zombie; not knowing what to do or where it even is, can be a worse outcome for it.
And if that is what Bioware & Broadsword want this game to be then so be it. But they can't say we didn't warn them or even tried to help.
For me personally, i'm just gonna continue playing games that are blooming and only continue to grow in both content and playerbase. And also respects said content and playerbase.
(KOTOR 2 is also looking pretty damn good given that it was patched to run flawlessly with modern day systems, just saying.)
Outstanding video. All the topics discussed are related to the reason why,as a player from day of launch, I've stopped playing. This video actually inspired me to log in but I only lasted 10 minutes. Yes I'm still subbed as I find it hard to abandon this game with 16 max lvl and geared characters ,8 imp and 8 pub,of each class. I will pull the pin one day but a small part of me is holding on to hope something improves.
If they never destroyed Star Wars galaxies we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Galaxies was easily the greatest Star Wars experience I ever had. Miss that game big time.
This Game makes me feel so bittersweet, I absolutely still love it and it's one of my top MMO with FFXIX and WOW. But I see it has many faults and I refuse to buy any Online Content from SWTOR (Because you don't own it), but i'll still comeback every so often, though it's sad how much it's Creators but so little effort into it since I feel it still has potential.
At most i'm grateful to SWTOR because it helped me find you and shows it's the Fans that are keeping this Game alive.
I just want to point out about SWTOR and not killing Antagonists and just watering them down, forcing everything to be mellowed out is the same in Warcraft and FFXIV.
Kelladorn is also spot on.
I remember doing the Maelstrom flashpoint with my Jedi Knight, with Scourge with me. It was years ago, but i took him specifically because i suspected it would be Revan i'm rescuing from the ancient Sith prison, and i had already reached the level of conversations with Scourge where he mentioned his past with Revan and the Exile, and even his betrayal.
And i'm standing there, talking to Revan - and he says "i almost destroyed the emperor, but one betrayed me" and i'm literally yelling at the screen "DUDE! He's right there!"
They sort of fixed it, later after Shadow of REvan and after KoFT. But at that moment i was like "WTF".
Amazing video brother. I feel my passion flowing through your video. Thanks for giving it a voice ❤
As someone forced to become a f2p player, it really is a special kind of hell. It feels like one of those dystopias where you need a permit for the simplest things but getting the permit costs you more than the thing you actually want. The million credit cap is absurd, with some items now being in the _billions_ on the GTN, it's _literally_ impossible to interact with auctions and player to player trade on anything actually worth purchasing. And then you look at the abysmal battle pass system they have going on nowadays that passes for "content," have you ever actually looked at what you get on the free player track? Half the levels _don't even give you anything._ You'll get a _miniscule _ handful of pass tokens (about a third of what paid players get), a couple item packs (mostly bronze ones), and currencies that already come from other content. It's created a caste system of haves and have-nots that made a divide even greater than and I've seen in any other game and split your community like a guillotine. It doesn't make me want to resub to enjoy all the things I would get back, it makes me want to just not play at all when I could find a game that won't treat me like a third class citizen.
I'm mostly a solo story player, who has only played this game from time to time since 2021. This game has quite the history I wasn't aware of and I had no idea about the issues plaguing this game before watching this. I really hate what Disney is doing with Star Wars so it's really sad to see that the game I thought was something star wars not messed up by Disney is also struggling. I absolutely love the old republic era and the KOTOR games and it's quite devastating to learn that a game that I love returning to every time I get a craving to experience some good star wars is doing so poorly. I really hope this is heard and that things improve, I want the awesome saga of old republic to continue.
Sadly, you didn't not address difficulty issue.
I tried to replay SWTOR with my wife, which LOVES WoW (classic and retail).
I was hyped to show her the game since I do remember how intense, hard and fun leveling was. I thought 2 people could make a blast with such a game, literally coop-story experience.
Turned out that game changed a lot, everything dies from 1st hit, and everything feels different in a bad way. Dungeons are no more fun to play, story quests are not hard - and story suffers from that as well, as part of narrative design is how hard the content is.
I definitely brought that up when covering flashpoints :) although you are right to point out the issue is game wide.
@@swcentral, you might think it's a small thing, but for me, it was the heart of the experience. The developers put an extraordinary amount of effort into balancing the difficulty: every quest seamlessly guided you along a journey, promising varying intensity and engaging challenges. Locations weren’t just places; they felt like intricate puzzles. Mobs behaved differently - some hid in stealth with various reveal mechanics, summoned reinforcements, some required unique target priorities. These mechanics were always rooted in the lore, transforming abilities, locations, and even the strength of individual enemies into a reflection of the story. Just like WoW did.
Story bosses were a highlight. They always demonstrated the significance of the moment. If they were mere lackeys pretending to be something greater, they were weak in gameplay as well. But the first time you faced a Jedi Master as an enemy, it was a revelation - an intense, mechanics-rich battle that felt like a test of your abilities. Maybe not that "rich" as we see now in different games, but for mmo - it was good.
Party quests were another treasure. They weren’t just challenges; they were social experiences. Going in alone was suicide, but with a partner, it turned into a thrilling adventure. You’d meet strangers with the same objectives, forge connections, overcome challenges together, and discuss the quest’s story. And the rewards felt special - unique cosmetics that everyone recognized and admired, each tied to a specific achievement and fun you had.
Landing on a new planet was something special. Every time, it felt like discovering an entirely new world. Quests were horizontal in structure, with storylines intertwining across multiple objectives. Few remember how local stories often intersected with other narratives or even your own personal arc, adding layers of depth. And these weren’t easy quests. I still remember kiting the boss around a terminal on Coruscant with a random guy.
We all mourn our own version of SWTOR. This was mine.
Its the ONLY game that let me play as Imperial Agent. I love this class so much. I like the cover mechanic a lot I feel so immersed.
I played SWG back in the day and tried this game when it came out. Unfortunately, the tab target WOW combat and gameplay never really clicked with me, so I've never really gotten very far in the game. Hopefully the people who have been playing all this time can get what they want out of the game in the future
Returning player here, got the game on launch and have played and strayed away from the game multiple times. I stumbled across this in my feed. Mate, I feel for you, this video sheds a light on the game I wasn't aware of, the issues with the community, the issues with developers and how they are managing this game and the community. I can tell you care deeply about this game. Hoping things get better for you and the game becomes what it can become. Thank you for the video!
Thanks friend!
I still remember when Bioware asked us to pre-select our character's name, function and class. It was so epic, the journey from the game announcement till the release was something I will never forget.
It is a huge pitty a game like this, that actually uses an API so famous and loved by millions of people globally, to have fallen so bad during the years.
To be honest with you, the devs are indeed part of the problem, however personally, EA is still the real reason why the game lacks in many things. Dev's are just following "orders" like Clones.
It is also amazing tha you choose to put the main them from Mass Effect 1, so nostalgic and sad at the same time, it goes well with the SW:ToR issue.
Great video! I can really vouch for much of what has been said, but especially about Sam's character. I still rememver being the GM of a new RP Guild, and posting a Guild group photo in the SWC discord, only to be DMed mere hours later by Star Wars Central himself, editing an amazing SWTOR frame over the image. It meant the world, and the guild absolutely loved it, and really kindled a love for teh community
I've gotten back into the game recently purely to enjoy the single player storyline. Back in the day I only finished the Agent and Inquisitor storyline, but I'm now playing through all of the core class stories as my OG Inquisitor's family tree (His deadbeat Smuggler father will be fun). I can definitely see the issues with where the game is going, and why many players have issues with the lack of multiplayer support, but for me personally the single player stuff has been very worth playing
Oh wow that was a long time ago, but I do recall! Thank you for your character statement :)
I’m glad you liked the video too! You’re always welcome to share more screenshots with us, we have a channel dedicated to just screenshot stuff and it’s awesome!
I remember when many of the creators I watched started to get banned. Seeing the big "Main" channels ignoring anybody asking about some honest feedback and just putting out "in depth" guides for that fat 10 minutes of content lol.
Don’t forget the insistent promotion of the cash shop on a certain person TH-cam channel 😏
I want to hold on hope that this game will one time course correct. I check back with swtor content creator to see that status sometimes, but to feel the confirmation bias and sadness. Then I play something else and forget until it becomes that time again to check status on the game again!
1:22:04 Something that has bothered me since the two Knights expansions is when my character began to speak "out of turn", which is to say they began talking without my direct input. Now our characters feel as though they have to go along with everybody they meet, and agency feels like it is being taken away from us when the choices we make do not matter.
Yeah I agree. We became a spectator of the story at large. We are no longer the main character or the driving force behind progress.
as a person who played and still since Launch and i have the Founder title to prove it, it has sadden me that the game devs seems like they dont care as much as the Player do in multiple ways, the involvement of new players and the caring of game balance and not just shoving Premium armors that honestly dont look anyware as good as the first few years.
Still come back every 5 years or so. Just got my wife to try it for the first time this week, we've been surprised by how many PCs are running around in the starting areas
Thank you for standing up to these bullies that run this game
they can't bully you if you don't let them. :)
A lot of time and efforts gone into this and it Shows. Thanks for doing this. Been thinking of dropping back in. Dipped in and out since launch and I love it because it’s the Old republic era. It’s also just a great game
I am not a player that leaves and then comes back a bit later. I was a subscriber from the beginning. I watched a great many of iterations of the game, some good, some middling, some bad. What I observed however was that the developers often slavishly imitated developements of WoW, wether that made sense or not. This is particularly noteworthy with the changes to, and the iterations of the talent tree. Whenever the people over at Blizzards changed something it would be changed in SWTOR too. That was weird. Similarly the system handled skills. At first you had to buy them at the skill trainer including your driving skills! At the beginning of the game this was often so expensive I had to postpone adding skills to my char, because I did not have the funds to pay for them. And then suddenly, no more skill trainers, just like in WoW. That was jarring, unexpected. It went so far that elements of the story were included that came out of WoW expansions directly, the Umbaran train flashpoint was very similar to a dungeon in Warlords of Draenor. I think the game would have been a lot more original if the developers put in more of their own creativity. This was all during the Bioware stewardship, mind you!
The very way the game was so well made from the beginning is now posing the direst threat to its continued existance. These are the voices of the characters. The original voice actors are often no longer available or too expensive to retain for future expansions. That started quite a while ago and that is why we have these Kotor like written conversations. It is much cheaper and more fitting to the conservation mode the game is in. I have decided I dont want to be around during this dying period and I am gone for good! But I have fond memories and nobody can take them away. Particlularly not the new developer team with its asinine and often weird design concepts, changing the interface for the worse, making drastic changes to the world drop and further strange decisions. I want my memories to be unsullied by the decisions of the unworthy!
Pretty cool clicking on a star wars the old republic video and seeing Bellular and Nixxiom as a huge wow player as well
You know, at first I had really high expectations for the game BECAUSE they devoted themselves to story instead of what we think of as traditional end game content. I was pretty sure that if TOR went head-to-head against WOW, it was going to get creamed. If it tried to offer the things that WOW specialized in like raids and end game content, it would probably not attract a large player base. I was hoping for more story content. It felt like the engine would allow for a new 'season' of each character's journey fairly regularly without being ungodly expensive to develop. There wouldn't need to be much in the way of software or new animation, just good writing and good voice acting.
I was sort of hoping for a different paradigm than the normal 'tank/dps/healer' in flashpoints and operations that we all know and love in favor of 'force users' and 'non-force users' getting different challenges in the flashpoint that reflected their differing abilities. Something that might even possibly be less combat focused and more based on story interaction and teamwork. Instead of forty people trying to attack one boss like a typical raid, you could have forty people attacking a fortress in a story driven adventure where small groups need to work separately but cooperatively in taking down the enemy forces. Like a team of Jedi and troopers make a daring frontal attack and then divided as they are forced to face a group of Sith Warriors and Imperial Troops in battle. Meanwhile, the Consulars, aided by Smugglers, attempt to sneak in from the rear only to be surprised and split up, working through the base and trying to accomplish their mission objects.
If one team fails in its mission, everyone else's mission is affected, and things get harder. The teams might have a chance to recover, but too many failures would result in a wipe. I feel like SWTOR endgame content had a chance to really be unique compared to WOW and other MMOs and I'm sorry that they chose to try to copy the other major players at the time.
so i used play swtor alot, bought the makeb expansion, had the founder title (something felt proud to have) but i got bored of doing the same stuff over and over and i eventually stopped playing this game when i got a bug that would not let me pay for subscription or anything. yeah i got a bug so i could NOT GIVE THEM MY MONEY
I love the game. I have only been playing since june of 2024. Yeah like with all games there are things i dont like but overall I greatly enjoy it. I just wish i could have played it at its peak. Whenever it had the most players. I hope it dont die anytime soon.
The $99 6 month sub was for players like me that have come back after a huge break. I played at launch and quit shortly after Ilum. The 6 months seemed fine for me. There is a ton of content I never finished.
That’s fine :) I still don’t think it’s worth it at all.
Sad it has reached this point but this video has been needed for a while
Amazing video. Thank you so much for always fighting for this game Central. May the force be with you my friend!
May the force be with you too!
I played this game for PvP . . But it was so janky even with a good computer that I just eventually quit . Sad .
No don't quit.
Yeah, just look at the past few cartel market updates. It’s been Disney Star Wars stuff, Kara Dune armor, Ashoka Armor, Rey Armor, yata yata yata… I wanted something more EU/Prequel/OG Trilogy looking.
I would have given up my left nut for some Republic Commando armor sets as a Trooper main, but no… I got discount Deathtroopers,
And yeah at the start of The Valkorian arc it was very… not great if you weren’t a Force User.
How the company has been acting towards the community makes SO much more sense after the Veilguard drama.
They really needed to add to the class storylines and not ONLY do one main story in the "expansions" it really hurts replayability
As a founder to Swtor, I am happy to see visual upgrades coming to the game. That being said the dev team needs to slow down on new content and focus on the bugs that have been in the game since launch and do serious performance improvements. Once the game performance has been improved then they need to make great story content and class balance on both PvE and PvP. When it comes to adding LGBQ content, it's not my kind of thing, but I get it is what some want. If someone who works for the dev team want to add these things fine. They just need to make sure they don't alienate people that support the game. The people running any company regardless of what service they provide are either forgetting or negating the people who keep them in business. I hope things get better for Swtor as I love Star Wars and Swtor but only time will tell.
i almost play this game for 10 years i'm a solo and story player who just loves star wars.but if course treid the group contens too and i was in gilds. i really loved the Sor till Kotet expansions it really felt like a movie who your own choices matter. i also i liked the chapters thing. the charchters in this game are so amazing and everyone is so unique.i also i did regonize they still have there old voices after all this time. everyone was worried after Bioware left and Swtor got a new studio but i had hope it get better. they know have so much new stuff who will coming up in 7.6 update and they did alot of work in the game like monderize the game new asian server, light gets better its still keep going and it won't end so soon. and that makes me really happy😊
personal gripe: my problem with swtor's inclusion of Revan isn't that he's defeated (as a sith/dark side player, I rather enjoyed that) but the gender change. It's repeatedly stated in KotoR 2 that Revan is a woman, and the Exile always seemed more like a male character to me
In the novel Revan is confirmed male, even the author of the game said so