I love the anger in this video. There been too many times where ive done too long of a table time and destroyed my gym training for an entire week. It takes alot of self control to not keep getting on the table.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into practice with a game plan of only doing light work, and it goes out the window as soon as my partner challenges me or encourages me to pull harder. The peer pressure is real, even when it’s unintentional. Easier to stick to the plan with inanimate objects.
Spot on. One caveat is I'd say you can practice every week or day of your training partner is either 1) very weak or 2) willing to practice at 55-65% and work on technique without getting opened up
This issue is the same in armwrestling, as it is with weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, etc. - most people are either casuals/enthusiasts of these sports, lacking the cross-disciplinary knowledge from a prior sporting background to apply to a new endeavor, or they have the aspirations to become elite but their naivete in training leads them to believe that "more is always better" - in due time, however, they realize that this approach cannot be sustained. A great example that I can use is training for bobsled. Most of the training is done on the track and in the gym. Get faster sprinting on the track, get stronger & more explosive in the gym➡run faster with the bobsled. You will not step onto the bobsled track 1x/week and do 10, 15, or 20 all out, max effort attempts - either your CNS will be fried and you'll mess up your training for weeks to come, you'll rip your hamstrings off, or both. Instead, pushing the bobsled on the track is approached with a plan. Today, I'm going to work on my start, in two days, I will work on getting my body used to running over the crest and downhill, on the last day of the week I'll put those two things together and work up to one or two close to max effort attempts. I will then build from there, slowly. All of this is done while also progressing in the gym and on the track, without the bobsled - which is really the most important piece of the puzzle and where you will obtain the biggest jumps in your bobsled pushing performance. The overarching theme here is that there needs to be a methodical approach to training. When ego gets in the way, which it does for us all, we tend to lose our sights on the bigger picture, which is to get better gradually over time, leading us to go all out in sessions and overtrain to the extent of hindering our performance. The biggest questions to ask yourself are, "What are my weakness, How do I attack these weaknesses? What are my strengths? How do I make my strengths even stronger? What do I personally need to focus on to make me better at this sport?" Answer these, and you'll be better equipped to write up a plan yourself, or have a coach do it for you and keep you accountable to it.
TH-cam algorithm boosting comment 💪... me going too hard at practice is what i have had to work on 😁 and i have gotten better at, and it has seem to helped me overall too. i think it's ok to go 2 to 4hrs of table time, as long as it's done properly, and not going hard the entire time either, at least for MOST people.... of course! because also we r hanging out talking etc
I was lsst summer in bulgaria on 7 days armwresling camp, its true we had 15 table time durring theese days, aslo its important to ssy the intense of power was allways on 50%, only somthimes went more than that.
I just started my proper weight lifting program for arm wrestling and Ive pushed myself to start pulling lighter and it makes a huge difference when it comes to get back to the weights every week. Most people dont like it but you have to do it to become better. Practice at 70%, not too hard and not too light, work angles, hold positions and find weaknesses
I agree to some extent. I think if you can learn to practice without ego getting in the way you can definitely do regular practice, though. My progress actually sped up when I started practicing twice a week where the second practice I mostly focus on static-type movements. And I’m no spring chicken.
Ego practice can usually be found in clubs. If you have a small clique of fellow arm wrestlers and help each other in growing, table practice may actually prove positive as it is strictly practice.
This is 100% true . I used to do this and was dealing with tendonitis and all kinds of issues. Took months to heal up even when I cut them down but now I lower the intensity and don’t get ripped open over and over again and I’m way stronger
What do you mean “both nations?” Bulgaria and who? The US? This whole rant is about how shitty people’s training is here in America so idk what you’re trying to say. Most people can’t last in a Bulgarian-style system and those who can…. are they really any better than the top guys from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkiye….? or any other top country that doesn’t train 6 hours a day?
@ChrisDrummondAW every person can do it! We have people in Bulgaria who are world champions and don't do a single lift.. only extremely hard table sparrings
@ChrisDrummondAW I think what you mean is not pinning too much and not having too fast starts during training. But if you don't give 99 percent every training you can't grow
Well said, i have developed an aw training regiment for myself that has inproved my on table strength based on Mike Mentzer HD 1 style. Been using for 5 months. Im never aching and always fresh for training. Will test if i see real world results in a tournament this weekend, EvW qualifier
I go to practices once a month now - I actually focused on gym training and arm wrestling specific lifts the last 3 months (going only once per month to practices) I improved so much that I am now the strongest at my weight on the club, I actually can give a hard time to guys 20kg heavier than me now. I spent 2 months getting weaker and fucked from my first practices and was doing 1 to 2 practices per week, the inflammation was so bad I couldn't sleep at night and my upper body compound lifts all went down significantly, my bench press was so fucked I couldn't even do with 18kg dumbbells and was hard to even lift it without the aching pain, lol.
What you experienced is what I experienced and is also very typical of people I’ve trained. It’s surprising how quickly you surpass the weekly killer practice crew when you step back and focus on your strength and treat practice like practice.
So far I apply Juggernaut Training systems advice on periodization in my armwrestling training. I do very minimal table time to be able to gain more strength in the long term. And yet, every time I armwrestle, I get stronger because of my training and not because of table time. I totally agree with your rant.
Solid points Chris! On a similar note, I also feel the same about people not separating weight training from competition. I've heard SO MANY people in the community say "well i don't do full ROM wrist curls because it teaches bad position" (which just makes no sense) or "the gym doesn't attack multiple angles at once, therefor its not as good as table time" (this last point is something I heavily disagree with Engin Terzi on)............like, do people not realize there's a time and place for building muscle/strength and improving certain parts of your game? Many Strongman and Powerlifters break down their technique for their lifts in small parts, focus on the weak points in the movement chain, then put it all together on competition day. I wish more armwrestlers would follow a similar approach to training.
I think the fact of the matter is that most people aren't attending practice for the purpose of getting stronger. They practice because it's fun, it's social, and it's generally a good time. A smaller percentage of people are actually practicing to improve.
Yes, but Devon is so much stronger than his training partners. It's pretty much the same as me pulling against my grandma. This kind of pulling does not damage him.
I went from training every week on the table extra hard to 2 weeks moderate table time. I sometime add another day in the same week of table time. Training is more important than exerting max effort on the table. The key is to train smart and pull smarter
a big problem of our sport is that people, some people, treat it mainly as a tendon and technique sport, and they immediately forget that they should be max strong as they can,,,
100%, people don't understand recovery is half the battle. Same goes with muscle building. I tried keeping up for years with my trainer who is jacked and I barely built any muscle, now I work out way less by myself and the strength and muscle is coming faster than ever. The problem all that time was trying to keep up with someone much more advanced than I was, and never recovering.
I'm fairly new to armwrestling, only just over 3 months in. I armwrestle once a week on Sunday's and do light band workouts during the week for blood flow and some strength. I feel like I'm still learning a lot when it comes to techniques. So, are your statements more for the 1 year plus experienced people that already have a good amount of knowledge? Also, I find only my left gets aches, my right gets muscle soreness for 2 days, but feels good afterwards. I think my tendons are just thicker in my right dominant hand. As long as my right feels good, maybe I skip every other week with left and continue right hand every week until I get techniques down so they are natural for me? Thanks for all the great videos!
My favorite practice was Todd Hutchings x Muddy River Boys... It was 5 hours. Kinda like a trip to the amusement park; I got to pull a bunch of guys above my level and besides advice it probably didn't benefit me at all
I mostly agree, but with a caveat: IMO, much more the bench press, arm wrestling depends on isometric strength at "unnatural" vectors, and therefore depends more on specific frame and connective tissue strength. Rather than bench, a better analogy woukd be a gymnast learning ring skills like the iron cross. And gymnasts _do_ spend a lot of the time doing near max effort holds. That said, you're definitely right that American clubs pull too hard and too competitively at practice
The difference is a isometric hold vs being opened up at maximal effort 30 times a practice. Completely different levels of stress. Isometric holds have very little fatigue stress, being opened up maximally is the ultimate fatigue /stress stimulus
Seems like common sense to me. When you're peaking for any sort of competition, there are usually a couple of months' preparation. This allows rest/ recuperation, different phases of tissue building, and strength training. You don't spend the entire time blasting through 1rm's. You'd be completely fatigued and destroyed (if not injured) in a matter of weeks. Most of the practices that I've personally been to felt like faux-competitions. Sure, they'd start off with some warm-ups, some technique specific training. But often it would just end up devolving into "let's beat each other up." That seems counterproductive.
I also really like your point "arm wrestling is not magic". I get so annoyed with people saying that arm wrestling is such a technical sport, and that it takes years to get good. Almost mystifying the sport. It's not magic, it's not rocket science, it's a strength sport! It shouldn't take someone 3+ years to know what a basic hook and toproll is. If you break down a hook or breakdown a toproll, you'll find they consist of individual movements that you can train separately, which then would make your entire move stronger. What's holding back most intermediates from becoming advanced isn't their technique.... it's their strength! Most arm wrestlers need LESS table time and "technique refinement" and more strength work.
Lol, I love it It's pretty common sense but when you put the situation this way I feel like I'm doing it too though Can you help as create a weekly training program?
Let’s consider we have a good technic and know how to pull intelligently with good rests and pulling mainly in static positions(stronger guy holds). How this strategy for getting stronger is so much worse then separating your whole chain muscle by muscle and training every day different one in complicated programs with different sets and reps(not everyone here is engineer) It’s more than strength sport it’s a combat sport and sparing is the closest thing to real fight. Nothing better than destroying the whole chain in 2 hours and then lick my wounds until next fight. Of course with the time the body adapts and recover faster, allowing you to do it 2 or more times per week. P.S. I’m Only 2 years in the sport and might be totally wrong. This is what Ive came to so far and im more then happy to discuss this topic further.
Well the very beginning of your comment is one way that it’s different. If you’re training intelligently and mostly pulling in static positions, resting appropriately, and not overdoing it then you aren’t doing what I’m talking about. I am not saying not to ever practice on the table and I’m not even saying not to practice frequently, but if you do you have to treat it like PRACTICE. As for the rest, there’s way too much to type. I’ve spoken about it before in other videos and I will do more in the future, I’m sure.
Training that way, the body will be much more prepared for this specific stress decreasing the chance of injury and shortening the recovery time Because one day we need to go to that arm wrestling table and face real opponents and they gonna attack us from different directions in different positions with different speeds.
Yeah, so hard practice sometimes is fine but it’s far from optimal to do on a regular basis for strength. If your weight training is accurate and comprehensive you don’t need nearly as much table time as you think.
Im just doing my best to defend this way of training because as you said table time is so much fun. It might not be the most optimal for becoming a champion but definitely less time consuming and more natural in any means
The problem is very often the empicondilus medialis, the inner ellbow attachement point. It gets inflamed. Why? Well pretty much all ellbowflexors + the super important pronator teres attach there. Once you get pretty good, meaning you can lock your arm and your body doesn't give in very quickly, you are able to load these stucture very hard. Put pure side pressure against a bodybuilding type of guy who is a beginner, you will be surprised how easy it is to go sideways... And another problem is that AW is mainly static. So this means your arm gets tight and this means danger. Of couse inflamation builts up like this because it's harder to get released in this tight structure. Also the nervs can get traped. You can turn it and twist it around however you want, you need to get stronger and yes also "conditioned". But you shouldn't over do it!! Most people over use their AW structure and not underuse it. In physio there are these two injury principles. 1. You never use a structure and it gets blown because of sudden unusual pressure occurance. 2. Structure gets overused and gets slowly bad -> which usually is shown your body by inflamatory pain, caused by not enough recovery time. AWs are rather in the second category than first...
It would be a real shock if someone stopped training and is also in a caloric deficit and magically became stronger after 3 months of no armwrestling training.
You have a very poor read on me if you think a rant about this one topic makes me think I’m the “end all be all” of anything. I can tell you what I’ve won and lost, who I’ve beaten, who I’ve trained with, but in truth none of it matters. Either the ideas presented make sense or they don’t and based on sports science research, the training model presented is terrible for progress in any other strength sport. Armwrestling isn’t special. Argument from authority is a logical fallacy for a reason. If you’re looking for what accolades a guy has then you’re already in the wrong place. Most football coaches never played professionally (let alone win the Super Bowl) but that doesn’t mean they don’t know football. Sports scientists are never the ones who win the Olympics but that doesn’t make their research invalid. But for your peace of mind, just assume I’m a nobody who doesn’t know anything and hasn’t achieved anything. If you don’t like what I’m saying, continue on your merry way. It won’t affect what I do or change whether I’m right or wrong about this. You do you.
C'mon dude are you serious 1 practice a week is overdoing it? I can understand everyday maybe every other day but once a week c'mon man.That's under compensating imo. I mean you used John as an example when Devon is probably the best example of someone who might be arm wrestling too much. But really 1 practice a week is too much? So what then like once every ten days or two weeks is optimal ya think?
It's not just about frequency. It's also about volume. Technically you can armwrestle too much even if it's once a month. I think from now on at table time. I'm going to set a timer for 1 hour from the first pull. Then after that hour I'm not getting on the table again. Everytime I've gone 2 hours or more, it's made my program irrelevant because I can't even follow it. No way I'm lifting 85% of max after 2 hours of armwrestling without serious pain
I set the limit at 15 minutes for the people I’ve trained to go as hard as they want. After that, no pressure allowed. But yes, once a week for 2-3 hours the way people tend to practice is too much. Otherwise, the level would be much higher at the typical club.
Best Greg Doucette impersonation I have ever seen 👏
I can even hear Greg’s voice in the title 😂
I love the anger in this video. There been too many times where ive done too long of a table time and destroyed my gym training for an entire week. It takes alot of self control to not keep getting on the table.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve walked into practice with a game plan of only doing light work, and it goes out the window as soon as my partner challenges me or encourages me to pull harder. The peer pressure is real, even when it’s unintentional. Easier to stick to the plan with inanimate objects.
Every week, I tell myself that I'll go slow and easy, but it never happens.
You need someone that will pull lighter with you. Part of it is you, but so is the others. Its hard
Nothing to add to that rant. This is true for at least 90% pullers and 90% of clubs...
Spot on. One caveat is I'd say you can practice every week or day of your training partner is either 1) very weak or 2) willing to practice at 55-65% and work on technique without getting opened up
Aggressive Chris is back
This issue is the same in armwrestling, as it is with weightlifting, bodybuilding, powerlifting, jiu jitsu, kickboxing, etc. - most people are either casuals/enthusiasts of these sports, lacking the cross-disciplinary knowledge from a prior sporting background to apply to a new endeavor, or they have the aspirations to become elite but their naivete in training leads them to believe that "more is always better" - in due time, however, they realize that this approach cannot be sustained. A great example that I can use is training for bobsled. Most of the training is done on the track and in the gym. Get faster sprinting on the track, get stronger & more explosive in the gym➡run faster with the bobsled. You will not step onto the bobsled track 1x/week and do 10, 15, or 20 all out, max effort attempts - either your CNS will be fried and you'll mess up your training for weeks to come, you'll rip your hamstrings off, or both. Instead, pushing the bobsled on the track is approached with a plan. Today, I'm going to work on my start, in two days, I will work on getting my body used to running over the crest and downhill, on the last day of the week I'll put those two things together and work up to one or two close to max effort attempts. I will then build from there, slowly. All of this is done while also progressing in the gym and on the track, without the bobsled - which is really the most important piece of the puzzle and where you will obtain the biggest jumps in your bobsled pushing performance. The overarching theme here is that there needs to be a methodical approach to training. When ego gets in the way, which it does for us all, we tend to lose our sights on the bigger picture, which is to get better gradually over time, leading us to go all out in sessions and overtrain to the extent of hindering our performance. The biggest questions to ask yourself are, "What are my weakness, How do I attack these weaknesses? What are my strengths? How do I make my strengths even stronger? What do I personally need to focus on to make me better at this sport?" Answer these, and you'll be better equipped to write up a plan yourself, or have a coach do it for you and keep you accountable to it.
TH-cam algorithm boosting comment 💪... me going too hard at practice is what i have had to work on 😁 and i have gotten better at, and it has seem to helped me overall too. i think it's ok to go 2 to 4hrs of table time, as long as it's done properly, and not going hard the entire time either, at least for MOST people.... of course! because also we r hanging out talking etc
Lol too many people need to hear this
Your generally correct, and what you said especially applies to natural athletes, Being discerning about recovery is key.
This is impeccably timed, got practice tomorrow 😂 thanks man
Great reminder. 👍🏼
I was lsst summer in bulgaria on 7 days armwresling camp, its true we had 15 table time durring theese days, aslo its important to ssy the intense of power was allways on 50%, only somthimes went more than that.
I just started my proper weight lifting program for arm wrestling and Ive pushed myself to start pulling lighter and it makes a huge difference when it comes to get back to the weights every week. Most people dont like it but you have to do it to become better. Practice at 70%, not too hard and not too light, work angles, hold positions and find weaknesses
Seeing this on a Thursday as I am still sore from Saturday practice. Messed up my whole week.
I agree to some extent. I think if you can learn to practice without ego getting in the way you can definitely do regular practice, though. My progress actually sped up when I started practicing twice a week where the second practice I mostly focus on static-type movements. And I’m no spring chicken.
If you actually treat it as practice then regular practice is fine. That’s the minority, though.
Ego practice can usually be found in clubs. If you have a small clique of fellow arm wrestlers and help each other in growing, table practice may actually prove positive as it is strictly practice.
The Kazakhs armwrestle every single day for 2-3 hours lol. Armwrestling becomes their job
This is 100% true . I used to do this and was dealing with tendonitis and all kinds of issues. Took months to heal up even when I cut them down but now I lower the intensity and don’t get ripped open over and over again and I’m way stronger
That's the biggest thing is getting ripped opened.
love the energy!
I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels this way.
I really appreciate your videos, thank you for them.
Yes, all excellent advice that more people need to hear 🙏
In Bulgaria we train 6 - 8 hours a day.... The results of both Nations speaks for themselves!
What do you mean “both nations?” Bulgaria and who? The US? This whole rant is about how shitty people’s training is here in America so idk what you’re trying to say.
Most people can’t last in a Bulgarian-style system and those who can…. are they really any better than the top guys from Kazakhstan, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Turkiye….? or any other top country that doesn’t train 6 hours a day?
6-8 hours a day? Stop the cap.
@ChrisDrummondAW every person can do it! We have people in Bulgaria who are world champions and don't do a single lift.. only extremely hard table sparrings
@ChrisDrummondAW I think what you mean is not pinning too much and not having too fast starts during training. But if you don't give 99 percent every training you can't grow
@MyThelema do your research on Bulgarian training system🙂 there is lots of info
Atencion!! Un maestro de verdad 👍
Been saying this for months if not longer. You gotta rest/recover as hard as you train. Otherwise you're digging a hole.
Just one more, one more, one more 😅
@@mikecartier6163 I think you're coming around lol
Well said, i have developed an aw training regiment for myself that has inproved my on table strength based on Mike Mentzer HD 1 style. Been using for 5 months. Im never aching and always fresh for training. Will test if i see real world results in a tournament this weekend, EvW qualifier
I go to practices once a month now - I actually focused on gym training and arm wrestling specific lifts the last 3 months (going only once per month to practices) I improved so much that I am now the strongest at my weight on the club, I actually can give a hard time to guys 20kg heavier than me now. I spent 2 months getting weaker and fucked from my first practices and was doing 1 to 2 practices per week, the inflammation was so bad I couldn't sleep at night and my upper body compound lifts all went down significantly, my bench press was so fucked I couldn't even do with 18kg dumbbells and was hard to even lift it without the aching pain, lol.
What you experienced is what I experienced and is also very typical of people I’ve trained. It’s surprising how quickly you surpass the weekly killer practice crew when you step back and focus on your strength and treat practice like practice.
So far I apply Juggernaut Training systems advice on periodization in my armwrestling training. I do very minimal table time to be able to gain more strength in the long term. And yet, every time I armwrestle, I get stronger because of my training and not because of table time. I totally agree with your rant.
Solid points Chris! On a similar note, I also feel the same about people not separating weight training from competition. I've heard SO MANY people in the community say "well i don't do full ROM wrist curls because it teaches bad position" (which just makes no sense) or "the gym doesn't attack multiple angles at once, therefor its not as good as table time" (this last point is something I heavily disagree with Engin Terzi on)............like, do people not realize there's a time and place for building muscle/strength and improving certain parts of your game? Many Strongman and Powerlifters break down their technique for their lifts in small parts, focus on the weak points in the movement chain, then put it all together on competition day. I wish more armwrestlers would follow a similar approach to training.
I really don't wanna understead til' i fucked my forearm last weekend, it's a ego thing for my perspective
We tell all our new guys this and its something you really have to learn what its the right amount of training for yourself.
I think the fact of the matter is that most people aren't attending practice for the purpose of getting stronger. They practice because it's fun, it's social, and it's generally a good time. A smaller percentage of people are actually practicing to improve.
That itsacly happened to me now I am doing table practice lesser and doing more strength training
I think Devon by far being the most popular arm wrestler might be the reason many are doing this.
Him and John who claims only doing table time for training
Well it's also fun when you are new it's part of learning what works for you.
Yes, but Devon is so much stronger than his training partners. It's pretty much the same as me pulling against my grandma. This kind of pulling does not damage him.
@@Pepe-pq3omthere weren't a whole lotta incentives in John's time to do much besides table time..the sport was a hobby more than a profession
Arm wrestling is just too much fun lol
I went from training every week on the table extra hard to 2 weeks moderate table time. I sometime add another day in the same week of table time. Training is more important than exerting max effort on the table. The key is to train smart and pull smarter
It's hard when you're the host 😢
Thats me lol, I feel ya
a big problem of our sport is that people, some people, treat it mainly as a tendon and technique sport, and they immediately forget that they should be max strong as they can,,,
100%, people don't understand recovery is half the battle. Same goes with muscle building. I tried keeping up for years with my trainer who is jacked and I barely built any muscle, now I work out way less by myself and the strength and muscle is coming faster than ever. The problem all that time was trying to keep up with someone much more advanced than I was, and never recovering.
Great vid🤣🤣
Bros speaking facts
Well said.
I subscribed before I even clicked on the video
That's very true.
Preach it!
A couple of months between practicing . That’s too long 😂
I'm fairly new to armwrestling, only just over 3 months in. I armwrestle once a week on Sunday's and do light band workouts during the week for blood flow and some strength.
I feel like I'm still learning a lot when it comes to techniques. So, are your statements more for the 1 year plus experienced people that already have a good amount of knowledge?
Also, I find only my left gets aches, my right gets muscle soreness for 2 days, but feels good afterwards. I think my tendons are just thicker in my right dominant hand. As long as my right feels good, maybe I skip every other week with left and continue right hand every week until I get techniques down so they are natural for me?
Thanks for all the great videos!
My favorite practice was Todd Hutchings x Muddy River Boys... It was 5 hours. Kinda like a trip to the amusement park; I got to pull a bunch of guys above my level and besides advice it probably didn't benefit me at all
I've been over there before. Good group of guys but getting slaughtered all the time is bad.
@@ChrisDrummondAW Right? lol it was basically just a party with arm wrestling and a very drunk Craig Andy Davis
I mostly agree, but with a caveat: IMO, much more the bench press, arm wrestling depends on isometric strength at "unnatural" vectors, and therefore depends more on specific frame and connective tissue strength. Rather than bench, a better analogy woukd be a gymnast learning ring skills like the iron cross. And gymnasts _do_ spend a lot of the time doing near max effort holds. That said, you're definitely right that American clubs pull too hard and too competitively at practice
The difference is a isometric hold vs being opened up at maximal effort 30 times a practice. Completely different levels of stress. Isometric holds have very little fatigue stress, being opened up maximally is the ultimate fatigue /stress stimulus
I'm p sure I've been told this on reddit by you xD it was an honor. I try my best 2 hold back sir
It gave me the idea to finally do another table time video.
Seems like common sense to me. When you're peaking for any sort of competition, there are usually a couple of months' preparation. This allows rest/ recuperation, different phases of tissue building, and strength training. You don't spend the entire time blasting through 1rm's. You'd be completely fatigued and destroyed (if not injured) in a matter of weeks.
Most of the practices that I've personally been to felt like faux-competitions. Sure, they'd start off with some warm-ups, some technique specific training. But often it would just end up devolving into "let's beat each other up." That seems counterproductive.
What if I feel completely recovered by the time my once per week table time comes?
Another channel I follow Arm Wrestling Secrets preaches the same thing.
Great channel. I've seen you over there. I'm glad he's back. He seems like a great guy.
The start was 😨
I also really like your point "arm wrestling is not magic". I get so annoyed with people saying that arm wrestling is such a technical sport, and that it takes years to get good. Almost mystifying the sport. It's not magic, it's not rocket science, it's a strength sport! It shouldn't take someone 3+ years to know what a basic hook and toproll is. If you break down a hook or breakdown a toproll, you'll find they consist of individual movements that you can train separately, which then would make your entire move stronger. What's holding back most intermediates from becoming advanced isn't their technique.... it's their strength! Most arm wrestlers need LESS table time and "technique refinement" and more strength work.
Yes, yes, yes, yes.
I do table practice with friends 1-2 times a month and all the rest is 5 days a week armwrestling training ath home
I’m definitely guilty of this…
Every one new is. We tell all the new guys this because we learned it from our first year of being idiots lol
Lol, I love it
It's pretty common sense but when you put the situation this way I feel like I'm doing it too though
Can you help as create a weekly training program?
All facts
I have team comrades who come to spar every 2-3 weeks and are getting stronger and stronger
That's a lot better than 2-3 hours every Saturday. We'll see how things shake out.
@@ChrisDrummondAW 100%
But its so much fun and my only motivation :(
Can someone answer me, in toproll battle i always win in height but always taken my hand uhm that means my wrist and fingers need to improve?
Do you end up in a reverse wrist curl or do you end up supinated?
Maintain neutral but taken my wrist
@@Ferdilly2220 Is this with straps or without straps?
@@A_Mystery_Man yess straps
People enjoy this, its seen as s fun hobby not a serious sport. Your clearly not wrong.
That because some people do it as a hobby and not very serious about it.
Let’s consider we have a good technic and know how to pull intelligently with good rests and pulling mainly in static positions(stronger guy holds).
How this strategy for getting stronger is so much worse then separating your whole chain muscle by muscle and training every day different one in complicated programs with different sets and reps(not everyone here is engineer)
It’s more than strength sport it’s a combat sport and sparing is the closest thing to real fight.
Nothing better than destroying the whole chain in 2 hours and then lick my wounds until next fight.
Of course with the time the body adapts and recover faster, allowing you to do it 2 or more times per week.
P.S. I’m Only 2 years in the sport and might be totally wrong.
This is what Ive came to so far and im more then happy to discuss this topic further.
Well the very beginning of your comment is one way that it’s different. If you’re training intelligently and mostly pulling in static positions, resting appropriately, and not overdoing it then you aren’t doing what I’m talking about. I am not saying not to ever practice on the table and I’m not even saying not to practice frequently, but if you do you have to treat it like PRACTICE.
As for the rest, there’s way too much to type. I’ve spoken about it before in other videos and I will do more in the future, I’m sure.
Training that way, the body will be much more prepared for this specific stress decreasing the chance of injury and shortening the recovery time
Because one day we need to go to that arm wrestling table and face real opponents and they gonna attack us from different directions in different positions with different speeds.
Yeah, so hard practice sometimes is fine but it’s far from optimal to do on a regular basis for strength. If your weight training is accurate and comprehensive you don’t need nearly as much table time as you think.
Im just doing my best to defend this way of training because as you said table time is so much fun.
It might not be the most optimal for becoming a champion but definitely less time consuming and more natural in any means
The problem is very often the empicondilus medialis, the inner ellbow attachement point. It gets inflamed. Why? Well pretty much all ellbowflexors + the super important pronator teres attach there. Once you get pretty good, meaning you can lock your arm and your body doesn't give in very quickly, you are able to load these stucture very hard. Put pure side pressure against a bodybuilding type of guy who is a beginner, you will be surprised how easy it is to go sideways...
And another problem is that AW is mainly static. So this means your arm gets tight and this means danger. Of couse inflamation builts up like this because it's harder to get released in this tight structure. Also the nervs can get traped.
You can turn it and twist it around however you want, you need to get stronger and yes also "conditioned". But you shouldn't over do it!! Most people over use their AW structure and not underuse it. In physio there are these two injury principles. 1. You never use a structure and it gets blown because of sudden unusual pressure occurance. 2. Structure gets overused and gets slowly bad -> which usually is shown your body by inflamatory pain, caused by not enough recovery time. AWs are rather in the second category than first...
So are you stronger now?
Compared to what?
@@ChrisDrummondAW to before you quit arm wrestling
No, I’m not training.
@@ChrisDrummondAW how can you tell if you aren’t training
It would be a real shock if someone stopped training and is also in a caloric deficit and magically became stronger after 3 months of no armwrestling training.
What are youre accolades in armwrestling? Just curious what makes u the end all be all on training methods?
You have a very poor read on me if you think a rant about this one topic makes me think I’m the “end all be all” of anything.
I can tell you what I’ve won and lost, who I’ve beaten, who I’ve trained with, but in truth none of it matters. Either the ideas presented make sense or they don’t and based on sports science research, the training model presented is terrible for progress in any other strength sport. Armwrestling isn’t special.
Argument from authority is a logical fallacy for a reason. If you’re looking for what accolades a guy has then you’re already in the wrong place. Most football coaches never played professionally (let alone win the Super Bowl) but that doesn’t mean they don’t know football. Sports scientists are never the ones who win the Olympics but that doesn’t make their research invalid.
But for your peace of mind, just assume I’m a nobody who doesn’t know anything and hasn’t achieved anything. If you don’t like what I’m saying, continue on your merry way. It won’t affect what I do or change whether I’m right or wrong about this. You do you.
C'mon dude are you serious 1 practice a week is overdoing it? I can understand everyday maybe every other day but once a week c'mon man.That's under compensating imo. I mean you used John as an example when Devon is probably the best example of someone who might be arm wrestling too much. But really 1 practice a week is too much? So what then like once every ten days or two weeks is optimal ya think?
It's not just about frequency. It's also about volume. Technically you can armwrestle too much even if it's once a month. I think from now on at table time. I'm going to set a timer for 1 hour from the first pull. Then after that hour I'm not getting on the table again. Everytime I've gone 2 hours or more, it's made my program irrelevant because I can't even follow it. No way I'm lifting 85% of max after 2 hours of armwrestling without serious pain
I set the limit at 15 minutes for the people I’ve trained to go as hard as they want. After that, no pressure allowed. But yes, once a week for 2-3 hours the way people tend to practice is too much. Otherwise, the level would be much higher at the typical club.
Toddzilla does table time only few times a year. He seems to have gained strength pretty quickly and safely without much table time.
🫡 🇺🇸
How did this silly loud dude end up in my feed? 😂😂
well the first step is to be silly and loud
@@ChrisDrummondAW you got that covered.
You need to make these videos once a month as it still won’t sink in for 80% of people 🫣