He is such a sweet and simple man. But man when he speaks, he is like Adi Shankara . Great scholarship. I hope he get his due recognition in his lifetime.
Hi Kushal ! First let me congratulate you on a great discussion. I discovered your channel through OPINDIA a couple of months ago and much appreciate the work you guys are doing. I am very happy to see the kind of Indic discourses now taking mainstream position slowly and steadily on social media as well as on academic platforms. Although, as you said there is still a lot of bull being dished out as well from our side, but that also is true for the other side, in much more quantity. In coming times, I am sure Gurus like Shrikant Ji will help us wade through these muddy waters and help us become a better society. Jai Shree Ram!!
I feel he has noticed it. He makes a passing comment that these Indian languages are in various stages of development. What I guess he means is that while in Chinese and Tibetan, the tens and units are unchanged when joined - at most there is an equivalent of the word "and" inbetween while forming numbers above ten, in languages of the fourth stage, the words for numbers between ten and twenty are arbitrary with no recognisable relationship to "ten" or the units. In Tamil, the word for ten changes, but is still recognisable - while it is "padhinondru" for eleven and similarly from thirteen to eighteen, it changes to "pannirendu" for twelve and "pathonbadhu" for nineteen. I think something similar applies to other Dravidian languages. This is intermediate between the other two types mentioned above. I believe that is what he means, though he has not made a clear statement.
I request Mehraji to organise a table discussion (or may be debate) among Dr. Raj Vedam, Mr. Nilesh Oak, Mr. Talegeri and Vedveer Arya to clear the picture of dating of Vedas, Mahabharata and Ramayana.... Obviously this discussion is going to rock....
Great podcast. Shrikantji is a joy to listen. Came to know from this podcast that Shrikantji is a bank clerk, this reminds me of someone from the 20th century who too was a bank clerk
This guy has an ocean of knowledge. But there is a need of a person who can ask very specific and good questions. Shrikant Sir should do a series of lectures explaining the geography of the region's mentioned. Many of us don't know exactly where they are located. And then he should tell exact verses from Rigved (old and new) so that we can understand. Obviously this must have been mentioned in his books but a lecture series will be beneficial to all. Jai Shri Ram!
@@benefactor4309 tony joseph is a journalist and devdutt pattanaik is a doctor. If u r skeptic abt him their works should also be seen sceptically. If their work is seen in high regards this man deserves to be heard. He is also critical abt hindutwa propaganda as well so he is neutrally doing it. What s the problem to even listen him go check wiki u can find Michael witzel frm criticized abt his work and even offered him free phd in condition to modify his claim. Why even the head of indology of harvard suddenly bothered and scared of this "ORDINARY BANK EMPLOYEE ????????"
This debate is devoid of genetics and archeology!! These two are very important source of information to derive conclusions on ancient migrations! Its only based on literature and literature alone is not sufficient to come to conclusion!!
@@yourguyin2554 The languages only spread through mass migration or through a political/cultural domination of one group on other groups!! No where in the world, a group of people learned a foreign language and forgot their own language for economic interest!! Your suggestion that the entire North India which comprised the largest civilization in the world learned a foreign language for the sake a trade and forgot their own roots? Sounds very disrespectful for those people!!
Please give me a link where I can purchase the book from the USA
5 ปีที่แล้ว +5
Michael here is the amazon link www.amazon.com/Genetics-Aryan-debate-Indians-Koenraad/dp/9385485210/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Shrikant+Talageri&qid=1567940913&s=gateway&sr=8-5
Proper objective discussion. Reminds me of conversations in Kolabah with talkative locals. I loved the way they play with words mixing English with other languages because thy rhyme to make a joke.
Kindly give more details in description box about subject of discussion. Author's background...etc You are simply saying I'm discussing this book with so and so.
Shrikant Talageri is missing a very important point. There are two saka eras, 78 AD and 500+ BC. We use only 78 AD. This as caused a lot of problems in Indian chronology.
climate change and environmental pressures might have forced migration. While the Saraswati River was indeed drying up around that time, the region still held strategic importance due to its fertile lands and trade routes. So, despite the river's decline, the area could still have been appealing for settlement and resource acquisition.
How has he fixed the years for the Rigveda composition? Certainly astronomical observations would be more accurate than archeological estimation of age of relics? I found his rubbishing of astronomical evidences disappointing.
In astronomy, once you predict a pattern, we can determine the past present and future,. Currently in modern astronomy, we are predicting past say million year, itdoesn't mean that modern astronomy existed all.. along
I would like a debate on dates for Mahabharata and Ramayana between Nilesh Oak & Shrikanth Talageri. Nilesh oak has given good evidence to show the dates based on position of stars and planets and their reference in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. If you think the evidence of stars should be disregarded then you need to state as to why and there should be debate on this.
The evidence of stars seems to misleading. AV epoch Nilesh Oak sir proposed was kind of one of bad omens Vyasa deacribed. it is like something strange (opposite to normal) will happen if war happens. This is claimed by Talageri sir in his blog.
@@vg6548 thanks for the hint, I went through the blog, talageri sir seems to have been hurt personally but still maintained his composure. I don't fully agree with his points, but his points are valid so they need to be considered. His assertion that since the position of Arundhati and vasishta should be ignored since it's linked to bad omens is not right. Why would they bring Arundhati and vasishta in their discussion of bad omens if they were not referring to stars. Having said that I am not an expert, my understanding is limited. My preference is a public face to face debate with a good knowledgeable neutral moderator, with question and answer by knowledgeable audience as this would bring both the arguments and their pitfalls.
so does Tamil and Sanskrit closer with respect to pronouncing 11-19 ? Both these languages is a sandhi of the tens place and ones. 11- Pathu+Onnu = Pathi-n-onnu
As per his claim homeland of dravidian language is south india and aryan language is north india. Very interesting the indegenous haplogroup of y choromsome H is found in all over india.
@@125bbna8 You guys don't understand that the mixing of Vedic and Tamil happened after the Rig Veda. It is classical Sanskrit and not Vedic Sanskrit. Tamil Sangam literature is much later than Classical Sanskrit and so they have common words.
Absolutely....This need to be cleared in a table discussion (or may be debate) to point out the more focused data's and claim among Dr. Raj Vedam, Mr. Nilesh Oak, Mr. Talegeri and others....
Exactly, why does aryan migration have to mean there was no invasion? Why rid the entire migratory species of the crimes if they have/havent committed the atrocities? Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence. Also, no weaponry or (lack of)the dead bodies does not mean there was no aggressive invasion.
@@123SaurabhR That's a pretty weak argument. It's like a lawyer arguing, my lord, there no evidence of Mr. X killing Mr. Y, so Mr X could have killed Mr. Y. Absense of evidence may not mean evidence of absence but it is an absurd argument to say absense of evidence is evidece of presence.
By saying that caste the way it was practiced, is a natural by product of just ancient humans is wrong. What's very different in ancient indian caste practices was the obsession with lineage or kith and kin. In all societies this was kinda the case, but in India it was certainly viewed as holy and divine almost, and mandated into dharmashastras, with good inferential data from early Vedas. Now a hindu will say the original varna system was on gunas or qualities, but this is not at all the case in the earliest conceptions of it according to dharmashastras, which is older than the gita. Dharmashastras clearly talk a lot about gunas being correlated with birth, hence any clever shudra can't just try to learn the Vedas. They dont have a gotra, which you only get by birth, cause gotra means your lineage traces back to one od the 7 saptarishi writers of the vedas. All brahmins know their gotras. And that needed for an the sacred thread ceremony in the slokams. If they can't get that they can't really get into vedic learning, etc. So I do think caste system in India has a more history of the association of racial lines = birth = occupation = certain gunas. This is how the ancient people (mostly higher castes) thought of the system. But things got bit flexible over time here and there, but it was the norm to have these very bad views for the higher elites. It didn't even escape Shankara who talks vile things in his Brahma Sutras about the Shudras. They all saw those 4 aspects highly correlated and hence made all kinds of gene pool protection rules like rules like Anuloma, Pratiloma marriages mentioned in dharmashastras. There are early buddhist suttas that also talk about brahmins being fair skin as one of the already understood requirements. Its taken as obvious in the text. Even patanjali mentions tawny or dusky golden hair as imp for being a brahmin. But i do feel, they still developed great philosophy, especially in the Upanishads, where things turned more egalitarian. But unfortunately, wasn't implemented so well.
Gita is older than dharmasastras yes gunas is present from birth but these doesn't mean a brahmins son is a Brahmin or a shudra son is a shudra . A shudras son can be a brahmin , Gunas are sattva rajas tamas and it is inherent from birth a person who has a talent to become a cricketer has the talent of becoming a cricketer from birth . The varna system in bhagavad gita is the best to know a detail about it read it in aurobindo's book . It is these gunas which give rise to talent . We bengali always say uske paas ache guna hai gaane ke . Bhagavad Gita clearly says Brahmana ksyatriya visam Shudrana parantapa karmani pravibhaktani svabhavair gunah . The Modern Caste System is a racist jaati system and the theory usne pichle janm me kharap kaam Kiya to wo shudra jaat me janma these theory is against dharmasastras and bhagavad gita . The Theory is usne pichle janm me jo kaam Kiya uske anusaar usko is janm me guna Mila hai aur guna ke samavesh se uska sahi talent siddha hai chahe wo agar Brahmin ke ghar me janm Liya agar uske paas agar janm se shudra baane ke guna hai to wo mahaan shudra hi Banta wo acha brahmin kabhi nahin banega . And engineers and doctors comes from shudra varna read shrauta sutras . So abhinav don't say such foolish things .
"ondu" is one in Kannada. Telugu also birthed from the same proto language that Kannada came from - and maybe that's where the "ondu" in padkondu came from. In fact, both Kannada and Telugu are Stage 1 languages - where 1 to 10 are named, and then 11 onwards their names are literally 10+1, 10+2 and so on. (KANNADA: hattu + ondu = hannondu ; TELUGU: padi + ondu? = padkondu ?) (KANNADA: hattu + eradu = hanneradu ; TELUGU: padi + rendu = pannendu) (KANNADA: hattu + mooru = hadimooru ; TELUGU: padi + moodu = padmoodu) and so on..
A comment - writers of Ramanya and Mahabharta - could have purposefully inserted the astronomical markers, by back calculation, in order to give us an impression of there antiquity. Analogy, any smart filmmaker can recreate another era as a backdrop of the story. All agree - Ramanya was written after Jaya but Rama is considered in Treta yuga (hopefully, you see the point).
Your assertion that Sanskrit and spoken Sinhalese, use 2nd stage is not correct as Kannada a south Indian language also uses this. After 10 it is based on Position value and number. some thing like ten (it does not use ten directly but a similar work) one(11), ten two(12), ten three(13)
The south european languages learned the decimal numbers from the arabians shortly after the middle ages. They used a different number system before that. So you cannot used modern European number systems to reason about the spread of indoeuropean languages. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu%E2%80%93Arabic_numeral_system#Adoption_in_Europe
Arabs never had number system. It was indian number system. Arab learner it from here and Europe an learned it from them. Hence they call it Arab numbers.
About mid way you are slipping into Marathi or Hindi. And I am loosing the sense because I only know a few words.we English have to stop calling them Arabic numerals.
Out of india theory is more practical.In an economic perspective we see an influence of an economic superpower throughout history and even today in local cultures .Given that Bharat was a economic superpower in the past it is more rational and more practical to sat bharat's footprints are seen in many parts of the world.If Aryans were a nomadic society as Tony says with his self-contradicting logic(that is what makes him the proud mantle holder of a serial liar by manipulating genetic information to his own ends )Bharat wouldn't have been a favourite spot for Islamic rulers to raid and conquer it would have been a ruckus like Mongol nomadic society with no contribution to development of philosophy and science but we have intellectual giants Like Aryabhatta ,Bhaskara ,Charaka,etc.AIT is a racist bigotry to incentivise missionary's brutal conversion activities and impose white supremacy on bharat and AMT is a mere brainchild of this brutal,unscientific and racist bigotry .
If we leave very little evidence. Imagine how future generations would be confused why english is spoken in America and India so wide apart. They'll have tough time correlating genes with language.😂
Oldest layers of rigveda talk about importance of cows. This is the biggest example that vedic civilazation originated in India. Our wheel was different. If ancient aryans were step people they would have given importance to sheeps and goats like step people from afganistan and beyond. The key here is cows which provevedics were always indegenouse people
I was expecting implication of genetic research on the migration an current genetic composition of people in India. This discussion totally lacked that perspective. Forget Tony Joseph. He is just restating David Reich. David Reich gives the best perspective. Diversity in genetics of population can be interpreted in terms of endogamous groups. What David Reich claims is that formation of strong endogamous group was post 600 BC, while people generally mixed before that. This formation of endogamous group constitutes jati, termed caste by Indologists of the past, rather than just social class system. For example Saraswats of Goa, Talageri and I being members, were Shaivites from banks of river Saraswati who settled in Goa 1000s of years back. But around 1200 CE as phenomenon of Bhakti Movement Madhvacharaya converted some of them, mostly poorer section, to Vaishanvism and subsequently they formed two endogamous groups, Vaishnavites vs Shaivites, who largely didn't inter marry up until mid 20th century. I think David Reich gives much better explanation of this than Tony Joseph and very confused discussion here which talks mostly about linguistics rather than genetics.
Your theory is totally wrong and false , who are shaivites and vaishnavites before saying such wrong and false things . I do not have time to write a long article refuting you and your father David bhai but the false thing you said makes me laugh. You even do not know who saraswat brahmins are . Shrikant talagede is a great man and more knowledgeable than you .
First lesson on sanskrit: 1.. An anatolian rudimentary language brought to India by nomadic aryan then perfected.by heavily borrowing from Dravidian...2. Do not have a script because it was a oral primitive language ..san script..means no script..3. Borrowed dravidian Nagars script called Nagari and changed name as deva-nagari..deva in persian language means devi..devils script!l. 4..only perfected and borrowed the script during GUPTAS period in 400AD. 5. Most sanskrit texts are either translated or plagiarised from dravidian..6. SANSKRIT is gender and race or caste discriminatory..that is women cannot learn or read or write in sanskrit so also nonbrahmins thats why there was no women writer or authors on sanskrit whereas there were more than 47 tamil women authors even before sanskrit borrowed developed its script..7. Sanskrit is the youngest Indo-European language 8. Is Sanskrit compulsory in NASA for AI (Artificial Intelligence) research? Robert Frost, Instructor and Flight Controller at NASA Answered Dec 4, 2014: No, that's another internet hoax/urban legend traceable back to a single paper written in 1985. 9. NASA to use Sanskrit as computer language" IS FROM THE Hindutva Purana of 21 Century...May be its a Nasa (destructive) tactics by Hindutva... There is not even a single report from Nasa except one article in 1985 that used the Bhatta, Nagesha (1963) papers Vaiyakarana-Siddhanta-Laghu-Manjusa, Benares (Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office). 10. Sanskrit is not a natural language as wrongly assumed. Bu it is perfected language that heavily borrowed from Persian, Arabic, Dravidian and some Indo-Aryan languages. THIRUKURAL ( Tamil text written 2100years back) எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு..English meaning: Don't take people's words as it is and make your judgment from that. Wisdom is all about drilling into the real truth and separating it from what appears on the surface. 🙏 Sarvam KRISHARPANAM
@Nandagopa Kidambi Hindus gave a peaceful burial to sanskrit because 1. Sanskrit is racist and casteist and sexist..only bahmin MEN can learn and talk in sanskrit. All bramin women and non brahmin only used the native dravidian tamil. 2. Sanskrit is a barbaric oral language of aryan invaders from anatolia. ONLY ARCHAELOGICAL EVIDENCE IS SANSKRIT IS 1700YEARS OLD OTGER CLAIMS ARE PURANIC (MEANS FICTION) 3. Sanskrit is a repositoy of full of plagiarised texts and translated from TAMIL Buddhist jains and others 4 shame what sanskrit textand vedic culture practised in india... VEDIC HINDUISM IS BARBARIC AND INHUMANE.. Read STUPID SANATANA VEDIC MORONISM AND injustices before talking. SHAME AND CRUEL. 1. "sathi" girls will be burnt alive when husbands dies..horrible culture. 2. "Baliya vivagh" a girl get married at 8 or 10 and if the BOY husband dies at 12 age, the girl will be tonsured and humiliated as widow and her life doomed..sometime such girls were donated to temples.. devapirar or dasi for abuses...shame culture 3. " Gangapirava" new born babies thrown into River Ganges or ganga river as religious ritual..no where such cruel infanticide other than SANTANA vedic cruelty adharma 4. "KANYA VADHA " KILLING FEMALE CHILDREN..EVEN ANIMALS WONT DO IT BUT VEDIC SANATANIST PRACTISED IT. 5. "NARA VADHA" HUMAN SACRIFICE! KILLING PREGNANT LADIES OR CHILDREN TO PLEASE GODS...NO SANE PERSON WILL DO SUCH VEDIC SANTANA barbaric PRACTICE 6.in Kerala Sambandham was a concubinage system primarily followed by the Nairs and Ambalavasi with Namboothiri in what is the present-day Indian state of Kerala. The honey moon of newly wed girls must be with nambudri brahmin priests not with husbands..vedic Santana prostitution.. 7. Untouchability..hard working low income people are low castes and they shoud not enter temples, even PRESIDENT of INDIA a well respected hindu was not permitted to enter a temple in north India. Some castes were not allowed to comeout during daytime because they are not be seen by highcastes..others cannot walk in agraharam brahmin street..only british and social reformist like Periyar changed that barbaric sanatana practices.. 8.In 19th century Travancore lower-caste women were not allowed to wear clothes that covered their breasts. They had to pay a tax called breast tax to the travancore officials if they wished to cover their breasts. SANTANA ADHARMA AND VEDIC STUPIDTIES ARE MORE AND MORE CANNOT BE POSTED HERE..
@@KannapiranArjunan-vm2rq All these "Atrocities" which you have listed here. Where is the proof of them. Sure there was some instances of sati in a few places but it was not widespread and conditions of widows was completely improved by Sanatani Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Who also did a lot of work in favour of the lower casts and founded a sect of Sanatan Dharm which is Arya Samaj which doesn't have a cast system. And all those so called "Atrocities of the Sanatan Dharma" can you give real factual evidence to support them instead of writing fiction in the comments
@@gvbhnnnnnnhh no one can save liars and fools whose brain is wired to vedic erotic stories.. First all must read all erotic sanatana puranas and vedas ( including Nachiyar Thirumozhi and Brahma Puranam) most of those barbaric texts contain a lot of pornographic description. Either destroy all sanatana puranas and vedas or accept the criticisms that are true! When Brahma was the Purohit for the Siva-Parvathi marriage...Brahma saw the thighs of Parvathi and got errection and ejaculation. That semen was poured into kumbha kalasam or pot and Agathiyan was born. So Agathiyar was known as Kumbha Yoni ( female organ) Rishi! What a stupid and erotic nonsense in Brahma purana? I do recommend all to learn sanskrit then only all can enjoy reading all erotic stories of sanskrit sanatana puranas...Rama and his brothers were born after inseminating WITH Ashva or HORSE semen, Brahma ejaculated on lotus flower and Saraswathi was RAPED by BRAHMA and then WAS married to Brahmas son, Siva linga is A REPLICA OF Penis inside vulva, Rama narrated Sita as having a round vulva as deep as ocean ( Valmiki ramayan) and Ram has well hung scrotum but wet dick....what a poronographic materials...also trash 4 vedas as bullshit..PLEASE read atleast once the four vedas..rig veda is cruel fight with native brown skinned Indians (Dravidian) by invader Aryan, sama veda the same in musical version , yajur the same theme with rituals and atharva full of vengeance...ALSO LOT OF SATANIC VERSES LIBERALLY INSERTED BY VESTED INTEREST MORONS ... GOD SAVE HINDUISM .. .
@@gvbhnnnnnnhh Dae slum.dog read Bramins the enemy of Hinduism...the folowing WRITING was sourced from Chaper 11 of "Sathyarth Prakash" Swami Dynanda Saraswathy, the founder of Arya Samaj. When Ghajini Mohammed was planning to invade Somnath Temple. the Chief Priests advised the Hindu King not to take it serious and God will protect the temple. Alas when Gajni looted the temple he proclaimed that no where on earth so much treasure one can find! At that time the Chief Priest and the other priest changed their loyalty to the Looters and offered the Pallakku (for the King) and invited Him as Rajathi Raja! But Gajni was a warrior and he called the Priests as traitors and massacred more than 45000 of them and blood was flooding the temple. That's was the history of our pseudo-godly Gurus! Satrapathi Sivaji was a mightiest Hindu King of Mahratta and gave a tough time to Aurangzeb. Alas the Sivaji Kingdom went financially broke because he was advised by the Chief Priest or Raja Guru to donate "Swarna Dhana (Gold gift) " only to Brahmins and then only the Raja guru can Crown the King, the mightiest Hindu King was destroyed not be Islamic invaders but by the greedy priests! Krishnadevarayar of Vijayanagar was most charitable King and he renovated hundreds of Vaishnava temples from Thiruvengadam to Vanumamalai Shetram (108 Thivya Desam). Alas his Kingdom was also destroyed by Greedy priests ..the same old "Swarna Dhana to Brahmins only" and there are suspicions that his only son the Heir to the throne was poisoned by one of the priests. The Kashmir problem is created by Shankaracharya. When the Hindu King of JK approached the Shankaracharya for his advice to reconvert the Muslims of his JK Kingdom back to Hindu fold, The Shankaracharya advised the King that he cannot do that as per the Vedic tradition. So JK remained as a majority, Muslim land all because of stupid advice. There are 1000s of such stories in histories. What will the Hindutva do all about it? learn from the failures make Hinduism all-inclusive and free Hinduism from the clutches of Brahminism and make all Jeeyars and priest posts are open to all Hindus including Dalits and non-Brahmins. Until then Hindutva has no credibility to pretend as if they are the protector of Hinduism!
Out of India? Let's just assume it's the ultimate truth if anything it can't provide reasons why the Europeans, Central Asians and West Asians lack pan Indo centric genetic pool amongst their population.
Rakhigarhi add further evidence for Aryan migration or invasion theory. First, the woman skeleton excavated from the village Rakhigarhi in Haryana had enough DNA to disclose its ancestry. An analysis of the DNA showed that the skeleton was more linked to a Dravidian tribal group named ‘Irula’, currently living in Tamil Nadu and Kerala in the Nilgiri highlands. 2. The argument was that there were no major gene flows from outside to India in the last 12,500 years or so because mtDNA (mother, woman) data showed no signs of it. yes most Indians have maternal gene of native dravidian. 3.But it was shown that Y-DNA (father) did indeed show major gene flows from outside into India within the last 4000 to 4,500 years or so, especially R1a which now forms 17.5% of the Indian male lineage. The reason why mtDNA data behaved differently was that Bronze Age migrations were severely sex-biased. The invaders were mostly male warriors. 4. The next argument put forward was that R1a lineages exhibited much greater diversity in India than elsewhere and, therefore, it must have originated in India and spread outward. This has been proved false because a mammoth, global study of R1a haplogroup published last year showed that R1a lineages in India mostly belong to just three subclades of the R1a-Z93 and they are only about 4,000 to 4,500 years.
@@bhimakarma 🤣🤣🤣 I know you are one of those educated illiterates.. suffering with incurable illusory truth disease! You believe lies when you feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in your life. When truth does emerge, you often feel terribly betrayed and you can lose faith in your own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, you sometimes continue lying to yourselves long after reality seems unavoidable. If you read Thirukural and practice it you may be cured from the disease. The only pathyam (condition) you should never wear a poonool which is a "theetu" and that destroy rationality part of your brain..
But my friend this doesn't support the notion that the linguistic development was due to these migrations. Language as a means of communication may have well been an out of India theory
@@tanmaykulkarni1545 first you have to prove that sanskrit was there in india?For Sanskrit began to come into epigraphic use only in the first century B.C., according to the now generally accepted dating (mainly on paleographic grounds) for the oldest Sanskrit inscriptions, namely, the Ayodhya (SI 1.94-5) and the Ghosundl (SI 1.90-1) and Hathlbada (El 22, 198-205) stone inscriptions. That too only two lines. Whereas the Tamil incriptions Tamili is carbon dated in Adichanallur by ASI as 900BC and more than 65% of all inscriptions recorded in India by ASI are in TAMILI. Sanskrit is only 2000 years old at that time Tamil Sangham literature was very well developed. Being Indo-european language Sanskrit is the youngest and sythetic language and all sanskrit science, maths, medicine are plagiarised or translated from Tamil, Buddhist, Jains and others by creating puranic and fake authors.....
Aryan by Birth - Brahmin, Kshatriyas & Vaisyas Dravidian by Birth - Sudras & Paraiahs (Dalits) Truth is ALL upper caste North Indians are ALL ARYANS, and all lower caste Sudras & Paraiahs (Dalits) are all Dravidians. People living in Indian Sub continent who are ALL fair in complexion have mostly Steppeland genes in their DNA these people are basically Aryan. People living in Indian Sub continent who are Dark in complexion have mostly South Asian Hunter Gatherer genes in their DNA these people are Dravidian [Tamils] basically. Tamils means NOT the current day Tamil Nadu state people alone, they represent all Sudras & Praiahas [Dalit] lived across Indian sub - continent. Even today, you can see dark skinned and pale dark skinned people living in North, South, East & West of India, they were all Tamils only in ancient India. The ancient text Manusimriti designate the Shudra as Peasants and Artisans i.e. Farmers and All Craftsman, Shudra is NOT to mean slaves. Read the following facts about DNA Studies. Why R1A1 DNA originates in EUROPE, but not in india. why it is it not found or too less in percentage among South Indian people ? Why M haplogroups DNA is not found in Upper caste Aryans or North indians ? If found why so less ? If you have read Vedas there are lots of mention about a food made of Horse meat, then why HORSES are not native to INDIA ? Why copper hoard culture found only with Aryans, but not with Dravidians ? Why antenna swords found in Sinauli - India which belongs to BMAC - Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex ? Haplo M is found among 60% of modern day indians. It is in every person from south. But here’s the main catch ! It’s only found in depressed classes of northern and tribal peoples of northen india. But, almost to zero to 1-4% among Higher caste Aryans or North indians. Just like R1A1 not found in south in the same way south’s M groups are not found among R1A1 peoples of north. So, it is proved beyond doubt that "ALL upper caste North Indians are ALL ARYANS, and all lower caste Sudras & Paraiahs (Dalits) are all Dravidians"
Read Dr ambedkar who were the sudra He mentioned sudra were kshatriyas population Baside majority sudra have same frequency of dna as upper caste Highest steppe ancestory also found in sudra caste not in upper caste
Rigveda mentioned aswa and Ashwin as divine In European languages asninus ( cognate with Ashwin ,aswinu in sankrit) it mean donkey in European languages And ass ( common term for donkey) , read aswa without "wa" it became as or ass Rigveda mentioned sindhu is full of aswa and 17 ribs of aswa mentioned Donkey is high populated in Sindhu region ( donkey trade still going on in Pakistan,they selling donkey to China ) 17 ribs is common in donkey ,and pony Rarely only Arabian horse have 17 ribs
Can you give me research paper of north Indian mtdna ? I only have Maharastrian region mtdna and Brahmins have highest mtdna haplogroup m ( 83.87 percent) , while dalit of Mahabharata have 65 percent
I stoppped watching after 18 mins into the video when he started talking about the uselessness of genetics and how it's a conspiracy of researchers tp keep the north and south indian divide. There is absolute proof of genetic contribution from steppe pastorals into Indian subcontinent. Read this latest paper- www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(19)30967-5.pdf , which nicely demonstrates how native south Asians/ harappans/ indus valley people developed agriculture by themselves without Iranian farmer help. This paper also talks about how the harappans are a mix of ancient Indian settlers and people migrating from north east Iran(not aryans). It is now accepted that Vedic culture is mostly composed of harappan/dravidian customs and rituals mixed with indo-european language/philosophies. You can't just disregard every proven fact and make up theories that just suit your agenda. Indo-European (Aryan) people did mirgate into Indian subcontinents for hundreds of years, adopted local dravidian culture and gave rise to vedic society. Why are some people hell bent in proving Indian origin of Indo-European people? There is not a shred of doubt those Indo-European people subjugated some of those earlier settlers of India and gradually gave rise to caste system as well. It is not a very comfortable history but it's true nonetheless. Unless we accept our true genetic history, how can we ever come out of it? Just think for a while how much genetic pool we have in our country- ancient migrants from africe, dravidians carrying north east Iranian genes, Indo-europeans, austro-asiatic people from north east of India and more. If we just accept our past history and rise above all the prejudice and start mixing freely among ourselves, can you imagine how much genetic fitness that would provide to our society? Stop trying to establish Indian origin of aryan people. Europe used to do that but even now they have stopped saying that (for ex, now it is widely considered England had almost 90% Y chromosome dependent population replacement by those Indo-Europeans spreading from central Asia.)
It is all politics and also a matter of survival, particularly in these days of CAA politics when people are asking others to go to Pakistan at the drop of the hat. If you were to read the uttering of the proponents of Hindutva politics and ideology, their arguments are prefixed with the words, “since the days of the Vedas.” Our ancient civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS, our glorious civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS, our thousands of years-old marvelous civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS, our glorious Hindu civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS. Hence, for these guys, Indian civilization is only SINCE THE DAYS OF VEDAS. The anthem of the RSS includes lines like: Salutations to you, O motherland where I was born, Salutations to you, O the land of the Aryas where I have grown. O Guru, the messenger of Rama, grant us good character, Give us soon all the virtues to become full Hindus, Induct us to your grace and make us followers of Rama etc etc etc. if you look more closely, all these proponents of the glorious ancient Hindu civilization since the Vedas are all Brahmins like Savarkar, Golwarkar, Hedgewar, Shyam Prasad Mukherjee, Dheen Dayal Upadhyaya, Lala Lajpat Rai, Tilak, GODSE, those six out of seven sarsanghchalaks of RSS, and also the present president of BJP Nadda. So when one fine morning, if somebody were to come and tell these guys that they are invaders from central Asia steppes and that there was an India before the Vedas and that it was not always Vedic Brahmanical Hindu rashtra, Hindu dharma and Hindu Samskar, that Rama is a mythical figure, naturally, they tend to get pissed off and fight these fellows who said they are invaders, tooth and nail, belittling them and their findings, accusing them of trying to divide the unity of India which is as hard as the rock of Gibraltar.
Soham Mukhopadhyay The discussion is held from the point of view of linguistics as it was the foundation of AIT in the past.They are not denying people coming to indian subcontinent as shown by genetics.
ARYAN WORD WAS IRANIAN. DRAVIDIAN IS INDIAN NATIVE EITHER ACCEPT INDIA AS DRAVIDIAN LAND ..THEN ARYAN LAND IS IN IRAN WHO INVADED OR MIGRATED TO INDOA. The term Arya is used in ancient Persian language texts, for example in the Behistun inscription from the 5th century BCE, in which the Persian kings Darius the Great and Xerxes are described as "Aryans of Aryan stock" (arya arya chiça). Mahabharatha Pancha gurjara, malawa, telugu, kannada, and dravida Mahabharata links the origin of Dravidas with sage Vasistha. Viswamitra, a king in the Ikshwaku clan, attacked the cow of Vasistha Kharavel , King of kalinga (orissa) mentioned Dravida sangathan 1 or 2 BC in his incription. That means friendhip or diplamatic relations with dravidian kingdoms in the south. Kalhana, in his Rajatarangini (c. 12th century CE), classifies the following five Brahmin communities as Pancha Dravida, stating that they reside to the south of the Vindhyas:[1][2] In pre-modern period, the Pancha Dravida Brahmins comprised those from 4 southern states as well as from Maharashtra and Gujarat. This is the closest you can get to Dravidian ethnicity. Some Iyer sub castes are named Dravidas. Pancha Dravida in contrast to Pancha Gouda.” Dravida is mentioned as one of the kingdoms in the southern part of present-day mainland India during the time of the Mahabharata. Sometimes the name Dravida was used to denote all the southern kingdoms (like the Chera, Pandya and Chola kingdoms) collectively and sometimes as a separate kingdom.
31:44 Talagheri is completely dismissed the moment he said that genetics cannot have a say in the process of migration. He simply labelled himself as an amateur historian with a prejudice. No need to watch the video any further after an awful analogy was presented by the anchor.
Genetics (if they can have a say) would be very less say in these matters. Because genetics although a branch of science cannot be considered perfect science. There are so many chances of error knowingly or unknowingly such that you cannot be certain about the results from genetic studies, unlike archaeology or geology which are far more reliable than genetics.
@@hmmmm4193 "Genetics is not a perfect science." You need to learn more. Go back to school. Don't waste your time one theology. Nothing in the world is perfect. You slowly spend time perfecting the imperfect things.
@@gametoppler and it is far from perfect as compared to other branches of science. So genetic studies results should be taken with a pinch of salt as compared to other branches. The sample size is a major issue. Many studies are biased so much so that they don't even take samples from north Indian states when studying about Aryan invasion theory. Also, the sample sizes are very small. And then some methods give direct opposite results from others. So to say genetics study is science is far fetched in the current scenario. Maybe it will improve in the future but currently, it cannot be the basis of any substantial proof.
@@hmmmm4193 You are just verbose. There's no substance in your rant. From Darwin/Wallace to Franklin/Crick/Watson to Doudna/Carpenter how much time it has passed, and a mere theologist like you barge in here out of no where, make a stupid comment and I'm supposed to believe that BS? Woah!!! Go back to school.
Hindus gave a peaceful burial to sanskrit because 1. Sanskrit is racist and casteist and sexist..only bahmin MEN can learn and talk in sanskrit. All bramin women and non brahmin only used the native dravidian tamil. 2. Sanskrit is a barbaric oral language of aryan invaders from anatolia. ONLY ARCHAELOGICAL EVIDENCE IS SANSKRIT IS 1700YEARS OLD OTGER CLAIMS ARE PURANIC (MEANS FICTION) 3. Sanskrit is a repositoy of full of plagiarised texts and translated from TAMIL Buddhist jains and others 4 shame what sanskrit textand vedic culture practised in india... VEDIC HINDUISM IS BARBARIC AND INHUMANE.. Read STUPID SANATANA VEDIC MORONISM AND injustices before talking. SHAME AND CRUEL. 1. "sathi" girls will be burnt alive when husbands dies..horrible culture. 2. "Baliya vivagh" a girl get married at 8 or 10 and if the BOY husband dies at 12 age, the girl will be tonsured and humiliated as widow and her life doomed..sometime such girls were donated to temples.. devapirar or dasi for abuses...shame culture 3. " Gangapirava" new born babies thrown into River Ganges or ganga river as religious ritual..no where such cruel infanticide other than SANTANA vedic cruelty adharma 4. "KANYA VADHA " KILLING FEMALE CHILDREN..EVEN ANIMALS WONT DO IT BUT VEDIC SANATANIST PRACTISED IT. 5. "NARA VADHA" HUMAN SACRIFICE! KILLING PREGNANT LADIES OR CHILDREN TO PLEASE GODS...NO SANE PERSON WILL DO SUCH VEDIC SANTANA barbaric PRACTICE 6.in Kerala Sambandham was a concubinage system primarily followed by the Nairs and Ambalavasi with Namboothiri in what is the present-day Indian state of Kerala. The honey moon of newly wed girls must be with nambudri brahmin priests not with husbands..vedic Santana prostitution.. 7. Untouchability..hard working low income people are low castes and they shoud not enter temples, even PRESIDENT of INDIA a well respected hindu was not permitted to enter a temple in north India. Some castes were not allowed to comeout during daytime because they are not be seen by highcastes..others cannot walk in agraharam brahmin street..only british and social reformist like Periyar changed that barbaric sanatana practices.. 8.In 19th century Travancore lower-caste women were not allowed to wear clothes that covered their breasts. They had to pay a tax called breast tax to the travancore officials if they wished to cover their breasts. SANTANA ADHARMA AND VEDIC STUPIDTIES ARE MORE AND MORE CANNOT BE POSTED HERE..
He is such a sweet and simple man. But man when he speaks, he is like Adi Shankara . Great scholarship. I hope he get his due recognition in his lifetime.
Agree hundred percent,
man is highly knowledgeable
I read his Rigveda Historical Analysis. Research effort and outcome worth more than 50 PhD thesis.
Thanks for saying this. I thought that it was me. But you have absolutely 💯 echoed my mind.
Hi Kushal ! First let me congratulate you on a great discussion. I discovered your channel through OPINDIA a couple of months ago and much appreciate the work you guys are doing. I am very happy to see the kind of Indic discourses now taking mainstream position slowly and steadily on social media as well as on academic platforms. Although, as you said there is still a lot of bull being dished out as well from our side, but that also is true for the other side, in much more quantity. In coming times, I am sure Gurus like Shrikant Ji will help us wade through these muddy waters and help us become a better society.
Jai Shree Ram!!
I just love this guy - Shrikant Talageri. Brilliant scholar and a very sweet person.
In Tamil and other Dravidian languages also we have the place value indicated after 10. Ten-one, ten-two etc
Pattuonnu ( pathinonnu) etc
Yes correct...here he is not noticed this..
I feel he has noticed it. He makes a passing comment that these Indian languages are in various stages of development. What I guess he means is that while in Chinese and Tibetan, the tens and units are unchanged when joined - at most there is an equivalent of the word "and" inbetween while forming numbers above ten, in languages of the fourth stage, the words for numbers between ten and twenty are arbitrary with no recognisable relationship to "ten" or the units. In Tamil, the word for ten changes, but is still recognisable - while it is "padhinondru" for eleven and similarly from thirteen to eighteen, it changes to "pannirendu" for twelve and "pathonbadhu" for nineteen. I think something similar applies to other Dravidian languages. This is intermediate between the other two types mentioned above. I believe that is what he means, though he has not made a clear statement.
In Kannada also it is same , we also use 2nd stage according to this guy, i.e after 10 we use position value and the number.
Excellent scholarship and Mr. Talageri's humble disposition is endearing.
I request Mehraji to organise a table discussion (or may be debate) among Dr. Raj Vedam, Mr. Nilesh Oak, Mr. Talegeri and Vedveer Arya to clear the picture of dating of Vedas, Mahabharata and Ramayana.... Obviously this discussion is going to rock....
Earlier I thought it would be similar to Talageri's interview on Sham's show. But, this was very much different. Special thanks for covering his blog.
The number theory for migration is a genius eexplanation.
Indian Govt must award worthy and great person like Mr Talagari with Padma award.
Great podcast. Shrikantji is a joy to listen. Came to know from this podcast that Shrikantji is a bank clerk, this reminds me of someone from the 20th century who too was a bank clerk
Wonderful talk by Mr Talagiri Please do write about Ikshwakuns of India We are waiting
From where we can get the book you are having Mr Kushal
@@kishansingh-nr6xk amazon
This guy has an ocean of knowledge. But there is a need of a person who can ask very specific and good questions.
Shrikant Sir should do a series of lectures explaining the geography of the region's mentioned. Many of us don't know exactly where they are located. And then he should tell exact verses from Rigved (old and new) so that we can understand.
Obviously this must have been mentioned in his books but a lecture series will be beneficial to all.
Jai Shri Ram!
He is a bank employee
@@benefactor4309 tony joseph is a journalist and devdutt pattanaik is a doctor. If u r skeptic abt him their works should also be seen sceptically. If their work is seen in high regards this man deserves to be heard. He is also critical abt hindutwa propaganda as well so he is neutrally doing it. What s the problem to even listen him go check wiki u can find Michael witzel frm criticized abt his work and even offered him free phd in condition to modify his claim. Why even the head of indology of harvard suddenly bothered and scared of this "ORDINARY BANK EMPLOYEE ????????"
@@125bbna8 He is not a skeptic. He is an asshole.
@@benefactor4309 u idiots can't refute him on facts so you target him personally. How stupid can someone be?
He is such a humble and cute guy I wish he gets due recognisation for his work
This debate is devoid of genetics and archeology!!
These two are very important source of information to derive conclusions on ancient migrations! Its only based on literature and literature alone is not sufficient to come to conclusion!!
@@yourguyin2554 The languages only spread through mass migration or through a political/cultural domination of one group on other groups!!
No where in the world, a group of people learned a foreign language and forgot their own language for economic interest!!
Your suggestion that the entire North India which comprised the largest civilization in the world learned a foreign language for the sake a trade and forgot their own roots? Sounds very disrespectful for those people!!
Amazing conversation!
Very good information on our ancient history Please give the name of publisher to Obtaine the book written by Mr. Talagiri
This discussion is all about linguistics, Talageri is comfortable with, rather than genetics, about which Talageri seems to be at sea, as advertised.
Please give me a link where I can purchase the book from the USA
Michael here is the amazon link www.amazon.com/Genetics-Aryan-debate-Indians-Koenraad/dp/9385485210/ref=sr_1_5?keywords=Shrikant+Talageri&qid=1567940913&s=gateway&sr=8-5
Proper objective discussion. Reminds me of conversations in Kolabah with talkative locals. I loved the way they play with words mixing English with other languages because thy rhyme to make a joke.
Kindly give more details in description box about subject of discussion. Author's background...etc You are simply saying I'm discussing this book with so and so.
Shrikant Talageri is missing a very important point. There are two saka eras, 78 AD and 500+ BC. We use only 78 AD. This as caused a lot of problems in Indian chronology.
this issue is dealt with in one of the lectures by mr. mrugank on saraswati river.
@@govindindurkar3100 agreed
Super insightful!
This great guy deserves a statue and platform at the highest of the level
I have never understood as to why people from steppes should come to sarswati basin around 1800 BC when Satwati was a dying river at that time.
climate change and environmental pressures might have forced migration. While the Saraswati River was indeed drying up around that time, the region still held strategic importance due to its fertile lands and trade routes. So, despite the river's decline, the area could still have been appealing for settlement and resource acquisition.
It's a wonderful discussion..
How has he fixed the years for the Rigveda composition? Certainly astronomical observations would be more accurate than archeological estimation of age of relics?
I found his rubbishing of astronomical evidences disappointing.
@Nandagopa Kidambi didn't understand
In astronomy, once you predict a pattern, we can determine the past present and future,. Currently in modern astronomy, we are predicting past say million year, itdoesn't mean that modern astronomy existed all.. along
I would like a debate on dates for Mahabharata and Ramayana between Nilesh Oak & Shrikanth Talageri. Nilesh oak has given good evidence to show the dates based on position of stars and planets and their reference in the Ramayana and Mahabharata. If you think the evidence of stars should be disregarded then you need to state as to why and there should be debate on this.
His passion is linguistics. One thing is for sure. Genetics can't explain language/culture.
The evidence of stars seems to misleading. AV epoch Nilesh Oak sir proposed was kind of one of bad omens Vyasa deacribed. it is like something strange (opposite to normal) will happen if war happens. This is claimed by Talageri sir in his blog.
@@vg6548 link to blog?
@@yoppindia Google his name. Mar or April 2021 blog.
@@vg6548 thanks for the hint, I went through the blog, talageri sir seems to have been hurt personally but still maintained his composure. I don't fully agree with his points, but his points are valid so they need to be considered. His assertion that since the position of Arundhati and vasishta should be ignored since it's linked to bad omens is not right. Why would they bring Arundhati and vasishta in their discussion of bad omens if they were not referring to stars. Having said that I am not an expert, my understanding is limited. My preference is a public face to face debate with a good knowledgeable neutral moderator, with question and answer by knowledgeable audience as this would bring both the arguments and their pitfalls.
Sir plz use better cameras,lighting and sound equipments
Good talk
Poor audio quality. Please check the basic elements like the audio quality before starting these programs.
so does Tamil and Sanskrit closer with respect to pronouncing 11-19 ? Both these languages is a sandhi of the tens place and ones. 11- Pathu+Onnu = Pathi-n-onnu
As per his claim homeland of dravidian language is south india and aryan language is north india. Very interesting the indegenous haplogroup of y choromsome H is found in all over india.
@@125bbna8 You guys don't understand that the mixing of Vedic and Tamil happened after the Rig Veda. It is classical Sanskrit and not Vedic Sanskrit. Tamil Sangam literature is much later than Classical Sanskrit and so they have common words.
You must call Mr. Talegiri and Mr. Oak to discuss ramayan n mahabharat
Would also like Mr Mrugendra Vinod along with Mr Oak and Mr Talegiri - would be a fantastic learning
Absolutely....This need to be cleared in a table discussion (or may be debate) to point out the more focused data's and claim among Dr. Raj Vedam, Mr. Nilesh Oak, Mr. Talegeri and others....
Good dialogue 👍
So the Indo-Aryan invasion theory becomes the Indo-Iranian migration history on examination of DNA and archeological evidence?
Exactly, why does aryan migration have to mean there was no invasion? Why rid the entire migratory species of the crimes if they have/havent committed the atrocities? Absence of evidence doesn't mean evidence of absence. Also, no weaponry or (lack of)the dead bodies does not mean there was no aggressive invasion.
Saurabh Ramteke So what is your big proof then?
@@123SaurabhR That's a pretty weak argument. It's like a lawyer arguing, my lord, there no evidence of Mr. X killing Mr. Y, so Mr X could have killed Mr. Y.
Absense of evidence may not mean evidence of absence but it is an absurd argument to say absense of evidence is evidece of presence.
By saying that caste the way it was practiced, is a natural by product of just ancient humans is wrong. What's very different in ancient indian caste practices was the obsession with lineage or kith and kin. In all societies this was kinda the case, but in India it was certainly viewed as holy and divine almost, and mandated into dharmashastras, with good inferential data from early Vedas. Now a hindu will say the original varna system was on gunas or qualities, but this is not at all the case in the earliest conceptions of it according to dharmashastras, which is older than the gita. Dharmashastras clearly talk a lot about gunas being correlated with birth, hence any clever shudra can't just try to learn the Vedas. They dont have a gotra, which you only get by birth, cause gotra means your lineage traces back to one od the 7 saptarishi writers of the vedas. All brahmins know their gotras. And that needed for an the sacred thread ceremony in the slokams. If they can't get that they can't really get into vedic learning, etc. So I do think caste system in India has a more history of the association of racial lines = birth = occupation = certain gunas. This is how the ancient people (mostly higher castes) thought of the system. But things got bit flexible over time here and there, but it was the norm to have these very bad views for the higher elites. It didn't even escape Shankara who talks vile things in his Brahma Sutras about the Shudras. They all saw those 4 aspects highly correlated and hence made all kinds of gene pool protection rules like rules like Anuloma, Pratiloma marriages mentioned in dharmashastras. There are early buddhist suttas that also talk about brahmins being fair skin as one of the already understood requirements. Its taken as obvious in the text. Even patanjali mentions tawny or dusky golden hair as imp for being a brahmin. But i do feel, they still developed great philosophy, especially in the Upanishads, where things turned more egalitarian. But unfortunately, wasn't implemented so well.
Gita is older than dharmasastras yes gunas is present from birth but these doesn't mean a brahmins son is a Brahmin or a shudra son is a shudra . A shudras son can be a brahmin , Gunas are sattva rajas tamas and it is inherent from birth a person who has a talent to become a cricketer has the talent of becoming a cricketer from birth . The varna system in bhagavad gita is the best to know a detail about it read it in aurobindo's book . It is these gunas which give rise to talent . We bengali always say uske paas ache guna hai gaane ke . Bhagavad Gita clearly says Brahmana ksyatriya visam Shudrana parantapa karmani pravibhaktani svabhavair gunah . The Modern Caste System is a racist jaati system and the theory usne pichle janm me kharap kaam Kiya to wo shudra jaat me janma these theory is against dharmasastras and bhagavad gita . The Theory is usne pichle janm me jo kaam Kiya uske anusaar usko is janm me guna Mila hai aur guna ke samavesh se uska sahi talent siddha hai chahe wo agar Brahmin ke ghar me janm Liya agar uske paas agar janm se shudra baane ke guna hai to wo mahaan shudra hi Banta wo acha brahmin kabhi nahin banega . And engineers and doctors comes from shudra varna read shrauta sutras . So abhinav don't say such foolish things .
padhakondu - 11, where did the kondu come from?
"ondu" is one in Kannada. Telugu also birthed from the same proto language that Kannada came from - and maybe that's where the "ondu" in padkondu came from.
In fact, both Kannada and Telugu are Stage 1 languages - where 1 to 10 are named, and then 11 onwards their names are literally 10+1, 10+2 and so on.
(KANNADA: hattu + ondu = hannondu ; TELUGU: padi + ondu? = padkondu ?)
(KANNADA: hattu + eradu = hanneradu ; TELUGU: padi + rendu = pannendu)
(KANNADA: hattu + mooru = hadimooru ; TELUGU: padi + moodu = padmoodu)
and so on..
> You can buy his book here.
**Clicks link**
A comment - writers of Ramanya and Mahabharta - could have purposefully inserted the astronomical markers, by back calculation, in order to give us an impression of there antiquity. Analogy, any smart filmmaker can recreate another era as a backdrop of the story. All agree - Ramanya was written after Jaya but Rama is considered in Treta yuga (hopefully, you see the point).
Good point to ponder, never thought this way
Who agrees nd what's the proof for ur claim?
Literally no one agrees on what u said
Your assertion that Sanskrit and spoken Sinhalese, use 2nd stage is not correct as Kannada a south Indian language also uses this. After 10 it is based on Position value and number. some thing like ten (it does not use ten directly but a similar work) one(11), ten two(12), ten three(13)
This guy only has one level to his voice - high ! 😂😂
Good info still
indian singh he is a bank Clark
@@benefactor4309 so?
He takes quite a while to come to point. He talks about books!
The south european languages learned the decimal numbers from the arabians shortly after the middle ages. They used a different number system before that. So you cannot used modern European number systems to reason about the spread of indoeuropean languages. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu%E2%80%93Arabic_numeral_system#Adoption_in_Europe
Arabs never had number system. It was indian number system. Arab learner it from here and Europe an learned it from them. Hence they call it Arab numbers.
@@Sweetetika you both are talking stupid shit.. there was numbers before having symbols for numbers.
About mid way you are slipping into Marathi or Hindi. And I am loosing the sense because I only know a few words.we English have to stop calling them Arabic numerals.
Out of india theory is more practical.In an economic perspective we see an influence of an economic superpower throughout history and even today in local cultures .Given that Bharat was a economic superpower in the past it is more rational and more practical to sat bharat's footprints are seen in many parts of the world.If Aryans were a nomadic society as Tony says with his self-contradicting logic(that is what makes him the proud mantle holder of a serial liar by manipulating genetic information to his own ends )Bharat wouldn't have been a favourite spot for Islamic rulers to raid and conquer it would have been a ruckus like Mongol nomadic society with no contribution to development of philosophy and science but we have intellectual giants Like Aryabhatta ,Bhaskara ,Charaka,etc.AIT is a racist bigotry to incentivise missionary's brutal conversion activities and impose white supremacy on bharat and AMT is a mere brainchild of this brutal,unscientific and racist bigotry .
Hello Talageri Sir, Can you talk little slow ?? That will be nice if you can slow down little bit. Otherwise it is difficult to understand.
read his books
There is a option to slow down video speed that can help out 😇
If we leave very little evidence. Imagine how future generations would be confused why english is spoken in America and India so wide apart. They'll have tough time correlating genes with language.😂
Oldest layers of rigveda talk about importance of cows. This is the biggest example that vedic civilazation originated in India. Our wheel was different. If ancient aryans were step people they would have given importance to sheeps and goats like step people from afganistan and beyond. The key here is cows which provevedics were always indegenouse people
Why Brahmins have high amount of R1a1 haplogroup?
Whom do say as Brahmins first tell that 😂😂
Even kannada has second stage numbers
The interviewer is browsing his phone in between. Very disrespectful.
I was expecting implication of genetic research on the migration an current genetic composition of people in India. This discussion totally lacked that perspective. Forget Tony Joseph. He is just restating David Reich. David Reich gives the best perspective. Diversity in genetics of population can be interpreted in terms of endogamous groups. What David Reich claims is that formation of strong endogamous group was post 600 BC, while people generally mixed before that. This formation of endogamous group constitutes jati, termed caste by Indologists of the past, rather than just social class system. For example Saraswats of Goa, Talageri and I being members, were Shaivites from banks of river Saraswati who settled in Goa 1000s of years back. But around 1200 CE as phenomenon of Bhakti Movement Madhvacharaya converted some of them, mostly poorer section, to Vaishanvism and subsequently they formed two endogamous groups, Vaishnavites vs Shaivites, who largely didn't inter marry up until mid 20th century. I think David Reich gives much better explanation of this than Tony Joseph and very confused discussion here which talks mostly about linguistics rather than genetics.
You can watch his genetics video on india inspires
@@parthsharma2455 Well this was titled "Genetics & The Aryan Debate" and hence my expectations.
@@nkmahale ya bro I understand that but I think he told on the starting the major portions which they will discuss and title is his book name
Your theory is totally wrong and false , who are shaivites and vaishnavites before saying such wrong and false things . I do not have time to write a long article refuting you and your father David bhai but the false thing you said makes me laugh. You even do not know who saraswat brahmins are . Shrikant talagede is a great man and more knowledgeable than you .
Tamil does not have unique words for 11 to 20 ...it is similar to sanskrit here..
First lesson on sanskrit: 1.. An anatolian rudimentary language brought to India by nomadic aryan then perfected.by heavily borrowing from Dravidian...2. Do not have a script because it was a oral primitive language ..san script..means no script..3. Borrowed dravidian Nagars script called Nagari and changed name as deva-nagari..deva in persian language means devi..devils script!l. 4..only perfected and borrowed the script during GUPTAS period in 400AD. 5. Most sanskrit texts are either translated or plagiarised from dravidian..6. SANSKRIT is gender and race or caste discriminatory..that is women cannot learn or read or write in sanskrit so also nonbrahmins thats why there was no women writer or authors on sanskrit whereas there were more than 47 tamil women authors even before sanskrit borrowed developed its script..7. Sanskrit is the youngest Indo-European language 8. Is Sanskrit compulsory in NASA for AI (Artificial Intelligence) research?
Robert Frost, Instructor and Flight Controller at NASA Answered Dec 4, 2014: No, that's another internet hoax/urban legend traceable back to a single paper written in 1985.
9. NASA to use Sanskrit as computer language" IS FROM THE Hindutva Purana of 21 Century...May be its a Nasa (destructive) tactics by Hindutva... There is not even a single report from Nasa except one article in 1985 that used the Bhatta, Nagesha (1963) papers
Vaiyakarana-Siddhanta-Laghu-Manjusa, Benares (Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office). 10. Sanskrit is not a natural language as wrongly assumed. Bu it is perfected language that heavily borrowed from Persian, Arabic, Dravidian and some Indo-Aryan languages.
THIRUKURAL ( Tamil text written 2100years back) எப்பொருள் யார்யார்வாய்க் கேட்பினும் அப்பொருள் மெய்ப்பொருள் காண்ப தறிவு..English meaning:
Don't take people's words as it is and make your judgment from that. Wisdom is all about drilling into the real truth and separating it from what appears on the surface.
@Nandagopa Kidambi Hindus gave a peaceful burial to sanskrit because 1. Sanskrit is racist and casteist and sexist..only bahmin MEN can learn and talk in sanskrit. All bramin women and non brahmin only used the native dravidian tamil. 2. Sanskrit is a barbaric oral language of aryan invaders from anatolia. ONLY ARCHAELOGICAL EVIDENCE IS SANSKRIT IS 1700YEARS OLD OTGER CLAIMS ARE PURANIC (MEANS FICTION) 3. Sanskrit is a repositoy of full of plagiarised texts and translated from TAMIL Buddhist jains and others 4 shame what sanskrit textand vedic culture practised in india...
1. "sathi" girls will be burnt alive when husbands dies..horrible culture.
2. "Baliya vivagh" a girl get married at 8 or 10 and if the BOY husband dies at 12 age, the girl will be tonsured and humiliated as widow and her life doomed..sometime such girls were donated to temples.. devapirar or dasi for abuses...shame culture
3. " Gangapirava" new born babies thrown into River Ganges or ganga river as religious ritual..no where such cruel infanticide other than SANTANA vedic cruelty adharma
6.in Kerala Sambandham was a concubinage system primarily followed by the Nairs and Ambalavasi with Namboothiri in what is the present-day Indian state of Kerala. The honey moon of newly wed girls must be with nambudri brahmin priests not with husbands..vedic Santana prostitution..
7. Untouchability..hard working low income people are low castes and they shoud not enter temples, even PRESIDENT of INDIA a well respected hindu was not permitted to enter a temple in north India. Some castes were not allowed to comeout during daytime because they are not be seen by highcastes..others cannot walk in agraharam brahmin street..only british and social reformist like Periyar changed that barbaric sanatana practices..
8.In 19th century Travancore lower-caste women were not allowed to wear clothes that covered their breasts. They had to pay a tax called breast tax to the travancore officials if they wished to cover their breasts.
@@KannapiranArjunan-vm2rq Periyar Married his own daughter and he abused and harrassed his wife he was just a tool for the British and communists.
@@KannapiranArjunan-vm2rq All these "Atrocities" which you have listed here. Where is the proof of them. Sure there was some instances of sati in a few places but it was not widespread and conditions of widows was completely improved by Sanatani Swami Dayanand Saraswati. Who also did a lot of work in favour of the lower casts and founded a sect of Sanatan Dharm which is Arya Samaj which doesn't have a cast system. And all those so called "Atrocities of the Sanatan Dharma" can you give real factual evidence to support them instead of writing fiction in the comments
@@gvbhnnnnnnhh no one can save liars and fools whose brain is wired to vedic erotic stories..
First all must read all erotic sanatana puranas and vedas ( including Nachiyar Thirumozhi and Brahma Puranam) most of those barbaric texts contain a lot of pornographic description. Either destroy all sanatana puranas and vedas or accept the criticisms that are true!
When Brahma was the Purohit for the Siva-Parvathi marriage...Brahma saw the thighs of Parvathi and got errection and ejaculation. That semen was poured into kumbha kalasam or pot and Agathiyan was born. So Agathiyar was known as Kumbha Yoni ( female organ) Rishi! What a stupid and erotic nonsense in Brahma purana?
I do recommend all to learn sanskrit then only all can enjoy reading all erotic stories of sanskrit sanatana puranas...Rama and his brothers were born after inseminating WITH Ashva or HORSE semen, Brahma ejaculated on lotus flower and Saraswathi was RAPED by BRAHMA and then WAS married to Brahmas son, Siva linga is A REPLICA OF Penis inside vulva, Rama narrated Sita as having a round vulva as deep as ocean ( Valmiki ramayan) and Ram has well hung scrotum but wet dick....what a poronographic materials...also trash 4 vedas as bullshit..PLEASE read atleast once the four vedas..rig veda is cruel fight with native brown skinned Indians (Dravidian) by invader Aryan, sama veda the same in musical version , yajur the same theme with rituals and atharva full of vengeance...ALSO LOT OF SATANIC VERSES LIBERALLY INSERTED BY VESTED INTEREST MORONS ...
@@gvbhnnnnnnhh Dae slum.dog read Bramins the enemy of Hinduism...the folowing WRITING was sourced from Chaper 11 of "Sathyarth Prakash" Swami Dynanda Saraswathy, the founder of Arya Samaj. When Ghajini Mohammed was planning to invade Somnath Temple. the Chief Priests advised the Hindu King not to take it serious and God will protect the temple. Alas when Gajni looted the temple he proclaimed that no where on earth so much treasure one can find! At that time the Chief Priest and the other priest changed their loyalty to the Looters and offered the Pallakku (for the King) and invited Him as Rajathi Raja! But Gajni was a warrior and he called the Priests as traitors and massacred more than 45000 of them and blood was flooding the temple. That's was the history of our pseudo-godly Gurus!
Satrapathi Sivaji was a mightiest Hindu King of Mahratta and gave a tough time to Aurangzeb. Alas the Sivaji Kingdom went financially broke because he was advised by the Chief Priest or Raja Guru to donate "Swarna Dhana (Gold gift) " only to Brahmins and then only the Raja guru can Crown the King, the mightiest Hindu King was destroyed not be Islamic invaders but by the greedy priests!
Krishnadevarayar of Vijayanagar was most charitable King and he renovated hundreds of Vaishnava temples from Thiruvengadam to Vanumamalai Shetram (108 Thivya Desam). Alas his Kingdom was also destroyed by Greedy priests ..the same old "Swarna Dhana to Brahmins only" and there are suspicions that his only son the Heir to the throne was poisoned by one of the priests.
The Kashmir problem is created by Shankaracharya. When the Hindu King of JK approached the Shankaracharya for his advice to reconvert the Muslims of his JK Kingdom back to Hindu fold, The Shankaracharya advised the King that he cannot do that as per the Vedic tradition. So JK remained as a majority, Muslim land all because of stupid advice.
There are 1000s of such stories in histories. What will the Hindutva do all about it? learn from the failures make Hinduism all-inclusive and free Hinduism from the clutches of Brahminism and make all Jeeyars and priest posts are open to all Hindus including Dalits and non-Brahmins. Until then Hindutva has no credibility to pretend as if they are the protector of Hinduism!
Out of India? Let's just assume it's the ultimate truth if anything it can't provide reasons why the Europeans, Central Asians and West Asians lack pan Indo centric genetic pool amongst their population.
Rakhigarhi add further evidence for Aryan migration or invasion theory. First, the woman skeleton excavated from the village Rakhigarhi in Haryana had enough DNA to disclose its ancestry. An analysis of the DNA showed that the skeleton was more linked to a Dravidian tribal group named ‘Irula’, currently living in Tamil Nadu and Kerala in the Nilgiri highlands.
2. The argument was that there were no major gene flows from outside to India in the last 12,500 years or so because mtDNA (mother, woman) data showed no signs of it. yes most Indians have maternal gene of native dravidian.
3.But it was shown that Y-DNA (father) did indeed show major gene flows from outside into India within the last 4000 to 4,500 years or so, especially R1a which now forms 17.5% of the Indian male lineage. The reason why mtDNA data behaved differently was that Bronze Age migrations were severely sex-biased. The invaders were mostly male warriors.
4. The next argument put forward was that R1a lineages exhibited much greater diversity in India than elsewhere and, therefore, it must have originated in India and spread outward. This has been proved false because a mammoth, global study of R1a haplogroup published last year showed that R1a lineages in India mostly belong to just three subclades of the R1a-Z93 and they are only about 4,000 to 4,500 years.
Your comments are based in self-reliant, irrational presumption. Clearly propaganda, opposed to scientific/spiritual pursuit. Disgusting...
🤣🤣🤣 I know you are one of those educated illiterates.. suffering with incurable illusory truth disease! You believe lies when you feel too vulnerable to allow the truth and its consequences to manifest in your life. When truth does emerge, you often feel terribly betrayed and you can lose faith in your own ability to make good judgments. To protect against this pain, you sometimes continue lying to yourselves long after reality seems unavoidable.
If you read Thirukural and practice it you may be cured from the disease. The only pathyam (condition) you should never wear a poonool which is a "theetu" and that destroy rationality part of your brain..
But my friend this doesn't support the notion that the linguistic development was due to these migrations. Language as a means of communication may have well been an out of India theory
@@tanmaykulkarni1545 first you have to prove that sanskrit was there in india?For Sanskrit began to come into epigraphic use only in the first
century B.C., according to the now generally accepted dating (mainly on paleographic grounds) for the oldest Sanskrit inscriptions, namely, the Ayodhya (SI 1.94-5) and the Ghosundl (SI 1.90-1) and Hathlbada (El 22, 198-205) stone inscriptions. That too only two lines. Whereas the Tamil incriptions Tamili is carbon dated in Adichanallur by ASI as 900BC and more than 65% of all inscriptions recorded in India by ASI are in TAMILI. Sanskrit is only 2000 years old at that time Tamil Sangham literature was very well developed. Being Indo-european language Sanskrit is the youngest and sythetic language and all sanskrit science, maths, medicine are plagiarised or translated from Tamil, Buddhist, Jains and others by creating puranic and fake authors.....
@@KannapiranArjunan-vm2rq Sangham is a Tamil word? What does it mean in Tamil?
Aryan by Birth - Brahmin, Kshatriyas & Vaisyas
Dravidian by Birth - Sudras & Paraiahs (Dalits)
Truth is ALL upper caste North Indians are ALL ARYANS, and all lower caste Sudras & Paraiahs (Dalits) are all Dravidians.
People living in Indian Sub continent who are ALL fair in complexion have mostly Steppeland genes in their DNA these people are basically Aryan. People living in Indian Sub continent who are Dark in complexion have mostly South Asian Hunter Gatherer genes in their DNA these people are Dravidian [Tamils] basically.
Tamils means NOT the current day Tamil Nadu state people alone, they represent all Sudras & Praiahas [Dalit] lived across Indian sub - continent. Even today, you can see dark skinned and pale dark skinned people living in North, South, East & West of India, they were all Tamils only in ancient India.
The ancient text Manusimriti designate the Shudra as Peasants and Artisans i.e. Farmers and All Craftsman, Shudra is NOT to mean slaves.
Read the following facts about DNA Studies.
Why R1A1 DNA originates in EUROPE, but not in india. why it is it not found or too less in percentage among South Indian people ?
Why M haplogroups DNA is not found in Upper caste Aryans or North indians ? If found why so less ?
If you have read Vedas there are lots of mention about a food made of Horse meat, then why HORSES are not native to INDIA ?
Why copper hoard culture found only with Aryans, but not with Dravidians ?
Why antenna swords found in Sinauli - India which belongs to BMAC - Bactria-Margiana Archaeological Complex ?
Haplo M is found among 60% of modern day indians. It is in every person from south. But here’s the main catch ! It’s only found in depressed classes of northern and tribal peoples of northen india. But, almost to zero to 1-4% among Higher caste Aryans or North indians.
Just like R1A1 not found in south in the same way south’s M groups are not found among R1A1 peoples of north.
So, it is proved beyond doubt that "ALL upper caste North Indians are ALL ARYANS, and all lower caste Sudras & Paraiahs (Dalits) are all Dravidians"
Read Dr ambedkar who were the sudra
He mentioned sudra were kshatriyas population
Baside majority sudra have same frequency of dna as upper caste
Highest steppe ancestory also found in sudra caste not in upper caste
Rigveda mentioned aswa and Ashwin as divine
In European languages asninus ( cognate with Ashwin ,aswinu in sankrit) it mean donkey in European languages
And ass ( common term for donkey) , read aswa without "wa" it became as or ass
Rigveda mentioned sindhu is full of aswa and 17 ribs of aswa mentioned
Donkey is high populated in Sindhu region ( donkey trade still going on in Pakistan,they selling donkey to China )
17 ribs is common in donkey ,and pony
Rarely only Arabian horse have 17 ribs
Can you give me research paper of north Indian mtdna ?
I only have Maharastrian region mtdna and Brahmins have highest mtdna haplogroup m ( 83.87 percent) , while dalit of Mahabharata have 65 percent
I stoppped watching after 18 mins into the video when he started talking about the uselessness of genetics and how it's a conspiracy of researchers tp keep the north and south indian divide. There is absolute proof of genetic contribution from steppe pastorals into Indian subcontinent. Read this latest paper- www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(19)30967-5.pdf , which nicely demonstrates how native south Asians/ harappans/ indus valley people developed agriculture by themselves without Iranian farmer help. This paper also talks about how the harappans are a mix of ancient Indian settlers and people migrating from north east Iran(not aryans).
It is now accepted that Vedic culture is mostly composed of harappan/dravidian customs and rituals mixed with indo-european language/philosophies. You can't just disregard every proven fact and make up theories that just suit your agenda. Indo-European (Aryan) people did mirgate into Indian subcontinents for hundreds of years, adopted local dravidian culture and gave rise to vedic society. Why are some people hell bent in proving Indian origin of Indo-European people? There is not a shred of doubt those Indo-European people subjugated some of those earlier settlers of India and gradually gave rise to caste system as well. It is not a very comfortable history but it's true nonetheless. Unless we accept our true genetic history, how can we ever come out of it?
Just think for a while how much genetic pool we have in our country- ancient migrants from africe, dravidians carrying north east Iranian genes, Indo-europeans, austro-asiatic people from north east of India and more. If we just accept our past history and rise above all the prejudice and start mixing freely among ourselves, can you imagine how much genetic fitness that would provide to our society? Stop trying to establish Indian origin of aryan people. Europe used to do that but even now they have stopped saying that (for ex, now it is widely considered England had almost 90% Y chromosome dependent population replacement by those Indo-Europeans spreading from central Asia.)
It is all politics and also a matter of survival, particularly in these days of CAA politics when people are asking others to go to Pakistan at the drop of the hat.
If you were to read the uttering of the proponents of Hindutva politics and ideology, their arguments are prefixed with the words, “since the days of the Vedas.” Our ancient civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS, our glorious civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS, our thousands of years-old marvelous civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS, our glorious Hindu civilization SINCE THE DAYS OF THE VEDAS. Hence, for these guys, Indian civilization is only SINCE THE DAYS OF VEDAS.
The anthem of the RSS includes lines like: Salutations to you, O motherland where I was born, Salutations to you, O the land of the Aryas where I have grown. O Guru, the messenger of Rama, grant us good character, Give us soon all the virtues to become full Hindus, Induct us to your grace and make us followers of Rama etc etc etc.
if you look more closely, all these proponents of the glorious ancient Hindu civilization since the Vedas are all Brahmins like Savarkar, Golwarkar, Hedgewar, Shyam Prasad Mukherjee, Dheen Dayal Upadhyaya, Lala Lajpat Rai, Tilak, GODSE, those six out of seven sarsanghchalaks of RSS, and also the present president of BJP Nadda.
So when one fine morning, if somebody were to come and tell these guys that they are invaders from central Asia steppes and that there was an India before the Vedas and that it was not always Vedic Brahmanical Hindu rashtra, Hindu dharma and Hindu Samskar, that Rama is a mythical figure, naturally, they tend to get pissed off and fight these fellows who said they are invaders, tooth and nail, belittling them and their findings, accusing them of trying to divide the unity of India which is as hard as the rock of Gibraltar.
Soham Mukhopadhyay The discussion is held from the point of view of linguistics as it was the foundation of AIT in the past.They are not denying people coming to indian subcontinent as shown by genetics.
ARYAN WORD WAS IRANIAN. DRAVIDIAN IS INDIAN NATIVE EITHER ACCEPT INDIA AS DRAVIDIAN LAND ..THEN ARYAN LAND IS IN IRAN WHO INVADED OR MIGRATED TO INDOA. The term Arya is used in ancient Persian language texts, for example in the Behistun inscription from the 5th century BCE, in which the Persian kings Darius the Great and Xerxes are described as "Aryans of Aryan stock" (arya arya chiça).
Mahabharatha Pancha gurjara, malawa, telugu, kannada, and dravida Mahabharata links the origin of Dravidas with sage Vasistha. Viswamitra, a king in the Ikshwaku clan, attacked the cow of Vasistha
Kharavel , King of kalinga (orissa) mentioned Dravida sangathan 1 or 2 BC in his incription. That means friendhip or diplamatic relations with dravidian kingdoms in the south.
Kalhana, in his Rajatarangini (c. 12th century CE), classifies the following five Brahmin communities as Pancha Dravida, stating that they reside to the south of the Vindhyas:[1][2]
In pre-modern period, the Pancha Dravida Brahmins comprised those from 4 southern states as well as from Maharashtra and Gujarat. This is the closest you can get to Dravidian ethnicity. Some Iyer sub castes are named Dravidas. Pancha Dravida in contrast to Pancha Gouda.”
Dravida is mentioned as one of the kingdoms in the southern part of present-day mainland India during the time of the Mahabharata. Sometimes the name Dravida was used to denote all the southern kingdoms (like the Chera, Pandya and Chola kingdoms) collectively and sometimes as a separate kingdom.
31:44 Talagheri is completely dismissed the moment he said that genetics cannot have a say in the process of migration. He simply labelled himself as an amateur historian with a prejudice. No need to watch the video any further after an awful analogy was presented by the anchor.
Genetics (if they can have a say) would be very less say in these matters. Because genetics although a branch of science cannot be considered perfect science. There are so many chances of error knowingly or unknowingly such that you cannot be certain about the results from genetic studies, unlike archaeology or geology which are far more reliable than genetics.
@@hmmmm4193 "Genetics is not a perfect science." You need to learn more. Go back to school. Don't waste your time one theology. Nothing in the world is perfect. You slowly spend time perfecting the imperfect things.
@@gametoppler and it is far from perfect as compared to other branches of science. So genetic studies results should be taken with a pinch of salt as compared to other branches. The sample size is a major issue. Many studies are biased so much so that they don't even take samples from north Indian states when studying about Aryan invasion theory. Also, the sample sizes are very small. And then some methods give direct opposite results from others. So to say genetics study is science is far fetched in the current scenario. Maybe it will improve in the future but currently, it cannot be the basis of any substantial proof.
@@hmmmm4193 You are just verbose. There's no substance in your rant. From Darwin/Wallace to Franklin/Crick/Watson to Doudna/Carpenter how much time it has passed, and a mere theologist like you barge in here out of no where, make a stupid comment and I'm supposed to believe that BS? Woah!!! Go back to school.
@@gametoppler wow so much logic. I am stunned by your arguments. Take a bow.🙏
Hindus gave a peaceful burial to sanskrit because 1. Sanskrit is racist and casteist and sexist..only bahmin MEN can learn and talk in sanskrit. All bramin women and non brahmin only used the native dravidian tamil. 2. Sanskrit is a barbaric oral language of aryan invaders from anatolia. ONLY ARCHAELOGICAL EVIDENCE IS SANSKRIT IS 1700YEARS OLD OTGER CLAIMS ARE PURANIC (MEANS FICTION) 3. Sanskrit is a repositoy of full of plagiarised texts and translated from TAMIL Buddhist jains and others 4 shame what sanskrit textand vedic culture practised in india...
1. "sathi" girls will be burnt alive when husbands dies..horrible culture.
2. "Baliya vivagh" a girl get married at 8 or 10 and if the BOY husband dies at 12 age, the girl will be tonsured and humiliated as widow and her life doomed..sometime such girls were donated to temples.. devapirar or dasi for abuses...shame culture
3. " Gangapirava" new born babies thrown into River Ganges or ganga river as religious ritual..no where such cruel infanticide other than SANTANA vedic cruelty adharma
6.in Kerala Sambandham was a concubinage system primarily followed by the Nairs and Ambalavasi with Namboothiri in what is the present-day Indian state of Kerala. The honey moon of newly wed girls must be with nambudri brahmin priests not with husbands..vedic Santana prostitution..
7. Untouchability..hard working low income people are low castes and they shoud not enter temples, even PRESIDENT of INDIA a well respected hindu was not permitted to enter a temple in north India. Some castes were not allowed to comeout during daytime because they are not be seen by highcastes..others cannot walk in agraharam brahmin street..only british and social reformist like Periyar changed that barbaric sanatana practices..
8.In 19th century Travancore lower-caste women were not allowed to wear clothes that covered their breasts. They had to pay a tax called breast tax to the travancore officials if they wished to cover their breasts.
This guy doesn't believe in any DNA genetics etc.
DNA does not prove/disprove language migration. For example, Buddhism spread throughout East Asia but Indian genes din't flow with them .
@@sadenbThe spread of Buddhism occurred in a relatively recent history in contrast to the bronze-iron age period
Arey yaar kitna chillam chilli hai. Both of them are literally screaming at eachother. I lost interest within 5 minutes. Too bad
Just reduce the volume dumbo