The PETTIEST People Ever In the Workplace - And How They Were Handled


ความคิดเห็น • 173

  • @Mercadian
    @Mercadian หลายเดือนก่อน +31

    I used to work in a call centre making the barest minimum of wages, and one day my lunch (packed leftovers and 2 punnets of strawberries, both labelled) went missing. This was a few days before payday so I couldn't afford to buy anything, and the strawberries hurt because they're my favourite and aren't particularly cheap. My manager gave me money from petty cash to buy sushi for lunch, but not more strawberries (they were $5 for 250g at the time; NOT cheap).
    He did some investigating for me, and then was told that we couldn't do anything about the food thief because it was the *CEO* who had taken my food. The highest -paid person in the company taking food from a minimum wage employee.
    After that, whenever there was some company event (and there were a LOT over the 4 more years I worked there), every time there was a dessert with some strawberries on it (like a fruit tart or whatever), I'd go in on my break before the event started, grab a bowl, pull all the strawberries off and hide the bowl in my desk drawer. Then when the event started and all the bigwigs were in the break room, I'd eat the strawberries at my desk between calls.

    • @blahblah6649
      @blahblah6649 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Bless you❤

  • @katherinegrice1801
    @katherinegrice1801 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    Good Manager.....
    This happened when I worked at Blockbuster.
    I assisted a woman with her rentals, pleasantly and attentively. She picked up the movies and left. Manager watched the transaction.
    Less than an hour passed and as I was assisting another customer, the phone rang.
    The manager answered the call. I listened as I did my job and it sounded like someone was upset. After he hung up the conversation went as follows......
    Manager: "Do you remember that lady you helped (describing her)?
    ME: yes.
    MANAGER: "She said you were rude and double-charged her.
    ME: That's not true. I did everything I was supposed to do.
    MANAGER: I know. She just wanted a Free Movie.

  • @Rob-ws2dy
    @Rob-ws2dy หลายเดือนก่อน +39

    My name is Rob - and everyone has always called me that. When I returned to work after a sabbatical, our data security team gave me new system access - but all in the name of Robert. The problem was that because everyone knew me as Rob, and also that someone with the same name as me had recently started at this international company, all of my e-mails were going to the new person. I asked the data security team if they could simply change my name on the e-mail system to Rob, as this would stop that problem...but they refused to do so as it was too costly. The only cost really was someone's time - about 5-10 minutes.
    I decided to change my name by deed poll to Rob. They now had to change my name on the system to my new legal name - but not only the e-mail system, but several other systems, which took them far longer to process than the original request with the e-mail name.

    • @GeorgieB1965
      @GeorgieB1965 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      My name is George. For about several months, I was receiving highly sensitive e-mails/voice mails for someone with the exact same name as mine (at the time, there were about five other state workers with my full name). It took me calling the head of IT for another state agency to have them change his e-mail/electronic correspondence, while I was on the phone with them. For the remaining few years he had before retirement, his official name in the statewide e-mail address book consisted of his first name, middle initial, middle name in parenthesis, last name, and the agency he was directly connected with.

    • @TheStuartGibson
      @TheStuartGibson หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      Brilliant, best type of pettiness

    • @joepiekl
      @joepiekl หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I convinced that most of the things IT "can't do" actually translate as "can't be arsed to do."

    • @GeorgieB1965
      @GeorgieB1965 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      @@joepiekl Most definitely. This attitude is very prevalent in the government, and I've seen it inflicted on others first hand.
      Sadly, IT is one of the very few departments that you have to play very nice with.

    • @rodbowes5309
      @rodbowes5309 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@GeorgieB1965 Because we know when you've been surfing P*rn!

  • @Boogledigs
    @Boogledigs หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    The ŕeindeer mug man - wash it up then take it back to your desk. Simples!!!

    • @Kanyon85
      @Kanyon85 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My thoughts exactly. Just never leave personal stuff in the kitchen, especially if you care deeply about the item.

  • @thisbushnell2012
    @thisbushnell2012 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    In the dorm common room, a sign appeared on the common fridge. TO WHOEVER ATE THE SPAGHETTI ON THE BOTTOM SHELF, IT WAS MY TOXIC FUNGUS EXPERIMENT FOR ADVANCED BIO.

  • @matthewrinehart2367
    @matthewrinehart2367 หลายเดือนก่อน +24

    6;34 I think you missed the irony, or the double standard, of the situation. Corporate was willing to punish him using the same camera that could have caught the thief and instead chose to punish the victim. They stood by and allowed an individual to be bullied and when the victim retaliated the he became the villain. Classic villain backstory.

    • @catherinep2034
      @catherinep2034 หลายเดือนก่อน +9

      Probably the boss or someone from HR that ate it.

    • @eric3215
      @eric3215 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Ben covered the full version in another video about good bosses… the boss ended up buying lunch for everyone that day.

  • @pjaypender1009
    @pjaypender1009 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I work with a guy who is a department supervisor. He refuses to use the microwave after anyone whose lunch is "too moist," by which he means soup or casseroles or really anything that is not a sandwich. He feels anyone whose food is "too moist" should wait until he has arrived in the break room and heated his food before heating their food. Because people (mostly me because I have soup every day) were not waiting for him he demanded his own microwave in his office so he could heat his food in a microwave that's not "too humid" for his taste. One day when another department was short staffed he went around to that department's work areas asking if the people in that department--who were taking lunch late because they had a deadline to meet--if they had any salt and pepper because he forgot his. He is totally self involved and didn't see any problem asking people who hadn't got lunch yet to delay their lunch further to stop and find him some salt and pepper.
    And that's two of the least self involved things he's done but he's totally confused as to why no one seems to like him.
    The worst was probably that the week before Christmas he told his department he was buying them lunch one day as a Christmas present. The day before, he stood by the door as they left and reminded each of them personally to not bring a lunch the next day because he was bringing lunch for them. Then the next day he called in sick saying he had a headache and left the whole department with no lunch.

    • @vellathewench
      @vellathewench 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      That is so evil. Like he couldn't have ordered lunch and gotten it delivered?

  • @StrawberryFieldsNIR
    @StrawberryFieldsNIR หลายเดือนก่อน +9

    They were great. I particularly like the don't touch my mug response ("we can't help it"). So unbelievably CUTE.

  • @lisathaviu1154
    @lisathaviu1154 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    My husband worked at a place where one of the salesmen would steal everyone’s food and eat it in the bathroom. The other staff started telling each other in earshot just how dirty that bathroom was getting and how many nasty stomach bugs they’d had last week from using the bathroom. They also started putting food that was way too old into leftover containers in the refrigerator. Not surprisingly, the food theft stopped, presumably when the guy started getting real stomach “disturbances” at work.

  • @eric3215
    @eric3215 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    The office a-hole at my brother’s job was trying to lose weight and brought in a can of chocolate Slim Fast powder to keep in the break room. One of his coworkers went to GNC, bought a can of chocolate weight gainer and replaced the contents of the Slim Fast can with the weight gain powder.

    • @vellathewench
      @vellathewench 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Surprised they didn't figure out it tasted different.

    • @DelticEngine
      @DelticEngine 24 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      It would be interesting in the guy still lost weight!

  • @bigdarbs19
    @bigdarbs19 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I work for a very large organisation in the UK. Someone was eating the employees sandwiches from the fridges, when it was found out who it was he was fired for theft, he lost a £40k job for that.

    • @Laura-gb1jv
      @Laura-gb1jv หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Well, food ain't cheap.
      ... y'know, I wonder how many lunches you'd have to steal before you got into felony territory?🤔🤔

  • @jackywhite880
    @jackywhite880 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Managers. Whatever you learned in that precious management school, do be aware of 'conversations in the car park.'
    People have limits, and a common problem in management is bosses incapable of grasping that fact.

  • @andyfirthbespoke
    @andyfirthbespoke หลายเดือนก่อน +54

    I heard of someone getting revenge on the person who kept stealing her food at work. She made a special sandwich with Ghost Peppers in it and left it in the fridge. The food thief ate some of it before having a very unique spicy experience.

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน +20

      I bet they won't forget that

    • @patrickhopkins4468
      @patrickhopkins4468 หลายเดือนก่อน +12

      I had the same situation. I took a chocolate ding dong (chocolate coated snack cake) and coated it in chocolate exlax laxative

    • @MrBerryK
      @MrBerryK หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I heard of a similar case, but the food thief went to HR and accused the theft victim of trying to poison them. It did not go well for the thief.

    • @kimr3755
      @kimr3755 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

      ​@patrickhopkins4468 I knew someone who used the same thing but with brownies. No lunches were stolen after that.

    • @patrickhopkins4468
      @patrickhopkins4468 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

      @@kimr3755 It's a rather harsh lesson but some people only learn the hard way

  • @SnyderEMarx5
    @SnyderEMarx5 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    I cured a food thief by making a batch of ex-lax chocolate chip cookies.

    • @blahblah6649
      @blahblah6649 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      I did similar years ago baked a date and fig cake that contained an entire bottle of CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS LAXATIVE. Left it on the lunch room table in the morning. By lunch time, a third of the staff had left early and by 4pm, the only people left in the building were me and the front receptionist who was diabetic and could not eat cake.😅

    • @vellathewench
      @vellathewench 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@blahblah6649 Wow. So it wasn't just one or two people. Geez.

  • @crankyyankee7290
    @crankyyankee7290 หลายเดือนก่อน +15

    I had a moron foreman once who liked to play tyrant-I worked 3rd shift, and one AM he (knowing most didn't like staying late ) announced that everyone would be required to stay, The first huge red flag was that everyone was very happy to do so, he had overlooked one little detail-that day was a minor holiday that only my group got premium pay for working-(2 1/2 X rate-12 hours pay for 4 hours), a bit later he came around with a long face saying that he had a problem as no one was needed-Yep you got a big problem OK , as the contract stated that once OT was accepted it could not be rescinded, although the employee had the option to drop it, and as he was very much disliked everyone was staying-an entire shift with nothing to do. When the manager got wind of it my understanding was that his voice while speaking to "Little Ceaser" made the walls shake-after a while his job was eliminated as he caused constant chaos with his games

  • @leelindsay5618
    @leelindsay5618 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    Each team at my company is in the office one day per week. It wasn't my idea, but a few of us have adopted a drawer and been adding snacks for the whole team. Some folks give money, others bring snacks, but our drawer got raided one day - we fought back by hiding the key and expanding to the whole 4 drawer cabinet. Now we have drinks, snacks, plates, cups, bowls and utensils, and a second drawer of snacks😅

  • @KorenaiAcorn
    @KorenaiAcorn หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The true victim here is that poor radio. What did it ever do to get butchered like that? 😭

  • @EikePilt
    @EikePilt หลายเดือนก่อน +22

    One of my old bosses was a real pain. He didn't let us drink coffee at our desks, so we'd take long coffee breaks in the lounge. He wasn't happy about that either, but what could he do?🙄

  • @tomarmstrong3800
    @tomarmstrong3800 หลายเดือนก่อน +18

    I think their reaction to having their food stolen was completely reasonable tbh

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน +4

      Same here!

    • @jerseyjoyride1316
      @jerseyjoyride1316 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

      I think if I was called into the office at that point I would say "While we're looking at the security camera over the fridge, let's see who ate the applesauce!"

  • @Khaltazar
    @Khaltazar หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Also, about large jobs, you would be surprised. I had a co-worker who was in his 70s and he liked to print off database tables, I sometimes would walk by his desk and see something like Page 11 of 350. Those warnings are for people like him. You don't need to print a database table out on paper.

  • @awijntje14
    @awijntje14 หลายเดือนก่อน +19

    I believe the first example is called "malicious compliance" and has a whole subreddit...
    Keep up the great work.

    • @mhfuzzball
      @mhfuzzball 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Reddit has subreddits for malicious compliance and petty revenge, and Ronin (the guy in the first example) got both.

  • @t.l.c7481
    @t.l.c7481 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    The first guy has a petty channel. He also has worked at Walmart. The things he does has me laughing hard.

    • @mhfuzzball
      @mhfuzzball 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @jameshwren
    @jameshwren หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    When I was in the Navy our XO was needlessly neurotic about every detail, even color coordination on his office whiteboard. When we would go out to sea, and he would start giving the crew trouble we would replace his dry erase markers with yellows and browns until all his markers were replaced. As we were on a submarine we rarely got resupplied and the next 9 months were rough for him.

    • @vellathewench
      @vellathewench 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      I love this amount of pettiness lol

  • @jerseyjoyride1316
    @jerseyjoyride1316 หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    To get back at one of my co-workers who is really annoying to everyone including stealing their sales I decided one day to go to the vending machine and get some cookies..
    Well when I say cookies I mean the entire vending machine selection of one cookie in particular. That cookie was that person's favorite cookie and they had just filled the vending machine up for the two weeks.
    To watch him walking with that vending machine with a smile on his face to buy his favorite cookies and find out there were none in there it was enjoyable.
    Even more enjoyable with when I walked out with a handful eating them in front of him saying "Which one were you looking for? 😈
    At the time it cost me over $10 to do that and it was worth EVERY SINGLE PENNY!

    • @vellathewench
      @vellathewench 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Did you only do this once? I feel like I would do it for a few months lol. I love it.

    • @jerseyjoyride1316
      @jerseyjoyride1316 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@vellathewench yes, I only did it the one time. He actually found it funny himself when he saw me with all his favorite cookies.
      Same job I also changed the settings in his monitor so that everything was upside down and backwards.
      We had an IT guy who was kind of a douchebag. He would show up on Saturdays when no one was around and hang out in the office getting paid Mass amounts of money to supposedly fix things. I walked in on him a couple times on the cell phone talking about his brand new pool and other things that had nothing to do with work...
      He wasn't able to fix the monitor and wound up ordering a new one. 🤣
      I had to make sure not to fess up to that one afterwards. 🤫

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    on the mouse story, what would have been funnier would be to alter the calibration on it.

  • @good7saint
    @good7saint หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Someone was pinching my lunch time sandwiches but I knew who it was.
    So one day I put dog food in them and made sure the person taking them heard me telling someone what I'd done

  • @annarichter484
    @annarichter484 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    Unintentional pettiness here. At the marketing company I was working we got a new IT admin. I was a PA and often had to pass on jobs from my boss (who is a whole other story). I send the job request via email as usual and was asked to go to the new admin an hour later. He was livid. He screamed at me what kind off job request doesn't include urgency and how I can be so unprofessional. I was caught so off guard that I was in tears after. About a year later I decided to look for a job abroad and in preparation I changed my computer keyboard from QUERTZ to QUERTY. During my annual leave he had to use my computer to finalize some prints (I was the only one with the software). He didn't bother to ask me for permission before my holiday so my keyboard surface showed something different from what it actually did. Long story short the other PA's told me after that he was screaming at my computer tried different keyboards and never figured out what was the issue. Serves him right.

  • @kursna
    @kursna หลายเดือนก่อน +25

    I worked in a casino as a security guard. Surveillance caught 3 of my coworkers stealing my food one day and I was pretty pissed. To send a message, surveillance printed a bolo with their faces on it and pasted it all over staff areas of the casino. I still have the picture of the bolo

    • @kursna
      @kursna หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      They were labeled "the taquito bandits" for anybody wondering

    • @malcwhite
      @malcwhite หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      What's a bolo?

    • @neil216
      @neil216 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Be on look out for…
      I had to Google it as well.

    • @vellathewench
      @vellathewench 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      @@malcwhite It means "be on the lookout". So they're pictures were put up with a warning to watch out for them.

  • @annetyrrell2189
    @annetyrrell2189 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    I worked in a government office once where a senior admin person used to go into the fridge each day and would eat anything that didn’t have someone’s name and date on it. She said that anything in the communal fridge without a name was hers and I as a junior couldn’t stop her. I even saw her go into peoples personal lunch bags and take out food as it was personally labelled.
    I also worked for a lawyer who happened to be my manager he was food obsessed. One day he went in and took out my frozen lean cuisine. It was the only one in there. When he walked by I asked him where he had gotten it. He said it was from the freezer. I said that’s my lunch. He said well he was hungry and so he ate it. I asked him then what he expected me to do for lunch he handed me $3.00 and said buy lunch. I pointed out that Lean Cuisines were more than that. That I had brought it as I had to work through my lunch and he just walked away. I ended up having to get a coworker to go get something for me as I couldn’t leave that day.

  • @adeptusmagi
    @adeptusmagi หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    Had a guy in the office at my first job so petty about everything used to check how all the orders were going twice a day always just before lunch time and just before we had to send the deliveries with tons of stupid questions about what was in each box we had a standard way of assembling orders so the same groups of items were always in the same boxes it cost us time every single day and caused problems by interrupting us
    anyway a friend of a friend i met was just the same and i commented later I'd only ever met one other person like that .... turns out it was his sister

  • @christinemeddes7851
    @christinemeddes7851 หลายเดือนก่อน +7

    We had an Engineering Manager who was annoyed about the amount of milk being used for teas and coffees on the nightshift. So he took all the milk out of the fridge and hid it in a nice warm office cupboard overnight…

  • @greeneaglz2573
    @greeneaglz2573 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    So a company I worked for in the past had a rule that you could not book holiday either side of a bank holiday. I asked someone why that was and they sad that someone in the past had booked all their holiday one year which coincided with bank holidays so they made it a rule that nobody could do it. I asked why they don't change it to allow people to book their holiday differently and the response was " So you think we will change a rule that has been at the company for 60 years?" I said nothing but was thinking "Yes I do think you should change it."

  • @NickAskew
    @NickAskew หลายเดือนก่อน +12

    Years ago I'd left a pot of sweets by my desk and found that overnight they were being eaten. Now I guess there were a few possibly suspects, those working late, the cleaning staff, and the security guy. Well I wasn't that bothered but I did think it worth having some fun so I bought some trick sweets which apparently dyed your mouth blue. Frustratingly the sweet thief never took a single one. 🙂

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Haha so close to getting your revenge

  • @pg4662
    @pg4662 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I had a boss who decided that I had claimed too much mileage. Even with my speedometer carefully copied down. I explained that the 4 journeys she was referring to had major road works, with a major detours, well publicised and no secret. So she said, well I'm docking 20 miles because it's not up to me to pay for roadworks!! I said no, not up to me neither. But she stopped it anyway. And so over the next couple of months, I clawed every mile back, here and there! She never knew, whilst it wasn't much money, it was the principle.

  • @stephaniewilson7352
    @stephaniewilson7352 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Lots of offices have the rule about not printing large runs because the small office copier is more expensive per impression than the print center. It also justifies them having a print center.

  • @thebladeofchaos
    @thebladeofchaos หลายเดือนก่อน +8

    so, before I joined my security team, there was 2 break rooms, one for the security guys (we operate in a 3 man team, the building ain't exactly a hot spot) and one for IT and reception. IT and Reception would complain to the building manager convinced that the break room they used together was theirs alone. at this point, as the team lead tells it, he began to notice food missing from our break room, stains we were getting blamed for, just stuff like that.
    he leaves this section a bit.....vague. probably to protect himself, but apparently, at one point, two members of reception staff came back from lunch, faces flushed, drinking like men possessed, and finding it hard to speak, but denying medical help. they finished the last three hours of their shift and left. after that, surprisingly, our room was untouched

  • @user-jk9kt9dd6o
    @user-jk9kt9dd6o หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    A company I worked for (Global outfit) had screwed a customer by not delivering on time, and the CEO asked me in front of everyone if it was something I could fix by taking the owner of this company we'd screwed out to dinner using my corporate credit card. I figured I'd use that exact moment to be as petty about the performance of our company as possible.
    I asked if by "fix" and "dinner" he meant I get the guy shitfaced, overdose him on hookers and blow, and take compromising photos and blackmail that case...maybe....or by "dinner" do you mean which case...NO.
    Mortified looks all around, and a rant about my inappropriateness...and I responded "Hey, I'm not the one that screwed this. Personality wise he's exactly like me. He paid a lot of money, he expects a result, not excuses. You asked if I could fix this with dinner, and I provided the options and the likely results for "dinner". Don't shoot the messenger".
    I didn't last long there.

  • @debtompkins5363
    @debtompkins5363 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    shouldn't the camera have caught the applesauce thief too ??????????????

  • @daviemaclean61
    @daviemaclean61 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    Boss hated people using HIS mug so he got one that came in a cage with a tiny padlock, The day he was going on holiday for three weeks one of the workers put a bigger padlock through the bars! Boss was mad as hell but couldn't find who'd done it. When the worker returned he waited until the boss was out to anonymously remove the bigger padlock.

  • @Khaltazar
    @Khaltazar หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The mug thing I can understand a little, but honestly at my work I had a locked desk I could use, either take it home each day if you don't or don't bring it to work if it is important to you. I learned early on that sometimes co-workers will find something and use it (and yes sometimes not even clean and return it).

  • @martinmaynard141
    @martinmaynard141 หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    I once had a mico-managing boss who required me to submit written work for her to ok - because I didn't go to Oxford I obviously can't write! Anyway I once submitted someting to her and she changed it with instructions to submit the re-draft. This went back and forth something like six times and the final draft was virutally word for word my first draft! Waste of time or what. All for a little power trip which proved her to be stupid.

    • @malcwhite
      @malcwhite หลายเดือนก่อน

      I had a boss who did that then threatened to sack me (I was on my probationary period having just joined the company) for making so many mistakes

    • @sararobertson1872
      @sararobertson1872 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      One of my old bosses did this, so I started copying and pasting emails he'd previously reviewed. Then I casually dropped a comment that he was editing his own work. All of a sudden the amount of editing decreased.

    • @martinmaynard141
      @martinmaynard141 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@sararobertson1872 Similar thing happened to me with my last civil service boss. After about a year I had woked out that anything I said was shot down in flames and because I have a fairly good memory I started suggesting things she had said a couple of weeks before and without even a blink of the eyes the response was always "that is a terrible idea. It will never work"

  • @ellenwood719
    @ellenwood719 หลายเดือนก่อน +10

    I worked as a teller at a bank while I went to college, and my first day at a new branch, everyone told me to keep my food in an ice bag in my cage, because the boss would steal it. What made this extra infuriating was that she made 3 times what we did, and we could not leave the building, and she could. She never had her own food because she was on a diet, but would get so hungry that she just had to "try a nibble." That meant that throughout the morning, she ate 2 or 3 lunches. Once we all started keeping lunch in our cages, she would come into the break room and ask for "just one bite" and eat as much as she could from as many people as possible. Then she got where she would just sit down and start picking up your food and eating it like the lunch table was her personal buffet. We had no choice after that but to eat in our cars, with engines running and gas burning, so we could eat in peace. I know she had to be ill, but come on!

    • @scragar
      @scragar 28 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Make extra lunches loaded with sugar and fat. Leave them in the fridge.
      Laugh when the dieting boss gains 10kg in a month.

  • @TimeLady8
    @TimeLady8 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I love RoninGT's Petty Squad videos. Having worked a lot of years in retail, I can relate to so many of his videos.

  • @twoblacklabs904
    @twoblacklabs904 22 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    We had a lunch thief in our break area. A group of us put together a nearly half hour video of edited “surveillance” clips of our “clever” little food absconder, and premiered it at the office’s Christmas party. Thievy McThieverson RESIGNED the following day…clearly utterly humiliated in the process.

  • @blue_ranger
    @blue_ranger หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I remember working at a leisure centre, and some petty boss ordered the lifeguards enter a number on a sheet every 15 minutes of how many people were in the pool at the time.
    (More accurate information could be got from reception, but no, let's give those who shouldn't be distracted something to do, eh?)
    Wouldn't be much of a story if what she demanded had been complied with, and there were numerous gaps where the team had forgotten or couldn't be arѕеd.
    A memo went up in the staff room; "Could all lifeguards make sure they complete the head count sheets as instructed. There is a reason for this."
    A scrawled reply: "Is there? I wonder what it could be...?"
    she then wrote underneath: "You do not need to know the reason, only that I am telling you to do it."
    Reply: "That's not good enough! It's a No."
    Her: "When I find out who is defacing memos, they will face disciplinary action."
    Reply: "You'll discipline yourself? YOU'VE written more than anyone on it!"
    [Memo got taken down]
    I was the union rep at the time, and she moaned about about it in the staff room, I said, "I can't help you, you're not a member, and actually they have a point, they don't really have to do that extra thing, it's not in their job description or the Normal Operating Procedure"
    Later that afternoon she wrote it into the NOP, and I was, "Whoa, whoa! You can't just add something without consulting the union, and I don't agree! I think them doing that is a distraction from their vigilance, and a potential safety issue"
    So she took it to Union branch, and they said it would be OK and spoke to me, I said, "I wasn't that bothered, I just wanted to beat her in a petty contest"
    "Oh, OK" he laughed, "Fair enough"

  • @bentaylor5407
    @bentaylor5407 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    I used to work for a supermarket. We had a food thife that would help themselves to other employees lunches ect.... I got sick of it so I started making sandwichs that looked so appetising but would hide chilli's in them..... the thefts suddenly stopped😅

    • @StrawberryFieldsNIR
      @StrawberryFieldsNIR หลายเดือนก่อน

      Not that I nick other people's food, but I love chillies. It would likely make me start the habit!

  • @CatnipSushi
    @CatnipSushi หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    The print thing, I get. There would be times that people would print a 1,000 page spec on the local ink jet when the large laser printer was available and it took longer to print than walk to. Plus, this printing would occur single sided, not double sided, and the individual printing only needed to review 10 or 20 pages.

  • @paul8161
    @paul8161 28 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Debbie must have been the size of a house eating everyone's food. 🤣

  • @blahblah6649
    @blahblah6649 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    My employer did not like what was put into the anonymous suggestion box, so took away the entire box, but still said we could anonymously hand suggestions directly to our manager. Go figure?😅

  • @G.G.8GG
    @G.G.8GG หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    About 2005, the owner's brother took over as CFO. He was convinced that we worker peons had ruined the fax machine, so instead of authorizing a new one, he rooted around in the supply closet and pulled out a dinky little machine that appeared to have come from the 80's, was ultra slow, used some weird paper. This was to suffice for all the departments in the building. Since we received faxes at that time from our vendors across the country this cut productivity and made people irritated that they couldn't get their work done. But the CFO punished us, by golly, and saved a few hundred dollars - for a few weeks when he had to buy a machine to get the work flow going again.
    Then he just concentrated on letting office supplies run out so we all had to bring our own. I made a purchase request for a red pencil once. The purchasing manager called me and asked for justification of my order. She then discussed it with the CFO (not kidding) and i was told a red pencil was not necessary and i should use a black one.

  • @chrisdonnellyofficial
    @chrisdonnellyofficial หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Some really pretty but brilliant plays here... loved this video!!

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Haha I had a few laughs going through them, that's for sure.

  • @paulmarshall7092
    @paulmarshall7092 หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Lots of mustard in my sarnies, colleague being sick with yellow mustard stains on his uniform. Me love mustard and can eat lots.

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      That will do it

  • @iamgregg
    @iamgregg หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Love a bit of malicious compliance

  • @lastchance848
    @lastchance848 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    I feel the same about my mug but I never had problems cause it comes home with me

  • @ZomBeeQueeen
    @ZomBeeQueeen หลายเดือนก่อน +5

    Story 1 is a great example of malicious compliance 😂

  • @fredericchristie3472
    @fredericchristie3472 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The ice machine one is particularly stupid. You *want* the ice machine in constant use as it prevents nasties from growing.

  • @sararobertson1872
    @sararobertson1872 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    When I worked at a postal centre, we were banned from bringing in cakes and biscuits to share because we were wasting too much time in the tea room, so I started carrying biscuits around in my pockets

  • @neilarmour4497
    @neilarmour4497 27 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    If you don't like people touching your mug, keep it at your desk.

  • @ASmK9412
    @ASmK9412 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    The radio story. I worked in a place and I was the only one in one little section. I saw an older radio which had been there ages just needed a fresh plug. So fixed it had it for a couple of days and it was gone. Noticed it with a group who had a not so good radio. I said northing and ended up bringing my clock radio I never used in. I hid it end of each day .

  • @reneemarielong6798
    @reneemarielong6798 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Late 1970s. Large law firm. Hundreds of incoming calls to 40 outside telephone extension numbers. Secretaries were in the small space between the long inner hallway and boss' offices. So happens that the local department store had a number just one diget different of our lines. Sweet little old lady was mercilessly pranked by others routing ALL "wrong number" calls to her extension. Poor thing would get so frustrated.

  • @sararobertson1872
    @sararobertson1872 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    After telling me I needed to wear clothing with reflective tape, and me spending $100 and many hours altering my hi vis clothing, without saying a word to me about it but with many looks up and down of what I was wearing, my manager left me off the roster for next week and then asked me if I had any questions for her. I said no.

  • @Kabul75
    @Kabul75 16 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I used to have little candy-plate by my desk and every day one of my colleagues took some while I was not by my desk. I bought super-hot chili-gummybears and put them to the plate. Then went for a coffee refill only to find one of my colleagues screaming like a banshee. That was the last time.

  • @joepiekl
    @joepiekl หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Our boss used to get annoyed by the song Goodies by Ciara. It has a weird electronic sound in it that sounds a bit like the tone when you leave a phone off the hook. It used to be played several times a day on Radio 1 and every time he'd come into our office asking what the sound was, followed by "Oh god, that song again."

  • @realong2506
    @realong2506 หลายเดือนก่อน

    My son in laws lunch as with the container it was stored in and another employees $40 grubhub order, was thrown out before luch during his 12 hour shift by another employee who took it upon themselves to clean all the food out of the employee refrigerator. The employees complained to managment offered them some ships and a soda to eat for their lunch that day. Pathetic.

  • @Mark_Agamotto1313_Smith
    @Mark_Agamotto1313_Smith หลายเดือนก่อน +13

    I disagree about the mug, I don't want ANYONE drinking from my mug, I don't know where your mouth has been.

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Haha I thought this one might get contested.

    • @Fast_Eddy_Magic
      @Fast_Eddy_Magic หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      My daughter gave me that mug. She died when she was 6. What you do to that mug, I do to you. 😐

    • @jerseyjoyride1316
      @jerseyjoyride1316 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I could see someone lining it with an invisible coating of ghost pepper or something else and leaving it in there..
      😃 "Where's Bobby?"
      🫤 "I think he's in the bathroom. Something about his lips were on fire?"

    • @rebny7801
      @rebny7801 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Then put your mug in your locker. I hope at least your name is written on your mug. At my former work place a colleague got angry because I used his mug. His mug was at the same place then all the mugs that are availlabe for everyone. How had I known?

    • @TallyDrake
      @TallyDrake หลายเดือนก่อน +3

      Never bring a mug to work that has sentimental value, and if you do, don't leave it in the breakroom.

  • @ZoeyR86
    @ZoeyR86 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    i took being petti as a joke and i took my OCD co workers desk and mirrored everything even his monitor the desk layout everything inside the cubical was mirrored it was right before it's left today

    • @ZoeyR86
      @ZoeyR86 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      it took almost an hour before he realized

  • @karenglenn6707
    @karenglenn6707 21 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I worked for the police here in Australia for 15 years. It was the best job ever, here at our local police station. I could always tell when the night shift guys were bored as all of my desk stuff would be stick taped to the ceiling, my phone would be covered in tape and my chair was taped to the desk. They even taped my stapler to the ceiling 😂. Never had any pettiness, even from our Snr Sergeant who would let me go to the hairdresser during the day as long as my work was done. It was like working with 30 brothers, all respectful and when I separated from my son’s father, they would check our house every night to make sure we were safe. And when I got a boyfriend, they had all of his details and had done a criminal record check on him before I even got to work 🤣. I loved those guys, it was the happiest time in my life. Some of them are gone now and others have retired, but I’ll always love and miss them, and be grateful for having them all in my life. Wish so much that I could go back and have that time all over again, it was a laugh at work every day.

  • @joeschmo622
    @joeschmo622 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I always kept any mug, bowl, fork/spoon/knife, etc., at my desk, in a plastic bag, and locked in a drawer. Well, only my coffee mug stayed out because it was a giveaway mug I got from a conference or something.
    And I'd personally landmine my food if it was getting swiped from the fridge. My last place was pretty good with that, few if any foodthieves, so thankfully that wasn't an issue.

  • @colinshard8665
    @colinshard8665 14 วันที่ผ่านมา

    my best "revenge" story i ever played on someone, was not doing anything in retalliation that day, i used to work in a cooca factory and we had one guy there that was a pain in the backside, thought he was god's gift to practical jokes, and on this one day, i can't remember exactly what transpired but he had done something to me and i had told him to " look over his shoulder" and after that everytime he looked in my direction i had a permanent smirk on my face for him, when i fetched the coffee from the machine(we all had a turn) i gave him his coffee with that smirk and it was so satisfying to watch him go get his own coffee every time i gave him his, although i never did anything to it, but that day was the best way to get revenge by not getting revenge, the paranoia they experience thinking that you are going to do something to them to get back at them and then do nothing just messes with their head lol

  • @josephruddofficial
    @josephruddofficial หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    Loool some of these are so petty but so good!

    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน

      Brilliant, right?

  • @thisbushnell2012
    @thisbushnell2012 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    #1 is one of my favorites, stay petty

  • @TheStuartGibson
    @TheStuartGibson หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Food thief in an old job, everyone knew it was them, they never admitted or got caught, but this happened for over 10 years and they were the only one there at that tenure. Someone got a pasty bap, (a Belfast pasty not cornish) in between a bread bun. We let's name the person who had food stolen, they bought a pasty bap, sliced the pasty in half and scraped the contents of the grill pan and put it in the pasty and give it to the thief. The thief loved it and said it was the nicest pasty he had in years

  • @1tommyday
    @1tommyday หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The mug one was so funny 😁
    I want to work with those people.

  • @MrCyru24
    @MrCyru24 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    The mug thing is understandable some dirty people don’t wash their hands after the toilet

  • @Mus.Anonymouse
    @Mus.Anonymouse 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    About the printer: I have seen many times people printing out 250 page pdf's for yust one chapter of around 6 or 7 pages. I do believe that was the intent behind it, just print what you need.
    (aside from the waste of ink and paper, it blocked the printer for almost half an hour, blocking "effective" use of said printer)

  • @joepiekl
    @joepiekl หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    To be fair to the "don't print large jobs" person, it's more that they hog the printer, which can be a problem when someone else is in a hurry. As a teacher, trust me, there's nothing worse than realising you've forgotten to print something 5 minutes before you lesson and someone else is printing the entire King James bible. It doesn't help that our printer seems to like a little rest between each page if you're printing large pictures.

  • @USmileSum2
    @USmileSum2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    RoninGT, THE Petty Squad, is my hero 😂

  • @user-yg1cp2yi1e
    @user-yg1cp2yi1e หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Printer costs are not all that minimal. The sign didn't say don't print anything, it talked about large jobs. If they have a large job they should go and pay the cost at the print shop. They should not add extra cost and maintenance, and having to replace paper etc. I've seen people using REAMS of paper to get "free" printing out of the company, which also costs company time. Nope, not petty.

  • @brantnuttall
    @brantnuttall หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    7:44 yes, you are right. lace your food with loads of laxatives just for the 1 day.

  • @chrystalminor1422
    @chrystalminor1422 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    Haaa! Print Jobs! How punny :D

  • @dearyvettetn4489
    @dearyvettetn4489 หลายเดือนก่อน

    While I appreciate the passion for vengeance of the worker who went scorched earth on the employee refrigerator, I wonder if they turned the entire office against themselves. The bum who stole the food likely had nothing in the fridge to throw away. As a former brown bag girlie I would have been waiting for them outside after work.

  • @vikingsoftpaw
    @vikingsoftpaw 23 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Office power tripping weasels, I had wannabe coworker drive one of the younger guys in the office to a psychologist with thoughts of suicide. He couldn't handle his gas lighting.

  • @Locomokipkachelfantje
    @Locomokipkachelfantje หลายเดือนก่อน +6

    For my work I go to all sorts of work places and the humor of the people in factories is just funny and dry.
    So one example: One of those doornotes was put up and it read: "Toilet verstopt" (yes, its Dutch.) but 'verstopt' means 'clogged' or 'hidden'. So people started writing underneath the note: "found it, it was behind this door all along..."

    • @blahblah6649
      @blahblah6649 27 วันที่ผ่านมา

      its German not Dutch...

  • @matmorrow
    @matmorrow หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    I hope the picture of Steve Jobs was there before the warning

  • @katherinegrice1801
    @katherinegrice1801 หลายเดือนก่อน

    He not only worked at Burger King, but also at Walmart as Security. His videos are great.

  • @madmax6220
    @madmax6220 หลายเดือนก่อน

    probably the ice machine is from a other bar in the same venue. the martini bar uses there ice to often.

  • @michaelestrada6957
    @michaelestrada6957 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Hurray for the Burger King guy? He taught the boss a lesson and I got Listeria. 😢

  • @PlanetZhooZhoo
    @PlanetZhooZhoo หลายเดือนก่อน

    It's not petty to want others not to use your mug. In my old workplace, the people who caught all the colds were the ones who used the communial mugs. They were never washed up properly, and looked gross. I kept mine in my locker and stayed healthy.

  • @alexandermills9965
    @alexandermills9965 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

    I had a similar experience with a manager who hated people touching his mug and put a very similar sign up. One which gad teddy bears on. So we bought a load of teddy mugs in and put up a mini wall using lego, (worked at Toys R Us), and then kept asking him for several days which teddy bear mug do you not want us to touch

  • @Wertyingf
    @Wertyingf หลายเดือนก่อน

    I can understand the person not wanting their coffee mug touched if you think about it is pretty gross. Did they wash their hands after they went to the restroom are they sick I personally understand it. And most of all it's not there's.

  • @florendilhobbit2099
    @florendilhobbit2099 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

    Why are you in favour of people touching the mug? Sure, it's just a mug but it's also not like it's hard not to touch/take other people's mug.
    They let everyone know in a polite manner to please leave the mug alone, why should they take the harassment?

  • @LunarisDemon
    @LunarisDemon หลายเดือนก่อน

    "i've got alot of time for this one" then spends 5 seconds responding to it and closes the video.

  • @mr.sasquatch1012
    @mr.sasquatch1012 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Never thought I would see a roningt video here.

  • @freetipuk
    @freetipuk หลายเดือนก่อน +1


    • @Ben-Askins
      @Ben-Askins  หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @TheJase8566
    @TheJase8566 หลายเดือนก่อน +4

    If someone brings a mug in from home, don’t use it. Simple. Do you take the picture of their spouse off their desk and put it on yours?

    • @matmorrow
      @matmorrow หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Sometimes, if I'm feeling lonely

    • @rebny7801
      @rebny7801 หลายเดือนก่อน

      How would I know it is THEIR MUG in the first place! If they don't want to share their mug they should'nt put it with the company mugs.

    • @TheJase8566
      @TheJase8566 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@rebny7801 The company buys mugs that are company branded or the same type/set. The ones not part of that are not the company ones. Did I really have to spell that out to you? Were you not able to deduce that on your own?

    • @joeschmo622
      @joeschmo622 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Well, to be fair, she *is* hot...

  • @rosemaryjones5550
    @rosemaryjones5550 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Coffee guy could be germophobe or have ocd or dairy allergy if you don’t know them don’t judge
    Food screw you Ben he has no money this was justified

  • @MsAnpassad
    @MsAnpassad หลายเดือนก่อน

    Sorry, but the Burger King boss were in the right. Restaurants needs to be spotless and the staff needs to clean it before they go home, it's common practice around the world. Dirt attracts flies etc.
    What that staff have failed to realise is that you should clean as you go during the entire shift so it don't take long after closing.

    • @lynnapgar4532
      @lynnapgar4532 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @MsAnpassad what you are saying about cleaning is right, however then the boss has no right to complain about the time.

    • @MsAnpassad
      @MsAnpassad หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@lynnapgar4532 Actually, he or she do have the right. Staff shouldn't be slacking off when working. If it's that dirty even after hours of cleaning, they are being lazy during service. If you drop something, clean it up directly, don't wait until people have walked on it spreading it through the kitchen etc.

    • @jazzzmynparker7518
      @jazzzmynparker7518 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Sorry, but if it took 5 hours to clean after their shift, there is no way they would have had time to do that during their shift.

    • @MsAnpassad
      @MsAnpassad หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      @@jazzzmynparker7518 It tells a story about being lazy for a long time in order for that amount of dirt to build up.
      I'll give you an example, I clean my shower drain every time I've showered, it takes around five seconds, how long do you think the drain would take if I instead waited until it clogged up?

    • @lynnapgar4532
      @lynnapgar4532 หลายเดือนก่อน

      @@jazzzmynparker7518 exactly

  • @NavaSDMB
    @NavaSDMB หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    At one time I was doing some work for a guy who was not my boss. He was an external consultant and a strong believer in making money by prolonging the problem. Not in the top 3 of the "Worst People I've Worked With" but definitely top 10. I'm from Spain, he was English.
    We were in Italy and at one point he started yelling about the music on the radio (top 40 stuff). OK, yes, it was like the 10th time they played Tiziano Ferro's "Perdono" that morning, but what the heck, it's a good song. He turned to me and asked whether I had anything classical. I said I had some classic songs but they probably weren't what he was thinking of. He said to play them.
    The Italians almost died from laughter when Italian singer and show-woman Rafaella Carrá came on. That specific song had long been used by Spanish DJs and party bands to mark the end of the night: it's instantly recognizable and you end on a happy note.
    The consultant left the room like his pants were on fire. We didn't see him until the next day (can't say we missed his company) and he never complained about the music again.