Are You a Maladaptive Daydreamer? Here's How to Stop 2/4

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 12 ก.ย. 2024
  • Hello, Maladaptive Daydreamers! Here is the follow-up to part I. As always, like, subscribe, and hit that notify bell for future videos to your healthiest, creative self.
    Hi! Here is where I say I am not a medical profession by any means. The Healthy Writer and the information provided in this video are not intended as medical advice. This channel is purely informational and for entertainment and is not a substitute for advice, treatment, or diagnosis regarding medical or mental health conditions. The views expressed in this video and channel should not be taken as medical or psychiatric advice. Please always seek a medical or other health professional when seeking advice, treatment, or diagnosis regarding medical or mental health conditions.
    Much love and thanks to Matt McCue who created the beautiful medley you hear in the background of the Healthy Writer along with Joseph from www.freemanrec.... Thanks, McCue and Joseph!

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  • @thehealthywriter
    @thehealthywriter  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    If you benefitted from this video, please subscribe (trying to reach 2,000 subscribers by end of January)! I have more videos on maladaptive daydreaming, other wellness, and creativity tips. And if you'd like to go above and beyond in supporting this channel, please become a member over at Patreon:

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  8 หลายเดือนก่อน

      Maladaptive daydreaming playlist:
      Guided EFT for Maladaptive Daydreaming:
      30-day meditation for Maladaptive daydreaming:
      Listener Write In #1 Maladaptive Daydreaming & Shame:

  • @samikshajaygadkar183
    @samikshajaygadkar183 2 ปีที่แล้ว +102

    I wish there was an easier fix for this . Its a huge huge torture . It has complete ability to steal your potential . Fighting it off or tapering it down is in itself a huge task . Its a minute to minute fight to stay conscious . Its so mentally exhausting that even meditation is a hell , that is the time I am tormented the most by thoughts and daydreams. You are right though a guided meditation will certainly help . And you hit the correct spot when you said " its a creative addiction ".. its so creative and damn weirdly complex. It wraps itself around your brain like a parasite .Its feeding on your cognitive abilities , your creative abilities and harming you in return . MDD has ripped me off of everything .

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +16

      I'm so sorry to hear that, Samiksha. It can be terribly challenging, and to me it seems related to OCD because of the kind of obsessive or compulsive components. I think guided meditation AND yoga can really work wonders for this one, and also, recognizing patterns. Are you able to recognize what your triggers are? And can you mitigate those triggers-or find alternative responses to them that you can default to instead of the MDD. I know how challenging it is, and I wish there was an easier fix too. I think it's one of those things that really benefits from consistent, small changes like daily guided meditation. Another thing you can try; if you're imagining stories happening to you or fictional ones, sit down and actually write them out if you can. That way you can remind yourself that you can take this creative excess and actually put it into something. And they don't have to be good stories, but by doing that-you're showing your brain a different way of handling MDD.

    • @suburbaneverest9838
      @suburbaneverest9838 2 ปีที่แล้ว +12

      It's okay man we're gonna get through this together :)❤❤

    • @stacieroberson7626
      @stacieroberson7626 ปีที่แล้ว

      Since meditation does not seem to help, have you tried prescription medication for OCD?

    • @Samikshahere
      @Samikshahere 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      We both have the same names and guess what I can totally relate to you here too :)
      I hope you're okay now

  • @georgebrown8396
    @georgebrown8396 2 ปีที่แล้ว +55

    5 More Ways To Quit Maladaptive Daydreaming
    1. Meditation 00:13
    2. Limit Your Triggers 02:03
    3. Stay Busy/Make Plans 04:27
    4. Recognize The Benefits 06:24
    5. Self Examining Trough Journaling 09:59

  • @thehappytwist
    @thehappytwist ปีที่แล้ว +15

    I used to pace for hours listening to music and imagining performing for people I wanted to impress. I would be totally exhausted at the end of it and my feet would hurt. I don't do this to that extent anymore, but I still can't listen to a lot of music without imagining I'm performing it. These days I listen to youtube covers and imagine I'm the one playing. Or I'll only play things that I'm good at on guitar/piano and imagine people cheering for me in my head. I am determined to stop doing this too.
    I want to actually get better at playing my instruments and not just daydream.
    Thanks for sharing strategies to let go of this habit. 🙂

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว

      Have you tried playing music with or around others? That may help!

    • @scorpio958
      @scorpio958 2 หลายเดือนก่อน


  • @stuartwells8278
    @stuartwells8278 2 ปีที่แล้ว +19

    I excessively daydream ALL THE TIME. I'll certainly be trying your hacks.

  • @victoriarubarski4219
    @victoriarubarski4219 ปีที่แล้ว +5

    I fell off of my recovery track from this, but after knowing more about MD than before, it really helped to show just how much time I've allowed myself to waste in my day to day life by falling into these elaborate daydreams. It is the hardest thing to fight, since what was once an innocent childhood coping mechanism has become something that has consumed my thoughts for nearly twenty years. This video was a great way to help me view how my daydreams have always been about me finding more friends and relationships especially when my childhood was surrounded by bullying and abuse. But I know I can't give up, and I have to keep pushing to beat this addiction once and for all.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Victoria! I’m so glad you are able to identify the emotional trigger for your daydreaming. The more I hear from folks, the more I think loneliness is at the root of most people’s maladaptive daydreaming. Do you have a game plan for incorporating more folks into your life?

  • @delete0y
    @delete0y 9 หลายเดือนก่อน +3

    MD requires so much effort to beat it.Ability to not daydream hangs by a thread; you can just relapse because of an offensive word or embarassing situation..One can only hope to not start daydreaming again when ones upset

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  8 หลายเดือนก่อน +2

      Practicing emotional regulation can be helpful! All habit changes require vigilance and being active. It may also be helpful to incorporate a therapist especially if a comorbidity like PTSD, ADHD, or OCD are present.

  • @lightlahoya6789
    @lightlahoya6789 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    I don't know why I have been doing this, I haven't faced any kind of trauma in the past .
    Day dreaming for me was escaping boredom when it started but I eventually got addiction to it . I would read a novel or a movie then in my mind I'll make a story out of those characters. I feels so creative thinking like a character and other and other and so on living their lives in my head . I would form dialogues stories and many more . Now I mix storyline in my head and make new ones . I haven't ever talked about it to any one but it feels good to write it here knowing many people suffer from it too.
    I have goals in my life but my time gets killed by fantasizing about giving speeches and interviews after achieving them ....
    I know my trigger is boredom and walking. I have always been walking when I daydream. Some time my parents would call my name and I wouldn't listen , if they ask me to bring anything from other room I would bring something else or forget what was asked because I'm so occupied in my own head.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      Boredom is as good a reason as any. It’s all escapism right-in either case, trauma or boredom-it’s the desire to feel differently. Have you tried writing the scenes you come up with? People make actual books out of fan fiction. They tend to change character names and the scope of the story of course, but it sounds like you have a lot of creativity, and I think people who are naturally prone to creativity need to expend it in some way. I used to and sometimes still do feel overwhelmed with the ideas I get because sometimes they come too fast for me to write them all down or follow all of them. So maybe what you would benefit from is letting that creativity out in another medium whether its writing, painting, drawing, etc. ❤️

    • @lightlahoya6789
      @lightlahoya6789 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      I did write one poem when the lockdown started , first few months when the pandamic started, I still remember I couldn't sleep that night so went to walk on terrace.
      I was in highschool somophore then .
      The poem went like.
      It's not the beginning,
      But the end of the day.
      It's reality, neither any game,
      Nor a play.
      Animals are free,
      Humans in the cage.
      Rich are comfortable but,
      Poor worrying for their daily wage.
      It is night, birds are home,
      Bats on their hunt.
      Silence talks in the street,
      And so in the parks infront.
      Only I could see,
      The sparkling light.
      Cutting through the darkness,
      Generating hopes to fight.
      Just follow the path that leads to,
      Doctors and Nurses have families too.
      Stay home and admire the moon,
      Everything is going to be fine soon.

    • @lightlahoya6789
      @lightlahoya6789 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Random thoughts about a book about darkness and light , I had just completed at that time ,
      A poem I read in school about the tiger in the zoo.
      The a few quotes I read about being silent and observing more .
      And day dreaming constantly about that novel....
      That was when I wrote this poem. Mixing everything...

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      ​@@lightlahoya6789 this is a beautiful poem! Thank you for sharing it. I love the birds being home, bats on the hunt, silence talking in the street. And the conclusion is soothing. So lovely. How did you feel after you finished it? Have you written any poems since? You have a gift for words, and your imagination is also a gift. I hope you will take your daydreaming and keep weaving it into pieces like this. I think MD is inherently isolating, but the magical thing about creating art is that you share your inner worlds with others.

  • @personalcare4986
    @personalcare4986 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    That's all I can say for now....
    But I've tried all these .....and these are good but hard to keep know!!!
    Like imagine just sitting idle and skipping to your imaginary world is so much easy than putting with all of those extra work!!
    Honestly though I've noticed sitting isolated in a room... listening to music....exam stress and tension..... burnout.... monotonous life ..seeing *some* people on social media or real life are ALL MY TRIGGERS....

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Personal Care! I hear you. I think what helps me is knowing I don't have to do all of these every single day. Rather, like everything if you practice a few of them and find out which ones work for you the most, you can apply them when you need to. It's amazing that you've picked out your triggers. I think stress and tension is a big trigger for a lot of folks, so one counter may be just finding ways of more joy in your life for better relaxation and fulfillment

  • @pyropls
    @pyropls 2 ปีที่แล้ว +13

    Thank you for taking the time to make your video's. I have spent 40 years trying to find out what was wrong with me. I thought I was the only one that daydreamed. Didn't even know what is was called. I thought the phrase Daydreamer was just a slang for someone who takes long to do a job. Maladaptive Daydreaming has consumed my entire life.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      You're welcome! Thanks for taking the time to comment. I'm so sorry that it was a long haul for you to get some answers. And actually, it makes sense that you couldn't have known about this even twenty or thirty years ago because the phrase maladaptive daydreaming wasn't even coined by Elie Somer until 2002. I hope at least knowing about this now can provide a sense of maybe community-that you're not alone and that really-there's nothing wrong with you. Our bodies and minds are ultimately trying to preserve us in whatever ways they can figure out within our experiences, and of course some of those ways rather than adaptive become maladaptive-as in the case of obsessive daydreaming. But I hope this video and the first one I did can offer you some helpful tools that you can return to. I'm planning on other videos on this subject because I know there are a lot of us out there, and there aren't many resources readily available. I'm glad you're here and that you have more information about how you operate in the world and how you can hopefully operate in a way that offers satisfaction within the shared reality of the outer world.

  • @aprajitasharma6983
    @aprajitasharma6983 2 ปีที่แล้ว +4

    Thank you so much for sharing these hacks
    Maladaptive daydreaming has made my life a living hell and I have nobody but myself to blame for it
    I have been trying to stop MD since past seven yrs but I can't stop myself from daydreaming from more than a day or two.
    I'll definitely try these hacks out

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Aprajita! You're welcome. I'm so sorry to hear about your struggles. One or two days is a great start. Have you tried daily (GUIDED so your mind doesn't wander as much) meditation, or other grounding exercises? Time tracking helps me a lot because then I'm constantly aware of-oh, okay, it's this time, I'm doing this activity, and then if my mind wanders, I can more easily pull it back to what I wanted to do. Even if it only works for half the day, that's still half a day of focus. You can do a lot of things in half a day. Keep me posted on how these work out for you! Hope to hear they help.

  • @joyfullyfaith
    @joyfullyfaith ปีที่แล้ว +3

    You are actually a life, saver. Thank you so much for destigmatizing maladaptive daydreaming.

  • @catplaylister9364
    @catplaylister9364 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Thank you very much for making this. I really can't thank you enough. I found out about maladaptive dreaming only recently and it was scary how perfectly all the symptoms fit my behavior and realizing how much of my life has gone to waste simply because I didn't know about this dreaming disorder(?) specifically.
    All the sources I looked up recommend CBT but I don't have any opportunities or physical recourses for that so I hope your tips will help me at least.
    It really is sorta terrifying though. I feel torn because on one hand maladaptive dreaming interferes with my life a lot and makes it worse(I am uproductive, unsocial, etc) but on the other... I am a creative person and these dreams, these creation in my head, fill such an important place in my life it feels difficult and scary to try and break apart from them... I am scared if I reduce maladaptive dreaming I will loose my creativity and all those creations in my head that are so important to me... I want to boost this creativity to life with making some sort of a book or a comic and I will probably be able to do that even if I stop the maladaptive dreaming but it really all feels like a leap of faith
    It also really feels like an addiction in a way. Especially when it comes to music(my biggest trigger). I listen to music all the time and when I can't listen to music and let all my daydreams flow I become incredibly frustrated... which sucks to put it lightly
    Anyway, thanks so much again for making this video, I hope it really will help on the path to becoming better, I had this daydreaming ever since I was 12 but hey at least I found out the problem now and maybe still have a chance to be better hehe

  • @jansidesai3694
    @jansidesai3694 3 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thank you so much for this video, i'm nowhere close to overcoming the disrupting effects of my maladaptive daydreaming but i feel a lot better knowing i'm not the only one :)

  • @allthingsnu4673
    @allthingsnu4673 10 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Since childhood, I've used daydreaming to avoid confrontation and standing up for myself in a lot of ways. I was always a fearful child, was bullied, teased and touched sexually by older children who were experimenting. I grew up without a firm sense of boundaries, as if people could help themselves to whatever they wanted from me even into adulthood. It caused me to shrink and not take up much space in the world. I realize now that the amount of space I've given myself to fully live real life is small and I'm ready to expand rather than continue shrinking. Thank you for your videos... I just found them last night and they are helping me understand myself better.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  10 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      I'm sorry to hear the experiences you had as a child and also glad you're here, that you're looking at your life with serious understanding of what you need and deserve. I'm glad my videos have been helpful, and I wish you a beautiful journey toward living a more expanded, joyful life

  • @sriya7640
    @sriya7640 หลายเดือนก่อน

    this is torture , i wish there was a way out but MD is also my escape when life is getting too low and too hard to bear

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  20 วันที่ผ่านมา

      Aww I hear you. See what you can do to give yourself relief in your day to day in healthy ways and hopefully that will decrease the need to escape ❤️

  • @mahiaggarwal6286
    @mahiaggarwal6286 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Thank you for making content like this. I have found your channel and the videos the most useful. I daydream when i got my first i pod at the age of 12 and its been twelve years. Believe me peeps , it is the worst illness because it sucks your time. I daydream about a specific person basically about my crush. If my crush sends a smiley emoji , i daydream about him for hours thinking that he likes me, he wants me. I have been craving for love, i think. I don't daydream bout any other thing except love. I always have been new crushes. When one crush enters into relationship after two or maybe three years. My mind find out another guy to crush on.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Mahi! You’re welcome. Have you expressed your feelings to any of these crushes? I wonder if you brought your daydreams into reality if that would help you A) move on from these people sooner B) discover that one of your crushes feels the same

    • @mahiaggarwal6286
      @mahiaggarwal6286 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thehealthywriter I've expressed everytime and got rejected everytime because there was no practicality in my ways and girls are not meant to make the first move or be so early and if they do, they get judged.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว

      @@mahiaggarwal6286 Hi Mahi! I think it's very brave and amazing that you were able to express your feelings every time. It's not easy to be vulnerable like that, and I hope the rejections can allow you to move on. Do you find that you get to know the people you like well before you express your feelings? Sometimes it can be helpful to become friends with someone first and really get to know each other (and to see if you'd even want to date them). Sometimes when we don't know others well, we can idealize them for qualities they don't actually have. That's why getting to know them well can help allow you both to see where you may or may not be romantically compatible.

  • @christopheguillaume4032
    @christopheguillaume4032 5 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Thanks for your time and efforts for putting this together, Healthy Writer. Questioninng the underlying topics at stake while MDDing is an excellent clue. Obviously MDD is here to fill a void (hum, plural in my case) and what we get from these (the "secondary benefits"). Being recognized, acknowleded, functional, loved ... I guess this is a clear depiction of your trauma. Will investigate this. Thanks again Vincent from France.

  • @avi486
    @avi486 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

    1) As a Buddhist, I chant and meditate. 2) STOP using headphones because they trap our minds into excessive daydreams more than the actual music 3) I plan on buying a trampoline so i can still release my energy in a healthier way. 4) As a dancer, ive been trying to practice more often now. 5) When doing mundane chores, play music/podcasts to stay engaged.
    I really believe getting a trampoline will make a bigger difference. In the past few weeks, i have never felt an urge to MD at all. The more we adjust our lives, the closer we can get to our goal. I'm 31 and i am determined to end this addiction once and for all. ✌️💪💪

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  15 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Love all these specific and personalized methods you use for management. Also, a trampoline sounds great. They have miniature ones for working out. I think the trampoline as well as your incorporation of dance are also really lovely ways to incorporate play. I think play or silliness is something we long for as adults especially if we don't much of either. That's where playing sports can bring out those original joys we experienced as kids and make "real" life more enjoyable and excessive daydreaming less tempting. Keep the good work going

    • @avi486
      @avi486 15 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@thehealthywriter ♥️

  • @immeowinginthenight
    @immeowinginthenight 9 หลายเดือนก่อน

    i am 13 curently and for the biggest part of my life ive been daydreaming. recently i did the math and realized i literally waste 30 days every year daydreaming and decided to stop.About my daydreams ,theyre either about me being in a band with a friend of mine and us performing together (even though we live far away from eachother) or the entire 2 universes with mine and my friends oc's (original characters) .I usually daydream before going to bed or while coming back from school and i listen to music during that. i am not sure when i started but i think it was when my sister had complications and was in hospital when i was 5 and then everyone kinda forgot about me. i emember my teacher would always say im in my head and stuff . Anyway i apologize for any mistakes ive made since English is not my first language i really like your videos and i hope whoever is reading this has a great day!

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  9 หลายเดือนก่อน +1

      Hi! Thanks for your comment. First off, I'm very sorry about your sister and the grief and isolation that came with it. I had some similar similar griefs when I was a kid/teenager, and kids don't innately have the skills to manage those big emotions without help. I think it's amazing that you calculated the time cost of your daydreaming. And, I also think it's very important that you have identified what the themes of your daydreaming are about. I know you said English isn't your first language. Are you able to see a therapist in your country? One way may be to try to process the grief of feeling abandoned and alone as a child (this is best done alongside a therapist). I think another great counter for moving beyond maladaptive daydreaming is treating the heart of your obsessions. The daydreams you described seem to revolve around companionship/friendship and meaning and joy through creativity. Are there any local kids you can play music with? I know your friend is far away, but if there are other kids your age around you, you can form a band with them. It won't be the same as how you imagine, but it may be even better (especially since it's real and you can build on a skillset). Increasing the joy of your reality will help decrease the sense of need to daydream. We all need companionship and friendships, so it makes sense why your brain is striving to provide this to you. If you can give yourself these things in real life by putting yourself out there, I think that will help decrease the time you spend daydreaming. Wishing you a lot of wellness and good luck meeting new friends

  • @siyanaulakha224
    @siyanaulakha224 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    Hey there, I just wanted to say thank you..i frankly do know all of my triggers but stopping MD is literally re-wiring your brain cause u gotta deal with your main trauma or triggers which actually causes MD and that is why maybe it is a symtom of ocd. And the thing there is no end to it like to a stop to it by some of hacks and stuff but there are some days where I consciouslly do it and after that regret it and when i dont it just feels weird uk cause u literally spend 4.5hrs in ur fantasy. and yes medidtation and yoga helps and any sort of physical activities helps but the thing is u gotta be consistent and this thing can be exhausting!!
    anyways i just wanted to than you for taking up this topic and talking about it with the hacks really helped

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      Hi Siya, thanks for your note. You're welcome. I don't have to tell you that you're right. Managing this definitely requires fairly constant vigilance. I think that's why it's especially important to be kind to yourself. It may be helpful to track your weekly wins. What things did you manage to do that you wanted to do that week? And setting yourself up with weekly goals in the beginning of the week, so that even if you do have periods of daydreaming throughout, you can still chisel enough time to do higher priority tasks. Meditation, yoga, and managing triggers are definitely at the top. And working through the traumas. I think one of the things that stands out from your message; you have a lot of self-awareness, and it sounds like you're implementing these suggestions to good effect. It's okay that you're not perfect with it. I'm not either, but it sounds like you're really figuring out what works for you and what doesn't. And that's really good. I'm planning on doing more maladaptive daydreaming videos-I have some ideas in the work, and I will be focusing more on various trauma work that people can do at home or with professionals, so feel free to subscribe with the notification bell if you haven't already so you can stay in tune for all that. PS: Do you do any writing or creative things where you can kind of siphon your daydreaming into tangible creations? If you don't, that may be a way to find kind of the strengths of your daydreams. We're all creative beings, and I think maladaptive daydreamers are definitely way up there when it comes to creativity, so if you can find ways to use your daydreams to navigate the creative sphere so an addiction or what feels like a weakness becomes a strength-that could be very cool and rewarding.

    • @siyanaulakha224
      @siyanaulakha224 2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thehealthywriter Yep, i actually do write down all my daydreams and yes..yea it feels good to just let it go and i feel quite happy and productive after penning it down. Also, i make sure to talk to a friend or two and gossip randomly for 15-20 mins that quite helpful too

    • @siyanaulakha224
      @siyanaulakha224 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Yea i have been taking these daydreams in a positive way and it works wonders if u write it down in a way of self motivation. Also, one more thing i have realized is that you have to keep a positive mindset regarding urself, the situtation and everything around u and things becomes easy to deal with which is definetly not easy but it is necessary

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@siyanaulakha224 That's awesome. Sounds like you're really fine-tuning what works for you.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@siyanaulakha224 Yesss! And this is so applicable in every sort of struggle. When we have compassion for ourselves, it releases some of the tension, pressure, and pain. As you said, it's not necessarily easy to start, but it makes a world of difference in the end.

  • @TheLuminousTundra-so1pv
    @TheLuminousTundra-so1pv 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I often Daydream about people, I use to think I was an introvert but due to the pandemic and other isolating events in my life I realised I've actually always been extremely Extroverted with some social anxiety. I have a social life now which helps.
    BUT often my friends are busy so only really see them on the week ends. I try to shut down my Daydreams that involve real people by saying to myself "NO I'll rather hang out with this person in real life not a daydream." Which helps sometimes

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  6 หลายเดือนก่อน

      That’s a great way to reorient yourself to the present! Nice job. Maybe there are a few more people you can meet or friends you can make who have more time during the week to buffer the time in between seeing your friends on the weekend!

  • @benjaminledford3325
    @benjaminledford3325 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    I looked up why I have been making up a lot of fantasies in my mind on Google (I am autistic, BTW), when I saw the answer was MD, I was like 'Oh, so that is why I have been making up these fantasies inside my brain. I should try some of those tactics right now. This was very helpful for an autistic like me.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey Benjamin! Welcome! Glad you made it here and could find this helpful. I hope you can learn which techniques work best for you!

  • @thehealthywriter
    @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +7

    Do you know your maladaptive daydreaming triggers? What tactics do you use to curb your maladaptive daydreaming? Sending you all lots of love! Also, let me know in the comments what other videos I can make that might be helpful. Are there any psychological concepts you're interested in and would like to know more about? Let me know here!

    • @TheWolf9777
      @TheWolf9777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      music videos are the triggers

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheWolf9777 Can you listen to music without watching the videos? Is that a safer way to enjoy the music without getting derailed?

    • @TheWolf9777
      @TheWolf9777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thehealthywriter sorry nope, I'm 90% recovered MDer, thanks to you and my girlfriend, so anyways, listening to music equals being on a stage singing in the dreams so the video of the music does nothing, it's just the music itself causing damage!

    • @TheWolf9777
      @TheWolf9777 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thehealthywriter thanks again for guiding me!

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@TheWolf9777 I’m so glad these videos have helped! And I’m also glad that it sounds like you have support from the people in your life. The daydream of being on a stage sounds like a nice one! I can understand what would be enticing about that. Take care, Wolf

  • @superbizzy12345
    @superbizzy12345 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    oh my goodness thank you so much! im so happy there are other writers out there who experience this -- immediate subscribe!!

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Aww hey Elizabeth! Welcome! Haha you are definitely not alone!

  • @snocamo154
    @snocamo154 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

    If I'm going to daydream excessively then I will daydream about something that is obtainable. See myself doing something that I want to accomplish and can accomplish by doing the work necessary to get it done. Meditating on that realistic goal until I'm physically living out my daydream.

  • @skep8376
    @skep8376 19 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Tik tok edits… Jesus Christ. They’re my new addiction.

  • @saniaamjad1904
    @saniaamjad1904 2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

    Now I am controlling it but it's feel something is uneasy now I can't imagine but the thought of my disorder it hurts me more and I can't sleep without daydreaming

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

      When you say, you can’t sleep without daydreaming-do you mean you can’t fall asleep without daydreaming? Is that a problem? It sounds like you’re doing really well in finding new ways of managing the daytime daydreams. I would say that maybe the perfect time to enjoy daydreaming is right before you sleep, then it’s kind of a bridge to regular dreams.

    • @aaradhya4636
      @aaradhya4636 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@thehealthywriter I am a teenager, but I haven't slept for 2 days because of daydreaming...

    • @cherychristopher7016
      @cherychristopher7016 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@aaradhya4636hiii how are you feeling now?

  • @augustusxxy
    @augustusxxy 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very helpful video! Thanks Tess.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      You’re welcome! Glad you found it helpful

  • @EasternEuropeanPrespective
    @EasternEuropeanPrespective ปีที่แล้ว

    I have been a day dreamer since 13-14 years old, I hope I can recover.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว

      You definitely can positively curb this habit with some effective techniques! Have you tried any of the techniques in this video? Have you found techniques that work for you in curbing the behavior?

  • @sheebarobin5702
    @sheebarobin5702 6 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I am having the same problem I can't even concentrate on my studies pls help me with some tips but i am still a teenager and Even i am getting a headache if I think a lot and i came across this video and i understand that many people are suffering from this

  • @adasxia
    @adasxia ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you so much for this video Tess!!

  • @joygabriel5273
    @joygabriel5273 2 วันที่ผ่านมา

    Thanku your video was really helpful,although this is a bit off topic I think you're gorgeous.😅

  • @flordeprimavera9671
    @flordeprimavera9671 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Your eyes ❤

  • @nagygamil7007
    @nagygamil7007 ปีที่แล้ว

    Thank you, this is very helpful ❤

  • @daenadawkins4159
    @daenadawkins4159 4 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Very helpful video ❤❤❤

  • @MalicahCharles
    @MalicahCharles 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

    Very helpful vid

  • @3rddimensionalhigh392
    @3rddimensionalhigh392 ปีที่แล้ว

    beautiful video thank you very much.

  • @word-quote-verse
    @word-quote-verse 2 ปีที่แล้ว +2

    A curb suggestion is to pretend you're being watched from a hidden camera.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 ปีที่แล้ว +3

      Haha I like it. Is that to hold yourself accountable?

    • @word-quote-verse
      @word-quote-verse 2 ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@thehealthywriter Yes 👍

    • @cherychristopher7016
      @cherychristopher7016 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@word-quote-versevery good tip I am gonna try it thank ya 😘

  • @HoGoesniegg
    @HoGoesniegg 2 หลายเดือนก่อน

    I really wish i could help myself.. since i got MD for the 1st time it actually goes quite normal cuz i only thought about something that would cheer me up such as being so many friends and live a happy live.But i think it get worse now cuz i started to get attached of thinking and imagining bout my own human(that i made myself)plz can someone give me tips to move on from this:( i even made my own universe..

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  2 หลายเดือนก่อน

      I recommend reviewing parts one and two of these vids and finding what works for you and what doesn’t in curbing this behavior. Just remember: one day at a time. This habit wasn’t formed in a day, and it’s unlikely to be dismantled in a day.

  • @SwadhaShreshtha
    @SwadhaShreshtha 7 หลายเดือนก่อน

    Can i make a specific timing for my is it healthy and the rest of the time i would focus on the present but anyway, your video helped me alot..Thankyou❣and what maximum time should i give to my daydreams cause i am a pro daydreamer 😅..

  • @heenim
    @heenim 2 ปีที่แล้ว

    thank you 💛

  • @Jamato-sUn
    @Jamato-sUn 18 วันที่ผ่านมา

    I manage to daydream between breaths while meditating

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  18 วันที่ผ่านมา

      That's quite the feat! How long have you been meditating? I wonder if gradually you can decrease that as you meditate more and more (and incorporate other techniques).

  • @terracottadude1833
    @terracottadude1833 ปีที่แล้ว

    Walking seems to be my trigger. What should I do with this information? Stop Walking? That sounds like a bad idea

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hey Terracotta Dude, I like your name. I would say: Don’t stop walking. Instead consider how you might enjoy your walks and curb the unwanted habit. And maybe also find moments of walking where it’s okay. Is it unwanted to daydream while walking? Some of my favorite designated daydreaming time is walking. It’s where I come up with lines for poems or scenes for stories. Allowing the mind to wander allows creativity in. I think the question is how much of that creativity you want, what is working and what isn’t.
      If walking and daydreaming isn’t working, consider having the company of a friend or family member while you walk, or listen to an audiobook, meditation, podcast, TH-cam video, music, or lecture. Consider taking notes as you walk, or paying attention to when the daydreaming starts. Does it start immediately when you start walking, or does it start a minute in, five minutes in, when you cross a particular intersection, etc. You can make a game of paying attention to the moment daydreaming starts while walking and seeing how long you can go without it starting. In that case grounding exercises like really focusing on the objects around you and naming them to yourself can help; a tree, bird, squirrel, grass, silly, yapping dog.

  • @riyatekwani4400
    @riyatekwani4400 ปีที่แล้ว

    I actually don't know, what to call you, but decided to call you as my teacher, as you taught me a lot about MDD, but Ma'am when I was implementing the solutions you told I found that, I could ramble on pages and pages of my thoughts, also I observed that I get 75 thoughts of daydreams, which I find disturbing in my work, now what to do about it, I don't know. Could you please grant me your precious tips upon that. I really need them.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      Hi Riya, have you checked out part I? Not every tip is going to work for you. It’s a process of discovering what works for you individually. Have you discovered what your triggers are? That’s a great place to start because then you can figure out which tips may be most beneficial.

    • @riyatekwani4400
      @riyatekwani4400 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thehealthywriter yes ma'am. I did checked the first part, also I found my triggers that when I go into the mode of MDD mostly the thoughts are about things missing in my life.

    • @thehealthywriter
      @thehealthywriter  ปีที่แล้ว +1

      @@riyatekwani4400 have you been able to find ways of adding those things healthfully to your life?

    • @riyatekwani4400
      @riyatekwani4400 ปีที่แล้ว

      @@thehealthywriter no ma'am, not yet but definitely I will.

    • @cherychristopher7016
      @cherychristopher7016 11 หลายเดือนก่อน

      ​@@riyatekwani4400hi how are you feeling now?