Mlf will have better overall ratings than BASS this year as a result of ffs being restricted. Justin is right people will be just fine without out using it. I wish there was some metric that could be measured showing people watching with it turned off than turned on
I dont think so better class of fisherman in the elites not saying MLF don't elites just have more big names in BASS let's face it theres no bigger event than the classic either and probably never will be
never thought i’d hear “hoein’ around” said on BTL lmao
Wheeler will figure out this format faster than everyone else and absolutely dominate. His versatility will be on display in a big way this year.
He's the best at strategy. And he was taking their money without ffs
Connell don't need FFS either he can find the big'ins to without it to
Conroe native here...good luck Justin!
Thanks! Stoked to get back out there next week. 😊
Morning matt..sorry was off work today
Mlf will have better overall ratings than BASS this year as a result of ffs being restricted. Justin is right people will be just fine without out using it. I wish there was some metric that could be measured showing people watching with it turned off than turned on
I dont think so better class of fisherman in the elites not saying MLF don't elites just have more big names in BASS let's face it theres no bigger event than the classic either and probably never will be
I went to the 2019 Kentucky Lake weigh-in. The anglers seemed occupied.