Language lessons for adults in Valencia - AIP Idiomas

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 25 ต.ค. 2016
    Have you already tried the flat rate system and realised it is a mess? It’s not that difficult to come to that conclusion, but sure… their prices are very attractive. We have lots of students who have tried this method and, after a couple of months, they have seen that it doesn’t make much sense.
    Unorganised lessons, no course plan, difficulties in separating students in levels, individualized teaching becomes a nightmare if students have completely different learning needs, etc.
    At AIP Idiomas we stand up for Seneca’s quote: ‘It is quality rather than quantity that matters’. This, AIP Idiomas offers realistic lesson hours so that you can have a good work-life-language learning balance. All our groups are organized according to levels and to make sure that everyone is in the right group, all students have to go through a written and spoken level test.
    If you don’t want to be penny-wise and pound-foolish, come to AIP Idiomas and join the course that suits you best. Different goals, different lesson hours. We are confident that we can offer the course you need with the best conditions so that it’s a win-win situation for you.
    T - (0034) 963 391 566
    M - (0034) 672 406 931
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