Yeah. That's why I started wearing the heart rate monitor while I'm there (I always wear it when I work out on my own). My big issue is the mixed messaging. They say "do what you feel", but if you do too much they cop a bit of an attitude and give you a little lecture (unnecessarily, in my opinion). With my monitor, I can self-police and avoid all that.
As much as you want to, you have to take it slow. Like running a marathon you have to start out easy to make it to the finish line.
Yeah. That's why I started wearing the heart rate monitor while I'm there (I always wear it when I work out on my own). My big issue is the mixed messaging. They say "do what you feel", but if you do too much they cop a bit of an attitude and give you a little lecture (unnecessarily, in my opinion). With my monitor, I can self-police and avoid all that.