Making Obscure Heroes in Marvel Rivals

  • เผยแพร่เมื่อ 6 ก.พ. 2025
  • เกม

ความคิดเห็น • 276

  • @Ubbinator
    @Ubbinator 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +9

    Here is a concept for Rescue i thought up! I am aware that this Kit might not be super duper 100% accurate and such but i was mainly looking at it from the perspective of “what if Iron Man but Strategist?” as i felt a flying support could be a fun idea and Rescue felt perfect for that role. But i nevertheless did still try to keep it as clearly RESCUE, i have more notes at the end. Anywho get ready for ALOT of words!
    *Role:* Strategist. (duh)
    *Base Stats:* Health: 250 Movement Speed: 6 m/s Movement Mode: Flight
    *Passive 1: Energy Meter.* Rescue has an Energy Meter that works like a lot like Thor’s. It is a bar that has been segmented into 4 chunks, the entire bar has a maximum amount of 100 energy with a “chunk” of course being 25 energy. The Energy Meter Replenishes Naturally at 7.5 energy a second, thus taking roughly a little less than 3.4 seconds to regenerate 1 chunk, about 13 seconds for the Entire bar to go from 0 to 100. Consuming a chunk grants Rescue a forward facing external Force Field, it has a starting base health of 50 but with each subsequent chunk of the meter that's consumed it gains 25 extra health maxing out at 150, this is the only way to replenish the shield.
    *Primary: Repulsor Blast.* Mag size of 10 and Ammo cost 1, Otherwise pretty much exactly like Iron Man’s except slightly faster but also slightly weaker.
    *Secondary: Hyper-Velocity.* Just like Iron Man’s except instead of a Micro Missile Barrage she grants a small passive speed buff to Allies that are close, this bonus is doubled if the Ally has a Thruster Pack to the point where they can keep up with Rescue in this state. Consumes 10 Energy per second, the Energy Meter doesn't recharge whilst in this state.
    *Ability 1: Thruster Pack.* Costs 1 Energy chunk/25 Energy, cooldown is 2 seconds. Grants an ally a jetpack for 10 seconds, it works just like the flight mechanic on the Wakanda Maps. Whilst the Ally has the Thruster Pack they also generate 10 health per second. Visually i could see it kinda just hover on the back of the character kinda like Iron Man’s armor overcharge but with like some energy thingies going over the shoulders or some such y'know? Since the game has A LOT of diverse body types it's otherwise hard to do a “one-size-fits-all”
    *Ability 2: Force Field Projection.* Costs 1 Energy chunk/25 Energy, cooldown is 5 seconds, can only have 3 active at any given time. Puts a shield around an Ally, the shield has 20% of the selected Hero’s Base Health, the shield also heals 25 health per second and lasts until either it is destroyed or 15 seconds after cast. Can be stacked on 1 Ally twice but no more.
    *Ability 3 Shield Generator.* Costs 3 Energy chunks/75 Energy, cooldown is 15 seconds, can only have 2 active at any given time, Duration is 30 seconds. Rescue throws down a generator that clings to any surface and be placed from any distance but it flies just like Namor’s spears. The Generator has a base health of 250 and produces a dome shield with 900 health in a 5 meter radius. Allies inside the dome gain 20 health per second. If the shield goes the generator goes with it. Upon Destruction or Deactivation the Shield Generator drops a Thruster Pack for an Ally to pick up.
    *Ultimate: Armor Overdrive.* Ult charge Cost is 3800, duration is 10 seconds. All her abilities get super charged! Her energy meter is infinite, all ability cooldowns are cut in half, all her Healing and Shields health is tripled and Passives are doubled during the ult. Upon activating the ult all of her deployed shields and equipment instantly gets all their health back. All allies with a Thruster Pack gain infinite duration and a movement boost during the ult and once the ult is over the timer is reset back to 10 seconds and the movement boost remains until the Thruster Pack goes away. During the Ult her repulsors act like Iron Man’s repulsors during the Gamma Overdrive Hulk Team-up.
    *Team-Up Ability, Iron Man:* Heartbreaker. Rescue gets a single shot Uni Beam attack. Deals 300 damage with a 30 second cooldown. It is also Unaffected by all of her own kit, Armor Overdrive does nothing for the Heartbreaker.
    *Team-Up Ability, War Machine:* Sonic Amplifier. Rescue gets War Machine’s Sonic Amplifier but modified to fit her Kit. It drains 10 Energy per Second with a cooldown of 2 seconds and range of 10 meters. Firing the Sonic Amplifier at an enemy immobilizes them until Rescue either points it elsewhere or stops. During this Period however Rescue cant use ANY of her abilities.
    *Passive 2: R.T Node.* Rescue has a small passive Healing bonus of 5 health per Second. Her Melee attack is also slightly stronger than average Hero’s. She also has pretty much Spider-Man’s Spider Sense.
    *Passive 3: Topped Off.* When her Energy Meter is 100% Full she gains a small buff to her Healing output and Repulsor Damage. Nothing Super Substantial but still 100% helpful.
    *Notes:* Pepper Potts Rescue armor was made with mainly Rescue & Recovery in mind with very few actual offensive capabilities. This is why if you don't count the Team-Up’s her only real source of damage is her Repulsors and also why both of her Team-Ups boost her Offensively. Rescue is also known for the power of making force fields! so trying to create a hero based around that without just making her “Invisible Woman but she can fly” was a bit tricky at first but i'm quite proud with where i ended up.
    But of course i needed to include some of those Rescue & Recovery elements as well right? That's where the Thruster Pack, Hyper-Velocity And shield generator came in. Originally when concepting the Thruster Packs i toyed around with the idea of a Tether mechanic but after a lot of thinking i felt it would just end being both too clunky and situational to ever be used. But then came the idea of the Thruster Pack in clutch as it accomplishes my goal of providing teammates a counter against being booped or Jeffed off the map + lots of mobility for the team and it fits with the Rescue & Recovery angle as i could see her giving it to like civilians and such to get them out of harm's way.
    For Modifying Iron Man’s Hyper-Velocity from a DPS angle to a Support angle a movement boost felt very obvious, i wanted that sorta vibe of leading either a charge or a team of survivors out of danger, again Rescue & Recovery.
    The Shield Generator felt like the perfect blend between the “Rescue & Recovery” and “Force Fields” angles. Whilst just having it be a simple shield dome would make more sense form a LORE perspective i think making it a piece of equipment the Enemy can destroy helps balance it i think.
    The R.T Node is an implant Pepper received in the comics, to my understanding of it one can think of it as just pretty much just a flat out stat boost to EVERYTHING for Pepper. Definitely no super soldier serum or some such but she is nevertheless easily stronger than the average civilian. The best way i could think of incorporating that is giving her a small constant health regen and slight Melee buff but i am a bit iffy on the heightened senses. cuz whilst it would certainly make sense from a LORE perspective Rescue would mostly just be hanging back & up in the sky where it doesn't really do much so i could 100% see skipping that.
    Also as you could no doubt tell i do also have a War Machine concept!

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      I love the effort and work that went into this, very detailed and full of cool concepts especially the booster packs! I'd love to see your war machine concept aswell, an armour wars/iron arsenal season could be so fun

    • @Ubbinator
      @Ubbinator 6 วันที่ผ่านมา

      ​@@Hamato_HouseThank You so much! Right This moment its abit too late for me but i would Love to share my War Machine concept! I have the gist written down but would need to give it a once over and all that.
      Just know for now that my priority for War Machine was giving him a Big Arsenal and ofcourse make him a Vangaurd

    • @Ubbinator
      @Ubbinator 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Hamato_House Here be the War Machine concept i was Talking about! as said i only had the gist written down, i hadnt fully written down how everything would work but now i have done that! And again big thank you!
      *Role:* Vanguard.
      *Base Stats:* Health: 650 Movement Speed: 6 m/s Movement Mode: Flight
      The main mechanic of War Machine is that he has 2 sets of main weapons that he can swap between just like Punishers swaps his guns or Black Widow with her sniper and batons. Each pair can either have just 1 weapon firing or 2 at the same time. Two-handing is when you use only 1, both hands on 1 weapon. One-Handing is when you are using both weapons of the pair at the same time. To balance this All 4 of the main weapons, both pairs, use the same mag of 100 rounds, just like how Iron Man’s Repulsors and Unibeam share the same ammo count. Reload time is 3 seconds. Also the main weapons and the abilities can be activated at the same time, like whilst you are bombarding with the Machine Guns you can activate the Rocket Pod and such y'know?. The kind of tank i wanted War Machine to be is to put constant pressure on the enemy, maybe not always super significant damage but nevertheless pressure, the enemy will NEED to keep the War Machine in mind cuz if they don't he will get kills. Kinda like how a good Iron Man want to almost be like a mosquito and finding a balance between not being noticed and still heavily contributing, that's kinda what i want for War Machine but less so on the “Not being noticed” part.
      *Primary: Machine Gun.* Can Crit. Projectile Speed: 150 meter per second. Two-Handed: Fire Rate: 10 rounds per second. Damage: 7 per round. One-Handed: Fire Rate: 5 rounds per second. Damage: 10 per round.
      *Secondary: Flamethrower.* Can't Crit. Maximum range: 20 meters, Damage drop off after 10 meters. Two Handed: Fire Rate: 5 rounds per second. Damage: 10 per round. One Handed: Fire Rate: 5 rounds per second. Damage: 5 per round. Enemies hit by the Flamethrower get a fire status effect applied to them that deals 10 damage per second for 3 seconds.
      *Primary: Sonic Amplifier.* Can't crit, doesn't even do damage. Fire Rate: 10 rounds per second. Maximum range: 10 meters. Firing the Sonic Amplifier at an enemy immobilizes them until War Machine either points it elsewhere or stops. Acts the same whether or not you One-Hand or Two-Hand it.
      *Secondary: Missiles.* Can't crit. Deals splash damage in a 3m spherical radius. Projectile Speed: 60 meter per second. Each missile costs 10 rounds. Two-Handed: Fire Rate: 2 Missiles per second. Damage on direct hit: 75. Damage in splash field: 40. One-Handed: Fire Rate: 1 Missile per second. Damage on direct hit: 50. Damage in splash field: 30.
      *Ability 1: Rocket Pod.* 3 Rocket burst, 100 damage per rocket. Cooldown: 7 seconds. Highlights a circular 8 meter in diameter area. The Rockets homing lock onto any enemies inside the marked area. If it's 1 target all 3 rockets home on that enemy, if its 2 targets both targets have 1 rocket home in on them and its randomized who gets the third rocket, if its 3 targets each enemy gets 1 rocket and if it's more than 3 targets inside the targeting circle its randomized who gets targeted.
      *Ability 2: Cluster Bomb.* Shoots a grenade like bomb that bounces ONCE after which it instantly splits into 6 separate projectiles that each deals 75 damage. Cooldown 15 seconds.
      *Ability 3: Self Repair.* All Vanguards need some way of tanking damage. 2 charges. Cooldown: 7 seconds per charge. Each charge heals 75 health per second for 3 seconds.
      *Ultimate: EMP Device.* Ult charge Cost is 3100, duration is 8 seconds, Device has 600 health. War Machine launches down an EMP device that sends out 3 EMP waves. First wave as soon as it collides with a surface, second wave 4 seconds after that and the third wave 4 seconds after that. I remember from Overwatch that ability locking is hard to balance so instead enemies hit by the EMP has ALL their cooldowns reset and ult charge goes down by 25% of what it had been charged for each EMP wave.
      *Melee: Stun Batton.* War Machine pulls out a stun baton that swings slightly slower than other heroes Melee but it has considerable knockback on any Enemies hit by it. Its mainly to get Melee characters that have somehow reached you away from you, the opposite of closing the distance.
      *Passive 1: Shoulder Cannon.* War Machine’s shoulder cannon targets Enemies automatically prioritizing the enemy that's the closest to War Machine. Fire Rate: 2 rounds per second. Damage: 5 damage per round. Maximum Range: 75 meters
      *Passive 2: Bottomless Mags.* Landing Hits with his Main 4 weapons slightly help recharge his ability cooldowns and if you get an Elimination all abilities get half their cooldown instantly filled and the universal mag gets instantly filled, no reload needed.
      *Team-Up Ability, Iron Man: Heartbreaker.* War Machine gets a single shot Uni Beam attack. Deals 300 damage with a 30 second cooldown.
      *Team-Up Ability, Punisher: Ordnance.* War Machine gives Punisher a rocket launcher
      *Team-Up Ability, Rescue: Sonic Amplifier.* Rescue gets War Machine’s Sonic Amplifier but modified to fit her Kit.
      *Notes:* War Machine has never really had a definitive moveset other than the shoulder cannon which allows for a lot of creative freedom. For my concept of War Machine i wanted to have a sort of “Relentless offense” vibe and as such the 4 main weapons. He is meant to either go of on his own to divert the Enemy attention or provide extra firepower for his team but always constant pressure and be good at breaking defenses. Which is a good segway for the ultimate!
      The EMP is meant to be a set-up ult of sorts, just like Groot and Dr Strange with Groot nailing the Enemy to a spot, Strange doing an AOE stun and War Machine Handicapping the Enemy. I see the Emp be used to either get the enemy off a point or breaking thru a strong defense at like a choke point or such. Since with the waves the enemy has to either move out of the EMP radius or give a very weak fight. This of course creates a marvelous (ha) opening for War Machine’s team to break thru a strong defense and either move thru a choke point or just get on top of the Payload or point.
      I don't really know what else to elaborate on. I do also have a Yondu Udonta concept and i am working on a rivals concept for Iron Man’s Arch Nemesis The Mandarin! but neither of those are quite finished yet.

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Ubbinator Once again youve crafted a well thought out character concept, i really do love the direction you ran with this one. I think war machine is a must for the game and whilst i recon id handle him a little differently, i also know that one thing is certain he needs to be a living arsenal and you clearly understood that.
      Look forward to seeing your future concepts

  • @Chuckbuckem
    @Chuckbuckem 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +645

    Honestly I love the idea of big wheel and doctor strange having a team up that just crashes the game

    • @tornado5d267
      @tornado5d267 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +50

      When you losing so bad that you need to blue screen every player

    • @Nomadgammer
      @Nomadgammer 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      The game just can’t handle the power of SPEeEeED

  • @ZuskV1
    @ZuskV1 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +644

    I need the wall in marvel rivals, have you seen how they’ve been teasing him??? There’s walls on every map everywhere, practically the whole game teases the wall

    • @Billy-wc9px
      @Billy-wc9px 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +37

      OMG I just realised that. THE WALL IS COMING

    • @poobla7638
      @poobla7638 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +30

      Im just gonna paste my idea of him here cause he is genuinly my #1 pick
      **THE WALL**
      Melee Tank
      He is WIDE and has the biggest hitbox in the game with a base 800HP
      Normal attack: 4 hit combo swinging his body around cause he dont got arms slightly knocking up enemies, hes a wall(THE WALL)
      ***IMMOVABLE***(No cool down ability)
      He sits down and becomes completely unmovable, recieves a 15% damage reduction and constantly generate 200 shield and nearby allies generate 75 shield. He cannot attack during this
      ***MOVEABLE WALL***
      A stamina based dash ability that knocks back opponents and any ally hit by it gets temporary 50 shield
      ***WALL SLAM***
      He slams the ground and damages enemies in an AOE
      ***THE GREAT WALL***
      He creates a wall surrounding his front and sides that has a collision hitbox that can forcably move enemies(move not grab). This wall has 5000 HP, and he can still use MOVEABLE WALL and WALL SLAM during the ultimates duration
      He is unable to be pierced from piercing attacks(such as Storm) nor trigger multihit attacks(such as Moon Knight)
      Spider-man and Wolverine are able to launch off of The Wall
      ***STEEL WALL***(Rhino Team-Up)
      During MOVABLE WALL he gains a 20% damage reduction and any ally he passes through gain a 10% damage reduction so long as they have shield

    • @st0nks
      @st0nks 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      They have teased him in basically every marvel game ever released, at this point it's just clickbait to be adding walls

    • @somethingclever4297
      @somethingclever4297 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      And then he can have a team up with door man.

    • @jammyman7085
      @jammyman7085 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

      I mean he's faster than the average wall you realise how much of a threat he will be.

  • @maybussell5099
    @maybussell5099 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +150

    The Big Wheel would be a great environmental hazard for a chaotic and cramped New York Alleyway Themed arena

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +25

      I'm thinking the bar with no name (and the alley it resides in)

    • @angelt6771
      @angelt6771 5 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Hamato_House Look up yagorath from paladins

  • @a26lolhart
    @a26lolhart 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +193

    The wall: abdurd amount of health, no attacks or abilities, huge hitbox, block healers from healing the tanks. Ult just makes him bigger and temporarily invincible

    • @Goblin_Hater_37
      @Goblin_Hater_37 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +44

      nah he has one move, he falls down like a thwomp to hurt people

    • @yungjose3369
      @yungjose3369 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      Domination clutch

    • @t-qb1sq
      @t-qb1sq 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

      I had a kind of similar idea with Darwin of the X-Men, where he can't die and has really lackluster abilities to compensate.

    • @meodrac
      @meodrac วันที่ผ่านมา

      Passive 1:
      -Taking and dealing damage fills up your 'Reactive Evolution' meter, meter slowly drains after 8 seconds of not receiving or dealing damage
      -You takes less damage based on 'Reactive Evolution' meter, 0.1% damage reduction at 1% charge, 25% damage reduction at 100% charge
      -Damage reduction effects doubles(50% dmg reduction) when you are low health(below 30% hp), triples(75%) when you are near death(below 10% hp)
      Passive 2: you can climb walls and ceiling
      Passive 3: you can slightly glide by holding space
      Ability 1: perform a front flip and move forward(can be activated mid air)(Bound to shift by default)
      Ability 2: gain damage reduction, gain bonus hp based on 'Reactive Evolution' meter, at max meter, gain 100 bonus hp, at empty meter, you gain 20 bonus hp
      Ability 3: become immobile and completely invulnerable for a short time,
      Ult: When activated, you and your teammates gain bonus health(based on Reactive Evolution meter, max of 100 bonus hp) and take less and less damage enemies the more they attack you and your allies, when your ult ends remaining bonus hp slowly drains
      550 hp, move speed 6m/s
      Hard to kill, not very boring to play, might be op depending on Primary and Secondary attack(can't think of anything yet as I have to go to work now)

  • @vhadianv
    @vhadianv 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +82

    Doorman is genius, a counter to groot blocking off heals with his walls, I can just heal through it! Being able to walk/heal through walls is super useful.

  • @Tiosedan
    @Tiosedan 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +171

    I can see Doorman being a great backline harasser that can just get in, block healing, shoot and then slipoff to his team.
    I think it be cool if sawed off sent slappy backwards, you could use it to get higher up and it make it even more different than the glove.

    • @amandapoindexter6032
      @amandapoindexter6032 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Similar to like an Ashe coach gun?

    • @Tiosedan
      @Tiosedan 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @amandapoindexter6032 basically

    • @mehqahto-and-his-uncanny-u4695
      @mehqahto-and-his-uncanny-u4695 5 วันที่ผ่านมา


  • @michaelcaboose8685
    @michaelcaboose8685 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +81

    Behold, the greatest tank character in the history of gaming:

    • @deathsyth8888
      @deathsyth8888 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      "So... He's a duelist right?"

  • @thelabrat7789
    @thelabrat7789 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +56

    I'd love to see Gwenpool in this game. Either she's a teleporting duelist, or a whacky strategist.
    As a strategist, her healing takes the form of literally filling in the teams hp with paint.
    Her ultimate should almost certainly be meta, and take advantage of game mechanics. Maybe she resets settings to default, or inverts controls, maybe even randomizes button mapping, or paints a new cross hair on someone thats really hard to use.
    With the nature of her character, there's no changing my mind that shed utilize meta features in her kit.

    • @thelabrat7789
      @thelabrat7789 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +16

      She could get a team up with Bucky that gives her red paint so she can give people his ultimate mark in case he misses lol.
      She'd also definitely need a team up with Jeff someway, but I don't have any unique ideas for that.
      Maybe she can paint portals on the ground that only Jeff can swim through? Or maybe she'd get a recall button letting her go through gutter space and appear right next to Jeff. Or Jeff could get the button, as a form of defense in case he's in danger.

    • @gabegillespie8172
      @gabegillespie8172 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

      I agree she should utilize meta features, but characters should be fun to play, fun to play with, and fun to play against, and fucking with the controls/settings of the game would be incredibly obnoxious to play against. Taking away people's control over their actions in a game is not going to be fun, which is why cc needs to have heavy limitations (i.e. breaks when you hit them again, or locked behind ultimates, or lasts a short time). Changing the way someone controls their character is a step beyond that and would NOT be fun to play against at all.

    • @thelabrat7789
      @thelabrat7789 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @gabegillespie8172 true true, it's definitely unlikely to happen since it would also be extremely difficult to play against and unfun (especially if you're someone like Spiderman.)
      It's still a neet concept and would be in character though, lol.
      Her ult definitely shouldn't damage IMO. Even if she's a Duelist. If she doesn't invert movement or change any controls, one idea I had is that she changes the cross hair to something obnoxiously big or useless.
      That way it doesn't really mess up the controls but could also use the paints that I imagine her using as a support.
      Or she just opens everyone's settings menu as a way to stun, but doesn't change anything

    • @engineer283
      @engineer283 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +6

      Rather than messing with controls and whatnot, how about her covering up the screen for a few seconds while yapping about something?

    • @thelabrat7789
      @thelabrat7789 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @engineer283 goated idea actually.
      She just walks on and rants about the games lore or something lol

  • @jackkyle2262
    @jackkyle2262 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +78

    My most obscure request and one that will never happen bc of copyright issues is Ultimo from Stan Lee's manga Karakuridoji Ultimo. The manga wasnt great but Ultimo the robot is cool and no one would expect him

  • @SpaceKat.
    @SpaceKat. 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +26

    Not having Spider-Man nemesis The Wall is a crime. "Here's one wall you'll (Spidey) never crawl!".

  • @saintyboi9258
    @saintyboi9258 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +24

    Fantastic, love the idea behind every single one of these! Big Wheel especially lived up to the hype! Though I couldn't help but think another fun passive for him might be something like Groot's team-up with Rocket and Jeff, where they can ride on top of him for a damage reduction, except maybe he does that with Spider-Man and Moon Knight or something?

  • @masterofthecontinuum
    @masterofthecontinuum 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    They should add Spiders-Man. His moveset is exactly the same as Spider-Man, except his ultimate is just him becoming an unkillable spider swarm, swarming over an enemy and killing them no matter what after a few seconds, being eaten alive.
    Oh, and every time any attack hits you, you see photorealistic spiders run across your computer screen.

    • @pixel5949
      @pixel5949 8 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

      I'm throwing the game after the last one

  • @masedaace5473
    @masedaace5473 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +17

    You included Slapstick you are BASED!

  • @BÊ_bêzinho
    @BÊ_bêzinho 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    I think it would be cool if Doorman's death door would also steal the healing the affected enemy would get and distribute it evenly across all allies

  • @lordofwolves9
    @lordofwolves9 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +21

    Fantastic concepts man! They outta hire you, that big wheel one feels like it belongs in the game! I personally would like to see Snowguard get in the game, she'd be a really fun shapeshifter character, possibly a tank.

    • @multibomble
      @multibomble 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Fantastic concepts man is Hamatos Super hero name

  • @timeless.racoon7518
    @timeless.racoon7518 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +18

    i don't think that the character is as obscure as it was because of across the spiderverse but no one mentioned him before and i would really like to see spot in marvel rivals as a vaungard

  • @Webhead123
    @Webhead123 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    I want to see Irving Forbush as a Strategist. His abilities would include:
    (Primary Attack) Psychic Assault - A ranged, homing attack
    (Secondary Attack) Inspiring Speech - A medium-ranged, cone-shaped spell field that heals allies, has charges
    (Ability 1) Pot Smash - A melee attack that damages and knocks back enemies
    (Ability 2) Break the Fourth Wall - A spherical spell field that pierces walls and barriers, revealing enemy auras (even invisible enemies) and slowing them
    (Passive) Dumb Luck - A short-range AOE centered on Irving that grants HoT and bonus damage to allies, and damage penalty to enemies.
    (Ultimate) - Forbush Vision - A large spherical spell field that deals DoT, blinds and slows enemies

  • @thebreakawayoperation
    @thebreakawayoperation 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +13

    I've been a huge advocate for more female vanguards because we only have Peni at the moment, who doesn't really count since the mech is the main feature and focus of the character. Marvel's female characters tend to not be tank-like builds, at least the more popular ones, so I've had to dive into the obscure characters to find suitable options. I think Rivals is the chance to elevate some of these characters to a higher prominence level. I'd love to see you try to tackle one of those because, from what I've seen, I don't actually think you've included any female characters in your videos yet. Some of my top choices I want to see in the game are Thundra, Power Princess, Plasmer (who only appeared in a Marvel UK mini-series), and Vista (who literally only appeared in her powered form in a single Hulk comic).

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

      tbh id love to cover as many characters as possible, from all parts of comics. As for female vanguard ideas honestly (moving away from obscure for a moment) i think titania and red-she hulk could both be cool loveable picks

    • @thebreakawayoperation
      @thebreakawayoperation 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Hamato_House I think Titania could be interesting. I'm a little hesitant on adding too many hulks too fast to the game, though I wouldn't be completely opposed to Red She-Hulk. Maybe she could have some of her Harpy powers to differentiate her.

    • @robinsr4745
      @robinsr4745 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      She hulk has a solid chance of making it in
      Make her be even faster and acrobatic than hulk with more of a grappler/wrestler inspired moveset. She might even have a tactical where she swings someone over her head and throw them back a set distance. They could even make her jumps faster but maybe give her the drawback that her jumps need to take more time to "recharge".

  • @iivan8730
    @iivan8730 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    Idea for a team up between Groot and doorman. All allies can walk and shoot through Groot's walls

  • @BaneKaikyo
    @BaneKaikyo 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    This now marks the 3RD video I've seen "Big Wheel" proposed as a Vanguard in Rivals. I know nothing about this dude, but I want him in the game so bad!!

  • @Xx0bamaGamingxX
    @Xx0bamaGamingxX วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Big wheel
    >have a dr strange
    >place 1rst portal somewhere
    >place 2nd portal on big wheel
    >big wheel goes in 1rst portal
    >black hole
    Congrats, you won and destroyed your reality !

  • @ColinMarker910
    @ColinMarker910 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +8

    I’d love to see the rest of the Great Lake Avengers in the future, love those guys!

  • @BESTdonglewenis7254
    @BESTdonglewenis7254 8 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    My favorite obscure character is probably Dragon Man from the Fantastic Four, he’s actually a large android and in the comics his tech leads to the creation of Vision and Ultron.
    In my concept he is a Vanguard
    Main attack: A combo of 3 claw swipes, ending with a tail swipe which knocks back enemies.
    Ability 1: Dragon Man breaths out a line of fire, basically a damaging version of Jeff’s Heal
    Ability 2: Dragon Man extends his wings out blocking damage and essentially turning him into a wall
    Ability 3: Dragon Man’s wings allow him to jump 2 times in the air, this allows him to cling to walls like Hulk, but while doing so he can still use his Ability 1.
    Ultimate: Dragon Man extends his wings and takes flight changing his primary attack to a fire blast with splash damage
    For teamups maybe he’d be an anchor for one with Rocket giving Rocket a third boost, and maybe one with Peni that lets him get armor from the cyber webs

  • @TheOneTrueGhostyBoi
    @TheOneTrueGhostyBoi 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +19

    2:06 what is their “roll” on the battlefield

    • @excuseuEw
      @excuseuEw 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2


  • @blazindragon1833
    @blazindragon1833 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    6 obscure Marvel characters I'd love to see in the game are Zoe Laveau, Titus, Prime (Kevin Green), Doctor Echo, Nightwatch (Kevin Trench) and Power Princess (Zarda Shelton)

  • @TheOneTrueGhostyBoi
    @TheOneTrueGhostyBoi 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +10

    I’ve always liked Swarm he’s fairly obscure but his powers are sick
    Main Attack
    (Bee Sting)
    The Swarm will throw out swarms of bees in the shape of orbs that will basically work as large, slow moving projectile that will do damage as it passes through enemies and will home in on enemies that get near it.
    Ability 1
    (Buzz Off)
    Once activated for a short time Swarm will turn into a literal swarm of bees and gain flight along with being able to damage enemies that he flys into (he can be damaged out of this form if he takes enough damage but all damage will be reduced)
    Ability 2
    The Swarm will send out bees to surround an enemy slowing them and causing damage over time, enemies can remove bees by spamming melee or will have to wait for the ability to end
    Ability 3
    Once activated bees will constantly fly out of Swarm’s body locking on enemies in a small area around him for a short time and then will on cooldown
    (Hive Mind)
    Once per life after being put down to half health immediately activate a version of Buzz Off but with the added benefit of taking no damage (this will last a few seconds)
    Swarm will transform into as giant slow moving behemoth with just an upper half that will swing at enemies hitting a large area with every swing (you basically turn into a Kajiu)
    Team Up
    (Bees Nest)
    While on a team with Groot you can activate a team up similar to Rocket/Jeff but instead of being on his shoulder you’ll enter a bees nest on his back (this bees next can be destroyed and be put on a cool down) while inside the bees nest you will slowly heal and Groot will be able to use a version of Swarms Stinger ability with slightly less damage

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

      @@TheOneTrueGhostyBoi I love the concept, specifically I really like the idea of an ability where the target has to spam melee to begin to remove it, the whole running around waving off bees vibe really comes through

    • @failaka7988
      @failaka7988 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      ​@Hamato_House hey, I think Big Wheel would be better like this:
      Big Wheel is a vanguard who works like hulk with a mix of peni, he's in a giant Wheel that acts as a sort of defensive barrier and the idea is that the Wheel, for the most part, does not stop moving. He's the fastest tank and is well up there in the mobile characters list.
      His basic attack, DRIVEBY, is him auto shooting anyone next to him for low but constant dps.
      Big Wheels first move, HELD CHARGE, consists of him holding the wheel to a stop to charge it up, gain a damage reduction from the rubble coming out around him, and charges the wheel forward to either break an enemy's guard (completely destroying the shield or dealing damage to it based on amount charged), or send someone flying. The move has a cool down of 24 seconds, and has less effect on the person after the first and so on.
      His secondary move, RUBBERY DESPAIR, consists of big wheel doing a very steep turn and trapping whoever comes into the wheel with him for the duration of the wheels health or until one of them dies. The wheel becomes very vulnerable in this state, as it just damaged itself for half its health. The wheel also stays immobile on the ground for the entirety of the move, with a cool down of once per life, but refreshable via the repair system.
      His third move is ALLIED FRENZY, being able to pick up a teammate into his wheel with him to provide damage reduction and mobility, with the teammate not having the benefit of viewing the other side of the wheel and having a hard time aiming. This move has a 3second cooldown.
      His final move is HAILING FIRE, where he consumes 60 parts to let out a storm of bullets on both sides of the wheel. The move lasts for 3 seconds and follows the wheel as he is moving. The cooldown on this move is 15 seconds.
      Big Wheel is a special case, having a mixup of ultimates to work with.
      His first Ultimate, FUNCTIONAL TEAM, allows the whole group of 6 to simply enter the big wheel. They also have an aim assist, not inclusive to his second move.
      His second ultimate, WHEEL'S VENDETTA, turns big wheel into a particle accelerator after jumping into the air and landing horizontally on the ground with help from his wheel, taking all his parts and increasing the wheels size based off the parts consumed, and allowing him to (with the help of some 2099 tech, this is an alternate universe big wheel were working with here) spin around the wheel in a daze of light, dealing massive damage to those within it, but sparing those with above 75% hp by sending them flying in a random direction far off into the map.
      Big wheel has a team up with Mr. FANTASTIC, where Reed stretches around the entirety of the wheel and launches it into an unsuspecting enemy.
      His second team up is with iron man, Tony assists big wheel in his ultimate by either adding pulse cannons in FUNCTIONAL TEAM or allowing the HP requirement to drop down to 50% in WHEEL'S VENDETTA.
      Two hidden techs can be that storm gives a noticeable speed buff of 20% if she decides to sit in the wheel. The other one could be that all parties inside the wheel can still be healed, but by a reduced amount, which is excluded in both ultimate except for the enemy party.

    • @failaka7988
      @failaka7988 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

      I forgot to mention that the repair tech gives him parts based off enemies he's damaged, with an equivalent scale of 1 part every point of damage, and that can use it to go stationary and self repair outside of battle.

  • @thepixelman4776
    @thepixelman4776 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +11

    I always think of this guy when thinking of cool obscure characters: Reptil. I really only know the guy from Super Hero Squad when I was a kid, but he had a cool power. He’s a human dinosaur hybrid who can transform parts of his body into different Dino parts (pterodactyl wings, tyrannosaurus claws and tail, ex). I think at some point he eventually does get the ability to become a complete form of a Dino (definitely in the show but apparently comics too). I’d say he’s likely a duelist, though I could see vanguard too.🤔

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

      @@thepixelman4776 I actually considered him, infact if you look in the video before I reveal Slapstick I throw a picture of reptil on the screen 😂

    • @thepixelman4776
      @thepixelman4776 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Hamato_Housepfft straight up I JUST got to that part of the video. Well hey glad I’m not alone. 😂

  • @epicdavid6180
    @epicdavid6180 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    suggestions for some more obscure/funny characters: Sauron (the I want to turn everyone into dinosaurs guy) he can turn people into dinosaurs obviously,

  • @joshuaenns1217
    @joshuaenns1217 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +7

    Neat choices, I've never seen Doorman before, but I am very familiar with Big Wheel due to Spider-Man TAS, the same show where my favourite obscure character Alistair Smythe the Ultimate Spider-Slayer also has many appearances in, gosh I was hoping he'd be in this video, but I'm hoping he might make it in a future video!!!

  • @hugallurfriends
    @hugallurfriends 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    this is definitely the best source for marvel rivals character concepts

  • @unrestrainedclown2808
    @unrestrainedclown2808 21 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    Slapstick is one of my favorite Marvel characters so when I heard the Carnage hint I got so hyped, you made a pretty good moveset for him too!

  • @porkchopsensei2742
    @porkchopsensei2742 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    My go to obscure roster pick for Rivals is Darkhawk, a space faring character with a cool design and a cool power. Essentially, it's a teenager who can transfer his consciousness at will to an alien android body, but his human body is left vulnerable in the process. Maybe the Rivals version could have multiple android bodies that he can swap between? I just like his vibe tbh lol

  • @zemufinman1639
    @zemufinman1639 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +4

    I had a longer pitch on a different channel but id love to see butterball as a slow melee vanguard (especially since we have so few vanguards)
    Hed melee only using his frying pan with an ability that lets him reflect projectiles, one that launches him in the air by slamming the ground with the takeoff being a dazing attack (either stunning, slowing or reversing controls) and maybe a healing move or no third
    His two passives would be
    1: his damage is buffed by how fast you are falling. Basically you can trolldier people
    2: when he reaches 0hp he doesn't die but instead damage taken knocks him back relative to damage taken. For example getting hit by a squirrel girl would launch you farther than wolverine can jump. Because hes a slow melee vanguard being away from the front line is tantamount to being dead so him being unkillable (besides pits) isnt as broken as it would seem
    His combos would be
    with the human torch where his pan gets superheated and does more damage with a damage over time
    And Mr fantastic where he passively makes Mr fantastic's basic punch have a bit more range

  • @GreatWalker
    @GreatWalker 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    First time I heard about the Big Wheel

  • @vhadianv
    @vhadianv 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Love all the ideas bro this is really nice

  • @sachiellovesyou
    @sachiellovesyou 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    i told my coworkers that slapstick would be so fun to play, glad someone else has the same idea

  • @DestructiveAuto
    @DestructiveAuto 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I love the idea for Big Wheel to just roll around the map. I also really like the idea that the longer he continues to walk forward, the more damage he will do. This would make it interesting for him to be a Vanguard that would most likely start further in the back lines, roll around and gain speed for a bit, then roll into the main battlefield and just run over everyone. He would actually be OP for taking out healers in the back lines.

  • @DealersChoice04
    @DealersChoice04 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    11:50 Walkthrough should be only for destructible walls so players could recreate the example scene used and break through it to catch him
    Doorway could be a dash ability where he turns into a black rectangle and dashes over enemies and allies and will instantly place them wherever he put the doorframe. While he is dashing the door will be open for players on the otherside to walk through, but this is pretty much only a 1-2 second window so it would have to be times well. (doorframe should only be able to be placed on destructible walls and can be destroyed this way)
    (Should also mention that a passive that Doorman has is that any surface his abilities are placed/used on say his walkthrough or door frame will reinforce that wall and make it 2x as hard to break through it, maybe doorframe giving it 5x strength.
    Doorman's team up with hella could be put the otherway around and give Doorman an extra ability, Hell's gate lets you look at a dead teammate and place a *door* on their body and for double the remaining period till that teammate is revived the door will give off an Over Time affect like the gate is letting out the players "rage" for dying. Placing it on a vanguard will give nearby allies temporary shield and damage reduction, placing it on a duellist will give off a slowdown affect to enemies and a small damage boost and for other strategists it will give off a healing over time AOE aswell as a speedboost to allies.

  • @TheSfelex
    @TheSfelex 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I loved this so very much :D the creativity and imagination was really beautiful, thank you.

  • @rfsmaster
    @rfsmaster 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Big Wheel would go crazy with destructible environments. I think it'd be cool if he had an ability where he used his arms to yoink an opponent and drive off with them stuck to you for a while. Sort of like a diet Jeff ult. The mental image of Big Wheel crashing through a wall, stealing a Jeff or Mantis, and then speeding off is making me chuckle. Alongside that, I think a teamup with Luna Snow would be nice, giving him extra damage but making him more slippery when driving. Also, Slapstick is my most wanted character next to Deadpool. A rubberhose character in a team-based shooter could be the greatest thing ever.

  • @theimmigrant7953
    @theimmigrant7953 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I was so confident that the character at the end who you hyped up by saying they had a large part in Civil War was Speedball/Penance Lmaoo

  • @klovisbergeron9910
    @klovisbergeron9910 4 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I can already see it now
    Having there skins be weird and wild
    Like the wheel could be a badass monster truck inspired
    Doorman cold be have a bellboy skin.
    Slapstick skins could be inspired by any loonie toons characters
    But i do see wheel bieng a biker girl for some reason ( for all the gooners )
    But seriously a monster truck wheel skin inspired by Grave Digger or any of the monster gams series of monster trucks would be real fun see. They are all realy fun characters
    But i have 1 question! If slapstick makes it in and he uses a hammer and cartoon logic, how can spider pig get in? Maybe a strategist?! 🐖🕸

  • @orlandosantiago4063
    @orlandosantiago4063 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Big wheel feels like the perfect person to assist on a convoy mission

  • @HighlandHellboy
    @HighlandHellboy 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    So happy to see Doorman and Slapstick! Slapstick is one I'd love to see in Rivals, they're totally bonkers but aren't too niche to not eventually appear.

    @DUCK_KIING 20 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา +1

    With Slapstick, I'd imagine his ultimate being like a Wiley Coyote kaboom. Where puts down Dynamite, uses a cartoonish detonator and blows up with it. Doing massive damage to a wide area, but he just shakes off black dust or whatever.

  • @ActionGuy79
    @ActionGuy79 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I've been thinking about Quicksilver for a while, and I think the comment you read did a really good job of him, but here's mine:
    Quicksilver will be a support. His base speed is the same as Luna's, but him primary fire is super speed, and it'll run on a charge that depletes when he's running and recharges when he's not. He does damage/healing by running into enemies/allies when he's running. His secondary fire can be a vibration ability that grants him temporary intangibility, allowing him to dodge attacks and vibrate through walls

  • @Toast095
    @Toast095 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Doorman would genuinely fix the issue with strange spawn trapping a team without the devs needing to change the map

  • @graymermoth6228
    @graymermoth6228 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +5

    I would main Doorman. OMFG I love Doorman so much. I’ve known about him since middle school and I want him to be in the mcu so bad

  • @alexkeyser5034
    @alexkeyser5034 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Just found your channel and I absolutely love this video!!! One of my favorite comics in all of Marvel is the Original Exiles, and I would LOVE to see you tackle some of the characters from that (specifically Blink and Nocturne but there are so many good ones from the run)

  • @Lil_toy_scientist
    @Lil_toy_scientist 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Hello I am toy scientist and I feel like a hero needs to be added to marvel rivals. Of course I want gambit, cyclops, and many more but what I feel is most creative and interesting is morph. Morph’s weapon will of course be his fist and he wouldn’t have a main genre such as strategist or vanguard. Instead he would be under a category as Mix and this category would contain of course morph and Loki. Morph would have two abilities and both of which would be shape shifting which would allow him to mix the abilities of say doctor strange and Jeff the shark. The nerf to this is that it takes 30-40 seconds to recharge and has a 20% of breaking and the ability will break until you die. The ability once broken will not be allowed to be used and the character you chose to have the power of will be deselected and you cannot use their abilities anymore. Another nerf is that the abilities you take will have to be in the current match you’re in. So if I want hulk’s clap I would have to have someone on my team or the other team have hulk as their chosen character. Morph’s ultimate would be to of course mimic a characters per se if I want iron man’s ultimate I can use it for my own benefit. I chose this character because I feel it could give a better chance for team up’s. If I don’t want to use Wolverine for the team up I can just use morph and morph can work with hulk.

  • @theprimegamer7086
    @theprimegamer7086 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    having the dr strange big wheel teamup could work if big wheel turned to his side to become an immobile shield for a moment and the portal was on the other end, then big wheel could choose to disconnect himself from the portal early instead of being stuck to it for the entire duration of the portal

  • @octopaya9253
    @octopaya9253 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I love Slapstick’s abilities, I think marvel ravels needs some “joke” characters in the roster like Isabel and pichu from Smash Bros Ultimate. Character that are fun to play but once you really understand their kit they become a living weapon. Slapstick’s moves reminded me of mister game and watch Judge ability! Marvel rivals needs more stuff like that

  • @Sirfish.E
    @Sirfish.E 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I gotta make a list of this too lol If we are going obscure characters, then I would love one of the original characters from marvel nemesis rise of the imperfects game. Super underrated and some of those characters had such a cool design. The two i would love are Paragon and The Wink. Such both awesome underrated female characters. The designs are flawless. After discovering luna came first from a marvel game, I figure these two could have a shot :)

  • @Techytrash
    @Techytrash 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +3


  • @nickperez4158
    @nickperez4158 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I love all of these, they're all so cool and really thought out

  • @jimmybiscuit
    @jimmybiscuit 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I would love to see Orb get added to the game. Such a simple character and would probably be a duelist. He could utilize his motorcycle and stunt related skills, shoot lasers out of his eyes or shoot with his gun.

  • @LerchStudios
    @LerchStudios 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    get daredevil up in this.
    spiderman is their most popular character but he is the hardest to play. and for us shit gamers out there id like to see spidermans swinging with daredevil.
    i feel like he should just be a straight up assasin like duelist.
    he has 3 fires technically.
    1 is his billyclub, press m1 to throw his billyclub, and it bounces say 5 times each because he only has 2 of them. m2 to swing with the billy club
    2 could be his staff, better for shutting down vangaurds, but slower. also cant swing and less mobility
    3 these hands. bro should straight up be on some iron fist level of hand to hand, think ramatra from overwatch. hold m2 to block and m1 throws his 1, 2 which do 100 each, at 3 punches per second. but it has a drawback ill mention later.
    i think he should have a sprint and a double jump, as well as a kind of parkour system, almost like assasins creed valhalla. basic but works for extra mobility.
    i feel like he should have a self heal which is just him stitching himself because that is some daredevil shit.
    he should have a radar sense where he basically gets arkham vision, or maybe he can see hearbeats or noise like in the last of us.
    lastly, id like him to have different rolls and vaults to make traversal with him more fun. if you aim low he does a roll, if you aim centre he does a dive roll and if you aim high he leaps in the air.
    his ult would be 'world on fire' where he basically becomes the sifu guy, just sprinting around hitting people and having crazy mobility/dodging (make it like sifu so that way if you can dodge everything perfect it rewards you) it also fits because daredevil is actually just that good. fought 100 ninjas with poisioned weapons, didnt get hit once.
    his passives would be a wall run and the drawback to his melee, which is (and it ties into the design i'd personally give him) and its that he takes slight damage when he punches, because his hand wraps are loosening, you wont die from it but if you keep punching without tightening them (for 2-3 seconds) itll start affecting your damage, and your health will begin to drain more rapidly.
    i chose this because daredevil is like the grounded hero for marvel, so i'd like it if he was more vulnerable so it puts him at a 'disadvantage' (get it... he's blind) but once you get ahold of it he'd be unstopable.
    teamups i'd say, punisher would get a swing with one of daredevils billyclubs and daredevil gets his smoke screen, spiderman would maybe get a bit of increased health because daredevil and him are close, and maybe daredevil gets a longer radar sense to tie in w spidermans spidy sense.
    and finally i feel like iron fist and daredevil would make a good pair, daredevil adding an extra hit not affected by his handwraps into his combo (being a roundhouse kick) and ironfist gaining an extra jump.

  • @parkerlarson6692
    @parkerlarson6692 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    People are forgetting a very easy idea
    3 capcom characters one for each class
    Mika Haggar or Zangief for Vanguard
    Megaman or Strider for Striker
    Morrigan or like Amingo as an obscure MvC strategist

  • @creativeusername3408
    @creativeusername3408 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Big wheel just won’t be added tbh. You’d have to shrink him to 5 times his actual size to fit through doorways
    There isn’t enough space for him to be constantly moving around on any maps
    His size would mean he’s very easy to shoot
    He doesn’t look fun to play and wouldn’t fit with gameplay. A tank with the gameplay style of a Lightning McQueen would be completely useless in team fights

  • @brick975
    @brick975 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    ball mains are so back with this

  • @canned3880
    @canned3880 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Also your doorman concept is really cool

  • @v0idbeast969
    @v0idbeast969 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    That doorman concept seems a little jank but I absolutely adore the idea. Here's hoping they try their hand at him.

  • @TheRealFoxMadness
    @TheRealFoxMadness 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I think speedball would be great as a duelist

  • @Niks_Bizarre_Video_Dump
    @Niks_Bizarre_Video_Dump 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I want selene gallio, a goth vampire dommy mommy from the hellfire club who'd be a vanguard that heals herself by draining people and block damage by summoning demons.

  • @SoleControl
    @SoleControl วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Your videos are so fire, a truly earned subscription

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  วันที่ผ่านมา

      Thank you, that's really appreciated

    • @SoleControl
      @SoleControl วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      @@Hamato_House I really dig how you you imagine their actual function in-game and like you said, nailing the fantasy of the character at the same time. Really well done, looking forward to seeing more. Be well!

  • @WhatWasThat225
    @WhatWasThat225 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    There's two ways to do silly characters in games like these. Either change them up just enough to keep the core ideas and powers, but make them cool and take the characters seriously, or... Full Dan Hibiki.

  • @Pupal_Dugal
    @Pupal_Dugal 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I would main tf out of doorman, also another slapstick team up idea could be "spring boots" witch rocket where his shield generator will always give out the jump boost shields instead of the normal shields. (Rockets shield generator in game has a chance to spawn a shield that lets you boost really high up)

  • @Onlytoview1
    @Onlytoview1 ชั่วโมงที่ผ่านมา

    Honestly both The wall and Big wheel are those like “well known obscure characters” and would be great additions to marvel rivals.

  • @tehswordninja
    @tehswordninja 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I want Strong Guy as a Vanguard so bad its unreal. But sadly there'd be some overlap with Reed's damage absorption.

  • @Bombetina_Again
    @Bombetina_Again 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Well... close enough. Welcome back Yagorath

  • @MentallyGrimm
    @MentallyGrimm 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Ok so, I absolutely love Doorman but I think there was a few missed opportunities so I'd like to share the small changes I'd make to your thing.
    First I'd turn Walk through into a passive letting him just pass through destructible terrain as if it wasn't there.
    Doorway shouldn't require you to be next to a wall and instead should be just an ability you can use. Instead of letting you keep it open forever it has a limited time frame but in a pinch can be used to literally avoid a dive and will have a secondary effect when used with doorframe. If doorman is sranding in destructible terrain when he uses this he will create a viable path through it.
    Doorframe I love the idea of just with some tiny modifications, for one it's used in the same way by being activated during Doorway. Where it differs is that Doorframe becomes a portal of sorts for your Doorway and Ultimate. When you activate Doorway after having a frame down you become something similar to a strange portal linking back to your frame. Essentially turning a temporary phase ability into a temporary teleport to a pre-established area. Depending which side you shoot or enter decides where it exits from the frame.
    Finally for the ultimate I like the idea of an aoe healing for allies and hindrance for enemies but I'd take it a slight step further. Instead of locking their movement entirely it simply slows them but during the duration of the ultimate you enter your Doorway form and can move around. If you have a frame up your able to pass through enemies sending them back to a different location or stand in front of allies to absorb attacks. Overall I really love the idea you came up with everything else is great I just think you missed out on the fact that one of the things Doorman is able to do is send people to extremely far distances once he understands more about his powers. Either way great video.
    (Also for Big Wheels team up with doctor strange could change it from the portal to the shield ability strange has letting big wheels pop up magic shields on his sides to help tank damage for a short time)

  • @Kindlyspace57
    @Kindlyspace57 3 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I've always thought, since this game involves the multiverse and timelines in its lore, that captain Britain (or one of the many variants) would be a good vanguard. His power coming from confidence of sorts could mean the more people near him then the harder he is to kill? A teamplay focused character, could even have a team-up with Psylocke (even though its the wrong one). He'd also make a good meme character being comically bri ish

  • @b2superbattledroid977
    @b2superbattledroid977 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I actually knew almost everyone shown in the greatlakes avengers surprisingly

  • @RavenCloak13
    @RavenCloak13 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Reminder, it's always more fun to make a kit for a joke or dumb funny character gimmick because they play more intresting or weird.

  • @Tekkidon
    @Tekkidon 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I really want Darkhawk in the game but I feel he will just be Falcon with a little bit more to do

  • @Mr.GregGoblin
    @Mr.GregGoblin 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Doorman and Strange would legitimately turn the battlefield into Portal 2

  • @CoryB-pz7is
    @CoryB-pz7is 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    Yo I was just thinking about the glob from x men I definitely see him as a vanguard

  • @gabegillespie8172
    @gabegillespie8172 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Doorman would be absolutely broken, imagine giving a long range dps a one sided doorway that also gave healing over time. As well as wallhacks and basic attacks that travel through walls, so you can heal + damage from a completely safe spot, as well as having a vanguard ult that also heals his team, like what this would be nowhere near balanced

  • @bigboybrad7709
    @bigboybrad7709 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Killing the vids man! Keep it up!
    Love seeing the improvement!

    • @bigboybrad7709
      @bigboybrad7709 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

      Also I’m so happy to see Doorman in a concept, always loved this guy

    • @bigboybrad7709
      @bigboybrad7709 7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      The anti heals idea is so awesome. Always so annoying when ur team can’t get to their healers. You’re the man!

  • @Arcae95
    @Arcae95 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +3

    I can hardly believe I watched the video from someone with a 550 sub count! You’ve got a good head on those shoulders And 100k sub aura!

    • @Hamato_House
      @Hamato_House  7 วันที่ผ่านมา

      @@Arcae95 thank you, it's really appreciated

  • @ShadowTheLion
    @ShadowTheLion 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Honestly the big wheel sounds like a tankier wolverine, just kidnapping vanguards and healers

  • @aaronco1079
    @aaronco1079 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I feel like all allies should be able to hop on Big Wheel like the Groot team up. No damage reduction, but Big Wheel has more movement so it could work better as a chauffeur ability.

  • @jm_r245
    @jm_r245 2 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Isca the Unbeaten, Genesis, Moon Girl, Summoner, Jumbo Carnation, Tempus, Sage, Elsa Bloodstone, Silver Sable, Northstar, Armor, and Boom Boom are all really good obscure characters that should be added.

  • @uhoh9381
    @uhoh9381 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @SomethingProbablyNothing
    @SomethingProbablyNothing 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I'd very much like it if Big Wheel moves like Breaking Wheel from one of NetEase's other games, Identity V, they already have a blue print for his movement all they have to do is copy and paste.

  • @IsleOfHopelessMinds
    @IsleOfHopelessMinds 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Big wheel could actually work… as a mix of ball from Overwatch and Yaggorath from paladins

  • @multibomble
    @multibomble 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yo I love Doorman! I do think he should lean more into being Oblivions Angel of Death, as it gives him more interesting powers.

  • @Rdotmop
    @Rdotmop 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I've never heard of Doorman before but he's my favorite guy forever now

  • @gravityjuice4055
    @gravityjuice4055 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I like the first two, especially Doorman, but you'd find me maining Slapstick. I love his gimmicks and abilities.

  • @meodrac
    @meodrac วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    My Idea for Darwin, the Ultimate Being
    Passive 1:
    -Taking and dealing damage fills up your 'Reactive Evolution' meter, meter slowly drains after 8 seconds of not receiving or dealing damage
    -You takes less damage based on 'Reactive Evolution' meter, 0.1% damage reduction at 1% charge, 25% damage reduction at 100% charge
    -Damage reduction effects doubles(50% dmg reduction) when you are low health(below 30% hp), triples(75%) when you are near death(below 10% hp)
    Passive 2: you can climb walls and ceiling
    Passive 3: you can slightly glide by holding space
    Ability 1: perform a front flip and move forward(can be activated mid air)(Bound to shift by default) EDIT: Ability name is "Evolutionary Jump")
    Ability 2: gain damage reduction, gain bonus hp based on 'Reactive Evolution' meter, at max meter, gain 100 bonus hp, at empty meter, you gain 20 bonus hp
    Ability 3: become immobile and completely invulnerable for a short time,
    Ult, Proactive Evolution: When activated, you and your teammates gain bonus health(based on Reactive Evolution meter, max of 100 bonus hp) and take less and less damage enemies the more they attack you and your allies, when your ult ends remaining bonus hp slowly drains
    550 hp, move speed 6m/s
    Hard to kill, not very boring to play, might be op depending on Primary and Secondary attack(can't think of anything yet as I have to go to work now)
    My is you have another ability to turn off his tankiness with a long cooldown and you instead become stronger based on who you are fighting

  • @Chemmmy
    @Chemmmy 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Shouldve done Doop or Howard the Duck😭😭 wouldve been hilarious

  • @andresbarragan7212
    @andresbarragan7212 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I think big wheel should be able to grab teammates with his claws

  • @Telomerase9
    @Telomerase9 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    Doorman's abilities would absolutley have a bug where you could get into an enemy spawn at some point XD

  • @unheardsafe
    @unheardsafe 5 วันที่ผ่านมา +1


  • @creativemonkeyz12
    @creativemonkeyz12 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    I know there not the most secure but i want to see all the wrecking squad

  • @LinteirSomeZebra
    @LinteirSomeZebra 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    *The Wheel* reminds Wrecking Ball from Overwatch.

  • @gyddiktm4469
    @gyddiktm4469 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    I need to see night thrasher in rivals i first saw him while playing contest of champions and he was my main the entire time i played i think he'd have a great move set and really interesting voice lines with reed Richards, spiderman and squirrel girl

  • @yellowscarf8812
    @yellowscarf8812 7 วันที่ผ่านมา +2

    Yheas every time some big crossover game happens I say where is the characters I don’t know I love this video

  • @Guy-w5k
    @Guy-w5k 6 วันที่ผ่านมา +1

    i could see people do some crazy neo movement with big wheel.