Finally had a moment to update you all on the tank... lost alot of fish and have been too busy lately... Tank will be in neutral for while.. Ill be back with more updates in the next few weeks... Keep doing what yall do! Be Eazy!
I don"t know if anyone has said this before but ou can increase your tank temp to stay above 83 degrees F for at least 3 weeks to kill the ick in your tank. I would keep it that way for at least 3 to 6 weeks.
Callmeabutterfly Callmeabutterfly That's not true. Raising temp to kill Ich is a Freshwater cure. Raising temp simply speeds up the the Ich life cycle in Saltwater systems. Do this will also reduce oxygen levels in the system so be careful.
Glad more fish were not lost. As for the nuisance algae, yes the rocks appear to still be cycling, so they will clear up and grow periphyton and look nice.
New to the hobby. Watching your videos has helped and inspired me so much, Thank You for all the quality and non biased information. I lost my first coral today :( was very unfortunate, but it's a lesson learned as I grow in my understanding and love for this hobby.
This is what I love about cj he's REAL he tells you things straight up and shows you thing when there at the worst times not many people in this hobby will show that due to they want to look like there the best at what they do lol but glad ure back on point with the tank cj I wish u the best buddy 💪
This was possibly my all time favorite upload from your channel, so far. You've always been directly honest and to the point about your methods, including their successes and failures. No, I'm no reefer, yet, but I've HIGHLY respected you for some time now, Thank You, CJ, for STAYING REAL!
So so sorry you lost so much livestock!! Your tank is absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this! It's hard to share , I think , I always feel like such a failure if I lose a fish or a coral, and i really appreciate your ability to share! It encourages me!
My 120 was just wiped out completely by inch. Seven of my dream fish slowly stocked over 8 months gone! I'm still thinking about what I want to do. I have thought about quitting the hobby I was so demoralized. The time effort and money I've invested only to see it all lost within a two week period. Hearing about your loss somehow makes me feel less bad. So thanks for sharing that.
MileHighReefers don't think it was velvet each death was progressive and no powdery coating... was ether flukes or ick or something else... I'll cross the Qt bridge when I have more time for the hobby in general... tank is in neutral for now till football season is over 8 weeks to go 👌🏾
You have way more experience in reefing than me, but I do know that QT bridge is your display tank success and it will collapse, as it clearly did... Still sucks though mate.
Nooo! Such a hard video to make. Thanks for sharing all of this and keeping it real with the ups and downs of reefing. Very constructive to hear how you are still moving forward and towards your goals with this system.
sad to hear your loss, but i'm really confident as many of your followers are that you will do a nice comeback. You have done it in the past, you will do it again. Just stay patient as you keep saying. This update will not effect you because it's not what you have done but what you have overcome. Stay Reefing CJ and High 5 buddy! Mel
QT was the best investment I ever made in the hobby. 2 total fish lost was enough for me to be fed up. Treated all fish with cupramine for 2-4 weeks prior to introducing them to the tank and never had a ich outbreak by doing so. This current setup I'm taking a risk and not QT but I'm trying a product called No-ich that you use in the tank so 🤞
GENISIS1TWENTYONE I have a CUC but they ether can't keep up or need to be replenished... this is really a bad time to have a tank for me so just keeping tank in neutral until football season is over... then I can dedicate to a possible Qt system and handling whatever is going on... just wanted to get this video out to keep my video documenting accurate of this tank including the bad stuff moving forward... all will work out on the end have no doubt 😎
Sorry for your loses, thank you so much for tell us your experiencias and feelings, I try to start my New aquarium of 250 gallons but I want to start with all necesary equipment and thinking in all posibillities of failure, its complicar ed but not imposible, I send to you a big hug from México.
Sorry for the losses CJ. Quarantining is definitely helpful, and it is a hard lesson sometimes, but most hobbyists usually end up there, after large losses like this. Other things to consider are that you are overstocking your tank with fish, adding too many in general, but also you added too many fish at one time. Fish can often fight off ich if healthy (many tanks have omni-present ich, and fish do fine) but when overstocked, aggression over territory causes stress, probably some fish are getting underfed due to stress/hiding/territorial issues, etc. and this does not allow them to fight off parasites adequately. I would say that your tank currently, after the die-off, is about stocked with as many fish as it should be - maybe one or two smaller fish (clown, blenny). Your powder blue will make it difficult to add any additional tangs, and a 120 is too small for most tangs anyway (opinions vary on this! : ) It is going to take you a while to knock back the hair algae the way you are doing it now (scrubbing the rock), as the trapped nutrients are just going back into the water column, and staying in the tank (some get skimmed out). Doing a large water change after scrubbing will be more effective, or taking the rock out one by one and scrubbing it, rinsing it in a separate bucket). Since you have no corals, you could also cut down your lighting cycle in the DT, so your algae scrubber in the sump can compete again. Hang in there - thanks for the videos!
Great video as always my dude. Sorry about the ich! I remember when I had ich and it killed everything and I had to go without fish for about 3 months or so :( Anyways, it's cool to hear about you being a head coach for football. I played for 10 years so I understand how time consuming it is as a player. Im sure it's even harder for the coach! Not sure what level you're coaching but good luck this season!! Lastly, hope your Packers do good this season, just not better than my Raiders lol! Stay up, my friend
Hey man you had a lot of very nice fish. I think you added to many to fast. I know the matrix was added to the tank, but I feel your pain. Lesson Learned man, I think you gotta chill man, and invest in CORALS :) I am glad your powder blue made it. Great video man.
Looks like you doubled if not tripled your bio-load on the tank and it probably caused an Ammonia spike, a lot of Salt Water enthusiasts don't test for it often and it could cause the problem. If you start to notice some "stress" septum from a fish or more than one I always test ammonia to make sure I don't have too much in there and do a water change. Water changes have and can solve ALMOST every problem in a tank. You might even look at adding a GFO reactor to help with your algae issue in the tank then control your feeding for a little while, also turn down (or even off for a few days) the lights to help with algae outbreaks. Also, I noticed in your sump you don't have a foam pad between your refuge and the return compartment, that will help with the media going into your pump as well as lowering the chance of getting micro bubbles from any reactors or protein skimmers. Something else you might look at is I didn't see any emerald crabs, hermits, or snails to help with the bio-load in the tank as well as some of the algae. Hope this was all helpful but it is also just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt. Good luck in your football season and can't wait to see when you get everything back up and running!
Hey CJ, I known you posted this a while ago...... One thing I started doing when you add a new fish to the aquarium especially with its all ready established crew..... is put various 1inche pipe work or what you have various sizes all round the tank just to change up the aqua scape and to hopefully cut down on aggression.... all so saves on re aqua scaping the aquarium....once the new fish has been in there for a week or so maybe a bit longer remove the pipe work (kinda like scaffolding on the out side of the rock) maybe worth a try.... Happy reefing bro......
Hey neighbor!!! I am local to your area and i love Sandy’s. I have made purchased from them multiple and never had an issue but i have at another location in the area... however the owner is working out all the errors made that ended up infesting my tank and i am learning just how critical i need to pay closer attention. Would love to have fishy talk with you. Get some ideas and work together to thrive. I have purchased fish that took my bullies a day to kill because they didnt get along. Well let me know!
Sorry for the loss.. for the algae problem that you are having ..that algae scrubber is useless ...the key for a stable, healthy and clean tank is having a good sized refugium . I took off the biobellets and phosphate reactors after 2 months of adding a refugium to my system ..I do have a zero nutrient system now, so I have the joy of giving more food 😉
Impulse buys are apart of the hobby lol. It's funny that the fish that survived such as the Powder Blue didn't get sick. So all in all that's a good thing because that means that particular group of fish are hardy. Everything is not a "loss"
Good to see u back man! I was wandering what is happening why no more updates of u tanks. Soo sad to see u lost some fishes, but i guess is a part of the hobby. For the green hair algae you can do a simple thing turn off the white lights, or dim them to 1-5%for 3-4 weeks and it will die. Good luck man!
hay CJ sorry for your loss maybe try hyposalinity were you dont have any corals to get ride of the problem in the tank just a thought love the information you give to help other reefers thanks
CJ, I wish you the best but I, from my own experience and from others, highly suggest you setup a simple quarantine system. Get them comfortable in an area where there isn't much competition for food, proactively treat them with copper and/or the like for at least 4 weeks, and keep the stress down. Get them strong before adding to the main display. I don't want you to feel the stress and heartbreak that I felt before listening to good advise. Eventually, luck runs out. Best wishes and happy reefing
How true about the planned list. I make a fish plan (in my head) and a back-up plan and try and stick with it. The plan is the ideal, the back-up plan being conservative but alternate fish choices. I had Ick and it kiled Hepatus, Japonicus, and Gramma Loreto, so I have chosen reef safe wrasses and a family of a lyretail anthias to keep the nitrogen cycle strong and will restock tangs in 6 months or so. The tank bred Flavescens (expensive) survived and so did the Naso Elegans. The Naso is black, the orange on the fins a darkish brick color. Perhaps a Dimidiatis wrasse buddy would help it relax. A black Naso would be cool if it was a mutation but its just a perpetually nervous fish. I think that it was the carrier of the ick.
I added 20 lbs of marco dry rock and never had any GHA occur in my 90 gallon reef. I did basically the same as you, rinsed it off and threw it straight in. Wonder why yours is having GHA outbreaks..
Since your tank is a fIsh Only tank, I HIGHLY recommend you use Fritz Hordon Ich treatment! Unless you've specifically treated for ICH, the ich is still there. Also, post treatment, you should consider running carbon, as your water is beyond murky.
I had the same experience with Pukani rock last year. If it's just placed in the aquarium there's GHA explosion. Took at least a month to get under control with a sea hare. That thing was in heaven. Probably wont use Pukani again.
NJReef after getting past the algae this rock is beautiful... I’d use it again but do more Water changes and keep it completely in the dark for few months to minimize the issue...
Gotta say love the videos they are truly helpful to anyone starting. But I was woundering have you ever considered putting in a clam into your tank, it's a wonderful natural filter that helps with keeping the tank cleaner with some fish loving it i had clown fish that made it their home they slept on it and all. Which benefited both. Just wanted to say thanks for the videos and good luck on the tank.
sorry for your loss but qurantine always cj you have a great set up and sound like your not lacking in know how but honestly mate nothing new enters my tanks unless its been qurantined first. all the best fella
I use a quarantine tank and never had any problem. I ALWAYS quarantine. I worked for the largest fish importer in the US Quality Marine in LA. Don't kill all the macro life in the reef rock. That life filters large amounts of water.
From your description of what happened to the yellow tang and what I saw from one of the wrasses the problem may be flukes. The ich may have appeared due to the stress caused by flukes. Have you noticed other fish rubbing near their gill plate or shaking their head? I would consider treating the tank with prazipro to see if the problem was flukes. You should see the fish begin to rub due to the flukes detaching from the gills of any infected fish.
I had some stress ick on a coral beauty. The thing I suggest people look into is a(non captive breed) Neon blue gobie. (For bigger fish try a blue cleaner wrasse) I've heard of cleaner shrimp but I've never seen one of those clean ick or external parasites from fish. At first the coral beauty didn't know what to make of it and kept trying to get my six line wrasse to clean it. After the gobie basically jumped the angel and ate some of the ick now they have a working relationship. The only regret is I couldn't buy them(neon blue gobie) as a pair. The coral beauty is doing great despite at first, having a new fish label from my yellow tang. Now they all get along and no ick on anyone. I also use hikari tropical micro pellets. It has garlic and copper sulfate, but mainly I use that food as a vitamin booster. On a second topic, Angels and tangs need their veggies. My single yellow tang who is about 4 inches can eat a 6inch by 2 inch strip of sea weed in a 16 hour period. It does this daily. It still swims around and looks for little bits of algae on the rock. The coral beauty pecks at the strip too but mainly eats the floating left overs. I have a 75 gal tank no sump and use floss in a HOB aqua 110 as a skimmer. I mention this because I would like to see if a larger tank with a large tang population can each get a strip of seaweed and see how fast it goes. I've tried to pass this info to my local LFS as to why they keep loosing their tangs. The LFS keep insisting the tangs get the veggies from algae on the frag plugs. SMH.
this is just my guess here, but I would guess the algae is growing better in your main tank due to the blue/purple light spectrum from the actinic lights vs the red in your scrubber. In horticulture blue/purple spectrum is great for growing the plant itself and red/orange is great for causing them to flower. brs tv did a good video on this. they had much better nutrient removal using a Kessil A380 and a ball of chato morphs vs an algae scrubber.
hey cj im about to set up my own 120 gallon tank, and im pretty much following everything you've done so far- not so much on purpose, just happened that way- I was wondering if you think you could've controlled the algae on the rock with a bigger cleanup crew?
Nick Sargent no Cuc could handle this much algae. Curing rock properly in the dark would be the best prevention. Tank is a year old now these probs stopped months ago
@@reinaldomercado2127 No kidding right, absolute lack of care and knowledge and research for a fish only reef tank. Not to mention he throws in 20 fish right after cycling completed. So many should not have done in this video. Then trying to blame but no blame the LFS....
I’m in Florence KY, building a new 125 fowlr. I’ve been in the hobby for 8 years. I been to Sandy’s and I didnt like them. Blue Star in Clarksville are good people. Ryan is smart guy.
Kreger's Reef powder blue watching everyone die like "wonder what's wrong wit them" smh... I still don't know if it was flukes or ick... stills watching everyone now
Hey definitely like your channel, and I know this is an older video. Just gotta say I strongly disagree with your comments here at the end. Where you said “ we really cannot control anything in this hobby”... I’m sure you’ve gained a lot of experience since this happened and sure you’ve made some changes. In the beginning the fact that you don’t QT anything, or treat proactively etc, it’s just amazing this didn’t happen sooner. So much to say here but this is an older video so I’ll just say that, and also great choice in fish. Really nice collection. Amazing the powder blue made it!
No5 looking back on this video I definitely may have overlooked the possibility of ammonia or nitrite poisoning with so many new additions so quickly. Don’t remember parameters back then unfortunately
Can you let me know what fish you have, they're really great color and pop nicely in the tank At 6:51 top left purple/yellow fish, middle top green fish, top right two wrasses
Hey, I think I ran into you at Sandies the other day! I believe you were buying a Co2 diffuser. I was the girl getting some plants. Sorry it took me so long, it was hard finding your channel again. I love your vids maybe we could chat sometime!!
I am still a beginner in the hobby, from cichlids to marine. I belive a couple of cleaners shrimp, cleaner wrasse and an urchin, will help you a lot. With all this probs, I don't Quarantine neither. I thrust my eye 👁🗨 but this is not enough. So sorry for you lost, I lost 2 reb belly Anthias, 1 chromis, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1 pipermint shrimp for over hitting and I olmost cry.. Gd luck 🤞 next time and thanks for sharing pal.
@CJ I appreciate this video and how honest you are with the way you take on the hobby. I see you are getting lots of different advice on what to do. My suggestion is to check out and look up articles by Humblefish. There you will learn just about everything you need to know about keeping a parasite free tank. You will learn that unless you go fishless for 76+ days you will always have ich or velvet in the tank. It may not kill your tank right away but you will continuously lose fish and wonder why. Set up a QT 10+ feet from the main display and treat it with copper for 30 days, 2 rounds of prazipro to treat for flukes and secondary infections, and monitor the fish for another 30 days after all of this to look for signs of anything else. It is possible to have a disease free tank. Either way keep making videos and I wish much sucess in the hobby!
Is not that purple algae coralline algae? I know cyano in a fresh tank is green blue and has a very distinct smell. I am new to salt so I don’t what colour cyano is for salt.
always good to see an update on your aquarium Cj although I can't wait till it becomes a reef tank :-( ... so as an observation only it looks like the PUKANI Dry Dead Rock is still curing even though the tank water is fully cycled?... like you said leaking phospates.
Usually if you use live corals sometimes a little pest creates inside of corals... its a type of fish/bacteria that kills your fish or could possibly be eaten it’s quite uncommon, just make sure PH nitrate and other levels stable.
It's going to be hard to reintroduce more Tangs back into the tank now that the only one left is the Powder blue. He might decide to go crazy and harass any new tang.
Thx for the update, sux to lose anything but its nice to see some of uglier side of reefing to remind us how easily things can go downhill. Goodluck on the gridiron!
Sorry for ur loss, I was wondering how u could add all those fish so fast without an issue, not sure if that algae scrubber can handle that load, turn off the lights for a few days and let the scrubber catch up, I don't quarantine either, I buy from my local lfs who do a good job like u, but when u stick them in population u don't know what's going to happen, fish are allot cheaper than corals!!
Had a die off caused by some kind of bacterial bloom. A timebomb of sand maintenance triggered by a pump failure that took too long to fix. I guess we all have to start again sometimes. Going to get the tank really cleaned up first, a coral paradise.
Get your self a salfin blenny aka the lawnmower I have one and he keeps the hair algee down in my 90 gallon and my tail spot keeps my 13.5 as well clean I actually have trouble trying to keep a little hair algee but if you want it gone get a salfin blenny
I work at a LFS and I keep telling people who don't quarantine. That they are playing Russian roulette with their fish's lives. Their normal response is that they know what they are doing because they've been in this hobby for years. I've been in this hobby for 31 years and know that it just takes one mistake to kill a tank. Doesn't matter if someone has been pulling that trigger for years with no loses.
Did you ever find out what killed your fish? I had a similar issues and treated for a bacterial infection. Got an anti bacterial food and a UV sterilizer. I feed new fish the anti bacterial food for the first week after adding a new fish. Worked out great.
Finally had a moment to update you all on the tank... lost alot of fish and have been too busy lately... Tank will be in neutral for while.. Ill be back with more updates in the next few weeks... Keep doing what yall do! Be Eazy!
CJ'S AQUARIUMS valuable information... great footage... I can't say enough of how much I've learned from you. See you on the next stream
I don"t know if anyone has said this before but ou can increase your tank temp to stay above 83 degrees F for at least 3 weeks to kill the ick in your tank. I would keep it that way for at least 3 to 6 weeks.
Callmeabutterfly Callmeabutterfly That's not true. Raising temp to kill Ich is a Freshwater cure. Raising temp simply speeds up the the Ich life cycle in Saltwater systems. Do this will also reduce oxygen levels in the system so be careful.
Glad more fish were not lost. As for the nuisance algae, yes the rocks appear to still be cycling, so they will clear up and grow periphyton and look nice.
New to the hobby. Watching your videos has helped and inspired me so much, Thank You for all the quality and non biased information. I lost my first coral today :( was very unfortunate, but it's a lesson learned as I grow in my understanding and love for this hobby.
This is what I love about cj he's REAL he tells you things straight up and shows you thing when there at the worst times not many people in this hobby will show that due to they want to look like there the best at what they do lol but glad ure back on point with the tank cj I wish u the best buddy 💪
Very true, most people just show you the positives.
Damn, sorry to hear about the fish CJ but glad to finally see an update! Hope you are enjoying life!
Thanks for the honest report. I like learning from other peoples mistakes. A reminder for me to have patience and don't break best practices rules.
This was possibly my all time favorite upload from your channel, so far. You've always been directly honest and to the point about your methods, including their successes and failures. No, I'm no reefer, yet, but I've HIGHLY respected you for some time now, Thank You, CJ, for STAYING REAL!
The reason your luck ran out is lack of maintenance right after overloading your tank too fast. 1 fish every few weeks.
1 fish every few weeks is over exaggerating. I've added 3 or 4 every 2 weeks with zero problems.
@@username-kn3oh wow so much fish
Can't say how much I appreciante your honest giving us your followers nothing but the thuth. All the best my good friend!
So so sorry you lost so much livestock!! Your tank is absolutely beautiful!! Thanks for sharing this! It's hard to share , I think , I always feel like such a failure if I lose a fish or a coral, and i really appreciate your ability to share! It encourages me!
My 120 was just wiped out completely by inch. Seven of my dream fish slowly stocked over 8 months gone! I'm still thinking about what I want to do. I have thought about quitting the hobby I was so demoralized. The time effort and money I've invested only to see it all lost within a two week period. Hearing about your loss somehow makes me feel less bad. So thanks for sharing that.
the hands rub after adding the bags in the tank was epic. lolololol!
Aw man, that must be frustrating. Glad you're not getting discouraged, CJ. That tank will eventually be gorgeous.
Sorry for your losses. Sounds like marine velvet :( Your powder blue is a beast making thru all that. Are you going to setup a QT?
MileHighReefers don't think it was velvet each death was progressive and no powdery coating... was ether flukes or ick or something else... I'll cross the Qt bridge when I have more time for the hobby in general... tank is in neutral for now till football season is over 8 weeks to go 👌🏾
You have way more experience in reefing than me, but I do know that QT bridge is your display tank success and it will collapse, as it clearly did... Still sucks though mate.
Nooo! Such a hard video to make. Thanks for sharing all of this and keeping it real with the ups and downs of reefing. Very constructive to hear how you are still moving forward and towards your goals with this system.
Sorry for the loses. You've got some awesome survivors left in there though. Thanks for sharing once again and letting us learn with you!
Sorry to hear about your fish CJ. Just look ahead and don't look back. This has happen to all of us at one point or another. Thanks for sharing.
sad to hear your loss, but i'm really confident as many of your followers are that you will do a nice comeback. You have done it in the past, you will do it again. Just stay patient as you keep saying. This update will not effect you because it's not what you have done but what you have overcome.
Stay Reefing CJ
and High 5 buddy!
So sorry for your loss. :( Always hits me hard when I have a loss, but we keep on!
QT was the best investment I ever made in the hobby. 2 total fish lost was enough for me to be fed up. Treated all fish with cupramine for 2-4 weeks prior to introducing them to the tank and never had a ich outbreak by doing so. This current setup I'm taking a risk and not QT but I'm trying a product called No-ich that you use in the tank so 🤞
Also it doesn't look like you have any CUC to combat that algae?
GENISIS1TWENTYONE I have a CUC but they ether can't keep up or need to be replenished... this is really a bad time to have a tank for me so just keeping tank in neutral until football season is over... then I can dedicate to a possible Qt system and handling whatever is going on... just wanted to get this video out to keep my video documenting accurate of this tank including the bad stuff moving forward... all will work out on the end have no doubt 😎
CJ'S AQUARIUMS thank you sir for the great advice ! Great video sir well done I learn a lot from your videos !
Sorry for your loses, thank you so much for tell us your experiencias and feelings, I try to start my New aquarium of 250 gallons but I want to start with all necesary equipment and thinking in all posibillities of failure, its complicar ed but not imposible, I send to you a big hug from México.
Sorry for the losses CJ. Quarantining is definitely helpful, and it is a hard lesson sometimes, but most hobbyists usually end up there, after large losses like this. Other things to consider are that you are overstocking your tank with fish, adding too many in general, but also you added too many fish at one time. Fish can often fight off ich if healthy (many tanks have omni-present ich, and fish do fine) but when overstocked, aggression over territory causes stress, probably some fish are getting underfed due to stress/hiding/territorial issues, etc. and this does not allow them to fight off parasites adequately. I would say that your tank currently, after the die-off, is about stocked with as many fish as it should be - maybe one or two smaller fish (clown, blenny). Your powder blue will make it difficult to add any additional tangs, and a 120 is too small for most tangs anyway (opinions vary on this! : ) It is going to take you a while to knock back the hair algae the way you are doing it now (scrubbing the rock), as the trapped nutrients are just going back into the water column, and staying in the tank (some get skimmed out). Doing a large water change after scrubbing will be more effective, or taking the rock out one by one and scrubbing it, rinsing it in a separate bucket). Since you have no corals, you could also cut down your lighting cycle in the DT, so your algae scrubber in the sump can compete again. Hang in there - thanks for the videos!
Shocking the powder blue survived an ich outbreak. That would have been one of the first fish I would have thought to go to an ich outbreak.
Stinks to hear about the fish, keep making videos! I've enjoyed the videos since I've started my tank about 1 month ago.
Great video as always my dude. Sorry about the ich! I remember when I had ich and it killed everything and I had to go without fish for about 3 months or so :( Anyways, it's cool to hear about you being a head coach for football. I played for 10 years so I understand how time consuming it is as a player. Im sure it's even harder for the coach! Not sure what level you're coaching but good luck this season!! Lastly, hope your Packers do good this season, just not better than my Raiders lol! Stay up, my friend
FishyDrizzy everything but the packers comment was on the money! Hahha... all good I document everything so enjoy the ups and the downs as I go 😎
Prime video CJ, great tips, wishing you the best for the New Year!
Hey man you had a lot of very nice fish. I think you added to many to fast. I know the matrix was added to the tank, but I feel your pain. Lesson Learned man, I think you gotta chill man, and invest in CORALS :) I am glad your powder blue made it. Great video man.
Sorry to see mate but glad your ok and still have the tank.
Looks like you doubled if not tripled your bio-load on the tank and it probably caused an Ammonia spike, a lot of Salt Water enthusiasts don't test for it often and it could cause the problem. If you start to notice some "stress" septum from a fish or more than one I always test ammonia to make sure I don't have too much in there and do a water change.
Water changes have and can solve ALMOST every problem in a tank. You might even look at adding a GFO reactor to help with your algae issue in the tank then control your feeding for a little while, also turn down (or even off for a few days) the lights to help with algae outbreaks.
Also, I noticed in your sump you don't have a foam pad between your refuge and the return compartment, that will help with the media going into your pump as well as lowering the chance of getting micro bubbles from any reactors or protein skimmers.
Something else you might look at is I didn't see any emerald crabs, hermits, or snails to help with the bio-load in the tank as well as some of the algae.
Hope this was all helpful but it is also just my opinion and take it with a grain of salt. Good luck in your football season and can't wait to see when you get everything back up and running!
Daniel Pruitt The hawk would have eaten everything but some snails.
Hey CJ, I known you posted this a while ago...... One thing I started doing when you add a new fish to the aquarium especially with its all ready established crew..... is put various 1inche pipe work or what you have various sizes all round the tank just to change up the aqua scape and to hopefully cut down on aggression.... all so saves on re aqua scaping the aquarium....once the new fish has been in there for a week or so maybe a bit longer remove the pipe work (kinda like scaffolding on the out side of the rock) maybe worth a try.... Happy reefing bro......
Hey neighbor!!! I am local to your area and i love Sandy’s. I have made purchased from them multiple and never had an issue but i have at another location in the area... however the owner is working out all the errors made that ended up infesting my tank and i am learning just how critical i need to pay closer attention. Would love to have fishy talk with you. Get some ideas and work together to thrive. I have purchased fish that took my bullies a day to kill because they didnt get along. Well let me know!
Sorry for the loss.. for the algae problem that you are having ..that algae scrubber is useless ...the key for a stable, healthy and clean tank is having a good sized refugium . I took off the biobellets and phosphate reactors after 2 months of adding a refugium to my system ..I do have a zero nutrient system now, so I have the joy of giving more food 😉
Impulse buys are apart of the hobby lol. It's funny that the fish that survived such as the Powder Blue didn't get sick. So all in all that's a good thing because that means that particular group of fish are hardy. Everything is not a "loss"
Good to see u back man! I was wandering what is happening why no more updates of u tanks. Soo sad to see u lost some fishes, but i guess is a part of the hobby. For the green hair algae you can do a simple thing turn off the white lights, or dim them to 1-5%for 3-4 weeks and it will die. Good luck man!
Cj so sad this happened, but glad to see you back on your feet. I'm doing a new tank on my channel from sc aquariums because of your experience.
hay CJ sorry for your loss maybe try hyposalinity were you dont have any corals to get ride of the problem in the tank just a thought love the information you give to help other reefers thanks
Great video CJ 12 months time your tank will be thriving
Thanks for the update cj. Sorry about the fish loses. Sounds like you had a rough month. 😞
Thank You For a Great Video and honesty!!
CJ, I wish you the best but I, from my own experience and from others, highly suggest you setup a simple quarantine system. Get them comfortable in an area where there isn't much competition for food, proactively treat them with copper and/or the like for at least 4 weeks, and keep the stress down. Get them strong before adding to the main display. I don't want you to feel the stress and heartbreak that I felt before listening to good advise. Eventually, luck runs out. Best wishes and happy reefing
CJ my man. Sorry to hear about the fish dude. I've also never quarantined. This is a scary reality. It could always happen
Great update cj and a lot of great punters for noobs like me .... looking forward to what comes next ... keep doing what you do and be eazy 💖💖💖
Try Greentree across the bridge. I go to them as well as the other two. Been in the hobby for 25 years. Nice tank. Get you some sails and copepods.
Also get a lawnmower blenny for the alge.
Thanks for the update. Tank still looking good, even if you do have algae. Good luck with football
Man I love your videos, helps me chill lol
How true about the planned list. I make a fish plan (in my head) and a back-up plan and try and stick with it. The plan is the ideal, the back-up plan being conservative but alternate fish choices. I had Ick and it kiled Hepatus, Japonicus, and Gramma Loreto, so I have chosen reef safe wrasses and a family of a lyretail anthias to keep the nitrogen cycle strong and will restock tangs in 6 months or so. The tank bred Flavescens (expensive) survived and so did the Naso Elegans. The Naso is black, the orange on the fins a darkish brick color. Perhaps a Dimidiatis wrasse buddy would help it relax. A black Naso would be cool if it was a mutation but its just a perpetually nervous fish. I think that it was the carrier of the ick.
I added 20 lbs of marco dry rock and never had any GHA occur in my 90 gallon reef. I did basically the same as you, rinsed it off and threw it straight in. Wonder why yours is having GHA outbreaks..
Nice tank! Maybe I'll do one like this. Sorry to hear about the losses.
Since your tank is a fIsh Only tank, I HIGHLY recommend you use Fritz Hordon Ich treatment! Unless you've specifically treated for ICH, the ich is still there. Also, post treatment, you should consider running carbon, as your water is beyond murky.
I had the same experience with Pukani rock last year. If it's just placed in the aquarium there's GHA explosion. Took at least a month to get under control with a sea hare. That thing was in heaven. Probably wont use Pukani again.
NJReef after getting past the algae this rock is beautiful... I’d use it again but do more Water changes and keep it completely in the dark for few months to minimize the issue...
That sucks keep at it this tanks gonna look awesome in a year!
Gotta say love the videos they are truly helpful to anyone starting. But I was woundering have you ever considered putting in a clam into your tank, it's a wonderful natural filter that helps with keeping the tank cleaner with some fish loving it i had clown fish that made it their home they slept on it and all. Which benefited both. Just wanted to say thanks for the videos and good luck on the tank.
sorry for your loss but qurantine always cj you have a great set up and sound like your not lacking in know how but honestly mate nothing new enters my tanks unless its been qurantined first. all the best fella
Found you from your algae scrubber videos. Great channel and I have subscribed.
I feel ur pain.. tough losing fish... throw some gfo in there to help with the Algae it'll b gone in no time.. great update
Your tank still looks better than mine but all my fish are still alive. Some of them have been with me for more than seven years.
I use a quarantine tank and never had any problem. I ALWAYS quarantine. I worked for the largest fish importer in the US Quality Marine in LA. Don't kill all the macro life in the reef rock. That life filters large amounts of water.
Man cj every vid you post has similar success and problems i have. always learn from your stuff. Cant wait till you come back Coach!! ha
From your description of what happened to the yellow tang and what I saw from one of the wrasses the problem may be flukes. The ich may have appeared due to the stress caused by flukes. Have you noticed other fish rubbing near their gill plate or shaking their head? I would consider treating the tank with prazipro to see if the problem was flukes. You should see the fish begin to rub due to the flukes detaching from the gills of any infected fish.
Hope it gets better kinfolk, keep up the good work.
love how you said it CJ You do what you do and I do what I do Love it bro !
I had some stress ick on a coral beauty. The thing I suggest people look into is a(non captive breed) Neon blue gobie. (For bigger fish try a blue cleaner wrasse) I've heard of cleaner shrimp but I've never seen one of those clean ick or external parasites from fish. At first the coral beauty didn't know what to make of it and kept trying to get my six line wrasse to clean it. After the gobie basically jumped the angel and ate some of the ick now they have a working relationship. The only regret is I couldn't buy them(neon blue gobie) as a pair. The coral beauty is doing great despite at first, having a new fish label from my yellow tang. Now they all get along and no ick on anyone. I also use hikari tropical micro pellets. It has garlic and copper sulfate, but mainly I use that food as a vitamin booster.
On a second topic, Angels and tangs need their veggies. My single yellow tang who is about 4 inches can eat a 6inch by 2 inch strip of sea weed in a 16 hour period. It does this daily. It still swims around and looks for little bits of algae on the rock. The coral beauty pecks at the strip too but mainly eats the floating left overs. I have a 75 gal tank no sump and use floss in a HOB aqua 110 as a skimmer. I mention this because I would like to see if a larger tank with a large tang population can each get a strip of seaweed and see how fast it goes. I've tried to pass this info to my local LFS as to why they keep loosing their tangs. The LFS keep insisting the tangs get the veggies from algae on the frag plugs. SMH.
this is just my guess here, but I would guess the algae is growing better in your main tank due to the blue/purple light spectrum from the actinic lights vs the red in your scrubber. In horticulture blue/purple spectrum is great for growing the plant itself and red/orange is great for causing them to flower. brs tv did a good video on this. they had much better nutrient removal using a Kessil A380 and a ball of chato morphs vs an algae scrubber.
Jeff Klaubo it has all balanced itself out now... tank algae free and Scrubber growing crazy months later 👌🏾
hey cj im about to set up my own 120 gallon tank, and im pretty much following everything you've done so far- not so much on purpose, just happened that way- I was wondering if you think you could've controlled the algae on the rock with a bigger cleanup crew?
Nick Sargent no Cuc could handle this much algae. Curing rock properly in the dark would be the best prevention. Tank is a year old now these probs stopped months ago
7:09 what is that green wrasse-like fish on the right?
No cleanup crew?
That what I said where is the clean up crew not one snail! Lol
@@reinaldomercado2127 No kidding right, absolute lack of care and knowledge and research for a fish only reef tank. Not to mention he throws in 20 fish right after cycling completed. So many should not have done in this video. Then trying to blame but no blame the LFS....
That clown tang is beautiful. One of my favorite tangs.
Sorry you lost fish! I'm going through much the same thing right now. I've lost all but 3 over the last 2 weeks
I’m in Florence KY, building a new 125 fowlr. I’ve been in the hobby for 8 years. I been to Sandy’s and I didnt like them. Blue Star in Clarksville are good people. Ryan is smart guy.
Sorry to hear about the fish loss. Sucks after putting so much work into a system. Are there any signs of sickness on your powder blue?
Kreger's Reef powder blue watching everyone die like "wonder what's wrong wit them" smh... I still don't know if it was flukes or ick... stills watching everyone now
Hey definitely like your channel, and I know this is an older video. Just gotta say I strongly disagree with your comments here at the end. Where you said “ we really cannot control anything in this hobby”... I’m sure you’ve gained a lot of experience since this happened and sure you’ve made some changes. In the beginning the fact that you don’t QT anything, or treat proactively etc, it’s just amazing this didn’t happen sooner.
So much to say here but this is an older video so I’ll just say that, and also great choice in fish. Really nice collection. Amazing the powder blue made it!
Did you test your ammonia and nitrite levels and phosphate? I don't think you mentioned any water testing parameters
No5 looking back on this video I definitely may have overlooked the possibility of ammonia or nitrite poisoning with so many new additions so quickly. Don’t remember parameters back then unfortunately
This video was a a year ago ! What happend ? Did you get tank up and running again?
Ivan Gallardo yes check latest videos I was able to fully restock and never lose another fish
Can you let me know what fish you have, they're really great color and pop nicely in the tank
At 6:51 top left purple/yellow fish, middle top green fish, top right two wrasses
Hey, I think I ran into you at Sandies the other day! I believe you were buying a Co2 diffuser. I was the girl getting some plants. Sorry it took me so long, it was hard finding your channel again. I love your vids maybe we could chat sometime!!
may have been me.. just shoot me a email anytime you wanna chat!
I am still a beginner in the hobby, from cichlids to marine.
I belive a couple of
cleaners shrimp, cleaner wrasse and an urchin, will help you a lot.
With all this probs, I don't Quarantine neither. I thrust my eye 👁🗨 but this is not enough. So sorry for you lost, I lost 2 reb belly Anthias, 1 chromis, 2 cleaner shrimp and 1 pipermint shrimp for over hitting and I olmost cry..
Gd luck 🤞 next time and thanks for sharing pal.
Hippo Tangs and Copper Bands are ich banded. They will bring it into ur system asap!
@CJ I appreciate this video and how honest you are with the way you take on the hobby. I see you are getting lots of different advice on what to do. My suggestion is to check out and look up articles by Humblefish. There you will learn just about everything you need to know about keeping a parasite free tank. You will learn that unless you go fishless for 76+ days you will always have ich or velvet in the tank. It may not kill your tank right away but you will continuously lose fish and wonder why. Set up a QT 10+ feet from the main display and treat it with copper for 30 days, 2 rounds of prazipro to treat for flukes and secondary infections, and monitor the fish for another 30 days after all of this to look for signs of anything else. It is possible to have a disease free tank.
Either way keep making videos and I wish much sucess in the hobby!
Beautiful scape! Some have it and some dont. I dont seem to but am in practice. Nice clip CJ
Is not that purple algae coralline algae? I know cyano in a fresh tank is green blue and has a very distinct smell. I am new to salt so I don’t what colour cyano is for salt.
Wow. Win some loose some. I hate losing fish. The reduced fish load should help on algae. Good luck bruh!
Tha Bizness Reef Tank all good! My bounce back game always been strong give me till after football season tho! Lol
always good to see an update on your aquarium Cj although I can't wait till it becomes a reef tank :-( ... so as an observation only it looks like the PUKANI Dry Dead Rock is still curing even though the tank water is fully cycled?... like you said leaking phospates.
Usually if you use live corals sometimes a little pest creates inside of corals... its a type of fish/bacteria that kills your fish or could possibly be eaten it’s quite uncommon, just make sure PH nitrate and other levels stable.
It's going to be hard to reintroduce more Tangs back into the tank now that the only one left is the Powder blue. He might decide to go crazy and harass any new tang.
Thx for the update, sux to lose anything but its nice to see some of uglier side of reefing to remind us how easily things can go downhill. Goodluck on the gridiron!
why do u have a calc reactor for fish only?
I wonder if you tested the water
awe the tomini tang
Sorry for ur loss, I was wondering how u could add all those fish so fast without an issue, not sure if that algae scrubber can handle that load, turn off the lights for a few days and let the scrubber catch up, I don't quarantine either, I buy from my local lfs who do a good job like u, but when u stick them in population u don't know what's going to happen, fish are allot cheaper than corals!!
Cool video Cj..keep moving forward✌
I recently suffered the same fate with some of my own fish. Sorry for your loss.
Had a die off caused by some kind of bacterial bloom. A timebomb of sand maintenance triggered by a pump failure that took too long to fix. I guess we all have to start again sometimes. Going to get the tank really cleaned up first, a coral paradise.
Hey cj what is the wrasse with yellow on its head
are you sure its ick? maybe velvet, Ick wont kill that fast or even not kill at all.
Did you use safety stop? I’ve seen it on other videos, I’m curious as to how effective it is
Dan Ryan no I tried it before it killed half the fish I used it on. I don’t consider it safe or worth the risk
Hey CJ, what is that green fish in your tank... looks green to me. Wouldn't mind adding it to my tank. Thanks
Wil Santiago Reefing green coris wrasse... cheap and very beautiful
CJ'S AQUARIUMS Thanks! I want one of them. I've never seen them local before. I'll look online.
Get your self a salfin blenny aka the lawnmower I have one and he keeps the hair algee down in my 90 gallon and my tail spot keeps my 13.5 as well clean I actually have trouble trying to keep a little hair algee but if you want it gone get a salfin blenny
the problem I believe your having is the lack of plants, plants seems to stave ick better then unplanted tanks.
I work at a LFS and I keep telling people who don't quarantine. That they are playing Russian roulette with their fish's lives. Their normal response is that they know what they are doing because they've been in this hobby for years. I've been in this hobby for 31 years and know that it just takes one mistake to kill a tank. Doesn't matter if someone has been pulling that trigger for years with no loses.
Victor Fox your 100% correct ... tank has come along way since this video and is fully stocked. No more triggers being pulled 👌🏾
Did you ever find out what killed your fish? I had a similar issues and treated for a bacterial infection. Got an anti bacterial food and a UV sterilizer. I feed new fish the anti bacterial food for the first week after adding a new fish. Worked out great.
Gregory Cooper believe it was ammonia spike that started it. Bacteria didn’t have time to catch up
Sorry about the fish loss man. Keep doing what you do! How is football going?